**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Looking at their political operations, Trump said, “One of their political weapons is cancel culture, driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism, and it is completely alien to our culture and to our values and it has absolutely no place in the United States of America.”..........
COVID-19: RARE for Asymptomatic Person to Infect Another Person
What caused such panic? Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx aided by the despicable MSM and political whores. Who unleashed those two incompetent “experts”? VP Mike Pence – NOT Donald Trump. He relied on Pence’s “experience and good judgment”.........
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: As Corrupt as Al Capone
At 80 years of age, suffering from onset dementia, and one of the richest House of Representative members, Nancy Pelosi’s ‘forever career’ in Washington DC spans three decades beyond comprehension. Her wealth surpasses $124 million dollars. Her power to impeach any president she wishes extends beyond understanding. She continues as one of the most corrupt members of the U.S. House of Representatives.........
Democrats Change Their Anti-Trump Strategy in Hopes of Defeating GOP in November
The Democratic Party appears to have read the proverbial tea leaves regarding the already chaotic Trump-Russia Collusion case being investigated by the already tarnished Special Counsel Robert Mueller and are now seeking a new controversy along with the Democrats’ propaganda machine aka the elite news media.........
Black Lives Matter militants and terrorists are now going full anti-semitic, demanding not just the killing of Whites but the destruction of Israel and the United States.
Hundreds of armed Black militants marched over the weekend, demanding the U.S. government give them a large tract of land to create a "Black ethnostate" which would exist in a state of war with the USA.
Meanwhile, hundreds of U.S. corporations continue to fund and support Black militants and terrorists who are increasing their demands by the way. Nike, Netflix, McDonald's, Reebok and other brands are siding with the terrorists, against America and against Jews. This is the new "tolerance" of the Left.
Man who frequents BLM protests charged with photographer's murder A man who was arrested for fatally shooting a photographer was a regular fixture at recent protests in Louisville, according to police. 23-year-old Stephen Nelson Lopez was arrested on a charge ...
Rhode Island to change its name because of "racism" Gina Raimondo, the governor of Rhode Island, has signed an executive order that represents the "first steps" towards changing the name of her state to something less "racist." ...
Can heart enlargement predict coronavirus deaths? The disease caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVD-19) isn't just a respiratory disease. It also affects other parts of the body and, in some cases, even the heart. Looking at how the ...
Why Is The Deep State Intent On Killing Roger Stone?
Innocent men have gone to prison before, and innocent men have been put through the crucible, especially those men who have backed and supported President Donald J. Trump. It is our responsibility as free Americans to support these men who have been maligned and destroyed all because they supported our president.........
A story ran under a headline on Canada Free Press claiming that Tucker Carlson, the independent conservative who just recorded the highest ratings in cable television history, had said President Trump would drop out of the presidential race. That was false..........
The Irrational Emotion & Radical Idealism of the Young
One of the great quotes that came from the movie, Forest Gump, was “stupid is as stupid does.” It covers a multitude of situations and none more so than the many times irrational behavior of the young, driven by seemingly boundless energy and a total lack of direction, sound judgment, ethics, or experience.........
Tragically deceived by white establishment political parties, many leaders of black civil-rights organizations today are joined at the hip with abortion-rights proponents such as Planned Parenthood.........
It has been said that you can only oppress people for so long before the bad guys get a lawful response, and this is the very thing that is taking place in America today. “Don’t Tread On Me,” where the coiled snake is striking is on the move today.........
Our Spirit posted: ". . WHO let the dogs out? Trump Administration Officially Withdraws U.S. from World Health Organization Next. The United Nations. . Thermal Imaging & AI to Detect Mask Violators COMING EVERYWHERE! https://youtu.be/4CylYrTnrCs . From the Massac"
From the Massachusetts order (see top meme): "A person who declines to wear a mask or cloth face covering because of a medical condition shall not be required to produce documentation verifying the condition."
Have you printed your card, yet? Shared it with a friend? Save the image inside as a jpg. Add your own border or other embellishments.
Some of you can't figure out how to save the image of the face mask badges. From your computer, hover your mouse over the image, right click, and save as a jpg file. If you don't have a computer, use your pad, tablet or phone to do the same. Once your file is saved as a jpg, you can send forward it to a printer for printing.
AIM Patriot Jazz reports in: Here in the UK Amazon is forcing truck drivers from other delivery firms to wear a muzzle upon entering amazon UK distribution centres or they will have their deliveries rejected, which could lead to the drivers losing their jobs or disciplined for refusing to wear a mask.
AIM Patriots in America: Many citizens around the world, like our patriot friends in the UK, have been stripped of their tools to fight this war against the Evil Empire. They have been stripped of their weapons and their words. This is why our efforts here in America are so important. We the People, still armed with our First and Second Amendments, can say NO to the genocide masks and UNMASK the evil intent of the British Imperial Empire which has a stranglehold on the entire world.
If we do not fight to win with everything we have in us, we may all succumb to being Rothschild slaves on their Plantation Prison - Earth. Show up. Stand up. Say NO more government tyranny. If you can't throw away your masks and walk into a store with head held high and a glorious human smile on your face, you will be too cowardly to ever use your guns to save your family from being transported to a FEMA camp. Going 'face-naked' is like "target" practice.
All around the world citizens are fighting the EVIL EMPIRE. Time to suit up boys and girls. This time the fight is for real.
The masks are NOT for your safety, folks. They are compliance measures. The enemy needs mass compliance if the Evil Empire, headed by the nasty old Queen and her pedophile entourage, is going to walk humanity into worldwide suicide genocide.
The article states: "According to the TEA, parents can choose remote learning for their children at any point in the 2020-21 school year. Parents who choose remote learning may be asked to commit to remote instruction for a full grading period (6 or 9 weeks), but will not have to commit more than two weeks in advance, allowing a decision to be made off the latest public health information."
Patriots: If you are going to keep your children at home for remote learning, please consider purchasing your own homeschooling curriculum. Find a curriculum that resonates with your family and your beliefs. Patriots no longer blindly accept the cultural Marxist indoctrination curriculum that public schools will be offering "remotely" to your children. Get engaged now and search out the best learning solutions for your family before the school year begins.
AmericaFirstMAGA88 posts:
So when kids go back to school, they should restrict their oxygen flow via face coverings, for 40-50 hours a week, so they don't risk the .001% chance of them dying of the flu?
BasedRedPillZeus remarks:
Public schools are leftist Marxist indoctrination camps. I hope they all implode.
jimonalimb notices:
They're not going to open schools. Unionized teachers won't work in a school when one kid tests positive for the corona.
Ragnar_Danneskjold says close 'em:
This is the first opportunity we've had in a century to break the back of the communist indoctrination complex known as public schools.And we're probably never going to get another chance again. The longer we keep them closed, the more time we give parents to explore other alternative education methods, the more time alternative resources can be developed, the more that home schooling or small family or neighborhood based schools can become the new normal, or at very least online schooling can become accepted as the primary and default method of education.
Patriot Bullmoose comments:
This is spot on. I grew up in another country, and cared very little about American history and politics because I couldn't understand it. I began homeschooling my kids two years ago and have learned so much alongside of them! And when you homeschool, you have the freedom to explore any subject as much as you want. I have several friends who, while very left leaning and wouldn't homeschool for the same reasons as me, are still considering homeschooling in the fall simply because the school experience won't even be worth it if social distancing and masks are required in the classroom.
Patriots, if we stop attending their re-education camps disguised as public schools K-12 and colleges and universities, their army of radicalized teachers and professors will start losing their jobs. Their state student aid will dry up as most schools are funded on a per student head count. Fewer students coming back to school in the fall will mean massive funding issues which will require teachers and administrators to be laid off.
Universities and colleges are funded by easy-to-get student loans as well as Chinese nationals paying full price in cash. Once these funding sources dry up, more layoffs will come. Then we can start the amazing work of re-inventing what LEARNING looks like in this country.
jgardner posts:
US Schools were specifically designed to be the way they are following the model developed under the Prussian empire. They were designed to teach kids to behave a certain way under specific stimuli. The "socialization" you speak of is really "programming", teaching kids to be good soldiers or factory workers, completely obedient to government commands and social shaming.
Ghostof_PatrickHenry writes:
I actually was accosted at the store by a man (while I was holding my 1-year old daughter). He screeched, "YOU'RE THREATENING MY LIFE!!!"
I politely thank him for sharing his opinion, and assured him that he would no longer need the mask the day after Trump is re-elected.
IN COURT: Dawit Kelete bail set at 1.2 mil dollars. But judge just asked all media not to show his face. Request from his defense attorney. He’s accused of ramming his car into two protesters over the weekend. One has died.
New AIM Patriot onboard. Katherene writes:
Absolutely delighted to find this site and the enlightening information.
Then...as soon as everyone gets comfortable with this step, the globalshit state and local 'Karens' make it mandatory for you to have the Certificate of Vaccination I.D. for the particular year or you can't work. COVID-19, COVID-20, COVID 21...until we are all exterminated and the EVIL EMPIRE can rule the planet with their satanic worship, pedophilia, and unlimited greed.
Don't let the DEVIL win. Say NO MORE face masks and show the countenance of the Lord on your beautiful, smiling human face!
Clueless Chinawood (that's Hollywood operated and funded by the CCP) thinks that statements from Tom Hanks, alleged pedophile by many conspiracy theorists, would have any effect on us. It just tells us what we all ready know that Tom Hanks is a globalshit.
Notice that Hanks is hair is very short...like prison short. His background looks like an institutional wall and the "reporter" is identified as the Associated Press, which, of course, is a propaganda arm of the Evil Empire. Did the Associated Press 'reporter" have to go to a prison to video Hanks?
Still no official arrest records and booking photo of Ghislaine Maxwell. Notice the enemy keeps showing you old pictures of Maxwell and drone pictures of houses and islands as they whip their false flag into a frenzy. AIM Patriots, please let us know if you find any evidence that Ghislaine Maxwell was actually arrested and by whom.
Did you check your local public schools? Many citizens reported that during the lockdown, their schools were being outfitted by DEADLY 5g towers. Do you want your babies sitting in a stew of microwaves, destroying the cells in their developing brains, while being force-fed common crap curriculum as a radicalized teacher screams at them about human sexuality and social justice?
"Parents are flocking to homeschooling in droves due to coronavirus, and the left-wing media are shitting themselves realizing that by pushing the lockdown so hard, they have broken the social stigma against parents removing their children from the liberal indoctrination camps known as public schools. "
In yesterday's Cat Report, John Barnwell and Douglas Gabriel conclude their 3-part discussion on neo-imperialism. The topic of bats came up and the guys explained the spiritual, esoteric nature of bats. Then this article found its way to us....
Not sure how much of this article below from the enemy publication called the UK Telegraph is true...and how much is propaganda. The important thing is that they want citizens to believe this storyline which we find highly incredulous considering that Five Eyes uses this technology to spy on the world.
Whose pulling the strings on the U. S. Surgeon General? What is his specific scientific, medical reason for changing his story in the middle of the face mask hoax?
Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!
Please, please, please wear a face-covering when you go out in public,” the Surgeon General said. “It is not an inconvenience. It is not a suppression of your freedom. It actually is a vehicle to achieve our goals.
Trump4allz post this note with the picture of Dr. Mengele Fauci below:
All jokes aside. Here we have a so called medical genius at the top of his field, wearing a loose fitting cloth mask. It looks like his mommy sewed it up out of curtain overstock fabric from JOANN Fabrics. This is exactly how stupid that they think we are. Do not bow to the Mask Nazi's. Not once.
The FDA, via US Marshals, has conducted an unconstitutional raid on a church in Florida. Genesis II Church, known for its advocacy of MMS (chlorine dioxide) saw two people arrested, bank funds seized, and product confiscated from church property.
The FDA is running a domestic terrorism campaign to destroy all treatments that might offer hope against covid-19, clearing the way for high-profit vaccines and on-patent prescription drugs. To do this, they are criminalizing and arresting anyone who dares promote alternative treatments.
We are about to conduct an emergency interview with church founder Mark Grenon, which should hopefully be posted late today or early tomorrow. Until then, we've got an article describing the current events and the threats to your religious freedom.
Health Ranger Select Fermented Super30 is a blend of more than 30 of the world's most potent fermented fruits, vegetables, nuts, and spices that gives you a wide variety of beneficial prebiotics, enzymes and nutrients. Each ingredient is carefully chosen according to macrobiotic principles to ensure you receive a high-potency blend of nutrients. Our potent superfood formula contains no gluten or pesticides and is vegan, non-China and non-GMO. It is also thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
Claim: Coronavirus has mutated to become more contagious The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is claiming that a new strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading around Beijing that is more infectious than the previous strain. According to the ...
The Nicotine Challenge What if you took a break from nicotine and that break lasted forever? There's really just one major reason you can't right now, and that's because nicotine is immediate relief from the horrible ...
Research: The real cause of heart attacks is vitamin C deficiency Vitamin C deficiency is linked to a higher risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a recent review. Published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, the ...
In effect, Karl Marx originated the concept of class warfare, the poor against the rich. He urged the workers to rise, rid themselves of the rich and take full possession of their own self-produced goods. Humanity's poor masses found their messiah in this ideologue, rallied behind him, and got to experience a Marxist paradise..........
And I’m curious, just where does the money go when I pay my $100 fine for not buckling-up? Shouldn’t the purpose of a fine be to pay back the one that I injured? Who does an unbuckled seat-belt harm? Seems to me someone is making a lot of money forcing me to be safe. You know what they say, “Follow the money.” I have often wondered if cops get a commission on the tickets they write.........
Why is it that every socialist nabob in every country where they exist winds up as rich as flaming Croesus? What—is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not yet a millionaire? But then she’s only just started. Bernie Sanders didn’t start out rich, but he is now.........
Liberals Call To End “Cancel Culture” After It Backfires
In the past month, Mayor Bill De Blasio of NYC decided to cut his police department by $1 billion. Because the police and National Guard could not stop the looting and burnings in the past month from BLM and Antifa anarchists, the Big Apple faces total economic breakdown. Yet, he celebrates “Cancel American Culture.”.........
It's time to fight back against Big Pharma's political influence. A new super PAC has just launched that contributes to the election campaigns of political candidates who support health freedom and medical choice. This is a real milestone in the realm of health freedom.
Called the "United Medical Freedom Super PAC," this new organization is founded on Judeo-Christian values and outright opposes vaccine mandates, forced chemotherapy and the suppression of the truth about natural health remedies and alternative medicine.
Stock up on ultra-clean, glyphosate-tested organic goji berries with Health Ranger Select Organic Goji Berries. They are carefully sourced from trusted suppliers in the pristine mountain ranges of Tibet, and they are non-GMO, vegan and certified organic. Our goji berries are also meticulously lab tested for heavy metals, glyphosate and microbiology.
Rapid mutations cause doubts about long-term coronavirus immunity A joint study by two top epidemic research institutes in China warns that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has gone through rapid mutations since January, and these genetic changes may allow it ...
Keep your gut healthy and clean by avoiding these 4 types of food It pays to be careful with what you eat, as this can either feed "good" bacteria in the gut or promote the growth of harmful species; the latter, in particular, can lead to diseases even in areas ...
9 Home remedies for poison ivy and poison oak rash Preppers who spend most of their time outdoors may have already experienced the discomfort caused by poison ivy or poison oak rash. But if you know about home remedies for skin rash like aloe ...
Our Spirit posted: ". . Deep State Crown Agents getting nervous about General Flynn. He's throwing inconvenient truth bombs. Judge Sullivan Digs In – Asks DC Circuit for a Full Panel Rehearing (en banc) on Dismissal of Flynn Case .. President Trump tweets: Jul 10, 2020 "
Jul 10, 2020 10:49:40 AM - Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education. Therefore, I am telling the Treasury Department to re-examine their Tax-Exempt Status...
Jul 10, 2020 10:49:41 AM - ... and/or Funding, which will be taken away if this Propaganda or Act Against Public Policy continues. Our children must be Educated, not Indoctrinated!
BIG MONEY to be made by Betsy deVos with forced vaccinations of all school children!!
Don't hold your breath for this Amway Globalist to do anything but stall and delay. Her Pilgrims Society pals have trillions tied up in schools, publishers, unions, vaccines, etc. They are just biding time until President Trump can be thrown out of office. If federal vouchers are issued, it will be because of President Trump, not DeVos.
Citizens, next on our list, is to demand a reset in property taxes to offset paying for public school indoctrination centers. Maybe parents should demand local and state vouchers in return for taxes paid into public schools!
This is what they do to your little children in the public school indoctrination centers. They teach and promote sodomy, homosexuality, sexual perversions....all before they go on their first date.
Keep in mind, many STATES are already organizing contact tracers to come into the schools and remove your children if you or someone in your family is detected as having coronavirus. We have posted several articles on states that are using child protective services to separate children from parents.
Once they do this...say goodbye to your precious children.
Your children will be farmed out by the globalshits and corruptocrats that run the U.S. public school indoctrination centers to a human processing plants where their organs and blood will be processed for adrenochrome and fresh hearts... or they will be sold into sex slavery.
And if that doesn't happen the first few months of school, then be prepared for FORCED VACCINATIONS from Bill and Melinda Gates as they push their genocide agenda to kill you and your family.
Best way to protect you and your family during the war of 2020-21 is to STAY AWAY from PUBLIC SCHOOLS, including charter schools that are required to operate the same way as public schools, i.e. common crap curriculum, forced vaccinations, face masks.
Enroll your children in private, parochial, or religious schools this school year...or try out what millions of parents are going to be doing this year -
President Trump tweets: We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAUGHT...and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear....
....No Republican Senate Judiciary response, NO “JUSTICE”, NO FBI, NO NOTHING. Major horror show REPORTS on Comey & McCabe, guilty as hell, nothing happens. Catch Obama & Biden cold, nothing. A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX, failed - investigated everything....
...Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given...
....for another President. This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who just won her primary with 72.5 percent of the vote, said Thursday that public safety will require “experimentation” after police departments are defunded.
She isn't eligible. Her mother, not married at the time of Kamala's birth, is a Caucasian citizen of India. Her father, a citizen of Jamaica, was a student and teaching fellow at the University of California. Neither mother nor father, at the time of Kamala's birth, were U.S. citizens.
So how is Kamala even a U. S. citizen, much less how does she prove her natural born citizenry necessary to hold as President? How did she get a U. S. passport if she can't prove her U. S. citizenship?
Vikki, sent us this note from the other side of the bridge:
Do you sell the Qube? I can’t seem to find links on the website to purchase one.
Our reply: The Qube has been running 24/7 since we began flying this AIM Mothership around the globe, enlightening and educating as many people as we could. The Qube is the power source for the sigils which are now resonating all around the world in the most amazing places. The energy is so powerful, that the Qube could be destroyed and the network would remain intact. Every day that a sigil is printed and applied, the overall energy of our movement towards planetary love and light is increased because it takes consciousness to know know about the sigils (thinking).
It takes wisdom to know how they are activated and a desire to place them (feeling). It takes action to print and place the sigils (willing). You may think these actions are small and insignificant, but they are not. They are first steps into elevating thinking, feeling, and willing into Inspiration, Imagination, and Intuition.
We are creating a network that antidotes the realm of spiritual evil - specters, phantoms, and demons. We neutralize the detrimental energies and transmute them into beneficial ones. A good meme does this when it helps a viewer see a truth and helps him/her move towards ultimate full disclosure. Calling truth out in the face of evil destroys the elemental beings that are formed from lies and propaganda.
The angels "hear" our intent for a peaceful earth. This is what prayer does, too. When the angels hear our sincere pleas and our conscious placement of thoughts, prayers, sigils, uplifting songs, and sacred offerings, they must respond. Feel them surrounding your crown chakra feeding upon your thoughts as a hummingbird might sip sweet nectar from a flower. Did you know that the angels leave behind higher thoughts for us to digest?
We feed the angels, and the angels feed us.
Now do you see why they want to stop singing in church ... and now holy communion?
The prayer below is beautiful, but don't let these Catholic leaders keep you from looking at the truth about their operations. They preach a powerful sermon about morality, but the truth of the matter is that the Jesuits in control are way down the Road of Perdition and the congregations aren't doing anything to flush them out.
The entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.
So, let’s start by examining the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
The plan all along was: sell a STORY about “a new virus.”
A virus that researchers would believe they had discovered—but didn’t.
The researchers are cultishly devoted to procedures of discovery that are scientifically useless and non-valid, as I’ve explained in several articles.
A few questions:
Why would elite players have run all these pandemic exercises, drills, planning sessions, and table-top simulations well in advance of the “outbreak,” so that anyone with a computer could discover them in hours?
Why would a few of these exercises have openly named a coronavirus as the cause of the upcoming pandemic?
The plan all along was to dupe people into believing that a real virus was spreading across the globe.
The tabletop exercises, the drills, the exercises, the seminars, the announcement of the discovery of a new virus—all of these tactics were part and parcel of convincing people that the story of a new virus was real.
And if you doubt that so many researchers, planners, public health officials could be “in on the conspiracy,” you’re absolutely right. No need for conscious knowledge. 99.99 percent of the players are already true believers in THE VIRUS.
You’ve got, say, a dozen “pre-pandemic” tabletop exercises, and all in all, there are 300 people sitting at tables, and they believe they’re talking about a real deadly virus—because by prior medical training and propaganda, they were taught to be true believers.
And at those exercises, there was one man sitting inconspicuously at the table, or leaning quietly against a wall, observing, who knew the truth. He was there to make sure the believers never wavered.
If someone wants to make a movie about reality, there it is.
A variation: Twenty CIA people are sitting at a table planning a covert infiltration of, and a revolution in, a foreign country WHICH IS THE ENEMY—and everyone at the table believes that foreign country IS the enemy. Except for one man. He knows the CIA has already created, through propaganda, A FALSE STORY about that country being the enemy.
There are dozens of variations on this theme, which is: the true believers, and the operator who knows the truth.
Another example: a “patriot” CEO with deep pockets commits his workers and resources to building up weapons for the war effort; but at the same time, he is secretly selling armaments to the enemy. He’s playing a bigger game. 99.9 percent of everyone else believes the war is being fought honestly.
A phony televangelist is preaching to huge crowds and raking in donations. Only a few trusted associates know the whole operation is a con. The crowds are true believers.
Fill in your own examples of the basic theme. It’s standard practice in small and large operations. It’s no surprise, that in the case of COVID, the same m.o. should be in play. But in this operation, “science” is touted as the proof to satisfy all the faithful. And science is a very convincing hustle.
Behind the hustle is a political hierarchy. That means only carefully chosen scientists are allowed to stand next to the president on television and lie through their teeth to the public.
The COVID plan, all along, involved lockdowns and economic devastation. That was and is the short-term goal. The story about a virus is the means to arriving at the fulfillment of the goal.
It’s possible that the next phase of the plan will involve an excuse to assign energy-use quotas and limits to nations. Ordinarily, this would be sold via a story about climate change. After the virus hoax and the lockdowns, some fairy tale about needing “re-allocation” of energy in order to reopen national economies “with justice” might be the ticket. Don’t look for logic. The planners use fake logic, just as they use fake viruses.
Globalist technocrats yearn for energy quotas. They want to monitor and control the ongoing energy use of every human. It’s part of their vision for re-engineering society, to resemble a machine.
Stay tuned. Stay resistant. Revenge of the Nerds wasn’t just a movie.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Bombshell as flu shots found to cause huge increase in coronavirus infections
Children who are vaccinated with flu shots have a 440 percent increase in risk of contradicting other respiratory infections such as coronavirus, researchers found in a published paper.
The finding reveals that influenza vaccines suppress the immune system, creating a vulnerability that can be exploited by other types of viruses which aren't influenza.
The upshot is that the mad push for flu vaccines being witnessed right now is actually pushing a second wave of coronavirus infections and deaths.
Also today: A very effective treatment for covid-19 has been found, and it's readily available without vaccines or expensive drugs. Why is the medical establishment trying to bury this simple, low-cost cure?
The Health Ranger Store is able to bring you a new, lab-verified lot of our Organic Clean Chlorella™ SL Powder and Tablets, fully tested for glyphosate, microbiology and heavy metals. Grown in sunlight and fed with mountain spring water, our chlorella powder and tablets deliver a wealth of beneficial polysaccharides, antioxidants, enzymes, and other phytonutrients. It's all certified organic, vegan, non-GMO, and non-China.
Minneapolis business owners: "The government has abandoned us!" Flora Westbrook's salon, Flora's Hair Designs, had been serving her neighborhood in Minneapolis for about four decades now. That four-decade run, however, ended when the salon was burned ...
In case you don’t know, America is at war, and it’s a war for the very survival of our nation, our freedom and our entire way of life. More than that, it’s a war for all of Western civilization. This is our last — our FINAL — chance. If we lose this war, life, as we know it, will be gone forever; indeed, it’s very likely it already is..........
Isn't re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries? Not anymore. Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle apparently believe that what is good for communists is good for Americans and are busy at work transferring Americans from stability to a future life under the red flag.........
All this hell that is being raised by the racist group black lives matter, I will not give them any respect capitalizing their name because they give us no respect, is being done on false pretenses using false and or inaccurate facts.........
Our Spirit posted: ". The C.I.A. (READ: Pilgrims Society-Rothschilds-J.P Morgan) was directing the automation of the U.S. Patent Office by 1954 The C.I.A. was collaborating with The Business Advisory Council and the Intelligence Advisory Council to involved selected privat"
The C.I.A. (READ: Pilgrims Society-Rothschilds-J.P Morgan) was directing the automation of the U.S. Patent Office by 1954
The C.I.A. was collaborating with The Business Advisory Council and the Intelligence Advisory Council to involved selected private companies in their operations. These Councils operate today… for the “common good of the American people”.
Demand to know how these Councils have been involved in the current sedition and treason
Demand to know the extent of the C.I.A.’s domination of U.S. innovation through its automation of the Patent Office and its collaboration with the British Empire via its outsourcing of patent applications to British SERCO. See page 14 in the link below. (Notice how the C.I.A. is protecting someone even today.)
Demand to know who, or what company, or both is the C.I.A. protecting even today. Our guess is either R.C.A./NBC or IBM, or both.
Demand to know why a British Knight Sir Martin Sorell is on the U.S. Business Advisory Council
Allen W. Dulles, Director, C.I.A. (Dec. 25, 1954). Letters to the Business Advisory Council, Harold Boeschenstein, Chairman, re. Intelligence Advisory Council (IAC) et al re. Patent Office automation, etc., released Apr. 22, 2003, CIA-RDP80B01676R0008000010065-4.
More about Sir Martin Sorrell (pictured below) in the links above.
Robert P. Patterson, Chairman of the Marshall Plan Committee of 300 (1947), and Secretary of War (Dec. 16, 1940 – Sep. 27, 1945)
… was also Andrews Carnegie’s executor (Carnegie died August 11, 1919) (along with Elihu Root, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, first president of the Carnegie Foundation)
Do you think Americans would have needed to know about Patterson’s INTERLOCKING PILGRIMS DUPLICITY before making him WWII Secretary of War?
Henry M. Tilford (cited below) was founder of Standard Oil, his executor C. Alexander Capron (also cited below) with Robert P. Patterson re. the Carnegie Estate, was a National Council Member of the Marshall Fund Committee (of 300)
Note to readers: Please don't fret about these latest historical drops. Michael and Douglas will be explaining their importance in a audio next week. For now, just look them over and be familiar with the content, in general. Then after the audio, you can go back and deep-dive as far as you like. However, if you are one of our intelligence miners, then snap to it and get to work. The DEVIL is hiding in history where important records were hidden from citizen to protect Rothschild crimes against America.
President Trump tweets: “They say Roger Stone lied to Congress.”@CNN OH, I see, but so did Comey (and he also leaked classified information, for which almost everyone, other than Crooked Hillary Clinton, goes to jail for a long time), and so did Andy McCabe, who also lied to the FBI! FAIRNESS?
Socialismsuckz posts: "I will no longer be shopping at stores that have Communist BLM signs or fist signs in the window. I drove 20 min to avoid shopping in my local Rite Aid who had but up a BLM sign." Read what citizens are saying about shopping in commie stores.
Man your meme station and fire these memes about public school indoctrination into the network, patriots. Parent should be thinking about school options for the fall as the summer winds down. Let's make sure that homeschooling is an option that they find on their social media. Lots of memes below!
Heavily invested in big pharma (forced vaccinations for school children is big money for big pharma investors), Amway globalist Betsy DeVos says:
Patriots, get your children out of these indoctrination re-education camps called public schools where they force poisonous vaccines into your child's bloodstream before they let them attend school, and once inside, they poison their minds with Marxism and perverted sex.
Don't let governors like Gretchen Whitmer and Andrew Cuomo jerk you and your family around with school this fall: We are open - now we are closed - just for 14 days - now through Christmas - sorry but all teachers are infected so maybe next year.
For school year 2020-21, join millions of parents who will be homeschooling for the first time. So much fun to learn right alongside your children! Attend parent homeschool conventions, meet parents with similar interests, politics, and faiths, enjoy small group learning and sharing. Begin healing your family unit and connecting with your community.
Homeschool Bonus - Keep your loved ones away from forced masks, social distancing, Marxism, fear, and vaccinations.
Secretary of Education Indoctrination DeVos is a globalist. She is a member of "the club". She is not in place to dismantle education and give it back to parents. She is there to protect the interests of her Pilgrims Society globalshit pals that publish all the textbooks, curriculum, and tests as well as push the mandatory school vaccines from the Big Pharma drug companies, which she benefits from financially. Can we say BIG $$ in the school business?
So here is how it will probably roll out. Betsy will put on a show that she really wants schools to open. She will talk big about vouchers, charters, and parent choices - like she did in Michigan for years, but will conveniently drop the ball just at the finish line - you know, Mitt Romney-style.
This is why, in Michigan, we called her DO NOTHING DeVos.
The media will assist her in ramping up the drama. This is what Wallace does with her in today's interview. You might think she cares about opening public schools and that parents need choices....then, at the eleventh hour, the teachers' union will refuse to work and Betsy will sigh, "Oh, well, we will only be safe with mandatory vaccines." Then Betsy will bend a knee "for the children and their safety" and require all students to vaccinate as a condition to attend the re-education schools. Her stock in Big Pharma and Big Publishers will soar, and Betsy and her Pilgrims Society friends will make a fortune pouring crap into your children's bloodstream and minds.
Parents, get your children out of the way of this implosion. Keep them safe at home this year or at a school that doesn't force vaccinations and face mask. Let your children learn from people who love them, not those who wish to destroy them.
You have a choice, parents. This doesn't have to be your child:
We still haven't seen any booking records or arrest pictures. How about you? Have you actually seen anything that would evidence that Maxwell was arrested? Are we being played again....?
The Business Council is the only venue for the world's top CEOs to gather and engage in professional, intellectual, and leadership development.[5] The organization is guided by the belief that the business community's contributions to public discourse and governance are in the interest of the common good of the American people.[5][6][7]
Ever heard of this Business Council group?
Me neither.
Look who has been on it historically and today:
The Department of Commerce runs the Patent Office….and is the one that contracts to SERCO
Executive Member of the Marshall Plan Committee of 300:
Harold Boeschenstein, President, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Toledo.
Mr. Boeschenstein was vice chairman for operations of the War Production Board.
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
After I published several recent articles, an issue was raised. I’ll use it as an introduction to the cult of COVID.
I stated that a new COVID virus was never properly discovered. Then I was asked: so are countries all over the world pretending the virus is real?
Answer: No, they’re not pretending. “Countries” aren’t doing anything. Government leaders are issuing edicts, on the scientific and medical advice of officials surrounding them. These officials are true believers. They have faith that the COVID virus exists. Why? They’ve been told it exists by their bosses. And so it goes, all the way up the line, in the cult. Bigger and bigger bosses, all of them true believers.
Yes, a lab here and a lab there claim they have isolated the new COVID virus. But they have not done a complete STUDY to prove the existence of a new virus.
A complete and coherent study would involve, say, a thousand “epidemic” patients, side by side.
Researchers would make electron microscope photos of tissue samples taken from all the patients—the photos would be made AFTER these samples have been subjected to proper purification processes, involving a centrifuge and the correct collection of viral material from the centrifuge.
Such a study hasn’t been done, and it won’t be done.
Why? Because there is a great risk from reading the results of a thousand side by side electron microscope photos. If the photos don’t match up, if they don’t all show particles of the same virus, and if those particles aren’t unique—i.e., never before seen—then two things happen: the claim that one virus is causing a pandemic collapses; and the claim of discovering a new virus collapses.
THAT’S why the correct study hasn’t been done.
Little anecdotal claims from this lab and that lab don’t amount to a hill of beans. They’re irrelevant.
So what is left? A kernel of nothing—“the virus exists”—passed from hand to hand, shared by all, signifying Belief. Reflex Belief.
EVERYTHING that follows, stemming from a false belief in a new virus, is meaningless.
It all goes back to the beginning. That’s where the fabrication was hatched.
Before you say, BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT, read my many previous articles. I account for people getting sick and dying and being falsely labeled COVID. There is no need to invoke a new virus.
A large cult is composed of many layers of foot soldiers, all of whom believe. But when you get to the top, you see a few people who know the truth. They lie about the discovery of a new virus, and they spread that lie to further their own agenda—in this case, destruction of nations and the ushering in of a fascist technocracy for the planet, a Brave New World.
But, as I say, the main body of the cult, the millions of mask wearers and the distancing people and the doctors and the mayors and the governors and the routine public health officials and so on—they go on faith. Their god is Fauci, and television, and news.
The scientists who are in the cult believe in their own special procedure of discovering a new virus. They “sequence its genetic structure.” This is their scripture and bible. But the problem is, what kind of sample are they starting with? They say it is a new virus, but this, too, is faith. It could be part of an irrelevant virus, it could be a whole but decaying irrelevant virus, it could be a random piece of genetic material, or cellular debris, or exosomes; whatever. And if this sample is used as the basis of analysis at many labs, they will all come up with the same irrelevant result. To which they will bow down.
A geneticist tried to sell me the results of a single small study, in which a purported COVID-19 virus was injected into mice and caused them to get sick. This, to him, was proof that, indeed, a new dangerous virus had been discovered.
I was dumbfounded, but not too dumbfounded to reply. First of all, the mice had been genetically altered. Why? Usually, that means their immune systems were disabled. In which case, any old germ could make them ill.
Second, the whole purpose of doing animal studies—as misguided as that practice is—is to move up the chain of species until you get to animals that most closely resemble humans. Which are apes. Definitely not mice.
And third, even if a virus can make ordinary unaltered mice ill, so what? They still haven’t proved that virus is new—which is the claim for COVID.
But they try. They keep trying and failing to prove that a new coronavirus exists which is causing a global pandemic.
Cults don’t care. They will announce any claim and back it up with any useless piece of evidence. They’ll go to war on the basis of a claim. In this instance, it turns out to be an economic war against the people of Earth. A psychological war. A war against freedom.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Do MD’s Need FDA Approval to Prescribe COVID-19 Treatments Like Hydroxychloroquine?
“Hydroxychloroquine is very inexpensive to make and, not patented, can be used for less than $20/dose. But instead of getting people the help they need, Big Pharma tried to cash in on the crisis. During the covid-19 panic, pharmaceutical companies capitalized on public health emergency orders, and secured billions of dollars in funding for new drugs and vaccines..........
For some reason in the summer of 2020, every White person in America seems to be the cause of every person of color’s misfortunes. After one, single, solitary police officer kneed a convicted felon, wife abuser, drug addict, forged money launderer and local porno star George Floyd—the rest of America stands guilty of every sin since Cain murdered Abel. Every cop stands guilty of everything anyone wants to charge against him or her.........
Heads-Up Jewish Americans—Democrats Are Your Enemies
Sadly the Democrat Party of old––of JFK, Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson, Senator and VP Walter Mondale, et al––has vanished, replaced by Democrats like “the squad” who spew their poisonous hatred of Jews and Israel from the House of Representatives itself.........
Illinois House of Horrors: Rockford Abortion Clinic’s Procedures and Practices
The Northern Illinois Women's Center’s (NIWC’s) license was suspended but only on a temporary basis by the Democratic Party’s minions at the Illinois Department of Public Health. The suspension was due to multiple medical and health deficiencies which the state’s public health inspectors discovered and cited in successive inspections.........
U.S. Senate had identified the interlocking directorships among the Pilgrims Society and was hot on their trail. This came to a screeching halt five days before the report was published when these companies evidently started the Korean War through the U.N.
This report was published on Jun. 30, 1950. (It was hidden inside a 600 MB file).
Curiously, the Korean War started on Jun. 25, 1950, five days earlier (after the FTC had already sent this report to the Government Printing Office (GPO) for printing.
Still wearing the mask of genocide? Next step will be the forced vaccinations. Have you started making plans to homeschool this year? Hide your children from the DemonRats and Globalshits!
The university plans to force students to report their health data and submit it into an invasive cell phone app, monitor themselves for any close contact with individuals who have the virus, wear masks at all times while attending class, and subject themselves to mandatory COVID-19 testing to be allowed on campus.
Tony DuPont, a native American Indian, is an AIM Patriot. He shares this message with us:
The Sick Queen of England’s’, Privy Council, is a top enemy to the American people. There puppets are, working to destroy America the greatest country in the world
The Supreme court of the United States of America, July 9th 2020 ruling to giving half of the state to a reservation, to their fellow (child rape sicko) like the worst original America, a move to destroy Oklahoma, and the tribes if there is no plan to make a smooth reforming of America good for most all American’s, 7 gen style.
The recent move by the SES Senior Executive Service is designed to destroy America from within. Where I have yet to read the ruling but heard other read parts, it is easy to see this is a ploy to get a civil war started and to control the 2020 presidential elections. But I can see the moves from what little I studied it is easy to see now…
The Queen and all her men are doing everything they can to over throw America, from within with their secret groups. BAR (4th tear (pillar) of our government. Not allowed in USA constitution) SES senior executive service, are the Judges and top fake law controllers ie British spy’s. Pilgrim society All mainstream media and much shills of the social media (also British spies). SERCO a British huge corporation that controls the Patent theft apparatus for the British, set up as a payout for the judges and SES and pilgrims, all working to Destroy America from within, stealing our peoples and American’s most prized properties. Intellectual property, no country can match American ingenuity.
Which we will never allow!!!
A half bread from the greatest nation in America the Ojibwa Nation
And the second greatest nation based on the teaching of the Ojibwa grandfathers the United States of America. United we stand!!! Divided we fall. Which will not happen because here in America all of our lives matter? We all are working to better our own hearts in this war, we win. The 7 teaching of our grandfathers is our guide to winning, our hearts work for ourselves Our family our community Our Nations and each of the 7 future generations to come. United we claim our standing in America.
7 grandfathers teaching: our original Ojibwa Natural constitution of higher heart and mind.
Nbwaakaawin—Wisdom—Use good sense.
Zaagidwin—Love—Practice absolute kindness.
Minadendmowin—Respect—Act without harm.
Aakdewin—Bravery— Use courage to choose.
Debwewin—Truth—Be faithful to reality.
Dbaadendizwin—Humility—Treat all life equally.
Gwekwaadziwin—Honesty—Tell the truth.
Each teaching ends In a WIN …. 7 Wins is the AIM we call this “7 Gen Style”
This issue is key to me for I am working to reinstate our great Ojibwa nation in a manner that makes our world thrive for the future that is coming. I –we acquired a abandoned school on top of a hill In Heaven (Ishpeming), to encompasses the community to create many jobs to allow the community to thrive and then move to reclaim our mines which are not being cleaned and reclaimed, and whom took our value and more, We love our fellow American’s Much love and tears from our brothers and sister fought side by side for our great American nations prior wars so we can all be IN proper standing,
Where this last war is fought from within where we all find our hearts and shine with the guidance of our 7 grandfather teachings
Where we all can work with our hearts creating beautiful things to share create a thriving living. Threw a new form of for profit education lean and mean, creating micro spin off business, We want America owners 1000’s on thousands American business of all ages (3 to 110).
Move all forms of the British and foreign control away from our children and out of America no more of their divide targeting not me not our children, not my love ones, Not one American.
As we Original Americans move to reclaim our lands we need to do so in a way that we preserve and move to fix and restore all of the American communities to our full potentials where no one is suppressed. And in some sense we move to clean restore to our thriving futures to make the communities we reside in better more American, less or no globalist and more earthly and glaxizy focused.
Leading by the best example I can be always getting better, here is our abandoned school, our first of many education centers. I am moving to reinstate our Nation the proper way to allow all of American thrive us original American and us American’s, being a half breed. I love all of America.
Come Join in our creations forming help give you ideas and lets implement the greatest plans into thriving flourishing.
We are In Creating of the 7 Generations Co-Operations, in the jurisdiction of Ojibwa nation; we look to do business under our 1807 treaty, fully protected to do business in America. As we have always done being the creators and protector of America. And we wish go getters American’s world class folks and original American’s come help us create the future. 7 gen style
Let the sun shine on you, Peace N love…. Tony DuPont
Enjoy this discussion between the Gabriels and read here for some lecture notes on this topic: Initiation and Ego Mastery.
In 1947, Foreign Affairs carried the Henry L. Stimson, WWII Secretary of War article that triggered Congress to approve the Marshall Plan, NATO. See below.
A. The 1947 Foreign Affairs Pitch – We’re in danger if we don’t do this. Same Pilgrims tune, different time.
The last few Cat Reports have been filled with BREAKING historical findings that explain the poisonous tree in the swamp. Listen to Mike and Doug explain what these findings mean to current events. SHOCKING!!.
New Whistleblower Report from an AIM/AFI listener re:
Bain Capital, Danaher Medical and GE roles in the plan-demic. GE looms large in newly-discovered Pilgrims Society INTERLOCKING COMPANIES AND FOUNDATIONS
Larry Culp from Bain Capital (Mitt Romney) and Danaher Medical (Sir Geoffrey Edwin Pattie) have been in on the Coronavirus Plan-demic re. healthcare equipment demand surge. More importantly, General Electric’s long term health care revenue is skyrocketing. These companies were/are all associated with David Sarnov’s Pilgrims Society gangsters at GE, IBM, AT&T, CBS, NBC, MSNBC etc.
Duda's win is a victory for the ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party that backed him, which now has a clear path to continue controversial reforms of the rule of law, media freedom and abortion in Poland.
After listening to this video above, you will have a better understanding of how the on-line courses pushed by your school district is the same-old indoctrination given by Marxist teachers in the classroom. Pay attention to his report on how Betsy DeVos and Peter Thiel will enrich themselves with K12 Inc, an online globalist indoctrination package that your children will be offered in home imprisonment.
This is why we recommend that you spend some time shopping for a curriculum that works best for your family and stay away from anything that globalshit Betsy DeVos recommends.
Some of you have asked which homeschool curriculum we would recommend. Frankly, there are so many fabulous curricula out there, it would be difficult to make a specific recommendation if we did not know your family's particular needs. However, Douglas, being a Waldorf master teacher, points out an excellent homeschool Waldorf program called Oak Meadow. https://www.oakmeadow.com/
If someone were to propose “let’s take all of the police out of predominantly African-American & Hispanic neighborhoods, and re-assign them to predominantly white neighborhoods” they would be rightly denounced as a racist. That’s what the lunatic Left is proposing.
Opps...the Queen is missing from this picture. Her company Pirbright patented the coronavirus and then planted it in China (thanks to Elizabeth Manningham-Buller and Jonathan Richard Symonds), making China pay the price of infecting the world. If this were portrayed accurately, the Queen Bitch of England would be behind clueless Xi doing to him what she and the Rothschilds have been doing to humanity for centuries.
If Biden wins, they will use the virus as an excuse for mandatory vaccinations that you have to get or you will not be allowed to work or go to school.
Then, the virus will go away after they get people on a national COVID register, much like the COVIPASS that's becoming mandatory in the UK. You won't be able to travel outside the US unless you register with their world database.
You will have no freedoms. You will have no privacy. An app will literally control what you can and cannot do in society.
This will happen if Biden wins.
Attention small business owners:
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). One of the possible outcomes is that the entire ACA is overturned. From a tax perspective, this would mean that the Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) and the .9% Medicare surtax would be invalid. If the ACA is retroactively overturned in whole, clients would be eligible for refunds based on claims filed for the amounts paid in under either tax. The problem is a decision has not been rendered, and is not expected until 2021.
As a result, a protective claim is required to reserve your right to amend your 2016 return if the ACA is overturned after the 2016 statute of limitations has expired. Due to COVID legislation, the protective claim for a timely filed 2016 return is July 15, 2020.
RESERVE YOUR RIGHTS. Contact your accountant for assistance, if needed.
You might consider sending a letter like this to the IRS with your taxpayer name, address, ID, and tax year (2016)
We should be supporting the continued closure of public schools and universities. Public schools and universities are the two things most destructive to conservative values, and the sooner we get parents comfortable with the idea of teaching their own children (for earlier grades) and with self-directed learning (for older grades and young adults) the sooner we can start to turn things around.
On top of all this nonsense, teachers are actually supposed to teach. Any of you ever try to herd middle schoolers during hall passing?
Patriots, this was just the first day of SUMMER SCHOOL. The teachers' unions will make fall a disaster. Best to plan now to get your children away from the free-fall of the public school education system. Good riddance....it's old school.
Due to coronavirus lockdowns and the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment that followed, California is now on track to face a massive 100 billion shortfall in revenues by the end of the year. This has put the state at risk of a financial collapse.
To avoid collapsing, California will need to slash its state expenditures by half, and the areas that have to be cut include pensions, education, welfare and health care services.
The government of California will begin its "controlled collapse" in less than 90 days. Certain elements have already begun.
The Health Ranger Store is able to bring you a new, lab-verified lot of our Organic Clean Chlorella™ SL Powder and Tablets, fully tested for glyphosate, microbiology and heavy metals. Grown in sunlight and fed with mountain spring water, our chlorella powder and tablets deliver a wealth of beneficial polysaccharides, antioxidants, enzymes, and other phytonutrients. It's all certified organic, vegan, non-GMO, and non-China.
In summary, the new evidence shows that George Floyd was being arrested for a legitimate reason, passing counterfeit money, but behaving erratically and was perceived to be high on drugs. His blood tests found evidence of marijuana, fentanyl, and methamphetamine.......... https://newswithviews.com/the-lies-behind-the-george-floyd-case/ by Cliff Kincaid.
Black America: Before Y'all Sign On to Black Lives Matter
BLM operatives have white middle school students hating themselves, taught that they were born racist. Does Jesus want people (kids) hating themselves? BLM had a sportscaster fired for daring to say, “all lives matter.” Jesus sacrificed his life on the cross because all lives matter. If you support BLM's racist mandates and agenda, the love of Christ is not in you......... https://newswithviews.com/black-america-before-yall-sign-on-to-black-lives-matter/ by Lloyd Marcus.
Did Epstein’s Gal Ghislaine Maxwell Run One of the Most popular and Powerful Reddit Accounts in History?
Amway globalist Betsy DeVos controls the federal levers of education for her pals in the Pilgrims Society. Her goal is the destruction of public education with a totalitarian online curriculum that will be streamed into your child's home-prison study area in order to take control of their individual thinking, feeling, and willing.
Some are reporting (see video below) that DeVos, Peter Thiel, and other top-name globalshits are invested in K12 Inc,. an online curriculum that will be rolled out this fall to accommodate schools unable to open due to coronavirus restrictions.
Don't kid yourselves, patriots. This has been in the works for awhile. The goal was to find a way to imprison students all over the world in their homes and make sure they get a steady brain diet of indoctrination crap. No need for a Marxist teacher when you have a computer feeding your child a steady diet of "hate America" and "orange man bad."
Here is a summary of what has been happening to schools and education while patriots weren't looking.
We predict that the 2020-21 school year will be filled with lots of drama. The evil globalshits are not looking for solutions. The Pilgrims Society Destroyers of Humanity are looking for schools to be so unmanageable that you will WANT to keep your children in home imprisonment to keep them out of the destructive place called public schools. Of course, the globalshits have already created an online curriculum for you. Just like all those fancy Homeland Security uniforms were pressed and ready for distribution a week after 9-11 - Betsy DeVos has a "solution" for the "problem."
Since most parents will be caught off guard, they will think school recommended online curriculum will be a prefect solution to the problem. Don't be that parent!
K12 Inc is in biz to mind control indoctrinate your children. Once your babies are plugged into their evil technology, the indoctrination will increase until they will no longer have thoughts and imaginations of their own. They will be empty human containers to be filled with satanic thoughts and feelings, leading to a total destruction of the individual, family, and country.
Let's take a look at who is behind K12.... We weren't surprised that we didn't see DeVos name blaring our at you. She, like Thiel and others, would hide their investments behind shell companies. Take a look under the hood below and see the globalshits salivating at the opportunity this school crisis will give them in stock prices.
K12 Inc. is a for-profit education company that sells online schooling and curricula. K12 is an education management organization (EMO) that provides online education designed as an alternative to traditional "brick and mortar" education for public school students from kindergarten to 12th grade (hence the company's name).[3] Publicly traded K12 is the largest EMO in terms of enrollment.[4]
K12 Inc. operates three online private schools: K12 International Academy (AKA K12 IA for short), George Washington University Online High School, and the Keystone School.[29] In 2011,[14] George Washington University partnered with K12, inc. to offer a full-time online private school accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools.[30]
Andrew Tisch, from Harvard, did not disclose in the S-1 that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and therefore directed by the Pilgrims Society through the British Privy Council. Former CEO of Lorillard Tobacco (1990-1995), convicted on RICO, now owned by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco.
However, Tisch may be best known for his dramatic testimony before Congress (the Waxman hearings, Apr. 14, 1004) when he was the CEO of Lorillard Tobacco Company, when he and other leading tobacco execs shocked members of Congress and the American public in claiming that there was no link between tobacco and cancer and that nicotine was not addictive.
10% owner Knowledge Universe LLC is owned by LeagFrog Enterprises https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeapFrog_Enterprises that builds child-tracking and monitoring technologies https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/own-disp?action=getowner&CIK=0001275754The company released LeapBand, its first wearable activity tracker for children, in 2014.[25] LeapFrog also released its LeapPad3 and LeapPad Ultra XDi tablet devices in 2014.[26] In July 2014, the company announced the release of LeapTV.[27] They also got net loss for $124 million and had net sales of $145 million.[28] In August 2015, the company announced LeapFrog Epic,[29] its new Android-based tablet for children, which was released in September 2015.[30]
Reject all forms of public schools in 2020-21 - in school and especially any of their evil online brainwashing products. Many private and religious schools will need to be avoided as well. If your school requires social distancing, face masks, and vaccinations, then keep your children at home this year. Many parents are joining the homeschool movement.
You do not have to put your children through the TORTURE of public education, idiotic teachers, clueless parents, and fearmongering. Afterall, you probably didn't like school either. Something deep inside of you knew that they there was something not right with your teachers and administrators....now you know.
Don't make your children go through even worse torture of public school INDOCTRINATION.
For those who have asked which homeschool curriculum we would recommend: Frankly, there are so many fabulous curricula out there, it would be difficult to make a specific recommendation if we did not know your family's particular needs. However, Douglas, being a Waldorf master teacher, points out an excellent homeschool Waldorf program called Oak Meadow. https://www.oakmeadow.com/
Today there is news breaking nationwide that hundreds of covid-19 testing labs have been routinely faking lab test results, reporting 100 percent positive rates, regardless of the actual test results. This is happening in Florida and elsewhere.
I will have a more detailed report on this story posted by midnight tonight, on the NN website. So check for it later this evening.
In the meantime, our most important story today is how a young woman was murdered by Black Lives Matter terrorists for merely saying "All lives matter." Her murder in cold blood is being completely ignored by the mainstream media, which continues to try to paint BLM as a "peaceful" group when it's actually a radical, violent, militant terrorism organization.
P.S. Coming in about 10 days, I will be releasing an audiobook called "The Global Reset Survival Guide." You will be able to download all 9 hours and share it everywhere. Load it onto your PC or mobile device and listen all the way through. Very detailed survival advice. This audiobook is exclusively for Natural News email subscribers, so keep checking your email over the next 10 - 14 days for the arrival of this breakthrough audiobook. - Mike
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Assessing the use of aromatherapy in clinical practice In this study, researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine and Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Minnesota conducted a survey to determine how clinicians viewed the use of ...
BLM, Covid-19 and Climate Change, 3 Great International Cons
Over the last 100 years or more, Americans have succumbed to the Democrat illegal immigration con, the Democrat public school and higher education con, the Democrat health care con, the Democrat judicial con, the Democrat voter fraud con, the Democrat Deep State con, the Democrat DOJ and FBI conspiracy against Trump con.......... https://newswithviews.com/blm-covid-19-and-climate-change-3-great-international-cons/ by Ron Ewart.
Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar Wants To “Dismantle America”
When you look to the subversive organizations that have been tolerated over the last 8 decades in this country such as Planned Parenthood, American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, Council on American-Islamic Relations, etc. look at the damage that has been done......... https://newswithviews.com/muslim-rep-ilhan-omar-wants-to-dismantle-america/ by Bradlee Dean.
When the Bully Says Shopping Without a Mask is a Crime
This weekend I went shopping for a tank top for my son at a local retailer. I walked in the store like a normal human with shoes, shirt, and pants. While I headed to the men’s department, an employee proclaiming my inconsiderate oversight accosted me. I didn’t wear a mask, a mandate given by the governor of my state. I responded with, “I have a condition,” and continued walking......... https://newswithviews.com/when-the-bully-says-shopping-without-a-mask-is-a-crime/ by Jake MacAulay.
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We have two breaking news stories for you today. First, as promised yesterday, we looked into the Florida covid-19 test rigging and found that it's the Florida Department of Health that's rigging the numbers.
They've been taking the reported test numbers from Florida labs and transforming them all into 100 "positive" results, hyping up the infection numbers to try to economically sabotage the state.
Also today: US government authorities are continuing to uncover an elaborate communist China-run weapons smuggling operation that's putting high-grade, full-auto weapons of war into the hands of Black Lives Matter militant extremists.
We've now confirmed three U.S. cities where this is taking place. We also have intel that says BLM militants are stealing armored personnel carrier vehicles as they build a domestic army to attempt a nationwide communist revolution by force.
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New Facebook patent to use TVs, phones to spy on people A new patent filing shows that Facebook is working on an insidious new way to get smartphones to spy on people. The patent would let it hide audio signals on TVs that would trigger smartphones to ...
Scrabble bans "offensive" words to appease "cancel culture" mob Some nitpicky changes are coming to the world of competitive Scrabble, and as usual, the political correctness brigade is to blame. The North American Scrabble Players Association (NASPA) is ...
Can cinnamon extracts help with diabetes and obesity? Cinnamon is a well-known spice used to flavor savory and sweet foods. It is also widely used as a traditional medicine. Two varieties of cinnamon are used for these purposes, cinnamon cassia ...
How to identify and grow ironweed, a medicinal plant Ironweed is considered an eyesore in carefully manicured gardens, but people who know their medicinal plants treasure it as a natural remedy for digestive problems and menstrual pains. Learning ...
At this point, I’ve written and published over 150 articles on the COVID fraud.
For every major assertion I make in the following overview, I’ve written at least one article.
To sum it up: deaths labeled “COVID” have nothing to do with the purported virus.
The purported virus has never been discovered. A claim of discovery was made, but proper scientific procedures were never carried out.
Which leaves the question: why are all these people dying?
Are the deaths all stemming from the same cause? No. They aren’t.
Overview: A huge percentage of people dying have traditional diseases: flu-like illness, pneumonia, other lung infections. Many of these deaths have been re-labeled as COVID deaths.
For example, about 300,000 people a year in China die from pneumonia. It’s quite easy to call some of these deaths “COVID.”
A large number of people in Italy die every year from flu-like illness. The same re-labeling occurs there.
In Chinese cities, in the north of Italy, in Spain, there is very heavy air pollution. This pollution causes severe lung conditions and exacerbates already-existing lung problems. Some of the consequent deaths are called “COVID.”
As I’ve stated in previous articles, COVID is old people. In New York, for example, those 65 and older account for 73.6 percent of all so-called COVID deaths in the city. These people are actually dying, prematurely, of previous serious health conditions, plus long-term treatment with toxic drugs, plus the terror of a COVID diagnosis, plus isolation from family and friends. Many of these people are dying in nursing homes. No new virus required.
Take that picture and it will generally describe what is happening all over the world. COVID is old people. In Canada, for example, 81 percent of all so-called COVID deaths occur in nursing homes.
One other factor in New York. The current hospital treatment—breathing ventilators and sedation—kills 97.2 percent of those patients over the age of 66 who are subjected to it.
What about this re-labeling I mentioned? How is it done? Several ways. In hospitals, doctors simply write “COVID-19” on patient files. After patients die, their charts can be tagged “COVID.”
In general, there are three types of diagnosis. No test at all—just the observation of general flu-like symptoms. Or a PCR test, or an antibody test. Both tests spit out “COVID” results in a significant percentage of cases. The result has nothing to do with the detection of a unique “COVID virus.” The result is a function of the tests.
What about new conditions? Are any people dying as a result of non-traditional factors? In any so-called pandemic, this is possible. In the north of Italy, there were several vaccination campaigns, just prior to the announcement of “COVID.” In New York, as I pointed out, the ventilator treatment is killing patients. Then there is the whole issue of 5G technology rollouts. To delve into that subject, I suggest exploring the work of Arthur Firstenberg, author of The Invisible Rainbow.
Do not assume that ONE CAUSE is the explanation for all so-called COVID deaths. This is a common deep error. “Well, if it isn’t the virus, then what is it?” There is no “it.” There is only a psychological disposition to search for an “it.” Look for MULTIPLE CAUSES.
There are always outlier cases. Unexplained deaths. Some people are quick to jump on these cases and claim they prove the virus is real and is a killer on the loose. Nothing could be further from the truth.
“Young and healthy, suddenly dropped dead. See, it must be the virus.”
No, it doesn’t have to be the virus. Unexplained cases—especially when a viral cause is arbitrarily brought on board—need to be examined very closely. They rarely are.
When I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., in 1988, I looked into a very early set of AIDS cases in Los Angeles. They were all described as young, “previously healthy,” and then “suddenly struck down by a new virus.”
The CDC published parts of their medical records. From the records, it was clear “previously healthy” was a gross lie. These young men had prior medical conditions, for which they were undoubtedly treated with toxic medicines. There was an indication of toxic street drug use. After an hour of reading their partial records, the diagnosis of “suddenly struck down by a new virus” was quickly dissolving.
I’ve been investigating so-called epidemics for 30 years. I’ve developed the strategy of looking for multiple causes of death that have nothing to do with the announced virus of the moment. I’ve always found those causes.
“The virus” is one of the greatest frauds in modern history.
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
The plan all along was: sell a STORY about “a new virus.”
A virus that researchers would believe they had discovered—but didn’t.
The researchers are cultishly devoted to procedures of discovery that are scientifically useless and non-valid, as I’ve explained in several articles.
A few questions:
Why would elite players have run all these pandemic exercises, drills, planning sessions, and table-top simulations well in advance of the “outbreak,” so that anyone with a computer could discover them in hours?
Why would a few of these exercises have openly named a coronavirus as the cause of the upcoming pandemic?
The plan all along was to dupe people into believing that a real virus was spreading across the globe.
The tabletop exercises, the drills, the exercises, the seminars, the announcement of the discovery of a new virus—all of these tactics were part and parcel of convincing people that the story of a new virus was real.
And if you doubt that so many researchers, planners, public health officials could be “in on the conspiracy,” you’re absolutely right. No need for conscious knowledge. 99.99 percent of the players are already true believers in THE VIRUS.
You’ve got, say, a dozen “pre-pandemic” tabletop exercises, and all in all, there are 300 people sitting at tables, and they believe they’re talking about a real deadly virus—because by prior medical training and propaganda, they were taught to be true believers.
And at those exercises, there was one man sitting inconspicuously at the table, or leaning quietly against a wall, observing, who knew the truth. He was there to make sure the believers never wavered.
If someone wants to make a movie about reality, there it is.
A variation: Twenty CIA people are sitting at a table planning a covert infiltration of, and a revolution in, a foreign country WHICH IS THE ENEMY—and everyone at the table believes that foreign country IS the enemy. Except for one man. He knows the CIA has already created, through propaganda, A FALSE STORY about that country being the enemy.
There are dozens of variations on this theme, which is: the true believers, and the operator who knows the truth.
Another example: a “patriot” CEO with deep pockets commits his workers and resources to building up weapons for the war effort; but at the same time, he is secretly selling armaments to the enemy. He’s playing a bigger game. 99.9 percent of everyone else believes the war is being fought honestly.
A phony televangelist is preaching to huge crowds and raking in donations. Only a few trusted associates know the whole operation is a con. The crowds are true believers.
Fill in your own examples of the basic theme. It’s standard practice in small and large operations. It’s no surprise, that in the case of COVID, the same m.o. should be in play. But in this operation, “science” is touted as the proof to satisfy all the faithful. And science is a very convincing hustle.
Behind the hustle is a political hierarchy. That means only carefully chosen scientists are allowed to stand next to the president on television and lie through their teeth to the public.
The COVID plan, all along, involved lockdowns and economic devastation. That was and is the short-term goal. The story about a virus is the means to arriving at the fulfillment of the goal.
It’s possible that the next phase of the plan will involve an excuse to assign energy-use quotas and limits to nations. Ordinarily, this would be sold via a story about climate change. After the virus hoax and the lockdowns, some fairy tale about needing “re-allocation” of energy in order to reopen national economies “with justice” might be the ticket. Don’t look for logic. The planners use fake logic, just as they use fake viruses.
Globalist technocrats yearn for energy quotas. They want to monitor and control the ongoing energy use of every human. It’s part of their vision for re-engineering society, to resemble a machine.
Stay tuned. Stay resistant. Revenge of the Nerds wasn’t just a movie.
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Note to the reader: Don’t blithely assume the economy is reopening and things will continue to improve. The nation is under the control of public health traitors. They can declare “new waves” of cases. They can invent pretexts at the drop of a hat, and governors and mayors can declare lockdowns again. This is not over. The economic war against the people is being waged to destroy America.
You’ll see this week, as my controversial series of dispatches tries to reach out to the president, I’m suggesting that he break with hallowed tradition and send in troops (or the FBI) to the states and force open the economy, once and for all. Permanently.
I fully realize the dangers of such a move. I also realize what this economic war against the people and the country is doing to America. The news media are covering up the full effects. The nation is being driven off a cliff into chaos. That is the heinous plan. COVID is a pumped up lie and a gross exaggeration, formulated to enable the plan.
It’s a long night in the White House and a long night in America.
It’s a folded newspaper on a silver tray, and the headline screams: WAR, AND AMERICA IS LOSING.
You’re the president and you read it. You can’t not read it.
It’s 3AM and the moon is sitting in the sky. Lopsided. A blood moon.
The enemy hasn’t just landed on our shore. He’s in every community in the country. He’s inside the inside:
Every mom and pop store, every small and medium business in the nation is signaling frantically to you: WRECKAGE. WRECKAGE. WRECKAGE. WRECKAGE.
Is no one hearing those voices? Is it a silent movie? Just because the traitorous press refuses to cover it?
Mr. Trump, when are you going to fight the enemy? When are you going to declare the real state of emergency?
Millions of people who voted for you are on hold. They’re waiting.
They’re waiting for the cavalry to come over the hill.
You’re paralyzed.
In a state of war with the country fully invaded, with the economic devastation that has been visited on the land…
You’re surrendering to the likes of those two-bit vampires, De Blasio and Cuomo, to that blown-dry idiot, Newsom. The governors and mayors are taking you out.
That’s your destiny?
Who are you?
What’s the watchword and the battle cry in this crisis?
Is it Tom Paine? “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
Or is it, “Order a contactless pizza from Domino’s”?
That once great city, New York, your city, lies in ruins.
Who, Mr. Trump, is the enemy? Who has stormed the beaches and swarmed into the cities and towns of this country? Who has taken down the engines of business?
Do you know?
You swaggered into the White House in 2017 like a two-gun cowboy, backhanding the press, talking fast, talking hard, promising to lift up the economy to soaring heights…and now you’re sitting in the Oval signing away trillions of dollars for a Welfare operation the likes of which the world has never seen. Trillions of air-guitar dollars, lunar dollars, out-of-the-sleeve stage magic dollars, Fed Reserve high-on-speed dream dollars, boiling frog dollars, Wizard of Oz rainbow dollars.
Dollars for a smoking wreckage of an economy, for the people who were working every day in that economy. Some of those checks are going out to people who have already committed suicide, who are now solidly addicted to booze and drugs, who are smashing apart their families, who are standing inside the empty dusty rooms and offices of their former small businesses, wondering what shuck and jive con leveled their survival and their legacy.
They’re being told by bright-eyed android news heads that “the reopening is proceeding.” What do you think their unedited response is?
Do you really think it’s “we’re all in this together”? Do you think they’re happily gnawing on that bone a gaggle of grinning PR devils tossed out the window of their cruising limos on the way to summer vacation houses?
You can’t worm out of this one, Mr. President. You’re no Tom Paine and no George Washington. You stood down and watched this storm hit. This dismantling. This economic invasion. This wrecking ball.
Do you know who the enemy is?
What are you going to do?
Millions of your supporters are waiting for your answer and your action. They’ve eaten as many of your tweet-calories as they can possibly handle.
They’re ready to sign on for the war and back you up, and but they can’t find an enlistment office.
Ten years from now, with the economy nationalized, with wage and price controls, with a permanent dole, with the hideous face of Pelosi or Hillary or Biden stamped on every digital dollar, where will you be?
And 50 years from now, when the history of this nation is buried under multiple layers of scrambled-egg obfuscation, some addled historian will write: “Donald Trump was once thought to have been the president of the United States, but he was actually a composer of a song, BACK IN THE USSR.
Unless you fight the war now, Mr. Trump. No holds barred.
These are times that try men’s souls. Who’s got your soul in a box?
Are you so dumb you can’t see it? He’s the gnome standing right next to you at press conferences.
He’s the front man for the blood moon.
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Welcome to Let’s Pretend. Let’s pretend everything is OK and Nice and Polite are going to win the day, and no one is going to have to give up his position in life or his security. The missiles fired into the heart of the economy will have no lasting effects. Politicians who can’t find their asses with both hands will put things right. Fascist governors and mayors will soon