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Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.


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 Ascension 265 
Ascension 265 
Select One 1) Antifa targeting rural Illinois 2) COVID-19 and Riots: the operation 3) AIM Cat Report 4) While Anarchists Fail, Americans Prevail 5) Make colloidal silver 6) Antifa Vs. Bikers In California 7) AIM Cat Report 8) Coronavirus Created To Overpower 9) Make this go VIRAL 10) Violent Criminal Revolutionaries 11) 12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 1 12) Police Brutality Protestors 13) Will You Wear a Face Mask? 14) COVID19 NOT SPREAD BY PEOPLE 15) Uncovering the Plan 16) Department probe Antifa riots 17) Zinc treatment for coronavirus 18) No Consequence = Anarchy 19) AIM Cat Report 20) We should all be thanking police 21) GESARA Notes by James Rink 22) AIM Cat Report 23) HBO Bans Gone With The Wind 24) Oprah is a Ultra Leftist Trojan Horse 25) AIM Cat Report 26) The Most Incredible 27) AIM Cat Report 28) Being Progressive 29) Your Rights, Your Sheriff 30) FDA sabotages nutrition companies 31) British Plan to Poison Humanity 32) Wireless Radiation 33) AIM Cat Report 34) AIM Cat Report 35) President Suppress Insurrections 36) Lockdowns, vaccinating, and Liberty 37) AIM Cat Report 38) Voodoo Science and Voodoo Courts 39) China EMP attack on America [NOT] 40) MASK DON'T WORK 41) FAA Won't Order Masks on Planes 42) What should we make extinct today 43) AIM Cat Report 44) Refuse Vaccines, Endanger Others  45) The Destructive Coronavirus Agenda 46) Dems petrified of Trump rallies? 47) Hospitals ban treatments that work 48) AIM Cat Report 49) AIM Cat Report 50) A Little Known History

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Freedom Resource Center
