September 14, 2005 PLEASE DISTRIBUTE WIDELY -- Attention FTW Readers All around this country and around the world, local communities are beginning to take serious notice and plan for Peak Oil, the collapse of industrial civilization and sustainability. FTW would like to serve as a clearing house for these events; a one-stop checkpoint to see where such planning and preparation is going on around you. We also want a place where newly planned events can be posted on a web site that averages 15,000 individual visits per day. Our initial list is located at If you or your community is sponsoring an event having to do with Peak Oil and/or sustainability and permaculture food production we encourage you to send the details to We will then post it for all to see. We must accelerate the learning curve. In the wake of hurricane Katrina, the end of business as usual is no longer in our rear view mirrors. It is staring at us all through the windshield. And neither government nor Wall Street is going to save us. Please distribute this announcement widely to internet lists and web sites. This is a totally free service to our fellows and it will benefit everyone who wants to prepare. Mike Ruppert