**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Pomegranate juice found to kill cancer tumor cells, plus other new
Pomegranate juice has been scientifically studied and found to kill cancer cells. It's yet more evidence that food is powerful medicine, working even better than chemotherapy (without the toxic side effects).
Also today: Trump has rolled out a new health freedom initiative via HHS, where you can now file a complaint if you are being forced to get vaccinated by a tyrannical state government.
Potent Manuka honey now available. Health Ranger Select Premium Manuka Honey guarantees at least 514 in methylglyoxal (MGO), and at least 15 in NPA or Non-Peroxide Activity, which gives manuka honey its potent health-promoting properties. It has been lab-verified for pesticides, glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology so you can enjoy our potent Manuka honey with ease of mind. Our Manuka honey is harvested in Australia.
Why you should keep on exercising even if you have back pain Regardless of your age or fitness level, when back pain strikes your initial response may be to stop whatever you're doing to find a comfortable resting position. Once you've settled ...
Researchers say that antibiotics do more harm than good Society is beginning to pay the price for years of antibiotic overuse, with superbugs claiming more and more lives every year and causing grave concern among health organizations and some medical ...
7 essential oils that can ease breathing Are you having trouble with your breathing? A few whiffs of the right essential oils can clear up your congested airways and improve the muscles involving in the process, an article in Organic ...
Eating okra is an easy way to boost your immune system A vegetable used to enrich the taste of Indian, Middle Eastern, and Southern U.S. cuisine could also make those same meals much more healthy. Chinese researchers reported that consuming okra ...
Silverweed is a natural cough medicine Traditional Chinese medicine prescribes silverweed (Potentilla anserina) as a herbal remedy for coughing. Researchers believe that the root of the plant contains bioactive compounds that reduce ...
What are the must-learn skills every prepper should know? You're going to need a lot more than a well-stocked pantry and a survival cache of medical supplies if you want to make it out of a disaster scenario alive. Your supplies and equipment can ...
A look at how our brain purposely forgets something The brain doesn't just forget memories by accident or through injury. Sometimes, it loses it on purpose, especially when the person doesn't want to remember the particular information. ...
Healing foods that your body needs to thrive When it comes to your health, prevention is always better than cure. Why wait until you get sick and take prescription medication, which is often linked to negative side effects, if you can eat ...
Why exercise is one of the best coping therapies for addiction The addiction to substances, such as alcohol or drugs, can severely and negatively impact one's life. It is often difficult to overcome these addictions. There are therapies that can help ...
Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health Probiotics are famous for the many health benefits that they provide, such as improving digestion and boosting the immune system. Because of these, more people now include fermented foods like ...
Walking is crucial to lower back health The lower back never really stops working to support the upper body. But we rarely pay attention to it, much less do things that are actively beneficial to it. An article on Spine-health suggests ...
(Natural News) The first ever Californian Republican to become House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, just threw a “touchdown pass” for team USA regarding healthcare freedom for all Americans. With great coaching from President Trump, a new division at Health and Human Services (HHS) has been created for Civil Rights called the “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.”
This guidance document dismantles all forced vaccination mandates across the USA, including in California, where Senator Richard “The Mercury Joker” Pan illegally penned Draconian legislation (SB277) defying the AMA’s code of ethics, where school children are forced into vaccination (at gunpoint) or they are not allowed to attend private or public school. Pan eliminated religious and personal exemptions, and allows only medical exemptions, which are for the most part denied, because it’s all a scam to sell more toxic vaccines and permanently maim more children for Big Pharma profits.
Choose your own healthcare, thanks to President Trump, and the new HHS “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division”
Big Pharma’s chokehold on you and your children has been released. You will not hear about this on the news, because mainstream news, as well all know, is owned and run by Big Pharma. Pro-vaccine zealots are pulling their hair out right now, thinking their precious “herd” of disease shedders are now somehow vulnerable to all the intelligent people who recognize that even though the theory of vaccines is legitimate, today’s immunizations contain so many neurotoxins and carcinogens, you might as well just eat organic food, avoid all toxic jabs, and take your chances with infectious diseases.
100% organic essential oil sets now available for your home and personal care, including Rosemary, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Clary Sage and more, all 100% organic and laboratory tested for safety. A multitude of uses, from stress reduction to topical first aid. See the complete listing here, and help support this news site.
After all, the human immune system is pretty powerful if you don’t confuse it by injecting other animal’s blood, mercury, aluminum, MSG, and formaldehyde into your muscle tissue over and over.
Never allow your child be injected with mercury or embalming fluid
The people who came to America from Europe did so to avoid religious persecution and seek a life of liberty and the freedom to pursue happiness. Mandatory vaccination is the nemesis of this dream. Forced immunization means the government completely disregards the Constitution and your religious freedom, which includes choosing NOT to inject the most dangerous chemicals on the planet just to appease some disease-paranoid sheeple, while filling the pockets of the insidious vaccine manufacturers, who know good and well their injections are damaging to the human immune system, the CNS, and the brain.
It’s hard to chase after the American dream when you have autism. It’s hard to go to work and make a living when you have autoimmune disease from toxic vaccines and allergies to peanuts, eggs, dairy, and wheat gluten (ingredients in vaccines) so severe that you could die, or become a vegetable, if given another vaccine or flu shot that contains more of the same. Come fight in the war against toxic vaccines, led by our honorable, Constitution-defending President, Donald J. Trump.
File a complaint with new HHS Health Freedom Portal and defy the toxic forced vaccination tyranny – President Trump’s got your back
Want to file a complaint with HHS about some vaccine bullies who say you have no religious rights and no personal health freedom rights? Just click right here and you will arrive at the new HHS website and complaint page for the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.
Do you live in California, where Richard “The Mercury Joker” Pan thinks he can bully everyone into getting jabbed with neurotoxins that make him a fortune? End the insanity and join the war against toxic jabs. Stand up for your rights and deny the health tyranny run by these vaccine freaks, including Richard Pan and Philadelphia’s own pediatrician freak doctor Paul Offit, the ultimate puppet and poster boy for the insidious vaccine industry.
Has your conscience been violated by mercury-loaded flu shots? The CDC lied and said they took mercury out of all childhood vaccines, then they recommend the mercury-laced influenza vaccines for all pregnant women, all children, and infants 6-months-young. What’s that? That’s a big fat money-making, autism-spreading lie.
President Trump and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy just saved America from the Big Pharma vaccine tyranny. Step up and join the fight, because silence breeds vaccine violence. Tune into Vaccines.news for more updates on your health freedom and anyone trying to illegally deny you of it.
This Issue: Meadows/Jordan amendments to must-pass spending bill would fix asylum loopholes and make other critical changes to enforcement policy
Fri, Dec 14th
As Congressional leaders plot out a path to fund about 25% of the federal government beyond Dec. 21 to avoid a partial shutdown, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Caucus Co-Founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) are prepared to file two amendments to the must-passing spending bill that would provide border security funding, and more importantly, fix the asylum loopholes. They announced the amendments in a FoxNews.com op-ed on Wednesday.
In addition to providing the $5 billion of border security funding that Pres. Trump has requested from Congress, the Meadows/Jordan amendments would: 1) fix the loopholes in the law that continue the surge of unaccompanied alien children at the border; 2) repeal the Wilberforce trafficking act that would require DHS to treat illegal border crossers from non-contiguous countries the same as those from Mexico and Canada; and 3) repeal the Flores Settlement agreement that only allows the feds to detain minors who cross the border illegally for 20 days. For those of you with Republican U.S. Representatives, we've posted a new fax on your Action Board urging them to support the Meadows/Jordan amendments. E-Verify Protects Law-Abiding Employers We're once again witnessing the back-and-forth between President Trump and Democratic leaders in Congress over wall funding. While Republicans still control both chambers until January, House Speaker Paul Ryan has now become totally irrelevant to the negotiations, and any pretense that he ever stood on the side of the American people when it came to immigration policy has been cast aside. It is up to the Trump Administration to perform the art of the deal to advance the President's agenda through Congress. The question remains: Is President Trump committed to that end or determined to get a "win" no matter how hollow? The wall has always been President Trump's rallying cry on immigration, but he has also engaged in a substantive discussion of other necessary reforms that must be made beyond erecting physical barriers along the border. He has pushed for reforms to prevent economic migrants from abusing asylum laws and has strengthened interior enforcement. The President has called for an end to chain migration, the elimination of the visa lottery, and a shift to merit-based admissions system. However, the White House has failed to put a serious effort into getting legislation through Congress, and even allowed Ryan to sabotage Rep. Goodlatte's bill in the House, which would have ended chain migration and mandated E-Verify for all employers.
So, where do we stand with the December 21 deadline to fund DHS looming? It seems the sticking point is the President's demand for $5 billion to spend on the wall and the Democrats only willing to support funding around $1.5 billion. A few billion dollars isn't even walking-around money in D.C. so it's clear Sen. Schumer and Rep. Pelosi are (yet again) putting politics above the national interest. It's not that Democratic leaders in Congress oppose spending $5 billon on the border wall because they think it can be more effectively spent on other deterrents. They oppose any enforcement effort whatsoever. The President could expose this by making the case for E-Verify. He could still haggle with the Democrats over wall money, but as long as building a wall is his only priority it leaves him open to accusations that he is cynically exploiting voter opposition to illegal immigration while doing little to tackle its root cause. Now, that accusation, at least when made by Democratic leaders, may itself be cynical, but it does have an effectiveness when Americans understand that building a wall will do nothing to hold criminal employers who hire illegal aliens responsible; and it won't prevent illegal aliens from using forged or stolen identities to deceive employers seeking to follow the law. Just this past week The New York Times ran a story about illegal aliens who worked at the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. Not surprisingly, the Times reporter tried to spin this as an attack on the President despite the fact that both illegal aliens admitted they had used fraudulent documents to obtain employment.
E-Verify would make it much more difficult for illegal aliens to work and it would hold employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens criminally liable.
As NumbersUSA President Roy Beck said in a recent statement:
Once again, we see the farce of expecting employers to be document-fraud experts to ensure that illegal workers don't get employment. E-Verify takes this burden off employers and puts it on the government, where it belongs. Some of President Trump's businesses have realized the value of E-Verify and are using it; those that are not using it put the President at risk of major embarrassment, as we see here. Until Congress mandates E-Verify for every employer, we're going to see these stories. More importantly, though, American workers will continue to be pushed out of jobs and see their wages undercut....Perhaps incoming Speaker Pelosi will re-establish the Democrat Party's credentials with wage-earning Americans by agreeing to take away the jobs magnet for illegal workers through passage of mandatory E-Verify in her first 100 days.
Several Members of Congress continue to push for an increase in H-2B guest worker visas in the upcoming, must-pass spending bill.
If you've yet to send the message to your three Members of Congress urging them to oppose any H-2B increases during the lame-duck, please do so now!
Take Action!
Now you can give to NumbersUSA when you shop at Amazon!
Visit Amazon Smile to sign up and a percentage of your qualifying purchases will go to NumbersUSA Education and Research Fund.
Order our new, UPDATED, fold-over Population/ Immigration Cards
The cards are FREE.
When immigration comes up in conversation, you can always have a few of these billfold-size cards with you to help explain the gigantic effects of current policies. Based on Census Bureau projections, these cards have the credibility to cause thoughtful people to pay attention.
In recent years, the New York Times has reliably reported the best arguments for immigration expansion and periodic legalizations, but its story this week may be the furthest the Gray Lady has gone toward presenting arguments in favor of perpetual illegal immigration. The story, if taken seriously, has profound implications.
ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) division greatly expanded criminal investigations, business audits and arrests in fiscal year. HSI conducted 6,848 worksite investigations compared to 1,691 in FY17, initiated 5,981 I-9 audits compared to 1,360; and made 779 criminal and 1,525 administrative arrests compared to 139 and 172.
Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker called for increased border security and changes to asylum law in a speech to the local Department of Justice office in Austin, Texas on Tuesday. Whitaker said the United States needs to close up loopholes that allow illegal aliens to falsely claim asylum in the United States, allowing them to stay in the United States for an extended period of time.
The Washington Post front page earlier this week included the unveiling of a new fact check designation: The Bottomless Pinocchio. Glenn Kessler gave Pres. Trump the new designation for characterizing the nation's legal immigration system as generous.
Thanks to the feckless Republican leadership, President Trump is unlikely to get funding for his border "wall" or legislative solutions for the Southwest border crisis before the new Congress. Democrats are now firmly against even a bad deal like a DACA amnesty/wall funding trade. He will either have to veto the next continuing resolution, hoping the Democrats will change their mind, or rethink how he can win against a Democrat-controlled House and filibuster-limited Senate. Since a pre-Christmas shutdown is likely to produce only animosity, President Trump should think about re-branding his "wall" to increase public support for a broader solution next year.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. A common thought around your world is, “I can’t believe the year is almost over!” Most people who are sensing that time is speeding up don’t know what you do, that vibratory rates are accelerating because Earth is moving into progressively lighter planes of energy. But everyone who is sensing that change is in the air is right about that. Your new year will bring forth long covered-up truths and firm steps toward a world at peace, where cooperation will replace divisiveness and the world’s resources will be allocated fairly.
Now then, the planet always glows brightly during your month of December as family and friends celebrate traditional holy days and enjoy festivities, but the sparkling illumination comes from more than the upliftment of joyful music, merriment and religious devotion. During this season there is magnified desire for the betterment of lives everywhere, for comforting persons who are grieving and sharing with those who are burdened by hardships. The heartfelt spirit of the givers and the gratitude of their beneficiaries add to the radiance emanating from Earth because those emotions—like forgiveness, compassion, empathy and joy—are of light’s high vibrations.
You know how those finest qualities of human nature feel and how love feels, so it is natural to think of love as the special emotion in romantic relationships and feelings for family and dear friends. Love is incomparably more. Love is life itself! When I told that to my mother many years ago, she asked me to explain what love is and how it works “in action.” This is what I told her:
In simplest terms, love is God's sharing of Himself with all of His creations. Love is the healing force of the universe. Love is within the soul and needs only your allowance of those innate sensations of loving others and receiving their love for you. Love has no limitations, no boundaries to its capacity. In expression, love is treating others with kindness, fairness, honesty, compassion, helpfulness, caring. If love can be said to have “ingredients,” then those are some of the ingredients of godly expression in action. Knowing that you and God and every other of God's creations are inseparable is love. Knowing that Earth is a sentient, conscious life herself and respecting all of her life forms is love. Realizing that no one can know others at soul level and therefore does not judge them but rather does not condone an action seen as injurious, is love. Listening to one's god-self is love. Living the kind of life that engenders loving self is love. Feeling joy yourself when you see it in others is love. Doing something that brings joy to another is love. Forgiveness of self and others is love. Sharing your resources with full heart is love. Doing good deeds without attaching expectations is love. Feeling peace of heart and mind is love. The quiet thrill of seeing a sunset or hearing a songbird is love, and a smile is one of the simplest and most radiating expressions of love. In any or all of these instances and many others that you may encounter that instinctively you know are love in action, you are manifesting your love for and of God. [Excerpt of “Love in Everyday Life” chapter of Illuminations for a New Era.] Mother, thank you for inserting that passage. Knowing some of the myriad ways love is expressed lets you see how you, dear lightworkers, and all other souls living in godly ways are spreading love throughout the planet. It is the infinite, eternal, unequaled power of love that is transforming life in your world! To the dear soul who wrote that the holidays deepen her sadness about all the people who are suffering, we say, the low vibrations of sadness don’t help those about whom you are thinking. Please change your thoughts to something that makes you smile—a happy memory perhaps, or a pet’s devotion, your favorite photograph or poem, an upcoming pleasant occasion—and lightheartedness will follow. Acts of kindness and a smiling greeting to passersby also lighten your heart and raise the recipients’ spirits—love “in action.” With the universal law of attraction in constant operation—and keep in mind that this law has no reasoning ability, it can only bring back something that matches the energy you send forth—thoughts, feelings and deeds that produce high vibrations contribute immensely to your wellbeing and your world’s.
“How about the energies from space/sun/the waves of light coming in?” This is part of everything in the universe being in acceleration mode and it’s all to your benefit. Those energies that are increasing the rate of vibrations on the planet and within its residents are undergirding the shifting of polarized attitudes and behavior toward balance, wherein all is light.
“I just read Matthew’s message where he said Earth once was the Garden of Eden. There wouldn’t have been vast deserts then or polar ice caps, and surely no toxic pollution or violence. What changed Earth into the kind of world it is today?” In a word, darkness. Originally the planet, the embodiment of the soul named Gaia, was an unpopulated paradise, the Garden of Eden in its entirety. Dear family, you need to know the true history of what today is your homeland, and we shall give you a brief overview.
The first people to arrive on the pristine light-filled planet, which then was called Shan, was a group from Lyra who hoped to find gold. They hadn’t obtained clearance from the Intergalactic Council to go there and hadn’t submitted a mining petition because they didn’t want to share a potential gold lode with other civilizations. Those violations of universal laws sowed the seeds of deception and greed, and that initiated the low vibrations of negativity on the planet. Then the group brought a subhuman species to do the arduous labor of mining; harsh treatment of that slave population and damage to the land by gold extraction added more negativity.
The dark forces, a massive and powerful force field of base thought forms that meanders throughout the universe wherever low vibrations attract it, homed in on Shan. That was the entry of darkness. During the ensuing eons, some of the many populations that lived on the planet came under the spell of the dark forces. Their violence and degeneration created so much negativity that it had to be released via earthquakes and volcanic eruptions so that Gaia’s body could survive. In a series of those essential occurrences, mountain ranges, inland seas and deep canyons were formed as land masses and the oceans underwent drastic changes, and twice all life forms were done away in cataclysmic cleansings. However, the dark forces remained in the solar system, ever at the ready to influence subsequent inhabitants.
Somewhere along the way, Shan also became known as Terra, but both names were forgotten there after a population called the planet, Earth. And, when negativity once again was amassing due to the influence of the dark forces, Earth used her light to sustain the life of her residents. Because there wasn’t enough light to preserve the environment, too, lakes and rivers dried up, desert areas formed and the most northern and southern regions became ice.
In many different epochs during approximately half a billion years in linear time, some of the planet’s residents were the people you call Neanderthal, the species that evolved from the Lyrans’ slave population, and their more evolved descendants. Other residents came from civilizations in various star systems and were the progenitors of Earth’s different races and cultures. They were advanced in intelligence, spirituality and manifestation capabilities, and those who united with evolving peoples in antiquity endowed their progeny with those high attributes.
At some point in universal history, the dark forces promised wealth, power and control to many individuals, and those who succumbed to that lure became their puppets. One of their heinous acts was taking over less experienced civilizations and deactivating all except two of their DNA strands to greatly diminish their intelligence, introduce violent tendencies, and make bodies vulnerable to weakness, disease and a short life span.
Millennia ago some of those peoples started living on Earth, where the puppets easily controlled them through fear, ignorance, perpetual warring and bare subsistence, conditions that evoked the basest of human traits. Once again negativity amassed as they were brutal to each other and to the animals and mindlessly damaged the planet, and once again Earth used her light to support all of her life forms. Eighty-some years ago, her light had waned to the point that her orbit was so unstable that she was in imminent danger of hurtling into space and certain destruction.
Gaia didn’t want her body to come to that end and she didn’t want all life to be destroyed again, so she cried out for help. Instantly God authorized spiritually advanced civilizations to infuse the planet with intense light to stabilize its axis and let it start rising out of deep third density’s low vibrations. Some residents were stirred to embrace the light that saved the planet’s life, and by so doing, they were able to cast off the puppets’ shackles that had held them captive.
Earth became a battleground where the universal light forces fought the dark forces and vanquished it from your solar system. Far distant civilizations kept beaming light to uproot the darkness entrenched on the planet and some of their members volunteered to incarnate there to spread and anchor the light. As more and more of Earth’s peoples “saw the light,” they started generating their own, and long-hidden secrets and activities of the dark forces’ puppets started “coming to light.” And that brings us to the state of your world today.
Now let us look ahead. The deep wounds that darkness had long inflicted on the planet and all of its life forms will heal along Earth’s journey to her destination in fifth density, where Gaia remained spiritually and consciously throughout her body’s descent from its origin in that density location-wise. During the ascension process, the civilization’s intelligence level will rise as conscious and spiritual awareness grows, and the planet once again will become as it was created—beauteous, wondrous, healthful, peaceable. By helping your Earth family awaken so they can manifest the pathway to Earth’s Golden Age in all its glories, you, too, are advancing as multidimensional godselves.
Beloved sisters and brothers, enter your new year with confidence and optimism. Live the truth of the words in your popular song and inspire others to do the same: “All you need is love….love is all you need.”
LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward suzy@matthewbooks.com
[Note from Suzy: Have joyful holidays and a bright, exciting new year! If you received this message as a forward or are reading it on www.matthewbooks.com and would like to receive future messages directly, please send an email to messagesfrommatthew-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. I can’t do that for you because the sender’s email address is automatically added to the distribution list.]
Give Me One Generation Of Your Children And I'll Transform Your Country
Was the cry of Lenin, Khrushchev, Castro and Hitler and other dictators just before they destroyed their country and used indoctrination with propaganda on the children to turn on their parents and neighbors. The key to the future of our country is its children. For it does not matter what we accomplish in 8 years to “fix” America, once more “socialists graduate” America will elect socialists..........by Karen Schoen.
Time For Some Good News
My wife Mary sent me links to the following three articles. “Dear Hollywood: Stop Gaying All the Things, Especially Straight Characters.” [Link] The article talks about how Hollywood is making everything about homosexuality, selling the lie that everyone is a closet homosexual. According to Gallop, homosexuals are 3.4% of the population. Leftists have scammed Americans into believing homosexuals are 23 percent and more.........by Lloyd Marcus
No One Is Good – No, Not One - Psalm 53.3
The January 10, 1963 Congressional Record (appendix pp. A34-A35) lists the 45 declared goals of the Communist Takeover of America, I’ll only address Goal 39 – Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals and #40 which is to discredit the family as an institution and encourage promiscuity and EASY DIVORCE which assures a profitable livelihood for those in the psychiatric and mental health profession.........by Betty Freauf
FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen.
The old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve. He hadn't been anywhere in years since his wife had passed away. It was just another day to him. He didn't hate Christmas, just couldn't find a reason to celebrate. He was sitting there looking at the snow that had been falling for the last hour and wondering what it was all about when the door opened and a homeless man stepped through.
Instead of throwing the man out, Old George as he was known by his customers, told the man to come and sit by the heater and warm up. "Thank you, but I don't mean to intrude," said the stranger.
"I see you're busy, I'll just go."
"Not without something hot in your belly." George said.
He turned and opened a wide mouth Thermos and handed it to the stranger. "It ain't much, but it's hot and tasty. Stew . . . Made it myself. When you're done, there's coffee and it's fresh."
Just at that moment he heard the "ding" of the driveway bell. "Excuse me, be right back," George said. There in the driveway was an old '53 Chevy. Steam was rolling out of the front.. The driver was panicked. "Mister can you help me!" said the driver, with a deep Spanish accent. "My wife is with child and my car is broken." George opened the hood. It was bad. The block looked cracked from the cold, the car was dead.
"You ain't going in this thing," George said as he turned away.
"But Mister, please help ..." The door of the office closed behind George as he went inside. He went to the office wall and got the keys to his old truck, and went back outside. He walked around the building, opened the garage, started the truck and drove it around to where the couple was waiting. "Here, take my truck," he said. "She ain't the best thing you ever looked at, but she runs real good."
George helped put the woman in the truck and watched as it sped off into the night. He turned and walked back inside the office. "Glad I gave 'em the truck, their tires were shot too. That 'ol truck has brand new ones ." George thought he was talking to the stranger, but the man had gone. The Thermos was on the desk, empty, with a used coffee cup beside it. "Well, at least he got something in his belly," George thought.
George went back outside to see if the old Chevy would start. It cranked slowly, but it started. He pulled it into the garage where the truck had been. He thought he would tinker with it for something to do. Christmas Eve meant no customers. He discovered that the block hadn't cracked, it was just the bottom hose on the radiator. "Well, shoot, I can fix this," he said to himself. So he put a new one on.
"Those tires ain't gonna get 'em through the winter either." He took the snow treads off of his wife's old Lincoln . They were like new and he wasn't going to drive the car anyway.
As he was working, he heard shots being fired. He ran outside and beside a police car an officer lay on the cold ground. Bleeding from the left shoulder, the officer moaned, "Please help me."
George helped the officer inside as he remembered the training he had received in the Army as a medic. He knew the wound needed attention. "Pressure to stop the bleeding," he thought. The uniform company had been there that morning and had left clean shop towels. He used those and duct tape to bind the wound. "Hey, they say duct tape can fix anythin'," he said, trying to make the policeman feel at ease.
"Something for pain," George thought. All he had was the pills he used for his back. "These ought to work." He put some water in a cup and gave the policeman the pills. "You hang in there, I'm going to get you an ambulance."
The phone was dead. "Maybe I can get one of your buddies on that there talk box out in your car." He went out only to find that a bullet had gone into the dashboard destroying the two way radio.
He went back in to find the policeman sitting up. "Thanks," said the officer. "You could have left me there. The guy that shot me is still in the area."
George sat down beside him, "I would never leave an injured man in the Army and I ain't gonna leave you." George pulled back the bandage to check for bleeding. "Looks worse than what it is. Bullet passed right through 'ya. Good thing it missed the important stuff though. I think with time your gonna be right as rain."
George got up and poured a cup of coffee. "How do you take it?" he asked.
"None for me," said the officer..
"Oh, yer gonna drink this. Best in the city. Too bad I ain't got no donuts." The officer laughed and winced at the same time.
The front door of the office flew open. In burst a young man with a gun. "Give me all your cash! Do it now!" the young man yelled. His hand was shaking and George could tell that he had never done anything like this before.
"That's the guy that shot me!" exclaimed the officer.
"Son, why are you doing this?" asked George, "You need to put the cannon away. Somebody else might get hurt."
The young man was confused. "Shut up old man, or I'll shoot you, too. Now give me the cash!"
The cop reached for his gun. "Put that thing away," George said to him, "we got 1 too many in here now."
He turned his attention to the young man. "Son, it's Christmas Eve. If you need money, well then, here. It ain't much but it's all I got. Now put that pea shooter away."
George pulled $150 out of his pocket and handed it to the young man, reaching for the barrel of the gun at the same time. The young man released his grip on the gun, fell to his knees and began to cry. "I'm not very good at this am I? All I wanted was to buy something for my wife and son," he went on. "I've lost my job, my rent is due, my car got repossessed last week."
George handed the gun to the cop. "Son, we all get in a bit of squeeze now and then. The road gets hard sometimes, but we make it through the best we can."
He got the young man to his feet, and sat him down on a chair across from the cop. "Sometimes we do stupid things." George handed the young man a cup of coffee. "Bein' stupid is one of the things that makes us human. Comin' in here with a gun ain't the answer. Now sit there and get warm and we'll sort this thing out."
The young man stopped crying, and looked at the cop "Sorry I shot you. It just went off. I'm sorry officer." he said.
"Shut up and drink your coffee " the cop said.
George could hear the sounds of sirens outside. A police car and an ambulance skidded to a halt. Two cops came through the door, guns drawn. "Chuck! You ok?" one of the cops asked the wounded officer.
"Not bad for a guy who took a bullet. How did you find me?"
"GPS locator in the car. Best thing since sliced bread. Who did this?" the other cop asked as he approached the young man.
Chuck answered him, "I don't know. The guy ran off into the dark. Just dropped his gun and ran."
George and the young man both looked puzzled at each other. "That guy work here?" the wounded cop continued.
"Yep," George said, "just hired him this morning. Boy lost his job."
The paramedics came in and loaded Chuck onto the stretcher. The young man leaned over the wounded cop and whispered, "Why?"
Chuck just said, "Merry Christmas boy ... and you too, George, and thanks for everything."
"Well, looks like you got one doozy of a break there. That ought to solve some of your problems."
George went into the back room and came out with a box. He pulled out a ring box. "Here you go, something for the little woman. I don't think Martha would mind. She said it would come in handy some day."
The young man looked inside to see the biggest diamond ring he ever saw. "I can't take this," said the young man. "It means something to you."
"And now it means something to you," replied George. "I got my memories. That's all I need."
George reached into the box again. An airplane, a car and a truck appeared next. They were toys that the oil company had left for him to sell. "Here's something for that little man of yours."
The young man began to cry again as he handed back the $150 that the old man had handed him earlier.
"And what are you supposed to buy Christmas dinner with? You keep that too," George said. "Now git home to your family."
The young man turned with tears streaming down his face. "I'll be here in the morning for work, if that job offer is still good."
"Nope. I'm closed Christmas day," George said. "See ya the day after."
George turned around & found the stranger had returned. "Where'd you come from? I thought you'd left?"
"I have been here. I have always been here," said the stranger. "You say you don't celebrate Christmas. Why?"
"Well, after my wife passed away, I just couldn't see what all the bother was. Puttin' up a tree and all seemed a waste of a good pine tree. Bakin' cookies like I used to with Martha just wasn't the same by myself and besides I was gettin' a little chubby."
The stranger put his hand on George's shoulder. "But you do celebrate the holiday, George. You gave me food and drink and warmed me when I was cold and hungry. The woman with child will bear a son and he will become a great doctor.
The policeman you helped will go on to save 19 people from being killed by terrorists. The young man who tried to rob you will make you a rich man and not take any for himself. "That is the spirit of the season and you keep it as good as any man."
George was taken aback by all this stranger had said. "And how do you know all this?" asked the old man.
"Trust me, George. I have the inside track on this sort of thing. And when your days are done you will be with Martha again."
The stranger moved toward the door. "If you will excuse me, George, I have to go now. I have to go home where there is a big celebration planned."
George watched as the old leather jacket and the torn pants that the stranger was wearing turned into a white robe. A golden light began to fill the room.
"You see, George .. it's My birthday. Merry Christmas."
George fell to his knees and replied, "Happy Birthday, Lord Jesus"
MY FRIEND: I've read this story several times over the years and it always touches my heart. I want you and your family to have a wonderful Christmas. God Bless and please be safe.
Washington, D.C. - Vice President Mike Pence commented on Fox News today that he supports investigating claims that the government is manipulating the environment with Chemtrails. Mr. Pence made his comments during a discussion about gutting the Environmental Protection Agency.
"See, that's the thing," said Mr. Pence discussing the dramatic spending cuts the Trump Administration plans for the EPA, "I look up just like every other American does and I see the same things you do. Why just this morning I saw persistent clouds streaming across the sky and it gave me pause because the weather forecast was for clear skies. I mean, we need to look into this Chemtrail phenomenon to see what it's all about. Who's controlling it? And why?"
When Fox & Friends Weekend host Tucker Carlson questioned him about the scope of the EPA budget cuts, Mr. Pence continued talking about Chemtrails. "Look, the American people want answers," continued Mr. Pence, bristling at the question. "The government should not be involved with the heavens. That's the domain of God and not humans. We should not be experimenting with Chemtrails. All this climate change stuff is all a part of his plan." The Trump administration, which is led by Mike Pence, has not been forthcoming about its plans for the EPA other than saying he wants to abolish the agency in its entirety. On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump referred to the EPA erroneously on several occasions as the "Department of the Environmental," often extending his malapropism to the acronym "DEP." The naming missteps, along with his aggressive language has many activists worried about the future of the oft-targeted agency. Adding to activists fears, was the recent choice by Mr. Trump of Climate change denier Andrew R. Wheeler to head the EPA, who is most famous for challenging the general scientific consensus regarding climate change. Mr. Wheeler, who worked for the coal industry, has been one of the most vocal opponents of the Clean Power Plan, which was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency. As for Mr. Pence, who is not a scientist, nor does he have any climatology experience, he just wants what the average American wants. "See, we have a real opportunity to change things for that forgotten man and women in America's heartland. They look up just like we do and are scared for their future."
What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 2
We will pay a price, a heavy price, for not teaching the truth about this great country. Yes, there are a lot of people that are constantly degrading America. These people do no know the real America. They don’t know what our Founders went through and the price they paid to give us the country that we live in today. The pastors of the Founding era were most influential and the most persecuted by the British..........by Pastor Roger Anghis.
When Are Christians Going To Care About This?
Sadly, MANY pastors and church goers are not even aware of the extent of what is REALLY going on all across the country and the world — and right in their own back yards in some cases. Not only that, but if they ARE aware, they remain absolutely SILENT on the issue; pastors refusing to properly teach and preach on the subject, and therefore the people are left to make up their own minds.........by Rob Pue
The Essence Of A Good Burger
A statement that I believe could be safely made, is the fact that about everyone enjoys a "good" hamburger. Fast food chains, diners, mom and pop cafes and restaurants have made "billions" of burgers and made a combination of billions of dollars by making this famous treat. Of course, we could name the "burger joints" that are the most famous, but we will refrain from that at this time...by Pastor Butch Paugh
Obamacare ruled unconstitutional; headed for Supreme Court decision
Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge. An appeal will send the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court where the ruling must be upheld if the rule of law still exists in America.
This means the era of forced governmenty health care mandates may finally be coming to an end.
Also today: An Oprah-promoted "psychic healer" has been accused by now 300 women of abusing their bodies under the guise of spiritual guidance. Don't trust people who claim to be your God.
Our refreshing and invigorating breath spray is a one-of-a-kind with the ability to freshen your breath and clean your mouth. Without harmful ingredients that make it into most oral hygiene products, Health Ranger Select Silver Breath Spray contains no GMOs, alcohol, artificial colors, or synthetic chemical additives. Pure, effective, and convenient -- it's everything you could ask for in a breath spray and more.
Eat these naturally pink anti-breast cancer foods Pink has become a symbol of strength and hope for many breast cancer patients, which is why many companies take advantage of this color during breast cancer awareness month. However, many food ...
Eye-opening study highlights the benefits of home births The decision to have children is a huge one, and it sets in motion a series of further big decisions that will continue throughout your lifetime. However, one of the more immediate big decisions ...
Exercise is the universal medicine for almost anything that ails us If you want to keep your body strong, you need to exercise regularly and follow a healthy food selection. According to Dr. Ronald Tarrel, physical activity can also help boost brain health. Regular ...
The FBI Collusion To Destroy General Michael T. Flynn
On December 14th, Breitbart exposed that Mueller had deleted thousands of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog..........by Kelleigh Nelson.
Allegory Of France’s Destruction And The West’s
In the past four weeks, you witnessed thousands of French people rioting and stoning the police in the streets of Paris. While you heard from the main stream media that the entire ruckus revolves around gas taxes, the riptide undercurrent stems from mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East.........by Frosty Wooldridge
Today, leftists' (Democrats, Hollywood and Fake news) most powerful weapon to overrule commonsense and further their anti-America agenda is the word “mean.” Far too many Republicans and conservatives regard being declared mean by leftists an immediate stop sign; preventing the enforcement of our laws and blocking the implementation of commonsense solutions good for America..........by Lloyd Marcus
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NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
Autistic, Down syndrome children targeted for LGBT indoctrination
It's astonishing. As much as we support the right of grown-ups to decide what they want to be, the LGBT "cult" is now indoctrinating children with Autism and Down Syndrome into believing they are transgender.
It's a form of child abuse, and the fact that this is tolerated in any society is grotesque and dangerous to children.
Our refreshing and invigorating breath spray is a one-of-a-kind with the ability to freshen your breath and clean your mouth. Without harmful ingredients that make it into most oral hygiene products, Health Ranger Select Silver Breath Spray contains no GMOs, alcohol, artificial colors, or synthetic chemical additives. Pure, effective, and convenient -- it's everything you could ask for in a breath spray and more.
4 Natural solutions for motion sickness Cars, trains, ships, and most other forms of travel can be a bane to anyone suffering from motion sickness. Even a simple amusement park ride can rob a person of all enjoyment once the nausea ...
What you need to know about using batteries with solar panels Things aren't as simple as getting electric storage devices and solar panels, hooking them up together, and calling it a day. Fortunately, a Ready Nutrition article covered the basics of ...
A guide to preventing blood clots on long flights Air travel is convenient, but it's a technological advancement that's also linked to some fatal health conditions. For example, frequent flyers are at risk of developing blood clots, ...
Scientists theorize how we could grow crops on Mars What are humans going to eat during their long – or permanent – stay on Mars? Researchers suggest that instead of bringing prepared rations, future Martian explorers and colonists should till the ...
Incredibly, Van Jones, who was nominated and then fired by the Obama Administration for being too radical, was invited into the Trump White House to support this piece of “criminal justice reform” legislation. The registrant and sponsor for the main website backing the bill is Dream Corps, a leftist advocacy group founded and led by Van Jones and financed to the tune of $200,000 by the Open Society Foundations of George Soros..........by Cliff Kincaid.
The Word “Mean” Is Leftists' Lethal Weapon
Today, leftists' (Democrats, Hollywood and Fake news) most powerful weapon to overrule commonsense and further their anti-America agenda is the word “mean.” Far too many Republicans and conservatives regard being declared mean by leftists an immediate stop sign; preventing the enforcement of our laws and blocking the implementation of commonsense solutions good for America.........by Lloyd Marcos
The 1944 song, “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” written by Frank Loesser, has been a subject of a disingenuous debate in during the 2018 holiday season as to whether or not the lyrics are problematic. In other words it took radical leftists a whopping 74 years to discover this song’s lyrics, organize a protest against the song, and finally declare the song’s lyrics offensive during the holiday season of 2018.........by George Lujack
Trump Gets All The Christmas Gifts, Mueller Get The Coal
We watch what has happened to General Flynn – perjury trap and Coen – rat, liar and sell out who deserves to go down. Mueller and his Trump hating team have been very busy ruining lives while continuing to target more all the time. They are demanding that their growing list of victims lie and play make believe, such as with journalist Jerri Corsi, who has stood his ground and courageously bit back.........by Dr. Laurie Roth
Aspartame found to deplete neurotransmitters in the brain, the dumbing-down has a chemical cause
A bombshell study that received almost zero coverage in the media has found that aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in the brain, impairing normal brain function.
Yet at the same time, it increases brain chemicals associated with fear and danger, potentially turning ordinary humans into panicked, fear-driven "animalistic" organisms.
Also today: The CDC has lied about vaccines and autism for at least 14 years. The Weston A. Price Foundation sounds the alarm on the CDC's fake science.
Harness the healing power of functional mushrooms at the Health Ranger Store. Our Health Ranger Select Functional Mushroom Powder and Capsules contain unique phytonutrients and biologically active compounds that can help support healthy heart, brain, kidney, liver and immune functions. All of our mushrooms are lab-verified for cleanliness and purity, and are meticulously tested for glyphosate and heavy metals. They are also vegan, Kosher and certified organic.
Tamarind more effective than standard analgesics, study shows Painkillers are some of the most common medications that people take. This is because most health problems are associated with either acute or chronic pain. However, prolonged use of these drugs ...
Inositol has a long history of preventing cancer Proper nutrition has long been implicated in maintaining good health. However, few researchers are putting their efforts on looking at the health benefits of natural substances since these won’t ...
Acupressure points that can alleviate nervousness and anxiety Have you ever experienced that feeling of being struck by a sudden and debilitating bout of nervousness? Sometimes, your heart might feel like it's pumping so hard that it could burst. If ...
Chicory can protect the liver from drug-induced damage Liver diseases -- including cirrhosis -- is a leading cause of death and disability today. One way to protect your liver naturally is to take chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), a flowering plant ...
A nutritional guide to healing mental disorders In addressing mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, nutrition matters. Studies have suggested that your daily regimen plays an important role in treating mental health. Likewise, mental health ...
Reflexology is a safe alternative treatment for bunions Bunions are swollen bone deformities that usually occur in the joint of your big toe. They can be quite painful, especially if you wear ill-fitting shoes. It is possible to remove the more severe ...
Healing acupressure points for toothaches Toothaches are common health problems that should not be ignored. They might not be life-threatening, but they will likely only get worse if left untreated. They may even be signs of some other, ...
Would You Knowingly Condemn Your Children To Slavery?
The American federal government is now all-powerful. It has broken the bonds of the Constitution and is now free to enslave those it purports to represent. The government owns the law and the capability to enforce it, by whatever means and they are determined to use that force if you get out of line. You are just in their way in their quest for absolute power under a one-world government. If they succeed, sovereignty and international borders will be meaningless. The people will be crammed into crowded cities where they are more easily controlled..........by Ron Ewart.
Modern Day Professed Christian Singer Lauren Daigle Couldn’t Answer the Questions! Where is Christ?
Recently, American Christian representative and singer Lauren Daigle was asked whether or not homosexuality was a sin. She replied with "I can't honestly answer on that. In a sense, I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual. I don't know. I actually had a conversation with someone last night about it. I can't say one way or the other. I'm not God. So when people ask questions like that...that's what my go to is. I just say read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out let me know, because I'm learning too.".........by Bradlee Dean
Christmas Is Politically Correct
It seems like every Christmas Season we suffer through the same old anti-Christian and anti-American propaganda designed to eliminate Christian signs and symbols from the public arena. So, I think it timely to revisit the case that the birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.........by Jake MacAulay
Six trivia questions to see how much history you really know. Be honest, it's kinda fun and revealing. If you don't know the answer make your best guess.
Answer all the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers. Who said it?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility, for shared prosperity."
A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above
3) "(We) ......can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels
C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."
A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il
D. None of the above
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above
6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above
Scroll down for answers...
(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005
Want to know something scary? She was almost the president.
Pinterest bans natural medicine, but subjects children to extreme violence
Pinterest, another evil tech giant, is guilty of crimes against humanity and allowing the systematic abuse of children.
While banning natural medicine information that would save lives, Pinterest exposes children to extremely graphic images of violence and worse. It's all part of the tech giants' new mission to destroy humanity, abuse children and censor anything that would help keep humanity alive.
Also today: ICE just awarded a contract to acquire 375 million rounds of combat-ready ammunition to be used in military rifles.
If you do the math, they are buying over 18,000 rounds of ammunition per employee. Are they preparing for a massive land invasion across the U.S. border?
Harness the healing power of functional mushrooms at the Health Ranger Store. Our Health Ranger Select Functional Mushroom Powder and Capsules contain unique phytonutrients and biologically active compounds that can help support healthy heart, brain, kidney, liver and immune functions. All of our mushrooms are lab-verified for cleanliness and purity, and are meticulously tested for glyphosate and heavy metals. They are also vegan, Kosher and certified organic.
The many uses of peppermint oil Peppermint oil is an extremely versatile oil that is commonlyfound in many holiday-themed products, whether it be candies, candles, or shower gels. But even before people associated this oil ...
Discover nature’s most effective antihypertensive foods More and more people are suffering from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Dubbed as "the silent killer," this dangerous condition often has no symptoms. ...
Everything you need to know about botulism Botulism is one of the scariest infections that you'll ever hear of in your life. This condition is caused by toxins from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which attack the nervous system. ...
Plastic pollution threatening the health of baby sea turtles Think twice before tossing that tiny bit of plastic away. The BBC reported on the results of a new study, which warned that a single piece of plastic was all it took to kill a sea turtle, ...
Lemongrass tea: A potential treatment for anemia? Researchers from the University of Uyo and the University of Calabar in Nigeria found that lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) tea can increase red blood cell production and could help treat anemia. ...
The potential therapeutic uses of pomegranate seed oil The edible portion of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruits are the seeds, which are wrapped in soft and juicy vibrant red enclosures called arils. The seeds come with many health benefits, but ...
Need Some Bucket List Assistance?! The Ultimate Places to Visit in 2019 Revealed by National Geographic, With New Mexico, Ireland and Belize All Making The FINAL Cut!
·National Geographic Traveler has revealed the must-see destinations for next year in its Best Trips 2019 issue
·Making the shortlist are the Balkan states of Montenegro and Macedonia as well as Galway in Ireland
·Other "must-see" destinations include French Polynesia, Greenland and the Caño Cristales River, Colombia
Travelers can spend endless hours deliberating where they should visit next. But luckily the adventure experts at National Geographic Traveler have lent a helping hand with speeding up the decision-making -- by rustling up a Best Trips of 2019 list for the latest issue.
They've listed the essential journeys we should be making next year, such as to wacky rock formations in New Mexico, biodiversity hot spot Belize and a stunning medieval castle in Dordogne, France.
Also included is Greenland, where visitors "will learn the true meaning of epic," and the pretty cobbled streets of the Irish city of Galway. Accompanied by stunning images taken by some of the world's best photographers, it's hard not to be inspired.
So scroll down ... and grab your passport!
Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico: Hidden in the remote desert is a nature-made gallery of surreal rock formations on the eastern edge of the Navajo Nation reservation. National Geographic Traveler said the vast landscape will make you feel as though "you are the only living organism for miles"
Belize: National Geographic Traveler said Belize has one of the most biodiverse reefs on the earth and it is home to several rare and threatened species. You can see the country's incredible 407-foot-deep sinkhole (pictured) -- Blue Hole -- from the air if you book a helicopter tour
Montenegro: The big draw here is Europe's deepest gorge, Tara River Canyon, and the Balkans' largest lake, Skadar (pictured), which is in Skadar National Park
Fanjingshan, China: Hiking up Fanjingshan peak is described as "climbing through a sea of clouds" by National Geographic Traveler. Pictured is the Red Clouds Golden Summit, one of three different summits on the mountain, which is now a Unesco World Heritage site
Dordogne, France: The region is described as a place to "live the fairy tale." And no wonder. Just look at the 12th Century Château de Castelnaud in the image above
Galway, Ireland: It's the place to "get inspired by big ideas," according to National Geographic Traveler. Pictured is the city's car-free William Street
French Polynesia: National Geographic Traveler said that the crystal clear waters there make it a dream destination for surfers, boaters and divers. It says it's a "mosaic of moods spread across 118 small islands and atolls (67 inhabited)"
Greenland: Polar bears are regularly spotted swimming in the Arctic Sea around Greenland. National Geographic Traveler says visitors to the country will "learn the true meaning of epic"
Caño Cristales River, Colombia: Between July and November aquatic plants on the bed of the Caño Cristales River transform the water into a riot of color. National Geographic Traveler says: "Swimming there can feel like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow"
Canterbury Region, New Zealand: This area has some of the country's most untouched and visually stunning terrain, says National Geographic Traveler. And in March (10 to 17) there's an extra reason to go -- an amazing expedition-style race takes place there. Pictured are colorful Russell lupins lining a riverbank
Peruvian Amazon: The Amazon Rainforest covers more than half of Peru and has one of the densest concentrations of ocelots, pictured, in the world. "We have low jungles, high jungles, cloud forests, flooded forests, vast swamps, waterfalls, jungle ruins, creepy isolated mountain peaks, and even the world's largest documented thermal river -- the Boiling River of the Amazon," says Peruvian geothermal scientist and National Geographic Explorer Andrés Ruzo
Perth, Australia: The arches of Elizabeth Quay Bridge frame the city of Perth, which National Geographic Traveler describes as the "world's most remote major city"
Mexico City: The Mexican capital makes National Geographic Traveler's list thanks to its food scene. The experts say it is where visitors can "taste original flavors where corn is king." Pictured is the opulent Palacio de Bellas Artes, a prominent cultural center
Macedonia: It may not have a coast but National Geographic Traveler says Macedonia need not feel it's missing out, because it's "ridiculously rich in mountains and lakes." Pictured are parachutists over the Pelagonia Valley near Krusevo
Isla de los Estados, Argentina: Isla de los Estados is an island-wide nature preserve dubbed as the "End of the World." "This is one of the few places in the world where one can truly feel the adventure that early explorers once felt in their search for new lands," says National Geographic photographer Krista Rossow
Dakar, Senegal
Salvador, Brazil
Kansas City, Missouri
Toronto, Canada
Matera, Italy
Perth, Australia
Mexico City, Mexico
Peruvian Amazon
Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
South Walton County, Florida
Fanjingshan, China
Tahiti, French Polynesia
Cairo, Egypt
Hoang Lien Son, Vietnam
Galway, Ireland
Bauhaus Trail, Germany
Oakland, California
Vevey, Switzerland
Dordogne, France
Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness, New Mexico
Isla de los Estados, Argentina
Canterbury Region, New Zealand
Caño Cristales River, Colombia
Don Knotts’ portrayal of Deputy Fife created a caricature of a small town cop that still lives on. How often have you referred to a pushy cop as a “Barney Fife” when describing his behavior to a friend? His false bravado was so outlandish because it was so spot on. Whether we care to admit it or not there is a little bit of Barney Fife in all of us..........by Coach Dave Daubenmire.
Politically Correct: Are You Naughty Or Nice?
In this politically correct day and age, you can’t tell the truth. You must be politically correct, i.e., totally fabricate a new reality rather than offer the facts. What is affirmative action? Answer: giving incompetent and totally unqualified individuals because of the color of their skin---a job alongside those who acquired an education and skills to perform a competent job.........by Frosty Wooldridge
But during the Clinton and Obama years, they seemed more and more to flub their lines, as if it had become a burdensome chore for them to continue the pretense; and when Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, something snapped. Suddenly we had a Democrat Party that was all about open borders, transgenderism, Global Warming dogma, and Antifa. It got scary very fast.........by Lee Duigon
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NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
Also today: Residents of Pennsylvania are desperately trying to protect their land from having toxic sewage sludge dumped there by powerful corporations.
Potent Manuka honey now available. Health Ranger Select Premium Manuka Honey assures at least 514 in methylglyoxal (MGO), and at least 15 in NPA or Non-Peroxide Activity, which gives manuka honey its potent health-promoting properties. It has been lab-verified for pesticides, glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology so you can enjoy our potent Manuka honey with ease of mind. Our Manuka honey is harvested in Australia.
Study confirms the antitumor effects of pomegranates Unhealthy lifestyle habits like eating unhealthy foods, physical inactivity, smoking, and drinking alcohol continue to contribute to the high incidence of cancer worldwide. The World Health ...
These natural fixes can prevent heartburn Has there ever been a time in your life when you're just eating food, and suddenly you're suffering from a burning sensation in your chest? There's no need to panic: You probably ...
Strength training improves brain power, recent studies show Did you know that strength training benefits more than just physical health? Many studies have shown that strength training can improve brain health, especially in older people. Strength training ...
A guide to building your own mobile solar power station Staying in touch with family, friends, and allies is a must, especially when SHTF. But long-range active communications equipment will require quite a lot of power, especially if you are going to ...
Asthma patient became suicidal after taking steroid medication For the longest time, Big Pharma has sold the lie that prescriptions drugs can cure various ailments. However, in the U.K., tens of thousands of people with asthma are experiencing negativeside ...
Last week Cardinal George Pell was found guilty of sexually abusing children by an Australian court and was subsequently fired by Pope Francis because he was “elderly.”
This is huge news in the secret world of finance, because Pell was the person in charge of financial matters at the Vatican and thus was a secret controller of most world government leaders, P2 Freemason and CIA sources say. This is because when most world rulers take power, they get a visit from an official of the Vatican Bank who hands them a bank book with an astronomical number written in it (a billion dollars or more for big countries; less for smaller countries). They are then told, “Welcome to the world of the rich,” and are gently reminded that if they refuse to accept the money they will be “removed.”
This is the choice of silver or lead that has allowed the Vatican P2 Freemason Lodge, run by descendants of the Caesars, to secretly rule most world governments. The 200 leaders who last week affirmed the fraudulent “carbon causes global warming” agreement are all slaves of this system, P2 Freemason and CIA sources agree.
Thus, the removal of the head of this secret control system will have huge repercussions for world finance and politics, depending on who is selected to replace him, and also depending on whether or not this secret system will be allowed to continue.
On that front, another huge news item (still not fully confirmed because it only comes from one royal family source) is that a new head of the Committee of 300, the secret government of the 13 ruling bloodline families, will take power next year. This means Queen Elizabeth will be handing the committee reins to a younger person (hint: not Charles and not William).
With this caveat in mind (i.e., only one source), here some excerpts from a statement by the soon-to-be-appointed new committee head: “The 13 ruling bloodlines and I have had enough of this world and the minions charged with its curation. All Sovereign Heads of State and all respective governments fired.Ordo ab Chao.”
The source also said, “Sir Alexander Younger at MI6 is already briefed, along with the Queen in London and the Emperor in Tokyo,” about this development.
The statement further read that, “The Habsburg dynasty and spin-offs—most criminally psychopathic—have a lot to answer for in the many hundred years of genocide in population reduction come hell or high water. Omnicide is a crime against both humanity itself and all other living ecosystems.”
The Habsburgs, by the way, claim to be descendants of the Caesars and are thus part of the family dynasty that controls the P2 Freemasons, the Vatican, and many so-called world leaders, P2 sources say.
The statement further reads that, “The thirteen ruling bloodlines need to switch to bigger army diplomacy to clear out the rot—a bully is a bully, big or small—so we can all live in peace and quiet and take back the past, present, and more importantly the future that belongs to us all.”
The source also said it was the Committee of 300 that was backing the new Quantum Financial System, which Pentagon sources independently have long been telling us is set to replace the current system.
Here is the source’s description of the new system:
“The quantum system—recursive complexity-based central banking—to replace stochastic equilibrium or manual rate setting—covert stealth state capture—is a complex subject, but essentially it requires quantum computing to analyze the state and outcome of each domestic economy in isolation and in symphony, and to then moderate the supply and demand of currency, which will be all electronic.”
The source also says that this system would be able to help finance and plan a massive campaign to stop environmental destruction and end poverty. However, until we actually see such a system be publicly announced and until we see a huge campaign to save the earth, we need to keep up the pressure on the global elite.
It is interesting to note, in this context, that the Black-Sun-worshiping P2 Freemasons are seeking to remain in power by cashing a “500 dodecallion” U.S. dollar bond. A photo of it can be seen here:
They want to cash it in order to finance an escape from this planet that they have been destroying. Instead, they will be facing long-postponed justice, according to Pentagon sources.
The Pentagon sources say that, “In preparation for the military tribunals in January of 2019, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly is leaving to focus on the pain phase, while still having the ear of [U.S. President Donald] Trump as a senior adviser.”
Those who still think this is all talk and no action are not paying attention to events already happening in the real world. The funeral of George Bush Sr., for example, provided somebody with a chance to serve senior members of the Bush/Clinton faction with legal notices, as can be seen in the videos at the links below:
CIA sources are saying that these legal notices were related to 9/11 and other crimes by this cabal faction. Also, in case you missed it, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York has agreed to convene a grand jury to look into the criminal destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001.
We also saw testimony at the Oversight and Government Reform Committee of the U.S. Congress last week that made it abundantly clear the Clinton Foundation was a giant criminal enterprise that exchanged government favors for bribes. While the aware part of the public has known this for a long time, when it becomes formal testimony on the record of Congress, you can be sure that legal action is not far behind.
Pentagon sources are also now saying the “arrest of Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer is a warning sign that executives of Western corporations like Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank who commit fraud or crimes may also face Interpol red notices and prison.”
Then there is an ongoing roundup of Israeli arms, drugs, and sex traffickers in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere.
Khazarian mafia leaders who are still clinging to power remain under intense attack. Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron’s besieged government resorted last weekend to shutting down the Paris subway network and engineering a massive rainfall to handicap anti-government protests. However, protest leaders vowed they would be back in January after a Christmas break. Pentagon sources add that “Macron’s days are numbered, as French generals accused him of treason for signing the UN compact on migration.”
Also, we are now seeing reports that Fethullah Gülen, the probable head of the Sabbatean mafia, is to be extradited to Turkey. Putting Gülen on trial would reveal all sorts of dirty secrets, including likely testimony about the Zionist plot to start World War III.
The criminal regime in Saudi Arabia also is under heavy attack. The U.S. Senate passed a resolution condemning Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman as guilty in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Then, funding for Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen was cut off. Finally, the U.S. and Iran, through proxies, forced Saudi Arabia to accept a ceasefire in Yemen and thus hand over de facto control of that country to Iranian proxies.
This means the rogue state of Saudi Israelia is finally being forced to stop its perpetual warmongering.
Also, speaking about warmongering, the Chinese have started negotiations with Pakistan and Afghanistan to end the perpetual war in that region, as the U.S. has lost all credibility there.
Another serious issue for the Khazarian mob is that their habit of remote-controlling and crashing airliners is blowing up in their faces. A CIA source in Indonesia said the recent Lion Air crash there “is going to morph into something big…. The owner of Lion Air, Mr. Rusdi Kirana, knows what really happened. He is very careful with his words. Boeing Company for sure knows that Flight JT610 was remotely hijacked. The release of the truth will bring the airline industry to its knees. The Zionist cabal cannot allow the truth to come out. The good news is that the truth will be released and the Zionist cabal and their agents will be snatched up.”
Finally, last week Ireland experienced what may have been the first shot fired in an armed rebellion against the banks. A mob attacked armed bank guards who had evicted a family from a house they had been living in for three generations. Eight vehicles were torched and the bank guards, who were attacked with baseball bats, were told never to come back.
Meadows/Jordan amendments would fulfill Republican promises to secure the border -- Call House GOP Leadership today!
Dear friends,
Last night, about a dozen House Republicans delivered a series of passionate floor speeches in support of two amendments offered by Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). The Meadows/Jordan amendments would fulfill the GOP's promises to secure the border before losing control of the House of Representatives.
*Provide the $5 billion that Pres. Trump is requesting for strengthening border security;
*Close the asylum loophole by requiring that the initial credible fear claim meet a "preponderance of the evidence" standard, which would significantly reduce the number of claims filed by aliens who don't have a legitimate case for asylum;
*Fix the loopholes in the law that continue the surge of unaccompanied alien children at the border; and
*Allow the feds to detain minors who cross the border illegally for more than 20 days.
Congress must pass a spending bill by tomorrow (Friday) night to avert a partial government shutdown. The Senate has already passed a seven-week spending bill that does not include any provisions to end catch-and-release or fix the asylum loopholes. The House was expected to vote on the Senate-passed bill today, however, GOP Leaders are struggling to secure enough support for the bill from Members of its caucus. House Republicans will meet later today to formulate a plan to move forward.
This may be your last chance to tell Republican Members of Congress to keep their promises of securing the border! Please call the House GOP Leadership team today!
Here's what you can do!
FIRST......the most important action you can take today is to call the House GOP Leadership team and urge them to support the Meadows/Jordan amendments to the must-pass spending bill. Here are the numbers to their D.C. offices:
House Speaker Paul Ryan -- (877) 753-8801
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy -- (855) 827-2356
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise -- (855) 827-2353
House GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers -- (855) 827-2352
SECOND......please call the White House Comment Line and tell Pres. Trump to keep his promise by demanding that the Meadows/Jordan amendments be included in the spending bill.
(202) 456-1111
THIRD......send a FREE message to your three Members of Congress by clicking on the red button below.
A perfect example of a person's point of view... A genuine capitalist with a grasp of the real world... An excellent read (and not long).
The Corvette.
A man named Tom Nicholson posted on his Facebook account the sports car that he had just bought and how a man approached and told him that the money used to buy this car could've fed thousands of less fortunate people. His response to this man made him famous on the internet.
A guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said, "I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost."
I replied I am not sure.
It fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it, it fed the people who make the tires,
it fed the people who made the components that went into it,
it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires,
it fed people in Decatur Illinois at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore,
It fed the trucking people who hauled it from the plant to the dealer ...
and fed the people working at the dealership and their families.
BUT ... I have to admit, I guess I really don't know how many people it fed. That is the difference between capitalism and welfare mentality. When you buy something, you put money in people's pockets and give them dignity for their skills. When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their dignity and self-worth.
Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.
Socialism is taking your money against your will and shoving something down your throat that you never asked for.
You have your hand on the switch. You are the allower or the resister. And your emotions tell you which you’re doing right now. It’s easy once you understand the formula: When you feel good, you’re allowing good. When you don’t feel good, you are not allowing good. We didn’t say, when you feel good you are allowing good, and when you feel bad you are allowing bad (although it may translate into your experience in that way). There is only a Source of Well-being—which you are allowing or not.
Excerpted from Ashland, OR on 7/20/02 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Upcoming Abraham Workshops
SAN DIEGO, CA – JAN 5, 2019
LOS ANGELES, CA – JAN 12, 2019
LONG BEACH, CA – JAN 19, 2019
To register for a workshop or see the complete workshop list, click here.
Convergence: Can you handle the cosmic truth of what's happening to humanity?
I posted today's lengthy feature story on a Friday so you'd have all weekend to read it. It offers a detailed, mind-opening explanation that ties together all world events you're seeing unfold right now.
In essence, a global plan is under way right now to achieve the "efficient extermination" of humankind.
Potent Manuka honey now available. Health Ranger Select Premium Manuka Honey assures at least 514 in methylglyoxal (MGO), and at least 15 in NPA or Non-Peroxide Activity, which gives manuka honey its potent health-promoting properties. It has been lab-verified for pesticides, glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology so you can enjoy our potent Manuka honey with ease of mind. Our Manuka honey is harvested in Australia.
Eating radishes can diminish symptoms of clinical depression Antidepressants are some of the most common medications that people take.Based on a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10.7 percent of Americans take this type of ...
Ginger and rosemary oil found to lower cholesterol levels A study by researchers fromKing Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia revealed that ginger and rosemary oil can significantly improve cholesterol levels. This finding, which was published in ...
Can Apple Cider Vinegar really help you lose weight? Japanese researchers administered acetic acid – one of the major components of apple cider vinegar – to obese mice that were consuming high-fat foods. They reported that acetic acid could prevent ...
Why you need both probiotics and prebiotics The word "probiotic" is a combination of the words "pro," meaning "for,"and "biotic," meaning "life." This essentially means that probiotics are ...
Do you know how to tell if the food you’re eating is fresh? Harvest season is great if you have your own home garden, but it can also be a burden if you're producing too much of everything. Even if you store food as best as you could, they will still ...
Obesity can make breast cancer cells more aggressive Unlike women who maintain a healthy weight, women who are obese or overweight have a greater risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. According to a study, which was published in the ...
Overcome your insomnia with these natural remedies Sleep is a fundamental process for maintaining overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, most people get less than enough sleepbecause they either don't have sufficient time or they are ...
Study finds proof that Neanderthals used plant-based medicines Plant-based medicine may have been around for even longer than previously thought. Scientists recently uncovered new evidence of herbal remedies used by Neanderthals. It seems our prehistoric ...
Noni is great for your colon You can keep your digestive system healthy with the help of fermented noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) fruit. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that consuming fermented noni ...
Active music therapy increases brain activation A Japanese studyevaluated the effect of active and passive participation in music therapy on the frontal lobe of the brain. In addition to demonstrating the relaxing effect of calm music, it ...
Starter of $14+ Million Border Wall GoFundMe now under attack
I started the $14+ Million Border Wall GoFundMe and now I'm under attack
I'm a triple-amputee veteran of the war in Iraq but that hasn't stopped losers like CNN from attacking me.
We are seeing the FakeNews and liberal celebrities sink to a new low but we're not going to let them stop us. I've been attacked by liberals before when Facebook banned me and my company Military Grade Coffee for vocally supporting Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation.
I guess they are really mad that deleting my primary source of income right before Christmas didn't shut me up.
My company Military Grade Coffee gives 10% back to Military charities because I know how important organizations like the Gary Sinise foundation are for recovering vets. I live in a home that the Sinise Foundation built for my family, I give because I've lived it.
That didn't stop Alyssa Milano from attacking me for not supporting veterans so I challenged her to match what Military Grade Coffee contributes. I haven't heard back from her.
If you would like to read more about my fight with Facebook, I recommend this article from the DC Chronicle.
I could share THOUSANDS of nasty messages I've received since the Border Wall GoFundMe took off but I'd rather draw your attention to a great product that actually supports Veterans and maybe even sell you a bag of coffee or two.
Military Grade Coffee's premium beans are hand-selected & roasted to provide premium, ORGANIC, DOUBLE-DUTY CAFFEINATED coffee. Through our special process, Military Grade Coffee is fortified to be MILITARY STRONG & BOLD like the proud men and women of our armed forces!
This Issue: Stalemate on border funding leads to shutdown of 9 federal agencies, including DHS
Sat, Dec 22th
If you've been following our action alerts, you know it's been a week filled with twists and turns.
The Latest. . .
Last night, the Senate agreed to bring the House-passed spending bill -- with the $5 billion requested by Pres. Trump for border wall funding -- to the floor. However, the bill does not have the 60 votes needed for passage. Despite the lack of support from Senate Democrats, Congressional Leaders and the White House agreed to bring the bill to the Senate floor while they negotiate spending provisions that can pass both chambers of Congress and get signed by Pres. Trump. No agreement was reached before midnight last night, prompting a partial government shutdown. The shutdown affects nine federal agencies, representing approximately 25% of the federal government. The Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services and Energy are not affected, having received funding through the end of the fiscal year.
The Sticking Point. . .
Pres. Trump wants $5 billion to repair weak fencing and to build new fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. Most of the fencing would cover areas identified in the Secure Fence Act that was passed with an overwhelming, bipartisan majority in both the House and Senate in 2006. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has vowed not to give one dollar to Pres. Trump for border fencing. The two sides are continuing to negotiate.
The Background. . .
During a televised press conference last week, Pres. Trump told both House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Schumer that he would shut down the government over border wall funding. But, he appeared to back off that demand earlier this week. With Pres. Trump backing off, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell offered a short-term spending bill that would fund the nine government agencies until early-February. The bill did not include any additional border wall funding. The Senate passed the bill by a voice vote on Wednesday. Immediately after its passage in the Senate, resistance, led by the House Freedom Caucus, began to grow among House Republicans. On Thursday, Pres. Trump met with House GOP Leaders and announced that he would not sign the Senate-passed bill. On Thursday night, the House added the $5 billion of wall funding to the Senate bill and passed it by a 217-to-185 margin. That is the bill currently pending on the Senate floor.
NumbersUSA Activists Step Up
Thanks to all of you for making thousands of phone calls and sending tens of thousands of faxes to Congress over the past week. Those activism efforts played a major role in this week's developments. Ultimately, we had hoped that the House of Representatives would have added both amendments offered by Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) that would have not only included the $5 billion of border security funding, but also closed up the loopholes that have driven the ongoing border surge of family units and unaccompanied minors. In addition to Reps. Meadows and Jordan, I'd also like to thank: Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) who pushed for the inclusion of the Meadows/Jordan amendments to the spending bill on both the House floor and during the House Rules Committee hearing; Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.) who not only pushed for the amendments, but also pushed for an end to chain migration on the House floor; Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) who chairs the House Republican Study Committee and urged its 121 Members to support the amendments; and Reps. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Steve Pearce (R-N.M.), Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Gary Palmer (R-Ala.), Michael Cloud (R-Texas), and Brian Babin (R-Texas) who all spoke out in favor of the amendments on the House floor. We'll continue to send out updates as they develop, but on behalf of the NumbersUSA staff, I'd like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Chris Chmielenski
Now you can give to NumbersUSA when you shop at Amazon!
Visit Amazon Smile to sign up and a percentage of your qualifying purchases will go to NumbersUSA Education and Research Fund.
Order our new, UPDATED, fold-over Population/ Immigration Cards
The cards are FREE.
When immigration comes up in conversation, you can always have a few of these billfold-size cards with you to help explain the gigantic effects of current policies. Based on Census Bureau projections, these cards have the credibility to cause thoughtful people to pay attention.
DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced an agreement on Thursday with Mexico that will keep asylum seekers in Mexico until their cases are heard by an immigration judge. Under the new agreement, migrants who ask for asylum at a port of entry or illegal aliens apprehended by border patrol who ask for asylum will be issued a court date and returned to Mexico. Mexico has agreed to allow any foreign citizen with an a notice to appear in court to stay in Mexico until the date arrives.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Sessions' 'Credible Fear' Ruling
Thu, Dec 20th
Federal District Judge Emmet Sullivan struck down the Trump administration's efforts to bring the 'credible fear' standard more in line with federal asylum law. Earlier this year, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that asylum seekers could not enter a 'credible fear' claim on the basis of domestic abuse or gang violence when seeking asylum in the United States. Federal law states that asylum seekers must prove that they fear persecution from their government on the basis of race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, or membership in a social group.
President Trump's 1/27/17 executive order directed the Departments of State and Homeland Security to force "recalcitrant" countries to accept the repatriation of their citizens, most of whom committed criminal acts in the United States. Reports indicate the Administration is making headway since the number of recalcitrant countries is down and more criminal aliens are being deported.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced today a 7-week spending bill that, if approved with Congress, would delay the fight over Pres. Trump's border security funding request until February. Congress risks a partial government shutdown if it doesn't pass legislation for nine agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, before the end of Friday.
President Trump Backs Away from Threat to Shut Down Government Over Wall Funding
Tue, Dec 18th
On Tuesday, the White House sent a signal that President Trump was no longer asking Congress to appropriate $5 billion for border wall spending. Instead, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the White House would cobble together other sources of funding to supplement the $1.6 billion already agreed to by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Would you be surprised to learn that students learn to hate America in school and it is reinforced by the media and Hollywood? Students learn that humans especially Americans are responsible for all of the bad in the world especially the environment. They are taught that the people supporting American values are evil..........by Karen Schoen.
The LGBTQ Hart Attack Is A Good Thing
I am not suggesting that we should experience schadenfreude (feel pleasure from witnessing someone's troubles, failures or humiliation). However, LGBTQ enforcers viciously seeking to destroy the career of comedian/actor Kevin Hart for tweets he made 9 years ago is encouraging. Finally, even leftists are beginning to see the take-no-prisoners intolerance and bullying LGBTQ enforcers have been applying to everyone who does not celebrate their lifestyle.........by Lloyd Marcus
The Democrats Stick It To Trump On Border Security
Speaker Pelosi and other sell out politicians are running around in Christmas glee as they celebrate the push back, no votes and border ill will they have thrown at President Trump non-stop. The Dems long ago built the wall against America, its safety, law and reason. Naturally they think they have won and evil Trump has lost. What a beautiful Christmas for them all as Americans continue to be targeted, attacked and die at the hands of illegal aliens – foreign invaders.........by Dr. Laurie Roth
What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part3
What is disgusting to me is the hatred our schools have for our freedoms of speech, freedom of religion and most of our other freedoms. When they are supposed to teach them, they oppose them and act like they don’t even exist. Students who are patriotic and want to where a shirt with an American flag have been required to turn the shirt inside out or be sent home. The reason will make you want to pull your hair out..........by Pastor Roger Anghis.
Remembering Our WWII Parents At Christmas Time
One of the great things my black American parents gave me was options which permitted me to select what I wanted to be when I grew up. My parents supported my desire to become a professional artist. Receiving numerous scholarships, I attended the Maryland Institute College of Art and landed a job as a graphic designer at WJZ-TV ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore.........by Lloyd Marcus
Is Life So Dear?
The title of this article is most remembered from a speech given by Patrick Henry in Richmond, Virginia on March 20, 1775 at St. John's church where they were holding the second Virginia Convention. Although many may still remember this famous quote from a staunch Christian who, by the way, would not endorse the Constitution, nor attend the Constitutional Convention, because he knew that the document would eventually be the downfall of America and obviously, he has been proven right.........by Pastor Roger Anghis
Also today: President Trump just ended hemp prohibition in America by signing a new law that legalizes hemp farming everywhere.
This is not a typo: President Trump just legalized hemp farming in America.
This is huge news for us all, and it means hemp-based products such as seeds, oils, extracts, fiber and more will all soon be grown and produced in America.
High levels of CoQ10 can lower your chances of dementia by 77% Dementia, despite its prevalence, remains largely a mystery to doctors and scientists, who have yet to find a foolproof way to prevent or treat the illness. We’ve all heard that foods like ...
Nigeria investigates Chinese drugs made from fetus remains Nigeria is sounding the alarm on a smuggling operation involving Chinese "medicine" made from dead babies. Government officials have launched an investigation to track down individuals ...
Lemongrass tea can prevent memory decline Nigerian researchers tested the ability oflemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) to protect memory from the effects of amnesia. In a scopolamine-induced amnesia model, mice treated with a water-based ...
There are many voices very much opposed to Trump pulling our troops out of Syria. Republicans and Demorats alike. They all think we’re stupid and don’t understand the issue and their geopolitical games. Oh, but we do and I pray many more Americans will wake up and understand how they are being manipulated into supporting a one world order. By force. Led and fed by us. We have been in Afghanistan 16 years. Not by a declaration of war by Congress but by one world government advocates in the White House and Congress..........by Devvy Kidd.
Why I Love Christmas
I’ve always loved Christmas, for oh so many reasons! Childhood memories are an amazing blessing to me, and probably something few American children experienced as beautifully as I did with my momma’s family. Chicago was my home, but my other home was in northern Indiana on my maternal grandparent’s dairy farm. They lived through the depression and never had extra money, but there was always plenty of food and love for the family and especially the grandchildren. Being the first grandchild, I was more than blessed.........by Kelleigh Nelson
Where The Bolt Goes Into The Bottom Of The Globe: A Christmas Bicycle Journey
Merry Christmas to you, each American, Canadian, European and Australian citizen who reads my columns throughout the year. No question that my commentaries expose sobering realities facing America and all of Western humanity. Oftentimes, I am exasperated that our leaders fail to serve us, to represent us and to work for our best interests.........by Frosty Wooldridge
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NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause
How much salt should you really be eating? The sodium contained in salt is necessary for our body to function. It helps to ensure that proper nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and other body functions can take place. At the same ...
4 Bad ideas that can get you killed when SHTF In a survival situation, every decision you make is crucial. One wrong move can quickly cost you your life. If you want to survive when SHTF, you should avoid these four bad prepping ideas at all ...
Eat bad meat and get eaten – by parasites People think that parasites are only a concern if you eat raw meat, but that's only the tip of the "big worm." Parasites are organisms that live on or inside other organisms and ...
3 Saudi Arabian plants show potential for treating cancer Despite the countless medical breakthroughs in recent years, cancer is still the majorcause of illness and death around the globe. But according to a study, three plants from Saudi Arabia can be ...
Would someone account for what is happening in the “civilized” Islamic country of Turkey today? In a very short time under Islamist control, the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has been all but wiped out in Turkey. President Erdogan, is taking Turkey where Iran was 40 years ago. The atrocities of the Turkish government towards the Kurds are unimaginable. The history of “The Armenian genocide” by Muslim Turks are indescribable.........by Amil Imani
Standing With Good Government In Striking Down The Corrupt Tree: Obamacare
On a daily basis in this country, we are inundated with corruption within the walls of American government regardless of the office held. Whether it be the president, a senator, a congressman, a representative, a judge, a police officer etc., corruption is exposed daily (Luke 12:2) and it is very disheartening, to say the least.........by Bradlee Dean
NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
The world continues to sense that something is going on, that could be related to the indictments, arrests, martial law... over the holidays, and into January... the news of the 2 prison barges heading to Gitmo now, is spreading like wildfire!
A few key points to review, and to share with your network, since many people may be competely caught off guard by what is transpiring:
-Trump tested emergency broadcast network in October.
-In November, Q warned us about martial law.
-Saudi Arabia declared martial law when they rounded up their cabal members.
-Q told us Saudi Arabia did this, to warn us it was also going to happen in America.
-Soldiers received notice of extremely rare domestic deployment.
-Trump tweeted "A shot across the bow" on November 27.
-Q told us Gitmo was ready and military police had been deployed to Gitmo.
-Q told us Gitmo was ready for new inmates and that Trump could use deadly military force for roundups.
-Soliders who left military years ago, were called back into active duty.
-When does Trump's March1, 2018 Military Tribunal/Court Martial Legal Provisions, go into effect? January 1, 2019!!
This actually took place in Charlotte, North Carolina. A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars; then insured them against, among other things, fire.
Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars, the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost 'in a series of small fires.
The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.
The lawyer sued and WON! (Stay with me.)
Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable 'fire' and was obligated to pay the claim. Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars that perished in the 'fires'.
After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!!
With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a$24,000 fine .
This true story won First Place in last year's Criminal Lawyers Awards contest.
It is not your role to make others happy; it is your role to keep yourself in balance. When you pay attention to how you feel and practice self-empowering thoughts that align with who-you-really-are, you will offer an example of thriving that will be of tremendous value to those who have the benefit of observing you. You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive or sick enough to help sick people get well. You only ever uplift from your position of strength and clarity and alignment. Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08 Our Love Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Upcoming Abraham Workshops
SAN DIEGO, CA – JAN 5, 2019
LOS ANGELES, CA – JAN 12, 2019
LONG BEACH, CA – JAN 19, 2019
To register for a workshop or see the complete workshop list, click here.
Globalists celebrate plunging human fertility, war on humanity accelerates
Globalists are now celebrating plunging infertility across the planet, saying that people who give birth to human babies are stealing resources from the state.
The war on babies has begun. Humanity is in the crosshairs, and globalists are about to start condemining anyone who reproduces.
Potent Manuka honey now available. Health Ranger Select Premium Manuka Honey assures at least 514 in methylglyoxal (MGO), and at least 15 in NPA or Non-Peroxide Activity, which gives manuka honey its potent health-promoting properties. It has been lab-verified for pesticides, glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology so you can enjoy our potent Manuka honey with ease of mind. Our Manuka honey is harvested in Australia.
Why essential oils need to be in your survival kit Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts which are used for various purposes. You might not think of them as necessary additions to your survival kit, but they can come in handy if ever ...
Study: Outdoor air pollution increases risk of diabetes globally American researchers recently warned that there is no such thing as safe levels of pollution. In an Integrative Practitioner article, their new study warns that even light levels of outdoor air ...
Curcumin may protect the brain after a traumatic brain injury Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are shockingly common in the United States. According to an organization called BrainLine, TBIs – which can range in severity from mild to severe – are sustained ...
The common causes of candida overgrowth Did you know that the human body is home to a unique one-celled microorganism called Candida albicans?C. albicans is a yeast, and it's normal for a person to have small colonies of these ...
Factors to consider when preserving food There are many methods to preserve produce, but which one is the best? Here are six factors to consider when choosing a food preservation method to use: The kind of food your family regularly ...
A thoroughly mind-bending new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that barely four days after US Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis informed President Trump that he would be resigning his post effective 28 February 2019, Trump unceremoniously threw Mattis out of the Pentagon a few hours ago ordering him to leave by 1 January 2019—and whose replacement will be Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan—a globally renowned mechanical aircraft engineer, one of whose fields of expertise are the anti-gravity aircraft discoveries made by Austrian engineer Viktor Schauberger—that led to the building of the mysterious Haunebu II Flying Saucer built by the German Nazis during World War II—and that is still so feared by the American elites today, they forced the toy maker Revell to pull a plastic model of it from store shelves this past year over fears people would believe it was real. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
American toy maker Revell forced to stop selling Haunebu II Flying Saucer plastic model in June-2018
According to this report, within a week of the unprecedented historic trip to Washington D.C. of Russia’s three top intelligence officials this past January, an equally unprecedented trip was made to Moscow by the only registered lobbyist in the US on the issue of alien disclosure—an American expert on UFO and extraterrestrial US government issues named Steve Bassett who heads The Paradigm Research Group (PRG)—and during whose meetings with Russian experts, urged President Putin to lift the global “truth embargo” clamped down upon the releasing of any UFO issue to the public.
Among the most startling revelations made by PRG leader Bassett during his meetings with Russian experts, this report notes, was his providing conclusive evidence proving that Deputy Secretary of Defense Shanahan had begun declassifying once top-secret US military videos showing their fighter aircrafts encounters with unknown extraterrestrial aircraft—and whose US Navy pilots encountering these UFO’s were left stunned by the experience.
During the early days of the President Trump administration that saw great attention being paid to his picking General James “Mad Dog” Mattis to be his Secretary of Defense, this report details, the MoD, instead, focused all of their attention on Trump’s pick for Deputy Secretary of Defense as this position is the second highest in the Pentagon—and whose pick of Patrick Shanahan defied explanation at the time—but came into greater focus when it was realized that the US Navy F/A-18 fighter aircraft that had encountered these UFO’s were, in fact, built under the supervision of Shanahan.
During his over 30-year career as Boeing’s top mechanical engineer working on classified aircraft projects for the US military, this report continues, Shanahan was frequently in contact with Nick Cook, who is the highly acclaimed and awarded aerospace consultant for Jane's Defense Weekly in London—a relationship that intensified, in 2001, after Cook published his book titled “The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology”—and that, by 2014, allowed Boeing to develop an anti-gravity propulsion system they named GRASP(stands for Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion)—that Boeing can’t yet fully realize due to the MoD refusing to cooperate with them—but did enable Boeing, in 2016, to receive a secret US patent for their gravity chamber based on GRASP technology, the existence of, for reasons still unknown, Deputy Defense Secretary Shanahan ordered declassified this past March.
Most critical to note about what Cook documented in his book, and he relayed to Shanahan, this report explains, are the anti-gravity discoveries made by the Austrian engineer Viktor Schauberger during World War II—who believed that machines could be designed better so that they would be “going with the flow of nature” rather than against it—and one of whose projects was to produce for the German Nazis a flying machine, saucer shaped, that used a “vortex propulsion” system, as his theory was that if water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation (known as a colloidal) a build-up of energy results, which, with immense power, can cause levitation.
In the aftermath of World War II, however, this report notes, all of Schauberger’s research, including his prototypes, were captured by both Soviet and Allied forces (as they were scattered among several German Nazi secret research sites), neither of whom have collaborated on them since—with Schauberger, though, in 1958, going to the United States in an attempt to retrieve what they possessed, but ended in his claiming they were stolen by the Americans, and who died within days of his returning home to Austria empty handed.
With it being historically documented that the exposure of what controls humanity lies in what the controllers did to two of humanity’s brightest stars, Nikola Tesla and Viktor Schauberger, this report continues, it goes without question that sometime in the recent past, Boeing engineer Shanahan, while heading his company’s classified anti-gravity research, would have reached out and contacted Donald Trump—as now President Trump still controls the access to his family’s archives containing the research his uncle John Trump did on Tesla’s documents.
In understanding the full history of Shanahan, therefore, this report says, it becomes readily apparent why Trump tapped him to be the second most powerful person in the US military—and since his becoming Deputy Secretary of Defense, has seen Shanahan being the Pentagon's biggest booster for Trump's proposal for a separate Space Force, which is now in its final stages before going to the US Congress in early 2019—and that now, also, sees Shanahan being the Pentagon's point person in this effort, which remains unpopular in many US military quarters.
Speaking for the “US military quarters” opposing President Trump’s and Deputy Secretary of Defense Shanahan’s planned Space Force, this report details, was Secretary of Defense Mattis—who, in his 20 December resignation letter to Trump, cryptically alluded to America’s “unique and comprehensive system of alliances” he claimed “we cannot protect our interests” without—the most unique of being the long rumored alliance President Dwight D. Eisenhower made with at least one alien race in 1954—and as confirmed as being true by his own great-grand-daughter, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, who shockingly revealed that Eisenhower had actually negotiated with one alien race to obtain technology from them in exchange for the aliens being allowed to abduct a few humans for research purposes with no real harm coming to the test subjects.
The publically known details about this US-alien alliance, this report notes, is that on the night and early hours of 20-21 February 1954, while on a “vacation” to Palm Springs-California, President Eisenhower went missingand allegedly was taken to Edwards Air Force Base for a secret meeting—when he showed up the next morning at a church service in Los Angeles, reporters were told that he had to have emergency dental treatment the previous evening and had visited a local dentist—with this missing night and morning, however, said to have been when Eisenhowerconducted a “First Contact” meeting with extraterrestrials, and that began of a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races that led to a “treaty” that was eventually signed.
With it being historically documented that “Tesla scared the central bankers senseless…they knew what his plan meant…energy independence meant an almost complete loss of control of the people” and President Trump’s new Space Force posing a direct challenge to “Deep State” secrecy, this report concludes, it is no wonder why Trump is now facing the greatest assault on his presidency yet seen by his central bank controlled money elites—that in the past 24-hours alone has seen Trump’s Treasury Secretary frantically calling the top banks in America to make sure they’re protected from collapsing—top Trump officials convening their nation’s “Plunge Protection Team”, that’s only brought out in the gravest of economic market turmoil—and Trump himself asking his top advisors if he can outright fire his nation’s central bank chief—and that now has all of these malign forces battling against Trump knowing full well the grave significance of Mattis having just been thrown out of Pentagon and Shanahan taking full control—with all that remains to be seen now is if Trump will reveal the truth before the aliens do—the former being preferred by the MoD, as the latter will mean total global war.
Viktor Schauberger with Nikola Tesla—and now President Donald Trump and Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan—knew and know the truths to free humanity from bondage—they’re just too big and powerful for normal minds to comprehend, at least those in power like to believe.
The Wall, The Wall: Are We A Country Or A Destination For Freeloaders?
U.S. Senate member Charles Schumer, (D-NY) refuses to defend America. He refuses to take his oath of office seriously. He refuses to allow a wall to be built across the Mexican border to stop drug trafficking at $120 billion annually, year after year. He refuses to stop 500,000 illegal aliens annually who jump our borders. He won’t stop and hasn’t stopped the 300,000 illegal pregnant mothers annually who birth their child on our soil and then force us to pay for their welfare for the next 18 years..........by Frosty Wooldridge.
Has the Pushback Started?
It started with left-wing loons and feminists demanding that a certain lightweight seasonal ditty, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” be banned from the airwaves. The pills at “#MeToo,” trying to maintain their bizarre combination of neo-puritanism and liberated hookup culture, didn’t like it: all that man and woman stuff, bad news, don’t you know. And all throughout North America, the chicken-hearted twerps who run the radio stations hastened to obey.........by Lee Duigon
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It's yet more evidence that the "gender fluid" trend currently being observed is the result of chemical exposure.
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Beware Of Those Seeking To Rule Over You
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