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 We the People 
Thursday, December 14 2006 

December 13, 2006

Set 'em Straight 

How many times have you heard people refer to America as a "Democracy"?

We hear it all the time from relatives, friends, news reporters, local businessmen and from media "talking heads."  We read it regularly on Internet websites, newspaper articles (including editorials), magazines, and even our children's textbooks. We even hear it from the President, members of Congress, state and local elected officials, and educators -- even those who possess a license to practice Law.

How many times, in response, have you quietly mumbled under your breath or shouted at the television, "It's not a Democracy, it's a Republic !!, (insert your choice of belittling descriptor such as dimwit, meathead, dolt, nitwit, dunderhead, etc.)" 

Those of us who know the truth of the matter could simply ignore the ignorant and go about our lives, but cannot for a very compelling reason: We are a nation of Law. 


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Posted by: fc AT 02:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 26 2006

November 18, 2006

"V" Makes A Mark In DC

Worldwide Interest in RTP Stirred
It's working.  

We are making good use of the powerful concept of en masse activist resistance used in the movie, "V for Vendetta."

"V" is helping us as we build support for the unalienable Right to a Response from Government to our Petitions for Redress of Grievances regarding the Government's violation of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution.

"V" is helping us as we educate the public about the First Amendment's guarantee of our Right to Petition Government for Redress of Grievances.

On November 6, 2006, a lone man in a "V" mask and clothing visited security checkpoints at the White House, the main
Treasury Building, the Department of Justice and the Capitol, to deliver a letter and the Petitions for Redress. A short videotape of the encounters has made its way around the Internet, including links from sites such as

The letter informed the leaders of the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government that up to 100 people in "V" masks and clothing would gather in silent vigil at those locations on November 14th to await a response to the Petitions for Redress.

True to his word, at
11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 14, 2006, nearly 100 men and women in "V" masks and clothing could be seen walking along different streets in downtown Washington, DC, all heading to Lafayette Park across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.


Click Here To Access The Full Update
and see more photos of the event


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The Battle for Liberty and
Our Constitution Has Just Begun



The New WTP
Right-To-Petition DVD

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The Landmark Right-To-Petition Lawsuit
and Operations of the WTP Foundation
are Funded Solely By Your
Generous Support.

Posted by: fc AT 10:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, November 25 2006

November 25, 2006

Year End Donation Appeal

Receive Freedom Calendar
By Dan Pilla, Sr.

We want to thank the many people who have believed in and supported the mission of the We The People organization.

It has been a trying, but exciting year as we have moved closer to a declaration by the High Court of our Rights and the Government's obligations under the Petition Clause of the First Amendment.

Our civic education and civic actions continue to arouse interest and gain support from the People, many more of whom are beginning to understand the true meaning of the Petition Clause and its power to hold Government accountable to letter and spirit of each provision of the Constitution.

Just as discontent breeds change, change breeds discontent. The Government is not happy with our activities and is doing what it can to chill the enthusiasm of people to associate with us. The Government has a vested interest in the status quo. Our Government does not want to be held accountable. No government does.

The battle for Liberty continues - as it must.

Faced with a shrinking window of opportunity within which to defeat the despots who threaten our
Liberty, this Foundation -- your Foundation -- is more in need of your support and commitment than ever.

The good news is that our work is making progress.  The growing attacks by the Government are clear evidence of our continuing advancement toward our goals of restoring Constitutional Order and securing Liberty for our posterity.

Despite the government's best efforts to shut this organization down, cripple its support base and halt the flow of damaging information emanating from our public communications, educational activism and federal litigation, we are still here -- fighting strongly and successfully.


Click Here To Access The Full Update
and obtain a 2007 Freedom Calendar

Please Help With Your Generous Support.
All donations are fully tax deductible

The Battle for Liberty and
Our Constitution Has Just Begun



The New WTP
Right-To-Petition DVD

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The Landmark Right-To-Petition Lawsuit
and Operations of the WTP Foundation
are Funded Solely By Your
Generous Support.

Posted by: tl AT 02:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 27 2006

October 27, 2006  

Right-To-Petition Lawsuit Update:
Government's Position Is Monarchic

Volunteers Still Needed for Nov. 14 in DC

The Government defendants in the landmark Right-to-Petition lawsuit filed their Response to the People's Emergency Motion for Injunctive Relief.

The Government's Response brief failed to refute any of the factual assertions put forth by the People charging the government with obstruction of justice and abridging fundamental, natural Rights.

In the People's Motion for protection, the Plaintiffs documented a widespread pattern of abusive acts constituting deprivation of fundamental Rights and criminal obstruction of Justice. According to Schulz, the Government's Response brief focused almost exclusively on its now well-worn claim that the Government is immune from this lawsuit because Congress has not passed legislation specifically waiving its "sovereign immunity."

In effect, the Government's legal position is that it can lawfully deprive constitutionally protected Rights and obstruct Justice because the Government can't be sued without its consent and because Congress passed the Anti-Injunction Act, which allegedly bars lawsuits interfering with the collection or assessment of taxes.  In short, the Government claims it can operate without constitutional restraint and without judicial review.

Last week, the Foundation filed its Reply Brief. The People, once again, challenged the specious arguments made by the Department of Justice that claim the Government must give its permission before the People can sue it, and (without citing any law or provision of the Constitution) that the Government is under no obligation to respond to the People's Petitions for Redress of Grievances.


Click Here To Access The Full Update
and to read the latest RTP lawsuit filings

Please click here to volunteer to be in DC for the November 14th event and to obtain a "V for Vendetta" costume

Please Help With Your
Generous Support.
All donations are fully tax deductible

The Battle for Liberty and
Our Constitution Has Just Begun



The New WTP
Right-To-Petition DVD

Watch the 3-minute FREE PREVIEW:

Dial-up    DSL/Cable

 Help Support Our Work.
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If you are having trouble streaming the previews,
RIGHT-Click here and download the preview file (1.2 MB).



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Posted by: FC AT 05:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 27 2006

October 17, 2006

Wanted: 99 Volunteers

November 14th In DC


It is now past Sunday evening. We trust many of you were able to watch the movie "V for Vendetta," and that you agree with us that the movie presents a powerful concept for a large scale public demonstration that we might be able to make use of.  

We intend to do so. A plan is in the works. This week we need to travel to DC to make certain arrangements. Later this week, upon our return, we will post an article with the details of the plan. 


Click Here To Access The Full Update

Please click here to volunteer to be in DC for the November 14th event

Please Help With Your
Generous Support.

The Battle for Liberty and
Our Constitution Has Just Begun
Posted by: FC AT 05:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 27 2006

October 10, 2006

Dramatic Developments
For Right-To-Petition

Court of Appeals Hears Oral Arguments,
WTP Files Motion For Injunctive Protection


"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown"
       - William Shakespeare,
Henry IV  (Act III, Scene I)

'Tis nothing truer this week following a series of dramatic events regarding the Right to Petition that are so exceptional and moving they could be experienced as a dramatic play - the drama of the making of our own history.

Unfortunately this drama is for real. It is the People who, as protagonist, act upon their divinely illuminated character.  The servant of the People - their government - plays the antagonist.  The conflict is sharp, prolonged and injurious, and travels to lands where the Law can only find resolution in favor of the People. Upon the stage of engagement tenaciously hangs the backdrop of the Constitution.

Freedom is the prize to be seized or lost, Liberty the fire which drives the heart. When the curtain finally falls, the outcome will, win or lose - and for better or worse, forever determine the fate of the nation and its People.  

This is our unfolding drama.  It is nothing less than the irrepressible conflict, the perpetual and unavoidable confrontation between men and their servant governments seeking to grasp and zealously enjoy the fruits of Sovereignty, but which (unfortunately for the Government), are the Natural, and unalienable Right of the People.   

The events of the last several weeks, focusing squarely upon our exercise of the First Amendment Petition for Redress of Grievance have exposed an artful, insolent principle by which our government has acted against not only the People, but against Nature itself.  

Our government has been bared in public, their words to read, their voices to be heard, clamoring deceitfully that it can operate without constitutional restraint and without judicial review unless it waives, by law, what it says is its "sovereign immunity."  

As we have reported, our landmark lawsuit for a declaration of the Rights of the People under the Petition Clause of the First Amendment has, after two years reached the United States Court of Appeals in Washington DC. The matter was fully briefed by May, 2006.

In its Response Brief to the Court, the Government argued first and foremost that because the Government did not waive its "sovereign immunity," the Court had no jurisdiction to hear our case. In our Reply Brief, we argued that sovereign immunity was a myth that certainly could not apply to Constitutional questions such as ours.

This past week culminated in two profound events stemming from the landmark Right-to-Petition lawsuit: the submission of a Motion for Injunction against the Government to protect those supporting the Right to Petition process, and public oral arguments were held before the Court of Appeals.

In the Motion for Injunction, the People have documented a far-reaching and systemic program of legal and administrative abuse by the Government against the Plaintiffs (and others supporting the WTP Foundation) that amounts to nothing less than criminal obstruction of justice.  Additionally, in its public oral arguments, the Government committed itself further to its ostentatious contention that it is does not have to answer to the People and that the People have no legal jurisdiction to sue it. 

These momentous events, ushered to the Court of Appeals by the We The People Foundation, mark a clear turning point in the historical drama to secure the Right to Petition and repel the escalating encroachments upon our Liberty by our own government.

With the hand of Providence and the annals of history on our side, the day of our vindication may finally be within sight.


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The Battle for Liberty and
Our Constitution Has Just Begun
Posted by: FC AT 05:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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