"We all feel strong when we're on top of the mountain. The struggle comes when we are down in the valley." He went on to suggest that the tough times offer us the greatest opportunity for growth. Growth in the tough times (the valley's) depends on how we focus energy on what we can and can't control. "The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there."
- Les Brown "The point is not to be the victim of our feelings, jerked this way and that by unresolved emotions, not to be used by our experiences, but to use them and to use them creatively."
- Warren Bennis "It's not the experience that happens to you; it is what you do with the experience that happens to you."
- Bertrand Russell "Look for the opportunity in every difficulty instead of being paralyzed at the thought of the difficulty in every opportunity."
- Walter C. Cole
"Success is never found. Failure is never fatal. Courage is the only thing." - Winston Churchill Concentrate your energies
Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to worry. THE VALUE OF TIME To realize the value of one year - ask a student who has failed a final examTo realize the value of one month - ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby To realize the value of one week - ask the editor of a weekly newspaper To realize the value of one hour - ask lovers who are waiting to meet To realize the value of one minute - ask the person who missed his train/plane/bus To realize the value of one second - ask the person who survived an accident To realize the value of one millisecond - ask the Silver medal winner in the Olympics OPTIMISM
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.