**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Giant chunks of ash rain down in California Giant chunks of ash have rained down the Bay Area last month after the Glass fire in Napa and Sonoma County exploded. Lumps of ash bigger than a human hand filled the skies that turned orange ...
Another key architect of PCR test had no coronavirus...
Yet another case of the missing virus; they lied and locked down the world
ANOTHER key architect of the PCR test had no coronavirus; the whole fake COVID house is falling down.
“We know exactly what we’re doing, but we have no virus available.”
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
I’ve been exposing the fact that the CDC, in July of this year, admitted, in a document, that…
They didn’t have the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It wasn’t “available.”
This means they couldn’t obtain an isolated specimen of the virus. There is only one reason why.
The virus hasn’t been isolated. And THAT means no one has proved it exists.
And now, I’ve discovered ANOTHER key document. This one apparently formed the basis for the first PCR test aimed at detecting the COVID virus all over the world.
READ WHAT THIS STUDY SAYS. These quotes should be engraved in stone above the entrance to a museum dedicated to the history of medical fraud.
“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”
TRANSLATION: We want to develop a test to detect the new COVID virus without having the virus.
“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
TRANSLATION: We HAVE developed a diagnostic test to detect the new COVID virus. We ASSUME this new virus is closely related to an older coronavirus. We ASSUME we know HOW it is related. We ASSUME, because we don’t have the new COVID virus. Therefore, all our assumptions are made out of nothing. Actually, we have no proof there is a new coronavirus.
“The workflow reliably detects 2019-nCoV, and further discriminates 2019-nCoV from SARS-CoV.”
TRANSLATION: Our new test to detect the new virus? We don’t have the new virus. We’ve never observed it. We can’t study it directly. There is no proof it exists. But we will use the test to detect it.
The study is titled, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]
Those quotes from the study are astounding. A diagnostic test for the virus, but there is no virus. No standard against which to compare the reliability of the test.
The authors blithely assume they can somehow infer that the virus exists in the first place, without having an isolated specimen.
Then they assume they can understand the structure of the virus that isn’t there.
The virus isn’t there. It has NOT been isolated. It has NOT been separated out from other material. Therefore, it has not been observed and its existence has not been proved.
And yet, the test which these authors have developed is launched, all over the world, to detect that virus; to promote the unproven notion that there is a pandemic; to form the basis for counting COVID case numbers; and ultimately to justify all the lockdowns which have crashed the global economy and destroyed millions upon millions of lives.
A great deal of confusion has been created, because scientists are now talking about the “new virus” as if they understand its structure and sequence. No. They’ve INTERPRETED that genetic structure. And once they’ve made their interpretations, they gibber about what it means.
It’s like this. A man has a very thick steel vault. He clams there is a pile of treasure inside. But no one can open the door to the vault. People show up with all sorts of fancy instruments, and they make indirect measurements. They then issue very authoritative-sounding statements about what is inside the vault.
But no one can get in there. This is a magic vault, you see. You can’t drill into it. You can’t blow it up. But in its vicinity, all sorts of hustlers are gathered. And they PONTIFICATE. They BLOVIATE. They wave their credentials. Reporters interview them. Governments follow their recommendations.
And that’s all it is. It’s that kind of party.
There is also confusion about what the word “isolate” means, when it comes to viruses. SAYING you have isolated a virus doesn’t mean you have.
It may mean you THINK you have the virus inside a mess of material which contains many different genetic sequences and all manner of cellular debris and who knows what.
Some scientists will claim “a lesser amount of mess” entitles them to state they’ve “isolated” the virus.
Other scientists will claim that because they can grow, in a dish, what they BELIEVE to be the virus, this is “proof” that the virus exists.
They’re wrong.
Still other scientists will say that, in a dish in a lab, they “have the virus growing”, and they know it, because the virus is destroying certain cells in the soup in the dish. But in this soup, there are various added chemicals, and those chemicals could easily be doing the cell-killing.
So they are wrong, too.
As the late independent researcher David Crowe has written: “And the word ‘isolation’ has been so debased by virologists it means nothing (e.g. adding impure materials to a cell culture and seeing cell death is [as] ‘isolation’).”
This is why something called real-world experiments were introduced into science. Experiments that were forced out of the lab into the arena where actual humans live.
In my last article, I described exactly the kind of experiment that should have been initiated five minutes after scientists claimed there was an “outbreak in China.” It’s a large scale study involving humans who were diagnosed with the “epidemic illness.” Tissue samples would be taken from 500 of these patients and correctly analyzed via electron microscope photography.
But studies of that dimension and precision don’t interest scientists who live in the lab. Such studies are too dangerous. There is every chance that, in the harsh glare of sunlight, all their warnings about a vast pandemic will be shown to be false. False and ridiculous. Absurd. And insane.
These “experts” don’t want to take that chance.
So they fiddle and diddle in their labs, and they make wild claims based on nothing, on NO VIRUS.
For them, there is no such thing as NO VIRUS. There must always be a virus. They will build strings of thought that circle around and meet up and shake hands and justify themselves, BY DEFINITION.
When all is said and done, that is what they are playing at. “We make all the definitions, and therefore we can conclude anything we want to conclude. And call it science.”
That’s what’s going on.
I see the con and I’m pointing out the con.
I’m telling scientists who are honest to call it a con, too.
Empty out the house of modern virology; open the windows and let the fresh air in; and then we’ll be living in a far better world.
And, oh yes, prosecute these researchers who devised a test for the virus they never found. Prosecute them for crimes against humanity, and send them to prison.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
A man called into Rush Limbaugh’s show the other day with an interesting take on why Basement Biden and the DNC are just going through the motions of campaigning and don’t give a damn how bad the ‘optics’ are that people are seeing.........
Burn Your Masks: Attorney Katherine Henry Wins Over Michigan Tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer
One of those examples is that of Attorney Katherine Henry, who took on Michigan tyrant Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who likes to dictate at will. Katherine Henry simply reminded this said governor of her place by holding the US Constitution up as straight stick, if you will, in exposing the corruption of that of the crooked governor.........
None of this would ever have happened if the American people were paying attention. The people erroneously think that they can live their lives in a protected bubble without regard to the immense power that government holds over them. The people’s total contribution and involvement to the Republic is to vote for the same guy or gal, every election cycle. Because of that, true representative government is dead.........
The CIA Has Never Worked for the American People, Part 5
Unbeknownst to the American public, almost since its very creation the CIA has actually been a dual organization. Like the two halves of the Viscount in Italo Calvino’s novel, one of them is the CIA that was the good CIA, allegedly created to protect the interests of the American people, the other one is the evil CIA, the one controlled by the bad guys.........
According to numerous firsthand sources and witnesses, a treasure trove of audio, video and photographic evidence exists that reveals Obama, Clinton, Brennan and Biden to be complicit in outright treason against America.
These traitors ran a multi-billion dollar payoff and bribery operation with Iran, staged the fake killing of Osama Bin Laden, then had the entire Seal Team Six that carried out the Bin Laden raid executed in a staged accident to cover up their own crimes.
Also today: According to the screaming headlines across alt media, a new CDC study now "proves" that masks don’t work, since over 70 percent of people who got infected "always" wore a mask.
But the conclusion of that study is obviously flawed.
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Electric cars aren't going to save the Earth - or California California wants gas-powered cars out - and electric ones in - by 2035, and it's going to need a far bigger electric grid to do so. California Gov. Gavin Newsom's announcement last ...
Yelp encourages Antifa to target businesses accused of "racism" The radical left-wing terrorist group Antifa is thrilled that Yelp has chosen to start marking businesses accused of "racism" on its platform because now it will be easier to terrorize them. ...
Our Spirit posted: " . Donald Trump: Joe Biden’s Son-in-Law ‘Cashing in’ on Coronavirus Pandemic . We have still not seen proof of her citizenship here in the United States. How did Kamala go from a child of two non-citizens to becoming one? Maybe she married th"
We have still not seen proof of her citizenship here in the United States. How did Kamala go from a child of two non-citizens to becoming one? Maybe she married that new husband of hers so that she could file for marital status immigration. If so, where's the paper work?
Lots of you are sending this 'bribe to Iran' story in various forms - video, articles, etc. But it isn't worth our time here at AIM. The news is so old. We all know that Osama and Obama are CIA stooges. Yawn. This is just more Kabucki theatre from Gina Haspel and gang to keep you from looking at the Queen's involvement in the overthrow of Donald Trump.
Keep in mind how the info was released to understand the agenda of the narrative. Next News does not break "news". It is a spin channel that has grown a captive audience over the years so that when the CIA or other globalshits need to push out their propaganda, they use the network. Another place similar is Headlines with a Voice who built up a nice size audience using her pleasant voice, reading articles, and giving opinions, until she went rogue on MAGA and we unsubscribed from her channel and no longer post her videos.
The enemy knows that they have to give you something to get you worked up about. Lots of citizens may not know the information on Obama-Osama so let them spend their time on the merry-go-round of old data points that didn't get traction then and won't today. In the meantime, AIM cats keep their eye on the real target.
We are fighting an information war. Information and disinformation are used to shield the targets we are really going after. Let's be practical here...who in the swamp will indict Obama, Schiff, Pelosi, and Nadler? Nobody. The Senior Executive Services and Bill Barr are in place to protect the criminals.
Inside the video below you will hear Biden discuss Florida and Ohio in the 2016 election. As you may recall, these were the two states that “white hats” protected the cyber votes for Donald Trump so that man-in-the-middle could not change the count.
We are hoping that the Trump team sat back and observed how the cyber rigging worked in the 2018 election so that they could counter the attack in the 2020 election. Hopefully, they have built systems and procedures to keep the votes from being changed mid-stream. The Dems are feeling pretty cocky that their cyber rigging is going to work this time and that Ohio and Florida 2016 were flukes. Listen to Joe below.
They are expecting a huge win for Biden and that’s why they keep pushing the propaganda polls, because people have eyes and they are seeing huge crowds for Trump and none for Biden. We also have ears for hearing and we don't like what Joe is saying. No one is seeing or hearing any support for Biden so they have to push the propaganda polls so that we believe their rigged election results.
Look what just came out of Adam Schiff's office: https://tinyurl.com/y2qaz5pz. These losers are late to war that has been taking place in the internet since 2015-16. We already have the place mapped out. We know who the patriots are. We know when the shills try to push their propaganda. We watch the newcomers and jusdge them by their capacity for research and truth. The most the globalshits can do between now and THEIR judgement day is to suspend our social media accounts and conduct Cloudflare attacks on our websites.
They don't understand that internet truth is not linear, it is radiant, non-linear.
Many unmaskings occurred using Samantha Power’s credentials yet Samantha Power denies doing the unmasking. So who did?
“Nothing to see here” says Barr, “nothing wrong with any of the unmasking”
Numerous IG referrals, numerous Congressional referrals, information forced out by lawsuits, fantastic open source research by our host, all provided to Barr on a silver – no GOLDEN – platter and Barr ignores it all.
Barr has joined the coup conspirators, he needs to be among the first prosecuted.
This is becoming an insult to anyone with common sense and critical thinking.
We have a few unanswered questions. When Biden comes out of his bunker to blame Trump for hiding in his bunker how many people come to his rally? Last big Biden rally had 12 people. Less at others, they were probably paid staff or security. When Trump holds a rally, thousands appear, it looks like a sea of people. So how is it someone who no one cares to listen to is leading in the polls according to the lame stream media? Didn’t they do the same thing last election? The next question is why did Biden’s people agree to check for ear pieces then disagree right before the debate? Enhanced photos show clearly his ear was filled in with makeup hiding an earpiece. Inside sources say his eyes also had special contacts that act as screens which is why he walked on stage like a robot. Chris Wallace has always been anti Trump and he alone came up with the questions, then blocked Trump from getting answers to his questions. The latest photos hitting the internet, allegedly show Mr. Wallace at Epstein Island. This would explain everything. Then there are the paintings of past presidents on the walls some wearing dresses.
The debate was, in truth a set up with the cards stacked extremely in Biden’s favor yet Biden still could not pull it off. Anyone who watched the debate, as chaotic as it was, could see clearly Biden could not or would not answer many of the questions, especially about his son. Hunter Biden is under investigation, the millions given to Hunter for his father’s influence is well documented along with Joe Biden’s stopping investigations into the corruption of the companies his son worked for. Biden repeatedly said this was all rumor, gossip was refuted while already admitted too by his son and still under investigation by the Senate. Any legitimate fact checker would have torn Biden apart especially when it came to his accusations and statistics given to him by his handlers, which he still got wrong. The constant interruptions by Trump I must say were brilliant, it distracted Biden from his handlers. You will not hear about this total fail with everything stacked in Biden’s favor in the lame stream media. The debate was not between Trump and Biden. It was between Trump, a cyborg that can’t be in the sun past 10AM, a room full of statisticians, political experts, probably psychologists telling Biden what to say. It’s not just Trump against the democrats its Trump against the swamp, the deep state, corrupt and compromised politicians, pedophiles in Hollywood and the music industry, including drug and [s]ex trafficers. Why wasn’t the pedophile, drug and [s]ex trafficing dealt with in the Clinton and Obama eras? Why are the democrats so against the border wall? Is it cutting into their profits or supply chain? Research it. Do not be so naïve.
Now before you jump to any conclusions we have issues as well that need to be addressed with the present administration. Environmental issues, especially concerning oil we have not needed since Tesla. Too be fair many of Trumps issues were inherited from previous administrations. We cannot blame or depend on one man to solve all these issues. More people of color were locked up during the Clinton and Obama administration and the cages on the borders were in place before Trump. Yes the democrats built and filled the cages. Police brutality and racial injustice do occur yet statistically it is nowhere near the level it has been reported by the democrats and their propaganda arm the lame stream press. Playing the race card is playing people of color and culture for ulterior motives. If politicians were serious and wanted to solve these problems they have had the opportunity for quite some time. Some almost 50 years. Why didn’t they create the prison reform act, Trump and his team signed into law? What would they run on in the next election? Racial injustice and discrimination get votes and they fan the fires of both? They make the same promises every election only to again break them? The politicians screaming the loudest are often the richest living in mansions taking advantage of the very people they claim to serve. Trump already made his money. Look at the net worth of the Clintons, the Obamas before coming into office then after leaving, we are talking billions. Has any of this vast wealth returned to the people? As an observer the majority of the states and cities where the poverty, crime, addiction, and homelessness are worse are democratically run states and cities. Base logic dictates they have failed, broken their promises, and can no longer be trusted. This is common sense. So why is it not applied? Has there been some kind of MK Ultra mind control applied, does the main stream media use these techniques to influence and brainwash the masses? I would say considering the violence and destruction of mostly black neighborhoods this would better fall under the category of population control. Do they really care how many die in the riots and violence or do the riots and violence fit perfectly into their agenda? Do they care what happens when things become so violent the military is called in and more people die? Reason this, the democrats are playing the masses, the violence and deaths are a means to an end. We have mentioned this before, when we see white people marching with signs saying white people suck, I hate white people and down with racism. Is that not racism and self-defeating? How about people of violent and bad character suck why not judge a person by their character and actions? How about women in the LGBT community demanding Sharia Law? Do women have any rights under Sharia Law other than to obey the men. People in the LGBT community will be put to death under Sharia Law. Someone drank the left cool-aid. That cool-aid is served up nightly on CNN and most major news outlets. If you haven’t heard according to the left there are no riots only peaceful people, moms and children demonstrating until the police come and beat them into submission and Antifa is just an idea. Meanwhile in the background cities are burning, there is looting, rioting and murder. To add to the insanity, they want to defund the police. Sounds like a recipe for disaster but is that not what they want. Take down America? It is the dream of their handlers the global elite because America stands in their way for global domination. Total power and control.
Trump is to my present knowledge the first politician to not take a salary and leave his first four years in office with less than he came in with. Why? He put an end to countries taking extreme advantage of America set into motion by corrupt politicians. He built a strong economy and is doing it again after the Covid 1984 plan/scamdemic that went into hype r drive due to misinformation and the lame stream media. Now the CDC and the WHO are saying the lockdowns had a more adverse effect than Covid with the democrats doing everything wrong concerning the outbreak and wanting to continue on the same path. The only ones who want the lockdowns etc. to continue are democrats and those heavily invested in the vaccines. Gates and Fauci were roommates in college and along with Soros, the name feared to mention, own the major pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines. They had the patent for the testing kits in 2007 and Gates said on Ted Talk a virus will be the next big threat and his vaccines will end the overpopulation problem. There were 12 cases of polio in India when he was done inoculating the people 48,000 and counting came down with the deadly debilitating disease. He is not even a doctor he is an astute business man yet everyone turns to him for medical advice? Has anyone asked what as businessmen do they have to gain?
Trump did everything right including closing the boarders to China in the beginning which most democrats were extremely against. The lame stream press keep blaming Trump not China for the deaths ignoring the fact that if the democrats had their way there would have been an extreme increase in sickness and death. Now they say they are the party of caution. Trump has proven with his own life on the line there are safe alternatives to restore health in hours, days without costly hospital visits or vaccines. High five on that one.
Trump has done more to promote peace than any other president. He is bringing more troops home ending hundred year old conflicts. The only collusion with Russia the latest evidence reveals was with the democrats, their bought and paid for Russian fake dossier by the DNC,”Hillary”, the extremely bias and corrupt Muller Investigation and their coup to take down a duly elected president. The Democrats have colluded with other countries creating policies harmful to the people of which they now accuse the president. To be fair some rhino republicans were also in on it. The democrats and their lame stream press continue to perpetuate these lies. I think it is time to bring out the real fact checkers. Not the extremely bias fact checkers bought and paid for by the liars, the deep state and lame stream press. This includes the social media platforms censoring anyone that calls them to task for their bias and deceptive reporting.
In the democratic world of double speak now conservative Americans are Nazis when in truth their socialist agenda is mostly funded by Soros, a self-admitted Nazi, a Jew who turned in his own people. This is not the democratic party of John F Kennedy a man I admired. It is now operating in a similar matter to Hitler and other tyrannical regimes sponsored in the past by the same global elite. A party that will do anything for power and control. For those who have not noticed the take down America is a plan a long time in running. It is now being carried out by the left sponsored by the global elite who abhor freedom. Now it is the Elephant in the room people are tip toeing around because there are some extremely powerful people who have engaged in nothing less than treason.
Freedom is not free. It has taken a lot of lives in the past of every color and culture. What would happen if we all united under the banner of Freedom. What if we all agreed on Universal Law, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. What if we taught this to our youth, in our schools? What if the money was taken out of politics, problems were solved by a council of Grandmothers. What if leaders were chosen by their spiritual adeptness and track record of service to humanity and the Earth? Better yet turn to the guidance of Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders who have transcended war, disease, poverty, cleaned up their environments. They are waiting. Do you seriously be lie ve Earth is the only intelligent life, the best Creator has to offer? If you do you drank the cool-aid offered by a socially engineered society. A program that has kept you ignorant, dumbed down and controlled in a long term plan brought to you by the dark hearted tyranny of the global elite. Time to awaken, know your Earth history, the ancient colonization of Earth and your multidimensional divine heritage. Time to rise up and stand in your own divinity. There are unalienable rights given to all humans by the Creator and no one or institution has the right to take them from you. It is Universal Law the best representative of which on Earth is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Know them, live by them, protect them they are divinely inspired to guard against tyranny. The same tyranny most fled from a long time ago. The same tyranny that has risen and come again for your freedom. It is like a bad Lord of the Rings movie. Tyranny will not win for it is not in alignment with or frequency specific to Creators plan and the evolution of Earth. Don’t be attached to it or under it when it falls.
Our Spirit posted: " . Hunter Biden emails show leveraging connections with his father to boost Burisma pay . Joe Biden Lied – Emails Show Hunter Biden and Joe Biden Met Together With Ukraine Energy Executives . "A source close to Archer told Fox News the "
Government trained OSHA mask experts Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan join Del in-studio to break down vital info on masks, PPE, and their role in #Covid19 prevention. Every adult on this planet wearing a mask needs to hear this riveting discussion.
Someone really needs to pull Catherine Herridge aside and tell her to start doing her job as a reporter and stop insulting our AIM intelligence with these low-level reports. Send her the article below to get her caught up. So sad to see a once-decent reporter being so far behind the real news. Or maybe she has always been a propagandist, but we are only now just noticing.
So hard to see history the way it really happened. Like Walter Cronkite being a full on member of the Pilgrims Society. Think about that, you boomers. The trusted name in news was the enemy.
We find a mighty drive in the animal kingdom that’s independent of sense organs. If one brings a foreign pair of butterflies to Germany and releases the male in Frankfurt and the female say in Magdeburg, the two will reunite without fail. They do this with special organs that are even finer than sense organs.
If we meet a total stranger whom we feel a great sympathy for, as happens between man and wife and also between friends, then this is a sign that these people belong together and that they have soul organs that tell them this and bring them together.
The vital point, the point of intersection and of change in the ascending life of man, lies at the time of the separation of the sexes. There was an age when the two sexes were united in the being of man. Even Darwin recognised this as a probability. As the result of the separation of the sexes, a new, all-embracing element came to birth: the element of love. The attraction of love is so powerful, so mysterious, that tropical butterflies of different sexes, brought to Europe and then released to the air, will fly back again and meet each other half-way.
Virologists and geneticists use a closed system of analysis, which automatically confirms what they already believe...
If the virus isn’t there...why do they believe it is?
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed,click here.)
For the past eight months, I’ve been providing evidence that no one has proved the COVID virus exists.
Over the past week, I’ve quoted two major sources—the CDC and the authors of a major European study—who admit they did not have any virus. And both of these groups were, at the same time, constructing a way to do a diagnostic test for that very virus which wasn’t there.
I’ve also pointed out that scientists throw around the phrase, “isolation of the virus,” like short-order cooks slinging hash in a diner. The phrase is used with incredible carelessness and deceptive imprecision.
Likewise, researchers’ claims of having “sequenced” the genetic structure of the virus are very misleading, because the sequencing is done without direct observation of the virus. It is INFERRED from analyzing a piece of RNA which is ASSUMED (not proved) to come from the virus.
Most of these scientists are true believers. They accept, like dogma, the standard and non-valid procedures for “isolating” and “sequencing” the virus.
A smaller number of scientists understand the hoax, but they remain criminally silent—or they are actively perpetuating the hoax.
In a similar vein—but without the absurd certainty—astronomers make all sorts of inferences about what is occurring on distant planets; but they support sending probes into space to actually see and record what is happening there; and they admit they are frequently surprised and shocked by what they find: a picture that contradicts many of their inferences.
Not so with virologists and geneticists. They utilize a closed system of analysis, which automatically confirms what they already believe. This is the furthest thing from science. This would be on the order of claiming the devil is causing hurricanes, and then “proving it” with a gibbering brand of abstract theology.
Of course, when it comes to viruses, the follow-up is censorship or ridicule of those who doubt theological “biology.”
If a prestigious medical journal opened up its pages to an intelligent debate about the existence of the COVID virus, remarkable things would happen. In the light and fresh air of honest debate, all sorts of skeletons would emerge from the closet. But such a debate is not permitted.
Why? Obviously, because the result would be devastating.
Because of the absence of such open and frank discussion, people are left with two thoughts: a pandemic based on nothing is too astonishing to consider; and a hundred years of official propaganda about germs (and genes) as the ominous ever-present source of all disease is too formidable to reject.
I want to give you an idea what it’s like to encounter researchers’ arcane descriptions of “isolating the virus.” Here is a section from a major Chinese study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, on February 20, 2020. This is the key study which “confirmed” that a new virus was causing an outbreak in China. Title: “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019.” The section is: “Isolation of Virus”. You’ll need hip boots and a machete as you wade your way through it—
“Bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid samples were collected in sterile cups to which virus transport medium was added. Samples were then centrifuged to remove cellular debris. The supernatant was inoculated on human airway epithelial cells,13 which had been obtained from airway specimens resected from patients undergoing surgery for lung cancer and were confirmed to be special-pathogen-free by NGS.14”
“Human airway epithelial cells were expanded on plastic substrate to generate passage-1 cells and were subsequently plated at a density of 2.5×105 cells per well on permeable Transwell-COL (12-mm diameter) supports. Human airway epithelial cell cultures were generated in an air–liquid interface for 4 to 6 weeks to form well-differentiated, polarized cultures resembling in vivo pseudostratified [!] mucociliary epithelium.13”
“Prior to infection, apical surfaces of the human airway epithelial cells were washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline; 150 μl of supernatant from bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid samples was inoculated onto the apical surface of the cell cultures. After a 2-hour incubation at 37°C, unbound virus was removed by washing with 500 μl of phosphate-buffered saline for 10 minutes; human airway epithelial cells were maintained in an air–liquid interface incubated at 37°C with 5% carbon dioxide. Every 48 hours, 150 μl of phosphate-buffered saline was applied to the apical surfaces of the human airway epithelial cells, and after 10 minutes of incubation at 37°C the samples were harvested. Pseudostratified [!] mucociliary epithelium cells were maintained in this environment; apical samples were passaged in a 1:3 diluted vial stock to new cells. The cells were monitored daily with light microscopy, for cytopathic effects, and with RT-PCR, for the presence of viral nucleic acid in the supernatant. After three passages, apical samples and human airway epithelial cells were prepared for transmission electron microscopy…”
I can guarantee one thing: If a medical journal opened up its pages to a frank and protracted discussion, from all comers, about this “process of isolation,” you would see fireworks exploding in all directions. Within a few months, there would be raging global debate about the authenticity of “isolation.”
The density of the description in the China study is exactly why, for months, I’ve been demanding a straightforward real-world experimental test of the “new virus.”
You line up 1000 patients who have been diagnosed with the new epidemic illness. You remove tissue samples from all of them. You put these samples through the above “isolation process.” You decide which patients have a huge amount of virus in their bodies.
Those patients should certainly be ill.
Then LET’S SEE. Are they ill or are they running marathons?
Real world.
Not lab world.
This study will never be done for one obvious reason. Unlike the astoundingly complex manipulations that go on in the lab, this real-world experiment has a yes or no answer. Are the patients ill or healthy?
But that’s asking too much from these researchers. They would rather infer and assume whatever suits their fancy.
They never want the rubber to meet the road.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Our Monster Civilization: Slicing and Dicing This Planet
How much damage are we doing to Nature? Today, 75 percent of all land has been severely altered by human actions along with 66 percent of the world's marine environments. I've reported that we kill 100 million sharks annually and have been since 1990. Any thought about killing the whales and fish stocks via 20-mile-long drift nets behind massive trawlers?.........
It's unreal - the tech giants are now colluding to block and silence the NY Post and all sources covering the exploding bombshell news of Joe Biden's international crime cartel, with "smoking gun" email evidence.
US Senators are outraged and calling for investigations. Journalists are decrying the attack on the freedom of the press. This time, Big Tech has gone too far.
And watch for an update this evening, containing even more shocking revelations about the international bribery, corruption, kickbacks and fraud schemes of the Biden family, all protected and aided by Big Tech and the dishonest media.
A delightful fusion of 8 unique superfruits, Health Ranger Select Organic Super C Berry Blend provides a convenient way to boost your daily intake of highly bioavailable vitamin C and other phytonutrients. It is versatile and convenient so you can easily add it to your favorite smoothie for a burst of nutrition and flavor. Our premium berry powder blend is vegan, non-GMO and certified organic and Kosher. It's also lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
Trump physician says president has developed COVID-19 antibodies White House physician Dr. Sean Conley released a memorandum Oct. 7, saying that President Donald Trump has developed antibodies against the coronavirus. Addressed to White House Press Secretary ...
Top EU court upholds French ban on bee-killing pesticides The European Court of Justice on Oct. 8 has dismissed a case filed against France for banning certain neonicotinoids. The Luxembourg-based court ruled that the country sufficiently demonstrated ...
Democrats call for non-Democrats to be sent to the guillotines Project Veritas is on a roll lately with a new video release depicting a Democrat organizer in Denver calling for his political opponents to be sent to the guillotines. Khristopher Jacks, a ...
Senate calls for trade deal talks with Taiwan In an effort to put more pressure on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a total of 50 U.S. senators called on the Trump administration to commence negotiations on a bilateral trade agreement with ...
The therapeutic effects of ginseng against Alzheimer's disease Panax ginseng, commonly known as Asian ginseng or Korean ginseng, is one of the most widely used and extensively studied species of ginseng. Sometimes referred to as the "true ginseng," Asian ...
Why would you ask the fox who is guarding the hen house?
"But I spoke with my virologist friend and he said..."
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Dr. Scott Atlas, coronavirus advisor to President Trump: “History will record the faces of public health expertise, as some of the most sinful, egregious epic failures in the history of public policy. They have killed people, with their lack of understanding. The policy itself is a crime against humanity.”
Ever since I provided compelling evidence that no one has proved the COVID virus exists, I’ve been getting a sprinkling of messages from people:
“My good friend, who is a virologist, says the virus is very real…”
“My friend, a geneticist, says you don’t need to have an isolated specimen of the virus, as long as you’ve sequenced its genetic structure…”
“My doctor friend says people are dying, so it must be the virus…”
This is like saying, “Two years after the September 11th attacks, I spoke with my friend, who used to work for the CIA, and he said the 9/11 Commission Report was absolutely correct.”
“My brother knew Earl Warren, and Justice Warren said Lee Oswald acted alone when he shot John Kennedy…”
“My cousin’s father-in-law was a business associate of the chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the chairman assured him the Fed has never manipulated interest rates for clandestine purposes.”
Why would you ask the fox who is guarding the hen house to account for the diminishing population of hens?
“But…but this is DIFFERENT. The COVID VIRUS is SCIENCE.”
No. It’s not science. This is about an investigation into what is CALLED science.
Therefore, everything is up for grabs. Everything is on the table.
A man named Socrates figured this out a long time ago. He would ask an aristocrat what Justice was, and when the aristocrat blithely said it was what everyone supposed it was, Socrates would point out the obvious fallacy in this line of approach.
If you only seek answers from a person whose specialty is…what your investigation is all about…why are you investigating? Simply to learn what an “expert” believes? That will be a very short and unproductive inquiry.
In the forgotten subject called Logic, that fallacy is called Appeal to Authority. It’s the most obvious fallacy of all.
If you ask an engineer questions about building bridges, and he has designed many bridges that still stand up after millions of hours of traffic streaming across them, you’ll learn useful information. But proving the existence of a virus is a different proposition. Very different.
Asking a mainstream geneticist whether the COVID virus has been proven to exist is very much like asking a news anchor whether he reports the facts every night.
An actual investigation into “the science” of discovering viruses would consider dissident views. For example, here is what German virologist Stefan Lanka has written about this process:
“Individual molecules are extracted from the components of dead tissue and cells, they are misinterpreted to be part of a virus and are theoretically put together into a virus model…”
“With only a few mouseclicks, a program can arrange [an outcome] as desired, by putting together short sequences of nucleic acids from dead tissue and cells with a determined biochemical composition, a larger genetic sequence that is supposed to represent the complete genome of an old or new virus. In reality, not even this manipulation, called ‘alignment’, can result in the ‘complete’ genetic material of a virus which could then be called its genome.”
“In this process of theoretical construction of the so-called ‘viral DNA or viral RNA strands’, those sequences that don’t fit are ‘smoothed out’ and missing ones are added. Thus, a RNA or DNA sequence is invented which doesn’t exist in reality and which was never discovered [or] scientifically demonstrated as a whole.”
A hundred years ago, if you had asked a virologist what was causing a devastating skin disease in the American South, called pellagra, he would have authoritatively told you it was a virus. And perhaps you then would have written to a journalist who’d stated there was no proof for the virus theory: “I learned from a virologist that a virus is definitely causing these skin outbreaks…”
But the cause turned out to be a niacin deficiency.
Months ago, I wrote a number of articles breaking down the false phenomenon called COVID-19. For the most part, the people who are dying are dying of traditional lung conditions (pneumonia, TB, etc.) falsely re-labeled COVID. Pollution is one major cause. A huge number of these people are the elderly, who are already suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by years of treatment with toxic drugs. WHAT IS CALLED COVID IS NOT ONE DISEASE WITH ONE CAUSE.
No new virus is required as an explanation.
At the highest levels of technocracy, the major players want this fake pandemic to serve as the gateway and the rationale for a new civilization: surveillance, obedience, slavery.
The launch-point in 2019 was the virus that wasn’t and isn’t there.
A hundred years ago, the Rockefeller Empire set out to prove there were many needs for their new products: pharmaceutical drugs. They employed researchers who could greatly expand the idea that harmful germs were everywhere—germs that required treatment with these drugs.
At the root of this enterprise were virologists, who understood the mission, who understood what they were getting paid for: the invention of new methods for detecting germs.
“Detection” took on added meaning. You didn’t actually have to find the germs. You had to concoct more sophisticated methods that would be taught and believed and accepted. These methods were actually STORIES.
The Rockefeller experts were story tellers.
Rockefeller agents and Rockefeller salesmen then sold the stories.
Their descendants are following the same playbook.
One of their main jobs is cementing THE VIRUS STORY in the public mind. They do it with the coda: “THIS IS SCIENCE.”
No, it’s mind control par excellence.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
How Trump Can Outwit the Deep State and Remain in Power
The forces and personalities arrayed against Trump include China, Russia, the Vatican, the United Nations, the CIA, the FBI, Wall Street, billionaires such as George Soros and Mike Bloomberg, organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Democratic Party, and some in the Republican Party and the “conservative movement.”.........
America is a Representative Republic, Not a Democracy
So, let us count our blessings. Because if we shifted the rest of the way into democracy things would be much worse economically and that would not be the worst of it. The worst would be that we would completely lose our God-given rights to life, liberty, and property.........
Why Ronald Reagan Called United States The Last Best Hope For Mankind
Throughout the annals of the majority of history, mankind lived either under the brutality of kings or dictators who ruled with an iron fist ready to crush any attempts to seek personal advancement. Just as tyrannical were backward tribes in Africa, North and south America and elsewhere.........
Forget Trump ‘Style’ Remember his Courage, Action and Results for America
Who cares that Trump talks real and calls things like they are? Who cares he calls out criminals, liars and those who are playing the anti – American game? Trump is the only known commodity for America this election that has proven his courage and brilliant leadership while standing for what is right, even while mostly standing alone.........
There was a time when Journalism was a sophisticated and respected occupation. Journalists were accurate, made sure the facts were straight and.... were highly respected. If a journalist was your guest at the dinner table, all the neighbors would talk about it. This would have meant you had arrived to have such an important guest at your table.........
Resistance to the New Abnormal in the UK - Maintaining and Reclaiming Your Identity
Remember who you are, return to who you really are, and remember what love really is. Listen to your heart and the still small voice inside. It will never leave you or abuse you. Your face, your identity, your voice and your life are important aspects of your ‘being. You should be free to discover who you are. Don’t let others dictate who that is. Do not accept abnormality as normality.........
Gun sales in the U.S. are at all-time highs. There are people who will not give up their firearms without a fight. Some are Veterans with experience equal to and even surpassing that of anyone the federal government can send after them. (How do I know this? Personal correspondence.).......
"The most explosive news of the past few days was the 3 hard drives delivered to the United States Department of Justice by a top family or families of the Chinese Communist Party, according to Lu De, a faithful follower of Miles Guo’s Whistleblower Movement and host of one of the most-watched webcasts in Mandarin of the last three years.
Since the evening show on September 24th, for 5 days in a row, Lu De’s webcasts have focused almost exclusively on the content of the 3 hard drives that were secretly provided to the Department of Justice fairly recently.
Hunter Biden is in big trouble, much bigger than his Russian and Ukrainian scandals would cause. One of the hard drives contains information on Hunter Biden’s trip to China. It is known to the public that Hunter Biden flew to China on Air Force 2 with his father, Joe Biden. Joe Biden insisted that he was not aware of his son’s connection with the CCP companies. What Hunter did in China, the “dirty things”, were recorded on video by the order of the CCP Public Security Bureau. On the “business” side, it is believed that Hunter got to know Li Xiangsheng, the former CEO of Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd., an affiliated company owned by the Vice Chairman of China, Wang Qishan. Afterward, Hunter arranged for his father to meet with Li Xiangsheng.
The contract that Hunter Biden signed with Xi and Wang, No. 1 and No. 2 of the CCP regime, secured 4.5 billion dollars of interest and benefits to him. Hunter did not disclose this contract to the U.S. government. Whether or not he disclosed it to his father, you can be the judge. The real question is: did Joe Biden disclose the existence of such a contract to the U.S. government? He absolutely did not. In Lu De’s webcast, Hunter received a million dollars prior to the signing, and 10 million at the time the contract was signed. The money was laundered through a prominent U.S. lawyer." Continue reading
Sept.24th Lude's broadcast: 3 hard drives.Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Meng Jianzhu made the move - provided 3 hard drives to the DOJ of America, and another copy to Nancy Pelosi. However, with the help from our fellow fighter, these hard drives reached the hands of President Trump.The 1st hard drive: sex tapes & pedo tapes of Hunter Biden, as well as his 4.5 billion dollars secret deal with Xi & Wang;The 2nd hard drive: the allocation of Xi & Wang's overseas wealth, and 'the architecture & art project', which is the information of their illegitimate children;The 3rd hard drive: CCP's bioweapon
He's legit and he's the one that ran the operation to get her out. He sits on the board of a foundation where Steve Bannon was also a board member, until the SDNY sham indictment.
Basically Dr. Yan (whistleblower) contacted Lude on 1/17. Lude broke the story that Xinnie the Pooh was hiding the severity of WuFlu on 1/19. A couple days later there was a board meeting of the foundation Lude and Steve Bannon sat on and Lude personally told Bannon what's going on. The intel went from Dr. Yan -> Lude -> Bannon -> Navarro -> Trump, leading Trump to ban flights from China on 1/31 over the objection of almost everyone in the cabinet including Dr. Fauci. So we Americans owe Lude and Dr. Yan a big thank you, they saved many lives here and across the world.
AnonLurker adds:
That lady on the mirror!!! is that the DR who was on tucker carlson, they were talking about how COVID came from a lab or something?? the story was like she escaped from China i think... OMFGGG
The Hunter Biden Song "Cocaine in the Ukraine" in the style of: Cypress Hill "Insane in the Membrane" pic.twitter.com/3n0ebH7HzG — Sideshow Bob (@BobsLessons) October 17, 2020
All this China talk had me thinking about the Chao family. Is she and hubby U.S. Chamber of Commerce Mitch McConnell (aka 'Bitch and Mitch' sorta like the modern day version of 'Bonnie and Clyde') selling access to wealthy Chinese?
"At her confirmation hearing, Ms. Chao did not mention her family’s extensive ties to the Chinese maritime industry. She also did not disclose several accolades she had received in China — including a role as an international adviser to the city of Wuhan — though the Senate questionnaire requires nominees to list all honorary positions. An agency official described that as an oversight."
Speaking of China, Alex1689 posts:
– Zoom use that came from nowhere, and Tik Tok that came from nowhere, both security risks run through the CCP servers in China: Additional insight into the physical locations and vulnerabilities of key personnel. Facial recognition. Easy enough to get a half decent pictures of a set of targets. You don’t even have to physically follow them and expose yourself. Just snip it offline and relay it to an assassin.
Of course, here at the American Intelligence Media, we happen to know that China is just one of the problems with Zoom. Ask General McMaster. He knows all about it. He, too, works for Chinese communists.
"Former Toys ‘R’ Us Chairman and CEO and Storch Advisors CEO Gerald Storch, appears on Fox Business to discuss today’s remarkable retail sales data. Storch rightly notes the September year-over-year spending was a whopping 8 percent on durable goods.
This outcome foretells good news for the holiday shopping season… except, as I noted, there is a slight issue. None of the current on-hand inventories are enough to fulfill demand for a big holiday shopping season. Hence, my advice – buy early, buy now."
At some point the American have to demand a full accounting from AG Barr. Just look at all the hard evidence that the DOJ/FBI have had that has either been lost, destroyed, ignored or something else?
Yes some of this happened before Barr but today he is the sheriff and IMO owes the American people a full and complete explanation of just what has been going on with these two agencies that are under his authority.
1) Wiener Laptop and Contents
2) Mifsud’s two phones
3) Biden Laptop and Contents
4) 47 Hard Drives turned in by Hammer WB to FIB in 2015
5) Flynn missing 302
6) 31 Government issued phones used by the SC
7) HRC server and missing 33K emails and smashed blackberry’s
8) hard evidence from Adm Rodgers audit and Judge Collyer’s 99 report showing unequivocally there was massive NSA Contractor Spying where just the 6 month audit showed 85% of the 702 searches were illegal.
9) Documented evidence that hundreds of Americans were unmasked
10) The known fact that Gen. was framed and exculpatory evidence was withheld.
Bottom line is maybe it is time PT appoint his own Special Prosecutor to investigate Barr’s FBI and DOJ because frankly everyday it seems to get worse.
Exclusive: Larry C. Johnson Interviews John Paul Mac Isaac — The American Patriot Who Was Hired to Fix Hunter Biden’s Computers and the Rest Is History
Iowa State Supreme Court Sides with GOP on Absentee Ballots United States Supreme Court Building
“I’m Shocked That This Man Has ANY Sort of Podium – He’s Been Wrong So Many Times” – Top US Doctor UNLOADS on Crazy Dr. Fauci …(Plus Fauci’s 19 Mistakes)
WATCH: Courageous Priest Speaks The TRUTH About Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
GOP Senator Ron Johnson Sends Letter to FBI Director Wray Demanding Answers on Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Our Spirit posted: " . Better than a Detroit Woodward Cruise! Trump Rallies are EVERYWHERE https://youtu.be/IFAHVPs73ec Trump Says He Won't Force Americans To Take COVID-19 Vaccine "I don’t believe I’d ever do a mandated vaccine,” the president told Fox’s S"
"I don’t believe I’d ever do a mandated vaccine,” the president told Fox’s Stuart Varney. “I just don’t think I would do that, where you have to have it, because there are some people who feel very strong about that whole situation," Trump said.
Pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys
Inquiring minds want to know....will Twitter suspend you for posting this Fox News article above that discusses the Post article being suppressed...Wouldn't that lead people to looking for the article in its original form on the NY Post? Does Jack or Mark really think they can suppress the TRUTH from this global network of truth seekers?
Who is Eric Schwerin you ponder? 'Industry4' gives us a quick snapshot of this Mitt Romney operative:
"ERIC SCHWERIN is a member of the board of advisors of ABD Group. Mr. Schwerin is President of RSP Investments in Washington, DC. He currently serves as Member of the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, having been appointed to that position by President Obama in April 2015. Before entering the private sector, Mr. Schwerin served in the U.S. Government as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce and at the White House as the Director of Business Liaison and as the Policy and Outreach Coordinator for the China Trade Relations Working Group (or China PNTR War Room). Shortly after leaving the U.S. Government, Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick named Mr. Schwerin to the U.S. Governments Industry Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC) for Information Technology. He also served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of 826DC, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting disadvantaged students ages 6 through 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Mr. Schwerin received his Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Pennsylvania and a Masters Degree in International Affairs from The George Washington University."
If you check the archived version of this same page from 1 year ago, you will see that they edited out this line: "Mr. Schwerin was President of Rosemont Seneca Advisors and a Partner at Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP."
Reader note: Just a reminder with this Ernst and Young article to protect your 401K and stock portfolio from the massive corruption of the interlocking directorships that legal and financial auditors are not disclosing in the annual reports. You can sue them for your loses as it is a vast conspiracy to separate YOU from your investments. Learn more and get the action plan in the link below:
In Cat Report #538 we explain how the scam works and gave you sample letters to write to your portfolio manager, the auditors and attorneys who prepare the annual reports, etc. It will only take a few minutes to get this important "homework assignment" finished. Make it a priority today and put Ernst and Young on notice that patriots aren't taking their bullshit any more!
In the meantime, more stern letters are flying out of the do-nothing Senate.
“Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited.” …
“The host should collect names of all attendees and contact information”…
“All gatherings must be held outside. Attendees may go inside to use restrooms as long as the restrooms are frequently sanitized.” …
“Seating must provide at least 6 feet of distance (in all directions—front-to-back and side-to-side)” …
“any food or beverages at outdoor gatherings must be in single-serve disposable containers.” …
“People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so quietly (at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice).” (more at link)
People around the world are being tagged like animals for slaughter. Face masks are not about health and safety. They are about compliance and control. Face masks are genocide muzzles. Christians must reject this evil satanic cult ritual that is being conducted on a world-wide stage.
See how desperate they are to get you to wear the GENOCIDE MUZZLE? Kroger gives out $125 grocery gift card if you take a vaccine...and now bacon-scented face masks. Seems like they would make great ‘gag’ gifts for a Muslim acquaintance.
The globalshits are even making cutsy videos to persuade younger people into believing they are cool to wear. Make sure the young people in your downline know that this is about controlling them for their entire lives. Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Face Mask
The mass hysteria of face masks will stop when we stop wearing them.
We need to be the example. Familiarize yourself with how MASS HYSTERIA works.
This package of information (below) was published back in 2016 as we began to report our research to a small, but growing, truth community. Today we know that the truth of the matter goes far beyond what we reported 4 years ago. Today we know that the New World Order plan was set out by Cecil Rhodes and is carried out on a daily basis by the organization called the Pilgrims Society.
Nevertheless, this little package might be just the thing your downline needs at this time: https://conta.cc/26UjeJK
You seem now to be quoting a lot of stuff about Q, when before you said it was pure entertainment!! Have you changed your policy now….maybe that might be because of this kind of evidence popping up on the internet?
Our reply: If you read our history, we were the original inspiration for the Cicada 3301 puzzle called "Q". Then the group went off the deep end and had internet bloviators like Jerome Corsi pushing the psyop. TRUTH messages are always good because truth is truth, but their research techniques are horrific. Most of the sites that Q references are MSM posts or limited internet hangouts – which shows you how clueless (or strategic) the organizers are.
Team 48 is well aware that this is not only an INFORMATION WAR, it is also a spiritual war. In the audio below, Steiner gives us a quick overview on the cosmology of our human evolution and discusses the war in heaven.
Our Spirit posted: " . . President Trump tweets: Very proud of the @nypost, my former “hometown newspaper”. They have said and shown what everyone knows about Sleepy Joe Biden. He is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!! Joe Biden is a corrupt politician, and everybody knows"
President Trump tweets: Very proud of the @nypost, my former “hometown newspaper”. They have said and shown what everyone knows about Sleepy Joe Biden. He is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!!
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician, and everybody knows it. Now you have the proof, perhaps like never was had before on a major politician. Laptop plus. This is the second biggest political scandal in our history! Tweet
...heck we would settle for the Feds printing as much money as the IRS needs from taxpayers for our 2020 taxes. Why do we have to pay taxes when the Fed has shown us time and time again that they can print as much as they need. We all know the fiat U. S. dollar is a Fed ponzi scheme.
Death for traitors by firing squads. Make sure your downline starts getting "in the mood" for executions of hundreds of traitors. Patriots will not accept anything less.
An anti-Trump Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is planning to deploy an information warfare tool that reportedly received initial funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon’s secretive research arm -- transforming technology originally envisioned as a way to fight ISIS propaganda into a campaign platform to benefit Joe Biden.
Soros' gal in Michigan hanging on by a thread. We will defeat this feminazi, using LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONAL methods. Can't wait to see Heil Whitler living under a bridge, without her state of Michigan police protection, along with other miserable Soros operatives like Maxine (pictured above)..
I loved my Abyssinian cat who, indeed, was very smart. Taught me the strategies of being a feline predator, skills which were easily transferable to information warfare in the internet. Hunter is now the hunted. Meow.
We don't know if this is accurate or not as there are no source links, but it seems like something we should be aware of, especially patriots in Washington State who are working round the clock to preserve the integrity of their votes.
Of course, we all suspect the old bat has long been dead and that there are look-alikes posing as the Queen. Those doubles need to pay attention because it may be THEY who get tried and executed in a Nuremberg-type setting if they don't give up the gig and walk away from their acting roles. The final scene ends with a state execution.
Remember, this evil person is the one who gave the command to Allen Dulles to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. It is she who ordered the overthrow of Donald Trump through her Privy Councillors Richard Dearlove, Arvinder Sambie, Mark Malloch-Brown, and Geoffrie Pattie.
Alex Jones Here With An Incredible Sunday Broadcast!
On today's LIVE SUNDAY SHOW, I'll discuss how Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has gone into hiding following the bombshell revelations surrounding Hunter Biden's hard laptop laying out deep corruption with the Chinese Communists and Ukraine officials.
Tune into Infowars.com/show Monday-Friday from 11AM-3PM Central and Sunday 4-6 PM Central to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and other great Infowars hosts and guests!
Tell your friends and family to tune into Infowars.com/show to watch today's broadcast and beat the Big Tech censors! As Infowars faces unprecedented censorship, it's more important than ever that you spread this link.
Remember – if you’re receiving this email, you are the resistance!
Finally someone at the top tier of the NFL with some sense and some cajones.
Mr. Hunt called a meeting with all of his Coaches, Players and field staff and firmly told them, "You are all simply paid performers on a stage and that field is my stage! You will stand, with your hand over your heart and with respect, when our Country's National Anthem is being played or you will no longer be a Kansas City Chief, a Coach for the Kansas City Chiefs or have any association with the Chiefs Organization!
I will immediately fire you, no matter who you are!" You can make your political statements off the field, but when you're employed by me and I'm signing your check, I demand that you make our fans proud and not embarrass them."
Moving aside all the screeching and political cannibalism going on, for Democrats, below is your party’s agenda. It’s vitally important Democrats and even independents who intend to vote for an obviously neurologically impaired candidate, Joseph Biden and his ‘sleep your way to the top’, VP pick, Kamala Harris, understand what you’re voting for.........
I plan to travel back and forth between CD2 and Capitol Hill frequently. I will spend time all across the district listening and reporting to CD2 residents about what is going on in Washington DC. I also will emphasize use of social media and will have team members in various areas of the District visible and available.........
A Lifetime of Lies, Corruption and Malfeasance: Joe Biden
After 47 years of lies, corruption and malfeasance, candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden continues to make a mockery of integrity, honesty and decency. He lies so much, he can’t tell the truth from a lie, and he can’t cover them up. He sniffs little girls’ hair and fondles them.........
Bessie 2003 points out what many are saying and posting:
The best part of being online is clicking on all the videos of the boat parades, truck parades, people lining the street cheering as the President’s motorcade passes by in all the different towns – President Trump was so right, Americans LOVE parades, and this must drive all those liberals crazy because they thought they had stopped the President from having any parades, remembering how the President wanted big Fourth of July parades and the establishment media and politicians all cried no! no! no! and here we are, 4 years later and it is the American People Themselves holding parades! Irony is alive. so loving this, these are parades of Love. Something the press, and the left, can’t seem to fathom.
I wonder if the FBI counter-intelligence briefing to the Presidential candidates this year included them briefing Biden that he may be open to blackmail from Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian entities due to his son’s shady dealings with them.
It’s not like they didn’t have Hunter’s laptop already.
Several folks remind us that the FBI has an email AI super computer that can sort through like 33,000 emails in a weekend. They've had this tech since 2016 when James Comey claimed to have reviewed all of Hildabeast's missing emails over a few days using this system.
"The funny thing about kompromat — a Russian term for compromising information — is that often it is true. Indeed, it is most damaging and most useful when it is true; otherwise, you deny the allegations and expose the lie. Hunter Biden has yet to deny these were his laptop, his emails, his images. If thousands of emails and images were fabricated, then serious crimes were committed.
But if the emails and images are genuine, then the Bidens appear to have lied for years as a raw influence-peddling scheme worth millions stretched from China to Ukraine to Russia. Moreover, these countries likely have had the compromising information all along while the Bidens — and the media — were denying reports of illicit activities." Source
Bogeyfree reminding us of the U.S. Attorney General:
Let me begin with a quote from Barr.
Now add in the fact that the FIB which is under the DOJ has had the Laptop since Nov/Dec 2019 and it begs the obvious question………
1) When did AG Barr first become aware that his FBI had the Biden Laptop?
2) When did AG Barr first become aware about some of the images as described by some who have seen?
3) If he was aware then why did he withhold this information while PT went through impeachment?
Is it time to subpoena AG Barr by the Judiciary Committee and come tell all Americans under oath what he knew and when he knew it?
And if this information was hidden from him then who within the FBI hid this and why has he done nothing about this?
So go back and read Barr’s reason for coming back that I posted above and ask yourself, in your opinion does that statement fit with what we have seen these past 12 months, especially IF Barr was aware of the Laptop and more importantly THE CONTENTS since Dec 2019.
Patriots have noted that Governor Gretchen Whitmer displayed an "86 45" sign during her TV appearance of Meet the Press. 86 can be shorthand for killing someone. Is Whitmer encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump? See article and tweet.
The leaked emails from Hunter Biden go well beyond a troubles of a politician’s son. It's a huge story, exposing that President Trump’s impeachment was built on a sham.
We now know Vice President Biden and his family were in the business of selling U.S. access and foreign policy for cash. And Congress literally impeached the president for asking a foreign country to investigate it.
Even worse, we've been failed by a number of our institutions.
The FBI had this information for over a year, yet most people, including Congress, first learned of it in the New York Post. We need a real investigation into the FBI, with serious consequences.
The legacy media continued to show they care not about the truth, but defeating Donald Trump. So far, they’ve either ignored this blockbuster or did their best to paint it as “misinformation” ... maybe even "Russian misinformation"! It’s been shameful to watch.
Social media was even worse. They're not even pretending anymore. Their ham-handed censorship was made only worse by their twisting justification. At least they’ll have a hard time in the future denying their partisanship.
The result? I wouldn’t be shocked if a good part of America has either not heard of this story, or think it’s a lie. And it literally upends a historical event.
Yet there's cause for optimism.
Whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac displayed an inspiring courage. He’s been attacked both large and small, from the media’s first jackal-like ambush of him, down to his store's Yelp rating plunging as partisans attack him there. He may never get a statute for his sacrifice, but he deserves recognition.
The New York Post didn’t back down. They’ve had a great year speaking truth to power, and we should all wish Rupert Murdoch, who owns both it and Fox News, a very long life. Many conservatives fret about the direction of Fox News, but imagine where we'd be without it.
A growing conservative press has shown the ability to drive a story, despite the steadfast opposition of most media. We’re losing the media fight, but we’re in the game.
Overall, though, this episode shows how much work we have in front of us.
Had a similar story emerged thirty years ago, journalists would have reported on it seriously. They would have skewed it to the left, of course, but they would’ve been honest. Possibly even fair.
We’re not going back to the media of yesterday, though. We’ve entered an age of partisan journalism, and need to build parity to maintain our voices in the political arena. That’s a fight we need to win, no matter which candidate prevails in November.
What we can do: We're still collecting notes for John Paul. Reply here and we’ll be sure he gets them!
Also, read and support the New York Post. And don’t back down on social media. And let people know about this fight … recruit whenever you can.
We've reported on and released a new cache of Hunter Biden emails, showing he and his team were tasked by Burisma to help "close down" investigations in Ukraine. Read and share!
Tell reporter Karma Allen we’re onto him and he should report fairly. Click here to find out how to send him an email.
Last Day!
Field Report
To: Allies
From: Ken
Many of you sent good wishes and encouragement to John Paul. Here's a small sampling of letters. We'll continue to pass them along to him!
"Kudos to you, John Paul. Just doing the right thing these days is a heroic deed. I pray the jackals don’t hurt you. You are an American Patriot, and I salute you."
"Thank you for doing the right thing and stepping forward with what you found. At times uncovering the truth may seem hard, but it is always the right thing to do."
"Thank you for being a patriot and doing the right thing. God will bless you for it and we will be praying for you. We need more people like you to take back America!"
The 1619 Project is a mess, but that hasn’t stopped it from being taught in schools.
Everyone from historians to a NYT columnist have said the main focus of the project is false. But Sean Collins points out in Sp!ked that it’s still being promoted in schools – inaccuracies and all. It’s not going away anytime soon, and we can’t underestimate what’s at stake if this is what kids learn.
Dr. Tom Cowan analyzes yet another key document posted by the CDC, in their journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases: “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States”
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
The hits keep coming. The CDC used an arbitrary computer “tinker-toy” process to invent a description of the virus. The virus that no one has proven exists. This is the basic conclusion of Dr. Tom Cowan.
The CDC article was discovered by Sally Fallon Morrell. Her co-author, Dr. Cowan, fleshes out the fraud. Cowan’s article is titled, “Only Poisoned Monkey Cells ‘Grew’ the ‘Virus’.”
Dr. Cowan: “[The CDC journal article] was published in June 2020 [original publication, March 2020]. The purpose of the article was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science of the isolation, purification and biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.”
“First, in the section titled ‘Whole Genome Sequencing,’ we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they found 37 base pairs from unpurified samples using PCR probes. This means they actually looked at 37 out of the approximately 30,000 of the base pairs that are claimed to be the genome of the intact virus. They then took these 37 segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs.”
In other words, the sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was done by assumption and arbitrary inference. If this is science, a penguin is a spaceship.
Cowan: “To me, this computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud. Here is an equivalency: A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they had never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.”
“The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by ‘consensus,’ sort of like a vote. Again, different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary ‘unicorn,’ so they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn.”
As I’ve been stating, the “discovery” of the “new virus” was actually the foisting of a PRE-DETERMINED STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. Nothing real or believable about it.
But once the official pattern is laid down, others follow it dutifully.
Dr. Cowan uncovers more insanity in the CDC journal article. Using the ASSUMED new virus, in an UN-ISOLATED STATE, the researchers try to prove it is harmful by injecting it on to several different types of cells in the lab:
Cowan: “The real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that I had to read it many times before I could believe what I was reading. Let me quote the passage intact:”
“’Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T). In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells [monkey cells]. … Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection. No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero [monkey] cells, which grew to greater than 10 to the 7th power at 24 h post-infection. In contrast, HUH 7.0 and 293T showed only modest viral replication, and A549 cells [human cells] were incompatible with SARS CoV-2 infection’.”
“What does this language actually mean, and why is it the most shocking statement of all from the virology community? When virologists attempt to prove infection, they have three possible ‘hosts’ or models on which they can test…”
“The third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they most rely on — is inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As I have pointed out many times, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first starved and poisoned.”
“The shocking thing about the above [CDC journal] quote is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT, I repeat NOT, infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this ‘new coronavirus’ is not infectious to human beings. It is ONLY infective to monkey kidney cells, and only then when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.”
“My friends, read this again and again. These virologists, published by the CDC, performed a clear proof, on their terms, showing that the SARS-CoV- 2 virus is harmless to human beings. That is the only possible conclusion, but, unfortunately, this result is not even mentioned in their conclusion. They simply say they can provide virus stocks cultured only on monkey Vero cells, thanks for coming.”
So first…use a process of genetic sequencing that involves concocting, out of an arbitrary computer program…
The existence and structure of the “new virus”…
And then, taking a soup that the researchers claim contains the virus, in an un-isolated state, inject the soup into several types of cells in the lab…
And discover the prime target—human cells—are not infected by the imaginary virus.
And after this good day’s work, walk away and pretend nothing odd or self-incriminating happened.
And oh yes, lock down the planet based on this “science.”
Naturally, we MUST take a toxic vaccine that prevents non-infection by the non-virus.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.)
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Three factors that produce the "virus must exist" effect...
The virus that isn’t there has a hypnotic effect
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
I have written several recent articles documenting the fact that the COVID virus is missing in action.
And when I say missing, I’m talking about two MAJOR confessions, from both the CDC and a group of study-authors in Europe…and in each case, these people were in the process of assembling instructions on how to perform the diagnostic PCR test for that very virus. The virus they said they didn’t have.
They didn’t have it because they couldn’t get it.
They couldn’t get it because no one had it.
In other words, the existence of the COVID virus is unproven.
Now, I want to point out three factors that produce a hypnotic effect. Even in the absence of the virus, these factors seem to indicate the virus “must exist.” I’m not talking about government or media pronouncements, which are obvious.
ONE: Scientists and public health agencies claim they’ve ISOLATED the virus.
There is no reason to believe them. The term “isolation” is thrown around like a politician throws around the term, “the people.”
Isolation of a virus SHOULD mean it is separated out from all the genetic, cellular, microbial, and waste material that surrounds it. But don’t assume, when professionals are talking or writing, that this is what they DO mean. Do not assume that.
For example, they often mean: “We have the virus in a dish in the lab. The soup in the dish contains human cells, chemicals, drugs, and other material. However, we know the virus is there and growing, because it is killing the human cells…”
Wrong. There is more than sufficient non-viral substance in the soup that could be doing the cell-killing. And obviously, “the virus” in the dish is surrounded by this mix of material. It is far from isolated.
And, as I’ve documented in a previous article, if the CDC, one of the biggest public health agencies in the world, couldn’t get the virus, as of July of this year, and admitted it in writing…“the virus” isn’t isolated.
TWO: This hypnotic effect ropes in some of the brightest medical and scientific professionals, who otherwise challenge all sorts of medical dogma. It is: “The genetic sequence of the virus is well established. Many studies confirm this.”
Well, sure. If experts have mapped out the genetic structure of the virus, the virus must exist. Right?
Wrong. The sequence is INFERRED. It is ASSUMED.
Inferred from what? The genetic sequence could be cobbled together from several sources: the unseparated material “in the dish in the lab”; a piece or pieces of RNA that have been arbitrarily chosen as “relevant clues”; a piece or pieces of synthetic RNA that, again, have been arbitrarily selected according to a bias in favor of a certain type of virus.
Bias? What does that mean? I’ll explain. When a few dozen people in Wuhan fell ill, back in 2019, there were a million ways researchers could have gone, in trying to figure out the cause.
Of course, as I’ve written, they could have looked out their windows and observed the horrific air pollution hanging over the city, and realized these “unexplained cases” of pneumonia had a ridiculously simple origin. But no.
The researchers opted, as they always do, for a “new virus.” And, they chose, without a shred of evidence, to “look for” a germ from the coronavirus family. That was the pre-planned story. That was the bias.
From that point on, the die was cast. The “genetic sequencing” involved cobbling together, by assumption and inference, a collage of INFORMATION, into code, which would satisfy the pre-ordained scenario.
They ASSEMBLED a genetic sequence that matched what they were going for: a coronavirus.
Don’t imagine genetic sequencing is performed by people looking directly at a virus through a cosmic microscope and jotting down the names of rows of genes sitting side by side like cars in a supermarket parking lot.
THREE: The other hypnotic factor is the PCR test. “If the test exists to detect the virus, the virus must exist.”
Wrong. The test—which has irreparable and fatal flaws, as I’ve documented—is working, at best, from a fragment of RNA which is ASSUMED to come from the virus. If the test appears to identify that fragment as “relevant,” the test result clams the person is “infected.”
People believe the test must mean something. And the only thing it could mean is: it finds the virus in a person, or the virus isn’t in that person’s body. But either way, the virus is real.
The deck is stacked. The game is rigged. Welcome to the Deep Medical State.
As in any truly deep operation, only a small number of elite professionals understand the basic con. The rest are blind, and accepting. Some are willfully blind. They see the truth in a flash of insight, and then they shut up.
However, in this mad “COVID landscape,” minds and doors are opening. The hypnotic haze is receding. The truth is coming out. Doctors, scientists, reporters, and members of the public are discovering and rejecting the Big Con.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.)
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Three Former CCP Officials Delivered Three Hard Drives to the US DOJ
On September 24th, Miles Guo associate and fellow Chinese dissident, Luther predicted that the information found on the Hunter Biden’s laptop would come to light.
Luther went on to describe three hard drives having been delivered to the US DOJ by three very high-level retired CCP officials, Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinhong, Meng Jianzhu, who are respectively, the former CCP General Secretary until 2002, former CCP Politburo member until 2007 and the former CCP Attorney General until 2017.
The files on this first hard drive appear to be the same or similar to the ones discovered on Hunter’s abandoned laptop, as reported by the New York Post and others.
The first hard drive contains shocking videos of Hunter Biden sexually abusing and violently torturing young girls, apparently 10 years of age, as well as a copy of a US$4.5 billion agreement signed by Hunter Biden, Xi Jinping and Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, describing a $10 million signing bonus paid out to Hunter immediately after he signed it – plus a $1 million tip. The CCP apparently filmed these videos as blackmail, to ensure that Hunter would hold up his end of the deal.
Luther says, “This $4.5 billion agreement involved Kazakhstan and Ukraininan natural gas. It was arranged by Ye Jianming, who was arrested immediately after he returned to China, which means everybody else involved in this plan was arrested. This is Xi and Wang’s operation!
“This first hard drive is from the families of Jiang, Zeng, Meng. They’ve been directly delivered to the US DOJ.”
However, he says, “When the hard drives reached the DOJ, those who are pro-Biden took it under custody but a fellow fighter of our Whistleblower’s Movement got it [into Trump’s hands].
“The second hard drive contains Xi and Wang’s financial information about their hidden offshore wealth, their asset allocations in the US and also information about the so-called ‘Architectural Art Project’, which is Xi and Wang’s wide-ranging plan – it’s almost beyond imagination – to control not only 1.4 billion Chinese people but also the United Nations and the United States, the President and any future presidents, from now on and many years after. All shall be under CCP control.
The third hard drive contains information about a virus and bio-weapons. All three hard drives have since been delivered to Trump.
Luther explains, “So you can see how brutal the CCP is! Why did they provide the hard drives? Why did they have these on hand? There’s no doubt about it. Meng Jianzhu was in charge of the Central Political Legal Affairs Commission. Of course, he would have it. Why? They want to use this to blackmail both sides [Chinese and American].
Luther says Jiang, Zeng, Meng could end CCP immediately, if they so choose.
“Why did they provide the hard drives [to the US DOJ]? In short, to protect themselves. To tell all of the Americans who have been collaborating with the CCP, ‘Look at Xi and Wang. We know all of your dirty secrets. Which means you should blame Xi and Wang. During the Hu Jintao era, and the Jiang Zemin era, we were sincere to you. Never tricked you. Never played dirty with you. But Xi and Wang are ruthless.’
“So they directed the blame on Xi and Wang. But in God’s will, these hard drives ended up in the hands of President Trump.
“Many asked if they had dirty materials on President Trump? Let me tell you this. Definitely not. Because he’s never collaborated with the CCP. Many have asked if this would affect the election. After all, it’s Biden’s son. That will be up to the voters. Bloomberg is also in these hard drives…”
ALEX JONES: We have total proof from over 10 sources, triangulated, proving that, not just Hunter Biden, not just Joe Biden, not just Joe Biden’s brothers – not just Nancy Pelosi, not just Hillary Clinton, not just Barack Obama, but the entire leadership, including Dianne Feinstein are openly working with Communist China and have willingly put themselves in positions where they could be blackmailed and controlled…
Now, let me explain something before I get to this, that ties into it and sets the stage: The FBI Director, Wray, over six months ago received the laptop that Giuliani has. And he received the information, that’s confirmed that shows thousands of photos of what appear to be underage girls – and these are videos with Hunter Biden in them, in China, clearly being compromised with what appear to be pre-pubescent girls, to the point the New York Post was supposed to release these on Friday and said, “They’re child porn, we’ve been told we can’t.”
Now, the media spun that, that Hunter has an “underage obsession” No. This isn’t like “Barely 18” or something. This is Hunter having sex with what appears to be underage girls, to be compromised, before he and his father got billions of dollars from Communist China; by the Communist Party of China, to make sure that they were under their control.
So, this is the Jeffrey Epstein operation, to the next level. Epstein was doing it for British Intelligence, corrupt elements of the Democratic Party and Mossad. Well, this is the Chinese operation and that’s why this is so big.
And we have the documents, we have the New York Post, we have other journalists that have seen the documents, we have my sources, and we have Americans and others that speak Chinese, who are dissidents, who’ve watched the video of a well-known Chinese dissident in America, who was inside the Communist Party of China, who we’re about to play clips of in a moment, who said, on the record, back in September, three-plus weeks ago, that this laptop of Hunter was there, and that this laptop was coming out and what was on it and now, we’ve confirmed what he’s saying is on it.
Now, let’s explain. This is not just an adult man having sex with what looks like 10 year old girls for people we’ve talked to that have seen it. They look really young. He’s beating and torturing them and beating the living Hell out of them, and they’re begging in the video.
And the national media that did pick up some of this said, “Oh! It shows some footage of what may look like underage girls, that he had on his computer.” Not, “It’s Hunter *with* the girls.” That’s confirmed. That’s number 1.
Number 2, in the actual Chinese translation, and I called around to a bunch of the folks I know, to confirm my sources in DC and New York and they watched the video, including Mike Adams’ wife, who is from Taiwan, speaks fluent Chinese. And indeed, when translated, the man that’s seen the video, that’s predicted, before it broke, two and a half weeks before it broke, what was on it, that’s been confirmed, it’s not that he’s saying “extreme pedo”, he’s saying,”extreme torture, extreme abuse,” that you wouldn’t do to an animal, is what Hunter is doing to these little girls. And this fits into the whole MO of these people.
Their selfishness, their corruption. And, “Oh, you want me to shoot films with underage girls, I’ll break their jaws. I’ll slap ’em, I’ll hit ’em, I’ll…shove huge things that damage their bodies into them.” This is serious torture porn.
And remember, the FBI/Deep State had this 6-plus months, almost 7 months ago and all of that’s confirmed.
So, this dwarfs what’s even on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. It dwarfs what we see in the “Spirit Cooking” emails from 4 years ago. That’s why this is so ultra-massive.
So, let’s go ahead and start going through the article…”Chicom Dissident Predicts Hunter Biden Laptop Leak in Sept. 24th Video”, actually, 3 weeks ago. And then, he lays all of this out. And specifically says what’s on the hard drive – and then, it turns out, this guy’s very credible, from my DC and New York sources, and that what was done here was that Hunter knew he was being compromised – this was shot 5 years ago, when he made these big deals in Communist China for several billion dollars to sell out US interests. And they were paid hundreds of millions, conservatively, he and his family.
And all he demanded was unlimited drugs and unlimited underage girls to torture. And he knows when he’s doing this, it’s a two-way mirror, he knows there’s cameras, he doesn’t care. He wants to bathe in this, just like with Epstein, just like Bill Gates with Epstein, how they compromised the scientists to have this scientific takeover, with the forced inoculations – all of this is interconnected to Big Tech – Big Tech’s been involved in this, because to get those Big Tech positions, they’ve got to go in and have sex with underage children. And that’s Phase One. Then you gotta slap ’em around. Then, “Aw, this 1-year old girl, she’s a troublemaker, we want you to strangle her.”
And I’ve been telling you this for years, because I learned about this growing up, because I had family that had worked in intelligence and had worked in Special Operations in the Army. And they were telling me this when I was like 7 years old. And I’ve been on here for 26 years and I told you all of this. Ted Gunderson, former head of the FBI for all of Southern California, he laid out the same stuff…
You understand, they’re bringing in the Big Tech censorship, because they’re blackmailed. Pelosi’s blackmailed, Hillary’s blackmailed, Bill is blackmailed. And these groups go around seeing how many people they can blackmail, to see how many people they can get under the control of their network.
And again, people go and want the payoffs and want the power and the go, “Yeah, you gotta do this initiation, so we know you’re cool. You gotta get a hard-on, you gotta go in and screw a 10 year old. So, that’s what this is, folks. This is not a game. This is the real world and this is America fighting for its literal survival against this foreign outside takeover and Trump is laying out what it really is 14-15 out from the election.
Are there Enough Courageous Christians to Save America?
Deaths from the China virus number more than 1 million worldwide [actually 0]. Deaths from abortion worldwide number 1 billion. Interestingly, the China virus problem has been used in many states to shut down churches and keep abortion clinics open as “essential businesses.” In effect, the China virus serves as a cover for mass murder and Christian persecution.........
Cancel Culture, Marxism, Christianity and the Great American Experiment
The Marxists drew their mystical theory from Des Cartes’ idea that he could erase his history at any time and replace it with a new one, over and over again. But the Marxist Cancel Culture isn’t out to destroy their messed-up culture and replace it with something better. Their goal is to replace the world’s greatest culture – the Great American Experiment.........
Hunter and Joe Biden Corruption, Lies, Pedophilia and Scandals
Most of us have heard the unfolding story and revelation from the NY Post exposing Hunter Biden’s very compromised laptop that had been turned in by a repair shop owner because it had been left there with no payment. Seeing what was on it he turned it into the FBI and Giuliani.........
The CIA Has Never Worked for the American People, Part 6
Eventually, some of these patriotic CIA A employees smelled a rat, and became whistle blowers, mostly by publishing books about the CIA’s mistakes or evil deeds. These are the cases of ex-CIA officers like Victor Marchetti, Ralph McGehee, Frank Snepp, and a few others.........
Left-wing tech giants are accelerating their massive purge of truth, now claiming they will remove all videos that contradict the official vaccine narratives of the WHO and corrupt vaccine manufacturers who commit scientific fraud.
So now, only statements that are false and fraudulent are allowed to be considered "true" on YouTube, while countering the lies with actual facts and reality will get you banned.
On top of that, the radical left-wing tech companies are purging all channels that criticize Biden or support Trump. You are witnessing the accelerating rollout of complete digital tyranny with each passing day.
And watch my new video, just posted today, with Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies who warns how Google is training "machine learning" systems to be bigoted, intolerant left-wing lunatics:
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Wonder of wonders, even the wonks at the World Health Organization (WHO) now say the [scam]demic lockdowns needed to be lifted because they did not want Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his international attorney team's class action lawsuit to clean their clocks. (which they richly deserved for their fraudulent C19 test data and predicated lockdown demands that made the poor much poorer in so many countries!). A massive lawsuit has been launched against the lockdowns. An international network of lawyers was preparing a class-action lawsuit against those responsible for global lockdowns. See Dr. Joseph Mercola's detailed description of Dr. Feullmich's international legal team's actions uncovering blatant, willful fraud from our so-called "experts" [WHO's Tedros Adhanom, CDC's Redfield, Gates, Fauci, etc, etc] here:
Given the choice between the systemic corruption and hate-America mentality of the left and the burgeoning peace, prosperity and love-America administration of President Trump, pulling the right lever on November 3rd is a no-brainer!.........
As a result, Biden was the strongest supporter of the United Nations in the entire Congress. He openly supports a New World Order, as articulated by George Soros, with NATO serving as front-line troops until the U.N. is strong enough to play the role of “global peacekeeper.”.........
The phenomenal government-watchdog group under the leadership of two experts on political and government corruption has been highlighting one largely overlooked aspect of the presidential race: the radical Left’s plan to violently challenge election results.........
Power Hungry Mask Loving Governor Struck Down By The Courts Again
Monday, the state Supreme Court also reversed a lower court's judgment in a lawsuit brought by the Legislature, saying "the Emergency Powers of the Governor Act is incompatible with the Constitution of our state, and therefore, executive orders issued under that act are of no continuing legal effect.".........
Covid-19 isn't a pandemic plan, it's an extermination plan for humanity
Today I bring you a truly jaw-dropping analysis that many people simply can't handle. The covid-19 "plandemic" wasn't about causing a pandemic; it was about setting up conditions for the extermination of humanity.
It's a planet-scale genocide plan, and it's already under way. There will be no return to life before 2020, and no "recovery" for humanity until billions are dead. The vaccines are being engineered as the real death weapon in all this, which is why there's such an aggressive push for vaccine propaganda.
The end goal? The extermination of over 90 percent of human beings living today.
Health Ranger Select Fermented Super30 is a breakthrough, ultra-potent fermented superfood formula made from over 30 of the world's greatest superfoods. Our blend of fermented fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices can provide your body with a wide variety of nutrients, enzymes and beneficial prebiotics. Our potent fermented superfood formula is vegan, non-China, non-GMO and is lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
Science proves that fluoridated water damages children While it may be argued that continuing to use fluoridate toothpaste and mouthwash is beneficial in helping to prevent dental caries, lacing entire water supplies with the stuff is overtly ...
Natural disease prevention: 4 Herbal remedies for UTIs Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common bacterial infections that affect millions of people each year. They often cause pain and frequent urination. In some cases, they can also cause severe ...
For those who missed the Prosperity Call of 10/21/20, Creator has established a healing gift for humanity that will resolve all harmful entities plus all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual challenges. This is the combination of the ER, EP, QE and Balloon Exercise plus Creator's Quantum Blessing. This is the most advanced clearing and healing ever provided for humanity's upliftment.
Since the call was not recorded per Creator's request, here is your opportunity to benefit and provide a 'gift' to yourself and anyone who has refused attempts to awaken and uplift themselves with previous prosperity calls.
The Biden crime family, run by Joe Biden, has spent decades running a multinational money laundering, bribery and kickback scheme that has enriched the Biden family to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.
And it's all unraveling by the day.
The corrupt FBI is protecting the Bidens because the FBI is part of the criminal enterprise, under Christopher Wray and James Comey.
Meanwhile, China has infiltrated the entire Democrat party, and while the GOP is trying to pass a new bill naming communist China as a top national security threat, it's being blocked by the Democrats because the Bidens collected tens of millions from corrupt, communist Chinese front companies.
Also today: I've just posted a full interview with Dustin Nemos, covering the "Q" phenomenon, where I ask some tough questions about Q and whether you should believe anything Q says.
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Hunter Biden also did business with Kazakhstan Corruption apparently runs deep in the Biden family, as yet another bombshell is now circulating headlines concerning Hunter Biden's alleged dealings in Kazakhstan. In addition to running deals ...
Are your state lawmakers taking cash bribes from Big Pharma? Have you ever wondered which legislators in your state receive cash from the pharmaceutical industry? Well, now you can find out in a new collaborative report compiled by STAT News and the ...
The chosen direction of the fraud: a coronavirus. An arbitrary choice..
The virus that isn’t there and the sales-job
by Jon Rappoport
In previous articles, I’ve established the fact that the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 is unproven; and I’ve brought forward Dr. Tom Cowan’s evidence that the genetic sequence of “the virus” was cobbled together, piecemeal, from databases, based on zero science. In other words, the “sequencing” was a fraud.
The chosen direction of the fraud: a coronavirus. That was the arbitrary choice.
Researchers picked, off the data-shelf, a “new coronavirus”—meaning they assembled pieces of genetic code they claimed were “corona,” and they hooked them up and said, “Voila, we have a new SARS-type virus.”
If you look at the motley collection of pre-pandemic drills and exercises and conferences, the theoretical virus almost always turned out to be a coronavirus. THAT was the pre-ordained story line.
That was the plan. Selling that story.
Am I suggesting that many, many scientists, and even political leaders and globalist big shots knew, in advance, that no real virus would ever be discovered, that the sequencing would be a fake? Of course not.
In every major covert operation, information is compartmentalized. In this particular operation, we have a stunning fact: almost everyone automatically believes the genetic sequencing and the virus are real. That goes for elite scientists as well. They’re in the dark.
Only a very few are aware that the whole process of cobbling together the “new virus” is fraught with fraud. So, for all intents and purposes, “the virus” con is protected. It’s protected by institutionalized science. By massive consensus and massive ignorance.
The situation is even more stunning than that. All over the world, there are scientists in labs of various kinds who believe they’re working with “the virus,” when they’re working with a cobbled-together IDEA of the virus.
So, for the most part, in this COVID operation, the key players are only aware that researchers could arbitrarily choose one virus over another as the “cause of the pandemic.” They’re not aware that the choice is actually a fake virus.
The choice of a new coronavirus was made for a simple reason. The diagnostic test would turn up huge numbers of false positives, thus jacking up case numbers and providing the rationale for the lockdowns and the economic devastation. Which were, all along, the real aims of the operation.
To put in more specifically, the PCR test would register positive, because it was geared to detect genetic sequences commonly present in people all over the world.
To put it still another way—the PCR test was pre-set with DATA which would “match” THE DATA extracted from patients. The fix was in.
The virus was concocted out of data. It was and is data. The test was loaded with data that frequently matches the virus-data.
Think of it this way. You have a map of a lost gold mine. It seems to chart a course through the mountains and valleys of California. Of course, the map is a fake. It was drawn and made to look old.
You follow the map, and sure enough, in a remote mountain area, you arrive at a giant hole in the side of a hill. But the hole and the “mine” are fake, too. They’re a Potemkin Village. The tunnel and the braces and the struts were built recently.
The “map” matches “the mine.” Fake leads to fake.
In the digital age, any material thing can be digitized. The material thing is then represented by code. “Activate the code” and a virtual portrait of the thing pops up. But it’s just as easy to invent code for something that doesn’t exist. Or has never been proven to exist.
Like SARS-CoV-2.
Pure gold and pure garbage are made interchangeable. In the form of DATA.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here -- with sources.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
The Deep State usually refers to a left-leaning entrenched bureaucracy, with whom I am familiar from my years in the Reagan administration. My first awareness of its existence came from my reading Graham Allison's book, THE ESSENCE OF DECISION, in which he wrote about "the bureaucratic model" concerning the Cuban Missile Crisis.........
Why Don’t Democrats Care That Joe Biden Is Hopelessly Corrupt
Joe and Hunter Biden should be in jail, but they are not. The corruption and influence peddling evidence is overwhelming and yet they are allowed to walk free. The damning information is scuttled by social media and the mainstream news and hidden from view. The questions about the corruption are never asked and the answers are never forthcoming.........
Following the recent series of debates, the issue of child abortion has once again resurfaced. Continuing the usual trend of conservative rhetoric, the Republican party is, in speech and theory, opposed to abortion, promising to bring a swift end to the practice.........
Jo Biden’s view of energy and resources would be the ‘alternative world’ of windmills, solar, electric cars etc.… I’m assuming airplanes, trains, cars and trucks, carrying food, people and products would drive or fly on vegetable juice, be pulled by hot air balloons and electrical stations which are unaffordable and not set up.........
Now, prepare yourself for a huge number of breaking bombshells on Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family.
It's all coming out (see below): The documents, bribes, international money laundering, corruption, fraud, prostitution, illicit drug use and (reportedly) child abuse.
See the stories below for much of the news, and check the NaturalNews.com home page for links to other sites such as GTV and others who are carrying more breaking news (plus videos, etc, some of it quite shocking).
Support your body's natural detoxification functions with Groovy Bee Detox Foot Pads. Made from high-quality and ethically-sourced ingredients, our premium foot pads are non-gluten, non-GMO, vegan, and have been subjected to rigorous testing for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
The Chinese Communists are running Silicon Valley Well, now we know why Big Tech suppresses stories unfavorable to Beijing's chosen candidate Joe Biden while simultaneously giving Chinese Communist Party propaganda a megaphone. (Article by ...
Find out if your state lawmakers take cash from Big Pharma A new collaborative report by STAT and the National Institute on Money and Politics provides a first-of-its-kind analysis of the drug industry's influence on state representatives. (Article by ...
Our Spirit posted: " One reader noted of the flag on the floor: The boy is going somewhere. He's got a plan, and he's determined. And it's his American flag (culture) that is literally & figuratively carrying everything he owns, everything important. It's like this.."
One reader noted of the flag on the floor: The boy is going somewhere. He's got a plan, and he's determined. And it's his American flag (culture) that is literally & figuratively carrying everything he owns, everything important. It's like this... We honor the flag, we keep it lit, and hoisted high... but if you were alone & freezing in the wilderness, it would also be your blanket. In that pursuit of life, it's about the greatest honor you can give to it.
In Governor Gretchen Whitmer's state, this is what is going on at the polls. Audio from poll trainings throughout October in the city of Detroit have revealed shocking corruption, unethical behavior, and perhaps even criminality from state employees who are tasked with protecting electoral integrity. State Employees Train Poll Workers to Lie to Voters, Destroy Ballots, Stop Challengers
Now let's do this to propaganda Fox News and all the other corporate Pilgrims Society channels
Don't forget all the other Atlantic Council connections, Jack, that you failed to mention in your tweet (SEE BELOW) of October 22, 2020 or anywhere else on your Twitter page. Is Jack always this slow to report 'truths' that our AIM audience has known for years? Geez - it's like Jack Posobiec and company are deliberately keeping truth from you.
Alan adds a note to the tweet: Well played ... about time we started to fight back because if we don't God knows where it will end Welsh lad ripping down the plastic in a supermarket. We need more heroes like this, instead of the idiots in the senedd making ridiculous country destroying rules. pic.twitter.com/C8j0zI6TOD — Jackie Goode (@JackieGoode5) October 24, 2020
Couple of thousand anti-lockdown protestors now lingering in London’s Trafalgar Square. Crowd less vocal than when they went past Downing Street earlier.
Police in New York are now entering PRIVATE residential property to crackdown on Jewish gatherings. Listen to the officer explain it's a "problem" that he found 10 people in the house. This is truly Orwellian. Resist this tyranny.pic.twitter.com/uojq8XQsjy — Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) October 23, 2020
Our Spirit posted: " . Stories were written of .... Saint George through the ages. His reputation grew as warriors returning from the crusades, spoke of Saint George leading them into battle, wearing upon his person the red cross on a white background… it ga"
Stories were written of .... Saint George through the ages. His reputation grew as warriors returning from the crusades, spoke of Saint George leading them into battle, wearing upon his person the red cross on a white background… it gave the troops confidence in battle.
On the 28th June 1098, crusaders at the siege of Antioch, stated that a great army on white horses, led by Saint George led them into battle. Read more
AIM Patriot Robert writes: Congrats your level F. Level F stands for fired?
Our reply: That or "F" for you FLUNKED the AIM School of Truth.
How did Joe Biden become a Pro CCP Defendant and why? The answer may be found in his rise to a prominent position in U.S foreign policy that led him to have access to key CCP officials who influenced his stance on U.S – China foreign policy matters.
Inquiring minds want to know if his Chinese in-laws beat the shit out of him to remind him China's in charge? Busted lip and chin, swollen right eye, heavily make-up, bloodshot hands, and who knows how many bruises under the suit....
Reminds us of that time Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he had an accident with exercise resistance bands that left him blind in one eye. Yeah, right.
$300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg 147
$10,000 per person for student loan bailout (no one paid my student loan. I had three full time jobs)
$100,000,000 to Nasa, because, who knows why.
$20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why the hell not (That’s $20 Billion) (does this mean we’ll finally get our mail in N. VA?)
$300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts – because of it
$300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing
$15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn’t enough
$435,000,000 for mental health support
$30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund / because that will keep people employed (all those zeros can be confusing, that’s $30 BILLION)
$200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program (hire retired seals/Marines etc)
$300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Dems
$500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who the hell knows how we are going to use it
$720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs (maybe to get someone to pick up the phone and get off their ….)
$25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it’s on page 136 (is it for the gold leaf?)
$7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries (don’t get me started)
$35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts (there are plenty of rich Democratics who’ll bail them out)
$25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives
$3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA – $3 Billion ?
$315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs (I hope this is to teach the state dept to stop wanting a socialized government since it’s almost totally Democratic)
$95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development (ahh, yes, the CIA’s honey pot)
$300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance (we need to start at home first. Do other countries bail us out?)
$90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg 148
$13,000,000 to Howard University pg 121 (really, I thought a Billionaire was subsidizing Howard)
$100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg 162 This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat. $100,000,000 is chump change
$40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act This sounds like it’s direct payments for workers. Pg 164
$1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg 163
$25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg 165
$492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg 167 (they still can’t run a railroad)
$526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg 168 (what are the odds that doesn’t go unused)
Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress
$25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg 169
$3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg 172
$5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg 172
$2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg 175
$5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg 175
$2,500,000 Office of Housing
What DOES ALL of this have to do with a Virus? Are you angry yet?
AIM Patriot scirel placed this in a comment box that we wanted to make sure everyone noted.
Well isn’t this interesting. First paragraph: “Washington, DC, June 28, 2017 – The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) today launched specialized bonds aimed at providing financial support to the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF), a facility created by the World Bank to channel surge funding to developing countries facing the risk of a pandemic.”
AIM Patriot Paul S. who continues to help community members find better ways of living through the onslaught of EMFs. If you are looking for ways to mitigate Toxic Energy Field (5G and more), check out Paul's site at https://basicstowellness.com/.
Many of the devices that you see pictured on his site are ones that we have in our home. We were using these before we met Paul about 8 years ago - so having an AIM patriot dedicate an entire site to this is a good resource for everyone: https://basicstowellness.com/energy-clearing-device-information/
If you are not sure which device to purchase or what your options are, contact Paul through his page https://basicstowellness.com/about-us/. Make sure to notify your downline of this resource.
Pictured below, suggestions for your election day celebration to usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER - MAGA STYLE. Order yours now at https://www.trumpwinery.com/. Gift a few bottles to your friends and family. Also, whenever you are traveling, please consider luxury lodging at Trump Hotels, a great way to show your support for the Trump family and treat your family to a special vacation treat. If you like conducting business on the golf course, treat your clients to MAGA golfing.
No matter where you are in the world, let's support the Trump organization to show our patriot appreciation for the man who gave up his wealth and his private career to save the United States...and, dare we say, THE WORLD.
The items below is for our team members, but anyone is welcomed to read. We are posting the material about BAE as a precursor to our research findings into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Oh yeah...the miners are pulling out the goods on this CROWN AGENT who is running the State Department.
We have a big reveal coming your way, but the miners took off for the weekend so these are just a few nuggets to get you thinking - just what is Pompeo's relationship to BAE, Lockheed, and the Crown? Who does he serve - the American people, the military industrial complex, SERCO/Quinetiq, BAE-Lockheed, and/or the British Crown?
Below the BAE material are some additional notes for AIM team members and the Conclave.
Some of you ask why we post so much financial and corporate information to prove our points. Of course they provide EVIDENCE that we need to indict the swamp rats, but also it is our "love language" with the President who, as a Wharton School of Finance student, knows just how to read between the lines of financial and annual reports.
BAE SYSTEMS PLC, Co. No. 01470151. (Apr. 26, 2004). Group of companies' accounts, 100 pgs., p. 8, re. US Lockheed contracts and Monarch's Special Share. Companies House (UK).BAE SYSTEMS PLC, Co. No. 01470151. (Apr. 26, 2004). Group of companies' accounts, 100 pgs., p. 8, re. US Lockheed contracts and Monarch's Special Share. Companies House (UK).
Since British SERCO runs the OPM computers, they’ll have full edit control of the Plum Book list. Will make it much more difficult to search, and easy to block searches. They’ve already tried this once in 1996 (Clinton) and the list was an unwieldy disaster.
Publish a plain old book. Then they can’t tamper with the book depending on which way the corruption winds are blowing.
The sponsor, Sen. Carper, Thomas R. [D-DE] (Introduced 06/04/2020), is Joe Biden’s handpicked senator in perhaps the most corrupt corporate state in the Union.
His up to $8m in net worth is a Who’s Who of the Pilgrims Society swamp creatures, esp. Morgan Stanley, Apple, DowDuPont
AIM Patriot Allen drops a note to Mike:
This is the 86 page report from the Senate committee on the department of homeland security on the dirty money laundering and shell corps set up regarding the Bidens. No need to read the whole thing; the first 10 pages and the conclusions at the end have the highlighted dirt. Those highlights will take about 1 minute of your time to read.
BTW, one of Lockheed’s many UK subsidiaries bought control of AWE, Ltd., Atomic Weapons Establishment (UK), which itself has a golden share, as does SERCO, its 1/3rd owner.
BTW. SERCO has just been awarded the U.S. Navy contract to manage Diego Garcia in the British Indian Ocean Territory which is off-limits to everyone except top secret personnel. It handles the satellite system for the *.io domain (that runs Bitcoin).
Secret US Space Force Project at Diego Garcia Hit with Damage Claims
Residents who were Forcibly Deported Seek Justice after UN Ruling in their Favor
October 23, 2020 (For Immediate Release)
The Chagos Archipelago is best known for the secretive US/UK joint base on Diego Garcia Atoll but according to the UN and its International Court of Justice, the forced deportation of its residents 50 years ago by the British government to make way for a US naval base was a serious crime as is the continuing occupation. Despite a UN General Assembly ultimatum to vacate the Chagos Archipelago including Diego Garcia by November 22, 2019, the island remains under military control.
The Chagos islanders are now seeking damages of up to $100,000 each under the US Foreign Claims Act and an additional £75,000 each from the UK Ministry of Defense.
The newly created US Space Force has also been added to the claim after it announced plans to operate the Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance site on Diego Garcia as part of a $57 million contract with UK defense contractor Serco Group plc and $119 million to another contractor for “upgrades.”
The Chagossians’ lawyer, Dr. Jonathan Levy, notes: “The addition of the US Space Force to the claim is significant for several reasons: First the US is showing no signs of letting the Chagossians return to their homes by entrenching its footprint on Diego Garcia; Second, the Chagossians are putting the US Space Force on notice that the geostationary orbit over the Chagos Archipelago is a natural resource and that any new expansion of Space Force activities at the remote Diego Garcia base will come at a price.”
This is well worth reading; it's all beginning to unravel for the Dems.
That something wicked we spoke of coming our way? Well, it came. Now we know why Nancy Pelosi has been running around in a fright mask with her hair on fire, and it’s not just a ghoulish anticipation of Halloween. Her Democratic Party is in extremis. It is shot through with the cancer of falsehood and the wormholes of crime, acquired through decades of playing fast and loose with the machinery of government. Nancy has been informed and she remains stuck in the rage stage of the grief cycle. Somebody sent her a copy of that hard-drive. The thing she feared would not end well is actually turning out worse than she thought. I have a theory about Joe Biden: He didn’t want to run for president. Not one teensy-weensy bit. He wanted a nice, quiet retirement with his fat government pension plus sundry millions that had somehow found its way into his bank account over the years. He had a fabulous $16-million gentleman’s estate to gambol upon with his beloved grandchildren. The developing brain-fog was actually a comfort, allowing him to forget the rigors of public service and all the tedious gathering of… honoraria, shall we say, but then they came for him… The party called, rather specifically, his old Kemosabe, Barack Obama, called him in for that ominous sit-down and gave him the bad news: Joe, you’ve got to run. Bernie, Liz, and the rest of those bozos, they won’t keep a lid on it. You’re in this thing as deep as we are, and it’s getting a little hairy. You’ve got to do it for the sake of the party, and all our… friends…. And so, Joe Biden was shanghaied into running for president. He was given a bodyguard of news media, including those crucial new additions, the social media, Twitter and Facebook, where, increasingly, information was hubbed for transmission among the voters. They would protect him infallibly from any damaging narratives. In fact, they would generate powerful counter-narratives to keep their adversaries off-balance. If Joe could just roll with it until November 3rd, they could lay all their… problems… to rest, bury all that annoying innuendo about the hobgoblin Deep State (ha!), and finally breathe easy.
And so, trailing rather pathetically in the primary elections after being dubbed an old racist by his opponents, and drubbed in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe somehow managed to sweep the table on Super Tuesday — apparently due to the single, magical endorsement of one Congressman James Clyburn (South Carolina, 6th District), a narrative that was swallowed like a May River oyster by the credulous all over the land. And thus anointed, Joe retreated to his fabled basement for the whole election season, venturing intermittently into empty parking lots and airplane hangars to offer proof-of-life while a polling disinformation campaign by his media bodyguard vouchsafed his inevitable victory. Looked like a sure thing in September… pack up all my cares and woe… and so forth…. And then, something broke. Well, some news, actually, a wonder considering the Democratic tank that The New York Times, The Wash Po, CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest had jumped in. Long about mid-2019, some jamoke in the jamoke state of Delaware got possession of some laptop computers brought in for servicing on account of water damage — like, what? They fell into a hot tub? Anyway, the customer, one R. Hunter Biden, never retrieved (or paid for) the computers which, under Delaware law and the service agreement of the computer repair shop, became the property of said repair shop and its jamoke proprietor, one John Paul Mac Isaac. Mr. Mac Isaac had a peek inside one of them that still worked — now legally his property — and, lo and behold, he noticed some familiar names among the emails along with an impressive video of the laptop’s owner using drugs while cavorting with a naked woman.
Mr. Mac Isaac contacted the FBI. At first, they brushed him off, but then, weeks later, showed up with a subpoena for the computer and seized it. Impeachment season was upon us! CIA agent Eric Ciaramella, advised by fellow NSC member Col. Alexander Vindman, had cooked up a “whistle-blower” complaint for crusading congressman and Russia Gate impresario Adam Schiff (D-CA), and the game was on! Mr. Mac Isaac apparently followed the impeachment soap opera on the airwaves. The proceedings included no mention of the laptop and the information, or, shall we say, the evidence, it contained. He began to grok the significance of the material dumped in his lap by this wayward customer, R. Hunter Biden, and began to wonder how come the FBI was just sitting on all that. You’d think the FBI would have turned it over to the president’s lawyers since it amounted to what might be construed as exculpatory evidence of a high order. Or that FBI Director Christopher Wray might have apprised Attorney General William Barr of the laptop’s existence. In any event, the President’s lawyers made their case against impeachment without it. Weird, a little bit.
So, more time went by, and Mr. Mac Isaac grew a little suspicious, a little impatient. The FBI would not deign to return his phone calls. A fastidious fellow, he had made a copy of the laptop’s hard-drive. So, he up and handed another copy over to Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor of some renown, and one of President Donald Trump’s lawyers. Mr. Giuliani easily recognized what was in there: a detailed map of the Biden family’s world-wide grifting operations, plus graphic evidence of R. Hunter Biden’s moral depravity. Which brings us up to date… almost. The bodyguard of news media protection was breaking under the weight of all that bad faith, perfidy, hypocrisy, lying, money-grubbing, and depravity. The story of the Biden family’s Gothic doings was loose in the land, despite every strenuous effort to suppress it, and now the suppressors were starting to look really bad… so bad that Twitter founder Jack Dorsey was about to be hauled into the Senate Judiciary Committee for some ‘explaining’ — that is, a gentle reminder that he is not the Master of the Universe he bethinks himself to be, but rather a member of a society based on rules, traditions, and a consensual understanding of decent behavior.
That’s only the beginning of where all this goes. Other leaks are springing in the great Democratic dike, and they are short of Little Dutch boy volunteers who can plug the holes holding back a cold sea of infamy. There is, for instance, the fabled Anthony Weiner laptop, yes, the one that was seized in 2016 as part of the Hillary Clinton email probe. It somehow ended up in the possession of the New York City Police Department. Turns out it contains 34,000 emails between Hillary and her top aide of twenty years, Huma Abedin, wife of disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner. Trouble is, Mr. Weiner had no security clearance and it was, after all, his laptop. Rumor is that Ms. Abedin is now talking to prosecutors. Will that be consequential? Also turns out one Bevan Cooney, a former business associate of R. Hunter Biden, who is cooling his heels in a federal slammer for a securities fraud conspiracy, was pissed-off enough at being left holding the bag that he gave his email account and password to investigative reporter Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash and Profiles in Corruption, who is now poring over the 26,000 emails exchanged between the various business partners. Wait for it….
Also turns out that Devon Archer, another R. Hunter Biden partner, and fellow Burisma Board member, just had his conviction re-instated in the same securities fraud case that Mr. Cooney was convicted in, and Mr. Archer faces up to ten years’ time on his charges — an incentive, perhaps, to make a deal for information about his storied career with R. Hunter Biden in exchange for a reduced sentence. The Biden campaign announced on Sunday that it was “putting a lid” on the candidate’s activities for the week so that he can study up for the final “debate” with President Trump. I suspect there’s a whole lot more than that going on in the basement, namely, discussions of how Mr. Biden might still gracefully withdraw from the race. Let’s face it, he’s barely been going through the motions for the past three months. Joe Biden is a dead man walking. If he stays in, the Democratic party is finished. Nancy Pelosi can stop worrying about getting her hair done. It will be burnt off entirely.
1. My goal for 2020 was to lose 10 pounds. Only have 14 to go.
2. Ate salad for dinner. Mostly croutons and tomatoes. Really just one big round crouton covered with tomato sauce, and cheese. FINE, it was a pizza.... OK, I ate a pizza! Are you happy now?
3. How to prepare Tofu:
a. Throw it in the trash
b. Grill some meat, chicken or fish
4. I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web.
5. I don't mean to brag, but I finished my 14-day diet food supply in 3 hours and 20 minutes.
6. A recent study has found women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it.
7. Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.
8. Senility has been a smooth transition for me.
9. Remember back when we were kids and every time it was below zero outside they closed school? Yeah, Me neither.
10. I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented. I forgot where I was going with this.
11. I love approaching 80, I learn something new every day and forget 5 other things.
12. A thief broke into my house last night. He started searching for money so I woke up and searched with him.
13. I think I'll just put an "Out of Order" sticker on my forehead and call it a day.
14. Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.
15. Okay, that's all I got. I'm tired. I have to go take a nap!
Very important*The IMF (International Money Fund) is warning that “ economies” will contract by $455 billion next year due to the ongoing trade conflict between the U.S., China, the EU and to a lesser extent, Japan.
President Trump will cost the “Global Economy” $455 billion…. because that money will be transferring back to the America First economy. That’s what happens as MAGAnomics reverses the IMF trade (wealth distribution) model.
China and the EU have devalued their currency in an effort to block the impacts from President Trump and the ‘America First’ trade policy. Because those currencies are pegged against the dollar, the resulting effect is a rising dollar value. In essence, the globalist IMF is now blaming President Trump for having a strong economy that forces international competition to devalue their currency.
In the bigger picture is why President Trump is the most transformative economic President in the last 75 years. The post-WWII Marshall Plan was set up to allow Europe and Asia to place tariffs on exported American industrial products.
Those tariffs were used by the EU and Japan to rebuild their infrastructure after a devastating war. ..However, and here's the kicker.. There was never a built in mechanism to end the tariffs…. That is until President Trump came along and said: “it’s over”!
After about 20 years (+/-), say 1970 to be fair, the EU and Japan received enough money to rebuild. ...But instead of ending the one-way payment system, Asia and the EU sought to keep going and build their economies larger than the U.S. Additionally, the U.S. was carrying the cost of protecting the EU (via NATO) and Japan with our military. The EU and Japan didn’t need to spend a dime on defense because the U.S. essentially took over that role. But that military role, just like the tariffs, never ended. ...Again, until Trump.
The U.S. economy was the host for around 50 years of parasitic wealth exfiltration, or as most would say “distribution”. The term exfiltration better highlights that American citizens paid higher prices for stuff, and paid higher taxes within the overall economic scheme, than was needed.
President Trump is the first and only president who said: “ENOUGH...”, and prior politicians who didn’t stop the process were “stupid” etc. etc. ...Obviously, he is 100% correct. For the past 30 years the U.S. was a sucker to keep letting the process remain in place while we lost our manufacturing base to overseas incentives. The investment process from Wall Street (removal of Glass-Stegal) only made the process much more severe and faster. Wall Street was now investing in companies whose best bet (higher profit return) was to pour money overseas. This process created the “Rust Belt”, and damn near destroyed the aggregate manufacturing industry.
Unfortunately, putting ‘America First’ is now also against the interests of the multinationals on Wall Street; so President Trump has to fight adverse economic opponents on multiple fronts…. and their purchased mercenary army we know as DC politicians.
No-one, ever, could take on all these interests. Think about it… The EU, Asia, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, China, Russia, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Iran, U.S. Congress, Democrats, U.S. Senate, Wall Street, the Big Club, Lobbyists, Hollywood, Corporate Media (foreign and domestic), and the ankle-biters in Never Trump…. All of these financial interests are aligned against Main Street USA and against President Trump.
Name one individual who could take them on simultaneously and still be winning.. Probably the ONLY person in America. ...DONALD J. TRUMP!!!!
They say he’s one man. They say they have him outnumbered. Yet somehow, as unreal as it seems, he’s the ONE who appears to have THEM surrounded. He may not be everyone's favorite person and he says things that most Americans think he shouldn't but he sure knows how to follow the money to help our country. We have been paying other countries bills on the backs of the US Taxpayers for far too long.
PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS.. The country needs to hear what the media will NOT share with the electorate..
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln ( the 1st, 2nd,4th & 6th amendments are currently under assault)
My heart is very grieved for the younger generation. I see so many that are so angry — and even filled with rage. So many living in anguish, confusion, and fear. Our children and young adults are being fed lies by just about every institution in our nation, and there are ravenous wolves out there, hungry for the hearts, minds, blood and souls of our young people.........
I am going to do everything I can to impress upon you the importance of this election and the importance of voting in person. Democrats are going to do everything they can to steal this election. The only way they will be able to win is with voter fraud and they are experts at it. They drive vans full of illegals from district to district to vote as many times as they can.........
Too many of us talk but are not understood. We say a word with total assurance that listeners understand because we know what we’re saying. But the NEW NOW and the abbreviations so popular in text messages have, with no one’s permission or acceptance, changed the interpretation of many words.........
Writers at NewsWithViews have been staying atop current events. I’m so grateful for the serious journalists and writers who endeavor to bring much needed data points and perspective. Current events are moving so fast, everything I think of writing is already replaced with the next thing.........
COVID-19 inspires class action lawsuit: arlenejohnson — LiveJournal The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020. Scroll down for the Video and Full Transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich‘s presentation.
“This Low Level Trash Isn’t Going to Stop Me!” – Rudy Giuliani Promises to Defeat the Biden Crime Family in Plea to Patriotic Americans to Get Out and Vote (VIDEO)
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OUTRAGEOUS: A Large Danish Study on Mask Wearing Is Being Delayed by Publishers of Major Medical Journals – Therefore Preventing the Results from Being Made Public
Big “O” Has Lost His “MOJO” – Obama In Miami Holds Event and Almost No One Shows Up – Only 70 People Watch Online!
WASHINGTON - JANUARY 21: (AFP OUT) President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden greet the delegation from the U.S. Conference of Mayors in the East Room on January 21, 2010 in Washington, DC. The President and Vice President spoke on building up the economy and producing more jobs in each state.