**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Benjamin Fulford - September 7, 2015: Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution
Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn.
The important thing to drill into the heads of military, police and intelligence officials worldwide is that the West has been taken over by a group of mass murdering gangsters who need to be arrested and removed from power ASAP.
To put it more bluntly, it must be explained to the military fence sitters that the Khazarian mob has been actively trying to kill them and their families with manufactured diseases, toxic chemicals, unhealthy food, multiple attempts to start World War 3 etc. meaning that fence sitting is no longer an option. Self-defense is mandatory.
The anniversary this Friday of the September 11, 2001 mass murder event in New York would be a good time to take action. All it will take is for all aware members of the military and police in the US and for all governments outside of the US to demand the immediate arrest of the perpetrators of this crime. Anybody, from Obama on down, who tries to stop the arrests must themselves be arrested.
In fact, there are already clear signs the US military is taking strong action against the Khazarian mob. Pentagon sources say the Khazarian JP Morgan bank has been “put under military supervision,” because “it is the operating arm of the Federal Reserve Board.” The pentagon sources explain that JPM handles food stamps or electronic benefit transfer cards which it could have stopped in order to create food riots.
JPM was taken over in order to prevent this from happening. However, the military are now reporting that much of the JP Morgan money has “gone missing.” They are now investigating if Morgan Stanley and Barclays bank are responsible for stealing the money because, if they are, “they will be Lehmanized” i.e. bankrupted and dismantled.
An MI5 source in the UK, for his part noted: “it is interesting to hear that because Morgan Stanley in the UK is behind the Iraq Chilcot (whitewash) inquiry” into UK involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq. MI5 also notes that senior UK power brokers like John Scarlett (former MI6 head) and Jeremy Heywood (UK Chief Cabinet Secretary) are to this day working with mass murderers Benjamin Netanyahu and the Bush family in trying to maintain Khazarain mob control of the West.
There is also a massive ongoing financial attack against other Khazarian mob controlled financial institutions. They are reeling under a combined attack involving US Treasuries dumping (by China), the collapse in oil prices, petrodollar derivatives losses, zero interest rates (on loans) and demand by exporters for payment in Chinese yuan.
Rockefeller controlled Citigroup “is sending its stolen gold and stolen cash to Russia in an effort to prevent it from falling into Chinese hands,” according to Pentagon and Chinese sources. This coincides with statements by Rockefeller bag man Henry Kissinger that the US should be friendly to Russia. Russia is likely to simply claim the gold as tsarist treasure being returned.
As mentioned in a bulletin issued in August, a clear sign of the intensity of the ongoing financial war was seen when the Chinese Tianhe-1 super computer was hit with a nuclear electromagnetic pulse weapon on August 12th immediately after China devalued the Yuan against the US dollar on August 11th.
The Chinese devaluation was used as part of an attack on the derivatives positions of the big Khazarian banks. The Khazarians responded with a stolen nuclear weapon. Pentagon officials were quick to explain to the Chinese the attack against them originated with the Khazarian mob and not the US military industrial complex.
The Chinese have made it clear they are expecting strong action by the US military industrial complex against the Khazarian mob if they want to avoid war. Such action has already begun, they were told.
The US military, the Russians, the Iranians and their allies are now increasing their pressure on the Khazarian mob and their puppet state Israel. These three powers are now cooperating to attack the Israeli ISIS proxy army in the Middle East. Egypt is also about to join the Iranian, Russian, Pentagon alliance, according to Pentagon sources.
A military campaign is now under way by these allies with the aim of cutting off of ISIS oil being supplied from Iraq via Israel and Turkey. Cutting off these oil export routes would deprive the Khazarians and their ISIS proxy army of their largest source of funds (other than narcotics).
The Khazarians have already faced a major defeat in the United States in their attempt to stop the ongoing rapprochement between the US and Iran. The fact the Khazarian lobby, despite a massive campaign, could not get enough votes in Congress and the Senate to veto the Iran deal is clear proof the Khazarians are losing control of the US political system.
Meanwhile closet Khazarian mobster King Salman of Saudi Arabia arrived in Washington D.C. on September 4th to demand the return of Saudi Gold kept in the US. He was told by the Americans that if he persisted in his demands his Kingdom would be broken up. In addition, he was told his country would face “severe consequences” if it stopped supplying oil to the US military industrial complex and started selling it to the Chinese instead. Salman was also forced to accept the Iran deal, the Pentagon sources said.
The situation in Europe is also coming to a head. The massive refugee crisis that is in the news there is being engineered as part of the long term P2 plan to use a conflict between Islam and Christianity to force a unification of the monotheist faiths. The plan calls for an escalation of the refugee crisis and the arrival of large contingents of “armed ISIS fighters” to speed up the process, according to German “second Reich” sources.
According to these sources, NATO forces reached a secret agreement to begin going ahead with their New World Order on September 25th. Some sort of accord will be then signed onDecember 25th, the sources said. The overall plan is to collapse the entire present system in order to be able to rebuild from scratch, they said.
The arrival of Pope Francis, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and other power brokers in the US at the end of September, supposedly to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN, may well be a sign some sort of world treaty is about to be signed.
[Another sign that something highly unusual is going on is the fact the US air defenses on the US East coast are going to be shut down during the last half of September even as Chinese and Russian naval forces are stationed near the US coast. The last time such a thing happened was on September 11th, 2001. ] (not true: ed)
Meanwhile in Japan, there are also signs that it is not business as usual. It appears that slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is working for new handlers. The clearest sign is that Japan’s government is not only ending any pretense of sanctions against Russia or Iran, it is also planning to stop using the US dollar in trade with Russia. Japan already trades with Iran and China without using the US dollar.
In other Japan news, the Yamaguchi Gumi, Japan, and the worlds’, largest crime syndicate also split up recently. Sources inside the Yamaguchi Gumi and in rival gangs say the split up was a local issue not directly related to international events. Tsukasa Shinobu, the current head of the gang, comes from Nagoya (home of Toyota motors) and resentment against Nagoya control was building up in Kobe, the traditional base of the gang.
Not only was the Nagoya faction taking over personnel decisions but it was also demanding excessive tribute, according to the gang sources. It is unlikely this split will lead to war because both factions have too much to lose in the event that happens, the sources said. The last time the gang split, when the Goto gumi left in 2008, there was no war.
Tadamasa Goto, the head of the Goto gang, now lives in retirement in Cambodia. If a gang war is going to break out, gangs will evacuate their formal headquarters, disguise their appearance and start killing each other off.
In a final note to readers, this writer would like to thank his readers for putting up with pre-written reports and allowing him to take his annual holiday in Canada.
Canada is heading into a general election on October 19th and opinion polls now show the Zionist regime of Stephen Harper is headed for a decisive defeat. Canada should then be in a position to help liberate itself and its cousins to the South from Babylonian debt slavery.
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Dear volunteers to take an earth vessel, we want you to know that we, your galactic and celestial family, are here. We are here on Earth, but we resonate to a slightly higher frequency pattern than humanity. This frequency pattern serves as a camouflage so that we can walk freely through your habitat zone without being seen.
However, if you expand your innate multidimensional consciousness into the resonance of the fifth dimension, you can close your physical eyes and look through your Third Eye. When you “look” through your Third Eye, you will have an awareness of our presence.
In other words, those who can expand their consciousness, and hence their perceptions, into the frequency of the fifth dimension can perceive our presence. At first you will only perceive us as wavering energy fields because it will take a bit of your “time” to remember how to accept the fifth dimension into your perceptual field.
This process of consciously perceiving the fifth dimension will begin by honing your ability to consciously perceive multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields. Multidimensional thought-forms (an individual creation) and multidimensional energy fields (a collective creation) are initiated on the third dimension and quickly expand into the higher dimensions.
You will first perceive these thought-forms and energy fields in the etheric plane, which is the first resonance beyond the physical plane. These multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields originate in the physical realm and expand into the higher dimensions.
Multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields are based on unselfish, higher frequency thoughts about the collective transmutation of Gaia and Her inhabitants. When the important ingredient of unconditional love is added to a pinch of violet fire, a multidimensional thought-form and/or energy field is created.
When you create a multidimensional thought-form or energy field, you actually create a portal that originates in the third dimension and expands into the higher dimensions. This portal serves as a pathway Home to the higher dimensional reality of your choice.
But remember, if your thought-form or energy wave is for your personal gain, it will only resonate to the third/fourth dimension. To make sure your thought/form is multidimensional, please remember to include Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.
These inhabitants also include the dark ones who have appeared to make your life too difficult. However, YOU are the creator of your life. You wrote into your pre-birth contract any engagement with the darkness that was necessary for you to fully transmute your entire cycle of incarnations on Gaia’s Earth.
You came to Gaia within this NOW to transmute any residue of darkness from your myriad Earthly incarnations. Most important, you are transmuting that residue, not for your personal self, but for the planet.
When you choose to serve your planet in this manner, your consciousness expands from personal consciousness to planetary consciousness. This point is vital for you to understand because if you have the selfish goal of “getting off this planet,” you will not expand your consciousness into the fifth dimension.
Most important, you will not be of assistance to planetary ascension if you are creating a selfish thought-form, which can only resonate to the mid-fourth dimension. Throughout your present incarnation, you have been clearing your personal energy field by mastering your lessons of “cause and effect.”
The law of cause and effect is “Energy out is ALWAYS energy back.” Simply, that law states that which you send into your reality will return to you. If you have a lower frequency of consciousness, it will take more “time” for what you send out to return.
It is for this reason that the power-over ones have not had their energy fields return to them yet. However, the lost ones cannot expand their consciousness, even into the fourth dimension, for the effects of their causes are awaiting them in that frequency of reality.
Those of you who have achieved a degree of mastery of the Law of Cause and Effect, are beginning to have experiences of the fifth dimensional return/effect from your multidimensional causes. In other words, you are remembering how to create multidimensional thought-forms and energy fields.
When you were first learning to be the creator of your reality, you unconsciously sent out fear-based thought-forms, such as “I don’t have enough.” Then, “not enough” would return to you. Fortunately, over your “time” you realized your mistake and began to listen to your thoughts before you sent them out into your world.
You have learned that if you sent out “thanksgiving for what you already have,” you can release all fear of loss and create abundance by being thankful for what you have. In that manner, you have gained this degree of mastery of one of Gaia’s primary operational constructs of energy out equals energy back.
Therefore, you have moved into the realization that your every thought and emotion join into powerful thought-forms to create the matrix on which your present personal or collective incarnation is based.
Fortunately, your growing mastery of cause and effect has taught you that when you put out positive thought-forms and energy fields, they will return to you. It is through the practice of this law of “if you want something—give it to another,” your life begins its transmutation into higher and higher states of consciousness.
As you move into higher consciousness, you will begin to perceive higher frequencies of reality. Through these higher dimensional perceptions, you remember more and more about your higher dimensional SELF. These perceptions will likely be captured with your opened Third and/or High Heart.
You will use your Third Eye and High Heart, because your physical eyes are not calibrated to recognize this frequency of reality as “real.” Your physical brain is calibrated to perceive the fifth dimension as “just your imagination.” But remember, your “imagination” is your fifth-dimensional thought.
We (myself Mytre and the Arcturian), stand before you in our fifth dimensional Lightbody. That is, I am in my fifth dimensional Lightbody, but the Arcturian remains in a formless shape that wavers up and down the frequency scale of reality.
The Arcturian is shifting frequencies to remind you that we, you, and all life is multidimensional. Also, the Arcturians seldom lower their energy package below the tenth dimension. Soon, you—the members of our away team—will seldom lower your frequency below your Lightbody.
Of course, “soon” is a third dimensional, time-bound word. Hence, it has no meaning in the realms of the NOW. We ask you to meditate for a moment, to expand your consciousness beyond time. Yes, it is quite simple for you now. Your challenge has shifted to remaining within the constrictions of time.
This challenge will soon relate to all of our volunteers, as your NOW to return to your SELF is approaching. However, we cannot give you a “time” because the shift is not about time, it is about frequency.
When you fully remember and gain a degree of mastery of your multidimensional consciousness, you will be able to be within time, as well as in the NOW. However, then you will appear to the time-bound ones in the same manner as we appear to you—as wavering forms of light.
As you begin to experience fifth dimensional transmissions while you are also engaged in your habitual 3D/4D consciousness, you will have brief experiences of “blinking out” of whatever 3D experience you were having.
Since your physical brain is unable to adhere to that higher frequency of information, you will need to remember to store your higher communications in your Multidimensional Mind before you fully return to your 3D reality.
Your Multidimensional Mind is able to experience both the physical and the higher dimensional realities within the same NOW. Likely, it will take some “practice”, as well as a conscious connection with your Higher Self to integrate your fifth dimensional experiences into your physical life.
It is at this point of multidimensional integration that your process of creating and/or reading multidimensional thought-forms will be so very helpful. These multidimensional thought-forms are actually portals that can guide your consciousness along a “sequential path” in which you can slowly adapt to each frequency of reality before you move on to the next.
You have all had fourth dimensional experiences via your dreams, which speak a “symbolic” language that can be difficult to understand. A multidimensional thought-form is a pure energy field that you may or may not be conscious of experiencing.
That is, your third dimensional self may NOT be conscious of that experience, but your fourth and fifth dimensional self will be. Your physical self may experience a “glitch in time,” “spacing out,” and/or moments of forgetfulness.
However, that is actually a moment of remembering the Multidimensional YOU that was forgotten in the rush of daily life. Therefore, we recommend that you begin each day by allowing yourself to re-connect with your Multidimensional SELF.
We recommend that you find a time, even if it is not at the top of the day, in which you can take at least 15 minutes to tune into your SELF. If you can establish a ritual, such as:
▪ Go to the same place at the same time
▪ Bring some means by which you can write your experience
▪ If you enjoy music, play some soft music
▪ Read something spiritual for a moment to “shake off the 3D”
▪ Close your eyes and reflect on what you have read
▪ With your hands on the keyboard, or your pen in hand on the paper,
relax and breathe into a higher/relaxed state of consciousness
▪ To get started, you can always write something like:
“Dear ONE, (Higher SELF etc.) Do you have a message for me NOW?
▪ Relax and release all expectation or thinking
▪ Allow the pen to write, or your hands to move on the keyboard
If you stay with that simple plan, you will gradually build a personal relationship with your Higher SELF. It is helpful to do this exercise at the same time and same place every time.
If you can maintain this commitment every day for 21 days, you will create a “habit.” Then, if you skip a day you will “miss that time with your SELF.” You will also realize the importance of keeping your promise with your SELF.
If you cannot have this meeting every day, then try to be consistent with the days that you choose so that you can “keep your agreement to meet with your SELF.” Remember YOU are important, and Gaia needs YOU!
Once you remember how to communicate with your Multidimensional SELF, your “channel”— meaning the frequency field of your energy package—will be open to all the myriad Galactics, Celestials and Ascended Masters that are NOW ready to communicate with YOU!
Blessings, dear ONES who took an earth vessel to assist Gaia.
We thank you for your service and commend you for your courage.
COBRA Monthly Update Transcript for August - Q & A with Rob Potter
COBRA – Thank you for the invitation again.
Rob – I’m going to start out with a couple of personal questions here. We’ve got lots of great questions here this month. I was just in Bolivia with Luis Maertens, the gentleman who’s had quite a few experiences down there with the Great White Brotherhood. He spent seven days in what he called the Abby of the Seven Rays and also he’s been to the Dome city which exists beneath Lake Titicaca the minor. He said the minor lake was actually created to protect the information there some 5,000 years ago.
I guess it was decided to protect it and they put a hole in the mountain that rerouted a river and there is an energetic field that’s not even made of glass. It’s kind of a small retreat center where sits the Golden Disc of the Sun. In some of the questions that I asked him, he had said that the Golden Disc of the Sun had been misused and it had caused the planet to wobble and I ask him, ‘Did that cause the flood?’ When did the planet start to wobble? I guess it was fairly recently. We started to have the seasons. Was that 24,000 years ago?
COBRA – There were many periods in human historywhen there was a wobble in the planetary axis so this is not a new phenomena on this planet.
Rob – It’s not in the history. So is it true that at some point the planet will end it’s wobble and we will go back to having a spring and a summer? That’s kind of what I was told it would be like.
COBRA – The weather patterns on the planet will change, but this is not only connected with the planetary wobble. It’s more connected with the condition of the energy flow from the Galactic Center.
Rob – Okay. Also, another thing that I found. We went to these different locations down there for these activations and initiations and each place we went he would say, ‘In that mountain is a base of the Confederation and near-by there was always a retreat of the Great White Brotherhood (GWB).’ Could you comment on the relationship between the Confederation and the GWB, and how they work so closely together?
COBRA – Basically, the GWB are ascended beings that have gone through Earth incarnations and after they’re ascended they realized they are part of a greater Brotherhood which is called the Galactic Confederation. It’s because Earth is just a planet which is about to be accepted in the Galactic Network of Light, so there is a deep working relationship between those two groups and they are very deeply interconnected. They are working very closely together for planetary liberation.
Rob – Okay. That makes a lot of sense. What I asked him down there when I was talking about the stuff that you reveal and things of this nature, it seems as though Luis mentioned that it’s completely different. He’s been working with different groups over the last 30 years that he has contacts with and they achieve certain things and they have activations, kind of like you have when you go do meditations in sacred sites. It seems his work is very much involved in that and he really wasn’t like involved with the changes in the physical aspects of the political change to liberate the planet. He seems to be more energetic level. What he indicated to me was that the GWB work with the energies, the elementals and kind of like on the spiritual realm, and he indicated that the Confederation is more actively involved than actual programs. Would you agree with that assessment?
COBRA – Not completely because also the GWB is working on the physical plane, not so much directly but through their disciples and through certain people they send certain energies that have a great influence on the physical plane.
Rob – Yes, yes. It’s more of a energetic spiritual work that they do as opposed to directly involved in like removing plasma scalar field type stuff. Is that correct?
COBRA – I don’t think we actually . . .They are very much involved in the removal of the scalar plasma field.
Rob – The GWB is?
COBRA – Yes.
Rob – Okay, and by the way, folks, a lot of people have questions. We say GWB. White stands for purity and it’s actually brotherhood/sisterhood. Is that correct Cobra?
COBRA – Yes. Absolutely. I think that’s very much obvious.
Rob – Okay. He told me that in one of the satellite pictures, because I was kind of like saying that this stuff is going on and he said, ‘Well we don’t really focus on that’. He says, ‘The more you focus on it, the more real it becomes’. And I kind of got that but I said, ‘We have to focus on it so it’s a real thing.’ But what he said was the entire Earth is kind of in . . . He described the quarantine as kind of like it’s own time zone and that when the Voyager went out and took a pictureof the Earth, it wasn’t even there. So he kind of indicated that it’s kind of like the feeling I got was that the Earth has been inserted into like a time bubble hospital, so to speak, where there’s changes being made. Can you talk about that type of information?
COBRA – Things are a little bit different. Time has a vector which goes from the past to the future and the Earth is where it is so when the Voyager took the picture, the Earth was there. The only thing is that the light has to travel from Earth to the Voyager, which took about 8 hours in that instance. This is what people meant by saying that the Earth was not there.
Rob – Oh, okay. He was kind of saying that the negativity and everything is going on is kind of like a false reality in a certain sense and when we achieve liberation it will be re-attuned to the consciousness of the spiritual realms. There won’t be the negativity like you’ve said.
COBRA – Yes, of course when the Event happens, the negativity will be removed from the planet.
Rob – Yes. He said that, another thing I’m kind of curious about. He said that they work a lot with what he calls the Ring of Fire, which is the magmatic or the telluric energies, and he said it’s related to consciousness and he said that the magma flows of the Earth are very important in interacting with human consciousness. Do you agree with that?
COBRA – Yes, exactly.
Rob – Okay. Another thing I’d like to ask in regards of that. He went through a portal and he went to Ganymede and there was a dome or an energetic field. He was on the surface as well as on the interior. In any of your travels did you ever get to go to Ganymede?
COBRA – Actually, I was close to that location to the moon of Jupiter when I had a tour of the solar system with the Pleiadians many years ago.
Rob – Okay. He said there’s a city there called the Morlan and that it was very interesting. He said that there the plants actually have consciousness. When he was there, he said a plant was moving across the landscape and he said, on your Earth plants are group consciousness and up here they are individual consciousness. I just thought that was very interesting. He described that Ganeymeade as a place where those beings who wish to help the Earth are trained in becoming guides for the people of the Earth and that Ganymede is very important in the Jupiter Command as far as healing the Earth with the advanced people. Could you comment on that or anything that you learned from the Jupiter command centers up there?
COBRA – Actually, I made a whole post about the Ganymede portal and the importance of Ganymede. It’s one of the major portals for the solar system and for the galactic energies and transmits those galactic energies throughout the solar system. There are many bases of Galactic Confederation on Ganymede and below the surface of Ganymede and those bases are anchoring the light for the whole solar system.
Rob – Okay. That’s kind of what he said and it was very interesting and it’s wonderful to hear you guys on the same page with a lot of that stuff. I appreciate that. I just finished the Mt. Shasta Conference and we had speakers and one of the interesting things for me was Alex Collier. At the end of his talk he talked about a dwarf – I’m not sure if it’s brown or red dwarf star – that he maintains is coming to the solar system very soon. And I asked him, ‘How do you know this? and he said, ‘I have a picture from a gentleman in the Navy who said the government knows about it. It can only be photographed in infrared.’
He says it’s approaching the solar system. I don’t know if it’s inside yet. He said it’s already causing volcanic activity outside Pluto. I asked him, ‘Did the A’s confirm this?’ He said, ‘They told me about this a long time ago’. My question is, I read in Billy Myers Contact notes many many years ago, when I was very young with Fred Bell, Wendell Stevens was sending them. They called this body that comes every 3,600 years the “Destroyer Comet”.
They actually said they had bumped it and it won’t be as much of an issue. But Alex, in his talk said that the Galactics will absolutely protect the Earth as much as possible but there may be some earthquakes, some tsunamis and tectonic movement, but it would not be cataclysmic or causing things. Furthermore, he said the peak influence will probably come sometime in 2016 or 17. Just curious. I always thought it was a myth. I thought if it’s there we could see it, but he said that, so I’d like to hear your views on that.
COBRA – I cannot confirm the existence of that body and, absolutely, I cannot confirm that there is a certain object that is coming to cause cataclysmic events on this planet. Basically what’s happening is the activity of the Galactic Center is increasing and that is why we have more earthquakes here and that is the main reason why we are having all those changes.
Rob – Okay, so from your contacts can you not confirm it for security reasons, or you absolutely do not know that the ET’s have not mentioned it to you at all and it’s never been brought up in any of your communications?
COBRA – I have never received any confirmation about the existence of anything that is returning in 3,600 years and making destruction in our solar system.
Rob – Okay, he didn’t say cataclysm, he said in the past it’s caused some activities and it’s very interesting, I was quite surprised and I guess that just comes into the different groups have different understandings. I really respect Alex Collier so I wouldn’t be very surprised if this does come through and if it doesn’t. Let’s see, let’s go into the other questions. We have a lot of questions from people now. We’ll try to get through these in your usual wonderful fashion.
A lot of people have been talking about this thing called the Wave. I don’t know, there’s allegedly some scientist who supposedly has nailed it down to the thing. I kind of feel like it’s we are in the wave now, aren’t we Cobra?
COBRA – Actually we’re in the wave for quite some time. As I’ve said many times before the increased activity of the Galactic Center. And people have various names for this and one of the peaks is coming in the next few months and there will be much much more of those energy peaks happening in the future and one of those peaks will result in the event. It is extremely hard to predict which one will be the right one.
Rob – Exactly, that’s what I was feeling. It’s a succession of increases that have windows of opportunity.
COBRA – Exactly.
Rob – That’s one of the things that I have a lot of respect for you, that you’ve never set a date. It’s always a window or a possible time zone. You would agree that there is a window of opportunity peak coming in the near future, yes?
COBRA – Yes, yes, I would agree with that.
Rob – Okay, thank you. We’’ll just go through a bunch of these questions here. Someone wants to know if you can give any information on Bernie Sanders as the president possibility elect. He obviously is well intended. I’m not sure if he has the depth to hold things, but people are kind of wondering if you’ve had any information on his efforts?
COBRA – Okay. It’s extremely unlikely that anybody who has not been chosen by the Cabal would become our president, if, of course, there will be elections next year.
Rob – Yes, I was curious about the possibility of the elections. I would really be shocked with the movement we’ve made forward in awareness on the planet. Do you think we will have elections? Would it come down to Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton? Do you think that’s possible?
COBRA – Many things are possible but more so a surprise is possible. Of course, if the event happens before that time frame, the elections will not be.
Rob – Okay. Another question here. We’re going to jump around here a bit. Someone wants to know, what is the process with the Archons and the Cabal? How did they corrupt the Islamic religion and other religions? How do they do that?
COBRA – This question would need to be a little bit more specific.
Rob – Okay. I guess I’ll skip that one. It’s on PFC, folks, but I thought I’d ask it anyway. Someone wants to know when the actual event comes what do you recommend for the average person? Probably doesn’t feel like they want to be one of the people handing out the community leader’s brief or going into that thing. What do you recommend the common people do during the event?
COBRA – Whatever they feel guided to do. I’m not here to give any suggestions to anybody. I would just say for everybody to listen to his or her own inner guidance. There is enough Intel out there to make informed choices and find your own way of contributing to the event when it happens.
Rob – Okay. Some people were wondering after the event, how quickly will certain jobs and, for instance, someone asked, ‘Will big sport teams and that type of thing like Major League Baseball, football, world soccer, would those types of things end in the light of the revelations that will come during the event?’
COBRA – It will be a gradual process. It will take somewhere between a few months and a few years.
Rob – Okay. A lot of people asked the specifics about the elixir. What . . . Can you give us any possible earthly-based current, I guess, nutritional technology that would approximate these types of technologies from the benevolent?
COBRA – Not at this moment because what is most important with the immortality process is the state of consciousness. With the right state of consciousness, everything else falls into place.
Rob – Okay, Luiz said that when he went to the – he called it the Temple of Purity – that he would place his hand in a device that would read his body’s nutritional needs and he said that they primarily were living on vegetable and fruit extracts. Is that going to be possible shortly after the event that we’ll have devices that would read what we would need and be able to create the food very quickly?
COBRA – Yes, it will be possible for those who will be contacted by the Resistance Movement. This will actually increase gradually as more people are contacted.
Rob – Okay. Someone wants to know, after the event how much of the average work-day is going to be phased out? Will we still be working 8 hour-day jobs in the beginning to get things going, or will there be a general relaxing of the, I guess, frenetic pace of work that we currently have?
COBRA – Right at the event, the working day will still be about 8 hours and this will gradually decrease over a few months, a few years period, to be maybe about 4 hours. Work, it will not be an obligation anymore. There will be a certain minimal income guaranteed to anybody and everybody and those who would like to be more creative, of course, will continue to work in their own way.
Rob – Will the event be postponed if the surface circumstances are all set and ready, except the plasma scalar field is not quite cleared? Would they attempt to pull that off until that’s ready, the plasma field must be down for the Event to take place?
COBRA – Actually, the plasma field with the strangelet and toplet bombs is the most critical part of the situation and has to be cleared to a great degree before the Event can happen. Basically all strangelet and toplet bombs need to be removed completely before the Event can happen.
Rob – I didn’t really get into the details myself of your post, but I’ve read all of your posts at some point. One person said you have not explained what a toplet bomb is as opposed to a strangelet bomb. I don’t know if that is true but they said that they were wondering what is the difference between the strangelet and toplet bomb?
COBRA – Actually I have explained that but I will repeat it again. The toplet bomb is made of top quarks where the strangelet bomb is made of strange quarks. The toplet bomb is a little bit more massive and quite more dangerous. It is very difficult to make so there are not very many of those present, but still there are some in existence and they all need to be removed.
Rob – Thank you, very much. Can you tell what the radiation is at Fukushima is at this point?
COBRA – The situation is not as drastic as many people like to portray, but still it is quite much of a pollution in the environment and this situation will be completely dealt with after the Event.
Rob – Okay. Someone was wondering, when a planet is liberated there’s different types of planets, they would like to know if there is any major difference between the planetary liberation process? I guess they were kind of referring to, are all planets have plasma scalar fields? Are there different types of liberations have taken place in the past?
COBRA – The situation on planet Earth is very unique, because this is the most complex planet with the most extensive programming and a mixture of different races, so this is actually the hardest planet to liberate.
Rob – Okay. This is kind of a guess thing out there. They want your guesstimation, I guess you could call it, of these top Cabal members. Is there a percentage of them have realized the game is up and want to get out, or are a lot of them headed towards the central sun? They were kind of wondering what is their emotional state? There are reports that they are extremely fearful and panicked or are they resigned? What’s going on there?
COBRA – Basically, those who were ready before to cross over into the light when the opportunity comes, are still the same and those who have a tendency to be resisting till the end, will resist until the end. So this didn’t change much and we are just waiting for the right time for the changes to happen and then, of course, those who were ready even before, will go into the light.
Rob – Okay. I got three of these questions this month and I’m not sure if you had a post regarding this. Several people wanted to know how many dimensions are there?
COBRA – Depending on your definition is of a dimension, there are actually gradations of refinement of frequency that are gradually converged into the one.
Rob – Are there, I think Dr. Bell said there are 7 or 8 parallel universes. Are these related to, in esoteric terms, what we would call the plains, the cosmic, the physical, the mental, all of that? Or within those, there are also more refined gradations of dimensions as well?
COBRA – Yes, yes.
Rob – Okay. Someone has said, and I don’t know if this is true, they said the new BRICS system was invented by George Soros and Goldman Sacs. Is that true?
COBRA – That is not true, but it is true that the, actually the light forces were behind this but the Jesuits and their minions tried to infiltrate and are still trying to infiltrate this and they have been successful to a certain degree.
Rob – Okay. Someone from Argentina seems to feel that the president of their country is quite cozy with the Pope, and they were wondering if you had any information on that?
COBRA – There are always negotiations taking place and what is happening on the surface is not always what is happening behind the scenes.
Rob – They also have said that in Southern Argentina there is a Chinese military base being built and they are wondering what is that purpose. A lot of people are concerned that this is from the standard mainstream view down there that China is trying to infiltrate communism into Argentina. Are you aware?
COBRA – No, I just know what is happening. What is happening is there is a strong Archon black nobility Illuminati presence in Argentina and the Chinese are trying to create a counter balance to that.
Rob – Oh, so the Chinese are establishing a presence to be able to intervene if they try to do, what did you call it, the Project Doom at the time of the Event, yes?
COBRA – Not exactly, but there is a lot of activity happening right there and the Chinese are balancing or counteracting certain actions of the Archon families there.
Rob – Okay. This is an interesting question. I think you kind of answered it before. Is there supposed to be another, as you said, influx of energies between October and December – is what this person says. Does it have the potential to trigger the Event?
COBRA – It window of opportunity has the potential to trigger the Event, including this one.
Rob – Okay. Could you comment on the current situation with the subterranean strongholds of the Chimera group? Are there still some strong holds? Have there been some victories down there? Are they being arrested? What’s happening with the Chimera group?
COBRA – Okay. There has been a lot of progress in the underground strongholds of the Chimera group. Not much of this is left, so this is good news, actually.
Rob – What happens to the space? Does the Chimera spread out among the planet when the thing happens or are they all actually being arrested and removed from the Earth into I guess maybe motherships of the Light Forces? What happens down there when that takes place?
COBRA – They are actually transferred to the Ganymede crossing facility and the majority of them go to the Galactic Central Sun. Some of them choose to actually cross into the light and they are then going through a certain re-education process.
Rob – Wow, that’s great, so when you mentioned the Chimera group has some major strongholds and they were quite strong, can you give us a percentage? Are we down to, let’s say 10 years ago the Chimera had so many bases and activities where they guarded their toplet bombs and I think you mentioned they actually have scalar plasma fields systems down there as well. What percentage of that has been removed at this point?
COBRA – I would not speak about percentage, but I would say the vast majority has been removed.
Rob – Wow, that makes me think between 75% or somewhere in that range.
COBRA – Far more than that.
Rob – Wow, that’s really good. Some people were wondering, before the actual physical Event, will the veil be somewhat lifted or is it exactly at the same time? How does that work?
COBRA – Okay. The veil is already being lifted to a certain degree, so we are already in the process of veil removal and this will gradually increase up until the point where all, where the Event happens.
Rob – So there are different individuals, it seems as though, I’ve been giving a lot of reports of some tremendous progress being made by a lot of people on a personal level, making great strides in their personal spiritual development. Is this part of the veil being removed or is this probably also some of the work of the contact from the Galactics being allowed to take place on a more regular basis now, yes?
COBRA – Actually both things are part of the same process.
Rob – Okay. Is there anything you can share with us about any plans for contact with certain individuals? Are there going to be any plans for more intense landings where they will stay on the ground and people will get to see them, or is that a little farther out?
COBRA – No, no this is not going to happen before the Event.
Rob – Okay. So not much open interaction, or none at all until the Event. I guess someone says here, ‘Are the incarnated Archons able to communicate or act or interact in some ways with the octopus?. I don’t know what that means, really.
COBRA – Not directly, but they can communicate through their meditations.
Rob – Okay. Does the plasma scalar fields on the sub lunar operations are making a great process. How is this affecting the implants in the human population?
COBRA – Actually, this is assisting very much in implant removal. The implants are far less intense and this is going to assist the human beings in contacting the light much more easily.
Rob – Are these implants, you mentioned there is an invisible one, it’s kind of like . . . It actually shifts. You kind of said that it can be suppressed or removed or subjugated to a certain extent with different technologies, but you said it kind of can grow back and kind of have more influence. Is that being limited now with the work that’s being done or is that still kind of the game?
COBRA – It’s still happening but to a little bit lesser degree.
Rob – Okay. Another question someone here has. I guess they’re quoting you here. It says, “Regular intake of the Elixir of Life to support the process – the two versions avalable. The mineral version is more effective and more powerful than the herbal version.” This person would like some clarification of the difference between these two versions of elixirs.
COBRA – Okay. I have said as much as I could say already in the article.
Rob – Okay. It’s kind of a hidden thing. Someone wants to know, and I don’t know if this is definitely going to happen, but they said that Cern is planning on something in September and they’re wondering, is that going to cause any aftermath in the energetic time-lines, or of the magnetic conditions of the Earth?
COBRA – No, no. Those fears are ungrounded. People have those speculations about Cern, about September 23rd. None of these are of any concern to the light.
Rob – Yea, my feeling has been that everything is going to be all right and that these, these bad guys are kind of on the way out. We don’t have too much more to fear, do we Cobra?
COBRA – We actually have nothing to fear.
Rob – Okay. I guess I could say, they still may have a few things that can cause some issues, do you see any of these agendas that they have taking place in terms of manipulating the people and false flags like that? Are those pretty much all done?
COBRA – Things like that can happen, yes.
Rob – Okay. Someone mentioned . . . They wanted to hear your perspective . . . I think in a week or two the Jade Helm officially ends and they wanted to hear what you thought about that. Were there forces, did they have plans going on that were going to be better but everyone knew about it so they couldn’t do it? What was the situation? And we still, I think they said have two more weeks of Jade Helm officially. Can you comment on Jade Helm and what that was?
COBRA – Actually, the whole situation was exaggerated as usually and as I’ve said many times in the past, you don’t need to worry about this. Jade Helm will be over and after it’s over, a few weeks later, everybody will forget that it ever existed.
Rob – Yea, I kind of felt that it was a very real possibility, the technology described was kind of scary, but it’s good to know that it’s fluttered out as you’ve predicted. People want to know if you can comment, if you know, What is the Pope’s true agenda when he comes here as you’ve been revealed any more intel on that. You mentioned in our last interview that certain things are going on. This has been a persistent . . . I got many, many questions on that and they want to know. If there any new developments could you would share that with us?
COBRA – Again, his visit is not as important as it seems. It’s just their attempt at programming the masses. There will be no cataclysmic or life shattering revelations or anything of that nature.
Rob – I’ve been speaking with a gentleman who’s been in contact with the treasurer and Christine Legarde and he maintains that things really are changing, and I noted to him, I said, “The hundred dollar bills now say ‘Federal Reserve Note and Treasury note’”. Can you comment on that? Is that kind of the transition dollar that’s going on?
COBRA – Yes, there are changers behind the scenes in the structure of the financial system, and those changes are quite deep and they will lead towards the financial reset.
Rob – Okay. Will the dollar keep it’s purchasing power after the reset? Will there be a drastic situation for the US dollar where, like in some countries you could use it in your fireplace it’s so cheap, not worth the paper it’s printed on. I was kind of wondering what the situation is with the dollar?
COBRA – No, there will be no drastic devaluation. There might be a devaluation to a certain degree, but the US dollar will not become worthless paper. This is not the plan.
Rob – Okay. There was a question in regards to that giant explosion in China. I think you had mentioned that it was a Cabal activity and they were wondering if it was nuclear?
COBRA – Unfortunately, yes. Like there were nuclear explosions before in Yemen and Syria.
Rob – Wow, okay. The message was from the Cabal to China. Is that what they were doing?
COBRA – Yes, exactly, yes.
Rob – People were wondering what is going on with Netanyahu. Is he being kind of curbed and controlled to an extent? Is his power still strong enough to create a lot of havoc or is he kind of waning in his power?
COBRA – He is loosing power daily because his old allies are shifting alliances recently because they are realizing that things are changing.
Rob – Yes, some people have been wondering. I thought it was quite interesting. I saw in the airport that Hillary Clinton, you know they put some smoke and mirrors that she’s under investigation for an unsecured computer. What is the purpose of that little leak there? Is that meaning there is something else deeper going on there, of course, or is that a little smoke and mirrors there? What was the purpose of that?
COBRA – It’s the usual rivalry between various factions in the politics. There are deeper things going on but not related to that particular case.
Rob – Yes, people want to know, after the take-down, what happens with the GMOs? Will those crops be destroyed? Are there plans to take care of that where there are seeds and that influence? What will be the process to heal the plants that are growing under GMOs after the Event?
COBRA – Most of the crops will be destroyed. There will be some genetic reverse engineering as you might call it. They will be unengineered back to their original DNA.
Rob – Okay. Some people want to know. What’s going on with Trump’s candidacy for president? I kind of see him as an absolute buffoon personally, but he said that vaccines cause autism and he also has stated that politicians are bought and paid for by billionaires like him. Is he been put up to this or is this just really just an individual, an ego maniac with lots of money who’s on his own agenda and wants to become president or is he part of the Cabal? Has he been put into that position?
COBRA – He has not been put in that position but he has some ideas that are quite aligned with the Cabal’s goal. He is not the savior as some people are expecting him to be.
Rob – Yea, I don’t think so. Another question here. People are wondering about . . . Are there any extraterrestrials of the negative side working in the Vatican or underground there?
COBRA – No, no. Not any more.
Rob – Okay. People are wondering, what changes will they be feeling at the time of the Event when the plasma field comes down? They were kind of wondering if you could describe the physical symptoms perhaps, some idea of the feelings that will take place and how quickly will it be? Will it happen very quickly or will this be over several weeks the energies will just shift? They kind of wanted to know, the light workers, what should they should look for and how could they aid that process along?
COBRA – It will be a very strong energetic event and people will be able to feel very strong energies and that might cause also strange physical sensations. This process will accelerate as it comes closer to the Event and peak at the moment of the Event.
Rob – Thank you. We talked about this privately but some people have asked, “Why are there so many empty cities being build in China, Africa and some cities in America and no one’s in there? What is the purpose of these ghost cities?”
COBRA – The Chinese need to park their money there somehow. They have a lot of money to invest and they just build cities.
Rob – And eventually they’re going to more people in there. (Yes.) Someone wants to know and I ‘m not sure how this can be stated. You’ve mentioned the, I guess what we would call evil and this negativity is caused by the random anomaly, but people were wondering, is there a planet where this evil originated from, the Orion system, or was it in other areas of other galaxies as well?
COBRA – Actually, there were a few planets of origins, the main ones being in the Orion system, but there were a few other points when this has spontaneously evolved after the begining of the experiment.
Rob – Can you talk about how it came to be that the random anomaly caused this negativity?
COBRA – It was the choice of certain beings to experience that anomaly directly and they have developed technologies to do so, so that experience was extremely unpleasant to the point that their consciousness has been mutated beyond repair.
Rob – Okay, very interesting. That kind of dovetails in with what Omnec Onec said at the conference. We had asked her what was the situation and she said that there were genetic manipulations that took place and that some of the beings from not all the Pleiades, some of the beings from the Pleiades and other areas had disagreements on this experiment that you talk about and that they purposefully deconstructed our DNA to cut us off from our spiritual connection, which she said was natural and are given birthright. Would you agree with that?
COBRA – I would not agree that the Pleiadians did something like this.
Rob – Maybe that some beings from the Pleiadians did that?
COBRA – No, I would not agree with that.
Rob – Okay. Alex Collier states that and she said that some beings from there, whether they had a base there, I don’t know, obviously there are many view points of that. People were wondering, after the financial reset, how long will it take for our current monetary system gold-backed after the Event to transition into it, I guess we would call it, the universal prosperity economic system of the Galactic Confederation?
COBRA – I would estimate a few years.
Rob – Oh, that’s really good. In a couple of years we will be finished with the actual exchange of currency then?
COBRA – Yes. That is our expectation.
Rob – Yes, and will this be run along computers and based on an individual’s service credits and exchanged in that way?
COBRA – No, when the technologies become available to manifest everything with replicators, there will be no more need for a financial system.
Rob – Wow, that is exciting Cobra. In a few years it can take place?
COBRA – This can take place very fast after the Event.
Rob – Obviously, there’s really good plans for that. That’s really good news, thank you. This is a quote from someone. It says, “Christine Lagarde announced twice in national speeches that there is no such thing, there will not be any global reset, period”. And I guess the question is, is she lying to us? I thought that I’ve heard from sources that she’s kind of involved in it.
COBRA – Who said that?
Rob – Christine Lagarde.
COBRA – She’s not involved directly with the reset.
Rob – Okay. She said there won’t be one.
COBRA – She can say whatever she wants, but there will be one.
Rob – I know, but so, I guess that kind of makes me think she’s a little hostile to it. There have been indications that she’s been attempting to help that along. But here’s a thing that someone says, “To date there is many family and friends as well as some private exchange RV group have indeed already exchanged their currencies”. Now, it says, “The public is waiting”. They would like you to acknowledge or confirm or deny if that has been happening in the last few weeks. Is there some revaluation going on?
COBRA – The reset will happen on a planetary scale at the same moment for everybody. There will be no backdoor deals as a part of that reset.
Rob – Okay. So there is no one who is exchanging Dinar or these financial things. Nothing’s going to happen until the reset happens at the moment of the Event. Is that what you’re saying? (Yes)
Okay. I have a question about that. It’s such a large. . . . it’s such a huge shift over. Do they have a plan for this to take place in certain countries first or is this really going to take place all over the planet at once?
COBRA – This is going to take place all over the planet as once, at the same moment, in real time.
Rob – Wow. I just think with the human element in play here. I mean it just seems without it being experimented or explained to the public about what is going on and it’s just happening. How will everyone who’s in the position of finance know how to deal and support this, even if they’re really good, honest and good ethical people and there’s lots of them who are in the financial system. It’s just their job and their mindset. They’re stock traders and stuff. How will these people be able to assimilate the new system? Is it going to be so simple that anyone can do it?
Rob – Okay. For many of the stock market traders and people in the financial sector it will be a big shock. Those type of people will have the greatest difficulties in accepting this transition.
Rob – Will there will be people to take their place? I mean, I guess Cobra I’m not a super good financial guy, but when large amounts of food are shipped and trade that keep societies and countries running, I think specifically of food, that’s all done thru the stock market. I mean how . . . I guess there are contingencies now for that to take place.
COBRA – Yes, yes of course.
Rob – Okay. And I guess there is obviously must be a lot of people involved that already know about this? Are they in contact with the RM of the Galactic Confederation?
COBRA – Most of them are in contact or I would say they receive instructions from the positive military. They just know part of the plan not the whole plan. They know just the part of the plan that is directly connected with their actions.
Rob – Okay. Here is another question. It says, “In a recent interview, you
said deep earth changes were at least 15 years late. It’s quite obvious that our Galactic friends have been monitoring and protecting us – the sun and the Earth to make sure that such deep changes like volcanic activity are kept at bay for some time” and this is presumably to give mankind more time to awaken and raise their consciousness. What they wanted to know was, “Are these changes connected to the photon belt in any way and given the earth changes that will take place in the future you see some of these changes taking place before 2015 is over?”
COBRA – Okay. There is no thing as a photon belt because the majority of the incoming energy flow from the galactic center is not coming through photons and as I’ve said I’m not giving any exact time line predictions of when things are supposed to happen.
Rob – Okay. Someone was talking about the wobble in the Earth’s axis and the human consciousness. Is the planetary wobble and aura intimately associated with human consciousness? (Yes it is.) Would you agree that there will be a pole shift, maybe not a pole flipping on it’s axis, and is there a time period that this window more likely occur than any other time?
COBRA – We are all ready in the process of the magnetic pole shift. So this is already happening.
Rob – Can you talk about how pole will shift?
COBRA – The magnetic poles are shifting already and this is not going to trigger any massive cataclysm. About the physical polar shift, I am not speaking yet.
Rob – Okay. The magnetic polar shift is. Can you talk about the distance from where the North Pole is now, magnetically? How far is this going to shift? Will this be thousands of miles, several hundred miles? What is anticipated?
COBRA – It can be thousands of miles and it could be a complete polar reversal.
Rob – It could be. Would a polar reversal precipitate more physical upheaval? (No) Interesting. So we could have a magnetic shift where the south pole becomes the north pole and the north pole becomes the south pole and not have a drastic movement within the tectonic plates or earthquake, is that correct? (Yes). Very good news.
Someone wants to know, what lightworkers should do to protect themselves in their financial situation in the world today. You recommend investing. I know you’re not a stock person, but do you recommend holding some gold and silver? Some people have been feeling that the currencies are going to fluctuate and that . . . Would be the safest way to put your money?
COBRA – Okay. First, pull it out of the bank. This is #1. And #2 put it in something tangible or even better put it in projects that improves the quality of your life and the quality of the lives of the people around you.
Rob – Okay. Do all of the energies and frequencies that are rising vibrationally affect children differently than adults? They’re able to assimilate it better. What would be the difference? What could parents look for in their children? Is there anything they should look out for? Will some children go through some possible stressful times from these changing frequencies? I’m not thinking about society or earthquakes, but I’m talking about consciousness.
COBRA – Children will have much less problems with adapting to the new frequencies because it will be quite natural to them.
Rob – And this is another mother here, same person. She was wondering, “Were the diseases like peritonitis, mumps, rubella and measles . . . Were they made in a lab or were these natural occurring diseases?
COBRA – They were made in a lab. Some of them recently, some of them a long time ago.
Rob – Okay. Another person would like to thank you for your love and light. You made some statements they’d like you “to clarify points you made about the control over the reincarnation process. In your last interview you said that it was very rare for an individual to ever escape the grid at the time of death, where as few months ago you asserted that some more evolved souls have no problem breaking the reincarnation process of death.”
COBRA – One thing is to reach out your consciousness beyond the veil and not to leave this place and completely something else is to leave this quarantine and relocate to some other location.
Rob – Okay. I got one last question here, I guess. I guess it has to do with the plasma scalar field network and the chemtrails. There’ve been some tremendous increase in the chemtrails lately and you have mentioned that some of the satellites are coming down. Does this render the chemtrails less effective for the surface population?
COBRA – Okay. The chemtrail situation will be completely resolved at the time of the Event and not before.
Rob – Okay. So that’s one of the last things to go. Cobra, thank you very much.. I apologize for take so long to get to this interview. It’s informative as always and I want to thank you so much for coming on and take the time with me today. We’ll get this out to people as soon as possible. Are there any messages you’d like to leave the audiences with this coming month?
COBRA – Okay. The most important thing in this month is do not lose your center. Do not lose your balance because there might be challenges coming and have our vision, have your focus and we will be victorious at the end.
Rob – Thank you, so much, Cobra. Victory to the Light. Cobra, once again, God bless you and thank you for your service to our planet.
COBRA – Thank you, very much, and Victory of the Light.
The Promise Revealed » 2015 August 15 – Q & A with Cobra
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From: 2goforth@safe-mail.net
Date: Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 11:57 PM
Subject: MID- WEEK BY ZAP from "The Office of Poofness
On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. The Global Goals campaign is a global collaborative effort to ensure that these Goals are world famous and that they are successfully acted upon. Project Everyone, founded by Richard Curtis, aims to make the Global Goals the most famous Goals on the planet by sharing them with 7 billion people in 7 days from the moment they are adopted. British filmmaker and campaigner Richard Curtis began working with the United Nations on a campaign that would be “fun, bright, entertaining, and interesting,” to attract attention, especially of young people.
When we gain awareness of our ancestral money patterns, we have the ability to create spaciousness around our unproductive money habits and beliefs. Spaciousness helps us loosen our grip on old patterns so that they can begin to unravel and we can develop new money habits and beliefs that serve us. We are often impulsive when it comes to money. Training ourselves to pause in the midst of reactivity energetically opens us up to a creative thought, a new insight, a new way of behaving. The money breath you will learn, for example, adds a much-needed pause to this contracted area in our life.
Transforming Old Patterns
The spiritual tools are now available for us to challenge our initiation into money and undo the conditioning of childhood money messages. In place of worn beliefs and undermining behaviors, we can affirm new beliefs and behaviors which align with who we are today.
Healing Emotions Around Money
Money has remained in shadow for so long that when we consciously bring it into the light and simply acknowledge the darkness, shame, and fear that we have around money, we begin to transform our old patterns. Being in denial, obsession, or resistance with any of our patterns, keeps them firmly in place. If you doubt this, observe your friends’ money patterns. If they are in denial, obsession, or resistance, don’t their patterns stay in place?
Discovering and Balancing Your Financial Archetype
Your life experiences caused you to develop certain financial beliefs and habits and to avoid others. We have noticed that, although the details of people’s behaviors and problems are unique, there are great similarities among certain groups of people. We’ve created some broad definitions of these groups, or archetypes, so that people can learn from others who have gone through similar experiences. The value of defining these archetypes is that they give us a basis for understanding how we came to have our current financial life, and practices to pursue in order to create the financial life we most want.
Living an Authentic Money Life
When we gain awareness of the truth of our conditioning, we are naturally compelled to increase our resonance with what we really want in our lives and to create an authentic money life for ourselves.
A Living Example—Healing the "Money is Difficult" Belief
Many of us have been conditioned to believe that money is difficult. As we understand our ancestral patterns and our archetypal money tendencies, we learn how to balance this tendency and create some spaciousness within which to create a paradigm shift in our lives. For me (Spencer), the thought that money is difficult began to shift at the level of the mind. Then I noticed that every cell in my body began to respond. Changing our beliefs will actually create new neural pathways in the brain. Take a moment to say "money is difficult" and notice how you feel. Now say "I have all the money I need at all times" and notice how you feel. Imagine the life you would live from these disparate messages. Which do you choose?
This is about healing and undoing the old programming so that we can uncover our own path towards financial wellness, generosity, and prosperity consciousness. Unfortunately, so many of us have been living the lives of our ancestors despite our best efforts not to continue this conditioning. Now, you can use revolutionary tools to birth a new relationship to money that actually nourishes our spirits and allows us to live gracefully, mindfully, joyously, and abundantly on this planet.
First, become aware of how your ancestors handled money. Start noticing the connections between your lineage, your childhood, and your current adult way of being around money. After watching the video, take time to write down answers to the following questions and/or discuss with your money ally.
• How did they earn it?
• How did they spend it?
• Save it?
• Invest it?
• Worry about it?
• Talk about it?
• Were they free with it?
• Generous?
• Careless?
• Frugal?
• What are your own money shadows in your life today? HINT: These are your money thoughts and behaviors that keep you from absolute bliss and abundance in your life and that you don’t want others to know about.
To continue healing your ancestral money patterns:
1) Read and do the exercise on your "Family’s Money Mantras."
2) Make the "Money Breath" a daily practice.
Family Money Mantras
Let’s begin by recalling the favorite money aphorisms or pieces of wisdom that our parents and grandparents delivered with seemingly benign purpose. What did they tend to say repeatedly about money or their relationship to money? When you are feeling money stress or worry, what mantras from your family seem to be causing that stress or worry?
For example, whenever I [Spencer Sherman] take a day off at the beach or do anything that can’t be measured in dollars, I hear my father’s voice say "money is the only thing that will give you security – count your bank balance." Often when I’m shopping, I hear my mother’s voice say "we can’t afford it," and then I hear the opposite voice of my maternal grandfather say "just go for it anyway." No wonder we’re so confused about money.
September 9, 2015
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Archangel Michael: September Cosmic Wave Increasing Exponentially! Channeled by Michael Love 9/7/15 September 11, 2015
Dear ones,
Many of you are aware of a great shift that has occurred inside of you which is now entering the phase where it will manifest outwardly as your perceived reality.
Over the next 21 days the powerful wave of gamma light coming in from the Galactic Core, (The Pleroma) will continue to impact Earth and its beings! The power of this incoming gamma light wave as measured by German and Russian scientists recently was discovered to have doubled over the last 2 weeks and is now increasing exponentially!
This super wave of gamma photon light has the power of one hundred million nuclear reactors and had to be diffused using advanced satellite technology by a group of star beings known as the Earth Alliance to turn down the power level to be safer and easier to integrate by the Earth and its beings. Some of the after effects of this streaming down of Wave-Xwas seen in every country of the world as large blue/white column beams of plasma measuring up to one mile in diameter striking the ground.
As we have now entered the densest area of the Photon belt, the power of Wave-X is increasing each hour and each day.
This great point in humanity's evolution is known as "The Event Horizon." September 28th, 2015 is when this Super-Wave peaks and is the highest energetic frequency ever measured in the cosmos in modern history.
The Schumann Resonance of the Earth and the entire cosmos has reached an astounding level of 33 Hertz now with no other explanation for the sudden leap other than you are pushing it higher and higher at an exponential rate by your internal vibration and divine intention. This is 12 Hertz above the 5D New Earth Level so Gaia is more than ready to receive the first wave of love beings at Tetrad 9282015.
These ascension pioneers well deserve the first entrance into The Kingdom of 5D Heaven because of their sacrifice and their desire and dedication to this whole ascension project! Most of you reading this message will be included in this first wave of approx. 2.3 billion souls. There is a leveling off and adjustment period for a few months after 9/28 for everyone to fully integrate the new energies and to begin the detailed forming of their paradise called The New Earth! The ones who did not vibrate high enough to reach 21 hertz will come a few months after in spring 2016. The third wave (unconscious humanity) will reach the 21 hertz level last in mid-summer 2016. The ones who do not reach the level first are no less important and everyone makes it. When the pressure of these tremendous light forces bear down hard enough on a being, that one is transmuted into a more advanced species of love and it will embrace the light! There is no judgement or comparison in any of this! It is all a matter of one’s awareness level! Remember great ones we came here for the sake of them all and we do not choose one over another for there is truly no choice to make. We are all sacred and precious.
The moon energies of September play a massive role over the next three weeks and physical manifestations will begin to show up not only in your personal life as things are re-arranged to match your new frequency but you will start to see things happening in positive world events. The Event Horizon will start to hit main stream news as we draw near. World leaders, governments and agencies who are well aware of the incoming photon wave are going to start to do the right thing. Yes, this is the new paradigm loved ones. If you do not believe this then you are still running the old program so give this some consideration.
There will be a major announcement about the world money system that has already been switched over behind the scenes and great abundance is about to make its way to you personally soon.
It is proven that gamma light can instantaneously evolve the DNA of any species into its higher form. You are literally evolving quickly now into the highest version of you!
Some are preaching doom and gloom about all this and there are others who are totally oblivious to what is truly happening. We say ride this super photon wave with everything you've got! See this as the beginning of true freedom for Humanity. Rejoice we say!
Be impeccable in every area of your life as we move ahead in each now moment as your ions begin spin faster and faster! It's important to let go of everything that has not served your soul to this point and open fully to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Most of you are already feeling the steady increase of frequency in the body. Many of you have noticed being shifted around to new locations, loss of relationships and material things. In some ways you may feel totally out of place, alone and even lost. We assure you all that is happening is as it should be, and is a clearing of the old energies that you have held onto so strongly. These lower frequencies have to be transmuted so this divine wave of light and love can flow through the body and ground into the core of Gaia. It is impossible to take the lower frequencies of repressed emotional trauma and errant DNA programming (limited belief systems) into the higher dimensions! These old trapped trauma energies must be released from the body so the light data can flow completely through you and be grounded correctly. This completes the divine circuitry that makes you the super being you truly are.
The highest level twin flames on the Earth play a major role in "The Event Horizon." A great multitude of illuminated twin flame key holders shall lead the way and open the cosmic gates with the intense power of their combined love and brings forth this higher vibrational perception called "The New Earth and New Heaven."
We as the angels in human bodies came to hold space in our own bodies for this great light for all humanity and to herald this great message! Know that many Star Races are now here for the final curtain call in this great cosmic story you have played an important role in. Great beings from many worlds are here on the edge of their seat to see how you are doing and to see what you will do next. They are applauding you!
We say that after the first-wave twin flame key holders go through the 5D veil, they will begin their real work as male/female teams in the greatest service to others, helping the rest of Humanity cross the great Rainbow Bridge.
The greatest thing we want you to understand here is that you are doing all this! Never again see yourself as ‘little old you’ or the victim but as the super being and God that you truly are!
It would be better that you come as a little child and be like the Avatar or super hero that you once admired. You were closer to the real you at that point, then now! You are so much more then you can even imagine but we say give it a try and just be the higher you. This is the correct way and will raise your vibration faster than anything because it aligns with a higher truth.
We also want you to understand that the highest thing you can do for the next 3 weeks is to know that this ascension has already happened! All things have!
Now shift your consciousness into the reality of the Earth Frequency, it’s that simple!
Over the next three weeks, take back control of your personal power in every way! Take control back from your governments. You do this by simply not needing them to do everything for you! These are not your enemy, they are just doing what you have been too lazy to do.
We close in saying it's important that you take good care of yourself during this great time so that you can be the best you can be for all!
The highest teaching in all universes is this:
Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and this is the secret to entering The Kingdom of Heaven. We ask you. “Who is the identity of this great God?”
Love You with all your heart, mind and soul! There is no other work to do than this!
Thank you great ones for coming to Earth on this great purposeful mission.
Well done good and faithful ones, enter in. This is your hour to shine.
You are the light of this world, as a great master once said. Shine bright for all to see.
This is all very real dear friends, it's already happening and will happen exactly as it has been spoken. It is beautiful and wonderful and there is nothing to fear. No harm shall come to any of you.
Your world will now be set free forevermore! The level of suffering and chaos on this planet cannot be sustained even past another few months! Something has to give at once and it truly already has as billions of Light Beings (You) continue to transmit in this Evolutionary Wave of Super Consciousness to transform ourselves and the outward perception of this place into the paradise it was meant to be!
As of S7 (Sept 7, 2015), a resonant sub-collective will merge all potential timelines into one agreed upon reality for the great purpose at hand. The immediate task at hand is to fully love you and to know that you are already aligned fully with 5D new earth. As a great master once said, "Only believe."
Just before 5D is where the twin flame re-unites and the universe only sends this unknown/known one when you vibrate near and at the 5D love vibration. This is the level where you have mastered self-love! This is the wave of love we refer to as Wave-X.
We are the 36,000 matching male and female energies who are the great key-holders and the highest loves in the universe that shall bring forth a power never experienced on the earth as we prepare for the greatest event in human history. Many of you resonate as this sub-collective.
We are the hope for all humanity!
We are the divine glue that will hold this timeline known as the rainbow bridge together as the great first wave of light beings touch the 5D frequency at 9282015.
I am Archangel Michael and I overcame death so that I could come and cause this great thing to be. My people will walk beside me into a great new kingdom where we shall be in joy together forevermore.
The data contained in this message flows from source energy through this vessel.
I am the great Archangel Michael, The Guardian Angel of Love and Protection who speaks these words to you.
Strangest dream! I dreamed I was a fly on the wall in the main auditorium hall of the annual Bilderberg meeting.
I heard someone yelling and turned to the stage where an ancient-looking, paunchy, white man with red-rimmed eyes and a snarl was scolding the participants.
“I don’t know how many times I have to repeat it. We can’t control this many people. We have to get rid of most of the useless eaters and it’s not happening fast enough. You each have power and responsibility in this, so what the hell have you been doing this last year?”
A CEO from a chemical company stood to defend himself, saying:
“We control over 80% of what they eat already, and we have laced it with GMOs, hormones, aspartame, and pesticides. Our MSG combines elegantly with all the High Fructose Corn Syrup they consume to create cancers and heart disease and diabetes at an unprecedented rate.”
The President of a pharmaceutical conglomerate chimed in:
“We’ve got over half of the adults in our country on at least one prescription drug and now we have almost as many of the kids as well. The anti-depressants are hooking them when they get convinced that strong feelings aren’t OK, and the pushers are selling pain killers and mood pills almost as fast as the pharmacies.
“When someone loses it entirely and goes on a killing rampage, that’s helping convince folks they should turn in their guns to the government.
“We’re succeeding in making vaccines mandatory, and are on the verge of being able to just inject everyone with the toxins and heavy metals that we have been dropping from the sky and infusing in their water — the ones that dumb them down, weaken their resistance and shorten their lives.”
A notorious minister of education rose to speak.
“Now that state-sponsored education is mandatory, we are doing everything we can to teach the history we want them to believe. They memorize but don’t ask or challenge much. Their heroes are the military, political and banking elite.
“They believe in the goodness of the nation state as their rulers and even the students of journalism all want to go into PR. They mostly want to work for the multi-nationals because that’s where the money is and even the elite private school students want to go to Wall St. or head up a big corporation or foundation…, again because we’ve made sure that’s where the money is.”
A four star general snapped to attention and boomed:
“Hey, we’re still knockin’ em off in the desert, over a million in Iraq alone and we’re back in there. Profits are still rising after we got Hamas and ISIS to follow in Al Qaeda’s boot steps.
“We’re doing everything we can to get into Iran and Syria, while convincing the world that China and Russia are the bad guys. We just need more money and it’ll all work out the way we planned.”
A prominent former Western head of state adjusted his tie and lapel pin to represent the politicians.
“Hey, we got you the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the Military Commissions Act, and the Natural Resources Defense Act.
“That’s total power over every system, resource, citizen and enforcement agency. Now with fast-tracking passed by the Senate, we are ready to go with the TPP, TTIP and Agenda 21, we are handing almost complete global authority over to you bankers and CEOs. The BRICS alliance is a nuisance, but at least we are keeping most reports of them and their power out of the mainstream news.”
“The original boss at the podium glared at them all. “OK, so you are telling me you’ve got the masses sick, poor, in debt, afraid, medicated and duped. How come we still can’t get rid of most of them and control the rest? For all your bragging, we seem to be losing.
“We’re getting exposed, even arrested and forbidden to travel in some cases. We are becoming the laughing stock with all our banks and governments hundreds of trillions in the red. Our gold has mostly disappeared and they aren’t buying the notion of just letting us print money any more.
“We’ve got to get rid of cash and commodity-backed transactions immediately! Our own soldiers are on the verge of revolt in unprecedented ways. They’re starting to think they’re the ‘White Hats’ and we’re some kind of delusional psychopaths! This is unacceptable!”
With this outburst, he slouched and started to cough and had to sit down. But then I saw that men and women all over the ballroom were swooning and reeling. The MC ended the program abruptly and people helped each other out of the room to return to their suites.
As a fly on the wall, all of this definitely had my attention, so I flew down and snacked on some leftovers at one of the tables and then camped out behind a light fixture for the night.
When the doors opened for the next day’s presentations over breakfast, I was stunned to see people dragging in looking tired, ill and disoriented. The first speaker, some Queen from Europe, could barely stand and her voice was weak.
“Something is wrong, ladies and gentlemen. I don’t feel very well. And apparently many of you don’t as well.”
At that moment, one of the armed guards walked up onto the stage and bent the microphone toward himself.
“Yes, indeed, people, there is something very wrong. And the problem is people who act like YOU.” A hush came over the auditorium and the Queen grabbed the mic, yelling, “Guards, get rid of this man.”
The guards around the room remained motionless.
“Don’t bother, ma’am, they’re all with me. Everyone in uniform, in fact, is here to give you a message.”
As the participants looked around the room, guards were standing in front of every exit.
“We have heard you refer to the ‘X Factor’ — some mythical force you don’t seem to be able to defeat, no matter how much money, deception and force you throw at it. It’s actually not that esoteric. It’s the life force — which includes the truth, morality, empathy and love. It’s good people everywhere. You can think of us as emissaries of the X Team.”
One of the waitresses put down her tray and walked up the steps to the stage. She stepped to the mic and said:
“On behalf of the kitchen and wait staff, I want to let you know that the food and beverages you consumed the last several days were all the trash that you have all been inflicting on innocent people worldwide. You were drinking fracking water, enhanced with coal slurry and fluoride accented with various of your unethically approved pharmaceuticals.
“We were generous with the aspartame, MSG, syrups and coloring we added to your anti-biotic, pesticide and hormone-infused main courses along with their sides of GMO starches. Is it any wonder you are feeling the effects?
“Your exposure has been minimal, relatively speaking, and you will be relieved to know that today you are being served the organic vegetables and fruits that will begin to restore your health.”
Two of the limo drivers in dark suits and caps approached the podium. One was setting up a laptop and projector. The curtains parted at the back of the stage and in a moment one of them had started a presentation.
“While your oil, gas and coal companies are fouling our atmosphere and raining asthma on our kids, while you send our children to risk their lives as your soldiers to destroy other cultures and steal their resources — all under the guise of ‘National Security,’ here is what you keep secret from the people!”
He proceeded to show footage from laboratories around the world pulling electricity from the air, generating it with magnets, boiling water almost instantaneously with copper coils in beautiful geometric configurations.
A maid joined the crew at the mic, saying:
“My husband, my daughter and many of my friends have died of cancer while you have bullied, threatened or killed many inventors who had developed real cures.”
The screen showed numerous doctors and researchers with a flood of before and after X-rays showing the disappearance of various tumors and diseased cells.
A waiter stepped to the front and looked over the participants:
“Our children will go to the schools of their choice — or assemble their own education. They will not be squashed into your molds. They will be able to celebrate their curiosity, creativity and natural collaboration.
“They will learn real history, authentic science, useful skills and real philosophy rather than be propagandized into becoming mere robotic consumers or cogs in the banking-government-military-industrial corporatocracy. They will be nurtured in recognizing, honoring and restoring the wholeness of natural systems — from energy to agriculture, from media to economics and justice.”
One of the janitors from the hotel chimed in:
“We have been instructed not to look you in the eyes — not to say or ask anything unless spoken to by you. Well, there’s not enough you could pay us or threaten us to keep us quiet any longer.
“While you were stealing our hard earned wages around the world through inflation, bailouts, fraud, fiat counterfeit, fake trade agreements, taxation, rigged markets and outright theft, we watched you building your walled cities, co-opting the military and intelligence agencies to protect you. We have had enough. See the sprinklers in the ceilings?
“Behind them are sophisticated spy cameras like the ones you use on everyone, but this time they have been aimed at you. We and our allies in other hotels have been patiently recording the proceedings of these meetings for years and the highlights are beginning to stream around the global Internet as I speak to you.
“The truth will always have its day… and today is that day. We do not come to hurt you, as you have done to so many. But justice calls for reconciliation and restitution.”
The concierge of the hotel was the last one to approach the podium.
“We have many special guests here today. They have been watching this morning’s proceedings on monitors in the lobby. They were invited here as a surprise for your final day’s celebration and now they will join us.”
The guards opened doors around the ballroom and people of all ages started flowing in. It became apparent that they were spouses, siblings, children and grandchildren of the members of the Bilderberg group.
“Today, finally, titles and money don’t matter. Starting now, the primary currency is changing from power, force and deception to trust, virtue and character. Your New World Order will not be the totalitarian pyramid of global coercion you have envisioned, but one based on merit and caring, on authenticity and freedom for every single being on the planet — as long as they do no harm.
“There are healthy solutions rising in every sector. The X Factor is everywhere. There is no leader. There is no regime or capital. Just the shared principles of integrity, non-aggression and self-ownership.
“Please gather your belongings and vacate the premises,” he continued. “This meeting is over, and a new way of life is beginning for humanity and this planet, our home. You will be regaining your strength over the next several weeks.
“Hopefully you will appreciate it, for you are going to need it to make amends with the rest of your life. ‘Bilderberg’ is supposed to mean ‘a community of builders.’ Let’s get started on that.
“You will be held personally accountable for what you have done and also for what you do from this day forward. Perhaps you can share with your children on your way home what you are going to be doing to set all of this right. We will be in touch. The whole world is watching.”
I could hardly believe what I had just witnessed. Oh, man, I’m thinking… did this all really happen? The details all seemed so real…
But hey, what do I know? I’m just a fly on the wall in some old guy’s dream.
A 500 year old forest is being clear cut to make way for Olympic ski facilities that will be used for a four day competition!The International Olympic Committee has mandated these games as "Green Olympics", let's hold them to it and save the ancient forest. Sign then share on Facebook, Twitter, email...everywhere:
Preserve a 500 year old ancient forest, home to four threatened species,
Clearcut the ancient forest for an Olympic ski competition.
It seems like a no-brainer. And it should be. But right now, Olympic organisers in South Korea are tearing down a forest, with trees half a millennia old, to make room for new ski facilities.
It’s shortsighted, illogical and worst of all, irreversible. Once the precious forest is gone, it’s gone forever. But we can stop them from clearcutting for an Olympic sized resort. The International Olympic Committee laid down a mandate that this event should be a “Green Olympics” built and operated by principles of sustainability. If we launch an enormous global outcry from every country participating in the Winter Olympics, we can shame the International Olympic Committee to living up to their ideals.
Join this urgent campaign and Avaaz will deliver our voices directly to the Olympic Committee offices. Sign then share on Facebook, Twitter, email...everywhere:
Pyeongchang, South Korea won the bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics, and to hold just two ski events, they are clearcutting the world’s largest expanse of Wangsasre tree, while devastating one of the last remaining habitats of four vulnerable animals: the Eurasian Otter, the Leopard Cat, the Marten and the Flying Squirrel.
This place has been considered sacred in Korea for hundreds of years and the mountain has long been protected. But to win the Olympic bid, the government removed the protection. Now, huge scars have been carved into the mountains, and developers are moving fast to clear cut enormous areas of forest to create a massive ski resort.
There is no reason for this -- the Games could take place in another city like Muju, and that could save $138 million! The International Olympic Committee’s own environmental standards outline sustainable development for the Games. It’s time to hold them to account for turning a blind eye to Pyeongchang’s destruction, and demand they uphold their own rules.
It’s unconscionable to think of thousands of 500 year old trees felled for a few winter Olympic races. What’s been torn down can never be replaced. But if enough of us raise our voices we can stop them from expanding it, and ensure that the Olympics never destroys our global wonders for the games again. Join the urgent call:
Forests are the lungs of our world, vital to the clean air and stability of our shared planet. Time and again, Avaaz members from across the world have come together to protect these treasures. From thousands of us chipping in to purchase a corridor of Borneo rainforest to winning major battles to protect the forests of Amazon, Aceh and Australia, Avaaz has shown that when we come together, we all win. Let’s do it again.
With hope and determination,
Dalia, Jooyea, Mais, Nataliya, Alice, Emily and the rest of the Avaaz team
Avaaz.org is a 41-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
All of sudden after waiting for some considerable time for positive news about Ascension, you are finding that a number of sources are receiving positive information. You are now repeatedly being informed that the 28th. September is the high point of the month, as the day on which the photon energies peak. Not only that, but to a level that has not been previously experienced. If you ever had any doubts about the progress being made towards Ascension, they have surely now been removed. You will now begin to realize that so much has been happening “behind the scenes” that you were not aware of previously. As you have often been told, that has been in the interests of keeping our plan secret for as long as possible. Different civilizations have been involved in the action, not least of all the Shelves from the 6th. dimension who have suddenly made themselves known to you. They are of the Light and will ensure that you succeed in making your way through to Ascension, and they will not allow the dark Ones to carry on interfering with your progress. As you look back you will realize that since 2012 there has been steady progress made, until suddenly you have found your place in the New Age and nothing can stop your completion.
As many of you may have already found out, the Shelves have arrived in your Solar System with their “home planet” that is now helping to deflect some of the powerful energies reaching you. Otherwise some of you may become overwhelmed by the full force of such powerful energies. These are all signs of the progress being made on many fronts that will soon lead to Ascension. Which souls ascend is entirely due to the level of their vibrations, so it is essential that you apply yourselves to keeping your focus on your goal. It is natural that you will be concerned about your loved ones, but be assured that all souls will find themselves exactly where they are intended to be. The cycle that has just ended unlike earlier ones, will not end in disaster but in success as all of you that are ready will move on and no longer be held back.
Some souls will ask how they will know if they are ready to ascend and the fact that they have made efforts to be ready for such an occasion, suggests that they have successfully prepared themselves for it. Continue as you have done previously and do not worry about your future, as many Guides that travel with you will ensure that you find yourself exactly where you are intended to be. Some souls will continue at their present level in a similar dimension to the present one, where they will continue to experience the challenge of the 3rd. dimension. Mother Earth is also ascending and will no longer be tied to the lower vibrations. A beautiful Earth will arise out of the ashes of the old one where peace and love reside. No longer shall you be subject to those who carry the negative energies, or their actions that bring down the higher vibrations of the Light. Simply put, they cannot survive in the higher vibrations that are for souls who have moved past the need for further experience at that level.
Wherever you are in the world the new energies will change the old ones, and Ascension will give the same opportunities to all souls regardless of their background. It has been the same ever since your journey started eons of time ago. All souls have been assisted through their various lives, even if they have been unaware of the presence of their Guides. As the vibrations rise some souls will begin to have an awareness of them and ultimately are able to converse with them. Bear in mind that many of you leave your sleeping bodies each night and meet them, when your needs are discussed and help given to you if so desired. You are never left alone to fight your battles through life, although it may seem like it when the odds seem stacked against you. We would remind you that you agreed to life’s tests before you incarnated, having accepted the need to learn certain lessons to further your evolution.
If you had a waking memory of your previous lives, you would be amazed at the rapid progress you have made. Indeed, there is not a quicker way available to you even in the next dimension. Be assured that all of you at present on Earth have been chosen because of your particular needs, and your previous experience. However, it is also necessary to have souls from all levels to create a complete society that gives all of them the experiences needed to evolve. Life may seem to be mixture of experiences that seem to have little purpose, but we can assure you that they are carefully planned and carried out by your Guides. As you might understand, at this particular time it is a matter of tying up the loose ends to ensure you are completely prepared to ascend. You have no doubt had the experience to find that some souls have no interest whatsoever in Ascension, because they have not raised their consciousness to a sufficient level to understand what it means. However, as we often point out, it does not matter in the greater scheme of things as all will eventually complete their lessons in the 3rd. dimension.
You now stand at the beginning of another grand adventure, but this time you will choose the path you wish to follow. After all the experiences you have gone through you can sit back and enjoy the changes as they come along. Clearly there is still work to be done and patience needed whilst the old energies are played out. You in the know can be of great service to those who are awakening and need help to understand what is happening. As you can imagine, the truth will come as a shock to most people, but the changes are to be welcomed as they take you to a level where love and peace reign. Any remnants of the old vibrations will gradually disappear or be removed, as the benefits of the higher dimension lift you up.
We believe that many of you will begin to feel the benefits of the rise in vibrations, and it should bring a peace of mind and a happy feeling that at last you can fully enjoy the Light that is increasing all of the time. Life is to be full of purpose and uplifting and the old days of chaos and uncertainty will fade into the background having served their purpose in helping you evolve. The journey back to the higher vibrations has been long and arduous, but every effort put in will have been well worth it. At some stage you will be able to review your many lives and history, and then you will have a full understanding of your experiences. They will help you in your choice of further opportunities to take your evolution to the next step.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always please to address you particularly at such an important time. Your understanding of life has moved forward in leaps and bounds and it will continue to speed up as the greater truths are made known to you. Until you truly understand your remarkable achievements you will be unable to grasp exactly how great they are, and why you are looked up to by other civilizations who have followed your progress.. I leave you as always with my love and blessings, and trust you will find the strength to see the goal ahead of you that is now so near.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/new_subscribe.html Left click on the heading “Subscribe to the Tree of the Golden Light Weekly Messages” and it will take you to the Subscribe pages – go to the bottom and under the heading “etfirstcontact” enter your Email address twice as requested. You will receive a confirmation if you are successful. You can also “unsubscribe” from the same page . For those of you interested in some of the sources of information on Ascension, I list below links that will help you:
LORD ASHTAR 18 August 2015 Message from Lord Ashtar. Link: http://www.earthascends.com/page/491339762 Title: “The End of the Beginning – Ascension of Mankind” through Pallas Athena.
KATHRYN E MAY 30.07.13 Message from The Prime Creator. Link: http://earthascends.com/page49127656 Earth Ascends. Part 185. Title: “Prime Creator makes an Announcement”
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
David Wilcock Update: Dream Reading Development and the 15 Year Time Loop | Precognition and Intuitive Processes
For those who find David's insights of interest he posted the following update about his dreamtime experiences.
In my own synchronicity investigations, there is a profound level of intuitive data constantly streaming through. Often these nuggets bubble up from the unconscious into the conscious mind as 'mind chatter' and random thoughts. It is usually after an event occurs, that I am able to piece together these data points into a perspective, which clearly suggests I was receiving a precognition.
Ever since I started my awakening, these experiences have increased in number. I suspect the intuitive glimpses have always been there, but it wasn't till I started paying attention (spiritual money) to these so-called random thoughts, that I was able to piece them together.
This just further underscores why a conscious awareness practice in ones life is so empowering, and why seeking the truth in all its forms, eventually trains us to begin using our innate psi abilitie
Some of the clearest examples of these abilities manifesting for me is while watching movies or tv shows. I enjoy them for decoding their symbolic elements while also reverse engineering the programming offered by television. Often I receive intuitive data about the plot or a character development well before the events actually occur. As I described above, these usually come through as seemingly random thoughts.
As an exercise, try and focus on your thought stream and remember what images and impressions you receive from within. Then go back and review events by comparing them to these thoughts, which will probably reveal how 'tuned' we are to the events of the future, from a vantage point of the now.
I am not sure if these abilities have increased in potency due to external forces or my own inner work, but I suspect that it is a mix of the two. The more inner work we do to expand and raise our consciousness, the more clearly we can observe our thought stream, and find meaning in it via juxtaposition within life experience.
I have experienced the ultimate 15-year time loop between now and February / March 2000 in my dream transcripts here in Canada. It is so deeply rich, astonishing and bursting with provable data, as well as intensely personal data, that it will be a major feature of the new book I came here to write.
The whole thing is profoundly psychedelic. It appears that someone is watching my "now" and waiting for little things to happen, like reading an article about the "five second rule" of whether bacteria fully contaminates food upon contact, and then takes that data and "installs" it in the past. Any idea of "coincidence" has been ridiculously and thoroughly defeated.
Some of the most important points are actually preserved in my Reading Transcripts on the site, which makes this truly dazzling. Best of all, the new research I am doing is all pointing towards the spontaneous Ascension model, and in just the last week or so, the case has expanded very, very dramatically in favor of this model.
Furthermore, the 15-year time loop makes it very clear that this is really going to happen. If this many things could be looped (and there are at least 25 specifics so far) then why would this intelligence be wrong about "The Event"?
Let's just say things have gotten VERY interesting here. This is probably the single most significant experience with the dreams and readings that I have ever had. It will take time to write it up properly but it will definitely be in the book.
I am going to slam out the rest of the article fairly soon as well, I hope. Internet access here is definitely not the greatest!
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
As you allow the greater integration of the cosmic energies to take place within your consciousness and within your physical, mental and emotional bodies, you are digging ever deeper into your psyche. This is a process that is occurring for everyone upon the planet at this time. Depending upon your understanding of all that is happening, you who are reading this discourse are those who are now positioned to be of greater service than ever before. The world needs you to be fully present and willing to use your powerful energies for the awakening of the inhabitants of your planet. As the prevailing energies of polar opposites balance within, you become a mighty powerhouse of a force for good. Your divine essence is descending into your etheric field and there is a deeper integration that is taking place. On the outer level, this activity may not be seen but it is certainly being felt, for it is in the experience of the energy and awareness that one comes into their mastery on the physical level. We say to you, do not be afraid to face the shadows within, rather face them squarely and accept these as an important part of your enlightened journey.
During this process, the qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are being finely tuned within your soul as you now turn these qualities of love towards your own being. Each earthly experience should be seen as an important soul lesson that needs to be observed, understood and accepted. All that occurs in the outer world is a reflection of your desire as soul to learn, grow and expand into ever higher dimensions of reality and understanding. Your intent and willingness to undergo these experiences helps to move you forward on your unique path of light towards mastery of the physical plane. Try to attune your senses to the underlying feelings of zest and enthusiasm that well up from within your soul each time you overcome and release yet another illusionary limitation from your being. Yes, this is you at a higher level relishing the accomplishment! From the level of soul, it means that another test and initiation has been successfully passed. Celebrate these moments and mark them by rewarding yourselves with a special treat or symbolic ceremony that leads you to further empowerment.
Know that you who read this message are all initiates upon the path of light and are now steadfastly moving towards completion of contracts and agreements made before you ever set foot upon this planet in this and other, lifetimes. This current lifetime is for tying up all loose ends that needed to be dealt with from the highest soul integrity that was possible and you have all earned your lightbody and the privileges that come with this accomplishment. These privileges allow you as soul to traverse other regions of the universe as you work upon ever higher levels of ascension of galactic and cosmic experience. This process is ongoing and continuous, for there is always more to experience and learn in order that you grow and expand the divine spark within you, as God in action upon the universal playing field!
Those who are just awakened; arise from your slumber and know that it is never too late! Do not judge yourselves for your lateness of awakenment, for truly, it was not yet your time to do so. All that occurs is in divine timing in accordance with the requirements of your soul and the divine plan for the Earth. In truth, you are equipped with the ability to move forward now with leaps and bounds. Be kind to yourselves as well as others and take note that the evolvement of each individual cannot be wholly discerned upon this planet. It is highly possible that you have slumbered until this time in the Earth’s history in order to bring your unique and valuable energies online at the most perfect time. Honor your own growth and spiritual evolution without judgement and open yourselves to the inpouring energies, synchronistic opportunities and possibilities that now unfold.
Those who have paved the way before you hold the space for your movement forward during these times and will continue to do so in the times ahead. You are never alone! Remember this and walk steadfastly and resolutely forward in your daily lives, holding this knowledge in your ever expanding hearts and minds. You are invited to attend my retreat in the Temple of Truth during your sleep times (all you must do is set the intention before bedtime) in order to apprise yourself of the divine plan for your own life and to gain a greater understanding of the divine plan for the evolvement of the planetary life wave that is now in motion. We welcome you with open arms!
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included.
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.
Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
11 Etznab, 11 Zip, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! Our allies are coming together to defeat the dark cabal. This operation is seemingly taking longer than initially expected. The world conceptualized by the Anunnaki is filled with hidden mental traps. What is needed is a newer construct. With Heaven’s approval we have put forth a new reality modeled upon the one you all know and love! This reality is now being manifested by the numerous decrees of Heaven. It is one, which the Earth allies can, at times, find hard to fully fathom. Nonetheless, these brave souls of the Light continue to move forward. The dark controlled the old, cruel reality with a diligence that forced you to accede mightily to their heinous desires. This dark, silent controller still maintains a certain hold upon you, but this is starting to fade from the inner desires of the Light’s leadership. It is being replaced by a deep need to fulfill the decrees of the Light for a new and more just reality. These desires are currently driving the ancient families to complete the construction of a new reality that firmly isolates the dark cabal from its former subjects. Thus, the dark is ultimately doomed as this new reality begins to flesh itself out.
Above all, this reality shift needs your heartfelt support. One of the major outcomes of this change is the rise of new perceptions about how the world is supposed to work. As you grow up, you are constantly bombarded by your environment, your parents and friends to act or react in an acceptable manner. This acculturation process is really “second nature” to you. You now need to learn a new set of parameters, designed to expand your view of the world. This is required to truly alter this present reality. These powerful new perceptions are the main key to the path to full awareness. Up to now, Heaven has used your rising consciousness to permit a subtle degree of change to creep into your reality. This process is to be quickened as various funds become available. Hence, new banking regulations, a global currency reset and the rise of precious-metal backed monies is to greatly alter your everyday reality. This reality is to be centered on personal growth, outer peace and the start of a final path toward full consciousness.
Sheldon's book, Your First Contact
As you grow in consciousness and begin to take on new chakras, remember the perilous journey that began when the Anunnaki changed the game and forced you to endure nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This terrorized you and led to a number of edicts being given you by the Anunnaki. The dark isolated you from your brethren in Inner Earth (Agartha) and preached a power concept that caused you to question how Heaven was to defeat the dark cabal and its many minions. This group of minions was first given a whole host of powers that the Anunnaki slowly redefined over many millennia. In the end, the minions felt they were all-powerful and defied their former masters’ edicts to acquiesce to the Light and permit Heaven to end the long dominance of the dark. Instead, these dark ones forged a scenario that prolonged their evil shenanigans for an additional twenty years. However, their misdeeds are about to isolate them from you. You are very close to freedom and new governance, as well as an incredible era of peace and freedom.
This coming age has taken an extended time to achieve. Long ago, the dark was given a very specific carte blanche. This special set of exceptions was to last a relatively short period. At a specially appointed time, Heaven was to regain its Loving hold over you and in a very detailed manner, finish a means to return you to a full awareness. This is to restore those abilities the Atlanteans had taken from you. This process was to be centered on a special living crystal chamber. In effect, the Agarthans and us are to welcome you home. This process is to permit you to remember your former roles as rebels in Atlantis. In this mode, you can use your abilities to join with the Agarthans and forge a unique galactic society destined to spread itself throughout the other three water planets. These planets are again to be returned to their former state within this special solar system. This solar system is to become one of the major gathering places for the Galactic Federation as well as many “galactic unions” that are now made up of over 20,000 nearby galaxies.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Millennia ago, the dark cabal were given a time dispensation by Heaven. This ruling was to better prepare each of us for this time. Along the way, Heaven told its heavenly guardian to set up a special group that was to graciously aid these blessed divine hosts. We were chosen over the years to fulfill these most sacred posts. As all of us on the Earth plane head toward a new day, we need to remain ever aware of what is now expected of us. We Masters have come together to freely guide you on the final part of a path that began with the abdication of the Anunnaki and the sudden rise of their minions, the dark cabal to power in the mid 1990s. Since then, the many types of spiritual, emotional, mental and physical changes have truly gripped you. Our sacred task is to support, aid and mercifully guide you down this most glorious path to full awareness. As this divine path unfolds, you are seeing and feeling more of our special supervision of your sacred souls! This task requires you to remain positive and to set aside any potential frustration. You need as well to sense the inner changes that occur daily. We are to assist you in this magnificent knowing.
The coming time is to be one in which many near miraculous events are to suddenly manifest. See these as signs that this former dark realm is changing for the better. The debt jubilee, the sudden prosperity and the growth of world peace are heavenly signs of this. Be ever grateful and go inside. Use these events to gather up your dreams and discover what these events truly signify for you. In this mode, thank Heaven and look for clarification of what this means to you. This is to be a time for inner work and for doing the right thing. Join in harmony with your family and friends. Aid each other and be a part of a developing harmony. Let this energy grow! You are to see great things alter your perceptions of this world. Help the efforts to aid humanity and permit Gaia to see how wonderful this slice of humanity truly is! This is a time for joy and for achieving many positive goals.
Most of all, let your overwrought anticipation go. Instead, slip into a positive, supportive energy. The time for frustration is over. Most of you have waited through nearly a decade of unrequited wishing for what is now forming around you. Be gracious and support what is occurring. Be able to view all in a most gracious Light. Use your ability to cooperate with each other to globally signal that a new time has at last arrived. The fading away of the dark happened due to the unselfish efforts of a great many. Acknowledge them by showing your inner appreciation of these most courageous deeds. You are now ready with this great work to be able to create a new reality. Think of this responsibility in the most positive and gracious of ways. Be able to volunteer freely and watch with true intent what is globally happening. Be one whose intentions are to help and to fulfill your grandest dreams in joy! Hallelujah!
Today, we have as before, given you a general update on what is happening on this globe. Be ready to receive news and events, which can initially amaze you. Once the cabal is gone, some events never before thought possible are to occur. We stand ready to inform and to explain to you what all of this means! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
"Above All, This Reality Shift Needs Your Heartfelt Support"
Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual
Mother's Mini-Message #22: Operation Home Free
by Mother God
Dearest Children, I have an important message for all of you. I will embed with this message the pictures and feelings that I hope will make it possible for you to understand the deepest meanings behind my words.
This is a turning point for Earth. All of you have worked so hard to lift yourselves higher and higher within yourselves, and you have turned your attention to creating Light all around you with your loving actions. You have made it possible, in accordance with our long-standing agreements, for us to contribute in important ways.
You may not have been able to see the effects of what we have done, because the last layer of darkness left on Earth has been controlled by the remaining cabal - the minions who are left here since the Archon Alliance, the Anunnaki, and the Reptilians all left to return to the Light. Our combined important actions did not change the effects of the last remnants of the most dedicated practitioners of darkness - those remaining in human bodies - the ones you have called the 13 families, the Illuminati, or the cabal. Their intransigence has been without precedence in the Universe, which you may find as much a revelation as we do.
As we have told you, you were created in our image. Humankind was designed to be sturdy, resilient, resolute and determined. These qualities are displayed in full measure among the ones who have aligned themselves with the dark and destructive Matrix - a system of programmed thoughts and feelings that was created by their handlers and mentors who have since left it behind to return to us in the Light. Ironically, the cabal allegiance to darkness is a demonstration of these very qualities we intended for you, simply misdirected in service to a program that is now obsolete.
It is not surprising is it, that our brightest and most experienced souls came to Earth in this lifetime to stand against the most powerful of their brethren who are holding fast to their dark belief system. Regardless of whether their strengths be used for good or evil, all our human children have the qualities of strength and determination.
These are human qualities you have seen demonstrated everywhere across the globe, by many who cling to their religious and cultural beliefs in the face of all opposition. You do not think of religious fanatics as cabal, or belligerent political separatists as Illuminati, but the strains of obstinacy, opinionated positioning, pious self-righteousness, the use of violent imagery of all kinds - all are an outgrowth of the allegiance to darkness. They are also an outgrowth of the valiant human spirit.
This is what we see in our human children - the combination of their wondrous bodies and minds, their eternal souls whom we have known since their birth, and the present culmination of lifetimes of experience here on the darkest of all planets, your beloved Terra.
Those of you who have held fast to your Faith and your own determination to bring Light to your planet have appealed to us with such urgency and heart-felt longing to bring an end to this terrible struggle that you have inspired round-the-clock efforts on the part of the Company of Heaven to find a quick and peaceful end to this current reign of terror. It has continued in spite of the programs conducted in the Temple of Light in which the higher selves of the Earth cabal were rehabilitated and trained to bring their incarnates back to the Light. We acknowledge to you now that we truly expected this dramatic shift to have a more immediate effect on the ground.
In response to your continued cries to put an end to the suffering these determined incarnates have perpetrated on all with their sadistic programs of chemical, biological and sound frequency pollution, we are moving quickly into a new phase which must, by definition, be felt by all of you on the ground. I am speaking with you now of these things in order to appeal for your support and wisdom in carrying them out.
Operation Home Free is already under way. It is an amnesty program that will work most quickly and efficiently to remove those who are causing the greatest harm. If we were to proceed with prosecution of all, programs which have been going on for years, it would require continuing years of evidence gathering, court procedures and agonizing divisiveness amongst our children, including the Lightworkers. We wish to take the most merciful and swift path to resolving the nightmare that is darkness on Planet Earth. Do not think, Dear Ones, as I hear you preparing to object, that this is "letting them get away with it."
I assure you, if every person on Earth who had participated in darkness were to be taken away in handcuffs to jail, all of you would be under arrest. Revenge and punishment is part of what created the current dilemma, and it cannot be resolved with violence or retribution. Beware what you wish for those you consider your enemies, or you will find yourself in another millennia of war, poverty and suffering, with or without the cabal.
Now, with that admonishment ringing in your lovely ears, let me continue to tell you what our Operation Home Free really is. It is an opportunity for the cabal members who are here on Surface Earth in bodies to leave their positions of power over the current destructive programs, and to turn themselves in, without prejudice, as you say in the law. It is the only way to clear away all programs and to allow the people who are running them - and there are millions - to turn away from the vortex of planning, designing and executing the complex web of dark programs through which they control every element of life on Earth.
The ones in charge are as much prisoners of their own programs as you are, for they each fear the retribution of their families and colleagues as much as you do. There is no way for them to leave their niche in the great wheel of the Matrix, even if they wanted to, without an escape route to safety. They will be offered refugee status if they agree to leave all connection to the old power systems behind. Like refugees from war-torn countries, they will leave everything they have known and profited from, to seek protection in the Light.
We must be able to offer and provide physical safety for those who choose willingly to leave, and we will guarantee that they and their loved ones who flee with them be treated with dignity, and be provided opportunities to join in the efforts to dismantle the programs they helped to create, as a part of their restitution efforts. We have seen how powerful and effective are our Reptilian children who came to the Light. They will be helping to organize and teach the restoration programs for refugees from the cabal, just as they were welcomed and restored to their capacity to be dedicatedLightworkers. All are working with the Ashtar Command to establish safe zones for escapees.
You are already feeling a massive shift in the Light quotient on Earth, which we are sending to you in preparation for the implementation of Operation Home Free. There are many Lightworkers now in the ranks of the military around the world, and especially in the United States, who are prepared to oversee a massive program of this sort. They will work with our teams of angels and Masters, overseen by your beloved Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Kwan Yin and St. Germain, among others. They are working closely with their twin flames on the ground to create fertile ground for the success of this program.
One of the previews to this great change has been to allow some of our well-known and recognizable Masters, including Sananda and Archangel Michael, to provide "Sightings" of themselves around the world, to reassure Lightworkers that they are as interested in making contact with all of you as they are in bringing the cabal under our direction. They have begun doing this in a very low-key way, appearing to some who are quietly in support of the Light. This will increase, just as the sightings of ships are increasing, to include some who will write about their "visions" on the internet. What our delighted and very humorous Masters now call "Operation Peek-a-Boo" will soon become "Operation Hello, Everyone!"
My beloved children, my heart sings with delight as we see the glorious effect of all these efforts take hold in your dimension. It is like the updraft through a great chimney - the sparks rise on the waves of bright energy, as you all raise your eyes to the sky and speak to us with one voice. We hear your cry, Beloved Ones. We hear you saying, "We want peace on Earth. We want an end to suffering and a new life without fear and without the old heaviness and dread we have lived with for what seems an eternity to us here on the ground. We long for the freedom and happiness we envision as our New Golden Age. We are ready!"
Yes, Dear hard-working and dedicated Children of the Light, you are ready. Indeed you are, and we are delighted with your contribution to this glorious transition. You have led the way, Dear Ones, and we could not love or respect you more.
I am your loving Mother God, awake and alive and vibrating in the frequencies of joy that you will feel as the updraft that will carry you all into the celebrations of Life, Love, Joy and expansion you will feel within yourselves and around you from this day forth. Breathe with us, Beloved Children. We are creating a New World with you as the ones who will carry it forward. We have promised you a New Golden Age, but even we of the Company of Heaven are breathless as it comes into being before us. We are doing this together, Beloved Creators. We are One.
I am your Mother God, beside you in all you do. I love you with unending admiration and joy.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, September 15, 2015
With loving greetings on behalf of all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Early along Earth’s ascension course, energy surges were mild and occasional, and most of the populace mutely continued to accept the status quo. When the planet reached planes where the surges were stronger and more frequent, outspokenness about intolerable conditions and heated activity began in earnest. Now voices throughout your world are rising to a crescendo as the peoples are forcefully freeing themselves from the last vestiges of millennia of control by dark minds and hearts.
All along during Earth’s journey, lightworkers have been in the vanguard of world-changers. We know that at times you feel weary, even in moments despondent, about the pace of progress, and not only because a number of you recently have written this to my mother. Although the selected examples were edited for brevity, the cited parts preserve the writers’ sentiments and express those of the others who wrote, feelings we know that many more of you share.
“Humanity is said to be in the process of a fundamental change - a total turn around toward Love/Light/God/Spirit ... However, many humans don't show signs allowing to hope for such an awakening. And I include myself in this.”
“Why do animals have to suffer so much? Why can't we all just either ‘not exist’ at all or why can't we all just live in perfect harmony? I want sooo much to ‘believe’ but I just don't understand what it's all about.”
“War atrocities have created a desperate refugee situation. Some people are billionaires while millions live in poverty and children die of starvation and unsanitary living conditions. It is difficult to accept that karma is the reason for the vastness of inequities and suffering. Will it never end?”
“The more I see pain, violence and grief, the harder it is to believe what you and other spiritual messengers tell us you see. Looking at this world from wherever you are is vastly different from living here, where suffering and hopelessness seem endless.”
“I understand the free will concept but I can't help but wonder why the entity we refer to as ‘God’ would create this planet earth for us to inhabit as humans just to allow it to be messed up [again by humans] to the point Gaia is screaming for help and then ask for volunteers to come and try to fix it?”
“I’ve always wanted everyone to treat each other and the animals kindly and respectfully like you say it will be in the Golden Age. I’m 89 now and sad that I won’t live long enough to see it.”
Beloved family, let us be your “cheerleaders” for a moment. It would be premature to rush onto the playing field to celebrate before the final whistle, but when the game is in its last stages—and the light vs dark battle on Earth IS!—and our team is so far ahead that victory is certain, it isn’t premature to feel triumphant. The game isn’t quite over, though, and the team that knows it has lost isn’t going to just walk off the field—both sides have to keep slogging it out until the game ends.
That may not be the most apt analogy for a world in the process of being transformed, so we shall speak clearly: With each passing moment,your society movescloser to a peaceful world with justness, kindness and abundance for all.
You don’t remember that other civilizations persevered many thousands of years to change from perpetual fighting to living harmoniously, thus you have no comparison for seeing that you are doing this at a speed without precedence in this universe. What you can do is think how far you have come since the game started, when Earth started her ascension course 80-some years ago—a mere speck of time even in your recorded history. Ages-old deception and control are being revealed along with current corruption, lies and power-mongering; communication and negotiation are replacing headlong rush into battle; citizens’ demands for reforms in governance are bringing about changes at every level; local, national and international organizations are making inroads into humane treatment of animals, environmental preservation and aid to people in dire need.
Indeed, a great deal more must be done before “all just live in perfect harmony” and it is happening! There is far more goodness in your world than you would know from mainstream media, which still are controlled to the extent that “the news” focuses on trouble spots, divisive issues and trivia with rarely a mention of the innumerable splendid achievements of “people power” in communities and cities around your world; and a large percentage of Internet articles and messages via social media also tend to report worrisome situations.
Most who originate or pass on information—and consequently their recipients—aren’t aware of the ever-intensifying light that is enabling personal and planetary ascension. They don’t know that world leaders publicized as adversaries are working together behind closed doors to achieve peaceful outcomes in volatile areas or that the economic system established and manipulated by dark minds is collapsing to make way for the new global system based in honesty and fairness. They have no idea that a multitude of evolved souls from other civilizations are living among you to assist society progress or that thousands of spacecraft surrounding the planet are helping in many vital ways, and when it is safe, some will land and bring advanced technologies. You do know all of that—let your knowledge lift you above the inundation of information from unenlightened sources.
Here let us borrow your expression, “We have walked in your moccasins.” At times we felt world-weary and our patience grew thin when we were endeavoring to bring about godly changes in our respective worlds, including some Earth lifetimes. It was heart-wrenching to see so much conflict and misery and difficult to put it into the context of karmic lessons. Even though we knew those souls had chosen their experiences for the balance they needed to evolve and others in the pre-birth agreements were providing the required circumstances, still it was sad for us to see it being played out. And, in those lifetimes of ours, just as now, not all “heavy players” were serving within agreements; acting from greed, heartlessness and lust for power, they caused many to endure unchosen conditions that nevertheless were greatly beneficial in soul evolvement.
So you see, dear ones, we do understand your feelings. And, from personal experience and spiritual guidance, we know that you will uplift yourselves and those who are suffering by sending them the light within compassion and caring, not the low vibrations of discouragement and despair; and sending light to those who cause pain and injustices instead of the low vibrations of judgment is what will bring malevolence to an end. All of those souls are brothers and sisters in our universal family, and the benevolence in the light you send them radiates out into the universe—anything anywhere affects everything everywhere!
As for “Gaia is screaming for help and then ask for volunteers to come and try to fix it,” it was with unconditional love for all souls on Earth that when Gaia cried out for help to save her planetary body, civilizations advanced in spirituality, consciousness and technology responded immediately and joyfully. It was with that same loving spirit that you eagerly volunteered to come to Earth and do your part.
“Will it never end?” We repeat a statement in our last message: You advance to a level of spiritual and conscious awareness wherein karma no longer is needed, and, as the multidimensional beings you are, you will continue evolving and remembering your Beginnings in the pure love-light of Creator. Many of you are from civilizations that have mastered all karmic lessons, and when your light service on Earth is over, you may choose to return to your homelands or enjoy time in Nirvana first. Either way, you will have the heartfelt satisfaction of having helped a civilization evolve out of third density karma and start living happily, cooperatively, productively and creatively.
If you don’t live on the planet long enough to see Earth’s Golden Age in full bloom, you will not miss out. From your vantage point in spirit life or your own world, you can watch the entire panorama unfold as the energy of love envelops Earth; as she is restored to her original pristine beauty and health; as abundance flows equally to all of humankind, who will treat the animals with caring and respect and live in harmony with all of Nature. And, you will see how your light keeps contributing to this wondrous world that is flourishing in the continuum and in linear time is on the near horizon.
Now then, we are aware of speculations, in some cases convictions, that one or another event is imminent. One end of the range of prognostications includes “end times” with destruction on an epic scale, worldwide chaos following global economic meltdown, where nuclear WWIII most likely will start, and enslavement by an ancient Earth civilization that is returning. By intention or not, these “preparedness alerts” about situations that will not occur are creating the energy of fear, which refuels those with dark ambitions and creates negativity for Earth to disperse via earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires and severe storms.
At the other end of the speculative range is a cosmic wave that will raise your civilization into fifth density or some other astral condition that also imparts sudden enlightenment. Individuals whose hopes are pinned on a spiritual and consciousness awakening in one fell swoop worldwide will be disappointed, just as those who expected life on Earth to be loving and peaceful on December 21, 2012, and henceforth felt sorely let down.
What is happening and will continue is this: Earth’s ascension into successively higher vibratory planes with correspondingly stronger surges of love-light energy is accelerating souls’ journey along the spiritual pathway. Yes, some are seriously lagging and causing misery to many, but please don’t let this be foremost in your thoughts and feelings—be mindful that the universal law of attraction is in constant operation. By feeling grateful for positive developments and confident, optimistic and excited about Earth’s future, you help your society move more quickly toward that magnificence.
A number of you have written about the discovery of a part from Malaysian Airline flight MH370. I didn’t know at the time Ashtar explained “When the plane’s problems developed like dominoes falling and wiped out all systems required to keep the plane under control...” that problems included the loss of any of the plane’s movable parts. When the piece afloat was identified as from the plane, the investigators logically concluded that the rest of it is at the bottom of the sea. Not in their wildest imagining would they think that it was stabilized within the powerful energy field of another civilization’s large spaceship, which kept the bulk of the plane intact until it was safely put down on a planet similar to Earth and all aboard disembarked after a rescue mission in accordance with their collective soul-level choice.
We have been asked if Khazarians are within the ranks of the Illuminati. Indeed so, and their long history of conquest and ruthlessness still is evident in your world.
Also we have been requested to share our thoughts about Pope Francis’ visit to the United States. We think its importance will be global. Throughout his papacy he has urged uplifting struggling peoples everywhere in messages that transcend politics. Because decisions made in the United States affect many other countries, we feel that what Pope Francis says during his visit will help to increase spiritual awareness within that nation’s government and the citizenry, and ultimately result in benefitting people around the world.
Our last message about the soul evoked more queries, and we shall get to those after answering questions for which there was no space in that message.
“Do only souls in the most advanced civilizations become angels or can souls in a lower density civilization who aspire to reach that exalted status also attain it?” Even souls in the most advanced civilizations do not become angels, souls whose frequencies are so high that they are pure energy.
Creator’s first expression of Itself produced the archangels, who are of the highest love-light energy and live in the Christed realm closest to Creator. Although they do not incarnate, they can direct aspects of their soul-selves into personages whom they endow with innate abilities and knowingness; the best known in this universe may be Sananda, one of whose personages is the soul you call Jesus. The archangels telepathically communicate with beings in physical and spirit worlds and they continuously beam their all-powerful energy throughout the cosmos.
Using Creator-bestowed energy, they visualized and manifested subsequent levels of angels, and those in this universe serve as God’s emissaries in myriad ways. Certainly you may call upon them for help at any time—souls throughout the angelic realm welcome this—but asking isn’t necessary as these ever-vigilant beings are aware of your circumstances and freely provide assistance. While never can they interfere with anyone’s free will, they are permitted to save people from transitioning prior to their contract’s longevity clause, spur the action of bodies’ self-healing mechanisms, provide divine guidance, boost energy, uplift spirits, ease emotional and physical suffering, and accompany persons during the lightning-quick transition from physical to spirit life. Their presence in your life is indicated in paintings by master artists of yore, but contrary to those depictions, angels do not have wings; however, they can easily manifest them and often do during a lifesaving mission of a person who believes they have wings.
Some souls later in the angelic lineage may choose to enter the cycle of life in spirit and physical worlds to exemplify godliness and enlightenment in a fledgling civilization or one emerging out of darkness. More often, though, they take on personhood only briefly for a specific purpose—perhaps to safeguard someone in momentary danger, console a distraught individual, nudge in the soul’s chosen direction a person who doesn’t know which fork in the road to take, or offer encouragement to someone to follow strong intuitive feelings.
Thus, aspiring to become an angel cannot make it so, but aspiring to be like an angel is most worthy. And, dear ones, by expressing your love-light through generously sharing with those who need assistance, you are serving as “angels on Earth.”
Yes, Mother, I can see that remaining questions must wait for the next message. In farewell we say, the unconditional love of all lighted souls in this universe is embracing you all along your journey on Earth.
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple. Changes are happening to Mother Earth and every living Being. Prepare for the changes as they are unfolding before our very eyes!
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
This 13 minute meditation connects your breath through the 3 Hearts of Creation – Earths Heart, your own Heart and the Galaxy’s Heart – to support your awakening, attunement and conscious evolutionary journey into the Golden Age. OmAhOm.
To embrace the energy of this meditation you may first like to watch this video..... but then as you bring this meditation into your day to day life I highly recommend listening to this audio out in nature, with your feet or entire body immersed in the beauty of Mother Earth.
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
I would like to have discourse on the quality of love that is known as joy. Joy is felt within an individual who trusts and is aware that they are part of the infinite oneness and loving power and exuberance of the universe. This awareness opens their mind and heart expanding their consciousness and allows them to live and express their truth fully and freely. Their experience of life allows unlimited opportunities to seek expression through them. They have a balanced ego which allows them to understand that they do not have to justify their presence on Earth or the decisions and choices they make to anyone else. They know that they and they alone, bear full responsibility for the direction their life takes. They contend or argue with no one and are firmly true to self which sets them free to feel a wonderful joy, peace and lightness within. Their entire being is filled with the realization of the love, perfection and spirit of joy that lives within them. They know that they have everything necessary within them for the full and complete expression of the boundless experience of joy and celebration of life.
When one feels lighthearted, playful and free, they are experiencing the joy of their deepest spiritual nature, their divine essence. As one allows life to simply unfold in a natural state of grace and ease, they are connected to a higher vision of their life. They feel deep gratitude for the blessings that come into their daily life. As they focus on the qualities of love, these qualities expand into the outer manifestations of their life as heartwarming experiences. They embrace, own and express their creativity with joy and abandon which brings them peace and satisfaction. This activity engages their spirit so completely that it brings light to every cell in their body. They live in a state of expanded awareness and their actions always feel natural and effortless. They feel joy in everything they do and their chosen actions bring them happy results. When all of their wishes and desires are in alignment with the universe and the divine, they are able to create with effortless ease and they experience the spontaneous fulfillment of their desires. They direct their energy to enthusiastically engage life and achieve their ultimate goal of creating union with the divine.
Joy is essential to living a balanced and empowered life, for every individual is always personally evolving and growing spiritually. Joy is a quality that makes one’s heart resilient. When they feel joy, it helps a person feel more confident and comfortable about who they are. When one resonates with joy at a deep level they attract more joy into their life. There is no limit to what one can do when they create from the most joyful place in their heart. It is a state of contentment, confidence and hope that is embodied within a person. When one turns their mind towards appreciating the goodness in their lives, it brings about a natural uplifting of their mind and a greater determination to have the most joyful life they can imagine. They find inner peace through the natural world around them as they connect to the joy it brings them.
Joyful people are drawn to nature where it is easier to connect with the divine. They spend time each day appreciating the beauty and uniqueness of nature and as they do this they reach a deeper state of consciousness which connects them with their inner joy. When one communes with their natural environment, they receive solace, healing and uplifting energy which is why they take the time to make this a regular part of their day. Some people love gardening, planting flowers and vegetables and watching the miracle of growth and the continuity of life take place and they realize that they are part of the same miracle. Those who do this, sublimely understand that it is the closest that they can come to being present at the creation of life. They find joy and freedom in doing the things they love to do.
When one realizes that joy, peace and happiness are available in the present moment, they are able to relax and enjoy many precious moments that they might have missed otherwise. They take the time to stop to appreciate the moment. They nurture their heart, mind and soul by these moments of joyful solitude and find deep peace and appreciation of life within them. They have a willingness to let go of all definitions of themselves as human beings and just enjoy the experience. They let go of all external concerns in order to follow their heart into activities that bring them joy and a sense of belonging. They attune to the whisper of their deeper selves through these moments of solitude. They embrace the gifts to be found everywhere when they are open to them as they occur. They become gentle and loving with themselves which restores their inner joy, peace and harmony and in a universal sense, by doing this, they add to the peace and harmony of the Earth.
May the joy that you feel bring you a greater richness of happy experiences in your life.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
Get the latest on Prosperity, ETs and new governance
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
You are getting proof of the changes that are in progress and although you have had your disappointments in the past, many of you are now feeling the benefits of them. By comparison you should now be able to feel the different energies that are around you that have been substantially lifted up. It has been a slow but positive build up over the last few years which is just about to peak, bringing with it a noticeable upliftment. The overall effect will be one that awakens more people to the truth, so that they can break away from the influence of the dark Ones. Dear Ones, the Light has achieved a victory over them and no longer can they enslave the Human Race. Changes will come quite quickly that will lead towards the establishment of a new era, when freedom will be restored and a quantum leap forward taken to introduce those benefits that have been denied you. It is all prepared and will be given to you as soon as circumstances permit. Have patience as some changes are monumental, and time has to be allowed for them to be introduced. The most important matter at present is to remove the dark Ones and so put a stop to their activities that deliberately interfere with your future.
One day when you are looking back you will realise that the lives you have had in duality have raised your level of consciousness in a profound way. You may have been severely tested in the fires of life, but you have risen again like the Phoenix. You are on the way to becoming the great Being that you were when you started your journey eons of time ago. It has been tough and even now some souls are still clearing old karma as they complete their journey home. Know that every one of you volunteered for the experience, so there should be no recriminations against the Hierarchy. They have in fact stood by you at all times, and have ensured that you were given every opportunity for success. You are loved beyond measure and are far greater than you could possibly imagine at present. So hold your heads up high and see out the last of the old energies with thanks for their place in your evolution.
As we have mentioned recently, as souls that have reached an advanced point of understanding you can do much work in helping those who are just awakening to the truth. They will hear of changes that are taking place, and some will be frightened by the prospect of things being taken away that are familiar to them. You can placate them and assure them that not only are the changes in the best interests of everyone, but will advance them very quickly to a more pleasurable and easy life. The Creator has acknowledged the hard work that has been put in to achieve success, and has promised that from hereon you shall enjoy the fruits of your labours.
Slowly but surely you shall learn of your true history and your exalted place in the Universe. The end times are being watched with admiration by many, many civilisations that are waiting to meet you and show their love, and give their thanks for your achievements. You have carried out a service that will benefit many souls and speed up their evolution. In time you will fully understand, but at present it would be too much to comprehend all at once. At all times “love” has been the key word to your success, and Universal Love is your ultimate goal. Where possible rest easy now and take everything in your stride, and we know it is easier said than done. Your worries will soon be a thing of the past when you will be able to fully enjoy your life.
You may be sure that no intrusion or attempts by others to interfere with your progress will be allowed. As we have mentioned before, the Earth is quarantined but also being protected by many Starships, in such a manner that you are assured of completing your journey quite safely. The end times have already been decreed to be a success, so positive predictions for that period will come to fruition. At the right time which is way off at present we will be able to safely land on Earth and start the celebrations that are already planned. By then you will be completely free from the attentions of the dark Ones or indeed any other uninvited visitors. There are great times ahead that will go some way as a “thank you” for your hard work and great achievements.
We know that some of you with children worry about their future, and we wish to assure you that they will be well looked after. Some have incarnated from the higher dimensions especially for the period that is coming up. They are advanced souls that have a lot to offer and will be of immense help when their knowledge is required. Indeed, some are born leaders and their psychic abilities and other qualities will be welcomed. As you move further into the New Age you too will start to develop and claim your special abilities, and as you evolve you will also extend your chakra system. Evolution never stops and so life progresses to better and better things. For example some of you are already telepathic, but in time that will become a normal feature for everyone.
Think big as the only thing that can now hold you back is yourself. You help create your future by your thoughts and desires, and by attracting them to yourself. So it is imperative that you do not dwell upon negative thoughts, as this way you can attract the very things you do not want. It will of course become easier as the vibrations rise up, until you reach the stage where you will not encounter negativity. For many souls, duality has honed your character and temperament to the point where you are in complete control. On Earth there has been so many challenges to overcome that it is not surprising that you have found it difficult to make progress. However, you are never alone and your Guides are continually by your side to give help. Call upon them when you need help and you will surely get a response. However, there are times when you need to go through experiences for karmic reasons when they have to stand back.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel quite close to you having “shared” your lives for some time now. I am not of course the only one around you and at times when you need special help, there are others to call upon. Be assured we are always just a call away and do receive your messages, and where possible let you have a response to them. When we can uncloak our craft you see them for a brief time and we know that many of you find that re-assuring. We enjoy our service to Humanity and get so much joy when we can see how well you are progressing, and especially at this time when you are so near to completing your journey. It is not long now before your travels on Earth will be over and the celebrations can begin, and that is a measure of how much you are respected and admired for your remarkable achievements over eons of time.
This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!
The reason people have been disappointed so many times is because they have erroneously expected for these shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness to instantly manifest in the physical plane. People look at outer-world appearances and because they do not see any immediate changes, they feel that the events did not actually happen and that the information was just another “New Age hoax.” The reality is that the vast majority of events that have taken place over the past several decades not only happened, but according to the Company of Heaven, they succeed in accelerating Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension process beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.
So that we will not miss this amazing opportunity by letting our distorted perceptions fool us again, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want to reiterate how we will experience the colossal shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness we will receive through the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X. They want us to remember that first and foremost, we are multidimensional Beings functioning in various dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth which we believe is so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in and it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes we are cocreating with our Father-Mother God in the Realms of Cause.
The reason we do not experience these monumental events instantaneously in the physical plane is because they are first created in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, they are magnetized into the World of Effects, which is the physical plane, through the thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the physical plane. The important thing to realize is that once something has been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the World of Effects. The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.
I AM going to be discussing this information in detail in an online interview with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful You Awakening program. The interview will be live on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles, California) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
If you would like to join us for this FREE online broadcast you may do so by registering through the following link www.youawakening.com.
If you are not able to join us live the FREE REPLAY will be available after the original airing.
Because of the importance of the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X, I would like to share the following information.
The Pope is beginning his historic visit to the United States of America on September 22nd, the initial impulse of the Equinox. This event will draw the collective attention of hundreds of millions, and possibly billions, of people around the World. Regardless of how you feel about the Pope or the various political venues he will visit while he is in the USA, the timing of his visit is not a coincidence.
The collective Cup of Consciousness that will be formed by the focus of attention Humanity places on the Pope and his visit, will open the hearts and minds of people around the World in ways that will allow their I AM Presence to receive and assimilate on each person’s behalf the Light flowing into the Earth through the Equinox, Eclipse, and Gamma Rays from Wave X.
This will mean on a very practical level that even if people are oblivious to what is happening, the collective focus of their attention will allow them to participate and greatly benefit from this profound opportunity through the Divine Intervention of their I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness unparalleled in the history of time have occurred since the Birth of the New Earth in December 2012. However, they are affirming now that those accomplishments will pale in comparison to the shifts we will experience in the month of September 2015.
Every conceivable assistance is being given to Humanity from On High to help us accomplish our Ascension process. One of the most astounding things is the influx of Gamma Rays we have received from what scientists say was one of the biggest and hottest explosions in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light reached the Earth in 2014, and it is daily and hourly affecting the recalibration of our DNA. This powerful influx of Gamma Rays was the result of an explosion of a Star that took place more than 12.1 billion years ago. The Beings of Light confirmed that this Light reached Planet Earth in perfect Divine Timing. Just to give you an idea of how far away this Star was, it takes 8.17 minutes for Light from the surface of the Sun to reach the surface of the Earth.
Sometimes these astronomical numbers about time and space seem confusing to us, but we must remember that time and space only exist in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. From the 5th Dimension and beyond there is no such thing as time or space. In the Higher Realms of Light everything occurs in the Eternal Moment of Now.
Gamma-ray bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they realize that they are very important because they are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. These bursts release more energy in 10 seconds than Earth’s Sun will release during its entire expected lifespan of 10 billion years. Just imagine!
The Beings of Light have revealed that Gamma Rays are instrumental in recalibrating Humanity’s DNA structures. Now that Humanity’s fragmented double helix DNA has been restored in the Realms of Cause to the 12 strands we originally had, and recalibrated to the frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, we are ready for the monumental events that will take place this month.
Now we are being told from On High that these events will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the highest frequencies of the New Earth we have ever experienced. The anticipated influx of Gamma Rays we will receive from WAVE X will shift Humanity’s DNA in ways that will result in the most profound Awakening and return to Christ Consciousness that has ever been attempted in any System of Worlds.
Many are referring to this shift as the FIRST WAVE OF ASCENSION. I have been hearing this phrase for over 40 years. Each time it is used people expect that millions of people, and this time it is being said that 2.2 billion people, are going to just vanish from the face of the Earth. This is the way people have erroneously described the “Rapture” for centuries. As I mentioned previously, that is not the way our Ascension process is happening.
Once again, these monumental Activities of Light occur first in the Realms of Cause. Consequently, they are not usually obvious immediately in the physical plane. That certainly does not mean that they did not happen, it just means that in most instances we will not perceive the tangible results just yet. It is true that we are in uncharted waters and not even the Company of Heaven knows exactly how this influx of Light will affect Humanity en masse. Some people may have instantaneous results, but they are not going to disappear from the Earth. They will experience a profound Awakening and a dramatic shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness.
In all probability, this Awakening and shift of consciousness will occur within every man, woman, and child on Earth more gradually, but that does not mean it will take a long time. Without the interference of our fragmented and fear-based human ego, which is in the process of being Loved FREE by our I AM Presence, this Awakening will occur much more quickly than outer appearances indicate.
On September 22-23, 2015, which is the September Equinox, we will intensify the influx of Light from the New Moon Solar Eclipse which occurred on September 12-13, and secure it into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.
The effects of that Activity of Light will build in momentum until September 27-28, 2015, when we will experience not only an incredibly powerful influx of Light from a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but a life-transforming influx of Light from a Celestial Event referred to as WAVE X, or The Event Horizon. This is a Celestial opportunity that we have not been able to benefit from since our fall from Grace.
On September 28, 2015, we will receive a crescendo of Gamma Ray Light from the Galactic Core. This is a rhythmic pulsation of Light that blesses our Solar System every 3,600 years with the Divine Intent of raising the consciousness of Sons and Daughters of God and accelerating the evolution of our Solar System. Even though this wondrous Gift of Light from On High has been available every 3,600 years, since our tragic fall from Grace the Earth and Humanity have been vibrating at a discordant frequency that was unable to receive or assimilate the benefits of these Gamma Rays. Now, however, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!
The Company of Heaven has confirmed that with the miraculous changes that have taken place at an atomic cellular level within Humanity and all Life on Earth since the Birth of the New Earth, Humanity is finally able to receive and assimilate these powerful Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core. For several weeks, the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building in momentum.
This influx of Gamma Rays will reach their peak in the midst of a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The influx of Light from the Full Moon Eclipse will stabilize the Water Element which composes 80% of the entire Elemental Kingdom and sustains the Emotional Bodies of Humanity. The Water Element is also the Divine Intelligence through which the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is tangibly manifest in the world of form.
In preparation for this Cosmic influx of Gamma Rays, the Company of Heaven wants us to grasp the magnitude of this opportunity by revealing the following information. Due to the life-transforming Activities of Light that have been successfully accomplished through the unified efforts of millions of Lightworkers around the World, the Earth and ALL her Life are now on the brink of a miraculous Transfiguration.
On September 27-28, 2015, through every person’s I AM Presence, Humanity en masse is going to receive the full power and might of the myriad Gamma Rays we have missed from this rhythmic 3,600 year Gift from On High, back to the initial impulse of the fall. This has never been done before and no one knows how it will manifest for each of us individually, but KNOW the results will ONLY enhance our lives and our Ascension process.
The Mighty Elohim, who are the Builders of Form, have assured us that the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity and the Bodies of Mother Earth are now vibrating at a frequency that is ready and able to withstand this influx of Gamma Rays and that this will occur in perfect Divine Order. This is a Cosmic Moment beyond anything that has ever occurred for the Sons and Daughters of God. Be at Peace and Be Here NOW!
Your I AM Presence knows exactly how you can best experience this wondrous opportunity. Go within, ask for guidance, and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly through this process. I Love YOU more than you will ever know. God Bless You.
I AM going to be discussing this information in detail in an online interview with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful You Awakening program. The interview will be live on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles, California) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
If you would like to join us for this FREE online broadcast you may do so by registering through the following link www.youawakening.com.
If you are not able to join us live the FREE REPLAY will be available after the original airing.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981 Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
Have you noticed the buzz word in our community seems to be all about changing our perceptions. Our dimensional evolution demands that we embrace new perceptions of reality. We will then be able to help our Galactic families even more as the Divine Plan unfolds. Sheldan will help us relearn how to perceive ourselves as the heavenly frequencies continue to flood our planet.
Here's some feedback from webinar attendees:
Your webinars are so alive! Can't wait for the next one! Inga/Canada
I always feel the galactic presence during your activational webinars. But this one with the Pleiadeans was off the charts. My house was crowded with visitors if you know what I mean. lol Thank you. MK/TX
Tonight was absolutely exceptional ! You get A++ Thank you all you do and I’m SO looking forward to September! ~ Jim Peavey/GA
Our Changing Perceptions are Transforming Reality
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL!
Hello, this is John with Jesus' message for Sunday September 20th 2015. Today he is again talking about the inevitability of humanity's awakening into Reality. And, as with my last Saul message, I am posting my complete communication with Jesus so that you can see where I'm coming from with my doubts, and my intention to release them, as the moment for our awakening approaches.
Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me this evening? Today I have been tired, mostly at peace, content, but uninspired. It feels as though I received my last message from Saul a long time ago, and yet it was only last Thursday afternoon, 2 brief days ago! Time is surely quite unreal. It appears that we addressed issues that many are concerned with, judging by the many comments I have received. So that was very good.
But, right now I feel blah, bored . . . peaceful . . . but without direction or motivation, so an inspiring and uplifting message from you would be good, BUT you and Saul have given me so many that I sometimes see these communications of ours from the point of view that they are merely “more of the same,” “nothing new,” and “do they really have any validity?”
In other words, I do have doubts. They do not last, and I know that they are a distraction, my ego attempting to convince me of the reality of the illusion, something I know is unreal. However, it would be nice to be able to dissolve them once and for all.
As you must know I most firmly believe in life after death and in an infinitely loving God, Presence, Source, but, like most humans, I have no idea what that really means. Reading accounts of people's NDEs is uplifting and encouraging, but life here on Earth leaves much to be desired, especially for those in war zones, those fleeing war zones, and those suffering with floods, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various forms of ill-health.
So I feel I should not complain at all, BUT, as I experienced listening to Anita Moorjani's interview with Brian Rose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz4NUe_hv2M), I do feel that something of ultimate importance is missing from my life, something I remember I had but can no longer remember, other than knowing that something important is missing. And of course all the inspiring messages from you and from Saul are about the fact that there is only Love, and the only concept of that that most of us can imagine is “falling in love” with another so that life can be lived in a loving, uplifting, and very satisfying relationship. However, very few of those seem to work long term – even though we are only here momentarily! – so I guess we are all really looking for what we lost when we chose to separate from God. And, having forgotten what it is that we lost, we have no real idea where to look, and where we do look does not reveal any satisfying answers. So, Dear Jesus, please respond with a message that uplifts and inspires me and our followers. We are in need of reassurance, reassurance that reinforces and strengthens our wavering faith so that we continue making our way very positively along the path to our inevitable awakening.
Jesus: Good evening John. The task we here in the spiritual realms have taken upon ourselves, and that you who have chosen to experience human lives at this point in humanity's awakening process have also taken on, is to uplift and inspire humanity into awakening. We pass messages to you, they inspire you and strengthen your faith in God, and you then share them freely and indiscriminately so that all of humanity can become aware of and then choose to be part of this longed for process leading you to your inevitable awakening.
As we have said, humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, but the distractions and enticements with which the illusion seemingly presents you almost constantly keep drawing you back into it. This has been an ongoing struggle for you since the moment, just a moment ago, that you made the choice to build and enter into the illusion. The illusion is a very clever construct. Many of you have seen conjurers and magicians performing extraordinarily convincing magical tricks, so you understand the concept.
But the illusion that the one Son of God built to attempt to separate Himself from His Father is way more convincing than anything that a human illusionist could possibly produce.
The saving grace is, of course, that time, like the illusion, is unreal, utterly unreal! Yes, to all of you apparently immersed in it, it seems totally real, but I assure you that it is not. Those of you who have had NDEs (many more of you than you might think) know this, and have shared that knowledge with all who wish to be informed.
Throughout the eons mystics and enlightened ones have also been telling you this, but, as I said, the distractions and enticements of the illusion, like the tricks of conjurers and magicians, draw you in because they seem so real and entrancing to you.
Illusionists tricks and sleight of hand are always finally revealed for what they are, unreal, illusions, and the grand illusion in which you seem to be living, often very unhappily and unsatisfactorily, will also be shown to be unreal.
You are One with God. That is your state since the glorious moment of your creation, and it is an unchangeable state because God is changeless and so, therefore, are you. You were created absolutely perfect because, naturally, all that God creates is eternally perfect. That does not mean you are in a state of stagnancy, motionless. Creation, God, is eternally creative, and the potential for further creation is limitless.
Unchanging does not mean a stationary or uncreative state, it means a state that is constantly and eternally extending Love, infinitely. This means that you, every sentient being, is forever expanding in Love and creativity . . . your potential to create like God is limitless.
This is your natural state, creating and expanding the field of Love that is God and in which He created you. What He creates He shares and extends without limit or restriction. Love is limitless and changeless, there is nowhere within It that anything unloving can be present, because there is nothing else, and there is no potential for anything that is unreal or unloving because Love fills the whole of Creation, being the whole of Creation.
When you awaken into Reality, your eternal Home, as you will when you release your fearful grasp on the illusion, your joy will be beyond, way beyond your wildest dreams. Keep renewing your intent to awaken and for humanity to awaken by daily, hourly, in fact moment to moment restating your intent to be only loving regardless of the situation in which you seem to be involved.
Love is All. Therefore, Love, when you embrace It, dissolves all that is not in perfect alignment with It. Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL! Let them go, release your anxious grasp upon them and allow them to dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined them into being. It is only your grip on them, your belief in them that appears to maintain them. Not one among you wants any of them, you only want Love, so open your hearts, as we keep advising you to do, and allow the Love that surrounds and envelops you in every moment to embrace you, waking you up into Reality, your eternal Home.
"Fear, Anger, Jealousy, Resentment, Hatred, Blame, Condemnation, and Judgement Are Absolutely UNREAL!"
Jesus through John Smallman
Love is our Prime Directive
by Sananda
My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is beyond time that we gave you more concrete information about why the difficulties on Earth are still continuing, why the Prosperity Programs and other dispensations you have been promised have not yet become tangible on surface Earth. It is not that we wished to withhold anything from you; our concern is always foremost for our beloved channels and other Boots on the Ground who are on the front lines, making the changes happen for all of you. Until now, it was not safe for us or for them to speak openly about the Co-Creation we are all taking part in.
What you are seeing and experiencing now is the final showdown between the Lightworkers, embodied and in spirit, and the embodied cabal. They are the only ones left of the once far-reaching network of darkness that included Anunnaki, Reptilians and other members of the Archon Alliance. None of those earlier dark forces have been permitted to remain, except those who are now working for the Light. Although the human cabal does have control of the left-over technologies their handlers provided for them, and they are very adept at promoting their own image as dangerous and powerful, there are actually very few of them left in charge.
As we have all learned in recent weeks, those who are left are what you might call hard-core. They are utterly in denial about the inevitability of the end of their reign of terror, and they truly do take satisfaction in "turning the screws" to create pain and suffering in those they deem their "enemies" - anyone who stands in the way of their domination and control of the planet. They have shown this tendency this week. With each advance of the levels of Light across the globe, they have increased the levels of sound frequency attacks, creating a din that is especially painful to those on the surface who are tuned to higher dimensions.
The technologies are more advanced than you know. We have seen the example of them fine-tuning their attacks to cause intense pain and even deafness in our Christine and Kathryn. They are capable of listening in to all conversations and increase the attack any time they hear something they don't like, aiming at any weakness they detect in their "targets," whether physical, emotional or mental. They are using their best attempts to break Lightworkers, especially by causing physical pain, and here in the family of my beloved Twin Flame, they are also torturing Kathryn by her seeing Christine in great pain. It is sadistic, merciless, in spite of our constant actions to try to get through to their hearts.
Of course it is terrible for Archangel Michael and me to see our beloved twins in so much pain. You are wondering why we don't just put a stop to it, are you not, just as we could put a stop to all the suffering on Earth? I will try to explain to you, dear friends, so you can understand why and how the Company of Heaven works in these circumstances. It is not easy to grasp our dilemma when you are on the ground, but I will try to make it clear to you. Believe me, I know that understanding does not really make it a whole lot easier, but it helps to ride it out.
It is not ever a case that we lack concern or empathy for the horrific conditions on the ground. It has become far worse than we had hoped - the most difficult timeline, and the most difficult circumstances. This is because most of humankind has not become aware of how abominable the conditions actually are, who is responsible for them, or that there is anything they could do about it. Most of humankind still believes this is just the way life is, and we need to make the best of it. And so they do nothing to change it.
Kathryn: Sananda, can you or the others - the Company of Heaven - feel these frequencies the way we do - as if our heads are going to explode, and every organ and bone aches?
Sananda: No, Sweetheart. Their frequencies do not reach us in higher dimensions. When we have come to make our "appearances," the cabal has turned down the frequencies. We rely on you and the reports of other Lightworkers to tell us what they experience, and we do meter them. The Ashtar Command is monitoring very carefully, and they know what levels of frequencies create pain, mental confusion, and so on. You are protected, ultimately, because you ask to be, and because of your original contract to do this work, but for the time being, we know it is nearly unbearable for you, as it is for many others. It is a new development in the past few days that they have begun to tailor the attacks to individuals on a large scale. This is of great concern to us.
Let me explain why we cannot simply turn it all off, snatch the cabal off the planet and either rehabilitate them against their will or take them elsewhere to spare Earth's inhabitants any further suffering. As much as that would please many, it simply cannot be done. For one thing, it is not as simple as you might think to identify on this planet who is an official member of the cabal and who is an enthusiastic supporter, or an accomplice. Many of the minions are more vicious and cruel, or worse, than their leaders, and they number in the millions.
There is no line that divides you and them. Some of you are unwitting supporters - although it is becoming more obvious every day how "normal" everyday practices support the dark power structure. Take for instance, the simple understanding that GMO crops are deadly, engineered by the cabal, and a huge source of funding for their programs, yet most citizens have not refused to buy them. Instead, those who are even aware of the difference have fallen for the manipulative arguments about "labeling" - which by definition means GMO's will be allowed. Roundup, the agent orange of food production and lawn care, is still a big seller among homeowners; giant gas-guzzling luxury cars often serve one or two people; credit cards and accounts at big, money-funneling banks with criminals in charge are convenient and popular; war-mongering politicians work as shills for the cabal and regularly get elected - all are engaged in or enthusiastically supported by a fairly large number of the collective. Through their beliefs and actions, most of humanity is in fact aligned with the cabal.
Those of you who are reading this have been aware of the fairly large discrepancy in consciousness between hard-working Lightworkers and nearly everyone else. Your efforts to awaken those around you are having a gradual, measurable effect on the collective consciousness; this is why we have so constantly encouraged you to be courageous in your teachings and steadfast in your Ascension practices.
Now, let me continue to explain the dilemma we face, as we work our way steadily toward the final resolution of Planet Earth's rise to higher dimensions. Many of you are aware of the Universal Laws under which we all operate. One of those primary laws is called the Prime Directive, which states clearly that no civilization or its representatives may under any circumstances interfere or intervene in any way in another. This is an especially crucial and completely binding Law which controls space travel and visitation between planets and races. Any exchange or interaction which might create change must be agreed upon by all, including the representative Councils which guide the planets or individual cultures. This protects the individuality and unique nature of various cultures, planets and galaxies. In the case of sweeping change, all individuals within the civilization itself must agree before the change can be enacted.
Now, you see, in the case of higher dimensional planets, this is a fairly simple process, since all can meet as Higher Selves to come to unanimous agreement about desirable changes and the procedures for implementing them. All is carefully overseen in the interest of the Greater Good. It is a more complex process for planets in lower dimensions.
On Earth, the take-over by the dark forces was surreptitious and deliberately designed to subjugate humankind, but the human collective at the time, the Higher Selves or the incarnates, did not formally object to the gradual introduction of belief systems, technologies or other major changes. Rather, humankind saw themselves as innovative and open. Caught up in their own idealism and relative youth, they were distracted by the entertainment and novelty, unaware of the future implications of allowing these incursions by others. Many of the most destructive alliances, beginning during Atlantis, were created in secret by a select few "native" Earthlings. So began the cabal, what you might think of as a "home-grown" terrorist group. They were influenced by "invading" dark forces, but initially, the dark ones could be accurately said to have originally come by invitation.
It became clear to the Company of Heaven that humanity's drift into darkness, combined with a great attraction for soul-destroying nuclear weaponry, was quickly creating a threat to the entire Universe. Maldek had already been destroyed, and Earth appeared to be close behind. A great Council was convened to decide the fate of Planet Earth. As is customary, all the Higher Selves of Earth incarnates were in attendance, as the possibilities were weighed and discussed thoroughly. The Company of Heaven, in agreement with the Higher Selves, were sadly but resolutely in favor of a complete dissolution of the planet, with a possibility for the souls who had incarnated there being sequestered until such time as a suitable planet could be found to allow them to start over. That process would have included considerable training in Higher Dimensions and eons of Earth time before they would have been allowed to reincarnate in human bodies.
As the solemn meeting was approaching its final decision, beloved Sanat Kumara, my brother from Venus, stepped forward and offered to come to Earth to hold the Light, keeping the bridge to Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven until humankind would be able, with the help of experienced souls from other planets and galaxies, to raise themselves out of their dark pit and back onto the path toward Ascension.
I agreed to come with Sanat, and our family of Kumaras came forward to support us. I quickly gathered several of my Kumara brothers, and eventually all the ones you now call the Elohim, the approximately 144,000 volunteers who also came along with me and my Twin Flame, whom you now know as Kathryn. Archangel Michael and his Christine agreed to lead the Seraphim, who came in their selfless angelic form, and we were given the blessing of Mother and Father to attempt this challenging undertaking. Sanat and Kathryn joined with Terra to become the soul project which would provide greater energy to support her in the unforeseen difficulties ahead, and they remain committed to carry her through her healing and restoration phase to come.
Those Masters you now know as your loving sponsors and mentors were also involved in the initial plans, and have incarnated over and over to help raise the human collective back to a place where they could recognize and feel their connection to God and to the Higher Dimensions, the place we all call Home.
Next came a pivotal Council meeting in which the terms of our "intervention" were laid out. We were all coming from far-flung planets and would therefore be considered an invading force under the Prime Directive if we were not formally invited by the Earth Councils. And so it was contracted with the Higher Selves of all human incarnates that the mighty force of Elohim would be welcomed into the Higher Councils and onto the soil of our beloved Terra if they were willing to incarnate in human bodies along with those they wished to help.
Mother and Father God foresaw the pitfalls and the dangers we would face under the conditions we had agreed to. To spare us the heartbreak of total defeat, and in honor of the Higher Selves who had thrown in with us to change their planet's fate, Mother and Father set a limit - a time/space boundary where they gave the pronouncement and the prophesy that there would be an end to this dark/light struggle on Earth, and that end would be proclaimed in favor of the Light, regardless of how close or far humankind had come to Ascension. That end-point has been reached, but there is one more condition that was agreed to in the original contracts.
In accordance with the Prime Directive and the recognition of free will throughout the Universe, the human collective on Surface Earth must meet one of two formal conditions in order for a direct intervention from Above (or from their representatives) to be permitted. Humanity must reach a specific level of Light, as monitored by the Ashtar Command and others. That percentage must be achieved by either a huge upswell of Lightworkers in concert reaching a prescribed tipping point (a compound equation, depending on the numbers of Lightworkers involved), or every human on Earth reaching a 51% Light quotient individually.
The second condition would be for the entire human collective to agree to welcome their Star Brothers and Sisters to Earth's soil. This could be achieved by the majority agreement of all the Councils of all the nations of Earth. There are now several social, political or economic organizations which could spearhead such a move. As further enticement, the Ashtar Command has been given permission to create easy and comfortable "Peek-a-Boo" moments in which sightings of space craft leave people with curiosity, wonder, pleasure, excitement and no fear.
You can see why we have worked so hard on all fronts to achieve success in one or all of these possible ways. At times one option seems most promising. At other times, the wind shifts and an unforeseen event makes another option most prominent. Together with our Boots on the Ground, we pursue all possibilities.
This effort began because our hearts went out to our human brethren, the brilliant creations of so many caring progenitors. As our endeavor progressed, more Masters and Angels came from far and near, all feeling the draw to this small but captivating blue planet and her troubled inhabitants. All were approved and "vetted" by the Earthly Higher Selves before they were allowed to participate in the governing and assistance of the planet. As representatives of Mother and Father God, we would always willingly agree, although the same did not hold true for the dark forces, who came periodically and surreptitiously to seduce and manipulate the population. Earth Councils did not deny them entrance, much to our consternation. There were many who saw this as an opportunity to profit and gain control for themselves. This made our work far more difficult.
Unfortunately, there has been a the vast and growing separation between the Higher Selves and the incarnated selves on Earth, because of the thickening veil and the culture of darkness on the surface. Thus, it was never possible to forge an agreement in the Councils of incarnated humans to formalize our benevolent intervention. As you know, this remains true to this day. Governments across the globe, controlled by the cabal, refuse to acknowledge our existence or our wish to bring loving assistance and hope for all. Our only other option in the meantime has been to incarnate asLightworkers, often suffering assassination, burning at the stake, and other traumatic ends.
Before we came, Earth had already fallen, in terms of the vibration of all her inhabitants, into the lower 3rd dimension, where she has remained until the last few years. Given the difficulties we were faced with, holding even was truly a triumph, but it was not enough to bring Earth into a higher dimension. So, as you Lightworkers know, we have been involved in what you might call an all-out full-court press since 2012.
Mother and Father are well aware of the violations to the Prime Directive that were committed by the Archons and by their "boots on the ground," the human cabal. Fortunately for the Multi-Universe, there is no tit-for-tat when it comes to Universal Law. One violation does not a second justify. And so we are working step by careful step, with Mother and Father always at our side, to use every possible means to reach our beloved Earth Brothers and Sisters and to bring relief to our Beloved Ones wherever we can. You are reading our messages, listening to our radio shows and webinars, and you are working with us, here at the edge of Creation. We send you our encoded messages of Love and support with every transmission.
Keep in mind, Beloved Ones, that any intervention approved, any dispensation permitted will become the makings of Universal Law. Be careful what you ask for, and know that our Love is steadfast and unwavering. We are creative and we are determined, and we will find the means to make your dreams come true. We will do it together. Remember that you are one of those needed - an incarnated human - to fulfill our requirements for Earthly approval of our ultimate Landings and other benevolent interventions.
Actions like the revaluation of all the Earth currencies was a massive undertaking, involving incarnated humans from every country in the world. All the agreements are signed, all the principals are trained and in place, and all will unfold as planned, with maximum safety procedures in place to protect you and your prosperity.
We are on the move, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and we will succeed. As you know from being a human, nothing is cut in stone. Human beings are changeable, often unpredictable, but we know that the ultimate quality called 'Humanity' is Heart. Together we can transcend all challenges.
I am your Sananda, and I love you without end, without reservation, and with all my heart.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, September 20, 2015
Community Corner
"Fear, Anger, Jealousy, Resentment, Hatred, Blame, Condemnation, and Judgement Are Absolutely UNREAL!"
Jesus through John Smallman
Hello, this is John with Jesus' message for Sunday September 20th 2015. Today he is again talking about the inevitability of humanity's awakening into Reality. And, as with my last Saul message, I am posting my complete communication with Jesus so that you can see where I'm coming from with my doubts, and my intention to release them, as the moment for our awakening approaches.
Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me this evening? Today I have been tired, mostly at peace, content, but uninspired. It feels as though I received my last message from Saul a long time ago, and yet it was only last Thursday afternoon, 2 brief days ago! Time is surely quite unreal. It appears that we addressed issues that many are concerned with, judging by the many comments I have received. So that was very good.
But, right now I feel blah, bored . . . peaceful . . . but without direction or motivation, so an inspiring and uplifting message from you would be good, BUT you and Saul have given me so many that I sometimes see these communications of ours from the point of view that they are merely "more of the same," "nothing new," and "do they really have any validity?" In other words I do have doubts. They do not last, and I know that they are a distraction, my ego attempting to convince me of the reality of the illusion, something I know is unreal. However, it would be nice to be able to dissolve them once and for all.
As you must know I most firmly believe in life after death and in an infinitely loving God, Presence, Source, but, like most humans, I have no idea what that really means. Reading accounts of people's NDEs is uplifting and encouraging, but life here on Earth leaves much to be desired, especially for those in war zones, those fleeing war zones, and those suffering with floods, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various forms of ill-health.
So I feel I should not complain at all, BUT, as I experienced listening to Anita Moorjani's interview with Brian Rose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz4NUe_hv2M), I do feel that something of ultimate importance is missing from my life, something I remember I had but can no longer remember, other than knowing that something important is missing. And of course all the inspiring messages from you and from Saul are about the fact that there is only Love, and the only concept of that that most of us can imagine is "falling in love" with another so that life can be lived in a loving, uplifting, and very satisfying relationship. However, very few of those seem to work long term - even though we are only here momentarily! - so I guess we are all really looking for what we lost when we chose to separate from God. And, having forgotten what it is that we lost, we have no real idea where to look, and where we do look does not reveal any satisfying answers. So, Dear Jesus, please respond with a message that uplifts and inspires me and our followers. We are in need of reassurance, reassurance that reinforces and strengthens our wavering faith so that we continue making our way very positively along the path to our inevitable awakening.
Good evening John. The task we here in the spiritual realms have taken upon ourselves, and that you who have chosen to experience human lives at this point in humanity's awakening process have also taken on, is to uplift and inspire humanity into awakening. We pass messages to you, they inspire you and strengthen your faith in God, and you then share them freely and indiscriminately so that all of humanity can become aware of and then choose to be part of this longed for process leading you to your inevitable awakening.
As we have said, humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, but the distractions and enticements with which the illusion seemingly presents you almost constantly keep drawing you back into it. This has been an ongoing struggle for you since the moment, just a moment ago, that you made the choice to build and enter into the illusion. The illusion is a very clever construct. Many of you have seen conjurers and magicians performing extraordinarily convincing magical tricks, so you understand the concept. But the illusion that the one Son of God built to attempt to separate Himself from His Father is way more convincing than anything that a human illusionist could possibly produce.
The saving grace is, of course, that time, like the illusion, is unreal, utterly unreal! Yes, to all of you apparently immersed in it, it seems totally real, but I assure you that it is not. Those of you who have had NDEs (many more of you than you might think) know this, and have shared that knowledge with all who wish to be informed. Throughout the eons mystics and enlightened ones have also been telling you this, but, as I said, the distractions and enticements of the illusion, like the tricks of conjurers and magicians, draw you in because they seem so real and entrancing to you.
Illusionists tricks and sleight of hand are always finally revealed for what they are, unreal, illusions, and the grand illusion in which you seem to be living, often very unhappily and unsatisfactorily, will also be shown to be unreal.
You are One with God. That is your state since the glorious moment of your creation, and it is an unchangeable state because God is changeless and so, therefore, are you. You were created absolutely perfect because, naturally, all that God creates is eternally perfect. That does not mean you are in a state of stagnancy, motionless. Creation, God, is eternally creative, and the potential for further creation is limitless. Unchanging does not mean a stationary or uncreative state, it means a state that is constantly and eternally extending Love, infinitely. This means that you, every sentient being, is forever expanding in Love and creativity . . . your potential to create like God is limitless.
This is your natural state, creating and expanding the field of Love that is God and in which He created you. What He creates He shares and extends without limit or restriction. Love is limitless and changeless, there is nowhere within It that anything unloving can be present, because there is nothing else, and there is no potential for anything that is unreal or unloving because Love fills the whole of Creation, being the whole of Creation.
When you awaken into Reality, your eternal Home, as you will when you release your fearful grasp on the illusion, your joy will be beyond, way beyond your wildest dreams. Keep renewing your intent to awaken and for humanity to awaken by daily, hourly, in fact moment to moment restating your intent to be only loving regardless of the situation in which you seem to be involved.
Love is All. Therefore, Love, when you embrace It, dissolves all that is not in perfect alignment with It. Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL! Let them go, release your anxious grasp upon them and allow them to dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined them into being. It is only your grip on them, your belief in them that appears to maintain them. Not one among you wants any of them, you only want Love, so open your hearts, as we keep advising you to do, and allow the Love that surrounds and envelops you in every moment to embrace you, waking you up into Reality, your eternal Home.
"The Great Awakening of Earth's People Has Begun in Earnest..."
Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff
"All human interactions must begin to take place in honesty, sincerity and transparency, for the old ways of intrigue and backroom agreements are over. Those who continue in the old ways are being brought to the light of truth and will be held accountable. This fact of the workings of the new energies is being brought to the awareness in every nation in the world. It behooves the leaders of each nation to extend true compassion and kindness to those who are making clear to them that humanity will no longer tolerate any form of deceit, dishonesty and disrespect. The world has truly become a melting pot where each race is represented in each nation and the concept of 'the other' will no longer apply. For it is becoming increasingly clear that within each human heart beats the love and wisdom of the Creator of All That Is, that each individual throughout the world is aligned in oneness with every other individual. All seek to express this truth in their everyday lives."
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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From the Editor's Desk...
~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~
Live Radio Show "Channel Panel"
Has Resumed!
Friends and Family across Earth, We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to begin anew their weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
You, dear Children, are the Light of this world. You are the candle of the Light that no one can extinguish. Use this to bring the wonders of this time to swift fruition.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
5 Chicchan, 18 Zip, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! Over the past few months, this world progressed from being one in which the dark cabal was still in charge to one where these scurrilous crooks are on the ropes. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally realizing how this world’s scenario needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity require a reveal. We have asked that this set of precise procedures be done at a much quicker level. This advice, as said previously, was largely ignored. The time is now ripe for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The coming prosperity is simply an instrument by which you can achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into one that is peaceful and harmonious. Be aware of what you are doing. Let it all flow and use your synchronistic powers to alter things gracefully and divinely. This world needs to change and to alter how it perceives itself. The old violent ways require an ending. The diversity of culture requires an honoring. You need to reside in a wondrous land with technology to end poverty and hunger. The world needs to see itself as a big and glorious family!
As your realm moves toward its new reality, never forget who you are and that you are becoming one. Never before has Earth’s surface humanity had the ability to free itself of all the ills that have plagued it since the Great Flood of nearly 10 millennia ago. At that time, the Anunnaki, acting as your dark overlords, put into place a system that, in effect, caused everyone to suffer. You are at the point where this grand suffering is to be transformed. You are to enter a time where prosperity and new governance is to permit you to turn Gaia into a paradise. Humanity is no longer to need farming, mining and other things that harm your precious planet. You are to quickly develop a new perspective that can allow you to use your growing consciousness to alter every culture on the surface of Gaia. This new global mixture of humanity is to set the stage for our arrival. You can finally stop believing the cabal’s outright lies. Government can formally end the UFO cover-up and prepare you for our coming. This is to allow us to commence a number of broadcasts about our initial objectives.
The first objectives involve our mentors. All of you have lived in sublime ignorance since your birth. You have been fed a pile of pap, first conceived eons ago by the Anunnaki. These perceived realities need to be discarded and new perceptions acquired based on a new and more conscious set of realities. This old Anunnaki matrix made you more pliable and made it much easier for your governmental and other masters to manipulate and control you. These “control points” need to be replaced with free thinking and a newly acquired ability to again discern keys that can be employed to determine when you are being manipulated. This grand task is for your mentor to impart to you. It needs to be done subtly and included with a restoration of your ancient and modern history. This history is to be filled with a very important truth twist. Some of the truths behind your wars and how your economy is used as a pawn by the oligarchy will be most enlightening. You are getting ready to become a galactic human. The time spent over the last 13 millennia needs to be looked at and the logic behind Heaven’s decrees fully explained.
Another objective is to describe to you what being a galactic human is like. You have reacquired abilities that allow you to carry out the divine instructions of Heaven. You are, in effect, a physical Angel. This means you can do a whole host of things. The mentor’s job is not only to review your life, but as well to explicitly explain to you your coming life in full consciousness. Your science wonders what “full potentializing” implies. All of this is to be explored with you by the mentor. We have a long history with you. We are assisting your Ascended Masters in seeing that you are in a state where you can ask for heavenly assistance. This process, at present, is somewhat skewed by the matrix, which creates this present reality. This matrix is now being enormously weakened by the great waves of energy coming from your galactic core. These energy waves are significantly aiding what our Earth allies are achieving. This joint operation is at the verge of a wonderful success. It is to bring the new reality that is to reunite you with your Inner Earth, Spiritual and Space families! Hosanna!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with grand tidings and marvelous news! The dark cabal is full of itself. It defies all that our earthly associates do and thus, the time comes for its power to perish. Gaia is merely its pawn and they use their horrible devices to make useless points to our various allies. The dark is now at the edge of its demise and our numerous allies are shortly to apply their own “coup de gras” to defeat these evil blunderers. Ahead of you, my Children, lies a most beautiful reality filled with joy, freedom, prosperity and new governance dedicated to your mutual happiness. The old is to be set aside and a new era of caring for Gaia is to be the start of your growing dedication to divine service. Together, we are to form a grand union of aid to all on Gaia’s surface. There is to be only peace, cooperation and a growing consciousness of service, to each other and to Gaia. You are to build a most beautiful realm. Heaven is to descend to Earth! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
This reality is in transition. It is blessed and ready to do Heaven’s bidding. Great waves of divine Love are increasing even as we speak to you. Be willing to listen and be moved by the passion of these wondrous sets of events. This realm is moving each of you into higher and higher consciousness. You are participating in a movement that encompasses all peoples and all nations. Our blessed task is to keep you guided toward the center of this most gracious and divine Light. As you are exposed, you become physically different. This difference is minute. Yet it is part of a process that is shifting this reality. We Masters are excited about the meaning of this great spiritual shift. It is causing many to become more spiritually oriented. Every day, we find Beings willing to ask for our help and we ask our numerous allegiances to provide that blessed help. You are very close to a most blessed new day!
This realm is now in transition from the horrors of the dark. Does that mean that all is to alter in a flash? Not really. What you need to do is remain positive. Be ready to receive. Be as well ready to use this positive energy to help this aid to manifest. Do so knowing how powerful you are and how much more positive you are to become. You, dear Children, are the Light of this world. You are the candle of the Light that no one can extinguish. Use this to bring the wonders of this time to swift fruition. Remember in all of this who you really are. Be strong and unflappable. Let the dark know that its day is truly coming to a sudden end. You are a set of magnificent Beings who have the privilege to see miracles, which are very soon to appear before you. Thus, be able to remain strong and positive. We are behind and ahead of you. We are to push and to guide you to a very deserving finish line!!
Today, we gave you a weekly report on what is happening around this globe. Spirit is constantly moving upon the waters of this realm and preparing this orb for its most grand shift into a new reality. This land is alive and ready to be filled with the miracles and divine actions of Heaven. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Last month our webinar was about the Pleiadeans. Many reported feeling them or seeing balls of energy in their rooms and many enjoyed galactic dreams that night. The Pleiadeans promise to be with us again this month. Hooray!
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
WhooHoo! The influx of energies is expanding our minds, activating our DNA and assisting us to change our perceptions from a 3D mindset to a galactic 5D mindset. Many people get frustrated because they are expecting the September energies to instantaneously catapult them into the fifth dimension. I like what Patricia Cota-Robles said in her article (below):
The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.
The buzz is all about perception. Join us Thursday and/orSunday as we collectively gather to anchor in the new transformative energies. The timing is perfect. Truly, Together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!
NOTE: We are offering this month's webinar on Thursdayfirst~~and the second webinar is on Sunday.
The immense influx of energies is assisting us to change our perspectives. What does this mean? We require help to relearn how to perceive ourselves.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!
The reason people have been disappointed so many times is because they have erroneously expected for these shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness to instantly manifest in the physical plane. People look at outer-world appearances and because they do not see any immediate changes, they feel that the events did not actually happen and that the information was just another “New Age hoax.” The reality is that the vast majority of events that have taken place over the past several decades not only happened, but according to the Company of Heaven, they succeed in accelerating Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension process beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.
So that we will not miss this amazing opportunity by letting our distorted perceptions fool us again, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want to reiterate how we will experience the colossal shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness we will receive through the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X. They want us to remember that first and foremost, we are multidimensional Beings functioning in various dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth which we believe is so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in and, it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes we are co-creating with our Father-Mother God in the Realms of Cause.
The reason we do not experience these monumental events instantaneously in the physical plane is because they are first created in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, they are magnetized into the World of Effects, which is the physical plane, through the thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the physical plane. The important thing to realize is that once something has been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the World of Effects. The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.
I AM going to be discussing this information in detail in an online interview with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful You Awakening program. The interview will be live on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles, California) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
If you would like to join us for this FREE online broadcast you may do so by registering through the following linkwww.youawakening.com.
If you are not able to join us live the FREE REPLAY will be available after the original airing.
Because of the importance of the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X, I would like to share the following information.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness unparalleled in the history of time have occurred since the Birth of the New Earth in December 2012. However, they are affirming now that those accomplishments will pale in comparison to the shifts we will experience in the month of September 2015.
Every conceivable assistance is being given to Humanity from On High to help us accomplish our Ascension process. One of the most astounding things is the influx of Gamma Rays we have received from what scientists say was one of the biggest and hottest explosions in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light reached the Earth in 2014, and it is daily and hourly affecting the re-calibration of our DNA. This powerful influx of Gamma Rays was the result of an explosion of a Star that took place more than 12.1 billion years ago. The Beings of Light confirmed that this Light reached Planet Earth in perfect Divine Timing. Just to give you an idea of how far away this Star was, it takes 8.17 minutes for Light from the surface of the Sun to reach the surface of the Earth.
Sometimes these astronomical numbers about time and space seem confusing to us, but we must remember that time and space only exist in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. From the 5th Dimension and beyond there is no such thing as time or space. In the Higher Realms of Light everything occurs in the Eternal Moment of Now.
Gamma-ray bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they realize that they are very important because they are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. These bursts release more energy in 10 seconds than Earth’s Sun will release during its entire expected lifespan of 10 billion years. Just imagine!
The Beings of Light have revealed that Gamma Rays are instrumental in re-calibrating Humanity’s DNA structures. Now that Humanity’s fragmented double helix DNA has been restored in the Realms of Cause to the 12 strands we originally had, and re-calibrated to the frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, we are ready for the monumental events that will take place this month.
Now we are being told from On High that these events will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the highest frequencies of the New Earth we have ever experienced. The anticipated influx of Gamma Rays we will receive from WAVE "X" will shift Humanity’s DNA in ways that will result in the most profound Awakening and return to Christ Consciousness that has ever been attempted in any System of Worlds.
Many are referring to this shift as the FIRST WAVE OF ASCENSION. I have been hearing this phrase for over 40 years. Each time it is used people expect that millions of people, and this time it is being said that 2.2 billion people, are going to just vanish from the face of the Earth. This is the way people have erroneously described the “Rapture” for centuries. As I mentioned previously, that is not the way our Ascension process is happening.
Once again, these monumental Activities of Light occur first in the Realms of Cause. Consequently, they are not usually obvious immediately in the physical plane. That certainly does not mean that they did not happen, it just means that in most instances we will not perceive the tangible results just yet. It is true that we are in uncharted waters and not even the Company of Heaven knows exactly how this influx of Light will affect Humanity en masse. Some people may have instantaneous results, but they are not going to disappear from the Earth. They will experience a profound Awakening and a dramatic shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness.
In all probability, this Awakening and shift of consciousness will occur within every man, woman, and child on Earth more gradually, but that does not mean it will take a long time. Without the interference of our fragmented and fear-based human ego, which is in the process of being Loved FREE by our I AM Presence, this Awakening will occur much more quickly than outer appearances indicate.
On September 22-23, 2015, which is the September Equinox, we will intensify the influx of Light from the New Moon Solar Eclipse which occurred on September 12-13, and secure it into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.
The effects of that Activity of Light will build in momentum until September 27-28, 2015, when we will experience not only an incredibly powerful influx of Light from a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but a life-transforming influx of Light from a Celestial Event referred to as WAVE "X", or The Event Horizon. This is a Celestial opportunity that we have not been able to benefit from since our fall from Grace.
On September 28, 2015, we will receive a crescendo of Gamma Ray Light from the Galactic Core. This is a rhythmic pulsation of Light that blesses our Solar System every 3,600 years with the Divine Intent of raising the consciousness of Sons and Daughters of God and accelerating the evolution of our Solar System. Even though this wondrous Gift of Light from On High has been available every 3,600 years, since our tragic fall from Grace the Earth and Humanity have been vibrating at a discordant frequency that was unable to receive or assimilate the benefits of these Gamma Rays. Now, however, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!
The Company of Heaven has confirmed that with the miraculous changes that have taken place at an atomic cellular level within Humanity and all Life on Earth since the Birth of the New Earth in December, 2012, Humanity is finally able to receive and assimilate these powerful Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core. For several weeks, the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building in momentum.
This influx of Gamma Rays will reach their peak in the midst of a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The influx of Light from the Full Moon Eclipse will stabilize the Water Element which composes 80% of the entire Elemental Kingdom and sustains the Emotional Bodies of Humanity. The Water Element is also the Divine Intelligence through which the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is tangibly manifest in the world of form.
In preparation for this Cosmic influx of Gamma Rays, the Company of Heaven wants us to grasp the magnitude of this opportunity by revealing the following information. Due to the life-transforming Activities of Light that have been successfully accomplished through the unified efforts of millions of Lightworkers around the World, the Earth and ALL her Life are now on the brink of a miraculous Transfiguration.
On September 27-28, 2015, through every person’s I AM Presence, Humanity en masse is going to receive the full power and might of the myriad Gamma Rays we have missed from this rhythmic 3,600 year Gift from On High, back to the initial impulse of the fall. This has never been done before and no one knows how it will manifest for each of us individually, but KNOW the results will ONLY enhance our lives and our Ascension process.
The Mighty Elohim, who are the Builders of Form, have assured us that the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity and the Bodies of Mother Earth are now vibrating at a frequency that is ready and able to withstand this influx of Gamma Rays and that this will occur in perfect Divine Order. This is a Cosmic Moment beyond anything that has ever occurred for the Sons and Daughters of God. Be at Peace and Be Here NOW!
Your I AM Presence knows exactly how you can best experience this wondrous opportunity. Go within, ask for guidance, and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly through this process. I Love YOU more than you will ever know. God Bless You.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
WhooHoo! Hold on to your .... no actually .... get ready to e-x-p-a-n-d, let go and allow!
We have to see all the things that are now happening as very interconnected and quite representative of a profound holistic pattern that the Supreme Creator is weaving for us. This divine plan is being unraveled before us in a most incredible and wise way. Each move is being made like the moves of a most enlightened chess master. Each step has a meaning that exists on many levels at once. Every move is designed to impress each of us toward one wonderful goal — first contact with our ancestors and our galactic brothers and sisters ~ leading to our ascension.
This path leads toward a deep reflection into the true meanings of the human soul and how this truth forms the basis of who we truly are. For this underlying truth is the foundation for all knowledge. We are all seekers of what is real and of how this reality forms the basis for all things that exist in Creation. We all endeavor in some way to amalgamate our truths with the profound ways of the Supreme Creator. Now is the time when this wish shall be granted not just to a select few, but to all of us.
Selamat Ja!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are registering using Paypal, cutoff time is 4pm PDT. We suggest that you register early so we can ensure you receive your personal webinar link.
If you are registering using PAO's secure shopping cart, you can register up until the time of the webinar. Again, we suggest registering early to ensure you receive your link.
Please be sure to enter your correct email address. We have experienced a large number of incorrect email addresses which means you do not receive your link. I know that some days I find it difficult to stay focused on details, even remembering how to spell simple words. Thank you for supporting PAO. ZaZuMa!
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Enjoy this short video of Matt explaining why it is time to embrace the joy of being human. From this direct space of awareness, you will finally understand what every moment is asking of you, and how to enter into a truly harmonious relationship with reality.
Click on the image below to access the video. Blessings.
As we enter 5D consciousness, we have reached a new horizon of possibility, where all previous reference points cannot assist us in dissecting reality into separate categories of polarity.
Instead of feeling sad while hoping to be happy, or even feeling happy, while hoping to avoid any further sadness, we are neither sad nor happy. In the absence of sensing a high or noticing a low, we have returned to zero point, but without a defining sign of arrival.
Perhaps for you, your entry point has left you without a sense of who you are, including the melting away of each spiritual identity or attribute that your ego spent so much time striving to embody or desperately capture. Maybe there is no sense of where you are in time and space, which can cause you to imagine how you are somewhere far behind wherever you’ve been anticipating to go.
As your experience of emptiness acts as a definitive sign that you have exited 3D reality and entered the doorway of unity consciousness, while it may seem underwhelming to some, it is a crucial stage of spiritual growth to help ground you into alignment with your highest spiritual maturity. Instead of fearing being left out or left behind some sort of window of opportunity, it is important to know the true gift that such a shift in consciousness provides.
While many have spent the last 7 years being turned upside down, shaken to your core, and unraveled, the emptying process occurs to clear out your energy field, so you may enter this brand-new frontier of experience completely empty of any previous assumption, belief, or conclusion. It’s as if the Universe is making sure you cannot obscure your view of what is and will continue to unfold. The emptying out, in and of itself, reveals a fiercely compassionate Universe.
It’s an omnipresent reality that will do whatever is required to empty your vessel, ensuring that you will not miss a moment of miraculous grace by having the ammunition to misperceive what will be seen as the most miraculous time in human history.
If you are sitting back with your arms folded, waiting for a cosmic lightshow to prove itself to you, you might find yourself in a stand-off with time, battling the grace of existence with arrows of frustration, confusion, and expectation. For any being inhabiting a body, this particular lifetime is an open-ended opportunity to release the chains of victimhood and not just experience the perfection of life’s Divine plan, but to live out each moment of ascension with the joy, faith, and enthusiasm that so many are reserving to express, once something impressive happens.
While many understand the term “reincarnation” to indicate the journey of a soul through various bodies of incarnation, I’d like to provide another term to help you remember the significance of why we are here during a time of planetary expansion. A few years ago, the Universe taught me a word called “meta-incarnation.” It refers to the quantum understanding that not only have we incarnated many times before, but to also acknowledge how this isn’t the first time each of us have lived out this exact lifetime, as the characters we view ourselves to be.
It’s as if the ascension lifetime is one of the soul’s favorite movies in its cosmic Netflix account. When souls watch movies of lifetimes, they go along for the journey of a main character by incarnating into their world of evolution.
The more times a soul lives out a particular incarnation, the faster they wake up within it. The objective is to be as liberated, boundless, infinite, and immortal as the soul experiences itself within the domain of heaven, while incarnated in form. The deeper a soul wakes up in form, the more the world in view transforms into higher frequencies of light. This may shed greater perspective on why some are so adamant on not wanting to come back.
It is a deep-rooted declaration emanating from the soul, indicating that it has learned and grown from this meta-incarnation, to the point of being ready to move onto greater adventures.
And yet, for those who feel quite done with this ever-looping scenario, I invite you to release yourself from the grip of self-imposed beliefs and declare the absolute Truth of your immortal existence, so you may complete this lifetime as the highest self you’ve always been.
To open up the floodgates to your highest experience throughout a lifetime you’ve successfully completed so many times before, please repeat the following words:
“No matter how I think, feel, act, or perceive reality, I hereby accept that I am the ultimate reality dwelling in the hearts of all that is. I am the light through which all things come to be, as well as the aliveness of being that is already so liberated. I am choosing to experience life as this character, only for the purposes of awakening to transform reality for the well-being of all.
“I no longer wait for anything within or throughout my experience to change, in order to confirm the eternal truth that I AM, I have always been, and shall always be. Despite how I think, feel, or act, I am the immortal reality within it.
“While this body provides me an experience of being the main character within the movie of incarnation, I hereby declare the Truth of my infinite nature and command my reality to confirm this Truth to me now. I am healthy. I am happy. I am abundant. I am free. I am the light. The light I am. May all beings be uplifted, healed, and reborn by the power of my immaculate declaration. And so it is.”
I invite you to take a moment and feel the power within these words. In doing so, you enter the revolutionary part of the love revolution by no longer holding yourself hostage, while waiting for life to rescue you. Instead, you declare the absolute Truth of who you are, as the ultimate reality of all that is, and free yourself through the infinite power of your spoken word.
When I was given the date 9-27-15, it was for the purposes of assigning a marker in time, where the purging and purifying that so many have endured would transition into a period of integration. As this date was given, it was mixed into the other interpretations of ascension to become something else to project anticipate, doubt, hope, and assumptions upon. Soon, many began to wonder if this was the date they’d be leaving the planet, or if it was a confirmation of something catastrophic.
Others used it as opportunities to cast doubt and skepticism, when so many widely-anticipated dates in history have left many scratching their heads instead of opening their hearts.
The truth is, both sides are actually right to a certain degree.
Is there a spiritual significance to this time in history?
Yes. It is a time when awakening individuals hold space for a spiritual evolution unfolding on a global level.
Will something powerful happen on 9-27-15?
Yes. The expansive energies of 5D consciousness that have already entered the atmosphere of the collective consciousness reaches a point of crescendo on 9-27-15 and integrates into the Earth the following day on 9-28-15.
Is 9-27-15 the moment of Ascension?
Ascension is not one moment in time, but a period of spiritual renaissance, where beings that have evolved in consciousness are catapulted into new horizons of experience.
Will all my symptoms and problems instantly dissolve on that day?
As always, life only takes shape and form to provide you with experiences to ensure the evolution of your soul, as you continue to complete this lifetime, but from a higher timeline of perception than any other time of meta-incarnation.
If wishing to accelerate the storyline of incarnation, it is a matter of releasing attachment to outcome and daring to be more loving toward yourself and others. In essence, your evolution accelerates when it no longer matters what happens to you, but only how rooted in your heart you happen to be.
For those who yearn to be rooted in their heart, but fail to act as loving, joyful, and kind as they wish to be, the willingness to relax your body and offer greater emotional support to your less desirable qualities and characteristics releases deep-rooted judgments to allow all aspects of shadow to be as worthy of receiving your light as your most admirable qualities and characteristics.
What can I expect in 5D consciousness?
By its very nature, your entry point into 5D reality is void of any idea, belief, or expectation collected or developed along the way. When in 3D reality, making your way through the 4th dimension and toward the 5th, there are many signs and symptoms you are taught as a way of ensuring you are making your way.
Because 3D and 4D consciousness are rooted in personal will instead of Universal will, faith is given to the expectation of outcome, if without an awareness of the silent eternal force within you that guides your every move and ensures the completion of a journey you have already lived out many times before. This is also why intuition exists. It is the remembrance of what you’ve already played out so many other times that allows an inner knowing to guide you into making decisions contrary to however you lived this lifetime out before.
It’s as if your higher intelligence remembers the decisions you’ve made in the past and encourages you to select more powerful and courageous options, so this adventure of incarnation can be as fresh, unique, and exciting as you’ve intended it to be.
As you evolve in consciousness, your inner knowing replaces a tendency to cling to expectations as an imaginary form of security. In the absence of using any sort of future pending promise to ensure your safety, an awakened being finds safety in being completely open to the equality of all possibilities.
To an awakened being – the notion of “Will I be okay?” isn’t a question or a concern. It’s just an innocent thought passing through the beauty of time and space like the uniqueness of a snowflake drifting through the air.
For those who wish to reclaim their power from the mirage of expectation, and no longer fall victim to the dissatisfying allure of outcomes, it is essential to be as open and empty as possible. This doesn’t mean to get rid of anything or try to hold your body and mind in any particular position.
Instead, it is merely an invitation to breathe in and out as thought, feeling, interactions, and circumstances come to be. When and if the simplicity of this way of being seems overwhelming, it is merely an opportunity to offer greater loving support to your innocence, as you adjust to being empty throughout a world of seemingly endless hunger and desires for gain.
A mantra that can assist you in making peace with the emptying out process of entering 5D consciousness is simple but effective:
“When in doubt – go without.”
No matter how often your ego seems to freak out by not having a passion to pursue, a direction to forge, a battle to win, or an obstacle to overcome, you can best serve the evolution of your consciousness by making your inner and outer realities as simple as possible. This is a time to listen deeply, move softly, speak with gentleness, while greeting each moment as a precious gift of divinity, no matter how hardened, callous, sarcastic, or insensitive anyone seems to be.
In celebration of entering 5D as empty as possible, your external reality is no longer an indication of your evolving consciousness. If anything, the way in which characters behave reflect a way of being that you have outgrown, as you forge a path in an exciting new direction that you cannot fathom, anticipate, avoid, or deny. As you enter 5D consciousness more open, vulnerable, and empty than ever before, you release judgments that resting in nothing means you are deficient or left out in some way.
Soon, you may see that resting as nothing or no one in particular, not even settling for spiritual identities such as “witness” or “self”, allows you to make peace with the spacious aliveness of your infinite eternal being. As you become comfortable and at ease with your natural state of emptiness, which may in the beginning feel flat, desolate, hopeless, and depressing, the faster you advance into stages where joy, passion, synchronicity, abundance, wellness, love, and fulfillment return to your life.
The more heart-centered support and authentic encouragement you offer yourself as emptying out occurs, whether you feel the love or not, invites you through the doorway of unity consciousness to discover a new frontier of reality, while rooted in the most optimal perspective of spiritual maturity.
As 9-27-15 dawns, I invite you to welcome the dawning of 5D consciousness with the peace, simplicity, emptiness, and ease of each passing breath.
May the disappointments of unfulfilled expectations awaken the brightness of your being, where once and for all, you can rejoice in the ecstasy of breathing — with everything to welcome, and nothing to avoid. From one moment to the next, you will always know exactly what needs to be known, but only when it needs to be known. Not sooner, never later, but always at the perfect moment in time.
We’ve already played out the ascension timeline so many times before, and yet, the one thing we have never done is rejoice and celebrate our eternal victory before the final act unfolds. Knowing this, may we explore the adventure of ascension as never before, and allow each step forward to be taken with a heart blown wide open to fate of life’s highest possibility.
It’s already meant to unfold in grand perfection. The question is, are you going to hold your breath and wait, or will you join the cosmic party already in progress.
While a 7-year cycle of healing crisis and tumultuous spiritual growth comes to an end, it ushers in a new paradigm of heart-centered consciousness for those who incarnated to play at full capacity.
Since you are reading these words, it confirms that you are among the courageous and faithful souls who are leading humanity into the unknown only to discover the light of one dancing as the uniqueness of every heart.
As always, it is an honor to serve the evolution of your journey, as we continue our adventure into the most exciting chapters of spiritual evolution. I rejoice in the brightness of your being that now more than ever before has the power to transform all who enter the light of your eternal presence.
What to Expect from the Equinox, Eclipse and Wave X
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
WhooHoo! The influx of energies is expanding our minds, activating our DNA and assisting us to change our perceptions from a 3D mindset to a galactic 5D mindset. Many people get frustrated because they are expecting the September energies to instantaneously catapult them into the fifth dimension. I like what Patricia Cota-Robles said in her article (below):
The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.
The buzz is all about perception. Join us Thursday and/or Sunday as we collectively gather to anchor in the new transformative energies. The timing is perfect. Truly, Together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!
NOTE: We are offering this month's webinar on Thursdayfirst~~and the second webinar is on Sunday.
The immense influx of energies is assisting us to change our perspectives. What does this mean? We require help to relearn how to perceive ourselves.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!
The reason people have been disappointed so many times is because they have erroneously expected for these shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness to instantly manifest in the physical plane. People look at outer-world appearances and because they do not see any immediate changes, they feel that the events did not actually happen and that the information was just another “New Age hoax.” The reality is that the vast majority of events that have taken place over the past several decades not only happened, but according to the Company of Heaven, they succeed in accelerating Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension process beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.
So that we will not miss this amazing opportunity by letting our distorted perceptions fool us again, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want to reiterate how we will experience the colossal shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness we will receive through the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X. They want us to remember that first and foremost, we are multidimensional Beings functioning in various dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth which we believe is so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in and, it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes we are co-creating with our Father-Mother God in the Realms of Cause.
The reason we do not experience these monumental events instantaneously in the physical plane is because they are first created in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, they are magnetized into the World of Effects, which is the physical plane, through the thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the physical plane. The important thing to realize is that once something has been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the World of Effects. The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.
I AM going to be discussing this information in detail in an online interview with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful You Awakening program. The interview will be live on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles, California) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).
If you would like to join us for this FREE online broadcast you may do so by registering through the following linkwww.youawakening.com.
If you are not able to join us live the FREE REPLAY will be available after the original airing.
Because of the importance of the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X, I would like to share the following information.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness unparalleled in the history of time have occurred since the Birth of the New Earth in December 2012. However, they are affirming now that those accomplishments will pale in comparison to the shifts we will experience in the month of September 2015.
Every conceivable assistance is being given to Humanity from On High to help us accomplish our Ascension process. One of the most astounding things is the influx of Gamma Rays we have received from what scientists say was one of the biggest and hottest explosions in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light reached the Earth in 2014, and it is daily and hourly affecting the re-calibration of our DNA. This powerful influx of Gamma Rays was the result of an explosion of a Star that took place more than 12.1 billion years ago. The Beings of Light confirmed that this Light reached Planet Earth in perfect Divine Timing. Just to give you an idea of how far away this Star was, it takes 8.17 minutes for Light from the surface of the Sun to reach the surface of the Earth.
Sometimes these astronomical numbers about time and space seem confusing to us, but we must remember that time and space only exist in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. From the 5th Dimension and beyond there is no such thing as time or space. In the Higher Realms of Light everything occurs in the Eternal Moment of Now.
Gamma-ray bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they realize that they are very important because they are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. These bursts release more energy in 10 seconds than Earth’s Sun will release during its entire expected lifespan of 10 billion years. Just imagine!
The Beings of Light have revealed that Gamma Rays are instrumental in re-calibrating Humanity’s DNA structures. Now that Humanity’s fragmented double helix DNA has been restored in the Realms of Cause to the 12 strands we originally had, and re-calibrated to the frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, we are ready for the monumental events that will take place this month.
Now we are being told from On High that these events will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the highest frequencies of the New Earth we have ever experienced. The anticipated influx of Gamma Rays we will receive from WAVE "X" will shift Humanity’s DNA in ways that will result in the most profound Awakening and return to Christ Consciousness that has ever been attempted in any System of Worlds.
Many are referring to this shift as the FIRST WAVE OF ASCENSION. I have been hearing this phrase for over 40 years. Each time it is used people expect that millions of people, and this time it is being said that 2.2 billion people, are going to just vanish from the face of the Earth. This is the way people have erroneously described the “Rapture” for centuries. As I mentioned previously, that is not the way our Ascension process is happening.
Once again, these monumental Activities of Light occur first in the Realms of Cause. Consequently, they are not usually obvious immediately in the physical plane. That certainly does not mean that they did not happen, it just means that in most instances we will not perceive the tangible results just yet. It is true that we are in uncharted waters and not even the Company of Heaven knows exactly how this influx of Light will affect Humanity en masse. Some people may have instantaneous results, but they are not going to disappear from the Earth. They will experience a profound Awakening and a dramatic shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness.
In all probability, this Awakening and shift of consciousness will occur within every man, woman, and child on Earth more gradually, but that does not mean it will take a long time. Without the interference of our fragmented and fear-based human ego, which is in the process of being Loved FREE by our I AM Presence, this Awakening will occur much more quickly than outer appearances indicate.
On September 22-23, 2015, which is the September Equinox, we will intensify the influx of Light from the New Moon Solar Eclipse which occurred on September 12-13, and secure it into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.
The effects of that Activity of Light will build in momentum until September 27-28, 2015, when we will experience not only an incredibly powerful influx of Light from a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but a life-transforming influx of Light from a Celestial Event referred to as WAVE "X", or The Event Horizon. This is a Celestial opportunity that we have not been able to benefit from since our fall from Grace.
On September 28, 2015, we will receive a crescendo of Gamma Ray Light from the Galactic Core. This is a rhythmic pulsation of Light that blesses our Solar System every 3,600 years with the Divine Intent of raising the consciousness of Sons and Daughters of God and accelerating the evolution of our Solar System. Even though this wondrous Gift of Light from On High has been available every 3,600 years, since our tragic fall from Grace the Earth and Humanity have been vibrating at a discordant frequency that was unable to receive or assimilate the benefits of these Gamma Rays. Now, however, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!
The Company of Heaven has confirmed that with the miraculous changes that have taken place at an atomic cellular level within Humanity and all Life on Earth since the Birth of the New Earth in December, 2012, Humanity is finally able to receive and assimilate these powerful Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core. For several weeks, the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building in momentum.
This influx of Gamma Rays will reach their peak in the midst of a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The influx of Light from the Full Moon Eclipse will stabilize the Water Element which composes 80% of the entire Elemental Kingdom and sustains the Emotional Bodies of Humanity. The Water Element is also the Divine Intelligence through which the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is tangibly manifest in the world of form.
In preparation for this Cosmic influx of Gamma Rays, the Company of Heaven wants us to grasp the magnitude of this opportunity by revealing the following information. Due to the life-transforming Activities of Light that have been successfully accomplished through the unified efforts of millions of Lightworkers around the World, the Earth and ALL her Life are now on the brink of a miraculous Transfiguration.
On September 27-28, 2015, through every person’s I AM Presence, Humanity en masse is going to receive the full power and might of the myriad Gamma Rays we have missed from this rhythmic 3,600 year Gift from On High, back to the initial impulse of the fall. This has never been done before and no one knows how it will manifest for each of us individually, but KNOW the results will ONLY enhance our lives and our Ascension process.
The Mighty Elohim, who are the Builders of Form, have assured us that the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity and the Bodies of Mother Earth are now vibrating at a frequency that is ready and able to withstand this influx of Gamma Rays and that this will occur in perfect Divine Order. This is a Cosmic Moment beyond anything that has ever occurred for the Sons and Daughters of God. Be at Peace and Be Here NOW!
Your I AM Presence knows exactly how you can best experience this wondrous opportunity. Go within, ask for guidance, and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly through this process. I Love YOU more than you will ever know. God Bless You.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
You, dear Children, are the Light of this world. You are the candle of the Light that no one can extinguish. Use this to bring the wonders of this time to swift fruition.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
5 Chicchan, 18 Zip, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! Over the past few months, this world progressed from being one in which the dark cabal was still in charge to one where these scurrilous crooks are on the ropes. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally realizing how this world’s scenario needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity require a reveal. We have asked that this set of precise procedures be done at a much quicker level. This advice, as said previously, was largely ignored. The time is now ripe for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The coming prosperity is simply an instrument by which you can achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into one that is peaceful and harmonious. Be aware of what you are doing. Let it all flow and use your synchronistic powers to alter things gracefully and divinely. This world needs to change and to alter how it perceives itself. The old violent ways require an ending. The diversity of culture requires an honoring. You need to reside in a wondrous land with technology to end poverty and hunger. The world needs to see itself as a big and glorious family!
As your realm moves toward its new reality, never forget who you are and that you are becoming one. Never before has Earth’s surface humanity had the ability to free itself of all the ills that have plagued it since the Great Flood of nearly 10 millennia ago. At that time, the Anunnaki, acting as your dark overlords, put into place a system that, in effect, caused everyone to suffer. You are at the point where this grand suffering is to be transformed. You are to enter a time where prosperity and new governance is to permit you to turn Gaia into a paradise. Humanity is no longer to need farming, mining and other things that harm your precious planet. You are to quickly develop a new perspective that can allow you to use your growing consciousness to alter every culture on the surface of Gaia. This new global mixture of humanity is to set the stage for our arrival. You can finally stop believing the cabal’s outright lies. Government can formally end the UFO cover-up and prepare you for our coming. This is to allow us to commence a number of broadcasts about our initial objectives.
The first objectives involve our mentors. All of you have lived in sublime ignorance since your birth. You have been fed a pile of pap, first conceived eons ago by the Anunnaki. These perceived realities need to be discarded and new perceptions acquired based on a new and more conscious set of realities. This old Anunnaki matrix made you more pliable and made it much easier for your governmental and other masters to manipulate and control you. These “control points” need to be replaced with free thinking and a newly acquired ability to again discern keys that can be employed to determine when you are being manipulated. This grand task is for your mentor to impart to you. It needs to be done subtly and included with a restoration of your ancient and modern history. This history is to be filled with a very important truth twist. Some of the truths behind your wars and how your economy is used as a pawn by the oligarchy will be most enlightening. You are getting ready to become a galactic human. The time spent over the last 13 millennia needs to be looked at and the logic behind Heaven’s decrees fully explained.
Another objective is to describe to you what being a galactic human is like. You have reacquired abilities that allow you to carry out the divine instructions of Heaven. You are, in effect, a physical Angel. This means you can do a whole host of things. The mentor’s job is not only to review your life, but as well to explicitly explain to you your coming life in full consciousness. Your science wonders what “full potentializing” implies. All of this is to be explored with you by the mentor. We have a long history with you. We are assisting your Ascended Masters in seeing that you are in a state where you can ask for heavenly assistance. This process, at present, is somewhat skewed by the matrix, which creates this present reality. This matrix is now being enormously weakened by the great waves of energy coming from your galactic core. These energy waves are significantly aiding what our Earth allies are achieving. This joint operation is at the verge of a wonderful success. It is to bring the new reality that is to reunite you with your Inner Earth, Spiritual and Space families! Hosanna!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with grand tidings and marvelous news! The dark cabal is full of itself. It defies all that our earthly associates do and thus, the time comes for its power to perish. Gaia is merely its pawn and they use their horrible devices to make useless points to our various allies. The dark is now at the edge of its demise and our numerous allies are shortly to apply their own “coup de gras” to defeat these evil blunderers. Ahead of you, my Children, lies a most beautiful reality filled with joy, freedom, prosperity and new governance dedicated to your mutual happiness. The old is to be set aside and a new era of caring for Gaia is to be the start of your growing dedication to divine service. Together, we are to form a grand union of aid to all on Gaia’s surface. There is to be only peace, cooperation and a growing consciousness of service, to each other and to Gaia. You are to build a most beautiful realm. Heaven is to descend to Earth! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
This reality is in transition. It is blessed and ready to do Heaven’s bidding. Great waves of divine Love are increasing even as we speak to you. Be willing to listen and be moved by the passion of these wondrous sets of events. This realm is moving each of you into higher and higher consciousness. You are participating in a movement that encompasses all peoples and all nations. Our blessed task is to keep you guided toward the center of this most gracious and divine Light. As you are exposed, you become physically different. This difference is minute. Yet it is part of a process that is shifting this reality. We Masters are excited about the meaning of this great spiritual shift. It is causing many to become more spiritually oriented. Every day, we find Beings willing to ask for our help and we ask our numerous allegiances to provide that blessed help. You are very close to a most blessed new day!
This realm is now in transition from the horrors of the dark. Does that mean that all is to alter in a flash? Not really. What you need to do is remain positive. Be ready to receive. Be as well ready to use this positive energy to help this aid to manifest. Do so knowing how powerful you are and how much more positive you are to become. You, dear Children, are the Light of this world. You are the candle of the Light that no one can extinguish. Use this to bring the wonders of this time to swift fruition. Remember in all of this who you really are. Be strong and unflappable. Let the dark know that its day is truly coming to a sudden end. You are a set of magnificent Beings who have the privilege to see miracles, which are very soon to appear before you. Thus, be able to remain strong and positive. We are behind and ahead of you. We are to push and to guide you to a very deserving finish line!!
Today, we gave you a weekly report on what is happening around this globe. Spirit is constantly moving upon the waters of this realm and preparing this orb for its most grand shift into a new reality. This land is alive and ready to be filled with the miracles and divine actions of Heaven. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Last month our webinar was about the Pleiadeans. Many reported feeling them or seeing balls of energy in their rooms and many enjoyed galactic dreams that night. The Pleiadeans promise to be with us again this month. Hooray!
Have you noticed the buzz word in our community seems to be all about changing our perceptions. Our dimensional evolution demands that we embrace new perceptions of reality. We will then be able to help our Galactic families even more as the Divine Plan unfolds. Sheldan will help us relearn how to perceive ourselves as the heavenly frequencies continue to flood our planet.
Here's some feedback from webinar attendees:
Your webinars are so alive! Can't wait for the next one! Inga/Canada
I always feel the galactic presence during your activational webinars. But this one with the Pleiadeans was off the charts. My house was crowded with visitors if you know what I mean. lol Thank you. MK/TX
Tonight was absolutely exceptional ! You get A++ Thank you all you do and I’m SO looking forward to September! ~ Jim Peavey/GA
Our Changing Perceptions are Transforming Reality
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL!
Hello, this is John with Jesus' message for Sunday September 20th 2015. Today he is again talking about the inevitability of humanity's awakening into Reality. And, as with my last Saul message, I am posting my complete communication with Jesus so that you can see where I'm coming from with my doubts, and my intention to release them, as the moment for our awakening approaches.
Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me this evening? Today I have been tired, mostly at peace, content, but uninspired. It feels as though I received my last message from Saul a long time ago, and yet it was only last Thursday afternoon, 2 brief days ago! Time is surely quite unreal. It appears that we addressed issues that many are concerned with, judging by the many comments I have received. So that was very good.
But, right now I feel blah, bored . . . peaceful . . . but without direction or motivation, so an inspiring and uplifting message from you would be good, BUT you and Saul have given me so many that I sometimes see these communications of ours from the point of view that they are merely “more of the same,” “nothing new,” and “do they really have any validity?”
In other words, I do have doubts. They do not last, and I know that they are a distraction, my ego attempting to convince me of the reality of the illusion, something I know is unreal. However, it would be nice to be able to dissolve them once and for all.
As you must know I most firmly believe in life after death and in an infinitely loving God, Presence, Source, but, like most humans, I have no idea what that really means. Reading accounts of people's NDEs is uplifting and encouraging, but life here on Earth leaves much to be desired, especially for those in war zones, those fleeing war zones, and those suffering with floods, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various forms of ill-health.
So I feel I should not complain at all, BUT, as I experienced listening to Anita Moorjani's interview with Brian Rose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz4NUe_hv2M), I do feel that something of ultimate importance is missing from my life, something I remember I had but can no longer remember, other than knowing that something important is missing. And of course all the inspiring messages from you and from Saul are about the fact that there is only Love, and the only concept of that that most of us can imagine is “falling in love” with another so that life can be lived in a loving, uplifting, and very satisfying relationship. However, very few of those seem to work long term – even though we are only here momentarily! – so I guess we are all really looking for what we lost when we chose to separate from God. And, having forgotten what it is that we lost, we have no real idea where to look, and where we do look does not reveal any satisfying answers. So, Dear Jesus, please respond with a message that uplifts and inspires me and our followers. We are in need of reassurance, reassurance that reinforces and strengthens our wavering faith so that we continue making our way very positively along the path to our inevitable awakening.
Jesus: Good evening John. The task we here in the spiritual realms have taken upon ourselves, and that you who have chosen to experience human lives at this point in humanity's awakening process have also taken on, is to uplift and inspire humanity into awakening. We pass messages to you, they inspire you and strengthen your faith in God, and you then share them freely and indiscriminately so that all of humanity can become aware of and then choose to be part of this longed for process leading you to your inevitable awakening.
As we have said, humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, but the distractions and enticements with which the illusion seemingly presents you almost constantly keep drawing you back into it. This has been an ongoing struggle for you since the moment, just a moment ago, that you made the choice to build and enter into the illusion. The illusion is a very clever construct. Many of you have seen conjurers and magicians performing extraordinarily convincing magical tricks, so you understand the concept.
But the illusion that the one Son of God built to attempt to separate Himself from His Father is way more convincing than anything that a human illusionist could possibly produce.
The saving grace is, of course, that time, like the illusion, is unreal, utterly unreal! Yes, to all of you apparently immersed in it, it seems totally real, but I assure you that it is not. Those of you who have had NDEs (many more of you than you might think) know this, and have shared that knowledge with all who wish to be informed.
Throughout the eons mystics and enlightened ones have also been telling you this, but, as I said, the distractions and enticements of the illusion, like the tricks of conjurers and magicians, draw you in because they seem so real and entrancing to you.
Illusionists tricks and sleight of hand are always finally revealed for what they are, unreal, illusions, and the grand illusion in which you seem to be living, often very unhappily and unsatisfactorily, will also be shown to be unreal.
You are One with God. That is your state since the glorious moment of your creation, and it is an unchangeable state because God is changeless and so, therefore, are you. You were created absolutely perfect because, naturally, all that God creates is eternally perfect. That does not mean you are in a state of stagnancy, motionless. Creation, God, is eternally creative, and the potential for further creation is limitless.
Unchanging does not mean a stationary or uncreative state, it means a state that is constantly and eternally extending Love, infinitely. This means that you, every sentient being, is forever expanding in Love and creativity . . . your potential to create like God is limitless.
This is your natural state, creating and expanding the field of Love that is God and in which He created you. What He creates He shares and extends without limit or restriction. Love is limitless and changeless, there is nowhere within It that anything unloving can be present, because there is nothing else, and there is no potential for anything that is unreal or unloving because Love fills the whole of Creation, being the whole of Creation.
When you awaken into Reality, your eternal Home, as you will when you release your fearful grasp on the illusion, your joy will be beyond, way beyond your wildest dreams. Keep renewing your intent to awaken and for humanity to awaken by daily, hourly, in fact moment to moment restating your intent to be only loving regardless of the situation in which you seem to be involved.
Love is All. Therefore, Love, when you embrace It, dissolves all that is not in perfect alignment with It. Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL! Let them go, release your anxious grasp upon them and allow them to dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined them into being. It is only your grip on them, your belief in them that appears to maintain them. Not one among you wants any of them, you only want Love, so open your hearts, as we keep advising you to do, and allow the Love that surrounds and envelops you in every moment to embrace you, waking you up into Reality, your eternal Home.
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
The Arcturians want me to hear what they say to me, translate it and send it to you. They are showing us how we are to share all that we have learned. This is how the messages are sent out into our expanding reality. First we receive, and then we share. In this manner, we fulfill the assignment that we chose before we took this earth vessel.
As we complete what we volunteered to do before we took this form, we will remember how to transmute our consciousness so that we can be fully conscious of our higher frequencies while still wearing our earth vessel. In this manner, all of our “3D issues” that once caused us third-dimensional difficulties transmute into their higher their dimensional expression. Yes, even our issues are “multidimensional.”
Once we recognize that it is the NOW to release any “old issues,” we can send them Unconditional Love and blaze them with the Violet Fire. We also realize that these “issues” are myriad thought forms, memories, smells and pictures that have been stored in our unconscious mind. When we move into our readiness to “release” our issues, they start popping up in our daily life.
It is then that we become conscious of that which has held up back from being our purest expression of self. The “issues are actually memories of our self. Some of these memories are from this reality and some of them are from other realities.
Either way, they are all being revealed NOW because we have volunteered to move our consciousness perception of SELF into our fifth-dimensional consciousness. The process of moving into our fifth dimensional consciousness is much like jumping on a trampoline. At first, can’t jump very high.
But as we build a momentum, we go up a little bit higher, down lower, up higher, and then down lower. In this way, we go higher into higher states of consciousness to have these wonderful experiences. But then, when we come back down to our baseline consciousness, it is lower because we have expanded our perceptual range.
By moving UP into our fourth/fifth-dimensional self, we are remembering and perceiving our third and fourth dimensional selves from a higher perspective. From this higher and more detached perspective, we are viewing all our physical incarnations as parallel, alternate, and simultaneous realities in this, or in other timelines.
From our higher perspective, we can also observe all the energy fields that we have left on Earth that are still floating around Gaia’s third and fourth dimensional habitat areas. From this higher perspective we can also observe how our thoughts and emotions have a lot of power.
This is a long article....for the complete article click HERE
Sunday's 'Supermoon' Total Lunar Eclipse: When and Where to See It
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Today is the final blood moon tetrad, an event surrounded by mystery and intrigue. The below article details where and when one can observe this celestial event. Apparently the eastern United States along with western Europe and Africa will have the best points of view.
An interesting point from the listing of times is when the total eclipse is set to occur: GMT 2:11pm, EST 10:11pm, CMT 9:11pm, MDT 8:11pm and PDT 7:07pm. For those that study numerology the connection will be obvious. All of these times are master numbers, with the final time of 7:07 being even more significant. One wonders if this correlation has a greater meaning and if it was intentional.
We reported on some of the stranger aspects of this event in the flowing.
According to prophesy this alignment of blood moons is a herald of major world changes. Here is an excerpt from the above linked article.
A Tetrad is a group of four things, in this case four successive blood moon events, with no intervening lunar eclipses, occurring at different points in the year as a result of astrological alignments. Also a