**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
COBRA Interview - The Disclosure Chronicles – The Creation (Part 1) by Prepare for Change
* NOTE: (for audio version click link at bottom)
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
In Part 1, we will go back to the beginning of humanity and ask Cobra basic questions about our REAL history: Just what is a soul, spirit, enlightenment, laws of creation, evil, sin, chakras, galaxy, universe, higher beings, spirit connection and much more. These rapid fire questions to Cobra come back with as much speed as the questions are given. Clearly these answers are well known to Cobra.
Full Transcript of the 10-13-15 Cobra Interview
Cobra: The Disclosure Chronicles – The Creation-Part 1
An Interview by Prepare for Change
October 13, 2015
Lynn – Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another episode of www.prepareforchange.net radio show. I’m your host Lynn, chair of the healing group at www.prepareforchange.net. Today my co-host is Richard a long time member and contributor to www.prepareforchange.net. If you appreciate our shows that are on carrying subjects to support your health, well being, spirituality, environment, governmental and society subjects, please go towww.prepareforchange.net and use the donate button in the right hand column to help support our worthwhile organization.
To begin with, I would like to recognize the members of this media team that make this show a success. DaNell for her transcription of the show, Rique Seraphico for his skill at editing and voice modulation, my brother Aaron for his technical ability with the audio recording and Dovfor his beautiful contribution of our theme song; Voices of the world. Today’s special guest isCobra (http://2012portal.blogspot.com).
If you’re not familiar with Cobra, please go to www.prepareforchange.net and listen to the archives of the first show of this series, introduction to the disclosure chronicles. Today we will start with some current event questions and then move into our series entitled; The disclosure chronicles, In the beginning.
Welcome Cobra to our show #2 in this series. OK, so we’ll will start with our current event questions, Cobra. (OK)
Lynn – Yesterday on Monday Oct 12th Benjamin Fulford reported that the U.S. military took over the Federal Reserve Board? Can you verify that this is a true report?
COBRA – I can not confirm that information
Lynn – OK. If it is correct. I’m happy about that.
COBRA – I would not say this is correct at this point.
Lynn – Many changes in the middle east this month. It seems that the main terrorist sponsoring countries of the planet such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are being isolated. The entire American Military might is retreating from the Middle East and the Russians seem to be taking over the entire area and crushing ISIL with force, killing their leader within 2 weeks of bombing them. Why has all of this shift occurred in such a dramatic way?
COBRA – It has been planned in secrecy for quite some time. And it had to be done in the right moment and the right moment came and Putin was able to delivery his speech to the U.N. to prepare the international . . . silent support for his mission. The long planning of the Eastern alliance to make this happen.
Lynn – So this really wasn’t all of a sudden, it was planned out.
COBRA – It was not all of a sudden, it was a part of the long term plan.
Lynn – OK. Great. Can you tell us what the purpose of the White dragons are related to the liberation of the planet.
COBRA – The White dragons is an umbrella term that actually describes various dragon factions. And each of the dragon factions have their own role in the liberation process. Some of them are more political, some of them are concerned with the creation of the alternative
financial system and some of them are doing more spiritual work in the transformation itself.
Lynn – I have a second question about the Dragons and it’s on the Gold dragons and the Blue dragons. Can you define their differences and their specific roles?
COBRA – I would say that the Blue Dragons are the spiritual side. They are the ones who have been contacted by the Agarthan network many hundreds of years ago and their spiritual power comes from that connection with the Agarthan network. The Gold Dragons or I would say the Yellow dragons are the ones trying to bring positive change in the political structure in the East and gradually with their connection for the Templars also in the West.
Lynn – Thank you. Is it true that government employees that have moved over to helping the light forces, are they being replaced by A.I. to keep the cabal agenda going?
COBRA – No, no.
Lynn – So none of that is correct.
COBRA – No it is not correct.
Lynn – Wonderful. OK. How would you define Cloning?
COBRA – Cloning is a process where you can create an exact genetic copy of a certain living being by reproducing DNA and also manipulating DNA in a way that can create improved version of the old original. So it’s both, it’s a exact copying and improved copying of the original.
Lynn – Do clones have normal ‘feelings’ like ‘curiosity’ and ‘concerns’ like ‘normal’ humans do?
COBRA – Clones are not much different from regular humans because in a cloned body you need to put a soul, so cloned body without a soul is just a piece of bad meat. You have to ensoul the clone by putting the soul, a living being into that body.
Lynn – Is cloning negative or positive.
COBRA – Depending on the purpose behind it. It can be both.
Lynn – Do clones have souls?
COBRA – I have just answered this question.
Lynn – What is an artificial soul?
COBRA – Artificial soul does not exist. Lately there was a lot of fear based material spread about A.I. Artificial intelligence in reality does not exist. It is just a computer program that always has to be operated at a certain level by a living conscious entity. So in fact A.I. is a term that is a contradiction.
Lynn – Can a ‘real’ human soul be implanted by forcing of technology into a clone?
COBRA – It is not a soul that is implanted but the personality which is ensouled is being implanted, various energy bodies can be implanted and unfortunately the physical body also can be implanted.
Lynn – What is the average lifespan of clones?
COBRA – Depending on the quality of a clone but it is no less the quality of a being on the surface of the planet.
Lynn – Will you point out the main psychological, physical & spiritual differences between a normal human being with a soul and that of a soul-less clone?
COBRA – A soul-less clone do not exist. You always need to put a soul being into that body. What people term as soul-less clones are actually robotic beings which have already been removed from the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet.
Lynn – OK. Thank you. Since organ transplant technology is so advanced nowadays why not a ‘brain’ or a ‘heart’ just be transplanted to a clone to extend someone’s life span?
COBRA – That of course is possible with advanced medicine but even that has become redundant because we have replicators below the surface of the planet that can actually re-grow the original organ in it’s perfect condition.
Lynn – Wow. If, say it was for a brain, would you get memory back with a brain?
COBRA – Memory on a higher level is not associated with a brain. Memory is storied in the soul body. The brain just transmits the memory from the soul body into the physical body. So the memory in the soul body’s always complete. And of course you can re-grow the brain to reconnect the physical body with that memory.
Lynn – I have some questions concerning the country of Mexico. What is the plan of the light forces to end the massive drug trafficking there?
COBRA – It is very simple. It is part of the plan for the event. They will arrest the Cabal agents. They will arrest the Jesuits and the drug trade will be over.
Lynn – The next question deals with why is this country so corrupt and violent.
COBRA – Actually, Mexico, a long time ago was one of the major reptilian strong-holds on the planet.
Lynn – So were there ‘occult’ reasons behind this unusual concentration of evil in this country besides the obvious drug issues?
COBRA – Basically it was a reptilian strong-hold and the Jesuits have mis-used that and Jesuit influence in that country was quite strong in the last, I would say, 3 or 4 centuries.
Lynn – When do you for see the system changing and turning for the best benefit of these people?
COBRA – At the time of the event.
Lynn – OK. I knew you were going to say that. (Of course). What advice would you give to all those desperate people who live in Mexico and around the world so change can happen sooner rather than later?
COBRA – I would suggest them to focus upon the light, to work on themselves. To do whatever they can for the planetary liberation and to study the process of manifestation because if they understand the process of manifestation, the laws of manifestation, they can improve their lives significantly regardless of the conditions they have at this moment. Universe is full of infinite possibilities and it’s always possible to get out of the current situation if you know and understand the laws of creation, the laws of manifestation.
Lynn – Great. How much influence upon our lives do the archons currently have?
COBRA – Still quite much because they control the mass media, they control the food industry, they control the energy levels to a great degree but your free will is always superior.
Lynn – Are there Archons that have been awakened recently to prevent light workers and light warriors success and to prevent planetary liberation? In other words, is there an increase in this lately.
COBRA – Like Archons awakening. (yea), to the light?
Lynn – It is confusing. I would interpret it as if they are awakening and preventing the light workers and the light warriors from being successful at the liberation of the planet.
COBRA – they have been doing that since they came here many millennia ago, so this hasn’t changed.
Lynn – So this is old stuff.
COBRA – It’s happening all the time. Now we have to finish this, that’s all.
Lynn – Having come across Physical Archons living here on Earth, and the positive Nature (so called Guardians), in other words, working for the Light. There is confusion and maybe misunderstanding that there was ONLY 4 Physical Archons of Italian Nobility currently present on Earth. That does NOT appear to be so. Can you tell us about these Earth Archons, especially the Guardians?
COBRA – OK, it’s again confusing various things. Archons are not of the light. Archons are not Guardians. There are still some physical Archons in the black nobility families, Italian, mostly some of them are German black nobility families and from other nations but they are loosing power daily.
Lynn – OK. Is there such a thing as a TRUE Born Earthling? We all know about Star seeds, Light workers and Light warriors that have agreed to incarnate here on Earth and help the process of Liberation of the Planet and Ascension. They come here from other Stars, perhaps other Galaxies. But why is there this huge discrepancy between them and the rest of Mankind?
COBRA – It is simply because the star people that have come from other star systems have experienced higher dimensions before where as the mass of humanity have never experienced Ascension. The mass of humanity is growing towards Ascension for the first time.
Lynn – So there is such a thing as a true born earthling that hasn’t had incarnations in other places.
COBRA – The vast majority of people on this planet are in that category.
Lynn – OK. With all of the dark forces joining the light forces, how can we trust them.
COBRA – OK, it is not the surface humanity who is doing this sorting process. It is a very skilled light workers and light warriors of the light forces from this region of the galaxy and they can read the thoughts, they can read the aura and they know exactly what the motivations of those previous dark ones are and their motivations are completely transparent, so there are no mistakes here.
Lynn – OK. Can you tell us anything about this supreme powerful Reptilian Being that is known as the Queen Bee?
COBRA – What would you like to know?
Lynn – I think they just want a general description, the history of this reptilian being and what is her purpose and anything that you can tell us about her.
COBRA – At this point I would not release information about particular reptilian beings for various reasons.
Lynn – OK. It seems to be that there is a huge number of Reptilians living among us. Some, a small majority are here to help us, working for the Light, but great numbers in show biz, be it musicians or actors appears to be hybrid Reptilians, Is this true?
COBRA – Yes, this is true.
Lynn – There are people that want to know about micro chipping, I’m sure this is related to implants. Cobra; can you tell us about the current status of micro chipping?
COBRA – OK. Micro-chipping is no longer a problem. It was a big problem decades ago. Actually microchipping campaign began after WWII after the vaccination campaign of the WHO is late ‘40s. 1940’s and the Resistant Movement has neutralized all the micro chips so they are no longer active.
Lynn – Wonderful. This will make a lot of people happy. There are places around the world where cities have been built at or below sea level. Do we stand a chance that these cities could at some point be swallowed up by water? Is it possible we will we be given a warning before this happens? Can you give us an update on the physical Earth changes?
COBRA – The light forces especially the Galactic Confederation has stabilized the earth grids to the extent that there are no drastic earth changes are expected especially not before the event, so people don’t need to worry about this.
Lynn – Great. What efforts can and should be made to contact various public figures to facilitate the creation of an alliance or a coalition.
COBRA – It is very encouraging for people to try to reach out to those public figures and hopefully some of them will respond because that would give much powerful at the moment.
Lynn – Would it be beneficial to inform and important to reach out to these individuals at the time of the event in hopes for them to assist regarding information dispensation?
Lynn – I wanted to add here that PFC.net is partnering with a company called COEO to help register and help people around the world find groups in their area and meet with and prepare for the event and also to do the weekly liberation meditation. So if people out there would go to www.prepareforchange.net and take a look at the participate area and sign up.
Lynn – Does the shift at the Fed mean funds will be cut off to detrimental Cabal corporations.
COBRA – OK the shift of the Fed has not happened yet. When the sift of the Fed will happen it will be the moment of the financial re-set.
Lynn – Alright Cobra. That is the end of the current event questions. Now I’m going to have Richard go ahead and ask you the “In the beginning” questions. (OK)
Richard – Thank you very much. My first question would be; What is the source?
COBRA – The Source is the universal field of consciousness, it is the One.
Richard – What is the Prime creator?
COBRA – The prime creator is the source, it is that field of consciousness from which each has projected parts of itself into the primary anomaly to understand it and to resolve it.
Richard – What is the difference between the Prime Creator and the Creation itself?
COBRA – The creation, to define Universe as the creation is an interaction between the source and the primary anomaly. And the source has projected parts of itself, sparks of itself into the creation to resolve and to absorb the primary anomaly back into the source.
Richard – How did the prime Creator come to be?
COBRA – The One always existed, it never started and it will always be.
Richard – Thank you. What are Prime Creator’s goals?
COBRA – The goal of the One is to heal the primary anomaly and for all the parts of it’s consciousness, for all the divine sparks to return back to the source.
Richard – Does The Prime Creator judge?
Richard – Beautiful. How does the Prime Creator create?
COBRA – Actually the word creator is not absolutely correct because the source does not create. The source interacts. It projects sparks of consciousness into the primary anomaly and this fusion of two different elements creates the creation.
Richard – I understand, thank you. How can we learn to create reality?
COBRA – By understanding the laws of creation and the laws of creation are very simple. Creation or manifestation is precipitation of your will through various dimensions towards the physical plane and if you align or aspects of your being with your divine will, that divine will will be manifested on the physical plane.
Richard – That’s sort of a process you have to go through then.
COBRA – I would say the electric fire of your own consciousness.
Richard – Can higher beings create Matter through thought?
COBRA – Exactly.
Richard – Do all humans have this ability
COBRA – All ascended beings have this ability.
Richard – OK. Do all humans have the ability to manifest reality, to create reality?
COBRA – Yes, but that ability is not fully manifested. It’s just a potential which needs to be exercised.
Richard – Are we really the source in physical reality.
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – Without going into too much detail, how did we forget we were the source?
COBRA – We forgot because we were subjected to too much of this primary anomaly and excessive exposure to the primary anomaly made us forget.
Richard – I understand. How do we become the source again. How do we regain those physical abilities and the memories?
COBRA – By connecting our higher self with our own soul and that connection will re-create our link directly with the source
Richard – Thank you – that answers my next question. What is the best way to connect to the spirit/source, to best build a relationship? That would be to connect with your spirit. yes?
COBRA – Each person has own individual way to connect but there is some universal principles that is focusing upon the light, connecting with the beauty and using your own will, your own will to make a decision to have that connection with your own self, with your own soul.
Richard – Thank you. Is it true that every spirit is a part of the main source.
COBRA – yes
Richard – What is the purpose of the spirit.
COBRA – The purpose of the spirit is the same as the purpose of the One, of the source.
Richard – I understand. When you have a connection to your spirit what does it allow you to do physically and mentally?
COBRA – When you have the connection with your spirit you are able to live your life according to the laws of manifestation. You can shape your life according to this and you can do your mission, you can do your part in the process of planetary liberation.
Richard – Thank you very much. Does the spirit make you smarter or does it give you information.
COBRA – It makes you wiser, not just smarter. It boosts your intelligence but not in the liner way only. It boosts all your creativity, all your talents and makes it easier for you to carry on with your mission.
Richard – Great. Thank you so much. How can you tell when you have a spirit connection?
COBRA – When you have your spirit connection you manifest aspects of spirit like beauty, love, inner power and light and many other attributes of the spirit.
Richard – I understand, thank you. What is the spirit world?
COBRA – The spirit world is a manifestation of the principles I have just mentioned.
Richard – OK. Would the spirit world be considered ‘Heaven”.
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – Thank you. Are their evil spirits? Or are they souls of good spirits who still need to grow?
COBRA – Evil is a free will which has chosen to oppose the beautiful, oppose the love, so it is free will which has turned into the other side. Free will which has chosen to expand and enlarge the primary anomaly. That free will can do that only when the soul connection is lost.
Richard – How do we balance the masculine and feminine energy
within ourselves.
COBRA – By connecting with both and having them interact with you.
Richard – What is enlightenment?
COBRA – Enlightenment is a process of reconnecting with your own divine spark. (Connecting with your own spirit) With your own divine spark your own soul and even deeper and higher aspects of yourself.
Richard – What are the signs of enlightenment?
COBRA – Enlightenment has one of the most important signs is that you know who you are. You don’t have that question ‘Who am I’ because you know and from that knowingness you can create everything else.
Richard – OK. What is the difference from the physical creation and the spiritual creation?
COBRA – The physical creation as you know is the last manifestation of the ideas that were born on the higher planes. The spiritual creation is manifestation of the same ideas on the spiritual planes.
Richard – Thank you very much. There are 4 laws of creation? Would you mind explaining them to us if you can.
COBRA – This is just an arbitrary description of how people understand the laws of creation. You can condense this into 1 law 2 laws or 3 laws, however you wish, so I will not give nay mental ideas here how to interpret this. I will just say that people need to focus on their own direct experience, through their own enlightenment, their own experience of their I AM presence and everything else will come from this.
Richard – Thank you. (You’re welcome) What is a universe.
COBRA – It is the total of all manifested creations in all dimensions.
Richard – Are all of the Universe’s the same?
COBRA – There are actually bubbles of space time which are emerging from the vortex of interaction between the source and the primary anomaly.
Richard – What is a galaxy?
COBRA – A galaxy is a vortex which is growing out of the central portal which is the galactic central sun.
Richard – How many planets are usually in a solar system?
COBRA – Usually there are about 10+ or minus planets in the average solar system.
Richard – OK. Do all planets all have 1 sun or could there be more.
COBRA – I would say that double or even triple star systems are quite common in all the galaxies.
Richard – Can you describe what other planets and advance civilizations would look like.
COBRA – They have similar compositions to what we have in this solar system. A smaller planets tend to be more solid. Some of them have oceans, liquid water. Most of them are rocky. The larger planets are usually gas giants, similar to what we have in this solar system.
Richard – Thank you very much. Is it true that the life on earth was brought from our universe; insects, plants, animals?
COBRA – Yes, life was not born here. Life came from beyond.
Richard – From beyond. Thank you. Can you just give us an example of what ET life, like on a daily life would be. On another planet.
COBRA – Actually, now as the most universe is liberated, most beings experience whatever they do, they do it from that frequency of divine love. They originate all their actions from that frequency and therefore their life’s are full of joy and beauty and harmony and they do not experience this intense conflict that we have here on this planet. So their lives are very very beautiful. The only problem they have is when they look to this planet and they want to help, and they feel the agony and suffering of beings here. So this the major focus and the major problem in this universe right now, to completely resolve this primary anomaly and this hostage situation that we have on this planet and then the whole universe will experience huge cosmic leap that everyone is looking towards.
Richard – Thank you very much for that. What do most extraterrestrials do? Do they have jobs? How do they spend their day, other than what you just said.
COBRA – They don’t need to have jobs because they can create everything whatever their wish from their advanced technology. They focus on their creativity, they focus on exploring the universe deeper. They advance their science. They advance their spirituality. They connect with each other. They create. They have a good time.
Richard – That’s amazing. Thank you so much.
COBRA – They don’t have this slavery routine. Jobs on this planet are part of Orion. This is not something that is normal. It is not considered normal in the rest of the universe.
Richard – Why do they just show up every once and awhile and leave?
COBRA – They cannot just show up because the strangelet bombs would be triggered and that would lead to drastic consequences. The stranglet bombs would go off, they would be detonated.
Richard – Why did ET’s use to run tests on humans?
COBRA – There were actually blocking the nukes. They were developing technology to completely block all nuclear weapons, so this has been achieved to a great degree and now Nuclear threats have almost been completely removed. I would say 99% and more removed.
Richard – Are their ET species that have the same level of consciousness then humans?
COBRA – I would say that the level is the same but the quality is not because those species are not exposed to the chaos and negativity we have on this planet. So they have a much higher quality of life experience.
Richard – How many species of beings would you say are there?
COBRA – There are few major archetypes but there are billions upon billions of various species of E.T lives.
Richard – How is life as we know it; plants and animals created?
COBRA – It is a guided evolution by angelic beings and this guided evolution was not without trial and error because the primary anomaly is involved in the process unfortunately to a great degree. So there were many errors in the evolution from the past. But now the universe is getting wiser and wiser and there are less and less of those errors and more of the wisdom is present, so life forms that will be developed in the future will be much closer to perfection.
Richard – Wow, Thank you. Do all living things have souls?
COBRA – All beings have souls, there is no being without a soul, even animals and plants have a soul. It is a good soul, but yes, they have a certain higher presence. Without that presence evolution is not possible.
Richard – I understand. Is that the same for minerals and water and rice and stuff like that.
COBRA – There is a group consciousness a group soul being essence that waits for the right time for those minerals and water to awaken to a greater degree to evolve further into the plane kingdom, into the animal kingdom and then further on.
Richard – Wow. thank you so much. What is meant by co-creators?
COBRA – Every being in this universe has an I AM presence which can create. And that creation is always interacting with other free wills and that is called co-creation.
Richard – Beautiful. Thank you. What is the purpose of our sun?
COBRA – The sun in this solar system is a portal that connects the whole solar system with the galactic center and it is the source of the energy for the solar system.
Richard – What is a galactic sun?
COBRA – The galactic center is a portal which actually brings life force to the whole galaxy and guides the evolution of the light streams in this galaxy.
Richard – What is the name of the Earth’s galactic sun?
COBRA – Of the galactic sun (Yes). I will not release that name yet because it’s a very powerful name and it’s invocation of that energy many people are not ready for that yet.
Richard – That sounds amazing. So is there a universal galactic sun or does every galaxy have it’s own individual central sun,
COBRA – Every galaxy has it’s individual galactic central sun but there are even nodes of extra galactic nature like we have galactic clusters and there are usually a central galaxy that has a central sun which connect and embraces all the galaxies in that galactic center and that galactic cluster and there is the universal central sun which is connected directly to the source.
Richard – Is the galactic sun where the wave of energy is going to be released for the culmination of the event.
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – That’s about all the questions I have on the Universe and the Galactic Sun.
Richard – This is more questions on volunteering and consciousness. Just a quick question about yourself. Did you volunteer for this mission?
COBRA – I did volunteer for the mission many thousands of years ago but I didn’t understand what I was getting into. I didn’t know what this would look like.
Richard – How did you find out about this mission here on Earth?
COBRA – I didn’t find out about this mission here on earth. I knew I had a mission I have never forgotten.
Richard – Was there a call that went out into the universe asking for volunteers to come to earth to help in the changes?
Richard – Can you go into detail on this. Where this call came from and how it went out.
COBRA – That call went from many sources. Once of them was the consciousness of the planet itself,Gaia herself because at a certain point the light forces weren’t going as it has been planned and the call went out to the various star systems. The most skilled light workers and light warriors to assist in the resolving of this situation. And it was always known it was a risky mission but it was never known how exactly this would play out.
Richard – I have another question. As you were saying that I had many energies running through my body. Can you tell me what those energies are?
COBRA – Usually I am not answering individual questions regarding individual spiritual development. Most of the time people need to make inner connections and answer those questions them self.
Richard – You have actually done this on other planets? Or should I say your spirit has done this many times, Liberating, making the changes you have come here to make – your mission.
COBRA – I have been involved many times in the galaxy but it has never been like this.
Richard – I understand. Thank you. How do you raise your consciousness?
COBRA – You raise your consciousness by connecting with your own higher self and with the source.
Richard – Are there levels of consciousness?
COBRA – Yes of course there are levels of consciousness and each of them corresponds with a certain vibrational frequency of your various energy bodies.
Richard – What is collective consciousness?
COBRA – Unified field of all consciousness of every person involved and usually this term is used for the surface population of this planet.
Richard – So you would also say that every species have a collective consciousness for that specific species.
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – Thank you. What is the soul evolution?
COBRA – A soul evolution is a process through which soul grows and begins to understand more it’s position in this universe and it’s relation to the source and to the creative universe itself.
Richard – OK. How does a soul evolve?
COBRA – The soul evolves through experience and through increased connection with the source.
Richard – What’s the purpose of soul evolution?
COBRA – The purpose of the soul evolution is to return the soul back to the source.
Richard – What is ascension?
COBRA – I will not answer this question yet because it’s a very deep question and I need to answer it properly and when the time is right I will release intel bout the ascension process through my blog.
Richard – Thank you. I was trying to get to, how do you prepare yourself for ascension other than the popular hold love and light. How do you prepare for ascension.
COBRA – OK. I will make this simple; connect with your soul. That is the main answer. The main answer is not to change your DNA, it is not to activate your light body but it’s to connect to your soul.
Richard – Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for saying that. Is there more than one ascension process for the soul evolution?
COBRA – There is one ascension process and that is enough.
Richard – We live in the lower dimensions right now. What would the next group of dimension be like? What would you do there. When we get our consciousness when we get back our full consciousness and we leave this realm to the next realm, I’m just wondering what we have to look forward to.
COBRA – OK. I will describe this in detail when I will post intel about the ascension process.
Richard – Thank you. As the soul progresses, do we just go into human life or do we go into animal life. Could we live as other species as we evolve.
COBRA – When you have progressed to the human life you never go back to the animal life again and most of the star people have never experienced an animal lifetime. So we will just return back to our magnificence of our soul presence.
Richard – What is sin. Or is sin something that was made up by religion.
COBRA – Sin is a concept which has been invented by the Archons to control and suppress the spiritual development of the surface population.
Richard – What is vibrational frequency.
COBRA – Vibrational frequency is the frequency of rotation of, I would say, the permanent atoms as they are called in the various spiritual bodies of our constitution, of our being.
Richard – OK. What is the purpose of vibrational frequency?
COBRA – It is just the description of a certain physical process. The faster those atoms rotate the higher the vibrational frequency is the more you are connected to the source.
Richard – I’m going to go to the next group of questions which is about our galaxy and more details of where we are right now.
How is a galaxy created?
COBRA – The galaxy emerges from the portal of the galactic central sun. It’s like a bubble of energy which explodes in space time and that matter which is being born through the portal of the central sun that rotates as a vortex around that center. And when the galaxy evolves it usually evolves into a spiral galaxy which is a fully evolved galaxy.
Richard – Do ETs believe in the Prime Creator?
COBRA – The E.T.’s do not believe, they know. They are connected with the source.
Richard – Are their good E.T.’s and bad ETs?
COBRA – We have all experienced good ET’s and bad ET’s in our lives.
Richard – OK. For these negative ETs? Was this a choice on their part , it’s a choice they actually made.
COBRA – Yes, it was a choice of responding to the primary anomaly.
Richard – Where did evil come from?
COBRA – The evil came from a decision to oppose the light. It’s a free will decision which is made as a result of interaction between free will and the primary anomaly as I have just described it.
Richard – Why do people suffer?
COBRA – People suffer because they’re exposed to the primary anomaly and because they are exposed to the conditions that are a result and the consequence of the mass sum of all negative decisions that were made on this planet.
Richard – I understand. Before we come into this life time, do we choose who we are, do we choose our life, do we choose where we’re going to be, what we’re going to experience.
COBRA – We have made our initial choice to come into this area but when we came here we were actually in prisoned and our choices were quite limited. We did have some word in our incarnations where we will be, but the vast majority of choices were made by the Archons. They have given us a limited scope of choices and they have enforced many conditions that we would have never agreed to.
Richard – What are chakras?
COBRA – Chakras are vortexes of energies that actually transmit flow of prana in various energy bodies.
Richard – Thank you. Do we need chakras?
COBRA – Yes.
Richard – What is their purpose?
COBRA – As I’ve said, their purpose is to transmit prana. They act as portals and each chakra is a portal that connects us to a certain specific vibrational frequency that is needed for that part of the energy body to operate.
Richard – How do we cleanse our chakras or is that recommended?
COBRA – There are various techniques, I will not go into details here. But generally you can cleanse them with the violet flame of the Master St. Germain.
Richard – There is a lot of confusion. Do we actually activate our chakras? Or are they already activated and we need to learn how to use them.
COBRA – There is a way to assist in the chakra activation. One of the aspects of this is to remove the blockages and distortions from the chakra’s and the other aspect is to allow our consciousness to help the chakra to operate properly. But this is quite advanced and most people have read a lot of dis-info on internet about this. There are not many qualified practitioners that know how to assist people to activate their chakra’s properly.
Richard – What are the best ways to lose fear?
COBRA – The best ways to loose fear is to go beyond your comfort zone. So if your fear is fear of heights to expose yourself to a little bit of that. If you’re afraid of flying with a plane, to expose gradually to this. By conquering your fear you’re becoming stronger. Do not deny your fear. Acknowledge it but then go beyond it.
Richard – How do we lose doubt in ourselves?
COBRA – By knowing yourself. By knowing your motivations, being sincere with yourself and integrating parts of yourself.
Richard – What is the best ways to lose anger and hate?
COBRA – Anger is frustrated inspiration. You are angry because you want to do something and somebody is preventing you from doing it. So if you channel this anger in constructive ways, it can be a very powerful tool for the planetary liberation.
Richard – How can we work on our judgment towards other peoples and toward situation?
COBRA – Simply by understanding that they went through hard times somewhere in the past and they simply don’t know how to behave better.
Richard – Thank you. How can we work on losing jealousy and envy?
COBRA – Simply by understanding that each person has their own mission, their own position in life and their own position in the human society and nobody can replace nobody else.
Richard – Cobra, What is the purpose of life?
COBRA – The purpose of life is to find a way back into the One.
Richard – What is the etheric realm?
COBRA – The etheric plane is the plane of creation which is less dense than the physical but a little bit more than the astral. It is the energy plane.
Richard – What is the astral plane?
COBRA – The astral plane is the plane which is a little bit less dense than the etheric plane. It is emotional. It is an emotional energy field.
Richard – How are ascended masters able to work with us?
COBRA – Most of them work with our consciousness. They inspire us to connect with our soul and they support us in that growth by sending us the energies of Love, support, illumination and empowering us to become more of who we really are.
Richard – That was beautiful. Thank you. How do we work with these ascended masters.
COBRA – By directing with them. By communicating with them in our consciousness as you would communicate with a good friend.
Richard – Thank you so much Cobra. That is the last of my questions. Thank you so much for you time.
Lynn – Thank you very much Cobra for all of the answers that you provided today. We will continue with a part 2 of “In the beginning” on our next series. We invite questions from our listening audience and they can be submitted to the web-site and I will post that upcoming, before the next interview.
COBRA – OK. Very good.
Lynn – Cobra, Is there anything you would like to say in closing.
COBRA – Yes – I would like to put this again. It is very important now for everybody who wants to have this planet liberated to join our forces. This is one of the critical elements of the planetary liberation.
Lynn I agree. Thank you so much.
COBRA – Thank you for the interview.
Lynn – Very good, Until next time.
Richard – Cobra, thank you so much. (Bye Bye)
Source: (go here for audio version)
10-18-15 Cobra: The Disclosure Chronicles – The Creation – Part 1 An Interview by Prepare for Change | Prepare for Change
In this Webinar, Sheldan discusses how the Ascended Masters are supporting us in our transition to ascension and the actualization of our true destiny.
Webinar 42 from PAO
Webinar Archive from PAO
Topics include....
• Who are the Ascended Masters?
• How are they assisting the
Galactic Federation?
• Ascended Masters and our
Spiritual Destiny:
How they are bringing our
compass back to its true direction
• Fulfilling Our Roles in Gaia's
Spiritual Revolution
Remember that your Divine self has only the highest and best of outcomes waiting for you and once you are in alignment with it, this is where the fun and the magic of living life in the physical begins!
Beloved Ones,
The times require as many people as possible to hold a positive vision and intention for the world. Please take a few moments several times a day to intend a better world, one that is free from the chaos and destruction depicted on the mainstream media. Decree and affirm peace to manifest here on Earth!
Your determination to hold joy, harmony and goodwill helps more than you can ever know. There are those who would have you believe that there is no hope for the people of the world and that is just not so! Stand strong and stand tall, radiate the luminous light of the divine from within you, counteract the bombardment of that which is not of the highest and balance it with your light and your love. Work your magic from now until the end of this year to ground even more of the higher cosmic light!
Know that we from the higher realms are closer to you now than ever before! Our connections with you are becoming stronger and more available. Look for the evidence of this through the synchronicities and signs that you are being given of our presence. Your thoughts manifest into the physical much more quickly than ever before and it behooves each of you to marshal and discipline your thought processes into the streams that you really desire. Find at least 10 things each day that you are grateful for and record these in a journal. Make a plan for the remainder of this year and work this plan each day. Believe that what you think you can do can actually be made manifest. Take action towards your goals each day and watch your desires and intentions unfold with grace, power and magic.
The power that you hold vibrates through your human operating system and grows ever stronger and more powerful. This is having an effect on your sleep cycles, sometimes the night passes so quickly without any sleep at all and other times, you cannot keep your eyes open past the evening meal. Listen to your body and follow its promptings as required. You will find that your mental processes are sometimes slower than normal as you take in more energy. This can have the effect of the scrambling of words, either spoken or written. Bear with this process and it will return to a state of normalcy as your physical body makes the adjustments and integrations necessary. When your body sleeps long hours, it is a time of further recalibrations to your systems and this can become quite a frequent occurrence as the energy intensifies.
Honor your own process of assimilation and integration, there is no right or wrong here, only what works best for each. Keep attuned to your own energy process and be ever more discriminate in knowing the energies and effects of others impinging upon your system. We would highly recommend that you acquire a palm sized piece of selenite crystal or better yet, one to hold in each palm in order to give your physical body the opportunity to become more attuned to your lightbody each day. This crystal helps to attune and clear the energies in your auric field to allow greater ease and grace to flow through your system. It helps to keep you positive and in high vibration. No lightworker should be without it as the ‘go to’ energy clearing tool while also increasing your frequency level.
Keep within your central core, spend time each day in stillness and quiet contemplation or meditation. This can serve to connect you with your higher guidance and inspiration from your Divine self. Remember that your Divine self has only the highest and best of outcomes waiting for you and once you are in alignment with it, this is where the fun and the magic of living life in the physical begins! Trust that all is well and everything is perfect.
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
SYNCHRONICITY ~ Embracing the Flow of Life
Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments.
In this Webinar Archive, Sheldan explains how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.
Topics include...
• Awakening to our new energy systems
• Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence
• Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life
• Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition
• What the Indigos are teaching us
• Intersecting our human energy with divine energy
Just imagine a world where there is no conflict~~no selfish competition~~only loving cooperation. Imagine a world free of pollution, free of want, free of disease, free of disaster. Imagine a world populated with smiling, laughing, happy, joyous people~~all radiantly healthy, all abundantly supplied, all loved and loving. Get the feel of such a world, and put yourself right in the middle of it. Think of yourself as filled with life and energy and vitality, with a body that is strong and vibrant. See yourself surrounded with abundance and enjoying true prosperity. See yourself doing what you love and loving what you do, unbound and free. See yourself with the capacity to embrace and love and serve every single man and woman and child on this planet, regardless of who they are or what they have done~~and feel that unconditional love radiating from you to all, and returning from all to you. And then see everyone in the world as you have seen yourself in the ideal
This message from the Arcturians is exactly what I am feeling, going through, examining, wondering, living. I imagine many of you will also resonate with this message. Thank you Suzanne for shining your Light bright.
We are in the process of shifting our reality. We say "we" for all dimensions, realities and worlds are shifting into a higher frequency of expression. As it is for the least, it is for the greatest.
Hence, as the third/fourth dimension releases itself from the shackles of the third dimensional reality of illusion and shifts into the fifth dimension of the light of cosmic truth, all the dimensions above the fifth also shift into their next higher dimensional expression.
As we make this transition, there is a release, a letting go, of what has been our predominant expression of self. For example, we Arcturians are expanding our baseline frequency from the eighth through tenth dimensions into the eleventh and twelfth dimensions.
In the same manner, your human baseline frequency will shift form the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension, which was once your higher expression of SELF. In the case of Earth, the third/fourth dimensions will gradually become less and less inhabitable.
You will find that just as it once took effort to consciously experience the fifth dimension, it will become increasingly difficult to consciously experience the third/fourth dimension. Even now, your consciousness may appear to be wandering off into what appears to be a trancelike state. This trancelike state feels so natural that you do not want to leave it.
Also, as this shift continually accelerates your consciousness, you will gain a new perspective on your physical world. This higher viewpoint will enable you to perceive your 3D reality from “up above it” rather than “stuck within it.” In other words, you will be able observe your ego from your Higher SELF.
Once your Multidimensional SELF is in charge, you will be able to make some important decisions that make YOU the creator of your life. You will also become aware of many of your higher dimensional, alternate or parallel realities.
While you are swimming in the illusion of the third dimension, you see only what surrounds you. However, as you regain a higher perspective of your life, many of your priorities will change. Your ego will no longer tell you to let go of your meditations and creative expression so that you can "get back to the business of your real life."
With your Higher SELF at the helm, you will realize that what you have perceived as "just your imagination" is actually your real life. Then slowly, or quickly, you will want to “let go” of many of our your lower frequency chores, responsibilities and jobs.
In this manner, you can more easily remain in the unconditional light and love of the fifth dimension. Of course you will still “take care of 3D business,” but your priorities will greatly alter as your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions.
You may be thinking, "Do I dare believe that what appears to be my imagination is actually my real world? If I make that choice and switch my primary attachment to the feelings of my fifth dimensional imagination, does that mean that I die to the physical world?”
When you meditate or dream about being in a higher frequency reality, are you able to wake up or end your meditation? Of course, your physical reality does not disappear while you sleep or meditate, nor will it go away when your switch your primary identity from being your 3D physical self to being your 5D Lightbody SELF.
Even those who actually “die” to the third dimension often experience both their higher worlds and the third dimension until they are ready to release their lower expression of self. In the same manner, our light workers are being faced with the decision of "which reality is the real world?"
While in your fifth dimensional state of consciousness, this question eventually evolves into, "Which of the many dimensions of reality do I choose as my primary expression of SELF?"
When you volunteered to enter your earth vessel, the physical world became your primary expression of SELF. While you are still draped within your earth vessel, you are inclined to believe that you only have the choice of one primary expression.
As you increasingly experience your multidimensional consciousness while you also perceive the third dimensional world, you may believe that you must choose a “primary reality.” This belief occurs because even though you are having a multidimensional experience, you are thinking in a third dimensional way.
Once you take more and more excursions into your fifth dimensional consciousness, you will begin to also think multidimensionally. Thus, the either/or choices that filled your 3D world are replaced by the realization that you can choose both and/or all.” It is then that you are beginning to understand the concept of multidimensional reality from a higher perspective.
Due to your evolved understanding of your Multidimensional SELF, you are remembering that you no longer need to choose. From the perspective of your fifth dimensional self, you know that you have myriad expressions of your SELF that are simultaneously being experienced on myriad dimensions and realities.
The difficult adaptation is for your fifth dimensional SELF to convince your third dimensional self to "Let GO" of the illusions of time and space. Your third dimensional expression is afraid to release that illusion because you unconsciously remember that that form of “letting go” meant death in many of your third dimensional incarnations.
It is very difficult to break the 3D indoctrinations of "one life per person," and “one life at a time.” These rules further state that if you live a good life you go to Heaven, but if you live a bad life you go to Hell. The problem with good vs. bad is that the definition for good and bad are different according to your third dimensional indoctrination.
Because of the vast programming that many humans have received, as well as the fact that many of Gaia’s humans live on the edge of survival, the bulk of the process of shifting into higher frequencies of consciousness falls on the shoulders of the awakened light workers.
Message from Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie
Dear Friends,
I have decided NOT to continue the Multidimensional Leadership School.
Thank you all for teaching me as much as I hope I taught you. I will be giving away ALL the writings, recordings and information that I have about all the four sessions for FREE!
I hope you all enjoy these Free Gifts that we will be providing, and I am sorry for any one who purchased the self-study packages recently ~ following our last academy session. Some were NOT sold under my direction, which is part of the reason why I have decided to close the school permanently. Please do not purchase them in the future from anyone else, as we will be giving them all away for free.
I start today with the introductory articles sent to the students on 8-21-14. I will try to send them out in order. Blessings to you all, and I hope to see you in the wonderful webinar season that we are beginning.
It is the NOW to be our true Multidimensional SELF. Hence, rather than moving through the lengthy series of The Multidimensional Schools, we will have webinars that are within the NOW of the ever-shifting energy fields that we are moving through more and more each day.
For a Free Download of Being a Multidimensional Leader, please click:
BIO http://nomoregames.net/bio/Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Morgan Reynolds Morgan O. Reynolds, Ph.D., currently is Professor emeritus, economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. He is a former Chief Economist at the U.S. Department of Labor 2001-2002, and he also served as the Director of the Criminal Justice Center and Senior Fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis, headquartered in Dallas, Texas.
This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.
Topics include...
• Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus .
• Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
• Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
• 12 Clans of the Pleiades
• Gaia's History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
• Pleiadeans' role in the Galactic Federation
• Our joint Galactic Future
I have always enjoyed the beauty and power of crystals/stones/gems. Today in Hilarion's message he mentioned that selenite is good for clearing and centering. I often use crystals in healings. When my Father passed, I gave a Rose Quartz to my Mother. I told her to put it under her pillow. She gave me one of her patronizing looks but did sleep with it under her pillow. The next morning she told me she slept well and that her heart opened and she forgave my Father for all the "things" he put her through during their marriage. She attributed it to the Rose Quartz. She slept with it for months before putting it in her purse to keep with her.
Here are some suggestions for other crystals you may choose to use. Nature is awesome! The explanations are short. If interested, do your own research. It is a fascinating subject. Our Creator provided everything we ever needed.
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with weight loss. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.
Apache Tears
The Legend of the Apache Tear is this:
One day a party of Apache Indians was ambushed by an enemy tribe. The Apaches fought bravely but were greatly outnumbered and driven to the top of a high bluff. Their arrows gone and unable to fight and unwilling to be taken captive, they leapt from the cliffs to their death. Their women were understandably grief-stricken and wept over the bodies. Their teardrops froze when they hit the ground to become the lovely stones we know today as Apache Tears. It is said that whomever owns one of these stones will never cry again, for the Apache women shed enough tears already.
Apache Tears are said to especially relieve grief and sadness as well as assisting in giving and accepting forgiveness. They can help release negative emotions, and they also can balance one’s emotional state. They are good luck stones, said to bring good luck to anyone who has one. They are excellent meditation tools, especially for clarifying issues and gaining insight. Apache Tears are a gently grounding stone. In the physical realm, Apache Tears are reputed to alleviate muscle spasms and eliminate toxins from the body.
Even those not usually sensitive to the energies of stones, often feel the energy of Moldavite because it's undeniably powerful. Wearing, or simply holding, a piece of Moldavite can produce many interesting and instantaneous reactions and experiences including that of heat flashes and emanating heat in general, that can not only be felt by the wearer, but those around, energy jolts, and vibrations throughout the day. It's not a power to play with though, as since it's vibration is so high, one not used to such exposure can find themselves feeling quite drained, as your vibrational energy quickens to catch up to match it.
Moldavite is a definite and powerful Chakra opener and activator, particularly resonating with the Heart, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakras. Although its energy tends to first move to wherever it is most needed in the physical and etheric bodies, it will settle and center in the heart. Moldavite is a great stone to work with on a personal and collective level in your healing work, practices, and meditations. Its transformative qualities, begins a process of energetic resonance throughout one's entire being, thus raising the vibration.
There are many benefits of this stone, and exposure to it, including, activating the dream state when worn while sleeping, helping one to acclimate to the Earth plane environment if feeling not part of this world (especially in the case of Star Children), helps foster a deeper level of compassion and understanding for the human realities of the physical plane, aids in expansion of consciousness and rapid transformation in one's life-aiding the release of those things that do not serve one's highest path, visionary experiences, increased clarity, vibrational raising of both yourself and the Earth, energy cleansing, strengthens, aids in self discovery and enlightenment, cosmic and crystal consciousness, expansion, and even contact with interdimensional energies, and the list goes on... It is considered the only known gemstone of "extraterrestrial" origin (not of this Earth) and is associated with the Star card of the Tarot. But most importantly, it is a direct link to the Heart Chakra.
Malachite is a stone of transformation and helps with change and spiritual evolution. It can clear and activate all chakras, as well as balance them. Malachite is a stone that bridges the energy of the heart and root chakras. It is particularly useful for balancing and clearing the heart chakra. As such, it helps balance pure love, romance, and one’s own well-being. Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity/abundance, too. Malachite is also a very protective stone, being especially helpful for general protection, protection from evil, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, and protection for children. It is also an excellent protection stone during flying and other travel. Using this stone, one can counteract self-destructive romantic tendencies and help encourage true, pure love. Malachite is also good for enhancing emotional stability and balance in general. It can decrease one’s tendency to radiation illness, asthma, arthritis, and tumours.
Lapis (Lapis Lazuli)
Lapis (lapis lazuli) brings truthfulness, openness, inner power, intuition, creativity, virility and manifestation. It strengthens the mind and body as well as increasing awareness and spiritual connection/evolution. It can help organize daily life as well as organizing and quieting a busy or restless mind. Lapis is also used to contact guardian spirits. Lapis also helps build self-confidence, and is a stone traditionally for royalty. Lapis bring spiritual love and is also known for enhancing love and fidelity within marriage. Lapis is also said to help one overcome shyness. It is associated with the throat and brow chakras and can help one say just the right thing, as if by magic. Lapis is also a stone that protects from both physical and psychic attacks. Lapis is also helpful for sinus ailments, headaches, nervous system, speech problems, pituitary gland and pain relief.
Moonstone is associated with the heart chakra. It can help calm responses and avoid overreaction; enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities. Moonstone is a stone of protection, especially during childbirth, pregnancy, and travel at sea. It is also associated with love of all kinds. Physically it aids the pituitary gland and digestive system, obesity, water retention, hormonal problems, menstrual problems. Moonstone is also used as a stand in for pearl, when pearl is not available.
Lavulite (Sugilite)
Sugilite is sometimes known as “the healer’s stone” because of its great ability to enhance healing. It is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It lessens effects of shock and disappointment. In addition to its well known enhancement of crystal healing ability, it also strengthens spirituality, psychic ability and channelling. Sugilite is a stone that helps perfect spiritual love and open the heart chakra to unconditional love. It can help manifest one’s natural gifts and protect against harsh realities. It lowers hostility, anger, jealousy and prejudice and gives a sense of freedom. Psychically, it is excellent for all kinds of psychic and spiritual protection. It has been used for headaches and to decrease all types of discomfort.
Amethyst has long been called the “sobriety stone.” In ancient Rome, crushed amethyst was added to wine cups to prevent drunkenness. It is said to assist with healing alcoholism, compulsive behaviours, and addictions of all kinds. Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks. On the spiritual level, amethyst can help open to communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic abilities. It is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past life work, and can help you see your path. It has also been used to help ease the pain of grief, and promote happiness. Amethyst is reputed to be beneficial when dealing with legal problems, and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance. Amethyst is also used as protection for travellers. Physically amethyst is said by spiritual healers and mystical lore to heal the withdrawal symptoms of any sort of addiction, help with headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing.
Larimar (Blue Pectolite)
Larimar, blue pectolite, found only in the Dominican Republic, is a stone of “answers from the sea of consciousness.” The blue color of the larimar reflects the “sea” of all consciousness, which gives freedom from self-imposed limitations and a sense of peace in finding truth. Larimar has excellent energy for working with sea creatures of all kinds. It is particularly good for communication with dolphins. It has some ability to enhance communication in general, with other animals, as well as people. It can be used for dimensional and cellular work, and stimulates the heart and higher chakras. Being open to answers from the sea of consciousness gives a sense of serenity, love and peace. Larimar is good for calming excess energies and it balances energies. It is also used in crystal healing and folklore for healing maladies of the throat and upper respiratory system, schizophrenia. In addition, it can help one maintain one’s personal energy and independence in a calm, collected fashion. Larimar is associated with the throat chakra and the Water element.
Calcite increases and amplifies energy. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channelling, as well as with increasing intuition. All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is a protecting, purifying, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. It also increases creativity, imagination, and prosperity. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality, wisdom and reconciliation. Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. Physically, calcites can heal back pain, increase physical strength, heal teeth, and are generally good for healing. Green calcites helps overcome addictions, heal joints, bones, kidney, bladder, and the endocrine system, relieve pain. Green calcite also helps with manifestation, abundance, and intuition. Blue calcite is particularly good for channelling and increasing energy. Yellow calcite is also particularly good for Shamanic work, meditation, channelling, intuition, and amplifying energy. Orange calcite reduces chronic fatigue, and increases psychic abilities. Red calcite brings courage and inner strength and energy to handle survival situations, and benefits sensuality/sexuality. Honey calcite is also very good for increasing energy. Optical calcite is beneficial for headaches. Pink calcite (manganocalcite) is a stone of love and amplifies Reiki and other universal life force energies.
This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.
Topics include...
• Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus .
• Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
• Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
• 12 Clans of the Pleiades
• Gaia's History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
• Pleiadeans' role in the Galactic Federation
• Our joint Galactic Future
Our coherence with nature and the natural world is one of the most important connections that we, as humans, have. Nature serves as a botanical bridge, offering many clues to our truer reality.
Likewise, earth’s connection to the sun and to our solar system is one of the most important connections our planet has. Our sun’s connection to the galaxy is one of the most important connections our solar system has. Our galaxy’s connection to the universe, and beyond, is one of the most important connections our galaxy has. Our universe’s connection to the mysteries beyond is one of the most important connections our universe has.
Without this multi-level, coherent interconnectivity, nothing would exist. Yet, each entity is also a single organism. This also applies to our own bodies, likened to cells in the body of the cosmos. We inhabit a living universe, reflected by the most fundamental characteristics of our body’s biology. As is the smallest, so is the greatest.
Our scientists have confirmed that a single cell is a complete system, as is the brain and the entire body. Every single system is driven by feedback loops and homeostasis. It continually self-organizes. We are presiding over an entire ecology, and like planetary ecology, our body responds to all that nourishes it to maintain balance and harmony.
All of the energies and forces that are present in the universe are present in our very own bodies. Within us, lives the omnipotent source of all manifest existence. We are naturally coded with the essential blueprint of eternal perfection.
By going inward and deeply communing with our bodies, we can know the universe more intimately. In fact, the more that we explore and experience our own body universe, the more that we can understand the unified field around us as it unfolds in the form of reflections.
Awakening the Physiological AUM
Your body is an entire ecology that has the ability to bring about accelerated biological evolution. This is done through the increasing coherence that we have with our total self, with attuned loving thought given to that ‘totality’ of self. This is a main key to unlocking the power to self-actualize into anything you want to be.
Cells and DNA are like little consciousness antennas. They communicate through the frequencies that we give off, always responding to the creativity of our thoughts and feelings.
The trillions of cells in our body are constantly talking to each other as they carry out the countless functions that keep us alive. While these processes may seem out of our conscious control, numerous scientific studies have shown that nothing holds more power over the body than the mind.
Always remember, our consciousness does not reside inside the body. The body is held within the consciousness! We are multidimensional beings and the creators of our physical reality, including our very own bodies. Therefore, we have the ultimate governance over all of the activities that take place in our physical form.
The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials.
The blockade has now been intensified because US military and Russian government sources agree an Israeli F16 jet fighter flying out of Ramon Airforce base shot down a Russian airliner in the Sinai desert on Halloween, killing 224 people.
“Israel is now stuck in its sandbox and can only bomb Gaza or shoot down airliners,” a Pentagon official added. The downing of the airliner has also now opened the way legally for Russian attacks on Israel proper, the officials said.
This escalation of events prompted the Rothschild family, the Chinese communist party, the gnostic illuminati, the Pentagon and others to send representatives to negotiate with the White Dragon Society, WDS sources say. More about this below but, suffice it to say these negotiations are ongoing and no conclusion has been reached as this article went to press.
The representative of the Rothschild family last went to negotiate with the WDS immediately after the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. He expressed surprise the attack had failed, as intended, to force the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo. He also said that, despite the speculation generated by the arrows with the numbers 11.3 and 11.5 on the cover of the January issue of the Rothschild controlled Economist Magazine, that the Rothschilds were not planning any incidents on either November 3rd or 5th. The WDS said that regardless, the Rothschilds would have to pay compensation for their role in the 311 attacks or else face “serious consequences.”
The gnostic illuminati representative going by the name of “Alexander Romanov” also contacted the WDS. He said the illuminati were hearing a “major terror attack” was planned for November 4th. Romanov was forcibly placed in a mental hospital after warning in advance of 311 that Japan was about to be hit with nuclear terror.
The most likely location for the new attack, he said, was Texas. A good guess would be an attack on the Bush/Nazi nuclear reprocessing plant at Amarillo, Texas, according to British MI6 intelligence sources. He may also have been referring to a move to once and for all decapitate the Bush/Nazionist mafia.
The people at the Pentagon and the agencies, meanwhile, say that any major new terrorist mass murder incident would be the signal for an all-out attack on all cabal agents and families.
In the meantime, pressure will keep being ratcheted up on Khazarian mafia operations around the world until their final surrender and the freedom of humanity is assured.
The Russians have now been given permission by the Egyptian government to use bases in Egypt to attack Israeli proxy forces in the Sinai desert and in Libya, they said.
There’s also a real possibility nuclear weapons would be used against Israel and their ISIS proxy army in retaliation for Israeli and Saudi use of nuclear weapons in Japan, Yemen and the Ukraine, they said.
The capture in Lebanon of a Saudi Prince transporting 2 tons of amphetamines and cocaine last week resulted in frantic calls to both Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and CIA Deputy Director David Cohen by King Salman of Saudi Arabia. Cohen, who is described by the Pentagon as the real head of ISIS, flew to Lebanon to get his release but failed to. He was also unable to get the release of the Israeli general captured commanding ISIS forces in Syria.
This failure to obtain the freedom of the prince has strengthened the morale of the Russian, Hezbollah, Pentagon, Iranian, Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni and now Egyptian alliance ranged against Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The Saudis have hired Columbian, French and other mercenaries to do their fighting for them but these forces will not be able to stop Russia, the Pentagon and their allies for forces this rogue state into defeat and surrender.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan needs to understand this if he wishes to stay.
The Pentagon and Russian forces blockading Israel are insisting that rogue nation must give up all territory it seized illegally and pay massive compensation for the crimes it has committed.
The WDS had a similar message for the Rothschild family representative concerning all the world wealth that family had stolen through its fraudulent privately owned central bank debt slavery system. In any case, with more than half of European government bonds trading and minus interest rates and with the real economies of Japan and the United States imploding, it is only a matter of time before this system fails.
The Europeans are turning to China in the hope of getting support for their collapsing system. The French, Germans and British have all had, or will soon have, summit meetings with the Chinese in the past week or so with this in mind.
The Europeans are hoping to distance themselves from the implosion of Khazarian mafia control of the Federal Reserve Board in the United States by linking their financial systems to the Chinese Yuan.
To counter the Chinese/European rapprochement, the Pentagon has been busy working with the Russians and others to make sure the Chinese do not get military control over Asia.
To this end, Vietnam has been supplied with nuclear weapons and advanced armaments in order to give them the ability to take on China over territorial disputes in the South China Sea, Pentagon sources said. The dispatch of a US warship into waters claimed by the Chinese was a Pentagon move to convince Asian nations surrounding China they were ready to defend them despite any financial deals between Washington and China, several sources said.
The Chinese, for their part, sent a representative to discuss these issues with the White Dragon Society. The Chinese were told to stop being manipulated by the Khazarians into fighting Asian neighbours over historical differences. The Chinese also reassured the WDS they had no ambitions to take over from the US as the only world super-power. Instead they, reasonably, said that since Chinese represent 20% of the world’s population they should have 20% control over international institutions and power.
This meeting was followed by a South Korea, Chinese and Japanese summit meeting in South Korea last week where Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abeappeared to be a born again pacifist. It now looks like years of manufactured incidents and provocations over such issues as “comfort women,” tiny disputed islands and other such things are going to be finally papered over. South Korean President Park Gyeun Hye also seemed to have dropped Khazarian inspired baiting of Japan over such issues. The three nations have now agreed to look forward and not backwards in their relations.
The sudden change in Abe’s and Park’s tune may be connected to the visit to South Korea by new Pentagon chief Joseph Dunford who made it clear that petty squabbles provoked by outsiders had to end.
Abe’s new tone may also be connected to the fact that Dunford is about to visit Japan where he will be taking a close look at exactly what Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney and others have been doing here. Pentagon sources promise Armitage will be “dealt with.” Part of this has already begun as Armitage’s heroin business in Afghanistan continues to be dismantled.
It now appears the Doctors Without Borders hospital that was bombed in Afghanistan was a heroin distribution center. According to the Russian Tass News Agency, the Doctors Without Borders were kicked out of the Eastern Ukraine because they were drug dealing.
It appears the probable murder by plane crash of Richard Rockefeller was part of a Bush Mafia move to take over his Doctors Without Borders organization and use it as a front.
Rockefeller family sources say Richard was killed because he was about to blow the whistle on attempts by Bush and his fellow Khazarian Nazis to set off an Ebola epidemic. Time will tell but it now appears this once noble organization has been taken over by the dark side.
Meanwhile, South American sources have pointed out there is a Maurice Armitagewho is running for mayor of the town of Cali, right in the center of Columbia’s cocaine producing region.
He certainly looks a lot like Richard Armitage so, although we have not confirmed this, it looks a lot like Richard ran the heroin side of the Bush drug business while Maurice handled the cocaine end of things.
In any case, there is a coordinated campaign going on to cut off the heroin, cocaine and amphetamine money financing the Bush Nazionist faction of the Khazarian mob. The arrest of the Saudi prince with 2 tons of amphetamines was a clear example of this. No wonder the Jeb Bush presidential campaign is running out of money.
There is still a lot of work to be done but anybody who follows the news around the world cannot deny now that the Nazionists are losing power.
To use the metaphor of World War 2, the situation now is a lot like 1944 where the Nazi defeat was inevitable but a lot of fighting still remained to be done.
If we all push hard, we can finish these Nazionist criminals off permanently by 2016.
We are observing the changes occurring world wide in many levels of financial affairs. We see the glimmer of hope that these changes are bringing to some who are aware of how convoluted all of this has become. Do not get your hopes up too high because progress is known to be interminably slow. Yet, keep the hope that you have and slowly add to it; use the word “resolve” and you will have a better handle on the coming attractions. As always there is a strong wish to have you be successful in all endeavors that betters the conditions for the world; the world needs you more than it has in a very, very long time. Many are disillusioned. Do not go to that place; stay aware and open to the currents of change...P
I am so sorry to hear about your computer hack, adding yet more troubles to deal with. I continue to trust in you and this process, although it pains me to feel I have to defend you in a community that knows less about you than what I have trusted from personal research I have done... especially when your info strikes me as questionable now, too.
Seeing Zap's Midweek Update yesterday, and feeling like this is likely to miss the "drop-down deadline" Zap stated several months ago was given by the top Elders of "end of October", along with following these patterns for years, and seeing donations constantly needed, really does leave a sane mind questioning one's sanity. Knowing of the worldly lies and deceit, and psyops programming, how can one hang-on to this trust, when in financial pains like those requesting donations for months on end?
I hope you can understand why I write you this.
Your insight is appreciated.
With Appreciation & Gratitude, Love & Light,
Subject: The global currency reset is now 100% confirmed, activated and performing.
The global currency reset is now 100% confirmed, activated and performing. Bank of China monies have been received into master paymaster accounts globally, yet still are unreleased to private groups or the public as of Monday evening EST.
The United States Treasury was sequestered to solve government shut down threat this coming Thursday. But remaining cabal leadership, led by David Cohen of UST, is still fighting public disclosure of TRN tooth and nail. However, his delay attempts are futile as the Believe it or not cabal has been rendered incapable of starting yet another war/mass destruction event (a la 9/11 or 3/11).
Obama administration wants to make it look like Republicans are blocking 2015 government funding, so the Democrats can step in and create a gold backed currency solution.
This, he hopes, will ensure his presidential legacy before he is either impeached or removed from office by other measures.
Barak Obama is a common citizen again, no longer President of the United States. The Asian Elders are mercifully allowing him to play out his hand and perform his last and final tasks.
The 1871 USA Corporation he was running has been declared insolvent by an international world court that quietly governs the affairs of sovereign nations. Meaning, all debts and assets of the USA Corporation have fallen back to its initial collateral issuer, which are ancient Asian Royal Families. They were the ones who financed the British Rebellion and put gold up to start the USA back in 1776–and as a tribute, we shoot off fireworks every July 4th. True story.
Wall Street also wants a quick public solution to their very public derivatives problems, which will be covered by the new gold back currency announcement. They want to start making big money again under the new banking system.
Meanwhile, 7 global trustees—all with different sign off tiers–have a release agreement in place with Sovereign Families, Governments, Banks, BRICS for the GCR/RV to monetarily begin. It’s final execution date is unknown, but monies are flowing out to holding entities and paymasters right now.
When all 7 trustees have signed off, the public announcement of the RV will occur. We have confirmation that 3 trustees have signed off and will be receiving funds.
England’s Prince William is one such trustee, and was in NYC/DC to sign off this week.
Chinese Trustees Madame Wu and General Li have signed off and are to receive funds.
New Republic President Carter Ham is another trustee. This means that the General 64 Group & The Admiral’s Group should get their start after President Ham has signed off, expected this week, as groups have been cleared to receive and disburse payouts.
Historical Bonds began paying outlast Friday worldwide. Sovereigns families will be hydrated first, followed by governments, tier 1 – 3 banks, private groups, and lastly the general public.
TRN currency and the scheduled public announcement are to be live no later than 12/15, whereby anyone can ask for new currency … and actually get it.
Currently, all on-screen digital accounts, in all banks worldwide, are now gold backed. That switch was made back in early November without public announcement. Thus, the public TRN announcement has more to do with the fulfillment of international law rather than being a procedural administrative necessity.
The US Republic government announcement can only come as soon as old corporate government has publicly been denounced; however, the announcement of TRN by former President Barak Obama satisfies this international requirement and is expected at any moment.
No one knows how New Republic information will be made available moving forward, as it is sure to upset the general population that its USA has been bankrupted by its own elected leadership and is now in receivership of foreign Asian Elders.
But at least the TRN announcement is the cabal’s official public acknowledgment of surrender, as it ends their worldwide financially reign via the UD Federal Reserve Bank & Global Central Banking System.
Know the objective of these Asian Elders is to re-establish USA sovereignty, not occupy its boarders and control its population. But to do this, they have to root out all the entrenched toxic power structures and replace it with new leadership. Hence the reality of a General Carter Ham–a loyal American General, working for the Asian Elders, yet serving US interests as a true patriot.
Forex rates for all revaluing currencies will adjust at a moment’s notice and without advanced warning. That event will occur with no public announcement. Trading at the new RV rates has been occurring for several months now.
Banks have been training employees to handle redeeming RV currency clients very discreetly, and without extra attention. Even setting up off site redemption centers to handle heavy volume and high volume clients.
Private, NDA confidential RV redemptions have been ongoing for over a year now, and because Wells Fargo is the new clearing house bank for the new UST Republic government, it has now surpassed all other banks in the USA, and now accounts for 25% of all mortgage loans.
Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank and Bank of America are all now owned in majority by the Chinese Elders. Expect some large banking acquisitions and name changes in the near future. With Wells Fargo originally founded by Chinese Royal Families for Chinese American gold prospectors.
IRS, Homeland Security and FEMA Agencies will be eliminated in the new 2015 USA Republic budget. All 3agencies were illegal formed under the original USA Constitution, which will also be restored and amended by President Ham. YES ! THANK GOD
Americans will still pay taxes, just not to the IRS and not as much. Corporations and banks will have their loopholes closed as well.
All these massive changes, either in banking or basic structure of USA Republic government, has been or will be gradual, as not to upset the general population’s day-to-day routine.
The Asian Royal Elders prefer an anonymous and harmonious transition, as a healthy and financially sustainable USA provides long term growth opportunities for China and the world.
After twelve years of public corruption leading to $550 billion of Iraqi oil money spent irresponsibly between 2006 and 2014, Iraq is on the edge of bankruptcy. Three vice presidents, three deputy prime ministers, twelve ministers, many hundreds of advisors, deputy ministers, ambassadors, general managers army and police generals and colonels were fired. About 14,000 army soldiers who were supposedly assigned to guard senior officials were sent to the Defense Ministry to fight against ISIS.
It’s a start, but not enough to return the country to solvency. Iraq still has more than 700 deputy ministers, 6,000 general managers and nearly three million civil servants. The government has just announced salary cuts that weren’t received well by Iraqis. One third of the Shiite militia fighters, Iraq's most motivated fighting force against ISIS, were not paid for months. With little discipline and oversight, some of them run loose in the Iraqi streets, kidnapping people for ransom or for sectarian revenge. As am example, sixteen Turkish workers were kidnapped in Baghdad last month and later released.
Just this week, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi complained about the dire fiscal situation in the country. Speaking on national TV, he said: "We make 59 trillion Iraqi dinars from exporting oil. When we take the cost of exportation out, that leaves us with 45 trillion. When we take the cost of serving the debts, we have 40 trillion left. The state employees' salaries and pensions cost us 50 trillion. How do we spend on war, health, education, agriculture, services, poverty and others?"
NOVEMBER 1, 2015
** Sacred Site Essence offer below ... it is good for a few more days!
Piercing The Veil
An energy update - by Aluna Joy
Nov 3rd, 2015
Just when we thought we finally hit a ceiling of weirdness and intensity, it just took another step to more craziness. It feels like we are not being allowed to get comfortable with being uncomfortable before the next level descends on us. Just as we get a reprieve, and we get our feet grounded, the game plan sifts, and we anchorless once again. Yet, with everything that we experience, there is a greater purpose, and we want to pierce the veil regarding this purpose.
We are deep in the confusing throes of emptying the sacred chalice within us. This is a necessary process to clear and make room for the brilliant future that we have envisioned. We are letting go and detaching from all things that we will not be taking with us. Yes, there is still more dumping and clearing! This includes outdated or unnecessary ways of making a living (even in very successful metaphysical and healing areas), unhealthy relationships, and we even find ourselves moving from current geographical locations or at least wanting to.
This process has not been easy. We can feel depressed, want to quit everything, feel hopeless and feel like we are skirting the edge of our sanity. Most of the time there is no outer or personal reasons for these waves of paralyzing feelings. Even if we want to take responsibility for these feelings and emotions, their origin seems to elude even the best shamanic or psychic tracker. We are processing as ONE now. It is not personal anymore.
We are deep into a Matrix of uncountable probable outcomes. So, welcome to spherical manifesting, the next level in our evolution. There are so many possibilities that we can feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Some of these outcomes in the matrix are depressing and can even cause deep, ungrounded core fear, confusion, depression, anxiety and a pervasive feeling of hopelessness. Other outcomes in this matrix are what we (those reading this) have been planning for and expecting... blissful, balanced, nurturing, healthy and if you have been dreaming big... Simply miraculous, magical and astoundingly awesome! The big issue is this.... We are feeling ALL probable outcomes at once right now. No wonder we are so turned around and confused. We are now entering the center hub where we now get to put in our vote to what outcome we arrive in. But I also received the insight that the path ahead and our outcome will be a surprise and beyond anything that we have imagined to date.
March 2016
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Dratzo! Right now, your world is in transition. The dark is finally allowing the Light and its many allies to complete the large task of transferring funds and the accompanying bonds to special depositories. This procedure is taking longer than at first expected, due to the extraordinary precautions such a large delivery requires. Hence, it is taking a week longer than expected. The dark knows that once this formidable task is finished, the long promised mass arrests of the upper echelons of the dark minions is to begin. Until then, these rapscallions are being closely watched and many are under house arrest. Special rules of conduct were agreed to and those in the security branches of the Light are enthusiastically enforcing those rules. Ever since your ancestors first trod upon the Earth as humans, with amnesia and vague remembrances of their former selves, the dark minions have been the Anunnaki’s soldiers. The power that they wielded is now at an end. The time of doubt and fear is to be replaced by Love, freedom and abundance!
In this new time, you are to reacquire the qualities, which the Atlanteans stole from you. First, you are to relearn a history that was purposely muddled by the Anunnaki and their dark minions. It is easy to see how a bogus view of your origins was produced. The truth was so twisted that to you, it seems like a set of unproven myths. When a people lose their history, they are susceptible to any kind of manipulation or pap given to them by their dark masters. This process took nearly 10 millennia to fully be accepted by you. During this time, your ancestors were subjected to three periods of building and rebuilding the societies supposedly given to them by the dark. In the last six millennia, you have been infrequently permitted to rebuild with the help of your spiritual and space families. All of this was slow and measured due to the numerous Anunnaki rules that had to be obeyed. Nevertheless, some minute progress in your consciousness was made. Presently, the rate of advancement is now vastly increased. The time of the dark is over!
In this coming time, you are to become able to be free and prosperous. Use this time of growing consciousness to accept your new position and learn to apply the rules of Love and Light. Be accepting and seek cooperation with others. Learn about the power of wealth and then be able to let it go. The most important power is the incredible power of Spirit. Be able to fill yourself with Love and let the Light fill you with a growing consciousness that allows you to feel the soul energy of all living Beings. Feel how you are not alone, and how beautifully the merciful and graceful Creator connects you to Heaven! Part of our mission is to show how galactic humanity developed and spread across this vast galaxy. As you regain your lost faculties, you can again discover how and why your blessed travels led you to Gaia, and to a special mission to save and renew the sister worlds of Gaia, Venus, Mars and Pax. You are to finally reunite with us and finish this most sacred task.
As you do this, you are as well giving sustenance to the wishes of the former “children of Anchara” to develop light bodies and join in moving this galaxy firmly into the Light. Before this can be done, you are to discover numerous oddities that were the first ancient expressions of your love of freedom and the natural talents that forged brief encounters with your abilities to invent and pursue a more developed lifestyle. These first attempts were long forgotten by you. We intend to resurrect these talents and explain how the cabal's attempts at squashing them are finally to fail. Around your globe are monuments of stone, which display your inner genius. Some of you have speculated about these partially destroyed buildings. They show your remembrance of Gaia’s life forces and how you can resuscitate them. These are just a few examples of who you are to be once again. Each galactic human possesses a unique set of talents that graciously contribute freely to the whole.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We are in joy! Our many associates are busily setting the stage for our new reality. Agreements were signed with teeth in them for the setting up of a new global financial structure as well as a finalizing of dates for the distribution of the prosperity and humanitarian funds. To ensure that these distributions cannot be stopped various dates were settled upon for the NESARA and the GESARA announcements. A new realm is being born. We ask you to remain patient since a vast number of incredible events are being readied to be revealed. We thank Heaven for what is about to be born! A gracious blessing is being bestowed upon us. After the fall of Atlantis, the Anunnaki took over this surface realm. They were told that a time was set aside when the Light was to regain this realm. This, Heaven is now doing! We are so grateful that this great act of mercy is upon us!
As these numerous events start to occur, be ready to accept a great reordering of what you think is possible. Look at these miraculous happenings as a validation of the power and grace of Heaven. You are greatly Loved. This is happening just as Heaven promised us. We were put through a period of learning. This learning is to be the basis of our galactic divine service. This history has to be seen as a broad time when we passed through darkness and endured. We are Heaven’s toughened soldiers. We are to use this knowledge to explain to most of this galaxy not only how to survive, but thrive. You are as well to return to your tasks as physical Angels. Our divine service is to teach and explain this whole heavenly operation. Together, we are to become a most Loved group of souls who are to graciously spread our wisdom throughout physicality! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Much is to be expected of us! We were lowered from the joy of full consciousness into a realm filled with a whole host of horrors. Despite this, the Anunnaki and their minions were unable to take these sacred thoughts from us. We retained our memories. Our divine service as Ascended Masters was to give you mercy and succor from the awful ravages of the dark. Together, we have survived and are prepared to take on the riches and freedom provided by Heaven. We are ecstatic about what is happening! You are to be returned to Love, Light, and a gracious knowledge of your true selves. This return is to bring you back into union with the Agarthans. You are to return to the realm so viciously destroyed by the Atlanteans at the start of this receding great galactic year. Together, we have so much to relearn and so much, my Children, to teach you! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we explained what is occurring around this precious globe! Much is suddenly to appear and much is suddenly to be asked of you. Thus, remain patient and positive. You are once again to be returned to your greatness. Use this to fashion a wondrous world and learn just how amazing Gaia is! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Today I'm sharing a riveting video. I sent this out a couple years ago. It is filled with so much information that it is time to share it again. The information on healing has many elements of how I heal. I was never taught, it just came naturally to me. The information on our DNA correlates with the information Sheldan has shared in many of his lectures dating back to 1994.
Many of the stories shared by the Starchildren about learning on spacecraft match Sheldan's experience as a child. If you wish to learn more about Sheldan's experiences, he has a webinar archive (Sheldan's Story~Webinar 49) or the first chapter in his book, Your First Contact, is dedicated to his story.
Most of us reading this newsletter are the older Starseeds. We are the pioneers leading the way for the new Starchildren who are simply AMAZING!
Your Galactic Neighbors is a handbook for the future. This invaluable work will introduce you to some of the host of benevolent star-nations that populate this universe.
Sheldan Nidle is the author ofYour First Contact and You Are Becoming a Galactic Human. Since childhood, he has received information about Earth's hidden history and on planetary science, culture and spirituality in face-to-face contacts with galactic entities. Now, in this paradigm-shattering volume, he reveals that knowledge to you.
In it, you will find up-to-the-minute facts on 22 off-world civilizations that belong to the Galactic Federation of Light. He describes 8 human galactic societies and 14 non-human ones, and the reptilians, dinosaurians, amphibians, cetaceans and other mammalians that inhabit them. He outlines each star-nation's history, chronicles its path through horrendous galactic wars to peaceful co-existence, and reveals its populations heartfelt desire to introduce themselves to us on Earth.
Whether you already have a basis of knowledge about extraterrestrial Beings, or you are just becoming aware of their existence, this book will add immeasurably to what you know.
You will learn about each galactic neighbors:
Solar system
Home worlds
Galactic society
Physical appearance
* Spacecraft
Your Galactic Neighbor's will implode all of your previous notions about extraterrestrial Beings. It will acquaint you with the compassionate and sentient entities with whom we share this universe. Read it, and prepare yourself to become a true citizen of the Milky Way Galaxy!
Water or Coke? scroll down and see what they say about the coke
#1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
(Likely applies to half the world population)
#2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
that it is mistaken for hunger
#3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 3%.
#4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of
Washington study.
#5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
#6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of
water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain
for up to 80% of sufferers.
#7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term
memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on
the computer screen or on a printed page.
#8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of
colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast
cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to develop
bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water
you should drink every day?
#1. In many states the highway patrol carries
two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from
the highway after a car accident.
#2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke
and it will be gone in two days.
#3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the
toilet bowl and let the 'real thing' sit for one hour,
then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes
stains from vitreous china.
#4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds
Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
#5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour
a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble
away the corrosion.
#6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola
to the rusted bolt for several minutes
#7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into
the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.
Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix
with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
#8... To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke
into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run
through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
grease stains It will also clean road haze from your
#1 the active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.
It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric
acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major
contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.
#2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup! (the concentrate) the
commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place
cards reserved for highly corrosive materials
#3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean
engines of the trucks for about 20 years!
Now the question is, would you like a glass of water?
or Coke?
Quick! send this helpful info on to your friends health conscious or not!!!!
Dearest students of truth we come to you in love, bringing that which we know you are ready to understand and integrate as you help to bring forth a new world.
Life on earth has become a wild ride for many, with lives disrupted and comfort zones all but gone. This is what you volunteered for. You knew and yet chose to experience everything necessary for personal as well as the collective evolution of mankind. You were well aware that these times would be tumultuous ones as hardened world beliefs and old energies began to dissolve, creating massive resistance within the old world order.
The world is in the midst of many major transitions as a result of the ever more intense higher frequencies of Light now pouring to earth and available to all. Those choosing to go with the flow of change will experience fewer painful issues than those who resist.
You are being reborn dear ones, and as you know, birth is not always easy. The task of accepting new ways of seeing and being can be wrenching for those still solidly fixed in the old ways. These dear ones continue to stridently seek completeness outside of themselves through people, places, and things all the while living in fear of the unknown because a consciousness of duality can only manifest as duality--bad/good, sickness/health, lack/abundance, right/wrong.
Secure and comfortable only within the boundaries of what is known and accepted by collective consciousness, and ignorant of their own innate power and identity, these dear ones continue looking to the rules and beliefs of others for direction until at some point this approach no longer works and they are forced to begin their journey of awakening.
You are evolving into a consciousness that remembers who it is, into the Light Beings that you have always been but did not realize. Be not afraid for all is proceeding according to plan and know that nothing real can ever be lost. You will experience the same wonderful things that you love now, only on higher levels. Attempting to figure everything out is impossible as the human mind is limited to what is already known in collective consciousness.
Many serious students continue to hold to concepts that define spirituality--its appearance, definition, paths, and associated experiences, much of which was valid in the earlier states of consciousness but is now obsolete. Let your intuition guide you as to what if any practices may be helpful for your spiritual growth, not current trends, or something being hyped by the media. You may find that a book seems to jump out at you, or a class or teacher draws your attention, but many of you are finding that you are being guided simply to be still and quiet. Spiritual journeys are all individual and the teachings that lead to illumination for one, may not resonate at all with another.
Many of you are experiencing physical issues as old cellular memory surfaces to be cleared. Often a physical body's weakest area serves as the exit point for these releases. If you are experiencing some recurring physical issue (rashes, aching, etc.) and nothing is ever found to be wrong, then it is probably the clearing of old cellular memory energy. Send light to the cells of your body in the area and allow the process.
Many of you, in fact all of you, chose to enter into this lifetime bringing with you any remaining energy from physical, emotional, and mental injuries of the past so they could be once and for all cleared. You knew these times would be an opportunity to ascend and that these old and dense energies could not come with you into the higher.
Intense experiences of every lifetime will remain stored in cellular memory until cleared, so be patient dear ones. The process is ongoing, but does not happen over night. Try to see the lesser physical discords not so much as calls for medication and doctors, but more as indication of clearing. Trust your intuition and if you are being guided to seek medical help then seek it with no sense of spiritual failure while not allowing fear be a determining factor.
Learn to pamper yourselves, resting more when you can, being still and quiet, and doing the things you love instead of feeling obligated to continue in some old routine that no longer resonates simply because "It has always been done this way, family and friends expect it". It is time to stand in your power, lovingly making choices that are right for you, and not adopting choices that may be right for someone else in order to be loved and accepted.
Many of you are work at jobs every day and taking a nap is not an option but learn to slow down, going within and resting in Center often as you go about your day. State an intention to release all that may be serving to block your unfolding awareness of truth. Most importantly learn to love yourselves and the journey, living out from a state of gratitude for every experience, not judging it as good or bad, while simply moving through it.
Many are desirous of being on earth during this powerful time and are not able to be here. These dear ones watch eagerly from the other side, wanting and hoping for the best in mankind's' journey of ascension.
You are the plows plowing the debris of negativity and hopeless ignorance out of the way through your hard work. You are the nitty/gritty hard workers who are making it possible for coming generations to be born into the higher world consciousness you are creating. Many issues you find so troublesome now, will not even be known to future generations.
Pat yourselves on the back dear ones, for each of you chose to courageously assist in the evolution of mankind through bringing attention and change to commonly accepted world concepts based in duality and separation. Know that many illumined souls are on earth at this time in bodies and situations judged by the world to be "less than perfect" simply to evolve world awareness and bring change. Remember this when you are tempted to negatively judge some person or situation.
Never ever believe that you are spiritually doing nothing, serving no purpose, or that you are not a real Light worker based on comparison. The Light of your awareness is continually adding to the Light of the collective consciousness in ways you will never know. Let go of any and all judgment you may still hold about yourselves based in world concepts limited to appearances--that money, clothes, looks, power, sex, education, location, etc. are true standards of value.
EVERYONE is a Divine Being on earth at this time for experiences chosen pre-birth as necessary for learning and spiritual growth. In reality, no individual is better or less than another. An individual's state of consciousness determines what manifests outwardly as his experience.
There comes a time when each individual must accept and move in their masterhood, no longer a full time student or simply a clearing house for the world's old energy. Many of you are now ready to believe, accept, and live as the spiritual masters you have become--letting go of seeing yourselves as un-awakened students forever seeking. "Forever" students often live in the belief that this is humility but it actually represents a sense of separation from who one really is and serves only to delay spiritual progress.
The point of years of study, seeking, and practice, as well as all the personal and world clearing experiences is to bring you to the point of Mastery. Many of you are ready to step into your masterhood and let go of the books, classes, paths, and tools that assisted you to where you are now. Allow these tools to pass to those newly awakening students you will find yourselves guiding. Step fearlessly into your power dear ones, accepting who and what you are, and trusting that everything needed will be given when needed.
Your attained consciousness of wholeness and completeness, will draw to you your spiritual work whether that be students, spiritual work, or new awareness's and more Light.
It is time to be that which you have been seeking through lifetimes. You have learned and integrated the deeper truths through years of study, meditation, and practice and have arrived, should you choose to accept this.
As each soul's ever evolving Light flows and connects with the Light of other awakened souls, earth will become saturated with higher dimensional frequencies of Light and unconditional love. It is then you will begin see the many changes you seek.
Hold your Light within a consciousness trust dear ones. Trust yourSelves, love yourSelves and be yourSelves. The time is NOW to reclaim your true power and BE.
SIRIAN's ~ Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of Creation
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for November. . .
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians.
• The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Israeli Nazionist regime doomed as Fuhrer Bush Senior negotiates surrender
Benjamin Fulford-Benjamin Fulford Weekly Update-November 10, 2015
George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist faction are negotiating surrender, according to CIA sources. The Nazionist regime of Benyamin Netanyahu is also doomed, as are their Saudi proxies.
The storm of information poured out by the Internet, the new Guttenberg Press, has made a critical mass of people aware of the enormous crimes of George Bush Sr. and his Nazionist cohorts. The result is that, at age 91, Bush, who said he was retired and no longer talking to the press, felt obliged to put out a new auto-biography where he tried to throw henchmen like former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice-President Dick Cheney under the bus, essentially trying to blame them for the excesses of the George Bush Jr. regime.
With its Halloween attack on a Russian airliner, the Israeli regime has also doomed itself by arrogantly attacking the three great powers of Russia, China and the United States. The result is Israel is under a full military blockade that will not end until Netanyahu and his fellow war-criminals make an unconditional surrender, according to Chinese, Russian and Pentagon sources. Their so-called Samson option of taking the world down with them has now been neutralized, the Pentagon sources say.
George Bush Sr. began to negotiate surrender because he recognized the check-mate situation he faced, White Dragon Society sources say. Bush’s top lieutenant in Asia, Richard Armitage, ratted on Bush last week when he was questioned by officials connected Joseph Dunford, the new top US military commander, Pentagon sources said. Under questioning, Armitage admitted he ran the heroin side of the Bush mafia business, they said. In addition, we can now confirm from South American sources that Maurice Armitage, the mayor of Cali, Columbia was running the cocaine side of the business.
The new peace deal in Columbia between the FARC rebels and the Columbian government has cut drug funding to the Bush linked Sinaloa cartel to such an extent that hundreds of their goons had to fly to Saudi Arabia in order to find work as mercenaries in the war against Yemen, the Pentagon sources said. Mexico’s move to decriminalize drugs is another factor cutting off funding to the Bush mafia, the sources say. The result is that Jeb Bush’s campaign has run out of money. George Bush Sr. himself may soon no longer be able to afford the massive bodyguard presence he needs to keep himself from being hanged as a traitor.
The Bush oil and drug network run by the Nazionist ISIS proxy army in the Middle East is also being systematically dismantled.
Bush CIA asset Ahmed Chalabi was heart-attacked last week
because he was opposing the secret Iranian/Russian/Pentagon war in Iraq against the ISIS Nazionist proxy army, the Pentagon sources said. This is cutting off the flow of oil money stolen by Bush and his proxies during the illegal invasion of Iraq. This means their ISIS mercenaries are no longer getting their paychecks and so are no longer willing to fight.
Outside of Iraq as well, the situation in the Middle East is now coming to a climax of sorts with the Russian, Iranian, Pentagon offensive completely changing the political and strategic map of the region.
The Saudi oilfields near the Yemeni border are now being overrun by Yemeni forces backed by the Iranians, Russians and US military.
The result is the flow of Middle Eastern oil money to the Rothschild family is also being cut off.
The Rothschilds reacted to this situation in what only can be described as a suicidal move when they ordered the shoot down of the Russian airliner on Halloween. They followed this up with what amounts to a confession of the crime by celebrating the massacre with tasteless cartoons in their Charlie Hebdo magazine.
The shooting down of the airliner was obviously an attempt to punish Egypt for working too closely with the Russians, since it has stopped tourist flights into Egypt and endangered 70% of Egypt’s tourist revenue.
However, Russia and Egypt have reacted by making a move into Libya, thus cutting off the oil money the Rothschilds stole following their overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi.
Russian sources sent this writer an e-mail, still unverified, claiming that Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller had already been killed in retaliation. This may be disinformation because the same e-mail also says that if either of these individuals appears in public, it will be a look-alike and not the original. Time will tell but, in either case, if I was a Rothschild responsible for this atrocity, I would not be sleeping well at night.
In any case, the Jewish people are finally waking up to the fact Israel as it is presently run is a Nazionist and not a Jewish state. The head of the largest Jewish group in the United States, Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the Union of Reform Judaism, came out publicly last week against the horrendous actions of the Netanyahu regime.
War criminal Benyamin Netanyahu is due in Washington D.C. today to meet US corporate government spokesperson Barack Obama. He will be asking for support for his regime but it will not be forthcoming.
Sources in the mysterious Dragon family are saying that Israel will end up as a Jewish autonomous zone inside a greater regional entity. What remains to be decided is what will happen to the Middle East as a whole. Either the Middle East will become a loose Muslim Federation consisting of all states in the region or, it will consolidate into neo-Ottoman and neo-Persian empire spheres of influence.
At a higher level, this issue is going to be settled at a 100-nation meeting on “global warming” scheduled for the end of this month in Paris.
This meeting, to last from November 30th to December 11th will include the leaders of European nations as well as Russia, the United States, China and India. Since global warming is pseudo-science, it is a good bet they will be talking about the more general issue of how we run this planet.
While Russia is making a big splash in the Middle East, some very interesting power plays are now being carried out between the United States and China as well. As we reported recently, the United States military has taken over the Federal Reserve Board operations inside the United States. This did not go down well with China, which was, in coordination with the Europeans, making its own move to take over the international operations of the US dollar.
This titanic struggle can be confirmed through shipping indexes that cannot be manipulated by bank super-computers. What we see here is that the Baltic Dry Index, the price for shipping commodities, has fallen to a record low. So has the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index, the price of shipping finished goods from China. Another index that has hit a record low is the US load to truck ratio, meaning the amount of goods being put on trucks from ships. All of these indexes should have been up in the run-up to the US Christmas season. The fact they are at record lows implies a stop in the flow of goods from China to the US. Another way to put it is that the Chinese have said “we will not accept your IOUs anymore.”
The Russians, for their part, have told the Chinese they do not need to worry about their oil from the Middle East being cut off either. The fact the Pentagon withdrew its last aircraft carrier from the Middle East months ago makes it clear they are no longer in the business of cutting off oil for the benefit of the Khazarian Zionist mafia.
However, the US Navy last week set off a blank trident nuclear capable missile from the coast of Los Angeles towards Russia and China. The message seems to be, “we are ready to go ballistic if we have to.” This is horse trading at the highest level.
At more esoteric level, we are beginning to see what appears to be the hand of the mysterious Dragon family. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping both visited Queen Elizabeth recently where they were shown Dragon family documents, according to White Dragon Society sources. The creation of these documents was arranged by the South East Asian branch of the Dragon family at a secret meeting in Singapore. They acted as intermediaries between the Royal Families of Europe, the Royal Families of Asia, the White Dragon Society, the Chinese Communist Party and the Pentagon.
A visible result of this last week was the first meeting between the heads of state of Taiwan and China in 66 years. After the meeting, Taiwan was rewarded for its role in acting as an intermediary between the Asian and European royal families with an invitation to join the China led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
The hidden theme behind all of the events described above is that humanity is waking up to the fact that the psychological process of deciding what we do in the future has been stolen by gangsters. Humanity is now coming up with processes to allow the people to choose what sort of future we want to create. That is what all these high level meetings and intrigue are really about. Babylonian debt slavery is ending, freedom is coming.
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as freedom. Freedom is a state of mind which allows an individual to make choices and be willing to experience the consequences of it. Freedom comes to a person who has self awareness and knows what it takes to maintain their mental, emotional and physical well being and then make a conscious choice towards achieving, utilizing and maintaining that goal. Freedom comes when one realizes that they are one with the Creator of everything and that they are powerful and unlimited in their potential. They come to know that they are always free to choose how they will respond to any given situation. They are free to choose to experience something new, to take a risk, to challenge their current understanding of themselves and their life. They are free to change their mind about anything previously conceived or experienced. They can decide what they want in their life and then take the steps necessary to follow their dreams and goals. They are clear about what they want to experience and do whatever it takes in order to achieve that experience as long as it does not interfere, injure or harm others.
One’s sense of personal freedom increases when one is willing to do what feels right to them no matter what others may think about it. When one realizes their connection to the divine source of all life, that it is the well spring to all that is good, it opens their mind to new choices, new and exciting opportunities and limitless possibilities. They find freedom by learning to be true to themselves and have the ability to say no to others when it does not resonate with their own goals and visions. Freedom comes when one stops comparing themselves to others and competing with others, when one is willing to make choices and accept full responsibility for the outcome of those choices. They develop the ability to choose for themselves what they truly desire. They choose a quality of lifestyle that helps them to be relaxed and no longer inflict themselves with needless self imposed duties that exhaust them mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. They honour their need for time with themselves, by themselves and for themselves. They have learned the value of who and what they are and honour their need for a regular connection to their divine source.
As one exercises their freedom, they choose to expend their energy, resources and actions in a wise way that nourishes their soul. They become physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually stable which results in their overall spiritual and evolutionary growth. They spend their time in a state of equilibrium knowing that everything they need to get done will get done in divine timing and divine order. They understand that learning the art of relaxation and conserving their energy is the greatest gift one can give to themselves and to all life. They have the ability to make their wishes known and to stand on new and unfamiliar ground and are free to obey the whispers of their heart. They choose to listen to what their divine essence is saying to them and achieve a level of understanding that affects the way they perceive their life. When one freely makes conscious choices, it demonstrates their willingness to find a new way of living and being and the divine intelligence which guides them will support their decisions by bringing them the results they intend in ways of grace and ease.
Their divine essence brings the grace of the divine to their life as great abundance, health, well being, peace, joy, and love as a result of what they think, feel and believe about themselves, their life and the divine. When they use their personal freedom and choose to examine and challenge those things they have been taught to accept as truth, they find the truth of the truth behind it. As a result of this investigation about life and its meaning, they see that just being who they are and doing what they are doing in the moment is the very freedom all of humanity is seeking to find. They realize the truth that the divine presence is within them and that they are the unique expression of this divinity living on Earth to fulfill a divine mission and purpose. They honor their own inherent divinity and as this presence is more fully activated within them, they are infused with a constant peaceful feeling of well being.
Each circumstance one encounters in life contains the seeds of their freedom so that they can unlock the doorways and tear down the walls that keep them from being who they truly are. It helps to see every situation as a learning experience sent as an opportunity to free one’s self. It then becomes much clearer that the world outside of one’s self is always an accurate reflection of one’s inner state of consciousness. It may be painful to acknowledge what is seen but it is also the road to one’s freedom that will ultimately unleash the majesty of their authentic being. They stop blaming the outer world for what they are experiencing because they realize that they are leaking their divine energy and throwing it away. They come to realize that the answer always lies within them. As each individual makes the free will choice to allow the light of the divinity within their heart to shine, it illumines the world around them and brings them profound peace.
May you make the choice to let your heart sing and allow yourself the freedom to illuminate the world by the light of your soul.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
The dark is now receding and a new reality is quickly forming before you. The arrests and the rise of NESARA are near. Be patient and positive! A new time for all is to be and let it be created with all the positive energies that you can manifest!
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
2 Ix, 7 Xul, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! The new reality is beginning its final stage of manifesting. Long ago, in ancient Atlantis, you started to realize that you had been mysteriously reduced to a mere toy of the dark Atlantean cabal. This group of leaders, princes and kings was doing the heinous work of the Anchara leadership on Orion. They had limited the abilities of their opposition to a level where they no longer posed a threat to their vile policies. This dastardly deed was to be repeated over and over again during the last 3000 years of the Atlantean Empire. Your ancestors had in effect become “lab rats” for these dark denizens. You became especially vulnerable when this empire suddenly sank into the very bowels of history. Since that time, a large and powerful set of heinous dynasties were established on the face of Gaia. These dynasties were unable to extinguish your inner Love for truth, freedom and companionship. This has permitted Heaven to give the dispensation of a gracious return to full consciousness. It is these qualities that have brought us to your shores.
The present time is one of a great adjustment of your societal perceptions. The dark especially over the last 70 years has built a complex intertwining of secret governments that support one another whether of British, Asian, European or American origins. This nest of vipers needed to be first tamed before real progress in controlling them was possible. At first, we discovered only a small set of groups and individuals dedicated to this same purpose. It took nearly two decades to gain fully the trust required by us to truly move forward. During this time, we came under constant surveillance by the dark oligarchs and their many insidious allies. We have recited this story numerous times before. We do this again only to emphasize what we have now discovered. This now deals with how these dark ones are presently operating. These immoral scalawags own the Internet and various aspects of it. Their constant machinations cause a slowing in the process of how your blessings are moved across this globe to you.
This communication problem resulted in a brief delay, which caused a slight revision in the original schedules. These problems are now resolved and the necessary communications are flowing smoothly from place to place. In spite of their schemes, the flow of monies and necessary directions for creating new governance continues forward. We are confident that this conspiracy is presently over. The important scalawags have been isolated and fully contained. You are swiftly approaching the point where a number of key events can at last occur. It is important to confine these immoral rapscallions so they can no longer interfere in any way with what is now planned. The ancient families and their allies have the means to redo the innate perceptions of how this world works. They are first to address the distribution of wealth and power. These actions are to give you your long awaited freedom. It is as well to permit new governance to announce the end of the decades long UFO cover up!
This new freedom means that you take on new responsibilities to your communities and to yourselves to create the means to creatively solve your community and the world’s problems. Inside all of you is a great energy that can easily help you discover sound solutions. This can allow you to come together and forge a series of plans, which can resolve whatever you may originally tackle. This process is how we, using fluid management, find quick and easy solutions. As you discover how this process can work for you, remember that this is how your ancestors in Lemuria found solutions to any problem. Use this to prepare yourselves for working with our mentors. What we prefer is a deep dialogue between you. In this, you are to find out how many of your habits and feelings originated. In addition, you are to explore past lives and how they affect your current life. We need as well to go deeply into how your genome was forged and how any difficulties are to be corrected.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters.You are living in blessed times! A great alteration in this reality is now underway. The dark and its human minions have been able to continue their rule unabated until recently. It was then that our associates were able to force a change in this unholy alignment. Several very brave negotiators were able to create an alliance between various disgruntled elements in the world’s militaries. These very courageous Beings used this new alliance to back up the ancient families and finally force the dark’s oligarchs to relent. This has permitted a grand procedure, which is allowing the moving of monies and the forging of a new international financial system. There is now a brief disconnect due to a last minute disruption of the Light’s earthly communication systems. This is at present largely corrected. We are told this disruption has not entirely stopped operations to give you your blessings and your freedom!
As the time arrives for this grand distribution of your blessings, be aware of all the many on this world that have made great sacrifices to manifest this new world. Take time to pray or meditate for these marvelous Souls! Remain positive and able to send out the visions and positive energies, which make these divine things possible. Join together to bless those who have been able to force the dark backwards and allow these wondrous acts to happen! We are all a sacred collective of Beings who have long suffered and now with Heaven’s dispensations are able to be on the verge of a most blessed set of successes. Much is to be expected of you. Use these moments to pray and to plan how this new wondrous vision is to manifest. You are unique and special. Let us show this reality what magnificent things you are capable of!
This world has always been filled with unnecessary disappointments. This time, you are to shine and demonstrate that a new reality can be sculpted from the old. This new realm is to transform the quarantine that you have been under since the fall of Atlantis. This moment is when you claim and show the need for the new consciousness, which you are embodying. You are to meet your human relatives and begin a gracious process that is to lead to full consciousness. We are acknowledging what you are doing and fully intend to instruct you on many events, which occurred in your past. The key is truth and a never-ending curiosity about who you really are. This truth is to be supplied by us in an important set of conversations with all of you. These studies are to be a start to what you are eventually to know. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today as always we continued our report of what is happening around your globe. The dark is now receding and a new reality is quickly forming before you. The arrests and the rise of NESARA are near. Be patient and positive! A new time for all is to be and let it be created with all the positive energies that you can manifest! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age, Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and Culture
Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history. An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago.
“Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development of civilization and history,” explains Dr. Semir Osmanagich. “Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent labs who conducted radio carbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.”
The radiocarbon dating tests of 29,200 years +/- 400 years was done by Radiocarbon Lab from Kiew, Ukraine, on organic material found at the Bosnian Pyramid site. Physicist Dr. Anna Pazdur of Poland’s Silesian University first announced the news at a Press Conference in Sarajevo in August of 2008. Professor of Classical Archaeology from the University of Alexandria Dr. Mona Haggag called this discovery “writing new pages in European and World history.” The C14 date of 29,000 years at the Bosnian Archaeological Park was obtained from a piece of organic material retrieved from a clay layer inside the outer casing to the pyramid. It follows a sample date obtained during the 2012 dig season on material located above the concrete at 24,800 years, meaning this structure has a construction profile stretching back almost 30,000 years.
Newly-revealed or rediscovered traces of ancient civilizations have ignited an innate curiosity about human origins as reflected by recent coverage in mainstream media and TV. The November 2013 issue of National Geographic: 100 Greatest Mysteries Revealed-Ancient Civilizations Unearthed says,
“Sometimes cultures leave behind mysteries that baffle those who come after them, from standing stones to coded manuscripts, indications that ancient people indeed had a profound purpose.”
“The ancient people who built these pyramids knew the secrets of frequency and energy. They used these natural resources to develop technologies and undertake construction on scales we have never witnessed on earth,” said Dr. Osmanagich. Evidence clearly shows that the pyramids were built as ancient energy machines aligned with the earth’s energy grid, providing energy for healing as well as power.
Ancient historians in the US have news just as astonishing as anything found in the far corners of the globe. For instance, the Rockwall discovery outside of Dallas, Texas, is only one example of how we are now re-examining ancient mysteries to reveal more about our past, right in the United States. H2 (History 2) popular series Unearthing Ancient America recently filmed an episode about the Rockwall that will air later this year. The Texas site is a complex and massive wall ten miles in diameter built over 20,000 years ago and covered by soil seven stories below the ground. The question is by whom was this structure built and for what purpose and, most importantly, how can knowledge left by these past civilizations help shape our future?
Forward-thinking scientists continue to pursue knowledge from our past that is useful to determine a better future. Renowned author Michal Cremo in his book Forbidden Archeology theorizes that knowledge of advanced Homo-sapiens has been suppressed or ignored by the scientific establishment because it contradicts the current views of human origins that don’t agree with the dominant paradigm. Cremo’s body of work has been described as “a useful teaching resource, raising a wide range of issues covering aspects of knowledge transfer, sure to be provocative in the classroom.” It has been reviewed with widespread appraisal by hundreds of academic journals.
Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey
Results clearly indicate that similar advanced civilizations of humans were present all across the globe at that time in history. For example, Gobekli Tepe located in Eastern Turkey, is a vast complex of enormous megalithic stone circles with a radius of between 10 and 20 meters, much larger than the well-known Stonehenge in Great Britain. Excavations at Gobekli Tepe that began there in 1995 revealed radio carbon dating at least 11,600 years. German archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany, with the support of ArchaeoNova Institute from Heidelberg, Germany, has led the excavation of these recently-discovered pre-historic megalithic circles at the Turkey location.
“Gobekli Tepe is one of the most fascinating Neolithic locations in the world,” Dr. Klaus Schmidt claims. But as he explains in a recent report, to understand the new finds, archaeologists need to work closely with specialists in comparative religion, architectural and art theory, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, sociologists using social network theory, and others.
“It is the complex story of the earliest, large settled communities, their extensive networking, and their communal understanding of their world, perhaps even the first organized religions and their symbolic representations of the cosmos,” as reported by Klaus Schmidt.
In addition to the megalithic structures, figures and carvings have been discovered, depicting animals of pre historic nature such as dinosaurs and other wild life. Since excavations started in 1995, four of the circles have been partially cleaned, but it is thought that there are a total of up to 50 circles hidden underground. These vast monoliths, soaring seven meters in height and 25 tons in mass at Gobekli Tepe, are situated right in the heart of what we perceive as the origin of civilization. This find offers new guidance to the true history of earth and our ancient civilizations.
“Our archaeological research goal is not to simply uncover all of the megalithic circles but to try to figure out their purpose,” adds Schmidt.
The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids now in the eighth year of excavation spans six square kilometers in the Visoko River Basin 40km northwest of Sarajevo. Comprised of four ancient pyramids almost three times the size of Giza and an extensive subterranean pyramid tunnel complex, new discoveries each year continue to reveal proof of a much different history of mankind on earth. The central pyramid of the Sun rises a colossal 420 meters in to the air and has a mass of millions of tons. By comparison the Great pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) in the Giza plateau is 146 meters high, making the Bosnian Pyramids the largest and oldest known pyramids on the planet. Since research began at the Bosnian site, Dr. Osmanagich has amazed the scientific and archaeological community by gathering a team of interdisciplinary engineers, physicists and researchers from around the world to conduct open and transparent investigation of the site to try and discover the true nature and purpose of this pyramidal complex.
“This is an unknown culture presenting highly-advanced arts and sciences, technology capable of forming truly massive structures and we believe in that process demonstrating an ability to harness pure energy resources,” comments Tim Moon, who has recently joined Osmanagich as lead archeologist at the Bosnian site.
The archaeological project delivered another significant finding this year in the pyramid tunnel complex known as Ravine. Tunneling deep into a ridge line leading toward the Pyramid of the Sun the team has unearthed several megalith stones. In August an enormous stone estimated at 25,000 kgs was uncovered approximately 400 meters into the labyrinth. “This is a hugely significant find,” comments Moon. “Here we have a massive stone, possibly a constructed ceramic, buried under hundreds of thousands of tons of material. We are locating foundation walls around its perimeter and cut stone blocks.” Large quantities of artifacts have been recovered from the associated tunnels leading to the site, including effigies painted on stone, art objects and a series of hieroglyphics or ancient texts carved into the tunnel walls.
Dr. Osmangich stresses that it is time for open sharing of knowledge so we can understand and learn from our past.
“It is time for us to open our minds to the true nature of our origin and destruction of each other as a civilization on this planet. Our mission here is to realign science with spirituality in order to progress as a species, and this demands a clear path of shared knowledge.”
Visitors are welcome to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and its Foundation offers a volunteer program each dig season, running June to September.
For more on the Bosnian Pyramids go to www.icbp.ba.
About the Author
Deborah West worked in corporate public relations and media for over 20 years and is currently a freelancer, reporting on a wide variety of topics including disclosure, ancient and multidimensional civilizations, the the shift in humanity’s consciousness and brings truthful reporting to topics ranging from healthcare to energy. She writes a column called Lost Knowledge at The New Era Times and has a weekly radio show called Lost Knowledge on Tuesdays 3-5pm CST. To see her articles go to: http://www.tnetimes.com/contributor/deborah_west/92/
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
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In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light — the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form.
As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions to anchor this divine template of Light into your human form. It has been divinely decreed that on this day of 11-11, your new Golden Template is activated for you to fully download into your life.
When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this 11:11 opening. The Gateways of Power are clear entries established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time.
Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed. You can claim this empowerment, access these exalted states that exist beyond the Gateway and use them to bless your own life and all of humanity.
The Gateway of the Archangels
On November 11, your Golden Crystalline Template is activated to be grounded into the new frequencies of your human body through access to the pathways opened by the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon stand present as they hold Divine Light in massive pillars at the gateway that opens for you during this sacred moment in time.
Archangel Sandalphon holds frequencies of Earth’s crystalline grid so you can anchor and become familiar with the new 5D energy systems.
Archangel Gabriel holds the power for Balance of the sacred masculine and feminine to awaken on the Earth, which allows Unity consciousness within each man, woman and child.
Archangel Michael offers you the courage to step into your highest potential as a blended divine human in 5D consciousness.
Archangel Raphael offers immersion into the Light of Divine Love that permeates every cell and brings into you the highest frequency your human form can integrate in this sacred moment of 11:11.
How to Step through the Gateway
Bring the Soul’s vision from your Higher Self for the new life you desire to awaken into your conscious awareness, honor it and hold it in your heart. Invite the Archangels for assistance to anchor the higher 5D frequencies very gracefully into your human form. Ask to be in Harmony with the new crystalline Golden Template as decreed by your Soul’s original blueprint to bring divinity into your human form.
Take sacred time during the 24 hours of November 11, most especially at the moments a digital clock displays 11:11, to anchor these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels standing guard over the gateway are holding this expansive Portal of Golden Light open for you. See them standing there; massive wings of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth. These great Archangels are bringing to you a blessing from God.
When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision for new life of Peace and Harmony on the Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world. That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old frequencies and energy systems cannot exist simultaneously, when your Soul becomes aligned with its purpose in an empowered, integrated way.
In the holy instant of profound opening, the Gateway of the Archangels awakens your divinity into alignment with your physical form, as you step into the 5D Golden Template for new life on Earth. Know that as you claim this for yourself, these frequencies bless all of humanity in this moment of awakening.
The Intention of the 11:11 Empowerment
The greater intention for this 11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy into the depths of the Earth so that planetary evolution will prevail.
As millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility during the fifth dimensional shift occurring on this planet.
The flow of Divine Love through each person creates an expansion in perception when the veils have parted, so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for planetary well-being so the Earth and all humanity can also receive from this moment in time will be of great benefit.
Asking for miracles is very appropriate when you are in the celestial gateway between Heaven and Earth.
The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow specific goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers and intentions are the key to this process.
As you walk through the gateway, symbolically or literally, you will leave behind outmoded forms and patterns of existence that do not fit your new Golden Template of Light or the energy stream of Unity Consciousness occurring on the planet at this sacred time.
Create the model of your new life through your intentional setting forth of exalted ideas, even if their form is still unclear. Lift your vibration through prayer, inviting the guiding wisdom of your Soul and the Archangels to lead you. Embrace the new level of your inner being merging with your most Divine Self, and invite Archangel Sandalphon to help you anchor it on the Earth.
Although the path on the other side of the 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels may not unfold for you all at once, you can be shown a glimpse of a new vision to give your heart a burst of hope. Do know that as you walk through this portal, you are aligning with the Beings of Light who guide you, and you are never alone. Your demonstration of this intention to live in harmony with your new Golden Template of Light, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being. This empowers you to experience greater Faith as you take the next steps and the next on your path into an unknown future. Know that you have aligned with your Soul’s Purpose and are being guided every step of the way. Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you.
Union with the Self
During this day of 11-11, join with others for a profound Gateway initiation with the Archangels. You will be connected with the Source of All That Is Divine as you step into your Golden Template for the blending of your most Divine Self with your most human. Give thanks for the Grace that descends during this precious period of time. Receive it deeply within your being, and acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity.
The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self so you become a Bridge between Heaven and Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness.
Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point — the key that fits the doorway to Unity within you and within all beings on the planet.
Archangels of Light and the Divine Presence of All That Is:
As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 Gateway of Power, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.
I joyfully invite the Golden Template that holds my 5D Crystalline Body to integrate my human form as is in my highest good at this sacred time.
Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Peace and Wellbeing into the Earth to assist its evolution.
I join with the Angelic Dimensions and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the integration of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine. I dance through the Light-filled gateways feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness of new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat.
I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine gifts being offered to me now with supreme Gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light on the planet to bless all of Nature. As I bring loving awareness and respect for the Earth into my consciousness, all of humanity awakens into this requirement for new life.
Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into the Golden Template for my crystalline body. With every step, may I use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being so I may be a blessing for the Earth.
For this and all the blessings I am receiving, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Beloved Family of Light, the energies are accelerating as you move towards the 11/11 Star Gate on the 11th of November. This will be a powerful moment in your New Earth Transformation, a moment when the energies of Sacred Union and the Divine Heart come together to initiate and activate New Creation on your Earth. It will also be a moment when your Multi-Dimensional Body will be ready to activate the Template for your new 5D Body within your Cellular Blueprints.
Sacred Union : Heaven and Earth and the Divine Heart
At this time in your year, the Sun/Solaris and the Blue Star System Sirius, come together as "Two Suns" in your Galactic neighbourhood in the Golden Rose Galaxy (Milky Way). They enter into a Sacred Geometrical Alignment known as a "Vesica Pisces". This is when two energy "spheres" come together and create a space for mutual "seeding" of new ideas and new energies and new forms.
In this case, the Vesica Pisces open a doorway to the Great Central Sun, flooding the two Star Systems with waves of Diamond Light and Creative Energy from the Divine Heart at the Great Central Sun. This wave of powerful energy then reverberates around the Galaxy as waves upon waves of Light Codes and Information is transmitted outwards.
For your Beloved Earth, as you have raised your frequency and aligned with the Fifth Dimension and higher, you have become more capable of receiving these High Frequency waves of Light that emanate from the Divine Heart. You are able to feel more intensely the original Rays of Light that emanate from the One Heart at the center of All Things.
This process has been happening in tandem with the disintegration of the old third-dimensional global system and the rise of new forms of Community on the Earth. The Indigo Crystal Beings are now ready to stand up and make a difference as they express their Soul Missions on the Earth. You are seeing new governments, such as in Canada, that are being chosen to replace the old ways with new ideas and energies. Then also, you are seeing student movements in places like South Africa, where young people, the Crystal generation, are stepping forward to say "no" and "it is enough". This whirlwind of change is aligning with all the work that has been done by the Light Workers and the Warriors of Light to anchor the New Earth Grids, and to welcome the new Planetary Energies that are creating a Planetary Community at a Higher Level of Consciousness.
Beloved Family of Light, while this may seem to be a chaotic time, please be aware also of deep changes that are happening on the Earth. The Planet is receiving her Light Codes and transformative information from the Divine Heart and this moment of Sacred Union is being received as Light Codes and stored in the Planetary Heart and in your own Divine Sacred Heart. In both cases, these Light Codes will assist and accelerate your Ascension and Transformation.
Sacred Union : Activating your New Earth Fifth-Dimensional Body Template
Beloved Ones, in this process of aligning Heavenly or Galactic energies to birth a New Earth, a similar process is also happening with your Multi-Dimensional Body System.
Your Divine Heart and your Earth Heart are aligning to create a Vesica Pisces or Star Gate at your own Sacred Heart Center. And, in this moment, the Light Codes are generating a New Template for your 5D Physical Body.
We would like to explain this to you. Imagine that your Multi-Dimensional Energy Body is made up of two energy spheres, or Energy Hearts, which we will call a Heavenly Sphere and an Earthly Sphere, or Heaven and Earth. At the center, where these two Spheres connect, is your own beautiful Sacred Heart.
Now, when these two spheres are strongly activated by Galactic Light Codes and Frequency transmissions, your Sacred Heart begins to issue forth new instructions for your life on Earth and for your physical body.
At this time, the Diamond Light Codes are issuing new instructions from the Divine Heart for the Activation of a new Fifth-Dimensional Physical Body Template. This physical body is "lighter" and less dense than the 3D Body, and so you may feel some symptoms of this activation and transformation.
Firstly, there may be symptoms of stress, especially in the Heart area. Your Heart Center is taking on immensely powerful energies, as it aligns with Divine Light, and you may find yourself experiencing palpitations or shortness of breath, or mild stress in the chest area. You may also experience insomnia and disturbed sleep, as well as unusual dreams, as your own deep inner processes align with those of the Planetary Consciousness in Transformation.
At the 11/11/8, this New Earth 5D Body Template will be fully activated in your cellular matrix. Beloved Ones, we feel it would be a good idea for you, at this time, to work with the aligning of the Three Sacred Hearts in your Multi-Dimensional System. This wIll facilitate the flow of energy between them, the Divine Heart or Cosmic Heart, your own Sacred Heart, and the Sacred Heart of the Earth. Simply visualize these three hearts in perfect alignment and the Diamond Light Energy flowing between them and into the Earth Heart, so that there is no disharmony or blockages to the flow. In this way, you will be fulfilling your purpose on the Earth, by simply allowing and accepting the flow of Divine Energy that is supporting and assisting your transformation.
Sacred Union : Earth, Sea and Sky
Humpback whales celebrating the New Earth off the coast of South Africa at the beginning of November.
Beloved Ones, just as you are activating a new Fifth-Dimensional Body Template, so is the Earth. The Planet is using the powerful waves of Light Energy from the Divine Heart to realign and re-design the Planetary Body.
Now, this process has been ongoing for many years and many of you have participated and continue to participate in New Earth Planetary Grid Work together with the Earth. This allows the Earth to work with you in designing, dreaming and manifesting the New Earth.
The Earth is also, however, working with the Elemental energies of Air, Water, Fire, Spirit and Matter, to facilitate the changes and the activation of a New Earth Planetary Body. So it is that Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Spirit are all working to reshape the Planetary reality. Many of the natural events that look like "disasters" or "storm events" are evidence of the Earth and the Elementals working together to reshape the 5D Earth so that you may create new societies and new communities in new ways as you rise to the challenges of a New Earth.
The old consumerist society is dying and people are losing interest in ownership and consumption. A new philosophy based on sustainable sharing of resources is birthing in Human Consciousness, and this will align with the work of the Elemental Energies and the Devas of Nature, to create a New Earth Planet.
It will be a slow process, but while you are in this process, be aware of the changes that are occurring and the ways in which the Planet is shaping her future destiny and her body, even as you are shaping yours, to align with a Bright Future of Harmony and Peace in a less dense Reality filled with Diamond and Golden Light!
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for November. . .
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
11:11 is a time for anchoring in our new reality. One Key to Manifesting is to celebrate in advance what you are wanting. Waiting to celebrate until what you want happens is old paradigm thinking. It is time to step into our mastery. That's why the Starseeds came here....for this time!
Quote from Abraham
You've got to BE HAPPY (celebrate) with the vibrational version before the manifested version can come....
We're not asking you to be happy in the absence of what you want. We're asking you to BE HAPPY in the VIBRATIONAL PRESENCE of what you want.
Another Abraham pearl of wisdom:
Your work is not to make it happen.
Your work is to let it happen.
not negative thinking....by HOPEFUL THINKING,
not doubtful thinking...by BELIEIVING IT WILL COME,
rather than doubting it will come...
By talking yourself into FEELING GOOD!
St. Germain reminds us:
Never mind what is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire.
What a wonderful webinar! I watched waves of energy enter the room as I watched. I hope this will be available for viewing soon. Can't wait for the next one! With love and appreciation. Dr. Arden
Another beautiful gathering of our brothers and sisters. I feel such a sense of community, and joy as the words change me. It is a definite knowing that the information is powerful, yet the experience even more so. I am always so grateful to you and for you. Looking forward to next month. Mary P.
PAO's Live Webinar for November. . .
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Your physical body exists at a specific location in space and time. In order to relocate physically, you have to travel to the new location. Your mind, however, is free to roam to different locations and even to other points in time.
In recent decades, Remote Viewing – the mental viewing of remote locations – has been developed into a highly disciplined method of obtaining information from other locations in time and space.
Many people have experienced their own versions of this skill in the form of precognition or deja vu, where scenes that you suddenly recognize in your life are scenes that you had previously viewed while in another state of consciousness.
Deja vu occurs because you, as a soul, pre-planned the major themes of your life before your were born. You chose the time, the place and your parents in order to set a life plan in motion which would explore the desired themes.
Such pre-planning gave rise to the occurrence of related, meaningful events in your life which may have given you the impression that pre-destiny does exist.
To a degree, destiny does exist. The major themes of your life are pre-planned, by you, ahead of time. As you pass through life, certain names, places, people and activities resonate with a certain special-ness in your consciousness.
It’s almost as if you knew these events once before, but you can’t quite remember when or where. That is so-called destiny, unfolding into your life along the lines of pre-planned, pre-viewed events.
In the phenomenon called deja vu, this previewing occurred either during your pre-life planning or in a recent, out-of-body, dream-state where, in order to help yourself remain on-purpose, you reviewed the important, upcoming events in your life.
Your soul, or inner self, has the capability, not only to see, but to BE in different locations in space and time. Physical life is a projection of consciousness, which appears to be solid, which appears to be fixed in location, and which appears to run along a linear timeline.
Solidity, space and time are all projections of consciousness in the theater of life. They are nowhere near as fixed as we have been led to believe.
When a particularly vivid example of deja vu occurs, it is not just the recall of a recent dream, it is more likely to be a real-time connection with your inner self – your complete consciousness – when you were planning this lifetime of experience.
Your inner self can look into how a plan of action would work out by connecting with the actual event at the time and space location where the event will occur.
It can be a little disorienting to be living your regular life and suddenly have a brief connection with your inner self as it was working through the planning stage of your life many years ago before you were born.
In fact, you can come out of such a contact with your complete, inner self consciousness wondering – just for a split-second – where you are, and what the date is today!
Such an experience is an excellent example of the wide-ranging consciousness of your inner self. It has the ability to relocate to and directly experience other locations in space and time.
As you progress in the development of your consciousness you will acquire more and more of the attributes of the expanded consciousness of your complete, inner self. Your daily consciousness is a tight focus, a subset, of your complete consciousness. That daily, waking consciousness is now expanding to incorporate more of the capabilities which you already possess within your complete, inner self.
Now that The Shift to the New Reality is occurring, this type of inner development is accelerating rapidly. As time passes, you will become more and more capable of perceiving other locations in time and space.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday this month, we are having our webinar on the Thursday/Sunday schedule. Also, to ensure you receive your link, we suggest you register early. Thanks! or as the Sirians say: ZaZuMa! (heartfelt gratitude).
Selamat Ja!
Did you know. . . .
The Sirians do not have a word for "no".
Learn About the Sirian's role in our Future
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
We are essentially living out our own version of a virtual reality game. This experience is being played out within a matter bubble that is constantly reflecting back to us, our thought vibration. Everything around us represents the thoughts that we have emanated into this creation field.
Earth reality is a consciousness hologram and we, as the participants, are programmed to believe it is real. This might feel a little uncomfortable yet it is an idea that garners a lot of support from quantum physicists, who continue to find clear evidence that the universe we inhabit is a giant holographic existence.
This is like we are living inside an encoded light projection, analogous to an IMAX movie theater and its animated screen. Depending upon the lens of the perceiver, material substance in a hologram can change its form depending upon the point at which it is being observed.
We exist inside a program that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is.
As the main viewer, we are essentially living out our own version of a virtual reality game. This experience is being played out within a matter bubble that is constantly reflecting back to us, our thought vibration. Everything around us represents the thoughts that we have emanated into this creation field.
Within the gridwork of the hologram, all is connected. In the first Seal of Coherence, the idea was presented that you are a microcosm of the macrocosm. You are both the part and the whole. This is your holographic self. As a hologram, the part and the whole are both one and the same. It is only in this earthly sojourn, that you are expressing the whole as a part.
You are really just a miniscule extension of your higher vibratory self, expressing itself in a slower vibrational state. Face it, you are only a projection of consciousness. So, have fun with this and see how far you can go with the highest thoughts that you can imagine!
presented by Tiara Kumara Children of the Sun Foundation
I AM Avatar Education
Humans have cultivated and used the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, known colloquially as marijuana, since history was recorded. Archaeologists in Central Asia even found over 2 pounds of cannabis in a 2,700 year-old grave of a shaman.
Written and pictorial evidence of cannabis use is scattered throughout numerous cultures indicating a wide acceptance and use of the plant for thousands of years.
Drug Classification Halts Use
Federal prohibitions outlawing the therapeutic and recreational use of cannabis were first imposed by Congress with the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Later, the plant’s organic compounds (cannabinoids) were classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
This classification puts the plant in the same pool as heroin and states that cannabis possesses “a high potential for abuse … no currently accepted medical use … [and] a lack of accepted safety for the use of the drug … under medical supervision.”
In contrast, cocaine and methamphetamine – illegal for recreational use, may be consumed under a doctors supervision and are classified as Schedule II drugs. Examples of Schedule III and IV drugs include anabolic steroids and Valium. Analgesics that contain codeine are defined by law as Schedule V drugs, the most lenient classification.
In Support of Therapeutic Use
Federal lawmakers continue to use the dated drug classification as a means to defend the criminalization of marijuana. However, there appears to be very little scientific basis for the categorization of the plant. As its prohibition has passed 75 years, researchers continue to study the therapeutic properties of cannabis.
Read Also:Warning: Taking These Supplements May Increase Your Risk of Cancer (and how to fix it)
There are over 20,000 published reviews and studies in scientific literature that pertain to the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, almost one-third of these have been published in the last 4 years. A keyword search on PubMed Central (the US government library of peer-reviewed scientific research) shows 2,100 studies alone since 2011.
Modern culture is now catching up on what our ancestors knew, and public opinion and relaxing state legislation are leading the way for more people to use medicinal marijuana for a wide number of medical conditions. At present, marijuana for medical purposes is legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia.
While the debate continues to boil at both state and federal levels, there has been a strong and growing trend of acceptance related to the growing body of scientific evidence indicating that marijuana may indeed contain some powerful medicinal properties that we would be foolish to overlook.
Joycelyn Elders, MD, former US Surgeon General, wrote the following in a Mar. 26, 2004 article titled “Myths About Medical Marijuana,” published in the Providence Journal: Testimony – A Success Story
While many remain suspicious of the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, Stan and Barb Rutner are convinced of its efficacy. This couple has stood in the face of cancer a number of times and survived to learn from their experiences.
Barb had two bouts of breast cancer and Stan was diagnosed 20 years ago with non-Hodgkin lymphoma which, after treatment, disappeared. However, in 2011, it returned. Cancerous nodes in his lungs were diagnosed and later he was told that the cancer was in his brain. The outlook was grim indeed.
Read Also:Candida: How To Eliminate It Naturally
As he went through the harsh treatment of chemotherapy and radiation, Stan and his family wanted to find a natural solution that would help improve his quality of life and even prolong it. Hearing that cannabis was effective in helping with the pain and other effects of chemotherapy for cancer patients they were more than open to give it a try. According to Stan and Barb, medical cannabis was the golden ticket.
The Rutners daughter, Corinne and her husband did some research and it was decided that daytime cannabis capsule infused in coconut oil would be a good choice. After two weeks of taking the capsule, Stan was able to give up his oxygen tank that he was tied to around the clock. He began to gain weight, sleep better and get stronger overall. After several months, a brain scan revealed that Stan was completely cancer free.
The Rutners are convinced that cannabis works as an anti-cancer medicine. According to John, the Rutners son-in-law, “There is no doubt in my mind that cannabis pulled my father-in-law out of the wasting stages of cancer and enabled him to gain strength and in turn fight this horrible cell malfunction with success. While many would say that the chemo and radiation could have played apart, he would never have lived long enough to find out without cannabis oil.”
While the use of marijuana has been studied in the past for the treatment of many health conditions and especially pain-related disorders, exciting new research has identified a before-unknown compound in cannabis that can significantly alleviate inflammation, without causing people to feel “high.”
Published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, researchers at the Institute for Drug Research, Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology have discovered a new compound in cannabis, which they called HU-444. HU-444 demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory effects without the likelihood of the mind-altering effects commonly attributed to cannabis use. The study authors “believe that HU-444 represents a potential novel (treatment) for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.”
As most people are aware, the controversy over the use of marijuana has been longstanding, but polls show a continued increase in support of it over the years. In a Gallup poll asking Americans: “Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal, or not?” 58 percent of Americans said “yes” this year compared to 51 percent a year earlier. It has been a mostly linear increase since 1969 when Gallup first started polling Americans about legalizing marijuana. At that time, only 12 percent thought marijuana use should be legal.Perhaps the increasing number of studies around marijuana’s potential for medical applications has played a role in the support for legalizing the herb. New Canadian research might help further that trend. In a new study published in the Journal of Pain by the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, researchers showcased the results of the world’s first long-term study of marijuana for pain to determine the potential for harmful side-effects from long-term use. The scientists dispensed a standardized cannabis product with 12.5 percent THC to 215 chronic pain sufferers who had not used cannabis prior to the study. While there are hundreds of different naturally-occurring compounds found in marijuana, or Cannabis sativa, as it is technically called, the best known therapeutic one is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The researchers then followed the study participants for one year to determine whether there was any potential for negative side-effects of using the herb in the long-term. Two hundred and sixteen additional chronic pain sufferers acted as controls for the study. While some of the cannabis users experienced mild side-effects of long-term use, there was no increased risk of serious adverse effects.
Perhaps one of the biggest deterrents to legalizing marijuana use has been public concern over the potential for negative side effects, but this new, long-term study suggests at least some of the concern is unfounded. And, bearing in mind the potential side effects of pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of pain, medical marijuana warrants further consideration.
For example, a commonly-used arthritis drug known as Celebrex was initially banned because it was linked to the deaths of many people, most likely because it increased heart attack risk. The drug is back in pharmacies, although the formulation appears to be identical to the one that caused fatalities. One study found that people who take 400 milligrams of Celebrex twice a day have three times the risk of having heart attacks, other heart problems, strokes or cardiovascular disease death, compared with people who don’t take the drug. People who take 200 milligrams twice daily have double the risk.
Obviously, cannabis is not suitable for everyone suffering from pain. Those with a history of addiction should avoid it. And, while low doses have been found to improve anxiety, higher doses may aggravate the condition. But, the growing body of research about its potential for medicinal benefits and the new long-term research showcasing few negative side-effects suggests that marijuana’s acceptance will likely continue its upward trend.
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Many of us are having a lot of unique situations and the energy feels very different. Those of us who have been on the path for a long time know that this energy is a part of the path. We also know that it is the difficult part because it is where we are moving into brand new territory that we have never experienced before.
This new territory feels like it is “the next step,” but we do not have a clue how to navigate through this frequency of reality. However, we do know that we need to call in our higher multidimensional self and connect with the component of our SELF who is able to assist us in the manner that we can best accept.
It is important that we connect with our own stream of consciousness, our own web of being-ness. Our own higher expressions of SELF know everything about every component of our Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, they can best assist us as we travel through our ascension process.
Furthermore, our Higher SELF perceives everything our grounded self does, but from a multidimensional perspective. Because we are here to Ascend Gaia, we need to clean up every unresolved issue from any of our incarnations. Our grounded self is not aware all the thought forms and energy fields we have left from our myriad incarnations, but our Higher Self does.
Therefore, we must go down into the basement and up into the attic to clean up every spot of all the lives we have ever taken. We do this for Gaia! We do this for Gaia because we came for Her this time. We’ve gone through many lives when we came for ourselves. We wanted to experience a cause and effect planet – a planet where you put energy out and it came back.
When we were at a low state of consciousness our came back so much later in “time” that we often forgot that we were the ones who put it out. Therefore, we often felt like we were victims. Now suddenly everything is speeding up – whoosh – so fast. And, we are leaving time, we are moving into NOW.
As we move into this Nowness everything changes. Everything shifts - because if we don’t have time we don’t have sequence. Hence, that sequence that we have so relied on – that’s was our sub-conscious, our un-consciousness, and our conscious self. Then, there was super-conscious, our higher Angel, our Ascended Master. But beings are not lined up in a row like that anymore.
That separation was an illusion based on the illusion of time. And the illusion of time was created because it was a cause and effect planet. In order for the brave beings that took bodies on Gaia so that they could learn that energy out is energy back—there had to be “time.”
Hence, we put our energy out, but as I said before, then it came back so much later that we didn’t learn. Our frequency energy fields and thought forms are much faster. They move out faster and come back to us much faster—meaning they come back to us in less “time.”
Therefore it looks like, we are really working our Ascension by eating right and sleeping right and meditating and unconditionally loving and blazing the violet fire and reading the right things and loving nature etc. etc.
However, even with all these choices, we are the ones having the difficult initiations. Meanwhile, that person over there hasn’t done a thing and they are just riding free and easy. This dynamic is occurring because those people are at that frequency in which the energy that they put comes back to them much later in “time.”
On the other hand, those of us who are “accepting the process of ascension” are having higher states of consciousness. Hence, whatever energy fields and thought forms we send out come back very quickly. In fact, we are also bumping into energy fields and thoughts forms from other incarnations and timelines to clear our other realities as well as our current one.
Gaia is shifting into Her higher frequencies now. Hence, higher frequencies of Gaia are starting to open up. This opening is because more and more of us have expanded their consciousness enough to expand our perceptions. Then, these higher perceptions allow us to perceive a higher frequency reality just beyond our third-dimensional world.
Those who “only believe the physical world is real” put out those thought forms and those energy fields. Thus, that is the reality that they have created. On the other hand, those of us who are expanding our consciousness and perceptions are beginning to perceive more and more shifts of energy in our daily life.
There are octaves of Gaia that are almost like a stair step that you can only see through our third eye, our fifth-dimensional imagination, and by:
· releasing our third-dimensional limitations, · connecting with our fifth-dimensional and beyond self,
· creating an intimate daily communication with that our Higher SELF,
· listening to what it is telling us
· Then, and most important:
· Doing what our Higher SELF has shared with us to do.
All of these perceptual changes represent a very big shift in our consciousness, our life and interpretation of reality. In fact, this shift is from being a third dimensional human to being a multidimensional awareness that taken a human earth vessel.
I was born in 1946 and forgot to forget. Therefore, I felt “cast adrift on a hostile planet” for decades. But NOW I know that it was never the planet that was hostile, it was the Cabal that was hostile. It took communicating with my Galactic Family to realize that, as well as lot of therapy and meditation.
My point in the above paragraph is that I have been on Earth for a while, most of time fully aware of energy fields and cosmic events, but this NOW is different. It was never like this before. This energy is brand new.
Another thing that is different is that—more and more—we, the people, are really taking full responsibility for the reality that WE have created. In fact, we are not only taking responsibility for this life, but also for what we have created in past lives, or even in what we might think of as future lives.
What do we do with this type of a challenge? We don’t know do we, because this hasn’t occurred before. We can’t go back into any memory banks to find out how we did lived in this type of reality on Earth. We could move in “time” to see a similar reality, but that’s a different time.
This is this Now. And this Now is different. I know if it’s different because I’ve had all these Now’s, all these many decades of this energy field NOT being here. Furthermore, what is happening now is not exactly happen the way humanity wanted it to happen. But something did occur, and is occurring.
There were always times when reality shifted a little bit. Sometimes it shifted down into the dark side, which was not much fun. Other times, the shift was like the clouds cleared and there was this Now of illumination that we could all soak up and live within.
We, the ones who have been engaged in this experiment of, “Can we transition from a third-dimensional body of clay that is filled with all the fourth-dimensional etheric issues that we have ever left in the Astral plane in any of our incarnations?
Could it be possible that we could clear all of third and fourth dimensional effluvia in this lifetime? More so, can we do this clearing, not for ourselves, not because we want to Ascend and we want out of here? We are already out of here. We are already multi-dimensional.
The beings that we are talking to all the time, whether we remember it or not, are higher dimensional expressions of our own Multidimensional SELF. We are already completely connected. In fact, we all volunteered to take this earth vessel to see if we could remember that within the earth vessel that we are wearing in this now is our own higher dimensional SELF.
Even more difficult, we volunteered to know we are multidimensional even though our third dimensional brain cannot remember and what we can’t remember within that persona. Hence, we must trust our SELF. We must trust our self t even though we may think, “Wow, I really chose a hard way.”
Yes, we chose this way before you took this incarnation. We chose this path while we were in within our fifth-dimensional self and beyond. We saw all the myriad incarnations, parallel and alternate realities.
We were aware of all the different types of reality that we would need to pull into one big package and Unconditionally Love and blaze with the Violet Fire. Therefore, we need to say everyday, as we look in the mirror, as we open our eyes, as we look in to the pupils of our own eyes: “I Love You Unconditionally.”
But, what is Unconditional Love? Love was always conditional. If we were good enough then we were loved. If we did the right thing then we were loved. If we didn’t, we weren’t loved.
Love was something that we earned and if we were very good we might be able to keep that love. But, if you were bad, you lost that love. But now there is the concept of “Unconditional Love” in which, no matter what we do or don’t do, no matter who we are or aren’t, we deserve, we are, we live, we channel, we ground Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness.
Now that can be a challenge. Unconditional Forgiveness is not I’ll forgive you “if” or “when” you… Unconditional Forgiveness is without conditions! This unconditional forgiveness is a fifth-dimensional energy field, because I flows from the ONE of the higher dimensions.
Another fifth dimensional flowing energy field is “Unconditionally Acceptance,” which reminds us that we chose the very program that we are running right now in the holographic illusion of third-dimensional Earth.
We wrote this matrix, we live this matrix. If anyone is to change this Matrix, it must be our self because WE created it. Actually, changing the 3D Matrix that we created is exactly what we are being called upon to do.
And we WILL and ARE changing our third dimensional Matrix, no only for our self but Gaia as well. That is what is really different. We are remembering that we came here for Gaia. We came to Earth to assist with planetary ascension.
We could remember this fact because we have remembered we are already ascended within the higher frequencies of our own Multidimensional SELF!
For a free recording of this message, please click HERE
Below this list is a representation of the position of the ships that surround Earth and the Moon. There are billions more ships that are parked in our skies and in the solar system. Like I said, this is not a small undertaking.
Anonymous (made up of positive factions in the alphabet agencies along with humanity)
Agartha Network/City of Agartha
Ashtar Command
Brotherhood of the Star
Blue Dragons
CIA (positive factions)
Central Civilization/Wingmakers
Esoteric Brotherhood
FBI (positive factions)
Dou Mu (chinese goddess)
Galactic Confederation
Gnostic Illuminati
Michael (codename for resistance group)/The Organization
A Very important comment I neglected to make when I sent this post out originally is that you should NEVER use Arm & Hammer Baking soda as it has been known to contain heavy metals. Either get a pharmacy grade baking soda or one from Bob's Red Mill.
Healing the Kidneys with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have for kidney disease. New research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.[1] We don’t need a thousand years of tests to understand something as simple as water and it is quite the same with bicarbonate, which is always present in the best drinking waters.
Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it.[2]
The simple household product used for baking, cleaning, bee stings, treating asthma, cancer and acid indigestion is so effective in treating kidney disease that it prevents patients from having to be put on kidney machines. The findings have been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Bicarbonate is a truly strong universal concentrated nutritional medicine that works effectively in many clinical situations that we would not normally think of. It is a prime emergency room and intensive care medicine that can save a person’s life in a heartbeat and it is also a supermarket item that you can take right off the shelf and use for more things than one can imagine – including diaper rash.
Dr. SK Hariachar, a nephrologist who oversees the Renal Hypertension Unit in Tampa Florida stated, upon seeing the research on bicarbonate and kidney disease, “I am glad to see confirmation of what we have known for so long. I have been treating my patients with bicarbonate for many years in attempts to delay the need for dialysis, and now we finally have a legitimate study to back us up. Not only that, we have the added information that some people already on dialysis can reverse their condition with the use of sodium bicarbonate”.
John, a dialysis technician at the same center as Dr. Hariachar, who used to be on dialysis himself for 2 years as a result of kidney failure, had his kidneys miraculously start functioning to the point where dialysis was no longer needed. He states that he was prescribed oral doses of sodium bicarbonate throughout his treatment, and still takes it daily to prevent recurrences of kidney failure. Dr. Hariachar maintains though, that not everyone will be helped by taking bicarbonate. He says that those patients who have difficulty excreting acids, even with dialysis using a bicarbonate dialysate bath, that, “oral bicarbonate makes all the difference.”
Kidneys Produce Bicarbonate
The exocrine section of the pancreas has been greatly ignored in the treatment of diabetes even though its impairment is a well documented condition. The pancreas is primarily responsible for the production of enzymes and bicarbonate necessary for normal digestion of food. Bicarbonate is so important for protecting the kidneys that even the kidneys get into the act of producing bicarbonate and now we know the common denominator between diabetes and kidney disease. When the body is hit with reductions in bicarbonate output by these two organs,’ acid conditions build and then entire body physiology begins to go south. Likewise when acid buildup outstrips these organs normal bicarbonate capacity cellular deterioration begins.
The kidneys alone produce about two hundred and fifty grams (about half a pound) of bicarbonate per day in an attempt to neutralize acid in the body.
The kidneys monitor and control the acidity or “acid-base” (pH) balance of the blood. If the blood is too acidic, the kidney makes bicarbonate to restore the bloods pH balance. If the blood is too alkaline, then the kidney excretes bicarbonate into the urine to restore the balance. Acid-base balance is the net result of two processes, first, the removal of bicarbonate subsequent to hydrogen ion production from the metabolism of dietary constituents; second, the synthesis of “new” bicarbonate by the kidney.[3]
It is considered that normal adults eating ordinary Western diets have chronic, low-grade acidosis which increases with age. This excess acid, or acidosis, is considered to contribute to many diseases and to contribute to the aging process. Acidosis occurs often when the body cannot produce enough bicarbonate ions (or other alkaline compounds) to neutralize the acids in the body formed from metabolism and drinking highly acid drinks like Coke, Pepsi and we are even seeing reports on bottled mineral water being way too acidic.
Acid-buffering by means of base supplementation is one of the major roles of dialysis. Bicarbonate concentration in the dialysate (solution containing water and chemicals (electrolytes) that passes through the artificial kidney to remove excess fluids and wastes from the blood, also called “bath.”) should be personalized in order to reach a midweek pre-dialysis serum bicarbonate concentration of 22 mmol/l.[4] Use of sodium bicarbonate in dialysate has been shown in studies to better control some metabolic aspects and to improve both treatment tolerance and patients’ life quality.Bicarbonate dialysis, unlike acetate-free biofiltration, triggers mediators of inflammation and apoptosis.[5]
One of the main reasons we become acid is from over-consumption of protein. Eating meat and dairy products may increase the risk of prostate cancer, research suggests.[6] We would find the same for breast and other cancers as well. Conversely mineral deficiencies are another reason and when you combine high protein intake with decreasing intake of minerals you have a disease in the making through lowering of pH into highly acidic conditions. When protein breaks down in our bodies they break into strong acids.
Unless a treatment actually removes acid toxins from the body and increases oxygen, water, and nutrients most medical interventions come to naught.
These acids must be excreted by the kidneys because they contain sulfur, phosphorus or nitrogen which cannot break down into water and carbon dioxide to be eliminated as the weak acids are. In their passage through the kidneys these strong acids must take a basic mineral with them because in this way they are converted into their neutral salts and don’t burn the kidneys on their way out. This would happen if these acids were excreted in their free acid form.
Substituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline infusion prior to administration of radiocontrast material seems to reduce the incidence of nephropathy.[7]- Dr. Thomas P. Kennedy
American Medical Association
Bicarbonate ions neutralize the acid conditions required for chronic inflammatory reactions. Hence, sodium bicarbonate is of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Sodium bicarbonate is a well studied and used medicine with known effects. Sodium bicarbonate is effective in treating poisonings or overdoses from many chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs by negating their cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effects.[8] It is the main reason it is used by orthodox oncology – to mitigate the highly toxic effects of chemotherapy.
Sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy metals, dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue with healthy tissue from the same person shows that the cancer tissue has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc.
Sodium bicarbonate injection is indicated in the treatment of metabolic acidosis, which may occur in severe renal disease, uncontrolled diabetes, and circulatory insufficiency due to shock or severe dehydration, extracorporeal circulation of blood, cardiac arrest and severe primary lactic acidosis. The acid/alkaline balance is one of the most overlooked aspects of medicine. In general, the American public is heavily acid, excepting vegetarians, and even their bodies have to face increasing levels of toxic exposure, which help turn the body to acidic pH conditions.
Written by peter van buren
[Originally appeared on WeMeantWell.com]
You don’t want to read this, and I take no pleasure in writing it, and no one really wants to hear it right now.
But I believe it needs to be said.
I join the world in grieving for the dead in Paris. I have grieved for the dead from 9/11 forward -- the Australians who died in terror attacks on Bali in 2005, Londoners who died in terror attacks in 2005, the French citizens who died in the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January of this year, the Russians whose plane went down over the Sinai a week or so ago.
I grieve also for those killed in smaller attacks already smuggled deep into the obscurity of our memory.
And so we Tweet hashtags and phrases in high school French and post GIFs to Facebook. We know what to do; we’ve done this before.
But it has to be said, especially looking at the sick repetition of the same story, that despite fourteen plus years of a war on terror, terror seems to be with us as much as ever, maybe even more.
It is time to rethink what we have done and are doing.
Since that day in 2001, the one with those terrible sparkling blue skies in New York, we have spied on the world, Americans at home and foreigners abroad, yet no one detected anything that stopped the Paris attacks. We gave up much to that spying and got nothing in return.
Since 2001, the United States has led nations like Britain, France, Australia and others into wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, with drone attacks on people from the Philippines to Pakistan to all parts of Africa. We have little to nothing to show for all that.
Since 2001 the US has expended enormous efforts to kill a handful of men -- bin Laden, al-Zarqawi, al-Awlaki, and this weekend, Jihadi John.
Others, many without names, were killed outside of media attention, or were tortured to death, or are still rotting in the offshore penal colony of Guantanamo, or the dark hell of the Salt Pit in Afghanistan.
And it has not worked, and Paris this weekend, and the next one somewhere else sometime soon, are the proof.
We gave up many of our freedoms in America to defeat the terrorists. It did not work.
We gave the lives of over 4,000 American men and women in Iraq, and thousands more in Afghanistan, to defeat the terrorists, and refuse to ask what they died for.
We killed tens of thousands or more in those countries. It did not work. We went to war again in Iraq, and now in Syria, before in Libya, and only created more failed states and ungoverned spaces that provide havens for terrorists and spilled terror like dropped paint across borders.
We harass and discriminate against our own Muslim populations and then stand slack-jawed as they become radicalized, and all we do then is blame ISIS for Tweeting.
Note that it is the strategy of Islamic terror to generate a crackdown in France in order to radicalise French Muslims. Hundreds of French citizens have already traveled to Syria to fight with groups including ISIS.
As one of the most intelligent commentators on all this, Bill Johnson, said, terrorism is about killing pawns to affect the king. The attacks in Paris are not about the murder of 150 innocent people. Hell, that many die nearly every day in Iraq and Syria.
The true test for France is how they respond to the terror attacks in the long-game -- that’s the king in all this. America failed this test post-9/11; yet it does not sound like France understands anything more than America. “We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless,” French president Hollande said outside the Bataclan concert hall, scene of the most bloodshed.
If I had exactly the right strategy, I’d tell you what it is, and I’d try and tell the people in Washington and Paris and everywhere else. But I don’t have the exact thing to do, and I doubt they’d listen to me anyway.
But I do have this: stop what we have been doing for the last 14 years. It has not worked. There is nothing at all to suggest it ever will work.
Whack-a-mole is a game, not a plan. Leave the Middle East alone. Stop creating more failed states. Stop throwing away our freedoms at home on falsehoods. Stop disenfranchising the Muslims who live with us.
Understand the war, such as it is, is against a set of ideas -- religious, anti-western, anti-imperialist -- and you cannot bomb an idea. Putting western soldiers on the ground in the Mid-East and western planes overhead fans the flames. Vengeance does not and cannot extinguish an idea.
Start with those things and see, even if you won’t give it 14 years to succeed, if things improve. Other than the death tolls scaling up further, I can’t imagine we could be doing anything worse.
Until tomorrow,
Chris Campbell
Managing editor, Laissez Faire Today
REMINDER: This month we are having our webinar on Thursday first and the following Sunday. This is due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US.
The purpose of our webinars is to inform, to activate, to empower, to uplift, to inspire and to bridge. The actual activation process is a very subtle one that involves the slight lifting of your spiritual amnesia. Activation takes place through the use of various combinations and sequences of words spoken during the webinar They contain a specific vibration pattern that sets up a resonance in your suppressed RNA/DNA memory. This vibration pattern then gradually helps to activate your remembrance of those past events and/or universal truths that are embedded in your cellular memory. You have suppressed them since childhood. Join us Thursday for a special activation from the Sirians.
Selamat Kasi, Sirian for "Much Love",
Colleen ~ A Sirian Starseed
THURSDAY is PAO's Live Webinar for November. . . Join us!
Comments from Webinar Attendees:
Dearest Sheldan and Colleen
We loved loved loved this webinar. Thank you both for all of your deep care and continuous stream keeping us abreast of the latest. Our Galactic Family came through with such reassurance, uplifting messages and bundles of love. This will for sure be the GIFT to give another.
Selamat Ja! Virgil and Tazz
As always during each webinar, we were bathed in amazing energy. The information as always inspired me to keep on keeping on. I am so grateful for you both and Sirian brothers and sisters. Looking forward to next month. MLP/US
In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.
During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.
Topics include...
• Origins of the Sirians. • The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future
Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
This is a time of prayer without ceasing. Each person on Earth needs to align to Source and know who they are – a child of the Divine. They need to take a stand in their minds and hearts for that which is good and right, to follow the golden rule. Each time those who do not follow these basic precepts of universal law create havoc and mayhem for its own sake, it is incumbent upon each individual to show the highest qualities they are capable of upholding. Each of you whose hearts are filled with love do more to sustain and maintain the balance on this planet than you can ever know. Do not become discouraged, for you have the strength within you to be as strong as the times you are in call for and it is important that you exercise this attribute by maintaining your equilibrium.
It is important to stay daily connected and aligned to the new energies, and reinforce these energies in your own being. This does more than you can imagine to assist humanity and the Earth go through the eye of the needle. The crossroads we have spoken of before are clearly before you, each person must make their choice, to move forward or stay behind in the old paradigm that is now kicking and screaming to retain its control. You know the answer to this one already and there can be only one choice and that choice is love. Be the love that burns within your heart and keep on keeping on. Do whatever you can to give assistance, send your Light and love out to those areas of the planet that are in need of it and ensure that you are in control of you and not reacting to the chaos in a way that compromises who you are within you.
Maintain your balance and keep the door to the light and to the promising future open. Use your discernment at all times. Remember, if it does not feel right or good, then it is in all likelihood not good, so do not believe everything you hear and give your power away. You control each situation you encounter by what you empower. You are your own savior, no one else can do the inner work but you. It is the time for you to use your light to transform yourself. There is much depth within you that now seeks to express outwardly. The energies are shifting and new levels of being are now being established. You have not lost any ground for all is in a state of flux. Follow your inner guidance and direction with faith and steely determination.
You are entering a new phase of soul development and it is important to be true to yourselves, to know yourselves. The changes that have been wrought on the etheric realms are now coming into expression on the physical plane. It is a new beginning on a new level of spiritual expression and as with everything new, it requires a period of adjustment to become acclimated at the new level. As you go within, you will receive guidance and support from the higher realms. The answers lie within you and not ‘out there’ so it requires that you be still and listen. This is where you have access to greater resources and understanding.
As the changes within take place a new framework and direction will come to cognizance. The evolution of the self has brought forth a new aspect that brings new beginnings and an exciting new awareness of the possibilities that lie before you. You will find new purpose and renewed commitment to the path of evolvement that you are on. You have all that you need to make steady progress towards the further expansion of your soul growth and understanding of the higher perspectives take root within. Know that you are loved and supported by your family of light in every moment.
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.
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Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The “future” is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what “should” be happening or when and how it “needs” to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light, Dear Ones, for you are creating a new world.
All who are ready, are beginning to have higher dimensional insights and experiences. Obsolete concepts and beliefs carried through lifetimes are undergoing radical evaluation by many and are being recognized as representing outgrown states of consciousness. Some things will be permanently eliminated, while others will simply begin to manifest in higher forms.
Over lifetimes mankind has been taught limiting beliefs by un-evolved teachers based in ignorance and control. You were taught that humans are tainted and unworthy and can only become worthy by practicing certain rites, rituals, practices, and laws. Most of these belief systems are still promoted by “spiritual leaders” locked into the third dimensional belief system of duality and separation. Because of this their teaching is unable to lift others any higher than their own limited state of consciousness.
Unevolved states of consciousness need rules and regulations as they are not yet able to hear their intuition or always make good choices. The Ten Commandments were given at a time when the majority needed rules. You have evolved beyond the need for structured rules, for their essence has become your state of consciousness. You have lived through and moved beyond the stages of needing someone or something to tell you what to believe and are now able to be guided from within.
Most of you have had lifetimes in convents and monasteries and still hold a resonance reflecting obedience to rules and sincerely made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in cellular memory. Until cleared, this can – and often does – affect the present, often influencing sexual beliefs, abundance, and reflecting a love for rules because rules resonate with a past comfortable sense of being “on track” or “doing it right”.
These old patterns are now coming to conscious awareness for many in order that they may be recognized and cleared, and one’s inner voice can become the guiding rule. Never fear letting go of anything representing a past state of consciousness, for it simply makes room for higher and better forms to manifest.
We of the Arcturian group have spoken many times about love and yet there remains a great deal of confusion about love. Many continue to hold tightly to narrow concepts of love continuously promoted by the media, (films, books, magazines, television), experts, and even religious leaders in the belief that complete fulfillment and happiness can come through finding the “right one”.
Love is most commonly thought of as an emotion. Emotion is often a facet of love, but is not the defining criteria.
Evolution is awakening mankind to a deeper, purer understanding of love, shifting those prepared into a state of consciousness that knows and understands all seemingly separate life forms, to be actually in and of ONE. Everything that exists must exist within the ONE – for it is all there is. That connecting energy within the ONE is Love.
Love is interpreted according to the state of consciousness of the individual and thus there are hundreds of concepts of love. Those who remain firmly enmeshed in the third dimension will continue to think of love as sexual attraction, but over time and experience (often lifetimes) every individual begins to move beyond personal narrow concepts and begins to awaken to a deeper sense of love. At first this deeper sense will simply be more expansive third dimensional concepts, as he is not yet ready to mine the deeper, richer levels within.
The consciousness of the evolving soul will expand beyond romance and begin to experience the love of companionship, family, and friends. He may even begin to feel something that is very new for him – a “connection” with strangers. At this point many become “do gooders”, often joining groups in order to help the “less fortunate”.
These groups do wonderful work and are not to be denigrated, but are a step along the way to realizing Love in it’s purest sense. It still represents the level of concepts – “us helping them” – separation and duality.
It is important that no one ever feel they cannot take an active part in groups that serve in this manner, for their members are living out from their highest sense of love which is all that anyone is required to do. If you are guided to be a part of some particular service group go ahead and do it even if you do not resonate with the particular beliefs of the group (these are often church groups). The addition of one or more participants of an evolved state of consciousness can only serve to lift the energy of the whole group.
Love is only lived and expressed according to the attained state of consciousness of the individual, which is why it is useless to try and change someone unless you know they are choosing to live below their attained state of consciousness. Individuals are only expected to live out from their highest level of understanding and as they do this, awareness expands and more is given – at which point they must then begin to live from the new level. This is evolution.
There are those who receive insights and become aware of the higher sense of things, but then choose to simply store it away as interesting information or dinner party conversation while continuing to live exactly as they always have – which is like asking for a “wake up call”. There is a saying that is true on the spiritual level as well as on the mundane, which is “Use it or lose it”.
Mankind is moving through the morass of negative and obsolete beliefs that still hold many in bondage. As you observe the images of a world in struggle and violence and as you become aware of how much you do not like or understand these things, practice meeting them with love. This does not mean you must like or accept them as being OK while blindly declaring “God is all”, but means instead remembering that the reality behind all things is perfect and must always be so because all there is, is Divine consciousness. Appearances always reflect the illusory beliefs of unawakened states if consciousness .
Many still leave themselves out of the equation through falsely believing that every action and thought they have must be perfect and worthy according to some standard. You can never fully love another if you leave yourself out, for you too are a part of the whole. You are, always have been, and cannot avoid being less than infinitely loveable, because you are made of LOVE.
Believing yourself to be unworthy of love represents a state of consciousness that most of you have evolved beyond. It is OK to make mistakes, fall flat on your face spiritually, or fail to live up to another’s concept of success. Let go of all resistance, replacing it with laughter and acceptance. Failure is simply a word representing the third dimensional belief system and has nothing to do with who and what you are, but everything to do with what you are on Earth to learn.
Learn to love everything in your lives – which means living without resistance, guilt, fear, or rigid rules about how things should be. No more “should’s”. Simply be with every experience, observing thoughts and emotions without resistance no matter what may come floating through, because thoughts and beliefs only become yours personally when you claim them as yours.
Practice responding to every emotion or thought of fear, anger, resistance, shame, judgement, excitement or whatever, with one word – “interesting”, asking yourselves, “What am I believing that is making me feel this way, is it true?” No shock, no resistance, no giving some word or thought power for good or bad, just one response – “interesting”. As you learn to do this, you retrain your thought processes and neutralize the power you have ignorantly given to things.
Love every perceived flaw and fault in yourself and others, for they are markers showing you what you still hold in consciousness. Once judgement is no longer a part of your conditioning, you will find it easy and natural to love self and others. You will begin to experience true freedom – the freedom to laugh and to embrace the idiosyncrasies and ridiculous situations that come with living in a physical body. You learn to judge nothing as being bad or good, but simply as facets of the evolutionary journey.
As you do this work, you will find that the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, words, judgements, etc. of others simply lose any power they may have had over you. You begin to live out from that still quiet place within where the nonsense of the un-illumined never reaches.
Love has no rules, Love just IS. Love is simply living each moment from a consciousness of Oneness.
All is perfect. Evolution is the process of remembering that.