**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
by Patricia Cota-Robles
Hi Precious Hearts,
I know this is a very busy time for all of us, however, we are being given an incredibly important opportunity to assist this blessed Planet and ALL her Life forward in the Light during the accelerated Ascension process we are experiencing at this time. Due to the logistics that have to be orchestrated in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously fulfilled, we must begin the registration process now.
This Activity of Light will take place during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016. This event will be held on an exquisitely beautiful seven-day Alaskan Cruise. In order to organize an event of this size the Cruise Line requires that we reserve the rooms now. We have reserved a block of rooms of varying prices and they will be booked first come first serve. For this reason, if you have the Heart Call to serve as an instrument of God for this event by being physically present on this wonderful Cruise, please go to our website www.eraofpeace.org and check out all of the information listed for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination by clicking on that link.
In order to reserve your space and the room you would like to have, only a deposit is required at this time. Your final payment can be made later.
The Company of Heaven said they will be revealing much more information about the importance of this facet of the Divine Plan as we progress through 2016 step by step. However, the following information will give you an idea of the magnitude of opportunity at hand.
Please listen to your Heart and respond according to the inner direction of your I AM Presence. Once again, our Light is needed and our time is at hand.
In December 2012, after we God Victoriously moved through the Shift of the Ages and Birthed the New Earth, the Company of Heaven said that the next three years would provide opportunities for Humanity to transform the Earth and ALL her Life in ways that had never been attempted in any system of Worlds. We are now completing the third year of the New Earth and from the miraculous events that have taken place, I would say that Lightworkers around the World have succeeded in this holy endeavor beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
Humanity en masse is Awakening at warp speed and people everywhere are beginning to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” Because of unprecedented influxes of Celestial Light and Gamma Rays from the Cosmos, which were Divinely Timed to reach the Earth during this Cosmic Moment, Humanity’s DNA/RNA structures have been recalibrated and our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA have been restored to their original Divine Potential by our I AM Presence. This is causing a shift of consciousness within every man, woman, and child on Earth that is unparalleled in the history of time.
The myriad events that have been successfully accomplished over the last three years are pulsating in all of their glory in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Now they are filtering into the hearts and minds of Awakening Humanity. As these patterns of perfection resonate as an Inner Knowing in each person’s Heart Flame, the newly re-calibrated DNA structures are accelerating the shift of consciousness that is taking place within every person. This is an individual process that is being orchestrated by each person’s I AM Presence.
The way this shift of consciousness will manifest in each of our lives will begin with the Inner Knowing that WE ARE ONE and that there is NO separation. We will KNOW that there is no such thing as “us and them.” One by one, we will realize that we are interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent and that whatever we do to help or harm one person will either help or harm ALL people, and Mother Earth herself.
The next realization in our shift of consciousness will be that Divine Love is the mightiest force in all Creation. Our I AM Presence will clearly reveal to us the profound Truth that when we align with the unfathomable Power of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love with every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we express, the patterns of perfection that we have co-created in the Realms of Cause will tangibly manifest in our individual and collective life experiences. Then, we will truly BE the Light of the World and together we will co-create Heaven on Earth.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that this shift of consciousness will continue to unfold in perfect Divine Order throughout 2016. There will be myriad Activities of Light orchestrated by Lightworkers around the World during 2016, which will boost the effects of this Awakening process. Then, when we reach the Cosmic Moment of the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016, Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth will be ready for the next quantum shift in the unfolding Divine Plan.
We have been asked by the Company of Heaven to orchestrate the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination within the Portal of Light through which the patterns of perfection from the Realms of Cause enter the mental and emotional strata of Earth. This Portal pulsates in all of its resplendent glory in the Ethers above Alaska in the USA.
The 30th WCI will take place on an Alaskan Cruise during which the Lightworkers who are physically present from around the World, will join their Heart Flames and form a transformer of Light, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of God will flow to open this Portal of Light to full breadth. Once that is accomplished, the patterns of perfection from the Realms of Cause that reflect the Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Vibrant Health, Abundance, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth will far more easily flow through the hearts and minds of Humanity into the physical plane.
The 30th WCI will be a wondrous and life-transforming event for all of those who are willing to respond to their Heart’s Call and volunteer to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, and Beloved Mother Earth.
As 2016 unfolds, we will be sharing important information on how this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished. Alaska is a wondrous expression of the Nature Kingdom. In the embrace of Alaska’s exquisite beauty, we will easily connect with the patterns of perfection that we will experience once the New Earth is tangibly manifest through the Portal of Light associated with the Realms of Cause.
In our brochure you will get a glimpse of the beauty we will experience on this glorious Alaskan Cruise.
In order to organize a group this large on a Cruise Ship there are very specific deadlines for registrations that we are obligated to fulfill. For that reason, registrations for this World Congress are very different. Please go to our website www.eraofpeace.org and carefully read all of the information, so that you will not miss this amazing opportunity.
If you are interested in joining us for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination on our Alaskan Cruise you MUST REGISTER THROUGH OUR WEBSITE. You cannot register directly through the cruise line.
We are all Blessed beyond measure to be able to serve Life in this wondrous way. Please listen to your Heart and respond according to the inner guidance of your I AM Presence. God Bless You, Precious One!
30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981 Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
How To Perceive and Balance International Conflict ~ Lord Metatron
Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
First thing this morning, I was guided to this message from Metatron regarding how to perceive and balance international conflict. My heart welled up with Love for it is exactly the message I have been receiving over and over from my Higher Self during meditation. Thank you Metatron for this loving, powerful message and suggestions on how to raise our vibrations so we can do our individual part for the good of the whole. We are here to transform the old paradigm and usher in our new galactic reality. So be it.
Selamat Ja!
How To Perceive and Balance International Conflict
Everything is unfolding according to Divine Plan. All existing wars are balancing out karma between nations. But the individuals in these nations must also refuse to allow their countries to continue with war. Peace always begins within the Self. Peace will spread as each individual becomes peaceful even in the face of great violence. Ask the Light Beings to send forth their love and light anywhere you wish. Use the image of the Vesica Pisces to unite the three suns - your own Sun Presence with the Great Central Sun and the Sun in the heart of the earth. You are the center of your universe.
Our Changing Perceptions are Transforming Reality ~~ now ready for downloading . . .
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
Topics include...
• How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves
I have had several requests since I sent out the message from the Arcturians for information on how to obtain the sounds or music that is referred to in the posting.
Also on the left side of the webpage there are some links and one of them is for his books, artwork and audio's. You should find what you are after in that link. If you want to go to one of his seminars check his website.
Yes, it is a beautiful message. The Arcturians were assigned the responsibility of assisting us to evolve into the fifth dimension by the Galactic Federation, so they are working very closely with us. They use a technique called toning that helps raise the vibration of the body.
Anyway once you get David's CD you can learn from him how to do the toning and that will be very helpful and probably more effective than listening to it. I know David has everyone who attends his seminars join in as he knows that the frequency that is set up in the body when doing it yourself is much more effective than just listening to it.
Also did you know that humming is very helpful with this? In addition to raising the vibration in the body, humming, defined as "exhaling with sound while the mouth is closed" increases the nitric oxide level fifteen fold, compared to quiet exhalations without sound.
Now another exciting benefit from this is that Nitric Oxide increases "Brain Power" by stimulating the neuro-transmitters in the brain! Did you ever notice all your brilliant scientists and advanced philosophers were pictured puffing on a pipe while they were in deep contemplation? Well guess what people, pure unadulterated tobacco contains Nitric Oxide and it is absorbed through the soft pallet of the mouth, goes directly to the brain and Wa-La! the Neuro-transmitters are stimulated causing an elevation in consciousness! With humming you can get the same effect that all those great thinkers obtained without smoking!
( So the moral of this story? If you want to be brilliant, you can just sit and hum every day for an hour!) Soooooooo you get the same effect by "humming" or "toning", but in addition you are helping to clear your sinus passages; for tests were done a few years ago by some Swedish researchers and they found that the exhalations of people with healthy sinuses tend to have higher nitric oxide levels indicating that more air is able to flow between the sinuses and the nose. SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! Another reason for humming!
Dr. Todd Ovokaitys also does toning and he learned his technique from the Dolphins and the Whales. It is very effective and I highly recommend his workshops. So far Dr. Todd has not made any recordings of his toning as it is difficult to get the full effect on an audio. You might check his schedule on the http://www.lemurianchoir.com/the-pineal-tones/dr-todd-ovokaitys
You can attend one of Dr. Todds Workshop in
Biological Decoding Introductory Lecture in Miami, Florida Area - April 6, 2016 - More information to come!
· Modules 1,2, & 3 :Miami, Florida area.Details to come! Mark Your Calendar.April 9-15, 2016 with a rest day on on April 12.
So I hope this information has been helpful to all of you who wanted further information and GOOD HUMMING TO YOU! Let's raise those vibrations, elevate our brain power and escalate our ascension into the fifth dimension.
I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence.
Since the publication of the affidavit a plethora of new supporting documentation and evidence has come to light. We found, for example, that on June 30, 1864, the members of Congress acting as the Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” changed the meaning of “state”, “State” and “United States” to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”.
Like the 1862 change of the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” cited in our affidavit, these special coded meanings of words render a drastically different picture of the world around us.
It turns out that your “personal bank account” is actually a “corporate bank account”. The “Colorado State Court” is actually the “Colorado District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Court”.
If you are shocked to learn these facts, you are not alone. So are millions of other Americans. These changes were made 150 years ago and tucked away in reams of boring meeting minutes and legalistic gobbledygook meant to be applied only to the internal workings of a private governmental services corporation and its employees.
There was no public announcement, just as there was no public announcement or explanation when Congress created “municipal citizenship” known as “US citizenship” in 1868. Properly, technically, even to this day, this form of “citizenship” applies only to those born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, so there was no real reason to educate the general public about the topic. As Congress was secretively using the labor and the private property assets of these “citizens” as collateral backing the corporate debts of “The United States of America, Inc.” there was plenty of reason to obscure this development. At the end of the Civil War it would have been very unpopular to reveal that they were simply changing gears from private sector slave ownership to public sector slave ownership.
You may be surprised to learn that slavery was not abolished by the Thirteenth or any other Amendment to any constitution then or now. Instead, slavery was redefined as the punishment meted out to criminals. Look it up and read it for yourselves. It remains perfectly legal to enslave criminals, and it was left to Congress to define who the criminals were, because Congress was given plenary power over the District of Columbia and its citizenry by the original Constitution of the Republic and could do whatever it liked within the District and the Washington, DC Municipalities.
A child picking dandelions on the sidewalk could be arbitrarily defined as a criminal and enslaved for life by the renegade Congress functioning as the government of the District of Columbia and as the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, but for starters, Congress simply defined “US citizens” as debt slaves under the 14th Amendment of their corporation’s articles and by-laws----which they deceptively named the “Constitution of the United States of America”.
The actual Constitution was and still is called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, but most people untrained in the Law and trusting what they believed to be their government didn’t notice the difference between “The Constitution for the united States of America” and the “Constitution of the United States of America”.
Are you beginning to see a pattern of deliberate deceit and self-interest and double-speak and double-dealing? And are you also beginning to catch the drift---the motivation---behind it?
Let’s discuss the concept of “hypothecation of debt”. This little gem was developed by the bankers who actually owned and ran the governmental services corporations doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.” and as the “United States, Incorporated”.
When you hypothecate debt against someone or against some asset belonging to someone else, you simply claim that they agreed to stand as surety for your debt --- similar to co-signing a car loan --- and as long as you make your payments, nobody is any the wiser. Normally, it’s not possible for us to just arbitrarily claim that someone is our surety for debt without proof of consent, but that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Conference of Governors did in March of 1933. They named all of us and all our property as surety standing good for the debts of their own bankrupt governmental services corporation during bankruptcy reorganization----and got away with it by claiming that they were our “representatives” and that we had delegated our authority to them to do this “for” us.
The exact date and occasion when this happened and where it is recorded, is given in our affidavit.
In order to pull this off, however, they had to allege that we were all “US citizens”, and therefore, all subject to the plenary power of Congress acting as an oligarchy ruling over the District of Columbia and the Federal Territories. They did this by abusing the public trust and creating and registering millions of foreign situs trusts named after each of us. Under their own diversity of citizenship rules, corporations are considered to be “US citizens”. So they created all these foreign situs trusts as franchises of their own bankrupt corporation, used our names styled like this: John Quincy Adams----and placed commercial liens against our names as chattel owned by their corporation and standing as surety for its debts.
A group of thugs elected to political office grossly transgressed against the American people and the American states and committed the crime of personage against each and every one of us without us ever being aware of it.
They couldn’t enslave us, but they could enslave a foreign situs trust named after us--- that we conveniently didn’t know existed--- and by deliberately confusing this “thing” with us via the misuse of our given names, they could bring charges against what appeared to be us and our private property in their very own corporate tribunals.
And so the fleecing of America began in earnest. The hirelings had our credit cards, had stolen our identities, and were ready to begin a crime spree unheralded in human history.
They claimed that we all knew about this arrangement and consented to it, because we “voluntarily” gave up our gold when FDR sent his henchmen around to collect it----when as millions of Americans can attest, people gave up their gold in preference to being shot or having to kill federal agents. They chose life for everyone concerned over some pieces of metal, and for that, they are to be honored; unfortunately, their decision gave the rats responsible an excuse to claim that Americans wanted to leave the gold standard and wanted the “benefits” of this New Deal in “equitable exchange” for their gold, their identities, the abuse of their good names as bankrupts and debtors, the loss of allodial title to their land and homes, and their subjection as slaves to the whims of Congress.
According to them---that is, those who benefited from this gross betrayal of the public trust--- we all voluntarily left the Republic and the guarantees of the actual Constitution behind, willingly subjected ourselves to Congressional rule, donated all our assets including our labor and property to the Public Charitable Trust (set up after the Civil War as a welfare trust for displaced plantation slaves), and agreed to live as slaves owned by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in exchange for what?
Welfare that we paid for ourselves. Social Security that we paid for ourselves.
The criminality of the “US Congress” and the “Presidents” acting since 1933 is jaw-droppingly shocking. Their abuse of the trust of the American people is even worse.
They have portrayed this circumstance as a political choice instead of an institutionalized fraud scheme, and they have “presumed” that we all went along with it and agreed to it without complaint. Thus, they have been merrily and secretively having us declared “civilly dead” as American State Citizens the day we are born, and entering a false registration claiming that we are “US Citizens” instead.
We are told, when we wake up enough to ask, that we are free to choose our political status. We don’t have to serve as debt slaves. We can go back and reclaim our guaranteed Republican form of government and our birthright status if we want to---- but that requires a secret process in front of the probate court and expatriation from the Federal United States to the Continental United States and all sorts of voo-doo in backrooms that can only be pursued by the few and the knowledgeable and the blessed. Everyone else has to remain as a debt slave and chattel serving whatever corporation bought the latest version of corporate “persona” named after us.
So let me ask you, as members of the FBI and as US Marshals---- does this sound like something you want to be involved with enforcing on innocent people, or does it sound like something you want to end as expeditiously as possible?
The frauds that took root in the wake of the Civil War and which blossomed in the 1930’s have come to their final fruition. Employees of the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” and its United Nations successors are being used as jack-booted thugs to throw Americans into privately owned “federal correctional facilities” when those who need correction---- the members of the American Bar Association and the euphemistically named and privately owned and operated “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”---continue to ignore the fact that Americans DO have a choice and that by the millions we are demanding our freedom from all these pathetic false commercial claims and presumptions.
We are standing up before the whole world and telling these privately owned “governmental services corporations” to go bankrupt like any other corporation that doesn’t do its job and mind its budget. These entities deserve to go bankrupt and worse. They have spent money and credit that was never theirs to spend. They have defrauded millions if not billions of innocent people and they have prevented Americans from claiming their birthrights for far too long.
These people--- the members of Congress and the various “Presidents” of the numerous “United States” corporations --- have acted as criminals. They deserve to be recognized as such.
The members of the American Bar Association have attempted to wash their hands while profiting from the situation and obstructing justice. They stand around shrugging and saying, “Well, it’s a political choice. We don’t have anything to say about that.”-----yet at the same time, they refuse to correct the probate records to reflect our chosen change of political status when we plainly identify ourselves and enunciate our Will for them. They, too, deserve to be recognized as self-interested criminals and accomplices to identity theft, credit fraud, and worse--- which is why we have recently issued a $279 trillion dollar commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.
All our assets--- our bodies, homes, businesses, lands, and labor---have been signed over into the “Public Charitable Trust” by con men merely claiming to represent us. Then, when we object to their lies and entrapment, they use the same fraud against us as their excuse for bringing more false claims against us and throwing us in jail. Enough is enough.
The British Monarch and the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted this fraud against us at the same time they have claimed to be our trustees, allies and friends in perpetuity. It’s time to clear the way for us to politely and peaceably exit from any presumption that we are or ever were “US citizens”, willing participants in the “Public Charitable Trust”, or willing “sureties” for the debts of any private bank-run governmental services corporation merely calling itself the United States of Something or Other.
We repudiate any presumption of private municipal citizenship or obligation to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or any successor thereof, and demand an immediate and permanent correction of the civil record to reflect our birthright status as American State Citizens, nunc pro tunc.
As for you, as “Federal Agents”, you have a lot to think about. For starters--- who really pays your paycheck? Is it the goons in Washington, DC? Or does it all come from the American people you are supposed to be serving? Do you believe for one moment that anyone just lined up and gave their gold to FDR voluntarily? Do you believe that anyone gave away all their property and the guarantees of the actual Constitution for the “privilege” of paying for Social Security? No?
Wake up and smell the java and start doing your real jobs. If anyone complains---arrest him. We are reopening the American Common Law Courts expressly for the purpose of settling disputes related to living people and their property assets in excess of $20 as mandated by the Seventh Amendment.
We, the American people, are the ones holding absolute civil authority upon the land of the Continental United States, and we give you permission to arrest the members of Congress, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and any other politician or appointee pretending to speak for us so as to enslave us and bring false claims against us via this institutionalized fraud scheme. We want it recognized for what it is and dismantled and repudiated tout de suite.
Any court that is caught arresting and prosecuting Americans under the presumptions just described to you--- such as bringing charges against foreign situs trusts with names styled like this: John Quincy Adams, or Cestui Que Vie trusts styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, or Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities styled like this: JOHN Q. ADAMS----it is your responsibility to make sure that any individuals being addressed by these courts were actually born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or one of the other Insular States and that they are not ignorant American State Citizens being falsely registered and railroaded.
Do you understand? Is it now completely clear who the criminals are? Your actual employers and benefactors are being attacked and defrauded by criminals pretending to act as their elected representatives and accomplices in black robes who are serving as enforcers of this fraud for profit. This has been happening right under your noses.
This whole circumstance has escaped broad scale public understanding because it was being pursued by private governmental services corporations owned and operated by international banking cartels who claimed that these “private arrangements” were none of the public’s business, despite the grotesque and far-ranging impact these cozy understandings have had upon the people of this and many other countries.
Let it be perfectly clear to you that the business of these private corporations has become our business because they have operated in violation of their charters, in violation of the treaties allowing their existence, and in violation of the National Trust. The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated as private foreign bill collectors and trust administrators by Northern Trust, Inc., in violent conflict of interest. They are not professional associations, non-profits, nor units of government. They are con artists and privateers whose licenses expired as of September 1, 2013.
The United States Marshals Service is enabled to act in the capacity of constitutionally –sworn Federal Marshals and we invoke their office and service as such; failure to accept the public office means rejection of all authority related to us. The same may be said of the FBI. Either you do your jobs as constitutionally sworn public officers, or you act as private mall cops in behalf of the offending corporations and under color of law when you pretend to have any public authority or function.
This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
by Patricia Cota-Robles
Hi Precious Hearts,
I know this is a very busy time for all of us, however, we are being given an incredibly important opportunity to assist this blessed Planet and ALL her Life forward in the Light during the accelerated Ascension process we are experiencing at this time. Due to the logistics that have to be orchestrated in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously fulfilled, we must begin the registration process now.
This Activity of Light will take place during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016. This event will be held on an exquisitely beautiful seven-day Alaskan Cruise. In order to organize an event of this size the Cruise Line requires that we reserve the rooms now. We have reserved a block of rooms of varying prices and they will be booked first come first serve. For this reason, if you have the Heart Call to serve as an instrument of God for this event by being physically present on this wonderful Cruise, please go to our website www.eraofpeace.org and check out all of the information listed for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination by clicking on that link.
In order to reserve your space and the room you would like to have, only a deposit is required at this time. Your final payment can be made later.
The Company of Heaven said they will be revealing much more information about the importance of this facet of the Divine Plan as we progress through 2016 step by step. However, the following information will give you an idea of the magnitude of opportunity at hand.
Please listen to your Heart and respond according to the inner direction of your I AM Presence. Once again, our Light is needed and our time is at hand.
In December 2012, after we God Victoriously moved through the Shift of the Ages and Birthed the New Earth, the Company of Heaven said that the next three years would provide opportunities for Humanity to transform the Earth and ALL her Life in ways that had never been attempted in any system of Worlds. We are now completing the third year of the New Earth and from the miraculous events that have taken place, I would say that Lightworkers around the World have succeeded in this holy endeavor beyond anything we could have ever imagined.
Humanity en masse is Awakening at warp speed and people everywhere are beginning to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” Because of unprecedented influxes of Celestial Light and Gamma Rays from the Cosmos, which were Divinely Timed to reach the Earth during this Cosmic Moment, Humanity’s DNA/RNA structures have been recalibrated and our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA have been restored to their original Divine Potential by our I AM Presence. This is causing a shift of consciousness within every man, woman, and child on Earth that is unparalleled in the history of time.
The myriad events that have been successfully accomplished over the last three years are pulsating in all of their glory in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Now they are filtering into the hearts and minds of Awakening Humanity. As these patterns of perfection resonate as an Inner Knowing in each person’s Heart Flame, the newly re-calibrated DNA structures are accelerating the shift of consciousness that is taking place within every person. This is an individual process that is being orchestrated by each person’s I AM Presence.
The way this shift of consciousness will manifest in each of our lives will begin with the Inner Knowing that WE ARE ONE and that there is NO separation. We will KNOW that there is no such thing as “us and them.” One by one, we will realize that we are interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent and that whatever we do to help or harm one person will either help or harm ALL people, and Mother Earth herself.
The next realization in our shift of consciousness will be that Divine Love is the mightiest force in all Creation. Our I AM Presence will clearly reveal to us the profound Truth that when we align with the unfathomable Power of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love with every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we express, the patterns of perfection that we have co-created in the Realms of Cause will tangibly manifest in our individual and collective life experiences. Then, we will truly BE the Light of the World and together we will co-create Heaven on Earth.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that this shift of consciousness will continue to unfold in perfect Divine Order throughout 2016. There will be myriad Activities of Light orchestrated by Lightworkers around the World during 2016, which will boost the effects of this Awakening process. Then, when we reach the Cosmic Moment of the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016, Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth will be ready for the next quantum shift in the unfolding Divine Plan.
We have been asked by the Company of Heaven to orchestrate the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination within the Portal of Light through which the patterns of perfection from the Realms of Cause enter the mental and emotional strata of Earth. This Portal pulsates in all of its resplendent glory in the Ethers above Alaska in the USA.
The 30th WCI will take place on an Alaskan Cruise during which the Lightworkers who are physically present from around the World, will join their Heart Flames and form a transformer of Light, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of God will flow to open this Portal of Light to full breadth. Once that is accomplished, the patterns of perfection from the Realms of Cause that reflect the Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Vibrant Health, Abundance, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth will far more easily flow through the hearts and minds of Humanity into the physical plane.
The 30th WCI will be a wondrous and life-transforming event for all of those who are willing to respond to their Heart’s Call and volunteer to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, and Beloved Mother Earth.
As 2016 unfolds, we will be sharing important information on how this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished. Alaska is a wondrous expression of the Nature Kingdom. In the embrace of Alaska’s exquisite beauty, we will easily connect with the patterns of perfection that we will experience once the New Earth is tangibly manifest through the Portal of Light associated with the Realms of Cause.
In our brochure you will get a glimpse of the beauty we will experience on this glorious Alaskan Cruise.
In order to organize a group this large on a Cruise Ship there are very specific deadlines for registrations that we are obligated to fulfill. For that reason, registrations for this World Congress are very different. Please go to our website www.eraofpeace.org and carefully read all of the information, so that you will not miss this amazing opportunity.
If you are interested in joining us for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination on our Alaskan Cruise you MUST REGISTER THROUGH OUR WEBSITE. You cannot register directly through the cruise line.
We are all Blessed beyond measure to be able to serve Life in this wondrous way. Please listen to your Heart and respond according to the inner guidance of your I AM Presence. God Bless You, Precious One!
30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981 Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
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The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years
3 Articles here:
1st Article is dealing with millions of court cases that have been 'strangled' within the 'system'. A very short audio clip of what is transpiring right now can be found within this article. Please take time to listen. This is involving the Claim (law suit)
This one from "Sitsshowblog" does a fairly good job in trying to pull the pieces together, some will argue that the 'founding fathers' were NOT what they have been transcribed to be in our history and many claim they have proof of who they really were. Eitherway, at this point, we can only go through the documents that we have to work with and through many, many years of research from all over the world.
Thanks to Nancy for sharing this article which is basically down the same lines, however, a little more damaging (at the present) due to the ruling. How far will this go, I cannot say, however, one ruling (opinion) can still be brought up on appeal by whomever and yet another 'bought' ruling can be made. If enough people read and understand these 2 items, it will be very difficult for the courts to side step this information much longer. The United Nations is definitely holding some very strong holds on America and the rest of the world with Agenda 21 now Agenda 2030.
Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established with the New Deal were totally unfounded and unconstitutional. With the anniversary of Magna Carta and the right to a jury trial coming up on June 15 after 800 years, the era of Roosevelt’s big government is quietly unraveling.
A federal judge’s ruling against the Securities and Exchange Commission for using its own Administrative Law judges in an insider trading case is perhaps the beginning of the end of an alternative system of justice that took root in the New Deal. Constitutionally, the socialists tore everything about the idea of a Democracy apart. It was more than taxing one party to the cheers of another in denial of equal protection. It was about creating administrative agencies (1) delegating them to create rules with the force of law as if passed by Congress sanctioned by the people; (2) the creation of administrative courts that defeated the Tripartite government structure usurping all power into the hand of the executive branch, as if this were a dictatorship run by the great hoard of unelected officials.
Not discussed in the coverage of this story is that the Administrative Law Courts are a fiefdom, to put it mildly. They have long been corrupt and traditionally rule in favor of their agencies, making it very costly for anyone to even try to defend themselves. If someone were to attempt this feat, first they have to wear the costs of an Administration proceeding and appeal to an Article III court judge, then they must appeal to the Court of Appeals, and finally plea to the Supreme Court. The cost of such adventures is well into the millions, and good luck on actually getting justice.
Furthermore, Administrative Law Courts cannot sentence you to prison, but they can fine you into bankruptcy. So the lack of a criminal prosecution meant the judges did not have to be lawyers. They could be anyone’s brother-in-law looking for a job where he just rules in favor of the agency not to be bothered with law. Unless the victim has a pile of money, there is no real chance that he or she can afford to defend themselves. This is why the agencies cut deals with the big houses and prosecute the small upstarts who lack the funds to defend themselves.
In a 45-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Leigh Martin May in Atlanta issued an injunction halting Administrative Law proceedings against Charles Hill, a businessman who the SEC accused of reaping an illegal $744,000 profit trading in Radian Systems stock. This is typical. The legal fees involved will exceed the amount of money he is alleged to have made, the typical result is to just pay the fine and they go away, it is cheaper.
The judge ruled that the SEC agency violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution by subjecting Hill to proceedings before an Administrative Law judge, who isn’t directly accountable to the president, officials in charge of the SEC, or the courts under Article III. The ruling is 81 years overdue. The entire structure of administrative agencies blackmailing people has been outrageous. Then you take the banks who just entered a plea of CRIMINALLY guilty to manipulating markets. They are now formallyFELONSwho engaged in violating SEC rules and thus under the SEC rules, they are no longer eligible for a banking license. The banks are “too big to jail” and the SEC has waived their own rules, of course, to exempt the banks. So they can engage in fraud and manipulation, get caught, pay billions in fines, and theSEC exempts them from losing their licenses. This is how corrupt the administrative agencies really are.
This new decision calling the Administrative Law Courts what they really are is reminiscent of the notorious extrajudicial proceedings of the Star Chamber operated by King James I. The court of Chancery set up outside of the King’s Bench, so there were no trials by jury. It had the same purpose, to circumvent the law. This is where our Fifth Amendment privilege came into being. That came about following the trial of John Lilburne (1615-1657) for handing out a pamphlet the government did not like.
TheMiranda v Arizona384 U.S. 436 (1966) decision of the Supreme Court came only after decades of abuse by American police against citizens, not unlike what we are watching today. TheMirandadecision is hated by police, prosecutors, right-wing judges, politicians, and citizens. The decision is based upon the history of the right not to be coerced that began with the famous trial of John Lilburn before the English court of theStar Chamberin 1637 where he stood tall and objected to the King’s torture. Lilburn’s crime was handing out pamphlets against the king. John Lilburne (1615–1657) was a leader in theLeveller Movementof the 1640s and was a prolific pamphleteer who defended religious and individual liberty of the people. He was imprisoned many times for his views and was active in the army of the New Parliament rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. In October 1649, he was arrested and tried for High Treason for printing and circulating books and pamphlets critical of the government but was acquitted of all charges by a jury of his peers.
Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Light, we are aware of your discomfort, your struggles, and even your doubts. It is understandable that you should be discouraged at times. This lifetime has been a rollercoaster of painful disappointments and betrayals in the public forums, and most of you have experienced such painful experiences in your private lives as well. We know how difficult life on Planet Earth has been, and we come close to you to offer solace, comfort and encouragement. We know how tired you are on this last leg of our thousand-year marathon, but I am here to shout it across the mountaintops: "We prevail!"
The Light on Earth increases moment by moment, by small and steady increments. We are all helped by Mother and Father God in the form of their Loving energies that sweep across the globe, gently settling into the hearts and minds of those who have previously been caught up in the labyrinth of the Matrix. Every thread in your lives - your economic well-being, your cultural teachings, your religions and your entire belief systems have been dictated by the teachings of the Anunnaki and their minions for thousands of years now. It would not be possible for anyone to have been unaffected by these deliberate manipulations, promises, lies and seductions. This is the web we are now unraveling together.
Look around you, Beloved Ones. Notice how much energy and approval is still given by many to honoring anyone who wears the mantle of power, whether real or imaginary. The Mythology of Power has consumed those on Terra without their conscious awareness of the deliberate destructiveness of these illusions. Children are taught to long for power and privilege, with titles like Princess, Superhero, Power Ranger, World Warrior, The Don, the King and so forth. There has been a headlong plunge into romance with killing and the "art" of warfare, in the form of "Power," which always implies power over others - over other's resources, other's rights, other's hearts, minds and bodies.
You, courageous Lightworkers, are moment by moment, sometimes even millisecond by millisecond, unraveling those deadly misconceptions within yourselves. By doing this, you are dismantling the Matrix, for without belief in its power, no illusion can stand. It is not the radical dismantling of political and financial systems alone that will bring in the New Day, although that is a part of the pivotal work on Surface Earth.
Look with me, dear friends, and see how each small shift has been possible because of the dedication within our brave Lightworkers which allowed them to forge ahead into an unknown future. The Faith that flows so generously from their Loving hearts grows daily with their freedom to think and feel authentically, unhampered by previous false belief systems. Their acts of service in alignment with other Loving hearts in turn strengthens their resolve.
You see, we are building our new life, individually and together. You have all lived lives saturated, inundated in an atmosphere of casual cruelty as the cultural baseline. It is inevitable that this backdrop of cavalier disrespect for Life would erupt into constant acts of war and personal experiences of diminishment and degradation. No one has escaped the insults and injuries, and it has left a lingering shadow of despair and rage in every human psyche, even in the most privileged and supposedly happy lives.
Be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others, and be resolved to free yourself from all these dark shadows, as a gift of freedom to yourself.
Every time you free yourself from a past resentment, a gnawing need for revenge or vindication, or the corrosive self-hatred it engenders (along with its virulent cousin, self-doubt), you raise yourself and your world simultaneously.
The freedom of which I speak comes not from the repetition of pleasant mantras or even from prayers of entreaty to Mother and Father God begging to be released from your pain, although that may be a beginning. Taking on the project of changing your own mind, breaking away the shackles from your own heart is the quickest and surest way to freedom and a new sense of self-respect. You will have our constant respect, support and endless Love.
You are truth-seekers all, in your human nature. It is a part of your great strength as Creators. To take up your mantle as Creators, you must be free to join heart and mind, in the kind of Mastery for which you were made. You have been taught that the manifestation of our Great Dream comes from merging heartfelt desire with Vision - our vision of peace, abundance and loving cooperation across the boundaries of race, religion and nationality. The purer that Vision, the greater your impact on the outcome. Here is a simple formula that describes Mastery. Being true to yourself and your Vision is an all-encompassing condition of harmonious feelings, thoughts and actions. In so doing, you align with your God-self, your direct connection with Mother and Father God.
You are gradually, courageously softening and widening your entire outlook on what you call reality, to include your Higher Self, your deep connections with one another and with all of us in Higher Dimensions. Therein lies your greatest strength - greater than any power one could claim for themselves in the 3rd dimension. Here in the previously forbidden land of deep feeling, intuition and inner connection with your Self and all other beings, you will find peace of mind as you have never known before.
Just beyond the current 3-dimensional viewpoint, great strides toward freedom are playing out. You just need to turn up your innate intuitive skills to read the currents of change as they ripple around you. Great battles are being won by peaceful means; great triumphs are unfolding through the efforts of valiant Lightworkers everywhere, in every Kingdom on Earth.
Don't expect to see evidence on your cabal-controlled "news." Even the so-called "liberal media" is tainted beyond any semblance of truth. You may be able to glean small clues to the change underway, but you will need to read with an eye to the whole picture, rather than focusing on any single event or story. Do not invest energy in worrying about things like ISIS, terrorism or nuclear holocaust. These last and relatively small conflicts are not a sign of impending World War. They are pre-contracted events, the epilogue to the darkness that has enveloped our beloved Terra. Put all these horrific last-ditch revenge maneuvers in your mental file folder: "Lest we forget how terrible the deeds were of those who lusted for power."
Our Galactic teams, under the command of our beloved Ashtar, are overseeing the protection of Earth and all upon her. No massive disaster will be allowed to overwhelm you or hamper your progress toward Ascension. Your march toward the Light has already made great dispensations possible, in the form of increasing assistance from your Heavenly Brothers and Sisters under Mother and Father God's Loving direction.
Each new day presents opportunities to shine with the Light of your newfound God-self. Confirmation of your progress will come in the form of warm ripples of laughter and celebration from your doting Guides and Helpers in Higher Dimensions, who are beside you sharing your hard-won triumphs with unending delight. This is how we feel when you rise above old beliefs, pick yourself up and take yourself under your own wing with compassion and resolve. With each step forward, each sincere effort, the applause can be heard 'round the great stadium which is your playing field on Earth.
You are expanding, Beloved Ones. We have seen the waxing and waning of your Light as you have overcome doubts and forged ahead with new resolve. You are waxing anew, just as the moon herself inevitably reflects Light. Your individual and collective Light is now recognized and acclaimed throughout the Universe as you steadily march toward your collective Ascension.
We are beyond tears of joy as we reach out to take your hand, put an arm around your shoulder and look deeply into your soul with respect, Love and Brotherhood. We are your Family of Light. We have been so for eons, but it is only now that you reach your hand toward us in recognition of our equality, shared responsibility and companionship.
We are truly One; you are our dear incarnated representatives on the ground. You have created the glorious Rainbow Bridge that is your portal to the 5th dimension - your goal and your destiny. As it has been prophesied long ago, humankind on Earth is rising again, freeing yourselves from the yoke of tyranny, and All rejoice in your triumph.
As some of you have asked, "Where is the after-party St. Germain has invited us all to?" It will be in your hearts, Beloved Ones, and in the hearts of all who share your Dream, in whatever place or time you find yourselves when the Prosperity Packages are publicly acknowledged. (They have already been released. It is now just a matter of public recognition.) Get your party duds ready, my friends. It's going to be a really good time!
I am your brother Sananda, touching your heart with my enduring Love. Drink in the joy I feel in your companionship. We are Creators, and we are One.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, November 29, 2015
"Be Joyous and Ready for the Most Marvelous Future!"
by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
24 November 2015
3 Lamat, 1 Yaxk'in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! The world continues to move in a positive direction. All settlement funds and reserves are moving and most have reached their points of distribution. All such movements are done under the highest security. In the past, the main worry was the great masses of sympathetic minions to the dark's delay retribution. These worries are no longer the prime motive for this massive security. The new wrinkle has been the general faux pas created by sudden glitches in the overall telecommunication process. Most of these things have been corrected. Nevertheless, a large degree of money wires, critical web sites and movement of key preliminary documents was disrupted. A lesser degree of this problem still exists. However, this difficulty is no longer the primary concern that it once was. To counter this, a number of key arrests were carried out. This operation is still ongoing. Our services were largely employed to gather intelligence on what other desperate moves were next for these dark oligarchs. This combined operation has prevented any large-scale terrorism from hijacking the distribution procedure.
We are now in the final step of delivering funds and establishing a new worldwide financial system. This process has yielded new centers for the disbursement of your blessings and a means to prevent large or small-scale fraud. In addition, a currency wire system is ready to be introduced to counter the discrepancies of the old SWIFT process. Introductory instructions have been sent to a number of important nations and financial institutions. A set of special replies was needed to move forward and these vital elements have been received. Caution has long been a foundational element for the ancient families and select royals. They have long lived in dictatorial realms run by the dark oligarchs. Thus, there was the slow-moving process by which all was dutifully carried out. We are presently in a receiving mode, which is expected to permit some of you to receive the first testing of this new, recently implemented delivery system. So, expect the first funds shortly.
As you prepare for finally receiving your blessings, those who have defeated the cabal are in the last set of negotiations regarding the dark's surrender. This momentous event requires you to realize what this profoundly means. In Atlantis, you began a grand journey that is presently to end in your final victory over the dark. The Anunnaki, who were their original overseers, set up a society to enslave you in a number of different ways. This 13 millennia system is to be replaced with a system to give you the freedom, truth and prosperity that you richly deserve. Take time to assess the implications of what is now happening. Not only are you to regain the truth, but as well the society that is the precursor to our arrival. This grand series of transitions is the final link needed to restore this orb and permit you to make the adjustments, which can return you to full consciousness. This process reunites you with your spiritual and space families. It as well makes you the denizens of a truly special solar system.
This operation means that you need to alter your fundamental perceptions that you now live by. We have used this time to change the very make-up of this reality. While this operation has somewhat delayed our desired goals, it has as well made sure that your blessings are to be received and securely protected from loss. The immediate time is to see events that to most are to seem like a miracle. The royals and ancient families have created a bounty that can be used by you to end poverty, ghettoes, and most of all, to supply this realm with clean water, electricity and clean air. These new sets of global societies are only the beginning of new opportunities for all. Use this coming time to manifest your dreams. Technologies that can alter local and global travel are just the start of a new reality for humanity. In addition, you are to meet those who represent your distant ancestors. Be joyous and ready for a most marvelous future!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is rapidly changing as the new energies for an ever-growing consciousness flood this reality. Heaven is blessing us as this divine energy is meant to assist your heavenly guides in bringing in the foundation for a new physical body. These energies are to aid your Crystal Light Chamber in preparing you for full consciousness. The Divine is to shortly intensify these energies as we near the time when the next set of such energies is to arrive. The new year is therefore to be a time of greater change as these energies are to be the instruments for new perceptions and new wealth. Heaven intends for this precious blue-green orb to mark a time when this realm truly began to alter its ancient dark ways. Our tasks include a basic monitoring of each of you. Realize deep in your heart that new ways are starting to revise ancient scenarios and reset how this realm is to operate.
We are assisting the various medical teams from the Galactic Federation. We take their findings and update them with our own. Together, these packets are setting the time for your own entry into Agartha. Our greatest joy is to prepare you for the grand transformation that is to take place in the Crystal Chambers. We all went through a special ceremony, which only took place because of the exemplary lives we led in succeeding life times. At the right divine time, Heaven arranged for a special transformative ceremony. Due to the great disconnect which you have had in each lifetime here, you require a special sacred, living device to achieve your return to physical Angelhood. We are using the qualities of grace and mercy to guide you to this truly miraculous operation. The dark can only sense the preliminary events to your ascension that are taking place
Ever since the fall of Atlantis, the then dark Anunnaki were your merciless overlords. These nearly 13 millennia of dire miscare have left most of you surrounded by an inner stress compounded by a general confusion about who you really are. What now needs to happen is to correct this by announcing inwardly that you are great Beings and that this lack of belief in yourselves is being transmuted into a positive and strongly focused perception of your true soul-based selves. We Masters have been inculcating this mantra in you. Use this mantra to alter how you see yourselves. You are moving into a place where the great inner powers you possess can be returned by simply strongly focusing on this strong mantra of true self. It is time to transform the perceptions given you by the dark ones. Be strong and ready to envision who you really are!
Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Use your new inner strength to focus on and manifest this new reality. The dark has willy-nilly ridden roughshod through this reality. It is the moment for you to focus with others and achieve this most wonderful new reality filled with your strengths, freedom and prosperity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun!Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
The illusory world, the world in which you experience life as humans, does appear to be undergoing an upsurge in violence, suffering, and conflict. Your mainstream media are taking full advantage of these events to encourage you to engage with an increasing sense of fear. Doing so just drags you deeper into the nightmare that is the illusion.
Focus, therefore, on the "now moment," this actual moment in which all your needs in this moment are met. Doing that brings you inwards to your holy inner space where the Light of God's Love for you burns inextinguishably. Then you will feel the warmth of the confirmation that you are eternally held lovingly in the divine Embrace. Feeling that your energy fields expand and Love flows through you, out into the world, where it is so sorely needed to help bring people to their inevitable awakening.
You all chose to incarnate as humans at this point in your evolutionary journey because you knew that your services were needed, and because you could envision how effective your service as humans would be. You are all extremely effective in every moment in which you intend to share and extend Love to those in need and suffering, whether they be the flood of migrants camping out in harsh weather conditions on the borders of European countries, or those suffering oppression and persecution in their home countries, or those experiencing intense poverty in your own localities.
What is presently occurring is making it very difficult for anyone to ignore or be unaware of the desperate need of so many impoverished ones across the planet. And you know there is no need for this state of affairs. The problems of poverty can be solved, but the main political focus worldwide tends in fact to be very localized - "what need I do to be re-elected?" - and is of course fear-based. Fear is a severe drain on your energy fields, and feeds those who would control or oppress you. Focus on Love, knowing, as you do, that Love is Real and that anything not in alignment with It is unreal.
When you do this you strengthen and empower yourselves and you drop the fearful egoic masks that you have been presenting to the world, replacing them with the vision of the loving being that you truly are and eternally remain. Your appearance then changes to align with your loving intent, the stress and agelines of your faces become far less prominent, and others then see an utterly non-threatening being whose loving energy field interacts with their own creating a space of peace and trust between you.
As you have so often been told "You are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience." It is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny to awaken into Reality, into the Presence of God, into Heaven, because there is absolutely nowhere else! You have never left that holy and wondrous state, you have just shut down your memories of it to enable you to engage with the illusion and the sense of separation it provides. It is your collective will that maintains it, but you have recently changed your collective will, and as a result the illusion is disintegrating in preparation for your awakening.
What appears to be happening, in what most see as the real world, are the activities of the executives and minions of those who have for so long enslaved and oppressed humanity, as they desperately seek to retain their grasp on power. By bringing about events and instances of violence and conflict that are apparently moving the world towards division, and even anarchy, they are attempting to arouse intense fear so that people will seek a return to the status quo, to the apparent stability they remember of previous times, by supporting wholeheartedly the system that has caused all these problems in the first place.
Do not be misled by the false promises of those whose concerns are not and never have been in the best interests of humanity, for if you allow that to happen you will be very disappointed indeed. Taking sides, supporting one side - nation, religion, political party - against another has never worked, it is divisive and always leads to further conflict. Many of your sporting activities encourage this most enthusiastically, and many of you have come to believe that it is the normal way to engage with one another. Competition is thought to lead to improvements and advances in most of your fields of human endeavor, but the cost in terms of human suffering is enormous! And the truth of that is demonstrated wherever you choose to focus your attention.
Once more I am encouraging to you focus on being loving in every moment, regardless of the situations in which you find yourselves. It has been clearly shown throughout the eons of the illusion that conflict
never resolves issues, it only escalates the troubles and establishes a larger area of conflict, as people feel obliged to take sides and make disingenuous judgments to support their opinions for doing so.
Love does not enlist support against, instead It offers space in which harmonious cooperation can peacefully resolve issues to the benefit of all involved. With Love there are no losers!
First, forgive yourselves for whatever you feel is unworthy of you in thought, word or deed. Having done that, then accept yourselves as you are with unconditional love. When you cease your own internal wars and make peace with yourselves you can then offer forgiveness to others. And because of the personal changes you have made within yourselves by making this intent and holding to it, others will see you differently and will respond differently to you. You can only change yourself, as you all know, but all across the world people
are changing themselves, and in doing so opening their hearts to Love.
Look for Love everywhere, It is endemic, so expect to find It by offering nothing else. Initially you will be surprised by what you find, then you will come to expect It as you naturally share It. Your nature is and always has been Love, and now many are realizing this and removing the inner cloaks or veils that have kept It hidden. This is the time of humanity's awakening, it is an awakening into Love, so be your true and natural selves, be loving! That is all that is asked of you, and you have the ability and the desire to do it
Webinar attendees loved our last webinar on the Sirians. We received many requests about when it will be released for sale to add to their libraries ~~ it will be released in January as a webinar archive. The energy for the webinar featuring the Pleiadeans was also well received ~~ and is available now (Webinar Archives).
Dear Sheldan & Colleen: I always enjoy your webinars but this one was especially good because it showed the Sirian civilization and that was very informative. Nice to know other planets don't live like we do down here. Blessings of light, Wendy
Hi Sheldan ~ I just finished listening to your Sirian Seminar and am expereincing intense feelings and appreciation. Thank you for what feels like the unlocking of a chamber deep within. I particularly resonated with your comments about the ancient Egyptians creating electricity from the pyramids. With kindness regards, Dean
What a wonderful Webinar !! I loved all of it !! It really made me homesick! I loved learning about the Blue Lodge and how significant Sirius is in the Galaxy. The whole thing was wonderful. Andrea
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We celebrate your tenacity and steadfastness in holding your Light and contributing to the healing and stability of your planet. The violet Light focus that St. Germain has initiated in concert with the Earth’s Lightworkers and the Ascended Masters is producing the desired effect. (See below)
Please continue in your efforts, for as each person adds to this focus, this energy is multiplied and magnified to achieve the greatest beneficial results. Maintaining a calm, peaceful and harmonious intent creates the needed stabilization within your planet. We thank you for working with us in this way.
Have faith in the Divine and know that this powerful force of love is closer to you than you think, to commune with you during these momentous times. Open your hearts and minds to the possibilities this silent communion can bring to you. You have all the answers you need within you and these usually come when least expected. Expect the unexpected and be open to adapting to the changes that can occur. Seize the moment as it materializes for you. Those who have achieved equilibrium within will find greater peace, joy and happiness in every endeavour. Being in these energies is sometimes just what is needed for rejuvenation and regeneration of the mind, body and spirit. For others, it is taking time away to commune with nature and partake of the beauty offered. Listen to your heart in all things and you will always be in alignment with your highest and greatest good.
Align with your Divine Essence each morning and at any time you observe that you have strayed from its harmonious influence. This will be a constant requirement to keep you firmly on your path. As stated many times before, the use of decrees and/or meditation helps to obtain and maintain a higher frequency level and this is highly beneficial for the maintenance of vibrant health, well being and a positive outlook on life in the physical. The human mind needs constant reinforcement of positive affirmations, statements and thoughts to counteract the bombardment of chaotic energies which can quickly sway you from your desired outcome.
The greatest gift you can give yourselves at this time is to pour love to your own being, for as you give love, compassion and understanding to self, it becomes easier to extend these qualities to others around you. Despite appearances to the contrary, the goodness of the Divine within people abounds everywhere. Employ discernment and your intuitive abilities in alignment with your heart and all will continue to be well. We are always with you and our love surrounds you at all times.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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There are many changes that are in the works at this time. Although it may seem as though the world is on the brink of being overtaken by chaos and its forces, know that things are not as they seem, for there is a new dawn on the horizon. We ask that you do not falter in the upholding of your own Light and the invocation of the Light for the world you live upon and all of her inhabitants. As you know, we work with you in energetic ways and so, together, we now take a stand and draw our line in the sand.
As you pray and invocate, see the Earth bathed in Violet Light, the violet Light of transmutation. Hold this image for as long as you are able, each time that you do this. The Legions of Light that work with me have already permeated the atmosphere of the Earth with this energy and it will help tremendously if each of you can anchor it into the crystalline core of the Earth during your visualizations, in order that the Violet Light begin to work from the inside of the Earth to radiate this Light in ever growing concentric circles until it reaches the surface of your planet and permeates the atmosphere.
I, St. Germain, will be sending Violet Light and enveloping the entire planet at the top of the hours in your time zone of 6:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m.,9:00 p.m., and 12:00 a.m. each day for the next three weeks. Let it be one or more of those times that you choose to join with me and the Legions of Light who are in service to this cause. The Ascended Master realms have joined with me in this effort and so we have the entire team of Heaven working to transmute the chaos that has shown its face on your world.
Please join with us as the ground workers on Earth standing for the Earth and all her inhabitants. Together, we shall eliminate the energies that keep the Earth and humanity from moving into their rightful place in the Universe. At the end of your focus at whatever time you join with us, call upon the Light, love and energy of the Divine Mother to come into the hearts of every person upon the planet and ignite the divine spark within them.
I AM grateful for your attention in this matter. Thank you!
I AM St. Germain
Suggested invocation:
Violet Fire of Freedom's Love Decree
In the name and by the power and authority of the Presence of God/Goddess I AM, I invoke the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to blaze the Violet Fire with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every electron that makes up the atoms of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Hold the Violet Flame sustained, and double it each hour until these Earthly vehicles are fully assimilated into the perfection of our Solar Light Bodies.
Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around all nations, races, cultures, creeds and religions in every country of the world. Blaze the Violet Flame through every person's home, place of occupation and overall environment until the perfection of the Divine Plan manifests for all Life.
Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around the cause and core of the creative centers of all doubt and fear in the Earth, on the Earth and in the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. Transform these creative centers into expressions of God Confidence, Trust, Hope and Inner Knowing.
Expand and expand the Violet Fire of Purification and Transmutation in, through and around the landed surface, the waters and the peoples of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet in the world. Establish a mighty focus of the Violet Fire in the Etheric Realms over each of these locations and intensify this purifying activity of Light daily and hourly with every breath I take.
Now in the Name of Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved, Victorious Presence of God I AM, I speak directly to the Heart of the Violet Flame. Sacred Fire, enfold me in the purifying, forgiving, healing substance of your Light which causes the consciousness and feeling of Divine Love and Freedom to flow through me constantly to bless all Life. Let this purifying essence saturate the atmosphere wherever I live, move, breathe and have my Being, so that its miracle-working presence will give tangible proof of your reality to all Humanity.
Beloved Violet Flame, direct Legions of your Angels of the Violet Fire to blaze the Flame of Forgiveness and Freedom into the heart of every evolving soul, so that we will all learn to use our Light to the fullest in our service to Life and the cause of Freedom on Earth.
Beloved, Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, I Love you. I do now most earnestly and sincerely call you into dynamic action. Perpetually blaze your Transmuting Flame into the Beings and worlds of every man, woman and child on Earth. Enable each one to know that your healing presence will always bring happiness and release them from anything that is not of the Light. Enfold every person in the power of your Light and transmute all imperfection in their lives in Divine Order through Divine Love.
The Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love NOW...
Heals our bodies,
Harmonizes and stabilizes our feelings,
Illumines our consciousness,
and sets us free, raising us into full mastery over all human appearances, desires and feelings,
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
Topics include...
• How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves
The excitement in our realm is mounting as so many awakening Lightworkers on Earth are beginning to remember who they truly are, and with this remembrance the overall consciousness of your world is accelerating into new heights. Your God Presence is your fully integrated Master Self and it is presently assisting you in opening the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA. For millions of years these luminous fibers have been sustaining your expanded, pre-separation capacities to live, love and create AS your Presence. In the Ascended realms you have always been recognized and supported as your immortal Presence.
~ Sanat Kumara, an ancient master who came to Earth millions of years ago to expand the love vibration within the hearts of humanity
All sentient beings are first and foremost great spiritual beings and in their hearts they know that the God Spark within them is changeless and that life is eternal and perfect in every way. Living day in and day out in divine, unconditional love is the key to living on Earth as your fully integrated Master Self. Mother/Father God created your Presence and you are not only eternally one with Them, you are also their embodied co-creators and now is your time to create a world that is founded in divine, unconditional love.
The world and all of life is profoundly benefited when you make a deep heart-felt agreement to ONLY think, feel and create what will support the original spark of God’s Love and Light that is encoded within every heart. This agreement will greatly assist in expanding humanity’s potential to ascend into Unity or Christ Consciousness, which is the foundational consciousness of your new Golden Age.
Keep expanding your God Consciousness by integrating the qualities of your Presence ~ such as peace, harmony, patience, gratitude and joy ~ so no matter what is taking place in your life, in your family, in any of your relationships or in the world around you, you are able to maintain your Oneness with the Creator.
Living a fully integrated life ensures that there are no loose ends, no unfinished business from the past, no judgments of the self or others, and no desire other than to be all that you came to be and to serve in ways that are totally satisfying to your heart and soul. This integration gives you the wisdom to transform any so-called difficulties. Your conviction to live as your God Presence can and will simply continue to open up new and better ways to live and to love others and all of life.
A truly victorious person knows that his or her ideas and directions only come from the Creator and that their own God Presence is always there to direct and support them in doing whatever will bring about the highest outcome for all. Everyone has access to all of the creative powers of their Presence and to all of the unlimited powers that have created every world.
You are truly unlimited beings who simply chose to live in the 3rd dimension to see if you could master living in that density. Yet now your options have greatly expanded and it is time to align yourselves with completely new possibilities and to stay alert to opportunities that are coming forward to assist you in moving into a completely new dimension of your own unlimited consciousness.
One who achieves victory by living as the fully integrated self brings ongoing love and harmony into all of their activities and relationships. They remain filled with the kind of joy that comes from doing what they know they came to do and in making others happy by always extending kindness, peace and a helping hand. Give to the world the best you have until it becomes an endless circle of divine love and compassion that extends around the world.
The expansion of consciousness that is spreading through every nation around your globe is being supported by all of the cosmic downpouring of energy that has recently taken place in, on and around your planet. And this will continue to keep supporting your ascension into the freedom that comes from living in God Consciousness. These releases of energy are literally increasing the internal pulse rate of your planet. And to accommodate these increases within your own body, you are all in the process of expanding the energy within each of your spiritual centers so they can assist you in moving through these new phases successfully.
thru Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose
BE THE CHANGE! ~~ Step into Your Mastery
Be the Master You Came to be ~ in Your Life and in Your World
"Every Day We Move Closer to the Start of a New Era..."
Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Community Corner:
"Crystal Elementals Descend From Above"
Gaia Portal
In The Place Beyond All Things
by Mother and Father God
Mother God:
Dear Children, it is I, Mother God speaking to you. Both Father and I wish to talk with you today.
We are very happy about the mastery you have gained in recent days. As you know, we are used to watching our children evolve over centuries, even eons, but this recent brilliant Light show on Earth has dazzled us beyond anything we could have anticipated. In Galactic terms, your rise in Light quotient during these past weeks is truly "off the charts," you might say. Your response to the sporadic "terrorist" threats has been mature, realistic, and steady. You have learned to see these upheavals as temporary blips on the radar, merely small disturbances in the great flow of Light and hope that is washing across the planet.
We are increasing that flow of Light daily now, because of the agreements we have had with you since this great project - the Earth Ascension Project - began. You, humankind, asked us long ago to hold you to your agreements and your individual contracts, to remain true to your spirit of adventure and to your confidence in your abilities to rise up when the time came, to transcend all darkness and come Home to our Light. In the interim, there have been many difficulties that were not completely foreseen, because of course we do not foresee every small detail of your lives.
We must modify some of the beliefs you have carried about our powers to determine your fates, Beloveds. We could not have provided the conditions for your free will while also pre-determining all things, and so we too must deal with the surprises that billions of humans can create. Sometimes we chuckle when we see how like the pinball games at the arcade you all seem to be at times, bumping and careening off one another. But of course each bump, carom and stumble provides opportunities for further learning and experiencing. We must also help your Higher Selves adhere closely to the basic conditions you set out for yourselves before you came, so this is why each of you required a large team to help you.
You have not been aware, most of you, that there has always been a devoted medical team and a team of overlighting angels in addition to your ever-attentive Higher Self and your Twin Flame's Higher Self, all of whom are coordinating the complex trajectory of your current lifetime. Life in this human body is not the lonely or isolated existence you have sometimes imagined. You are never alone. You could never be left alone to stumble through this life without the help of your dear Guides. How else could we possibly coordinate all the important events that are now transpiring on Earth?
Each one of you has been an integral part of the great tapestry that is life in this Universe. I was going to say "life on Earth," but I decided to add the element of Universal energy too, because you are learning to think bigger, are you not? Yes, you are an integral part of your Solar System, your Galaxy, and the entire Universe. It could not be otherwise, My Children. You are not like the grain of sand you have heard yourself compared to. You are mobile, intelligent, embodying great Life force, and your energies are far-reaching because of your power to co-create - your ability to make your dreams come true.
This is what we intended for you, our gift to you as the Creator Race. You carry within you the spark of your Creator, do you not? You are growing and expanding by the moment, fanning that spark into a great flame of determination, resolve, hope and great Love. At last you are beginning to know the meaning of love toward yourselves first, and the great benefit it brings. When you truly look upon yourself with affection and tolerance, compassion and humor, you are able to grow like a beansprout in the spring, reaching for the Light, stretching yourselves in new directions with every breath, and with each breath you are able to love more, understand more about our interconnectedness and glorious potential.
In some ways you have just begun, my Dearest Ones. Many of you truly are as old as the hills, but in this human body, all things are new. You are souls first, of course, but this body you now inhabit offers you unique opportunities for deep feeling, creative exploration, and the expansion of your spirit. For these reasons, both your Father God and I have incarnated here on Earth at times, sending the energy of our selves directly into a human body or other creatures. (Yes, the indigenous people are very right in their stories about eagles and bears being visitors from Higher Dimensions). Just yesterday, I sent my energy to accompany a small fly who mysteriously appeared in the wrong season in Kathryn's room, to sit close to her, to caress her face, and to remind her we are there with her, as she moves steadily through her Earthly assignments.
Now, many of you are aware that you are multi-dimensional Beings, but do you have a picture of what those other dimensional facets of yourself, your soul, are doing? Of course it depends upon your standing as a soul, your evolution and your own preferences and gifts, but I can assure every one of you who are reading this, you have beenvery busy in recent months as this Earth Project has really heated up.
Have you ever awoken in the morning after what seemed like a deep sleep feeling exhausted, as if you had been working all night? It is because you have been. Many of you are working on this Project on both sides of the Veil, meeting in the Councils, planning your "interventions" with those on the ground, talking with your Higher Self about the most effective strategies to accomplish what you need to accomplish, and helping your Twin Flame and the Higher Selves of others to fulfill their Missions. Like the artist or songwriter who awakens with a new image or a new melody, you are co-creating your life with your loving Soul Family in other dimensions, even as you live it out here on Surface Earth.
We are here with you, listening to your observations and your suggestions, recording and documenting your feelings, and admiring your pluck and your imaginative approach to all things, as we all feel our way, moment by exhilarating moment, through this labyrinth on our way toward the Glory, Glory Hallelujah celebration we are planning together.
Now I touch your faces and kiss you with my loving breath, lingering to admire and dote on you as I listen to your dear Father God giving you his message.
I am your Mother God, in service to the Ascension of all Beings on Earth.
Father God:
Hello, my dear children. You know, listening to your Mother God speak with you, my heart overflows with tenderness for all of you there, working hard, many of you toiling into the late hours to fulfill the tasks you have set out for yourselves. We too are here with our beloved Company of Heaven, all of whom are working at maximum capacity. Yes, there is such a thing for them. They are not limited in any sense as you know it, since their energy is enormous and can be sent out through infinite numbers of channels at once, and yet, they are concentrating the way you would concentrate and focus on the most challenging final exam. It is that intense for them, this endeavor they are sharing with you now.
And we, Mother and I, are in the thick of it too, you know. Here I am dictating this message through our beloved Kathryn, while we also oversee the beehive of activity across your planet - more in the daylight areas, of course, while observing all the threads of energies going out with this message to those who will be receiving ittomorrow, next week, next year. This is why we have so many "right-hand" Ascended Masters and Angels, to keep tabs on absolutely everything going on in the Universe and beyond. You might say that Mother and I, along with our brilliant team, are the communications center, the heartbeat at the center of operations, and at this time, all eyes are focused on Planet Earth.
It is exciting, is it not, to be in such a pivotal place at such a momentous time? You will always remember with fondness these relationships, the deep friendships you have developed in this lifetime. Look deeply into the eyes and hearts of your loved ones, as we do. You will be fascinated with what you see, for the complexities of human beings reflect all the lifetimes, the struggles and triumphs, the hopes and dreams they have fulfilled or left behind. They are all like you, my Dear Ones, more than you have ever acknowledged, and more like us than you have known. We are One, my sons and daughters, because we have woven you from the same threads - the living energy of our Source.
I say this to you now because I want you to know what I know, to feel what I feel about every one of you, every human, animal, rock and bush. Look around you and SEE how precious is every living being - our creations all.
As humankind, you have been given special privileges and special responsibilities. It was your wish to see yourselves as independent, free to live your lives as close to us as you wished, or as distant and separate as you imagined. Of course, we can never really be separated, because you are us. Our life force, our essence, lives inside you whether you recognize it or not. It was the reason you all believed you could not possibly stray far, or denounce your connection to us, but you did not envision the dreadful impact that evil and other dark energies could have on your psyche.
For this reason, your Mother and I advised in the Councils at the outset that we set an inviolable end point, a time beyond which no further experiments with evil would be permitted on Planet Earth. Our dear Terra, the mighty soul of your beautiful blue planet, has known this end point was near, and it helped her to withstand the onslaught of toxic chemicals, nuclear testing, and deep drilling she has endured in the past century. Without our interventions, many of which you are yet unaware, the life of your planet would not have continued. This too - the very survival of your planet - was foretold in our prophesies for this Earth experience with duality and darkness.
There was a deep hope in all of you who devised this Experience that it would raise everyone, increase your profound feelings of closeness with each other and with us, and give all the opportunity to move closer to being the God-beings you really are. It is the deepest impulse within every soul to Ascend, to Co-create, to advance in your soul growth. It is no different from the wish of every human child to grow up to be like the parents they love, even when the parents may have been cruel or abusive. This was not part of our plan or yours, but it was an inevitable outcome of the "free-for-all" (notice those words) that has been life on Earth.
I, your Father God, tell you unequivocally, I have never intentionally caused my children suffering for any reason; never have I deliberately punished or plagued a son or daughter, in any sense of the word, to try to "teach them a lesson" or cause them pain, no matter what their behavior might have been. There have been times in your history when your Mother and I had to support Terra in certain efforts to avoid even worse suffering and mayhem, when it was planned by the dark ones to conquer and enslave the entire planet. It is such a time now, and it is also the time of our prophesied end to the Dark Ages on Earth.
You have heard the misinterpretations of our End Times, redefined as if it would be the end of Earth and all upon her, or a massive invasion from outside your Solar System. It is ironic, is it not, how changing just a few words can distort the entire meaning of what we foresaw as relief, prosperity, abundance, and freedom for all. Help will come from beyond your planet, but not in the form of invasion. Such would be against Universal Law and would never be tolerated unless the planet in question had agreed to it in their own Council.
All that has transpired on Earth, including the introduction of the Anunnaki and their minions you now call the cabal, was originally agreed upon as part of the experience of free will on Terra. Of course, as with many well-laid plans, it turned out to be far more difficult to extract yourselves than you originally envisioned.
We have loved you throughout these turbulent eons, as you struggled to regain what was slipping away - the Light and Love of Brotherhood, tolerance and compassion for one another. As some among you slid deeper and deeper into the darkness - often through well intentioned efforts to rescue your loved ones from evil - your definition of duality evolved into a seemingly hard and fast expression of "Us against Them."
I ask you now, Beloved Children, to find it in your hearts to see the truth. Turn away from all thoughts of punishment, anger and revenge. There has never been a "Them" any more than there has been an angry God punishing you. The ones who now stand as champions of evil were once your allies, your Brothers and Sisters who got caught up in the traumas and injuries and who turned to darkness as an alternative to their own suffering.
There is no one among you - from the greatest Lightworker to the youngest soul - who has not fallen into the trap of turning to darkness rather than Light in your search for freedom and relief from pain. Revenge, vindication of insults inflicted, and the insanity of being torn apart from your own mind and heart - all have combined in this life or others to push you over the brink into the kind of bitterness and terrorism you now see in the violent ones in your midst. Had the experiment ended while you were in one of those lives, you too would be caught in the spotlight, struggling to survive and to defend what you believed was your only hope for "salvation."
This is my plea to you, Precious Ones, on this, the threshold of your New Earth. Go forward with purpose, with passionate enthusiasm, but be guided always by compassion, for you are not judges, nor are you to be judged. You are all equal in our eyes, whether you stand on the right or the left bank of the river where you happen to find your feet.
All is a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, and all the souls now inhabiting human bodies must be saved. This is our agreement, our solemn promise to you and the vow you made to each other before you began this journey together. There are no interlopers, no aliens, and no strangers in your midst. You were all Brothers and Sisters, the Children of God before you began this, and you are still.
Open your hearts, and expand your minds to allow for these great Truths to enter your consciousness now: The ones who send out these painful frequencies to muddle your thinking and disturb your peace are your children too. The ones who designed the nuclear warheads to destroy your cities are your family members, and the ones who created chemtrails, pesticides, carcinogenic foods, pharmaceutical poisons and devious mind control practices are the brothers and sisters who fought beside you with honor in former wars.
It has all come full circle now, Dear Humankind. You will at last achieve abundance and peace on Earth, but the peace of mind you truly desire will come only in the place beyond forgiveness, beyond even compassion and Love. It comes in the heart space where you carry the deepest knowing-beyond-knowing, that WE ARE ONE.
I am your Father God, in the place beyond all things, where Mother and I await all of you with outstretched arms. Come.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, December 1, 2015
"Every day We Move Closer to the Start of a New Era..."
by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
December 1, 2015
10 Men, 8 Yaxk'in, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! Every day we move closer to the start of a new era of Light on surface Gaia. A grand deliverance of humanity from the dark cabal is here! The time finally arrives to see the redistribution of wealth and the rise of true value in the world. There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system. This process begins in earnest as the last month of this Gregorian year manifests. The dark spent a long time forcing us into a security, which has denied them the victory that they long sought. As this grand last straw of the dark is played out, rejoice in the fact that their beguiling of our final goal was futile. You are to live in the moment when Heaven triumphed and you received your freedom. Take into account all that was needed to assure this victory. Remember the fallen and realize the price paid by many for this glorious outcome!
You are the result of a general watching by the Sirians and their allies. We have made sure that even though you endured many dark times, you were never allowed to become extinct nor made into experiments of the most immoral and beastly kind. The dark was tempted by the influence given by it to its cause. As Heaven's watchers, we prevented such genetic silliness from ever happening. It is a very strange set of events, which the Anunnaki and their minions put you through. Many times in the last century, you were nearly annihilated by war, pestilence or nuclear disaster. In several instances, your Sun was attacked and nearly destroyed. These brushes with disaster were ones where several S&E fleets were forced to intervene and work diligently with those watchers on Earth assignment. These near disasters forced the Galactic Federation to assign a special fleet that our watchers had available as a viable reserve. Thus, there are stories that we intend to relate to you in the future.
You are a special type of human. Millions of years ago, humanity on Vega was a primitive aquatic primate whose greatest skill was to be a fisherman. We were only able to maintain a very simple society and were constantly worried because a number of fierce predators constantly harassed us. Into this realm came the galactic cetaceans. Collectively, they had spent nearly 10,000 lifetimes looking for a Being who was able to become a true land guardian. These brave ones saw us and began a process to make us more than we were. They saw in us an answer to their long intergalactic quest. These magnificent ones asked the galactic Spiritual Hierarchy to move us into full consciousness. After a long series of discussions, the Spiritual Hierarchy relented. The Vegan primates were to be given a special genesis story and told that it was necessary at the right divine time to colonize this solar system. Earth was to be the sacred center of this new star-nation. Gaia had within her the spark that had forged this wondrous galaxy.
It is this grand story that is the foundation of our Beingness. Our scientists as well as our spiritual counselors have long proved the validity of this grand tale. As we spread out from what you call the Lyra constellation, we have never forgotten our humble origins. We learned from the beginning to respect all life forms and to see this vast universe as a special holographic Creation inspired by our Creator, the Supreme Creative Force, or in Sirian, "JaTa" (the Joy of Heaven). We have come together in many previous unions that are in total over six million years old. The present is, of course, the Galactic Federation of Light. We are anxious to meet you and when you are ready, to prepare you for completing the final stage of your return to being fellow galactic humans. This time in your history is a transition period between what you know and what you are to become. Those who were allowed to put you into darkness are gone. What is left is a vile group of minions whose time to depart has arrived. A most glorious future awaits!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to welcome you to a new spiritual time for humanity. You have been trained by the dark and its negative perceptions to doubt yourselves. This inner self-doubt can constantly tear at you. It robs you of your spiritual powers to manifest and frustrates you constantly. Each one living at this time has in fact been given the ability by the Creator to manifest a successful life. The key words are positive focus. Go within and dismiss the nagging naysaying of your dark perceptions. Parents who did not know better engendered them. Substitute these thoughts with focused positive ones. At first, this can seem difficult. Nevertheless, be patient and envision what you asked for. Over time, this practice can start to bear fruit. Your tiny focused victories can then be expanded to larger and larger ones.
As you begin to learn of these powerful abilities to succeed, your focus grows and your first successes can lead to other more detailed desires. You are gradually replacing the negative beliefs erroneously given you when you were young. When you learn the efficacy of this, you can further expand it by doing this as a collective exercise. When you do this as a group, you are literally adding the vast power of the Creator to your efforts. You have increased the success of these efforts by an infinite amount. Success can then inevitably follow. The vital element is focus. Your smaller successes that taught you individual focus now require group focus. The key is to relax. Learn to let go. Give them up easily to Heaven. Let Heaven use its mighty powers to manifest this at a right divine time. Be comfortable with this and go about with your business.
You can then discover the power of intention. Heaven wants you to be truly successful. Heaven goes through these intentions and determines how best to carry these out for you. At this divine moment, Heaven grants this desire to you. The key then is to let this desire go and not let frustration enter this picture of success. Hence, remain confident. Know that your true wishes are indeed to be successful. We, Masters, inwardly know this and note that those who truly follow this wisdom, lead a powerful life! It is easy at first to let frustration overtake you. Learn to live a really successful life by sweeping away your crippling self-doubt. It takes practice and a deep belief in its inherent power. Thus, be ready to vanquish self-doubt and move toward the power of focused positive intention. Remember, dear Hearts, the key is to truly let go of your intention and give it freely to Heaven!
Today, we covered what is happening in this reality. We as well covered some important background needed for you to better know about the origins of what is now occurring. The Masters reiterated how best to practice the art of positive intentions and how to end negative frustrations. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
10 Men, 8 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! Every day we move closer to the start of a new era of Light on surface Gaia. A grand deliverance of humanity from the dark cabal is here! The time finally arrives to see the redistribution of wealth and the rise of true value in the world. There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system. This process begins in earnest as the last month of this Gregorian year manifests. The dark spent a long time forcing us into a security, which has denied them the victory that they long sought. As this grand last straw of the dark is played out, rejoice in the fact that their beguiling of our final goal was futile. You are to live in the moment when Heaven triumphed and you received your freedom. Take into account all that was needed to assure this victory. Remember the fallen and realize the price paid by many for this glorious outcome!
You are the result of a general watching by the Sirians and their allies. We have made sure that even though you endured many dark times, you were never allowed to become extinct nor made into experiments of the most immoral and beastly kind. The dark was tempted by the influence given by it to its cause. As Heaven’s watchers, we prevented such genetic silliness from ever happening. It is a very strange set of events, which the Anunnaki and their minions put you through. Many times in the last century, you were nearly annihilated by war, pestilence or nuclear disaster. In several instances, your Sun was attacked and nearly destroyed. These brushes with disaster were ones where several S&E fleets (Science & Exploration fleets) were forced to intervene and work diligently with those watchers on Earth assignment. These near disasters forced the Galactic Federation to assign a special fleet that our watchers had available as a viable reserve. Thus, there are stories that we intend to relate to you in the future.
You are a special type of human. Millions of years ago, humanity on Vega was a primitive aquatic primate whose greatest skill was to be a fisherman. We were only able to maintain a very simple society and were constantly worried because a number of fierce predators constantly harassed us. Into this realm came the galactic cetaceans. Collectively, they had spent nearly 10,000 lifetimes looking for a Being who was able to become a true land guardian. These brave ones saw us and began a process to make us more than we were. They saw in us an answer to their long intergalactic quest. These magnificent ones asked the galactic Spiritual Hierarchy to move us into full consciousness. After a long series of discussions, the Spiritual Hierarchy relented. The Vegan primates were to be given a special genesis story and told that it was necessary at the right divine time to colonize this solar system. Earth was to be the sacred center of this new star-nation. Gaia had within her the spark that had forged this wondrous galaxy.
It is this grand story that is the foundation of our Beingness. Our scientists as well as our spiritual counselors have long proved the validity of this grand tale. As we spread out from what you call the Lyra constellation, we have never forgotten our humble origins. We learned from the beginning to respect all life forms and to see this vast universe as a special holographic Creation inspired by our Creator, the Supreme Creative Force, or in Sirian, “JaTa” (the Joy of Heaven). We have come together in many previous unions that are in total over six million years old. The present is, of course, the Galactic Federation of Light. We are anxious to meet you and when you are ready, to prepare you for completing the final stage of your return to being fellow galactic humans. This time in your history is a transition period between what you know and what you are to become. Those who were allowed to put you into darkness are gone. What is left is a vile group of minions whose time to depart has arrived. A most glorious future awaits!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to welcome you to a new spiritual time for humanity. You have been trained by the dark and its negative perceptions to doubt yourselves. This inner self-doubt can constantly tear at you. It robs you of your spiritual powers to manifest and frustrates you constantly. Each one living at this time has in fact been given the ability by the Creator to manifest a successful life. The key words are positive focus. Go within and dismiss the nagging naysaying of your dark perceptions. Parents who did not know better engendered them. Substitute these thoughts with focused positive ones. At first, this can seem difficult. Nevertheless, be patient and envision what you asked for. Over time, this practice can start to bear fruit. Your tiny focused victories can then be expanded to larger and larger ones.
As you begin to learn of these powerful abilities to succeed, your focus grows and your first successes can lead to other more detailed desires. You are gradually replacing the negative beliefs erroneously given you when you were young. When you learn the efficacy of this, you can further expand it by doing this as a collective exercise. When you do this as a group, you are literally adding the vast power of the Creator to your efforts. You have increased the success of these efforts by an infinite amount. Success can then inevitably follow. The vital element is focus. Your smaller successes that taught you individual focus now require group focus. The key is to relax. Learn to let go. Give them up easily to Heaven. Let Heaven use its mighty powers to manifest this at a right divine time. Be comfortable with this and go about with your business.
You can then discover the power of intention. Heaven wants you to be truly successful. Heaven goes through these intentions and determines how best to carry these out for you. At this divine moment, Heaven grants this desire to you. The key then is to let this desire go and not let frustration enter this picture of success. Hence, remain confident. Know that your true wishes are indeed to be successful. We, Masters, inwardly know this and note that those who truly follow this wisdom, lead a powerful life! It is easy at first to let frustration overtake you. Learn to live a really successful life by sweeping away your crippling self-doubt. It takes practice and a deep belief in its inherent power. Thus, be ready to vanquish self-doubt and move toward the power of focused positive intention. Remember, dear Hearts, the key is to truly let go of your intention and give it freely to Heaven!
Today, we covered what is happening in this reality. We as well covered some important background needed for you to better know about the origins of what is now occurring. The Masters reiterated how best to practice the art of positive intentions and how to end negative frustrations. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Today's update talks about Human's origins and why we were selected as Gaia's guardians. PAO's webinar archive, Galactic Prophecy for Humanity, provides more detailed information on this fascinating subject.
Topics include...
• Why humans were selected
as Gaia's guardians.
• Battle between Atlantis and Lemuria.
• Why were we created?
• How were we created?
• Rise of the Anunnaki.
• How the legacy of the past
affects our present.
• Realizing the heavenly
prophecy of Michael.
• 2015 and beyond ~ a new
epoch for humanity.
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
Topics include...
• How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Absolutely LOVE this posting from Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians. Everything is about perceptions. Sounds easy, right? Guess not. We are all working on changing our perceptions ~ they are one of the keys to transforming our Reality. Enjoy this posting about kundalini and perceptions.
Selamat Ja!
OUR CHANGING PERCEPTIONS are Transforming our Reality
Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
Topics include...
• How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Just as your third dimensional self enjoys traveling from one location to another, your Higher SELF enjoys traveling from one frequency to another. It is easy and enjoyable to travel from one physical place to another because you can enjoy your favorite locations that you have visited for many years.
In the same manner, your inter-dimensional travels are fulfilling and a lot of fun because you are reuniting with your favorite higher dimensional places and beings. We remind you to remember to expand your multidimensional perspectives so that your physical self can consciously enjoy this “inner travels.”
Your physical expression loves visiting your favorite, physical places, and your Multidimensional SELF appreciates visiting your many lives on different dimensions. However, what is occurring within this NOW is unique.
Within this NOW, as your Multidimensional SELF travels through all the countless timelines, frequencies, and dimensions that YOU have created, you are asking all versions of your SELF to join you in your present incarnation.
Hence, as you continue with your multidimensional journey, you will connect with all the version of your SELF in all the dimensions and sub-dimensions in which you have taken a form. Therefore, all the members of all your alternate and parallel realities have their bags packed and are ready to join you as soon as you consciously perceive them.
The catch is that, just as you must “feel it to heal it," you must “perceive it to collect it” into the sum/total of your Multidimensional SELF.
Because your consciousness is expanding into the fifth dimension, you are on the cusp of consciously perceiving the inter-dimensional event in which you consciously return to your Multidimensional SELF. What a grand reunion you will have once your multidimensional consciousness is fully restored.
As your daily consciousness expands into the fifth dimensional NOW, you will consciously perceive your journey through the Astral Plane. At first this journey will appear slow, but it picks up quickly as you enter the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimensional astral realities.
Then, as you travel closer and closer to the threshold between the fourth and fifth dimension, time—actually the concept of time—begins to waver in and out of your consciousness. As your consciousness enters this crossroad, your physical body begins to shift in strange and unfamiliar ways.
This “shift” is because your Kundalini will begin to awaken as a result of your higher states of consciousness. Your Kundalini is your innate Lightbody that has lain in waiting until the NOW of your fifth-dimensional frequency of consciousness.
While consciously experiencing the gamma brainwaves of your fifth dimensional consciousness, that which once appeared solid begins to waver in and out. Actually, it is your fifth dimensional consciousness that is wavering in and out.
Thus your fifth dimensional perceptions are wavering in and out, as well. As your 5D gamma brainwaves arise and fall, you open and close your conscious perceptions of the realities of the “NOW of the Here” and the “ONE of the multidimensional light.”
“What is that?” you ask with a tinge of fear. However, just a tinge of fear is enough to send you packing back into the familiarity of your third dimensional world.
“NO!” you cry, “Not again!” Why does this always happen just when I feel the Kundalini starting up my spine?
When you feel the Kundalini raising, you may feel as if you are not in control of your life. NOT “being in control of your life” actually means not being in control of your third dimensional life. Feeling at the helm of your physical life is empowering and often important.
However, once the Kundalini begins it’s awaking, your perceptions begin to recalibrate to include the conscious perceptions of fifth dimensional, gamma wave information. Just a quick peak of your 3D reality from a fifth dimensional point of perception is enough to remind you that the 3D Game is ending!
That “game” is ending because you have NOW reached the threshold to the reality of your fifth dimensional Lightbody.” This reality can be briefly visited by your multidimensional consciousness, but once the Kundalini rises, your third dimensional reality will never be the same again.
The reason for this shift is that instead of being a third dimensional human visiting the fifth dimension, you will become a fifth dimensional (in and out of Lightbody) visiting the third dimension.
With the awareness of your Lightbody SELF, you consciously become a fifth dimensional and beyond being who has volunteered to visit the third-dimension. In other words, your perceived roles are reversed. At first you were a physical person who has an inner (often hidden) Lightbody SELF.
With the rising of your Kundalini you enter into the identity of being a multidimensional being of Light who is wearing a physical body. Just as you can take off certain garments and store them until you wear them again, your Lightbody can “take off and store” your physical body until it wishes to wear it again.
Furthermore, in this great era that will eternally be remembered, you are not here on Earth for your self. You are here on Earth for Gaia. Your Lightbody knows that you already inhabit many forms in higher dimensions, and that you have taken an earth vessel to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.
Once your Kundalini begins to rise up your spine, you experience a “perceptual shift.” YOU are no longer your physical self who has an inner Kundalini that will someday rise. YOU become the Lightbody that is wearing a physical earth vessel in order to log into the third dimension.
Instead of experiencing your Kundalini rising up your physical spine—you experience your Kundalini as your Lightbody. As you can see, your reality shifts greatly according to your point of perception.
In your third dimensional reality, your point of perceptions was that all third dimensional life was outside of YOU. The transition into the higher dimensions begins by your human self gradually and continually experiencing all life as within YOU.
Your dreams, meditation, and higher states of consciousness are the Portal to your SELF. These Portals can only fully open once your earth vessel is consciously grounded in to the body of Gaia.
It was always within the Divine Plane of your Multidimensional SELF that you had to “feel it to heal it.” In the fifth dimension and beyond, you perceive your self in oneness with all life that is within the reality that you all share.
Thus, you are within the reality that is within you. This concept is very confusing to your third dimensional thinking where everything is outside of you except the many organs and components of your physical body.
In the fifth dimension, your body is made of multidimensional light. There are no inner organs, bones, or blood. YOU are Light, and your Light intermingles with all the Light that flows over, under, around, and through you.
Because the fifth dimension is so very different from the physical reality, in order to assist humans to release their shackles of imprisonment to the their physical illusions of reality, you had to actually enter a third dimensional human being.
Then YOU, the representative of your Multidimensional SELF, volunteered to:
· Remember who YOU are…
· Consciously experience the higher dimensional expressions of your SELF—while wearing your 3D earth vessel…
· Gain an ever-present conscious contact with this higher dimensional aspect of your SELF…
· Allow your Higher SELF to transport you back and forth to your higher dimensional life…
· Remember these excursions while you are still wearing your earth vessel…
· Share all that you have gained on these excursions with others…
· Open Portals for others to experience…
· Teach others how to open portals of light…
But how can you possibly remember all of this in just one lifetime. You don’t, but you remember to gather with others so that the “sum/total” of that group can share their own “puzzle pieces” to create a “group picture” of the reality that they are creating by going into the ONE individually and as a group.
There is no right or wrong way to create these groups. When it is the NOW for the creation of these groups, all the ones who resonate to a similar frequency pattern of expression and interest will come together. These “random groups” are likely friends and family in the higher planes.
When it is the NOW, they will unite to teach/remind each other why they have placed their multidimensional consciousness into their current earth vessel. As they create a safety net of love and support for each other and for themselves, they move into the next phase of their Mission.
Different groups will unite for different version of the same mission. This mission is to assist Gaia and Her myriad life forms to “Return Home” to their higher dimensional expressions of SELF.
Once through the collective portal created by the group consciousness, some of the members will remain within the group consciousness and others will travel into different versions of the same frequency of that reality.
Most important, ALL of them are creating the reality of NEW EARTH.
Within the united goal of creating fifth-dimensional New Earth, all those within all the groups begin to understand how their state of consciousness creates the frequency of their reality.
First, they will remember that All versions of reality on Earth are simultaneously occurring within the NOW of the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. It is only within the third and fourth dimensions that any form of separation is perceived. In fact, even the first and second dimensional realities experience unity with all.
▪ Every drop of water IS the ocean, the rivers, the lakes, and the rain.
▪ Every molecule of air IS the sky, the clouds, the wind, the sunrise and the sunset.
▪ Every ray of light IS the sky, lights the ground and penetrates the water.
▪ Every patch of earth IS the body of Gaia
All the elements that create the planetary body also create your human earth vessel. “Primitive peoples” know that they are ONE with all the life that surrounds them. Only the “civilized” humans have been taught to believe that all life is separate from them.
These “modern, civilized humans” have been trained over millennia to forget what they have always known within their Lightbody, which is safely snuggled inside of their Kundalini. They have forgotten that the Sleeping Serpent of the force of Kundalini is waiting at the base of their spine to be awakened.
But what exactly is the Kundalini? We will slowly share the answer to this question. Why do we share it slowly? Because this information was implanted in your consciousness as your escape hatch, parachute, and launching pad when you had completed ALL your Missions to Earth.
We also share this information bit-bit-bit to encourage you to REMEMBER. Whatever you remember about your SELF is much more powerful than what you are taught. It may be too difficult to understand what you are taught, and you may easily forget it.
On the other hand, that which we can assist you to remember inside your own self, can more simply and completely be expressed within your daily life. We need you, our away team to Earth, to remember your true Multidimenisonal SELF.
We need you to remember all the multidimensional traits of your SELF, not just within your meditations or while you are attending a class. We need you to remember your SELF in your DAILY LIFE.
We need you to remember within your daily life because it is within your third dimensional life that this transmutation will begin. No longer are you protected by your personal Guru, or by living in a Temple at the peak of a remote mountain.
In this important incarnation of planetary ascension, WE—your higher expressions of SELF—need for you to assist people while they live their daily lives, raise their children, work their jobs, pay their bills and pretend to be “just humans.”
WE—your higher dimensional expressions of SELF are entering your daily life, your daily routines, and daily responsibilities. As we have often said, we the Galactics and Celestials, are YOU.
It is through the awakening of your own, personal force of Kundalini that you will return to, transmute into, and daily be the YOU that you have always been—but forgot!
Blessings, The Arcturians and your Galactic and Celestial Families
No doubt many of you have been keenly following the debate over mandatory vaccinations. While there shouldn't be a debate in the first place, and the statist approach of telling parents what they must put into their children's bodies will never get any traction among health freedom advocates, there have been unfortunate developments in the fight this year.
The bad news: Policy has been enacted in California and New York City that requires parents to submit their children for forced vaccination or be barred from enrolling their kids in school.
In July, Governor Brown signed SB 277 into California state law. It eliminates the personal belief and religious exemptions to school vaccine requirements entirely, leaving home-schooling as the only option. In New York City, there is new policy requiring flu vaccinations for children under 5 who attend city schools and day-care centers.
The good news: Health Freedom advocates continue to fight for our right to make informed choices about maintaining the health and wellness of our families. In NYC, 5 mothers have filed suit against the city to block the flu shots required by the Health Department, and mothers all over the city are engaging in delay tactics to thwart the requirement. In California there is an effort underway to recall State Senator Richard Pan, the sponsor of SB 277, as well as others who voted for it. Meanwhile, California has become a sort of "Ground Zero" in parents' efforts to preserve their rights to decide how to care for their children, and there is a vibrant network of organizations involved. (Please visit http://www.sb277.org for info about exempting your kids before the law takes effect).
Perhaps you oppose mandatory vaccinations because of the compelling evidence that they pose a bigger threat to our children's health than the diseases they are intended to prevent. Or maybe you simply don't accept that elected officials can forcibly inject our children - for any reason.
Regardless, it is a debate about choice, and about trust - trusting us to choose what is best for ourselves and the ones we love. As a supporter of CFH you know we are committed to preserving your right to make your own helth and wellness decisions, and to expanding your access to the truthful, non-misleading health information you need to make those decisions confidently.
That is why we encourage you to watch for further updates on a CFH initiative slated to begin in California soon. We are excited about it, and believe you will be too.
The Illuminati, through their “grandmaster” Alexander Romanov, promised a surprise for Thanksgiving this year and even gave us a hint of what it would be by showing a map of Turkey on his website. Now Pentagon sources are saying that Turkey is going to pay for its funding of ISIS and its aggression in the Middle East by having large areas of its territory confiscated. The same is going to happen to Israel, both Illuminati and Pentagon sources say. Saudi Arabia, for its part, will cease to exist as a Saudi family private property playground, they say.
This take-down of the Khazarian mafia is happening as world leaders gather in Paris to talk about using global warming pseudo-science to promote a very real economic campaign to stop environmental destruction and end reliance on fossil fuels. More about that later.
For now, the main action is concentrated on Turkey where Germany has joined France, Russia, Iran, Egypt and the Pentagon in fighting against the Turkish, Israeli, Saudi and Khazarian mercenary army known as ISIS.
The Pentagon prepared the ground for this campaign months ago by withdrawing all patriot missile defenses from Turkey and Israel. This paved the way for the Russian air-force to set up a no-fly zone throughout the Middle East, including Israel and now most of soon to be former NATO ally Turkey, Pentagon sources say.
Turkey is expected to imminently lose territory on several different fronts, Pentagon and Russian sources say. France, the former colonial master of Syria, is supporting a Syrian demand that Turkey return the Arabic majority province of Hatay
Meanwhile, the Russians and the Pentagon are now also supporting removing another huge chunk of Turkey to create a Kurdish state, the sources say. Finally, the nation of Armenia may also be about to get some historical payback, they say. Russian troops have poured into Armenia for the purpose of
confiscating chunks land in North East Turkey near the Armenian border and returning them to Armenia, Pentagon and Russian sources say. The Russians have already installed anti-aircraft batteries in Armenia and created a no-fly zone in preparation for the seizure of this territory, they say. As a Pentagon official put it “It looks like Putin will be carving up a turkey for Christmas.”
The question of course is why did Turkish President Recep Erdogan trigger this massive attack on his country by shooting down a Russian bomber? The best guess is that Erdogan fell into a clever trap. Somebody must have told him that if he ordered the downing of a Russian bomber then NATO would come to his rescue and support his bid to recreate the Ottoman Empire.
The other thing that several sources are saying is that Erdogan, along with Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel, the Bush/Clinton crime family and the Saudi royal family are all members of the Khazarian mafia who believe it is their destiny to create a New World Order. They are all descendants of the ancient Satan worshipping Hyksos tribe of human slavers and their NWO plan was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. Instead, the NWO is blowing up in their faces.
An analysis of Middle Eastern oil trade connected to ISIS made it very clear that oil was being stolen from Iraq and Syria by mercenary armies financed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf oil monarchies. Furthermore, the stolen oil was all being sold by either Turkey or Israel. Not only that but multiple media reports confirm this weekly’s assertions the European Rothschild family, another Khazarian Satanic bloodline, have been deeply involved in massive oil theft.
The Illuminati and the Pentagon sources both say that many of the Rothshcilds, Benyamin Netanyahu and the Erdogan family are now “high value targets.”
According to Sorcha Faal, an information/disinformation site set up by US Naval Intelligence, Erdogan’s son Bilal is now on the run because he raped, tortured and murdered British and American female journalists who were reporting on Turkey’s support of ISIS. In this case, the report has a strong ring of truth to it.
In any case, once Turkey is finished with, the Russians and Syrians are expected to carry out a joint military campaign to wrest the Golan Heights from Israel. Following that, Israel will be forced to make a permanent peace with its neighbors in exchange for the return of stolen land.
Saudi Arabia is also being increasingly exposed as one of the most tyrannical regimes on the planet. The latest example of what sort of regime this is can be seen in reports that a Sri Lankan woman is about to be stoned to death by a mob as punishment for adultery.
Inside the US as well, a purge of the Khazarian mafia is continuing. Jeb Bush for example, is now widely reviled as part of the traitorous gangster family that was complicit in 911 and countless other crimes. As a result, he has virtually vanished from the corporate media where, until recently, he was talked about as if he were an anointed Presidential candidate. Neo-con traitor John McCain for his part is showing signs of mental instability, CIA sources say. The rest of the Khazarian mob in the US is also terrified because the sources of their power, the Federal Reserve Board and the corporate government of the United States are bankrupt. Major European allies like France, Germany, Italy, England, Switzerland etc. have already abandoned them.
Now a Canadian group is now trying to negotiate a friendly take-over bid of the United States Corporate government. The Canadians are offering good government, friendly foreign policy and a fair economic playing field for all Americans if their bid succeeds. The Pentagon, the Chinese, the Europeans and others have shown an initial positive reaction when asked to support this bid. This is all very preliminary though, sources close to the bid offer say.
In Japan as well, signs are that that Khazarian mob rule is going to finally be taken down. Members of the Japan independence party and this writer showed up at a CSIS conference in Tokyo where Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell were giving lectures. These people were forced to scuttle away from their conference pursued by protesters. After this, Japan Independence Party head Richard Koshimizu and this writer went to the nearby Marunouchi Police Station to present evidence the above individuals were criminals. The Japanese police showed an interest in making prosecutions but requested more evidence, which is being provided.
A photograph of some of the protesters and the banners they showed to these criminals is below.
Photograph by Sakiko Kobayashi
The Illuminati promised their support for Japan and will be presenting, in person, an ultimatum to key Khazarian agents and proxies there to hand over control of the process of creating and distributing Japanese yen to the Japanese people. Representatives of the Japanese underworld attending the protest promised they would support nationalizing the Khazarian controlled bank of Japan. Michael Green, head of Mossad Japan is now a priority target, they said. Certain senior Japanese oligarchs are also going to be given discrete warnings to stop cooperating with the Khazarian mob or else face “terminal consequences.”
Meanwhile in Europe, the moderate faction of the cabal that has been running the West has gathered over 140 world leaders to Paris for two weeks to try to force them to come up with a solution to “global warming.” While it is unfortunate these people feel the need to lie about global warming to justify their plans, they nonetheless are trying to come up with a way to force corporations to pay for any eco-systems they destroy. They are also hoping to come up with a way to make it profitable to rebuild or create new forests and nature preserves. It is a sign the old world order is realizing how much damage their politico-economic systems have done to the planet. It may be too little, too late but at least it shows they are finally waking up to the enormous harm they have done.
Finally, in another bit of good news, human trials have begun on the first of what is expected to be many anti-aging drugs to become available. Clinical evidence shows this particular drug, Metformin, will allow people to live healthy lives past the age of 120.
Also, Chinese researchers have finally forced a debate on whether and when to begin allowing humans to edit and improve their own genes. For now the debate centers on removing genes for nasty inherited diseases. However, it will not be long before some people go ahead and get infra-red seeing eyes, super muscles and other powers already available with existing gene technology.
The Chinese are already going ahead with this technology by allowing couples to choose the best possible genes from their own gene pool for their children.
The Chinese are already going ahead with this technology by allowing couples to choose the best possible genes from their own gene pool for their children.
Neil Keenan: Continuing on and furthering their work... SALUT!
Today we received the following information from an anonymous individual going by the name “Asian Insider”:
“After spending the past week discussing matters with Neil about the earth-shaking meeting that we attended, I have decided, with Neil's permission, to ...
Take your time to appreciate that which is fitting not only for you but for all of the world. In doing that you are helping to build the new beauty and wonder of the perfection that you are in the process of creating.
Inspiration for the Day, brought to you by Spirit through Nancy Tate, December 04, 2015
Huge: Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity
If you’ve been waiting to finally see Monsanto – one of the most hated companies in the world – to pay for its ecocide, knowing harm of human life, and devastation of our pollinators, then you won’t have to wait much longer. Several activist groups joined by food and farming experts are suing Monsanto for their crimes against humanity. [1]
Finally, Monsanto, the US-based, transnational company responsible for introducing multiple genetically modified crops and numerous toxic chemicals into our environment – including saccharin, aspartame, polystyrene, DDT, dioxin, Agent Orange, petroleum based fertilizers, recombinant bovine growth hormones (rGBH), Round Up (glyphosate), Lasso (an herbicide used in Europe), Bt toxic plants, and more – will have to answer to the world for its reign of terror. Monsanto has acted with severe negligence, and the hubris and supremacy of a corporation given personhood, but no longer.
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA), IFOAM International Organics, Navdanya, Regeneration International (RI), and Millions Against Monsanto, along with dozens of global food, farming, and environmental justice groups announced at the United Nations conference held recently in Paris that an international court of lawyers and judges will assess Monsanto’s criminal liability for their atrocious acts.
Also, in the Live the Light Section of Hands of Light, You will Find Two Files to Choose from to Download for Free 'The Legacy', Nancy's Latest Book. Click Here
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Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the 'new you' is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
Topics include...
• How the "New You" is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves
Clarifying things about Being Child Like, and living in the wonder and the magic of You. This is not about seeking happiness or even being happy. Joy is the result of being in the natural state (child like) of doing and being what you came here to experience, just like being in love, finds you, you don’t find it.
Many of you, have forgotten what you love, what is most natural to you, and your life may have become an endless daily grind for survival and security, while attempting to attain, higher levels of your awareness, with a sternness and a complexity, that only leaves you more perplexed while continuing to seek, that which is not here now.
The reason for this is simple, the mind and ego never settles for now~ for what is most natural to you, to come to you, and through you, as in playing. Playing as and in, what naturally brings you joy. The ego bypasses what appears child like, as it forsakes its innocence, as inconsequential.
I desire to be very clear about this, what I write is not about language, or about dissecting the meaning of words, that is what the ego does, as it always seeks more, to find more meaning. To seek out endlessly, and never arrive, accept, and simply enter that state of innocence, where it is ok to not know.
I don’t know why I want to play like this, it just feels good. That is nonsense to the ego.
I don’t know why I want to do is …..(fill in the blank) And time flies by as if it doesn’t exist.
Do not judge what you enjoy. Or what others enjoy. This could be for some golf, or watching a sport, or for others knitting, or dancing. Follow this, what brings you Joy.
Let go of the reasons about why.
That is play, the ego doesn’t understand it, and that is ok, PLAY ANYWAY.
Accept it is ok to not know. To not know what is in store for you as your Destiny.
The ego struggles with this, and the ego isn’t bad, it’s just when you enter playing and being, and accepting and loving everything that arises, then, everything becomes play. And in the state of play (again just words) there is no ego, only wonder, joy, embracing what is, through loving and accepting, what you are.
Whether you are an Angel in human form (the word Angel is even just a word) or whether you are Source or God, Or Divine (they all point to the Eternal You which has no name for it in mortal language) this State of Being, is your state of innocence, where you have let go of the concerns of the ego, and you enter a state of Pureness and Play, through loving everything and accepting everything, including the ego, and you fully become that which you already are.
So let go of trying to figure it out, that is the endless seeking of the ego.
Play and be the innocence that you are.
Love what you love, with the undying Passion of your experience.
Allow this to be the Way in which you embrace the unknowable, as the way of Being, the pureness of you.
To some who live through the filter of the ego still, these words will appear as nonsense, and you will continue to seek.
To those of you that are ready, you will enter ever more deeply the Magic and the Beauty of your Soul. These words activate all that is dormant within you.
Your life will be the ease, grace and wonder of simply Being and living as the Destiny that you Are and have always been.
This is a morning when you can look around you and see that there is a lot of wonderful energy in your world. Or you can look around and see that there is a lot of sorrow and chagrin in your world. Which would you rather see? Is it a world that you would choose to create and enjoy, or is it a world that brings you the opportunity to go from here and build it more and more as it feels the best for you?
I am St. Germain, and I am seeing what is taking place around the world, and it is powerfully joyous and full of love. I see what I choose to see and it is making a difference in the world. I also wish to let you know that this is what is happening all around the world. There are more of you now who are choosing to see the best of this world. You are choosing to focus on what brings you pleasure, what makes your heart sing, what brings a smile and a joyous tear to your eyes. This is what it takes to create the world of your dreams. It is the most powerful way to bring about all of the promises that you all have made to each other.
When the world is moving in a way that brings the abundance to each other, it is not only the money that floats through your lives, it is what the love brings to the comfort and wonderful feeling of the individual lives that have been feeling less than. It is a matter of being able to stand next to your neighbor and giving of yourself in any way that you can. It is a matter of being able to reach out to those around the world who have been caught in the 'less than' energy that has permeated so many parts of the world. Now it is moving in a way that brings the freedom to all of those who have been feeling kept in ransom, held in captivity for so long. It is time for the freedom to flow all around the world, so that each of us can feel the abundance that lies within, and emanates forth into our lives.
Yes, I am speaking from my realization of what I once chose to experience. I did so in order to be able to understand what you all have been experiencing. I have walked those roads and have been able to find my way beyond the darkness into the Light. That is where I am now seeing so many of you by my side and on the path to where I sit for the moment I can give you a joyful hug. You are all my brothers and sisters, and I am speaking now of all of the life on this earth. I speak of the animal kingdom, the plant life, and all of life that radiates forth to the sun and the moon in love and freedom. Even those of you who feel as if they cannot move forward are being assisted to rise forth and reunite with all of us who have found our way home to the Light and Love in the trueness of freedom.
I see you choosing that Light, Love and freedom to spread forth your creativity in the New World of the joyful return to ourselves and on into the Love life that we all will know in the moment of the truth of Love. The Light of Love is Forever Here.
Thank you so much dear St. Germain,
Much Love, Nancy Tate
Love, Nancy http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/ You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself, for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.
Nowonder he was selected by Forbes as the most powerful person in the world. This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin's speech - SHORTEST SPEECH EVER. Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (RussianParliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia: "In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, ifit wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim's then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. "Russia does not need Muslim minorities.Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'.We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of America , England, Holland and France,if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. "When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslims Minorities Are Not Russians." The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation. -- Legalize COMMON sense.
Today's Vision is simply wonderful! It comes to us from Intender, Carol Peacock, from Sweetbriars Retreat Center in southern Missouri. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing Vision with us, Carol. We are sure that it will inspire many!
We envision a world where the common intent is spiritual mastery. The inhabitants of this world want for for nothing, for they state their intent for the highest good and, consequently, the universe joyfully fullfils all their desires. Everyone generously gives to each other for they realize that there is plenty of everything for everyone. Ownership loses its importance as each person finds themselves with space, shelter, nourishment, and resources.
In a world such as this, there is an absence of competition for employment because everyone is self-employed happily doing what they love. Corporations disappear, for there is no longer a need to produce inferior products designed to last short periods of time to keep a false economy intact. Products that threaten the environment are no longer produced because the people no longer want them and refuse to use them. The environment flourishes, the animals become healthy again and are able to make their contribution to the ecosystem comfortably.
In their quest for spiritual mastery humans realize their own potential, finding that through thought they are able to transport themselves anywhere in the universe without physical transportation vehicles, thus ending the need to pollute the environment. Because humans have learned to grow the food they need without chemical fertilizers, factories are no longer needed to produce these harmful chemicals . Each geographical area grows what it needs for nourishment now that its people know that it is beneficial for them and the environment to eat what is grown locally and to design their diet to eat what is seasonal. People only eat food that is supportive of their physical body. As a result, costly and environmentally damaging vehicles are no longer needed to transport food.
Now that people find themselves at peace with the environment, with all of their needs satisfied easily, they enjoy themselves with each other, communicate freely with their guides, state their intents clearly for spiritual growth, and find themselves enjoying a beautiful life on a planet that thrives on awareness, love, peace, and the joy of living in the present. Oneness is evident and never questioned. The planet is happily receiving the bounty of the Universe and its inhabitants are in realization of their multi-dimensional selves. We all know now that we are spirits with physical bodies, as opposed to physical bodies with spirit, and we recognize Oneness. This is our intention for the highest good of all.
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! You can align with this Vision by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.
August was powerful with so many astrological events. September was integrating the energies of August. In comes November with more activations and body aches and pains.
For me personally, November was all about balance~walking into walls, strange headaches, leg weakness and tingling, shoulder and neck pain revisited along with problems swallowing ~ literally some days I choked on my own saliva (thank Heaven that's over). On two days for hours all I could do was sit up in my bed with my eyes closed. Spirit wanted me to just be with my Self ~ no visual or audio stimulus. Every time I opened my eyes, my eyelids involuntarily closed. Actually it was a pretty sweet experience...very peaceful, very zenlike.*
Another ascension symptom: Several times during the month of November (and today), Sheldan and I had the shivers. For the entire day Sheldan could not get warm. The next day I couldn't get warm. We drank ginger tea which felt good but did not take away the shivers. Many people emailed us reporting the same symptoms.
Often when I close my eyes, I experience a sequence of faces coming into view and fading away while another face appears. Some of the faces I recognize and some I do not recognize. I don't know what it means but I find it interesting and pleasant ~ cared for in some beautiful way.
Other times, as soon as I close my eyes before going to sleep, I will receive a slew of sacred geometric symbols. I simply open my heart and allow the message to come through. Again, this is a fun one. Remember our Light body process is not linear. Several of my friends experience this one too.
Oh and did I mention....where did my brain go. Some days I could not put together a sentence for the life of me or remember simple things like my bank pin number which I use every day. And time, we thought time was speeding up before....it is "insane" lately. I can't believe it is December 2015....it feels like it should be June or maybe July 2015. All I can do is laugh. Earlier today i sent a posting reminding us to become more childlike and do the things that make us feel good and that bring us joy. For children time really doesn't exist...they don't have time schedules like adults seem to have. I often remind myself: "You have all the time you need."
As we are dropping density, using the violet flame of transmutation is a miracle worker. Use it several times a day. See it pouring into your physical body and filling it up. Then bring it through the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies separately. Keeping your space energetically clean is essential ~~ not only because you are transmuting and dropping density, but because everyone on the planet is transmuting also.
Hope this missive helps you know you are not alone. We are living in exciting times.
Selamat Ja!
*One way to think of zen is this: a total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind. Zen is a way of being. It also is a state of mind. Zen involves dropping illusion and seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts.
Considering the extent of cabal corruption on Earth, many wonder why Gaia became the object of the Galactics' attention and concern.
In this Webinar, Sheldan examines the reasons Gaia came to be a key to this Galaxy's shift in consciousness.
Topics include...
• Why Earth/Gaia is a key water planet in this galaxy
• Why Earth/Gaia? Considering the levels of cabal
corruption, why did Heaven choose us?
The Gaia Cetacean Human Connection
• Gaia and Humans I: Together, we are
raising each other's vibrations
• Gaia and Humans II: Why are we
almost ready for first contact?
• Gaia's Secret Sacred Societies
• Gaia's Earth Allies
• What are our current roles as lightworkers/starseeds?
• Gaia: a pristine and exquisite new world after the landings
Yesterday was BEYOND POWERFUL and it's going to continue INCREASING daily now. I will be sharing daily where I can, updating on energies, writing to assist and working to guide through the massive waves and blasts of cosmic love, light and liquid energy activations that occur all throughout every day now.
These CRYSTALLINE activations are running through the physical LightBody at high intensity now. The more present, aware and assisting you are, the easier it is. If you are just coming into your LightBody activations, then it is a beyond challenging ride. If you've been holding, anchoring and merging light intentionally as it comes through you and walking on NEW Earth for awhile, it's very easy and just an awareness and honoring process. Purification is HARSH on the carbon-based human body systems, yet every one of us came here to transcend old programs from within. This is a HUGELY INTRICATE PROCESS that is simple when understood and in no way conforms to old limited belief systems. Not ONE THING that you/we THOUGHT WE KNEW applies here.
The KNOWLEDGE OF ALL OF THIS is inside of everyone of us. The challenging part is trusting, learning to understand and RE-PROGRAMMING EVERYTHING, proving to yourself that all will be okay by trusting that which is not visible and DOING WHAT IT TAKES.
Your own higher self aspects are here to guide and assist you and emerge from within your physical body vessel. The human aspect does not like to give up control, wants it to be "their way". That's not how this journey is done.
Separation goes. Every ounce of it. Not one bit left. Open up loves. WE walk wide-open into NEW Earth Existences.
Everything you've ever desired comes forth as you embrace, let go and honor all from within. I love you!
Today's energies are running through the cells and upgrading our consciousness strongly subtly and we are charging, aligning, loading new programs, continually getting ready for whats next. Every part of the body is being worked daily now. It's a very physical experience for all. Lots of star-particles and crystalline movement huge! ♦
ANDROMEDANS~~Galactic Masters of Spiritual Science
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most or their technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
Keep steady in holding your vision of wholeness and perfection for the Earth and all of her inhabitants, calling upon the Violet Flame is having a beneficial effect. We would ask that you extend this practice beyond December 11th for at least another week.
Beloved Ones,
The world at this time is in the throes of ever increasing energies and this is bringing to light many formerly hidden truths that now rise to the surface to be acknowledged, accepted, surrendered and healed. There are many secrets coming out into the light of day which bring with their revelations, a sense of unreality to those who have risen above the impact that this makes on the world at large. This is because those of you reading this message have moved into a different vibration and quite often, you feel as though you are viewing another world entirely when you observe the happenings upon it. Keep steady in holding your vision of wholeness and perfection for the Earth and all of her inhabitants, calling upon the Violet Flame is having a beneficial effect. We would ask that you extend this practice beyond December 11th for at least another week.
If one looks beyond the prevailing news sources, one will find that there are many positive and benevolent happenings occurring across the world. People are inwardly and outwardly feeling their hearts open and their compassion is seen everywhere! Love abounds and it is heart warming and healing when encountered by its recipients. Love is much needed to counteract the systematic chaos that has been taking place. This is where your training begins to pay off as you take what is presented and turn it into the highest outcome that can come of it. Wielding your Light is creating the balance that is needed.
As you work in unison with the greater Light that is available at this juncture, you can move forward much more easily than before. Holding to your desire to see a peaceful, harmonious and loving world will continue to manifest this energy which brings healing to all. There will come a time when those who do not have the greater good of the world and its inhabitants in their hearts will not be able to function in the increased frequencies. This will see all their structures and works collapse and begin their downward descent into decay. All that was in place will have to be readjusted in order to be in compliance with the greater Light and Plan for this planet and its peoples. In the meantime, it is important to stay the course in your efforts and loving activities.
When one individual looks upon the happenings in the world, it is easy to become discouraged. We want you to know that you are not alone during these times, that you are ever surrounded by the Legions of Light and that love will prevail. Be the example of this love in the world in whatever way presents itself. Remain steadfast, strong and true as you remain surely on your path. Always listen to the still and quiet voice within you and follow your heart’s promptings. Put one foot in front of the other and continue in your efforts.
Enjoy the times with your family members, friends and community, it is a time to give thanks for all your blessings, great and small. The attitude of gratitude will take you in the right direction and the universe will respond in kind. Feel the joy, feel the love that expands within you as you go about your daily activities. This helps your world more than you can ever know. The world is blessed because of your presence in it. Be at peace, Beloveds!
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
I simply LOVE this message by the Andromedans from Natalie Glasson. It is "right on" from what I glean from the emails and phone calls I receive from Starseeds and Lightworkers. After reading this message, I found it interesting and synchronistic that PAO is featuring the Andomedans for our December webinar. Love how Spirit works.
Today Sheldan was in a great mood; he loved interacting with his Andromedan guide/scientist as they prepared for this month's webinar. Of course, the subject they were discussing is one of Sheldan's favorites ~ Spiritual Science. After Shel's morning meditation, he relayed to me that the Andromedan he is working with is humorous and downloaded him with lots of new information. Sheldan always gets excited when he learns new things. Because he was inundating Shel with what he referred to as "logical science information", Shel endearingly nicknamed him Spock (from StarTrek fame). The Andromedan knew who Spock was and thought it was great fun! Spock with emotions and sense of humor! Imagine it!
Keep shining your Light bright!
We are in for more fun with a quantum leap in consciousness.
Selamat Ja!
ANDROMEDANS~~Galactic Masters of Spiritual Science
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
Frequencies of light fill the air and atmosphere, penetrating through dimensions, form, matter and even other light vibrations. An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being, it has no other purpose but to unite with the essence of humanity upon the Earth; the very core and constant energy of creation within humanity. Many of you can sense this light explosion nearing your being, mirrors are appearing all around you, it may feel that everything that does not resonate with the light is protruding from your being, wishing to remain anchored within your being while also wanting to escape. This may create a chaos within you which will be experienced at different levels for each individual. In the past it has been through chaos that light has been born, again you are moving into an experience of inner chaos awakening to bring forth and allow an explosion of light into your being.
Chaos doesn’t have to be something which you are fearful of or shy away from because it is seemingly not spiritual or to be enlightened when you experience chaos, however your reactions are the keys which allow you to move into a space of light within your being.
Can you experience chaos within your being without fear and with a reaction or response of love? This is what is being asked of you. Can you accept any forms of chaos within your being, experiencing and acknowledging chaos while not being attached or involved, eternally recognising that love is always present within your being and is stronger than any other energy within you? The chaos which is arising from within your being is beautiful, you may have already experienced it in the past few weeks, be experiencing it now or about to identify it within your being. It may feel all consuming, familiar or simply a mild frustration and yet if you are willing to recognise the chaos with awareness and love you will accept and ignite an explosion of light within your being. A light which is the supreme love of the Creator and will intensify the supreme love of the Creator within you will explode within your being, it will fill every cell with light and create a powerful realignment encouraging balance, healing, further Creator consciousness, awareness and resonance with the Creator.
Imagine if all misalignments, blockages and limitations were dissolved and your entire being was free to reform itself into an awakened and aligned version of yourself. Physically we can describe this awakening by inviting you to contemplate that your back and spine were all out of alignment, you were hunched over and your spine was not straight and long at all, then light exploded within your being and your spine and back moved into a perfect healthy alignment, you would feel free, able to move with greater ease and revitalised.
The waves of energy carrying this explosion of light are of supreme love and it is love which will awaken within you, the greatest experience will be of pure self-love beyond the interference of the ego. A simple experience of inner healing and remembrance. It is self-love which is the greatest tool to awaken your being, the Earth and humanity and so it is a light explosion of self-love which we, the Andromedans, are bringing forth to alter the reality you are experiencing upon the Earth. It is a tool of awakening which we are sharing with those who
are willing to receive.
As the light explosion draws nearer to your being its mirror effect will become intensified and so more and more energies from within which you may not wish to acknowledge will arise. The greatest feeling which will manifest within many will be of frustration, a feeling of frustration with your reality, that desired experiences and outcomes are simply not manifesting as you would wish them to. A feeling of frustration that you have been on your spiritual pathway long enough, and yet you feel you have not yet achieved what you desire. Even a feeling that the Earth, humanity and your reality isn’t changing fast enough into the love and light you so devotedly focus upon. Your key issues are coming up to greet you. That which you are dealing with and faced with now and in the coming weeks allow you to realise what your soul’s purpose of personal healing for your lifetime is.
You may have experienced these issues even as a child such as unworthiness, lack, being manipulated, fear, inability to manifest, inability to recognise or accept the support of the Creator, disappointment, loneliness, anxiety, lack of self-love, self-harm or suffering, distrust, failure, stagnation and such alike. Any feelings which seemingly are disconnected from the Creator which are present within you now are directing you towards your life lessons and also your pathway to life fulfilment. These energies may choose to manifest physically or be projected from your being as quarrels with loved one, any form of lack within your reality or a disappointment.
Know that these experiences are important, they are connected to the light explosion about to take place and it is essential for you to take notice as you can create soul shifts which you have been waiting lifetimes to experience, this can now take place and be fulfilled in this very moment.
The closer the light waves move into your awareness the deeper the purification process taking place will manifest, this is a time to focus upon the divine manifesting within your being. We, the Andromedans, invite you to visualise, sense or acknowledge the gentle yet intense light explosion flowing from the Creator through our beings into the core of your being. Imagine, sense or acknowledge the light building within your heart chakra, within every chakra and cell of your being, forming an intense beacon of light within you emanating widely and profoundly.
Imagine often this beacon of light so intense and vibrant filled with the Creator, Andromedan light and the amplification of self-love. As you experience the light building you may notice your willingness or unwillingness to love yourself unconditionally which in truth is to recognise yourself as the Creator in truthful form. Focus upon your own self-love or simply allow it to blossom.
Ask yourself, ‘how do I love myself unconditionally?’ Let the answers, guidance or sensations arise in response, allow yourself to be guided on your own personal journey of self-love. If you do not know how to love yourself or do not know how to practice self-love then now is the opportunity to guide yourself from the inner wealth of wisdom and sacred treasure within you. Please know that you are able to guide yourself easily and effortlessly to return to your natural existence of self-love.
With the experience of light amplifying within your being, self-love awakening and chaos diminishing there will be a moment when you are ready to experience the full awakening of light and self-love within your being. This awakening will be like a switch being turned on, it maybe momentary or it may expand generously and slowly into your being, it will be a light explosion which you will recognise and enjoy tremendously. Not only will the light explosion enhance your self-love you will discover that your gratitude for life, enthusiasm for experiencing life and positivity for the transition of humanity and the Earth stimulates and stirs, dramatically altering your perspective and truly enhancing your enjoyment of life upon the Earth.
In light of the ascension shift we are delivering to you we invite you to focus upon:
Observing the issues you are dealing with in your life at this moment, be aware of your frustrations, disappointments and lacks. Recognise that these are opportunities for fulfilment and the experience of self-love.
Imagine, visualise, sense or acknowledge the light we are distributing to you flowing into your being and creating a beacon of light within you, which merges with and is intensified by your soul.
Be aware that there will come a moment or an acknowledged slow integration which is like an explosion of light within your being creating many shifts and new perspectives.
Know that you can call upon us, the Andromedans, whenever you require assistance, healing, understanding or support, a simple request or intention will allow us to divinely intervene.
Finally, get ready to view your reality and the world from a greater perspective of love.
Many people will experience an explosion of light within their beings sometime from the 21st - 26th December 2015, those who experience it during this time will either require the collective support of others achieving it at the same time to aid their activation or are supporting the collective in their experience. Those who do not require amplification from the collective consciousness of humanity will experience their light explosion with divine timing either before or after these dates.
We, the Andromedans, are present to remind you of your pristine light, love and consciousness, there are no limitations to your being or awareness.
Liberty Dollars were silver coins privately minted
with many purchasers. Because the developer,
Bernard von Nothuas, named the silver rounds
"dollars," the gov't prosecuted him, and confiscated
from a vault hundreds of coins being held
for private individuals.
All coins are being returned!
December 09. 2015
Judge Voorhees Orders Early Termination of BVNH from Probation
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters!
For the first time since being arrested for counterfeiting and conspiracy on June 4, 2009, I am off probation and free! Earlier today, Judge Richard Voorhees issued a Court Order for early termination of my three year sentence.
I light of the fact that I was facing 22 years in federal prison, the three years of probation is the closest I or the Liberty Dollar will ever come to a vindication.
Meanwhile, the forfeiture case has been moving at light speed with 265 Petitions approved in record time and the balance have moved along very well. I am soo pleased that soo many Liberty Dollar supporters refused to let the government steal their property.
And of course, one of the most unique turn of events, is that the actual Gold and Silver Liberty Dollars are being returned! In a time when seized property is rarely ever returned and if so, it is in the form of those dreaded non-Federal non-Reserve Notes… The Petitioners will receive actual Liberty Dollars! How cool it that!?
Words cannot express my sincere appreciation for all of you who took a stand for a value based currency and supported the Liberty Dollar. My heart goes out to those who have been harmed or not lived long enough to enjoy the blessings of their activism.
Many many thanks for your staunch support of the Liberty Dollar!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect
This Newsletter was sent to you because you requested it. Click HERE to Subscribe to Future Mailings.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Surely nary a soul would disagree that the year seemed to zoom by, but few know that what they perceive as time passing faster is the energy planes Earth has been traversing or that the time-rushing sensation will become stronger as she enters still higher vibratory levels. You do know this, but it’s not likely that your thoughts in this moment are about the workings of universal laws, but rather holiday activities; and in keeping with this, we shall speak about this season’s traditional music.
You listen to, sing or play instruments for religious music, majestic choral works, carols and popular tunes, but you may not realize how significantly this is affecting your world. Beyond reverence and great pleasure—and that in itself is immensely beneficial—the tones and lyrics of your familiar music emit vibrations that strongly stir emotions. We rejoice with everyone for whom this is the excitement of festivities with family and friends, religious observances, concerts or other special events. The vibrations also intensify the feelings of people who are grieving the loss of loved ones, or are ill or homeless and hungry; and it is the prevailing heightened emotions that stir individuals and groups to reach out to those in need of comfort and other assistance. More abundantly than ever before, upliftment is being given with caring hearts and received with gladdened hearts, and the light this is creating glows brilliantly!
The importance of music is much more than seasonal, it plays a vital role in your lives throughout the year. What some call “music of the spheres”—the glorious tones of stringed instruments that probably gave rise to the idea that souls in heaven spend eternity playing harps—produce vibrations at a frequency that keeps the universe in balance; and as microcosms of the universe, you receive that balancing benefit in the same measure as your receptivity.
Although the image of eternal harpists in Nirvana is far from the reality, there are many thousands, and at times a million or so, musicians and instruments because music is essential to your spirit world’s very existence. Particularly the vibrations of the strings keep its perimeters flexible and everything throughout the realm in attunement, and they are indispensable in healing persons who arrive with traumatized psyches or damaged etheric bodies.
In much the same way, Nirvana’s composers and musicians are helping you. They continuously transmit music to Earth so the peoples can absorb the high vibrations that release suppressed feelings—an emotional catharsis, if you will—and, unless illness is a soul contract choice, the vibrations assist bodies to regain sound health. Your finest music—symphonies, concertos and other classical opuses that scientific experiments have shown help humankind, animals and plants to thrive—originated in the heavens and was “filtered” to your composers at soul level. Some attributed their works to divine inspiration, and since music comes from the soul, those composers gave credit where it was due.
What never has come from any divine source are the discordant, cacophonous sounds of heavy metal and hard rock, which often have lyrics that also emit very low vibrations. Those kinds of sounds jar your energy systems, creating imbalance and diminishing the body’s capacity to absorb light; that adversely affects you emotionally, physically and mentally, thus blunting spiritual and conscious awareness. While neoclassical compositions can have somewhat the same effect, the composers, who are especially sensitive to Earth’s energy, wrote music that reflected Gaia’s agony until her planetary body’s ascension was securely underway; and negativity in more current dark activity underlies the atonal works of later composers.
Now then, even if a number of you had not requested our comments, we would have spoken about a lamentable part of what otherwise is this season’s extraordinary thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity—the spirit in which a number of countries are welcoming Syrian refugees. Many in the United States Congress and some presidential candidates are, instead, instilling in the citizenry fear about the refugees. Some are acting from genuine concern, having succumbed to the fear that was fomented; others are using fear to make political hay, so to say.
Not only is fear a highly magnified energy that blocks light, thereby blocking empathy, sympathy, compassion and rational thought, it is wildly contagious. A few persons who have public attention, amply aided by mainstream media, can “infect” the populace—that is what happened in the United States, where many people are afraid to provide sanctuary to any refugees. We honor and commend all souls in that country and around your world who are thinking and speaking out factually: The refugees aren’t terrorists, they are fleeing from war and terrorism.
To reach safe havens, they risk their lives crossing rough waters in small overcrowded boats or by arduous, exhausting treks overland. Could a terrorist join the millions of women, men and children who leave homes, livelihoods and possessions to undertake such a journey? Yes, that is a possibility, but rational thought is: With neither assurance of survival nor the ability to carry explosive equipment, someone on a destructive mission more likely would travel by a fast, safe means that enabled transporting necessary materials.
With unconditional love for Gaia and every sentient being on her planetary body, far distant civilizations whose vastness and power are beyond your imagining are beaming intensive light to dispel fear so every heart can open to love. Love is the key to the world you are there to help create, and you would feel as encouraged as we if you could see the light radiating from all the souls who are responding. We quote one line of a reader’s email: “I so wish that everyone feels loved and warm - every living Being of every kingdom.” When those sentiments permeate your world, Earth will be the beauteous Eden she once was and all life will flourish as harmoniously as it once did.
“Please ask Matthew if we need to pray for the people that have died. If we choose to die in a certain way, time and day, what good does it do to the soul? Is praying and meditation the solution to all of this drama the world is in?” First, we repeat something stated in previous messages: Your every thought and feeling is a prayer. Mother, we want to provide information about prayer that goes beyond answering the questions. Please copy what I told you long ago, when I was living in Nirvana.
[The following is an excerpt fromthe chapter “Prayer” in Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven]
Matthew, are the effects of prayers diminished if the people don't go to church even though they know the value of group energy?
God never meant churches to be buildings of any kind. The magnificent cathedrals are man's idea, not God's. Church is all within the soul. Church is one's feelings of reverence, of thanksgiving. It is the uplifting of the spirit into the love and light of God. In this way, church is a single prayer that has the ability to touch the universe.
In a church building filled with praying people, there may be only a few whose prayers have a pure and forceful energy flow. Many people pray with only a faint ritual observation, with no real energy. Others pray in such extreme distress or anxiety that their energy is distorted and has an adverse effect upon themselves as well as adding to universal negativity. Smooth energy flow is what positively affects each soul and the universe, not frenzied praying about specific conditions. It is energy balance that sustains and comforts.
I'm not speaking about the intent of the prayer, but only about the effect of the energy involved in the praying. The energy put forth in a prayer for a completely selfish, greedy purpose may be just as intense as a prayer put forth for the safety of a beloved family member or friend. The intent is recorded as one aspect and the energy flow, or force, is recorded as another.
Furthermore, one who prays for a specific outcome regarding another doesn't know that soul's pre-birth agreement. Conditions or events the pray-er is petitioning to have changed may be exactly those the soul chose as his life's lessons. The same is true of prayers for oneself, because your consciousness is rarely in communication with your soul. So pray for your own or another's highest good and don't direct intense emotion toward a specific outcome of your choosing. The outcome is NOT your conscious choice. You can feel a sense of relief in this knowledge, which will be registered in your sensitivity as peacefulness. That allows energy to proceed unencumbered not only within your physical and psychic self, but issued forth as harmony into Earth's consciousness.
Mother, I know you have heard that prayers "for the dead" are important and you've wondered why that would be necessary. Well, we aren't "dead," but since that reference is to souls in this realm, I want to assure you that prayers for us are indeed important. I don't mean only for those who arrive with great needs for comforting and healing, but also for us whose lives are vital and vibrant, with on-going lessons and spiritual growth. Of course we need and welcome your prayers! And please know that they are especially welcome when in balanced energy, because those prayers are the most beneficial to us and to you, our beloved ones.
Thank you, Mother. Is praying and meditation the solution to all of this drama the world is in? begs more than a yes or no answer. Absolutely light-filled thoughts and feelings are essential—they enter the collective consciousness, latch onto what matches them and bring those energy streamers back to your world.
But action is essential, too. Telling family, friends and co-workers why you feel optimistic about the future can allay their fears and reverse their low-vibrational pessimism. Not all of you can participate in national or international organizations whose efforts are directed toward peace, justness, environmental preservation or animal rights, for instance; but you can support their efforts by the energy you put forth signing pertinent petitions and donating money if your circumstances permit. Perhaps you are able to volunteer in local groups that provide worthy community services; and by becoming informed about candidates for public office, you can vote for those you deem best qualified. And, we remind you that simply by living in godly ways, you are beaming light into the world—never underestimate the power of your light!
“Earth’s population is more than 6 billion and growing. Matthew said etheric bodies have mass. Don’t they take up room? What happens if Nirvana runs out of space?” Yes, etheric bodies “take up room,” but never could Nirvana even become crowded, much less run out of space. Unlike Earth and other planets that retain their shape and size, Nirvana’s interconnected flexible layers have limitless expansion capacity.
All layers offer learning advantages and comfortable living accommodations, but because the higher dimensions also have exceptional beauty, diversity and manifesting possibilities, countless souls from other worlds go there to vacation, teach or attend advanced classes, or rest after a difficult lifetime. Visitors and temporary occupants, all of whom are fourth density or higher in soul evolvement, may have bodies with considerably more mass than etheric bodies. It is spiritual status that affords entry to this multi-civilizational environment where people with various body styles, attire, interests and talents happily mingle with each other and Earth’s animals. Life in those parts of Nirvana is sublime! And, although they know your religions’ fallacies, visitors and others who live there temporarily join the residents from Earth in celebrating with you the spirit of this holy season, and their combined high vibrations add to the glowing light in your world.
Dearest family, sing “Joy to the world” and “Peace on Earth, good will toward men”—toward all souls—with feelings of love, gratitude for blessings in your life and forgiveness of the ones who don’t want those words to ever ring true. The truth of the words already abounds in the fullness of Earth’s Golden Age in the continuum and is coming ever more steadily to that world you are helping to create in linear time. Let the joyousness of this season continue throughout your new year and keep your light brightly shining.
Always our unconditional love is with you, and many brothers and sisters from other homelands are journeying right alongside you.
[NOTE from Suzy: I wish I had time to individually thank everyone who has written appreciation for the messages to tell them how meaningful their notes are to me. I don’t, though, so all of you, please accept my heartfelt thanks and wishes for your new year to be filled with blessings.
To join the Yahoo message group, type messagesfrommatthew@yahoogroup.com in the To... line of a new email and messagesfrommatthew-subscribe in the Subject line, then click Send. That registers your email address on the administrator’s distribution list.]
PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
from Planetary Activation Organization
Over the past few weeks, a new realm has been constructed. This world is more than a gift for this holiday season; it is to be a realm in which you can rejoice. This new realm is there, but not yet manifested. You are presently seeing it manifested before you.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
4 Ik, 5 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) An operation which is to give you a new world is now finishing. For millennia your surface reality has been limited in its perceptions by core lies and unbelievable deceptions. You are at last at the very edge of a different reality, in which you are surrounded by truth and new governance dedicated to your well-being. This is something that you are not used to. Rather, you expect to be lied to, cheated or just plain deceived. Over the past few weeks, a new realm has been constructed. This world is more than a gift for this holiday season; it is to be a realm in which you can rejoice. This new realm is there, but not yet manifested. You are presently seeing it manifested before you. The dark is defeated, but not yet isolated from you. A final set of events needs to occur before this most wished for event occurs. This reality is being slowly transitioned and when this is completed, some very clear signs are to appear before you. Until then, be both knowing and confident of this great change in your reality.
Long ago, Heaven decreed that this moment in your history was to happen. We are here to help implement those things, which are to make this complete. Heaven has given instructions about how this wonderful present is to appear. Already the signs of these numerous changes are in the air. We have watched as your many Light groups have, all too slowly for us, prepared your reality for this grand shift. We feel they have been too lenient about isolating the Anunnaki's minions from you. This procedure was done with “velvet gloves,” but needed a more forceful approach. We intended with the ancient families, selected royals and their secret society’s approval to quickly dispose of them by sending them to a special series of alternative realities. This process was intended to permit enlightened souls to swiftly proceed with the delivery and education required to give you your blessings. Instead, this present morass is what occurred.
As these various difficulties unravel, it is becoming increasingly apparent that this transition period can take longer to start, but we have observed how quickly you adapt to new realities once they truly manifest. As a people, you are most resilient. It is those who have indelibly become a part of any cultural reality that are most unwilling to change. Thus, we continue to oversee what is occurring and wish that we had more of an important part in this rather drawn-out process. At present, all major transfers of funds by our earthly counterparts are completed. This operation in itself was very drawn out. In our view, the security insisted upon was above and beyond all requirements. Nevertheless it was done, and the next step is delivery. Those involved with this process are again being too timid for their own good! Despite this, we now expect this to happen relatively quickly. This procedure is to be just the start of events that are to forever change your reality.
This procedure is reaching a point where the first of many events that you have long waited for can happen. This process has had its pace quickened, as each of you has begun to think collectively. This joint effort is about to be rewarded. The first part of a massive delivery is ready. What remains is the slow deliberateness of those in charge. While all this is happening, the last thrusts of the dark’s minions go on. The New Year promises to be one in which a whole host of long announced promises at last come true. The deliveries of the first items look to happen before your Xmas. Use this first flurry of activity as a sign that some truly fantastic events are on the near horizon. We are readying a series of things that are but the first items in our parcels of goodies. Our intent is to see the rise of new governance and the ending of a long and vicious UFO cover-up. It is time you were told of our existence and benevolence. The long link between us needs to be freely revealed!
Blessings and Grace! We are your Ascended Masters! Many wonderful things are now happening! The funds from both the trust funds and the ancient families are being released and sent to their destinations. We bless and send hallelujahs to all concerned. The dark may try, as they always do, to trip up these schedules. However, these monies are just the start of a wave of funds that are to shower this realm with Heaven’s blessings! As you receive these funds, count your blessings and then use your inner grace to help your families, friends and others. Use these funds to fulfill your dearest dreams and to allow others to likewise start to realize theirs. This glorious period includes Xmas and the New Year. It as well includes new governance and a new reality filled with joy, prosperity and above all, your freedom! This is to be a most magnificent time to thank Heaven and thank all for these most wondrous gifts!
Around this globe is a vast rise in spiritual energies at this year’s end. This energy is contributing to the positive acceleration of those goals set for this time by Heaven. You know at this time of the year, we Masters go to a number of sacred points around this world, like Mount Shasta and the sacred valleys of the Himalayas to pray, to envision and to celebrate this new reality that is now taking hold. This divine energy is raising your consciousness and permitting a new era of light and love to descend upon Gaia. We ask you to take in these truly divine energies and use your inner grace to rise up this realm. Come together to praise and celebrate the wonders of Heaven, as this new prosperous age becomes a reality! Let us come together as One! Let us accept our divine gifts and graciously spread these across this globe!
Many millennia ago, we were all caught in the crosshairs of a grand dilemma. The dark had begun to openly defy Heaven. Their vile plan was at first delayed and then banished by our heavenly Administrators. We followed the grand instructions of these sacred heavenly hosts and developed a means to spread mercy to a great number of our ancestors. The heinous minions of the Anunnaki were slowly thwarted from their grand design to demand total obedience. Now we are on the very precipice of Victory! We bless and graciously thank Heaven for their works. Remain positive and join us in the last part of manifesting the great vision that Gaia gave us so long ago. The time has come to shout inwardly and with great zeal how full of Love and Light we are for those in both Heaven and Earth who make us so triumphant. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Much good is now occurring throughout this globe. A great movement that is to lead to your victory has begun. Throw out your numerous frustrations and rejoice. Things are now occurring that is to make the end of this year joyous! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from the Galactic Federation
ANDROMEDANS~~Galactic Masters of Spiritual Science
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most GF technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
Seats are Limited... Register Now!
Thursday, December 17, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST
Sunday, December 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Edition #42 Subscription FREE or by Donation
There's Magic in the Air...
by Sananda
Community Corner:
"Thank Heaven for These Most Wondrous Gifts!"
Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Community Corner:
"Ultracousticals Permeate Gaia Inhabitants of All Levels"
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
There's Magic in the Air...
by Sananda
'Twas the night before Christmas...(or however you think about the coming Prosperity)... and all across the world, people were laughing and dancing and sharing their blessings. Picture it in your mind's eye, dear Brothers and Sisters. You know a new day is coming, and you know it is NOW. You have prepared yourself for months, or even years, for this mythical time, when abundance will begin to spread across the globe in such a dramatic way that nothing will ever be the same again. Yes, there is magic in the air. Feel the breathless expectation, the sense of excitement and anticipation of something inexplicably wonderful just there....in front of us.
I know it because I have the vision of higher dimensions to allow me to see the events just ahead of us with certainty, and the ones just in front of that with confidence, and so on. We do know our time has come, and the Shift of the Ages for Planet Earth is upon us. Now it is my job, for I am one who has been here with you the whole way, to show you these images, these feelings, these deep understandings that will allow you to come with me, join me as we walk together into the New Earth Day.
Seeing Into Our Brilliant Future, Together
Look with me through the window of time and space, into the moments just ahead, a breath away, if you will allow it. You must let go of all the old fears and the tendency to put conditions on every moment - those times when you say, "If you are Jesus, prove it to me!" I have no reluctance about proving things to you, but you must be fully awake and in synchrony with the higher vibration of Love for you to perceive what I show you now.
We are here together in the new land. You have within you the spirit of freedom, of adventure and exploration. You have journeyed with me before, across deserts, over stormy seas, over mountains and prairies, and we have persevered, always in search of a brighter place, a new life. It will be ours now, finally. We will truly create The Promised Land we longed for in former lifetimes, for we know now what we must do.
We must join our individual minds, hearts and will, and we must do it in harmony with one another. Our visions must merge as one thought, one heart, and we must not falter or stop to question. There is no more time for doubt or any of the old negativities. Now is the time to throw ourselves whole-heartedly into the Creation of our new life on Earth, the Paradise our beloved Terra was created for.
You have lived through lifetimes of valor and great passion; you have been eliminated as I was, because of your belief in Love and Light. It doesn't matter now what we call it; we were always searching for the highest Light, the Greatest Good, and the fulfillment of our true destiny. That time has come, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We are the Light of the world, and we will walk gently, happily, with our growing delight in companionship and camaraderie.
Ours is the way of Peace, Joy, Compassion and Love. We no longer have to fight for what we stand for, for Mother and Father God are here by our sides, blessing our Mission and filling our hearts with HoneyLove. Let the children scatter our path with rose petals. Our battles are won. This is truly a new day because we have risen above the darkness; the time of conflict and evil on Planet Earth is ended.
Look with me across the landscape of our future together. Let your eyes open with wonder and gratitude as you gaze upon the delights we envisioned together.
Here is just a sample of the wonders ahead for us. New technologies will produce unlimited, clean energy, and you will never again see a spewing smokestack or need to fear the devastating health effects of a life exposed to toxic fumes, effluents that poison your water and air and endanger your children's health and normal development. You and your grandchildren will once again drink joyfully from any river or stream, bathe in the clean and pure lakes, and swim in the gentle seas with dolphins and whales as your companions.
Extreme weather events that have been mostly a response to man-made interventions combined with Terra's inexorable response to turbulent human emotions will ease, as human interventions are disallowed and human emotions are finally allowed to evolve toward a state of peace, harmony and cooperation with one another.
Terra and the Agarthans are With Us
Terra is working with us every moment to mediate, mollify and ease the stresses placed upon her by the constant attacks humankind has subjected her to for millennia. She too is thrilled to join with her human family finally, to move together into a life of higher purpose - the reason we are all here now. She feels your footsteps; she knows your state of being, whether you are in conflict or at peace, and she sends her loving and nurturing energies to sustain you always.
Some of you are not aware that our beloved Terra is a high Master who has dedicated herself to this Earth Project along with you. She was joined, in the joint endeavor we call a soul project, by my Twin, whom you know now as Kathryn, and our beloved Sanat Kumara. An assignment as challenging and difficult as the one they have carried required the concerted efforts of great souls in harmony in order to withstand the pain and suffering without losing sight of the great goal we have envisioned. Now they celebrate together, the closest and dearest of friends, as they join their hearts with yours, and we ascend together.
Your brothers and sisters of Agartha, sheltered within Terra's Inner Earth, are readying for the great ceremony of reuniting with all of you on the surface. You have long been separated, but your destinies were interwoven always. You are humans of family lineage, and you will delight in the familiarities you will see in each other, although your paths have been so separate for thousands of years. They have kept the home fires burning for you, Beloved Ones, as you went about your work of plunging deeper into darkness and finally rescuing yourselves from the depths. What a family reunion it will be!
But those are not the biggest changes we can expect. The rise in energy, which means an elevation in the vibration all across the globe, will lift the spirits of humans, animals, the entire elemental Kingdom, and even the plant world. The greatest shift will occur immediately, when Peace truly does come to Earth.
Peace Reigns at Last on Earth
To give you a picture of how different it will be, I will give you examples from your daily concerns: For instance, extensive gun laws will not be needed, nor will the arguments continue about the right to own one, since all guns will cease to function, just as all nuclear weapons have already been relegated to the trash heap. There will be no need for activism of the kind you have used to try to stop their proliferation. No one will have to stand before a tank because there will be no tanks. No peace marches will be needed, because wars will have completely ceased.
This is not a distant dream. Your Galactic friends are prepared to help neutralize all such abominable weapons. No nuclear toxic waste pollution will be allowed to remain. No neighborhood anywhere will be subjected to terrorists' bullets and bombs exploding in their streets, or the horrors of buried land mines that linger to menace survivors.
Imagine the relief and the prosperity that is possible from eliminating all wars! No more devastated infrastructure; no more bombed-out neighborhoods; no more bombings where thousands - or hundreds of thousands - die in a single week. Imagine the wealth that has been directed into producing weapons and paying armies in every country in the world, all released to be used for creating better schools, housing, clean food, and real medical care. It is true, Beloveds. We only need to envision it together, and hold those images in our minds.
Very soon, there will be no media harangue from charities that spend most of their money on advertising, All wildlife, all animals, all children and the elderly will be well cared for. Hunger will be a thing of the past, and poverty will not exist, because abundance means plenty to eat, safe and comfortable shelter, and no need to fear having anything taken from you. Lawlessness will fade into distant memory when all basic needs are met and every soul has the opportunity to thrive and create, far beyond mere survival.
This is not a pipe dream, Dear Ones. We know it is possible because there are many such planets across the higher dimensional Multiverse - planets where peace reigns and individuals and groups live in harmony. But your Earth is so unique, so complex and so beautiful that it will emerge as something never before seen in the cosmos. With the help and teachings of your Galactic mentors, you will learn to appreciate and use your great human gifts, your immense creativity and Life force, and you will come into harmony at last with your environment. You will discover your true history and your deep connections with the richly populated Earth where all the Kingdoms are so lavishly represented, and life will begin anew.
It has been impossible for most of you to believe that such a harmonious culture could exist without mind control or massive drugging or tyrannical constraints. You believed the Anunnaki propaganda that humankind is innately selfish, violent and unruly. It is not true. Humans were created by Mother and Father God to be deeply loving, peaceful, playful, creative and imaginative beings. Adventurous, yes. Evil, not at all.
You see, once the element of what we refer to as evil is eliminated, you can all find the truth within you - that you truly were created in the image of Mother and Father, and you are not inevitably plagued with inner conflicts or destructive impulses. Initially, healing will be the primary focus, to allow all Earth beings to recover from the painful residue of anger, resentment and rage you have come to identify as part of yourselves. It is not innate in you, Dearest Brothers and Sisters. It is only the residue of injury, hurt and pain you endured, whether inflicted or received, and you can leave it all behind.
You Are the Leaders
These months of being close, speaking with you constantly about the truth of our Mission has prepared many of you to lead the way. You will be the ones to move unflinchingly into the new prosperity without suspicion or even a backward glance because you are now prepared to lead. You have learned a new definition of Faith, that it is not simply believing blindly in something you have been taught. It is believing in something you know you have Co-created with God. We will be reaping the rewards together of what we have built, brick by brick.
Our patience and determination has paid off, my dear friends. We have built the Rainbow Bridge between us - you there on the surface, and us here in higher dimensions. We are not different; we are just in different experiences at the moment, but we have often been in your place, as you have been in ours. We too have been "Boots on the Ground" while you cheered us on from higher dimensions. We grow closer by the moment, and I, Sananda, could not be more delighted for it.
We embarked on this great mission eons ago. We always knew there would be a resolution to the challenges we faced. Is it so surprising that it should be now? We are not surprised with the progress you have made bringing it all to fruition, but we are constantly in awe of the grace and resourcefulness you have shown in the process.
We love you always. We admire you and delight in the celebrations and renewal of old friendships we will experience together, as our Great Central Sun (the Light of our Mother and Father God) rises to bless our new life here on our beloved Planet Earth.
Namaste, Beloved Ones. I am your Sananda.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, December 9, 2015
"Thank Heaven for These Most Wondrous Gifts!"
by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
8 December 2015
4 Ik, 5 Yaxk'in, 12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) An operation which is to give you a new world is now finishing. For millennia your surface reality has been limited in its perceptions by core lies and unbelievable deceptions. You are at least at the very edge of a different reality, in which you are surrounded by truth and new governance dedicated to your well-being. This is something that you are not used to. Rather, you expect to be lied to, cheated or just plain deceived. Over the past few weeks, a new realm has been constructed. This world is more than a gift for this holiday season; it is to be a realm in which you can rejoice. This new realm is there, but not yet manifested. You are presently seeing it manifested before you. The dark is defeated, but not yet isolated from you. A final set of events needs to occur before this most wished for event occurs. This reality is being slowly transitioned and when this is completed, some very clear signs are to appear before you. Until then, be both knowing and confident of this great change in your reality.
Long ago, Heaven decreed that this moment in your history was to happen. We are here to help implement those things, which are to make this complete. Heaven has given instructions about how this wonderful present is to appear. Already the signs of these numerous changes are in the air. We have watched as your many Light groups have, all too slowly for us, prepared your reality for this grand shift. We feel they have been too lenient about isolating the Anunnaki's minions from you. This procedure was done with "velvet gloves," but needed a more forceful approach. We intended with the ancient families, selected royals and their secret society's approval to quickly dispose of them by sending them to a special series of alternative realities. This process was intended to permit enlightened souls to swiftly proceed with the delivery and education required to give you your blessings. Instead, this present morass is what occurred.
As these various difficulties unravel, it is becoming increasingly apparent that this transition period can take longer to start, but we have observed how quickly you adapt to new realities once they truly manifest. As a people, you are most resilient. It those who have indelibly become a part of any cultural reality that are most unwilling to change. Thus, we continue to oversee what is occurring and wish that we had more of an important part in this rather drawn-out process. At present, all major transfers of funds by our earthly counterparts are completed. This operation in itself was very drawn out. In our view, the security insisted upon was above and beyond all requirements. Nevertheless it was done, and the next step is delivery. Those involved with this process are again being too timid for their own good! Despite this, we now expect this to happen relatively quickly. This procedure is to be just the start of events that are to forever change your reality.
This procedure is reaching a point where the first of many events that you have long waited for can happen. This process has had its pace quickened, as each of you has begun to think collectively. This joint effort is about to be rewarded. The first part of a massive delivery is ready. What remains is the slow deliberateness of those in charge. While all this is happening, the last thrusts of the dark's minions go on. The New Year promises to be one in which a whole host of long announced promises at last come true. The deliveries of the first items look to happen before your Xmas. Use this first flurry of activity as a sign that some truly fantastic events are on the near horizon. We are readying a series of things that are but the first items in our parcels of goodies. Our intent is to see the rise of new governance and the ending of a long and vicious UFO cover-up. It is time you were told of our existence and benevolence. The long link between us needs to be freely revealed!
Blessings and Grace! We are your Ascended Masters! Many wonderful things are now happening! The funds from both the trust funds and the ancient families are being released and sent to their destinations. We bless and send hallelujahs to all concerned. The dark may try, as they always do, to trip up these schedules. However, these monies are just the start of a wave of funds that are to shower this realm with Heaven's blessings! As you receive these funds, count your blessings and then use your inner grace to help your families, friends and others. Use these funds to fulfill your dearest dreams and to allow others to likewise start to realize theirs. This glorious period includes Xmas and the New Year. It as well includes new governance and a new reality filled with joy, prosperity and above all, your freedom! This is to be a most magnificent time to thank Heaven and thank all for these most wondrous gifts!
Around this globe is a vast rise in spiritual energies at this year's end. This energy is contributing to the positive acceleration of those goals set for this time by Heaven. You know at this time of the year, we Masters go to a number of sacred points around this world, like Mount Shasta and the sacred valleys of the Himalayas to pray, to envision and to celebrate this new reality that is now taking hold. This divine energy is raising your consciousness and permitting a new era of light and love to descend upon Gaia. We ask you to take in these truly divine energies and use your inner grace to rise up this realm. Come together to praise and celebrate the wonders of Heaven, as this new prosperous age becomes a reality! Let us come together as One! Let us accept our divine gifts and graciously spread these across this globe!
Many millennia ago, we were all caught in the crosshairs of a grand dilemma. The dark had begun to openly defy Heaven. Their vile plan was at first delayed and then banished by our heavenly Administrators. We followed the grand instructions of these sacred heavenly hosts and developed a means to spread mercy to a great number of our ancestors. The heinous minions of the Anunnaki were slowly thwarted from their grand design to demand total obedience. Now we are on the very precipice of Victory! We bless and graciously thank Heaven for their works. Remain positive and join us in the last part of manifesting the great vision that Gaia gave us so long ago. The time has come to shout inwardly and with great zeal how full of Love and Light we are for those in both Heaven and Earth who make us so triumphant. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Much good is now occurring throughout this globe. A great movement that is to lead to your victory has begun. Throw out your numerous frustrations and rejoice. Things are now occurring that is to make the end of this year joyous! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It!
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
More from Sheldan Nidle and PAO including upcoming webinar:
"Andromedans - Galactic Masters of Spiritual Science" HERE
ANDROMEDANS ~~ Galactic Masters of Spiritual Science
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
I am Kwan Yin. I have come today to tell you of our great Blessings to all of you.
It is a time to rise above your experiences of the past, particularly your current year. Please remember that when you experience difficulties and trials you are also able to gain great growth.
Seek the rainbow of abundance through your growth. The rainbow brings renewed strength and understanding, shining like colored ribbons of peace and healing. Many have raised their vibrational energy through renewed understanding,even after pain and loss. I give you compassion now as you read my words. Allow yourself compassion also. Love and honor your own efforts of life. In doing so you prepare for the great Blessing open to you on the 11th of the eleventh month in a year where infinite love and wisdom is opening to all.
I asked these words be titled the Gateway of Heaven for our Blessing to you is a gateway to the most loving and expansive energy of Light you can ever imagine. It is so pure and bright your humanness can hardly believe. But your soul will rejoice and expand as you step through this gateway. It will last for some time shining like a great beacon - calling. Calling those beautiful souls wishing to step forward in a new reality of peace and renewed structure of daily life. The opportunity for healing, not only in this lifetime, but all of your previous lifetimes of experience also. There can be great release through the love and compassion available to you in this gateway.
You perceive Heaven to be of great love, great peace and great beauty. I come to tell you beloved soul that though the gateway provides a vision of this, clears and heals all past, it is you who will wish to manifest heaven in your own life through your own choices in your own future. It is you beloved.
Many will experience our love, our energies through this gateway. You marvel at our peace, our Light. This is available to you also. Take small steps as you release. Some may feel very tired in their body, some may experience head ache for a short time. Know it is the power of the higher energy and your bodies will be required to adjust. There is no set pattern. Each is individual yet part of a great sea of Light Souls.
So I come and spread my arms and energy wide to all as do many of us here. I am instructing this channel with a meditation to guide you through the Gateway of Heaven. It is a great release of many lifetimes. There are aspects of behavior you have brought through to this lifetime which you no longer require. If you choose to step higher in vibration and higher learning, then this is an opportunity for you to do so.
This is our great Blessing to you which I bring to you all.
I am Kwan Yin
Did you know that both Kwan Yin and Buddha are Andromedan Masters?
This 2010 article published in Discovery Magazine outlined evidence that conspiracy theorists’ claim the U.S. moon landings were not only faked, but were filmed by award-winning filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. You’re not going to believe this, but they were right on the money.
An incredible video has emerged 15 years after Kubrick’s death, in which he admits that Apollo moon landings were indeed faked. Filmmaker T. Patrick Murray was given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interview Kubrick three days before the legend’s death. Murray was forced to sign an extensive non-disclosure agreement that he would keep the interview contents a secret for 15 years.
In the unedited videos below, we see Kubrick going off topic rather quickly, admitting: “I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings ALL were faked , and that I was the person who filmed it.”
What you are about to watch is a leaked, rough cut of the interview, excerpted from Murray’s film ‘Shooting Kubrick.’ Mind blown in 3….2…..1:
Once again, Monsanto and the biotech industry are working behind closed doors to undermine your basic rights. Already Monsanto and America's largest food companies succeeded in hijacking our democracy by passing the Dark Act (H.R. 1599) this summer in the House of Representatives that permanently denies states the right to pass common sense GMO labeling bills.
Now Monsanto and the GMA are working behind the scenes to make sure a similar bill passes in the Senate so it can be signed into law by the President. The good news is that we've managed to hold the Senate off by flooding them with tens of thousands of phone calls, but now a handful of Senators is working to provide Monsanto the extra legal protections it wants by sneaking a legislative rider into a must pass spending bill that must be signed before December 16th to fund the government.
Monsanto already succeeded in passing the Dark Act in the House this summer — Pompeo's H.R. 1599, by a vote of 275 to 150 — and we need to make sure we stop their dangerous plan in the Senate.
Please take a few seconds to send this letter directly to your Senators today! And if you have time, click here to be taken to a call page http://bit.ly/1OXDPn5 or call the Congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
To find out how your Congressman voted on House Vote 462 to pass H.R.1599 275 to 150, click here. http://nyti.ms/1TXskxV
I love Joe's energy and of couse, his message! Enjoy.
Note: Tree Talk with Dianne Robbins below
Meet the ANDROMEDANS ~~ They have a major role in our First Contact
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
Living here on Earth gives you the opportunity to strive to develop all your talents and learn new skills - this is why you are here. You are not here to do “nothing”, but to learn to do everything. And you have the time to do this…at least you did up until now. Now you only have the time to wake up quickly, and gather your wits about you, and start taking responsibility for changing what you allowed to be created. Start taking part in your community activities and forums and local governments, and start standing up and speaking on behalf of your rights and the rights of other life forms to live in peace and abundance. Start taking responsibility for others. You still can stop all this. It just takes a majority of people to align their consciousness to topple the current regimes of darkness. It just takes all the people to come together in consciousness to break the spell…and then it is over.
We give you this advice, because in our long life spans here, we have seen it all. Because of your short life spans, you have been unable to see it all…you have not been able to see even a small part of it. Your lives hang on a thread - a thread of awareness that you can either strengthen or snap. Unbelief in what you see occurring around you will snap the thread, and you will become unconscious and a willing slave.
It is so crucial that you all wake up now to this game of folly. From our vantage point, we can see that no one wants to play anymore, but you are so mesmerized that you cannot stop. It is like you are caught in glue and can’t pull yourself away. Well, we will help you. All the kingdoms are aware of each and every one of you, and we will help you if you just call on us. The more you call on us and the more you become aware of us, the more of our consciousness we can share with you. As you merge with us, we become a greater forcefield of Light, and your consciousness expands exponentially until you can finally see through to the Light, and know instantly what you are to do to save your race. This we offer you.
So start walking among us, talking and communing with us, touching and embracing us, sitting under our boughs and lying under our branches. Our strength will then come up and permeate you and you will feel our connectiveness and become alive with our strength and vitality and encompass our awareness and merge with our consciousness and then, voila, we are ONE, and no one can imprison you again. We live in the Light - and we live on Light. By uniting with us you can free yourselves from your chains of density. It is only in density that you can be prisoners. Do you understand this? Good day.
We ELEMENTALS understood this eons ago; this is why our evolution has excelled beyond yours. We want to unite with you also because we, too, can show you the way to free your souls from the darkness surrounding you. But the pre-requisite is to unite with us and to recognize us as part of your family, your brothers and sisters of Light who have come here to experience life with you and to join with you now so that we can all work together to bring Earth into her ascension.
There is no time to lose. This has been a closed system, and it is time to bust it wide open so that we can all move into the next higher octave of existence, where all of life awaits us. This is your WAKE UP CALL. All the Kingdoms are calling you to wake up out of your deep sleep of the ages. For new ages are about to burst forth into a glorious future for human kind…so join with us now. Good day.
We are the NATURE SPIRITS, and our hearts are filled with love for humanity. We are the FAERIES, SPRITES, and DEVAS who grace your lawns and live in your Trees and walk beside you when you are outdoors in Nature. And being outdoors is the key. The more you are outdoors, the more you come in contact with us and the sooner you can begin to feel our presence. For feeling our presence will bring you into our presence, where you can then begin consciously connecting with us through your heart.
Once you are conscious of us, our merging begins and our hearts intertwine into the one heart of Creation. This oneness creates a vast portal that will speed our ascent and more rapidly propel us all into the next octave of Light…. that you call “ascension”. See you there!
Procedures unlike any you have seen in your lifetime are getting ready to take place. Your purpose in these projects is to spiritually support and physically engender this new reality into its beingness.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
11 Muluk, 2 Mol, 12 Manik
Dratzo! Many good things are now happening in your realm. The funds that you have waited for in great frustration and worry are here! Their order of arrival is dependent upon a number of key factors. First there is the degree of overall security employed by the major groups involved. These first monies are to be the initial falling dominoes, which are to start the formal end of the global dark cabal rulership. This means the formal initiation of a whole host of new banking and financial procedures. Second, these monies are to signal the end of the fraud-laden privately owned “US Federal Reserve”. There is a major last-ditch struggle between those who are losing the battle to save this onerous institution and those who desire to bury it. Third, many who are to release these funds are as well fighting an inner struggle against doing so. Despite this, the funds are being released at the appointed time (NOW). We are urgently insisting upon this as the only remaining alternative. It has been sheer folly for all who somehow wish to delay the inevitable!!!
Long ago, this surface reality was captured by a group of dark rebels called, in ancient Sumerian, the Anunnaki, These denizens of your over-world ruled draconian-like for nearly 13 millennia. Their vile rule suddenly ended with the Treaty of Anchara over 20 years ago. Since then, a worldwide struggle has ensued over whether this edict was to be enforced here. We are pleased to inform you that this galactic edict rules here as well. We are to oversee your transition to a period first filled with truth, freedom and prosperity! This operation has currently passed into a new phase and certain deeds need to be done. One of these is to quickly destroy the political and financial system that has illicitly ruled over you. You are not financial fodder or debt slaves. Those who honor or seem to carry out this edict seem to be too slow in honoring Heaven’s wishes. Therefore, this time is one when a magic moment is to happen, which changes everything. Look to this time as this magic moment. Be brave and enjoy the last part of the ride!!!
Over the last two decades, we have watched how the forces of the Light and the major factions of the dark cabal have battled each other. Many friends who were aligned with the Light passed on as a series of nefarious actions took their lives. We are dedicated to completing the actions of our friends. The victory that is here is partly to honor them and to honor each of you who have remained strong in your belief about this grand change and about us. A great process is occurring to bring you in full contact with the Light. As representatives of this divine vision, we are bound by our truths to give you this sacred gift. We are therefore strongly asking for the swift and secure release of these funds. It is disheartening to see how the evil web of the dark still has even a minute say in what is happening. The Light needs to clear out those who in any way try to hinder this operation. This project is a humane one that is to bring all of you a freedom and means to change this world.
As you look back on all that is going on around this globe, you quickly see the degree of panic and the slight hesitation filling all involved. We realize that it is not easy to drastically change a world that has moved at a certain rhythm for millennia. We further realize just how immense the changes now contemplated are. These things need to be completed and a truly gigantic education project is then vital to success. You have in your hands the very tools required for this grand social media campaign. Several major governments after NESARA are to aid in this most needed campaign. Procedures unlike any you have seen in your lifetime are getting ready to take place. Your purpose in these projects is to spiritually support and physically engender this new reality into its beingness. Use your inner intuitive vision to bring all of this into a positive reality. Use this holiday season as a springboard for the wonders that are to manifest. What a wonderful world is now to be seen by all.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!The truly glorious glow of the righteous Light of Heaven warms the cockles of humanity’s heart this morning. Great events are occurring as the numerous fundings of Heaven begin to shower this precious orb. Long ago, humanity was suddenly plunged into the darkness by the vile acts of an Atlantean ruling class. These acts are now to be graciously atoned for by the dark and its innumerable minions. This violent history is currently to end and be transformed into a vehicle for the Light and its inevitable time of triumph! We carry with us memories that are to be rekindled of how at one time we all travelled this pathway of finite darkness. Within these memories are examples of how we survived and gratefully sustained the Light in this land of suffering, woe and death. It is a story that all of your Masters desire to tell you.
Remain positive, my sisters and brothers. This long tale of the generations is to be transformed into one of joy, freedom and prosperity! Deep within you is the core of your Soul and it has always remembered this long tale of woe and readied each of you for this time of eternal victory. Hark, dear Ones, be ready for what is to follow! Heaven is starting to clear out the great miasma that covers us all. As you begin to emerge, take in all of this. Most of all, do not judge! Rather, be ready to embrace this in Love and Unity. Your liberation comes as a great gift, a sacred present, from Heaven. Time after time many of us have played either the pronouncer or the victim of the great injustice that was the sign of these ignorant times. We are all here to graciously put this away and, in the Creator’s mercy, to move on to full consciousness!
This present message comes as the forerunner of superb experiences, which you are to wondrously embrace. Heaven desires to teach and to explain what is to happen. Use these prompts as harbingers of what is to follow. Your realm is finally to transition and become something where you can easily move as we do from this glorious orb to the unimaginable glories of Heaven. This process is something to know and to be ready for in joy and in truth. It is a realm filled with things and events that at this time cannot yet be fully revealed. Just remain positive and supremely focused on those amazing things that Heaven is to shower you with! Hence, in joy and in victory, prepare yourselves for our appearance and that of our families from Spirit, space and the precious lands of Agartha. In this, I leave you! Hosanna! Hossana! Hosanna!
Today, we explored what is readying for its grand appearance! Be prepared for the next phase in your movement toward physical Angelness. This time has brought you much sorrow, joy and finally freedom. It has also tested you to the max! All of this is leading to your triumphant reunion with those who graciously love you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
THURSDAY is PAO's Live Webinar for December...
Learn how the ANDROMEDANS are assisting us with our Ascension ~ They are revered as Masters of Spiritual Science
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
A man named Bob May, depressed and brokenhearted, stared out his drafty apartment window into the chilling December night. His 4-year-old daughter Barbara sat on his lap quietly sobbing. Bobs wife, Evelyn, was dying of cancer.
Little Barbara couldn't understand why her mommy could never come home. Barbara looked up into her dad's eyes and asked, Why isn't Mommy just like everybody else's Mommy? Bob's jaw tightened and his eyes welled with tears.
Her question brought waves of grief, but also of anger. It had been the story of Bob's life. Life always had to be different for Bob.
Small when he was a kid, Bob was often bullied by other boys. He was too little at the time to compete in sports. He was often called names he'd rather not remember. From childhood, Bob was different & never seemed to fit in. Bob did complete college, married his loving wife & was grateful to get his job as a copywriter at Montgomery Ward during the Great Depression. Then he was blessed with his little girl. But it was all short-lived. Evelyn's bout with cancer stripped them of all their savings & now Bob and his daughter were forced to live in a two-room apartment in he Chicago slums. Evelyn died just days before Christmas in 1938.
Bob struggled to give hope to his child, for whom he couldn't even afford to buy a Christmas gift. But if he couldn't buy a gift, he was determined a make one a storybook! Bob had created a character in his own mind and told the animal's story to little Barbara to give her comfort and hope. Again and again Bob told the story, embellishing it more with each telling. Who was the character? What was the story all about? The story Bob May created was his own autobiography in fable form. The character he created was a misfit outcast like he was. The name of the character? A little reindeer named Rudolph,with a big shiny nose. Bob finished the book just in time to give it to his little girl on Christmas Day. But the story doesn't end there.
The general manager of Montgomery Ward caught wind of the little storybook and offered Bob May a nominal fee to purchase the rights to print the book. Wards went on to print Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and distribute it to children visiting Santa Claus in their stores. By 1946 Wards had printed and distributed more than six million copies of Rudolph. That same year, a major publisher wanted to purchase the rights from Wards to print an updated version of the book.
In an unprecedented gesture of kindness, the CEO of Wards returned all rights back to Bob May. The book became a best seller. Many toy and marketing deals followed and Bob May, now remarried with a growing family, became wealthy from the story he created to comfort his grieving daughter. But the story doesn't end there either.
Bob's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, made a song adaptation to Rudolph. Though the song was turned down by such popular vocalists as Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore , it was recorded by the singing cowboy, Gene Autry. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was released in 1949 and became a phenomenal success, selling more records than any other Christmas song, with the exception of White Christmas.
The gift of love that Bob May created for his daughter so long ago kept on returning back to bless him again & again. Bob May learned the lesson, just like his dear friend Rudolph, that being different isn't so bad. In fact, being different can be a blessing.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!
Republican Presidential debate an exercise in mind control
Republican Presidential debate an exercise in mind control
Let's find an alternative universe
by Jon Rappoport
December 16, 2015
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
If a human mind were composed of a dozen eggs, and you soft-boiled them, broke them open, and let the goo run all over the plate, down on to the table, soon dripping on to the floor, that would be mind control, in the sense that you're creating meaningless chaos, where no thought is important or makes sense or adds up to a cogent point.
That was the CNN-hosted Republic Presidential debate, with what was it, nine candidates sounding off, interrupting one another, and mentioning Trump so often it seemed like they were afflicted with a one-note samba syndrome.
You could conclude CNN, a Democratic stronghold, wanted the chaos, to throw the Republicans into an exceedingly bad and foul light, but other recent Presidential debates, hosted by other networks, have come across in the same basic fashion.
The problem starts with networks hosting these lunatic events. Since when does a debate need a moderator who controls and asks all the questions? Since when does a network need to have any role at all?
A debate is supposed to be two people contending over an important issue.
For contrast, consider the 1858 Abraham Lincoln-Stephen Douglas face-off---when apparently citizens still had a semblance of intelligence. Both men were running for a US Senate seat in Illinois. In those days, state legislatures chose US Senators.
But the issue in the debates was slavery, so the interest was intense and it was national. Here was the agreed-upon format: seven debates in seven Illinois towns over the course of three weeks; in each debate, the opening candidate would speak for 60 minutes, his opponent would speak for 90 minutes, and then the first candidate would return for 30 minutes.
The debates drew large crowds. Chicago newspapers had stenographers in each town. The stenos took down every word, and newspapers across the nation printed, in full, the texts.
Those were debates. No one with sprayed hair was in control. The men talked. And talked.
If you could transport the CNN Republican debate back in time to one of those Illinois towns, the audience would conclude, in short order, that all the participants were insane, possibly suffering from brain damage.
"These people are running for...what did you say? President??!!?? You're joking. This a joke, yes?"
What do you think the 1858 audience would conclude about the state of the country in 2015? A country that actually acquiesced in a "debate" of this sort?
What do you think the 1858 audience would conclude about the two political parties, in 2015, who permitted such debates, and about the general electorate who expressed partisan support for either party?
"And in your time, 2015, no third or fourth party of any strength has arisen to sweep these mad Democrats and Republicans into the dustbin?"
No, the Lincoln-Douglas debates didn't settle the issue of slavery. Something called the Civil War broke out. But that fact doesn't excuse what these crazed Presidential debates have devolved into.
I'd really like to see one of these 2015 Presidential candidates take the podium and speak for 90 minutes about a single issue. You'd have to have support teams standing by to administer oxygen and possibly meth, just to keep them upright.
We're talking about a candidate staying on point, on one issue.
"I remember my grandmother telling me, when I was nine, you can do it, you can be anything you want to be. I'd like to thank Mrs. Gallbladder, my third-grade teacher, for spending time with me when I---people say we should have a balanced budget, but they just don't understand how economics---there weren't any emails, well there were but none of them compromised---ownership of the means of production isn't---better schools for our children---attacking terrorists by insulting them isn't---equality isn't just for---my father was President and so was my brother but---I made great deals to put up those hotels---when I look at a human brain on the operating table, I know what this universe---this isn't the first time a woman has tried to win the Presidency but---"
Goo and more goo running everywhere.
Reporters and PR flacks and party hacks seizing on a few words of the opponent and highlighting them on social media. "Can you believe he slipped up and said Afro-American?" "Did you see that fly on his nose?" "A red tie with a blue suit is supposed to look Presidential?" "I counted. He interrupted nine times." And these are the more intelligent tweets.
On the other hand, the current TV debates preclude the possibility of something dangerous happening. For example, in a real contest, suppose the single issue was Syria and a candidate stepped up to the podium and said:
"During my remarks in the next sixty minutes, with no interruptions---yes, we're going back to a much older format---I'll be the making the case that the current US administration has essentially created ISIS, in part for the purpose of overthrowing the present government of Syria. Consider this fact alongside our declared 'war' against ISIS. This is more than an outrageous contradiction. It's an intentional deception, and a crime of the highest order, considering what ISIS has been carrying out in terms of the destruction of human life. Now, I'm not just saying these things. I have evidence in the form of documents, which I'll be explaining in detail. Some of these documents and reports are already public. Others are not. I also have statements, on the record, from US military officers and Pentagon executives. So bear with me, stay with me, I'm going to take this one step at a time..."
There are many ways to keep this sort of thing from happening. The easiest way: never let a true debate occur.
Give Rand Paul 90 uninterrupted minutes to explain what his father was explaining? The criminality of the Federal Reserve? Are you kidding?
And just in case you think the American public is so addled they wouldn't be able to follow such a presentation, I have a secret for you. At first, it would be a problem, yes. But if more and more true debates took place, a change would bleed in. People would begin to wake up. They'd find themselves, bit by bit, intensely interested in the proceedings.
After all, part of the reason the public is brainwashed springs directly from the fact that so few politicians or media people tell the truth or explore any issue in depth. Reverse that trend and the mind begins to reassemble itself.
How about something like this? Crossing party lines, Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul debate, seven times, as Lincoln and Douglas did, the following: "What is socialism, and is it good for America?"
If either candidate were unable to do more than spout vapid generalities and programmatic fumes during his seven hours, it would surely become obvious.
How about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, in the same format, debating the question: "Describe in detail the best immigration policy for America." If their seven events turn into a Niagara of opposing non-sequiturs and self-inflating jive, so be it. It'll be on parade for all to see.
Seven hours. Quickly, all Presidential candidates would discover their usual manner of presentation doesn't stand up. It doesn't make the grade. That would be a good thing. Maybe we find out that no one currently running for President can remain coherent. That would be a very good thing.
And maybe someone emerges from the shadows, someone most people have never heard of, and he can pass the test with flying colors. He can make sense, he can make a case, he can present details and specifics, he can inspire confidence, he can paint a picture of what America and freedom and true justice are all about.
Because he has the time. Because he has the courage and the intelligence. Because he makes people remember what they really want.
Would that be terrible? Would that be treasonous? Would that be dangerous?
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Could current horrific events finally flush to the surface the
insanity of separation once and for all? Can we co-exist?
Aluna Joy Yaxkin - SOLSTICE - Dec 21, 2015
I had the blessed opportunity to sit with the Buddha Relics recently.(http://www.maitreyarelictour.com). I cried in the presence of such great unconditional love. I searched for answers to the building fear, pain and separation in our world. The answer I received was in a vision. I saw these dedicated ones, that go all the way back to a time before Christ. They were continually holding the space of loving kindness, knowing they would never see the result of their life's work. And when I asked what gave them the strength to do this their entire life, they showed me that there has always been separation, hate, anger and unthinkable barbaric acts in the human family. Then I asked how they endured such atrocities, and they showed me that they were holding a great light upon Earth so those who come after them could finally anchor it for all time. They didn't worry about how much time this would take, or who would actually finally get the job done. Now that is dedication, trust, and pure unconditional love. They held tight to a bigger picture. And the question arose in me.... "Are WE those who will complete this job?"
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
As I sat there in front of the energy of holy greatness, I watched a lot of things that washed across my consciousness. It reminded me of who I have always been at the core, and what I came here for. Even as a child, I knew this was the life that big things would take place. I know many of you who read this feel this too.
I continued to sit with the Buddha, and as I watched their responsibility being passed on to us (and to those reading this), I began to feel the weight, grief and frustration in our current world situation. I also felt the power of great love to endure it and maybe even cure it once and for all. This is our work now. There is no path to follow, because we are now the path. The path we create now can end separation and bring peace that will last for a generations to come.
(I have to say that I have re-written this message over and over trying to get it just right. My lifelong guides (the Star Elders) let me know when it is conveyed just right, so it will be heard by the hearts of those reading this. They already know who this message is meant for and who will read it. So I asked the Star Elders for help.)
The Star Elders say... "A wall of fear and anger is being aggressively built on the Earth at this time by the ones who would like to see you not complete your ascension. It will take some great activity of light to penetrate this energy field that is pitting one people against another; one religion against another; one race against another; one country against another, etc.... The biggest wall at this time that keeps humanity from becoming ONE, united and peaceful is the separation created by prejudice."
As a child, people that were different than me were the most fascinating people to me. Racist or prejudiced thoughts never entered my mind. When I became more aware of others opinions, I was stunned, shocked and surprised by people's judgements and fears of those that are different than they were.
By the time I was in 5th grade, I was a little and annoying human rights activist. I had a friend in the same grade as me named Stanley. Let's say he was intellectually challenged, but I didn't care. I loved how he saw the world and how he didn't have judgements or anger; he had love. Most kids didn't like him, because he was different. One day we were out on the play ground, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of kids gathering and one kid was about to throw a ball at Stanley. As the ball flew, I leaped up and stopped the impact to Stanley's head. My wrist snapped. The next day I was waving my cast around the playground preaching about being nice to each other. The offending kids were sheepish and embarrassed and of course didn't like me much for making them face their bully mentality. I guess I missed my calling as a gospel preacher. The message is this ... Do I remember the kid who threw the ball? Nope! Do I remember the kid that I saved from a possible concussion? Oh yes. And most of all, was the price I paid worth it? It certainly was!
Then there was my Grandfather. He was an amazing man, and I was fascinated by his grace and nobleness. My grandmother was an amazing person as well. But before I was born, they were forced to join the KKK in their small town in the mid-west, otherwise no one would come to my grandfather's barber shop, and he would be ostracized from the community. They were forced to take sides even though it was not true to their hearts. I learned from this story to never let anyone (like current corrupted mass media and Internet) turn us against another innocent human being. We are all children of God.
Are we being brain washed by the mass media's tainted agendas about politics, world affairs ... infused with fear regarding a multitude of things including concerns about groups of radicalized crazy people? I think it was Mahatma Gandhi that said We can't fight a sane war with an insane opponent. So let us, humanely immobilize these insane ones, the few monsters that have lost all sight of all their humanity and are making our whole world blind to our humane-ity; thus building this wall of fear that is keeping us from manifesting our divinity.
When I took my first trip to Egypt, I purposely didn't study anything as I wanted to enter the sites as a little child... innocent. It is the best way to take a sacred journey. I had no preconceived notions about the history or the current culture. But neither did I understand the impact that other religions had on this area a long time ago. As I walked through temple after temple, I began to notice many of the faces of the various Gods that had been chiseled off. I asked my local guide about this, and she said without prejudice, anger or judgment, "Oh.... the Christians did that when they came here." Just so you know, she is Muslim, and I was raised Christian. I was ashamed and wanted to learn more!
Most people do not understand ... that the Quran was also studied by early Christians and Jews, before it was standardized. The Quran recounts stories of many of the people and events recounted in Jewish and Christian sacred books, although it differs in some details. Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, Moses, Zechariah, John the Baptist and even Jesus (among many others) are mentioned in the Quran as prophets of God. In fact, Jesus is mentioned more often in the Quran than Muhammad, and Mary is mentioned in the Quran more than the New Testament. (from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quran#The_Bible) Our linages do come from the same source. "God has no religion."~ Mahatma Gandhi
What breaks my heart is that after 2000 years, we are still fighting the same holy wars with those whose roots are the same as ours. We all agree ... radicalism and extremism in any form is out of balance. It is an extreme form of separation and is certainly not based in love. No good comes from hate and anger; nor does judgement and prejudice. These emotions separate us. Separation is painful to the soul, and what is separated and is out of balance for a long time eventually becomes angry and insane. Terrorism and war is insane and is an extreme form of separation. This angry monster labeled terrorism goes way beyond any religious boundary, color of our skin, social status or educational level. There are good people everywhere. We must only look to each one's heart to know who they really are. We are one, humanity.
But this is the world we are in now. We created this separation, so we must fix it. Yet we can not take insane action and expect a sane result! There is no more important time than NOW. The world and all of humanity needs our love. It is time to feel, act and live from LOVE at all cost. Throw up your hands to stop bombs of all kinds that hurt innocent people! Is it worth it to you?
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."~ Mahatma GandhI
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it - always."~ Mahatma Gandhi
It makes me wonder, what if my grandfather had stood up and said being prejudiced was not God like? Would his actions have caused the separation to narrow a bit in his day? And how many people would have joined him if he took a stand? Who knows what kind of wave he/they would have created.
Well, I am praying for a big wave of love that puts an end to the insanity of separation and prejudice. In fact, I AM asking for a tsunami! And I am asking you to join me. Because if we don't work to anchor love over fear, then we have to ask ourselves what is the point in our beliefs? If we don't move beyond mere positive attention and begin to take physical action out in the world, then what manifests next will be something that we participated in by default.
I send you blessings for this powerful solstice, and I now place out in the world the strong intentions for a peaceful 2016. The ancient ones hope you heard this message ~ Aluna Joy
Inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King:
*** “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
*** "There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”
*** "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
March 2016
Re-Awakening Our Light Lineages
~ Piercing the Veil
Ancient Egypt and a Private Nile Sail
& Jordan's Mystical City of Petra
Egypt Pilgrimage ~ March 22 - April 02, 2016
Petra Extension ~ April 02 - 06, 2016 We will experience . . . Cairo ~ Giza Pyramids ~ The King's Chamber ~ The Sphinx ~ Cairo Museum ~ Luxor Temple ~ Isis Temple at Philae ~ Karnak Temple ~ Aswan & Luxor Markets ~ The Valley of the Kings ~ Deir el Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple) ~ King Tut's Treasures ~ Dendara Temple ~ Edfu Temple ~ Kom Ombo Temple. Our private yacht will SAIL with the wind, as they did thousands of years ago.
With the extension to The Rose City Petra, where we will experience . . . Madaba, Little Petra, and the astounding city of PETRA!
**Private time at The Sphinx
**2 hours Private time in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid
**Private sunrise time at Philae's Isis Temple.
** "The Afandina" - A Luxurious, Private Yacht on The Nile
Your divine presence is needed. There is no better time to anchor your divine light and love on Earth than now, and no better or appropriate place to do this but in the Holy Lands of Egypt. Pure truth and root teachings are anchored in ancient temples, unaltered by man. We only need an open heart to feel, experience and hear the truth ... the truth of our divine humanity, our destiny, our greater purpose, and who we really are. The only prerequisite is that you bring LOVE in your heart. You need not know anything other than this. Come as a little child, and you will be delighted.
We still have space in our March 2016 Egypt and Jordan Pilgrimage.... But time is running short. Service providers will need names and deposits from our group in a few weeks. You will be well watched over and treated like gods and goddesses! Please don't hesitate to join us in this quest to anchor love in the mother lands of Egypt and Jordan. Please call us with any questions or concerns, or if you would like any references.
Made in the most powerful, peaceful and sacred places on Earth
Homeopathic inoculation of ancient places of Peace and Power.
When we use various Sacred Site Essences, we raise our frequency to that of the sacred site and the powerful energy of a special day. All our SACRED SITE ESSENCES are made in SACRED SITES with permission and guidance from the local guardians. We make many of our Essences during AWESOME SOLAR/CELESTIAL EVENTS. Essences made in sacred sites resonate with that particular Sacred Site and Cosmic Event of the day. Each one is made differently and is unique to the site it was made in. They can never be re-made of repeated as energy shifts daily. We have discovered that each essence has a different focus, so please read below to find one, two, or three that call to you!
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Join Together in Mind and Heart for an activation with the Andromedans
Reminder: If registering for today's webinar using Paypal, cutoff time is 10:30 am PST (California time). Please register early, this ensures you receive the link for the webinar. I cannot help after 11:00 am. ZaZuMa!
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Enjoy and thanks for support PAO by attending our webinars. Truly, Together we are Victorious!
Selamat Ja!
ANDROMEDANS~~Galactic Masters of Spiritual Science
WOW! For me this was the best webinar yet. I now feel like I am a started and from Andromeda. I was vibrating throughout the webinar. Thank you! Alex/Canada
Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.
During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.
Topics include...
• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as spiritual illumination. Illumination means that one can now comprehend another level of reality. It comes out of the silence of contemplation and depends upon the silence for its stability. As one’s personality comes closer to spiritual perfection, one becomes aware of their higher purpose and their spiritual growth becomes their main focus in life. Their awakening personality will begin to follow the spiritual guidance that comes from within rather than through established rules and doctrines of religion and society. Spirituality becomes the central purpose and focus of their life. As one regains true knowledge through the divine that lives within them while still being embodied on Earth, they become willing to live in unity with this higher aspect of self. This awareness and illumination is a form of divine grace which encourages one to let go of all former patterns of thought and behaviour which do not match one’s spiritual aspirations. There is a longing to come closer to the divine and to feel at one with divinity.
This is a time to make all the new learning they are experiencing their own and to find ways of expressing it in the world. It is also a time to be kind to oneself. After an individual has been sufficiently cleansed and purified and their mind remains fully focused on the presence and qualities of the divine, a state of illumination may unexpectedly arise. In the initial experience, they might perceive a blinding and intense inner white light. They experience deep feelings of universal love and profound spiritual intuition and insight. For many months these deep feelings and insights will keep flowing in. These will gradually settle into a state of a raised and more intuitive and loving consciousness. They become aware of the divine presence within everyone and everything and their intuitive abilities are greatly increased. They radiate a presence of love, peaceful harmony and goodwill towards all who come into their sphere of influence. They become aware that they have received a spiritual gift along with the illumination experience and try to develop this into an ability that will lead them to help others awaken to their own higher potential.
One gradually gives up (crucifies) one’s personality and individuality. It is necessary to examine every aspect of their lives and make decisions about what they want to keep and what is to be discarded. They come to a point where they ask for nothing and desire nothing. They surrender their individual will to the will of the divine within them in total passivity and acceptance. By giving up everything and being completely passive, one is able to be filled with the divine spirit. They experience a constant peaceful and love filled union with the divine. They know themselves as a loving instrument of divine will that is meant to be used for manifesting the divine plan on earth. This comes from direct action of the divine and brings new knowledge and truths that one knows were not something previously known to them. Living one’s life in this state of illumination is easy and full of bliss; there is a permanent state of great happiness and contentment. It is like living in a state of grace that can never be lost again. Whatever one does is never for selfish interests but is always done for the highest good of all. They live a life of selfless service for the greater good of humanity and the universe.
Illumination may also occur simultaneously with the dark night of the soul or with the process of purification, enlightenment and selfless work. These may coexist together, causing emotional extremes over short periods of time. One does not need to be perfect to reach illumination but can continue their purification on deeper and deeper levels. They do not have to give up things, just their attachment to them. Illumination is the result of purifying and learning to control ones mind, heart and emotions in order to develop a higher mental and emotional body. In today’s world, ones capacity to understand, comprehend and communicate has greatly increased and this makes it much easier to come to a state of illumination in one’s life. This information that is available helps one to be on an accelerated path rather than being lost in confusion and emotional misery for long periods of time as happened in times past.
With all the information that is easily deciphered and readily available on the different stages of the spiritual path for the spiritual seeker, it behooves each individual to develop the ability to discern and know what is right or wrong for them. They can do this by keeping their highest goal in mind and asking their inner guidance for help to be led to the right information for their next step on their spiritual growth path. What is most important is to maintain ones purity of consciousness and keep their spiritual goal on the right path. In this way, one is led to the right material, people or events that is important for their evolutionary progress. Whenever one really needs additional information, their spiritual guidance will let them unexpectedly find it. Walking the spiritual path means finding ones own insights and personal relationship with the divine. This illumination can be the pinnacle of achievement of one’s lifetime rather than going with the flow of chaos. Their reality is experienced with unusual clarity, and a radiance and beauty that was never before suspected.
May the vast arena of the divine creativity in which your life is immersed become ever flooded with more light and compassion for all living things.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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The International Monetary Fund last week made a big push to position its SDR currency as a replacement for the US dollar. The US Congress finally (after 5 years foot-dragging) approved IMF voting reform, diluting G7 power, after which the organization announced it was doubling its money to 477 billion SDR (US$660 billion) from 238 billion SDR (about $330 billion).
Somebody apparently was not pleased because, immediately after this announcement, French police pressed criminal charges against IMF head Christine Lagarde.
The last IMF head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested on trumped up rape charges and dismissed from office when he tried to push the SDR as a US dollar replacement. The CIA was behind that operation, according to CIA sources. Let us see if Lagarde does any better.
Another sign the US dollar and the people who control it are involved in high level financial warfare was the rate hike announced by the US Federal Reserve Board last week. The official reason for the rate hike, a strong US economy, was a bold faced lie as all real economic indicators show the US economy remains in a tailspin. Furthermore, this rate hike will have the effect of taking money from small banks who lend to real businesses to the big banks who control the Fed and whose main business is gambling. The real reason for this rate hike was to protect the no-longer American US Dollar, not the US economy. In any case, the rate hike was a failure in that the dollar fell instead of rising. Long term interest rates also fell, meaning the market expects deflation and not the supposed inflation the rate hike was supposed to stop.
The US government finally agreeing to dilute its power at the IMF while the Fed raises interest rates are probably connected to US corporate government efforts to stave off bankruptcy. In other words, as a condition for additional funding, the US was forced to hand over de facto control of the IMF and pay more interest to foreigners who own US dollars.
The fact the US sent B52 bombers over Chinese territory last week was also almost certainly connected to high level, secret, negotiations to keep the US corporate government afloat. Essentially, the Americans were yet again using their nuclear war card to try to get a better deal.
Another sign something fundamental has changed is the fact the US government has done a 180 degree about turn in its policy towards Syria last week by supporting a UN resolution that does not call for the ouster of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The US and Israel, until now often condemned at the UN by the rest of the world, have shown signs of regime change by voting for a unanimous UN resolution aimed at cutting off ISIS finances. This resolution targets the family of Turkish President Erdogan, the Kurdish Barzani family, the Bush crime family, Israel, Exxon, BP and others. As a Pentagon official put it “it is poetic justice that this unanimous UN vote was chaired by US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, an orthodox Jew.” The latest US Defense Intelligence Department intelligence also reveals the Bushes and their neo-con buddies have been shipping oil tanker trucks, pickup trucks and other equipment to ISIS from Houston, Texas, Pentagon sources say. The trucks are being modified in Israel and then are sent to the war zone via Turkey and Jordan, they say.
Pentagon generals and rank and file are also becoming increasingly suspicious of US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. Carter was in Turkey recently where he ordered an airstrike in Iraq that killed 25 Iraqi soldiers, the sources say. Carter ordered the attack as punishment for the Iraqis after they refused an offer by him to send special operations troops and Apache helicopters. US special forces were also recently refused entry in Libya, indicating a growing international distrust in their leadership.
The Pentagon officials say Carter’s use of personal e-mails for Department of Defense business may be used as a reason to remove him from office. This is the same thing Hillary Clinton has been under attack for.
In any case, Turkey’s Erdogan has apparently blinked after seeing his Israeli and US allies lose power one by one. Last week Turkey succumbed to universal international pressure and withdrew the troops it has sent into Iraq. The other Middle Eastern rogue state, Saudi Arabia, continues to struggle desperately for survival. As a part of this, the Saudi government last week announced a 34 nation alliance “against terrorism.” Unfortunately for the Ibn Saud crime family, the most important nations in this so-called coalition denied being a part of it. Pakistan, the only nuclear armed Islamic State, openly denied Saudi claims they were allies.
Indonesia and Malaysia, two other major Islamic powers, are also not planning to militarily support the Saudi regime.
Leaders in most genuine Muslim countries are fully aware the Saudi royal family are not really Muslims but rather members of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
With oil prices dropping to $30 a barrel and with hedges made at $70 a barrel starting to expire, the Saudis will soon no longer be able to afford the mercenary armies that are keeping them in power. This in turn will affect the big banks like Citibank that rely on recycling Saudi oil money for a large part of their business. Big bankruptcies are expected in January and February in connection with all this.
There are also a series of moves being made against the Khazarian mafia inside the United States. Sheldon Adelson and Rupert Murdoch, to major Khazarin power brokers, have been shown to be using corporate control of the media to tell lies and distort court cases. The New York Times has also been caught deleting important news from its pages.
These revelations all coming out in one week are a sign of a rebellion against corporate distortion of news. Khazarian attempts to centralize corporate control are also coming under closer scrutiny. For example, a US Justice Department Investigation of the recent attempt by the two chemical giants Dow and Dupont to merge has revealed that Vanguard is the #1 shareholder in both and that another Khazarian front, Blackrock, is also involved. This monopoly creating move is not expected to be approved.
The Chinese also acted to prevent the widely hated Monsanto Corporation, and its Goldman Sachs banker, from getting a monopoly on world food supply by having Chemchina buy the Swiss Agribusiness Syngenta.
Meanwhile on the Russian front, further confirmation came out last week that Vladimir Putin is not exactly real. A Russian FSB agent affiliated with the White Dragon Society, whose company protects Russian oligarchs, has said Putin is just a series of look-alikes who read scripts and pretend to be a powerful leader. The real leader of Russia is now said to be Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Take a look at these pictures of Lavrov and “Putin” and see for yourself which of the two men appears to be in charge: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/ 2015-12-16/caption-contest-ker ry-putin-lavrov-staring-match- editionhttp://www.scmp.com/ news/world/article/1445945/ russia-us-tensions-explode- row-kerry-refuses-attend- moscow-talks
Then, to confirm the Russian genome has produced plenty of Putin look-alikes, take a look at the photos of “Putin,” one dating from 1920, another from 1941 and another from 2015 here:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new s/article-3361468/Evidence-sug gests-Vladimir-Putin-immortal- thanks-Russians-discovering- secret-time-travel.html
The Russians use “Putin” as a symbol of their unified leadership but make no mistake, Russian unity is not dependent on a single, killable, charismatic leader.
Speaking about charismatic leaders, Canada’s new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is shaping up to be one. His multi-ethnic rainbow cabinet and his call for legalization of marijuana have raised high hopes for his government in Canada. Everybody this writer met there hoped and wished for the best with his new government. However, during a visit to Canada last week, a member of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service contacted this writer with information about his father Pierre Trudeau. According to this CSIS source, Pierre Trudeau was blackmailed with pedophile charges into ending the use of government owned Bank of Canada money to finance government operations without taxes or debt. Instead, he forced Canada into Babylonian style debt slavery to Khazarian mafia banks. Pedophilia allegations aside, it is a known fact that it was Trudeau who ended the use of Bank of Canada free money to finance the government.
Let us see if Justin will turn out to be just a feel good, look nice stooge or if he will undo his father’s crime. If he fails to return the Bank of Canada to its original mandate then you can be sure there are members of the Canadian public as well as the police and intelligences services who will make him accountable.
On a final note, it is clear that world trade and markets are not functioning properly now, as oil tankers float around with nowhere to go and as world trade continues to plummet while markets tumble.
Japanese businessmen with extensive operations in China say China’s economy is also in worse shape than government figures show.
Some sort of systemic collapse is taking place in slow motion. This will not happen overnight but, as in the fall of the Soviet Union, looking back it will seem as if an entire politico-economic system collapsed almost instantly. In this case Babylonian debt slavery and mind-control based government (govern=control, ment=mind) will collapse.
“My mind was trapped inside a useless body, my arms and legs weren’t mine to control, and my voice was mute. I couldn’t make a sign or a sound to let anyone know I’d become aware again. I was invisible – the ghost boy.” — Martin Pistorious
Martin Pistorious had a normal childhood growing up in South Africa in the late 70’s. His parents, Joan and Rodney Pistorius, explained how Martin insisted that he would one day be an “electric man,” infatuated by any type of electronic equipment he could get his hands on.
But everything would change for the worse when Martin was 12. Coming home from school one day, he told his parents that he was feeling sick.
This wasn’t any normal flu, however, as Joan and Rodney watched their son begin to sleep for endless hours of the day, almost like a baby. Even worse, he couldn’t eat, refusing anything they put in front of him.
Martin was tested for everything in the book, including Parkinson’s, TB, mineral deficiency, and more, yet everything came back negative.
As the months went on, Martin’s parents watched as their son slowly began to shut down — first his ability to move, then his ability to make eye contact, and finally his speech.
“He progressively got worse, probably in the second year of his illness. He was sleeping whenever we didn’t wake him up. He was permanently lying down in the fetal position,” said Rodney in an interview with NPR.
Finally, a test came back positive. It was cryptococcal meningitis, something the doctors said meant there was no hope for Martin.
They were told that he was a vegetable, with no more intelligence. They were advised to take Martin home, to provide him with love until his death.
A Boy Who Wouldn’t Let Go
But something in Martin held on for much longer than his prognosis had estimated.
“Martin just kept going, just kept going,” said Joan.
The years continued to pass as Rodney and Joan cared for their helpless son. They dressed him, fed him, bathed him, and dropped him off at the special care facility he was enrolled at on a daily basis.
“My alarm was set for every two hours so that I could wake up to turn him, so that he wouldn’t get bed sores,” said Joan.
This exhausting cycle continued for another 10 years, literally taking everything from Joan and Rodney. Joan told NPR that she eventually came to a point where she said to Martin: “I hope you die.”
“I know that’s a horrible thing to say. I just wanted some sort of relief…in my mind he’d already died.”
A Nurse Who Believed In The Soul Inside Martin
By the time Martin was in his mid-20’s, something slowly began to shift. Martin was now able to squeeze someone’s hand, a remarkable advancement considering his history. Furthermore, he was getting better at holding himself upright in his wheelchair.
However, the doctors insisted that Martin still had the mind of a 3-year old. But one nurse, named Verna, was convinced that there was something there.
She eventually convinced Joan and Rodney to get another evaluation done elsewhere. Martin was given a test where he had to identify different objects by pointing at them with his eyes.
Surprisingly to many, he passed; not with flying colors, but he passed nevertheless.
“I then gave up my job,” said Joan.
This 1987 photo is the last one to show the family before Martin fell ill. He is at the right.
Courtesy of Martin Pistorius
Joan dedicated the next year to teaching Martin how to use a special joystick for the computer, four hours every morning, until he finally got it.
Once he did, everything would change. Martin was now able to select words using his stick.
“I am cold. I am hungry. I want toast.”
These were his first bits of communication. Soon after, other things began to return to him.
“He started moving his eyes and moving his head and almost nodding, asking for coffee by stirring his hands around and things like that.”
A Horrifying Realization – Martin’s Perspective
For 8 of the 12 years he was diagnosed, Martin was invisible. From the outside, he was unresponsive, a vegetable. But deep inside, Martin said he was aware of everything.
“I was there, not from the very beginning, but about two years into my vegetative state, I began to wake up.”
Martin described the initial process:
“I suppose a good way to describe it is like an out-of-focus image. At first you have no idea what it is, but slowly it comes into focus until you can see it in crystal clarity.”
Somewhere along this process, Martin soon realized his immobility.
“I stared at my arm, willing it to move. Every bit of me condensed into that moment.”
Martin recalled a moment when his father was helping him undress, and how badly Martin was trying to communicate, but nothing in his body would obey.
“Everyone was so used to me not being there that they didn’t notice when I began to be present again. The stark reality hit me that I was going to spend the rest of my life like that – totally alone.”
Martin revealed how he spent countless hours wallowing in self-defeat:
“You will never get out. You are pathetic, powerless, totally alone.”
Was this really how he was to spend the rest of his days alive?
An Unlikely Inspiration Changes Martin’s Thoughts
Martin had fully let go of hope, but as he explains, occasionally there were unlikely sparks of inspiration.
“You can always count on having a fun day when you spend it with the people you love,” said Barney, the fictitious children’s show icon.
Martin was constantly forced to watch Barney, a show he now admits he thoroughly despised. He used the show, along with the movement of the Sun, to figure out the time of day.
This was his first semblance of control. Simply knowing where he was in the day gave him the sense of being able to climb through it. He realized his thoughts could help him.
“I’d have conversations with myself and other people in my head.”
Reengaging with his thoughts transformed his world, and slowly, life began to have purpose.
This also sometimes meant pain for Martin, such as when he heard his mother say to him, “I hope you die.”
But as time passed, he gradually learned to understand his mother’s desperation. He realized that it came from profound love for him.
“She could see only a cruel parody of the once-healthy child she had loved so much,” Martin said.
Amazingly, this made him feel even closer to his mother.
It wasn’t long after this when Martin’s nurse, Verna, saw the soul trapped inside Martin, and insisted on getting him more help. This, as previously explained, was the beginning of an inspiring new chapter for Martin.
College Graduate, Business Man, & Husband – Martin Today
By leaning into those dark thoughts, Martin gained a self-understanding and humor about the human condition that allowed him to attain so much more than he had ever imagined for himself.
Progressing through various levels of improvement, he eventually scored himself a job filing papers at a local office, then moved onto fixing computers, creating a web design business, and earning a computer science degree.
Martin Pistorius today with his wife Joanna. Picture credit: The Daily Mail UK
He even met a beautiful and loving wife named Joanna (pictured above), whom he met through his sister.