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 Privacy World 
Sunday, November 05 2006

Bush's Public Law 109-364 crosses the rubicon.

The Bush Junta has quietly "tooled up" to utilize the U.S. military
in engaging American dissidents after the next big crisis, with a
frightening and overlooked piece of legislation that was passed
alongside the Military Commissions Act, which greases the skids for
armed confrontation and abolishes posse comitatus.

Frank Morales' recent article, Bush Moves Toward Martial Law,
succinctly outlines the nuances of what the bill authorizes and why
it is potentially more dangerous to freedom in America than even the
Military Commissions Act.

"Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act
of 2007" (H.R.5122) (2), which was signed by the commander in chief
on October 17th, 2006, in a private Oval Office ceremony, allows the
President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops
anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard
units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in
order to "suppress public disorder."

"Section 1076 of the massive Authorization Act, which grants the
Pentagon another $500-plus-billion for its ill-advised adventures,
is entitled, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies."
Section 333, "Major public emergencies; interference with State and
Federal law" states that "the President may employ the armed forces,
including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public
order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of
a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health
emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any
State or possession of the United States, the President determines
that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the
constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of
("refuse" or "fail" in) maintaining public order, "in order to
suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence,
unlawful combination, or conspiracy."

Morales, an Episcopal priest in New York City and an anti-war
activist, went on several radio talk shows recently to discuss the
frightening implications of this legislation.

Morales traced the ancestry of the bill back to "Operation Garden
Plot" and the United States Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, now
de-classified programs dating back to the 80's which outlined how
the military would be involved in suppressing domestic civil
disobedience in America. The groups listed as potential
non-conformist troublemakers included tax protesters, militia
groups, religious cults, and various other general anti-government

"It's very clear that they anticipated reaction to the agenda that
they had projected for themselves," said Morales, "they were
obviously aware of what they were going to attempt to do in terms of
their world domination project....they estimated quite correctly
that there would be reaction on the part of the American people so
it's logical in a sense that they would have been moving kind of in
tandem with their global maneuvers to oppress us at home."

Morales said that the authorities know full well that a widespread
awakening is taking place and so the Defense Authorization Act was
essentially part of a move to try and "tool up" for the reaction
that will take place after their next lunge to destroy what's left
of American liberty.

Morales speculated that the trigger event for the push to use the
U.S. military against American dissidents under the bill was right
around the corner.

"I think it's going to be rather soon - we have these elections coming
up very soon - that's telling - whether or not they attempt to steal
them again, I think there are a number of factors coming together
that insinuate the possibility that we're looking at some kind of
false-flag operation, maybe an assassination, a bio-terror
event....there are a lot of signs pointing to something alone that
line in the near future."

Morales was assured that any incident in which the military engaged
the public would not resemble a Penn State in that the population
would fiercely resist and the military itself would not do the
bidding of the Neo-Fascists in the White House.

"When the rubber hits the road and these corporate and military
entities attempt to send troops up against us....they're going to
refuse," said Morales, citing efforts to educate government and
police locally in anticipation of what is yet to come, "It might
come to a situation where the military and the police turn on these
people and say this game is over."

"My guess is that if they're foolish enough to go that route,
they're going to be rudely awakened to the fact that the American
people are not going to go up against one another," said Morales, "I
think the great majority of the law enforcement people are going to
stick to the Constitution."

Morales stated that we have no choice but to expose 9/11 as an
inside job even though it is, "Going to cause a reaction on their
part....but the fact is we're going to gain more credibility because
we're speaking the truth, so when it comes down to the final series
of confrontations with these people it'll assure our victory - it's
never a sin to speak the truth to power."

Morales indicated that although this story had received absolutely
no mainstream coverage, there are already moves afoot to repeal many
sections of the legislation and many branches of the military and
the air force are in opposition to what the bill authorizes. He
encouraged a local response by means of recodifying law that
protects posse comitatus and clearly prevents the military from
engaging in domestic law enforcement, as well as barring national
guard troops from operating in other states.

Thanks goes to P Watson for the above comments.

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Until next issue stay cool and remain low profile!

Privacy World

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Posted by: FC AT 04:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, November 05 2006


Airline Insanity Merely A Beta Test For Police State Caste System
Draconian surveillance, identification, behavior modification
measures being implemented right outside your door

Escalating security measures, body scans, lie detector tests and
behavior analysis now being forced upon unwitting human livestock
passing through airports are the first stage of an agenda to create
a two tier caste system whereby only government authorized citizens
will be able to travel and everyone will be subject to intense
airport style harassment on city streets.

Recent incidents that caused delays and diversions on airliners -
including the latest example where a flight was turned back due to a
group of men using mobile phones - underscore the unmitigated
hysteria created by the politically timed release of the alleged
foiled plot announcement two weeks ago.

On August 14th a British Airways flight bound for New York was
diverted back to Heathrow Airport because a mobile phone rang at the
rear of the plane and its owner was not to be found.

Days later, United Airlines 923, bound for Washington from London
had to be escorted to Boston by two F-15 fighter jets after a
patently mentally ill woman began urinating on the floor and
manically talking about having visited Pakistan and making vague
references to bombs. Original reports that she had possessed a
handwritten note alluding to Al-Qaeda were later dismissed.

Today all 12 suspects who were detained after Northwest Airlines
flight 42, bound for Mumbai, had to be diverted, were freed.
Passengers grew suspicious when the men began using mobile phones
and cheering.  On the face of it this is absurd - why would
potential hijackers who would in the normal course of events be
prepared to face fierce resistance from passengers want to make
themselves conspicuous before any hijack attempt was made?

Perhaps the most ridiculous example of fear run amok occurred when
passengers on a flight returning from Malaga Spain complained about
two Asian men who they thought were potential suicide hijackers.
The evidence?  They were Asian!  To the astonishment of the students
they were marched off the plane at gun point before it took off.

Just when we thought airline security was starting to become
rational again five years after September 11, one carefully timed PR
scam has reversed all that and travelers are again treated worse
than cattle as they are shoved around airports, treated as criminals
and barked at by poorly trained screeners on little Hitler power

The agenda is clearly to maintain a state of alert and panic until
such a time that reverting back to 'normal' and 'reasoned' security
measures is forgotten - the new normal becomes the insane and
displaying any traits of disobedience to authority figures is taken
as a sign of terrorism. Lie detector tests, voice stress analysis
technology, advanced screening which produces naked images of
passengers along with brain scanner and perspiration tension
analysis systems are all being implemented as the notion of innocent
until proven guilty is jettisoned without recourse.

The airports are merely a beta test for the exact same measures to
be rolled out in major cities, where regular checkpoint officials
inspect internal passports and consumers are body scanned to enter a
supermarket or any kind of public event as spy drones swoop overhead
to catalogue movement and alert authorities to any suspicious body
language (remember Poindexter's gait analysis?).

The key to achieving all this on the part of the Neo-Fascists is to
carry out more staged terror attacks on soft targets like sports
stadiums, schools and large shopping malls. In terms of police
state propaganda, these attacks would be more effective than a 9/11
style event because the implications would reach down into the roots
of everyday life.

After more soft target terror attacks on buses and trains, citizens
will be forced to biometric scan and show ID just to enter the
transport station. Resistors who refuse to take a national ID card
and eventually an implanted ID chip will be punished by their
exclusion from a trusted travelers program that denotes how well a
citizen has behaved and compares that score to the criteria of how
and when they can travel. Nationwide toll roads snaking across the
US and Britain that use RFID signals at toll booths and instant kill
switches in private vehicles will see this nightmare extend its
tentacles into the personal vehicle of every citizen.

The majority of what I outlined is already being implemented at
major transport and police hubs in the US and Britain. When the
technology to automate these measures is more widely used, its cost
will drop and in turn spread like wildfire outside of the major
cities and into local communities - unless we scream bloody murder
and stop it before it makes it out of the airport terminal and onto
our street corners.

Thanks goes to P. Watson for the above thoughts!

Until next issue stay cool and remain low profile!

Privacy World

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Posted by: FC AT 04:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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