**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the Sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. ~ Irish Blessing
Thursday, March 17, 2016 Edition #61 It's Going Down
by Ashtar though Kathryn
Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is a pleasure to talk with you today here on the New Earth Times. We joke that there is a lineup of Masters who all want to channel messages to you, but I was lucky enough to fill today's slot. As I speak, Archangel Michael, my brother, whispers editorial suggestions in my ear, and I am surrounded by the entire Galactic Federation Earth contingent, our family of the Company of Heaven, and an enormous angel chorus.
It is fun to joke about how much we want to be in contact with you, but it is truly how we feel. We are so delighted to experience your response to our messages and to our presence when we make ourselves known to you - it tickles us as much as it does you. The Veil between Heaven and Earth is truly dissolving more every day.
I wish to bring my love and encouragement to all of you in this fast-moving period of change. There are so many moving parts to this magnificent shift on Planet Earth, it is impossible to paint a picture for you that can truly explain all the projects and plans that are unfolding right now, as we speak to each other in the form of this message. With these words, I am sending the energy of my being and the deep meanings behind the words. Stretch yourselves, dear friends, to practice the delightful style of communication we enjoy in higher dimensions. It is so much more enjoyable when talking is a heart-to-heart exchange, as it always can be.
Most of you are quite familiar with the revaluation of currencies taking place at this time. Humanitarian projects are being designed and spearheaded by Lightworkers of longstanding integrity and funded with great wealth. On a relatively smaller yet nonetheless mighty scale, individual Lightworkers have also been given the opportunity to join the efforts to "pay it forward," in whatever way they have dreamed of making the world a better place. This has become the most publicly discussed of all the current projects, giving the impression that it is the most important element of the global shift. As high profile and wonderful as this project has become in the Lightworker community, it is truly just the small tip, the mere beginning of the enormous expression of love Mother and Father God have designated in their grand yet intricate plan to bring Freedom to all upon Earth. The plan is gently unfolding now.
Ascension is the Focus and the Goal for Humankind
The essential element in humankind's freedom is not money - it is your individual and collective Ascension, the uplifting of your soul. Of course, having more money, in and of itself, will not have any effect on a person's individual ability or desire to ascend. It has not helped the cabal to be free; it has helped them to remain slave-masters. The fundamental intention behind the Prosperity Programs is to relieve the suffering of poverty and debt-slavery in the short run, and most importantly, to begin the process of eliminating the use of money entirely. Money is not inherently dark, but it has been the tool that was used by the cabal to control the population, physically, emotionally and intellectually. That spell must be broken, and with it all the programmed thoughts and beliefs around money that have assisted in enslaving humankind.
The most direct affront to the slave Matrix is not the Prosperity Programs alone. It is NESARA, the National Economic Security and Restoration Act (and GESARA, the global version of NESARA). The Matrix stands on the illusion of power that has been shored up through the use of systematically stolen wealth. That wealth has been used to influence all forms of governance, media, the courts, and the law itself, making it more and more difficult and even life-threatening for anyone who challenges that power. Economic equality could only be established and sustained by creating new structures for political, legal and social freedoms. Without worldwide reforms in the banking systems, including transparency and oversight, the prosperity funds would have simply been funneled back into the power structure of the dark elite, increasing their stranglehold on the planet.
We, the Company of Heaven and you, our partners on the ground, could not let our efforts be used to fuel the cabal, and so, simultaneous with the RV preparations, an entire safety net and freedom platform have been meticulously built which will protect your new financial freedom. This has been done mostly behind the scenes to protect our human contingent from the very threatening, and threatened, eyes of the cabal. Of course they are aware of the prophesied changes. They have been in negotiations to surrender their powers or face complete losses, yet they still have doggedly persevered, pressing their doomed agenda in the face of inevitable failure.
There have been two factors that worked to our benefit as we established the new governance in as much secrecy as possible. First, we used the fact that your large media outlets are all controlled by the very ones who did not wish to allow any public evidence of their loss of power. Second, we used the cabal's arrogant denial that the Forces of Light could ever unseat them. We have allowed insults, false information, and degrading tones to stand, while we slipped our true transmissions to those of you who have the ears - and hearts - to hear. We have quietly bolstered our messengers as they fell under attack from every side, so they could deliver our communications yet remain unscathed by the barrage of flack these messages attracted. This process had the ultimate effect of actually reducing the intensity of the cabal's dwindling public attacks, in spite of media propaganda to the contrary.
Meanwhile, we stepped up our training programs for you by creating carefully crafted Soul Studies, Ascension trainings, Disclosure outlets, and all manner of uplifting self-reflection techniques and suggestions through our many Lightworker channels, messengers and healers worldwide. Recently, our "Operation Heave-Ho" has been an enormously positive program. It has inspired thousands to newly focus on taking complete responsibility for their own energy output while also encouraging Lightworkers to refuse air time or indulgence to negativity. From this and other efforts, we are now seeing the Light and shining Love on the planet increase, as Mother and Father also send higher vibrational waves of Light to spur you on.
How the Cabal Got a Foothold in the RV Community
I am going to give you more in-depth information about how we have worked with all of you to co-create this Freedom Project. You have matured greatly in your knowledge and your ability to expand your thinking and feelings to absorb more about how and why we proceed the way we do, how interlinked our efforts really are with yours, and what part the energetic state of the planet plays in the timing of the initiation of all these programs.
Your steadfast efforts over the past year alone meant that we were able to curtail the cabal's ability to initiate war, economic mayhem or a massive "false flag" event. Desperate, the remaining cabal intensified their program of constant and deliberate psychological interference to distort the pure intention of the worldwide Freedom Project. Their purpose was to prevent your Ascension by bringing down the global vibration through 1) reinterpreting the RV/GCR as a way for people to get rich quick and to "elevate" themselves by selfishly indulging in the profitable cabal-controlled consumer and "wealth management" economy, and 2) creating an environment of fear, competition and entitlement by playing on people's emotions. This is food for them, and mortar for the Matrix.
Since so many people already have an emotionally-fraught relationship with money, the cabal chose the wide-open internet arena to deliberately place shills whose job it was to crank up the negative feelings around the RV and its "delays." Their ploys and manipulations brought up feelings of fear, distrust, entitlement, superiority, along with issues of survival and self-worth. At first, they purchased enormous quantities of currencies themselves, while trying to convince everyone that the entire program was a scam. This did temporarily increase the fear quotient, and although it did not ultimately keep people from investing in the currencies, the seed of doubt was planted. (They were later caught in sting operations that our boots on the ground helped us to accomplish, and their funds were confiscated.)
The numerous online discussion sites and conference calls by intel providers allowed an open forum for shills to create an atmosphere of entitlement, impatience and frustration at the length of time needed to release the RV. This was nonsensical to begin with, since this is a gift from Mother and Father God, and the spiritual response would be gratitude, inspiration and cooperation, regardless of how long it might take, because it is the route to a better life for all.
Initially, we had hoped to raise the vibration of the collective by enlisting energetic support for the many programs we were orchestrating and creating together. Unfortunately, the troublemakers were somewhat successful - for a time - in stirring angry feelings against the messengers, who had so graciously offered themselves as conduits for information. With every uplifting of the collective consciousness, the shills worked to stoke feelings of insecurity, fear of never having enough and fear that all were being duped. A kind of internet war developed in which readers and listeners compared and argued various intel points in an effort to alternately defend or discredit and diminish the messengers.
At times it became an ugly mud-slinging character assassination game to prove the attackers right, "realistic" and superior. Staunch and tireless information providers, who were admittedly performing a difficult and inexact task, with details, dates and plans shifting constantly, were accused of being gullible, weak-minded dreamers, or worse yet, evil Luciferian conspirators who were leading their naïve followers into disillusionment and despair. What had been intended to be an educational and spiritually uplifting process was sometimes tainted by negativity, self-righteousness, entitlement and greed. At one point it was even called "Info Wars." The cabal was gaining traction, if only temporarily.
In the past, this is where our story would have ended. In times now gone by, the cabal was successful with such techniques. They did regularly stop Lightworkers and end their projects by cleverly turning group opinion into a righteous weapon - all in the name of "honesty" and "safety."
You see, even if we protect you from invasion, and even if we remove every last cabal leader, we cannot protect you from your own thoughts, or your response to threats from those who wish to control your mind. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are your sacred province, the place within you that only you can oversee and manage. This is where free will choice is so important, and so pivotal for the success of our Freedom Project. Those who wish to enslave humankind, whether they be officially recognized cabal members or Wannabes, all feed on dark energies. Your fear is their nourishment. Every time you succumb to their dark seductions, they re-establish their toehold and strengthen the Matrix.
We understand how hard it is to remain steady and balanced when your lives have been so filled with real threats to your human existence. You are not to blame for the slow pace of the RV rollout. No one is; not you, not us, not even the cabal leaders. Only fear can stop us - the fear you have suffered with all your lives. You are not being asked to remove the cabal. Others are doing that. You are being asked to remove all fear (and its partners: anger, impatience, and frustration) from your own thoughts and feelings. Take my hand and the endless support that comes with it, bask in the HoneyLove of our Mother God, and allow us to heal all doubt, all anxiety and fear. We are doing it. Rejoice!
We Keep it Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
Here is a brief update on the recent process. As the procedures involved in releasing the funds became increasingly hindered by negative energies, it became necessary for the Councils to consider alternative action. It was decided that it had become required and advisable to complete all the safety programs before any funds could be released. Although this delayed the entire process a bit, it meant that we would protect everyone from another massive delay (like the ones that occurred with JFK's assassination, and 9/11). This time, we will ride the wave of rising human consciousness through the Freedom Projects, all the way to Ascension and beyond.
You see, Dear Humankind, by your own pre-incarnation plan, the programs were not to be released until humanity had reached a specified quotient of Light energy and other conditions were met, including honoring the free will of all concerned. These conditions were written by you into your contracts and are overseen by the Higher Councils of Humankind, in cooperation with the Company of Heaven. They were established to ensure a successful outcome for the centuries-long Earth Project, which had been stalled numerous times in the past.
Of course, we always have Plans B, C, D, E, F, and so on, but we begin with the one most likely to create the shortest path to Ascension. If an obstacle presents itself, we move to the next option or create a new one, always with our final goal, Ascension for all, in mind. You might say we are now on Plan Q4. And at every juncture, regardless of the conditions on the ground, we must diligently adhere to the free will and previous contract agreements we mentioned earlier, all while fulfilling the agreements we have with Mother and Father God as well.
The effect of the complexities and colliding energies on Surface Earth means that our work together - you on the ground and us in Higher Dimensions - takes on the rhythm and tone of an all-out athletic event. Picture a volley ball game in which both sides will win if we can keep the ball in the air without it ever touching the ground. It has taken stamina, agility and some very heroic saves on the part of our human partners. You have leapt beyond your previous capacities, dived for a magnificent volley when needed, and reached deep within to draw on inner strength, wisdom and faith beyond all expectations. These brilliant moments allow for what we call dispensations from Mother and Father God - times when extra help from us can be allowed to match your efforts. We love those times.
Let's Get 'er Done!
We are now in the ongoing phase of an all-out push to complete the RV/GCR without any last-minute cabal incident. A number of their remaining group along with their minions - more than we had hoped - are having to be restrained or removed in order to keep the funds and the projects safe and flowing. We have increased security above and below, and all eyes are on you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Our pace has been "slowed" a bit to make sure our Boots on the Ground have performed every necessary document signing, recorded every negotiated settlement, moved every ounce of gold to its rightful vault, and arranged for every detail of the Freedom Projects, including the initial implementation of NESARA in the U.S. and GESARA globally. We are on the move. Together, we have done a brilliant job in spite of the hurdles.
It has been a massive undertaking, Dearest Ones, and many exciting events are yet to come.
Remember to build your glowing Pillar of Light, your Ascension Pillar, every day. It is increasing the Light in the Universe when you do. It is about your choices. Go within. Smile and tell a loved one how much you admire them. The next time you hear someone say something that irritates or annoys you, execute a dramatic Change-Up: shift into curiosity and humor. Listen to others with compassion and interest no matter what they are exuding, and you will probably see them soften and pull back into something more companionable (as you have just done). You can and do create miracles. Every such action helps to speed all of us onward to the next adventure in Love, abundance and peaceful Co-creation. We are a magnificent team!
I give you my boundless Love, my Dearest Family of Light. I am your Ashtar. Salut!
Aloha is a Hawaiian word that means hello and goodbye, as well as unconditional love and presence of the divine breath of life.
It's a sacred word to the Kanaka Maoli (native Hawaiian people), and is very meaningful in the context of what is happening on our planet right now.
You see, we, meaning all humanity, is now experiencing unprecedented aloha simultaneously in this exact moment. As one of one, each of us are now feeling Gaia's inner and unconditional love gradually rise within our souls on a moment by moment basis.
This divine feminine or motherly unconditional love, this aloha, is now undeniable at a cellular level by Heavenly mandate. Even the worst of the worst among us are being forced to experience this pure loving vibration. And as much as as we attempt to loathe our enemies, we simply cannot as their will be no room in hearts for darkness with such presence of love.
We are in the long prohecized process of becoming one with all of humanity. So together, let us give eternal praise to the Divine Creator Source of All Father God Almighty or Akua (God in Hawaiian). This why Aloha ke Akua means God is love because to Hawaiians, God is the divine breath of life, and thus can only be love.
Christianity refers to such unconditional and pure love as the sensation of the Holy Spirit coursing through your entire being; while Buddhists understand such a divine surrender as the singular pathway to complete consciousness -- also known as achieving nothingness or total spiritual emptiness. But no matter your religious or spiritual definition, the sensation is the same and sooner than later, all of us will feel this truth as collectively we merge into the One. So be it.
Now in terms of monetary intelligence at this late hour, know that the Elders have long released the RV in America, but America only recently released Iraq from its occupation (earlier today, Sunday 3/13/16 in Baghdad). And yes, an American President not named Obama was present and signed off on American control of a now sovereign Iraqi nation without telling the public. What a concept... politicians and military generals not telling the public what they are doing at the exact time they're doing it.
But why must Obama be replaced without our knowing and someone we don't necessarily approve of "placed" into such a position of power by non-Americans? This makes no sense, right? Well... lets remove all red/blue/tea party politics and emotions aside, and think about the possibility of such a historic event happening in real time. And just for the sake of discussion, what if we dove-tailed this concept into our firm belief that US citizens are soon to receive digital credits for new gold backed currency holdings, replacing old worthless cabal fiat paper slips. Now if the money portion is true, should we not also receive a new moral government simultaneously to replace the old immoral system (leaders) that attempted to destroy America (and the world) by driving it into an irreversible economic collapse? Logic says yes. But again, this is a lot to process.
Well, I personally know China thinks this way, so much so in fact, they allowed their own economy and good name to suffer until a truly sovereign Republic was constructed, as they simply did not believe any nation could bear healthy fruit over time if the roots and branches of their tree will left in a toxic state of being. This is why the Elders took the time and had the patience to create a new Republic of the United States (remember we're having an objective discussion here) with patriotic white hats in the Pentagon and Congress, and quietly pre-seated righteous individuals--in secret--well before the RV was released to the public. And just possibly, this new Republic is now functioning prior to the RV, which makes it safe to conclude that if we are so blessed to receive the money, we may also be receiving an entirely new governmental structure and leadership.
Again we're just spitballing here (Iko), but maybe this also why a drastic and extreme "global gag order" has been in place for several years across all forms of mass media and government announcements, as no one enjoys knowing that their "elected leaders"-- all of them corrupt and incompetent -- were quietly being hand replaced by the Chinese, one by one, without their knowledge/say so/vote--and that sentiment even goes for the worst of the worst like politically dynastic names such as Bush (Scherf) and Clinton (Rockefeller).
That said, we know the head of the US snake was finally removed when Pope Francis visited the District of Columbia (the sovereign diplomatic territory of the Holy Roman See in America) and signed away papal control over the United States of America Corporations, including our government known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED. We actually witnessed that historic moment in real time. Ask John Boehner how he liked that move, which ironically allowed a new Republican Speaker of the House to be "hand selected" by the Chinese... and ultimately, potentially, be President of the Republic of the United States for a solid 9 years.
This is why the District of Columbia had such a different set of rules than the rest of the country--it never was a true part of the United States--rather it fell under the complete jurisdiction of the White Pope (Francis) & Jesuit Black Pope (also Francis for the first time in history), the same way Vatican City (Italy) and City of London (England) are not legally part of their respective sovereign nations.
Therefore, everyone working in our government, which not so ironically is headquartered within the District of Columbia, and thus not subject to the Constitution of the Republic of the United States, but rather takes direct marching orders form the Vatican in Rome (FYI: Columbia is just a code name for the Pagan Babylonian Goddess ISIS, which ironically is also represented by the first two letters of IS-ra-el, and physically represented in the USA, Inc. by the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, as she so proudly holds up the illuminated flame of "enlightenment," which not so ironically pays homage to a non-human bloodline that has long been in control of humanity's vibrational and soul destiny).... but I digress....
Look, you can believe this, not believe this... I respect your conclusions either way; but hopefully you will stop crucifying those of us with different understandings of reality than your own. Just know that some of your brothers and sisters love you so much, we intentionally hold your greatest good, in spirit ethereally and in form vibrationally--and with such deep love (Kipona Aloha) in our hearts--that we are willing to absorb your initial shock (anger) to provide you the truth whenever you are ready to receive it.
Universally speaking, I know in my heart and from study that we are in the era of Gaia's awakening, and many truths will now be brought to the surface of our collective understanding no matter how radically uncomfortable they may be at first listen. And some of them are real dosies let me tell ya. Thus, it's wise to keep your heart chakra open, as well as develop your third eye chakra in order to receive the purest truth, most unconditional love and highest states of consciousness. It'll be difficult at first, but trust me when I tell you it's well worth any physical or spiritual discomfort ... as the closest human to God wins every time, every where, every day.
Like I said earlier, be prepared to be completely overwhelmed, first financially, then emotionally, finally spiritually. Because once this flow of mercy and truth starts, it won't stop for anyone, no matter how deeply you hold inaccurate convictions. And brothers and sisters, that is a fact you can county on! And again, I encourage everyone reading this to accept none of this as gospel. Which includes past posts about Paul Ryan being Commander and Chief and signing military operation orders worldwide. By all means do your own research, and a lot of it as I've done mine for the last decade in preparation of this moment. Do make your own connections in government, finance, military and science, and start asking the really tough questions and discern their answers with great skepticism and courage.
But please, please, please, please, please, please awaken before the RV, as once you have the money the truth won't seem as important. Only you can reverse generations of slumber for your family, and lead new generations in critical thought so all may ascend into an incredible supernatural consciousness, or Christ Consciousness, and experience new / old divine truths.
Your soul matters greatly to mine. And I will stand as a bridge of complete surrender until all with open hearts have passed across my back. Just rest assured no amount of fear or darkness will ever keep humanity's Heavenly mandate from being known in the divine light of truth. As nothing real is threatened, and nothing unreal exists... therein lies the truth of God.
God is with us.
Christ is Love.
All is well.
Kipuno Aloha ke Akua (God is Deep Love).
Community Corner
The World Is Ready
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
11 Ahau, 13 Ceh, 12 Manik 15 March 2016
Selamat Jalwa! The progress toward a mass global success moves ahead! Despite a series of procedural adjustments last week, the needed movement of funds continued. At present, the special historic bonds have been moved and accounted for. The world is ready for a new currency that is much more fairly accounted for and truly represents the real value of each nation's economy. Added to this, there is the final worldwide movement of gold into secure depositories that makes it easy for every nation's currency to be gold-backed. This operation was somewhat held up as numerous security procedures had to be met and the gold properly secured. The Ancient Families and Royals demanded that special operations agreed upon earlier were carried out as directed. These things are currently being done and special measures timing is in effect. This means that deliveries are in process and soon funds are to be in accounts of those who were previously scheduled to receive these monies at the start of the various humanitarian projects. When this is accomplished, a number of other resources are also to be put into play. These fundings are to be the harbinger of new governance and with that comes into view the end of the decades-long UFO cover-up.
As these events move forward, the mass arrests of bankers and their political cronies are to vastly accelerate. The rise of NESARA in America is to shortly signal the growth of similar governance in Europe, Asia and the Americas. This is to be what we call "GESARA". In other words, new governance is spreading across this globe. Thus, the G.C.R. is to be worldwide in scope and, added to this, is to be the radical shift in banking to form a new financial system. This system is to foster an end to debt slavery and the start of a growing global prosperity. In addition, there are to be the lessons of the Ascended Masters while our present contact with surface humanity is to increase. You are growing in consciousness and becoming more aware of how this new realm is to formally function. You have a very important role to play in its success. It is vital that you use your growing time to become a key watchdog of what is happening all around you. It is your worldwide cooperation that is to be a substantial element in how this new realm operates. This reality is extremely interactive and exceptionally fragile. This realm needs your full assistance.
This changing consciousness is of course the work of Heaven and your guardian Angels. Humanity cannot exist in the same reality that it easily lived in at the start of the Twentieth Century. The world is no longer one worked so expertly by the Anunnaki and its grand councils. The minions as well found themselves at a loss to maintain their power and wealth. The treaty of Anchara had in an instant altered the landscape of your section of this galaxy. Earth and its Sun were now being readied for a new destiny and the many who had enjoyed great power were to be removed from what they thought was an invincible position. This last decade has seen the rise of a series of various enlightened groups who are on the verge of great success. This success is to put each of you on the very precipice of a new reality. This reality is to permit you to meet your off-world ancestors and to finally complete a rebellion that started over 13 millennia ago during the last days of Atlantis. This rebellion is destined to restore you to the honored status of physical Angel.
Joy Is The Harbinger of Ascension~ The Arcturians & Suzille
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
To all that showered me with Love and healing blessings, I thank you....ZaZuMa!
When I logged on today after two days away from the computer, I received a staggering 561 emails from one email address and 392 from another email address. This is too much to catch up with. Thank you for understanding.
Enjoy this inspiring message by Suzanne Lie from The Arcturians and Suzille. It raised my vibrations...Joy, the doorway to Ascension.
Selamat Ja!
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for March
Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.
Joy is the Harbinger of Ascension. This Joy can begin by flowing through the sky, a leaf, an animal or a human. Joy is not just an energy field. Joy is the doorway to open into your reality of fifth dimensional New Earth.
Unconditional Love allows you to feel Joy and Joy is the inter-dimensional portal to New Earth. There is the Joy of a new-born child, the healing of a beloved person, a successful and fulfilling project, and an important contribution to planetary Ascension.
Remember, Ascension is not a place. Ascension is a transmutation. Transmutation is when the frequency rate of a person, place, situation, thing, or planet shifts into a higher frequency of reality.
If you allow your higher self to speak with you, your fifth dimensional expression of SELF will give you a great deal of information about the path that you have chosen before you took this form, but you forgot.
Fortunately, the highest light has attracted your attention back into the fifth dimension and into the fifth dimensional expression of the “you”, who is over-lighting its fragment of the “you” who volunteered to wear a third/fourth dimensional Earth Vessel.
This Earth Vessel, however, is becoming far too small. This dynamic is occurring because your Multidimensional Mind, your Third Eye, and your High Heart are awakening and opening. This opening best occurs when you remain grounded in the planetary body of Gaia.
Once you are grounded in Gaia, your inter-dimensional portal will open and you will feel the connection in-between the core of Gaia and the portal of your own Higher Self. You will also feel the “you” that resides in-between the earthly and higher dimensional opening of your portal.
This “you” can perceive all the frequencies of all the portals that are within your Earth Vessel. Some of these portals are grounding portals, and need to be channeled through your third dimensional physical vessel, as well as your fourth dimensional astral vessel.
This version of YOU is the planetary “you” because you are wearing a garment of the same elements and elementals as Earth. This is likely the version of you who will experience a sense of “ascension.” In other words, this is your inter-dimensional self.
The form you that represents the entire planet, as well as all the frequency from the core of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water that Gaia has shared with you so that you could wear an earth vessel.
The dark ones did not want to share. They want to steal all that they can from Gaia and from all Her beings. These dark ones had the “assignment” of creating the downfall of the “third dimensional expression of Gaia.” But all nature must die to be re-born and that is the NOW of the New Dawn.
To assist in this rebirth, you must LET GO of the third/fourth dimensional versions of reality into which you bi-located. You released your primary attachment to your lives of comfort, purpose and Joy on the higher dimensions, so that you could inhabit a physical body to more fully assist Gaia.
None of you realized that life on the third dimension could be so difficult, as you all volunteered from your Galactic societies within the Now of the fifth dimensional One and far, far beyond. Third dimensional life was much more difficult than you ever imagined and many of you got lost in the myriad 3D illusions.
At least that is how you judged yourself. The truth is that all of you are doing everything that you can within the circumstances, the body, the times, the cultures, the economic spectrum, and the challenges that the particular Earth Vessel you are wearing is now facing.
Therefore, all of you are among the ones that will ride the huge tides of change, as well as all the waves of change that have been moving through the everyday life of third dimensional Gaia’s shores.
These tides of change, winds of change and inner expressions of change, have merged with the skies of change, the consciousness of change, the thoughts of change and the emotions of change and the fluidity of change.
These great changes are all happening around your Earth Vessel and deeply within your Earth Vessel. Fortunately, many of you have remembered the healing power of Unconditional Love and the trans-mutational ability of the Violet Fire.
With the memory of your SELF you can say, “I refuse to participate in “that” reality—and I send it unconditional love and Violet Fire!” transmute that which is stuck in the darkness into the Light. That Light is dawning brighter and brighter each day.
It is only by holding true to your own higher expressions of self that you can remember to re-member the decree of:
“I AM a Multidimensional Being who has chosen to take an earth vessel on physical Earth.
“I AM a Multidimensional Being who came here NOW to assist with the Ascension of Gaia.
“I AM wearing an earth vessel to share my higher frequencies of SELF with all life on Earth.
I AM that I AM.
I AM my Personal Self.
I AM my Planetary Self and
I AM Here NOW to assist with the Planetary Ascension.
5 Steps To Open The Floodgates And Expand Your Consciousness
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for March
Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.
Consciousness — 5 Steps To Open The Floodgates And Expand It
Individualism, consumerism, and progressive success have constrained us to lower consciousness, but we yearn to ascend and expand it.
When our consciousness expands, even momentarily, we see the world very differently — as a place where people suffer because their inner child is lost and is running amok with their emotions.
Hence, a world where people are always trying to be heard but fail to communicate, because they’re not in sync with their higher self and, consequently, they begin lashing out against one another.
At times, we realize that we can be one of these people as well. And so, we yearn for a place where we rise above all the misunderstanding, to a place where we can see beyond their vulnerability and their broken inner child, without judgment.
And try to reach them, talk to them and understand them.
If you have been yearning to consciously expand your consciousness into its higher states, then here is your first short guide to achieving that.
BUT REMEMBER, the shift towards a higher consciousness is often dramatic. It forces us to re-order and re-prioritize our psyche.
It is laborious.
But it is what is needed to break free from the constrains of lower consciousness.
How Do You Expand Your Consciousness?
Do the following five things to expand your consciousness:
Don’t be afraid of feeling
Trust your intuition Love
Re-assign meaning Keep your ego in check
Don’t be Afraid of Feeling
We have become afraid of our own feelings.
We fight them, because we have never been educated to understand them and learn valuable lessons from doing so. As a result, they keep coming back to us, draining us of our energy, which is wasted in fight and flight decisions.
It is true that no feeling will last, however, when left unchecked, they always return as long as you reflect on them and learn from them.
Be mindful of your feelings. When you experience them, allow them in and contemplate, so you understand what they are communicating you.
By allowing your feelings to be fully expressed within you, you nurture your inner child, empowering it to communicate what it naturally feels wrong — whether it’s about an action you have committed (and you feel guilty about it) or you have seen others do (and you feel anger, frustration, and a sense of “wrongness”).
You cannot gain the answers unless you allow those feelings to manifest themselves, raising questions about yourself, so you can reflect upon.
Trust Your Intuition
We often suppress our inner voice or intuition in favor of our more logical and reasonable mind. As a result, we suppress it instead of accepting it.
So next time, if you hear a voice inside your head telling you to do something when your logical mind is bent on going the other way, give it some room. Pause it, contemplate it and do what it says.
Start by pondering over it, then allowing it more weight in assessing your priorities and direction. Over time, you will see your intuition build and grow into a deep and resounding knowing, instead of the little nagging voice you have been suppressing.
Keep Your Ego in Check
Ego is a malady that infects our inner child and blocks our journey towards our higher consciousness. It is a result of our failings as a parent for our inner child. But it can be cured through mindfulness of our actions.
So, whenever you are about to make a decision, simply ask yourself: who is making this decision? You, your personal biases, or your ego?
Re-Assign Meaning
Happiness is not an object that you can achieve and then hoard. It is simply a feeling that moves within you. By externalizing it as an object you seek, you unmake it.
Start realizing the moments when you assign meaning to some external object (tangible or not), and un-assign it. Tell yourself that meaning emerges from you, and is a projection of your person on other things, instead of the other way around.
Over time you will find that you will be left with less external objects and more contentment deep within, allowing you to freely move to the expanded consciousness and embrace others.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against It.” — Rumi
Be unconditionally loving and kind to yourself and those around you. It is both the key to open the flood gates of higher consciousness and its very content.
Join us Sunday for a special Spring Equinox activation from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters.
The purpose of our webinars is to inform, to activate, to empower, to uplift, to inspire and to bridge. The actual activation process is a very subtle one that involves the gentle lifting of your spiritual amnesia. Activation takes place through the use of various combinations and sequences of words spoken during the webinar. They contain a specific vibration pattern that sets up a resonance in your suppressed RNA/DNA memory. This vibration pattern then gradually helps to activate your remembrance of those past events and/or universal truths that are embedded in your cellular memory. You have suppressed them since childhood.
Selamat Kasi,
Sirian for "Much Love",
Here's what webinar attendees say:
Dearest Sheldan and Colleen, We love love love your webinars. Thank you both for all of your deep care and continuous stream keeping us abreast of the latest. Our Galactic Family comes through with such reassurance, uplifting messages and bundles of love. This will for sure be the GIFT to give others. Selamat Ja! Virgil and Tazz
As always during each webinar, we were bathed in amazing energy. The information as always inspired me to keep on keeping on. I am so grateful for you both and our Galactic brothers and sisters. Looking forward to next month's webinar. MLP/US
Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.
Message from Archangel Michael & Galactic Federation
Taking Responsibility for the Consciousness of Humanity
We bring forth the vibration of peace to ignite within your being and burn up all forms of unrest and unbalance within your being. You are transforming dramatically at this time as is Mother Earth. Cocooned in love by the Beings of Venus, it is our combined energy of the Galactic Federation and Archangel Michael which is overseeing a movement of peace within all. Being erased from humanity are the feelings of unrest, resistance and disharmony especially connected to the Creator and the journey of ascension. Our focus is to replace the struggle and striving of a soul who has moved through numerous lifetimes so that peace can be ignited and experienced within. This is not a stillness nor an energy of being motionless, in fact it is an active energy of contentment and happiness within.
Our purpose as love is anchoring so profoundly upon the Earth is to erase the perspective and focused concentration that many hold upon negativity, separation and suffering. The greatest result of our healing work with humanity would be a shift in a great percentage of humanity concentrating upon positivity, truth and joy.
Each person upon the Earth has an aspect and energy of suffering, fear and disharmony within them, this is projecting into the consciousness of humanity continuously. Those of humanity who strongly resonate with negativity, suffering and pain then experience the projections placed into the consciousness of humanity as fuel to create and energise plans, corruption and devastation upon the Earth.
Imagine that your belief in suffering and devastation was so strong that you attracted like a magnet all the energy of suffering and devastation that every person on the Earth holds within them. You would be empowered beyond your understanding of power. Imagine also that with this power you were given ideas of creating more destruction upon the Earth. These ideas would then support you in attracting more people of similar vibrations and beliefs into your reality. This may feel impossible and yet it is occurring on the Earth now causing chaos, pain and suffering within the realities of those instigating and the recipients.
Many are also being fuelled by the consciousness of humanity in an entirely different way. There are those who are focusing with such intent upon love that they are drawing the love which is held within every person upon the Earth and is automatically projected into the consciousness of humanity into their beings. The love projected by many into the consciousness of humanity is acting as their fuel to encourage and empower them to create beauty, enlightenment and healing in the world touching the hearts of many.
We can see that the consciousness of humanity is creating a powerful energy like a charge of electricity which can influence the Earth and humanity tremendously. The consciousness of humanity acts like fuel which can be used for positive or negative experiences, it is predominantly a powerful weapon born from humanity to be used by humanity. There are those who have yet to discover the focus of their being, therefore they project both negative and positive energies and imprints into the consciousness of humanity. They are sometimes focused on love and other times fear, this fuels both negative and positive experiences upon the Earth and within their own reality. Such people are also being influenced by the power of the consciousness of humanity, being swayed, tossed and rocked each and every way. Therefore, experiences of insecurity, anxiety and resistance to the Creator arise from within them.
The valuable insight to grasp is that every feeling and idea that every person experiences within them, whether it is fleeting or persistent is projected into the consciousness of humanity, which is akin to a network or body of energy. Every person on the Earth is connected to the network or body of the consciousness of humanity. Each person also receives energy and information from the consciousness of humanity as well as being influenced unconsciously or consciously. There are many levels of energy within the consciousness of humanity from the thoughts and energy of jealousy, fear and agony to the quicker vibration of pure enlightened, love and unity with the Creator, as well as everything else in between. Your daily focus, beliefs and emotions determine the level of the consciousness of humanity you connect into and draw upon to support your reality upon the Earth. This signifies that your negative thoughts can support a situation of pain and suffering on the other side of the world. For example, those who are responsible for acts of terrorism or violence towards others are drawing from the consciousness of humanity the pain and suffering that every person has experienced, including your own inner pain and suffering, which has yet to be realised and healed. So we could say the energy within you and others is creating the chaos upon the Earth, in the same way it is creating love and kindness upon the Earth.
Everyone is connected and everyone is co-creating the experiences of the Earth together.
We bring this to your realisation not to create fear or shame within you, it is to support you in realising that you are powerful. As you take responsibility for the energies within your being, so you change the consciousness of humanity and the experiences of everyone on the Earth. Imagine if a vast majority cleansed their thoughts and emotions creating and projecting loving qualities. The consciousness of humanity would transform into a source of loving qualities. This would mean that those wishing to create harm and destruction would only receive loving qualities from the consciousness of humanity, this would no longer fuel their intentions creating a healing within them, realisation of their past actions and a positive change in their perspective. Thus chaotic and devastating experiences, incidents and situations upon the Earth would be fewer.
It is time to take responsibility and realise that the healing work you achieve within you creates peace upon the Earth. When you see or hear about a situation upon the Earth, whether you perceive it as negative or positive, if it is your neighbour, in your country or another country we wish for you to contemplate the situation. What are the energies created by this situation? Then recognise that the same energies may be within your being and that energetically you played a part in the manifestation of the situation as did everyone else on the Earth. The energies you discover connected to the situation may have been held within your being in the past and projected into the consciousness of humanity, however they have since been healed within you. Perhaps you recognise the energies remain within you. If they are positive loving qualities rejoice in their manifestation upon the Earth, their presence within your being and the consciousness of humanity. Ask for your angels and guides to amplify the same energies within your being and the consciousness of humanity, asking that they manifest upon the Earth continuously for all to experience.
If the energies are of a negative vibration or quality, then it is first important to recognise honestly that these energies exist within you or have done in the past. If previously healed, then share your compassion with yourself and express it into the consciousness of humanity as a healing and purification. With recognition of the energies within the situation and the same within your being currently, a powerful healing process can begin. Your purpose is to heal and release the energies as well as erasing them from the consciousness of humanity.
‘With the support of my soul, Archangel Michael, the Galactic Federation and the Creator, I recognise the energies within me which I am imprinting into the consciousness of humanity. The energies within me I recognise are………………
I also allow myself to be illuminated concerning how these energies hinder and impact my own reality and connection with the Creator.’
Take time to allow any realisations which are required to be recognised to emerge from within your being.
‘I invite the healing of my soul, Archangel Michael, the Galactic Federation and the Creator to purify and erase these energies from my being and from the consciousness of humanity. The energy I chose to fill my being and the consciousness of humanity with is……………………… I experience this wholly now. Thank you.’
Such a focus as we have provided to you above supports realisations and healing of the energies within you. Sometimes the realisation is all that is required, other times persistent focus, inviting healing and inner awareness is required.
Your inner healing process is healing the world, creating peace for all to experience. We, Archangel Michael and the Galactic Federation are supporting the creation of peace as the Beings from Venus continue their download of love into the Earth and all of humanity.
APRIL 17, 2016
presented by Patricia Cota-Robles
You can, however, register Online for the FREE SEMINAR. You must attend this seminar in person, but you can register Online and receive an instant confirmation via your email. If you have already called in you do not have to register again.
If you don’t receive your confirmation email, check your spam folder. If your spam filter setting has prevented delivery, you will need to add this email address support@eraofpeace.org to your contact list in order to receive the confirmation email and further announcements.
APRIL 17, 2016
DENVER, COLORADO Sunday10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
DENVER, CO 80207
(There will be a lunch break between 12:30 and 1:30. Lunch is on your own.)
Please let people on your mailing list who live in or around the DENVER area know about this opportunity. Thank you!
We are in the midst of a monumental Awakening that is taking place within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth. This is true whether a person is consciously aware of it or not.
Each person’s God Self, which is the I AM Presence pulsating within everyone’s Heart Flame, is totally aware of this Awakening process. Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how to access this information. This FREE SEMINAR is a Gift from On High specifically designed to help you remember.
During our special time together, I will share amazing and extremely powerful tools that will empower you to reconnect with your I AM Presence, the Company of Heaven, and the Truth blazing within the Divinity of your Heart.
Then you will know that you are not the fragmented and fear-based human ego you have erroneously identified with for aeons of time. You will remember who you really are and you will realize that you have the ability to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE in powerful and life-transforming ways right here and right NOW.
This seminar is a Gift from my Heart to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.
Limited space. To guarantee seating, please click on the link below or call in to register now:
Phone # 888-310-4488 www.eraofpeace.org
Brief Bio of Patricia Cota-Robles
Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years. During that time she co-founded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the 12 books listed below and produced CDs, Webinars, and DVD’s that supplement her work. For over 40 years, Patricia has been helping awakening souls all over the world take charge of their lives.
Books by Patricia Cota-Robles
Take Charge of Your Life
The Next Step
Your Time Is At Hand
The Awakening...Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
Stargate of the Heart
What On Earth Is Going On?
It Is Time For You To Be Financially Free
HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth
The Violet Flame...God’s Gift to Humanity
I AM Cocreating the New Earth...A Book of Invocations
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
Renaissance of Divine Love (NEW)
Reminder: If you are registering for today's webinar using Paypal, cutoff time is 10:30 am PST. However if you are registering using PAO's secure shopping cart, you can register up until the time of the webinar. We always encourage people to register early to avoid any potential problems.
The purpose of our webinars is to inform, to activate, to empower, to uplift, to inspire and to bridge. The actual activation process is a very subtle one that involves the gentle lifting of your spiritual amnesia. Activation takes place through the use of various combinations and sequences of words spoken during the webinar. They contain a specific vibration pattern that sets up a resonance in your suppressed RNA/DNA memory. This vibration pattern then gradually helps to activate your remembrance of those past events and/or universal truths that are embedded in your cellular memory. You have suppressed them since childhood.
Selamat Kasi,
Sirian for "Much Love",
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for March
Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.
We from the ascended realms of Light have been asked for a message specifically to the people of Turkey who have been experiencing frightening horrors through the events occurring in their country for the past eight months. Many souls in Turkey have been holding the Light of the higher vision of peace for their country and for the world and have been and continue to, earnestly pray for this to come into their daily living experience. They are finding it difficult to remain detached from the fear and anger that permeates the hearts of the people and the environment that they have no choice but to be a part of in their country.
There is at this time, a focus on this country by the world’s powers. There are moves and counter moves that are being played out in the political arenas. Each politician is making moves to hold on to their waning powers and this has been demonstrated in Turkey through the betrayal of their own people as these powers seek to regain control of their authority. On the higher levels, what is seen is the crumbling and decaying of the old regimes as the systems they created fall into disrepair and decay, and this is reflected outwardly in the world as chaos and destruction, as heaps of rubble and ruin.
It is so very difficult to maintain the energies of love, hope and forgiveness when this is occurring in one’s country and to one’s people. Yet this is what is asked of those who have held the space of a better life and a better way for all. Difficult as your lives are in this moment, know that sustaining and maintaining your beliefs in a higher power, a benevolent power, is what is most important to maintain. Give assistance to your sisters and brothers when you are able and pray without ceasing for a peaceful end to the violence that is so relentless in its activities. Your prayers are powerful and potent and doing more good than you can possibly know during these times.
There are many old energies coming up within people and nations that are karmic in nature, not only in Turkey, but in every country throughout the world. Before a better world for everyone can manifest, all the age old hatreds and judgements from the past must be balanced by the intent of their people as they hold love, peace, harmony and goodness within their hearts no matter what happens. This desire for peace and harmony must be the focus and intent no matter what is taking place within one’s personal world, one’s country or upon the world stage. This, Dear Ones, is why you have chosen to be in your country during these times. You have the training and the ability to maintain the higher vision. You serve a greater function that you are aware of at this time.
And so it is that you are asked to be of a forgiving heart, to be the calm in the storm of violent change as it sweeps across your land and in every nation across the planet. It is a great price that is being asked of the Lighted ones throughout the planet, sometimes requiring sacrifices that are beyond bearing. Call upon us, no matter what name you call the Creator in your lands, know that you are supported and loved by all in the higher realms where we all live, breathe and have our being in the Source of All That Is. You are not alone in your spiritual journey and growth. We ask the Lightworkers throughout the world to daily send the people and country of Turkey and all the other hot spots around the world, the cooling Violet Flame of transmutation. Together we are creating a better world for all.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
MARCH 20, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016 Edition #62 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Sananda: To My Beloved Family of Light
by Sananda through Kathryn
"God's Gift" - RV Update, Intel, Plea, Prayer
by Yosef
Community Corner
The Old Way No Longer Serves You - Soon You Will Take a Great Leap Forward!
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self
Wake Up Call: Hatonn
by Hatonn through Nancy Tate
Give Assistance to Your Brothers and Sisters When You Are Able
by Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana
Galactic Alignments Are Viewed in the Quantum Envelope
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
You Were Chosen
by Big Bewdah
Sananda: To My Beloved Family of Light
by Sananda though Kathryn
Sananda: To My Beloved Family of Light
Beloved Family of Light, I come to speak with you because it is what gives me great pleasure, and because, like any good family, we enjoy being together, and we love to talk. We could talk about anything and really enjoy it, because there is so much love passing between us, we hardly need words, and yet we take delight in saying, "I love you."
Earth is Ascending
You are in an intense energetic shift now. Mother and Father God are sending their Light and Love coursing across the planet. Sometimes you feel it as an ecstatic moment of bliss, and other times you experience it as overwhelming, or even upsetting, because you are going through so much change, so quickly. It can feel like a roller coaster ride or a fast elevator ride, disorienting, strange, like the first time you try 3-D glasses in a movie theatre. Many of you, the Transmuters and Lightbearers like our Christine and Kathryn and their teams, are feeling exhausted beyond anything they have ever felt before. Many are physically ill because of the enormous amounts of toxic energies they (you!) are processing with your bodies. You are living transformers, drawing in an enormous amount of Light while simultaneously discharging a constant release of transformed energy.
Beloved Ones, it may seem so strange to you to realize how literal these things can be, but it is true that a certain amount of Earth's negative energies must be cleared in order for you to raise the vibration of the planet as a whole. It is just the Universal Law that holds for all planets. The difference here is that you are doing it in such a compressed time frame. It is extremely fast for a planet in such a dark and toxic state, yet you are working hard now, with many more joining the "clean-up crew," by the hour! Things are moving along so dramatically; it is truly thrilling. I will describe to you some of what we know and what we see.
The awakening that is happening is Earth-shaking, in the sense that it is affecting every single being on the Earth - animal, vegetable, mineral and human. You are all feeling and responding to the rising energies of Light, and it is having a disruptive effect on everyone. Now, what will that effect produce in you? Will it disrupt old patterns of thinking? Yes, absolutely, that is the goal. In this interim phase of transformation, what you do with the "unhinged" feeling is crucial to your own trajectory and to the amount of assistance you are able to offer the planet. Some who are still engaged in fear on a deep level will feel the disruption as threatening. They will revert with all their might to ideology - the ideas they think to be right and true because of their past history, training and programming.
There will be a brief time while the pontificators, the talking heads and the self-righteous promoters peddle their opinions. This is happening now. Judgmental criticisms - even those sugar-coated with syrupy explanations of good intentions and loving offerings - are filling the airwaves. There is a rather easy way to identify the fraudsters who are really just trying to hang on to their egos a bit longer. They always say something that sounds like, "I just want to warn you, because I love you (have your best interest at heart, etc.), and they always present themselves as the expert, or the one whose source is the expert, yet their messages always make you feel a little fearful, or a little wary about someone they are alternately flattering and degrading. There is always a manipulative twist in their message that will make you doubt someone other than them.
These are the last-minute troublemakers who are trying mightily to spoil the fun. You have long been warned about the false prophets who will elbow their way into your midst, your airwaves, your internet. Here they are. Their formula is simple: "Plant a doubt, and you have their attention." A cheap trick, really. Well, we send them Love, and we wish them better days because their efforts may work for a few minutes or a few hours longer, but we know this project is destined for glory. Remember, laughter is the best tonic for all these supposed "battles."
You are now being treated to the greatest Shakespearian drama Earth has ever seen, and you have front row seats! Look through the eyes of laughter at the characters who now fill the public stage with their buffoonery. Is it not a kind of brilliance to see a caricature of everything that is abominable in the human story being revealed for all to see? The extremes of ideology and belief systems are being exposed as the comedy they really are; the unreal and unreasonable prejudices and hatefulness are being laid bare before your eyes.
Will you use these absurdities and atrocities to stir outrage within you? Or will you see through the thinly disguised parodies as a way through, from the 3-dimensional trap of being enslaved by ideas, to a new freedom that only can be accessed in your heart? Are you one of the bravest of the brave who will dare to ask and search within: where do these tendencies still reside within me? The Truth is far deeper than what meets the eye, or strikes a chord of fear in your nervous system. We are headed for a new higher dimensional experience, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, and where we are going there is no place for anxiety, worry, fear, obsessive analysis, reduction, or argument. When we expand, beyond the boundaries of our past experience, beyond the sensations we are used to having, beyond the ideas we are used to thinking and the brain pathways we are used to following, what we find is a new and brilliant life where companionship, love and trust are the new bottom line.
We are stretching the boundaries of possibility, my fellow travelers. We are here to create a miracle, and we are seeing the flashes of brilliance already before us. Our fellow humans are forging new pathways of cooperation, and they are building the bridges that will make our new Earth a place of friendship, easy collaboration, teamwork and joyful sharing. No one will be left out or left behind. No one will be left to suffer or to bear a burden that is beyond their strength to bear alone. There will be no anxiety or depression or "stress" because no being will be heartlessly pushed beyond their endurance. This applies to animals and plant life as well. Our dear planet will no longer be allowed to suffer the insults of toxic chemicals, genetically modified abominations, explosives, and other dark inventions that have poisoned all Earth's beings.
Freedom means freedom from suffering, Beloveds! Freedom for absolutely everyone! You can hear the old echoes in your thinking, can you not? I included every blade of grass in my descriptions of love and freedom because how many of you would have automatically thought, "Yes, but what about...(the orphans, or the animals, or the whales, or the chemtrails...)." Dear humankind, I am here to tell you that Mother and Father God do not forget any of their children, or any of their children's conscious creations. God created the concept, "ecosystem." We are all in this together, and we are all going to walk joyfully into the Light of our new day together.
Why More Money?
It has been difficult for many to understand how revaluing the world's currencies could heal our planet. Of course, if you are knowledgeable about the slavery that money created, you are right to be wary of anything that professes to be monetary reform. It is not that. The RV, as we call it, is a step toward eliminating the need for money altogether. First, we must have such economic abundance that people can acclimate to the reality that there is truly no need to worry, about anything. This is a more difficult challenge than you may realize. Just look deeply into your own wary reactions, and multiply that by 7.5 billion.
I am Sananda, the one you knew as Jesus, and I understand economics, as much as I understand the need for a human family to be able to have food and shelter. I understand Love, and I know that "politics" and devious economic policies can interfere with a family's ability to be well fed and safely housed. How can any family be happy and free when they are in fear for their survival? I know that debt slavery has suppressed the creativity and intellectual freedom of all humankind, and I am here to show you that my heart and soul are with you as you free yourselves from all the external chains and inner constraints that suffocated you in the past.
Once all can agree to leave behind the ingrained caution and fear of change, then we can begin to see everyone blossom and expand into the brilliant, creative beings they were born to be. Everyone. No exceptions. You were born in God's image. It is your birthright to be brilliant and happy. This adventure into 3 dimensional reality will prove to be just a stepping stone to further creativity.
I have spoken to you in recent messages, as has Father God, about the profound effect of every individual on the progress of our Ascension. It has been difficult for some to hear of their own responsibility to manage their own feelings and thoughts without feeling they are being blamed for the slow rollout of the Prosperity Programs. I will repeat many times: You are Loved, and we know how hard it is to be there and to shake off the terrible guilt programming the cabal has saddled everyone with.
Do not fall into self-blame and the resentment it generates! You are not to blame; you are simply an important member of a very important team. We count on you. The team must work together in harmony to create the high vibrational portal through which all can ascend into a new reality. You, and everyone, can help or hinder, as you choose. We only ask that you take responsibility for the fact that you are choosing and for the results of your choices. This is true freedom.
The Universal Law of Creation
There is a popular sci-fi theme that goes something like this: A group of adventurers is searching for long-hidden treasure. Each one holds a part of the key that will lead to the treasure, but they don't really understand what it is they are holding. These keys have a particular energy signature, a color, a vibration that will unlock the great door that has hidden from view the passageway to great abundance. It requires many focusing their high vibrational energy together to open the door. Those who send the energies of negativity, doubt and fear create obstacles to the flow of Light, blocking others and slowing the group's progress toward abundance, but they will not be successful, because the Lightbearers are doing God's work, with the blessing of the entire Company of Heaven and under the protective watch of the Galactic Federation of Light.
What I am describing is a fairly simple law of physics, which we call Universal Law, but one that - although you are deeply familiar with - you have only slight recollection of because it has not been discussed openly in the mainstream by your scientists or leaders. Many are aware of it, but do not talk about it for fear of being attacked or discredited by those very negativity-producers who wish to stop the adventure for their own ego comfort or profit. It is the Universal Law of Creation: What you think about and focus your emotional energy on, you create. It is sometimes said, "What you imagine, you create." Now, this does not mean you cannot look at negativity or darkness and try to change it. You are not tainted by something you look at or think about unless you believe it, unless you invest your thoughts and life-force in it. We must see a problem in order to bring Love to dissolve it. In that way, you are consciously creating the glory you hold as your guiding inner vision: Freedom for all!
Hold your Light high, Beloved Warriors of the Light. This is not a battle; it is a triumphal march, accompanied by the Heavenly orchestra.
You who are reading this are among the human adventurers who are leading the charge, creating the pathways for others to follow. You are succeeding brilliantly, in spite of the rip-tide of negative energy you are moving through. You hold to each other, moving now as One, in a great wave of joyful, harmonious energy. You are forging the Rainbow Bridge out of the 3rd dimension, across the 4th and victoriously toward us in the 5th and higher dimensions. Carry on, Brave Ones, you are creating at the edge of Creation!
Let me describe to you the specifics of how we are working together. You have heard the expression that Earth is the battleground between Light and Dark, good and evil. What you have not completely understood in the past is that it will not take the form of a war. You are succeeding by leaving all war, suffering and negativity behind. In the higher dimensions, we are reaching toward you, working with our Boots on the Ground to shore up your gains and use them to further clear the way for you.
As Above, So Below
Here is how we are doing it: As you work on Earth's surface to clear the energy field of dark thoughtforms, and as you, by example, teach your fellow humans about the Universal Law of Creation, you are helping to stop the constant influx of negativity, thereby raising the vibration of the collective. You are working from the bottom up, you might say, as we are working from the top down. This is succeeding, as we bring forth programs that are revealing numerous machinations and devious ploys, making it possible to remove the perpetrators - the cabal leaders - thereby eliminating the hierarchy of those who controlled the Matrix programs. They have surrendered one by one or in groups, either by coming to the Temple of Light to ask for healing and mercy, or by being arrested and removed from power. They have a choice either way, as all do. They are no longer able to develop new programs or force their minions to carry out abominations in the name of controlling humanity. Like everyone, the minions are now left to make their own choices.
Meanwhile, you, the Troops on the Ground, are raising yourselves and others by your example of steadfast and loving attention to your own growth. You have created a groundswell of consciousness that is changing what has been called the zeitgeist. ("The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time." - Word dictionary.) You are making it harder and harder for the minions - the so-called Wannabe dark hats - to carry out their previously laid nefarious plans to defeat the Light and hold back freedom for all because their fear tactics no longer carry the assumed weight of truth. The brighter your Light, the more you reveal their antics to be nothing but hot air.
Jesus Speaks to Us Directly
I speak to you now as Jesus. We are moving, step by step, to meet in the place where all is revealed in the Light of Mother and Father God's Love. So now, before I close this message, I would like address what you might call religious freedom. You recognize my loving energy and my service to humankind as a savior and a martyr, but truly, I am both, and I am neither, just the same as you. I am a child of God, just as you are. In my incarnation as Jesus, I fulfilled a mission I had agreed to before I came to Earth. We all knew it would be difficult, and preparations were made to allow me the greatest support possible. I was never alone. Our goal was to teach of God's love and to offer, through my Resurrection, an example for humankind to show that Ascension is possible.
I was not God's only begotten son - we are all sons and daughters of Mother and Father God. There are some, out of Love for me and a wish to honor my service, who call me Lord Jesus, or Lord Sananda. I am a servant of God, as we all are, and even God does not wish to be worshipped or placed in a position of superiority because superiority and power can too easily imply subservience. You and I are not lesser or greater than each other. We are all equal in God's eyes.
Of course we acknowledge Mother and Father's great Love and their enormous capacity to create. We bow to them out of Love, to honor their kindness and their great Heart, but they would rather see us dance and sing than prostrate ourselves before them. They do not wish to be worshipped by demonstrations of our belief that we are inferior to them, but they do enjoy being loved, just as I do, just as we all do.
During the Jesus lifetime, I was surrounded by a loving wife and family who saw me as their own. They loved me for my bright Light, as I loved them for theirs. I was accepted as one who inspired them sometimes, and our mutual respect for one another was the mainstay of our Love. There were many others who made sacrifices equal to mine, including my beloved Mary Magdalene, who was also crucified beside me, in secret. There was no crowd; it would have encouraged the populace to see us as martyrs. There is much still to be told of the Jesus lifetime, and much to be learned of the lifetimes we all have shared since.
I appreciate and bow to those who have understood the Christ Consciousness - the truth of Love - God's Love. Under the name of Christianity, they often hold me in a place above others, and bow to the image of a man on a cross, but I tell you, this is not my truth, and it is not my wish to be worshipped. Then, as now, I am a messenger who speaks for God here on Earth. I did not create a separate religion. I simply spoke of what I knew and felt. I may have spoken more persistently and constantly than some because I feel God's love intensely, because it was my mission to do so and because I also feel great love for all humanity having been in a human body many times.
I now ask those of you who have come to me through Christian teachings and other religious introduction or dogma, to sit beside me as we allow the Christ energy to fill us full to overflowing. The Christ energy does not belong to me; it is a gift from our God. Arm in arm, let's vow to become even greater vessels for it now. Together, let's raise our eyes to Heaven, and declare the most basic truth: We are equal, in our Love of God and for each other. I am your Brother and your friend. I invite you to walk with me as an equal, a Master in your own right, and one who knows the great Love of being God's child, eternally.
We are here - together - to create a new world on Earth. I am honored to serve beside you, and to dance in the streets with you as your blessed gift of abundance lifts all boats. Hop in, Friends, this is the moment that will be remembered always as The Beginning!
I am your Sananda, the one you have known as Jesus. I love you eternally, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May 3/21/16)
"God's Gift" - RV Intel, Plea, Prayer
by Yosef
Photo Chosen by Author
"God's Gift"
RV Update, Intel, Plea
Monday - March 21, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
There were some late security/cyber issues last night. Meaning, they started and stopped the RV in the USA. Was this accidental or intentional? One final pump fake to catch the last of the moles embedded by the bad guys? No one but Grandfather really knows for sure.
Now, how long they will take to restart the process we do not know either. Some say it will be attempted again tonight. Some say Monday night, while others say Tuesday night to restart this event. I'm no longer leaning either way because day, rate and time are irrelevant at this point. But what we know for sure is that late last night, right after the Springtime Vernal Equinox, Sunday March 20, 2016, the Elders began an irreversible sequence to release humanity from bondage after centuries of planning and sacrifice. Yet it was suddenly halted.
Honestly, it's unfathomable to comprehend their patience or dedication needed to stop something so mammoth, but there must have been a good and Godly reason. So thank you Grandfather, Elders and all colors of the Dragon Families whenever you decide to bless the world. We trust your judgement.
Regardless of what exact time we are blessed, what's truly important is that our success is guaranteed by Christ the Savior who's life and death now allows for the Elders to be so meticulous in their planning. And the momentum needed to complete the RV is without question now overwhelming and building into a critical mass as humanity springs forward into another era of possibility and existence.
This RV moment is sacred, the second flood, the Kingdom Restoration of Jesus Christ, and we are the fortunate 144k souls who get to receive such a blessing for all those who have come before us and all who shall carry on the Lord's legacy. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Sure the long hidden Middle Eastern monetary giant known as the Iranian Rial is now on front screens and rapidly moving higher by the minute (expect an announcement Tuesday morning AST regarding its international currency reinstatement); and yes all the first basket of currencies are now thought to be rolling out in a "gift card" format, whereby redeemers can adjust rates depending on individual needs--meaning, each of us can theoretically choose our own redemption rates/final amount depending on the currencies we hold.
Shut the front door! Boy, that would be one heck of a game changer! But then again, wasn't Christ the first game changer? Wasn't He God's first gift to humanity? Didn't Esu change everything for all who came after Him? And didn't He redeem all souls, not just the ones with Israeli Shekels, and no mater the depth or degree of their sins through divine spiritual absorption? Or course He did. Because that's what Messiah's do. They sacrifice beyond mortal understanding to preserve lives that are not their own.
Thus all this incredible wealth we shall soon harvest is really just Christ's wealth reconstituted under our accounts. And therefore the true blessing of the RV rests in our ability to repurpose Christ's wealth for humanity through gifted monetary funds, and return the favor by handing out new gold-backed fishes and loaves to the tired and huddled masses.
Thankfully, there is always but one truth as it relates to Christ as well as the RV, and that is God speaks to each us perfectly, constantly and eternally. So whether you are posting, blogging, lurking or sadly have bad agendas intentionally designed to deceive, know that we all are building individual resumes that one day must be turned into our shared Heavenly Father Creator; and He deals with both prophets and posers perfectly, constantly and eternally.
So no matter which way your soul is trending, know that right now you can be your own game changer and surrender to Jesus Christ as leader of your life, as He will continue to deliver miracles even bigger than even the RV--just as He promised up on that cross when He spoke His final word "Tetelestai" which in Latin means "It is Finished!"
I encourage each of you to follow your heart right now, and ceremonially blend into the heart of Hosanna, who's gospel was and is one of absolute love. This is your divine time to both receive the wealth and Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, by your own free will, and release your will in favor of His before this massive blessing arrives in your life and becomes an insurmountable burden.
Truly I tell you brothers and sisters this may be your last chance to do so while still lingering in poverty & humility... which believe me is much easier than when smothered with affluence & pride.
So walk with me across a bridge of fear and doubt into the waiting arms of Christ, and allow God to abundantly increase your territory in service of Humanity's Greatest Good. Trust that His Only Begotten Son--Yeshua Ben Yosef--will protect your kingdom, grow your reputation and share His mercy with those who are far less fortunate--all because you fell on bended knee in complete and utter surrender to God the Father / Jesus Christ.
Collectively, we represent the Children of Israel and Meek of the Earth... and we are that Lost Tribe of Innocence roaming aimlessly in the dessert before our Oasis of Mercy arrives into view.
Just know in your knower that your soul is the greatest gift this universe has ever known... a perfect sliver of God's love in human form... and every species throughout His many galaxies longs to obtain what we humans casually have been gifted at birth.
Please, please, please... take this one man's plea as your last and final moment to surrender to the Love of Jesus Christ before the RV--as surrender it is the only protection against whatever comes your way in form and spirit.
Walk with the Lord, for the first time, and vow never again to go against Him. Achieve with Christ, just in time, prior to this blessed event, and rebuke man's desire to oppress spiritual truth and human beauty any further. Increase with God your territory, for all time, through common fellowship in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of the Nazarene from Galilee.
As only together and with a pure heart can we connect to the divine loving frequency of the one they once called Immanuel, as only then shall we ever truly be free to live a life eternal--less the pain, suffering or despair known globally as the sin of mankind.
Right here, right now... join me on the floor as servants of the most high ...
Ok, let us in sincere praise, worship and devotion to Jesus Christ... promise our life, and death, to improve humanity and planet earth will drastically and be eternally blessed, never again to know shame or pity ... so help us God.
All you have to do is say AMEIN and you're all in with Christ ... AMEIN!
The Old Ways No Longer Serve You - Soon You Will Take a Great Leap Forward!
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self
18 March 2016
Much is happening as the Light awakens more souls to the truth of their existence. For too long you have been literally kept in the dark, but are now responding to the higher vibrations. You have broken out of the cocoon of forgetfulness, and are beginning to understand your true place in the Universe. If only you could grasp the truth of your magnificence and take your true place as a Being of Light. The veils of darkness are being lifted and you are slowly comprehending your destiny. You are much greater than you have been led to believe, and as you awaken to the truth you will throw off the shackles that have led to your "imprisonment" upon the Earth. The truth can no longer be kept from you, and you are already finding out about the lies that have kept the truth from you. It is now all changing although there will be some confusion as the new mingles with the old.
However, matters are speeding along and it is only a matter of time before the truth becomes more apparent. The dark Ones may still delay progress but they no longer hold the power they had previously. Be assured that you are protected by the Galactic Forces and they will not allow the plan for your freedom to be usurped. The Light upon Earth has greatly risen so much that you are quickly approaching Ascension. However, there is much work to be done for your preparation, and those souls entrusted with the task are being assisted to carry out their work. The time is upon you when the old ways no longer serve you, and soon you will take a great leap forward. The time warp you have lived in will soon be left behind, but be aware as speedily as changes will take place, you must make due allowance for people to respond them. There will be no shortage of guidance and there are sufficient helpers to ensure that the changes take place without difficulty. Equally important is the time factor as you must be part of the changes so that you can easily accommodate them. Many of you have probably followed the messages from your leaders, who have given much time in ensuring that you are kept informed of developments. The changes will be well beyond many people's expectations, and they will come very quickly that will take you through a most exciting period of advancement. Many souls are involved in the presentation of the changes and have been waiting for this time for years and years, and are completely ready to carry out their part in the revelations.
In the higher vibrations we have to be careful not to over excite you, as we see a much larger picture that already reveals the future. We are excited that your journey through the lower vibrations is nearly over, and try not to give the impression that the changes are nearer than they are. Allow for a progression of changes that may initially be slow to commence. We see a panoramic view of your future, which is one reason we are so confident about it. By and large you have re-acted well in view of the delays that have occurred over the past years, and remember that as a result more souls have been given the chance to rise up. Mother Earth has reached the point when she can no longer hold the changes back, and this is another reason why we are so confident about the coming changes. Most of you are familiar with your true history, and will know that both the Lemurian and Atlantean periods ended in catastrophes. Be assured that you have moved past that possibility, and you are destined to experience a wonderful success.
When the hostilities upon Earth are stopped it will give the Human Race time to contemplate on the fact that you are All One. One Human Race that split into fragments because you forgot that you are your Brother's Keeper, and that what you do to one you do to all. Given time to develop trust in each other you will soon forget you history of attrition and understand the nature of unconditional love. There is in each soul a fundamental desire to be at One with All That Is, and having been released from the lower vibrations will again find your path to the Love and Light. The history of the dark Ages will soon be set aside, and allowed to disappear into the annals of time. The future is Golden and you will not have too long to wait before it becomes your reality. It is your true state of being and your time outside of it has been a monumental experience that has enabled you to evolve so much more quickly.
So there is still work to do before you can really move on, so hold on to your vision of the future thus helping to maintain the higher vibrations. In these troubled times as the dark Ones desperately try to control the outcome, it will be some time before they realise how futile their aims are. Some may capitulate whilst others see honour in dying for their cause. Such souls will be shown the truth of their actions and will learn from them. No soul is beyond help and there are many great souls of Light who stand by them. Even at your level your progress is closely followed and every help given to ensure your success. Some may question such a statement but realise that your Guides do not interfere with your karmic responsibilities, but will help you get through them. Karma can by your reckoning be both good or bad, but all is part of your necessary evolutionary experiences.
Life is not a series of pointless experiences and each one is part of the lessons you need to evolve. Bear in mind that before you incarnated upon Earth, you will have discussed your life plan and agreed to the various stages you have planned. This is where your Guides really play their part as it is most important that you are successful when it comes to your karmic challenges. Sometimes it can be very hard for you but regardless of how much it hurts, you will be the winner in the long run. Karma is quite a difficult set up, because often a number of souls are involved and each in turn is learning something from it. It is where your Guides are brought into their own as quite a bit of responsibility lies with them to ensure a satisfactory conclusion. It should be noted however, that in the final reckoning you still have the freedom to make your own choices.
Life seems to be a set of random happenings, but in fact it is meticulously planned. Clearly where many souls are involved it is necessary to get all to play their part if all are to benefit from the experience. You can of course "replay" situations that might not have been satisfactory and need to be gone through again. However, for different reasons karma can be carried forward to a subsequent life.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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Community Corner
Wake Up Call: Hatonn
by Hatonn through Nancy Tate
20 March 2016
I am here today to let you know about a recent transformation that took place around the world. It was a part of what has been taking place in the shadows of the earth energies and it has to do with the encumbrances of what is being told to various people who are in the movements of the global systems as a whole.
I am Hatonn, and I speak now through this dear one who has been in my shadow since she was born into this physicalness and since she was created from the seed of truth. Now is the time for all of you to step forth from the shadows and show yourselves for who you truly are. All of you were created from the seed of truth, for that is where you were destined to begin this venture into the selfness of your potential.
As I continue with what it is time for you all to realize, it is that there is coming a group of beings from where I am in this moment. They will bring to you all the recognition of who you are, as a mirror of who we are. You will see us not only in your inner mirror, but also on the physical plane. We will be showing ourselves to many of you, and as we do it will be a reunion that will speak to you of why you are here in this knowledge of what is taking place, and also of what your part in it has become. It will give you the clarity of what you will be doing from this present moment, and how you will see the signs of the steps to take in the progress of the movements you will be making.
As you do this it will be in an ease of what is needed to take the measures that you will be taking. It will be self-evident as to why you have experienced what you have chosen thus far in this lifetime, and where you will be going from this moment to assimilate it all into the coming times. It will be as if you have written the book and are now remembering how it will come to pass that the book will never end.
Yes, my dear ones, the various aspects of your life here on earth at this time are in the progress of moving forward in a way that is representative of how you can live and create in the moment. You have seen examples of that as you have lived your life thus far. Now you will live it in a way that is instantaneous from the knowing that you have, to be able to create in the moment that which is applicable to the complete story.
I give you now one piece of the puzzle that is at your fingertips. It is about the monetary system that is in progress to be released to the world. It is coming to a place where it will be free flowing and open to anyone who chooses to engage in it. It will be in the forefront of how to bring about the means by which the physicalness can bring about that which is in order for you all to bring forth that, which will begin the freedom of all of life on the planet. This monetary system is but an item of the whole of the systems that are in change now. It is going to lay the groundwork for all of the rest of the systems to come to a freedom that will be in harmony with all of life on the planet. First there has to be the example for the people to awaken to what it is all about now, and how they can be a part of bringing it all back into the ideal way of expressing who you all truly are, and why you are here.
This change is just around the corner. As you who are involved see the beginnings of it come into the open, you will recognize why there has been the delay in what you thought would be the immediate transformation. As I speak, and before this moment, the transformation has been in earth time. Now it is beginning it's revelation into the freedom of no time. The beginnings of that concept are, as I speak, coming to the front. There will be a clarity amoung many of you as to why there has been what you consider the delay. You will find that you are indeed ready for it to flow forth.
It will be clear as to why it was in the works for the time it took to show its freedom.
This is what I choose to share with you all on this day. I am so pleased to be in communication with you again through this one. It is time now for so many of you to begin to live that which you have been in waiting for. It is time for you to see that it is always the right time to live your dreams, and to share the example of that with others. I love you all so much, and I am always with you. Have a wondrous day now and on through eternity!
Give Assistance to Your Brothers and Sisters When You Are Able
by Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana
Photo: Turkish Whirling Dervishes
March 20-27, 2016
Beloved Ones,
We from the ascended realms of Light have been asked for a message specifically to the people of Turkey who have been experiencing frightening horrors through the events occurring in their country for the past eight months. Many souls in Turkey have been holding the Light of the higher vision of peace for their country and for the world and have been and continue to, earnestly pray for this to come into their daily living experience. They are finding it difficult to remain detached from the fear and anger that permeates the hearts of the people and the environment that they have no choice but to be a part of in their country.
There is at this time, a focus on this country by the world's powers. There are moves and counter moves that are being played out in the political arenas. Each politician is making moves to hold on to their waning powers and this has been demonstrated in Turkey through the betrayal of their own people as these powers seek to regain control of their authority. On the higher levels, what is seen is the crumbling and decaying of the old regimes as the systems they created fall into disrepair and decay, and this is reflected outwardly in the world as chaos and destruction, as heaps of rubble and ruin.
It is so very difficult to maintain the energies of love, hope and forgiveness when this is occurring in one's country and to one's people. Yet this is what is asked of those who have held the space of a better life and a better way for all. Difficult as your lives are in this moment, know that sustaining and maintaining your beliefs in a higher power, a benevolent power, is what is most important to maintain. Give assistance to your sisters and brothers when you are able and pray without ceasing for a peaceful end to the violence that is so relentless in its activities. Your prayers are powerful and potent and doing more good than you can possibly know during these times.
There are many old energies coming up within people and nations that are karmic in nature, not only in Turkey, but in every country throughout the world. Before a better world for everyone can manifest, all the age old hatreds and judgements from the past must be balanced by the intent of their people as they hold love, peace, harmony and goodness within their hearts no matter what happens. This desire for peace and harmony must be the focus and intent no matter what is taking place within one's personal world, one's country or upon the world stage. This, Dear Ones, is why you have chosen to be in your country during these times. You have the training and the ability to maintain the higher vision. You serve a greater function that you are aware of at this time.
And so it is that you are asked to be of a forgiving heart, to be the calm in the storm of violent change as it sweeps across your land and in every nation across the planet. It is a great price that is being asked of the Lighted ones throughout the planet, sometimes requiring sacrifices that are beyond bearing. Call upon us, no matter what name you call the Creator in your lands, know that you are supported and loved by all in the higher realms where we all live, breathe and have our being in the Source of All That Is. You are not alone in your spiritual journey and growth. We ask the Lightworkers throughout the world to daily send the people and country of Turkey and all the other hot spots around the world, the cooling Violet Flame of transmutation. Together we are creating a better world for all.
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As I sense that our time together pre-event is very limited, I feel a deep sense of urgency in speaking to your heart one last time.
We have become such a cynical people that we turn even against the very messengers of GOD. In the past days I have read some troubling comments and name calling against these messengers who, out of the deepest compassion for you, brought love, light and truth and imprinted it's consciousness to germinate within your hearts.
Please understand what this event really is. It's spoken of in your bible and it is the most glorious event in the history of history spanning eons. Yosef spoke truth even to the point of begging you to get your hearts to open and be right with God. The energy of the massive blessings coming your way can be the fulfilment of your greatest dreams if you act in service to humanity. It can also be your worst nightmare if you choose to be self serving.
Cynicism isn't entirely your fault as for many millenia we have been enslaved mentally, financially and spiritually. We have been systematically programmed to turn away from truth and light but it doesn't limit your responsibility to own your discernment and truth. Once you realize that truth is being presented, feel it and open to it. Don't turn away from the light for it is the saving grace of your very soul.
You'll wake up in the morning of your blessing with the joy of many any zeros in your bank account. You may go out and buy your dream home and a collection of dream cars. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing but check your gauges and understand why you are doing what you are doing. Is it to use your wealth to differentiate yourself from the now lower class and create envy? That which you create, you are responsible for in universal law. The social dynamics of your friendships will change radically if so and I know in my heart that you are not equipped to deal with that impact.
We rise together. You, me, the homeless guy outside the gas station looking for his next meal, the vet struggling with PTSD, the hungry lonely parent less child in Africa sleeping naked on a dirt floor....we are all one. God doesn't love you or me any more or less than Larry the beggar.
If you're a parent, you know the joy of seeing your kids look out for each other and sharing with each other. You also cringe and the the ugliness of one using what they have to make the other jealous. God the Father is no different. His special dispensation of grace upon us is a responsibility. Not a right and certainly not earned. It's nothing to be proud of and it was meant to be shared. Why did you find out about it? Why do you have this unimaginable mountain of wealth while kids die of disease and starvation? The answer is simple.
You. Were. Chosen.
I stand with brother Yosef and I call upon all of you to know your truth and live from your heart. Know the power you have to not just make a difference but change the whole planet. Your light is strong and you are a powerful being of light. Just be being here as a chosen angel of light, you change the very dirt you walk on. I call to you NOW to awaken to your divinity and fulfill the promise you made before incarnating here on the planet to be the guiding light that unifies all in one heart and one mind.
Father GOD I ask that my words be heard by your chosen so that your divine will be done. Place your hand of love on everyone in this community and open their hearts and minds to the final call. And so it is. Amen. Amene. Aloha ke Akua.
In closing I want to say that I love each and every one of you. Including Kenny. Use your God given talents to create unity as opposed to separation. What you create, is logged in the record books for all time. Let it be a good story.
In service to all,
Big Bewdah
P.S. Watch this. Hear every word. Take it to heart. It's beautiful....and our last chance.
"All that has transpired in all of the illusions in all of your realities from the beginning of time to the present has occurred in the catch of breath of LOVE. Nurture yourself with that LOVE... and... breathe deeply!" ~ Lazaris
Happy New Day Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times. The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
What a show, what a show!Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us!Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion,
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation, Your loving child, Simran
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Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
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I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
Individuated Soul Light ~ 5th Dimensional Frequency
Join us THURSDAY for GF Activation ~~
Thank you Sheldan and Colleen for Sunday's webinar. Sheldan, your common language of such complex matters to the listener is incredible. Thank you, Roger
Colleen and Sheldan, Thank you so much for your inspired work! The information you shared today (Sunday) about how our world is changing has opened up my mind to so many new possibilities. I have been clear on my goals, however, now I can imagine so many new and beautiful dynamics in which they can operate to manifest themselves!!! This is phenomenal, as new ideas beget new and better ideas. I can't wait for next month's seminar, and thank you again for your wonderful work. Gwen
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for March
Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.
Individuated Soul Light ~ 5th Dimensional Frequency
Each Soul is a Unique individuated frequency. This is its Soul Light that emanated from the Soul Source Light, and became a Soul. The Soul Star Matrix then, birthed the consciousness as its uniqueness. The frequency vibration creates the Twin Soul experience through incarnation and all that the unique Soul experiences through its unique vibration.
I have written about this since the year 2012, and taught this since 2001. Even after a person crosses over, the Soul aspect that incarnated remains as its uniqueness. The personality is the individuated aspect of the Soul Light frequency.
We are here to embody our Divinity to be our Individuated Uniqueness. That we are.
Fully living as your unique individuated Soul Presence is existing within the present moment AS the excited liberated “Passion” of the Soul that desires to feel deeply, itself. Itself in love. Itself in its unique. Itself embracing, embodying, its desire for more of itself. This may be expressed in many ways.
Two lovers, living and desiring only each other. Twin flames reuniting in form. Expressing their love and desire as their uniqueness. As the Divine Loving and Desiring more of the Divine. Itself. As Divinity is this love. In wholeness it is this love. Twin flames looking into the mirror of desiring itself, completely.
You have always been your Divine Soul, even when you are not conscious of it. Even when an aspect of the reactive state (used to be termed karma) in your blueprint, is playing out in stress. Even when you are not aware that you are your Divine Self uniqueness.
Feeling, sensing and surrendering to, all the feelings that arise, through you, is the self-love, without judgement, that opens you up to the awareness, that you have always been this Divine Self. That you are unique. That you are here for a reason. That your Soul is so unique, that only you can fully embody and be you.
This is you standing on the stage of you and not judging what you see. You Loving you. You accepting and recognizing, that the eyes that view you (you to you) are either filled with love and only see your Divine Self, or temporarily filled with the stress of ego, and see only that which you do not want to see. The Divine is limitless and love. The ego is a limited harsh view, based on its stress and not able to relax enough to be in the moment.
You are still you standing on the stage. The Divine you is still there present.It is through the eyes of the Heart, the surrendered heart of Love, that you see all as Being the Divine Now. Within you.
This is not about going out and doing good to redeem yourself. Or trying to removed your ego.
This is about self-love and acceptance. That in the heart of it all, when you truly surrender, you then, become engulfed in the love that you are, as your unique Divine Source Light.
Seeing through the eyes of your Divinity. Your personality shines through brightly. It does not leave you.
There is no sense of self, to remove.
Engulfed in love, you then are the Glorious Divine Self, that is unique, that is expressive, filled with excitement, enthusiasm, joy and passion, beyond your wildest dreams.
Two lovers reuniting, Twin Flames, gift to each other (at the highest state of being) the shared passion, excitement and joy, of the love that they are, and that they feel for each other.
The desire to be engulfed in their love. Seeing clearly the Divine in Each other. As Being One Passionate expression of love, that desires more of itself.
Embrace who you are. Love who you are. Enter your body fully. Breathe deeply.
As your heart expands, you become fully engulfed in this love ( and yes this feels profoundly ecstatic) know that your uniqueness is the Glory of the awakened Heart. Awakened to itself. Seeing itself clearly. Knowing itself deeply. Desiring itself completely.
That is the Passion of the Soul. That knows itself only to be itself, desiring more of itself, in all ways.
Set a clear intention to open your heart to receive more of the knowing of what you are, the uniqueness that you are and to love all that you are.
Relax, breathe and receive. Intend.
Every hour Is the Acended Being Activation (Light Energy Activation) for all of you, for the New Divine Humanity. Soul family. Every 11 till 33 minutes after every hour.
INTEND to receive this and you will.
I will soon be speaking to all of you live and transmitting New Activations and downloading to you New Light Frequencies. Initiating you in your transformation to fully live as the Divine Unique Being that you are. To live as the passion of your Soul. To live as the Divine Ascended Being, that you already are.
In this I hold you. In the Passion, Ecstasy and in the Eternal Love of my Soul, FOREVER.
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1. Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of Curcuminoids in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: Pain Med. 2015 Dec 14. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26814259
2. Green Med Info: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/science-confirms-turmeric-effective-14-drugs 3. Zingiberaceae extracts for pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis: Nutr J. 2015 ;14:50. Epub 2015 May 14. PMID: 25972154
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Thus, your time to shine is at hand. The dark can no longer keep postponing the inevitable. The monies are in place and the new banking system is in operation. The old ways are now fully exposed. They are shortly to become useless items, which are to fill the great dustbin of history to overflowing.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
5 Manik 0 Mac, 12 Manik
Dratzo! The process to change this reality continues. This is for the most part an uneven effort. On one hand, we have the Ascended Masters, numerous secret societies and their close allies, those individuals sincerely dedicated to a quick and sane ending to the power and wealth of the dark’s many minions. These oligarchs were intent on a massive depopulation program, which has recently begun to have some effect on the world’s numerous underdeveloped and poorer countries. This set of deadly projects is only now being somewhat stopped by a series of enlightened “whistleblowers.” These projects are part of other activities that are poisoning the world’s air, oceans and ground with deadly pathogens and an increase in the spread of radiation and its evil side effects to humanity. We are carefully monitoring these things and keeping the vile effects to a lower level of intensity. We can rid Gaia of these things only when the world’s major governments permit our visible presence over a wide period of time. Here, the importance of NESARA becomes quite evident. We look forward to new governance becoming a manifested reality.
The ongoing manifesting of various funds is a continuing sign of the rising overcautious behavior of those entrusted with the safe movement of large sums across international boundaries. We again encourage these groups to permit us to have a much greater hand in this most essential set of very sensitive operations. We possess technologies that are quite capable of resolving much of the difficulty currently inherent in this complex procedure. In spite of these difficulties, the transferors are reaching a point where these funds can actually be safely distributed. As these moments arrive, it is our intent to see the final end to the power and prestige of these depraved oligarchs. It is time to revise this reality and permit each of you to bask in an end to both debt slavery and the immoral ways of the dark. These goals are also part of a larger program set forth many years ago by an agreement between the forces of Light and those in charge of bringing you your long-promised new reality. We expect this to finally happen very quickly. It is a deed whose time has come!
The new financial system is as you know a combination of a strict set of new banking regulations (Basil III and IV) and vast depositories of gold, silver and precious jewels long sequestered by the ancient families, enlightened royals and the divine work of Saint Germain and Quan Yin. This immense prosperity is meant for those who are to soar with wealth and create humanitarian projects that allow all to return to excellent health, learn about their ever-changing bodies and bring forth new and sequestered inventions to aid humanity. This is to permit Gaia and her many eco-systems to prosper. These projects are also to aid the introduction of new governance and make it possible to end the decades-old UFO cover-up. These events, furthermore, are to inform humanity about its true origins and help to further spread the mercy, grace and good works of the Ascended Masters and their protectors, the Agarthans. These projects are to distribute healthy food and water. Humanity is sadly lacking in the nourishment and clean water that it globally needs to ready itself for full consciousness.
We are doing what we can to help extend the good works of the Ascended Masters and our Agarthan cousins. We realize how ingrained most of you are in the ways inculcated millennia ago by the Anunnaki. Hence, we are preparing our own set of mentors who are to land among you when we come to explain how that first happened in the last days of Atlantis. Heaven has issued a number of special dispensations, which are the true foundation for what is now happening to each of you. This heaven-sent growth in consciousness is waking you up and permitting greater and greater numbers of you to accept the wonder of a vastly new and more aware reality. Numerous events are swiftly loosening the grip of the dark oligarchs who ran this globe with the aid of the Anunnaki for millennia. This time is currently ending. Each of you is to end your time in the dark and learn of the great potential within you. This grand miracle is to set the magnificent stage for your return to again becoming galactic humans (physical Angels)!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is entering a final period of transition. Those who have ruled your global societies are being forced to give up the power and prestige they once thought were undisputed. This loss of power is just the beginning for them. Numerous societies, like Iceland, which defied their rule, are currently being hailed as heroes. Many smaller nations are following this example and demonstrating to all just how far this fall from grace has come. Many other events are also showing that the old ways of the dark are quickly fading. We Masters are proud of these states and their defiance of the power of these numerous oligarchs. This process grows as the dark begins to fully realize that its demise is upon it. This is only the first part of a global revolution in consciousness. A new time for each of you is dawning. This new reality promises an end to the needless following of arcane rules and the vast liberation of how each of you views this time.
You are entering a revolution of consciousness and a joint coalition of freedom and the achievement of your dreams. These possibilities were long imagined for you and yet somehow this possibility kept slipping from grasp. Heaven used its vast influence to ensure that this most needed reality was to be your true future. Therefore, a continual squeeze was exerted on the dark oligarchy to assure your success in these matters. The Agarthans aided us by further amplifying these actions. Thus, your time to shine is at hand. The dark can no longer keep postponing the inevitable. The monies are in place and the new banking system is in operation. The old ways are now fully exposed. They are shortly to become useless items, which are to fill the great dustbin of history to overflowing. You can be assured that your time is here and a slew of governments are ready to manifest before you.
These understated facts represent the new wave starting to overcome the draughters of the former oligarchs. Their word is no longer to be the law for this group of global societies. Instead, their words are to prove their guilt and sentence them to a long isolation from you. The dark’s arrogance is to end and a new era of freedom is to begin. This is eventually to lead to new knowledge and the meeting of our many branches of this human family. You have long been unable to understand how you became so separated from your family and are to learn a vast and complex history of your origins. This legacy, when known, is to become quite precious to you. We Masters wish, moreover, to explain this in detail to you. It is hard to have amnesia, which prevents you from fully comprehending who you really are. This is to be returned along with your long forgotten potential. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we spent a great deal of time making you aware of what is happening across this globe. Many wondrous events are now to occur to thrust you into this new reality. Therefore, be ready to accept it and realize how complex your journey was to this most magnificent point in your history. A great many amazing moments are now ready to appear before you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Edition #63 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Archangel Michael: CO-RV!
by Archangel Michael Co-channeled through Kathryn & Christine
Community Corner
A New Time Is Dawning
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Preliminaries Are at an End, as Cosmic Energetics Prevail
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
Archangel Michael: CO-RV!
by Archangel Michael Co-channeled though Kathryn & Christine
Archangel Michael:
The RV/GCR is happening. Now. NESARA is happening Now. All around you, the events and energies that are shaping what will be known as the New Golden Age are bubbling, swirling and popping, like a great feast being cooked for a crowd of billions. Take in the wafting deliciousness that is abundance of every kind, and so appropriately captured in this image of a world-wide feast! Enough for everyone! Joyful sharing and laughter! The end of all divisiveness, separation and uncomfortable strangeness between human brothers and sisters. All colors, all races, all so-called religions have every reason to see each other as beloved neighbors and friends, for when there is plenty, love blooms.
Envision it with me, dear friends. Plenty of EVERYTHING. No competition for resources - or even Love - for that matter. Every child will have a family, and every family will have a home because there will be peace on Earth, and peace will bring the opportunity for the gentle return to peaceful co-existence and peaceful Co-Creation. It is not as far away as you might imagine. In fact, this is what we need - for you to see it, feel it, taste it, and carry the truth of our great mutual triumph in your hearts and minds as we move forward together.
Yes, the RV/GCR is happening, and it is rolling forward, like a river flowing to the sea. It cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed or perhaps re-routed a bit by placing obstacles in its path. There are many who would wish to do so, but they will not stop the flow. It is ordained by God.
One Foot Over the Line Sweet Jesus
But here's the thing. We cannot achieve the big finish - which leads to the Big Beginning Sananda spoke of - without you. Without you-and-us-together at this juncture in the Earth Plan, our separate efforts would simply be like one hand clapping - impossible. Co-RV. You-and-Us. Co-Creation. That is the message being presented from so many sources now, many of whom we have featured here in the New Earth Times, and it is Truth. I repeat: CO-RV!
GrandFather is in charge, yes. He has released the process. AND he makes the final final decision to GO based on the highest Goodness for all. So what contributes to the Goodness? You! You are on the team that clears the smog while anchoring, choosing, being so much of that Goodness that you cause Goodness to overtake anything else that could hinder your desires, our plan, Earth's destiny. Every thought you choose to think and every feeling you choose to have matters beyond your furthest comprehension and your wildest imagination.
Imagine the RV has popped. You have received the 800 numbers, made your appointment, and you are sitting in your Redemption meeting, hearing the spectacular rates St Germain has promised for you. How do you feel? What are your thoughts? Now, deeply consider: Why would your thoughts and feelings be any different at this moment, now, than they will be then?
There. I have given you the key. Use it not just to unlock the door, but to dissolve all doors.
Time for Deep Inner Diving
I am speaking to you a bit differently today, so after you take in the words and energies I am transmitting to you, and you contemplate and make them your own, you may have questions. Please, contemplate first, so that the question serves your Ascension and everyone else's, not just your anxious lower self.
Just about everyone in Dinarland is wobbling. It is perfect. They are wobbling free their previously unseen, un-see-able and stuck beliefs and behaviors. Those who have heretofore held fast in their faith and goodwill are under massive attack by the dubious doubters, the so-called skeptics and the outright shills whose job it is to try to defeat them, discredit them, wear them down and throw them off their path. It is perfect because this kind of pressure squeezes every form of frustration, annoyance and anger out into the open where it can be flooded, transformed and healed by the Light of God.
Now, the tricky bit of the challenge is to acknowledge those difficult feelings in yourself rather than focus on them as they arise for others. Know that even those you have loved and known as Co-Creators in this work are wobbling too. If you could but see the magnificent release of density in progress, you would only have left the urge to cheer each other on to valiant and certain victory! There is a moment in human relationships - any close relationship - where a spark is struck, an emotion flares, and the most common response is to lash out. It happens to everyone, and when it does, it feels warranted, justifiable, logical. We feel entitled to our irritation and anger because we believe something truly valuable is at stake, whether it be our dignity, our rightness, our reputation or our truly precious project.
Now I ask you to take a deep steady breath and move back from the current state of affairs as you see them and look with me at the greater landscape. See the energies that push you to the edge of your patience as a gift - a present from God when you need it most. For instance, right now before receiving prosperity beyond comprehension, you are being given the opportunity to reach deeper than you ever have before, to find the truth that lives beyond anger, beyond fear, and beyond ego. When you and one you love have a disagreement about what is right action or right belief, look beyond to see the truth of your partnership. It is Love.
The challenge is to see the wobble that is so utterly obvious in someone else in yourself and to know that no matter what you might be feeling, it is not caused by the one next to you. It is yours to examine, acknowledge, own and transmute. It is also the responsibility of all involved to do the same, in the name of Love, but your responsibility lies within, between you and yourself and God.
Now, feel within yourself how different your response is when you are carefully taking into account your own wobble, and you are seeing others as being as vulnerable, earnest and devoted as you are. Look at this person whom you felt, for a moment, to be your adversary, and see how important their love and trust truly are to you. Look deeply into their soul for the goodness you know is there. You will not be disappointed. You will feel a sudden shift within, from anger to compassion, from frustration to gentle warmth. You are in this together, and that is what matters above all else. Love wins! Love wins!
I have a gem for you, but first it would help if you would intentionally allow my words and the energies they are carried upon to slip past any leftover programming that may be kicking in for you right about now. Here is the jewel. In the higher dimensions, we always correctly assume that the other is offering their best. It causes us to permanently be each other's champion, supporter, advocate. It is just exactly the same for how we see and support you. The secret is that once you adopt this attitude as your only strategy - that others are doing their utmost to learn their lessons, accomplish their Missions and fulfill their Life Plans to the fruition of Love - you will look around to see that your life already exists in the dimension of freedom, prosperity and love.
Of course it is helpful and kind for all concerned to acknowledge their wobble, to apologize if toes were stepped on or feelings hurt. This healing is part of the upward trajectory we are creating together. It is our pact: I will ease your way as you ease mine, and we all deeply acknowledge our Love and our responsibility to one another. We can heal these fits and spurts of old toxic energies, by recognizing them as our own, releasing them with humor, relief and joy, and by celebrating the freedom that comes when we can point to our own foibles and missteps and say with deep humility, "Oops. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."
This process I describe leads you out of the preposterous trap of getting stuck together in a loop that could keep you going round and round endlessly in a circle. Instead, when you reach outside the cycle of discomfort with the other, when you shift into Love and reach for Mother and Father's hand, and hold on no matter what, you reach for Co-Creation. Even as it feels you are reaching into the unknown, you are ascending, leaving old thought forms and feelings far behind.
Co-Creation takes the form of a spiral - an ascending energetic flow that carries you out of the present moment into a new reality. This, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, is the brilliance you embody as a Light Bearer!
You are working so hard. You are giving it all you've got and much much more. We tenderly remind you that you are releasing any and every thing that is not delight, reverence, compassion, wonder and God's abundance. With our love and deep fondness for you, we help you remember that your true nature is joy. You are not just joyful. You are Joy. You are not just peaceful. You are Peace. You are Grace. You are Laughter. You are Prosperity. You are not those things in some alternative existence or in some higher realm, you are...Love...everywhere.
Take it gentler now. We are asking you to hold the Light by making only choices that sustain the peaceful easy feeling that is...YOU! (wink.)
Now, we here in the Council have a question for you. How will you land the RV today?
To answer your questions about what we will do... we are prepared to push it through now, no matter what. We want you to know that we do indeed understand that there must come a moment when we GO in spite of the negativity, cabal tricks and traps, pessimistic backwash, cycles of rising and falling energies, and so on.
What we need to know, is are you truly ready? That doesn't refer to your checklists or strategies. It means what Yosef has been asking. Are you ready in your soul? Have you chosen your stance, no matter the hour or the day of release? Release yourself now once and FOR ALL. Do you have our backs if we GO? If you cannot stay steady, calm and loving now, how will you stay steady then?
So, we teeter on the final moment.
I promise you this: I, Archangel Michael, child of God, now give my great love and attention to our Earth Project of Ascension, including the release of the RV/GCR - which is a next step in The Plan leading to the full restoration of Light on Earth. I expand with faith and humility beyond anything I have previously been, so that I may be ever more filled with God to serve those in my care.
Take my hand Brothers and Sisters. Join with me and all your family here. We are joined with you. This is about Love.
I love you.
I am your Michael
(Co-Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May and Christine E. Burk 3/23/16)
Community Corner
A New Time Is Dawning
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
5 Manik 0 Mac, 12 Manik 22 March 2016
Dratzo! The process to change this reality continues. This is for the most part an uneven effort. On one hand, we have the Ascended Masters, numerous secret societies and their close allies, those individuals sincerely dedicated to a quick and sane ending to the power and wealth of the dark's many minions. These oligarchs were intent on a massive depopulation program, which has recently begun to have some effect on the world's numerous underdeveloped and poorer countries. This set of deadly projects is only now being somewhat stopped by a series of enlightened "whistleblowers." These projects are part of other activities that are poisoning the world's air, oceans and ground with deadly pathogens and an increase in the spread of radiation and its evil side effects to humanity. We are carefully monitoring these things and keeping the vile effects to a lower level of intensity. We can rid Gaia of these things only when the world's major governments permit our visible presence over a wide period of time. Here, the importance of NESARA becomes quite evident. We look forward to new governance becoming a manifested reality.
The ongoing manifesting of various funds is a continuing sign of the rising overcautious behavior of those entrusted with the safe movement of large sums across international boundaries. We again encourage these groups to permit us to have a much greater hand in this most essential set of very sensitive operations. We possess technologies that are quite capable of resolving much of the difficulty currently inherent in this complex procedure. In spite of these difficulties, the transferors are reaching a point where these funds can actually be safely distributed. As these moments arrive, it is our intent to see the final end to the power and prestige of these depraved oligarchs. It is time to revise this reality and permit each of you to bask in an end to both debt slavery and the immoral ways of the dark. These goals are also part of a larger program set forth many years ago by an agreement between the forces of Light and those in charge of bringing you your long-promised new reality. We expect this to finally happen very quickly. It is a deed whose time has come!
The new financial system is as you know a combination of a strict set of new banking regulations (Basle III and IV) and vast depositories of gold, silver and precious jewels long sequestered by the ancient families, enlightened royals and the divine work of Saint Germain and Quan Yin. This immense prosperity is meant for those who are to soar with wealth and create humanitarian projects that allow all to return to excellent health, learn about their ever-changing bodies and bring forth new and sequestered inventions to aid humanity. This is to permit Gaia and her many eco-systems to prosper. These projects are also to aid the introduction of new governance and make it possible to end the decades-old UFO cover-up. These events, furthermore, are to inform humanity about its true origins and help to further spread the mercy, grace and good works of the Ascended Masters and their protectors, the Agarthans. These projects are to distribute healthy food and water. Humanity is sadly lacking in the nourishment and clean water that it globally needs to ready itself for full consciousness.
We are doing what we can to help extend the good works of the Ascended Masters and our Agarthan cousins. We realize how ingrained most of you are in the ways inculcated millennia ago by the Anunnaki. Hence, we are preparing our own set of mentors who are to land among you when we come to explain how that first happened in the last days of Atlantis. Heaven has issued a number of special dispensations, which are the true foundation for what is now happening to each of you. This heaven-sent growth in consciousness is waking you up and permitting greater and greater numbers of you to accept the wonder of a vastly new and more aware reality. Numerous events are swiftly loosening the grip of the dark oligarchs who ran this globe with the aid of the Anunnaki for millennia. This time is currently ending. Each of you is to end your time in the dark and learn of the great potential within you. This grand miracle is to set the magnificent stage for your return to again becoming galactic humans (physical Angels)!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is entering a final period of transition. Those who have ruled your global societies are being forced to give up the power and prestige they once thought were undisputed. This loss of power is just the beginning for them. Numerous societies, like Iceland, which defied their rule, are currently being hailed as heroes. Many smaller nations are following this example and demonstrating to all just how far this fall from grace has come. Many other events are also showing that the old ways of the dark are quickly fading. We Masters are proud of these states and their defiance of the power of these numerous oligarchs. This process grows as the dark begins to fully realize that its demise is upon it. This is only the first part of a global revolution in consciousness. A new time for each of you is dawning. This new reality promises an end to the needless following of arcane rules and the vast liberation of how each of you views this time.
You are entering a revolution of consciousness and a joint coalition of freedom and the achievement of your dreams. These possibilities were long imagined for you and yet somehow this possibility kept slipping from grasp. Heaven used its vast influence to ensure that this most needed reality was to be your true future. Therefore, a continual squeeze was exerted on the dark oligarchy to assure your success in these matters. The Agarthans aided us by further amplifying these actions. Thus, your time to shine is at hand. The dark can no longer keep postponing the inevitable. The monies are in place and the new banking system is in operation. The old ways are now fully exposed. They are shortly to become useless items, which are to fill the great dustbin of history to overflowing. You can be assured that your time is here and a slew of governments are ready to manifest before you.
These understated facts represent the new wave starting to overcome the draughters of the former oligarchs. Their word is no longer to be the law for this group of global societies. Instead, their words are to prove their guilt and sentence them to a long isolation from you. The dark's arrogance is to end and a new era of freedom is to begin. This is eventually to lead to new knowledge and the meeting of our many branches of this human family. You have long been unable to understand how you became so separated from your family and are to learn a vast and complex history of your origins. This legacy, when known, is to become quite precious to you. We Masters wish, moreover, to explain this in detail to you. It is hard to have amnesia, which prevents you from fully comprehending who you really are. This is to be returned along with your long forgotten potential. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we spent a great deal of time making you aware of what is happening across this globe. Many wondrous events are now to occur to thrust you into this new reality. Therefore, be ready to accept it and realize how complex your journey was to this most magnificent point in your history. A great many amazing moments are now ready to appear before you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
More from Sheldan Nidle & PAO
including tomorrow night's LIVE WEBINAR:"Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm":HERE
Community Corner
Preliminaries Are at an End, as Cosmic Energetics Prevail
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
Preliminaries are at an end, as Cosmic energetics prevail.
Happy New Day Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times. The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
What a show, what a show!Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us!Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion,
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation, Your loving child, Simran
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Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
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I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
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I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
If you are registering for today's webinar using PAYPAL, cutoff time is4pm PDT. We encourage you to register early to ensure you receive your personal webinar link.
If you are registering using PAO's secure shopping cart, you can register up until the time of the webinar. Again, we encourage early registration. Thank you and enjoy the webinar.
Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm
Sheldan, Without your monthly webinars, I think I would lose my mind. Thank you for keeping us focused and informed. Jay/US
Thank you Sheldan and Colleen for your webinar yesterday (3/20). Sheldan, your common language of such complex matters to the listener is incredible. Roger
In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.
He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life - Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?
Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.
You do not die. Death is a third dimensional illusion. Death is not even an illusion that occurs within the fourth dimension. Your fourth dimensional self remembers that when you crossed the line called “death” in the third dimensional world, you find that you were in another world in which you feel very alive.
When you remember that, you remember more and more of the lives in which you tried to ascend and could not. But you lived a good life, you followed your spiritual practice and, in the end you “died” like everyone else. But you didn’t really die. You went to the fourth-dimensional Astral Plane.
Sometimes you travelled into higher dimensions, and other times, you remained in the fourth dimensional astral plane. Then, when you felt as though you had moved through and learned enough about the lifetime from which you just “died,” you would “die” to your fourth-dimensional life and be born into a third dimensional life.
Then, that third dimensional life would progress until you would “die” to that third dimensional life and be “born” to your fourth dimensional life. It is for this reason that the third/fourth dimension is called, “The Wheel of Life and Death.”
On this “Wheel,” your consciousness is usually limited to the time/space of the physical and astral planes. Thus, your perceptions are limited to the third and fourth dimensions.
Eventually, your consciousness expands enough that you remember that you are a multidimensional being, and that you have conscious forms on many higher-dimensional planes of reality.
When you remember this while you are still wearing a physical earth vessel, your consciousness greatly expands. This acceleration of consciousness occurs because you are stepping out of the 3D/4D matrix of time and space.
Within the illusion of time, you have a time in which you are born and a time in which you die. You also believe that you are separate from others. However, when you remember you are a multidimensional being, your consciousness expands beyond the limitations of time/space.
It is then that the concepts of birth and death become third/fourth dimensional terms that only relate to your third and fourth dimensional vessels. Once your consciousness expands into the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond your “sense of self” shifts from, “I AM a human who can sometimes visit spirit” to “I AM a spirit who has extended my essence into an physical vessel.”
However, no matter how often you remember your multidimensional nature, you may still forget it while in the daily process of wearing your third dimensional Earth vessel. This “forgetting” about your Multidimensional SELF occurs because the earth vessel you are wearing limits your perceptions to the realms of time and space.
It takes time to move through space. Therefore, you become tired, because you are busy from your working and thinking. In your earth vessel, you also feel “separate,” which can make you upset or frightened or lonely. Sometimes you become sick. And this list goes on and on…
Fortunately, once you fully remember your true, multidimensional nature you begin to have many experiences of your own Higher Dimensional Self. These experiences greatly expand your consciousness. Then, as your consciousness expands, your perceptions expand to embrace more and more fourth dimensional experiences.
As you continue to increasingly perceive fourth dimensional auras, fourth dimensional elementals, you become more and more of a planetary being and less and less of “just a 3D human being.”
You begin to remember your myriad lives on your third dimensional planet, as well as the many in-between lives on the fourth dimensional Astral Plane. You may also begin to associate your physical life with your planetary life and your planetary self.
First you think of the planet as a living being, and then you begin to think of yourself as a multidimensional being living on a living multidimensional planet. Eventually, you will progress to being the Planet because YOU and EARTH ONE.
This is when you embrace what might be called your “animal self.” The animal kingdom does not have the separation that the “human kingdom” does. The animal kingdom has much to share with the humans.
Animals do no not “spoil their nest” because they perceive themselves as ONE with the Earth. Animals live within unity consciousness, such as a flock of birds, a heard of zebra, a school of fish.
Animals also live within the NOW. They follow the “flow of Nature,” and know at what time they can go to which place to get the food that they need. When you can embrace the unity consciousness of the animal kingdom your consciousness expands into higher dimensions as well as deeper into the planetary life-force of Gaia.
You then have the experiences of wondering, “How does it feel to be a Planet?” This question catapults you back up into, “How does it feel to be a multidimensional being?”
Your next progression of thinking might be, “How does it feel to have fifth dimensional consciousness that is based on the Here and the Now?” Once you remember the freedom from separation, you can remember the feeling of living in Unity Consciousness with all life.
As long as you are still wearing your dense earth vessel, you will likely forget the above memories, then you remember a bit more, then you forget, and then you remember even more, and then you forget.
Within this ever expanding remembering and forgetting, you are gradually jumping into higher and higher expressions of Self, then grounding these perceptions deeper and deeper into your “unconscious self.”
Then, when you return to your daily, third-dimensional self, you realize that something feels very different. You are gradually coming to the juxtaposition of “Now I’m in my third/fourth dimensional reality” and/or “Now I’m in my fourth and fifth dimensional reality.”
A very important point to remember is that when you experience your fifth dimensional self, you will leave “time.” Hence, it does not take time or effort to return to your fifth dimensional Self, nor does it take time or effort for you to return to your third dimensional self.
At first you might forget everything that happened and everyone that you were when you had that brief moment, free of time, within your fifth dimensional SELF. The “time” in which you were your fifth dimensional SELF probably feels like a second to your third dimensional self.
Within that second that you left time, you learned a great deal about, “How to remember your true, multidimensional self and your true, multidimensional reality. However, your third dimensional brain is based on time and sequence. Hence, you may remember that “something” happened, but you cannot find words to describe it.
Your physical thinking may believe that you are “learning” something, but your fifth dimensional thinking knows that you are remembering what you always knew.
While you are in your third dimensional consciousness your focus is the “out there” on what you have to do. On the other hand, when you are in your fifth dimensional consciousness, the doing becomes the being and your “dreaming” becomes the perceiving of the truth that you always knew!
However, you forgot what you always knew because you were so involved with what was occurring “outside of you” in your third dimensional life of illusion and strife.
In the fifth dimension, your thoughts and emotions become the “blueprint” of the reality that YOU are creating. Also, you remember that you chose to take an earth vessel, and you wrote your own “blueprint” for why you chose to take an earth earth vessel within that NOW
Your fifth dimensional consciousness also remembers what you came to do, and who you came to be, because in the fifth dimension doing and being is the same.
When you have connected with your fifth dimensional consciousness enough to remember your pre-birth choices, you can also remember why you have you chosen this particular life you also begin to remember who you truly are.
Once these multidimensional memories enter your third dimensional memory, you are usually “called into your active duty.” It is then that you fully begin to experience your ability to BE your Higher SELF while you can also BE you physical self.
ISIS attacked Brussels? The US created ISIS? Therefore?
ISIS attacked Brussels? The US created ISIS? Therefore?
by Jon Rappoport
March 23, 2016
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
I want to acknowledge two researchers and reporters, whose work cuts deeply into the ISIS mirage: Tony Cartalucci and Brandon Turbeville. In a half-sane world, Cartalucci would be the international editor of the New York Times, if the Times were a real news outlet.
If we accept the premise that ISIS attacked Brussels, then the next question is: what is ISIS?
Who is behind it? Who supplies it? Who funds it? Who sustains it?
Brandon Turbeville, writing at Activist Post ("Congress Votes To Fight ISIS By Funding ISIS To Fight Assad," 9/19/2014), states:
"Obama's plan [is] to 'detect and degrade' ISIS...the reality is that the plan is nothing more than a plan to...destroy the Syrian government to benefit of ISIS and other fundamentalist groups that the United States has created, funded, trained, and directed since the very beginning of the Syrian crisis."
Cartalucci, in an article titled, "In Syria, There No Moderates" (9/2013), writes:
"...there were never, nor are there any 'moderates' operating in Syria. The West has intentionally armed and funded Al Qaeda and other sectarian extremists since as early as 2007 in preparation for an engineered sectarian bloodbath serving US-Saudi-Israeli interests. This latest bid to portray the terrorists operating along and within Syria's borders as 'divided' along extremists/moderate lines is a ploy to justify the continued flow of Western cash and arms into Syria to perpetuate the conflict, as well as create conditions along Syria's borders with which Western partners, Israel, Jordan, and Turkey, can justify direct military intervention [in Syria]."
Turbeville writes:
"Indeed, even the New York Times has been forced to admit that there are, as Cartalucci expertly argues in his article, no moderates in the ranks of the Syrian death squads. As Ben Hubbard [NY Times] wrote in April, 2013 ("Islamist Rebels Create Dilemma on Syria Policy"), 'In Syria's largest city, Aleppo, rebels aligned with Al Qaeda control the power plant, run the bakeries and head a court that applies Islamic law. Elsewhere, they have seized government oil fields, put employees back to work and now profit from the crude they produce...Across Syria, rebel-held areas are dotted with Islamic courts staffed by lawyers and clerics, and by fighting brigades led by extremists. Even the Supreme Military Council, the umbrella rebel organization whose formation the West had hoped would sideline radical groups, is stocked with commanders who want to infuse Islamic law into a future Syrian government...Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of.'" (emphasis added)
In other words, the "moderate Syrian rebels" are a fiction no one could fail to notice. The US funding has always gone to ISIS.
I could cite much more from Cartalucci and Turbeville, who effectively argue that ISIS is a created tool of the US government and its allies. I strongly recommend you read and study their work.
As far as the Brussels attacks are concerned, if we assume that ISIS was responsible, the whole scenario is turned upside down after analyzing the basis of ISIS.
The Obama administration (jointly with the Bush administration) should be announcing: "Well, we keep ISIS alive. Unfortunately, things happen. One of those things is Brussels."
And then you could go on to query the sincerity of the word "unfortunately."
(For the links to the sources of this story, click here.)
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
This movie will contain information that will change US History forever and help us all set a new course back to regaining our Republic
… by Gibby Media Group
After serious interception efforts have been overcome and despite overwhelming odds against it, the expected movie on Lee Wanta’s true story, Eagle One to Wanta, is now well under way and planned for release sometime this summer before the upcoming Presidential Election.
Lee Wanta
For Immediate Release: Gibby Media Group, Inc. has released a 10 minute preview of the upcoming documentary film “ Eagle One to Wanta”. The exclusive feature film documentary will be released in the summer of 2016 prior to the national elections.
The exclusive film documentary contains never before revealed content from interviews with Ambassador Lee Wanta who was President Reagan’s mandated secret agent. Lee Wanta worked as a private citizen under the Totten Doctrine behind enemy lines to help destabilize and bankrupt the Soviet Union and to end the cold war.
Lee Wanta is known as President Reagan’s junkyard dog and the 31.2 trillion dollar man for the private funds he secured in the process of performing under his presidential mandate.
The preview makes public for the first time some classified information that is now declassified and has been opened to the public for the first time providing new historical information.
· The exclusive story of how the Soviet Union was destabilized, bankrupted and the cold war was ended without firing a shot under President Reagan’s leadership.
· In a face to face meeting with Lee Wanta at the Kremlin, President & Secretary General of the Soviet Union, MikailGorbachov mutually agrees to step down from his position for 10 billion dollars which Lee promptly paid him. The events are recreated and explained in detail in the finished documentary. The new Russian Federation was born from this historic meeting.
· Exactly how Lee Wanta made his 31.2 trillion dollar fortune and what he intends to do to help our great nation and other nation states throughout the world.
· How Lee Wanta’s personal funds were stolen/ converted by politicians and the Federal Reserve System. The origin of the Federal Reserve and its foreign ownership explained.
· Reveals why Kennedy was assassinated for his work to close the Federal Reserve and printing new United States notes. Two attempts on Reagan’s life explored.
· Explanation of who the Puppet masters are and how they directly control the world economies, the military industrial complex and intelligence community.
· Deputy White House counsel Vince Foster receives 250 million dollars from Ambassador Lee Wanta in Switzerland as a donation to Hillary Clinton’s Children’s Defense Fund. Vince Foster allegedly commits suicide 10 days later. Why haven’t the Clintons accounted for these funds they received?
· Re-creation of Lee’s false arrest in Switzerland, his torture and attempted murder in a Swiss dungeon and later in Wisconsin.
· Lee Wanta’s imprisonment and unlawful kangaroo court in Dane County Court in Wisconsin. How the Corporate State of Wisconsin operates, revealing corruption and criminal activity at every level of government direct violations of Title 18.U.S.C. Sections 201, 371,241, 242, RICO.
· President Reagan’s efforts to disband the CIA and his dangerous relationship with his then Vice President, George H. W. Bush, former CIA Director.
This 10 minute documentary preview follows-up on the recent worldwide release of the biography, Wanta ! Black Swan, White Hat, by Viking International; on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Apple Ibooks.
Hi Precious Hearts,
The opportunities that we have all had to add to the Light of the World during the month of March in 2016 have been of epic proportions. Now on Tuesday, March 29th, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York), I will be joining John Burgos on his wonderful program Beyond The Ordinary. We will have an Interactive Webinar during which we will join our hearts and minds with you to exponentially expand this tremendous influx of Light at an atomic cellular level within every particle and wave of Life on Earth.
Click here to register for this free Interactive Webinar: https://de149.isrefer.com/go/optin1/patriciacotarobles/ So that we can all grasp the magnitude of this opportunity, let’s review the events that have taken place so far and the events that will take place during the rest of March 2016.
This month we were blessed with an incredibly powerful Eclipse series which we entered on March 8th with a Super New Moon Solar Eclipse and completed with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that occurred on March 23rd. That Full Moon was also the Full Moon during which the Jewish Festival of Purim was celebrated.
On March 20th , we were blessed with an additional influx of Light from the Equinox, which greatly empowered the shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness being initiated within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth through the unprecedented frequencies of Light bathing the Earth from the Eclipses.
On March 21st and 22nd, two Comets passed the Earth with record-breakingly close flybys. One of these Comets was the closest Comet to pass by the Earth in 246 years. Science often thinks of Comets as being just dirty snowballs, but that is not accurate. Everything has a degree of Divine Intelligence and a purpose and reason for being. Comets are celestial bodies that pass through the Universe and literally shake the Ethers breaking down the obsolete crystallized patterns and thoughtforms that no longer serve the highest good. In their wake, Comets leave a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which new patterns and archetypes for the evolution of all Lifeforms can be encoded by the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presences of embodied Sons and Daughters of God.
These two Comets, named Comet 252P/LINEAR and Comet P/2016 BA14, were Divinely Directed to this location during this Cosmic Moment in order to assist with the incredible facet of the Divine Plan that is unfolding in 2016 on Planet Earth. This facet of the plan is two-fold. The Divine Plan for 2016 involves transmuting our human miscreations from the old Earth that are surfacing to be healed and transformed back into Light, and it also involves preparing the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which the previously unknown patterns of Perfection for the New Earth will be encoded in August 2016.
On March 23-24, we experienced the final phase of this unique Eclipse Series, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This event ushered in the Celebrations of Purim and the Pageant of Easter which will focus in one-pointed consciousness the hearts and minds of billions of people. Together, Humanity will form a Collective Cup of Consciousness, a Holy Grail through which the Light of God will flow to expand exponentially the power and might of the Resurrection Flame on Easter Morning.
On Easter Morning, March 27th , we will receive a monumental influx of the Resurrection Flame that will permanently seal every particle and wave of Life on Earth in the NEW HIGHER frequencies of Light Humanity and the Earth attained during the unprecedented Cosmic Opportunities we have been blessed with this month.
The Company of Heaven revealed to us that when this influx of Light is sealed on Easter Morning, the Earth and ALL her Life will be vibrating at the highest frequency of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that Humanity and the Earth have reached since the Birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012. They said that never again will any part of Life on this Planet be able to sink to the chaotic frequencies of separation and duality we were experiencing prior to the March 8, 2016 Solar Eclipse.
This revelation confirms what we have always known in our hearts, which is that our Ascension process will unfold step-by-step. This particular step will actually move us forward in the Light a quantum leap.
On March 29th, please join John Burgos and me in a Global Activity of Light during which we will assist every man, woman, and child on Earth to integrate our newly assimilated 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light into our everyday Earthly experiences, thus moving us forward in the Light individually and collectively. We are Blessed beyond measure to serve Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth in such a wondrous way!
God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be an Instrument of God during this auspicious time on Earth.
On Tuesday, March 29th, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York) please join John Burgos and Patricia Cota-Robles, on John’s wonderful program Beyond The Ordinary for and Interactive Webinar during which we will expand this tremendous influx of Light at an atomic cellular level within every particle and wave of Life on Earth.
Click here to register for this free Interactive Webinar: https://de149.isrefer.com/go/optin1/patriciacotarobles/ Once you register you will get 100% free access to live interactive webinars with the most sought after self-help and transformational experts in the World.
If you are ready to embrace your life of Divine Love, Freedom, Purpose, Light, and Infinite Joy once and for all then please join us.
CO RV! Lightworkers Respond to The Council's Question: "What Will You Do to Land the RV Today?"
by Archangel Michael Co-channeled through Kathryn & Christine
Community Corner
In Reality There Is No Such Thing as Lack
by the Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele
Fulfillment, Fruition and Abundance
by Mother God through Kathryn
Mother: Fulfillment, Fruition and Abundance
My beloved children, you are about to embark on an adventure beyond all imagining. You are being asked to reach through all the ideas and beliefs you have previously held precious, to another Universe of pleasure, ease, generosity, trust and great joy. These are the gifts we have for you. Not money, but community, celebration, love for one another and abundance beyond anything you have ever seen in your dreams. This is how we Love you, and how much we know of your need for rest, reassurance and new inspiration.
You have worked hard, without reward or even concrete evidence to prove that there is any basis for your Faith. You believed against all objections and arguments to the contrary, and you swam against the stream of public beliefs to place your energy and your heart's desire on the line. You wanted this great celebration of friendship and happiness to share with your fellow humankind. You wanted it with all your heart, and you sent your prayers and pleas to us, to help you make it possible.
We have heard your pleas, Beloved Humankind, our children, and we join with you as partners in this great Co-Creation of new freedoms, new abundance. It is a kind of beauty you ask for: the beauty that is created out of Love and care and compassion for your dear soul and your fellow humans. Your group consciousness is growing by the moment; your awareness is increasing apace.
We adore you, Beloved Children. We admire your ability to rise out of the dark abyss that was the energy of Planet Earth, into the Light of a new beginning. We are holding your outstretched hands, with relief and joy. We feel your hearts and will reaching out to us as you decide with such resolve and conviction - you are coming Home! You are coming Home.
Father God and I, always One in our heart and in our great Love for you, are weeping with joy at the thought of feeling your sweet presence here within our embrace as you make the choice to fully return to our arms from your sojourn into suffering. It has been such a long and difficult road for all of you - all those courageous souls who ventured forth to join in the Great Earth Project. You are the engine that runs this vehicle, Ascension. You are the energy and the heart-force that will carry this ambitious, Love-inspired and daring experiment to fruition.
I am your Mother God, and I address you now with Father God at my side, filled with gratitude and admiration as you each fulfill the brilliant Mission you came here to accomplish. We love you beyond measure.
In Love and Light,
Your Mother God
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May 3/24/16)
CO RV! Lightworkers Respond to The Council's Question: "How Will You Land the RV Today?"
by Archangel Michael Co-channeled though Kathryn & Christine
Zimbabwe Siyaya Dancers
It's now time to put the DANCE back into Abundance!
Archangel Michael:
(Re-posted from 3/23/16 at Michael's Request)
The RV/GCR is happening. Now. NESARA is happening Now. All around you, the events and energies that are shaping what will be known as the New Golden Age are bubbling, swirling and popping, like a great feast being cooked for a crowd of billions. Take in the wafting deliciousness that is abundance of every kind, and so appropriately captured in this image of a world-wide feast! Enough for everyone! Joyful sharing and laughter! The end of all divisiveness, separation and uncomfortable strangeness between human brothers and sisters. All colors, all races, all so-called religions have every reason to see each other as beloved neighbors and friends, for when there is plenty, love blooms.
Envision it with me, dear friends. Plenty of EVERYTHING. No competition for resources - or even Love - for that matter. Every child will have a family, and every family will have a home because there will be peace on Earth, and peace will bring the opportunity for the gentle return to peaceful co-existence and peaceful Co-Creation. It is not as far away as you might imagine. In fact, this is what we need - for you to see it, feel it, taste it, and carry the truth of our great mutual triumph in your hearts and minds as we move forward together.
Yes, the RV/GCR is happening, and it is rolling forward, like a river flowing to the sea. It cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed or perhaps re-routed a bit by placing obstacles in its path. There are many who would wish to do so, but they will not stop the flow. It is ordained by God.
One Foot Over the Line Sweet Jesus
But here's the thing. We cannot achieve the big finish - which leads to the Big Beginning Sananda spoke of - without you. Without you-and-us-together at this juncture in the Earth Plan, our separate efforts would simply be like one hand clapping - impossible. Co-RV. You-and-Us. Co-Creation. That is the message being presented from so many sources now, many of whom we have featured here in the New Earth Times, and it is Truth. I repeat: CO RV!
GrandFather is in charge, yes. He has released the process. AND he makes the final final decision to GO based on the highest Goodness for all. So what contributes to the Goodness? You! You are on the team that clears the smog while anchoring, choosing, being so much of that Goodness that you cause Goodness to overtake anything else that could hinder your desires, our plan, Earth's destiny. Every thought you choose to think and every feeling you choose to have matters beyond your furthest comprehension and your wildest imagination.
Imagine the RV has popped. You have received the 800 numbers, made your appointment, and you are sitting in your Redemption meeting, hearing the spectacular rates St Germain has promised for you. How do you feel? What are your thoughts? Now, deeply consider: Why would your thoughts and feelings be any different at this moment, now, than they will be then?
There. I have given you the key. Use it not just to unlock the door, but to dissolve all doors.
Time for Deep Inner Diving
I am speaking to you a bit differently today, so after you take in the words and energies I am transmitting to you, and you contemplate and make them your own, you may have questions. Please, contemplate first, so that the question serves your Ascension and everyone else's, not just your anxious lower self.
Just about everyone in Dinarland is wobbling. It is perfect. They are wobbling free their previously unseen, un-see-able and stuck beliefs and behaviors. Those who have heretofore held fast in their faith and goodwill are under massive attack by the dubious doubters, the so-called skeptics and the outright shills whose job it is to try to defeat them, discredit them, wear them down and throw them off their path. It is perfect because this kind of pressure squeezes every form of frustration, annoyance and anger out into the open where it can be flooded, transformed and healed by the Light of God.
Now, the tricky bit of the challenge is to acknowledge those difficult feelings in yourself rather than focus on them as they arise for others. Know that even those you have loved and known as Co-Creators in this work are wobbling too. If you could but see the magnificent release of density in progress, you would only have left the urge to cheer each other on to valiant and certain victory! There is a moment in human relationships - any close relationship - where a spark is struck, an emotion flares, and the most common response is to lash out. It happens to everyone, and when it does, it feels warranted, justifiable, logical. We feel entitled to our irritation and anger because we believe something truly valuable is at stake, whether it be our dignity, our rightness, our reputation or our truly precious project.
Now I ask you to take a deep steady breath and move back from the current state of affairs as you see them and look with me at the greater landscape. See the energies that push you to the edge of your patience as a gift - a present from God when you need it most. For instance, right now before receiving prosperity beyond comprehension, you are being given the opportunity to reach deeper than you ever have before, to find the truth that lives beyond anger, beyond fear, and beyond ego. When you and one you love have a disagreement about what is right action or right belief, look beyond to see the truth of your partnership. It is Love.
The challenge is to see the wobble that is so utterly obvious in someone else in yourself and to know that no matter what you might be feeling, it is not caused by the one next to you. It is yours to examine, acknowledge, own and transmute. It is also the responsibility of all involved to do the same, in the name of Love, but your responsibility lies within, between you and yourself and God.
Now, feel within yourself how different your response is when you are carefully taking into account your own wobble, and you are seeing others as being as vulnerable, earnest and devoted as you are. Look at this person whom you felt, for a moment, to be your adversary, and see how important their love and trust truly are to you. Look deeply into their soul for the goodness you know is there. You will not be disappointed. You will feel a sudden shift within, from anger to compassion, from frustration to gentle warmth. You are in this together, and that is what matters above all else. Love wins! Love wins!
I have a gem for you, but first it would help if you would intentionally allow my words and the energies they are carried upon to slip past any leftover programming that may be kicking in for you right about now. Here is the jewel. In the higher dimensions, we always correctly assume that the other is offering their best. It causes us to permanently be each other's champion, supporter, advocate. It is just exactly the same for how we see and support you. The secret is that once you adopt this attitude as your only strategy - that others are doing their utmost to learn their lessons, accomplish their Missions and fulfill their Life Plans to the fruition of Love - you will look around to see that your life already exists in the dimension of freedom, prosperity and love.
Of course it is helpful and kind for all concerned to acknowledge their wobble, to apologize if toes were stepped on or feelings hurt. This healing is part of the upward trajectory we are creating together. It is our pact: I will ease your way as you ease mine, and we all deeply acknowledge our Love and our responsibility to one another. We can heal these fits and spurts of old toxic energies, by recognizing them as our own, releasing them with humor, relief and joy, and by celebrating the freedom that comes when we can point to our own foibles and missteps and say with deep humility, "Oops. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you."
This process I describe leads you out of the preposterous trap of getting stuck together in a loop that could keep you going round and round endlessly in a circle. Instead, when you reach outside the cycle of discomfort with the other, when you shift into Love and reach for Mother and Father's hand, and hold on no matter what, you reach for Co-Creation. Even as it feels you are reaching into the unknown, you are ascending, leaving old thought forms and feelings far behind.
Co-Creation takes the form of a spiral - an ascending energetic flow that carries you out of the present moment into a new reality. This, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, is the brilliance you embody as a Light Bearer!
You are working so hard. You are giving it all you've got and much much more. We tenderly remind you that you are releasing any and every thing that is not delight, reverence, compassion, wonder and God's abundance. With our love and deep fondness for you, we help you remember that your true nature is joy. You are not just joyful. You are Joy. You are not just peaceful. You are Peace. You are Grace. You are Laughter. You are Prosperity. You are not those things in some alternative existence or in some higher realm, you are...Love...everywhere.
Take it gentler now. We are asking you to hold the Light by making only choices that sustain the peaceful easy feeling that is...YOU! (wink.)
Now, we here in the Council have a question for you. How will you land the RV today? (Lightworkers respond below!)
To answer your questions about what we will do... we are prepared to push it through now, no matter what. We want you to know that we do indeed understand that there must come a moment when we GO in spite of the negativity, cabal tricks and traps, pessimistic backwash, cycles of rising and falling energies, and so on.
What we need to know, is are you truly ready? That doesn't refer to your checklists or strategies. It means what Yosef has been asking. Are you ready in your soul? Have you chosen your stance, no matter the hour or the day of release? Release yourself now once and FOR ALL. Do you have our backs if we GO? If you cannot stay steady, calm and loving now, how will you stay steady then?
So, we teeter on the final moment.
I promise you this: I, Archangel Michael, child of God, now give my great love and attention to our Earth Project of Ascension, including the release of the RV/GCR - which is a next step in The Plan leading to the full restoration of Light on Earth. I expand with faith and humility beyond anything I have previously been, so that I may be ever more filled with God to serve those in my care.
Take my hand Brothers and Sisters. Join with me and all your family here. We are joined with you. This is about Love.
I love you.
I am your Michael
(Co-Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May and Christine E. Burk 3/23/16)
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CO RV! Lightworkers Respond to The Council's Question: "How Will You Land the RV Today?"
Lightworker "A"
Hello Archangel Michael.
How will I land the RV today?
If the RV pops today, I will be peaceful and joyful. I do the mirror talk almost every morning (you may know this already). I say: I am love, I am Joy, I am Peace, I am Abundance, and so on (I wink sometimes to myself). Not only because I am Peace and I am Joy, but because everyday I choose to receive the loving energy of Mother and Father when I restore my Pillar of Light, in which I accept and give gratitude for being able to be of service every day in spreading this love and all the energetic qualities of God. Abundance and Prosperity are qualities of God which is what we already are. It is our nature.
The opposite is lack and that is not real. We already know that our actions and thoughts are important because they create and or contribute to our surroundings. I believe this daily positive behavior - besides feeling good - it magnifies and manifests all other aspects of God qualities, such as abundance, wisdom, compassion, and so on. Of course, things still happen in my daily life that challenge me, but I choose what to do with it. Every moment we exercise our free will.
The abundance is not only monetary abundance , it is abundance of many other things. I can experience the abundance of smiles, of gratitude, nature, music, of love to others and so on. I agree Michael, it is about Love. I choose love and I am ready.
~ A.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "M"
Hi Family -
Something fun has happened as I have been "on shift" for the 1-800#s (for the group of friends I am close with)...I have been doing more thinking about the projects I am interested in. I began researching the projects already ongoing that are addressing the areas I am interested in, the groups I hope to help with the RV - homeless, animal rescue, prisons, health, the environment. The more I read the more I get excited about meeting these people, seeing us workng together in groups to help gather people around Gaia's hearth fire ( I think Michael phrased it that way in a reading I came across).
I recently read about the 24 hour period that occurs after someone is released from prison and how that during that period, it is crutial to offer them support that helps them remain on stable footing to support new choices. I read about an art program in prisons that involves men and women in creative ways. I read about the organizations of formerly homeless people assisting homeless to get off the streets, and the groups already achieving great results. I am fascinated to hear their experiences.
My sister is moving back South after living 30 years in the Midwest. We are discussing the people she wants to help and the projects she would enjoy being a part of: rescuing horses, LGBTQ teens, supporting post-foster home individuals to get them training and education...we are enjoying sharing our thoughts and plans. I am opening to the fun of collaboration with others in groups, sharing and joining ideas.
I see the appointment at the bank as an extension of this fun and abundance. One step toward realizing the changes that have already begun within. It is as if it is already done, and we are waiting to roll in out in person. I laugh that I don't even hesitate at the $$ amounts anymore of the RV - just a way to get things going.
I am so grateful for the work we do as a family that opens me to the possibilities, and it will continue as we go.
All my love, M.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "D"
This was OVER the TOP!!! I understand so much more about what I have been experiencing. I feel so connected with Heaven and Earth and every living thing, I feel so humble, I am so thankful and appreciative. I feel so LOVED, without condition and Empowered! I am ready to step forward and step up in a much bigger way than I have ever imagined before.
... Soon my small part /contract in the grand Plan will begin ... and my certain hope is that when finished it will amplify and intensify the joy all of us have already experienced. For surely we know that God is with us all. The ground work is done, the preliminary work completed and now its time for the rubber to hit the road!
love, D.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "B"
Dear Michael,
My answer to your question, "How will you land the RV today?" is: I am ready in my soul. I have a calm in my soul. I picture myself in the exchange meeting and no matter what the amount of money I receive, it is only to be used as Mother Father God would want it to be used and that is to help humanity by relieving poverty and bringing relief to our fellow man, our family, our planet, so that every man, woman, child, animal, plant and Gaia is free to expand their creative minds in the way we were all meant to do before we were altered.
My stance is firm no matter the hour or day of the release. I release myself once and for all. I have your backs with the GO! Absolutely, always and forever. Steady and sure, peacefully, with joy now and forever, with my mission intrinsically ingrained in my being. Easy does it, peacefully does it, thoughtfully and heartfelt does it.
We are ONE and we are a family of LOVE,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "N"
Michael and Christine,
I AM IN! I was in from the moment I declared no matter what that I was going to Kathryn's conference a year ago. I have had to stand up for my commitment to this journey to my husband, my family, and friends and still I am in.
I do still have to say goodbye to feelings of upset when directly challenged for my beliefs, .... even this morning I do admit! But my inner Mantra continues to trust, love, and my spark inside drives me to pursue this new and amazing journey sweeping my paths clean in every chance I get. Peace in Me Always! And Peace on Earth!
I am much more judiciously watching my every thought, every word, every action that I may be ever and always fully devoted to Mother & Father, aligned with the promise of the mission I chose in this life. I am steadily learning, growing, expanding and it is all becoming easier and much more beautiful each day. And I hope that I too can soon Pop into Enlightenment!
I am so blessed to be a part of this family, this age, this opportunity, this RV trigger event, that I am singing in my heart and with My Twin Flame!
I will land this RV with the beautiful Melody of Love, Generosity, Gratitude and Plenty of Humility!!!
And I want to be holding all your hands in Thanks for the Beauty in Each of You! Love, Love, Love, ......Love is all you need, N.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "T"
Dear Brothers Michael and Sananda,
Can I tell you how much I love how you love each and every one?
Michael, your message to us about Co-Creation of the Co-RV touches me in ways I have no words for and in one surprising way for sure. I moved forward in time and truly imagined myself after exchange in relation to there being any difference in how I'd truly feel and watched the movie picture of what was left of any remnants of feelings of undeserving for what is now perceived to be more financial abundance than I have ever imagined.
I asked myself, where did this feeling come from, because for many, many years now, I have felt and understood that I live an abundant life in spite of not having the cash flow that others around me obviously had. Since I had entered adulthood, I had already come to realize that abundance had nothing to do with money and any appearance of lack of it...certainly did not define who I AM. Yes I lived in the world making choices based upon how many "beans" I had to participate in the game, yet inside I did not let any inability to participate define that I was less than those who could. My dear mother instilled that in me as far back as I can remember...of which I am eternally grateful. I remember her words today as if she just said them, "Teresa, always remember, you are no better than anyone else and they are no better than you."
Currently I already feel so blessed in abundance, so it was surprising to me that the thought of having sudden financial abundance past millions would cause me to even blink. Where did this come from?
The answer came through scenes of my life beginning with the awareness that my blood family had always seen me as the financial black sheep of the family, making no bones about it...only able to make ends meet...not having much extra to be part of the family that could provide extras to others as they each did. During these years is when I realized, through silent reflection, that money in and of itself did nothing...it was only energy and it was what one does or does not with it that had any effect. But having it or not did not define how I felt about me. It was other things that did that...but not money.
As I experienced the movie of my financial life, I realized that given the rate of inflation, by now in my life, the concept of being a steward as a millionaire was not much of a stretch. What one could get with a million dollars today was a far cry from when I was young...being a millionaire then was really something, but today...not so much.
The realization of the new rates created this for me ~
So needless to say, I had financially defined myself after all, merely by the fact that it took a HUGE minute to expand my perception of being entrusted to be a steward of such large sums of money to benefit the greater good of all. Connecting to my HS and Mother/Father God brought me back to what I choose as my new default of " I AM so Loved and Blessed." No surprise, my pal Kleenex and I had a good ole time!
Here is where I AM, now and forevermore. I take every thought and feeling from this moment forward and apply as we have been wisely advised by St. Germain, to Be with NO LIMITS. I AM an expressed Divine Emanation of Mother/Father Co-Creating the Golden Age on beautiful Terra, spreading Love, Peace, Joy and Freedom for all in existence on the Planet.
Yes Michael, I take your hand and heart to heart, I stand steady, loving and calm...I have the Council's back for GO...NOW.
I Love you,
Your sister, T.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "J"
Dearest Michael, Dearest Council, Dearest Family,
To answer the question of the Council, I will answer: How will WE land the RV today?
I trust in the plan of the Great Architect, and the Great Architect is the most Holy Trinity, Mother and Father God, their Daughters and their Sons and the Holy Spirit (All that is). It is the co-creativity in action.
Our wonderful caring and loving Parents are always there to guide tus, support us, lead us towards happiness and the realization of our dreams.
As child of God I AM available and happy to be the servant of Her/His will. The divine service is not binding, on the contrary it is Freedom, Joy, Love, Tenderness and Creativity. It is the co-creativity.
I notice that delays are beneficial. The impact on my donations is real, they are really going to allow the beneficiaries to change their life. They can live their dreams and be more seriously interested in their own creative capacity and in their own spirituality.
The delays also brought me many teachings, facilitated the expansion of my consciousness and my Love.
I am not in a hurry and I look forward to starting our projects which will lead every soul to the Ascension.
I put the ascension of my soul and every soul on Earth first.
I AM ready.
My Mind, my Heart, my Will and my Soul are ready.
I have chosen my stance, no matter the hour or the day of release.
Michael I give you with pleasure my hand to clap for our glorious co-creativity time in the coming day.
Don't you know I'm just waitin' for the train that goes Home sweet Michael
Hopin' that the train is on time
Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line....
With Love, Joy and Gratitude
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworker "M"
Dear Family and CoH,
You have caused me to rethink and expand my vision.
I am used to the delays - I've been waiting for 35 years - an extra few days or weeks or months is normal - my first thought is always "just contain the bankers and let's get on with this."
But Yosef recently said that when exchanging, just take the exchange rate that you are comfortable with - but the the higher the rate, the more responsibility you have.
At first, I thought - why would anybody take a lower rate? - and then it hit me.
If I end up with $1-10MM, I know what to do - I've got my charities identified - and I know what I need to do to share this wealth while enjoying myself.
But what if I end with $100MM, or a half-billion, or more - then what would I do? - this is going to be a full-time job to give it all away in a timely manner to worthy causes - my responsibility as a steward will have grown exponentially - am I ready for this?
This forces me to expand my perspective - to ask some hard questions of myself - the CoH is monitoring my stewardship - can I live up to their and my expectations?
My answer is - Yes, I will do this - whatever it takes - I am capable and expanding by the minute - my mentors are coming - I promise to expand beyond what I believe to be my current limits - trusting that I will meet any challenge before me - I have an awesome team of advisors who have my back - everything is stacked in my favor - I can eliminate doubt, frustration, and skepticism from my repertoire of feelings.
I intend to ascend - I will not be deterred.
Go Now,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Lightworkers "T&B"
Dear Michael, dear Family,
Thank you so much for your beautiful message and steady support for the Family in our process of Ascension!
I would like to offer you my answer to your question:
"We here in the Council have a question for you. How will you land the RV today?"
The RV is nothing else than the expression - today, in the 21st century, here on Planet Earth - of God's LOVE, being expressed as Abundance. This Abundance is inherent within us, the Children of God since our creation eons ago (we are made in the Image of God!). We ARE Abundance, because God is Abundance! We are already living in Abundance, have always been and will always be! That is the higher dimensional point of view! That naturally leads me to live in a spirit of gratitude even though on a 3-dimensional level this Abundance may not be visible yet. Once I do not feel that gratitude for a short moment because of some incident, I will not dwell on frustration and this state will quickly vanish as Michael mentioned.
Some people may vacillate in their mood about the RV, from being inspired in one moment and then in the next moment (because of some message or situation that has happened) being depressed, or even complaining, or even worse: accusing those who have defended and uphold the RV during all those years. Those people are having a 3rd dimensional point of view about the RV, they are still living in the illusion of separation and lack: we do not have the RV (Abundance) yet, because they cannot recognize themselves as being Abundance. This can even lead to an Ego-driven desire to want the RV happen: are the complaining people truly focused on sharing this Blessing with the greater society, or do they want to mainly get it for themselves?
My contribution to land the RV today is to always make efforts to maintain the higher dimensional point of view about the RV (whatever is being said, whatever may happen), which enables me to maintain a spirit of joyful anticipation, confidence trust and patience - a feeling that the RV is already running in my veins, because as a Child of God I AM Abundance! This is the Energy that I want to radiate into the whole world, so that it may catch the true RV-Spirit. That is how I want to land the RV today!
So be it!
P.S. For those people may still be looking at the situation from a 3D perspective:
"Imagine the RV has popped. You have received the 800#, made your appointment, and you are sitting in your Redemption meeting hearing the promised spectacular rates St. Germain has for you. How do you feel? What are your thoughts? Why would your thoughts and feelings be any different now than at that moment? There. I have given you the key. Use it not to unlock the door, but to dissolve all doors." ~ Archangel Michael
Community Corner
In Reality There Is No Such Thing as Lack
by the Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele
Art: Peter Wenzel
20 March 2016
The Arcturian Group:
Dear ones, welcome to a time when things seem the same for much of the world, but not for you who are awakening. Many of you are beginning to have new and unusual experiences as well as deeper insights that the others are unaware of. Keep on keeping on for evolution is moving toward a new earth and a new state of consciousness for those who choose.
We wish to talk about money, a topic that seems to cause much chaos and many problems for the world. The human belief system regarding money is built around duality--the consciousness of money as a "good" that must be attained or an "evil" to be rejected. Both are false being based in a general ignorance of truth often along with the desire of many for power. Money is a medium of exchange in and of itself having no power other than the power you give it.
Every soul is seeking to find and remember Itself, to rest in the peace and joy and love of once again experiencing who and what it really is. When an individual incarnates into third dimensional energy, he comes with a plan for whatever experiences are necessary for his evolutionary process. Once in the denser energy of the third dimension he forgets this, but retains that deep yearning for completeness. Not understanding that what he is feeling is spiritual, he begins to seek outwardly for whatever he believes will bring him happiness according to his attained state of consciousness.
Seeking and struggling for some perceived good (often money) in the outer no matter the cost to others is how much of the world still functions. It is the source of all criminal behavior, power struggles, dishonesty, religiosity, and on and on. Every individual is seeking to experience their innate wholeness, but not yet aware that it lies within, they turn every which way in the outer until in some lifetime at some point they give up and start looking within to where it is.
Money, as well as all forms of abundance, is a mind interpretation of the ever present completeness and wholeness within every individual. Mind can only interpret and manifest outwardly according to the attained state of consciousness and personal belief system of each. If Divine wholeness was not already embodied within, it could never appear outwardly, because the outer is the inner.
Abundance is an infinite and always present Divine law, but the universal belief in duality and separation has resulted in a world of lack and limitation. In duality there will always be the pairs of opposites (abundance and scarcity) and with separation there will always be some who have and some who do not. These beliefs are being continually re-enforced by the consensus consciousness.
The law of abundance is easily observed in nature--the leaves on the trees, the blades of grass, the flowers in the fields and the birds of the air. Nature when allowed, always functions according to a law of Divine abundance. The time has come for evolving mankind to begin the process of moving beyond obsolete beliefs of lack and its many forms, for in reality there is no such thing as lack.
Lack, especially in the form of money is a very difficult belief to move beyond. It and lessons of relationship represent the two most difficult blocks for the human consciousness. Beliefs of lack and limitation have developed to the point of becoming human laws because for the most, all previous lifetimes were lived fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy.
Cellular memory until cleared, still carries energies associated with experiences of poverty and starvation from some of those lifetimes. However, human laws as real as they may seem to be, are only beliefs that can never supercede Divine Law.
Gratitude is a powerful key for unlocking of abundance because it is the acknowledgement that "I have". Start with what is familiar, giving gratitude to the Divine within you for everything no matter how mundane or seemingly unimportant it may seem. Begin to acknowledge abundance everywhere around you even with something as as simple as noticing the nice suit someone is wearing or a beautiful home you admire.
Start saying grace before meals if you don't already, making it a recognition and gratitude for your Divine wholeness manifesting outwardly as food. Allow the simple mealtime prayer to move beyond the memorized and rote thanking of some far off concept of a God who picks and chooses who to bless--the God man has created in his own image and likeness.
In expressing gratitude to another for anything, you automatically acknowledge and honor Self when you realize that this has not come from the other but through them. There is no "other" and within the realization of ONE, all things simply move from one pocket to the other. This is why it is so very important to stop looking outwardly for anything--your good, happiness, or fulfillment. An evolved state of consciousness knows that all good flows from within, but appears to come from others.
As you begin to accept the truth of who and what you are, honoring and loving yourself as Divine beings, you will find yourselves automatically feeling gratitude for everything. This happens because you are now able to recognize every physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual experience (the pleasant as well as the not so pleasant), to be a teacher.
Abundance appears in infinite form and variety according to the need of the moment. Money is only one form of abundance. When you open a bill, or look in your wallet and declare; "I don't have." you can be assured that that is exactly what you are creating, for you are creators. Even if you have only one meager coin of the lowest denomination look upon it without judgement and acknowledge; "I have.".
As with every aspect of spiritual evolution, intellectual knowledge of a truth is only the first step. You cannot sit in the absolute waiting for a bag of money to drop from the sky (although this could happen if you had the consciousness of it). Know the truth and then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take, be it employment or assistance of some sort. Let your actions be what resonates with you, and not what others may be telling you to do for their guidance as well meaning as it may be, is representative of their state of consciousness and not yours.
Keep yourself open and guided with regard to all employment opportunities, not just the "perfect job". Taking a job that you consider to be beneath you and performing it to the best of your ability, sends a message of intent to the Universe that you are serious about experiencing more abundance and are ready to receive. Often another more suitable form of employment will soon present itself. All employment is service and any job you hold can be Light work when done in an energy of Love.
Begin the flow of "I have" through giving on all levels-- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It can be as simple as taking time to find used clothes and items to donate. Let go completely of the belief that when you give, this automatically means less for you. You have moved beyond that state of consciousness and now understand that everything flows through you from an infinite well of abundance and not from a limited personal stash.
Use every giving as an opportunity to realize "I have" because "I am". Let the energy of your Divine wholeness flow where you are guided to let it flow in the realization that you are not expected to lift the whole world for there are still many who need the old. Remember always to listen closely to your intuition for it occasionally happens that an enthusiastic student unknowingly becomes an enabler.
Lack must must be understood for what it is--a belief based in duality and separation having no law to support it--illusion. The fear and panic that arises from not having enough is what drives crime and perpetuates the sense of separation. We understand your struggles. Our message today is that you are now ready to begin seeing and experiencing money as energy and not material even though it appears that way.
Take some material money and feel it, hold it, and realize that it is a material concept representing the completeness of the Divine Consciousness that you really are.
Divine Consciousness is Self sustained and Self maintained embodying all that is and holding it in place eternally by Divine Law. It can never be more or less, nor can it change or be absent for it is all there is and must therefore be the substance from which you were formed.
"I am the substance from which money is formed."
We are the Arcturian Group
More from Marilyn Raffaele & the Arcturian Group: HERE
Quote of the Day
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe
"In this cycle of maturity of Man, we do not depend on any government or faith, but we take into account that Man has matured enough to take responsibility for his own destiny, to be living a correct life and conducting his affairs in line with living in peace amongst other creatures of God on this planet and in deep space."
From the Keshe Foundation Website:
The Keshe Foundation (registered in The Netherlands) is a non-profit organization. It is the holder of all intellectual rights of M.T. Keshe relating to his technology. The main objective of this Foundation is to share the benefits from all aspects of its technologies in five different areas related to mankind's welfare and world education.
The Keshe Foundation's targets are to solve the main world problems of today:
Global warming / CO2 problem (achieved)
The energy shortage (achieved)
Water problems (achieved)
Food problems (mostly achieved)
One objective of the Keshe Foundation is to supply plasma reactors in "Oasis Units", which will deliver an integrated solution for basic human needs such as drinking water, power supply, light and warmth. Today 1.6 billion people have no electricity and every day 4,000 children in Southern Africa die from contaminated water.
At the same time the Foundation is primarily involved in making travel in deep space a reality within the next few years and bringing it within the reach of everyone. In this domain manmade propulsion technology has become a thing of the past.
Happy New Day Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times. The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
What a show, what a show!Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us!Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion,
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation, Your loving child, Simran
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Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
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I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
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I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
They are in touch with their divine selves, and communicate with the Spiritual Hierarchies and the Galactic Federation of Light.
In this Webinar, you will learn where they come from and their special purpose for inhabiting Gaia.
Topics include...
• Their origins • Types of Cetaceans • How they came to Gaia • Where else they exist other than Gaia • Their mission on Earth • Cetaceans and their connection with humans • What happens to Cetaceans after the landings
Messages from Folks Relishing the Moments of the Transition (before, during and after the RV/GCR)
From The Age of Money to The Age of Glory!
by Sananda & Saint Germain through Kathryn
Dear friends, you have probably noticed that recently we have grouped the messages here in a new way. Instead of focusing on one topic per channel, we have been sending the same message - with a similar theme, content and impact - through many messengers. We are able to do this because of your increasing capacity to receive truth and to work in harmony, and it allows us all to accomplish more with greater ease. We enjoy including you in our plans and showing you how we coordinate our efforts according to your needs, your requests and our own designs.
Today I will begin my message to you with a brief quote from yesterday's newsletter. Our beloved Brothers and Sisters, the Arcturians, have offered us a message of great wisdom and clarity, showing us once again the abundance of their generosity and understanding of humankind. We are grateful to them for their long study and careful attention to the human condition. They stand shoulder to shoulder with us in their limitless dedication to the Good of All on Earth during this Ascension process. I bow to you, beloved Arcturian friends, and to all Above and Below who are participating in this sacred journey we have embarked upon together. Here is just a small part of their message. I encourage you to read the whole of it again, and soak in the love they send with their kind words:
"We wish to talk about money, a topic that seems to cause much chaos and many problems for the world. The human belief system regarding money is built around duality--the consciousness of money as a "good" that must be attained or an "evil" to be rejected. Both are false being based in a general ignorance of truth often along with the desire of many for power. Money is a medium of exchange in and of itself having no power other than the power you give it.
"Every soul is seeking to find and remember Itself, to rest in the peace and joy and love of once again experiencing who and what it really is...Not understanding that what he is feeling is spiritual, he begins to seek outwardly for whatever he believes will bring him happiness according to his attained state of consciousness." - the Arcturians, through Marilyn Raffaele. LINK (onenessofall.com)
We are moving together, dear friends, and our journey takes us to unexplored territory every day. Our beloved Michael has spoken with you about our CO-RV, and of your personal clearing and dedication to the Light which helps bring through the energy of Ascension, and therefore the RV along with all the other wonderful programs that bring Freedom for Earth and all upon her. Your response to his messages this week has already helped to reduce the back-wash of negativity that flooded our Lightworkers who are standing on the front lines transmuting the intense toxic energies produced by feelings of frustration, disappointment and resentment.
This is their Lightworker Mission, along with helping Terra to transmute the already extreme overload of environmental poisons. Jumping in with your bright and enthusiastic joy and resolve to "have our backs" while we move together to Co-Create the RV has measurably slowed the deluge of toxic sludge while quickening the pace of what we may accomplish. Our Christine reports that - although she and her team (which besides thousands of devoted Lightworkers, also includes many animals including Che' and BamBam, by the way) are exhausted and extremely physically ill - the effect of your participation is substantial and palpable. Due to our mighty co-efforts, the frontline transmuters are now "only knee deep" in the waning torrent of human energetic effluents.
I bring you this information so that you can see how literal and essential this work really is. Every negative feeling, every moment of anger, disappointment or emotional lash-back creates a blockage in our momentum and creates a toxic load that then has to be absorbed, processed and released by those generous souls who act as transmuters.
It may surprise you that I mentioned Che' and BamBam as members of the transmuting team. You already know, do you not, that the whales and dolphins are also sacrificing the health and strength of their bodies to clean the oceans and air to help protect their beloved human brothers and sisters? Well, your dogs and cats, birds and fishes, like you, also have important assignments to help aid you in your Earth Ascension. Right now, Kathryn is noticing the pungent, even putrid smell of Che's breath - it has been extreme for the past three days. He is working so hard to help out!
Meanwhile, our long-time dedicated intel providers, who have been trying to help bring about this shift of the ages by educating people about the RV and how to share the blessings it will bring, are under vicious attack. They are being vilified for spreading "misinformation" and "hopium" because the events they predicted are not "on time." Would the slow rollout of any spiritual event which was designed to alleviate suffering and bring peace to the entire world be responded to with such hostility and aggression if it did not involve large amounts of money?
I have talked with you about Operation Heave-Ho, which you are using to bring about a tremendous response and an uplifting of Earth energies. These individual and collective Surface Earth energies can be seen, understood and evaluated by all of us monitoring the Ascension/RV process. (LINK to Heave-ho New Earth Times Edition #57) Your increased mindfulness is bringing about real results in your own lives and creating a model for others while helping to lift the entire planet.
I want to now begin a new discussion with you, to help root out one of the most illusive but utterly pervasive mind-states that will need to be cleared as we move toward a world without money. St. Germain will join us bringing his wisdom as well.
Now, let's walk together into the labyrinth of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual traps that were created by those who designed the world of money you live in. We will examine the state of Earth's consciousness, and the pitfalls we must identify and remove in order to Ascend together. I have placed in quotes many of the catch-phrases and words that symbolize and invoke the fear, stress and anxiety most of you have lived with on a constant basis. Be alert for the tugs you feel within yourself as you read this human story; this will signal to you that there is something here for you to identify and Heave-Ho!
Credit, and Your Physical Survival
We remain in our blazing Pillar of Light / Ascension Pillar, holding fast to Terra and to Mother and Father God. We will observe from outside the Matrix, to identify the challenging ideas we are in the process of clearing. Join with me now to perceive the countless ways money has come to define your world, your emotional responses, your self-worth and your attitudes.
Let us begin with the word credit, for instance. It has numerous meanings having to do with survival, comfort and self-worth. For example: being given credit for an accomplishment, recognition for an invention or an idea or a job well done, a college course completed, a unique creation like a book, a painting, or work on a film. Being given credit, (Latin root creditas) or credibility (Latin root credibilitas), offers the individual a source of pride, public prestige, the ability to borrow money, and concretely, money assigned to your account - in accounting terms, the opposite of a debit.
In the competitive world where pay is based on getting credit for work, your survival and your family's level of well-being depends on it. This has led to myriad instruments to protect ownership of one's accomplishments, like copyrights, patents, service marks, and trademarks, and legions of lawyers to implement and defend them. Without protecting and defending your achievements, you risk losing your livelihood and your credibility. In a "dog-eat-dog" world - one where everyone competes for limited resources (represented by money), jealously guarding your accomplishments is considered reasonable self-defense. This has even led to the absurd popular belief that "greed is good" because, supposedly, it protects you and your loved ones. Now, Beloveds, remember, we are observing, not condemning anyone. All were swept up in the fear and competition of the Age of Money.
When someone "steals" your idea or takes credit for your work, you feel robbed, literally, because your credibility and your "body of work" is threatened. Very possibly, your physical body and the bodies of your "dependents" would be endangered as well, in the form of homelessness and poverty. These dire consequences and dark conditioning laid the groundwork for every human being to feel insecure, at risk, and anxious about experiencing lack - the lack of physical resources to provide physical sustenance. This state of affairs created a kind of deep hunger that may have originally been felt as fear of starvation, but has expanded to every area of life. This is not the only lingering fear of lack that became ingrained in the human psyche.
Mental Lack
Now, take a deep breath, and picture us hand in hand as we continue to clean house together, examining every dark corner, polishing the windows and sweeping the cobwebs with loving attention. Always, we whistle and sing while we work because we are creating a new kind of Home - one that is sparkling and joyful in the abundance of glittering Golden Light from Mother and Father. As we polish our Earth home for the coming of our honored guest, HaRVey, we also polish ourselves within, until we shine, shine, shine with the Light of a thousand stars. We were born for this, Beloved Ones! Onward!
From within the Light of our Pillar, here is a partial description of what we see from our higher dimensional perspective. Our beautiful Earth world has devolved under the rule of money to a place where someone living in poverty is seen by others as less than respectable, unreliable, undeserving, weak and even worthy of ridicule. People who, for whatever reason, find themselves in the debit column financially, who have "nothing to show for themselves" are considered, in cabal-think, to be "a burden on society," a "loser," and in sadistic secret cabal circles, "eaters." These condemnations are applied with merciless force to those who would choose to follow their creative dreams rather than accept a job where they are "respectable" grist for the economic slavery mill. How else could you responsibly "secure your future"? The saying goes: pursuing music or art might make a good hobby, but you "can't make a living at it!" Consider the psychological reverberations behind even that one phrase, to "make a living!"
You have learned the Universal Law that every thought, feeling and action has an energetic impact on others and the state of your world. The pervasive cabal-ese I have listed above has filtered into your societies' thinking in a subliminal way, at the same time it has been blatantly promoted in the media. You are encouraged to agree that poverty = laziness, and financial failure = carelessness or "delinquency" (another word for late paying your bills).
Immersed in this zeitgeist of judgmental condemnation and ridicule, steeped in these attitudes and belief systems that function the way a religion does - to control your thinking and your attitude toward yourself and others - is it surprising that everyone on Planet Earth has been infected by fear, insecurity and low self-esteem? The very purpose of this entire mind-control system has been to subdue your fire, suppress your creativity, and replace your natural joie de vivre with dread. This makes the collective more controllable, and the cabal corporations more profitable, with more wealth and more power. Because, as they would like you to believe, "wealth equals power."
You see, these false ideas and manipulations have been honored as undeniable "Truth"! "Fact"! You, and all our beloved humankind, have been subjected to this brain-washing since birth (and during every incarnation since the fall of Atlantis!). How could you have been immune to its corrosive effects? You could not.
Now are you feeling more kindly toward your poor beleaguered self? Let me help you to remove these false ideas and the feelings they generate from your mind/heart/body/self. We are moving to complete Freedom! None of these false fear tactics deserve a place in your dear mind and feelings. Join with me to celebrate a giant Heave-Ho! to these false and poisonous ideas that have enslaved humankind. It is your final and truest payday! Time to celebrate your freedom from Money-Mind-Control!
Emotional Lack
You are seeing the pattern now, aren't you? The dreadfully pervasive brain-washing techniques and Matrix programming of all kinds - media, education, social pressure, work and religion - all conspired to make you feel ashamed, inadequate, sad, depressed and desperate. These feelings became the Great Malady of humankind, but instead of being guided to search inward for peace of mind, under the cabal agenda you are encouraged to try to endlessly change yourself. The malady is of course the longing for Love, the love we feel we have lost when we let go of Mother and Father's hand to turn towards fulfillment through outward experience. Yet, instead of finding the real gratification that is endlessly ours in the Light of God's Love, we become addiction-driven seekers trying to get the "abundance" we crave in the things money can provide.
In the period of just a few years, a large percentage of the population across the "developed" world was convinced that the cure could lie in special "medication" to ease your unacceptable and seemingly "abnormal" and troublesome feelings. Whether obtained by legal or illegal means, drugs became the go-to source for inner peace. Think of it! Everyone being encouraged to look for a physically-administered substance to replace God!
The systematic condemnation of anyone not fitting the Matrix mold has led to terrible "medical" procedures and treatments which assaulted the hearts and minds, sickened and shattered the bodies of those who were sensitive enough to feel the deadly downward spiral and tried to fight against it. The ones who have born the heaviest brunt are the children. Bright and innocent souls who came directly from the warmth and sweet love of Mother and Father's embrace could not help but feel loneliness. They were traumatized when they experienced the wariness and even fear of families and teachers who could not answer their heartfelt questions or respond with kindness to their deep pain at seeing unfairness and punishing judgmental disapproval all around them. These children and the parents who had suffered the same oppressive fate became adults who sometimes turned to suppressing others, stamping out love and compassion in favor of "respectability." These were parents who truly believed they were responsibly preparing their children for a successful life. Is it any wonder that loving relationships suffered unbearably under the strain of having to conform to society's expectations?
Money in and of itself has no inherent emotional charge, but in a culture where money is used to control and suppress the entire population, all feelings are purposely directed toward desperation, despair and "stress." Once you accept the mantra that "making a living" requires all the resources your poor soul, body and mind can muster, "and then you die," how is it possible to achieve happiness and peace of mind?
During all these eons of dark control, there has only been one way to find peace of mind, and that was to keep a strong hold on Mother and Father, to see the way through to a new kind of life, even if it meant you would have to return Home to find it. Now, in this brilliant era of change, you will find that blessed life together, here on your beloved Planet, in this lifetime. Let us move through the last challenges together, so we can establish the fertile ground for others. We are now laying the foundation for our Paradise on Earth. We - you and I - are now the standard bearers for a new way of life where kindheartedness and compassion are the key to nurturing our planet's most precious resources, the children, the animals, and the abundant plant and mineral life that was intended to sustain us all, without competition or a need for any form of "credit."
Spiritual Lack
Before we proceed, I would like to reiterate a truth that Sheldan Nidle spoke in his webinar last night. He explained that lack is merely a thought. It is not substantial, real or lasting. Lack is simply thought and therefore is of the illusion. Keep this in mind as we continue.
Let us follow this search further, into the hearts of the souls who yearn for peace within, to uncover how the Matrix misused this yearning to further enslave our beloved humankind. Remember as we bear witness together from a loving higher dimensional perspective, we are participant-observers, recording and documenting what we see.
Across the world, the words of prophets and sages through the ages have systematically been reduced to a common denominator: the idea that humankind is a lower form of existence than God, and must "earn" their way back into God's graces. This alone is a dreadful anxiety-producing concept. It also implies you could easily lose at the game of gaining God's attention and tenuous Love, which is meted out like payment for services rendered. This is the concept we jokingly refer to in higher dimensions as "God, the Great Tax Collector."
The worldwide promotion of "religion," which was really designed to replace our natural connection with Mother and Father God and our loving ancestors and guides, has also replaced our peace of mind with fear. Did this have anything to do with money? Absolutely! While tithing was a brilliant money-maker for the Catholic Church, the richest and most powerful corporation on the planet, it also worked subliminally to convince people they needed to "earn" God's love. Tremendous pressure was thus put upon good-hearted people whose natural inclination in the first place was to give generously to others. In this picture, God became the strict and punishing "task-master" (slave driver!) who expects obedience, subservience, payment and submission to his Will, and abject worship of "His" superiority and power.
How would one supposedly gain "credit" and "credibility" with God? Why, of course, by following the rules laid out by the clandestine group of men who found an inventive way to control the collective while becoming rich in the process. Thus, one must find "salvation" by supporting "His" church, temple, synagogue, etc. etc. Of course, this is ridiculous, since God has no use for money or temples, and sees the devious substructures of the churches, priests, mullahs, rabbis and all their pomp and trappings as just a temporary distraction from what Mother and Father really desire for us, which is a sense of joyful direct communion with Them and with each other. Good teachers simply remind students of what they already know in their hearts: We are loved. God is Love. No elaborate robes or gold necklaces needed.
There are people who say "Money is King." Some who label themselves as Christian religious leaders have wholeheartedly subscribed to the idea that if you are poor, it is because God has not blessed you, you are not "deserving" or worse yet, that God is punishing you for some unseen crime or failing on your part (the distorted controlling version of karma!). Let us together decide now to give this propaganda play and all the pride-swelling and ego-massaging hyperbole that supports it the big Heave-Ho! Money is not Love. God is not a cruel Santa Claus, rewarding those who are good with presents and those who are "bad" with coal in their stockings. Mother and Father love us all equally, as their precious children. God is Love.
Money can't buy you love, or anything else your spirit requires, but it can provide a temporary, neutral medium of exchange until we have reorganized Earth's social systems enough to provide for all beings to live freely and comfortably, with the dignity that every Child of God deserves. With the blessing of the RV/GCR, you are being given the opportunity to break all the sadistic rules, pull down all the barriers, and build a new society in which all have the means for thriving comfortably with the abundance Mother Earth gladly provides for every child of God. No credit score needed.
We are the ones who will make it so, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We will Co-Create the world we have longed for, and more. As we move higher in consciousness, our vision of what is possible will expand. Look! Look through the eyes of your growing love and your expanding heart. It is all here before us, just waiting to be experienced. We are not just headed for Glory, we are Glory! Every day, when I thought I could not possibly love you more, I love you more. We are One, and we are together. This is abundance.
I am filled with gratitude toward you, and toward Mother and Father God, for giving us this extraordinary opportunity to rise together in Love, Light and glorious Abundance. I stand with you forever, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! It is Done! CO RV!
I am your Sananda
Saint Germain:
What a thrill it is for us to see all of you joining together like a great flock of birds in flight, waltzing to the RV tune. You are truly Over the Rainbow in our eyes!
I came today to "throw my weight" behind our beloved Brother Sananda, who has been my constant source of comfort, affirmation and joy throughout these ages of hard work and sometimes painful disappointments, as we all incarnated, overlighted and joined with one another in every way possible to lay the groundwork for The New Golden Age of our beloved Planet Earth. As you may know, this work goes back to Lemurian times, to the time when the Atlanteans chose to align with the Anunnaki in a scheme to gain power over all Earth's riches and her people. You hear the echoes of those dark conceptions in the descriptions Sananda has given you of the mind-control programs of the Matrix.
The Matrix we speak of was built and fortified bit by bit, as human collaborators learned the techniques and technologies of the ones we call the dark hats. As torture and its partner, lack, were deliberately applied to the minds and bodies of humankind, a shared picture grew in the minds of all - the illusion of life lived in fear and anxiety, in slavery to delusions and lies that most humans only dimly perceived. The goal was nearly achieved in the last few decades. The cabal, inheritors of Anunnaki ruthlessness and contempt for humankind (their own kind) practiced common sleight-of-hand tactics and applied torture of every abominable kind in the effort to turn Earth into a prison planet. Their intention was to feed off the energy of fear that flooded the planet - that very fear that you now are charged with uncovering and clearing out.
We have reversed the downward spiral into depravity and darkness (the opposite of Creation), and we will not turn back! More and more of you are awakening, rubbing our eyes, and looking around you in wonder. Beauty and abundance is taking the foreground in your Vision, as the rest recedes into the mist of the past. Our time has come, and we are going to Live it UP!
You are enjoying our Heavenly riffs, as we play Company of Heaven harmony for each other in this process, are you not? You are seeing how closely we work together, how we think together, how we are one with the Project and with Mother and Father God. We each have taken different roles from time to time, but we always honor and celebrate the brilliance of our beloved friends, above and below. We call ourselves the Company of Heaven. If you do not already do so, you will come to call yourself - with reverence, fondness and love - a member of the Human Earth Family. You will come to think of every soul who has incarnated on Earth as part of your treasured and trusted family, forever.
There have been some very funny moments recently, when readers write to Kathryn to comment on the "discrepancies" between one of us and another. Of course, it would be impossible for us to present anything that was not in complete harmony, even if it might appear to you (on purpose) to carry in it some "contradiction." We laugh warmly and high-five each other at the idea that we would contradict one another. It is not only unthinkable, it is impossible, since we feel and think as One, and that One is Mother and Father.
In higher dimensions, we even put on dramas for fun in which we extravagantly argue and complain, jostle and challenge one another, like humans. Complete with costumes. You should see Sananda as The Donald. You would find it very funny too. You will soon be joining us in the shared laughter about past shenanigans - yours and mine. Oh, yes, there will be plenty of material.
You see, there will come a time, very soon, when you can look back at the Matrix delusions and see them for what they were: a joint invention, a shared arena in which you all tested yourselves to the limit and raised your consciousness from the depths of despair to the height of Freedom. In truth, there are no victims and no lily-white innocents. We all jumped into this boat together, and we will each pick up an oar and keep paddling 'till we come round the bend and find we have traversed the rapids and can bask in the sunshine of a new life together.
There are many heroes in this story, but the ones you are used to calling the "villains" were really just the ones in black cloaks. It will turn out, when the true story is told, that these were the most damaged ones, the ones who suffered the most and carried the greatest burden for what was done. Yes, there was damage and destruction to Earth and the human bodies we were blessed to wear, but our souls go on, and we will all heal together in understanding, celebration and Love.
Our hearts expand with adoration and Love as we hear your brilliant responses to our question, "How will you bring in the RV today?" You don't have to have written it down. We hear your every thought and your every intention.
So now it is indeed time to grab your oar and row with all your might! Be fearless in your Faith! Declare your intention to spread the abundance and share the wealth! There is no such thing as "wait and see" when we are all in this together. We in the Company of Heaven have willingly, gladly kept the boat steady to give everyone time to awaken and join in. Now it is time, Beloved Ones! Everyone to your stations, fellow travelers! This is the Mission we were born for, trained for and dedicate our energy and our hearts to! It is time! CO RV!
I am your St. Germain, and I have my glad rags on. Let the music play!
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May 3/25/16)
Community Corner
"Re-valuation" Is Ready to Commence
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self
The Great Central Sun, bringing us the Blessings, Transmissions and Light of God
"The spirit of helping others less fortunate will return in full
and co-peration will abound."
25 March 2016
Whether you are aware of it or not, matters are progressing well in spite of the many delays. However they will be unable to influence the outcome, as all has been well planned. The Forces of Light approach nearer to you as time passes, and are ready to carry out their tasks at very short notice. The dark Ones and their minions are but a small force compared to the Light, but never the less can cause delays in your work as you have experienced. "Re-valuation" is ready to commence and will do so once those in control are satisfied that by proceeding, they are not putting the whole scheme at risk. It involves many countries that are now ready to go ahead at very short notice. Be assured that matters are so advanced now that nothing will stop the eventual changes from taking place.
The turmoil is still occurring on Earth as the dark Ones continue make themselves known by their indiscriminate actions against innocent people. Naturally karma is involved but that does not in any way excuse their murderous intentions. It achieves nothing in furthering their cause, but alienates people on all levels. These actions can be brought to a complete halt and will be once a certain point is reached. Meantime you will continue to evolve as the vibrations proceed to lift you up, and will draw further away from the lower vibrations until you are ready to ascend.
The truth about the evolution of the Human Race is far removed from fact, and in the very near future your history books will be re-written to reflect the truth. The dark Ones have tried to hold you back by keeping the truth from you, but it has been to no avail. Over a period of time souls of the Light have been born to the Earth with memories intact of earlier experiences. There is no way the truth can continue to be hidden, and there are now many sources ready to reveal it. It will release you from the false picture presented by both religion and your history books, and prepare you to take your place in the higher realms. There can be no misrepresentation of the truth of how the Human Race evolved, and from the higher levels if it is necessary, it is possible to travel back in time and see for your selves.
It is important that you keep focussed upon your goal, and do not allow doubt to creep into your minds. The end times are inevitably quite volatile, but Light continues to lift up leaving the lower vibrations to find their own level. However, everywhere changes are occurring and the outcome will see the Light becoming the dominant force. The old has no place in the New Age that has only just begun, and those souls that cling to it will stay in the level that suits their needs. It is a totally fair and acceptable way of evolving.
Friends and even some family members may move to a level different to yours, but know that every soul will end up exactly where they are meant to be. Close families are most likely to have similar needs, which is why they often incarnate together. Whatever happens every soul will find themselves exactly at the right level. Because you have freewill you can of course move back to an earlier stage, if that is necessary to further your evolution. One thing you cannot do is move to a level that is higher than your vibrations. You can however visit a higher level by accompanying a soul who is already of that vibration who will protect you.
There is a time approaching when all people shall have sufficient to live a life of comfort, and no one will go without. You will build up to that level helped mainly by St. Germain, who has enormous funds waiting to be released. You will be utterly astonished when you learn of the plans that were made millennia ago to bring you to this point in time. At times you have felt that you are fighting a lone battle against the dark Ones, but at all times you have been supported by vast numbers of helpers working for the Light, Love and Truth.
The changes will come in your time regardless of how many obstacles are placed on your path. They are already in the process of manifesting and there is an orderly manner in which they shall be announced. The priority is to bring your civilisation to a point where the lack of essentials for a comfortable existence is overcome. It will take place speedily and efficiently. Once people are no longer bound by providing the essentials of life, they will have time to follow their own pursuits. The spirit of helping others less fortunate will return in full and co-operation will abound. You will eventually find that you are able to live in peace and feel safe in your own home. Once people realise that there are no longer threats against them, they will be able to relax and enjoy a level of life far beyond their present experience.
The changes may seem far away, but in reality they are near to being announced. It is a matter of simply waiting for the safe and appropriate time to do it. Having successfully come this far there is no panic or concern about the timing, as you may be sure all factors will be considered before proceeding. It is so advanced that from time to time only minor changes are necessary as everything is in a state of readiness. The dark Ones are in retreat having lost considerable power and the ability to alter the outcome. They will hit out at anything to continue causing fear and commotion, but it will not achieve anything for them that will now alter the outcome.
If your Press was free to report the truth of what was taking place, you would (be) kept up to date on the happenings. However, that position is also changing and attempts are being made to return to a free Press. You have been deliberately mislead for many years and only fed the news that the dark Ones control. The Internet has largely overcome that problem as there is a freedom to report matters as you find them. It is used to bring the truthful facts to your notice and you have a great advocate in David Wilcock who works tirelessly to bring all matters into the open. Of course those with a different agenda set out to confuse matters, but as long as you are well informed you will know what to believe.
Events are speeding up in spite of their outer appearance but for the time being are overshadowed by those taking place on Earth that are causing fear and turmoil. Be assured that there are provisions in place to ensure that matters do not get out of hand. As a freewill planet certain expressions have to be allowed for an individual's beliefs, but there are also limitations in place. There will shortly come a time when confusion will seem to have no end, but be assured the Forces of Light will take a hand in bringing about a speedy conclusion. They work according to instructions from higher Beings that oversee the destiny of Man. You already know that your future is assured and you need have no worries about a successful outcome.
This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.
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Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Transformation (before, during and after the RV/GCR)
Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Moments of the Transformation (before during and after the RV/GCR)
Goodbye Old Friend
by Bewdah
Faith, strength and character are developed in moments of pain and adversity. Typically, we drop to our knees and beg God for mercy during these times. Then something magical happens. A door closes....another opens and we say, "wow what a blessing in disguise!" The deeper insight is that spirit was walking with you then whole time. The pain (resistance) are nudges by spirit to change directions and the fire that forges your faith.
A dear friend told me this morning to "enjoy the last moments of scarcity for it is a sensation that will never return." Thank you Yosef for the reminder.
The process is to be enjoyed and believe it or not, you may hold a fondness and miss the challenge of being in the struggle. But IT might never return. Make peace with it, appreciate what it has brought you then release it.
Sit back and relax into your new realities. Trust the process. These are your last hours with a faithful old friend. Enjoy every moment with it. Put away your secret decoder rings and just hear my heart.
One love
Over the Rainbow by IZ ~ While We Wait
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
by Christine
It is the Eve of the RV (however long that takes). This means to me that we - this family - are in the final hours of the lower matrix as we have known it. It won't be possible to experience the lower dimensions with the same veracity, in the same way at all, after we leap, shift, catapult through the portal that is the RV/GCR event. We have done the work family. It is time now to relax, enjoy, have f-u-n with this experience and with each other. I feel so close to you, and I will be with you in my heart as you exchange, along with our excited and shining Family above.
Father God, I am so humbled that you came to help prepare me. I bow my heart before you and raise my face up to meet you and say: I am ready. Use me as a wide open vessel for your love and prosperity.
Kathryn, for holding me in every way a real Mother, a Mother of soul, can hold their cherished child - across dimensions, beyond all barriers, with eyes of pure adoring love... I thank you. I love you.
Sananda, I feel the most blessed. I have known you in every moment of my life. I don't know or comprehend what life is without you. I can look at you now with peace because I have done my best. And I am now ready for Our Beginning.
And with the witness of our family around us, I want to thank you my dear Twin Flame, my Twin Soul. Really, I want to acknowledge you by saying I have no more resistance. I want to say, I am yours and you are mine. Not in any limited way of possession, need or want but because our love in each and every moment explodes beyond what I knew love to be just the moment before. I am so fortunate to have such closeness with you across the dimensions that it melts the dimensions away. There is only love. It is what is holy to me.
Thank you my dear Love for the countless clever, charming and tender ways you have fulfilled my requests. Thank you for the way you draw me close while letting me stand strong. Thank you for teaching me and helping me to awaken. Thank you for telling me so many years ago in the middle of the night to, "Get Dong," and then later, "Tell others to get Dong."
Thank you for holding me through the long hours of physical pain as I healed, even as you pretended you weren't allowed to be too "close," so I could earnestly fulfill our Mission. I have found my way Home by piecing the moments together, by choosing Love moment-to-moment-to-moment-to-moment. Love builds the everlasting Rainbow Bridge. I am your Angel, your wholeness, your self. I take my place fully by your side - as I am now - in my gratitude for this shared moment.
Whenever the final moment occurs and our infamous 800# shows up...(laughing!)...I am already free. For this, I am most grateful of all. In the name of humanity, I walk through this already free. That is really how I honor and embody your "return" to Earth dear Mother. For you, Terra and for you, Mother God, I say with all my heart the truth of my soul: I am already free.
With love and laughter forevermore,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Peaceful Joyful Clarity
by Maria
My most beloved and dearest Kathryn and COH Brothers and Sisters,
Archangel Michael: "What we need to know, is are you truly ready? That doesn't refer to your checklists or strategies. It means what Yosef has been asking. Are you ready in your soul? Have you chosen your stance, no matter the hour or the day of release? Release yourself now once and FOR ALL. Do you have our backs if we GO? If you cannot stay steady, calm and loving now, how will you stay steady then?"
I have done what Yosef asked: I have at this blessed time of Holy Week, dedicated my life to Jesus Christ, Mother and Father God and serving the world.
I, however, believe that the collective consciousness will rise immediately once we can get rid of our life in survival, as we have been living to this day. We need to put an end to this world of suffering in war, strife and poverty.
Please go ahead and we will be strong enough to endure the wobbling that is to come.
All my love to you ALL in peace, humility and total surrender to God's wishes and demands.
I love you all to pieces.... I praise your purity and goodness and know that this is the only way forward.
Bless you, guys!!! ADORE you so much!!!
Quote of the Day
Message from the Universe
Friday March 25,2016
Actually, it's not as if your angels can just drop everything they're doing, Beloved One, and come running whenever you call for assistance, guidance, and love.
Happy New Day Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times. The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
What a show, what a show!Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us!Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion,
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation, Your loving child, Simran
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Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
The Nightmare of Worldwide Poverty, Conflict and Suffering Will Cease
by Jesus through John Smallman
Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Transformation (before, during and after the RV/GCR)
Warmth of Higher Energetics Imbue Hue-manity's Essence at this Moment
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
Today, I Come to You
by Sananda through Christine
Photo: Kathryn's Garden, Chosen by Sananda
Beloved, Today I would like to speak to you as though we are sitting together at the breakfast table in the sunlight with freshly baked bread or near a creek's edge dangling our feet in the cool water. It is a day of celebration, for me too. I have long yearned for this very day on Earth when the importance of Resurrection would be felt so personally by you and by so many as you all embrace your own Ascension in an intimate and meaningful way. That was the purpose all along of the Christ lifetime.
I have asked Christine (Christ-in-me) to channel me today (as Kathryn is preparing a special message for you, soon to come from Ashtar and St Germain) because our relationship is so casual, natural and warm, and on this day, I long mostly for us all to be our brilliant and simple selves, as we have been from the moment we were created by our Mother and Father God. This is what we have in common, what makes us one: we are all just ourselves, born of God and loved always. Embracing this truth is one of the many easy pleasures you have before you as you continue to rise.
And yes, we have longing in the higher dimensions. Longing -- without stress, lack and suffering -- is the desire to expand God's Love which is fundamental in us. This desire is the inspired catalyst of our primary endeavor: Co-creation with God. See? We are the same, you and I.
I am chuckling as I tell you that Christine does not treat me as though I am loftily removed from her - either dimensionally or personally. She shows and tells me everything and always has. It was part of her difficult Life Plan that in order to remain "safe" and able to complete her Mission, she would always maintain a direct connection with me that would not ever be compromised or dimmed in her lifetime. Even during her rebellious years, she would speak to me defiantly, yet - the important part was - she would always speak to me.
You and I have a very close connection too. We share experiences, understandings, jokes, an unbreakable bond and precious moments which are so wonderful that they seem everlasting to us and just one could tell the story of Love. We like each other, and we care deeply for one another. I am fascinated by your unique and exquisite choices and expressions. Can you feel me longing to show you how much you mean to me?
On the day the RV/GCR is released to Dinarland, we will be sending out a Very Special Edition of The New Earth Times containing a message told by Ashtar and Saint Germain, yet - I want you to understand - it comes from all of us here in the Company of Heaven. It is our gift to you for your steadfast perseverance in holding the Light. It is a story of love. It is a love story. It is our story.
On this day that represents Redemption, Resurrection, Ascension - I have a request. Please, see us as One. One family. One project for the restoration of freedom. And oh yes, One Love. What we began through the lifetime as our Jesus Christ and his cherished Twin Soul Mary, let us all now bring to loving fruition through our human Christ Ascension. I am not your brother, friend and devoted servant - figuratively. I am your brother actually. I am your friend truly. I am your servant, meaning I am one of the many who have pledged to protect and love you until you rouse enough to rise awake forevermore from this lower dimensional dream back into reality and the loving arms of your family and our God.
I am now and always will be, your Sananda, in tenderhearted devotion to you and to the Light of God.
And, I believe!
(Channeled and Transcribed by Christine Burk 3/27/16)
Community Corner
"I Believe!"
by Yosef
Image Chosen by Author
26 March 2016
I Believe...
... in Yeshua Ben Yosef as God, man and Savior of mankind and Earth.
... in unprecedented miracles occurring in my lifetime.
... in Sovereign Families who sincere care and act in humanity's best interests daily.
... in the abundant physical holdings of the Global Collateral Accounts.
... in a planet-wide gold backed currency that unifies 209 nations.
... in universal justice taking root and yielding moral fruit.
... in Ascended Masters that are guiding us benevolently through a transition of eras.
... in non-human beings walking the surface of the earth -- right now.
... in the disclosure of multi-terrestrial beings aiding humanity -- and soon
... in forgiving my enemies so that I can free my soul.
... in White Hats military men and women taking back the Pentagon from the cabal.
... in God's grace flooding this dimension without end or limitation.
... in human bodies living longer than 500 years.
... in Grandfather's decision making, as well as Christ's loving spirit in His heart.
... in everyone who reads this will soon be millionaires -- at worst.
... in humanity is being recalibrated back into our original cellular structure.
... in any truth to overcome all illusion.
... in the dreams of my brothers and sisters as much as I do my own.
... in God's plan for my life, planet, and species -- unconditionally and patiently.
... in holding a grand vision until my last breath, so that it can fill the worst skeptic's lungs.
... in community fellowship overcoming individual agendas.
... in building an eternal resume that will one day be presented to God.
... in listening to vastly different opinions without forgoing common sense or personal respect.
... in things I cannot see yet, but feel so true they must eventually manifest.
... in Heaven on Earth, and Earth being created from a Heavenly architect.
... in protecting the souls of men versus leveraging the principal for projects.
... in the Global Currency Reset and Revaluation of Currencies happening at midnight tonight.
... in love -- for everything in existence is made of love and thus everything serves God.
What do you believe in?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tremendous Thanks & Love to Dinar Chronicles: HERE
Community Corner
The Nightmare of Worldwide Poverty, Conflict, and Suffering Will Cease
by Jesus through John Smallman
"Separation from God, the Source of all that exists is impossible,
it can only be imagined."
26 March 2016
We are all evolving spiritually because Creation, Reality is ever ongoing, there is no final destination, just a continual growth in joy and happiness that continuously uplifts and inspires. God, our Father, the Source, All That Is wills our happiness and joy and so it will be accomplished. Life within God, where all Life occurs, is an ever-expanding journey of joy. In contrast the human life experience is one in which you strive to accomplish something and on achieving what you intended soon find it unsatisfying, and so you seek something new to replace or supersede it. Satisfaction is impossible within the illusion, because nothing there is Real. Temporary pleasure or satisfaction does of course occur, but the pleasure or satisfaction cannot and does not last. Life is eternal, but human life is a very limited experience in which there is great striving to prevent, avoid, or deny the inevitable - death - that is driven by fear. But death is just a releasing of limitation and an opening into Reality - fully conscious awareness of eternal existence within the Oneness that is All That Is. Reality is what all are seeking, but cannot find because they look outside themselves instead of within.
Lasting joy and happiness, where you know and experience yourself as One with Source, and therefore with all of Creation, can only be found within. That is why all your guides and mentors from the spiritual realms keep on stressing the absolute essentiality of taking time out daily, and also throughout the day, to go within and be in peace there with the inextinguishable divine Light that dwells there - the Real You. You will not find it elsewhere, as many self-help books might suggest, because there is no "elsewhere." Within is Reality, without is illusion or dream.
However, you are so engaged with the illusion and with the distractions with which it constantly tempts you - and that includes anxieties, worries, accidents, illnesses, as well as the hoped for but short-lived joys that you are constantly seeking - that you have great difficulty just spending "down-time," that is quiet time alone and undisturbed by the noise of daily living. You actively seek distraction - on your computer, your phone, texting, listening to the radio, watching television, having upsetting arguments - and what you seek you find!
Even when you decide to spend time in meditation, contemplation, chanting, praying, etc., you are still very much open to whatever distractions may arise because you expect nothing of note or importance to arise when you are alone, quiet and feeling bored, fearful. In fact you mostly expect to be disappointed because alone by yourself you imagine yourself as nothing, a small and insignificant being, even worthless, and you feel that you need the continual presence others to even feel alive! Yet nothing could be further from the truth.
When you allow yourselves to be quiet and allow your thoughts to flow unmolested, unengaged with, peace occurs. Initially it can be rather difficult to reach that state because your egoic mind, the mind that you use constantly in everyday living, keeps demanding your attention, or so it seems. It's just that you are so accustomed to responding, or rather reacting instantly to the distractions with which it presents you, that it has become an ingrained habit out of which you need to be trained.
That ability to be aware of all input and to react instantly is very valuable at times - driving the car, watching a small child in the swimming pool - it's the "fight or flight" instinct that has served you well for eons. But now, as you evolve spiritually, it is essential to be able to distance yourself from instant reaction and judgment.
To be in a meditative state is to be fully alert, you miss nothing, you just do not engage. It is the difference between fishing in a quiet river, totally relaxed and at peace as you watch the water flow past, or taking part in or watching a competitive sport where you are fully engaged in every moment and aware only of the game. Both states are fine but you need to be able to choose which one you wish to be in and then be there.
From childhood, as you become ever more aware of what is going on around you, up into adulthood, that reactive state of awareness becomes ever more efficient, so much so that you have to make a very positive effort, and practice constantly, to reach the meditative state of quiet alertness which offers tremendous benefits both in terms of reduced stress and anxiety, and in seeing things with greater clarity as your emotions cease to control you. Emotions are very useful because they give you a very individual sense of who you are and what you like or dislike as a human.
In Reality there is only Love, which is all-encompassing and which brings you untold joy. Emotions are limiting, but often feel like incredibly powerful driving forces, which can seem to be utterly beyond your control. And many are controlled by their emotions; you see evidence of this all around you, from temper tantrum driven infants to suicide bombers. Emotions, when you allow them to be your sole motivating intent, narrow your focus, often with laser-like intensity, so that you see only a very small part of the situation in which you are involved instead of the bigger picture, and so you react, frequently most unwisely, which leads to suffering and regret.
To take time out daily to be quiet and alone, that is separated from human interactions and other worldly distractions, is an essential part of your spiritual evolution. All of humanity is evolving spiritually, even when it is unseen and unacknowledged, because that is the purpose of human existence. You chose to experience separation from your Source, but you have also chosen to return to Oneness, and, as humans, most of you remain unaware of either of those choices!
However, a great awakening is underway, the Love of God, the energy field of infinite power in which all that exists is eternally enveloped, has flooded the planet and everyone has wet feet! Wet feet cannot be ignored, you have to do something about them, and changing your socks is not enough. You have to deal with the Source of that Wetness, and you do so by coming to the awareness that in fact you do not have wet feet, you do not have feet at all, because you are One with the Wetness, You and the Wetness are One, the divine Source from which Creation is flowing eternally, and from which you have never been separated.
Separation from God, the Source of all that exists is impossible, it can only be imagined. To be separated would be to cease to exist, you know that, and so to even imagine it, which you do as humans, is indeed terrifying. But that terror is also unreal, an imagined state that seems very real to you, especially as you look around and see the intense pain that many are suffering throughout the world. Humans attacking one another in fear; preemptive attacks in the hope of saving self by destroying another. But, as deep within you all truly know, an attack on another is an attack on oneself.
It is the growing awareness of this that is leading you forward toward wakening from the dream. And in your growing awareness you see more clearly the insanity of the world and the violence and hatred it appears to encourage. The dichotomy between the hatred that you see demonstrated and the love that you want to share and experience is very confusing and unsettling for you. It seems that there is nothing you, as individuals, can do to change the world. And, if you view it like that - a need to change the world - there is no answer. Everyone has a different idea of who and what needs to be changed and how, and consequently harmonious cooperation to achieve peace on Earth is impossible. You cannot change another!
The only way forward, and many are now realizing this, is to change yourselves by claiming your true nature and living it. Yes, in the world you see the innocent and unarmed abused, tortured, and killed, and it has always been like this. But where love and reconciliation have been tried they have worked. Do not allow yourselves to be persuaded that Love does not work. It is the only thing that works. Refuse to engage in attack or defense, it is utterly against and in opposition to your divine nature, and you know it and feel intensely uncomfortable when you do. You may attempt to justify yourselves by telling yourselves that there was no other option, that violence has to be opposed by violence otherwise intense suffering occurs, but deep within you know this is not true, and that violence inevitably leads to more violence.
There is no such thing as a just war! You all know this! To deny it does not make it just.
Uncountable numbers have acknowledged this, and although violence and suffering persist, the Tsunami of Love is opening hearts all across the planet to bring an end to the nightmare in which you have been seemingly enveloped for so long.
Open your hearts if you have not already done so, and intend with all your heart to extend and intensify the Tsunami of Love that envelops you in every moment, and watch in joy as conflicts wind down and terminate. You are making it happen by your own intent to be only loving whatever the situation, and you have infinite assistance from those in the spiritual realms, in Reality. The nightmare of worldwide poverty, conflict, and suffering will cease.
Avoid all temptation to express anger violently. When you feel uncomfortable emotionally, upset, angry, resentful, or hateful you are coming from ego which enjoys chaos and confusion and the discomfort it causes. So when you feel it, instead of acting on it, just let it go or wash over you and move on out, it will. In your intense awareness of anger be strong and instead of engaging with it intend to expand your energy fields of Love to integrate with the Tsunami of Love so that you can love what has angered you and forgive it.
Doing this brings you peace, although your ego may well attempt to persuade you not to be at peace but to express your righteous anger because you have been wronged. However, when you operate from your real Self, from your quiet inner temple, peace and love flow through you calming the storms that are arising within you and smoothing the troubled waters of your emotions. That is why I keep stressing the importance of going within daily to be quietly at one with your real or higher Self and with God.
That is your task on Earth at this critical moment in humanity's evolution because that is what is bringing humanity to wakefulness. You cannot fail, because it is God's Will and yours that humanity awakens, but your loving input from your inner temple is essential to dissolve the remaining foundations on which the illusion depends.
Messages from Folks Relishing the Transformation (before, during and after the RV/GCR)
Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Moments of the Transformation (before during and after the RV/GCR)
Over the Rainbow of Anticipation
by Leslie
As I sit to write this from my heart the song only Human by Christina Perri fittingly comes on Pandora. With so much being written about our over eager anticipation issues arising I felt like I had to write to you. First of all I am a lightworker, I serve the highest light, & everything Josef wrote in I believe, I believe as well, yet I also anticipate.
My heart was heavy as I woke this morning and upon examining, I realized it wasn't from not receiving the much awaited 800 numbers, well some, but more so the heaviness was coming from the judgment I was holding within about the anticipation I have for these numbers. Of course we serve our Mother Father God but we have also been conditioned lifetimes over to believe our needs won't be met so its okay that we are experiencing anxiety over the awaited 800 numbers because that anticipation has been conditioned in us but its not at all the truest essence of us. In its truth that anticipation is nothing more than illusion. In order to see illusion though, we must first witness it honestly from within and then be willing to be so easy and kind with ourselves as we honor the release the illusion to the Company of Heaven.
So let's don't slip into judgment today if we do find ourselves in anticipation or fear which is simply a conditioned cellular response. Let's rather slip into more self love and more self acceptance and more compassion and a greater respect and compassion for others who may be experiencing the same anxiety on even greater levels.
The Who Needs Light New Earth Times Newsletter #65, posted here earlier gives an amazing description of what we are purging right now which really is all just illusion anyway because the truth of our nature is one of calm, loving faith and understanding that there is no delay and all Is in divine order. I don't want to just detach from this outcome I desire to heave HO all that is illusion from old debt slavery programs.
Over the Rainbow all. We are over the rainbow. We are all lightworkers and we are all ONE.
Thank you to all. Josef, Gerry, Katherine, Meg, Christine, Adrienne, Bewdah, Tank, Martha, Sue, Bruce, Kent, Apaloosa, All Dinar intel . thank you to all.
I love you all
Let us remember & believe, we are all Unlimited Beings with Infinite Possibilities..........
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Happy to Say I BELIEVE
by Cowboy Down Under
I believe I Love You
I believe all we need is Love.
I believe Love is the answer.
I believe Love will set us free.
I believe in his Love.
I believe in One Love
I believe Love cures all
I believe I AM ready
I believe you are too
I believe you all have dreams
I believe they can all come true
I believe its really all up to you
I believe I will hold on to my dreams
I believe I will let go of the money
I believe I will keep my faith
I believe I will keep my hope
I believe I will keep my love
I believe I love you all no matter when IT comes.
I believe in you
I believe in your dreams
I believe dreams will set us free
I believe!
I believe!
I believe!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Blessing Surrounded by Lessons
by Ardent
AS I often read that what is about to happen to us through this EVENT is a blessing. I agree. But I also think the blessing has been in the anxiety, the struggle to keep on believing in this, the endurance to go on despite what you read about name calling, knocking others credibility, rising above the small mindedness....and RESURRECTING oneself above all the aforementioned.
Let us remember that the BLESSING has been in the many lessons learned in this process, but also, in lessons learned from the dinar family who continues to visit here for glimpses of hope and reality.
May we pause on Easter Sunday, think of these lessons, roll the stone from the tomb of each other's mindset....that we might feel free and learned from all the experiences we have had for whatever amount of years we have been in this.
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With tremendous thanks and gratitude to Dinar Chronicles: HERE
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Warmths of Higher Energetics Imbue Hue-manity's Essence at this Moment