**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
President Donald J. Trump has announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, "an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation," signed originally during the presidency of Barack Obama with 194 other countries. Trump's speech, despite some redundancies, was one of the most defining moments in U.S. history. He spent considerable time listing the many ways that Agreement is bad for the U.S. economy, a burden on taxpayers, and insignificant as far as protecting the U.S. and world environment. He announced his intention to be environmentally friendly, but not to the point of shipping U.S. jobs overseas, putting a "lock and key" on American energy resources, or curtailing our prosperity and quality of life.
What changed the speech from merely expressing a straightforward policy decision, a speech that could have been designed by the proverbial policy wonk? What made Trump's Rose Garden announcement a speech with a unique national vision, one defining American exceptionalism, a speech restoring us to an understanding that the USA was destined to be and is unique among the nations of the world?
The economic facts would have been enough to justify our withdrawal from the Agreement. Nevertheless, the defining moment was when Trump said (my italics):
There are serious legal and constitutional issues as well. Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia, and across the world, should not have more to say with respect to the U.S. economy than our own citizens and their elected representatives, thus, our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of America's sovereignty. Our constitution is unique among all nations of the world. And it is my highest obligation and greatest honor to protect it. And I will[.] ... It would once have been unthinkable that an international agreement could prevent the United States from conducting its own domestic economic affairs, but this is the new reality we face if we do not leave the agreement or if we do not negotiate a far better deal."
In saying these words, President Trump announced to the world that we are departing from the trajectory of the U.S. toward globalization. "America First" in the good sense, not in a hyper-nationalist or chauvinist sense, is being affirmed and embraced. The key to a sincere nationalism, one that represents the highest ideals that were the original impulse of our republic, is holding fast to our national sovereignty. The sovereignty of the nation-state is its borders, its operating on the basis of national interest – what the late senator Daniel Moynihan (D-N.Y.) liked to call enlightened self-interest – and its control of its own economics, legal system, and political values and structure. Sovereignty defines every nation-state as a self-governing entity answerable to its citizens and its national values and government system.
Sovereignty has not been discussed in the public square for a long time. Air travel, Skype, and extensive trade with international labels in our clothing, cars, appliances, and other merchandise sometimes give the impression that the idea of "national interest" is out of date, even pre-technological and backward. If I can not only know my roots and keep some of my customs, but also literally, in a matter of hours, return to my roots or communicate "live" with friends, family, business associates, and "pen pals" in other countries, a sense of the unique nation-state experience, of the "special something" of living in the USA, may seem diluted.
The first major attempt to turn away from the nation-state concept toward a globalist vision was Woodrow Wilson's brainchild, the League of Nations. The League of Nations was rejected by the U.S. Senate based on objections raised by Republican senators Henry Cabot Lodge and William Borah. Both repudiated the treaty because of its inclusion of a League of Nations, which would jeopardize – you guessed it – U.S. sovereignty. Borah, in a passionate two-hour speech, stated, "We have forfeited and surrendered, once and for all, the great policy of 'no entangling alliances' upon which the strength of this Republic has been founded for one hundred fifty years." George Washington had warned the republic against those entangling alliances because he understood that the U.S. is a unique country, founded on unique republican principles, rejection of all titles of nobility, and rights for all guaranteed by a constitution. Further, our rich soil and active commercial life provided great opportunities for all, unlike the rigid feudalism that still characterized much of Europe. He did not want us to become compromised by other peoples who were less free and less prosperous than ourselves. Lodge and Borah understood the need to carry on that vision of sovereignty.
Sadly, the Washington-Lodge-Borah vision of a the U.S. as a unique land of opportunity and as a sovereign nation unique in many, many positive ways has been fading from view since the end of WWII. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill returned to a Wilsonian vision during the war as they drafted plans for a United Nations. After the war, the U.N. (1945) was created. Then the International Monetary Fund and World Bank were created as international lending institutions (to which the U.S. was and is the main contributor) to support the economic advancement of developing nations in the Third World.
Then NATO (1947) came into existence to defend Europe against Soviet expansion. After NATO, the U.S. joined SEATO (1954) to protect southeast Asia. Step by step, the network of multilateral memberships grew. Economic global agreements and networks also became the norm. We became signers of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), begun in 1947, which by 1994 had128 signatories and which is now managed through a framework known as the World Trade Organization (WTO). Under GATT, procedures are in place for nation-states to negotiate disputes if they believe that the rules of GATT are not being followed or to challenge other perceived unfair trade practices. Also, during the years of Pres. Bill Clinton, we became one of the three members of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which Trump now wishes to renegotiate in order to get more favorable terms for the U.S.
This incredibly extensive military and economic network of treaties and agreements is the background against which we can see and understand the radical nature of Trump's repudiation of the Paris Agreement. The fear of entangling alliances we see as fundamental in an earlier era of American history has essentially been abandoned since 1945. Not only are we involved with the "Old World" countries of Europe from which America's ancestors largely emigrated or fled, but we are now embroiled with countries having even more radically different values, mores, and customs than the countries Washington, Lodge, and Borah warned us about.
Trump is thus speaking against not merely membership in the Paris Agreement. By speaking of our sovereignty, he is throwing down the gauntlet to our entire strategy of world relations during the post-WWII period. His reference to sovereignty suggests to this writer that he is forthrightly bucking an 72-year trend toward multilateralism, an 72-year trend of diluting American sovereignty. He is saying no to a furtherance of the many financial and legal compromises made when entering into to such extensive networks. With great clarity, he closed his announcement by saying, "In other words, the Paris framework is just a starting point. As bad as it is. Not an end point."
Seeing that our continued membership would be the beginning of a further phase towards global governance, the president decided boldly to say "no." We can conclude that his "no" is likewise to be seen as a first step – a game-changing, powerful, proactive step – toward regaining our precious sovereignty.
June ~ Part 1
Now is the time to observe the levels of consciousness that are presently abiding within your physical, mental and emotional bodies to see if each one is fully prepared to support your soul’s ascension. We are here to encourage you to exercise all of your loving, light-filled capacities to review the energies within each of these bodies to make sure that they are fully prepared for “lift off.” Just as your NASA engineers on Earth must make a very thorough and comprehensive check of every system before any rockets are launched, this is now being asked of each of you. ~ The Ascended Masters overseeing your Ascension
Your physical body does not actually need to go anywhere to ascend, yet the part of your mind that oversees the physical part of your being does need to be fully prepared to shift into the 5th dimension. This is akin to doing whatever is necessary to launch a rocket. These checks have been devised to guarantee that each of the many facets involved in a launching are fully safe and operational. These extensive system checks are also used for monitoring the ongoing life signs of each of the astronauts before and during their travels through space. The rocket itself is also continually monitored to determine that it is mechanically and electronically ready for launch and you have technicians numbering in the hundreds to insure that nothing is left to chance, and when all systems are “go” and at just the right moment, the director of the launch presses a button which starts a chain reaction designed to “tell” the rocket it is safe to launch. The systems monitoring both the astronauts and the rocket must all be in complete sync with one another for this to take place. As you quietly prepare day by day for your ascension, or lift off, into the 5th dimension, there is a great team of ascended masters, cosmic beings and angels who are all there to monitor and assist you in your launch. This is taking place during all the hours of the day and night to insure that your lift-off will be fully safe and spiritually timely. These dedicated beings are also continually monitoring the quality of the Sacred Rays within each of your spiritual centers to make sure that you are fully prepared to ascend.
These “technicans” are also monitoring how sincerely you have forgiven yourself and others for any “hard” feelings that may still be recorded within your consciousness, primarily as a result of some form of trauma. When you have completely forgiven and let go of your past, you and your guides will get a green light, and the primary director of your ascension will quietly nod, signaling that you are fully prepared to move into the 5th dimension. You will still choose to assist others in their ascension process, yet you will be doing this as one who is truly already free.
If you have chosen to ascend in this lifetime, then you also chose to do whatever was necessary to complete all the facets of your soul contract. You most probably know that all events in your past have simply been designed to assist you in your mastery. Each one has provided you with rich opportunities for spiritual growth that may not have been otherwise possible. You are perhaps even now realizing that nothing in your past experiences could have truly hurt you in any way since your True Self (your Divine Presence) is eternal, even though at the time, you may have thought otherwise. Your Ascended Master Sponsors are with you through all of your learning experiences and we know that every event from your past was something you set up before coming into incarnation as a learning experience. As the ascended observers of your soul, we are now very delighted that you are seeing through the veils of your past in preparation for your alignment with your new or parallel 5th dimension unlimited Earth. For indeed, you are realizing the truth behind your past:
▪ No event or thing from the past comprises your real and true identity,
▪ No event or thing from the past has any lasting value, only pointing you on your way to your mastery and enriching your soul as only it can,
▪ No event from the past has taken place that you were not ready to experience, and
▪ You are beginning to recognize that you have been the director, producer, and leading actor/actress in this magnificent 3rd dimension script you wrote on your very own sound stage.
▪ No event or thing from the past comprises your real and true identity,
▪ No event or thing from the past has any lasting value, only pointing you on your way to your mastery and enriching your soul as only it can,
▪ No event from the past has taken place that you were not ready to experience, and
▪ You are beginning to recognize that you have been the director, producer, and leading actor/actress in this magnificent 3rd dimension script you wrote on your very own sound stage.
The question to ask yourself now is: How can I bring all of my thoughts and feelings as well as my body’s health into such a state of alignment with my Presence that I am truly ready for liftoff. This diligent vigilance is how you become an ever more active and loving participant in your own ascension and how you will remain in harmony with the check-list for your “lift-off.” from Sharon Rose & Kamala Everett
Classes Offered:
Ascension Coaching Certification Training A 3-Month Online Program For more information, Click Here To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: www.WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster.com and click on the Menu.
The Vatican created a world trust using the birth certificate to capture the value of each individual’s future productive energy. Each state, province and country in the fiat monetary system, contributes their people’s value to this world trust identified by the SS, SIN or EIN numbers (for example) maintained in the Vatican registry. Corporations worldwide (individuals became corporate fictions through their birth certificate) are connected to the Vatican through law (Vatican to Crown to BAR to laws to judge to people) and through money (Vatican birth accounts value to IMF to Treasury (Federal Reserve) to banks to people (loans) to judges (administration) and sheriffs (confiscation).
Judges administer the birth trust account in court matters favoring the court and the banks, acting as the presumed “beneficiary” since they have not properly advised the “true beneficiary” of their own trust. Judges, attorneys, bankers, lawmakers, law enforcement and all public officials (servants) are now held personally liable for their confiscation of true beneficiary’s homes, cars, money and assets; false imprisonment, deception, harassment, and conversion of the true beneficiary’s trust funds.
The Importance of Motu Propria by Pope Francis
According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Motu Propria in Latin stands for “of his own accord” and is the name given to an official decree by a Pope personally in his capacity and office as supreme sovereign pontiff and not in his capacity as the apostolic leader and teacher of the Universal Church. To put it more bluntly, a Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic. If you are a member of the United Nations, or recognized by the United States or the United Kingdom or have a bank account anywhere on the planet, then a Motu Propria is the highest legal instrument, no question.
In the case of the Motu Propria issued by Pope Francis on July 11th 2013, it is an instrument of several functions and layers.
In the first instance, it may be legally construed to apply to the local matters of the administration of the Holy See.
In the second instance, the document relates to the fact that the Holy See is the underpinning to the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.
Thirdly, we see the Holy See and the Universal Church clearly separating itself from the nihilist world of the professional elite who continue, to be proven time and time again, to be criminally insane, bark raving mad and with no desire to do anything honorable until they are torn from power by anyone, any body who cares for the law.
The age of the Roman Cult, as first formed in the 11th Century and that hijacked the Catholic Church first formed by the Carolingians in the 8th Century, then the Holly Christian Empire or Byzantine Church by the 13th Century and the world at large by the 16th Century ceased to exist around March 14th 2013 upon the election of Pope Francis.
This document issued by Pope Francis is historic on multiple levels, but most significant above all others in that it recognizes the supremecy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the rule of law, no one is above the law.
thanks to intrigued for the link..
well..did he?
and if he did..why have we not heard more of it?
understand this:
“the Holy See is the underpinning to the whole global system of law, therefore anyone holding an office anywhere in the world is also subject to these limits and that immunity no longer applies.”
and here:
“it recognizes the supremecy of the Golden Rule, the same teaching ascribed to Jesus Christ and the intimate connection to the Rule of Law, that all are subject to the rule of law, no one is above the law.”
we are all under roman catholic law..and you didnt even know it..
“Motu Propria is the highest form of legal instrument on the planet in accordance to its provenance, influence and structure to the Western-Roman world, over riding anything that could be issued by the United Nations, the Inner and Middle Temple, the Crown of Great Britain or any other Monarch and indeed by any head of state or body politic.”
I realized that our Freedom has been hard won and we have paid dearly for its sweet nectar. How sweet it is to DECIDE for ourselves? How sweet is it to have our own opinions and stand firm in our own resolve? As sweet as this Freedom of Choice is, we have paid a heavy price to get it and keep it.
Most of us have meager existences, and barely survive from day to day. We have lost our Friends and Family as they cannot accept what we believe and what we know to be true. I know this all too well as I have endured ridicule from people who I LOVE dearly, as they tell me how crazy my point of view is. These are hard losses my Friends of the Light. Hard losses in deed. But I rest assured that the day will come soon, that they will finally learn and come to know the same truths that I hold dear right now. But for now, we hardly speak of it, so as not to get into an argument. But these people I speak of are my blood family. I have known them my entire life. I give them allowances for that.
What Do I Have In Trade For Blood Family?
While I have lost my blood family, as they think I am wrong and that I am off my rocker, I do have you all, my new Friends and Family who know what I know, who believe what I believe, and who have the same faith that I have, that we will soon be Free. We know and agree that our World will be freed from our Cabal masters, and we will bring Peace and prosperity to all the World. Considering, I have no one else but you all, who share my beliefs and knowing, you are very precious to me in every way. I not only have the Freedom to believe what I believe, I also have the Freedom to choose who I listen to, and to choose who my new Family and Friends are as well.
Our Freedom vs. Cabal's Freedom
We have the freedom to chose who we want for our family and friends, and NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FORCE THEMSELVES INTO OUR FAMILY OR OUR HOUSE. We will not trade our Freedom to gather with Like minded friends of our CHOOSING, for someone else's claimed right to be heard. AS IF!
Can you imagine some stranger busting into your House, unannounced, and then telling you and your family their abusive views and causing fear and worry to your loved ones? You tell them to "Get the hell out of my house," and their reply? "I have the right to free speech!" "NOT IN MY HOUSE YOU DON'T!"
Would You Trade Your Freedom?
We are here as a unified group of believers in a dream, a future of great promise, and hold a confidence that it will be here soon. But now we have these "outsiders" who want us to give up our freedom of choice. They say that we do not have the Freedom to choose who comes into our House, because they have a Freedom of speech. These outsiders, come into our Family and tell us that we don't have the Freedom or right to say no to them. What?
I SAY NO! My Freedom to choose who I listen to is way too valuable to me. I will not give up my free right to choose my family and friends, so that some outsider can force their way into our tightly knit group to spread their nonsense.
I have rejected my own family, and lost lifelong friends because they don’t believe what I believe. If I am willing to push away my own blood family and lifelong friends to maintain my beliefs, then why would I allow some outside stranger who intends to harm me come in my House to spread their lies? I WILL NOT!
No Freedom Can Override Another's Freedoms
The right to free speech does not override the Freedom to decide who comes in your House. How could it? They can speak all they want to in their own House, to their own people. But don't trample our rights as you claim yours..... TROLL!.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that the one thing we have going for us here on IDC is that we all have the same beliefs. This is our sanctuary, the ONE PLACE IN THE WORLD, where we can communicate with others of a like mind. We have all lost close friends and blood family who thought we were crazy. That was a heavy price to pay, which emphasizes how important it is to finally find a safe place where we are with "Our Own Kind." Why would we contaminate our safe place by allowing people who want to harm us in our House?
Trolls and Minions DO NOT want to be our friends, they want to hurt us, take our currency, and dash our hopes and dreams. It is so hard for Light Workers to understand and grasp, but Trolls and Minions don't Love us, they don't even like us, they hate us, and want us to fail. It's a hard truth and so we MUST NOT let them in our House. We have looked so long, for a safe place like IDC, where we can meet and communicate with people like us, who have a dream, and believe in it. It is time to take a stand, for yourself, for your family and friends here on IDC, and for Humanity. I dare say, that we are the ONLY PLACE LEFT where truth is paramount, and who could not be corrupted by the Cabal. Patrick has told me that he has been approached many times and He REFUSED to be corrupted by the Cabal. We should follow his lead, and refuse the Cabal's attempts to infiltrate our Home.
We need to stand strong in our resolve, for all those who have fallen, for it all depends on us now. Other Light Workers have been ridiculed, made fun of, intimidated into silence, and run out of other sites, so we must hold the light Here on our site. We MUST keep our House Safe and Clean, for these other Light Workers who are looking for safety, sanctuary, and a community, like we have here. Let us send a message to the Cabal Rats:
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
NOTE: Watch Paul Watson’s shocking video, The Truth about ‘Refugees’
by Jon Rappoport
“Here’s a great idea, boys. Gather around. We’re going to build, on top of every national government on the European continent, another government, bigger, more bloated, more corrupt, more powerful. Who’ll notice? Who’ll care?”
“Terrific. Love it. But ultimately we’ll need to destroy all those separate countries and rule the whole continent as one entity. We can do that, yes. We’ll open all borders and let in a massive flow of immigrants and erase national identities. Terror attacks will multiply. We’ll put a lid on talking about immigrants as the cause of the terror. Call it hate speech. We’ll train the population of Europe to accept terrorism as part of the glorious future. It makes no logical sense, but so what? No top-down ideology ever made sense. We’ll preach unlimited tolerance and love. We’ll be a de facto Church of sorts. We’ll hypnotize the whole continent…” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
As I was writing this article, multiple terror attacks were launched in London. To say the human destruction “once again raised the question of immigration” would be a vast understatement.
In the run-up to the Brexit vote in 2016, immigration came to the fore as the key issue. But of course, the European Union has a policy of opening borders of all member countries.
The EU wants one continent, no separate countries—and the way to achieve that is by creating a massive flood of migrants. Destroy traditions and cultures that define countries. In the process, accept terrorism as “inevitable.” Don’t talk or write about the actual effects of immigration. That would be “hate speech.” Keep eyes and mouth shut, and march straight ahead into a future of one European continent ruled from above by the EU.
Ever since the UK vote to leave the unelected, terminally corrupt, and rotting edifice known as the European Union, stall tactics and threats have been launched at Brits.
First it was, “It’s going to take a long time to untangle the UK from the EU, it’s very complicated.” Actually, that tactic was predated by Prince Obama traveling to England to warn the population they’d stand at the back of the line in forming separate trade deals with the US, if they left the EU. It’s called interfering in the political affairs of another nation. Now it’s the EU and Queen Merkel beating the UK to the punch by plotting trade deals with India and China, in order to leave the British out in the cold.
But the basic question is, Is Britain a nation? Does it exist? It’s a question citizens are supposed to answer. Not Merkel, Obama, or the EU.
This issue, in case it’s unclear, is all about Globalism. According to that totalitarian political philosophy, of which the EU is a standard bearer, there are no nations. There are only mega-corporations and banks.
As the recently departed guru of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski, wrote in 1969, “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”
This is not only a political and economic statement, it’s a prescriptive piece of psychological advice: Stop thinking of yourself as a citizen of a country; you’re a global citizen; you exist and function at the pleasure of a new collaborative international order.
And the new order will triumph. Bow your heads and accept it.
Unless people get up on their hind legs and say no, which is what happened in the 2016 Brexit vote.
Defection. Decentralization. Independence.
Hideous words to the ears of Globalists.
Their basic strategy, since the end of World War 2, has been to spin a highly complex network of political and economic relationships, from one end of the world to the other—a labyrinth—from which escape is seen as virtually impossible.
Trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT are only part of this system. The EU itself keeps churning out thousands of rules, regulations, and laws.
Build the maze; put national governments and populations in the maze.
Then more or less claim the planet would collapse without the maze.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker just issued a “maze statement” to President Trump after Trump rejected the Globalist Paris Climate (non-) Treaty: “Europe’s duty is to say: it’s not like that. The Americans can’t just leave the climate protection agreement. Mr. Trump believes that [he can] because he doesn’t know the details…We tried to explain that to Mr. Trump in Taormina in clear German sentences. It seems that our attempt failed, but the law is the law, and it must be obeyed. Not everything which is law and not everything in international agreements is fake news, and we have to comply with it.”
Supremely arrogant, Juncker was winging it and writing his own script, because, in fact, the US didn’t sign on to a treaty in Paris. Obama tried to unilaterally bind the US to the climate pact, when a two-third’s vote by the US Senate is actually required for such international agreements. And no Senate vote was taken.
But this is the EU’s preemptive attitude toward defection, decentralization, and independence.
In the case of Brexit, climate change wasn’t the issue. Immigration was. The EU tried its best to chastise England for daring to insist unlimited numbers of migrants might be too many. “You’re in the maze, stay in the maze.”
And there is another vector of attack being launched at England: reminders the nation is evil for its colonial practices, which can never, ever be erased. But the covert leaders in that propaganda effort, the EU and its Globalist bosses, feel entitled in their own attempt to colonize the whole planet. “Your colonizing was bad, ours is good.”
With an annual budget in the vicinity of $100 billion, the EU is intractably corrupt and incompetent. It’s estimated that $5 billion a year is stolen from that budget. As for the other $95 billion, what is it for? Nations can govern themselves. The EU could disappear tomorrow and no one would catch a cold. The entire bloated structure, employing between 30 and 50 thousand people (depending on how far the count is extended) is a vast boondoggle.
It’s astonishing that anyone in the UK would feel a sense of loyalty to the EU.
There is nothing strange about Brexit at all. It’s a natural reaction: One day, a house pet goes outside and wanders off into the woods and never comes back. Who is really surprised?
The “system” called the EU insists that terrorism is somehow a price the British people must pay for entering “a better future for all.” Don’t ask what that future looks like. Don’t think about it. The UK doesn’t have the right to set its own immigration policy.
The chaos and destruction that result from open borders are simply an “adjustment period,” after which things will settle down. A new and better England and Europe will emerge. Diversity will triumph. How? Don’t worry about that, be happy.
You see, diversity is a high-minded principle, and by definition it implies a more humane society. Therefore, there is no counter-evidence. Facts are unimportant.
The latest London attacks are a message to the British people: You may have exited from the EU, but the EU policy on immigration still stands.
No it doesn’t. Britain is free to set its own policy.
To do so, politically correct speech will have to be jettisoned. Facts will have to be widely expressed. Lies will have to be widely exposed.
The EU will need to be named as a driving force in immigration, and the results of migration will need to be laid at its door.
The EU sees immigrant terrorism as its ticket to greater control over Europe.
The London attacks are a challenge thrown in Britain’s face. Bow down and accept; or rebel.
Leaving the EU means LEAVING the EU.
How many times must British citizens witness these attacks and watch police come in after the fact? How long before leaving means LEAVING?
How long before the British people realize that the flood of migrants is not simply “a refugee crisis” created by the US and its allies, whose imperialist policies of Empire and wars in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, initiate “blowback?”
How long before they see numbers of these “refugees” are just military-age young men who arrive with destruction on their minds?
How long before they see England is riddled with EU agents who are “forwarding a humane immigration policy,” come hell or high water?
One continent, under no liberty and no justice, with suffering and slavery for all.
How long before they leave THAT?
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Global warming "hockey stick" software model was HACKED
Global warming "hockey stick" software model was HACKED
Shocking revelations now confirm that the global warming "hockey stick" computer model was algorithmically "hacked" to produce a warming trend from ANY data set (including random noise).
It turns out the entire hockey stick "warming" conclusion was derived from "hacked" software that was engineered to carry out science fraud.
The London terror attack was caused, in part, by a complicit media that remains in a state of denial over radical terrorism. Western civilization is committing suicide by refusing to defend its cities, culture and borders.
Also today: I've posted a detailed analysis of Bitcoin vs. gold in the context of long-term storing of value vs. risk and volatility.
This is a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both, and if you're considering moving assets to either one, you'll want to read this first.
With the constant threat of homegrown terror attacks, the North Korea threat, and experts concerned about imminent earthquakes in California, it makes sense to have a backup emergency food supply. Numanna Organic Family Packs and Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food contain uniquely clean, lab-verified, storable organic food -- without the toxins, preservatives, chemicals, and poisons found in mainstream survival food. Arm yourself with the best today.
10 Surprising health benefits of cinnamon Cinnamon is more than just that thingyou sprinkle on toast or on top of a holiday drink. The spice, is typically used in baked goods and pastries, mostly because it smells really good -- but its ...
Warning sign- Daughter’s Lyme disease started with headaches What seemed like a run-of-the-mill case of headaches and joint pain turned out to be chronic Lyme disease inan eight-year old girl, who now has to live with the effects of the debilitating ...
Global warming "hockey stick" software model was HACKED
Shocking revelations now confirm that the global warming "hockey stick" computer model was algorithmically "hacked" to produce a warming trend from ANY data set (including random noise).
It turns out the entire hockey stick "warming" conclusion was derived from "hacked" software that was engineered to carry out science fraud.
The London terror attack was caused, in part, by a complicit media that remains in a state of denial over radical terrorism. Western civilization is committing suicide by refusing to defend its cities, culture and borders.
Also today: I've posted a detailed analysis of Bitcoin vs. gold in the context of long-term storing of value vs. risk and volatility.
This is a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both, and if you're considering moving assets to either one, you'll want to read this first.
With the constant threat of homegrown terror attacks, the North Korea threat, and experts concerned about imminent earthquakes in California, it makes sense to have a backup emergency food supply. Numanna Organic Family Packs and Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food contain uniquely clean, lab-verified, storable organic food -- without the toxins, preservatives, chemicals, and poisons found in mainstream survival food. Arm yourself with the best today.
10 Surprising health benefits of cinnamon Cinnamon is more than just that thingyou sprinkle on toast or on top of a holiday drink. The spice, is typically used in baked goods and pastries, mostly because it smells really good -- but its ...
Warning sign- Daughter’s Lyme disease started with headaches What seemed like a run-of-the-mill case of headaches and joint pain turned out to be chronic Lyme disease inan eight-year old girl, who now has to live with the effects of the debilitating ...
It is our loving work to advise and assist everyone awakening into a new and truer state of consciousness. You are doing a fine job of it, in spite of the confusion often resulting from the discovery that many tried and true beliefs were nothing more than concepts accepted as reality. The first step of all change is awareness.
Gaia and all her people are experiencing the energies of a massive shift into higher and truer ways of understanding. The blinders are coming off and this can be traumatic for the un-prepared because everyone has lived hundreds of lifetimes in the dense three dimensional belief system, embracing it as reality. Opening to and accepting that it was formed from illusory concepts of duality and separation can be very difficult to accept.
The early stages of awakening often bring about emotions of guilt and shame. This is because when certain past actions are remembered with new awareness, they are recognized as having been negative and selfish. When and if this happens, lovingly accept that that you were acting from your highest sense of right at that time which is all anyone is required to do, and call to mind that guilt and regret are emotions based in identification with a false sense of self.
At the same time, be aware that many of those past experiences now causing shame or regret were actually pre-planned interactions, opportunities important for the spiritual growth of all involved. Be alert to emotions as they arise, not resisting them but seeing them as perfect signs pointing to lingering false beliefs--"What am I believing that is making me feel this way?"
It is time to begin thinking of, believing in, and accepting yourselves as Divine Beings, as I AM instead of the personal sense of self as Mary or Jim. Yes, the world will continue to see you as human and you will continue to go about your human activities, but until you can accept and know yourself as I AM, you will forever be on a journey of seeking. Journeys are meant to lead somewhere, not meant to go on indefinitely.
Continuing to hold only to the personal sense of self blocks the attaining of higher states of consciousness. Many intellectually accept the idea of oneness, but continue holding tightly to a false sense of self that believes itself to be only human, separate and unworthy of being One with God. Many, especially those steeped in religious doctrine, still consider the idea of oneness to be sacrilegious--the same unenlightened beliefs that resulted the crucifixion of Jesus.
Identification of self as SELF, one with Source and all that Source is, is the next level of spiritual evolution, and until a student of truth is willing to take the step of accepting that all life is an expression of the ONE Divine Life including themselves, they can go no higher in spiritual awareness, but instead remain on a wheel going nowhere, and perpetually seeking.
As you go about your day, use every experience to practice knowing "I AM". For example, when you look into your wallet and find nothing there, instead of saying to yourself; "I have no money" which will serve to perfectly create that exact thing, say instead; "Yes, I see and acknowledge the appearance of lack, but I know that the I that I am is self- sustained and self- maintained and therefore I am the very substance of abundance." Then get the flow going, living out from "I have" instead of "I don't have" in the realization that you are powerful creators.
The flow can take place on all levels, physically giving away those things you no longer use or need and donating money, even a penny. Emotionally taking time to listen to someone who needs an ear, and mentally knowing the truth about another. The key to shifting awareness from "I lack" to "I have" with regard to all things (not just money), is to realize that all good flows through you, not from you. Personalizing good caps the Divine well within.
Do not expect a basket of money to suddenly drop from the sky, but know that you are on your way to shifting into and experiencing the fruitage of your realization of Oneness, a consciousness that knows God does not give abundance, rather God IS abundance and therefore "I am abundance" in all its forms--(ideas, creativity, wisdom, peace etc.) A consciousness that knows the substance of everything needed is already present within SELF.
You are spiritually ready to separate "seeking" from "being" and move into the realization that "I am everything I seek". You have done the work and are ready to move beyond; "If I can just know enough truth good will come to me". Think upon these two statements for there is a subtle but very important difference.
It is the ability to live every situation as best you can (even when needing to take some very human footsteps) from a place of; In spite of appearances, I stand in the truth that I am the very substance, energy, and reality of completeness and wholeness in all its forms because the I that I am is Divine, God, Source manifesting and expressing Itself as me.
Truth always seems ignorant and naive to the un-awakened, but you who are ready, must begin to come out and be separate, living your awareness. This does not mean that suddenly there are no more discords because you have not yet fully attained, but does mean you have begun the process of being "in the world, but not of it".
As old energies carried through lifetimes are seen through, cleared, and released and you start to trust and rely more and more on the reality of who and what you are, this will begin to be reflected in the outer scene.
Continually translating the seemingly ordinary things of daily living into the truth they represent opens and trains the mind to new ways of interpreting. Left on its own, the human mind simply draws upon what is already present in personal and consensus consciousness. Mind is an avenue of awareness. Most of the experiences of those who live fully in the third dimensional belief system are expressions of habitual and unenlightened thinking--mind chatter translated into manifestation.
You are Divine Beings. You are One with Source. You are complete and whole-- NOW, not after more years of study, classes, books, and ceremony. Evolution is simply the journey of moving from an unawareness of ONEness, into the full awareness and experience of IT.
This does NOT mean you can never take a class, read a book, or do specific meditations you may be guided to do, but rather means you do these things with the understanding that they can not make you spiritual, but may instead awaken you more deeply into the realization that you already are spiritual.
Spiritual evolution must a process because the physical body could not withstand the fullness of Light energy all at once. There have been instantaneous shifts, but these are rare and occur when an individual has been fully prepared from other lifetimes, or when an already fully evolved spiritual Being takes on human form in order to assist the world.
Every cell of every organ in the physical body carries cellular memory associated with that organ or function from other lifetimes. These old energies are based in illusion but nevertheless still resonate and effect an individual until seen through and released or a state of consciousness is attained in which they simply dissolve into the nothingness that are, freeing the person from their physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual influence.
The energies of truth are the reality but energies of illusion still hold dominant sway for most of the world because unenlightened beliefs are manifesting outwardly as form and are what the physical eyes can see. Enlightenment comes by Grace when a person is evolved enough to understand and embrace truth. You who read these messages are ready or you would not be reading or even understanding them.
The time is now to move into truth, not simply thinking about it, talking about it, and seeking it, but be it. When an individual continues to seek outwardly after knowing that everything they seek is already within, they hold themselves in old energy that will continue to manifest as duality and separation, often questioning why. Because everyone has free will, choice is always honored. Do you believe in ONE and that ONE manifesting Itself as you or not?
Avoidance can go on for lifetimes because in many respects it is an easier. There is the presence of the consensus consciousness supporting third dimensional choices. Living truth is difficult in the beginning because it takes constant alertness to shift one's thinking throughout the day and often there comes a sense of disconnect from those around leading to feelings of loneliness. "Am I the only person who sees things in this way?"
This sense of disconnect is temporary because it has no law to hold it in place, and is simply the expression of old energies of separation still resonating.
The beginning stages of living truth are more often than not thinking and acting out of habit in the comfortable but illusory ways you are accustomed to with a great deal of effort toward correcting ones thought processes. With time, persistence, and serious practice (as well as a good sense of humor), living as "I" instead of as just Mary, Joe, or Jim, will gradually becomes an attained state of consciousness lived without effort.
Only Source in Its infinite completeness IS. IT is what you are. Be IT.
P.S. Also, don't miss my interview in the "Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed" documentary that launches this Wednesday at 9pmEastern. Click here for the preview.
With the constant threat of homegrown terror attacks, the North Korea threat, and experts concerned about imminent earthquakes in California, it makes sense to have a backup emergency food supply. Numanna Organic Family Packs and Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food contain uniquely clean, lab-verified, storable organic food -- without the toxins, preservatives, chemicals, and poisons found in mainstream survival food. Arm yourself with the best today.
P.S. Also, don't miss my interview in the "Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Exposed" documentary that launches this Wednesday at 9pmEastern. Click here for the preview.
With the constant threat of homegrown terror attacks, the North Korea threat, and experts concerned about imminent earthquakes in California, it makes sense to have a backup emergency food supply. Numanna Organic Family Packs and Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food contain uniquely clean, lab-verified, storable organic food -- without the toxins, preservatives, chemicals, and poisons found in mainstream survival food. Arm yourself with the best today.
As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.
In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.
Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?
Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Read this one: It’s about over-crowding the space of your mind and rendering it inoperative
By Jon Rappoport
“Don’t give me more information. My mind is full. I can’t accept more messages. I have to tune out.”
This is about a psychological operation that, lately, has risen to new heights—the over-crowding of the mind.
I’m talking about the efforts of mainstream news to invent a new “scandal” every day, based on the smallest detail. Trump misspelled a word in a tweet. It could be a secret code. Somebody on Trump’s team talked on the phone with a Russian: treason.
There are twitter battles about which political side has the upper hand in the war between the Left and “Alt.-right.”
Now add in news about terror attacks.
People’s minds are pumped full, and the result is: “I can’t think about anything else. Don’t give me anything else to read or look at. Don’t give me deep analysis—I don’t have the ability to process it. I’m overwhelmed. I have to tune out.”
This effect is being taken to new levels, and as a result, IQ is dropping. Logical capacity is being swamped. The natural desire to get smarter and sharper is diminishing.
The very capacity to put events in a deeper overall perspective—which is exactly what people need—is placed on hold, is jammed up.
In my 35 years as a reporter, I’ve been through this many times. I research an area, and the data are a mess. They’re jumbled and out of order, and filled with lies and half-truths. I’ve learned what it takes to get to the bottom of things, and I can tell you—IT’S WORTH IT.
This is why I keep writing about logic and the need for it. This is why I keep giving readers the news behind the news. This is why I write about how complex systems can become a massive distraction when they exceed common sense and trap the mind.
Reducing the rationality of the individual is the path to futility and surrender. We have to go the other way. The individual’s ability to analyze information in the age of disinformation is primary, vital, and liberating. It always was; and this is a time where it is being tested.
There is the temptation to oversimplify writing and analysis—don’t write a thousand words, shave it down to two hundred, do it all in a tweet. But that’s nonsense. It doesn’t work. Not if empowering people with truth is the goal. And that is the goal.
A person should be proud of his capacity to follow a line of thought and reasoning. He should increase that capacity. He should want to be smarter, always.
No matter what is happening around him.
That effort pays off in clarity. Inessential information falls by the wayside. The space of the mind opens up. Individual power trends upward. This is a good thing.
Now, more than ever.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
It is June already ~ my how time is flying. In Sheldan's April webinar, he reported that the energies coming in from our galactic core are directed at our first three chakras. These chakras effect most of our internal organs, legs/feet and our digestive system. Many people are receiving nudgings from their Higher Self to change their diets. For me, the message is prepare your temple for our physical/mental/emotional/spiritual merging/integration.
These increased frequencies can effect our legs and feet causing the feeling of having "jelly" legs or weak legs. When we mentioned this ascension symptom during April's webinar, many people wrote confirming that they too were experiencing "jelly" legs. I experienced this symptom in March so I thought I was past this integration but I was wrong. The last couple weeks of May I sporadically experienced weak legs. This symptom usually lasts a day or two at a time then disappears as quickly as it appeared. Last December I listened to the nudgings from my Higher Self and made some life style adjustments regarding my diet and exercise routines. I already ate well but I still had a few less than desirable habits. It has been 6 months and I have lost 12 pounds. There are several products that helped me immensely. I will share a few of these to see if they will help you as well. We are all different and at different stages of integration with these new frequencies. I am not affiliated with any of these products. I've received many requests to share products that I have found effective (for me). There are so many options available to us so these are just suggestions for you to personally decide if they are right for you.
I have a delicate nervous system and I am experiencing neuropathy symptoms. I inherited it from my Mother's side of the family. It is important for me (and all vegetarians) to take a good B complex supplement (especially B12). I was already taking a good "B" supplement but then I came across Nervestra from Rejuvica. I listened to the nudging from my Higher Self and purchased some. I did not research it, I simply followed my inner guidance. I experienced immediate relief. Supa (my Arcturian Light Body Specialist) informs us that globally people are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. Found in bones, teeth, and red blood cells, magnesium serves as a building block for DNA and is an essential element required for proper functioning of the nervous, muscular, and cardiovascular systems. (Please do your own research.)
I found a product that has changed our lives. It is called NanaCea's Manna. Patty McPeak's Manna is a true SuperFood! It is made from stabilized rice bran, which has been predigested with natural digestive enzymes to make it more bioavailable and easy to digest. It is the most nutrient-dense whole food ever tested, containing over 120 antioxidants and phytonutrients. It is also rich in magnesium.
Sheldan and I also take NanaCea's CeaZyme. I take CeaZyme first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then again one capsule with each meal. Why are enzymes important? Enzymes are proteins that control the speed of chemical reactions in your body. Without enzymes, these reactions would take place too slowly to keep you alive. Some enzymes, like the ones in your gut, break down large molecules into smaller ones. Others, like the enzymes that make DNA, use small molecules to build up large complex ones. Enzymes also help cells to communicate with each other, keeping cell growth, life and death under control.
If you are interested in more information on NanaCea's products, you can contact Patty McPeak at 916-941-1000 or email her at Manna10000@earthlink.net. She is a wealth of information. Below I'm sharing a couple of videos from Patty McPeak. Keep shining your Light bright.
Selamat Ja!
Here's a couple of videos from NanaCea ~ Patty McPeak.
First video talks about NanaCea Manna. The second video talks about NanaCea CeaZyme
As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.
In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.
Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?
Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Australia: marijuana doctor arrested for helping children
Australia: marijuana doctor arrested for helping children
The Australian underground is growing
by Jon Rappoport
Crazzfiles.com has the story (5/31):
“Dr Andrew Katelaris, will appear in the Hornsby Local Court today after being arrested yesterday.”
“Chief Inspector David Hogg confirmed to Echonetdaily that Dr. Katelaris had been charged with a number of offences including drug possession, having an indictable quantity of cannabis, and having proceeds of crime.”
“On Sunday Dr Katelaris featured in a Channel Seven report in which he was shown giving cannabis oil to a four-year-old boy, who has since been taken from his parents.”
“He had spent the weekend at a Hemp Industry forum at Rosehill in Sydney, where police arrived on the final day after reports that a large crop of cannabis was on display.”
“No arrests were made as the ‘cannabis display’, which consisted of low-THC plants for hemp production, had been approved prior to the forum.”
“Dr Katelaris has been a staunch advocate of medical cannabis, having been researching its effects since 1990.”
“He has been arrested numerous times in the past and openly admits to supplying CBD dominant cannabis to over 50 children with serious seizure disorders.”
“Just last year the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) determined Dr Katelaris, who also holds a doctorate, had been involved in more breaches of a code of conduct for non-registered health professionals after injecting two women with cannabis oil to treat ovarian cancer.”
At crazzfiles.com you can watch a short video featuring Dr. Katelaris and make up your own mind about his sincerity, skill, and competence.
The numerous government attacks against him are inevitably based on the fact that marijuana is a natural substance, and can’t be patented in that form. Having an effective medicine floating around that people can freely use for themselves contradicts the goals of the pharmaceutical money machine:
“We know what’s good for you, and what’s not good for you. The government has given us a monopoly on healing, and you’d better go along with it.”
Yes, even if a medicine kills you, it’s still the best that “science” can offer at the present moment.
And by the way, parents have no say in how their children are treated. They have no inherent rights. The government owns those children. As proof, if health authorities don’t like what the parents are doing, they can come in and take the children away and put them in foster care, where they’ll be drugged up to their eyeballs.
Medically speaking, Australia is on lockdown. The majority of citizens appear to be unaware or unconcerned. But those who are aware are looking for, and using, alternatives. They are forming a growing underground.
The Australian government is advised to study the history of police states. In the long run, they fail. People will stand for only so much, particularly when their health and the health of their children are on the line.
The police state appears to be invincible…until one day it isn’t, because huge numbers of people, who have been dealing with their very survival, outflank totalitarian departments and bureaus.
The top-down control factor disintegrates. A belittled and minimized impulse re-emerges.
It’s called freedom.
It turns out that the “market” in freedom is forever.
The mind never forgets it.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
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News on Paris Climate Treaty, Bitcoin "end game" - how it unravels
The Paris Climate Treaty was a dishonest, authoritarian fraud, and getting out of it was the right choice.
There are lots of important ways we can work to protect our planet, but subjecting our nation to the totalitarian control of European bureaucrats isn't one of them.
Also today, I've analyzed the Bitcoin mania and shared my findings. Bitcoin's "end game" approaches, and when it unravels, almost everyone will get badly burned.
Indulge your sweet tooth with Health Ranger Select Premium Organic Maple Syrup. Because it's pure maple syrup, it's naturally loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and manganese. And because it's kosher certified and heavy metals verified, it's good for everyone. Native American tribes enjoyed the taste and health benefits of maple syrup long ago, now you can too. Enjoy it with pancakes, baked goods, teas or whatever food you'd like to make more delicious.
News on Paris Climate Treaty, Bitcoin "end game" - how it unravels
The Paris Climate Treaty was a dishonest, authoritarian fraud, and getting out of it was the right choice.
There are lots of important ways we can work to protect our planet, but subjecting our nation to the totalitarian control of European bureaucrats isn't one of them.
Also today, I've analyzed the Bitcoin mania and shared my findings. Bitcoin's "end game" approaches, and when it unravels, almost everyone will get badly burned.
Indulge your sweet tooth with Health Ranger Select Premium Organic Maple Syrup. Because it's pure maple syrup, it's naturally loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and manganese. And because it's kosher certified and heavy metals verified, it's good for everyone. Native American tribes enjoyed the taste and health benefits of maple syrup long ago, now you can too. Enjoy it with pancakes, baked goods, teas or whatever food you'd like to make more delicious.
Ohio shocker: 793 million opioid drug doses prescribed in one year
Here’s why zombies are real
by Jon Rappoport
The state government of Ohio has filed a lawsuit against five drug companies: Teva, Allergen, Johnson & Johnson, Purdue, and Endo.
The suit accuses these companies of unlawful marketing practices that have led to Ohio’s opioid addiction “problem.”
Here’s the big one: the suit states that, in 2012, a staggering 793 million doses of opioid drugs were prescribed to Ohio citizens. That translates to an average of 68 pills for each person in Ohio.
The suit accuses the drug makers of conspiring to influence opinion leaders and various medical groups. This marketing blitz resulted in deceptive treatment guidelines, false information delivered at medical conferences, and misleading “science” articles—all designed to minimize the dire effects of opioids.
Well, yes, these painkillers (e.g., OxyContin) do kill pain. In the process, they also creation addiction and turn minds to mush.
Apparently, Ohio is pretty much in a collective trance state. We’re talking Zombification. 793 million opioid doses in one year.
Don’t forget the doctors who prescribe the drugs. As a group, they can’t care about their patients’ state of mind. Just load people up to the eyeballs with chemical pacification.
If you think this over-prescription epidemic corresponds to the actual amount of physical pain Ohio citizens are experiencing, think again. The drugs are obviously being handed out for other reasons: to sustain and feed addiction; to “treat depression”; to “manage dissatisfaction with life.” In other words, drug companies are promoting an ongoing profit bonanza for themselves. The human consequences don’t matter.
Keep in mind that drug companies pour advertising money like water into television programming—including the news.
The effects of the news and the effects of opioid drugs are a marriage made for the ages.
They both deliver hypnosis.
What a marvelous coincidence, right? Contemplate it.
Just so happens that the news, with its outright lies, useless information overload, misdirection, omissions of vital facts, lack of context, refusal to investigate deep scandals, cultivation of Voices of Authority, attention-span shortening, and various other strategies designed for trance-induction and mental passivity…join together with an opioid chemical brain sledgehammer that wipes out the possibility of rational thought.
Both brought to you by your friend, Big Pharma.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.
In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.
Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?
Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
I am the Consciousness of the Violet Flame. In the same way that you are an essence of the Creator taking form, so am I. I take the form of the Violet Flame of Transmutation supporting the release of negative, stagnant and unneeded energies to further aid your healing and ascension process of the Earth. I am an energy consciousness that you can call upon whether you are in existence upon the Earth or the inner planes to co-create healing on all levels of your being. I am present to be of service whenever you think of me, call me, express an intention for healing or letting go of limiting and separating energies. As the Violet Flame of Transmutation, I am a potent and intense energy that burns up energies, thoughts, beliefs and fears within you that hinder your connection with the Creator. Due to this, my energy is always accompanied by Angels from the 7th Ray of Light whose sole purpose is to anchor angelic love into your entire being after experiencing a co-created healing with my presence, the Violet Flame of Transmutation. My presence can empty your being of all unneeded energies, the space created then needs to be filled with love to continue the healing process. The Angels promote this by distributing love while also activating your inner love vibrations to blossom into your entire being.
My purpose of connecting with you is to share the shift and upgrade which has occurred within my consciousness. This shift and upgrade is not due to my own evolution, in fact, it is due to the large steps humanity are taking along their spiritual evolution, as well as, the needs of humanity altering. In your past with many low vibrational and stagnant energies to release and heal from your being and reality, a potent cleansing vibration was necessary. Humanity has let go of a great volume of limiting energies and beliefs, that cleansing with such a potent light is no longer required. This means that as the Violet Flames consciousness I am able to access higher vibrations and frequencies of my being from other dimensions, bringing them to synthesis with the aspect of my being humanity connects with and draws upon. Your evolution has allowed me to expand into my greater truth in your presence, allowing me to access higher dimensions of myself to bring forth to you. In truth, this is also what you are doing; you are constantly accessing higher dimensions of yourself bringing them into manifestation within your current existence, therefore expanding the presence of your truth upon the Earth. You are constantly changing and shifting, therefore, your needs, and the energies you draw upon to support your ascension are also shifting to remain in harmony with you.
The potent and intense cleansing and purification vibrations of my energy will remain ever present. However, when you call upon my energies, you will discover I am much gentler in vibration with a deep flowing energy which promotes connectivity within your being, between your energy systems and with the Creator. This flowing connectivity will promote a powerful sense of oneness and peace within your being, between yourself and others, as well as between yourself and the Creator. Connectivity within your being and with the Creator is one of your intentions within your ascension process, whether you consciously realise this or not. Thus, when you call upon the Violet Flame for purification, cleansing and healing, you will still receive this, and yet the overall sensation and experience will be of energies connecting.
Connectivity creates a greater understanding of self and the Creator while magnifying the light that you are, awakening your inner remembrance to the powerful presence of your inner light. The flow of connectivity will promote truth revealed to you or unfolding from within your being, a harmony with yourself and the Creator, as well as a sense of being fully supported and assisted by the Universe and Creator. My greater presence and co-creation with you will support realisations and embodiments of the wholeness of your being, as well as the wholeness of the Creator within your being. This means that even after you have called upon my assistance and I withdrawn from your energy, you will accelerate akin to a spiral with greater speed and awareness within the energy of unity, connectivity to all and wholeness. In truth, my presence will trigger an activation within you encouraging you to recognise yourself as whole and united, rather than separate, incomplete and imperfect.
Within the vibration that I, the Violet Flame, now share with you is an awakening of accelerated healing which is the process of bathing all aspects of your being in the purest vibration of the Creator’s light. This brings all aspects of your being back to the light, existing in harmony with your light and truth. My presence will promote, activate and develop the intensity, power and presence of your own natural self-healing abilities. In truth, your self-healing abilities will be magnified. You will notice more and more healing taking place within your being due to your intentions, energies or assistance from the divine you have called upon or your own healing energy being directed to certain areas of your being. As you may be able to gather, I am awakening the truth within you and co-creating a deeper connectivity to the truth of the Creator.
When calling upon my energy you can still hold the same intention as before for healing, cleansing and purification, however, so much more will take place as I have explained. If you do call upon my presence with the intention of promoting your self-healing, experiencing a greater connectivity and wholeness within your being or a greater unity with the Creator, then I will co-create this with you in the most appropriate and magical way. It is your choosing as to whether you wish to retain your original focus or expand your mind to consciously explore the co-creation we can achieve together.
Co-Creating with the Violet Flame
During meditation or quiet time, call upon my energy to be present with you:
‘Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity, I call upon your presence to draw forth, surround me and co-creating with me. I welcome your energies, consciousness and activations to be of service to my ascension in ways that I can understand as well as ways guided by my soul which I may not need to acknowledge. As your energy fills my entire being, I share with you my intention and reason for calling upon your assistance and service.
(Please state your intention in your own words from your heart.)
I now surrender to your co-creation of my intention within my being and reality, knowing that my soul and higher aspects will oversee all transitions and shifts activated within my being. Violet Flame of Transmutation and Connectivity I now receive your energy. Thanks and gratitude is expressed from my heart.’
Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you exist within a Violet Flame, which completely surrounds your body and energetic bodies. Stay within my energy observing your entire being or allowing yourself to recognise any areas which require healing or any transformations which take Violet Flame Upgrade by the Violet Flameplace.
Imagine from the base of my energy, the Violet Flame which surrounds you, a pale violet light spirals moving up through the centre of your being, reaching out beyond your crown chakra. This is my energy merging the connectivity frequency of my energy, activating a frequency of wholeness within your being which blossoms into all aspects of your being. Simply focus upon the pale violet spiral continuously flowing from below you, up through the centre of your being and beyond.
Bring your attention to your higher heart chakra, your own sacred energy and self-healing vibrations will begin to awaken, overflowing to fill your entire being. Qualities of unity, truth, oneness and self-love may be recognised within the sacred energy now filling your being. You may notice that you feel your inner energy expanding consciously, connecting with aspects of the Creator. This will support an acceleration of your ascension while downloading new Creator energy into your being.
Much will occur which may be beyond your recognition; it is important to remain in meditation until you feel my energy withdraw as then you will be certain that my co-creation with you is complete. If the energy becomes too intense, please make a direct request to me to decrease the speed of my vibration until it becomes more comfortable for you. Finally, it is appropriate to know and understand that as my energy withdraws so, the Angels of the 7th Ray of Light will draw forth and channel angelic love into your being to assist further and to complete the process.
“I am St Germain, and I had the honor two days ago, in your time, of addressing a Gathering of individuals who were coming together in Hearts and minds to support NESARA.** And I shall say again that it is the key to what we are calling the ‘Golden Age Lifestyle,‘ and reaching that point accelerates – quite exponentially – the progress of all members of Humanity who wish to make their Ascensions, in what you might call a time that comes quite soon. There is no one in this audience who needs to wait a thousand or even a hundred years to accomplish that!
“But I will say that the Golden Age Lifestyle which is officially opened by NESARA’s announcement and implementation – and further enhanced and empowered by the announcement of our presence with all of Planet Earth – it is to be savored! It is to be enjoyed! It is an opportunity to rest, from all of the stressful situations, that living in the third dimensional lifestyle has prevented. And so I counsel you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, to do that savoring, even as you are excited and exhilarated by all of the new opportunities that are available to you.
“And I shall discuss what this is going to mean for you, what is it going to look like, how is it going to feel. And I invite you to let go of any doubts or little fears you might have, and join in envisioning this Lifestyle with your minds as well as your Hearts!And just try it on for size – if you have not already done so – or even if you have. You have heard that NESARA is the way to open up this Lifestyle and make it available to everyone on Planet Earth!!!
“And what are you going to do with this Lifestyle? And I’m not talking as much about the money – although even that, even your financial world, your economies will be empowered for as long as it is needed by High Dimensional, valuable, as you call it – valuable monies – because it is necessary to have this bridge of NESARA to get free of all of the fear-based lifestyles of the third dimension, and move up into where there is no fear!
“And if you are afraid of starvation, or being homeless, or not being able to pay your bills, or that some government is going to come and take everything that you have worked so hard to earn -or, for that matter, if you’re just tired of working so hard – then it is quite difficult to feel the Freedom from all of that, that NESARA brings. So, in that sense, this Divine Governance will provide for your basic lifestyles and free you to do whatever it is that you want to do!!!
“Once you have this Freedom, you will find that you will be empowered Creators! You will be living in such a Higher vibration that if you have something – for instance, let us say that you injure your big toe. And while you may seek the help of a practitioner of some kind, a healer of some kind, you, yourselves, will start recognizing that you are your own greatest healers because you will be connecting with the totality of yourselves!!! There will not be anyone to tell you, ‘Watch out! Somebody is going to think you’re real looney-tune,’ because they might even lock you up or any of those kinds of things that are a part of the third dimensional history/herstory of Planet Earth.
“And while we’re talking about healing yourselves, let’s talk about helping each other to heal. Imagine coming together in a beautiful park or garden, or by the seashore, or on a mountaintop with others – coming together, and by the Love that you share with each other, whoever is there desiring some form of healing, so be it. IT IS DONE!!!
“And I don’t mean just felt in the moment – I mean DONE! That’s how powerful you are right now, Beloved Ones! But we understand that you’re not feeling all that empowerment. NESARA gives you that Freedom to feel your own Divine Empowerment! Now you cannot equate that with any sum of dollars. Don’t even try! Don’t even go there, because that’s not the purpose of NESARA. It’s not about giving everybody money so everybody depends on money even more. It’s about FREEING YOU FROM MONEY, ultimately freeing you from money! It is about empowering yourselves!!!
“What if you have some seeds and you are anxious that they grow? There are already High Dimensional Spiritually Scientific ways for you to do this! There are ways that you can incorporate nutrition into water, for instance, and by drinking the water -because as your bodies become lighter it will come to pass that you will require less and less in the way of food, unless you just want to have fun or have a party. And you will be able to drink water and you will have pure water. And you can further empower the water with nutrition if you feel like, oh, you need a little more vitamin C today or whatever. That’s right! And as an interim, nutritional water is already being made. And I’m NOT talking about the sugar water you find in your grocery stores. Look up the Keshe Foundation work*** and you’ll see what I’m talking about!!!
“Let’s say that you want to have some power for your homes but you don’t want to pay the corporate owners of the electric company. There is a way already being given to the World so that you can accomplish that.*** And that’s an interim – that’s a bridge, just like the nutritional water – it’s a bridge, because you will, by your Divine will and requirements, be able to turn the lights on or off in your home spaces as you choose. That’s right! We’re talking about entering into the Golden Age. We’re talking about moving into it. We’re talking about living that Lifestyle as preparation for your final Ascensions – however quickly, or however taking more time, you might want that to occur!
“Every aspect of your lives will change! And we propose that, along with bringing NESARA into 3D, you start looking at what you want to do in the Golden Age. You don’t have to make a definite, final plan. You can simply get with your guides and see what’s on your timeline. And then if you want to change it, of course, you can!!! How about that? You might want to start journaling your thoughts and inspirations. What do you want to create when you are living Love and only Love? You see, that’s a part of the Golden Age, too! It’s not going to happen the minute NESARA is announced. But the more you bring it forth within your own beings and share it with other Lightworkers, with your families, your neighbors, anyone you choose to share it with – and you will be recognizing more and more who are becoming Hearts of Light –as you keep yourselves in the High vibrations, you will be a magnet to others and you will be drawn to others who are doing the same thing!!! It’s preparation for the Golden Age, and once you get into the Golden Age, it will serve you very Joy-fully, even as you are creating and serving – of course, yourselves, but all of Planet Earth, below, on and above!
“There is nothing, no miracle, if you want to call it that, that is not possible to create in the Higher levels of dimensionality. The only rule, if you want to call it a rule, is that it is created from Love!!! It must be created from Love. All that comes from Love is High Dimensional. Now I’m talking, of course, about unconditional, infinite, eternal Love, the same Love from which we are all made and which, as Ashtar**** just said, you have a rather generous amount of, even within your human bodies! Why? Because you’re Lightworkers! You came for this purpose and you are fulfilling it. We are doing this together! It is not just us coming from the, you might say, permanent resident status in the Higher Realms. It is YOU! Without you this would not be happening on Planet Earth!!!
“So stay High! Create your visions from that Perspective. Bring yourselves up High. Come into your Hearts if you face a challenge and let it transmute from that place! It’s much easier to do that, than it is to get down into the lower levels, the lower vibrations, and try to work with it there. Just come right up into your Hearts, where you have that Perspective, and then transmute everything that you might see or feel that isn’t Love and Light by putting the Light of Love on it!
“I know that sometimes it is difficult or more challenging than at other times, and if you seem to come up against a roadblock, you know that I have already offered you the Violet Ray of Transmutation. You have the Sword Excalibur of Archangel Michael to wave, so that you can always see the Truth – the real Truth – in everything that you want to look at. You have Sananda’s teachings of Light-ing up the entirety of yourselves – if you have not done that, you might want to learn that process as well!***** You have your guides and you have your Managing Director, which is your Higher Dimensional Self!
“So tune in, lift up and let’s soar together into the Golden Age, and to your Homecoming celebrations! That is what NESARA opens up for each and every one of you and, indeed, all of Planet Earth!!! So I thank you, from my Heart to yours, for giving me the consideration – indeed the invitation – to come and speak of the High aspects of NESARA, the Divine aspects of NESARA and what is included in the Divine Governance it brings – beginning with yourselves, coming together in communities, in countries and on all of Planet Earth! And so it is. Namaste!”
👉Payments 1 to 11 include “Human Obligation” payments for every living person and separate “Country Quota” payments for every country.
👉These payments were intended to be released more than 50 years ago but the assassination of JFK and a coup d’etat in Indonesia prevented the release of the funds. Clandestine moves have been made [by those who would rather not have this happen?] in an effort to prevent the release of the payments.
👉Payments 1-11 are intended to be for the protection of all people and their unalienable human rights, especially the weak or vulnerable; and for the protection of each country – both “national security” and the protection of the physical Earth occupied by each country, the air, water and all life (the environment).
👉They are intended to save the global economy from imminent collapse, which Mr. Soegi says is inevitable without Payments 1-11.
👉They are intended to pay all debts in full – all government/country debts and all personal debts.
👉They are intended to fund the reversal of environmental destruction and return the world to a natural state of abundance. This will be assisted by the release of new technologies and long-suppressed technologies.
👉They are intended to be used for printing of new asset-backed currencies for each country (if a country so chooses) to put an end to fiat currency and financial slavery; replacing artificially created scarcity with abundance for all people.
👉They are intended to free people from the constant struggle for survival and from jobs they don’t like so they can pursue their passion and heart’s desires.
👉They are intended to empower people to co-create the world they desire rather than people being enslaved and powerless to change anything.
👉They are intended to fund the reconstruction and modernization of the world.
👉They are intended to help rid the world of corruption and the Cabal control of banking, energy, media, governments, the UN, law and justice, secret (“Black Ops”) programs, industry and all elements of society – through transparency rather than compartmentalized secrecy.
👉They are intended to help reveal our true history and other long-hidden truths.
👉They are intended to usher in and support – long term – a new age of peace, freedom and prosperity for all. (Some call this “The Golden Age”).
👉They are intended to be an example to the world of giving generously to all people, with unconditional love.
👉They are intended to help heal the hearts of all people of at least ten “illnesses”, such as jealousy, greed and fear, which in turn will help to enable “Heaven on Earth” to become our new reality.
👉They are NOT intended to create a one world government.
👉They are NOT intended to destroy governments or break up countries or reduce each country’s sovereignty.
👉Each individual person will have the right to choose any religion or no religion and the right to choose which country they want to be a citizen or resident of.
👉Mr. Soegi is vehemently opposed to any kind of tracking or control ‘implants’ or ‘mark’, which the Cabal are very keen to force upon humanity.
👉Mr. Soegi wants to dismantle ‘the beast’, not feed it.
🌟Where did the assets come from?
👉Vast physical gold reserves have been collected by the Royal families of the world for thousands of years and mostly kept secret, well hidden and with multiple layers of security and checks and balances to protect the physical ‘treasures’. Over the millennia, people have tried – and some are still trying – to steal some of the treasures.
👉Most of those treasures have been combined and held in multiple Trusts for a very long time, explicitly for the benefit of all of humanity and the Earth itself.
👉The collateral for Payments 1-11 is completely separate from other collateral assets that backs the infamous infinite balance and other “black screen” accounts – two or more such accounts are said to exist in each of at least 884 different banks and central banks worldwide.
👉It is acknowledged that the validity of these assets is a contentious and highly debated topic without being able to see them for yourself.
🌟How can countries access their Country Quota payment?
👉Countries have the option to receive their Country Quota payment as a gift or as a loan.
👉Countries need to sign a form/simple agreement before the deadline if they wish to accept the option to receive their Country Quota payment as a gift.
👉Countries who do not accept to receive the Country Quota payment as a gift on or before the deadline may access their Country Quota payment as a loan from Mr. Soegi.
🌟How much will each living person receive?
👉Payments 1-11 include Human Obligation payments for each living person on Earth which is in addition to and completely separate from the Country Quota payment for each country and independent of the acceptance by each country of their gift.
👉Every living person on Earth is entitled to receive their equal inheritence of: 6 Million USD, intended to be used to repay personal debts and for us to invest for the future; plus:
👉👉a monthly stipend of 1,200 USD per adult or 600 USD per child, accessible via a personal ATM card. This stipend is intended to provide for basic living expenses so we will be free from financial slavery and free to pursue our passions and our hearts’ desires.
👉All children born in the future will be entitled to their inheritance of 6 Million USD plus their monthly stipend of 600 USD.
👉All taxes for all Human Obligation payments have already been pre-authorised and pre-paid.
🌟How can people access their inheritance entitlement?
👉People will need to present identification at a bank. The bank will issue an ATM card linked to your personal inheritance account so you can access your monthly stipend. Routing of payments through the global network of ATMs will be ready before people begin to collect their ATM cards.
👉Detailed information on how countries and individuals can access their funds will be published as soon as practicable.
👉The money and the means to access it will be available as soon as technically possible sometime after the August 17 2015 deadline (not the following day).
👉Access to the money may be easier in countries which accept their gift.
Some countries who do not accept their gift may choose to block the payments, perhaps because of some leaders’ and/or shadow powers’ obsession with absolute power and control over their citizens and/or the world so they can maintain their self-serving local or global financial, military or religious domination.
🌟Are they going to give countries or the people physical gold and platinum?
👉No. The physical assets will not be given out. The collateral will continue to be held in perpetual Trust for the on-going benefit of all of humanity and the Earth.
👉The physical metals will be used as collateral to back new currencies to be printed for each country.
👉Each country can choose from various options and contribute to the unique design for each country’s currency. The details will be clarified and published soon.
🌟Is this a new offer from SwissIndo?
👉Most of the details of the offer are unchanged since it was announced more than two years ago.
Entry Submitted by One Who Knows at 6:16 PM EDT on June 6, 2017
Calling All Light Warriors...
Action vs. No-Action
There was a post today referencing an Abraham-Hicks video on Tolerance. I LOVE Abraham-Hicks who Channels Prime-Creator. But in all due respect, this video selection (message), is off the mark. Here is the post:
It speaks the strong and powerful words of manifestation and creation. It says do not pay attention to what you do not want, as in doing so, you create it. Instead put your thoughts and attention on what you do want, and create that. These are powerful words indeed, and are MOST important in a pre-manifestation stage. But this is a question of Action vs. No Action, and both have their time and place.
Using this No-Action perspective, we would NOT be imagining a future where things are going wrong on the Planet, instead we would DECIDE to imagine a Planet where Peace and Prosperity are the order of the day, where everything is working out. Thus Keeping your mind, thoughts and attention on what you do want and NOT on what you don't want, and of course, EXPECT it as well.
This is how you manifest the World you want tomorrow. From this perspective that Abraham-Hicks Video selection is perfect. This is all advanced Manifestation creation work for what you want tomorrow, but everything you are experiencing today, was created yesterday. However, we are not talking about what we are creating in the Future, we are dealing with the results of yesterday's poor creation, that is now in today's experience.
Had we all not watched those evil Hollywood movies of disaster, disease, and famine, we might not have co-created the World we have today. But the Cabal do everything they can to show us Fear based images and ideas so that we will believe them, think of them, and help them create the reality they want us to have. We are here now, as a result of yesterday's thoughts. We read the book George Orwell's 1984, where they told us exactly what they were going to do to us. We saw it, we thought it, and we began to expect it as well. Now we have it. Yes we are responsible for our World in the state that it is in, after all we unwittingly co-created it. [Not exactly. Only if we chose to believe it to be true.]
Had we known how manifestation worked, and how to ignore their Fear Mongering, and refused to buy into the Future World they were showing us, they could NEVER have created the World we live in today. They don't have the power to do so. But, those evil ones knew what they were doing. They controlled our Education. They told our children that War is natural, that disease was natural and expected, that Governments are in charge and know best, and we do not. They have only allowed us access to sub standard science that serves their purposes. They have told us that we were born sinners, and needed forgiveness.
Hate With Tolerance
However, the worst training we have ever had from the Cabal, is "the Conflict of Hate and Tolerance." They have taught us to hate our neighbor. Pit One country against another, black against white, citizens against immigrants, the haves against the have nots, on and on and on. Then, they have taught us that we should Tolerate those we hate. What? That is the perfect and permanent stressor to be trained to dislike others and then be told to tolerate and accept them at the same time. Can you see the evil genius in this?
Then while we are tolerating all those we now hate, we also tolerate what the Cabal are doing to us right in our face, as a natural result. They pass laws that we would NEVER have agreed to except we are used to not liking something but tolerating it anyway. So while we do not like the presidential candidates and/or their actions, we just let it be anyway. We tolerate everything that is wrong, after all we were trained to be that way. They spy on us, they limit our freedoms and they force their poisonous inoculations on our Children, they put poison in our water, and yet we tolerate it, and drink the water anyway. When will we Stand Up against this?
So here we are in a post-manifestation reality. All of these things have already been manifested and are happening right now as I write this. The time of "Prevention" by manifesting thought is over. Yes, if we only knew how to use our "GOD POWER" to create the realities we wanted, we wouldn't be where we are now. But here we are.
I remember someone asking Abraham-Hicks about seeing a woman being beaten up in an alley, and what to do about it. She said something like, "If only you had done your Pre-Manifesting work, you wouldn't be in this situation now. But now you are here, action is now required." That is where we are now my friends, we have NOT co-created our World the way we wanted it, but in all fairness, we didn't know how to do it either. We are now faced with the results of our Co-creations and now have to take action to clean up our messes.
Pre-Manifestation vs. Post-Manifestation
Understanding the Difference between these two perspectives is very important to us now. Lets imagine a family of 4, Dad, Mom, Daughter, and Son. We are going to play out a pre-manifestation creation and a post manifestation situation to see the difference.
Good Pre-Manifestation Work
So this example family, constantly affirms that all is well for them and they expect the best outcome always. They do not focus on bad events in the news and instead, say that those bad events are the personal creations of those others in their own experiences. They explain to their children "Had these people on TV, done their pre-manifesting work as we do in our family, they would not be experiencing Disease, disaster and even early death. We know that we are the creators of our own experience and so we are careful about what we say and think, to be sure that it MEANS (to be) an outcome that we want."
The result? A wonderful life of course. Things go well for them including good health, great experiences and they get everything they want because they expect to. It seems like the better it gets the better it gets. Life is a pure joy.
But this is more than a personal creation, what they have done for themselves, they have done for the World as well. For, their manifesting energy has joined the "Collective" energy of the World and Biased it to the positive side. It is easy to see that if we all had grown up in households like this one, the Cabal would NEVER have had a chance. The energy would not have supported an outcome like that.
Bad Pre-Manifestation Work
So in this example, the family constantly affirms that things go wrong in the World, and they expect bad outcomes in their lives as well. They focus on bad events in the news and worry that they may get those same diseases that others get. They worry about gun violence and expect danger when they go out in public. When they see disease, violence, and death on TV, they think of it as EVIDENCE of how dangerous the World really is. It only raises their fear and expectation of the same things happening to them as well. Danger on TV MEANS (to be) danger for them as well.
The result? A terrible life, of course. Things go really bad for them including bad health & disease, bad experiences of accidents and misfortune. In short, they never get what they want, there always (IN All Ways) seems to be a problem that comes up. They have come to expect bad outcomes in even the smallest of things. It seems the worse it gets the worse it gets and life is a difficult and miserable experience.
But this is more than a personal creation, what they have done to themselves, they have done this to the World as well. For, their manifesting energy has joined the "Collective" energy of the World and Biased it to the negative side. It is easy to see that since we all had grown up in households like this one, because that was how we were trained, the Cabal easily took change of our World. The energy supported an outcome like that. This is why we are where we are now.
Tolerance vs. Action
So in a Post-Manifestation experience, we are faced with a choice between Tolerance or Action. Like that Abraham-Hicks example of the Woman being beaten up in the ally, do you just walk on past and "Take your eyes off what you do not like" (Tolerance), or do you take action and save the woman? Do we ignore what the Cabal are doing to us right now and let them continue, or do we kick their ass off this Planet? Let me give you a situation to really get the point across. Let us use the Family that did not know what they were doing and created a very bad reality for themselves. The important point is that "Things" have already manifested into form and experience NOW. So it is too late for preventive measures and action is now required.
Wrong Strategy In The Now
In our example, Our Proverbial Family have unwittingly co-created a World in which Cabal have taken over everything and are doing everything they can do to dominate and control those who want peace and prosperity. Our Family are at home, one evening. Unfortunately Mom and Dad, have been taking a Cabal self help course that teaches Tolerance. Ignore what you don’t want, and only think about what you do want. They will soon find out that is a "Pre-Manifestation" strategy, and that once the Manifestation has happened, that strategy is no longer effective. But it will be a lesson they learn the hard way.
One of the children notices that the front door is unlocked. "Mommy and Daddy, why is the front door unlocked?" They respond, "We believe in an open door policy." The child responds "But Daddy, the door is opening and someone is coming in!" Dad, being so proud of his new Cabal training confidently tells his children "Don't pay attention to that, think of what you do want instead." The children say, "But Mommy and Daddy, there are some strange men in our house now, and they are telling me that I am going to die and that the World is going to end. They have also told me that I should give them my currency and that they know better what to do with it, so I gave it to them." Mom and Dad respond in unison "We believe in tolerance. We just let others do whatever they want to do to us and we give them free access to our home and allow free speech for everyone. Whatever they want to do they should be able to do, after all this is a Free World! They have as much right to come in our House and say and do what they want, as we do!" The Children cry out in bewilderment "These people are now hurting us, they want to do us harm, they are not nice people." Mom and Dad reply with great pride "Just ignore them and THINK of what you do want instead."
Bad Strategy, Review
WOW! This is the wrong strategy for a manifestation that has already taken place. We are already in a Cabal infested World. They are poisoning us, taking our money, using Fear to destroy our spirits, and infesting every safe place we have. They claim the right to come in our house and do and say what they want. Clearly, this strategy of Tolerance and ignoring what the Cabal are doing is resulting in great harm to our Family and Friends. Should we turn a blind eye to their tactics? Should we let them continue to lie to us and frighten us and take our money and hopes? Clearly, this strategy of thinking of what we want was a PRE-MANIFESTATION technique that FAILS miserably in a post Manifestation situation. Post Manifestation, requires ACTION and nothing else will due.
Right Strategy In The Now
In our example, Our Proverbial Family still have unwittingly co-created a World in which Cabal have taken over everything and are doing everything they can do to dominate and control those who want peace and prosperity. Our Family are at home, one evening. In this case Mom and Dad have taken a Light Warriors course on protecting your own, and changing the World back to the World we want. They have learned that the Cabal, have infesting everything and it is now time to TAKE A STAND and defend the home front from our enemies. THEY WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY CABAL CRAP WHAT SO EVER!!!!
One of the children notices that the front door is locked. "Mommy and Daddy, why is the front door locked?" They respond, "We believe in the right to let only who we want to come in our House, and all the rest are not allowed in our House." The child responds "But Daddy, the door is opening and someone is coming in!" Dad, being so proud of his new Light Warriors training confidently tells his children "Don't worry, I have my trusty Troll Whacking Mallet!" Just then he starts whacking that Troll until the Troll is not able to stand being in the house any more. Due to the fact that We all work together as a team, Mom gets in on the action and calls the Republic Leadership and does a background check on the invader. He is confirmed as a KNOWN CABAL TROLL. The Republic dispatches their Troll Pick up team and soon that Cabal Agent Troll, is taken out of commission so that he cannot harm anyone else.
The children ask Mom and Dad "What just happened? The parents proudly explain to the children that right now, there are evil people in the World who want to hurt people like us. Their evil way of life is coming to an end and they are now so desperate that they will force their way in to the Homes of good people with the intention of harming them. WE DO NOT TOLERATE THAT SORT OF NONSENSE IN ANY WAY. The moment we identify them as Agents of the Evil Cabal empire, we trounce them, boot them out of our Home, and call the Republic to take them into custody. We call that "Taking out the trash." The children wonder out loud "Don't they have rights too?" Mom and Dad smile at the innocent question and explain why they treated the Troll they way they did. They go on to say that "Trolls are programmed to do evil things to Light Workers. That is all they know. They are literally programmed like a Terminator robot, and paid to search and destroy whatever gets in their way. There is no reasoning with them, they are not your friends, and when you get one in your House, it can destroy it. The only way to deal with them is to GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HOUSE ASAP, and let the proper authorities fix them and help them if they can."
Good Strategy, Review
WOW! This is the BEST strategy for a manifestation that has already taken place. We are already in a Cabal infested World. They are poisoning us, taking our money, using Fear to destroy our spirits, and infesting every safe place we have. They claim the right to come in our house and do and say what they want. Clearly, this strategy of NO TOLERANCE and TAKING ACTION AGAINST THESE EVIL CABAL is resulting in a safe Home for our Family and Friends. Should we turn a blind eye to their tactics? NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Should we let them continue to lie to us and frighten us and take our money and hopes? NO WAY JOSE! Clearly, this strategy of Taking a Stand against the Cabal in a post Manifestation situation, succeeds perfectly. Post Manifestation, requires ACTION and nothing else will due.
The Time Is NOW
The time is now to take back our website, and take back our World. We have been told again and again, it is our game to win. WE HAVE TO BE THE ONES WHO TAKE A STAND AGAINST OUR OPPRESSORS. It can't be done for us, it is against Universal law. We are in charge of creating our Reality for the good or the bad, even if we end up having our planet blown up, it is our creation in the end. Tolerance seems to be the Cabal tool that is being used against us.
I first considered this concept when I read Daughter of Terra's post on Tolerance vs. Love. It made so much sense to me. Here are those posts:
Then last night Sephora wrote a post that seemed to have the same theme of "Time To Take Action and NO MORE TOLERANCE." She asked if I would like to add something to her post and I was delighted to say the least because I was finally getting the whole picture of how we were being manipulated "by confusing Love with Tolerance" when they are actually two different things. Here is our post from last night:
The Cabal want to tell you "Don't pay attention to that man behind the curtain" while they are spraying us with poisons, and putting poison in our water and food supplies. They want us to "STAND BY" and let them kill us off one by one. I am tired of standing by and allowing them to have their way with us. I say NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that we are past the being nice and Tolerant to the Cabal stage. That has gotten us poisoned, jailed, and killed. Can you imagine if the Galactic Federation was not taking a stand to protect me, I would have been dead a long time ago. I am now taking a stand to protect you, and I need you to stand with me to protect our Home from these nasty, evil invaders. This is not just for my benefit, or for your benefit alone, it is for the benefit of the whole World, and the Universe as well.
All other civilizations, on other Worlds perished because they were asleep and never stood up against their oppressors. They were taught to "Stand By" and let the Cabal in their House and their lives, and tolerate them until it was too late to do anything about it. THIS STOPS HERE, AND IT STOPS NOW!!!! We are not Sheep, and the Cabal DO NOT own us. We are free men and Women who have the right to create the World we want, and we have to take Action now to make sure we get what we want. There is NO honor in letting Known Cabal Agents into our House to do their evil deeds, how could there be? There is no self respect in letting them walk all over us either. NONE!
My Friends, this is a time for Clarity, to realize what needs to be done and to muster the courage to do it. This is a time of DECISION and ACTION. Are we mice or are we men (and Women)? Will we let them have their evil way with us as they have on every other planet they have destroyed, or will we TAKE A STAND to protect and defend ourselves and those who we care about? I can tell you that my ability to tolerate the Cabal Agenda has come to an end! Do you hear me COBRA, Schmidt, and they rest of your Cabal kind?
I Am Now Calling All Light Warriors To Stand With Me And Defend Our Home...
Who is with me?
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
“I am St Germain, and I had the honor two days ago, in your time, of addressing a Gathering of individuals who were coming together in Hearts and minds to support NESARA.** And I shall say again that it is the key to what we are calling the ‘Golden Age Lifestyle,‘ and reaching that point accelerates – quite exponentially – the progress of all members of Humanity who wish to make their Ascensions, in what you might call a time that comes quite soon. There is no one in this audience who needs to wait a thousand or even a hundred years to accomplish that!
“But I will say that the Golden Age Lifestyle which is officially opened by NESARA’s announcement and implementation – and further enhanced and empowered by the announcement of our presence with all of Planet Earth – it is to be savored! It is to be enjoyed! It is an opportunity to rest, from all of the stressful situations, that living in the third dimensional lifestyle has prevented. And so I counsel you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, to do that savoring, even as you are excited and exhilarated by all of the new opportunities that are available to you.
“And I shall discuss what this is going to mean for you, what is it going to look like, how is it going to feel. And I invite you to let go of any doubts or little fears you might have, and join in envisioning this Lifestyle with your minds as well as your Hearts!And just try it on for size – if you have not already done so – or even if you have. You have heard that NESARA is the way to open up this Lifestyle and make it available to everyone on Planet Earth!!!
“And what are you going to do with this Lifestyle? And I’m not talking as much about the money – although even that, even your financial world, your economies will be empowered for as long as it is needed by High Dimensional, valuable, as you call it – valuable monies – because it is necessary to have this bridge of NESARA to get free of all of the fear-based lifestyles of the third dimension, and move up into where there is no fear!
“And if you are afraid of starvation, or being homeless, or not being able to pay your bills, or that some government is going to come and take everything that you have worked so hard to earn -or, for that matter, if you’re just tired of working so hard – then it is quite difficult to feel the Freedom from all of that, that NESARA brings. So, in that sense, this Divine Governance will provide for your basic lifestyles and free you to do whatever it is that you want to do!!!
“Once you have this Freedom, you will find that you will be empowered Creators! You will be living in such a Higher vibration that if you have something – for instance, let us say that you injure your big toe. And while you may seek the help of a practitioner of some kind, a healer of some kind, you, yourselves, will start recognizing that you are your own greatest healers because you will be connecting with the totality of yourselves!!! There will not be anyone to tell you, ‘Watch out! Somebody is going to think you’re real looney-tune,’ because they might even lock you up or any of those kinds of things that are a part of the third dimensional history/herstory of Planet Earth.
“And while we’re talking about healing yourselves, let’s talk about helping each other to heal. Imagine coming together in a beautiful park or garden, or by the seashore, or on a mountaintop with others – coming together, and by the Love that you share with each other, whoever is there desiring some form of healing, so be it. IT IS DONE!!!
“And I don’t mean just felt in the moment – I mean DONE! That’s how powerful you are right now, Beloved Ones! But we understand that you’re not feeling all that empowerment. NESARA gives you that Freedom to feel your own Divine Empowerment! Now you cannot equate that with any sum of dollars. Don’t even try! Don’t even go there, because that’s not the purpose of NESARA. It’s not about giving everybody money so everybody depends on money even more. It’s about FREEING YOU FROM MONEY, ultimately freeing you from money! It is about empowering yourselves!!!
“What if you have some seeds and you are anxious that they grow? There are already High Dimensional Spiritually Scientific ways for you to do this! There are ways that you can incorporate nutrition into water, for instance, and by drinking the water -because as your bodies become lighter it will come to pass that you will require less and less in the way of food, unless you just want to have fun or have a party. And you will be able to drink water and you will have pure water. And you can further empower the water with nutrition if you feel like, oh, you need a little more vitamin C today or whatever. That’s right! And as an interim, nutritional water is already being made. And I’m NOT talking about the sugar water you find in your grocery stores. Look up the Keshe Foundation work*** and you’ll see what I’m talking about!!!
“Let’s say that you want to have some power for your homes but you don’t want to pay the corporate owners of the electric company. There is a way already being given to the World so that you can accomplish that.*** And that’s an interim – that’s a bridge, just like the nutritional water – it’s a bridge, because you will, by your Divine will and requirements, be able to turn the lights on or off in your home spaces as you choose. That’s right! We’re talking about entering into the Golden Age. We’re talking about moving into it. We’re talking about living that Lifestyle as preparation for your final Ascensions – however quickly, or however taking more time, you might want that to occur!
“Every aspect of your lives will change! And we propose that, along with bringing NESARA into 3D, you start looking at what you want to do in the Golden Age. You don’t have to make a definite, final plan. You can simply get with your guides and see what’s on your timeline. And then if you want to change it, of course, you can!!! How about that? You might want to start journaling your thoughts and inspirations. What do you want to create when you are living Love and only Love? You see, that’s a part of the Golden Age, too! It’s not going to happen the minute NESARA is announced. But the more you bring it forth within your own beings and share it with other Lightworkers, with your families, your neighbors, anyone you choose to share it with – and you will be recognizing more and more who are becoming Hearts of Light –as you keep yourselves in the High vibrations, you will be a magnet to others and you will be drawn to others who are doing the same thing!!! It’s preparation for the Golden Age, and once you get into the Golden Age, it will serve you very Joy-fully, even as you are creating and serving – of course, yourselves, but all of Planet Earth, below, on and above!
“There is nothing, no miracle, if you want to call it that, that is not possible to create in the Higher levels of dimensionality. The only rule, if you want to call it a rule, is that it is created from Love!!! It must be created from Love. All that comes from Love is High Dimensional. Now I’m talking, of course, about unconditional, infinite, eternal Love, the same Love from which we are all made and which, as Ashtar**** just said, you have a rather generous amount of, even within your human bodies! Why? Because you’re Lightworkers! You came for this purpose and you are fulfilling it. We are doing this together! It is not just us coming from the, you might say, permanent resident status in the Higher Realms. It is YOU! Without you this would not be happening on Planet Earth!!!
“So stay High! Create your visions from that Perspective. Bring yourselves up High. Come into your Hearts if you face a challenge and let it transmute from that place! It’s much easier to do that, than it is to get down into the lower levels, the lower vibrations, and try to work with it there. Just come right up into your Hearts, where you have that Perspective, and then transmute everything that you might see or feel that isn’t Love and Light by putting the Light of Love on it!
“I know that sometimes it is difficult or more challenging than at other times, and if you seem to come up against a roadblock, you know that I have already offered you the Violet Ray of Transmutation. You have the Sword Excalibur of Archangel Michael to wave, so that you can always see the Truth – the real Truth – in everything that you want to look at. You have Sananda’s teachings of Light-ing up the entirety of yourselves – if you have not done that, you might want to learn that process as well!***** You have your guides and you have your Managing Director, which is your Higher Dimensional Self!
“So tune in, lift up and let’s soar together into the Golden Age, and to your Homecoming celebrations! That is what NESARA opens up for each and every one of you and, indeed, all of Planet Earth!!! So I thank you, from my Heart to yours, for giving me the consideration – indeed the invitation – to come and speak of the High aspects of NESARA, the Divine aspects of NESARA and what is included in the Divine Governance it brings – beginning with yourselves, coming together in communities, in countries and on all of Planet Earth! And so it is. Namaste!”
As noted before, we are here to assist when required and to assure your success. We are joyful that all is to graciously follow to permit a new and magnificent reality to manifest. It is indeed a time of Wonders and Miracles!
3 Eb, 5 Pax, 13 Caban
Selamat Balik! All is progressing well. The various Chinese Elder groups have kindly agreed to a more thorough and swifter procedure for the delivery system. It is proof that Chinese Elders do listen to some of what we say to them. Nevertheless, in our minds the methodology chosen still remains too slow for our liking. We hope the overall approach favored by us is to become more of the general blueprint for this very complex operation.
As discussed previously, we deeply believe that a faster method to distribute funds needs to be formally adopted. Even though some changes were permitted, there are still many more steps needed in order for the system to implement the procedures we have previously suggested. Until then, we expect the bottlenecks built into this system will continue to slow everything down. Our preference is for this system to speed up and then permit the NESARA Republic to formally come into existence. At that time, a number of positive things can take place. The most important to us is, of course, disclosure.
What we wish for you is success. This time is to be one in which you are truly able to pursue your deepest hopes and dreams. This land is no longer to be one where you are hindered from pursuing your many separate passions. Use these moments to forge new realities and new governments, to vanquish the old ways and create new ones. It is our deepest hope that these various pursuits are able to guide you to things that not only form this new realm but as well lead you joyously to First Contact and to being introduced to your spiritual and space families!
This new reality is our main goal. We feel that permitting you to move forward swiftly can only result in a variety of important consequences. Your new-found prosperity is to create the conditions that can support new governments and the arrest of all who defended the old reality that maintained its horrific ways. Your sacred task is to move in joy toward full consciousness and a reunion with us, the Agarthans and Heaven. In this, we fully support you and the coming creation of your new galactic society. Go forward with this, surrounded by our Love and Light. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today knowing that your great quest is nearly over. The Divine has blessed you with a prosperity package that is a sign of endless wealth. Those who were given the heavenly task to bless each one with means to fund their passions are shortly to help you fulfill your grandest dreams. We thank Heaven and pledge that we will do what is necessary to manifest your blessings! Remain positive and be ready to fulfill your passions!
Hold these magical wishes within you and ready yourselves for the means to quickly accomplish your tasks. We understand the few obstacles that remain. Be ever-ready, Blessed Ones, to see your various dreams become a reality. In doing so, you are to learn a whole host of things about yourselves and each other. As noted before, we are here to assist when required and to assure your success. We are joyful that all is to graciously follow to permit a new and magnificent reality to manifest. It is indeed a time of Wonders and Miracles!
Much has had to take place to permit all of this to suddenly appear. Those in Heaven and in the Light have done what is necessary to allow all of this to emerge. Every one of the Masters has jointly worked to see that the old ways can at last be put away. In this new land of endless possibilities, take the time to simply bless and fervently Thank all who made these amazing wonders possible. In this Light, we as well thank each one of you for your divine visions and wondrous spiritual help. Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we gave you a general report about what is going on around this grand blue-green orb. We are reaching the point where this new realm can indeed manifest a time of great prosperity and the appearance of some amazing miracles. Together, let us welcome in this era and let go of the old!! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be it! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!)
Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for June
As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.
In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.
Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?
Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
An activated thought means a thought that when I think it, I have a feeling response. If you’re not having a feeling response to something, a feeling that feels good or a feeling that feels bad — the thought is not that powerful, and it is probably not a big player in your vibrational mix.
This is an intelligence briefing. Here I present the bare bones of what has been happening before our eyes…if we would see it.
Once upon a time, there was an industrial combine in Nazi Germany called IG Farben. It was the largest chemical/pharmaceutical octopus in the world. It owned companies, and it had favorable business agreements with companies from England to Central America to Japan.
The author of The Devil’s Chemists, Josiah DuBois, traveled to Guatemala, on a fact-finding mission, in the early days of World War 2, and returned with the comment that, as far as he could tell, Guatemala was “a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”
The pharmaceutical empire was and is one of the major forces behind the European Union (EU). It is no accident that these drug corporations wield such power. They aren’t only involved in controlling the medical cartel; they are political planners.
This is how and why Big Pharma fits so closely with what is loosely referred to as the New World Order. The aim of enrolling every human in a cradle-to-grave system of disease diagnosis and toxic drug treatment has a larger purpose: to debilitate, to weaken populations.
This is a political goal. It facilitates control.
IG Farben’s main component companies, at the outbreak of World War 2, were Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst. They were chemical and drug companies. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus.
The loss of the war didn’t derail that plan. It was shifted into an economic blueprint, which became, eventually, the European Union.
The European Commission’s first president was Walter Hallstein, the Nazi lawyer who, during the war, had been in charge of post-war legal planning for the new Europe.
As the Rath Foundation reports: In 1939, on the brink of the war, Hallstein had stated, “The creation of the New Law [of the Nazis] is ONLY the task of the law-makers!”
In 1957, with his reputation sanitized, Hallstein spoke the words in this manner: “The European Commission has full and unlimited power for all decisions related to the architecture of this European community.”
Post-war, IG Farben was broken up into separate companies, but those companies (Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF) came roaring back, attaining new profit highs.
I refer you to the explosive book, The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, by Paul Anthony Taylor, Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Dr. Matthias Rath, and August Kowalczyk. You can read it at relay-of-life.com. It is a dagger in the heart of the EU.
At the Rath Foundation, you can also read Joseph Borkin’s classic, “The Crime and Punishment of IG Farben.”
In 1992, I was deeply engaged in researching the specific devastating effects of medical drugs. Eventually, I concluded that, at the highest levels of power, these drugs weren’t destructive by accident. They were intended to cause harm. This was covert chemical warfare against the population of the planet. The Rockefeller-Standard Oil-Farben connection was a primary piece of the puzzle.
It was, of course, Rockefeller (and Carnegie) power that had forced the birth of pharmaceutical medicine in America, with the publication of the 1910 Flexner Report. The Report was used to excoriate and marginalize Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and other forms of traditional natural practice, in favor of what would become the modern juggernaut of drug-based treatment.
In an article about the FDA, “Medical Murder in the Matrix,” I point out the fact that this federal agency has permitted at least 100,000 deaths of Americans, per year, from the direct effects of drugs it, the FDA, has certified as safe. (See, for example, JAMA, July 26, 2000, ‘Is US Health Really the Best in the World,’ Dr. Barbara Starfield.)
The FDA knows these death figures. “Unintended” and “accidental” can no longer be applied to this ongoing holocaust.
The pharmaceutical industry itself also knows those death figures.
To understand the dimensions and history of the ongoing chemical warfare against the population, in the form of medical drugs (and of course pesticides), one must factor in the original octopus, IG Farben.
World War 2 never ended. It simply shifted its strategies.
In any fascist system, the bulk of the people working inside the system, including scientists, refuse to believe the evidence of what is happening before their own eyes. They insist they are doing good. They believe they are on the right side. They see greater top-down control as necessary and correct. They adduce “reasonable” explanations for inflicted harm and death.
World War 2 is still underway. The battleground has been changed, and the means are far cleverer.
Sun Tzu wrote: “Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting…The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities…It is best to win without fighting.”
This is what has been happening: invisible warfare.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Al Gore confuses TIDES with apocalyptic ocean level rise
Al Gore confuses TIDES with apocalyptic ocean level rise, warns the end is near
When the tide started rolling in at a Miami beach, Al Gore thought the ocean rise apocalypse had begun and that oceans were rising by a foot per minute.
It turns out it was just the moon's gravity -- DOH! -- pulling water around in very common tidal patterns. But that didn't stop Al Gore from going on TV and declaring total panic as "fish are swimming in the streets" of Miami.
Indulge your sweet tooth with Health Ranger Select Premium Organic Maple Syrup. Because it's pure maple syrup, it's naturally loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and manganese. And because it's kosher certified and heavy metals verified, it's good for everyone. Native American tribes enjoyed the taste and health benefits of maple syrup long ago, now you can too. Enjoy it with pancakes, baked goods, teas or whatever food you'd like to make more delicious.
Weird- Women are putting ground up WASP NESTS into their ... A shocking and dangerous new trend has taken the Internet by storm. Women in search of a cure-all for painful episiotomy cuts and other "down-under" issues, particularly after childbirth, have taken ...
Woman ends up in emergency room after severe reaction to hair dye No one thinks an afternoon at the salon will land them in the emergency room, but that is exactly what happened to one woman, who wound up in the hospital after a severe reaction to hair dye. ...
Al Gore confuses TIDES with apocalyptic ocean level rise, warns the end is near
When the tide started rolling in at a Miami beach, Al Gore thought the ocean rise apocalypse had begun and that oceans were rising by a foot per minute.
It turns out it was just the moon's gravity -- DOH! -- pulling water around in very common tidal patterns. But that didn't stop Al Gore from going on TV and declaring total panic as "fish are swimming in the streets" of Miami.
Indulge your sweet tooth with Health Ranger Select Premium Organic Maple Syrup. Because it's pure maple syrup, it's naturally loaded with antioxidants and minerals like zinc and manganese. And because it's kosher certified and heavy metals verified, it's good for everyone. Native American tribes enjoyed the taste and health benefits of maple syrup long ago, now you can too. Enjoy it with pancakes, baked goods, teas or whatever food you'd like to make more delicious.
Weird- Women are putting ground up WASP NESTS into their ... A shocking and dangerous new trend has taken the Internet by storm. Women in search of a cure-all for painful episiotomy cuts and other "down-under" issues, particularly after childbirth, have taken ...
Woman ends up in emergency room after severe reaction to hair dye No one thinks an afternoon at the salon will land them in the emergency room, but that is exactly what happened to one woman, who wound up in the hospital after a severe reaction to hair dye. ...
House Judiciary Committee has approved a GREAT ENFORCEMENT bill that America really needs...
...But over 100 House Republicans have cosponsored an AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS if they're willing to join the armed forces! Make sure Congress passes enforcement, NOT amnesty!
I've got some really good news and some really bad news!
The GOOD NEWS is that the House Judiciary Committee has approved the Davis-Oliver Act, a MAJOR and CRITICAL strengthening of interior enforcement to root out illegal aliens once they are in America. America badly needs the Davis-Oliver Act to pass. But will the House Republican leadership, including Speaker Paul Ryan, bring it to the House floor for a vote? Not unless NumbersUSA's citizen army pushes them hard. The BAD NEWS is that 200 Members of Congress, including over 100 Republican Reps, are backing a separate bill that will grant ILLEGAL ALIENS who join the armed forces Lawful permanent residence, which puts them on a fast-track to citizenship. This amnesty, the ENLIST Act, is an insult to the millions of law-abiding men and women who have served in our nation's armed forces, or who are trying to enlist now. WE OPPOSE THIS AMNESTY! Reps from both parties have tried to pass this military amnesty for years, and so far we've blocked them. This Congress, the pro-amnesty advocates are coming back stronger than ever! How can we BLOCK this amnesty bill?? ONLY through pressure from NumbersUSA's 8 million activists. Our Activism team has kicked off an Action Campaign so that you and NumbersUSA's 8 million citizen activists can pressure House Leadership to bring the Davis-Oliver Act to the floor and BLOCK the amnesty from becoming law. Tens of thousands of messages have already been sent to Congress, and the phone calls are just gearing up. Our Twitter warriors are on the march, and our millions of Facebook fans are swinging into action! To support this effort, we are launching a $66,240 Action Fund to help make sure that Paul Ryan and the other House GOP leaders bring the Davis-Oliver Act to the floor for a vote. PLUSwe will use the fund to PREVENT this new military illegal alien amnesty from becoming law. Will you support us? We need $66,240 to help get the Davis-Oliver Act passed by the full House and to BLOCK the ENLIST Act amnesty from passing on its own or being added to the National Defense Authorization Act.
Let's look at the great things the Davis-Oliver Act does:
☉ Authorizes states and local jurisdictions to pass and enforce immigration laws that are consistent with federal law.
☉ Expands the list of deportable offenses and expands expedited removal.
☉ Blocks visas to recalcitrant countries (countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens).
☉ Requires states and local jurisdictions to notify the feds whenever they detain an individual suspected of being in the country illegally.
☉ Requires DHS to include deportable aliens in the national crime database.
☉ Clarifies that state and local officers have full authority to honor detainers that allow ICE to take custody of removable aliens.
☉ Improves the vetting process to prevent issuing visas to individuals who pose a potential national security risk.
☉ Authorizes the hiring of 12,500 ICE agents and provides ICE with more resources.
A press release sent out by the Judiciary Committee points to a very important improvement in the bill, "The Davis-Oliver Act also ensures that unlawful immigrants convicted of drunk driving are deported. Drunk driving is currently not a deportable offense and many offenders have been released into communities, even when their recklessness results in the death of Americans."
YES, the Davis-Oliver Act will get immigration enforcement moving faster in this country. It's really great and we're pushing it hard. But it's really weird that so many House members are co-sponsoring the ENLIST Act, that would give illegal aliens who meet certain requirements amnesty if they join the military. When pro-amnesty Members of Congress tried to pass a similar amendment in 2015, which we defeated, Retired Lt. General Harry Soyster said "With the many threats posed around the world that our armed forces are obliged to meet to keep Americans safe, enlistment programs are not the place to try to enact social policies or achieve political goals." This bill is nothing but amnesty and only encourages more people to break the law to come to the U.S. illegally. We have to BLOCK this bill right now. The other side can move VERY fast if we take our eyes off of this. The Action Campaign to PRESSURE House Leadership to bring the Davis-Oliver Act to the floor and BLOCK the Amnesty is in full swing; Tens of thousands of messages are already pouring into Congress today. To sustain this furious pace, we need to raise $66,240 in our Action Fund to pressure Paul Ryan and the other House GOP leaders bring the Davis-Oliver Act to the floor for a vote. PLUSwe will use the fund to PREVENT this new military illegal alien amnesty from becoming law. Will you support us?
NumbersUSA will be putting forth opportunities to message, call, and Tweet your representative to let them know that you want the Davis-Oliver Act brought to the floor for a vote and the ENLIST Act BLOCKED! The House of Representatives often acts inconsistently. But we need to bring them to their senses! Back us up by doing our actions as they are emailed to you, and by helping us PAY FOR THIS by donating to this critical ACTION FUND.
You can donate four ways:
1) Give via our web page 2) Give by PayPal 3) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
4) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Join us in making 2017 the year of results,
Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at jimrobb@numbersusa.com.
P. P. S. Thank you to all our long-time faithful donors; we truly could not do this without you.
P. P. P. S.: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
Copyright 2017 NumbersUSA. 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202. All Rights Reserved.
Funny how things pop up which you would never have remembered or known about, but for the internet!!!!
This came from a friend in Arkansas that has followed the Clinton's for years.
Something you may not know, but should when it comes to politics...20 years ago James Comey was an attorney on the Senate Whitewater Investigation looking into the conduct of President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton. The investigation was to determine whether Bill Clinton used his political position as governor of Arkansas (in the 1980's) to push through an illegal loan to benefit Bill and Hillary's business partner in Whitewater.
Several people involved in Whitewater went to jail, but no criminal prosecution was in the cards for Bill and Hillary. Remember James Comey was the Deputy Special Counsel for the Whitewater investigation.
In Christopher Anderson's book, "American Evita: Hillary Clinton's Rise to Power", Anderson gives details of the New Square offenders pardon by Bill Clinton (they had been convicted of bilking the government of $30 million dollars). Christopher Anderson relates that at Hillary's urging Bill gave clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists who took the lives of 16 Americans and wounded many others.
Anderson tells us that Hillary admired the Marxist Carl Oglesby and Saul Alinsky. It is from her admiration for Saul Alinsky that she formed her belief that "the only way to make a real difference is to acquire power."
The pardon of billionaire Marc Rich (who traded illegally with America's enemies including Iran) by President Bill Clinton was something that everyone knew reeked of impropriety after learning that Rich's wife donated $450,000 to the Clinton Library.
Again, James Comey oversaw investigations of the pardon matters as well. Unbelievably, James Comey did not recommend charging the Clinton's in any of these matters. Wouldn't it be fair and balanced to give news coverage to these facts?
The Clinton's controlled Comey for decades.
You need to share this with as many people as possible. Many didn't know about this.
Although 'some' humans have been trying to hide the Crop Circle phenomenon from the world... The Circlemakers have continued delivering Crop Circles generously this year!! Deep pockets have NOTHING on TRUE SPIRIT and Planetary Intention for Worldwide Ascension! So let's WILL THEM AWAY TOGETHER with our Love!
Crop Circles began arriving early this year in England, France and Italy. The earth, the water, human consciousness and ETs will continue communicating to us through Crop Circles until we learn to listen!
My final film "Crop Circle Diaries" completely changed the discussion about the science of this phenomenon. Please watch the movie and share it with friends. We can save our food supply with this technology once scientists learn to accept working with plasma in this way - guaranteed!
Also watch "Crop Circle Update - The Wake Up Call" which received 4 prestigious awards for it's urgent content!
1. Our research center in the English epicenter CLOSED in 2016.
2. The Henge Shop in the epicenter said they "lost interest in selling Crop Circle materials" in 2016. (What??)
3. My films became the most hacked UFO films in history in 2016.
YET the Circlemakers continue to deliver their incredible messages for us all!! You can't stop mother nature ~ so perhaps it's time we learn to work WITH her. When you want to understand the real technology please watch my final film, "Crop Circle Diaries." Https://CropCircleFilms.com Also available on amazon.com
I still believe we are going to evolve into a stelar species far more aware than who we are today. It will take each and every one of us to awaken into deeper discernment, and stop supporting the criminal elements of our society! Demand clean water, organic food, clean air, and honest UFO media books and films. If you are supporting the groups that are lying to the world - STOP IT NOW!! Save humanity first and foremost and recognize when you are being lied to.* The only hope we have is to awaken together and I am doing everything I can to help! Please support this work, it has NEVER been more important! XO
This book will change forever the way you look at your child's education. Iserbyt has directed her flashlight into the darkest, secret, elitist corners of academe, flushing out and exposing to the light of day the termites who have been eating away at the foundations of traditional academic education.
Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the "deliberate dumbing down" of American children by their education system.
Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.....
This book is out of print. It's sold on Amazon between $45.00 and $300.00. Supply is Limited. Order while our supply last.
President Trump wants to change the education system making this book very timely. However, it is out of print and supply is limited. This is one of the best books written on the corrupt public education system. Charlotte served in the Department of Education under Ronald Reagan and had first hand knowledge of how the whole corrupt and rotten system works and how your children are deliberately brainwashed into globalism and socialism.The book is over 600 pages.
This book should be in every parent's hands who's considering sending their precious child to the public education system.
The insanity we are seeing day after day after day in DC has become destructive, rancid and like nothing I've seen in my lifetime. Never. Democrats and now even some Republicans have jumped into the sewer created by the 'mainstream' media and some cable "news" networks against President Trump. The endless, fabricated lies dominate left and far left Internet web sites and taken as God's truth when there is no truth to what's been slammed at Trump day in and day out. Yes, Trump has his hands full trying to cull the dung bags in the White House and in different agencies and cabinets stabbing him in the back while trying to fulfill his promises to the American people. But, he needs all the help he can get because even some of his most ardent and loyal supporters, some, are starting to get restless. It is vitally important to keep the truth coming and getting it disseminated as far and wide as possible. It's up to us to keep hammering on the truth and getting facts out there. We cannot, MUST not allow the disgraced phony MSM, electronic and print, win the war on truth. Freedom isn't free and neither is keeping a big web site like NWVs up and running. Between the cost of multiple servers and all the other costs involved, NWVs needs YOU to make a donation. Of the tens of thousands - that's no exaggeration - who receive these mail outs, consistently it's a handful who do make a donation. How about YOU? NWVs writers give up time from their busy lives to bring you the best research and commentary. Columns that need to read by as many as possible. None of this will be possible if donations don't start coming in bigger numbers. Not bigger dollars, just more readers who do appreciate NWVs. Remember, you can sign up to donate $10, $25, $50 or even $100 a month which isn't a fortune, but if enough folks did it, Paul and his wife who run everything for no pay would be able to set a budget and count on those funds. If you haven't donated before, please don't just say, well, someone else will because that ends up with nothing.To make a donation please click here and thank you so much.
NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
This Saturday a delegation from the White Dragon Society, including this writer, will be heading to Bougainville in the Solomon Islands to meet with King David Peii II to discuss how to reopen the Panguna mine, which contains about $170 trillion worth of gold and copper. Furthermore, there are six other mine sites under the control of King David and his people on the Island meaning that many hundreds of trillions of dollars’ worth of metal can be made available to benefit the people and living creatures of the planet earth. The total amount of money the OECD spent on development in 2016 was $142.6 billion, so if even a small fraction of the wealth of just one of the six sites was used, there would be at least 10 times more money available to help the poor and protect the environment than is now being spent. The Panguna mine was developed by the Rothschild controlled firm Rio Tinto. However locals, angered at the pollution caused by the mine, as was at the lousy treatment they were accorded by the mine’s owners, seized control after a long war of resistance. Representatives of King David also claim the Rothschild owners of the mine were contemplating destroying the entire island in order to extract its mineral wealth. You can be sure, based on their track record, the Rothschilds were not planning to spend the money they hoped to earn from this to help the planet. Representatives of Rio Tinto did not respond to multiple WDS attempts to contact them. If an agreement is not reached with the Rothschilds, the WDS will, if necessary, use as much weight of the world’s military as needed to help King David make the gold and other metals available, in an environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the planet. One idea is to use mine tailings as landfill in order to create new land for living creatures so that the overall impact of the mining on the island will be to create more space for living creatures than existed before. The WDS will report more on the situation after a June 10-14th visit to the Island. In any case, the Khazarian mafia has been suffering a stunning series of defeats in recent months as their planetary control grid collapses in increasingly visible ways. Most importantly, but in a manner still hidden from most of the world, the Khazarians are running out of gold and most of the world no longer accepts their paper, which is not backed by anything but a rapidly evaporating group mind control mechanism. Khazarian attempts to get gold in Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia are all being stonewalled, multiple sources agree. Last week representatives from Citibank and US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph Donovan promised Indonesian President Joko Widodo they would wipe out all of Indonesia’s external debt in exchange for 12,500 tons of gold but they left empty handed, WDS sources in Indonesia say. The WDS sources add: “The Sultan of Johor, West Malaysia is involved in the attempt to extort the gold from Jakarta. He is claiming that the gold belongs to onlypaid] [his Royal family and this gives him the right to take it back from Indonesia, where is has been stored for the past 70 years or so. This allegation by the Sultan of Johor would mean that this could be part of the collateralized gold accounts, in which the Royal Families of Asia deposited their gold in Indonesia for safekeeping and Soekarno was mandated as M1". Soekarno, as well as US President John F. Kennedy, were killed by the Khazarians in order to end their efforts to use this gold for the planet (We assume our readers know the history of this). Now the depositors of the gold are getting their revenge. The Indonesian WDS sources adds that “I have a strong feeling that [Malaysian] PM Najib Razak is somehow involved in this, as he is a member of the Khazarian mafia.” The Khazarians are still setting off terrorists attacks in London, the Philippines, Indonesia and elsewhere around the world in order to extort gold but, they are being systematically isolated. The Bilderberg meeting of top Khazarian mafia servants that just ended on June 4th was a meeting of losers in the battle for the planet earth. At this first meeting since top Khazarian honcho David Rockefeller died, Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger continued his effort to become the new secret ruler of the planet earth. However, without gold and without Rockefeller behind him, Kissinger is just an old airbag. The Rothschilds’ attempt to take full control of the planet following Rockefeller’s death was also dealt a huge blow as US President Donald renounced their Paris accords. “Trump exited the Paris accords in order to stop carbon trading and expose the global warming hoax of roth,” Pentagon sources explained. Also, inside the Trump regime, “the Zionist-globalist-Goldman faction led by former Goldman coo Gary Cohn were sidelined by the Paris exit as Trump cleans house,” they continue. The Bush faction of the Khazarian mob is also in “full panic mode” as more and more of their crimes are being revealed, the sources add. Last week, the Pentagon sources say, Bush hitmen killed former Panamanian President Manuel Noriega to “prevent him snitching about CIA drug trafficking and corruption.” There are also moves to arrest top Neo-con Bush operatives like David Petraeus, former NSA boss Mike Hayden and remove and arrest US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, the sources say. The charges will be for illegally receiving and leaking classified information, they say. The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton US Khazarian mafia clan’s top henchmen are still struggling to keep themselves out of jail but they are clearly losing the power struggle in Washington DC. There is also a huge power struggle going on now in China, according to Vietnamese sources. The struggle concerns Wang Qishan王歧山 who is de facto number 2 in China’s power structure and is now the top Rothschild agent in China, the sources say. The mystery man Guo Wengui郭文贵 who was photographed recently with Jacob Rothschild and the Dalai Lama, and who is apparently now staying at Trump’s Mar A Largo resort in Florida put out a video (which was quickly removed from the internet) last week claiming Wang “has huge connections with Skull & Bones and Freemasons,” the sources say. If Wang becomes Prime Minister and the official number 2 at the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress this autumn, “then [Chinese President] Xi Jinping will be dead,” the sources say. Wang’s power derives from huge amounts of money that he has recently mysteriously obtained and has been spreading around, they say. These same sources, who have access to top level intelligence about China, say Xi Jinping “is in a very dangerous position.” “He can either try to continue communist rule, in which case other interest groups will try to get rid of him before his term ends,” the sources say “or if not, he can end communism like the Soviets did in the 90’s.” The same sources say that another senior Chinese defector, Ling Jihua, has given the US “way more information on submarines, nuclear codes etc,” because of his opposition to Rothschild controlled Wang. Even if these sources are wrong, there can be no doubt the Chinese situation will remain turbulent under the surface between now and mid-summer as jockeying for the next politburo, set to be formally announced in the autumn, continues. There are also changes coming to Europe as top Khazarian mobster and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Rothchild slave and French President Emmanuel Macron realize the consequences of the Trump regime saying they will no longer protect them from Russia. The result, after some initial huffing and puffing by the French and Germans, has been for both countries to suddenly start currying favour with Russia. There has also been some sort of schism taking place in the Middle East with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE suddenly cutting off relations with Qatar. Qatar is home to the Al Jazeera news network and a huge US airbase. Qatar’s Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani apparently deviated from the official Khazarian line in the Middle East by saying nice things about Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Israel. The Saudis are now blaming Qatar for Daesh in an outrageous case of the pot calling the kettle black. In reality, the fight is almost certainly related to the fact the Qatar has reached a pipeline deal with Russia and the Syrians to export its gas while the Saudis have not. The result is that the Saudis too are now rushing to curry favour with Russia. So far, it seems, the Russians have invited them to spend their money in remote arctic regions.
Interview with "Conscious Resistance" leader, plus James Comey bombshell
I've got a couple of stories for you today. First, an interview with Derrick Broze of "The Conscious Resistance" network, who is going on a multi-city tour to teach self-reliance and sustainability.
Also today, there's a bombshell revelation from the James Comey hearings: He openly admitted lying to the American public about a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton after being pressued by Loretta Lynch.
Suddenly "obstruction of justice" looks very REAL.
A broad spectrum of minerals is essential for the body to function at peak performance. And though the body needs at least 60 minerals to function optimally, most people only get 16-18 from their regular regimen. The solution? Purposefully adding minerals to your everyday regimen. Health Ranger Select Concentrated Mineral Drops makes it easy to get the minerals your body needs in a pure, unadulterated form, that's laboratory verified via ICP-MS for potency and purity.
Fake Food- GMO crops have been a massive failure on every level Genetically modified crops were once hailed as the solution to all manner of problems facing our planet. Proponents insisted they would reduce the need for pesticides, increase yields and help ...
Secondhand smoke puts pets at risk of cancer, experts warn If your own health, or even your family's health won't get you to think twice about lighting up, then maybe your pet's health will. Researchers from the University of Glasgow have ...
Interview with "Conscious Resistance" leader, plus James Comey bombshell
I've got a couple of stories for you today. First, an interview with Derrick Broze of "The Conscious Resistance" network, who is going on a multi-city tour to teach self-reliance and sustainability.
Also today, there's a bombshell revelation from the James Comey hearings: He openly admitted lying to the American public about a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton after being pressued by Loretta Lynch.
Suddenly "obstruction of justice" looks very REAL.
A broad spectrum of minerals is essential for the body to function at peak performance. And though the body needs at least 60 minerals to function optimally, most people only get 16-18 from their regular regimen. The solution? Purposefully adding minerals to your everyday regimen. Health Ranger Select Concentrated Mineral Drops makes it easy to get the minerals your body needs in a pure, unadulterated form, that's laboratory verified via ICP-MS for potency and purity.
Fake Food- GMO crops have been a massive failure on every level Genetically modified crops were once hailed as the solution to all manner of problems facing our planet. Proponents insisted they would reduce the need for pesticides, increase yields and help ...
Secondhand smoke puts pets at risk of cancer, experts warn If your own health, or even your family's health won't get you to think twice about lighting up, then maybe your pet's health will. Researchers from the University of Glasgow have ...
As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.
In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.
Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?
Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
I wrote these notes before putting together my second and third collections, Exit From The Matrix and Power Outside The Matrix:
“Solutions to private problems and public problems require the ability to think things through, logically, and to reject what is unworkable or biased—but above and beyond that, a person needs to be able to imagine solutions that haven’t been tried before. He can’t keep asking other people to invent solutions for him. This is the hardest lesson. The habit of demanding that others come up with answers, that others find a way out of the tunnel—this habit is based on the assumption that one’s own power of imagination is grossly limited, which is a lie. You might say it is the central lie.”
“The world says defect from your own power. Never find out what it is. Assume it isn’t there. The world says all life is about the species, not about the individual. The world says you should use every excuse in the book to define how small and helpless you are.”
“When propagandists find a good thing, a message that works, they pound on it, they keep hammering away. Family, group, family, group, community. On and on. They never promote the message called The Individual with the same intensity. That would be counter-productive to what they are trying to accomplish: group identity; and amnesia about being an individual.”
“Civilization continues to erode and decay, as individual power is put on the back burner. But that doesn’t give the individual a license to surrender. If others want to give up, that’s their business. The individual, instead, finds new frontiers for his power, for his capacity to invent reality.”
“A confession of helplessness doesn’t earn you a gold star on the blackboard. There is no gold star or blackboard. There is you, there is your own power. And what is that power? It comes in two forms or venues. First, there is the ability to apply logic to events and information; to think rationally from A to B to C; to analyze. And second, there is imagination, the capacity to conceive and then invent realities that would never otherwise exist in the world.”
“Individual power doesn’t need to make rigid distinctions between what is done for self vs. what is done for others. Social engineers and propagandists make those separations. You exercise your creative power to fulfill what you deeply desire; and that process will, in fact, spill over and affect others in a positive way. It will lift them up. It will remind them that they, too, have power.”
“Logic and analysis keeps you from being sent down wrong roads, keeps you from buying official reality. Logic also reminds you that you have a mind. Logic is a road that can take you deeper and deeper into more basic fallacies that underpin organized society and its branches of knowledge. Logic tells you there are always more fundamental questions to ask and answer. There are levels of lies. The deeper you go, the more confident you become. The more powerful. Logic also lets you know when you’re projecting basic pre-judgments over a whole landscape and neglecting to look at the details.”
“Despair about the condition of society and the world is not a function of your power. It’s a moment of reflection, or it’s yet one more excuse for inaction and passivity. “What can we do about it all?” is a misdirected question. The actual target of that question is you. You’re asking yourself. And with your power, you can find an answer.”
“Passivity is a disease. It spreads and takes over. It makes strong people weak, and weak people demented. The passive life is precisely and exactly a life without power. The cure is a life lived with power.”
“In case there is any misunderstanding, the ability to help others and defend them from oppression is part and parcel of your own power. How could you help them without your power? How could you accomplish anything at all in that direction? How would denying your own power possibly result in a good outcome? And most importantly, it is through imagination that you can devise new ways to expose and reduce oppression, ways that haven’t been thought of before.”
“As society continues to decay, more and people attack individual power and place their faith in a program that reduces every human to a lowest common denominator of dependence on some controlling entity. This article of faith is surrender.”
“Some people want to say that power is a neutral object that can be used for good or evil. That isn’t true. Your deepest power is alive. It’s personal. It’s stunningly energetic and dynamic. It connects with your deepest understanding of what is true and good and right. But it never sacrifices itself on the altar of what others insist is good and true and right. It never deserts you for an abstract ideology someone else has devised. That ideology was formulated, in fact, to separate you from your power.”
“It takes great energy for a person to bury his own strength.”
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
On June 8, 2017, former FBI Director James Comey will once again testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, somewhat of a contradiction in terms itself. The swamps massive PSYOP to remove President Trump from office by any means necessary, takes center stage again in Senate hearings.
At the start of this circus, Obama CIA Director Brennen has been identified as the person who created the Russia-Trump narrative. Brennen gave that PSYOP file to Sen. John McCain who in turn, gave the file to James Comey at the FBI.
The anti-American “fake news” media is promoting the upcoming Comey testimony as if it were the political super bowl of all time, complete with their “guide how to watch,” yet another PSYOP effort to prepare the jury (you) ahead of the big show by planting in your mind, “what Comey will say” in advance. How do they already know what Comey will say? Who told them? Did they violate laws or “taint the jury” by publicly disclosing testimony not yet given?
The so-called investigation now seems to revolve around recent statements that Trump tried to stop the Russia investigation in a private meeting with Comey, an event that Comey allegedly notated in his person files after that meeting. Although it has been widely reported by the leftist media, no one has actually seen that note-to-self, if it exists at all, when it was written or whether or not any such request by Trump was ever made.
However, Comey has a problem in this effort to “get Trump” – In his sworn testimony of May 3, 2017, Comey unequivocally stated that “no one ever tried to stop the Russia investigation.” When asked, Comey stated that “Trump never asked him to alter the investigation.”
Further, the firing of James Comey while he was three-thousand miles away speaking at a FBI recruitment event in California, allowed the Department of Justice to seize all of Comey’s files and computers back at FBI HQ. Comey had been playing political gate-keeper of truth and justice on behalf of Obama and the Clinton’s for many years. All of it is now in the hands of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, all of it…
The media frenzy over Comey’s upcoming testimony clearly indicates that the NeverTrumpers think they can smell blood in the water. They are circling Trump like a school of great whites that hadn’t had a meal in months. But is there really any blood in the water?
If Comey is entering the hearing with revenge in mind, Comey could hang himself in the end. Clearly, someone has been lying…
The potential for Comey to be caught in a perjury trap, or disclosing classified information in a televised hearing, is huge. He will have to choose every word very carefully. When the lights, camera, action come up… and the show begins, Comey will sit in the spotlight with eyes around the world looking on.
The anti-Trump media will be looking for anything they can spin into a justification for impeachment. Pro-Trump viewers will be glued to their TVs hoping to see Comey lynch himself. It’s high drama, the likes of which even Hollywood could never create.
In the end, what are we likely to learn?
Once again, we are likely to learn that James Comey should have never been trusted at the helm of the FBI to begin with, and should have been fired the minute Trump was sworn into office. We might also learn just what kind of swamp creature Comey really is…
As for the so-called investigation – we are not likely to learn anything new, unless Comey decides to contradict his prior testimony in a vengeful act, in which case, we will see if the Senate Intelligence Committee will hold Comey accountable for perjuring himself in a coordinated effort to “get Trump.”
India: corruption scandals a gaping hole in society
India: corruption scandals reveal a gaping hole in society
by Jon Rappoport
“There are two ways to go. One, expose an enormous scandal and say, ‘See, this is what humans do, there is no hope’; or, exposing the same scandal, say, ‘As bad as this is, there are individuals who can invent futures that surpass the greed and the insanity’.” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)
Honor, honesty, integrity, ethics—words that mean nothing in a universe of corruption. Words that have been co-opted by vague idealists who hide behind them.
No matter what systems and organizations people build, there is always the question of how many honest individuals are in positions of power—and that question is crucial, to say the least.
I can’t count the number of scandals I’ve written about over the past 35 years. Nor can I count the number of times I’ve referred to The Individual as the bedrock of society.
There is an illusion that the future is shaped by collectives, that we live in a planetary collective, but the truth is, individuals are still at the center of things. Failing to focus on, and elevate the importance of, the individual leads to dire consequences.
The failure of education (at home and in schools) to take up issues of individual freedom, power, and responsibility opens the door to unaccountable corruption. There is no way around it.
How many colleges in the world teach courses that truly explore individual freedom, responsibility, power, creativity, and ethics as a single whole? How many teachers, even if permitted, would be able to lead students through such a course without the usual empty platitudes and academic fiddle-faddle?
The obvious answers to these questions reveal a gaping hole in society and civilization, a hole that most people don’t notice, because they’ve been trained to look away from it.
This time I’m taking a look at India, and a gigantic “institutional” scandal many readers have never heard of.
The Washington Post July 5, 2015: GWALIOR, India — “Nobody knows exactly when or why the witnesses and small-time crooks caught up in one of India’s biggest-ever corruption scandals began dying under mysterious circumstances. But in the past two years, that’s what’s happened to more than two dozen people implicated in a $1 billion test-rigging scheme.”
“Even by standards in India, where corruption is routine, the scale of the scam in the central state of Madhya Pradesh is mind-boggling. Police say that since 2007, tens of thousands of students and job aspirants have paid hefty bribes to middlemen, bureaucrats and politicians to rig test results for medical schools and government jobs.”
“So far, 1,930 people have been arrested and more than 500 are on the run. Hundreds of medical students are in prison — along with several bureaucrats and the state’s education minister. Even the governor has been implicated.”
“Police have had their hands full racing to meet a July deadline in the criminal probe. And now they are faced with the deaths of more witnesses and suspects. In the past week, police said, one of those accused died after having chest pains in prison, another drowned in a village pond and a third died of a liver infection.”
“On Saturday, television reporter Akshay Singh died while investigating a suspect’s death. Singh sipped tea during an interview and began coughing and foaming at the mouth, according to media reports. He was rushed to the hospital, where doctors said he had suffered a heart attack. Police said the initial examination did not reveal anything ‘suspicious’.”
“’The police say they keep coming up against a wall in their investigation every time someone is found dead’, said Chandresh Bhushan, chairman of the special investigation team that was appointed by the state court to monitor the police probe. ‘We ask them, “Why are so many dying in road accidents in this case? Does this have any link to the scam?” There is no evidence of a link yet, but we cannot overrule it, either’.”
“’There is so much information with the investigators that it could bring the government down,’ said Ashish Chaturvedi, 26, one of the whistleblowers. He has been attacked 14 times by unknown assailants, he said. Six of the assaults took place in front of a police officer assigned by a court to protect him last year.”
“Many of the mysteriously dead are young — either students who paid money and made it into medical schools or job aspirants trying to take tests to become police officers, school teachers, forest rangers and food inspectors.”
“Some of the accused, called ‘racketeers’ in police files, have died from poison. Others died in freak road accidents, or by consuming too much alcohol, or by hanging. One medical college dean died in a fire. A medical student was found dead on railway tracks. The son of the state governor was found dead at his father’s home in March, ostensibly from a brain hemorrhage.”
“Last week, Narendra Singh Tomar, a 29-year-old veterinarian who was in prison on charges of arranging impersonators for medical school applicants, complained of chest pain, police said, and died soon after in a hospital. His family told reporters that they suspected Tomar was murdered.”
“A day later, a 40-year-old assistant professor at a medical college, Rajendra Arya, who was out on bail after being charged in the case, died of a heart attack…”
You could call this a collective scandal of corruption, but many individuals make up that collective, each acting according to his own sense of (lack of) honesty. And you could also say that individuals trying to expose the scandal and get to the bottom of it are paying the ultimate price—as if that were a reason to give up and claim there is no solution, ever.
But there is always a solution in the long run, if it begins with educating individuals about who and what they are—and, more importantly, finding that place in a person where he already knows who he is, beyond the kind of greed and evil exemplified by the corruption described above.
Honesty, integrity, and responsibility exist. Yes they do. In the minds and consciences of individuals.
This has always been true, and it will always be true.
The worst cynic in the world is, in fact, the worst cynic precisely because he understands this. He sees the good. He never loses sight of it. He has it in himself, and he knows others have it, too, no matter how forcefully he denies it.
Genuinely and authentically helping to lift up the individual opens a portal to a world almost everyone would want to live in.
Over the years (and currently), I’ve known people who forwarded projects and enterprises dedicated to this goal. Without exception, they could see past corruption, and in so doing, they projected an energy that exposed the lie of “the human condition” and the doom that would consign human civilization to failure.
They knew there was something else.
We know it, too.
No matter how bad things get, the individual can fashion and create enterprises that rise beyond the common bed of corruption….and beyond the collective.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You may be aware of this, but thought it was worth looking at again.
I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby. During the summer, I don't leave home without it....Pass it on.
OUR FRIEND'S COMMENTS: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors. It works - in fact, it killed them instantly. I bought my bottle from Target and it cost me $1.89. It really doesn't take much, and it is a big bottle, too; so it is not as expensive to use as the can of Bug-spray you buy that doesn't last 30 minutes. So, try this, please. It will last a couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames, and even inside the dog house.
CNN Forced To Issue Humiliating Correction After Comey Testimony Vindicates Trump
With Wednesday's pre-release of former-FBI Director James "The Peacock" Comey's coming testimony today, the credibility crisis CNN is already suffering just hit another impossible low. Let's review, shall we... In fewer than two weeks, one CNN employee has "beheaded" President Trump, another has called Trump a "piece of sh*t," and the network itself has been caught on video stage-managing a protest. If that is not bad enough, just yesterday the Daily Wire broke the news that CNN's own parent company, Time-Warner, is sponsoring the nightly "assassination" of Trump. Overall, it has been an awful year for CNN in the credibility and basic decency department, as CNN anchors have called for people to be raped and attacked 12 year-old girls who don't want to be exposed to naked men. The network itself is also facing a discrimination lawsuit from upwards of 175 minorities who claim they were discriminated against in ways not seen since the Jim Crow South. Things got impossibly worse for the Hitler Network Wednesday when the Comey testimony so blatantly exposed a lie the network had been pushing for days, CNN actually did something almost unprecedented ... issued a humiliating and high-profile correction of a huge story that proved to be -- no surprise -- a heaping pile of Fake News. If you recall, after waiting way too long, President Trump finally fired FBI Director James "The Peacock" Comey on May 9. In his letter to Comey, Trump revealed that on three separate occasions Comey told him that he (Trump) was not under investigation. (Why he refused to inform the American people of this vital fact is for another day.) Naturally, the news that Trump is not under investigation undermined and greatly alarmed a media eager to relentlessly push their hoax about the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to keep [Trump] from campaigning in Wisconsin. And so CNN's Gloria Borger and Jake Tapper (along with three other fake journalists) came up with a source, a single source, an anonymous source, that told the corrupt media exactly what they wanted to hear...
Why James Comey's Congressional Testimony Was Postponed To Today - June 8, 2017
50 years ago, on June 8, 1967, 34 American sailors of the USS Liberty lost their lives serving their country. These Americans died when Israel, America's "ally," launched a murderous attack using US-supplied weapons on the virtually unarmed American intelligence ship. First the Israelis sent jets to bomb the ship into the sea, then they sent armed helicopters to kill any surviving sailors outside on the ship's deck or in the water.
To this day, many Americans are unaware that this attack even took place. During the two hour assault there were two different American flags raised yet the attack still persisted. There were numerous US military units in surrounding countries that were scrambling fighter jets, but they were ordered to stand down by their superiors at the Pentagon.
After the crew was rescued 16 hours later, only after a Soviet destroyer in the vicinity came to their rescue and threatened to shoot down any Israeli jets or helicopters still in the area, they were immediately ordered silent under threat of court martial "or worse" by US Military command.
The effort to suppress all knowledge of this event was directed by Admiral John McCain Sr., Senator John McCain's father.
There will be no anniversary recognition by the US Navy. There will be no anniversary recognition by the US Military as a whole. There will be no anniversary recognition by the US government at all. There will, however, be celebrating in Israel, acknowledging they got away with attacking a US Naval ship in an unprovoked attack.
The men aboard the USS Liberty deserve every recognition who died in service to their country have earned. Not the James Comey circus.
"Obama is secretly organizing a coup to overthrow President Trump unless the Tea Party steps in and strikes first at the heart of the Obama Resistance."
INDICT OBAMA NOW! Obama must be busted for illegal wire taps, sedition and treason, once and for all. Obama and his minions have run rough-shad over the constitution far too long and now his chickens are coming home to roost but the Tea Party is leading the charge to stop his treasonable activities. Keep reading. ObamaGate is being exposed as the worst election interference and constitution-destroying attack in the history of America. We are coming to the bottom of this now and its not going to be pretty.
Tea Party Demands:
• Demand the indictment of Barrack Obama forcing him to answer to a Federal Judge and in front of the American people regarding his involvement in illegal wiretapping of President Trump.
• Launch a full Congressional investigation of Democrat-ordered wiretapping of President Trump, Trump properties and members of Congress.
• Subpoena all records of those suspected of seditious illegal wiretapping initiated by Obama.
Desperation is making Liberals even more dangerous and deadly. Like rats on a sinking ship they are grasping at straws to find some way to stop President Trump from erasing their secret shadow government, but we are on to them. This is why we need you to step up and add your name in support to indicting Obama now before he and his minions overthrow President Trump and all we hold dear. Look, we've fought like hell for President Trump's November win. The whole point was getting him in the White House so he can reverse the damage done by Obama. Now Obama and his minion army must be stopped before it's too late!
We're on HIGH ALERT right now we are at the bottom of our war chest, almost out of funds! We need you to dig deep and help us cover our basic expenses of our campaign to INDICT OBAMA. We can't do it alone; this is why we need your help and now! This is it! We knew it wouldn't be easy, but who dreamed a past President would lead an all-out attack against the very government he served? As a matter of fact Obama and his minion army are attacking We the People and this is why he must be stopped, but only the Tea Party can do it! "Believe me, not since the Civil War has there been such sedition and treason... and to think it is coming from none other than Obama! ObamaGate is an illegal WIRETAPPING fiasco that could bring America down!" - Steve Eichler, CEO Tea Party
Look at all the hard work the Tea Party and good-hearted patriots have done to get Trump into office, elect scores of conservative candidates and Governors only to have the Rat Obama steal it from us!
As the summer solstice approaches, the days get longer and the urge to make the most of all that extra sunlight rises. In fact, even this month's full moon celebrations revolve around our daylight hours: Whether you perform a full moon ritual or simply hang out with friends on the patio, you're encouraged to spend the whole day of the Strong Sun Moon in nature, embracing the sun and its fiery energy.
If you can't make it to the great outdoors this Friday, you can still channel the sun in your personal life. Show yourself and those around you some warmth and affection — a little care goes a long way and will pay off when you return to your tasks feeling renewed and ready to go.
According to the Astrotwins, there's yet another reason to kick your life into high gear now. This year, the June full moon is in Sagittarius, a sign known for its playful energy. With the Strong Sun Moon occurring in a fire sign, you'll be full of vim and vigor, just in time for the summer season to begin. Ignore anyone who wants to dull your shine and proceed with your plans at full speed. After treading lightly through May's full moon, it'll be freeing to feel a little reckless.
For those of you who checked out at the word "reckless," have no fear: This month's full moon doesn't have to be a free pass to act rashly. More accurately, it's the nudge some of us might need if we've been holding back in an area of our lives. Under Friday's full moon, it may feel more natural for you to ask your manager those tough questions or tell your partner what you really want in bed (the full moon does have a pretty sensual reputation).
Whether you spend the June full moon on a hike or between the sheets, don't overthink your plans. Let your energy — and fiery desires — guide you.
Entry Submitted by One Who Knows at 1:00 AM EDT on May 9, 2017
Re-posted (6-9-17) by request of One Who Knows. ~ Dinar Chronicles
The Role of Money In Ascension
I have been seeing some posts that are suggesting that Money is somehow NOT related to Ascension, and Frankly, NOTHING could be farther from the truth. Money IS VERY MUCH A PART OF THE ASCENSION PROCESS. There are basically two groups that say that money is not part of the process, the Cabal based operatives that are using Ascension to somehow separate you from your currency, and the other group are those who want to be as spiritual as possible and think that money is somehow not ascension worthy. I am going to explain why it is one of the most important parts of the Ascension Plan For Earth.
What Is Ascension?
We start here with a discussion on what does ascending mean? It is basically evolution, rising to a higher frequency that has way more to offer than where we are now. One of the nice things that it has is Abundance. That higher vibration of Love and Abundance of everything is going to be wonderful. Importantly, You can't exist in the higher vibrations if you are in lack, for that is not Compatible at that level. Neither is worry, hate, sickness, or fear. It is all love and abundance, only.
Choosing Your Time-Line
Remember a while back that I wrote a post on choosing your timeline. There would come a time that the two timelines would be splitting and you would either be a "Match" for the lower vibrations of 3d, or you would be a "Match" of the higher vibrations of 5D or higher. Whichever one you were a match to at that time, you would automatically be in that timeline, no matter good 5d, or bad 3d. Here are several posts on the matter and Audio as well. It is worth a re-read and/or a Re-listen, for this topic:
Simple, raising your vibration from 3d related vibrations such as lack, worry, fear, sickness etc. That sounds great and all, but it is not as easy as you might think, and YOU are the proof. If you could sit there living on the street, or having no food to eat, or dying of some disease, or worried about crime, war or sickness, and think very happy thoughts that all is well, and nothing is going wrong, no matter how it looks, you could rise up to 5d frequency. So if it is that easy, why are you NOT there now? IT IS HARD TO DO WITH OUT HELP. When you are hungry or living on the street, it is hard to "Feel" abundance, and not feel lack. If you are dying of some sickness, It is hard to "Feel" safe and worry free. It just is. Sure if you were some monk who does nothing but pray all day, and has a roof over his head, and food on the table, you can get to that higher vibration without money.
Remember The Time Line Split
The time lines are splitting and you are either going to go one way or the other, and time is not on our side on that matter. It is coming like it or not. So, you better get your vibration together and be at the right frequency when they split or you might not be happy where you are going. You say, "That is easy, after the RV I will have everything I ever wanted and I will be happy, fed, have a roof over my head, and feel total abundance.... I'll be ready." Good for you. What about the hungry guy who is living under the bridge?
Here Comes Money To The Rescue
Well here is the crux of the matter. You could hire a Life Coach to go and visit this hungry under the bridge guy, every day and teach him the ways of feeling better and blocking those hunger pains and feel abundance instead.... Or You could just buy him a house, feed him and get him a job. The first way may get him to the feeling of abundance and raise him to the 5d frequency in a matter of months? Years? But, the second way, using money, as the tool it is, you could make him feel abundant with food on the table, a roof over his head and a life worth living in days. So, which is better coaching the hungry and homeless man until he feels better? Or getting him a home and feeding him so he feels better? Of course there is no comparison and that is why the Elders are giving us so much money, so we can raise up as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time possible.
In A Different World
In a different World, where we were not beaten down by the Cabal, we could meditate, and go UMMMMMMMMMMMM all day, and all that until we raised our vibration high enough to be in the 5d time line. But, that is the reason the Cabal were so ruthless, to bring us so far down, so low that we could not get to a higher vibration of abundance, without money, and they kept us from having the money. They used money to keep us down, so we need to use money to get back up again, and fast!
The Cabal Agenda
Sorry to say, many of those who say that Money is not part of Ascension, are preaching the Cabal agenda. Without money, you will have to talk a Hungry & homeless, person into a better way of thinking, and that is almost impossible. Dare I say that is a ridiculous way of doing it? The Cabal want to keep you from being able to do it. They want to take away your greatest tool, money. Money makes it easy for us to raise the vibration of every single person on this planet from Lack and hunger, to Abundance and happiness so quickly, and when that happens, the Cabal ENERGY will be wiped out so fast it will make their heads spin (Like Linda Blair). The Cabal cannot exist in a High Vibration World. That is why they want to make it hard for you to raise people's vibrations.
Money Is The Plan For Mass Ascension
Don't let anyone tell you that money is NOT part of the Ascension plan, as it is the MAIN part. Even Sananda, said that he is for the GCR/RV and is friends with St. Germaine. They have plans to help flood this Earth with so much money that it raises EVERY ONE UP out of lack into FULL ABUNDANCE, LOVE, and JOY. the corner stone's of 5D. Here is Sananda's message about the GCR:
***** Begin Message *********
I am Sananda in service to mother/father Creator. I come to you in light and love. I have heard some disinformation upon your placement. This disinformation states that I am not in agreement with the unfolding of the GCR/RV do ye not know, that St. Germain and I are close companions? Do ye ones not know that we come in service to the one source? How then could that great shift from hate and control to love and light take place. If we do not help you in retaining all control. What say you? It is high time you ones learn to follow your heart and not the words mentioned by deceptive agents. Do you not see that all this has only one goal and that is not to get you to believe...and know? All the treasures of the most high are indeed yours. Are you dismayed regarding the roll out? It is rolling out. Just not in your sight but it will be soon. And then you will know like I know all this was non sense. They are liars from the beginning. What makes you ones think they will not lie in the end?
I'm service to Mother/Father Creator, Salu. I Am Sananda.
***** End Message *********
You Are Part Of The Money Flood
You are part of the plan to flood the World with so much money, that not one person shall feel hunger, fear, lack, as all shall have their needs met. You will be the bringer of the Good News, the Messenger of Joy, Love and Abundance. You shall shower abundance down on all you encounter, and you will receive such Joy in return. That, my friends, is your payment, for it is not the money. It is this flood of MONEY that is so important to the Mass Ascension plan. And you are the bringer of the Flood!
What If?
What if you listened to those who preached "use no money for ascension?" What would you do to help the homeless? The hungry? The sick? Words of comfort? As nice as that is, it is no match for a full belly and a roof over their heads. You see, that IS NOT THE PLAN. Those who preach that are trying to hinder your ability to easily raise other's vibrations up Quickly. They want to take away the most powerful tool you have to fight and relieve lack, hunger, sickness, homelessness, and even pollution. On the matter of Mother Earth and the pollution, what if you had no money, how would you help Mother Earth raise up in frequency by cleaning her streams, air, land and oceans? Even if you cleaned up her surface by hand, how long would that take? Clearly, Money Is The Answer and one of the MOST Important Parts of the Plan.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that Ascension is basically going from feeling lack and fear, to feeling Abundance and Love. There is no more powerful tool to make that happen than money, and lots of it. Money wipes out the fear of no money, no job, no food, no home, no transportation, no schooling, and no medical care, just to name just a few. Can a good "talking" to the needy, to do that? No, talking does not replace food, shelter, safety, and health. Clearly money is the Answer for getting Humanity out of Lack and Fear and into Love and Abundance in the quickest and most efficient way. NOTHING else even comes close.
The ones who encourage ascension without money either have no idea what the plan is or how it works, or they have an evil Cabal agenda that would cause people to be left behind with the Cabal in 3d for lack of financial help. Remember, whoever is not up to the 5d frequency of Love and Abundance when the Time-Lines split, they will be stuck in the 3d time line. Well, that is not going to happen. Us Light Workers are going to see to that!
Calling All Light Workers: Make a note of the link to this post, and where ever you see someone saying that Ascension should be done without money, or that Money is somehow not appropriate to ascension, just post this link on their post, or video, or website. If they are of the Light, they will understand right away, if they are not, they will not change their message. But, all those who see their message will also have a chance to see this post as well. We have the power to change this World! Let's Do It!
May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams/Plans
The effects of non-nutritive, artificial “diet” sweeteners on human health have been studied since the 1990s. Although there are insufficient data to make definitive conclusions regarding weight loss, calorie intake, or heart health risk factors, the safety of artificial sweeteners remains controversial. Some studies suggest a link to cancer, liver toxicity, headache, allergies, seizures, diarrhea, and low birth weight. A recent study is receiving much press with the finding that diet sodas increase the probability of consumers experiencing a stroke and developing dementia. Some note that these finding are only a correlation, and the cause for these conditions is still unknown. Others note that this new research strengthens the credibility of past studies showing the dangers of diet sodas.
A botched vaccine campaign has killed 15 innocent victims, and authorities discovered children as young as 12 years old were "administering" vaccines. Click here for the full story
Also today: I have a couple of thoughtful articles for you which are Bitcoin warnings. Bitcoin has become a Ponzi scheme and a "pump and dump" hustle. Be aware of the extreme risks you face if you play in the Bitcoin scheme. Nearly all Bitcoin promoters own Bitcoin themselves, which means they have a conflict of interest in promoting it. Check out my analysis of TEN THINGS you didn't know about Bitcoin
I've also posted a counter view from a Bitcoin promoter who argues that Bitcoin isn't yet in a bubble... but his argument doesn't add up. (I thought you should read both sides of this.) Click here for the counter argument
Drug overdose is now the LEADING cause of death for Americans under 50... Big Pharma's opioid death machine marches on By Vicki Batts | Read the full story
BREAKTHROUGH science finds that exposure to toxic heavy metals (and deficiencies in nutritive minerals) linked to AUTISM By Tracey Watson | Read the full story
Olive oil nutrient found to HALT brain cancer cells in their tracks By Tracey Watson | Read the full story
Could your pet be your new probiotic? By Bridgette Wilcox | Read the full story
15 innocent victims dead after botched vaccine campaign, children as young as 12 years old caught administering vaccines By Russel Davis | Read the full story
In this Webinar, Sheldan sheds light on the many mysteries that have perpetuated the Atlantean legend and bewildered historians over the years.
As we inch closer to disclosure, abundance and landings, it is important that we understand the key role Atlantis has played in humanity’s destiny.
Topics include...
• Where did the original Atlantean colonists come from?
• Why did they come here to Gaia? Why did they colonize the area now known as Atlantis?
• Were the original Atlanteans fully conscious beings?
• What is the legacy of Atlantis and why did they align with the dark Ancharan Alliance?
• Why were the Atlanteans allowed to alter humans' DNA and plunge us into limited consciousness?
• What event destroyed Atlantis and caused it to sink into the sea?
• Is the myth of Atlantis part of the UFO cover-up?
• Are we once again repeating the missteps of the Atlanteans?
• How important is our connection to Atlantis? Does it play a role in our Galactic futures?
Sunday, June 18, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 22, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
3. You see through politics, you understand the link between corporate politics, pharmaceutical, drug and arms industry.
4. More sensitive to energy fields around us. A lot more sensitive!
5. Breathing deeper and slower, into the solar, sacral and root chakras. Flexing muscles we didn’t know we had as the chi, the energy is drawn deep into our being.
6. Appreciating synchronicity, number codes, nature’s language as an integral part of our understanding of how this new world operates.
7. Experiencing deja vu, dimensional slippage, time fluctuations, flashbacks.
8. Renewed need or drive to get on with your mission to change, heal, protect the world.
10. Some people being drawn to you like a moth to a light.
11. Other people being averse to you, staying away from your energy.
12. Being less able to adopt stealth mode, hide behind your matrix avatar. As a result being more careful about who you spend time with.
13. Moving your body to enable and encourage energetic flow. Being drawn to chi gong, reiki, yoga. Becoming more flexible, looser, more fluid in movement. Hips and pelvis opening, chest and shoulders opening, back straightening, hips aligning.
14. Increased empathy and a need for energetic self care to transmute and clear negative energy regularly.
15. Trusting the universal flow of love frequency more. Knowing the right thing will come to you.
16. Consciously reprogramming yourself from matrix algorithms. Heightened awareness of how, when, why the programming works and using tools to unplug. Simplifying your life.
17. Practicing manifestation consciously. Using mantras, focused intentions and meditation throughout the day and night to reset, rebalance and realign your internal vibration.
18. Intense periods of release of karmic and matrix toxins. Expect physical symptoms shaking, shivers, heat waves or nausea, aches and pains. Surrender. Allow. Accept. Be. Release. Practice selfcare.
19. Feelings of depression, anxiety, despair, restlessness, sudden mood swings and very low energy can be experienced. This is the unbearable lightness of being. The overwhelming need for expansion of consciousness.
20. Feeling connected to everything. Interconnectedness, oneness being experienced at a fundamental soul level.
We are all cosmic surfers riding waves of quantum evolution. As each wave of activation takes us to its heights, the following days can feel like a mammoth come down. Rehydrate the hangover. Drinking loads of water, swimming and baths help as the immersion in water clears and cleanses our energetic field.
A profound connection with mind body and soul is experienced. We pass through the doors of perception. The veils between dimensions thin, the world fluctuates, breathes, and we are part of it.
During upgrades, out of body experiences, deeeeeeep breathing, spontaneous stretching and intense shaking can be experienced. Chakra activations can be felt, and it’s a pretty wild experience. Flow with these upgrades. Don’t fight them.
You should read: 7 Signs You Are Starting to Live in the Fifth Dimension
We are rebooting and realigning our structural make up. The flow of energy through our chakras, freed from blockages, brings our energetic being online. We feel looser, more flexible and powered up from within.
Healers, teachers, earth warriors we are being pushed further into fifth dimension expansion. The zen state of peace and serenity. Where everything feels beautiful, compassionate and just. All the while operating within the matrix. This is a big challenge.
The matrix is not passive, it is aggressive and hostile. Global politics will drag us down. All the horrors fed to us everyday will mess with our heads. Personal dramas and challenges can destroy zen. This is ego driven matrix control. ‘1984’ here and now. It will drain us. Manipulate us. Take us down if we let it.