**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Received via email at 1:32 AM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles
Multiple agency contacts are completely blacked out as of earlier Monday night 6pm EST.
White Hat contacts say, "Things are silent for good reasons. Be patient."
Military contacts saying, "800 numbers an any minute scenario... but "go" decision still rests with Dunford."
With all this "good news," here we still are @ 1:00 am Tuesday morning less an official authorization.
Call centers and off-site exchange locations are 100% staffed and ready to service the initial public rush.
Know every nation of the free world is dependent upon the GCR/RV to fulfill its promise--no country is immune from needing this to convert ASAP.
All go or none go is a real thing. And Israel being forced to acknowledge Palestine's sovereignty at the UN was a key factor in terms of timing.
Local bank branches are now eager to start as some were informed about the revaluation and trained over the weekend.
Clearly, the authorization decision is not a banking decision per se, at least not at such a late stage; nor is it a domestically political decision.
Rather, it's about global safety as it relates to the geopolitical mechanisms of power & perhaps a little the public restoration of the Republic's good name.
Also our economy means a lot to the rest of the world in terms of growth--so until the United States goes, the rest of the world is made to wait.
Tomorrow morning's market open (DJIA) will tell the story about performance before Inauguration Day.
If the DJIA opens over 20,000, we've probably already gone. If it opens below, look for movement anytime before the following weekend (1.27/28/29).
Here are 3 primary reasons why T4's haven't exchanged yet:
1) Safety (take your pick of legitimate threats we don't have a clue about).
2) DJIA must eclipse 20k to automatically unlock 800#s (possibly at the last 72 hours before Obama leaves office so he gets no credit).
3) Waiting till after Inauguration Day to fulfill both constitutional and NESARA protocols (Obama must be 100% gone).
We need some combination of this trifecta to be released I'm told.
Technically, Trump was already legally ratified as President due to his electoral college win.
If he were to quit before taking the oath, VP Pence would assume the Presidency until the House of Representatives voted in a replacement President.
Whether the Administration ends up with some combination of Trump, Ryan, Pence or Dunford ... doesn't much matter ... because post RV it will be our time to shine.
So keep the faith, trust your gut, and stay in Yeshua's peace.
There's no other global alternative but a currency revaluation for a global financial reset.
We are marching along side of you right now which is a good way to let you know that the ways and wills and watchdog bullies are being handled. The shifting energies of the current times are indeed shifting. Help make the way clear; do the work, manage the details, the small ones, not the larger ones. Help make the road passable and deal with the “whats in your face” issues right now.
Start with a new resolve. Define the world as you see it; and its problems; as YOU see it; and note what you can do to add to the legacy of the world becoming a better place. Get out of self and into the wake of the tidal waves making headway across the lands .
You didn’t pick this project; it picked you — in spite of what you think you know; you got picked to be a production manager of sorts. So the times they are indeed changing and the snarls in the enmeshed fields of activity are extracting and clearing up; the makings of a successful launch are being intently reviewed along with methodologies once more.
Yes, we know; yes—we know this has been done innumerable times and so why once again? Only because more times then not discoveries showed that some aspects were gaping some where. The intention is for this to go and go without a hitch; and it will; if we do your homework.
Now that leads us to the when? The when will be when the Elders say and not before. Each week gets closer. Just be aware that the clanging of the noises of change are growing louder and louder…P…
SUSAN SAYS: 12 things to always remember
1. The past cannot be changed
2. Opinions don’t define your reality
3. Everyone’s journey is different
4. Things always get better with time
5. Judgements are a confession of character
6. Overthinking will lead to sadness
7. Happiness is found within
8. Positive thoughts create positive things
9. Smiles are contagious
10. Kindness is free
11. You only fail if you quit
12. What goes around, comes around
We are definitely looking through a window toward completion. Nearly every day I’m informed “the letters are ready” for delivery, Or keep watching for the “800#’s”. Everything for me seems to certainly point to January… I hope this helps those of us that are waiting for the PP’s.
Many Blessings, Susan
JANUARY 16, 2017
Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn’t do this without your Help. Please go to Paypal.com using the account address: goneforthfornow@gmail.com to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. If you are not a member of paypal and sending a donation please send an e-mail to goneforthfornow@gmail.com so we can log you in and send you a Thank You. We appreciate all the help you continue to provide in keeping food on people’s tables and medical needs and computers running.
With Much Gratitude and Appreciation, Susan
Love and Kisses,
“The Office of Poofness”
ZAP, Susan and Staff
Note to readers: if the list of names and phrases in this article doesn’t ring any CIA bells, a refresher course is in order…
by Jon Rappoport
January 17, 2017
In case you hadn’t noticed, uttering a politically incorrect comment is now a bigger crime than decimating thousands in a war.
You can bomb a country into submission and chaos, leaving dead and wounded from shore to shore, and that might be counted as a “mistake in judgment”; but using a few loaded words—or in this case—criticizing an intelligence agency—is an earthshaking event that could make the planet spin off-course…
Case in point:
The lame-duck outgoing CIA director, John Brennan, lectured Donald Trump Sunday, on FOX. NBC News reports:
“Trump has repeatedly called for a better relationship between the U.S. and Putin’s government. He suggested in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Friday that he’d consider easing the latest sanctions on Russia.”
“’I think he has to be mindful that he does not have a full appreciation and understanding of what the implications are of going down that road’, Brennan said.”
“The CIA chief roundly denounced Trump’s approach to Russia and other national security threats, suggesting the president-elect has much to understand before he can make informed decisions on such matters.”
“’The world is watching now what Trump says and listening very carefully. If he doesn’t have confidence in the [US] intelligence community, what signal does that send to our partners and allies as well as our adversaries?’ Brennan said.”
Mr. Brennan, the signal was sent to our partners, allies, and adversaries decades ago:
The CIA is a criminal agency.
Is that clear enough?
Long ago, the CIA criminally stepped outside its mandate, in order to shape world events it had no business participating in. Is that clear enough?
In that regard, do these names and phrases mean anything to you, Mr. Brennan?
* The Gehlen Org.
* Operation Gladio.
* Operation CHAOS.
* Nugan Hand Bank.
* BCCI Bank.
* Golden Triangle. Asian heroin.
* Air America.
* Central American cocaine. Mena.
* The Contras.
* Henry Luce. William Paley. Arthur Sulzberger. Operation Mockingbird.
Overthrow, assassination, regime change, mind control, covert war, mass destruction, drugs, financial theft, co-opting the press…
Do you recall any of this, Mr. Brennan?
Trump (or any president) is sending a negative signal about the US intelligence community to our friends, allies, and adversaries? Are you kidding, Mr. Brennan? Are you telling some kind of inside joke?
People all over the world have known, for decades, what the CIA has been doing.
And you’re worried about the effect of a little tweak from Trump?
The murderous history of the CIA has been a cat out of the bag for a long, long time.
Professional amnesia may be your friend, Mr. Brennan, but it doesn’t convince the victims and targets of your agency’s actions since 1948.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails atNoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
The present situation is quickly improving. Our associates are busy insuring that the payouts shortly proceed. Those who have waited so long for a sign can know that the wait is nearly over. Be open and able to use your Love to lead you to victory!
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
6 Eb, 15 Chen, 13 Caban
Dratzo! The procedures agreed upon continue to move forward at their own slow pace. The emphasis as always remains security and the maintenance of an even flow. This operation has thus been reduced to proceeding with major sequences and keeping the public in the dark until certain primary security points are reached. This has become paramount to the success of this process. The initial elements remain the global introduction of the new treasury monies from the new Republic, the complex RV operation in America and the breakout of the GCR. These new monies are to be accompanied by the official roll out of the new international financial system. At that time, the new designated President can explain NESARA and the jubilee to all. This set of special announcements is eventually to permit a disclosure statement to occur, and to finally permit us to commence our broadcasts to you. This is to set the stage for other events that can force world peace and a way to produce the environment dreamed of when NESARA was first proposed in the late 1990s. This global condition can lead to a number of other events.
One of the major events to follow the rise of NESARA and the new NESARA Republic is the formal implementation of the new financial system. Already we can see how the new international banking system is to be introduced worldwide. This is being rolled out first in China and to the rest of Asia. Then it is to be made dominant in Europe, the Americas and Africa. Oceania is to be the final stop for the new banking reality. New global currencies are to encourage a new prosperity for all and the formal termination of debt slavery. This world needs to show Gaia that it is serious with a drive to clean the air, water and ground. Along with this, it is necessary to restore the ocean’s interconnected system of currents that temper and nurture surrounding lands and fauna around the world. This daily process keeps the world’s weather systems regulated and able to aid the ocean currents in providing the elements that help to sustain the globe’s ecosystems.
This natural pattern was interrupted by a secret government agency. Its covert operation was worldwide in scope, and succeeded in disrupting regular ocean warming and cooling. It also began to affect the vast oceans of air that are above it. This government operation commenced in the early 2010s. It caused unusually intense spring flooding in Europe, severe melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice floes, and peculiar winter cold and storms in Europe and northern North America. This secret weather experiment also caused a severe drought in California and vast weather anomalies in Asia and North Africa. Most importantly, it was shutting off the North Atlantic conveyer (the Gulf Stream). A major weather shift was promising to turn a natural shift in global conditions into a major climate catastrophe.
This series of artificial weather changes was adding undue pressure to a natural extinction pattern that in the last few decades had killed off 40% of the world’s flora and fauna. This was due to the grand change being initiated to ready Gaia’s surface for the reunion of her now divided Inner and Outer realms. In addition, a heavenly set of decrees had mandated the termination of the corrupt and unsustainable world of the Anunnaki’s minions. This operation is now in its final stages of success. Gaia desires to permit you to return to your natural 5D state and to conclude this procedure with a return to her own unified 5D state. A similar fate is in effect for the rest of the planets of this solar system. We are observing just how this necessary process is continuing on each planet and its unique system of moons. The required conversions of the water planets and the early reconstruction of the large trans-Martian world are a most interesting phenomena to observe. It clearly shows the magnificent mighty ways of Heaven!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The present situation is quickly improving. Our associates are busy insuring that the payouts shortly proceed. Those who have waited so long for a sign can know that the wait is nearly over. We wish to thank as well those who have kept the positive energies for your visions. We greatly appreciate and bless you for your daily affirmations. This entire operation is one that clearly shows how positive patience rewards you in the end. This realm is in a grand transition that is to be marked by our appearance and by some wisdom that we wish to share with you. When all of this is finally achieved, you are to possess a reality that is characterized by its freedom, your sovereignty and its huge common prosperity. You are to dwell in this land and discover its numerous blessings. This realm is to reveal how the lands of Inner and Outer Gaia are faithfully connected. Be Wise! Be Open and ready to discover how this new land works!
As you start to take this all in, you can expand your perceptions and let go of your fears and worry. This world’s surface lands have spent the last 13 millennia adrift in a fear created and sustained by the minion’s cruel pronouncements. See this new time as the moment when this horrible nightmare is finally to leave you. This sacred place is at last to dwell daily in the fiery Light of Heaven. Moreover, you are to meet your Inner Earth cousins and learn many things about your transition from the past to the now "waking up” present. In this new land you are to gladly welcome your space families and learn the nature of your many spiritual families. Remember deep in your Hearts that you are never really alone. Your new companions are to lead you to your glorious future and share with you exactly how this is to be achieved. Be welcomed and most of all feel truly Loved!
What is happening around this divine orb is a great learning. This learning has the potential to heal all. Long ago, your ancestors came here and set out on a journey of many stages that was to lead you far from what they initially came here for. Presently, you are taking this all in and learning how best to prepare yourselves for what lies ahead. This is a time not only of transition, but also filled with a whole host of carefully given lessons. Always be ready to take these in and bless them for what they tell you. Soon, you are to meet your mentors. They along with us are a special team that is calmly to guide you to a new and much more conscious existence. It can be difficult at times for you to take this all in. Just use your mighty vision to carry you through even the most arduous moments. We are together in this most sacred journey. Be open and able to use your Love to lead you to victory!
Today, we continued our weekly reports about this most complex land. Remain positive and open to all that is shortly to cross your path! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
I AM asking you to join Steve Farrell and me the day before Inauguration Day in the United States of America, January 19th, from 8:30-10: a.m. Pacific Time. We are One, and as we join our Hearts together we will add to the Light of the World in critical and important ways. This is a difficult and sometimes confusing time, but we have the ability to hold the sacred space for the Highest Good of All concerned.
Steve and I will be working in the Eternal Moment of Now, so even if you are not able to join us live when you listen to the REPLAY your magnificent Light will be woven into this important Activity of Light.
Please read the information below for more details and the link to register for this FREE online sharing.
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Dear Friends,
Patricia Cota-Robles is joining me for a very special 90-minute program on Thursday, January 19th at 8:30 am Los Angeles, CA time (PT). Her focus will be "Co-Creating a New Paradigm for 2017". We will be doing the program using video broadcast. It will be live and we'll be taking questions from those of you who participate.
Patricia shares, "As we birth the New Year 2017, Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven have set the stage for a paradigm shift for the masses of humanity to transcend the negativity that has been pushed to the surface for purification during the shocking and tumultuous events that occurred in 2016."
Patricia goes on to say how we've forgotten the truth of who we are and why we are on Earth during this auspicious time. She invites all to ask their I Am Presence to reveal to you your important part in the facet of the Divine Plan for 2017. All are invited to step into their role.
There is more... During our special 90-minute video broadcast Patricia will update participants on the New Earth that was birthed in the Realms of Cause on December 21-22, 2012, things that took place in 2016, things we can expect in early 2017 and the road ahead as we progress through 2017. Of course, a central message is We Are All One. There is no separation.
Programs with Patricia Cota-Robles are always wisdom-filled and the audience is quite large, so do take this opportunity to reserve your spot if you think you might like to join us.
Dratzo! The procedures agreed upon continue to move forward at their own slow pace. The emphasis as always remains security and the maintenance of an even flow. This operation has thus been reduced to proceeding with major sequences and keeping the public in the darkuntil certain primary security points are reached. This has become paramount to the success of this process. The initial elements remain the global introduction of the new treasury monies from the new Republic, the complex RV operation in America and the breakout of the GCR. These new monies are to be accompanied by the official roll out of the new international financial system. At that time, the new designated President can explain NESARA and the jubilee to all. This set of special announcements is eventually to permit a disclosure statement to occur, and to finally permit us to commence our broadcasts to you. This is to set the stage for other events that can force world peace and a way to produce the environment dreamed of when NESARA was first proposed in the late 1990s. This global condition can lead to a number of other events.
One of the major events to follow the rise of NESARA and the new NESARA Republic is the formal implementation of the new financial system. Already we can see how the new international banking system is to be introduced worldwide. This is being rolled out first in China and to the rest of Asia. Then it is to be made dominant in Europe, the Americas and Africa. Oceania is to be the final stop for the new banking reality. New global currencies are to encourage a new prosperity for all and the formal termination of debt slavery. This world needs to show Gaia that it is serious with a drive to clean the air, water and ground. Along with this, it is necessary to restore the ocean’s interconnected system of currents that temper and nurture surrounding lands and fauna around the world. This daily process keeps the world’s weather systems regulated and able to aid the ocean currents in providing the elements that help to sustain the globe’s ecosystems.
Vaccination industry wages a "war on children"... mercury denialism running rampant...
The vaccine industry is waging a war on children. And it's all based on what I call "mercury denialism," a refusal to recognize the periodic table of elements and the laws of biochemistry.
I've posted a new podcast condemining this "war on children" and calling for the indictment of doctors who abuse children with toxic mercury.
Jojoba oil's versatility makes it one of the most exceptional skin care products on the market. The oil soothes skin and nails, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and perfectly balances the moisture of your skin. Jojoba oil adds shine to hair while moisturizing the scalp and protecting hair against damage. It's smooth enough to replace shaving cream, and it's the perfect product to gently remove makeup -- even eye makeup -- leaving skin perfectly moisturized.
The top 10 Trump myths Fake news site Buzzfeed just published a fake news story that is so fake, its not even fake news. "It’s just fake," as Kellyanne Conway put it. The editor of Buzzfeed himself says he has ...
MIT scientists are looking for DNA on Mars Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) and NASA are building a DNA detector to search for evidence of life on Mars...
Federal lawsuit against Monsanto filed by Portland, Oregon Monsanto. Just the name itself inspires terrifying images of organically mutated super vegetables with a potential for causing sickness and even death. It has been a hotbed of discussion and ...
Trump introduces a "repeal and replace" angle for Obamacare As the U.S. Congress gears up to pass a new budget resolution later in the week, president-elect Donald Trump has offered up some new direction as to how his administration plans to "repeal ...
Vaccination industry wages a "war on children"... mercury denialism running rampant...
The vaccine industry is waging a war on children. And it's all based on what I call "mercury denialism," a refusal to recognize the periodic table of elements and the laws of biochemistry.
I've posted a new podcast condemining this "war on children" and calling for the indictment of doctors who abuse children with toxic mercury.
Jojoba oil's versatility makes it one of the most exceptional skin care products on the market. The oil soothes skin and nails, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and perfectly balances the moisture of your skin. Jojoba oil adds shine to hair while moisturizing the scalp and protecting hair against damage. It's smooth enough to replace shaving cream, and it's the perfect product to gently remove makeup -- even eye makeup -- leaving skin perfectly moisturized.
The top 10 Trump myths
Fake news site Buzzfeed just published a fake news story that is so fake, its not even fake news. "It’s just fake," as Kellyanne Conway put it. The editor of Buzzfeed himself says he has ...
MIT scientists are looking for DNA on Mars
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) and NASA are building a DNA detector to search for evidence of life on Mars...
Federal lawsuit against Monsanto filed by Portland, Oregon
Monsanto. Just the name itself inspires terrifying images of organically mutated super vegetables with a potential for causing sickness and even death. It has been a hotbed of discussion and ...
Trump introduces a "repeal and replace" angle for Obamacare
As the U.S. Congress gears up to pass a new budget resolution later in the week, president-elect Donald Trump has offered up some new direction as to how his administration plans to "repeal ...
FOR CENTURIES, alchemists have sought to change base metals into gold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolic of a higher and more noble alchemy -- the alchemy of self-transformation.
SELF-TRANSFORMATION was the goal of the most spiritual of alchemists. They sought a way to change the lead of negative human energy into the gold of divine energy, and some of them achieved this by using the violet flame. But first, let's explore what the violet flame is, what it does and how it works.
The violet flame (also called the violet fire) is a unique spiritual energy that can help you in all areas of your life. It can heal emotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, help you to grow spiritually, or just make life easier.
The flame is the essence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages have glimpsed a spiritual spectrum behind the physical spectrum. Radiant colors, more pure and rare than those found on earth, emanate from a brilliant, inner divine light. Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism refracts into seven colors, spiritual light splits into seven colors, or rays - each of which has specific divine qualities. The violet flame comes forth from the violet ray, which has the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.
The color violet has long been associated with spirituality. Having the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, violet is at the point of transition to the next octave of light. To the ancients, this transcendental color was a spiritual rather than a physical phenomenon.
Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how to use the violet flame, but it was only released to the public earlier this century by an Ascended Master called Saint Germain. Ascended Masters are enlightened spiritual beings who once walked the earth like you and me. They balanced their karma (paid their debts to life) and fulfilled their reason for being. They then ascended, or reunited with God. You probably already know the names of a few Ascended Masters - Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Krishna.
Saint Germain
The Ascended Master Saint Germain
What the Violet Flame Does
Ever wish there was a way you could wipe out your past mistakes?
While you can't go back in time, the violet flame has the power to erase, or transmute the cause, the effect, and even the memory of our past mistakes. Transmutation means to change - to alter in form, appearance or nature. The violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy, darkness into light, "fate" into opportunity. The flame also erases the resultant bad karma of our mistakes.
Our past actions - both good and bad - do come back to us. This is the law of karma. This impersonal cosmic law decrees that whatever we do comes full circle to our doorstep for resolution; simply, what goes around comes around.
In general, most people must pay their debt to life, or balance their karma, by selflessly reaching out and helping others, by working through misfortunes that come their way, or by passing through diseases or other forms of personal suffering. But it need not be so with the violet flame! The violet flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karma before it comes back to us.
On the physical level, the violet flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. But the real cause of disease is often rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states.
Today, we are discovering more and more about how our thoughts and emotions can affect our health. Research has shown that hatred and other negative thoughts and feelings actually create excess amounts of acid in the body that it cannot assimilate. These negative thoughts and feelings often originate in emotional and psychological problems, which the violet flame can help to resolve. The scars of old hurts and painful memories may be healed and dissolved when the healing balm of the violet flame is applied.
How the Violet Flame Works
The violet flame works by changing "vibrations". In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.
Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with light - we have a lower vibration, and become less spiritual.
The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration.
When you have a higher vibration, there is more spiritual energy in your body. Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when this spiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The violet flame frees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium, propelling you into a more spiritual state of being.
The Alchemist's Dream
The violet flame is a tool of self-transformation. Physical experiments in alchemy whereby base metals are transformed into gold are symbolic of what the violet flame does.
In medieval times, alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold, using heat to separate the "subtle" from the "gross". While there have always been alchemists who sought to create wealth by transmuting base metals, this process of transmutation is symbolic of a higher and more noble alchemy - the alchemy of self-transformation.
Alchemists of the Spirit did not seek physical wealth, but spiritual wealth. They sought to transform themselves into more spiritual beings, by becoming more loving, wise and compassionate. The violet flame has the capacity to bring about this transformation by transmuting negative elements within ourselves. It has the unique ability to transform fear into courage, anxiety into peace and hatred into love.
Alchemists of all ages have sought the mystical philosophers' stone. Early alchemists pored over minutely ciphered texts in search of this stone. For them, it was worth a lifetime to decode the mystery of this "stone" which symbolized the transmutation of the lower animal nature into the highest and divine. The coveted philosophers' stone - "the stone which is no stone" - was not physical, but spiritual, and created out of fire.
Some alchemists did discover the secret of the violet flame. According to Neoplatonist alchemists, the philosophers' stone was a self-transforming fire that would lead their souls upward, by drawing up to the Spirit all qualities which dragged downward and opposed the spiritual essences. In the process, the "hard and refractory materials" in their bodies would be transmuted into a rare and more luminous material. In this sacred experiment, they said the alchemist would become "like the gods", pursuing "the gold of the wise and not the vulgar metal".
Transmutation, then, was not just a process which turned base metals into gold, but a spiritual process which raised the soul into a state of unity with the Divine.
How to Use the Violet Flame
The violet flame is practical and easy to use.
It is often a good idea to call for spiritual protection before invoking the violet flame. Then find a place where you won't be disturbed, and sit comfortably in a straight chair with your spine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards.
The violet flame is invoked through "decreeing" - a unique form of spoken prayer utilizing visualization and meditation. One of the simplest decrees to the violet flame is: "I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!" Take a few, slow deep breaths and center in your heart. Start out slowly, giving the decree with love, devotion and feeling. Repeat the decree three or nine times to begin with; you can gradually increase this to 36, 72 or even 144 repetitions. Repeating the decree strengthens its power and draws down more light.
Once you are familiar with the decree, you can close your eyes while giving it and concentrate on visualizing the violet flame. See yourself before a large bonfire, about nine feet high and six feet wide. Color it violet in your imagination, and see the flames pulsating and undulating in endless shades of violet with gradations of purple and pink. Then see yourself stepping into the flame, so the violet flame is where you physically are. See your body as transparent, with the flames curling up from beneath your feet, passing through and around your body, clear up over your head.
Often the words of a violet flame decree invoke ideas for other violet flame visualizations - decreeing is meant to be fun so be creative and use your imagination!
To those who have developed their spiritual sight, the violet flame appears as a physical violet fire. You may also be able to "see" the violet flame at work with your inner eye, by concentrating on the spiritual center between your eyebrows.
You can also use the violet flame to help family and friends. Just visualize the violet flame around them while you give the decree, and add a prayer before you start. The violet flame can also help others that you might not be aware of. After you have finished decreeing, you can ask: "In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that this violet flame be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need. I thank you and accept it done according to the will of God."
Even a few minutes of violet flame will produce results, but persistence is needed to penetrate age-old habits you would like to change. You can start out with just a few minutes of violet flame in the morning to help you through the day, and you can add the violet flame to whatever prayers or meditations you currently practice.
What Do Others Think of the Violet Flame?
Here's what people who have used the violet flame say:
"Well, I think a lot clearer. I feel lighter. I'm a lot more sensitive to vibrations. And I feel the movement of light almost physically rather than just at subtle levels."
"My relations with people are lighter and more smooth. I don't have that sense of friction."
"At one time I was heavy on drugs and I knew I'd gone too far. The violet flame has cleared up my memory so that now I can think clearly and creatively."
"It gives me emotional control and the ability to be more sensitive to the thoughts of God."
"The violet flame is amazing. It's opened up so many creative areas of my life. It's a science and a great gift from God. It has revolutionized my life in so many ways. It has allowed me to realize the real potential of my soul, by bringing me closer to God and my personal mission. On more than one occasion the violet flame has healed me of illnesses that have afflicted my body, especially chronic back problems."
"As a surgeon for 10 years, I am humbled by learning about this science. Practicing this has brought amazing results in my life and my medical practice."
You can use the violet flame and experience the healing, transformation and spiritual upliftment that alchemists of the Spirit have sought for centuries. But if you want the violet flame to help you, you have to work with it. Try it for yourself!
Decrees to the violet flame
I AM the violet flame
I AM the violet flame
In action in me now
I AM the violet flame
To Light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame
In mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God
Shining every hour
I AM the violet flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God's sacred power
Freeing every one
Radiant spiral violet flame,
Descend, now blaze through me
Radiant spiral violet flame,
Set free, set free, set free
Radiant violet flame, O come,
Expand and blaze thy light through me
Radiant violet flame, O come,
Reveal God's power for all to see
Radiant violet flame, O come,
Awake the earth and set it free
Radiance of the violet flame,
Expand and blaze through me
Radiance of the violet flame,
Expand for all to see
Radiance of the violet flame,
Establish Mercy's outpost here
Radiance of the violet flame,
Come, transmute now all fear
Breath of God inside each cell
I AM the violet flame
Pulsing out the cosmic time
I AM the violet flame
Energizing mind and heart
I AM the violet flame
Sustaining God's creation now
I AM the violet flame
With all love, With all love, With all love
Shimmering in a crystal cave
I AM the violet flame
Searching out all hidden pain
I AM the violet flame
Consuming cause and core of fear
I AM the violet flame
Revealing now the inner name
I AM the violet flame
With all peace, With all peace, With all peace
Flashing like a lightning bolt
I AM the violet flame
Stretching through the galaxies
I AM the violet flame
Connecting soul and Spirit now
I AM the violet flame
Raising you to cosmic heights
I AM the violet flame
With all power, With all power, With all power
O violet flame, come, violet flame
Now blaze and blaze and blaze
O violet flame, come, violet flame
To raise and raise and raise
The earth and all thereon
The earth and all thereon
The earth and all thereon
O violet flame, come, violet flame
Now blaze and blaze and blaze
O violet flame, come, violet flame
To raise and raise and raise
The plants and all God's creatures
The plants and all God's creatures
The plants and all God's creatures
O violet flame, come, violet flame
Now blaze and blaze and blaze
O violet flame, come, violet flame
To raise and raise and raise
The air, the sea, the land
The air, the sea, the land
The air, the sea, the land
The big one: environmental killing becomes a medical disease
Giant pig farm disaster: a medical hoax and cover story
The full truth has never been told—until now.
by Jon Rappoport
January 18, 2017
“To handle all that [pig-farm feces] waste, farmers in North Carolina use a standard practice called the lagoon and spray field system. They flush feces and urine from barns into open-air pits called lagoons, which turn the color of Pepto-Bismol when pink-colored bacteria colonize the waste. To keep the lagoons from overflowing, farmers spray liquid manure on their fields nearby. The result, says Steve Wing, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is this: ‘The eastern part of North Carolina is covered with shit’.” —National Geographic, 10/30/14
The above quote describes corporate pig farming around the world.
In order to carry out this operation, giant companies like Smithfield have influenced legislators and government-agency officials. Environmental laws and regulations are ignored, or changed. Lawsuits are fought, hammer and tongs.
Here is what Robert F Kennedy Jr. told radio interviewer, Rachel Lewis Hilburn on 6/3/16:
“…a hog produces ten times the amount of fecal waste by weight as a human being, so if you have a facility that has ten thousand hogs in it, it’s producing as much sewage as a city of a hundred thousand people. Smithfield has one plant in Utah—they call it Circle Four Farms—that has a million hogs on it, so it’s producing the same amount of waste as New York City every day.”
Here is Kennedy’s kicker:
“There’s no difference between hog waste and human waste in terms of its danger to human health. They [Smithfield and other giant corporate pig operations] ought to have to have a sewage treatment plant that cleans it up. And yet, if they had to build that sewage treatment plan, it would drive the price of hogs up so that they could no longer function in the marketplace… they ought to have to build sewage treatment facilities but nobody’s making them do that because they have used political clout…”
All right, that’s a bit of background. Now I’m going to shift to the subject of Swine Flu, the phony epidemic of 2009.
Where did it start?
At a Smithfield pig-raising operation in Perote, Mexico; in a village called La Gloria. Smithfield raises 950,000 hogs a year there.
Press reports described outdoor “pig feces lagoons” on the property. When workers began to get sick, the area was sprayed with unknown chemicals. More workers fell ill and died.
Anyone with a basic knowledge of public health could testify that this combination of mind-boggling (non-) sanitation, plus strong germicides, plus other toxic chemicals routinely dumped in the feces lagoons, could and would cause human disease.
In fact, it doesn’t matter which particular germs are present in the mix.
People at the CDC had to be well aware of this. Yet, in 2009, their choice was to rush researchers to the Smithfield operation in La Gloria, Mexico, armed with the unfounded assumption that some novel virus, never before seen, was the culprit, and their job was to take blood samples and discover what the new germ was.
Why? Why assume, when workers who operate in that kind of environment get sick, there is some new disease at work? The symptoms of the workers were not unusual, given the circumstances.
Workers dying in that vat of filth and chemical soup should be expected.
But, up front, based on no evidence, the CDC on-site team was going for a new germ and a new disease, and that’s what they announced they had found. A gullible world, fed by press reports, bought in.
And that’s how the fake epidemic called Swine Flu was launched.
All the focus that could have centered on the highly toxic Smithfield pig operation in La Gloria was diverted.
Diverted to a virus.
H1N1 it was called. The Swine Flu virus.
Suddenly, it was a medical problem. Not an environmental disaster.
It was RE-INVENTED as a medical problem.
If you don’t yet get what I’m pointing out here, imagine this: you’re living in an old sewage tunnel under a city. You’re surrounded by human excrement and biting insects and fetid waste water and foul air—and when you fall ill, you suddenly see virus-hunting researchers, not haz-mat rescue workers, approach you and take blood samples. Are they crazy?
No, they’re just doing what their bosses tell them to do. Because the CDC is fronting for, and protecting, major corporate agricultural criminals. Because your illness has to be shifted over to a “new disease and a new virus.”
On top of all this, the virus that these “researchers” do find, which, by the way, is in no way proven to cause disease, can be found all over the world. Why? Because it’s been around for a long, long time, and it has never caused any dire condition at all.
This is how the game works.
This is the medical hoax.
In the case of Swine Flu, it gets worse. It turns out that the virus is not so prevalent after all. That is why, in the early autumn of 2009, CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovered that the CDC, ignoring its mandate and charter, had secretly stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. You see, the overwhelming percentage of blood samples taken from the most likely Swine Flu patients, when sent to labs for testing, were coming back with no trace of the so-called Swine Flu virus or any other flu virus. CBS put Attkisson’s published report on the shelf and never followed up on it.
Again, the virus as the cause of illness, was the cover story. Intelligence agencies float cover stories on a regular basis. It’s no accident that CDC has a large unit of virus hunters called the Epidemic Intelligence Service.
Right off the top, I can tell you they create disinformation on a scale that must make the CIA jealous.
Graduates of this EIS program, as proudly stated by the CDC, have gone on to occupy key positions in the overall medical cartel: Surgeons General; CDC directors; medical school deans and professors; medical foundation executives; drug-company and insurance executives; state health officials; medical editors and reporters in major media outlets.
It’s a loyal insider’s club. They collaborate to float prime-cut, A-number-one cover stories of extraordinary dimensions. They invent medical reality out of thin air.
Here is a brief excerpt from the CDC’s website, “50 Years of the Epidemic Intelligence Service”:
“In 1951, EIS was established by CDC following the start of the Korean War as an early-warning system against biologic warfare and man-made epidemics. EIS officers selected for 2-year field assignments were primarily medical doctors and other health professionals…who focused on infectious disease outbreaks. EIS has expanded to include a range of public health professionals, such as postdoctoral scientists in statistics, epidemiology, microbiology, anthropology, sociology, and behavioral sciences. Since 1951, approximately 2500 EIS officers have responded to requests for epidemiologic assistance within the United States and throughout the world. Each year, EIS officers are involved in several hundred investigations of disease and injury problems, enabling CDC and its public health partners to make recommendations to improve the public’s health and safety.”
Several hundred investigations a year. An unparalleled opportunity to shape the truth into propaganda. Control of information about disease. Control out in the field, where EIS agents rush to the scene of “outbreaks,” all the way back through the hallowed halls of academia, into the press, into Big Pharma, into the government.
When I say control of information, I mean disinformation. That’s what the EIS is for. They’ve never met a virus they didn’t love, and if they couldn’t find one, they pretended they did.
They front for the medical cartel. And they provide cover for the crimes of mega-corporations. There’s a town where poverty-stricken people are dying, because horrendous pesticides are running into the water supply and soil? No, it’s a virus. There’s a hotel where the plumbing is broken and human waste is getting into all the bathrooms, and they want this hotel to be the epicenter of a new epidemic? No, it isn’t the plumbing, it’s a novel virus never seen before by man. There’s a section of a city where the industrial pollution is driving people over the edge into immune-system failure? No, it’s a virus.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
And here’s the capper. Their propaganda is so good most of the EIS people believe it themselves. You don’t achieve that kind of robotic servitude without intense brainwashing. The first installment of the mind-control program is called medical school.
Psy-op and propaganda begin with the virus hunters of the EIS. They control and own the chokepoint of disease research. They blow up their scanty findings into ex-cathedra pronouncements.
And of course, this strengthens the vaccine establishment because, for every virus, there must be a vaccine: the shot in the arm, loaded with toxic chemicals and a variety of germs.
The EIS. The CDC’s band of brothers. The medical CIA.
“Show me vast pig-feces lagoons, and I’ll show you a virus you’ve never heard of before. I’ll protect corporate criminals from here to the moon…”
Be careful of the marketing scams being used to push "one year supply" survival food products.
Not only is the marketing very often fraudulent and deceptive, but the ingredients used in most of these products are genetically modified, chemically enhanced "garbage" filler materials.
Jojoba oil's versatility makes it one of the most exceptional skin care products on the market. The oil soothes skin and nails, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and balances the moisture of your skin. Jojoba oil adds shine to hair while moisturizing the scalp and protecting hair against damage. It's smooth enough to replace shaving cream, and will gently remove makeup -- even eye makeup -- leaving skin perfectly moisturized.
Travel warnings – The best way to protect your health Planning to hit the road -- or travel by airplane? Well, its fair to say, you’ll have plenty of company and reasons to be concerned about your health. According to the U.S. Travel Association, ...
More American farmers are ‘Certified Organic’ now than ever before The organic revolution is in full swing in the United States, where more acreage than ever before is being devoted to the cultivation of crops without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic ...
Robert F Kennedy Jr- CDC an "edifice of fraud" Robert Kennedy, Jr. "All the things that I do are bent on forcing this vaccine debate out into the open--because once the science is in the open, the CDCs position is so fragile, it’s an ...
Be careful of the marketing scams being used to push "one year supply" survival food products.
Not only is the marketing very often fraudulent and deceptive, but the ingredients used in most of these products are genetically modified, chemically enhanced "garbage" filler materials.
Jojoba oil's versatility makes it one of the most exceptional skin care products on the market. The oil soothes skin and nails, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and balances the moisture of your skin. Jojoba oil adds shine to hair while moisturizing the scalp and protecting hair against damage. It's smooth enough to replace shaving cream, and will gently remove makeup -- even eye makeup -- leaving skin perfectly moisturized.
Travel warnings – The best way to protect your health
Planning to hit the road -- or travel by airplane? Well, its fair to say, you’ll have plenty of company and reasons to be concerned about your health. According to the U.S. Travel Association, ...
More American farmers are ‘Certified Organic’ now than ever before
The organic revolution is in full swing in the United States, where more acreage than ever before is being devoted to the cultivation of crops without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic ...
Robert F Kennedy Jr- CDC an "edifice of fraud"
Robert Kennedy, Jr. "All the things that I do are bent on forcing this vaccine debate out into the open--because once the science is in the open, the CDCs position is so fragile, it’s an ...
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 18 Jan. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," www.22faces.com.
A. Jan. 17 2017 Bruce's The Big Call:
1. It is possible to have the GCR after the Inaguration Jan. 20, but Bruce believes that it is the intent for it to go at any time from now until Jan. 21.
2. The public should start after Jan. 20.
3. At 8:30 EST last night Jan. 16 a full staff of personnel were called in and put on standby at the redemption centers.
4. Since Jan. 1 the new rate of the Dinar has been on the bank back screens.
5. The Dinar rate appears to be approaching $16.10.
6. The Iraqi flag is flying in Mousel.
7. In Iraq the new Dinar rate has been passed in Parliment and published in their Gazette, although it is not yet available to us.
8. Late last week 5 countries insured bonds as a loan to Iraq, which satisfied the GCR requirement. Iraq is going to offer their own gold backed bonds tomorrow. For those bonds to have value the rate should be visible.
9. Late last night Jan. 16 2017 things were really moving from the far East and from the US Treasury - bonds and bond trading occured today Jan. 17.
10. SKRs for Tier 3 were made liquid this afternoon Jan. 17.
11. Today Jan. 17 Church groups were getting intel on when they will be liquid.
12. Based on the intel Bruce has received we are right at the door.
13. Trump is in favor of the GCR going quickly and as soon as he can make it happen.
1. Tonight Monday Jan. 16 2017, brings excellent news with a possibility of an increase in value of all currencies that will occur shortly before, or shortly after the Presidential Inauguration on Friday Jan. 20.
2. This information comes from multiple separate sources who are in agreement.
3. Use common sense in developing your own opinion but it appears we are inching rapidly to the finish line.
4. ADMINBILL Tweet: #WSOMN2015 Could this be a week to remember? So I am being told. All currencies with activity starting later this week. Are we there yet?
1. Budget in Gazette (which has been published, indicating the kingpin of the RV - the Iraqi Dinar - has gone international).
2. New US president installed on Jan. 20. (Obama, who has been holding the GCR up, will no longer have the power to do so after the Inaguration).
3. Several banks are buying and selling the Iraqi Dinar (Indicating the Iraqi Dinar, the kingpin of the GCR, has gone international).
4. Dow Jones close to 20,000 (Todays Jan. 17 2017 Intel Report stated: "The Dow Jones Industrial Average must eclipse 20k to automatically unlock the 800#s")
5. It's early in 2017 (The GCR was said set for release in early 2017).
6. CBI has not updated. (Normally the CBI updates on the 1st and 15th of the month, which hasn't yet happened for Jan. 2017).
1. The procedures agreed upon continue to move forward with emphasis on security.
2. This operation has kept the public in the dark until certain primary security points are reached - paramount to the success of this process.
3. The initial elements remain the global introduction of the new treasury monies from the new Republic, the complex RV operation in America and the breakout of the GCR.
4. These new monies are to be accompanied by the official roll out of the new international financial system.
5. The new designated President would explain NESARA and the jubilee to all, permit disclosure and finally commence our broadcasts to you.
6. This is to set the stage for other events that can force world peace and a way to produce the environment dreamed of when NESARA was first proposed in the late 1990s.
7. One of the major events to follow the rise of NESARA and the new NESARA Republic is the formal implementation of the new financial system.
8. The new international banking system is already being rolled out in China, the rest of Asia and then to be made dominant in Europe, the Americas and Africa.
9. New global currencies are to encourage a new prosperity for all and the formal termination of debt slavery.
E. Jan. 17 2017 10:46 am EST News Frank26: "Final Stage" - Tues. AM KTFA Thoughts, News w/ Frank26 On Jan. 10 2017 Masum DID approved the (Iraqi) budget for the fiscal year of 2017 and sent it to the official Gazette for publication, so why is their Gazette showing the budget date as Jan. 9 if it was approved on Jan. 10?
1. Because they tell us When, How and What they want to.
2. Because the Gazette had it long before Jan. 9th.
3. Because the new Dinar rate is about to come out.
1. Multiple agency contacts are completely blacked out as of earlier Mon night 6pm EST.
2. White Hat contacts say, "Things are silent for good reasons. Be patient."
3. Military contacts saying, "800 numbers an any minute scenario but "go" decision still rests with Dunford."
4. With all this "good news," here we still are @ 1:00 am Tues. Jan. 17 2017 morning less an official authorization.
5. Call centers and off-site exchange locations are 100% staffed and ready to service the initial public rush.
6. Every nation of the free world is dependent upon the GCR/RV to fulfill its promise. No country is immune from needing this to convert ASAP.
7. All go or none go is a real thing. Israel being forced to acknowledge Palestine's sovereignty at the UN was a key factor in terms of timing.
8. Local bank branches are now eager to start as some were informed about the revaluation and trained over the weekend.
9. The authorization decision is not a banking decision, nor is it a domestically political decision. It's about global safety as it relates to the geopolitical mechanisms of power & perhaps a little the public restoration of the Republic's good name.
10. Our economy means a lot to the rest of the world in terms of growth so until the US goes, the rest of the world is made to wait.
11. Jan. 17 2017 morning's Dow Jones Industrial Average market open will tell the story about performance before Inauguration Day.
12. If the DJIA opens over 20,000, we've probably already gone.
13. If the DJIA opens below 20,000, look for movement anytime before the following weekend Jan. 27, 28, 29 2017.
14. (As of 8:30 am EST Jan. 17 2017 the DJIA was at 19,885.73)
15. In order for the 800#s to be released the T4s need some combination of three factors: Safety, DJIA eclipsing 20k and/or waiting until after Inauguration Day.
A) Safety (take your pick of legitimate threats we don't have a clue about).
B) DJIA must eclipse 20k to automatically unlock 800#s (possibly at the last 72 hours before Obama leaves office so he gets no credit).
C) Waiting till after Inauguration Day to fulfill both constitutional and NESARA protocols (Obama must be 100% gone).
16. Technically, Trump was already legally ratified as President due to his electoral college win. If he were to quit before taking the oath, VP Pence would assume the Presidency until the House of Representatives voted in a replacement President.
17. It doesn't matter whether the Administration ends up with some combination of Trump, Ryan, Pence or Dunford because post RV it will be our time to shine.
18. So keep the faith, trust your gut, and stay in Yeshua's peace. There's no other global alternative but a currency revaluation for a global financial reset. God is with us.
1. To quote this statement from the most recent SITREP, "Multiple agency contacts are completely blacked out as of earlier Monday night Jan. 16 2017 6pm EST." Intel SITREP - 01:00 EST - Tuesday - January 17, 2017
2. So far today Jan. 17 2017 there has been no information coming in from any source. This is very odd and unusual for a Tues, the most busy day of the week for this site.
1. Make Contact with the Exchange Centers when it is time.
2. Tell them that you have ZIM and watch how they treat you differently, and direct you to a special exchange center. (Zim is very special)
3. When you are at your appointment, ask for the High, Privately Negotiable, Sovereign Rates on all the main currencies (not just ZIM). Watch them drool when you show them your ZIM. You will then know the truth.
4. If there are high rates just like Bruce, Yosef, Fisher, Tank, VERITAS, and Zorra say, you have a shot to get them if you ask for them and have project ideas and/or interest in Humanitarian projects.
5. There is NOTHING for you to do right now, except to wait for the right time to call for your appointment.
I. TETELESTAI 800#s is the official "Go" for exchanges & found here: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/ If there were no 800#'s, the TETELESTAI post would still be published & contain useful information for exchanging your currencies.
The spiritual winds of change have replaced the calm before the earthly storm.
All sovereign family representatives in attendance at Davos, Switzerland released the RV on Sunday evening. There will be no disruption of mercy by dark forces -- ever again.
Then on Monday, the North American closing procedure began by White Hat commander General Joseph Dunford.
Final security and deliver adjustments were made, as there were 3 breeches of protocol that were corrected systematically.
Multiple release strategies have been employed to avoid enemy detection and counter.
Mission completion now guaranteed with the process now begun.
General Dunford is exceptional at delivery upon strategy--and why he was chosen by the galactic for the RV transition.
Inauguration Day was the fulcrum or flash bang event. All eyes on the President(s)--no eyes on the redeemers for an extended period.
Also, full military, specialized plain clothes operators and local security assets are all acceptably deployed due to he Inauguration should anything go off the rails with the RV.
Thus the public appearance of fully armed, dressed military personal on the streets of this country would not be an alarming sight during this strange inaugural event.
The Chinese New Year 2017 was a back wall date due to the ancient Eastern solar/lunar calendar, ignoring both the Gregorian or Julian modern calendars of the Western World.
Post Mercury Retrograde shadow clearing also a factor in terms of new business contracts after Year of the Rooster begins.
Old business affairs are now to be cleaned up by 1/28/17 per elders orders to Dunford, who wisely took every last second to prepare.
The Cosmic Tumblers have been clicking into place, but have accelerated by the second now, and have gained irreversible momentum due to unified planetary momentum.
The changes to society and general good dwelling on earth you'll genetically witness now will come so fast most will not understand how or why until well after they've transitioned into the new world.
Blocking or forcing change is futile. Go with the flow has never been a more appropriate truth to live by.
Motherships and support craft are now uncloaking to both assist in this needed human transition as well as fulfilling galactic federation disclosure mandates from heaven.
The CIA has released 13 million classified documents regarding a host of topics including non-humanoid extra terrestrial life on the surface of the earth.
ZIM sovereign rates are said to be negotiating as high as 50,000 USD/USN for appropriate group third world humanitarian projects.
African in ground minerals embody the future of mankind, and why the African Union currency (of which the Zimbabwe bonds represent) is so unprecedentedly high at the time of redemption.
Tier 1 sovereign bond trades are starting to payout Friday morning in Asia (Thursday night in Western World).
Sub group paymasters are to be fully hydrated and completely unencumbered for individual client disbursal also on Friday.
The GCR/RV roll out and conversion process is to move so fast, so invisible, and so abundant that all will come to understand why a few dedicated their lives to making sure the many were positioned in a timely and accurate manner--as the fate of humanity depended on it.
2016 was a roller coaster of a year, with Brexit, the U.S. election, escalating wars, terrorist attacks and false flag events. More and more, humanity is being subjected to global turmoil.
In this Webinar, Sheldan will outline up-to-the-minute strategies on how the Galactic Federation, with our Earth Allies, is working toward reversing this chaotic trend.
Topics include...
The Latest Word On ~
• Abundance: Overcoming Security and Legal Issues
• New Governance: The Revolutionary Team Working through an organic process
• Announcements and Disclosure: Timing ~ Are we ready? How it will affect the awakened and unawakened.
• Ascension: Update on Ascension Symptoms for both Gaia and humanity
• What's ahead in 2017
Sunday, January 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Thursday, January 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Creating from the Heart People have prayed to God to change the outer world’s circumstances since the beginning of our awareness that God exists, but it seems as if God does not always listen to our prayers. Why? Have you ever asked yourself this question: Wh y does God not give us what we ask? In the Bible it says, “Ask, and you shall receive.” But still it does not seem to happen. Perhaps what follows will provide an answer.
Let’s talk about creation and creating. We are often taught both in school and at home that we are at the mercy of the elements and the random effects of the laws of physics. And of course, if you believe this to be true, then you are limited by this belief and it becomes your reality.
But long ago, people didn’t think in this manner. They believed in a spiritual side to reality where the human spirit could change the outer reality by an inner intention. In The Isaiah Effect, Gregg Braden reports on how in 194 7 archaeologists found a document near the Dead Sea Scrolls called the Isaiah Scroll. The ancient Isaiah Scroll describes how humans have the power to influence future possibilities and prophecies and to change the world around us from within us.
Today, our techno-culture thinks this is fantasy. But is it? If we cannot influence the present and the future, then everything Jesus said to us has to be false. Didn’t Jesus perform incredible feats such as changing the molecular construction of water into wine? He even brought a person back from the dead and made him alive again! Modern science believes that these kinds of stories are just that, stories, for there is little in science that supports such ideas. Jesus said to us, “I say unto you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do.” So what about the new children who are emerging all over the world? They are able to do the kinds of things Jesus could do. and science has documented this in such prestigious and popular periodicals as Nature Journal and Omni Magazine. Scientists do not know how these children can create such amazing psychic phenomena, but they record that they are doing it. This is a fact. So how does the sacred space of the heart fit in with all this? Before I can explain, we must first look at how the mind creates a miracle and then compare this to how the sacred space of the heart does it.
Creating from the Mind
Often, when you pray to God for something you feel that is needed, nothing happens. The Isaiah Effect makes it clear why that is so. The ancient scrolls say that any miracle begins with attention, or focus of the mind—you place your mind’s attention on what it is you want to see happen. For example, let’s say you want to heal yourself of a dreaded disease and therefore focus your thoughts on healing this particular part of your body. Of course, that is not enough for anything to actually happen, but it is an essential step to begin the healing process.
Conscious Cocreation from the Heart Connected to the Mind
After the attention, you add intention. To continue our example, after you’ve placed your attention on the affected part of your body, you then have the intention of the disease going away. But this is not enough, either. Three other parts must be involved or nothing happens—the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body.
The mental body, or mind, must see the body part being healed; it must hold the image of the body part being completely healed and healthy, with nothing wrong at all. And it must know for certain that this healing either is taking place now or that it will take place over a specific time frame, depending on what you can accept. Can you accept an instantaneous healing or does your belief pattern need more time? This knowing is essential, but still it is not enough.
Next the emotional body must engage. One must feel the emotion of what it will be like to be completely healthy, no longer having the disease. You must actually feel this emotion and not just have your mind thinking it is feeling the emotion. This is a tricky part for many, but without the emotional body engaged, absolutely nothing will happen.
And still it is not enough. You could be praying to be healed; your attention could be fully on the disease; your intention could be that the disease is healed; your mind could know that your body is either healed or going to be healed; and your emotional body could be feeling the emotion—say, joy—as if your body was completely healthy. But as long as the last and third part has not been engaged, nothing will happen.
How many people have prayed for something using all the above, just knowing it will happen, crying for hours for it to happen and still—nothing. This is because the last part has not been brought into the equation. It is the part that almost everyone forgets or doesn’t recognize.
The final part, the forgotten aspect, is the physical body. In our example, you must feel the part of your body being completely normal and healed. This does not mean feeling a mental pattern or consciousness searching within the body. Rather, this means having actual body sensations where you feel your body responding. You feel no more pain; instead you feel vitality in the area of your body you are focusing on. You feel the health and beauty of your body. When this final step of the body responding begins, the miracle will always follow.
But there is more, which was not discussed in the Isaiah Effect, for what Thoth is saying is that when we create from the mind, we create both polarities of our intention. So if we pray for peace, for example, we get both peace and war. This is exactly what we see in this world today. Millions, if not billions of people are praying for and wanting peace, but what we have are areas of the world in peace and areas of the world in war, all mingled together. (At the moment, forty-six wars are going on.) So let’s look at this situation even deeper.
Logic versus Feelings and Emotions
The mind creates by using thoughts, and the thoughts follow one another using logic. And so in whatever the mind creates, you can logically follow the path of how the reality has been transformed from one state to another. Even if it is a miracle, it still will have a logical sequence if you can find it. But, as I have said, it will always generate both sides of the polarity of the original intention.
The heart, however, is completely different. The heart creates through dreams and images, and these manifest through feelings and emotions. This form of creation does not use logic and therefore does not have to be logical to get from one state to another. If you are praying for rain using the heart, for example, it could start raining immediately even if there were no clouds in the sky only moments before. It is just like dreams, where you may find yourself in Italy in one scene and seconds later you are in Canada in a completely different scene. How did you get from Italy to Canada in a couple of seconds? Of course, we accept this happening in our dreams, but we think it is impossible in the 3D world. Perhaps it is not?!
Dream a Dream of a New World
One of the last pieces of information you need to consciously cocreate lies in the experiential realization that no matter how it appears to you, within the sacred space of the heart there will always be a direct connection back to the 3-D reality of the stars and planets. Sometimes this connection will not present itself immediately, but if you continue to enter your heart, you will find it.
This is very important, since it is this connection back to the stars and planets that allows the dreams of the heart to manifest in this world. So before you begin to manifest from within the sacred space of the heart, find the connection back to this world through the stars and planets so you know the truth. So I ask you to go into your sacred space of the heart and merge your heart with your Mer-Ka-Ba field and begin dreaming a dream of a new, healthy world. Apply all you know to consciously cocreate with God a new body, a new life and finally a new world. This power is your birthright and your heritage, for you are the son or daughter of God. From within your intimate relationship with God, all things are possible.
These instructions are a pathway to the realization that your body is light and the world you live within is light, and that both are directly connected to your consciousness. Living within your heart surrounded by the energy field of your Mer-Ka-Ba, living and creating from this holy place—this is the next step toward finally realizing the truth of who you really are and the beginning of the fulfillment of your sacred purpose for existing. At this point, you will certainly realize that you are in the process of ascension into heaven . . . And I want to close with the words of an old friend of us all:
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. Perhaps some day you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.” —John Lennon
by Drunvalo Melchizedek from the book “Living in the Heart”
Image credits: Drunvalo Melchizedek and Ellen Vaman
Dandelion root kills cancer cells, plus news on other medicinal herbs
Today we bring you news about how dandelion root is able to kill cancer cells, making it a powerful natural medicine for preventing disease and saving lives.
Also today: Did you know that I'm Native American? No wonder I love herbs so much. Here's a collection of Native American herbs used as natural medicine: Read the full story here.
On the same theme, check out this story about a doctor who just bought a farm to grow and prescribe plant-based medicine... (below)
Jojoba oil's versatility makes it one of the most exceptional skin care products on the market. The oil soothes skin and nails, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and perfectly balances the moisture of your skin. Jojoba oil adds shine to hair while moisturizing the scalp and protecting hair against damage. It's smooth enough to replace shaving cream, and it's the perfect product to gently remove makeup -- even eye makeup -- leaving skin perfectly moisturized.
Dandelion root kills cancer cells, plus news on other medicinal herbs
Today we bring you news about how dandelion root is able to kill cancer cells, making it a powerful natural medicine for preventing disease and saving lives.
Also today: Did you know that I'm Native American? No wonder I love herbs so much. Here's a collection of Native American herbs used as natural medicine: Read the full story here.
On the same theme, check out this story about a doctor who just bought a farm to grow and prescribe plant-based medicine... (below)
Jojoba oil's versatility makes it one of the most exceptional skin care products on the market. The oil soothes skin and nails, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, promotes skin rejuvenation, and perfectly balances the moisture of your skin. Jojoba oil adds shine to hair while moisturizing the scalp and protecting hair against damage. It's smooth enough to replace shaving cream, and it's the perfect product to gently remove makeup -- even eye makeup -- leaving skin perfectly moisturized.
"Security issues resolved and contained. All RV transition requirements are being met. The RV may proceed at anytime given in a swift manner."
Deep Source (Resistance):
"Most Cabal members have surrendered to terms. Military Industrial Complex remains intact but severely handicapped and watched. CIA released millions of classified documents as a last minute Cabal ploy of partial disclosure to the public. The Alliance and the Resistance already decided that full disclosure in a "shock and awe" effect will happen sometime after inauguration. This will cause great controversy among the mainstream media and will force everyone to wake up and accept reality. New elections to be held after full disclosure."
Deep Source (The Alliance):
"The new energy grid is nearing completion in preparation for the event. Orbital and upper atmosphere patrols increased."
Note from Deep Source(s):
"Please note: Intel that is being provided from us to you is indeed accurate but completely raw and does have a tendency to not follow through. There is no denying that we are all in frustration and loss of patience. It is entirely a fact that intel being provided is real, but there are constant on-going activities that change the situation. This is agonizing but you mustn't lose hope. Nothing lasts forever."
Maybe better late than never, but the real question is: why now? While Hillary’s political career may be finished, more trouble looms over her head. Currently, no Clintons are serving in politics. This would seem like the perfect time for the corrupt Clinton Foundation to dig deeper into its dirty work. And yet, their doors are closing.
The Clinton Foundation was the source of many of the accusations during the election. It was among the problems that she faced and repeatedly denied. She and Bill have always maintained that the Foundation is a clean charity, doing good work, and most importantly, not involved with her politics.
The Foundation was a source of concern for everyone though, the Clintons included even if they wouldn’t say it. Much of the money came from foreign governments including ones that were not openly supportive of the U.S. Some of the generous “donations” given to the charity:
Norway – $2.8M per year
Algeria – $500,000
Saudi Arabia – Between $10 million and $25 million.
United Arab Emirates – Between $1 million and $5 million in 2014
Germany – Between $100,000 and $250,000.
Qatar’s – Between $250,000 and $500,000 in 2014. Previously donated between $1 million and $5 million
The incoming money had begun to drop even before Hillary began her doomed presidential campaign. According to tax filings, contributions fell by 37%. In 2014 they claimed $172 million in donations and in 2015 it was down to $108 million.
By the time the annual conference was held by Clinton Global Initiative in 2015, many donors were jumping ship. The fleeing contributors included ExxonMobil and Samsung. It appears that more public companies were distancing themselves. This might have had to do with the scandals that were beginning to surround the whole Clinton family.
They are scrambling to cover their tracks
In 2013, the Foundation had undergone some changes in leadership. Chelsea Clinton took a more active role in the organization and the group was renamed the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.
Chelsea brought in a friend, Eric Braverman, to run the group. He ended up clashing with Bruce Lindsey who was a senior adviser in the Clinton administration. Lindsey had previously been CEO and then became board chairman.
Braverman departed in January 2015 after 18 months, receiving a $330,000 payout, according to the tax filings. Donna Shalala replaced him.
When Hillary lost the election, we would have expected to see her shift focus towards the family organization. There could be no more accusations of conflicts of interests but there was also no more influence. If foreign governments were giving money to gain the political power that the Clinton name could provide, that was no longer an option. No influence, no money.
Now, if the Clinton Global Initiative was truly “to deal with the challenges of global interdependence” as its founders claim, there is still much to be done. There are millions in need of help but apparently the philanthropic Clintons have something better to do.
There is no doubt that the Clinton Foundation did some charity work. After all, they needed a cover that gullible liberals could support. But if charity was their main goal, they would be maintaining the foundation and carrying on that work.
One of the scandals involving the Foundation was the WikiLeaks emails indicating that the organization was nothing more than a fortune gathering by Bill. The Foundation was even nicknamed “Bill Clinton Inc.”
The memo from [top Clinton aide and Clinton Foundation employee] Douglas Band, made public Wednesday by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, lays out the aggressive strategy behind lining up the consulting contracts and paid speaking engagements for Bill Clinton. These added tens of millions of dollars to the family’s fortune, including during the years that Hillary Clinton led the State Department.
The Inititative is done as of April
All that appears to be coming to an end as the Clinton Global Initiative in New York has given notice to its final 22 employees. Once numbering more than 200, the staff had already been reduced a couple of times. Ironically, the final layoffs will take place on Tax Day.
The Initiative is saying this shutting down began taking place before the election in order to prevent a conflict of interest. If that were the real reason then losing the election would pave the way to back off the closing down and revitalize the charity. The fact that it hasn’t is a good indication that something deeper is happening.
As the Initiative finally closes in April, there will then be questions regarding the rest of the Clinton Foundation. Without political influence, will it fold as well?
There is little doubt that this closing is confirmation of what we have always suspected, the Initiative was not much more than a political pay for play scheme. Since the Clintons cannot offer anything, governments are taking their money elsewhere.
With a Republican government, the Clintons and their corruption should continue to be a target of investigation. Democratic politicians have helped shield the family and their charity for years but the end is near.
A new government, a new President, a new year will all combine to help rid America of our Clinton Family pest problem.
1) Maryland Congressman Elijah Cumming's secretary was responsible for the Rumor regarding the Russian Hacking of the election. Her house was hit with a "Direct Energy" Weapon and 6 children were killed. She is in hiding. At 4a.m.this morning, the military told the CIA, FBI, DHS and other agencies that if anything happens to Trump, they will take over the U.S. Government by massive force.
2) Yesterday, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the next legal President of the U.S. [on 1/20/17]
3) The European Union will be rearranged to include Russia.
4) The FBI is in 150 cities demolishing the Clinton foundation and exposing all terrorist Mosques.
5) China began its Tribunals yesterday.Up to 80,000 crooks will be tried in the coming months.
6) A Cache of weapons was found yesterday under a pile of trash in Washington D.C. by a woman who was out for a stroll.
7) The Duke of Luxemburg, who is a Draconian like Pope Francis, has been exposed as the real leader of the Order Of The Garter who gives orders to the elites who own the big corporations and are Millionaires and Billionaires.
8) The RV will go within 72 hours of the inauguration ceremony and N.E.S.A.R.A. will be announced. Currency exchanges have paid Tier #1, #2, and #3. Tier #4 is next. The gold to back this massive financial transaction is stored off planet at the Planetary Facility on Venus. Space shuttles have been secretly taking it there for months.
9) Colonies on Planet Mars began settlements in 1967. Mining operations have been ongoing since.
10) The secret arrests of 15,000 crooks is ending. The next phase will arrest even more as the FBI moves down the governmental chain to Lieutenant Governor.
11) We are living in a time of a world secret revolution and a large segment of citizens still have no idea what is going on which shows just how mind controlled the populations of the planet are.
Trump pledges immigration that benefits American workers
In his first speech as President, Donald J. Trump reaffirmed his 18-month continuous campaign promise to implement immigration policies for the benefit of American workers.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families."
Making American workers the priority of all immigration policy decisions was a central part of Pres. Trump's campaign since the rollout of his first official policy paper on it in August of 2015. But since the election, Mr. Trump has made some comments that led many in the news media to speculate that he might instead in some instances prioritize the interests of foreign-labor-seeking businesses and of foreign citizens over the needs of American workers.
His references to immigration in his Inaugural Address to the nation today were reassurances that his campaign promises will now be turned into administrative actions. I hope we will be reporting some of those actions by early next week, and maybe even before.
We at NumbersUSA's headquarters here in our nation's Capital make our own pledge to the more than 8 million members of our on-line network of citizens that we will monitor this Administration as closely as we did that of Pres. Clinton, Pres. Bush and Pres. Obama. In language of an earlier President, we begin with trust that Pres. Trump will quickly live up to the hopes contained in his campaign promises on immigration, but we will always verify.
In the quote above, Mr. Trump included trade, taxes and foreign affairs along with immigration as policies that must first serve American workers. In so doing, he signaled that his long-time pledge on immigration is consistent with a larger approach dealing on other fronts, as well. He followed that statement with this:
We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs."
For all of us who marveled as successive Administrations sent our troops to risk their lives securing the borders of other countries, we were heartened by this in the Address:
We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own."
And the following comment was a robust rendering of some of our goals for why we want to end extreme high levels of immigration and move back toward immigration moderation. With around 50 million working-age Americans not in the workforce at all -- 12 million more than in 2000 -- high immigration simply helps perpetuate all kinds of negative trends in our society toward dependency, lost productivity and lives hollowed of purpose.
We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth, and we will bring back our dreams. We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor. We will follow two simple rules -- buy American and hire American. "
One part of the Address was a good fit for the true meaning of the Statue of Liberty which was given by the French people to symbolize the role of America as a model of freedom and rule of law for other nations to follow. Policies in which the United States government puts the interests of its own citizens first are to be done and justified . . .
. . . with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow. "
These short sections of the Address may sound like such common sense that they seem like trite platitudes. But for decades, if a President has mentioned immigration policies in a major speech like this, the focus is nearly always on how to better serve the interests of citizens of other nations who want to have American jobs. I can't blame those foreign citizens for wanting that. But tens of millions of Americans living in poverty with no job or jobs with depressed wages have to appreciate a different priority expressed today.
JANUARY 19, 2017
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Love and Kisses,
"The Office of Poofness"
ZAP, Susan and Staff =====
It has been a long, hard-fought battle, yet here we stand on the doorstep of our Restored American Republic –– the Constitutional Republic originally envisioned by our great Founding Fathers during America's War for Independence, beginning all the way back in the year 1776. Thank God, we have made it. Yet again!
Donald Trump - President of the Restored Republic
Yes, the Second Great American Revolution is happening.
The amount of disinformation and distraction at this late stage of the game in the month of January 2017 has reached an all-time high. It was to be expected given the intensity of the energy and transformation pouring into our 3D/4D reality experience at this time on planet Earth.
High level sources have indicated in the Fall 2016, we eventually would reach a point where the disinformation would become so intense, and so overwhelming, it would thus become a clear sign the tide was turning permanently towards the light. It would appear we have arrived at that time now.
During the 2016 primary season leading up to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, Donald Trump was the only Presidential candidate to be considered worthy enough to be given special briefings by the US military. which were done while on a campaign stop in the state of Mississippi.
Not Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. Not Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Not Libertarian Party nominee, Gary Johnson. And certainly not, (God forbid), eventual Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. Only Donald Trump was given these special briefings.
Donald Trump was considered by the US Military and White Hats/White Knights to be a true and authentic American patriot. He is not loyal to or owned by the international cabal. He cannot be bribed or bought and he is not interested in participating in the New World Order agenda. He is honest, sincere and has a real and genuine love for America. And despite media reports to the contrary, he does not lie about his agenda as the incoming President of the United States of America.
Previous reports indicated Donald Trump was already well versed on alternative media and so-called “truther” movements for quite some time. Yet, when he was read into all the intelligence regarding the cabal, the Illuminati, the secret societies, etc., and the many evil ways of the world, he was understandably in a state of shock to the extent of what he learned.
During the subsequent Republican party primaries, Donald Trump blasted through each of the state elections like a one-ton wrecking ball. No one or no thing was left standing in his wake. All the while gathering more votes than any Republican candidate in American history, as he created a very real and formidable political movement.
Mr. Trump conducted his campaign very courageously and very strategically to such a degree, he was able to neutralize the entire Bush family's political dynasty and the Neo-Cons — most likely forever — during the Republican debates when he started to raise questions about 9/11, as well as the role of then-President George W. Bush, Jr.
Shortly thereafter, brother Jeb Bush decided it was likely an opportune time to quit the race rather than risk more exposure to his family's long list of dirty deeds. Shortly thereafter, he officially “dropped” out of the Republican pool of candidates shockingly early on February 20, 2016 and was barely heard from again.
Donald Trump also exposed the collusion within the Republican party when Ted Cruz and John Kasich unsuccessfully attempted to team up together to horde delegates from the states of Indiana, Oregon and New Mexico. He also began raising the issue of voter rigging during the Iowa caucuses, and then repeatedly and consistently warned the nation it may likely happen again during the general election. Eventually, he was proved to be exactly correct.
By the end of the primaries, Donald Trump had decapitated much of the cabal influence within the the Republican political establishment to the point where it will likely never, ever recover the prominence it once held. In effect, Donald Trump has managed to wrest control of the Republican party away from the Neo-Con cabal which hijacked and held it with a death grip since at least the late 1980s, when George Bush, Sr. became President in 1988.
Once he had secured the Republican nomination at the RNC convention in Cleveland, Ohio on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump set his sights on Hillary Clinton and the insidiously corrupt Democratic party, even though she had not officially won the nomination.
In fact, barely a week later many watched in horror live on national TV as the Democratic nomination was stolen outright from Bernie Sanders, who had won the popular vote and was clearly the preferred candidate by the majority of the delegates at the DNC convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In reality, Bernie Sanders should have been granted the Democratic nomination instead of Hillary Clinton on July 27, 2016, as some of the leaked emails disseminated by WikiLeaks clearly demonstrated a bias and collusion among the DNC.
The Democratic party convention was perhaps the most outwardly disgusting and treasonous political spectacles in American history. The many faithful Bernie Sanders supporters had every right to be angry and to feel their candidate’s victory was robbed from him right in front of the entire nation.
During the divisive and nasty Presidential campaign which followed, Mr. Trump was not afraid to put the heat squarely upon both Bill and Hillary for their rampant corruption and years of bad behavior by specifically calling out each one of them on a number of occasions. All the while, WikiLeaks was further exposing the unbridled corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media through the release of yet more scandalous and salacious emails.
Yet, Mr. Trump saved one of his best, most memorable performances for the second Presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016. Responding to yet another Hillary Clinton insult in which she charged, “it’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Mr. Trump shot back immediately in his inimitable, fearless style by saying, “yea, because you’d be in jail," as the audience yelled and applauded.
Presidential Debate - DT: Bc you'd be in jail! - Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump
It needs to be clear, the Clintons are one of the most ruthless, dangerous criminal families in the history of our country. They have been implicated in a whole host of nefarious activities for decades while leaving behind a trail of bodies in their wake from Arkansas to Washington, DC and beyond. Therefore, the amount of guts it took for Donald Trump to make such a statement was something to behold.
During the final weeks leading up to the general election on November 8th, there was clear evidence the Clintons were attempting to launch a civil coup of the US government as the final nail in the coffin for America under the spell of the New World Oder agenda –– or, so they had hoped.
However, the coup was stopped dead in it's tracks.
Reports indicated on the night of the election on November 8th, the Trump campaign, the US military and White Hats within the US intelligence agencies became aware of illicit actions by the Clinton and Bush Crime syndicates to “hack” the voting totals in as many as twenty states. The hacking was reportedly traced back to Langley, Virginia and CIA headquarters, as well as, an IP address associated with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
In fact, it has been determined the Clinton crime syndicate eventually managed to steal election results in at least five or six states, or likely more, and therefore were able to supposedly win the popular vote by some 2.8 million votes. Yet, it has been estimated if the vote totals were calculated correctly, Donald Trump actually won the 2016 US Presidential election by a landslide margin of as many as 10 million votes.
Mr. Trump has managed to accomplish all of this willingly while subjecting himself, his fortune and his entire family to an unending litany of abuse, slander, lies and utter contempt by the mainstream media and cabal mouthpieces more than any other political candidate has ever had to endure in the history of US elections.
Nearly the entire political establishment lined up to take pot shots at him again and again, while the mainstream media ran 10-to-1 negative coverage of Donald Trump as compared to positive coverage for Hillary Clinton. He easily became the most vilified political candidate ever to run for office in America, all of which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was a major threat to the political DC establishment, the international criminal cabal and the New World Order agenda.
For what Donald Trump has already achieved thus far, he deserves a medal. Or at the very least, the unending gratitude of the American people. Who else since JFK has been willing to put himself into harm’s way such as this? Do you really think ole’ Bernie Sanders could have done the same? Or even Ron Paul? Or any other candidate in modern history?
Now granted, you may not like his style, or the tone of his delivery, or you might not like his lack of “political correctness,” but you cannot argue the man has forever changed the political landscape in America and has shaken up the status quo, as never before.
And if anyone bothers to take the time to actually listen to some of his speeches, Donald Trump offers more honesty, substance and truth to the American people than any Presidential nominee has ever been able to do previously.
The Trump Effect - Trump The Establishment
However, the mission to save America has only just begun.
This is not to suggest Mr. Trump is perfect or a saint by any means, however, it must be noted it took an extremely tough, committed and relentless person of his character to take on a job so arduous and so dangerous as going against the entire New World Order/cabal political establishment. These people are extremely nasty, violent and hard-core criminals who have no compunction about doing whatever it takes to accomplish their goal of total global domination.
It is vitally important to keep these major political developments in perspective. Donald Trump is a manifestation of a massive populist uprising amongst the people which is occurring not only in America, but across the globe. It has been stewing and brewing for many, many years to reach this most pivotal time in world history.
The populist uprising really busted wide open with the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, where in an absolute shocking development to the political elites in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, who simply did not foresee it coming. All they could do was watch helplessly as the people of England voted to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016 and rock the entire continent.
Donald Trump’s shocking rise up the political ladder caught nearly everyone in the Washington, DC establishment and mainstream media totally off guard, as well. In fact, the elites were so sure Hillary Clinton was going to win, knowing the vote-rigging fix was likely firmly in place, Newsweek magazine had printed up a “Madame President Special Edition” with yet another fake Hillary photo on the cover, released on election day.
In essence, Donald Trump overcame all the odds stacked against him. And those odds were staggering because he was willing to stand in direct opposition to the incalculable evil within our nation.
Is it possible to suggest, with all he has overcome –– there may well be some kind of a higher power, or higher purpose, guiding Donald Trump into the office of the President at this time, at this stage in American history?
Since his election win, the attacks have only intensified. First, there was the George Soros/Clinton crime syndicate-financed voter recount scam as conducted by Jill Stein. Ironically, and not without a sense of comedy, Hillary Clinton ended up losing 131 votes in the state of Wisconsin while the courts stepped in to halt other recounts in the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Then, radical left-wing/liberal/Democratic, and even Hollywood entertainment operatives turned their attention to the Electoral College electors with a co-ordinated crusade of harassment, intimidation and even death threats, all of which eventually led to Hillary Clinton losing up to 30 Elector College votes.
This campaign continued right up until January 6th when Congress officially certified the Electoral College vote totals, yet not before another last ditch effort by treasonous Democrats to declare Donald Trump ineligible for the Presidency.
Each and every one of these seditious and outrageous agendas by the cabal have failed miserably.
Despite all the rumors and speculation, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), the former running mate of Mitt Romney in 2012, is not going to become the next President. Neither will Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, who previously served as interim-President of the Republic until Donald Trump was officially declared the winner of the 2016 Presidential election, in the wee hours of Wednesday, November 9th EST.
We also have learned there were two vastly different versions of the Republic which appeared to be in competition with one another, at least for a period of time. A version known as the “New Republic” was to feature Paul Ryan as President, hence the rumors of replacing Donald Trump at the last minute. The New Republic apparently was a cabal-controlled counter movement.
Rather, there always existed an authentic version of the Republic which has the full backing and participation of the US Military. It is officially known as the “Restored Republic," now featuring Donald Trump as President. The Restored Republic was initially installed on Friday, November 4th, a full four days before the US election on Tuesday, November 8th.
Thus, when Donald Trump is formally inaugurated on January 20th, he will become the President of the Restored Republic, which will also officially “unofficially” come into being at the exact same time. It remains to be seen how the Restored Republic will be publicly revealed to the American people and to the world. However, it is likely by the time the majority of Americans learn of the Restored Republic, many of its foundations will already have been firmly put into place thus ensuring a seamless transition away from the USA, Inc. government so a Restored Republic can be peacefully achieved.
Make no mistake about it, at this eleventh hour with the inauguration just hours away, there is still an attempt of an all-out coup–– or a civil war, if you will — to prevent Donald Trump from taking the Office of President.
10,000 Troops to Protect the Donald Trump Inauguration and Prevent a Coup Takeover
The cabal and the Washington, DC political elites, both Democratic and Republican operatives; rogue elements of the CIA, NSA, etc.; and propaganda arms of the mainstream media continue to manufacture a false narrative about Russian interference in our election which allowed Donald Trump to win. Therefore, there is an all-out effort by these entities to declare Martial Law, or some kind of "national emergency."
Sadly, there continues to be a very clear and deliberate effort to delegitimize the Donald Trump Presidency before he even takes office. Last week, the cabal actors tried to plant phony intelligence dossiers from Russia into the mainstream media. Further, they charged the Russians had influenced the election to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning, while even claiming Donald Trump is a Russian agent controlled by Vladimir Putin –– as if he were a so-called "Manchurian candidate.
Russia had nothing to do with the leaked emails from the Clinton campaign, nor the so-called “hacking” of our elections. All of these smear campaigns are merely signs of total desperation by the soon-to-be replaced Washington, DC elites.
To demonstrate how serious the threat is against Donald Trump and our Restored Republic, 5,000 National Guard troops have been activated to be in Washington, DC for the inauguration. Along with 1,000 United States Marines; the full Washington, DC Metro police force; and a further 3,000 private security personnel have been called into action. Those numbers which total over 10,000 means there is an ongoing, extremely serious effort to protect the country from yet another coup d'etat.
The political elites and the mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the populist uprising momentum which propelled both Donald Trump’s and Bernie Sander’s Presidential campaigns. These two candidates were the representation of an unstoppable populist movement in America. It had been brewing for years fueled by the dissatisfaction with both the Barack Obama and George Bush, Jr. administrations.
The populist uprising is now very likely going to explode across Europe throughout 2017, specifically in countries like France, Germany, Italy, and perhaps even the Netherlands, with upcoming new elections and the possibility of the downfall of even more pro-EU governments.
Deep State To Create National Emergency To Supplant Trump
Donald Trump has surrounded himself with a group of loyal and patriotic Americans within his new cabinet, many of whom are either military, or ex-military. His cabinet members have been chosen very strategically so the US Military can be intimately involved with the transition of the USA corporation over to the Restored Republic.
In addition, components of the N.E.S.A.R.A. law (now known as G.E.S.A.R.A.) have been methodically implemented into place as part of the Restored Republic, which began as early November 4th, or more likely sooner.
In addition, the long-range plan to implement the revaluation of global currencies (also known as the RV) and the Global Currency Reset (GCR), has been determined necessary to be delayed until some time after President Trump officially takes office when the government, political, banking and economic environments can be safe and secure enough.
Hopefully, it is anticipated the RV and the Global Currency Reset will roll out sometime within the first quarter of 2017. Various reports have indicated President Barack Obama has blocked the RV implementation in America on numerous occasions.
Once in office, Donald Trump plans to hit the ground running with a series of major actions likely to take place on the very day of his nomination. These actions will include repealing Obamacare (also known as the Affordable Care Act), the US pullout of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), along with as many as 200 Executive Orders to be signed by President Trump during his first week, thereby abandoning much of the corruption within US government laws.
Most likely, by Monday, January 23rd, there will be an absolute flurry of activity undertaken by the Trump administration as related to the Restored Republic. However, much will depend upon how quickly Congress approves incoming cabinet members, particularly Attorney General Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions is expected to pursue the prosecution of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and very likely many others. Regardless, expect to see a massive and unprecedented amount of changes undertaken in our nation during President Trump's first 100 days in office.
Granted, to some, Donald Trump appears to be a polarizing figure. Perhaps you have believed some of the mainstream media’s deliberate campaign to demonize and undermine him at every turn. Perhaps, you preferred someone other than Donald Trump to become our next President.
However, realize the mainstream media is nothing less than pure propaganda more than ever. The US Congress and President Barack Obama have legislated both government and media propaganda through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), beginning in 2012. The NDAA lawfully allows the US government, and thus the media as a further extension of the USA, Inc. to literally and liberally spread propaganda to the American people. The NDAA accounts for the recent operation to stomp out so-called “fake news," while at the same time censoring "real" alternative news.
We will likely see a great deal of unconstitutional laws, treaties and agreements created during the existence of the USA, Inc. such as the NDAA; the Patriot Act; the Surveillance Act; NAFTA; GAFTA ; and many, many others go by the wayside as mandated by the framework of a Constitutional Republic.
Donald Trump Press Conference - January 11, 2017
On January 11, 2017, President-Elect Trump held his first official press conference at Trump Tower in New York City. He visibly demonstrated for all the world to see his total command over the mainstream press and in so doing eviscerated both BuzzFeed News and CNN for the purveyors of fake news, both of which reported on the existence of a phony Russian intelligence document.
It is quite possible, President-Elect Trump has dealt near-fatal blows to BuzzFeed, CNN and much of the mainstream media outlets who continue to dispense nothing but propaganda fake news. High level sources have revealed there may be a major shakeup within the media industry coming soon with many media corporations being taken over by White Hats.
The Trump administration has also announced plans to open up the White House Press corps to alternative news outlets and internet bloggers in a newly revamped press room situated outside of the White House which will hold ten times the amount of media as the current press room.
After a long and ridiculous period of anti-Russian hysteria during the Obama administration, the Trump team indicated there will be a long overdue summit with Vladimir Putin most likely to occur in Reykjavik, Iceland within weeks of taking office. President Trump will then forge a strong and permanent alliance with Russia to finally defeat ISIS and all remaining cabal proxy armies in the world. Thereby, finally putting an end to any further threats of World War III.
We are now witnessing the rapid transformation of the United States, the Earth and the 3-D/4-D human experience right before our very eyes. Those who have longed for a better, more peaceful more truthful world to live within have finally had their prayers answered.
Perhaps, it has not worked out quite the way as some expected, yet as the saying goes –– “be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”
The long-range plan to return America to it’s Constitutional Republic is now happening. It is a reality! The goal to set the people of America and the world free from the bondages of slavery and servitude is now unfolding. The programs to bring prosperity, abundance and peace to our world are in full motion. All are about to be revealed.
We now finally have a man in the Office of President of the United States who is committed to these goals as any patriot, lightworker or wayshower has ever been. This the right man, for the right job, at the right time. He and his family deserve our prayers.
Yes, we have a great deal to be thankful and grateful for at this time. Long live the Restored Republic! And, as always, God Bless America!
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 20 Jan. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," www.22faces.com.
1. One paymaster for a large Humanitarian group has had the funds in their account for three weeks waiting to be liquid.
2. Now Bruce is of the perspective that President Trump needs to say his oath of office before the GCR is released. That could take place shortly after the swearing in at 12 noon EST tomorrow Jan. 20.
3. Liquidity for groups, SKRs, etc. should take place by Sat. Jan. 21.
4. The 800#s should be available around the same time by Sat. Jan. 21.
5. Over the weekend Trump may make an announcement about the US being on the gold standard.
6. If that happens the general public may go to the bank early next week.
7. It is conceiveable that the Internet group may have a 2-3 day head start to exchange the ZIM.
8. Bank personnel are presently on standby.
9. Iraq's PM Abadi is in Iraq waiting to announce the Dinar as international, even though in reality the Dinar has already revalued as of Jan. 1.
10. As of last night midnight Jan. 18 2017 the US did not have their funds in for the Paris Agreement, while all other countries did. The US funds finally came through between 1-3 this am.
11. The new currency rates have been live, were put on hold and now are said to be going live again tomorrow Jan. 20 2017.
12. Look for a great event starting tomorrow Jan. 20 2017 and through the weekend.
13. The public should start next week some time.
14. The 800#s will give you another number to call depending on whether or not you have ZIM.
15. If we get the 800 number, we would be honored to put it out on: thebigcall.net. If we are able to do a prerecorded celebration call we would put that out also.
B. Jan. 19 2017 7:03 pm EST Intel from Ralph: "Information to Share" - Intel Update from Ralph 1-19-17 At approximately 9:07 a.m. this morning Jan. 19 2017 I was informed from a credible source about a schedule of events that could be ahead for all U.S. currency holders:
1. On Friday January 20, 2017 immediately after President-Elect Trump is sworn into office, all funding for our long awaited R.V. will be activated.
2. During the week-end of Saturday January 21, 2017 to Sunday January 22, 2017, President Trump will report to the nation that our currency has adopted the Gold Standard as its source of backing.
3. On Monday January 23, 2017, the exchange process is to begin for all U.S. currency holders.
C. Jan. 19 2017 6:52 pm EST TNT Thurs. Morning Update: Thursday Morning TNT Update 1-19-17 We are now up to 21 banks, 3 credit unions and 5 currency exchange dealers, and counting. This is a 180 degree change. They are now exchanging the Iraqi Dinar. For all intents and purposes international acceptance of the Dinar is upon us.
1. Deep Source (RV/GCR): "Security issues resolved and contained. All RV transition requirements are being met. The RV may proceed at anytime given in a swift manner."
2. Deep Source (Resistance): "Most Cabal members have surrendered to terms. Military Industrial Complex remains intact but severely handicapped and watched. CIA released millions of classified documents as a last minute Cabal ploy of partial disclosure to the public. The Alliance and the Resistance already decided that full disclosure in a "shock and awe" effect will happen sometime after inauguration. This will cause great controversy among the mainstream media and will force everyone to wake up and accept reality. New elections to be held after full disclosure."
1. I would assume that some time in the near future the old currency will no longer be accepted.
2. It is my impression that the goal is to have the majority of currency exchanged in the first quarter. Many countries are introducing new currencies and would like to have the older denominations back to be destroyed.
3. My intel says our can will be opened very soon.
4. I would say that Frank's window (of the first quarter) is valid primarily because the first quarter would include public payouts that allows the value of each currency to stabilize.
5. Those who are financing the large bond groups will take care of them and move on to the next huge value group or client.
6. The banks would take care of business in a structured and logical process for the Dinar, Dong and similar groups.
1. All sovereign family representatives in attendance at Davos, Switzerland released the RV on Sun. evening Jan. 15 2017.
2. On Mon. Jan. 16 2017, the North American closing procedure began by White Hat commander General Joseph Dunford.
3. Final security and deliver adjustments were made, as there were 3 breeches of protocol that were corrected systematically. Multiple release strategies have been employed to avoid enemy detection and counter.
4. Mission completion now guaranteed with the process now begun.
5. General Dunford is exceptional at delivery upon strategy and why he was chosen for the RV transition.
6. Inauguration Day Jan. 20 2017 was the chosen flash bang event. All eyes on the President(s) - no eyes on the redeemers for an extended period.
7. Full military, specialized plain clothes operators and local security assets are all acceptably deployed due to he Inauguration should anything go off the rails with the RV. Thus the public appearance of fully armed, dressed military personal on the streets of this country would not be an alarming sight during this strange inaugural event.
8. The Chinese New Year 2017 (Sat. Jan. 28 2017) was a back wall date due to the ancient Eastern solar/lunar calendar, ignoring both the Gregorian or Julian modern calendars of the Western World. Old business affairs to be cleaned up by Jan. 28 2017 per elders orders to Dunford, who wisely took every last second to prepare.
9. The CIA has released 13 million classified documents regarding a host of topics including non-humanoid extra terrestrial life.
10. ZIM sovereign rates are said to be negotiating as high as $50,000 USD/USN for appropriate group third world humanitarian projects.
11. Tier 1 sovereign bond trades are starting to payout Friday morning Jan. 20 2017 in Asia (Thursday night Jan. 19 2017 in the Western World).
12. Sub group paymasters are to be fully hydrated and completely unencumbered for individual client disbursal also on Friday Jan. 20 2017.
13. The GCR/RV roll out and conversion process is to move so fast, so invisible, and so abundant that all will come to understand why a few dedicated their lives to making sure the many were positioned in a timely and accurate manner--as the fate of humanity depended on it. God is with us.
1. There was a time...when we thought the process was us against the Bank - whatever we didn't get, the bank would get. It was thought that we were negotiating for as much of the Bank's portion as we could get. That point of view has changed as the idea of the Privately Negotiated Rates, also known as the Sovereign rates were introduced. From all that I have heard on the matter from such intel providers as Yosef, Bruce and Zorra, that way of thinking is over.
2. The Screen Rate: Right now, the Screen Rate is already very good. That is the rate you can get without any negotiating what so ever. It is the standard rate that is given to anyone who has that currency. This is the rate the general public will be offered when they walk into the corner bank, without NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements). While we, in the Internet-Group, can get that rate, we can be offered a much higher negotiated rate (if we ask for the negotiated rates).
3. The Blank Check: The new way of thinking that was first introduced by Yosef, and followed by Bruce, was the "Blank Check" concept. It is based on the idea that you have certain passions and projects that you want to accomplish in your life, and succeeding generations of your family. Clearly, this is way above the standard screen rate, otherwise you wouldn't be negotiating at this point. The idea is that no matter what currencies you have, and how much of each currency you have, you arrive at a certain amount you want to get over all. The idea is that you tell them the final top amount of money and they make it happen. Therefore, if the Bank is persuaded by your presentation, verbal or otherwise, they adjust the rates you will get so that the total amount of your exchange reaches that target amount you wanted.
4. Getting the Negotiating Started: In the old way of negotiating, you would wait till the Banker made an offer, and then you would counter with a higher request. Frankly, there may still be some of that, but it is way different than before. In the new way, as I understand it, you first ask for the Higher Privately Negotiated Rates (Which were known as Sovereign Rates), and that starts the negotiation beyond the screen rates. Once they have heard you ask for these rates, they are both authorized to discuss them with you and willing to hear your proposal that supports the higher rates.
5. The Negotiation: Clearly, some of the old negotiating techniques will still be in the new system as well. Like you will ask for a much higher number than you actually think you need (want). Ask for the highest rates and then work your way down from there. In that case, it would be you that mentions an amount first. A very high amount.
6. Tips On Your Presentation: You want to bulk up your projects to get them as big as possible so the higher rates will seem appropriate. We have been advised not to list lots of different projects and charities etc. My guess is that makes you look a little less focused and a bit more scattered. You will have to decide for yourself. However, I can offer you these suggestions:
7. Expand and Extend Your Project: Whatever your passion project is in your town, plan to do it in every town, in every state, in every country of the World. And, whatever you do in one year, make it every year for a hundred years.
8. Include The Un-Known: Remember that we are coming in to the age of Free Energy, and thousands of new inventions and innovations which we don’t even know about yet. Include the future manufacture and distribution of new technologies that are yet unknown at this time.
9. Think Of The Earth: Think about cleanup efforts for lands, rivers, air and Oceans. That is going to be a big job that lasts a long time.
10. People & Partners: Remember to talk about how many people would be employed by your ideas and projects and don't forget to include the Bank and their services in your plans. They will have tremendous resources and expertise in setting up projects and managing them, both in country and around the World. They would love to hear that they will be needed and involved in your future plans.
11. Show Heart: Above all, show them you are passionate about what you want to do. You don’t have to be an expert in anything, or know how to manage large projects, that can all be done by people you hire for that job. But, they want to know you are really into this and are excited about getting started. You can buy, expertise all day long, but Passion, has to come from the Heart and that cannot be bought.
12. In short, the negotiating is not like it was in the days where profit was king. It is now about heart, love, and what you can do for your fellow man and the Earth: If you want to get some ideas for your Humanitarian projects, or you have some ideas of your own that you are willing to share, then click on the Humanitarian Tab on the Right Hand side of the Dinar Chronicles web page where it says "Humanitarian Project Ideas." You can not only get great ideas for your projects, but you can help others by sharing your great ideas with the World for others to implement.
Bruce: Welcome everybody to the Big Call. Good to have everybody back. 1025 requested the call from the financial world. Wonderful that to happen because we know we are going to be parenting with our banks all over the world. Wells Fargo, HSBC, AIIB, Peoples Bank of China and other banks agricultural and business related also partnering with us down the road. Also banks in Canada and others internationally. January 28 means a new year for China and they are looking forward to that as a new start for them. This is the year of Jubilee, and looking forward to that also.
Bruce: Where we were from Tuesday night call to now? Tuesday night we talked about is the plan for us to have this blessing prior or after the inauguration of President Trump. On Tuesday I told you I believed the intention was to have it prior. There has been a lot of availability of funds moving and liquid, but seems like the Go switch has not released yet for the church groups, sub groups, humanitarian funding sources still waiting particularly one funding group who has had the funds in there for 3 weeks and the funds are still there waiting for the release. Where we thought we have this before. At the time of this call we still do not have the Go signal meaning the 800 number for the release for us to set our appointments.
I am not sure I can say it will happen prior to the Inauguration. Could something happen over night? It could be possible. President Trump needs to say his oath of office then things shortly thereafter happen? I believe that is the time frame we are on now. I can’t tell you how quickly this all set to go, but my understanding is one scenario that is the case. Maybe all breaks loose with the release we are looking forth shortly after the swearing in of the new president. That would be wonderful.
Bruce: We have waited a long time. Some 12 years. This will be worth it. I have had few ups and downs on the roller coaster. I choose not to get on the roller coaster but to watch it from the platform. The information I am getting happening for us, what I am seeing the liquidity going to those who has had their SKRs from groups to have access to those funds I believe is suppose to starttomorrow and Saturday. These are the people who have been in and exchanged already. Maybe have seen their accounts but can’t get access to their funds. That type of thing. My understanding this is part of the shot gun start. Maybe release the access to those funds and the start for us to go with the toll free number at the same time or approximately same time could very well be the shot gun start we have talked about for months maybe even years. Even though I couldn’t believe it could go to the end of January or even January 20th, apparently that is what is happening.
Bruce: Some things said on the blogs if it doesn’t go by tomorrow or even tonight, we are looking at later dates in the year. That is not what I am getting. I don’t believe that. I believe we are at the end of the ride if the possibility something happening after tomorrow.
Bruce: We are also hearing the possible of an announcement by our new president over the weekend with the new gold standard we recently have gone to with our currency. If that occurs, we may be looking for the public to go early next week. We talked about those dates last couple of calls. Don’t have time frame other than the weekend. Stand by and see what happens. See if it occurs. If it happens prior to earlier next week for us, conceivable we can have two to three days head start for them to get some of the ZIM in the system
Bruce: Redemption centers are still on standby, fully staffed and ready. We need to go from standby to active status. That means they would be ready for us to come in. That needs to show up.
Bruce: We are hearing also Iraq’s Prime Minister Abadi is in Iraq still and is sort of waiting for the announcement to come so that he can release the dinar internationally. It has been revalued in the country. The rates have been on the screens the last19 days. We know where it approximately is now and where approximately is in value. But also know that Iraq has the contingent to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. Some folks were there early in preparation. Abadi wants to go there but since not triggered in his country, he has to wait. His envoys went to Davos, Switzerland.
Bruce: The Chinese Premier did a beautiful job holding court the last couple of days starting Tuesday. Getting things done and organized in an orderly fashion over there. For example all the nations put their funds for the Global Climate Agreement. They have done that. Guess what country was the last country as of midnight last night did not have their funds in to Global currency agreement for the purpose of all for the Paris Agreement. What country was last? Oh, that is right. It was the United States. Everybody surprised of that? Since we insisted everybody sign off to that agreement yet our own participation wasn’t until early this morning. Not surprising I guess. That took place finally. Better late than never, right?
Bruce: I am encouraged that took place. The adjustments were made. We kicked in 400 million dollars for that. Other countries far smaller less populated than the United States were asked to pay 500 million dollars. Does that seem fair? NO. Was that discussed to make it fairer in Davos? Yes it sure was. They adjusted the amounts so that what all the countries had to put in was based on their productivity, factoring, economic ability, etc. Those adjustments were made. They are getting some things done. I am happy about that. There is more equity and playing field being leveled so all can participate more equally. That is going on.
Bruce: Concerning the Inauguration there is a lot of excited built around that. The budget for the nomination process of the cabinet had a budget of 6 million dollars, I heard 6.4 million dollars. They achieved what they wanted to do with a 20 percent reduction in that budget. Those 1.2 million dollars was returned to the US Treasury by the President elect. Good start. Saving money. He is not taking a salary by the way. Also any foreign countries that books rooms in any of his properties in the US and maybe internationally, I don’t know, but any that book rooms those profits from those rentals go payable to the US Treasury. Nice way to get a little funding in the Treasury.
Bruce: What about our national debt? It is approaching 20 Trillion dollar deficit. What is ironic is that use to sound like a lot of money. Funny it doesn’t sound like a whole lot to us that have ZIM, because the Private Negotiable Rate is pretty high on that. I wonder if the infrastructure we talking about a trillion dollar and I know the new Vice President Pence was talking about how that could be paid, and be covered. We know private sector could pony that up on its head not even blink an eye to do that. Really guys in the explanation Pence gave it wouldn’t be coming from Congress, but coming from private grants. I was smiling when I heard that we could be part of that group to help the infrastructure. So I am excited about our participation of the Big Call project Rebuild America. Don’t be discouraged about the national debt. I believe it will be wittled down. It wouldn’t surprise me somehow that debt just goes away somehow. Maybe take a year or so, but it will go away.
Bruce: I am excited where we are individually and part of the Big Call. The timing is close. It wasn’t what we hoped last Tuesday, last week, and even today. I believe everything is ready. The funding is in place. The USN and TRN were alive and will be put back tomorrow. I think we should enjoy the Inauguration. Keep an eye on it. Our time is coming shortly. Also for the public to start. Let us get excited about that.
Bruce: You know the drill as far as the redemption centers. Appointment to be about 1 hour. A two call process. One number to call center. If you have ZIM, you will get one phone number to call and set you up with redemption center in your zip code. If you don’t have ZIM, you have another number to dial to take you to another redemption center that is not a ZIM center. They are ready as we are. They are anxious as we are. They are excited as we are.
Bruce: Remember to smile and be happy about something so life changing and world changing as well. Big Call project, Rebuild America, one city at a time then the world everywhere. Find the need, meet the need, change the need. A little slogan we heard before. We can utilize that with what we plan to do. Stay positive. Look for a great event starting tomorrow through the weekend. You redeeming your currency, bonds as ZIM draws nigh. I am looking forward telling them about the projects about everything we plan to do with our communities, health, and technology. Our opportunities are vast to make improvements and help our fellowman. Did I think we had to wait for a new administration to start? Certainly not. Indication why it happening that way? I think so. See what happens and see who our friends really are.
Bruce: I hope all enjoyed it tonight as I did. I look forward to the call. Let us believe together for this blessing to come according to the latest Intel I have. That is what I am going with and have faith for. Thank you all for coming in and listening. If we get the 800 number, we would be honored to put it out on our site: thebigcall.net. If we are able to do a prerecorded celebration call we would put that out also.
Bruce: In the meantime, let us look forward to this change and incredible blessing. Look forward to a beautiful day tomorrow. Pray for peace and safety for all involved including us. Thank you everybody. Goodnight everybody and have a great night and wonderful weekend. I look forward to coming out to the other side and have a great time at the redemption center when I can set my appointment. I know you guys are too. Thank you Big Call listeners.
Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: Thank you.
We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.
Together, we will determine the course of America, and the world, for many, many years to come.
We will face challenges. We will confront hardships. But we will get the job done.
Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent.
Today's ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another - but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.
For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.
Washington flourished - but the people did not share in its wealth.
Politicians prospered - but the jobs left, and the factories closed.
The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.
Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.
That all changes - starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.
It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America.
This is your day. This is your celebration.
And this, the United States of America, is your country.
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.
January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.
The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.
Everyone is listening to you now.
You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.
At the centre of this movement is a crucial conviction: that a nation exists to serve its citizens.
Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighbourhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves.
These are the just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.
But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealised potential.
This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
We are one nation - and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.
The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.
For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry;
Subsidised the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military;
We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own;
And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.
We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.
One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.
The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.
But that is the past. And now we are looking only to the future.
We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power.
From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.
From this day forward, it's going to be only America First, America First.
Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.
We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.
I will fight for you with every breath in my body - and I will never, ever let you down.
America will start winning again, winning like never before.
We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.
We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.
We will get our people off of welfare and back to work - rebuilding our country with American hands and American labour.
We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world - but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.
We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example - we will shine - for everyone to follow.
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones - and unite the civilised world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.
At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
The Bible tells us: "How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity."
We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
There should be no fear - we are protected, and we will always be protected.
We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we will be protected by God.
Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.
In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.
We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action - constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.
The time for empty talk is over.
Now arrives the hour of action.
Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.
We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.
It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag.
And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.
So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words:
You will never be ignored again.
Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams, will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.
Together, we will make America strong again.
We will make America wealthy again.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
And, yes, together, we will make America great again.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you. God bless America.
President Trump
One Heart One Nation rose the song
Stick with me it won’t be long
Forgotten people fill this pond
A smile a nod a swish of hair
He took his oath upon the stair
Promising all to be quite fair
A nation came forth to watch and see
Their newfound hope without a fee
Yearning this time they will be free
Success now beckons from shore to shore
Nations watching forgetting lore
What America has now for them in store
It’s in your hands dear President
The people spoke and what they meant
Was go for it; we’re not that spent
The swamp will drain it’s in the cards
A nation made whole from all the shards
Of previous fattening cakes and lards
One Heart One Home is what it is
All the work without the fizz
The Spirit guides him for all that’s His
No fat in here it all on lean
Never before has this been seen
The world takes note of where he’s been
America First is now the way
Resounding waves will have their say
No more will people have to pay
Happy times and great works now
President Trump and fields to plow
With the famous flying purple sow
Thank you for stepping up to it
A thankless job is where you sit
A great bright candle is now lit
Upstairs approves as well you know
The morning ships are all aglow
Disclosure beckons for you to show
God speed Dear One and we do pray
That global leaders will have no say
Greatness done by you today
Let us send our universal Love to everyone who was less than thrilled with the inauguration of President Trump, and assure them that regardless of the possible occasional appearance of differing viewpoints, we take it all lightly, with a sense of humor, and an infinitely higher priority placed on our oneness. We truly have great reverence for them as Beings of Light, and commend them for the tremendous radiance they have been shining in the world otherwise. Let us bow at the feet of the Divine within all.
The sameness in our political orientation is that first of all, we are not all that much involved in politics, and none of us regard what goes on in politics as being the greatest cause of the evolution of humanity on Earth. We all know that higher divine and cosmic powers are the real determining sources, of which national leaders in governments are simply factors in the expression.
Another sameness is in our favoring of third parties such as Natural Law and others. There are other samenesses between us as well. We could enumerate them for pages.
The displeasure many have had with Trump's inauguration stems from the fact that among our New Age and higher consciousness sisters and brothers, there is a smaller class who have much deeper sources of intelligence regarding what has really been going on. Thus we are very accustomed to the conclusions that this class reaches being met with disbelief, ignorance, and misunderstanding, even among our otherwise high consciousness and good hearted colleagues.
The negative things they have said about Trump are typical of this less informed mindset, and it illustrates the old adage, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all the people all the time." One of the oldest tricks of the cabal has been to create well funded "controlled opposition" -- where it divides itself into apparently opposing factions that are deliberately made ineffective. Likewise, it controls the media outlets that report on the news relating to those it deems as threats, purposely steering public opinion against them. This latter tactic is one of the very effective weapons used against Trump.
Fortunately more of our correspondents have been very well informed about Hillary Clinton, but having watched the disappointment that many of our friends had when she lost, it was apparent that her Wizard of Oz stage masters did a fantastically clever job of snowing most Americans about her. You certainly have to credit them for the snow job they did, massaging the minds of millions to paint her as some kind of savior, while demonizing Trump and Sanders and others, and obfuscating or distorting the truths about Clinton's crimes.
Less common, though, have been the people who have seen past the mass media depictions of Trump as a nasty arrogant figure. It has been the crystal clear perception of the insiders that those who think Trump is a card carrying cabal member is a highly salient sign of the great success of the obfuscation campaign the cabal's own think tanks have done to sway the otherwise higher consciousness community in the wrong direction. They may be spiritually ignorant, but they are at least monodimensionally highly intelligent in certain frequency bands -- including and especially in understanding that The People don't like the "cabal".
The insiders, on the other hand, have known better for a long time, and they have known that "the election of Trump would be the greatest disaster for the cabal". That's why the cabal did its very best to make it appear that Trump is one of them, to throw people off.
Just being rich and powerful is not always synonymous with being cabal.
This is no discredit to those who misunderstood, not at all. It's not a discredit because lacking sufficient understanding in a certain area is not an indication of lack of intelligence. Great intelligence doesn't mean omniscience. So lacking certain areas of understanding is entirely forgiveable. But it does indicate that they haven't known what they are missing. They have missed out on the great elation they could have felt from knowing the Truth about who just got sworn in as the POTUS.
Those dedicated to truly good works to improve the world have vast credits and good karma associated with their work in so many other areas -- and once again, differences aside, our genuine and truest emphasis is on our common ground . . . and our mutual respect. Despite the few things that we seem to "know" differently, the common ground we have is vastly greater, and is nearly all-encompassing. So that's where our focus should be. We truly do feel great brotherly and sisterly Love for all those of different viewpoints, and genuine admiration for the great work they've been doing.
In closing, it would be wisely suggested that before responding, take a few minutes and read the attached article "Restored Republic Becomes a Reality with the Inauguration of President Donald Trump". It is highly insightful and explains a lot of things. Hopefully it may clear up some doubts. It contains some of the intel from insiders referred to herein. In Fellowship and Oneness, Taansen
The Restored Republic Becomes a Reality with the Inauguration of President Donald Trump
• Restored Republic on the verge of implementation
• Two versions of the Republic were in competition with one another
• Inauguration day Donald Trump becomes President of the Republic
News | January 18, 2017 | UPDATED: January 20, 2017
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It has been a long, hard-fought battle, yet here we stand on the doorstep of our Restored American Republic –– the Constitutional Republic originally envisioned by our great Founding Fathers during America's War for Independence, beginning all the way back in the year 1776. Thank God, we have made it. Yet again!
Donald Trump - President of the Restored Republic
Yes, the Second Great American Revolution is happening.
The amount of disinformation and distraction at this late stage of the game in the month of January 2017 has reached an all-time high. It was to be expected given the intensity of the energy and transformation pouring into our 3D/4D reality experience at this time on planet Earth.
High level sources have indicated in the Fall 2016, we eventually would reach a point where the disinformation would become so intense, and so overwhelming, it would thus become a clear sign the tide was turning permanently towards the light. It would appear we have arrived at that time now.
Therefore, we would like to address the voluminous amount of disinformation associated with President-Elect Donald J. Trump, who was sworn in as the 45th President on January 20, 2017. The information presented below has been culled from several high-level sources along with published alternative and mainstream news reports as noted.
Here is what we can report to you thus far.
During the 2016 primary season leading up to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, Donald Trump was the only Presidential candidate to be considered worthy enough to be given special briefings by the US military. which were done while on a campaigning in the Southeast.
Not Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. Not Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Not Libertarian Party nominee, Gary Johnson. And certainly not, (God forbid), Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Only Donald Trump was given these special briefings.
Donald Trump was considered by the US Military and White Hats/White Knights to be a true and authentic American patriot. He is not loyal to or owned by the international cabal. He cannot be bribed or bought and he is not interested in participating in the New World Order agenda. He is honest, sincere and has a real and genuine love for America. And despite media reports to the contrary, he does not lie about his agenda as the incoming President of the United States of America.
Previous reports indicated Donald Trump was already well versed on alternative media and so-called 'truther' movements for quite some time. Yet, when he was read into all the intelligence regarding the cabal, the Illuminati, the secret societies, etc., and the many evil ways of the world, he was understandably in a state of shock to the extent of what he learned.
During the subsequent Republican party primaries, Donald Trump blasted through each of the state elections like a one-ton wrecking ball. No one and no thing was left standing in his wake. All the while gathering more votes than any Republican candidate in American history, as he created a very real and formidable political movement.
Mr. Trump conducted his campaign very courageously and very strategically to such a degree, he was able to neutralize the entire Bush family's political dynasty and the Neo-Cons most likely forever during the Republican debates when he started to raise questions about 9/11, as well as the role of then-President George W. Bush, Jr.
Shortly thereafter, brother Jeb Bush decided it was likely an opportune time to quit the race rather than risk more exposure to his family's long list of dirty deeds. Shortly thereafter, he officially 'dropped' out of the Republican pool of candidates shockingly early on February 20, 2016 and was barely heard from again.
Donald Trump also exposed the collusion within the Republican party when Ted Cruz and John Kasich unsuccessfully attempted to team up together to horde delegates from the states of Indiana, Oregon and New Mexico. He also began raising the issue of voter rigging during the Iowa caucuses, and then repeatedly and consistently warned the nation it may likely happen again during the general election. Eventually, he was proved to be exactly correct.
By the end of the primaries, Donald Trump had decapitated much of the cabal influence within the Republican political establishment to the point where it will likely never, ever recover the prominence it once held. In effect, Donald Trump has managed to wrest control of the Republican party away from the Neo-Con cabal which hijacked and held it with a death grip since at least the late 1980s, when George Bush, Sr. became President in 1988.
Once he had secured the Republican nomination at the RNC convention in Cleveland, Ohio on July 19, 2016, Donald Trump set his sights on Hillary Clinton and the insidiously corrupt Democratic party, even though she had not officially won the nomination.
In fact, barely a week later many watched in horror live on national TV as the Democratic nomination was stolen outright from Bernie Sanders, who had won the popular vote and was clearly the preferred candidate by the majority of the delegates at the DNC convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In reality, Bernie Sanders should have been granted the Democratic nomination instead of Hillary Clinton on July 27, 2016, as some of the leaked emails disseminated by WikiLeaks clearly demonstrated a bias and collusion among the DNC.
The Democratic party convention was perhaps the most outwardly disgusting and treasonous political spectacles in American history. The many faithful Bernie Sanders supporters had every right to be angry and to feel their candidate's victory was robbed from him right in front of the entire nation. During the divisive and nasty Presidential campaign which followed, Mr. Trump was not afraid to put the heat squarely upon both Bill and Hillary for their rampant corruption and years of bad behavior by specifically calling out each one of them on a number of occasions. All the while, WikiLeaks was
further exposing the unbridled corruption within the DNC, the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media through the release of yet more scandalous and salacious emails.
Yet, Mr. Trump saved one of his best, most memorable performances for the second Presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, 2016. Responding to yet another Hillary Clinton insult in which she charged, 'it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.' Mr. Trump shot back immediately in his inimitable, fearless style by saying, 'yeah, because you'd be in jail," as the audience yelled and applauded.
Presidential Debate - DT: Because you'd be in jail! - Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump
It needs to be clear, the Clintons are one of the most ruthless, dangerous criminal families in the history of our country. They have been implicated in a whole host of nefarious activities for decades while leaving behind a trail of bodies in their wake from Arkansas to Washington, DC and beyond. Therefore, the amount of guts it took for Donald Trump to make such a statement was something to behold.
During the final weeks leading up to the general election on November 8th, there was clear evidence the Clintons were attempting to launch a civil coup of the US government as the final nail in the coffin for America under the spell of the New World Oder agenda –– or, so they had hoped.
However, the coup was stopped dead in its tracks.
Reports indicated on the night of the election on November 8th, the Trump campaign, the US military and White Hats within the US intelligence agencies became aware of illicit actions by the Clinton and Bush Crime syndicates to 'hack' the voting totals in as many as twenty states. The hacking was reportedly traced back to Langley, Virginia and CIA headquarters, as well as, an IP address associated with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Fortunately, a counter-coup was immediately implemented by the White Hats and this time Hillary Clinton was prevented from stealing the Presidential election outright. We learned much of this intel through the reporting by Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News, and subsequently by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a former CIA operative and declared spokesman for the White Hats within the US intelligence services.
In fact, it has been determined the Clinton crime syndicate eventually managed to steal election results in at least five or six states, or likely more, and therefore were able to supposedly win the popular vote by some 2.8 million votes. Yet, it has been estimated if the vote totals were calculated correctly, Donald Trump actually won the 2016 US Presidential election by a landslide margin of as many as 10 million votes.
Mr. Trump has managed to accomplish all of this willingly while subjecting himself, his fortune and his entire family to an unending litany of abuse, slander, lies and utter contempt by the mainstream media and cabal mouthpieces more than any other political candidate has ever had to endure in the history of US elections.
Nearly the entire political establishment lined up to take pot shots at him again and again, while the mainstream media ran 10-to-1 negative coverage of Donald Trump as compared to positive coverage for Hillary Clinton. He easily became the most vilified political candidate ever to run for office in America, all of which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt he was a major threat to the political DC establishment, the international criminal cabal and the New World Order agenda.
For what Donald Trump has already achieved thus far, he deserves a medal. Or at the very least, the unending gratitude of the American people. Who else since JFK has been willing to put himself into harm's way such as this? Do you really think ole' Bernie Sanders could have done the same? Or even Ron Paul? Or any other candidate in modern history?
Now granted, you may not like his style, or the tone of his delivery, or you might not like his lack of 'political correctness,' but you cannot argue the man has forever changed the political landscape in America and has shaken up the status quo, as never before.
And if anyone bothers to take the time to actually listen to some of his speeches, Donald Trump offers more honesty, substance and truth to the American people than any Presidential nominee has ever been able to do previously.
The Trump Effect - Trump The Establishment
However, the mission to save America has only just begun.
This is not to suggest Mr. Trump is perfect or a saint by any means, however, it must be noted it took an extremely tough, committed and relentless person of his character to take on a job so arduous and so dangerous as going against the entire New World Order/cabal political establishment. These people are extremely nasty, violent and hard-core criminals who have no compunction about doing whatever it takes to accomplish their goal of total global domination.
It is vitally important to keep these major political developments in perspective. Donald Trump is a manifestation of a massive populist uprising amongst the people which is occurring not only in America, but across the globe. It has been stewing and brewing for many, many years to reach this most pivotal time in world history.
The populist uprising really busted wide open with the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, where in an absolute shocking development to the political elites in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, who simply did not foresee it coming. All they could do was watch helplessly as the people of England voted to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016 and rock the entire continent.
Donald Trump's shocking rise up the political ladder caught nearly everyone in the Washington, DC establishment and mainstream media totally off guard, as well. In fact, the elites were so sure Hillary Clinton was going to win, knowing the vote-rigging fix was likely firmly in place, Newsweek magazine had printed up a 'Madame President Special Edition' with yet another fake Hillary photo on the cover, released on election day.
In essence, Donald Trump overcame all the odds stacked against him. And those odds were staggering because he was willing to stand in direct opposition to the incalculable evil within our nation.
Is it possible to suggest, with all he has overcome –– there may well be some kind of a higher power, or higher purpose, guiding Donald Trump into the office of the President at this time, at this stage in American history?
Since his election win, the attacks have only intensified. First, there was the George Soros/Clinton crime syndicate-financed voter recount scam as conducted by Jill Stein. Ironically, and not without a sense of comedy, Hillary Clinton ended up losing 131 votes in the state of Wisconsin while the courts stepped in to halt other recounts in the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Then, radical left-wing/liberal/Democratic, and even Hollywood entertainment operatives turned their attention to the Electoral College electors with a co-ordinated crusade of harassment, intimidation and even death threats, all of which eventually led to Hillary Clinton losing up to 30 Elector College votes.
This campaign continued right up until January 6th when Congress officially certified the Electoral College vote totals, yet not before another last ditch effort by treasonous Democrats to declare Donald Trump ineligible for the Presidency.
Each and every one of these seditious and outrageous agendas by the cabal have failed miserably.
Despite all the rumors and speculation, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), the former running mate of Mitt Romney in 2012, is not going to become the next President. Neither will Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, who previously served as interim-President of the Republic until Donald Trump was officially declared the winner of the 2016 Presidential election, in the wee hours of Wednesday, November 9th EST. We also have learned there were two vastly different versions of the Republic which appeared to be in competition with one another, at least for
a period of time. A version known as the 'New Republic' was to feature Paul Ryan as President, hence the rumors of replacing Donald Trump at the last minute. The New Republic apparently was a cabal-controlled counter movement.
Rather, there always existed an authentic version of the Republic which has the full backing and participation of the US Military. It is officially known as the 'Restored Republic," now featuring Donald Trump as President. The Restored Republic was initially installed on Friday, November 4th, a full four days before the US election on Tuesday, November 8th.
Thus, when Donald Trump was formally inaugurated on January 20th, he became the President of the Restored Republic, which also officially 'unofficially' came into being at the exact same time. It remains to be seen how the Restored Republic will be publicly revealed to the American people and to the world. However, it is likely by the time the majority of Americans learn of the Restored Republic, many of its foundations will already have been firmly put into place thus ensuring a seamless transition away from the USA, Inc. government so a Restored Republic can be peacefully achieved.
Make no mistake about it, even after the inauguration, there is still an attempt of an all-out coup –– or a civil war, if you will to prevent Donald Trump from continuing as President.
10,000 Troops Protected the Donald Trump Inauguration and Prevented a Coup Takeover
The cabal and the Washington, DC political elites, both Democratic and Republican operatives; rogue elements of the CIA, NSA, etc.; and propaganda arms of the mainstream media continue to manufacture a false narrative about Russian interference in our election which allowed Donald Trump to win. Therefore, there is an all-out effort by these entities to declare Martial Law, or some kind of "national emergency."
Sadly, there continues to be a very clear and deliberate effort to delegitimize the Donald Trump Presidency even after taking office. Last week, the cabal actors tried to plant phony intelligence dossiers from Russia into the mainstream media. Further, they charged the Russians had influenced the election to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning, while even
claiming Donald Trump is a Russian agent controlled by Vladimir Putin –– as if he were a so-called "Manchurian candidate."
Russia had nothing to do with the leaked emails from the Clinton campaign, nor the so-called 'hacking' of our elections. All of these smear campaigns are merely signs of total desperation by the soon-to-be replaced Washington, DC elites.
To demonstrate how serious the threat is against Donald Trump and our Restored Republic, 5,000 National Guard troops were activated to be in Washington, DC for the inauguration. Along with 1,000 United States Marines; the full Washington, DC Metro police force; and a further 3,000 private security personnel were called into action. Those numbers which total over 10,000 means there is an ongoing, extremely serious effort to protect the country from yet another coup d'etat.
In addition, thousands upon thousands of bikers who are among a group known as "Bikers for Trump" have declared their intention to form 'a wall of meat' around DC so radicals, anarchists and protesters will be unable to incite riots and violence during the inauguration.
Trump Coup Maximum Moment of Crisis
The political elites and the mainstream media still refuse to acknowledge the populist uprising momentum which propelled both Donald Trump's and Bernie Sander's Presidential campaigns. These two candidates were the representation of an unstoppable populist movement in America. It had been brewing for years fueled by the dissatisfaction with both the Barack Obama and George Bush, Jr. administrations.
The populist uprising is now very likely going to explode across Europe throughout 2017, specifically in countries like France, Germany, Italy, and perhaps even the Netherlands, with upcoming new elections and the possibility of the downfall of even more pro-EU governments.
Deep State to Create National Emergency to Supplant Trump
Donald Trump has surrounded himself with a group of loyal and patriotic Americans within his new cabinet, many of whom are either military, or ex-military. His cabinet members have been chosen very strategically so the US Military can be intimately involved with the transition of the USA corporation over to the Restored Republic.
In addition, components of the N.E.S.A.R.A. law (now known as G.E.S.A.R.A.) have been methodically implemented into place as part of the Restored Republic, which began as early November 4th, or more likely sooner.
In addition, the long-range plan to implement the revaluation of global currencies (also known as the RV) and the Global Currency Reset (GCR), has been determined necessary to be delayed until some time after President Trump officially took office when the government, political, banking and economic environments can be safe and secure enough.
Hopefully, it is anticipated the RV and the Global Currency Reset will roll out sometime within the first quarter of 2017. Various reports have indicated President Barack Obama has blocked the RV implementation in America on numerous occasions.
Once in office, Donald Trump hit the ground running with a series of major actions. These actions will include repealing Obamacare (also known as the Affordable Care Act), the US pullout of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), along with as many as 200 Executive Orders to be signed by President Trump during his first week, thereby abandoning much of the corruption within US government laws.
There will be an absolute flurry of activity undertaken by the Trump administration as related to the Restored Republic. However, much will depend upon how quickly Congress approves incoming cabinet members, particularly Attorney General Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions is expected to pursue the prosecution of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and very likely many
others. Regardless, expect to see a massive and unprecedented amount of changes undertaken in our nation during President Trump's first 100 days in office.
Granted, to some, Donald Trump appears to be a polarizing figure. Perhaps you have believed some of the mainstream media's deliberate campaign to demonize and undermine him at every turn. Perhaps, you preferred someone other than Donald Trump to become our next President.
However, realize the mainstream media is nothing less than pure propaganda more than ever. The US Congress and President Barack Obama have legislated both government and media propaganda through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), beginning in 2012. The NDAA lawfully allows the US government, and thus the media as a further extension of the USA, Inc. to literally and liberally spread propaganda to the American people. The NDAA accounts for the recent operation to stomp out so-called 'fake news," while at the same time censoring "real" alternative news.
We will likely see a great deal of unconstitutional laws, treaties and agreements created during the existence of the USA, Inc. such as the NDAA; the Patriot Act; the Surveillance Act; NAFTA; GAFTA ; and many, many others go by the wayside as mandated by the framework of a Constitutional Republic. Donald Trump Press Conference - January 11, 2017
On January 11, 2017, President-Elect Trump held his first official press conference at Trump Tower in New York City. He visibly demonstrated for all the world to see his total command over the mainstream press and in so doing eviscerated both BuzzFeed News and CNN for the purveyors of fake news, both of which reported on the existence of a phony Russian intelligence document. It is quite possible, President-Elect Trump has dealt near-fatal blows to BuzzFeed, CNN and much of the mainstream media outlets who continue to dispense nothing but propaganda fake news. High level sources have revealed there may be a major shakeup within the media industry coming soon with many media corporations being taken over by White Hats.
Donald Trump has already announced he will only be taking $1/year in salary as President. In addition, he will be completely pulling himself out of his Trump Organization business empire and will donate profits from foreign governments at Trump Organization hotels to the US Treasury.
He has also pledged to reopen the 9/11 investigation, has vowed to totally revamp the CIA. While other rumors suggest he will re-institute the gold standard, will audit and shutter the Federal Reserve, and will declare George Soros a 'national security threat.'
The Trump administration has also announced plans to open up the White House Press corps to alternative news outlets and internet bloggers in a newly revamped press room situated outside of the White House which will hold ten times the amount of media as the current press room.
After a long and ridiculous period of anti-Russian hysteria during the Obama administration, the Trump team indicated there will be a long overdue summit with Vladimir Putin most likely to occur in Reykjavik, Iceland within weeks of taking office. President Trump will then forge a strong and permanent alliance with Russia to finally defeat ISIS and all remaining cabal proxy armies in the world. Thereby, finally putting an end to any further threats of World War III.
We are now witnessing the rapid transformation of the United States, the Earth and the 3-D/4-D human experience right before our very eyes. Those who have longed for a better, more peaceful more truthful world to live within have finally had their prayers answered.
Perhaps, it has not worked out quite the way as some expected, yet as the saying goes –– 'be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.'
The long-range plan to return America to its Constitutional Republic is now happening. It is a reality! The goal to set the people of America and the world free from the bondages of slavery and servitude is now unfolding. The programs to bring prosperity, abundance and peace to our world are in full motion. All are about to be revealed.
We now finally have a man in the Office of President of the United States who is committed to these goals as any patriot, lightworker or wayshower has ever been. This the right man, for the right job, at the right time. He and his family deserve our prayers.
Yes, we have a great deal to be thankful and grateful for at this time. Long live the Restored Republic! And, as always, God Bless America!
We Have Won the Revolution
Truth Trumps Lies
Dr Pieczenik is the spokes person for the Alliance also known as the White hats. There are USA White hats and white hats in most countries globally. Revolution is happening worldwide. The criminals are being taken out and world peace can now become a reality.
I could list 10 interesting things Trump said yesterday. And of course, words aren’t actions. Yet. But here is one remark you’re not going to get, and never did get, from any recent president:
“Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities…And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.”
To which Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) replied:
“It was militant and it was dark. The crime, the gangs, the drugs, this ‘American carnage,’ disrepair, decay. You can’t imagine the outgoing president giving a speech like that.”
She’s right, because the outgoing president never did anything to stop the carnage. If she thinks Trump’s language was too militant, she should try talking to mothers who live in those inner cities, who are trapped and held hostage by gangs, who want a nation of laws, and can’t find a way to live safely with their children by eating Obamas’s high-flying empty rhetoric.
Obama somehow managed to spend eight years in the White House and never mention, with any significance, GANGS. Eight years…and nothing. Yet he was The One who was going rescue America’s inner cities.
Find an inauguration speech by any recent president in which the word GANGS appears.
Is the whole point of being presidential an avoidance of stark realities? Is that what all the Rachel Maddows want? They’re not living in those neighborhoods. They’re not up against the gangs and the crime and drugs every day and every night.
The truth is, it’s offensive for a president not to mention these things.
Did Attorneys General Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch go after gangs? Did they raise a finger to stop this scourge?
Did Obama form a plan and put it into action?
Did any federal legislator or bureaucrat raise hell because gangs are controlling large swaths of inner cities?
Did any major news outlet pound on this story month after month?
Guess what? When you add up gun crimes, killings, maimings, and drug overdoses in cities across America, you come to the door of gangs. That’s a shocking revelation millions of Americans already understand, but for some reason presidents are clueless.
Yesterday, though, Trump wasn’t clueless.
We’ll see what he actually does and doesn’t do, but he knows. And he talks.
Offended liberals take umbrage at his remarks, but as usual they prolong decimation and destruction, and they take the opportunity to fly their useless banners of care and concern and opt for solutions that aren’t solutions. They want to look and sound good.
After all, they wanted to elect a president who played a major role in destroying an entire country for no reason (Libya), and they didn’t even blink at the horror. It wasn’t on their radar. That’s how much they really care.
To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.
If tomorrow, by some miracle, all gangs in America disappeared, and the communities they ruled came back to life, liberals would find a way to be offended. They would yell and scream. Because some injustice hadn’t been addressed. Because some reparation hadn’t been made.
Because they have an interminable itch that can never be scratched out of existence.
Behind all their pronouncements, they must be able to see victims, on whose blood they feed.
When they imagine individuals held hostage coming back to freedom and strength and self-propelled power in communities, liberated from the carnage of gangs, they see silver bullets moving toward their own vampiric hearts.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails atNoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
This article goes to many places. I think you’ll find a place that works for you.
I’ve been investigating and reporting on deep medical fraud for 29 years. I’ve been around the block a few hundred times. I’ve spoken with scientists who work for the government and universities, and the media operatives who support them. I know the game.
If Robert F Kennedy Jr is, indeed, given the green light by President Trump to investigate vaccine safety, he’s going to need a truck and a chain and DOJ threats of prosecution to drag key CDC scientists into the light and elicit specific statements from them.
Even then, the odds are these scientists will keep repeating the party line: vaccines are overwhelmingly safe; they have no connection to autism or other neurological damage; the science is settled.
Kennedy could run up against an organized wall of silence—scientists refusing to speak with him, on the basis that he isn’t qualified to make judgements in their “field.”
In that case, he will need subpoena power, for starters.
Many years ago, I interviewed Jim Warner, a White House policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He had been trying to obtain medical-research information from the federal National Institutes of Health. He told me he was given the absolute cold shoulder: “If ever I’ve been tempted to believe in socialism, science has disabused me of that. These guys [at NIH] assume that it’s their show. They just assume it.”
Arrogance par excellence. Scientists rebuff the White House with a yawn.
Fortunately, Kennedy is a relentless investigator. He understands how science is corrupted and paid for. And the ace in the deck is this: there is already enough evidence in the open record to refute the CDC’s claim of vaccine safety.
Trump has blazed a trail of rejecting major media. As a result of his merciless attacks, press outlets are going mad pushing numerous outlandish fake stories. They’re ripe for further incursions on their territory.
In the past, this was the pattern: an outsider enters the scene and accuses the government of vast fraud; media operators assemble their usual cast of sordid characters, who dismiss the charges; everybody goes home and the story dies.
But that’s not working anymore. Media pomposity is exposed as fakery. Millions of people see through the ruse.
The media emperor is naked. He can prance around and around, but his fundamental nakedness keeps compounding the joke.
Truth be told, as their financial positions sink into dire red ink, press operations are trapped. Why?
Because they are partners with the high-level criminals whose activities are the very stories the public wants to know about.
Reporting on these crimes in great depth, day after day, would resuscitate the newspapers and broadcast networks. But that will never happen.
For example, these crimes:
* The Federal Reserve/a clandestine private corporation.
* Medically caused death.
* Toxic vaccines.
* Trillions of dollars of missing US government money.
* The power of the Trilateral Commission over US government policy.
* The covert implementation of the UN agenda of destruction in US communities.
And a hundred more issues.
Expose these down to the core, and people would buy newspapers off the rack like they buy coffee and beer and video games and cell phones and gasoline and underwear and toilet paper and lipstick and fast food. The Times would have to schedule extra press runs just to keep up with the demand. Its financial bottom line would soon look like Christmas.
You could talk to the publisher of the New York Times and present him with an ironclad plan for pulling his paper out of its deep financial hole, based on covering true stories like those above, and you would find no joy, because he would rather go down with the ship than go up against The Matrix.
The Times and other hoary media outlets live by the rule of limited hangout. In intelligence parlance, that means admitting a small piece of the truth in order to hide the rest.
“We’ll show you a tree in the forest, but not the forest.”
I know how it works, because as a reporter I’ve been there. I’ve approached editors of various media outlets with stories that crack the trance, and I’ve had those stories tossed back at me.
“We’re just not interested,” they say. “This isn’t our kind of piece.” Or: “Well, we already covered that.” But they didn’t cover it. They did a limited hangout on it. They ran a story that exposed one tiny corner of a whole bloody mess.
I say this—as simple fact—if any intelligent, aggressive, truly independent investigator were the managing editor of the New York Times, and if he were given free rein, he would have that paper back in the black in a year. He would have it roaring on all cylinders. He would have people fighting each other in the streets to grab the last copy off the newsstand. Journalism schools all over the country would close down in shame. Because he would be running stories that would crack the whole rotting edifice of cartel-control along many fronts, and he would be filling up a planned vacuum of truth with fire.
A decade ago, here is what a working reporter for a major paper told me: “We know what stories we can’t cover. Nobody needs to prep us. Our editors know, too. Otherwise, they’d never get to be editors.”
A player in a non-profit group once told me I could have a job with a paper on the east coast. In a roundabout way, he hinted at what they were looking for. In five minutes, I saw the handwriting on the wall. Essentially, the editor was searching for a reporter who would cover politics in Central America. The stories would have to favor the repressive governments in power. The basic cover was: these leaders were fighting the good fight against Communism. The death squads they were sending out, in cooperation with the CIA, were freedom fighters. And of course, any mention of cocaine trafficking as a means for obtaining weapons was off-limits.
None of this was spelled out. But the message was clear. They wanted a propaganda specialist. If I, as an up and coming reporter, decided to play ball, I could advance up the ladder.
Apparently, some travel was necessary. But I knew I could turn out reams of copy without ever leaving my apartment, because I grasped the fundamental angle I was supposed to pursue. Needless to say, I turned down the offer.
It was the first time I fully realized how easy the job of reporting could be. Assemble a list of reliable sources (who would support the mandatory point of view), walk right into a prepared group of corporate and think-tank allies, pull down copy from wire services, and re-write stories in a way that bolstered the idea that American Empire was really “spreading democracy” to the less fortunate. A walk in the park.
Twenty years later, I saw the same overall pattern in hundreds of major-media stories—but the point of view and the mandate had changed. Now it was all about Globalism. The covert op was the takedown of America, in order to squash the last vestige of political freedom and integrate the nation in “a new economic order.”
However, over the mountains, a new dawn was rising: the Internet. Independent media outlets. The resistance.
It was immediately obvious that, unless someone could shut this new creature down, major media would have no way to challenge the invasion. Independent news sources would gradually wreck MSM financial bottom lines.
Fronting for Globalist princes, Big News would see their bias exposed time and time again. The blowback on them would be enormous.
Trapped and corned like rats, they would attack, but their efforts would only compound their problem.
Then a populist named Donald Trump strolled on to the scene. He knew major media were suffering great losses. He knew online media were in the ascendance. He had people like Steve Bannon (Breitbart) who were bringing him up to speed. He saw how Matt Drudge was obliterating traditional news sources, even while (selectively) linking to them. A revolution was in progress.
Trump had the right stuff for this situation, because he didn’t care about offending people. He was mercurial, reckless; an opportunist. He could fly by the seat of his pants. He realized where and how, in America, the Globalists were causing great damage.
Trump accelerated the fall of major media from their thrones.
People around the world, untold millions, thought to themselves, “Trump is finally giving major media what they deserve.”
Giving the major media what they deserve is a force to be reckoned with, because there is no effective response to it. Nothing works. Who can lead the fight to preserve mainstream news? Answer: mainstream news. That isn’t going to go anywhere, because more and more people are rejecting the mainstream wholesale.
Think of major media as a ship. In full view of the passengers, the captain has just steered it into a shore of high rocks. The craft is beginning to tilt, and it’s taking on water. As the passengers scramble to safety on the beach, the captain is yelling, “Don’t leave, come back, everything is all right, I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s your fault, you’re too stupid to understand the correct principles of navigation!”
Translation: “I’m committing suicide. Go down with me.”
As a reporter starting out in the 1980s, one of my first glimpses of trouble involved a few of the papers I was writing for: they were definitely on the political Left, but at the same time they were businesses. You only had to look at the ads choking the pages to see that. They were capitalist enterprises. But they would never fully admit that. They were operating under a self-induced, self-serving delusion about fundamental economics. Eventually, larger publishers bought them out, and a few of the old guard made significant dollars on the deals. It was an old story about socialists getting rich.
This contradiction plagues every major media outlet today. They claim to serve the public interest, but they want to be rich. Their reporters want very nice salaries. And this is all in the service of Globalism, which aims to bankrupt economies and drive populations into the arms of technocrat planners of societies. It doesn’t add up. It doesn’t work.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich and working hard to achieve it. But claiming, at the same time, that you want the government to run the economy is a sick joke. A transparently sick joke, on the order of wealthy celebrities stumping for socialism, while they hire more armed security and dig bunkers on their walled properties.
Suppose you could approach a well-known and well-paid reporter for the New York Times. And suppose you said this: “For years, you’ve been writing about the less fortunate and giving back and more government support for the downtrodden and humanitarianism and so on—so I want to know, would you be willing to donate two-thirds of your salary, for the sake of equality, to those who need the money? Would you be willing to sell your co-op and give the money to the poor and move into a small apartment?”
The duplicitous and slimy major media are obviously engaged in a long con. They want their cake, they want to eat it, and they also want to appear as architects of “a more humane planet.”
They care about a more humane order in the same way an ant cares about space travel.
They care about serving their bosses, and those bosses have other bosses who are engineering a future of poverty for all, as a mechanism of control. That’s who’s paying reporters their salaries.
Do you know what a tired rich media liberal (fake socialist) looks like? Of course you do. You can see one every night anchoring the national news. Over the years, I’ve spoken with a few of these types. In every case, I’ve gotten the impression they’re sitting on a keg of dynamite. They know how precarious their position is. They’re surprised they’ve lasted as long as they have. Their spouting of liberal homilies is transparent. Where did they go wrong? Answer: the first day they accepted their first job as a reporter. That’s when they sold out. They knew it then, and under cheesy layers of vast pretensions, they still know it now. But they can’t turn around. They’ve made a commitment.
They tell themselves: “It’s business. It’s not personal. This is the business I’m in.”
But of course, it is personal. Everything is personal. We’re talking about lives and minds and souls.
That’s what these reporters traded, in the perverse corner of the marketplace. They chose the rackets, the information mafia, the law of omerta, the dishonorable underground that lives in the highest penthouses.
Whatever gloss they lay on, the trap they’re in stays in place.
And now, they’re sinking and sinking.
I could try to work up pity for them, buy why bother?
Damage is damage, and they’ve done a great deal of it.
A full confession would make a start, but that’s not going to happen.
They’re in a race with themselves. How long can they keep erecting delusions about their work, vs. their growing realization about those delusions?
It’s inescapably personal.
It always was.
The night is falling on them, and the rain is coming down, too. Their mandate is to be on the Inside, but they’re on the Outside now.
They’re the walking dead. They’ll keep walking, but things will never be the same.
As a long addendum, here is a backgrounder, an article I wrote headlined, “Howard Beale, the last sane man on television”:
The best film ever made about television’s war on the population is Paddy Chayefsky’s scorching masterpiece, Network (1976). Yet it stages only a few minutes of on-air television.
The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say that, in this case, word defeats image.
Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these, from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio audience and millions of people in their homes:
“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”
Beale, coming apart at the seams, is a mad prophet. And because he shines with brilliance and poetry, he can affect minds. Therefore, the television network can make use of him. It can turn him into a cartoon for the masses.
It is Beale’s language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience slathers him with absurd adoration.
Television’s enemy is the word. Its currency is image.
Beale breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the medium that employs him.
The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.
Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.
Knowledge, once established, is external to, and independent of, the viewer. Whereas the impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen.
Images… plus, of course, in the case of the news, the narrative voice.
A basic premise of New Age thinking is: “everything is (connected to) everything.” This fits quite well with the experience of watching film or video flow.
Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell phones sitting in an outdoor café. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other. Then at night, rockets exploding in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on another street and people running, chased by police.
A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor, but most of the viewing audience isn’t aware of that. They’re watching the “interconnected” images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image.
Viewers thus believe they know something. Television has imparted that sensation to them. That’s what news is all about: delivering a sensation of knowing to the audience.
There is no convenient place where the ordinary viewing audience can stop the flow of images or the story being told. They are inside it. They don’t have the leverage of a crystalized idea or the power of reasoning to get out.
They are inside the story. Knowledge thus becomes story.
The viewer is transfixed by the sensation that he is “inside” watching/experiencing story.
This fixation produces a short circuit in his reasoning mind (if he has one). No time to stop, no time to think; just watch the flow.
When you take this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method through which “knowledge” is gained.
“Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.”
“Really? How did they show that?”
“Well, I don’t exactly remember. But watch it. You’ll see.”
And that’s another feature of the modern acquisition of knowledge: amnesia about details.
The viewer can’t recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he can’t describe them, because he was in the flow. He was inside, busy building up his impression of knowing something.
Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual references. And lines of reasoning? To the extent they exist, they’re wrapped around and inside the image-flow and the narration.
Ideas aren’t as interesting as images. That’s the premise.
To grasp the diminishment of language, consider the current use of the word “text.” Suddenly it’s become a verb; it means a process of sending words. It also refers to paragraphs or pages of writing, as opposed to pictures. “Text” makes “writing” seem like nothing more than one functional (and machine-like) method of delivering information.
And since bone-dry information (e.g., “genetic sequences”) these days is practically considered a synonym for life, when a writer infuses his words with passion, they automatically become a “rant.” “Rant” was formerly applied to describe what a person did when he was totally unhinged to the point of making no coherent sense.
Image, not the word, is the now preferred means of acquiring what passes for knowledge.
Retired propaganda master, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), once told me in an interview: “If you wanted to try a real revolution, you would produce thousands of videos consisting of written words on screens, with someone speaking those words. You would try to reinstate language as a medium. Poetry, formal arguments and debates, great speeches, dramatic readings. You would go up against image and try to relegate it to its proper place…”
In the American colonies of the 18th century, several hundred thousand copies of Tom Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense, were distributed among a total population of only 2.5 million people, and the earth shook.
When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out. People watch TV through TV eyes.
Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-feeding, self-demanding loop. Willing devotees of the image want images, food stamps of the programmed society.
—But now, something is happening. Something different.
It is to be fervently wished that the revolution against major media will also result in a revolution against knowledge as nothing more than image.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails atNoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
1. Obama prevented the RV with an Executive Order because the USA Inc. still existed.
2. All sovereign family representatives in attendance at Davos, Switzerland released the RV on Sun. evening Jan. 15 2017.
3. On Mon. Jan. 16 2017, the North American closing procedure began by White Hat commander General Joseph Dunford. Mission completion was now guaranteed.
4. The RV was due to commence on General Joseph Dunford's command post Trump inauguration 12 Noon Jan. 20 2017.
5. Tier 1 sovereign bond trades started to payout Fri. morning Jan. 20 2017 in Asia (Thurs. night Jan. 19 2017 in the Western World).
6. The GCR could officially take place shortly after the President-Elect Trump swearing in at 12 noon EST Jan. 20, 2017 and all funding for the R.V. would be activated.
7. The new currency rates had been live, were put on hold and were said to be going live again on Jan. 20 2017.
8. Trump's Inauguration Speech was the declaration of the Restored Republic and the end of USA Inc. See: Trump's Inaugural Speech
10. En route to the Inaguration Parade viewing stand, new Republic "President" Donald Trump signed an overriding executive order reversing all of President Obama's Executive Orders including the one specifically blocking the RV.
11. That EO has not yet been released for public viewing, like the Affordable Care Act repeal.
12. We are now waiting for banks to close on the East Coast this weekend and the RV will roll out with ease and abundance.
13. During this week-end of Sat. Jan. 21, 2017 to Sun. Jan. 22, 2017, President Trump would report to the nation that our currency adopted the Gold Standard as backing.
14. Liquidity for groups, SKRs, etc. would begin taking place by Sat. Jan. 21.
15. The 800#s should be available around the same time by Sat. Jan. 21.
16. On Monday Jan. 23, 2017, the exchange process was scheduled to begin for all U.S. currency holders.
17. The RV was due to complete before the beginning of the Chinese New Year Sat. Jan. 28 2017 per orders from the Chinese Elders
T'was the night before Christmas, and up in the tower, The Donald reflected on his newfound power. The conservative masses had come out in force, And delivered a victory that would chart a new course.
The snowflakes were shell-shocked with tears in their eyes, The media lied to them . . . My, what a surprise. They had been promised a Hillary win, But the criminal Clinton took one on the chin.
And though from all corners celebrities flew, They made no impression, for they hadn't a clue. They talked about climate, racism, and such, And they made up good stories . .But didn't know much.
The fake news and ignorance came at a cost, And they can't understand all the reasons they lost. They blame it on Comey and Bernie and Vlad, But fail to acknowledge the one that was bad. Yes, Hillary Clinton, in many ways flawed, Was her own biggest hurdle toward getting the nod. The campaign exposed her corruptness and greed, And her speeches were punch-less as ten dollar weed.
So out in the streets there arose such a clatter, It was Soros paid protesters and Black Lives Matter. With cities to pillage and windows to smash, They knew not the issues, but needed the cash.
Eight years of Obama had given them cause, To expect a replacement of their Santa Claus. But soon the protesters will feel the pain, When the wheels fall off of the old gravy train.
And now all the snowflakes are riddled with fear, Upset and offended by things that they'll hear. The cocoa and crayons will help for a while, But fact-based opinions will soon cramp their style.
I originally supported, and voted, for Cruz, In the end, I would vote for whomever they choose. He wasn't my first choice, but soon I would cede, The one they call Trump is the one that we need.
I saw him on TV in front of a crowd, He spoke about veterans, it made me feel proud. He spoke about energy, safety, and jobs, Taking this country back from the Washington snobs.
He was dressed in Armani, all tailored and neat, And the Brunos he wore made the outfit complete. For a man of his vintage, he seemed rather fit, And he looked presidential, Even I have to admit.
His eyes glowed like embers, his smile was the best, And his hair was the color of my old hunting vest. His love for this country was on full display, And his actions spoke louder than his words could say.
He thanked all his voters, and before he was gone, Saved thousands of jobs while Obama looked on. The fate of this country left nothing to chance, So, he filled out his cabinet weeks in advance.
The men he had chosen were of the same mind, Let's set the bar high, and not lead from behind. He picked up his phone as he rose from his seat, With a flick of his finger, he sent out this tweet;
"Now Mattis!, now Kelly!' now Sessions! And Pruitt! On Perry! On Flynn, You're the ones who can do it. Start lifting restrictions and building the wall, Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
The roar of his audience rose from the stands, He kissed all their babies and shook all their hands. He answered their questions and calmed all their fears, They knew it would be a fantastic four years.
Then he jumped in his limo, and off to his jet, A fellow that Liberals won't soon forget. He sent one more tweet as the evening expired; "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND OBAMA - YOU'RE FIRED!"
A. Jan. 21 2017 TNT Sunny cliff notes of TNT Conference Call: "We Could RV ADN" - TNT Thoughts The 19th was the deadline date for some things that needed to be concluded in the US. New information tells me the banks already have, or will soon have, a communication for us. For all intents and purposes that means "Go."
1. Foreign exchange traders are gearing up for an unusually tight schedule of market-moving events in the next few days that may provide a welcome jolt to the currency market.
2. Davos just concluded yesterday .....INTERESTING
3. And why did Abadi send Barzani to represent him at Davos?
4. Why are the program rates blank at the CBI in certain blocks on the spreadsheet?
2016 was a roller coaster of a year, with Brexit, the U.S. election, escalating wars, terrorist attacks and false flag events. More and more, humanity is being subjected to global turmoil.
Abundance & Announcements ~~ What's Ahead?
In this Webinar, Sheldan will outline up-to-the-minute strategies on how the Galactic Federation, with our Earth Allies, is working toward reversing this chaotic trend.
Topics include...
The Latest Word On ~
• Abundance: Overcoming Security and Legal Issues
• New Governance: The Revolutionary Team Working through an organic process
• Announcements and Disclosure: Timing ~ Are we ready? How it will affect the awakened and unawakened.
• Ascension: Update on Ascension Symptoms for both Gaia and humanity
• What's ahead in 2017
Sunday, January 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Thursday, January 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Greeting beautiful jewels upon the Earth, I honour the light that you are and emanate. I honour your continuous connection with the divine Creator; I honour the truth that you behold. I am Mother Earth also known as Goddess Gaia, my heart and all that I am is with you now. Every moment of your conscious awareness of the Earth I am present walking beside you, merging and synthesising with your entire being. We are one. When you entered the earthly reality, you gifted your light and pure consciousness to me, asking me to protect and safeguard your light, grounding your truth into the Earth. The moment that you shared your light with me was many lifetimes ago; it was a moment of divine grace and blessings as we integrated creating such a deep bond of trust. I honour and hold this sacred experience with you in my heart and soul. I will honour and safeguard your light until you are ready to release yourself from the cycle of reincarnation within the earthly reality. In our moment of connection, so long ago now, I also shared my light and consciousness with you as a gift, you hold this even now within your soul. My gift to you at that time was that I would always guide you in your pathways of exploration and discovery upon the Earth, this promise still remains.
I have integrated and created a sacred bond with every soul incarnate upon the Earth prior to their first existence on the Earth. This mean that when you connect with my energy and presence, you are also connecting with the pure essence of every soul whether human, animal, plant or other. I hold and safeguard the purest essence, light and consciousness of every being upon the Earth. Your own light is so bright, expansive and rich with the truth of the Creator. Imagine embodying all that you are and then embodying the equivalent level of truth of each being upon the Earth. It is my wish that humanity begins to recognise my presence with a new perspective, allowing themselves to realise that I am a great source, guardian and a beacon of all that is the Creator. When you allow yourself to recognise my truth and existence with you, you allow yourself to recognise the expansive, powerful and Creator nature of your being, as well as those around you.
Reconnecting with Mother Earth’s Promise
‘Mother Earth, I recognise you as a guardian of my pure light and essence as I exist upon and explore the Earth. Please welcome me into the chambers of your heart and soul. Let me sit, meditate and be present with your glorious, gracious and loving light surrounding me. I am ready to receive you, to recognise you in a new way.
(Take a moment to breathe Mother Earth’s light into your being becoming aware of her presence.)
Mother Earth, together we experienced a beautiful blessing of our energies synthesising before my first incarnation upon the Earth. Please remind me of this moment, remind me of the exchange that occurred between us, the impact upon my being and the deep love I experienced. Remind me of your promise and gift to me at that time. Let me feel, sense and acknowledge your energy merging with mine as you promised to safeguard, protect and guide me through this earthly reality. I wish to be reminded of our true connection so that I can more fully experience your presence and support with me now as was intended.
(Take a moment to breathe in the light, consciousness and remembrance that I, Mother Earth, share and awaken within your being from our very first meeting.)
Mother Earth, I invite you, if the timing is appropriate, to reveal to me the light, consciousness and truth I shared with you before my first incarnation on the Earth, when I was in a state of complete remembrance of myself as the Creator. Let me glimpse and perceive my truth through you. Thank you.’
(Take as long as you feel guided to perceive and accept all that I, Mother Earth, share with you as I reflect your truth to you to activate your remembrance.)
Connecting with Mother Earth’s Library of Wisdom
I, Mother Earth, am equivalent to a library of the Creator’s wisdom, consciousness, guidance and truth. I hold and safeguard the soul essence and truth of every being who has incarnated upon the Earth. This means that if you wish to receive guidance, new understandings, wisdom or expand your spiritual knowledge you can connect with my energy and presence, sharing with me that which you require. I will then bring forth the most appropriate light and consciousness to connect with your being, and for you to contemplate, thus igniting and assisting you in gaining the inspiration you require. You may approach me to gain inspiration on any matter whether it is spiritual, physical, about the Earth, the inner planes or your spiritual evolution. I am ready and waiting to be of service to you.
‘Mother Earth, I recognise you as a library and fountain of knowledge. I ask you to welcome me into the light chambers of your soul and heart. Let me benefit from the wealth of Creator knowledge and wisdom you safeguard. Please bring forth and ground into my being and conscious mind all you feel is appropriate for me to understand now.’
(Breath in the light and consciousness I share with you now, allow your mind to be peaceful as you observe any inspiration dawning. When you are ready or feel guided you can ask any questions you wish to gain assistance or inspiration with.)
Let Mother Earth Awaken Your Inner and Outer Pathway
One of my purposes is to guide you in moving along pathways that support the growth, awakening and remembrance of your Creator aspect within your being. I, Mother Earth have the ability to guide you in your inner explorations and pathways of awakening as well as supporting and inspiring you in experiencing appropriate pathways in your physical reality and daily life upon the Earth. If you are feeling uncertain as to the next step for you concerning your spiritual awakening or experience upon the Earth, you can call upon my energy to assist you. I am able to assist you because when I promised to safeguard your light and anchor your essence into the Earth, I also received from you, guidance and understanding for your journey and pathways upon the Earth for each lifetime. In truth, you have already shared with me the information that you require in this very moment because you foresaw all you would need and require to assist yourself at every moment of your journey.
I invite you to enter into my chambers of light within my heart and soul. Ask me to share with you the necessary information, inspiration and guidance to enable you to realise your current pathway upon the Earth, a new pathway that requires to be activated and explored or to receive greater understanding to aid your progression along your pathway. You may ask to see, sense or acknowledge, or to gain assistance with your spiritual inner pathway. You may then connect with me to explore your physical, earthly and material pathway.
There is a third pathway which I can reveal to you; this is your pathway connected to working in harmony with and in service to the Earth, as well as the evolution of the Earth. Often this pathway is an understanding which many do not wish to see as it invites them to recognise their sacred abilities, skills, qualities and truth, collecting this to create a positive impact upon the Earth. This pathway requires for you to have faith in yourself, the Creator and my energies as well as trusting with courage in your ability to instigate transformation in a positive and loving way. A recognition of your inner strength is required in order for you to fully embark upon the pathway of divine service of the positive evolution of the Earth. I invite you to take some time to connect with my presence; there is much that I wish to share with you energetically to support you in being of service to all and the Earth. With the greater presence of higher aspects of your soul embodied within your being it is now time to recognise my truth and the tremendous assistance I can share with you as well as allowing pathways to unfold with ease and perfection.
I am present to support you in every moment; I am in love with you,
Exciting times! Uncertain times? Like many of you, I find myself fluctuating between the two feelings. I like Mike Quinsey's message because it helped me realign to my greater goal remembering to stay positive, loving and connected to the Divine Plan.
REMINDER: Sunday is PAO's Webinar & Galactic Activation Day ~ Join Us.
Please check to make sure you have put your personal webinar link in a safe, easy to access space. This is helpful so we don't experience last minute panic.
If you are registering using PayPal, cutoff time is 10:30 am PST. We cannot help anyone after 11:00 am. We recommend registering early. Thank you.
If you are registering using PAO's secure shopping cart, you can register up until the time of the webinar. Enjoy and thank you for supporting PAO.
JOIN US Sunday for Galactic Activation!
Abundance & Announcements ~~ What's Ahead?
2016 was a roller coaster of a year, with Brexit, the U.S. election, escalating wars, terrorist attacks and false flag events. More and more, humanity is being subjected to global turmoil.
In this Webinar, Sheldan will outline up-to-the-minute strategies on how the Galactic Federation, with our Earth Allies, is working toward reversing this chaotic trend.
• Abundance: Overcoming Security and Legal Issues
• New Governance: The Revolutionary Team Working through an organic process
• Announcements and Disclosure: Timing ~ Are we ready? How it will affect the awakened and unawakened.
• Ascension: Update on Ascension Symptoms for both Gaia and humanity
• What's ahead in 2017
Sunday, January 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Thursday, January 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
You should all now have a reasonable idea as to how the future will work out. The timing of events is not rigid but quite flexible, and based on the best opportunity to bring the changes about. They will come without any doubt so do not be concerned if the timing does not match your expectations. Those who have planned your end times have the power and authority to do whatever is necessary to ensure completion in accordance with the end of this cycle. You are already experiencing yet another period of time speeding up and so it will continue. Do not allow outer happenings to affect your own journey, as many groups are going through their own needs to clear their lower energies that must be done if they are to have any chance of lifting up their vibrations. Those who cannot move up with the changes will simply follow another path that is in accordance with their needs.
Some of you are waiting for the changes in certain currencies that may bring you a great gain. Most people are unaware of such opportunities, but are assured that before long many more currencies will rise in value. Eventually it is planned to abolish poverty or need, and in reality it is not that far away. Meantime many will struggle through the changes but hopefully will be uplifted knowing that all is progressing well. Your future is very bright and for most beyond their wildest dreams. So keep your eyes on the promises for the future, knowing that in reality it is fully assured and protected to ensure your success.
The dark Ones can no longer keep their activities secret, and slowly but surely their actions are being revealed which is preventing them from being escalated. They had thought they were invincible, but reckoned without the support that Humanity is being given by those who have come from outside of your Solar System. You are far from fighting a losing battle and when the Forces of Light show their hand victory is assured. You would be amazed if you knew how many Beings of Light oversee your activities, and as far as karma permits are helping you to achieve the victory that you have been promised. Much of the activity and battles between the dark Ones and the Forces of Light is out of your sight, occurring both inside and outside of the Earth.
Fortunately those who work for the Light greatly outnumber those of the dark Ones who oppose them. As you will certainly know, the Lightworkers quietly contribute to the spreading of the Love and Light and in no way introduce devious or negative methods. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe and the vibrations of evil are unable to destroy it or exist in its presence. So dear friends of Light never falter in your work to spread the Light, and you will be achieving considerably much more than you can imagine. If sufficient people were to come together in a high vibration of love, all would be lifted up immediately beyond the reaches of the dark Ones.
As souls who are of the Light, you can spread it far and wide simply by walking amongst those who are around you. Depending on how high your vibrations are, you will have some effect on them that in some instances can be felt. Certainly you at least give out a “feel good” energy which is why people like to be around you. Your auric energy can have many colours, that when seen by a clairvoyant are described as very pure and bright. That is how one who is giving out the love energy would be described. Auras are your undeniable light “signature” that shows how well and how far you have developed spiritually.
There are few if any who read such channeling who are unaware that you have an etheric body, and it is your Light body that is sometimes known as your Light signature. The purer the energy the more spiritual you are and that does not necessarily mean in a religious sense. It is the gradual understanding when an evolved soul will see all others as a part of the whole and therefore All as One. It is the realisation that all are a facet of Universal Love, “you are me and I am you”. It is a goal to be achieved and to be One with God. It is certainly a lot to contemplate yet through such understanding one can find complete peace. It is worth great consideration and capable of lifting you up into the higher vibrations.
Life is a continual search for the Truth and most souls seek the answers outside of themselves, yet all of the time it lies within. It may take time to come to that conclusion, and acceptance will come as all roads lead to the One Truth. It will take time to find the answers that satisfy your longing for such an understanding, and all souls will at some stage follow such a path to full understanding. All along the way are those who offer a helping hand when it is needed, and ask for nothing in return. Their joy and happiness lies within having helped another soul along its journey to find the way home.
When you are ready to venture out you will know beyond doubt, and surge ahead into the next stage of your adventure. Many, many souls have gone before you and the pathway is in place that leads to fulfillment. It will bring utter joy and a love that knows no parallel. The pain and misery that you have experienced will pass and it will feel strange as you came from the higher realms and dropped into the realm of duality to help show others the way forward.
In your quiet moments you will absolutely know that you are not your body, but a beautiful soul that has taken an incarnation in the lower vibrations to help others. Because of it you have gained more experience and are able to understand the nature of physical life and can help others complete their journey. Service to others is the keyword to evolution as you recognise that All are One. In a world so full of turmoil and danger it is difficult to see the way out and step onto a path that leads to peace and happiness, but that is the way it is when the old ways are reluctant to go and make way for the new. However, so many souls have found the Light and their combined energy is helping others to become awake to the truth.
Time is continuing to speed up so make sure you are prepared for Ascension that is coming very near, and will be within most of your lifetimes. You should know by now how much you have evolved and whether you are on course to ascend. Keep looking straight ahead and let nothing take away your focus. Help is always with you so call on your Guides any time you need assistance, and be assured that it will be given. It may not be exactly what you asked for but will help solve your problems. Share your thoughts with your Guides as they enjoy being part of your life experiences.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
We tell you that now we are moving into a new time of change and transformation. Indeed you see uprisings all around you as people, the voice of the people, seek to be heard. And yet, you see, dear one how the man who is President of the mighty USA is reflecting and echoing the voice of the people in his very statements, and yet many are unawake and they cannot hear.
It is true that you have sat in my mystery school in the past and you are ready, willing and able to bring through that awareness, bring through that insight into the here and now. Do you understand this?
There are rules or laws that I am going to lay out here for you which will help you in your daily life for your life is about to change (transform) out of all recognition as you jump into the new.
1. Focus. (Alignment). Thy eye, meaning the lens from which you see must be focused in alignment much like the lens of a camera if slightly off the mark or out of focus will not produce the clarity (results) you seek. Emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually aligned. Understood? Yes.
2. Will and willingness. This is the engine which drives the creation into manifestation. If a part of you is not willing, is resistant or recalcitrant the speed and ease in which you manifest in the physical will be lost. You know beloved, I have spoken often of the tragedy of ‘loss of will’.
3. Centredness. It has oft been said that we manifest (or create) from the belly. This refers to the need to be centred within your own energy stream.
4. Chakras. Understand the importance of your energy centres and how they link into creation.
5. Belief. As you believe, so is it done unto you. Now beloveds, this is more subtle than you realize. As an example you might say: oh, we believe my football team will win the match and then it doesn’t. I really, truly believed this. Why did it not happen in this way? We say this: Belief over and above regarding ones’ own consciousness is the key. In the football example, know that each player is coming into the game as an aspect of their own consciousness. Can you grasp this? Can you understand this? The gift you have been given is your right to direct your own consciousness, NOT that of another.
6. Free-will. So misunderstood. What if I told you that free-will is the conscious choice and ability to direct your own consciousness or hand it over to another? Would that shock you? Would that shake you? Let me tell you this. So much of humanity’s understanding of free-will has been coloured over and covered up by institutions and organisations who simply want their energy. Free-will is THE RIGHT to CHOOSE HOW YOU use your God-given energy. Where do you place your attention? Are you hypnotized by mass consciousness? Most of you are. The will to choose is freely given and is a gift. What don’t you understand about this simple concept? When you complain that certain groups of people are exerting their ‘free-will’ over you, I suggest you pull yourself together and re-examine where and how you have allowed yourself to be manipulated in this way. Once you understand that when you are lined up in yourself, lined up with your own I AM Presence and have let go of the human conditioning of judgment and fear, you are indeed in a new game.
Regarding the RV, the funds cannot, must not and will not be held back indefinitely. That is all for now.
“All thought is not the same. There is random static. There is repetitious and circular rumination. There is thought devoted to solving a problem or analyzing a situation. Then there is thought that occurs when one is creating something that never existed before. To blithely say that ‘externally inserted’ mind control can replace all levels of thinking without a person being aware of what is going on is foolish.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Consciousness wants to create new consciousness, and it can. Imagination is how it does it. If there were some ultimate state of consciousness, imagination would always be able to play another card and take it further.
In any arena of life, and especially when it comes to the mind, perception, power, empathy, and so on, there is always a status quo. It’s merely the place where a person says, “Well, that’s enough. I’ll settle for what I have. I’ll stop here.”
Sooner or later, this leads to boredom, frustration, problems, and conflict. It leads to a decline.
Imagination, which knows no bounds, is the source for the most adventurous explorations. It can have great impact on the material world, of course, but one mustn’t therefore conclude it is composed of matter or energy. Imagination is non-material. To think otherwise winds you up in using some version of physics to depict imagination—and then you are imposing limits on it. This is an error. Imagination doesn’t obey any laws of physics.
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we’ve flattered reality enough. It doesn’t need any more. Imagination creates new realities.
You can create the same thing over and over, and eventually you’ll be about as alive as a table. Inject imagination into the mix, and everything suddenly changes. You can steer that boat anywhere you want to.
The lowest common denominator of consensus signals an absence of imagination: everyone agrees; everyone is bored; everyone is obedient. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are massive floods of unique individual creation, and then that sought-after thing called abundance is as natural as the sun rising in the morning.
Sitting around in a cosmic bus station waiting for reality is what reality is. Everything else is imagination.
There are those who believe life is a museum. You walk through the rooms, find one painting, stroll into it and take up permanent residence. But the museum is endless. If you were a painter, you’d never decide to live inside one of your canvases forever. You’d keep on painting. The relentless and obsessive search for all those things on which we can agree is a confession of bankruptcy. When we re-learn to live through and by imagination, we enter and invent new space and time. With imagination, one can solve a problem. More importantly, one can skip ahead of the problem and render it null and void.
Imagination isn’t a system. It might invent systems, but it is non-material. It’s a capacity. It feels no compulsion to imitate reality. It makes realities. Its scope is limited only by a person’s imagining of how far imagination can go.
The human race is obsessed by the question: what exists? It appears to be a far easier question than: what do you want to create? This comparison explains why civilizations decline. Imagination is a path. Walking on that path long enough, you find answers to all the questions you’ve ever asked, as an incidental side effect of the journey. You also find power that most people only dream of.
My second collection, Exit From The Matrix, contains dozens of imagination exercises I’ve developed over the past 20 years. Their purpose is to expand the core of your potential.
Here are the contents of Exit From The Matrix:
First, my new audio presentations:
Then you will receive the following audio seminars I have previously done:
* Mind Control, Mind Freedom
* The Transformations
* Desire, Manifestation and Fulfillment
* Altered States, Consciousness, and Magic
* Beyond Structures
* The Mystery and Magic of Dialogue
* The Voyage of Merlin
* Modern Alchemy and Imagination
* Imagination and Spiritual Enlightenment
* Dissolving Stress
* The Paranormal Project
* Zen Painting for Everyone Now
* Past Lives, Archetypes, and Hidden Sources of Human Energy
* Expression of Self
* Imagination Exercises for a Lifetime
* Old Planet, New Planet, New Mind
* The Era of Magic Returns
* Your Power Revealed
* Universes Without End
* Relationships
* Building a Business for Success
I have included an additional bonus section:
* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (pdf document)
* My book, The Ownership of All Life (pdf document)
* A long excerpt from my briefly published book, Full Power (pdf document)
* My 24 articles in the series, “Coaching the Coaches” (pdf document)
And these audio seminars:
* The Role of Medical Drugs in Human Illness
* Longevity One: The Mind-Body Connection
* Longevity Two: The Nutritional Factors
(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the documents and books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. There is no physical ship.)
What has been called The Matrix is a series of layers. These layers compose what we call Reality. Reality is not merely the consensus people accept in their daily lives. It is also a personal and individual conception of limits. It is a perception that these limits are somehow built into existence. But this is not true. What I’ve done here is remove the lid on those perceived limits. This isn’t an intellectual undertaking. It’s a way to open up space and step on to a new road, with new power.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Health watch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Trump ditches TPP, declares war corporate-run media
Trump ditches TPP, declares war on the false reporting of the corporate-run media
Let the war (of words) begin!
Donald Trump is taking it to the corrupt corporations and arrogant elitists like no one else. Just days after taking office, he has already effectively pulled America out of the TPP (story coming soon on NN) and declared war on the fake reporting of the corporate-run media.
Today, I bring you a list of ten highly-effective ways Kellyanne Conway and the new Prez can take it to the corporate-run media to report directly to the American people.
Don't buy "suicide food" when you really want "survival food." Here's what we offer that's organic, lab-verified and made completely without junk ingredients, GMOs, hidden MSG or other junk: Ranger Bucker Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply (organic ingredients that you use as ingredients to make your own meals).
Anti-aging ‘Holy Basil’ herb supports natural detoxification Holy basil, also known as tulsi, Ocimum sanctum or Ocimum tenuiflorum, is a sacred plant to many Hindus, and is used in a wide variety of religious contexts. It is also an important herb in ...
Trump ditches TPP, declares war on the false reporting of the corporate-run media
Let the war (of words) begin!
Donald Trump is taking it to the corrupt corporations and arrogant elitists like no one else. Just days after taking office, he has already effectively pulled America out of the TPP (story coming soon on NN) and declared war on the fake reporting of the corporate-run media.
Today, I bring you a list of ten highly-effective ways Kellyanne Conway and the new Prez can take it to the corporate-run media to report directly to the American people.
Don't buy "suicide food" when you really want "survival food." Here's what we offer that's organic, lab-verified and made completely without junk ingredients, GMOs, hidden MSG or other junk: Ranger Bucker Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply (organic ingredients that you use as ingredients to make your own meals).
Anti-aging ‘Holy Basil’ herb supports natural detoxification
Holy basil, also known as tulsi, Ocimum sanctum or Ocimum tenuiflorum, is a sacred plant to many Hindus, and is used in a wide variety of religious contexts. It is also an important herb in ...
H.R. unveils 10-point plan for America: GMOs, pesticides, mercury and more
I've just released a video describing a new 10-point plan to help Make American Great Again.
This plan covers GMO labeling, exposing the real science on pesticides and herbicides, defending the Second Amendment, getting the mercury out of vaccines and much more.
It's all part of our community effort to make real progress for America.
Don't buy "suicide food" when you really want "survival food." Here's what we offer that's organic, lab-verified and made completely without junk ingredients, GMOs, hidden MSG or other junk: Ranger Bucker Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply (organic ingredients that you use as ingredients to make your own meals).
H.R. unveils 10-point plan for America: GMOs, pesticides, mercury and more
I've just released a video describing a new 10-point plan to help Make American Great Again.
This plan covers GMO labeling, exposing the real science on pesticides and herbicides, defending the Second Amendment, getting the mercury out of vaccines and much more.
It's all part of our community effort to make real progress for America.
Don't buy "suicide food" when you really want "survival food." Here's what we offer that's organic, lab-verified and made completely without junk ingredients, GMOs, hidden MSG or other junk: Ranger Bucker Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply (organic ingredients that you use as ingredients to make your own meals).
Reporters tell me the truth off the record: the fake news business
And it burns
by Jon Rappoport
January 23, 2017
During my 34 years of working as a reporter, I’ve had many informal conversations with mainstream journalists. They were illuminating.
Here, from my notes (1982-2011), taken after the conversations, are what these guardians on the watchtower revealed:
ONE: “Investigative reporting has been dying. There’s no money for it. If I work on a piece for three months, while my paper is paying me, suppose at the end I come up dry? It happens. I can’t make my case. I’ve got nothing to show for it, and my paper is out whatever they’ve been paying me. They don’t like that. The other thing is, investigative work makes my bosses nervous. They don’t know where it’ll lead. Worst case, I might come up with something that’ll put the paper in a bad light. It’s like an intelligence agent in the field who wanders off the reservation. He’s got an assignment, but he sees something better, more important, and that’s where he goes. He ends up finding out something about his own agency. Something bad. I’ve seen that happen. A reporter finds out his own paper has been covering up a heavy scandal. It’s an intrinsic part of the story. What’s he going to do now? Go to his editor and tell him what’s going on? Chances are, his editor already knows. Now the reporter’s jammed up. He’s in a bad spot. A guy I know came to me with that exact problem. You know what I told him? Burn your notes. That’s what I said.”
TWO: “Most reporters who cover major issues are de facto intelligence assets. Some know it, most don’t. They’re all taking their information from controlled sources. It’s like somebody giving you talking points as if they’re the honest truth. In these talking points, you’re told who the players are in a story and what they’re doing. But they aren’t the important players, and what they’re doing is just a cover for what’s really going on. It’s all about misdirection. I’ve managed to get a few stories published about illusion vs. reality. But the thing is, no one follows up on that. It’s in print, and then it dies. One night, I had a little heart to heart with my editor. I told him it would be a lot easier if I just had a desk at the CIA in Langley. He agreed. He said we could move the whole paper there. But then the spooks would realize they didn’t need us at all. They could put out the paper themselves.”
THREE: “We’re in a business. We’re selling a product. That’s our role. If our bosses don’t like what we’re submitting to them, they let us know we’re giving them the wrong product. Our company makes product A and we’re giving them product B. Most reporters wouldn’t even understand what I’m saying, because they’re mentally in the camp of product A. That’s where they live. So as far as they’re concerned, they have lots of leeway. I don’t like talking to those guys. They’re dumb.”
FOUR: “I can write an article that’s critical of what a drug company is specifically doing, but I can’t criticize the company. If I did, my editor would read me the riot act. He knows if he published that article, his boss would get a visit from the company. They would threaten to pull their advertising. Everybody would be in serious trouble. There is a fine line. Sometimes, the evidence against a drug company is huge, and we can get away with a critical article. But most of the time, it’s a no-go area. I could lose my job. If I did, I would have a hell of a time trying to find another position on the same level. I might be subject to an industry-wide demotion.”
FIVE: “I thought I could quit working for my paper and get hired by somebody else, who would give me more freedom to write the stories I wanted to. I made a few quiet inquiries. Turned out I was wrong. They’re all pretty much the same. I could get hired by some small paper and write whatever I wanted to, but I would make very little money. I’d be screwed. They don’t cover this in journalism school.”
SIX: “Sometimes an order comes down. By the time I get it, it isn’t sounding exactly like an order. It’s more like ‘this is what we’re doing’. We need to go after a politician and bury him. That kind of thing. Nobody is complicit. You can’t find somebody and blame him for issuing the order. It’s vague enough that everyone escapes blame. And you don’t want to talk to your colleagues too much about it. You don’t want to be seen as making waves. It’s sort of like a game plan in football. You’re going to execute the plan. You’re not going to start talking about what a lousy plan it is.”
SEVEN: “I’m a guy who’s expected to put out baloney for our audience. I can slice it a few different ways, but it’s the same basic thing. After a few years, I can do it in my sleep. I know the routine.”
EIGHT: “You talk about who’s really running things behind the scene. I know something about that. But I can’t write it in a story. That would be called original research. I’m not allowed to do that. I can only quote authorities on two sides of an issue. And the guy I quote first—he carries the point of view of the story. The other guy is the doubter. I place him in the weaker position. I get to choose, but I already know what’s needed and required.”
NINE: “Reporters in my business have two choices. They can lower their IQs and become cynics, or they can maintain their intelligence and get booted out. That’s what it comes down to. Anybody with an IQ over 90 can see we have agendas. The whole business is agenda-driven. The main job of a reporter who wants to keep working is developing a cover—pretending he’s speaking the truth. This is a cover for his real identity. A guy who pleases his bosses. Several of us had the whole Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky story before it was published. We wanted to go with it, but we were told to sit on it. So it was our job to agree with that assessment. We had to pretend we didn’t have enough proof yet. We had the proof, but we had to make it seem like we were responsible journalists and needed more. That was a bunch of crap. The agenda was to protect ourselves from the wrath of the White House. That’s what the editors and the publishers were talking about among themselves. Sure—protect the president. But the real thing was the fear that he and his people would strike back at us and do us damage.”
TEN: “My decision to get out of the news business was pretty easy. I wanted to write a story about the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations on government policy, since World War Two. The way I was told to forget about it was like a cop talking to a drug dealer. All of a sudden, I was the bad guy. I really got into it with my editor. I saw what a phony he was. The thing is, I knew he had a cozy thing going with the CIA. Several people knew it. In my years in the business, I got a first-hand education in what selling out means. I came pretty close to the edge. There’s a weird adrenaline kick to it. You see your whole future laid out in front of you. It’s very rewarding, in terms of money and status. If you just play ball, it’ll be a smooth ride.”
ELEVEN: “What the teachers told me in journalism school was a load. All I needed was one honest talk with a professor, and I never would have bothered with the whole thing. I was naïve. During my career, there were days I thought we were really on the right track. Somebody wrote a great piece, and it was published. But then we fell back. We put out provable lies. And they were big ones. It was like being psychologically whipsawed. A few great days, and a lot of bad ones. The worst thing for me was government sources. I was like a horse with a feed bag on, and they were filling it up with rotten food. They knew it, I knew it, and we just kept doing it.”
TWELVE: “I saw what I called ‘the inch-below’ thing. An inch below what we were reporting was the real story. It was about power players and what they were doing to make profit for major corporations. It kept coming up. Crimes. People should have been arrested. I could have written great stories. But nobody wanted them. I would have proved intent. I’m talking about wars. Not little stuff. Whole wars, and the money. The profits. In court, a lawyer could have taken what I had and made a great circumstantial case. The jury would have been convinced. When you can’t publish these stories, you sink into boredom after a while. Tremendous boredom. That’s why some reporters become drunks.”
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
A small, brave coalition of beekeeping organisations is taking on pesticide giants like Bayer, Syngenta, and BASF in court to save the bees. They’re rapidly running out of money at this crucial time and they need your help to win this case. The Bee Defenders Alliance is fighting to uphold the European Commission’s historic, partial ban on three nasty pesticides that are decimating bee colonies.
The lawsuit’s about to enter its final phase with hearings to start any day now -- and lawyers are telling us that right now that it could go either way.
If we lose this, it would mean a world where Bayer and its friends get free rein to sell bee-killing pesticides. That would be game over for the bees. A donation from you would go a long way towards protecting the bees -- paying for top notch lawyers and other resources that the Alliance needs to win.
over a billion jobs depend on them, and bees are responsible for a third of the food that we eat. But the threat of extinction of the bees is looming large thanks to these pesticides called neonics. Just last week, a new report revealed that the harm of neonics is greater than what we thought when the partial ban was first introduced.
The Alliance is key to a defeat of the pesticide lobby -- they are the voice of beekeepers and independent scientists. And they’re up against corporations like Bayer, Syngenta, and BASF -- powerful and wealthy corporations that can strong arm the European Commission to get what they want.
You can help defeat the pesticide giants by chipping in to support the Alliance’s people-powered fight. We may never have as much money as the big corporations, but SumOfUs members like you have shown that when we stand together we punch above our weight. Hundreds of thousands of you pushed France to become the first country to ban the chemicals responsible for the global bee die-off. Together, we’ve sent beekeepers to confront Bayer’s corporate executives at its annual shareholder meeting. And we’ve forced big hardware chains across the world to stop selling neonics. This year, we’re working around the clock to get Canada to join France in banning neonics, extend the European neonic ban, and stop U.S. grocery store giants like Kroger from selling bee-killing products. We’ll also continue to support threatened bee scientists like Jonathan Lundgren and the beekeeper alliance that’s fighting Bayer and Syngenta in court.
And finally, we’ll do everything we can to stop the Bayer-Monsanto merger from hell and continue to fight the biggest bee-killer of them all, Bayer. Can you please help stop the pesticide lobby from tearing up this historic win for the bees?
SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.
That clue is embedded in a statement Trump made in his inaugural address:
“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world… We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.”
Is Trump absolutely serious?
Does he intend, in this respect, to follow in the footsteps of Ron Paul, who helped pave the way for Trump’s success by impacting millions of Americans on the subject (among others) of American Empire and foreign conquest?
Does Trump intend to “stay at home” and abandon the long-standing policy of making war and policing the planet and toppling regimes and using the CIA to create frontiers for US corporations?
Does he intend to go up against the military-industrial complex?
Will he try to sideline slimy neocons?
In his inaugural address, Trump also said this:
“We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones — and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.”
Warning: Depending on how he prosecutes that campaign, wiping out terrorism could continue to function as a cover for foreign wars launched with more traditional goals: destabilize governments and install leaders who will bend to America’s will; extend American Empire; assume the role of international policeman.
In other words, the eradication of terrorism could reinstall every motive and intent Trump says he wants to take away.
Will he dare to keep America’s overall war machine at home?
Trump should understand that, if he does indeed intend to keep this promise, untold numbers of people all over the world will rally to his cause.
And if he doesn’t, the enormous blowback won’t merely affect him; it will keep America in the same horrific bind it’s been in for a long, long time: war is money; war floats a basically bereft economy; war destroys lives; war kills hope; war keeps putting the lie to “America, the bastion of freedom for every person on Earth”; war serves the Globalist operation to invent a need for one planetary management system; war makes the rich richer and the poor poorer; war harnesses the worst impulses of soul, mind, and body, when it is launched on false pretenses.
After all, look at Hillary Clinton, warmonger par excellence. Look at what it has done to her and her followers. They can’t tell up from down.
Many times during the campaign, and since his election, Trump has said he’ll stop the insane wars of American Empire. No American president, going back as least as far as Kennedy, has made such a statement with any emphasis.
I’m not sure the American people understand what Trump is claiming he’ll accomplish here.
Given our government and its domestic partners, given the military-industrial complex, this claim is astonishing.
Does he really mean it?
Because, if he does, this is a revolution.
And therefore, we should be paying close attention. Very close attention.
Yes, we should looking at some of Trump’s appointments with a jaundiced eye. Of course. But beyond those men and their potential hidden motives, we have to look at Trump himself and what he does.
In particular, I urge the supporters of Ron Paul, who made his critique of American Empire and foreign wars crystal clear, to keep their eyes open. Those supporters, many of them, were fully aware of what Paul was saying and how revolutionary it was. For that reason, among others, they came to his side. Now they need to be watchdogs on the Trump presidency.
As I’ve written before, the movement that formed around Trump is more important than the man. I’m talking about the people who stand for both freedom and honor.
Is it possible these people have made a grave mistake? In politics, that’s always a risk. But it is no crime to want the right thing and judge that there might be a candidate who wants the right thing, too. In other words, it’s not shameful to be wrong—as long as those supporters refuse to dream about phony rainbows, as long as they hold up the standard of freedom and honor to their candidate and use it to demand that promises be kept.
We’re past the point of needing to be fooled. Way past that point.
The current president of the United States has taken a de facto oath to reverse the course of Empire.
This is the oath we have been wanting to hear for a long time.
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
We know all about the short con and the long con and every kind of political con. We’re well prepared in that respect. Now we want to see proof.
Not merely a few symbolic gestures.
Great energy surrounds the person who promises the honorable thing; especially when he wins.
Especially when he is not alone.
Especially when he reflects the thing fervently wished for.
Is Trump crazy enough to go up against the entire establishment and the Deep State?
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few.”
Let us be vigilant.
See something, say something.
And in the meantime, in every way possible, demand the end of Empire. Let that demand come in from every place on Earth.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Trump, Marches, and Psyops Operations to Divide The World
From an enlightened perspective Trump is the right man for the job and has the backing of the Higher Dimensionals, Angelic and Ascended Masters. If people had mastered their own personal God connection there would be no marches especially those inciting violence. Now that I have gotten your attention - probably pissed off quite a few - take a deep breath, suspend your egos with all their programming and misinformation, wounds and traumas being acted out vicariously and listen.
Did you take that deep breath? Now take about three more.
This is not about "what abouts". Most of the "what about this and that" are part of a grand psyops program carried out by the DNC, CIA funded by George Soros and others in the elite. It is the classic divide and conquer, order through chaos and the chaos we are now experiencing is by design. We don’t need a Gandhi right now we need a warrior. The Gandhi will come later after the clean up.
There is a transdimensional war going on far beyond most people’s ability to perceive. There are unseen negative influences; which are the masterminds behind the political puppets. It is a multilevel swamp; which definitely needs to be drained. The ones screaming the loudest in the political arena are the ones that are guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. One of their tactics is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing. They use the agencies, the press, and sponsor various political groups to do their bidding. This includes the talking heads in the lame stream fake news media owned and controlled by the very same dark forces seen and unseen.
Trump is taking something on so dark, so deceitful, moving into the levels of demonic that most people would cower in disbelief if it were to reveal itself.
Many will find the very leaders and icons they have been following are deeply rooted in evil. Pizza Gate, Pedogate, the satanic blood rituals including child trafficking and sacrifice are real. This includes Hollywood and the music industry both replete with satanic and decadent rituals. This is not on Trump's side of the fence. If you are marching for Hillary, the pay to play deception, the continuation of the war and disease profiteering then you have fallen into the psyop. Compared to this group Trump is a saint, although I am sure he is not perfect as none of us are.
I am all for equality, women’s rights etc. yet let's not muddy the water and create a toxic soup that has little to do with women’s rights. Let's separate the Russian hacking and use a little logic. The polls are not online. The electrical grid is not online. So how can they be hacked? There is a big difference between a leak and a hack. The Wikileaks information was leaked - not a hack - concerning the affairs and wrong doings of the DNC and the Clintons. The previous British Ambassador admitted he was the one who turned the information over to Julian Assange from a disgruntled official in the DNC. He was given the information most likely by Seth Rich who was murdered, found shot several times in the back adding to a long history of deaths connected to the Clintons. So with this information now how could there be a hack and how can they blame the Russians? What does this have to do with Trump? This is just one of many false accusations and diatribes against Trump.
Not one person in any of the agencies will testify under oath it was the Russians who hacked the election or the grid. Do you know why? Because lying to Congress is instant jail unless you are the Clintons - then the rules don’t apply. Why can the Clintons lie to Congress?....because they control most of the politicians, the DOJ and other agencies. That will soon be rectified.How can the politicians continuously spew out false information knowing it is a lie? It is what politicians do. They also are deeply involved in many of the beyond sick activity now coming to the surface. Everything from bribes and blackmail to murder, pedophilia and satanic blood rituals. Of course they are going to pull out all the stops to stop Trump - their careers and their lives depend on it.
It is time for a little critical thinking. Why are you blaming Trump for this mess and condemning him before he even has a chance? What did the last administration do for you? A better question is what have they done to you. If you knew the answer to either question you would not take to the streets other than support of Trump. Considering what he is up against a lot of support and a little slack is in order. It is time for the Stockholm syndrome to end. Break out of the spell and stop fearing change. Do you want everything to continue as it has? Are you in support of the gross negligence, corruption, unbridled greed and the lust for power? Are you in favor of the war and disease profiteers to continue business as usual? Do you support murder, child trafficking, and satanic blood rituals? I am all for taking to the streets if Trump becomes a Hitler - yet the truth of the matter is you have already been under at least three Hitlers. Hitlary included. Calling Trump Hitler is a diatribe created by the very people with the most to loose. Those flourishing in the swamp.
The protesters are being played like a fiddle. They drank the CNN cool aid. Their own unhealed wounds and traumas are being played upon and are being acted out vicariously against a fictitious enemy. I watched emotional dramas being acted out without any foundation of truth to back them. Signs like Russian traitor, Stop Hitler etc. Hollywood actors deeply embedded in the swamp making false statements with absolutely no foundation, they are actors remember. Some actors I have lost all respect for because of their ignorance and allegiance to the dark side. There are three categories many fit into, naive, ignorant or evil. Most just follow the leader or succumb to star power - being critical thinking challenged. I watched people protesting that did not even know why. I watched young men throw rocks, bottles, anything they could get their hands on at police then walk up and taunt them acting out gestures of persecution. I must say this is one of the times I sided with the police and had no problem with them taking care of business. Fortunately most kept their cool.
All I can say is the fluoride in the water and the chemtrails are working. The separation game played by the illuminati creating chaos worldwide is working. The pitting races against each other is working. The mind control projects are working even more than one suspects. The good news is they still are not working enough. The N.W.O. is rapidly loosing ground worldwide. Their tactics are being exposed along with their past deeds. The world is waking up. The call for freedom and Universal Law is heard around the world. The enslavers are being unmasked and now the people need to look at the world with fresh eyes. Not the mindsets and programs from the past.
It is time for personal research, critical thinking, establishing ones own personal inner guidance.
Do not depend on outside sources for truth. Learn to trust and lead yourselves from your own heart and soul. Have you been lied to in the past? How much of those lies have influenced your decision making process? Are you afraid to look at the conspiracy facts? The FBI and NYPD files on your past leadership would make a grown man cry. Do you want this to continue? It is time to discern why and who you are marching for because you very well may be supporting the very things and people you’re against once the truth comes out and the masks come down.
There will be a lot of dramas playing out as these new waves of energy push everything to the surface. Some will heal internally, some will need external lessons. Some will own their emotions and experiences, others will project and blame. It is all about personal responsibility from here on out. Best advice I can give is to set boundaries, hold sacred space and be open to new ideas and information yet always use discernment. Nothing is as it seems, and you never know a person's cards until they play them. Do not fall for Star Power, Religious Power, Political Power - the real power is within you. It always has been. Get out of everyone else’s sand box and take care of your own kitty litter.
The real power is within you. It always has been.....
Don't let these 10 "false fears" control your reality
Don't let these 10 "false fears" control your reality
I've noticed that many people today are possessed by "false fears," especially on the political spectrum.
So, I've outlined 10 false fears of the left, along with a warning to avoid being consumed or manipulated by those false fears.
Yes, there are legitimate things to be concerned about (GMO genetic pollution, pesticides in the food, financial collapse), but almost everything being pushed by the dishonest media is FAKE.
I've also penned a "goodbye" article for Barack Obama, which I hope will be my last article on Obama. It lists the ten ways he has deliberately harmed America over the last eight years.
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James O’Keefe- We’re going after the mainstream media next Members of the media have another thing coming if they thought criticism would ease up now that campaign season is over, undercover activist James O'Keefe confirmed Thursday...
Nationalism is not Empire. Nationalism is solving problems at home.
Globalism is the non-partisan effort to immerse nations in a regional and planetary management system; mega-corporations and banks steer the ship.
Freedom includes the ability to choose between Nationalism and Globalism.
Globalism is not an organic grass-roots movement. It is imposed from above. (See my work on the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission to gain a view of “above.”)
Empire here implies the effort by a government (e.g., the US, China) to extend its control over other nations and peoples. It is not an intrinsic part of Nationalism. Dick Cheney was intent on building an American Empire. A factory worker in Ohio isn’t.
Nationalism doesn’t mean the government is running a vast Welfare State. It isn’t running a charity without limits. It isn’t promising a utopia based on “share and care.”
Solving problems at home implies restoring jobs stolen by corporations who left the country and set up shop in foreign lands. They committed this deed under terms of Globalist trade treaties. The corporations weren’t exercising freedom. They were navigating loopholes designed by their friends in high places. The major loophole was:
“You can manufacture your products in a hell hole overseas with slave labor, and then you can export those products back to your former home country and sell them without paying a tariff.”
Solving problems at home implies the robust expansion of independent media, who become a watchdog on government, corporations, and major media.
Solving problems at home implies the eradication of a Surveillance State which, under the cover of protecting the citizenry against terrorism, is actually collecting massive amounts of information on all citizens.
Solving problems at home implies eliminating gangs who are holding millions of citizens in inner cities hostage in their own residences.
Solving problems at home implies securing the nation’s borders against incursion by people intent on committing crimes, collecting free money and services from the government, and subverting freedom.
Solving problems at home implies doing whatever can be done to encourage a culture in which individual freedom and vision and power motivates as many people as possible to invent their own futures, in order to fulfill their most profound desires.
Solving problems at home implies prosecuting, to the fullest extent of the law, companies that pollute and poison the land, sea, and air with their “by-products.” This effort does not require a return to some universal Pagan religion of Nature.
Solving problems at home implies prosecuting, to the fullest extent of the law, companies who manufacture and sell compounds that purport to cure disease, but actually destroy health and life.
Historically, the first time a banker or corporate leader was discovered to have financed an American war on both sides, he should have been tried and convicted of treason. That would have sent a suitable message.
And so forth and so on.
This is all common sense.
It is obscured by waves of mouthy propaganda, featuring high-flying generalities and ideals, which turn into demands and vicious attacks: “Everybody has to love one another right now and share everything for free, and if they don’t, we’ll blast them into the stratosphere.”
These waves are planned, organized, and funded by people like George Soros, and they are meant to disrupt nations and push them into the arms of the Globalist agenda.
The number of unconscious dupes and pawns in this operation is legion.
In his 1796 Farewell Address, President George Washington provided exceptional recommendations about nationalism:
“It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world…”
“But even our commercial [trade] policy [with foreign nations] should hold an equal and impartial hand…diffusing and diversifying by gentle means the streams of commerce, but forcing nothing…constantly keeping in view that it is folly in one nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its independence for whatever it may accept under that character…There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion, which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard.”
“…Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none; or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.”
“Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest…?”
“With me a predominant motive has been to endeavor to gain time to our country to settle and mature its yet recent institutions, and to progress without interruption to that degree of strength and consistency which is necessary to give it, humanly speaking, the command of its own fortunes.”
Whenever Washington mentions Europe, he is essentially referring to any foreign country.
Nationalism: stay at home. Strengthen the home country. No Empire. No entangling alliances.
And certainly, no Globalism, which amounts to surrender of the home country to foreign interests.
What is wrong with George Washington’s policy? Nothing.
The policy has been called isolationism, which, via propaganda, has been given a nasty edge. It has no edge. It has concern for America.
Every country could learn from George Washington’s wisdom.
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Utopian dreams aside, no country’s history is pure. Its governments and leaders have committed terrible crimes. But that fact doesn’t imply that the country should be destroyed or dismantled, or attached to some deceptive supra-national program of “harmony for all.”
Nationalism, in George Washington’s description of it, is a practical vision for realizing a degree of self-sufficiency no modern country has ever achieved.
The vision is still there to be pursued.
It has always been there, since the ancient nomads first settled down in sunlit valleys and began to grow their crops.
Self-sufficiency, freedom, prosperity.
Advanced technology has complicated matters. I’m not talking about instant communication among all points on Earth. I’m talking about a surfeit of weapons which can destroy life at the push of a button. But even there, leaders will be far more likely to negotiate and talk in good faith if they have the genuine interest of their own people at heart, where they live, in their home nations.
In a half-sane world, there would be, by now, courses in taught in every school, on the meaning of greed, avarice, meddling, and the obsession for minding everyone else’s business…
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
"Trump and the RV" - Intel SITREP from Deep Source(s)
SITREP (Situation Report)
1-24-17 10:42 PM EST
Deep Source (RV/GCR):
"Trump to announce the new US currency [or at the time of the RV]. The Admiral is waiting for the same. Dow in striking distance of 20,000."
Deep Source (Resistance):
"General Dunford and Trump have agreed to stop chemtrails. Trump's IQ level is in the 1% of the top of the scale. That's why he can memorize so easily without a teleprompter. new Republic is 100% behind Trump."
Deep Source (The Alliance):
"De-cloaking event scheduled after [or during] disclosure announcements."
Compiled in the early morning hours EST of 25 Jan. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," www.22faces.com.
1. Deep Source (RV/GCR): "Trump to announce the new US currency prior to the RV. The Admiral is waiting for the same. Dow in striking distance of 20,000."
2. Deep Source (Resistance): "General Dunford and Trump have agreed to stop chemtrails. Trump's IQ level is in the 1% of the top of the scale. That's why he can memorize so easily without a teleprompter. new Republic is 100% behind Trump."
3. Deep Source (The Alliance): "De-cloaking event scheduled after disclosure announcements."
1. General Kelly must take personal command of the emergency broadcast system Peterson AFB , Colorado. That system will be used to make the disclosure announcements to all the people.
2. According to the guy in Erie, Pa. the announcement of the new US currency will stop the global drug trade that Trump demanded at the CIA 2 days ago.
3. The announcement of the new currency will lead to arrest of criminal rat Alan Greenspan.
1. The world's currencies are revaluing soon from a petrol collateral backing to the old gold standard of value.
2. Reports from inside the White House claim that new US President Trump has already signed off on the gold standard return, as it was a law passed by Congress during his first day in office (just not yet reported to the public).
4. Anticipating such a change back to the gold standard, Zimbabwe began issuing new gold coins (May 2016) and paper currency (November 2016) at a par value with the USD (1:1 redemption ratio).
6. Zimbabwe alone could not accomplish such a reversal of economic fortune, and so they recruited China to assist in the conversion / cancellation of all past Zimbabwe debts (including the 2008-2009 currency) in exchange for nearly half all their long-term mining rights--including rights to gold, tin, iron ore, platinum, lithium, and rare earth elements.
7. This is an important aspect of the revaluation of Zimbabwe's currency because China is the sovereign superpower nation now in control of the new global monetary system (soon to be announced to the world and backed 100% in gold stored in Shanghai). http://thediplomat.com/2016/01/zimbabwe-chinas-all-weather-friend-in-africa/
9. Knowing such information can not only resurrect personal finances, but communities and nations. If you're even reading this post, it means you have been benevolently placed into a divine position to both redeem said Zimbabwe currency into spendable USD, as well as redistribute your profits back into society for the benefit of others in need.
10. We believe the redemption date question will be answered before the weeks end when 800#'s are issued via private channels for a 48-72 appointment making period.
11. So do remain patient, and wait for the flood gates to open. As the rush to redeem this currency will be swift and for the most part invisible to the naked eye.
D. June 24 2017 Bruce's The Big Call:
1. One of the first Executive Orders that President Trump signed after his inauguration had to do with eliminating or reducing taxes on our upcoming currency exchanges.
2. Jack Lew resigned from other positions but still holds the seat of Secretary of the US Treasury. Once the new US Treasury Secretary is seated it will automatically put the US on the asset and gold-backed monetary system.
3. This afternoon intel was that the new US Treasury Secretary did not have to be seated for the RV to go through.
4. The bonds of Tier 2 and 3, or Heritage Funds were released today Jan. 24 2017.
5. Funding in paymaster accounts were to be released this afternoon to pay the platforms in the process right now.
6. Iraq has had a new rate on bank screens since Jan. 1 and as of today, the Iraqi people's Q cards have a Dinar value of $4.64.
7. Bruce thinks the Dinar rate should increase quite a bit in the near future.
8. The Iraqi national banking law (containing the new rate) was passed today Jan. 24 2017 around 3 am EST.
9. The laws need to show up in the Iraqi Gazette to be official.
10. Abadi and other officials are rumored to be coming to the US tonight or tomorrow morning Jan. 25 2017.
11. A big group of global officials (China, South Africa, India, Brazil and other Brics countries) were rumored to be coming to the US by this Friday Jan. 27 2017.
12. China wants this to RV by their New Year, which is this Sat. Jan. 28 2017.
13. The Zim (because it is a bond, not a currency) was expected to be exchanged by the Chinese New Year Sat. Jan. 28.
14. We have heard that since last year the Zim has been on a one to one with the US dollar.
15. When the new rates populate on the bank screens this is considered done.
16. You can leave your exchange with a credit card with quite an amount of money on it as well as up to $10,000 in cash bundles of $2,500 each.
17. Your money will be put in a temporary trust account (have some names written down to call it) until you decide what to do with it. Know who you want to be named as Trustees of your accounts as well as your beneficiaries.
18. We are at the precipice of this going at any moment, with the Chinese wanting it by Sat. Jan. 28 2017.
1. We're up to 30 banks, three credit unions and several currency exchange dealers buying and selling the Iraqi Dinar.
2. This is a 180 degree change from a few weeks ago. For all intent and purposes the international acceptance of the Iraqi Dinar (kingpin of the Global Currency Reset), is upon us.
1. Iraqi PM Abadi has announced that Iraq has fully liberated all of Eastern Mosul.
2. The start of Western liberation of Mosul hopefully will begin today into tomorrow.
3. Once IRAQ is fully liberated, Dow Jones should hit 20,000 or close to it, Abadi would plant their flag in center of Mosul and the Iraq Dinar true value would be revealed at $3+.
4. This should allow all other currencies to increase their currencies in value as well simultaneously.
5. In the US we are up to 30 banks, 3 credit unions and several currency exchange dealers who are buying and selling Dinar, though it's not the rate we want yet.
6. For the banks to accept IQD it would mean that the Iraqi Dinar was international.
7. Since we have US banks accepting Dinar, all we are waiting for was the rate increase.
1. New Comers: If you are reading this, you are officially in the Internet Group.
2. The Internet Group will be notified by the Internet. Thus, only those paying attention to the Internet will get that notification.
3. (There may be an email notification as well if you gave your email address to your currency dealer when you purchased it.)
4. Those who do not pay attention to intel information on the Internet probably won't get the special Internet Group notification in the form of a special 800#.
5. When the announcements are made publicly on TV, the public can go to their bank to exchange their currencies at lower, public rates.
6. If you have sent your currency to someone else, or are part of a group, you are not considered a part of the Internet Group.
7. People in the Internet Group still have their own currency in their possession and can exchange such currency at a exchange location upon notification.
Denomination Sizes
All notes * Bring everything
Printing Issues
All series * Bring everything Exchange Locations
1,700+ in North America Screen Rate
1.00 USD * Values less than the screen rate are also available Sovereign Rate
Max: $125,000.00 USD * A sovereign rate will be determined by exchange banker and depend on the scope of your humanitarian projects and job creation vision, capability and experience Structured Settlements
Term: 18 months - 50 years
Interest: 2% - 8%
Payouts: Annual, Semi-Annual, Quarterly Non Disclosure Agreement
Mandatory for all ZIM holders
Mandatory and much more in depth for sovereign rate redeemers Cash Withdrawal
$10,000 or less Cashier Checks
5 or less Bank Wires
5 or less
Max Amount: Ask exchange center banker
* Exchange center bankers also have wire access to all banks worldwide and can place funds in existing bank accounts Skeleton Trusts
Mandatory for all exchanges
Existing trusts are acceptable
All trusts are revocable (i.e. changeable) 800 Numbers
Released via existing bank websites and specific internet portals
* Just tell operators what currencies you hold and they will direct you Bank Selection
Operators will place you at ZIM specific exchange centers
* HSBC now overriding all ZIM transactions no matter where you redeem Personal Accounts
New accounts will be opened if you do not have existing accounts
Checking and savings accounts are available Investment Appointment
A wealth management consultation can be set up at the time of your exchange or made later at your convenience
Judy Note: My 27 years of research on survivors of a Cabal and Illuminati international child exploitation ring tells me that since the inception of the CIA after World War II, the agency has been using a US taxpayer black budget to finance this horrendous child abuse and mind control. Children have been regularly sexually abused at high end parties to blackmail prominent leaders - a practice that was recently exposed in 2016 through over 50,000 Clinton-John Podesta emails exposed by Wikileaks.
President Trump has made it clear that this CIA-funded child exploitation, drug and arms running would be no more, for he was cleaning up the swamp
In her 2012 biography "Twenty Two Faces" Jenny Hill exposed this many centuries-old international child sexual abuse and human sacrifice ring run by political, religious and banker elites. Hill claimed that as a six year-old she was tortured and witnessed the murder of another child, Kathleen Shea, in a Satanic human sacrifice ceremony. https://www.youtube.com/wat?v=F626Lsrdwg4.
Like thousands of other Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor children thought to be undergoing this torture even today, the abusive experiences resulted in fracturing her mind into multiple personalities. This child exploitation was said to be overseen by a Nazi mind control agent brought into the US by the CIA after World War II: www.22faces.comwww.ChildAbuseRecovery.com
We will be eternally grateful for these heros who continue to bravely fight this Ninth Circle Satanic Cult and their ongoing rape, torture and murder of innocent children. The good guys included the restored US Republic's "White Hats and White Knights," Annett's ITCCS and Tim Ballard's Operation Underground Railroad.
Received via email at 11:11 AM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles
Many realize they're waiting on something of great significance, but don't know exactly where they stand individually in something as colossal as a global currency reset and/or changing of the world's financial system.
This information isn't taught in schools as those with the gold prefer you didn't know who they were, or how they operate. But given the drawn out nature of this endless transition, curious minds had the time and desire to dig a little deeper and unearth a few buried truths.
One of those being that the modern banking system was dated back to the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement post WWll. Globalists were making a strong statement for monetary unification across all continents, linking up banks and industries meant more growth, also travel also was becoming more easily accessible to the average person. The combination demanded some kind of universal financial system, hence the modern tiered system of global finance was born.
The problem that occurred was as technology progressed, so did access to foreign trading markets. And in today's digital age, that access is literally immediate, breaking seconds down into fractions of fractions of fractions of seconds. So knowing that said fractions existed in the system and could be increased, gaps of time were created inside the outdated system, and greedy bad guys who are faster to adapt and as a result take incredible profits using high speed trading--yet making nothing--are untraceable to the good guys who arrive with fixes after the damage has already been done.
Sadly, the western world has perfected such white collar technical theft. This creates greater wealth disparity between the have and have nots, yet the have's already owned a vast majority of the world's wealth before WWll, so technology just accelerated what at some point in the 1970's must have appeared to be an irreversible trend when then President Nixon took the USA off the gold standard for two weeks (and here we are 45 years later desperately going back to our old friend gold).
However, those eastern world family's that controlled the vast majority of the world's tangible assets got together, pooled their massive holdings in a series of irrevocable trusts, and began mounting a secrete campaign to reclaim the financial system.
They saw how the west was intentionally causing chaos through war and economic collapse, and then deliver order through new government regulation, which created less and less opportunity for the individual, and more and more dependence upon the state for survival.
Existentially the east watched it all unfold at first Darin back to the sixteenth century, but then clearly saw something needed to be done in today's reality when the world's monetary policy fell into great danger as governments were openly in bed with the western bankers--who all emanated from the same genetic family (hence the commonly referred to conspiracy term cabal); as over the course of centuries they strategically married and bred into different races, religions, cultures, organizations and across continents… always secretly maintaining their hidden Zionist agenda and overarching goal of total world domination.
Hard to believe? Maybe. Yet true. And we are all witnessing the end of their zionistic agenda, as well as the reconstitution of humanity after centuries of a destructive "us not them" philosophy.
Diligently, patiently, the Eastern world began divesting themselves and these western countries economies from non-tangible asset classes, began hoarding manufacturing sector companies and raw good producers, including buying mines, water, timber and farm land world wide--until very quietly, they had irreversible control of all things "physical" or tangible in the world; including the creation of an entire new and technologically superior financial system, using the same tier system, but with separate centralized monetary authority based in China (with quantum processing satellites as well).
They also began acquiring as much sovereign bond debt and treasury note issuances as they were allowed, to stock pile future bargaining chips against the corrupted western establishment. That's how much money they had. How is this possible? They owned the gold and could draw credit off their immense holdings at will. So they did. And kept doing it until they bankrupted the 1944 Bretton Woods created old, modern financial system.
Also, there were busy creating a new Cross-Boarder Interbank Payment System (CIPS) and began bringing it on-line after 9/11. First in Asia, then slowly expanding bank by bank, nation by nation into the western world. And when global financial markets seemingly randomly collapsed circa 2008, that was because the new financial system had replaced the old financial system in majority worldwide.
Meaning those fancy derivative products and electronic fake assets began defaulting class by class, as their common lie was being exposed globally.
Few modern investments outside of commodities trades have a tangible asset backing up or collateralize the trade--which ultimately brought down every western bank and financial institution, and ultimately their corrupted governments and leaders, one by one until none could with stand going it alone in the old financial system.
The European Union was last, as thirteen families in Eastern Europe are at the heart of Zionism; and thus their daily nobility cabal (theft) from the rest of the world began and end with their banking system--Germany specifically.
Now you can still purchase ETFs, futures and options even though you're really buying anything other than a financial position in space that tangibly does not really exist although feels real. Why? Because thanks to the Chinese Dragon Elders, they haves provided once again the collateral to cover all markets, currencies and central bank exposure.
That's how much gold they have after accumulating it for 5,000 years.
However, this time all trades are transparent and regulated at the global monetary computing level (tier 1), utilizing new high tech quantum satellites, which makes not only theft incredibly more difficult, but also assigning blame more easy due to new block chain technology that charts each and every transaction back to its origination point, regardless of the number of digital transactions--in a matter of split seconds.
This new transparency in our modern space-aged financial system makes off shore investment and tax havens obsolete, as it does concealing illegal drug and arms purchases. Literally there's no place to hide in the digital age financially now. Do no harm is a very real thing because absolutely every decision is tracked back to it's original decision maker: i.e. no more shell companies, inside of shell charities, insides of shell NGO's, inside of shell non profits for religion, inside of public companies, inside of private banks, inside of public banks.
What will the Vatican, Orsini's and Rothschild's do with their time now? Who cares. Just burn in hell draconian demons you e earned that eternal illuminated flame of torture.
Now that all the western banks and their governments have been completely broken, as well as few corrupted leaders in the Middle East, Latin America, East and North Africa as well, the world thankfully is safely out of mass extinction danger, and again ready to re-enter some kind of global sanity fiscally, militarily, diplomatically and politically.
Know that privately, we've long been there or else the world would have already collapsed from within. Ever wonder why the Dow can't get above 20,000? It's not time yet, or is it? Ever wonder why the markets are flat worldwide and big companies aren't making press release worthy R&D or growth investments? It's not time yet, or is it?
So back to the Modern Financial System Tiers, they are as follows:
Collateral Source (0)
Chinese Dragon Elders
Global Monetary Authority (1)
Centralized Banks
Government (2)
National Treasuries
Sovereign Families (3)
Private Banks
Public Banks (4-7)
Large Cap, Medium Cap, Small Cap and Credit Unions (not for profit)
Now the reason it's important to understand the tiers before you redeem, is two-fold:
1) To negotiate a proper rate, it's wise to both understand your needs and the banks needs.
2) To ask and receive this much money, it's wise to comprehend both where it begins and ends.
Initially, you actually begin the money origination process by redeeming your foreign currency at a Tier 4-7 bank (the off-site locations are technically Tier 3, hence why they can offer sovereign rates).
Now when it's time, you will call and make your exchange appointment, walk into a brick and mortar bank or off-site redemption center, place your wad of notes on a table for counting and authentication, then negotiate a redemption rate (remember, asking for higher sovereign rates is not mandatory, as many will take equal to or less than screen rate out of personal discretion), sign all relevant paperwork, get your new trust accounts, credit cards, cashiers checks and take less than 10,000 in cash and out ya go.
Simple. Clean. Easy. Takes around an hour. Badda-Bing! Badda-Boom! Thank you Jesus!!!!! What's for dinner cause I'm buying!
But that's where the tier process begins, because that bank then takes your old currency, which they now own, and re-sell it for an even higher pre-negotiated rate to a Tier 3 Private Bank, who buys it only to resell back to Tier 2 government treasury at a pre-negotiated rate, who then turns around and sells it back that Tier 1 global monetary authority (AIIB or Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) for the highest possible pre-negotiated rate.
(FYI: This tiered trading system is what many have heard as lore as "platform trades" or "private placement programs"--which had always been part of the financial system, but became mainstream after Dodd-Frank was passed in 1999 by then President Bill Clinton. That's when all the trouble really escalated which ultimately led to the 9/11 atrocity because the Western world Zionists didn't want to lose control of the their cabal banking schemes. Thankfully, we're herding Dodd-Frank was just repealed, so hopefully this kind of insanity doesn't rear it's ugly head again anytime soon… but never underestimate the genetic evil embedded in the aging European white male.)
But wait… there's more!
After your originating digital credits/currency goes up the tiers and finally reaches an end buyer of the modern financial system… it is immediately turned right back around and sold down the same tiered system as a collateral backed asset (bonds or commercial paper) if and when governments desire additional volumes of money for infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, airports, natural disaster relief, water treatment, etc..
Hmmmm, where have we heard this claim recently? Ah yes, Mr. Nuclear Orange Skin President Donald J. Trump… who out of thin air suddenly plans on producing $1 Trillion dollars to fund a majestic public works program. What a saint. He does none of the work, yet takes all of the credit--when the true collateral holders and developers of the new financial system to replace the old (Chinese Dragon Elders) sit back anonymously in the mountains of China, quietly observing from the top of the food chain.
The Elder Chinese Grandfather must be shaking his head watching what the west does--such a young country the United States--so much wisdom still yet to be acquired, so many lessons yet to be learned.
Even harder to believe? Beyond hard. Yet true. Sobeit.
Bruce: Welcome everybody to the Big Call. Thank you for your faithfulness in tuning in to this conference call. Some listen to the replay link, and most listen live. Here is a big welcome to those Internationally, United States, Canada, Mexico, all the listening audience. We had more people in the financial world from international destinations contact us for the call last week in numbers than from the United States and Canada combined. We had 1025 in the financial world request those numbers last week. Maybe have similar situation tonight.
Bruce: We are at an interesting point in this adventure of this currency ride. For 12 years on this ride in my case and fewer for others. The Intel has been coming in bits and pieces but really good information. Where I thought we would have this by today, we have not yet. Let us go through and piece together what Sue and I do. Let’s take this Intel and discern the truth of what we are hearing. Some things I go well that resonates with me and other information I throw out. As you know, I work by memory and I don’t write this down. So some information gets left out occasionally.
Bruce: What has gone on since the election and inauguration of President Trump? First of all, we understood, something I can’t prove right now, one of his first execute order was reducing or eliminating taxes for us in our exchange. We have heard for long time this would not be a taxable event at the Federal level but could be at State level. We still are not sure how this is going to work. Let’s believe one of the very first executive order has put us in favorable light with little or no tax with a Federal point of view for our exchange. Let us see what happens with that.
Bruce: Another thing is the appointments of the cabinet. We heard quite a few appointees have gone through. Four or five have gone through. We are looking for the appointment for the Secretary of the Treasury to come in. Jack Lew has been our Secretary of the Treasury, but has had 3 other positions that he was in charge of. He was the Secretary of. My understanding is he resigned from those other 3 positions and still is the Secretary of Treasury until the new Secretary of Treasury is conferred and agreed upon and takes their place and is seated. When he is seated, my understanding is, we will sort of automatically will go to our gold back system. Once he is seated, our new Secretary of the Treasury is seated, that will put us all at one time onto the new gold back system that we will have here in this country.
It is not that all of our currency is gold back, but partially gold back. So we use the term asset back. It is asset back. However, we are moving towards the gold standard. So that is a positive thing. Does he need to be seated in that new position for the RV to go through? We have heard a couple of different ways, but most recent version this afternoon is, NO he does not need to be seated for this RV to go through. So that is a positive piece of news I heard today.
Bruce: Additionally we know that the bonds that are moving to take care of, let’s call it Platform trades and other types of Platform trades part of Tier 2 and Tier 3 are ongoing. Those Heritage bonds have been released today. I don’t understand all of it, this is something we were looking for which is the Heritage funds to begin to flow. That is happening today.
Some of the funding is in place and sitting in Paymasters’ accounts to be released early this afternoon to pay the platforms going on. The ZIM Platforms are in process now. We understand that is happening today.
Bruce: Remember we said Iraq has had a new rate in back of their screens in our banks since January 2? Today I understand, they have a debit card, Qi card, for the Iraq people, and globally wherever this card is held, today the rate is $4.64. That is a new rate. What is interesting is it appears to be a rate that might be available today and used around the world today. I think there is a greater rate coming. The first part of that rate, the $4, should increase quite a bit with a change of rate by the CBI.
Bruce: Concerning Iraq, just when we think everything is done with Iraq, we found there were 4 more laws to be passed this morning. One of those laws was the National banking law. The law the rate would be held in. The rate of the dinar held in that law. Shortly after 3am EST this morning, those laws were passed. At 10am Iraq time this morning, this occurred and that all 4 laws were passed. I assumed at the risk of you know what, those need to show up in the Gazette to make it official. My understanding is the rate is in the law and the budget. Both the budget and the rate will be visible very shortly.
Bruce: We also understand that Prime Minister Abadi may be making a trip as early as tonight or tomorrow morning. He might bring that new rate with him. We are very close to that possibility. Don’t have specifics or details on it. Also I am hearing others internationally from 9 other countries may be coming as early as tonight or tomorrow morning to the United States. On the list are Great Britain’s Prime Minister, President of China, and President of Philippians. A big group including from Australia, New Zealand, and others. Also from a country from Africa, maybe Zimbabwe, don’t know that yet. Also ones coming from a number of BRIC countries and maybe a few others additionally.
Bruce: China wants this to go before their Chinese New Year begins which is Saturday, January 28, 2017. My understanding is it not only is to go, but certain aspects be complete. Say for instance if they start this right away, we could have virtually 90 to 95% of the ZIM out there in and exchanged by Saturday, but we need to get started. We need to have the toll free number.
When we get that number, we will be able to set our appointments and go in the redemption centers and either take the screen rates with no NDA, or negotiate and take the high rates and sign an NDA. That will be up to you and your need for more funding for your humanitarian projects you have in mind to fund. That will be something yet to be seen. We have heard that rates are sort of that we have seen rates in the ZIM extremely high.
Realistically the screen rate will not show anywhere near that high, but since the ZIM is a bond it has great value. Even with the screen rate if it is 1 to 1 with the USD we heard since November 1st if it is at that rate. That is a fantastic rate with the size of the denomination of that currency. Keep that in mind. There still is the ability to negotiate higher. Use your own judgment of high to go in what to ask for. You can always ask for however high you wish and see how they respond with that to you.
Bruce: We understand that the cabinet picks are going well. We heard today the Dodd-Frank law was repealed. I did not see that on the news. This is from another source. If that did occur, we understood that the banks stock reflected upward movement on the stock exchange in result of that. We did hear the Keystone pipeline was approved to move forward in that area. The other pipeline of the Dakota access pipeline has been approved to move forward.
Bruce: Some things that have been held up are in motion now. That is very good for this country in terms of jobs. I know with both pipelines the President wants to use US manufacture steel for those pipes. He mentioned that today. I did catch that today. That is going to give steel workers work here in the United States to furnish and manufacture steel piping for the pipelines.
Bruce: The gold standard we talked about. Exchange centers are still on standby. We need for them to go to an active status. When they do go to an active status, that is really go time for us. We know the redemption centers will be ready to go fully staffed and active as soon as we get this. We are hearing activation of rates going down to the Forex desk or Forex screens. I don’t know if that is inside banks or where it is. I have heard when new rates come in and populate on the screens, when we get the new rates, it is go time. Everything is done. I am hearing everything is done now, but realistically not all done until we get the toll free number to set our appointment to go to the redemption centers. That to me means done.
Bruce: Don’t quit your day job. Keep Plan A running until such time you are walking out of the redemption center with your account information having exchanged. You will walk out with multiples of $2500 bills. $10,000 is the limit to walk out with. If you are not use to working with cash, don’t even take it. You don’t need to if you are uncomfortable with cash. You will be able to leave with a temporary debit/credit card with a decent line of credit on it if you decide to take that. You will be able to send a wire or two. I am not doing more than one or two wires to my existing bank.
If you do wire have your information legible so when they enter that information, they won’t mess up. I remember way back when I was buying currency, I had a bank wire all typed out very legible but the bank made an error putting up the wire. They had to redo it again. It is possible to have human error. Make sure you write your AB routing number clearly and the actual account number you want it to go in with the bank name and any further information they will need like the name of the account. This is if you want to hydrate your own account to pay off bills and debt with a bank wire at the time of your exchange. You could have a bank certified or cashier check. I wouldn’t get more than one or two of them. You can go later when you go back to work with your management team. You want to just get in and get out. You will have about an hour and ten minutes for your exchange. Then you are out of there. Then you will go back a week or two weeks later with your CPA, attorney, your management team.
Wells Fargo and HSBC will provide a lot of services. Look into the services they will provide for you, and how you will follow up with that with your trust. Most of us will have a skeleton trust initially on the day of our exchange. Then you will want to bring in the exact style trust and foundation you want to use. Also LLC if you wish to utilize so forth discussing with your attorneys and CPA with your follow up visit. You will have plenty time to come back to make changes. You will have to come up with a name of your trust. I have 7 to 8 names. Then think of who you want to be your trustees and beneficiaries.
Bruce: One other thing I want to talk about is that we talked a long time ago with the difference of tithing. Something people understand to be 10 percent to the church, storehouse. Our purpose, remember we talked about the use of a God fund. I thought use 20% of the mother lode. Then we realized the value of the ZIM recent times that it is a bond and how much value it is. Then I realized in my case and maybe others, that the entire exchange of the ZIM could become the God fund. With other currency some of us have, that would be enough with just those currencies to take care of anything personal I want. When it comes to the God fund just something to consider as a way to honor God and handle your ministries and humanitarian projects. You have to look at your own situation if that is something you want to consider.
Bruce: In the way of true Intel right now as it stands, we are at a precipice of this going any day. China wants it done beforeSaturday. AIIB, Bank of China and other financial partners out there are ready to go. With everything I am hearing today with the Platforms, bonds being hydrated, Tier 3 finishing up and everything happening with liquidity, I got to believe we should have it this week. Maybe sooner than later. I really believe that. Stay in faith for this, positive for it. Let’s put your faith to work and see where we go this week. That is my Intel so far.
Bruce: Thank you Sue, Bob, and Pastor Steven. From an Intel point of view it looks like everything I have heard and more recently in a text, we should be there before Saturday or even Friday. We are in a great position for this week. I look forward to putting out the toll free number. I will let you know. I will put it on our website: thebigcall.net. and other blog sites. Stay in peace and love. Sue, Bob, Pastor Steven and I love you. I will be in touch. We will have a call Thursday night unless this happens before this. If so, we will have a prerecorded link. Beware of that.
Bruce: Thank you to all of our internally and domestic audiences, and our banking financial partners around the world. We appreciate everybody. Also everybody in the redemption centers who are waiting as we are. We appreciate all of you. Everyone have a beautiful night tonight. We will talk to you Thursday unless there is a prerecorded call before then. Good Night Everybody.
Every American is a target in the CIA’s domestic espionage war whether they know it or not. The bullets are digital and only a key stroke away from being fired at you.
This is clearly evidenced in the current internal conflicts of the 17 federal intelligence agencies that have arisen from the new Russian “Trump blackmail” scandal and the DNC hacking scandal that was an attempt to derail the presidential election. These scandals happen again and again and involve warring federal agencies who are theoretically supposed to be protecting Americans. Instead, there is open warfare between the three different factions of the CIA and their enemies who are considered the “lesser agencies”: the NSA, FBI, Homeland Security, National Intelligence Agency, and the other redundant twelve U.S. intelligence agencies. Even the mainstream media, with all of its state sponsored legal propaganda, admits that this conflict is going on.
What is the Central Intelligence Agency?
CIA – The Swamp Monsters
The CIA overrides all other intelligence agencies because it can always pull the “international security” card from its sleeve and trump the lesser agencies which only have the lower priority “national security.” Presidential executive orders can be top secret and can be kept from agencies not responsible for their enforcement. So if the president conducts “international” top-secret business, he can exclude U.S. intelligence agencies from this top secret intel because they only have lower national security clearance. Essentially, the president of the United States currently conducts “international” warfare without the U.S. Congress, Supreme Court, or U.S. citizens even knowing those wars exist. The president can also wage all types of war secretly within U.S. borders because Obama changed the National Defense Authorization Act, with congressional approval, to give him those powers. Other extraordinary presidential powers have been consolidated through numerous executive orders in the last eight years.
The president now holds more power than ever and these powers are unconstitutional, illegal, and unethical. If you read the executive orders that are made available on the National Registry you will see that Obama has been conducting secret warfare on foreign countries and individuals both outside of and inside America. It is scary enough to know that under the auspices of “national security,” the president can seize all assets in America under these new powers. But scarier than this is that the CIA can still trump the president under the auspices of “international security.”
KEY POINT: The CIA has positioned itself to be a higher authority than Congress, the President, or We the People and can act in secrecy in all of its affairs.
The power of the CIA was demonstrated with the recent scandal of “fake news” about President-elect Trump being blackmailed by Russia. The fake dossier of “evidence” was brought into this country from Britain through the CIA. When U.S. intelligence agencies, the other 16 besides the CIA, tried to figure out the fake news/CIA propaganda they fell flat on their faces, as usual. The CIA tried to start a “smear campaign” against Trump. James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, apparently couldn’t see through the ruse and agreed with the CIA’s assessment. So a citizen is lead to the conclusion that either all of our intelligence agencies are lacking in capacity and intelligence capabilities OR they are kowtowing to Clapper and/or the CIA.
When Reagan started the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) with executive order 12333 in 1981, it was essentially an overthrow of the existing National Security Agency (NSA) which had always been a military organization run by a high-ranking officer. The DNI’s principle job is defined as overseeing the CIA and by doing so, the DNI is actually the head of all other intelligence agencies. But note, the DNI only “oversees” the CIA, it does not “control” the CIA.
Who is James Clapper?
There are 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working for the federal government on issues of domestic and international intelligence in 10,000 locations with over 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances. Private “vendors” constitute 29% of the U.S. intelligence workforce and account for 49% of the overall intelligence community budget. The current DNI is James Clapper who lied under oath to Congress when he gave false testimony that the NSA does not collect any type of data on Americans. Clapper was the former chief operating officer for the British military intelligence company Detica, and also worked at the same time for two other private intelligence agencies, SRA and Booz Allen Hamilton.
Clapper currently controls an annual budget of around $75 billion and was a former British private spy but could not figure out that the recent fake news propaganda against Trump was complete garbage. Yes, fellow patriots, you read this correctly. A man who is in charge of a $75 billion a year intelligence budget with a professional spy background couldn’t see through the CIA’s attempt to smear Trump’s integrity. But We the People armed with our independent truth media saw through it in a New York minute.
Key Point: In a country governed by the rule of law, which ours is not apparently, this type of smearing is called defamation of character and is illegal.
Ultimately, James A. Clapper (known liar and globalist) controls all intelligence in America YET has demonstrated himself to be an enemy of America. After gaining the highest security clearances in America, Clapper then worked for GeoEye, was on the board of three government contractors, worked for Detica (British military intelligence), BAE Systems, SRA International and Booz Allen Hamilton.
From the outside it looks like Clapper works for himself out of a drive for power, control and money. He demonstrated his true nature when he left the services of America and worked for British and international private spy agencies, spying on America and using his security clearances as weapons against America. This is clearly demonstrated by his non-stop consolidation of power in the position of Director of National Intelligence. At this point, the president acts upon “intelligence” delivered by one man, James Clapper. When the intelligence is false, as it has been since Clapper was appointment by Obama, America can more easily be sold out to transnational, international, and globalist interests.
Our research indicates that James Clapper usually hires outside intelligence agencies to conduct the most sensitive cases involving cyberwarfare. That is why Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee hired the most commonly used cyber warlord Dmitri Alperovitch and this company CrowdStrike to investigate the breach of security and hacking on the DNC server. Even though this was definitively a national security issue, Clapper and his gang of 17 intelligence agencies have yet to start an investigation. Clapper simply “believed” and publicly endorsed, through Hillary’s false claims during the presidential debates, the ridiculous claims of Dmitri though no evidence has yet to come forward. Dmitri recently had two interviews on national news where he said repeatedly there was no evidence of Russian hacking the DNC and that the claims of Putin’s involvement was his own idea, again backed by no evidence.
See our article Russian Hackers Found for more information on Alperovitch and CrowdStrike.
It is crystal clear that James Clapper has allowed the number one intelligence vendor for cyberwarfare, CrowdStrike, to dominate governmental and corporate cyber breaches. To date, Dmitri and CrowdStrike have had many contracts to find and end cyber-attacks and have not successfully prosecuted a single hacker nor been able to secure any governmental system from attacks. It is also quite odd that Dmitri’s father, Michael Alperovitch, is the number one encryption code expert in America and has essentially created and controls the codes for most military information systems as well as many prominent corporate systems. Clapper didn’t seem to care that Dmitri was a criminal hacker arrested by the FBI and turned into their top cyber hacker against Russian gangsters stealing American’s identities through online scams. Michael Alperovitch was supposedly a Russian nuclear physicist who magically became a U.S. citizen that was hired by the biggest data systems in America to write and maintain encryption codes. Essentially, just as complete control of the 17 intelligence agencies is control by Clapper, the encryption codes of America are controlled by one Russian—Michael Alperovitch.
Key Point: If James Clapper and Michael Alperovitch defected, the entire American intelligence community could collapse.
Centralization of power in just a few people usually goes wrong and in this case it has gone very wrong. Clapper is not interested in accurate intelligence; he is simply a propaganda machine like the Nazi Bureau of Information. Clapper wants us to believe anything he says without any proof simply based upon the fact that “17 intelligence agencies” all agree with him. Essentially, any determination of James Clapper speaks for the other “16 intelligence agencies,” even if there is no evidence or whether any other agency was asked their opinion.
War of the NSA versus the CIA
The domestic battle for America is highlighted in Obama’s recent executive order allowing the NSA’s complete surveillance of America and the world to be shared with the other 16 intelligence agencies before the NSA scrubs the stolen transmissions.
How did this happen? Clapper was manipulated by the CIA’s leaks from Snowden, proving his testimony before Congress concerning NSA surveillance to be false. The CIA was compromised by the NSA leak, and the CIA’s main international offices in Geneva were found to be tied to Swiss banking scandals and CIA illegal activities. The CIA did not realize that every Cisco router and server had a back-door for NSA spying. The CIA was furious because their European headquarters was super-secret and the CIA believed it was un-hackable. The CIA demanded that the NSA stop spying on their criminal activities which included gold fixing and gold market manipulation with Swiss bankers. The NSA’s surveillance brought numerous Swiss bankers to justice and they were not willing to stop spying on the CIA because that information connected them to the work of many criminals that they were in league with.
In retaliation against the NSA, the CIA chose Edward Snowden, who was working for the CIA through Booz Allen Hamilton, to release stolen NSA documents that proved the NSA was illegally spying on Americans through computers, phones, and many other electronic devices. Snowden didn’t work for the NSA and did not have access to NSA files though he released a huge amount of data that confirmed the NSA’s surveillance. Michael Alperovitch’s CIA handlers ordered Snowden to turn over the NSA’s PKI encryption codes so that the CIA could enter the NSA’s system and steal the files needed to prove the NSA’s illegal surveillance. Snowden did not personally have access to those codes nor the information in the NSA system as part of his job.
The CIA was not concerned about the NSA’s reputation and just wanted to stop the NSA from spying on them because the NSA had uncovered the nature of the three factions in the CIA that work against each other, an internal war of sorts. Clapper was called to the Congress and under oath swore that the NSA did not spy on Americans in any fashion. He perjured himself repeatedly with the lie that no surveillance was going on at all on any American. This was, of course, found to be false and that, in fact, the NSA spies on every American and even has a file for every person in America extracted principally from the Internet, Google, Facebook (all social media), every PC, phones, and bank accounts among other sources. Snowden’s “leaks” have become the bane of the NSA who now has to admit they certainly do spy on Americans because Obama expanded theNDAA to include Americans as warfare combatants.
The battle between the CIA and the NSA became public again when the CIA set up a sting that uncovered that Cisco Systems, a DARPA company, has built-in back doors on all their routers so that the NSA can spy undetected. The main stream media was even given videos of Cisco employees installing the backdoors in routers. The CIA found out about the back doors and made the information public to stop the NSA’s hacking of the CIA systems. Cisco Systems essentially controlled 100% of Internet traffic up until 1998 with a monopoly that was created as a DARPA project to weaponize the Internet as the ultimate intelligence collection tool. When the CIA released these videos, Obama distanced himself from Cisco publicly and would not come to their aid because the evidence was overwhelming. Cisco lost $50 billion over the scandal and a good deal of confidence of the public but was not prosecuted.
It was because of this battle between the CIA and the NSA and other intelligence agencies that lead to Obama’s recent executive order making available all the data from NSA spying to the other 16 intelligence agencies. Now, the CIA will know exactly what the NSA is collecting and then do better at hiding their own information systems and the criminal activity that is conducted on those systems. No longer can the NSA hide information from the Director of National Intelligence (James Clapper) and the CIA. Of course, this action would mean little if these agencies were not conducting illegal activities and were actually working for the American people and the Constitution of the United States of America. But we must remember that the CIA is in charge of international security which trumps the NSA’s national security.
Three Factions of the CIA
It is easy to see the war between the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies raging in the news. But there is a great deal of confusion about actions that the intelligence agencies conduct that indicate that the war is much bigger and more complicated that most imagine. It is impossible to understand intelligence wars between these different agencies until the factions of the CIA are clearly pictured. The three factions of the CIA create most of the wars and the chaos surrounding them.
Anything “international” is the CIA’s concern, including currency wars, market wars, banking wars, cyber wars, and the wars on drugs and terrorism. Since Obama’s rewritten NDAA allows the military to target American citizens as domestic terrorists and enemy combatants, there are no limits for the CIA at this point. Everyone is considered a terrorist until proven innocent according to the Patriot Act. The CIA can label anyone, or any agency or company as an “international security” threat, even without evidence. This came about because the CIA split into three factions that act as double and triple agents, spying on everyone for profit as intelligence mercenaries. America is surrounded by CIA control and the Washington D. C. is besieged with CIA swamp monsters.
We need to tell the story of the three factions of the CIA to understand why chaotic dynamics led American politicians by the nose to such embarrassing stupidity as the NDI’s report that 17 intelligence agencies had irrefutable proof that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction.” This false flag intelligence, which arose originally as a report from the CIA, caused the horrible deaths of untold numbers and cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $3 trillion dollars to date. The CIA produced the secret intelligence but never came forward and admitted their part in these crimes against humanity. The CIA usually uses false flag events to start wars and cause conflicts with other countries. The CIA uses false flags in America as legal propaganda to create narratives that control American perception management which is laced with subliminal control messaging that is tantamount to brainwashing.
Faction #1: The Original CIA, aka, Gold-backed CIA
The original CIA started many years ago when the OSS, the original CIA, stole the gold and assets of the countries involved in WWII. The gold of Germany and Japan that had been amassed and stolen from many other countries during the war ended up in the hands of the CIA and couldn’t be openly admitted. The CIA was not about to give back the largest pile of gold ever amassed. This gold was outside of the U.S. and was being held in the Philippines and Switzerland. If it would have been brought back into America and added to the U.S. Treasury, it could have destabilized the dollar and world currencies.
American politicians could not admit that they knew about this stolen loot so they let the CIA handle it. Over the years, numerous CIA banks, corporations, dummy companies, offshore accounts, and secret vaults were created to hold and launder this gold (and assets) into semi-legitimate operations. The CIA called these operations “The Company” and eventually the Company developed over 3,000 holdings. Some of these banks and corporations are among the largest in the world. The CIA “Company” became larger and more powerful than major countries. The operation was run on a strict “need to know” basis so that government officials always had “culpable deniability.” These operations became independent and after a while no one person was fully aware of all that the Gold-backed CIA (GB-CIA) was doing around the world.
The gold backed or GB-CIA was supposed to operate outside of the U.S. to protect American interests but national markets of currency, bonds, and stocks all have an “international” impact, which was the domain of the GB-CIA. Accordingly, the GB-CIA infiltrated the U.S. Treasury and the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) which creates U.S. economic policy. The ESF has the ability to manipulate currency, bonds, and stock markets in America. The ESF is the organization that tells the Federal Reserve System what to do. The ESF can order the Treasury to print trillions of dollars (which they recently did) and tell the Federal Reserve what to do with the money. The ESF is one of the GB-CIA’s best tools for controlling U.S. national markets that subsequently effect international markets. The GB-CIA essentially controls U.S. economy under the auspices of “international security.”
The GB-CIA is greedy and is never satisfied with what they have so they foment wars throughout the world to help establish central banking systems in all countries and to always be ready to strip assets and steal whatever they can. Imagine thousands of ruthless operations run by people who do not mind killing anyone who stands in their way. Think of all of the top bankers, brokers, and insiders around the Bush and Clinton families who have been shot, suicided, or had mysterious heart attacks or other unexplained deaths. There have been hundreds of these deaths that demonstrate the seriousness of GB-CIA operations. Once a person is made aware (complicit) of the evil criminal activities of the Company, participants are co-opted for life and must comply or meet their fate. Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the GB-CIA. Even the most horrible and sick desires of these operatives are provided to appease the fact that operatives do not ever get to leave the Company and deep files of blackmail materials are maintained that can be used to assure silence and cooperation.
The GB-CIA set up the worst forms of sexual depravities, pedophilia, and sacrificial rituals to provide opportunities to gain compromising video footage of operatives and the politicians they pulled into these sick and twisted activities. The GB-CIA created group after group that aimed to co-opt any person in power so that they could control all aspects of government and business to protect their interests and hidden strategies. The GB-CIA created many of the largest global pedophile rings online, which was recently admitted in the news by the CIA. It also created the largest human sex trafficking market using U.S. charities that place refugees in America as one of their many sources. The drug trafficking of the GB-CIA is very well known from the Iran-Contra scandal to the protected fields of poppies in Afghanistan. Drugs, sex, money, power, control and evil are the currencies of the GB-CIA that “buy” their operatives for life.
Faction #2: The Bush CIA
These practices were made legal when George Bush Sr. was vice president, about the same time that all 16 intelligence agencies came under the control of one person, the Director of National Intelligence. Remember that it was Bush Sr., prior head of the CIA, who was actually calling the shots under Reagan from his second year in office when Reagan allowed Bush Sr. to become the head of U.S. foreign policy. This was an unprecedented event and gave Bush Sr. the go ahead to use CIA methods to “bring down Russia,” which he effectively accomplished.
During the “reign” of George Bush Sr., Russia’s currency was attacked and destabilized by Leo Wanta and George Soros using fake U.S. Treasury bonds and currency from the U.S. Treasury. Bush Sr.’s brother ran Riggs Bank which created an affiliate, Velment Bank, to launder the money and gold stolen from Russia. Some of the money was laundered through Mitt Romney’s company, Bain Capital. Once the USSR collapsed, Bush Sr. and the “Vulcans” (Bush’s Neocon strike force) stripped every asset they could from Russia, especially the oil that was in the countries that had split from the USSR. Bush Sr. and Kissinger made a personal fortune through the work of what would become a rogue faction of the CIA.
Bush Sr. continued expanding his rogue CIA to include the White House, the Justice Department and the State Department. Any illegal activities of the rogue CIA were then forgiven by federal judges and State Department officials. This faction of the CIA, which we will call the Bush-CIA, is also called the Bush Criminal Family. Bush co-opted the Clinton’s even before Bill ran for governor of Arkansas. Obama’s mother was a CIA operative and Obama has been involved with the CIA since birth. Obama is completely a creation of the CIA. The problem with Obama is that he is involved with all three factions of the CIA and doesn’t know which way he is going. Thus, his chaotic policies attempted to please the original CIA and the Bush/Clinton criminal family.
Pizzagate recently brought forward the fact that John Podesta and his brother are not only the most powerful lobbyists in Washington but that they are also at the top of pedophilia in the U.S. government, and have been since the Reagan administration. Bush Sr. actually ran the Reagan administration and pedophilia was commonplace in the White House and throughout the Washington elite. It was so commonplace that the ethics of congressmen went straight to hell because the White House itself was so openly involved in sex crimes at the highest levels. Numerous scandals rocked the White House and even reached the main stream media.
No one was able to stop Bush Sr. from doing what he wanted because he controlled the CIA since the time that he led the CIA team that assassinated John Kennedy. Bush Sr. tried to assassinate Reagan but failed in the attempt. Eventually, the White House, the Justice Department, and the State Department were accustomed to running these perverse operations of the Bush-CIA and made sure no politician was ever convicted.
Tensions Mount When the GB-CIA Finds Out About the Bush-CIA
George Bush Sr. was a secret CIA operative at the time of John Kennedy assassination. He learned then that the GB-CIA had come to dominate the geopolitical realm internationally and that a convenient assassination or “regime change” could produce whatever desired effect the GB-CIA wanted. Bush Sr. was in charge of foreign policy and took his running orders from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which was filled with ex-CIA and intelligence operatives from government and industry. Bush Sr. acted as though he was following the policies of the CFR but may have been secretly envious of the GB-CIA’s wealth and power that he quickly became one of the most crooked politicians in American history. Bush Sr. developed blackmail files on everyone and made sure that political appointees were thoroughly indoctrinated and warned that straying from the path was dangerous and even fatal.
Bush Sr. decided that Russia had gold, oil, and assets that could be stolen easily if he set up his own private CIA that would attack sovereign nations for profit. Bush Sr. fully understood the power of the GB-CIA to control U.S. economic interests, and his greed inspired him to create the Bush-CIA which was linked especially to Saudi Arabian, German, and Israeli intelligence. Bush Sr. wanted the wealth of the GB-CIA but he knew he could not personally own it, so he struck out on his own to conquer Russia and any other country or corporation that stood in his way.
As the vice president, and later the president, Bush Sr. had to act as if he was a devoted follower of the GB-CIA while creating his own network of private intelligence agencies to help him “privatize.” That is why Bush Sr. became “best friends” with the Saudi royal family and eventually came to live the majority of his time in Saudi Arabia in the palaces of the royal family. Bush Sr. knew how to align himself him the world’s largest weapons dealers, drug lords, mafias, and corrupt bankers. Bush Sr. was free as the vice president to travel and conduct his business without any scrutiny from any governmental or law enforcement agency.
Eventually, the GB-CIA became aware of the designs of the Bush-CIA and tension began to mount. Bush realized he would not be supported by the GB-CIA for a second term so he groomed his old CIA Iran-Contra buddy Bill Clinton to assume the role as the top political leader of the Bush-CIA. As Bush was exiting the White House he became a major leader of the Carlyle Group which owned Cheney’s Halliburton and 400 other companies focused on warfare, defense, and security. Bush Sr. became a billionaire from this one position. He also founded Barrick Gold Corporation which became the number one gold laundering corporation for GB-CIA gold. Bush Sr., Kissinger and the “Vulcans” capitalized on stealing the oil from the countries that exited the USSR.
Bush Sr.’s brother had stolen much of the gold from Russia as George Soros and Leo Wanta (directed by Bush Sr.) collapsed the currency and made trillions. Bush Sr., in a matter of two years, became incredibly wealthy and even more powerful than before. He had some loyal followers in the GB-CIA, but the division between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA grew larger over time. The GB-CIA didn’t really need Bush Sr.’s wealth, they just needed his corporate and governmental connections. No one in the GB-CIA believed Bill Clinton was actually in charge because they knew he took his marching orders from Bush Sr.
Bill Clinton let his membership in the Bush Criminal family go to his head and he began making big mistakes. The GB-CIA provided Clinton with all of the illicit sex that he could handle until he became deluded and thought he could do anything and suffer no consequences. This led Bill and Hillary to create the most pathetic international money grab, under the auspices of a charity, in American history. Bill and Hillary began to think they were untouchable and this delusion led Hillary to believe she was entitled to be the first woman president – backed up by the Bush-CIA as she and Bill started accumulating their own wealth through the Clinton Foundation.
Bush Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father and did everything his dad told him to do – even though he was not smart enough to understand the orders. Bush Jr. kept the same Neoconservatives and Vulcans in his cabinet as Clinton and Bush Sr. had appointed. Essentially, the Bush-CIA made the two political parties into one party controlled by the same people. Voting was a formality because all candidates had to be screened and approved by the two political factions of the CIA.
Key Point: Bush Jr. and Sr., Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Obama are all the same party – CIA Globalists pushing for the New World Order which was Bush Sr. greatest dream. Had Bush Sr. had his way, the United Nations would own America under a New World Order and the CIA would run the United Nations.
Knowing about the Bush-CIA (the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family), explains why Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton and Obama literally got away with murder during their administrations. Scandal after scandal and yet the Justice Department did nothing.
Hillary brokered weapons deals from the State Department as Secretary of State and shook down 120 nations for donations to her personal foundation and yet the Justice Department and State Department closed their eyes. Hillary and Obama destroyed the Department of Defense through the Bush-CIA’s control of executive orders that conducted war without congressional approval, every day of Obama’s administration. And yet, only a few voices in the congress spoke up and pointed out these treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. It is this blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution and rule of law that has caused a greater rift between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA.
Faction #3: Ex-CIA
At this point, there are open hostilities between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA and when you add the third faction of the CIA, the Ex-CIA, all hell breaks loose. When the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA operatives saw what was going on between the GB-CIA (that likes to “change regimes” and blackmail politicians and operatives with the most grotesque personal perversions) and the greedy, out-of-control power mongers of the Bush-CIA, the third CIA faction thought they should steal a part of the “action” themselves. So many ex-CIA operatives left the government and went into the lucrative private intelligence agencies who do 65% of the intelligence work for America.
This faction of the CIA is composed of ex-CIA and intelligence directors, agents, and operatives who are shuffled through the highest positions in government, banking, and the corporate world. The Ex-CIA was born as a chaotic group of operatives who have worked for the GB-CIA or the Bush-CIA. They have seen the endless money available for insiders and the Bush-CIA’s penchant for using private intelligence agencies to manipulate politicians, governments, and markets.
What is unique and telling about this third faction of the CIA is how their members rotate through the most powerful governmental and corporate jobs. Let’s just take James Comey, Head of the FBI as an example. Comey is a lawyer who was formerly the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Deputy Attorney General, Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin (one of the largest military contractors that “loses” trillions of dollars), General Counsel for Bridgewater Associates (CIA corporation), Board Member of HSBC (CIA Bank), HSBC Holdings (depository for GB-CIA gold), and then the Director of the FBI. This is the usual type of career path of high level CIA operatives.
Soon, we can expect Comey to move to another position where he makes a fortune protecting the very criminals he was supposedly prosecuting weeks before. Comey protected the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime family starting with his appointment as special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. He was also prosecutor in the Khobar Towers bombing, lead investigator in the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the investigation of Credit Suisse First Boston and foreign exchange trading scams, the domestic surveillance by the NSA, the HSBC Holdings scandal involving money laundering, and terrorism financing, the U.S. Attorney dismissal scandal, Hillary Clinton email scandal, the Apple scandal to install “back doors” on their computers, and many other similar cases. Comey is always there to do the bidding of all three factions of the CIA.
John Brennan, the current Director of the CIA was formerly the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security, Station Chief in Saudi Arabia, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, CEO of The Analysis Corporation (intelligence network), Chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (filled with ex-intelligence agents), lead intelligence officer for Global Strategies Group, Global Intelligence Solutions, and GTEC. Brennan’s term as CIA Director is noted for pervasive levels of global surveillance, massive number of drone strikes, hacking U.S. Senators, and CIA torture. When Obama wanted Brennan to be CIA Director, his nomination was blocked so Obama created a new position for Brennan called the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, which did not require Senate confirmation.
Almost every former head of the CIA or FBI has similar career histories. One appointment after the next places them in key positions that protect the three factions of the CIA. Ex-CIA operatives play both sides of the fence working for the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA. Just look how James Comey was appointed to protect the Bush and Clinton families in his government appointment and then quickly moves into HSBC, one of the most corrupt CIA banks in the world, to protect them during its investigations. He protected Lockheed Martin when it was caught laundering money for the Bush-CIA. Then Comey jumps back into the highest national intelligence position at the FBI to protect the Clintons again.
Comey is a very good example of what has been the revolving door of CIA operatives in the government. Comey is an ex-CIA intelligence operative who works for the Bush-CIA and knows all about the GB-CIA. Comey is a shining example of the corruption that pervades American politics and international corporate warfare. Comey, Brennan, and Clapper provide the intelligence for the president, the military and all agencies in the U.S. government. They ostensibly control America because our military and politicians are only as good as the intelligence they are provided.
Three CIA Factions Fight One Another in Syria
Key Point: The three factions of the CIA can create tremendous confusion and hostilities.
If you were confused by who and what is the CIA, now you can see why it has all been confusing. It is hard to know who is on whose side. The operatives change sides frequently and pretend to support one side or another depending upon the situation. When one faction or another decides an operative has been compromised, they simply kill him. There has been a long list of ex-CIA operatives who have killed themselves even though they had all the riches and power a person could imagine. The hostilities between the three factions eventually boiled over into total chaos during the Obama years. You can now read in the headlines of mainstream media news that Obama created and funds ISIS. Obama sent ISIS into Syria under orders of the GB-CIA to conduct a “regime change” because Syria would not let a pipeline be built from Iraq to the western shores of Syria. Obama supplied and funded the mercenaries (ISIS) who claim to be Muslim terrorists who are fighting Syria’s sovereign king. Obama also used the Bush-CIA to fund, supply, and train Syrian rebels. Obama also uses ex-CIA operatives to fund, supply and train Kurdish rebels.
All three CIA factions are operating in Syria and the entire world has noticed. Recent reports in mainstream media point out that the CIA is fighting pentagon supported troops in Syria. In one recent instance outside of Aleppo, three different American supported groups were fighting each other. This embarrassment has caused Obama to go into high gear and force James Clapper to “invent” intelligence that would distract from the Syrian fiasco. Fake news about the DNC election hacking, nonsense about Trump being blackmailed by Russia, and Homeland Security’s pathetic attempts to hack into voter databases have all been a smoke screen to distract from Obama’s personal war in Syria.
Clapper, Brennan and Comey were happy to agree that 17 intelligence agencies all agreed to these false flag attempts at perception management. All these ridiculous attacks on Trump have backfired and instead have shown a glaring light on the corruption, collusion, globalism, and Anti-American disposition of the three factions of the CIA.
Trump – the Anti-CIA Warrior
Trump has become enemy number one for all three factions of the CIA because he stands against globalism and promotes the rule of law. The CIA factions thought they were above the law and had become so lax in their gross misuse of power that they are in “shock and awe” at the victory of Trump’s anti-globalism, anti-New World Order platform. They are now frantically trying to cover their evil footprints and muster all three factions to openly discredit and stop Trump from doing what Kennedy had promised – dismantle the CIA.
Trump is fully aware that his life is in extreme danger from the people who murder without hesitation to protect the CIA and its various interests around the world. Trump was the wild card they could have never imaged and they have no real “dossier” on Trump because there is no more dirt on Trump than already came out in the election. Trump is clean of involvement with all three factions of the CIA and knows that the only way to win America back for Americans is to confront the CIA and the corporate intelligence networks and close them down. Trump knows that he cannot trust any Washington insider because they may be compromised already and under the thumb of CIA blackmail and control.
Side note: Trump is wise not to set up office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where every room in the place is infested with CIA listening devices. Patriots, we need to support funding for a total interior gutting and renovation of the White House!
Even the international players in the global CIA game have come out from hiding and are attacking Trump with everything they have. George Soros, who works for all three CIA factions from time to time, has now come out proudly on the world stage to attack Trump openly and he is using every one of his political groups to foment dissent. Even the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateralists, the members of the Bohemian Grove, and the Council of Foreign Relations have had extraordinary meetings to plan strategies to stop Trump from becoming president. Every evil cabal in the world is nervous, if not downright “out of their minds” at this point. They have tried killing him, bribing him, offering him endless power, and all the usual methods that work on others all in vain. Trump is still moving forward and amassing a cabinet of the most powerful people in America. All three CIA’s are terrified by the fact that no one can control Trump and that he is not interested in the vices the CIA usually deals in.
How to Stop the Overthrow of America by the CIA
The Anonymous Patriots have in prior articles been so bold as to lay out a plan to stop the overthrow of America by transnational interests. These ideas will only work if the three factions of the CIA are first brought under control or defeated. This will be the most difficult task of all that our new president faces. None of these ideas can be accomplished without a fantastic team of honest lawyers who will have to prosecute many people. That is why investigating, auditing and assessing governmental agencies will be one of the first tasks. These lawyers will have to gather the evidence for convictions by “following the money” and seizing assets and prosecuting individuals and corporations.
Here is a list of the tasks needed if the CIA control of America is to be broken.
Investigate George Bush Sr.’s involvement in Kennedy’s death, the assassination attempt on Reagan, the economic collapse of the USSR, his involvement with Barrick Gold, Riggs Bank, Velment Bank, the Brady Durham Bond scandal, the attacks of 911, his involvement with the Azerbaijan Commerce Committee’s theft of oil, both Iraq wars, and his work with the Carlyle Group.
Dissolve the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and let the NSA again resume its role as the leader of the intelligence community.
Repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA and dissolve the office of Homeland Security.
End the NSA surveillance of Americans through Cisco routers, Intel processors, I-phones, Microsoft software, Google spying, Facebook spying, and network broadcasting of subliminal programming.
Audit and dissolve DARPA, the Defense Research Advanced Research Projects Agency, where the technology for surveillance and weaponized information systems are developed.
Audit and dissolve In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s form of DARPA, that uses the SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) as its industrial application arm.
End the Highlands Forum (Group) that tells DARPA and In-Q-Tel what to focus their research on.
End the Council on Foreign Relations because it is the policy maker for the military industrial complex of America and keeps America entangled in continuous war and conflict. It is another home for globalism like the United Nations.
Audit the Economic Stabilization Fund and then end the CIA’s control of the ESF returning control to the Treasury Department.
Seize the assets of Barrick Gold Corporation and prosecute the company for theft and gold laundering.
Return the assets stolen from USSR satellite countries that Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger orchestrated. Prosecute the entire Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (Dick Cheney, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, James Baker, Lloyd Bentsen, Richard Armitage, and Richard Perle).
Dissolve Obama’s ISIS mercenaries and end the fake war on terrorism.
Rescind Obama’s additions to the National Defense Authorization Act and his executive orders that consolidate presidential powers that establish control over Americans that bypass existing U.S. laws.
Try Obama and Clinton for war crimes for bombing seven sovereign nations without congressional approval.
Investigate George Bush Jr.’s involvement with the second Iraq war and the false flag events of 911.
Investigate, audit, and close the CIA. Audit all companies that are alleged to have been started with CIA funds and seize their assets.
Establish new laws that prevent U.S. intelligence operatives from working for international intelligence agencies.
Stop using privately owned intelligence agencies for U.S. governmental contracts.
Establish new laws that prevent U.S. intelligence personnel and government regulators from working for companies that they previously monitored and regulated.
Seize the stolen gold that the CIA holds and launders through Barrick Gold, CIA banks, the Zurich gold repository, and the U.S. Federal Reserve System and central banks throughout the world.
Seize all CIA offshore accounts.
Release the stolen CIA funds George Soros and Leo Wanta acquired through currency manipulation in Russia.
Return the CIA stolen gold to its country of origin: Spain, China, Germany, France, Russia, Japan and the other countries it was taken from.
Audit gold throughout the world and establish a new base-line for gold commodities worldwide.
Streamline U.S. intelligence and stop contracting with transnational, global, corporations.
Trump as Defender of the Spirit of America
These suggestions are a beginning and can only be accomplished through great effort and sacrifice. America is in a Second American Revolution and Donald Trump is our George Washington, who was himself a reluctant president who took the job because of the deplorable conditions of his time.
Washington was a seasoned soldier who had led the first charge of the French and Indian War and had two horses shot out from underneath him during the battle but continued on to victory. Afterwards, he found nine bullet holes in his hat and clothes. Trump is similarly on his third horse, having defeated the many Republican contenders and then defeated Queen Hillary, who already had put the crown upon her own head. Now, the many bullets that Clapper, Comey, and Brennan have aimed at him have come close and put holes in his clothes but have not injured him.
Trump is being protected and inspired by the same spirit that inspired our founders who “put their lives on the line” for the country they loved. And like those founders, Trump envisions an America where the tenets of the U.S. Constitution are worth fighting for to establish freedom and American liberties. A New American Revolution is upon us and the minutemen have come out in force to elect Donald Trump as our commander and chief in the war on globalism that wishes to crush America.
May President Trump be granted the strength, courage and wisdom that filled George Washington, even in his darkest days in Valley Forge. May that same spirit of Columbia that inspired our founders to create a free and just America, also guide and bless our new president, the leader of the battle to take back America.