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 We Are Not Alone 

From Richard Boylan PHD
The Infra-Terrestrials

Contrary to what the title above might make you think, this article is not about the Star Visitors.

Rather, it is about other races we will be in contact with some day, races which some of our ancestors had contact with.

Yesterday, the Zeta indicated that the time had come that I should make Humans aware of these near-by races, because it is important for Humans to know what is really going on.
I refer to the Infra-Terrestrials.

The Infra-Terrestrials is a term which can be used to refer to advanced indigenous intelligent species here on Earth for a very long time, and dwelling by choice within the Earth or in domed cities at the bottom of the ocean. They are Species of Earth, originating from here. They did not migrate here from other star systems.

The best-known of the Infra-Terrestrial races are the Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot or Yeti. These are quite tall, large-frame hominids who walk upright and whose bodies are covered with dense hair. In forested regions their hair is brown. In high elevation snowy regions, such as Tibet and Nepal, their hair is white. The Saquatch/Yeti are highly intelligent and telepathic. Because they can read Humans’ thoughts from a great distance, no Human hunting them has ever captured one. The Sasquatch can use psychic abilities to make themselves “invisible”, too.

Despite their ability to evade Human contact, the Sasquatch live by preference within the Earth most of the time.
Another group of Infra-Terrestrials look virtually Human but are very tall, some up to eight feet. They live underground in large, hollowed-out chambers with residences, and travel underground via a system of extensive passageways.
I do not have information on all the Infra-Terrestrial races here.

The Infra-Terrestrials got burned on Human folly at various points in past times, including the Human debacles at Lemuria and Atlantis; and so the Infra-Terrestrials have decided to go underground, literally, to get away from Crazy Humans.
The Infra-Terrestrials have their own separate communications with Star Nations, and are considered by Star Nations as a separate intelligent Earth species.

The Infras have mastered space flight, and, with Star Nations’ approval, have traveled to other planets to visit.
Some of the Infras wanted to start helping show Humans of Good Will to other planets.
The underground Infras do come to us in dreams, visions and shamanic journeys. And the Sasqatch, faeries, and giants do occasionally make an appearance on Earth’s surface. They are approachable for those whose hearts are gentle, open, and unafraid.

In addition to the Infra-Terrestrial species who live under the Earth, there are other Infras who live in a handful of cities on the ocean floor. They travel to and from these underwater cities in very fast antigravity vehicles which can move very rapidly through the water with very little resistance, and after surfacing, can fly above the ocean. Navy sonar operators have spotted these USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) traveling way faster than any nuclear submarine, but are told by their superior officers that it’s “classified”, and to ignore those sonar readings.

The USOs that people think are extraterrestrial starcraft going for a dunk in the ocean are, in some cases, the craft of Infra-Terrestrials who live in ocean-floor communities.

The seabed-dwelling Infra-Terrestrials are extremely upset at “Land Dwellers”, as they call Humans, for destroying the ecological balance of the ocean. The warming of the ocean and the changing marine ecology is having a direct adverse impact on them now.

The sea-bed dwelling Infras have been trying to relocate to another planet which they had been allowed to visit, which is mostly water. But Star Nations said "No".

Star Nations has taken exception to the behavior of some seabed-dwelling Infra-Terrestrials towards Humans. At least one of the seabed-dwelling Infra-Terrestrials’ governments is very opposed to any contact with us “Land Dwellers”.

As for the seabed-dwelling Infra-Terrestrials’ current Embargo against Human contact, it remains to be seen if those Infras will decide to lift their Land-Dwellers Embargo, and give Humans another chance at communication and contact.

At a recent briefing, Star Nations told them that they need to actually help Earth, and not just blame Humans for what is wrong.
The Cabal is aware of the Infras and has tried to reach out to a couple of Infra citizens. Star Nations considered such a development a very serious matter, so has very recently placed a high restriction on access. And while in the past at least one Infra group carried Humans of Ego-Orientation on trips into space, Star Nations sees to it that Infras no longer do so. In fact, Star Nations has also imposed limits on where Infras can travel in space.

So, while the Infra-Terrestrials are a more advanced set of Species, even they still have a ways to go in their development.
This is all the information I have at present. But Star Nations felt it was time that Humans moved past ignorance, myths, and disinformation and got the straight picture.

We are not alone.

We share this Earth with other advanced indigenous intelligent species.

in the light,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC, Councillor of/for Earth
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, California 95619, USA
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