Now in her 80s, Audrey Davis has been a "practical metaphysician" all her life. Her books are filled with magical techniques and stories describing her many "miracles." -- Paul, Blue Dolphin publisher
You Can Learn to Control Invisible Influences
Audrey Craft Davis
ISBN 1-57733-128-1, 148 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95
Metaphysical Techniques That Really Work will guide you in the unfolding of your higher spiritual and mental potentials. Author Audrey Craft Davis describes the techniques and offers true stories from her personal experience. Next, she guides you with step-by-step instructions on how to use the technique and incorporate it into your life. (To read more, click on book title.)
We Manifest What We Think
A Metaphysical Guide to Your Natural Wealth
Audrey Craft Davis
ISBN 978-1-57733-203-9, 144 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95
"It Is Natural to Be Wealthy." Once you attain "prosperity consciousness," you will know it is easier to be wealthy than to give into poverty.
"Your Thought Is a Command." You give permission for every happening in your life by your thought.
Never say, "The Devil Made Me Do It." Why give the dark forces power over your life?
"What You See Is What You Get." You cannot think without forming a picture in your mind. When you form a picture, your Angels use it as a grid. This is like a command to them. They were assigned to you to fulfill your wishes. That picture in your mind, good or bad, will happen. Your Angels will see to it!
As you can see, prosperity consciousness is really a journey into an overall philosophy of living which will help you discover the natural wealth within you. (To read more, click on book title.)
METAPHYSICS . . . an exacting science
An Exacting Science
Audrey Craft Davis
ISBN 978-1-57733-204-6, 144 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95
This book will teach you to apply Metaphysical principles to every area of your life, especially in achieving what you want. First you will learn Treasure-Mapping and Cyber-Optic viewing.
Your thoughts are totally powerful. If you don't like your world, change the way you think. Never give your thought to anything that you do not want to materialize in your world.
Do you know that love is the greatest force in the world? Wrap yourself and your loved ones in the magic of love. Scripture speaks of it as "Putting on the whole armor of God."
All of this and more is contained in this book and shows how metaphysics can be an exacting and practical science. (To read more, click on book title.)
Bring God into the Most Intimate Part of Your Life
The Art of Mental Connection
Audrey Craft Davis
ISBN 978-1-57733-191-9, 132 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95
When I met Lou, his doctors had informed him that he had three months to live. We stretched that three months to twenty-three years of sheer joy and happiness. We traveled all over the world and took seventy-nine wonderful cruises together.
This book is about literally bringing God into your love life. God gave me this idea because I was concerned about my husband's heart every time we made love. This book is for all couples, and even for those who are seeking companionship. Begin this wonderful experience with God at the helm and your relationship will blossom. (To read more, click on book title.)
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