**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
As so many channels are telling you, humanity is moving collectively forward very rapidly toward the moment of awakening. And there are signs of this in many places where loving concern and compassion are arising in discussions about the major issues that need to be practically resolved in order to prevent further, and possibly irreparable, catastrophic damage from being done to the planet, which could cause mass extinctions. Humanity is at a tipping point, a point at which balance must be restored allowing and encouraging a whole new way of living to be established that honors all life forms.
There is no separation, and to attempt to live as if separation is real, while at the same time refusing to honor all life forms, is truly insane. Much of humanity now sees this, but there are still many people with power and influence whose sole agenda is to maintain their positions regardless of the cost. They tend to be the ones on whom the mainstream media focuses a lot of attention because they are powerful and influential. Nevertheless, the days when people like these could arrogantly enforce their wishes on the subservient masses are over, period!
Your rapid movement toward awakening is unstoppable, and there are signs of it everywhere, and not just on New Age and Spiritual web sites. Enormous and important changes are happening right now all over the world, even as the media focuses on reporting conflicts, disasters, and on the marital woes of the rich and famous. Do not be distracted by these distractions. Pay attention to Love wherever you find It, and that should not be difficult because It is everywhere. It is within you! Love is Reality, everything else is distraction.
As humans, living in the world, your bodies are the vehicles that permit you to be there. Therefore, you do need to to care for them, honor them, and allow them to experience the pleasures and sensations that bring them joy. However, your main reason for life on Earth is to evolve spiritually through the lessons that life as a human presents to you. And now, in this age of awakening, you are here to complete your lessons – Take your Finals – and to assist other to awaken by being and demonstrating your true nature, LOVE!
You have limitless assistance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms, so whenever doubts, fears, or anxieties seem to be drowning you, call on them for help. They are constantly available to answer your calls 24/7, and will do so instantly. Of course when you are feeling overwhelmed, or even just a little out of sorts, your egos are usually very noisy as they attempt to get you to focus your attention on the issues that are causing you discomfort or distress, and so it can be very difficult to tune into the guidance that is being offered from the spiritual realms through your intuition or through coincidences and synchronicities.
Remember, when you are under stress, pause, take a few DEEP breaths, and then turn inwards to your place of inner peace. Take time out there to allow the intensity of the situation you are dealing with to ease before you speak or take action. You have all, without exception, at some time spoken or taken action in haste that you have, either in the moment, or later, come to regret. Emotions can be extremely powerful, sometimes so much so that you fully identify with them as being yourselves. They are not. They are aspects of being human that can be invaluable, but they do not and should not control you. You can allow them to run riot, like small children, and, like small children, they can get out of control. Love them and honor them, while allowing and encouraging them to fulfill the role for which they were created – to provide deep meaningful feelings – but remember that they are not rational, and that they should not be let loose without your rational oversight.
Much is arising powerfully within people at present that has been hidden or denied for eons. And much of it brings with it very painful memories that strongly effect their emotions, and so you are seeing personal explosions of anger that are way over the top. This “stuff” is arising to be released so that all the blocks to Love dissolve, and when it happens to you give yourselves a “time out,” instead of engaging. In the moment, if you do that, you may feel let down, disappointed, cheated out of an opportunity to prove yourselves right. Later that feeling may still be there, but far less intense, and you will be glad that you restrained yourselves instead of perhaps finding yourselves embroiled in an unnecessary and painful conflict. Even so your egos may be suggesting to you that you should have engaged, and that you would probably have won, but no one wins when there is conflict, because conflict just leads to more conflict.
You are all the beloved children of Source, Mother/Father/God, the Supreme Wisdom, the Supreme Intelligence, Whose Love for you is completely and utterly beyond your ability to conceive of. Pay attention to the many reports from those who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs), because they can and do give you marvelous insights into the wonder that is Love which they have personally experienced. Each one of you without exception is divinely destined to experience Love as intensely and as joyfully as they have. By going within daily, to your holy altar or inner sanctuary, you too can get a sense of the enormity of the Love in which you are permanently and eternally enfolded. But in human form you cannot possibly experience anything like the fullness of It because your bodies would just disintegrate.
You need your bodies at this time because you chose to be in service on Earth to complete your lessons, and to assist many others in their awakening process. This is a choice for which you are most highly honored. Your continuing persistence in the face of the great difficulties that have arisen or are arising now in your lives is fully understood and greatly respected by those of us watching over you so lovingly from the spiritual realms. You could think of it as being like watching your own children or grandchildren graduating, and then moving out into the world to take their places to assist in humanity’s awakening process – and truly many of them are doing just this. Truly all is well. There is only Love, and the word ‘only’ bears absolutely no resemblance to Love’s infinite vastness. You are all loved way beyond measure.
The billionaire Koch brothers are purveyors of Dark Money to politicians and entities they wish to influence in causes true constitutional conservatives would find appalling. Here is a list of 2016 candidates who received Koch funding. Some are influenced, some are not. Just who are the Koch brothers and where is their Dark Money most persuasive? You will be surprised, but first let’s take a closer look at their beliefs and organizations, the latter of which cannot be covered in one article..........
I hate what has happened to our nation. I hate the division caused by those who use the government to divide and conquer us. I hate a criminal justice system where one side of the nation roots for the guilt of the president while the other side roots for his innocence. The justice system is not a football game where “fans” root for winners and losers.........
First they kicked Alex Jones off the social media, and then they wiped Fellowship of the Minds off Wordpress—allegedly for violating Wordpress’ Terms of Service. No warning was given, no explanation offered. If you look for Fellowship of the Minds, all you’ll find is a notice that it’s “now unavailable.” Can we deduce the reason by examining those Terms of Service?.........
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.
The average US wage in 1918 was 22 cents per hour.
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2,000 per year.
A dentist earned $2,500 per year.
A veterinarian between $1,500 and 4,000 per year.
And, a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at home
Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press AND the government as "substandard."
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, And, used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
There was neither a Mother's Day nor a Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at local corner drugstores.
Back then pharmacists said, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach, bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health!" (Shocking?)
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help...
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !
I am now going to forward this to someone else without typing it myself.
From there, it will be sent to others all over the WORLD all in a matter of seconds!
It is impossible to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.
Dr. Cousens warns the world about toxic effects of 5G wireless
The real.video platform is absolutely exploding with new video and viewer traffic. Dr. Gabriel Cousens joined the platform about a week ago, and his channel now has 151 videos.
In a very important video just posted, he warns about the devastating health effects of 5G wireless that's being installed in nearly every neighborhood across America over the next few years.
Take your healthy lifestyle to a whole new level with Groovy Bee Organic MCT Oil. Nutrient-packed, clean, and easy to digest, it's the best MCT oil available. Plus, it's versatile: Groovy Bee MCT Oil can be added to smoothies, coffee, yogurt, salad dressings, and so much more.
Using the highbush blueberry to treat bacterial infections Researchers at Université Laval in Canada looked at the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) proanthocyanidins. In their study, which was ...
Evil Facebook now threatening the media: Work with us or die Facebook has been growing increasingly desperate in recent months as it works to repair the damage caused by several high-profile scandals. However, their attempts to improve their relationship ...
Scientists develop potential alternative treatment for arthritis A recently released herbal medicine could offer a means of treating arthritis without resorting to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In a Korean animal study, the herbal complex ...
The Editor/writer is Pete Vernon, who released a story today with the headline:The Media Today: How Trump Turned Mollie Tibbetts' Murder into a National Story. How's that again? President Donald Trump manipulated that tragedy into a national story? Why? For what purpose? One thing it did do was iron into the mind of the public that Trump is an opportunist..........
The Attack On Western Civilization—Why Don’t Europeans Care About Their Countries?
The one reality most Europeans, Canadians and Americans don’t understand: in 722, Charles Martell turned back the mongrel Moslem armies before they could conquer Europe. Nonetheless, Moslems continue their war on the West in the 21st century. Year by year, they migrate and multiply to the point that they will force Sharia Law across each country with their sheer numbers.........
Proverbs 1:3-5 in the Bible the word states: To receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity; to give prudence to the naïve, to the youth knowledge and discretion, a wise man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. My fellow Americans, until very recently, our republic was on a very slippery slope to oblivion.........
CDC director under Obama just arrested for alleged sexual abuse of women
The former head of the CDC, Tom Frieden, has been arrested for alleged sexual abuse of women. He's been turned over to the NYPD Special Victims Unit.
This is the same guy who covered up the vaccine-autism evidence from whistleblower Dr. William Thompson. He also ran the swine flu mass hysteria propaganda to sell billions in useless vaccines.
Take your healthy lifestyle to a whole new level with Groovy Bee Organic MCT Oil. Nutrient-packed, clean, and easy to digest, it's the best MCT oil available. Plus, it's versatile: Groovy Bee MCT Oil can be added to smoothies, coffee, yogurt, salad dressings, and so much more.
Got a cold? Take 8,000 mg of vitamin C Vitamin C may hold the key to recovering from the common cold, one study finds. A researcher from the University of Helsinki, Finland, has discovered that high dosages of vitamin C can lead to ...
Make your own natural cleaning products that actually work Don’t buy into all that commercialism -- cleaning products do not need to be filled with all those chemicals to work. Sure, a lot of these big-brand products smell really nice and come in ...
The many health benefits of eating organic strawberries Strawberries are more than just their delectable taste. This fruit, particularly its organic versions, offer many health benefits. Here are some of them: Strawberries are an excellent source of ...
Water intake: Do you know how much you need every day? Drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day (which is equivalent to two liters) has always been the recommended amount of water you should be drinking. However, this is only a general ...
Protect yourself against risk of early death: Get a dog Aside from making pet owners more active, it looks like taking care ofdogs can help lower the risk of early death. An estimated 3.4 million people who didn't have a history of ...
TCM herb found to be effective at treating pancreatitis Traditional Chinese medicinal herb Spatholobus suberectus was found to be an effective treatment for pancreatitis, according to a study. In addition, when combined with heparin, it was revealed ...
I hope your memory is long, your priority structure places more important things (like God) above your craving for pro football (especially when college games are better, anyway) and that NFL television revenues are down even more this year than they were last year. M. Barnewall, President, NFLFU (National Football League Football Union)
Interesting... No ambiguity here!
NFL History...history not often reported or leaked to the ticket holders.
I hope this helps you; it opened my eyes, to understand just when the public’s respect for the NFL organization started to crumble....
*In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off.
*In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.
*In 2014 Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said "Know Jesus Know Peace" but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniforminspector before speaking at the podium.
*In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing "Find the Cure" eye black for breast cancer awareness.
*In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem...).
*In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.
*2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression, all of a sudden... It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL has taken a position against any action by NFL playersdemonstrating RESPECT for any issue: For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, for the Memory of 9/11...
BUT they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for America , and for the American People, if it will help mollify a particular Group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL now is shown itself to be.
Honor our military; too many of whom have come home with the American Flag draped over their coffin.
The Department of Homeland Security is expected to introduce a rule that would rescind work authorizations for the spouses and under-21 children of H-1B visa holders. The news comes from a court filing in a lawsuit challenging a 2015 Obama rule allowing spouses and children, who hold H-4 visas, to apply for employment authorization documents (EADs). Researchers estimate 100,000 H-4 visa holders will lose EADs under the rule.
In California, the diminishing Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is just one of many concerns. The Department of the Interior projects that by mid century, the Colorado River will no longer be able to support California and the six other states that rely on it for water. "The main reason," according to the San Francisco Chronicle's story, is California's "expected population growth from 40 million to as many as 76 million people."
When news first broke of the arrest of illegal alien Cristhian Rivera, it was reported that his employer, Yarrabee Farms in Brooklyn, Iowa, had used E-Verify to check if he was eligible to work in the United States. The farm's owner has since backtracked and said the company did not run Rivera through E-Verify. But that initial claim called into question the effectiveness of E-Verify and its ability to deter illegal immigration.
The Angus Reid Institute, a respected Canadian non-partisan, non-profit organization that analyzes public opinion on societal issues, found growing support among Canadians for lower annual immigrant admissions. According to their recent poll, 49% of Canadians want a decrease in immigration, the highest number since the question was first asked in 1975.
NPR's disappointing segment on immigration and American workers over the weekend was marked by unsupported insinuations, red herrings and a creeping denial of the law of supply and demand.
ICE Union fights back against nationwide protests against officers
Fri, Aug 24th
News of the tragic murder of Mollie Tibbett dominated the headlines for most of the week (read more here), but there were some other news items of note this week. The National ICE Union fought back against the #AbolishICE movement when it formally endorsed a Senate Resolution introduced by Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.). The resolution, if passed, would express the Senate's opposition to "the targeted harassment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and employees." "We applaud Senators Cassidy and Perdue for their efforts to bring attention to and condemn what ICE employees have gone through in Portland (Ore.) and around the country, and urge all Members of the Senate to support this resolution," National ICE Union President Chris Crane said. You can read the ICE Union's full statement here. Jeremy posted two blogs this week. The first focused on an exchange on NPR radio that exemplifies what is typical in today's modern immigration debate. The show took a reference that Attorney General Jeff Sessions made to the federal government's efforts to reduce legal immigration during the Great Wave era in 1920 to conclude that he, and other proponents of reduced immigration, support discriminatory national quotas. You can read Jeremy's analysis here. His second blog focuses on a recent story covering California's water shortage. The state plans to cut access to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, but scientists say the cuts won't be enough to save the ecosystem. Of course, immigration-driven population growth in California is missing from the discussion. Jeremy has more here. Finally, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it is still working on a new rule that would end the Obama-era rule that allows the spouses and working-age children under 21 of H-1B visa holders to obtain work permits. Once the proposed rule is finalized, it will be subject to a 60-day public comment period before it can take effect.
Chris Chmielenski
It's August recess! The most impactful thing you can do as a voter is to visit with your Members of Congress while they're at home in the district.
We've posted some talking points on your Action Board that you can use should you visit with your Members of Congress this summer.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Van at van@numbersusa.com.
See where 2018 Congressional Candidates stand on immigration! The 2018 primary season is well underway, and so are the NumbersUSA Candidate Comparison pages. We rate most Congressional candidates on 12 different immigration issues and provide a side-by-side comparison grid for each Congressional race.
Order Our Perennial Favorite Free Foldover Cards
These cards are really effective at events, such as townhalls, to visually show the numbers that make so many Americans passionate about the mission of NumbersUSA to reduce total immigration to a level that serves the national interest.
If you would like to receive a half-dozen of these foldover cards, email mailto:bdaniels@numbersusa.com Bianca and let her know.
The Spineless Church Of United Kingdom And The Bright Lights Of Malvern
One day in a crowded church I noticed that the room got very dark but no-one else seemed to notice. As I turned to look at the back of the church I realized that the door was slightly open. There was a bright light in the door which conveyed to me without words to get out of there, otherwise the door would be shut forever. The experience was so powerful that I have always remembered it. What did it mean? There was an obvious message that existed in the light against the darkness which moved me..........
I was well into my teenage years when we first got the idiot box into our home in the 50’s. We were many miles from any TV station and our house was built on the side of a hill so my dad had installed a very tall antenna attached to the side of our house to catch the signal. I can’t remember being so attached to it that I ignored my brainwashed public education or my chores.........
I started with a list names attached to nefarious activity. The list grew so long that it would take a book or two to lay out their deeds. So, you get the condensed version of the web. Their activity so dangerous at stake is survival of our Constitutional Republic. Relatively speaking, only a few in our vast media world are taking an objective look or searching for truth. The truth of what transpired. When the truth is right before them it’s ignored.........
And among the breathtaking pictures featured in the book are images of the Gadeokdo East Breakwater Lighthouse in South Korea which looks like the prow of a ship and the Jeddah Port Control Tower in Saudi Arabia -- one of the tallest in the world. Scroll down to discover some of the world's most fascinating lighthouses included in the book...
With a focal height of 125-ft, the Gadeokdo East Breakwater Lighthouse in South Korea is built of concrete and sweeps up in a quarter-circle arc like the prow of a ship. Painted red, it stands at the west end of a detached breakwater. Its light is also red, flashing every four seconds
Completed in 1990, the Jeddah Port Control Tower in Saudi Arabia is a 431-ft structure and is one of the world’s tallest lighthouses. It incorporates a light and an observation platform. Built in futuristic style from steel and concrete, it incorporates lifts for personnel and visitors. It emits three white flashes every 20 seconds
Thick ice clings to the Outer Lighthouse at St Joseph North Pier on Lake Michigan in the USA. It has a 35-ft iron tower and raised access walkway, at the end of the harbor breakwater. Since 2008, the outer and inner lights have been managed by the city as a historic site
Built on a prefabricated iron frame, with screwpile foundations, Dovercourt Low Ligthouse in Essex, pictured, together with the Upper Light, was inaugurated in 1863 to guide ships into Harwich and Felixstowe harbors. Out of use since 1917, both lighthouses have been preserved as historic structures and visitor attractions
The Ban Tha Thewawong Lighthouse in Thailand is a white tower supported by a broad square upper section with a viewing platform and topped by a lantern under temple-like roofs. The total height is 128-ft. Built in 2012, it is privately maintained and lit up at night. It also emits a white flash every 3.3 seconds
Built in 1847, Plover Scar Lighthouse in Morcambe Bay was the lower of a pair of lights leading into the Lune Estuary. A circular stone tower with an octagonal light chamber reaching a height of 24-ft, it flashes white every two seconds. Hit by a ship in 2016, it has since been restored
The harbor light at West Pierhead Lighthouse in Cleveland Harbor in Ohio was first installed in 1931. This image shows winter ice cloaking the cast-iron lighthouse, built in 1911 to guide ships from Lake Erie into the Port of Cleveland and the Cuyahoga River. It is now out of commission
An ornate octagonal cast-iron tower 156ft tall and completed in 1896, Les Pâquis Lighthouse is a famous Geneva landmark. It is regularly floodlit, but still functions as a lighthouse, with white and green lights beamed in separate directions
Australia’s second-oldest surviving lighthouse, operational from 1838 to 1996, Cape Bruny Lighthouse in Tasmania was built by convicts out of rubblestone and stands 43ft high. The light now comes from an adjacent, shorter, fiberglass structure
Rising from the sandy beach, with no access at high tide, the Point of Ayr Lighthouse in Talacre Beach is Wales’s oldest extant lighthouse. It was built in 1776, although it has been inactive since 1883. Rescued from semi-derelict condition in the 1990s, it makes a bright white landmark, 59-ft high
Situated north of the Arctic Circle, the light at the Kjeungskjaer Lighthouse, in Norway is not needed between 21 July and 16 May each year. Built in 1880, this is Norway’s only octagonal lighthouse, and is 68-ft high. Its occulting light (whereby the light period is longer than the dark period) flashes red, white and green every six seconds
The Bressay Lighthouse in Shetland is a cylindrical masonry tower, built in 1858, and is 152-ft high. Automated in 1989, its light has been maintained by the Lerwick Port Authority since 2012. Formerly with a 26-mile) beam, it is now visible for 12 miles
Originally (in 1839) the sea-washed tower of Cockspur Island Lighthouse in Georgia, USA was only a daymark; a light was installed in 1848. The present 46-ft structure was in active service from 1909 to 2007; it is still lit as a historic attraction
The Dry Tortugas Lighthouse at Loggerhead Key in Florida is the remotest lighthouse of the United States, established in 1858. Built of brick, in standard frustum form, it is 157-ft tall. The light was electrified in 1933, and automated in 1988. Since 2015 it has been operated by a VRB-25 beacon
Since 1851, Cape Recife Lighthouse in Port Elizabeth, South Africa has stood on a rock foundation, rising 79-ft above the beach. Its original Fresnel lens is still in use, although electrically lit. It shows a continuous white light intensified by long white flashes, with a red sector
Happisburgh Lighthouse in Norfolk has been warning shipping about coastal sandbanks since 1790. Officially declared redundant in 1988, it has operated under local management since 1990. It is the only independently run coastal lighthouse in the UK. The double red-banded tower is 85-ft high, with a triple white flash every 30 seconds
The tallest lighthouse of the Nordic countries, standing on a rocky islet at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland, the Bengtskär Lighthouse in Finland rises 151-ft above the rock. Built of local granite in 1906, it was converted to windpower electricity in 1983, and renovated in the 1990s. It emits three white flashes every 20 seconds
The Aurora Borealis is often seen above the Garðskagi Old Lighthouse in Iceland, a square concrete structure 41-ft tall that was built in 1897. Its light system was transferred into a new, taller tower close by, built in 1944
Overlooking the artificial Lake Ray Hubbard at Rockwall in Dallas, Texas, this white-painted octagonal lighthouse, designed in traditional style, was opened in 1968. Standing at 35-ft high, and with a diameter of 8 feet, it shows a revolving white light
All images taken from the book Lighthouses: Beacons of the Sea, by David Ross. Published by Amber Books Ltd (RRP£19.99)
For those who are unaware, in addition to these radio broadcasts, my main ministry work is Wisconsin Christian News, which is now a NATIONAL Christian newspaper, based in Wisconsin. We have subscribers in nearly all fifty states, and some larger distribution in other states as well. In addition, we maintain an active and well-visited website AND, since we are a monthly newspaper, we utilize our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page to post late-breaking news stories and items of interest on a daily basis as well — and THERE we have an opportunity to interact with our readers..........
As time progresses we are seeing the left, i.e. Democrats, completely devolve. For the first time Democrats favor socialism more than capitalism. According to a recent Gallup poll 57% of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism. When broken down though- the older Democrats are only at 28% but the obviously uneducated and uninformed millennials, 18-29 years old are at 51%.........
It’s not hard to understand why the critics hated the show. The Beverly Hillbillies presented an America and Americans that had a conscience that subscribed to a Judeo-Christian morality and perspective on life, even though the script writers rarely mentioned God, Jesus, or the Bible. And the two spin-offs – Petticoat Junction and Green Acres followed the same script of wholesome values and moral teachings.........
"McCain’s most horrendous loss occurred in 1967 on the USS Forrestal. Well, not horrendous for him. The starter motor switch on the A4E Skyhawk allowed fuel to pool in the engine. When the aircraft was “wet-started,” an impressive flame would shoot from the tail. It was one of the ways young hot-shots got their jollies. Investigators and survivors took the position that McCain deliberately wet-started to harass the F4 pilot directly behind him. The cook off launched an M34 Zuni rocket that tore through the Skyhawk’s fuel tank, released a thousand pound bomb, and ignited a fire that killed the pilot plus 167 men. Before the tally of dead and dying was complete, the son and grandson of admirals had been transferred to the USS Oriskany. As a rising naval officer, McCain was surrounded by rumors of numerous adulterous affairs, such as used to be called “conduct unbecoming an officer.” Author and biographer Robert Timberg has detailed several of McCain’s sexual relationships with subordinates when serving as a Squadron Leader and an Executive Officer. I think we all know such behavior is a clear violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, in other words, a crime."
The real John McCain. “33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs.” McCain was #1 on the list
Watch the actions of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, both Israeli sycophants. Look at their perpetual legislative actions for Israel, while constantly belching more war; often to the detriment of the American people and the entire world. Who is paying them?
“I may have the first all-Jewish cabinet in America because of the pro-Israel funding. [Chuckles.] Bottom line is, I’ve got a lot of support from the pro-Israel funding.” -- Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, S.C.,
"In a press conference, Graham, who has been a major recipient of campaign contributions connected to AIPAC, pointed out that the funding for Iron Dome was intended as a gesture of solidarity with Israel. “Not only are we going to give you more missiles—we’re going to be a better friend,” Graham said. “We’re going to fight for you in the international court of public opinion. We’re going to fight for you in the United Nations.”
Saudis Lobbied John McCain & Lindsey Graham to sell War.
"A new scandal has erupted involving US Senator John McCain of Arizona — his nonprofit organization, the McCain Institute for International Leadership, received a $1 million donation from the repressive government of Saudi Arabia in 2014."
Republican Senator and former presidential hopeful John McCain said on Tuesday that he was "overjoyed" that Israel possesses nuclear weapons to guard against regional threats.” "Israel has never publically acknowledged its nuclear weapons programme, although it is widely believed that has had one since the 1960s when it penned a secret deal with the US."
John McCain: Out of Touch, Out to Lunch and No Longer Fit for Public Office
"If you wonder why Washington persists in engaging in self-destructive behavior, just go ask Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. They will wave a paper in your face and on it will be the latest directives from AIPAC."
McCain and Graham flipflop on aid to Egypt – after AIPAC speaks up
"It certainly appears that the two men abandoned a position of principle because AIPAC told them to. You’d think they would be buffoons. But they’re not. They haven’t lost any political capital for this abdication of principle. No, they’ve gained political capital. The Times said the senators went to Egypt this week “at the request of President Obama.” And as Jeff Klein, who pointed me to this story, says, No one in the press is calling them out for flipflopping. It’s just not a story when powerful senators dance to AIPAC’s tune."
Senator John McCain En Route To Ukraine To Hasten “Regime Change”
"Thank goodness Sen. John McCain is not president or we might well already be in World War III." -- Eric S. Margolis, award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist
"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) last week promoted Lieberman as “one strong option” to replace outgoing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. “I urge the President to give him full and fair consideration for this critical position,” Cruz said in a press release." "Too many in America who have no accurate information about McCain’s background, they are unaware that he is only out of prison because President Nixon issued him a pardon for crimes he committed during his time as a prisoner in North Vietnam. Two high ranking officers, Colonel Earl Hopper and Colonel Ted Guy, both of unimpeachable reputation, accused McCain of dozens of counts of treason."
"Senator McCain, son of Admiral Sidney McCain, famous for orchestrating the cover-up of the USS Liberty incident in 1967, is himself more than slightly notorious in military circles. On July 29, 1967, only weeks after the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty, then Lt. John McCain nearly became the first American pilot to sink an American aircraft carrier. While on the USS Forrestal, McCain fired the afterburners of his jet fighter as a prank to “singe” the pilot waiting behind him for takeoff. The flames from McCain’s aircraft set off the missiles on the plane behind him killing 134 sailors and maiming 169. A few months later, McCain was shot down over North Vietnam. While a prisoner there, he aided North Vietnamese gunners by training them in tactics and predicting American bombing routes. (Source: Colonel Earl Hopper USA SF, Sgt Major John Holland, USMC). McCain made thirty-two propaganda broadcasts (all classified) for the North Vietnamese while a prisoner. When he returned home, he was called “the Manchurian Candidate” after a film character who was programmed to spy for the communists while held prisoner."
"The McCain story is a curious one. Records of McCain’s period as a POW were classified upon his return from North Vietnam. His commanding officer, while a POW, was Colonel Ted Guy who submitted a series of charges to military prosecutors citing McCain for, among other things, treason."
"Within the first four days of his capture, while in his initial interrogation (26-30 October 1967) at the Hoa Lo prison in Hanoi, and while recovering from his shootdown wounds in the North Vietnamese military hospital (31 October 1967 through mid-December 1967), John McCain provided military information far beyond that which the Code of Conduct – and that which other POWs, while undergoing extreme torture – refused to divulge to the enemy."
"Shocking claims were made that McCain may never have been tortured and that he instead spent his wartime captivity collaborating with his captors and broadcasting Communist propaganda, a possibility that seemed almost incomprehensible to me given all the thousands of contrary articles that I had absorbed over the decades from the mainstream media."
"Washington—According to a high-placed federal agent actively based in Washington, DC who spoke with federal whistleblower Stewart Webb, Republican presidential candidate and Senate Armed Services Ranking Member John McCain’s wife Cindy Hensley McCain’s multiple undisclosed federal income tax returns will reveal millions in Iraq War military procurement contract profits involving Hensley & Co. (Hensley Beer), Mrs. McCain’s large Anheuser-Busch beer distribution firm."
Naturopathic doctor forced to shut clinic after massive death threats, govt. threats
The attack on health freedom and naturopathic medicine has taken another horrifying leap.
A world-reknowned naturopath offering no-cost services to impoverished people has been forced to close her clinic after receiving a combination of death threats (from the pharma cartels, no doubt) and government threats.
I appreciate the way Operation Disclosure is giving out information. The information is credible and walks that fine line between giving information out but not tipping the hand of the Alliance for the Cabal to use. Great job Patrick - as usual you are performing your roll in the theatrics to a tea - worthy of an Academy Award. You are loved and appreciated by many more than respond to the positive clicks at the bottom of the posts. I would like to add my perspective in support of your latest post on Saturday August 25th.
The way I see the QFS and the old system is like the relays in a track meet. The key in the race is to effectively pass the baton from one runner to the other without slowing down the momentum of either runner.
The runner holding the baton has the momentum of racing as fast as he can when approaching the measured transfer zone in which the baton has to be transferred. As the runner approaches the zone, the new runner has to time his, take off, to where he/she accelerates to match the approaching speed of the baton holder. Both runners have to stay in the lane and effectuate the baton transfer before the transfer zone is used up, so the new runner must see ahead to stay in the lane. He can't be turned around to see what's happening. If the timing to accelerate and match the speed of the baton runner, is accomplished, the baton holder can reach out and slip the baton to the outstretched hand of the new runner to where the new runner can feel the baton and grab it successfully. The new runner can now focus on the race and gain or maintain the lead.
That brief moment of matched speed of both runners is where the QFS and the old system are presently moving together in parallel. A simple transfer of the baton will mean the old system is out and the new QFS is the financial structure we get to use.
This transfer is huge and must have impeccable timing to be successful with all objectives being met. The QFS is fully functional and has been running in the background as a mirror of the old financial system. The Alliance has monitored the process with random verification of transactions to see if they are synchronized together. With hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of transaction being done at any given moment in time, the QFS will have to be synchronized up to that same moment in time to effectuate the changeover of the old financial system to the QFS. Simulations of the changeover have been analyzed and found to have be done with perfect synchronicity. We are now waiting on the actual change over in real time.
The Alliance only has one chance to make it right. However, we will see that, that transfer zone has been calculated and the momentums so well synchronized that success will be assured. The Alliance built the Quantum Computer. It is so beautifully engineered that failure is not even considered in its calculation of possible outcomes.
The right people are engaged in the process and the right timing is now. When the race is finished we will all be able to rush to the finish line and celebrate the win. We will hoist our Banner of Liberty and pronounce to the world that the time is here and we have won the right to distribute to the world, the gift that will keep on giving for any foreseeable future outcome we can conceive. Looking ahead, we can see we have won the day.
Being on the winning side means we are the winners - wow, what a great concept that we average, Jills and Joes, are winners in this great Human Race. We can now gently lower our mantle of Godliness upon our shoulders and go live our lives as the winners we are - the God Squad released. Blessed day indeed.
(Video) Urgent Call to Americans -- Ex Nun Exposes Jesuits and Shares Remedies
Published on Aug 15, 2018
Sister Keri Burnor’s story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind’s environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.
Sister Keri Burnor spent many years as a nun serving peacefully within the Catholic Church; that is, until she was sexually assaulted by Church Clergy. After that experience, her search for justice and truth put her face to face with some of the highest powers in the world today, but not necessarily in a good way. Her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Roman Church, and the evils that are hidden and covered up therein on a regular basis, have become the very thing that has caused Burnor's life to be in jeopardy.
Between 2011 and December 2016, she survived more than 10 attempts on her life because of the knowledge she carries with her: knowledge of the Catholic Church's rampant sexual abuse that continues unabated today, knowledge of the U.S. Government's desire to control the population by introducing destructive nanotechnology into the food distribution system and other products, and knowledge about certain activities within the US Government that are so highly secretive and classified that even Congress isn't aware or in control of them.
Sister Keri is founder of Christ the Wall Hermitages, a diversified ministry. She is a former nun, whistleblower, speaker, author, revolutionary, reformer, consultant, researcher, program architect, and inventor.
Keri is the tip of the spear for exposing the dangers of weaponized nano-technology deployed against civilians, herself included, and the need to safeguard all mankind from its many forms including weaponized grades. She is the only known survivor of military grade nanotechnology attacks who is free of the effects of this technology, and who has come clean of it with verified evidence to let the world know there is, in fact, a remedy (at least since Donald J. Trump came to office). Keri has created a well-conceived program and system from her successful experience in order to help others who are unjustly targeted.
YES! I haven’t heard one complaint from anyone in town about our school staff packing heat. If fact, one lady I chat with while shopping at one of our local stores is a liberal type. I ask her what she thought about it and her response was: It’s about time. Our children need to be protected..........
Latin American Invasion of 'Kissing Bugs' Spreading Deadly And Dangerous Disease In U.S.
During the national debate regarding illegal immigration, especially from south of the U.S.-Mexico border, the politically-correct news media, the left-wing politicians and those who favor a limited amount of sovereignty are quick to quash any mention of contagious diseases emanating from Latin American countries.........
The Attack On Western Civilization—Waking Up Too Late
The missing link between Europe’s non-reaction to attacks upon WCIV and our disturbingly similar attitude may not be missing at all. It may just be unrecognizable to both because, in addition to allowing ourselves to be deceived by others, we have deceived ourselves. In the game of history, long or short, such lapses are marked with a very high price tag.........
MEMORY TEST! (Have a paper and pencil handy to record your answers.. Your mind isn't as sharp as it once was!)
This is NOT a pushover test. It's a Baby Boomer era test!
There are 20 questions. Average score is 12 .... This one will be difficult for the younger set. (DUDE!)
Have fun, but no peeking!
When you forward this to your friends/family, Put your score in the subject line and let them know your score ....
Don't forget to forward it to me , as well.
Good luck, youngsters
1. What builds strong bodies 12 ways?
A. Flintstones vitamins
B. The Buttmaster
C. Spaghetti
D. Wonder Bread
E. Orange Juice
F. Milk
G. Cod Liver Oil
2. Before he was Muhammed Ali, he was...
A. Sugar Ray Robinson.
B. Roy Orbison..
C. Gene Autry.
D. Rudolph Valentino.
E. Fabian.
F. Mickey Mantle.
G. Cassius Clay.
3. ! Pogo, the comic strip character said, 'We have met the enemy and....
A. It's you.
B. He is us.
C. It's the Grinch.
D. He wasn't home.
E. He's really me and you.
F. We quit.
G. He surrendered.
4. Good night, David.
A.. Good night, Chet
B. Sleep well.
C. Good night, Irene.
D.. Good night, Gracie.
E. See you later, alligator.
F. Until tomorrow.
G. Good night, Steve .....
5. You'll wonder where the yellow went...
A. When you use Tide
B. When you lose your crayons.
C. When you clean your tub.
D. If you paint the room blue.
E. If you buy a soft water tank.
F. When you use Lady Clairol.
G. When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.
6. Before he was the Skipper's Little Buddy, Bob Denver was Dobie's friend....
A. Stuart Whitman.
B Randolph Scott.
C. Steve Reeves..
D. Maynard G. Krebs.
E. Corky B. Dork.
F. Dave the Whale.
G. Zippy Zoo.
7. Liar, liar...
A. You're a liar.
B. Your nose is growing.
C. Pants on fire.
D. Join the choir
E. Jump up higher.
F. On the wire.
G. I'm telling Mom.
8. Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, Superman fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and.....
A. Wheaties.
B. Lois Lane .
C. TV ratings.
D. World peace.
E. Red tights.
F. The American way.
G. News headlines.
9. Hey kids! What time is it?
A. It's time for Yogi Bear.
B It's time to do your homework.
C. It's Howdy Doody Time..
D. It's time for Romper Room.
E. It's bedtime.
F... The Mighty Mouse Hour..
G. Scoopy Doo Time..
10.... Lions and tigers and bears..! ...
A. Yikes.
B. Oh, no..
C. Gee whiz.
D. I'm scared...
E. Oh my.
F.. Help! Help!
G. Let's run.
11.... Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone....
A. Over 40.
B. Wearing a uniform.
C.. Carrying a briefcase.
D. Over 30.
E. You don't know.
F. Who says, 'Trust me'..
G. Who eats tofu.
12.... NFL quarterback who appeared in a television commercial wearing women's stockings...
A. Troy Aikman
B. Kenny Stabler
C. Joe Namath
D. Roger Staubach
E. Joe Montana
F.. Steve Young
G. John Elway
13.... Brylcream...
A. Smear it on.
B. You'll smell great.
C. Tame that cowlick.
D. Grease ball heaven.
E. It's a dream.
F. We're your team.
G. A little dab'll do ya.
14.... I found my thrill...
A. In Blueberry muffins.
B. With my man, Bill.
C. Down at the mill.
D. Over the windowsill.
E. With thyme and dill.
F. Too late to enjoy.
G. On Blueberry Hill.
15..... Before Robin Williams, Peter Pan was played by...
A. Clark Gable.
B. Mary Martin.
C. Doris Day.
D. Errol Flynn.
E. Sally Fields.
F. Jim Carrey.
G. Jay Leno.
16.... Name the Beatles...
A. John, Steve, George, Ringo
B. John, Paul, George, Roscoe
C. John, Paul, Stacey, Ringo
D. Jay, Paul, George, Ringo
E. Lewis, Peter, George, Ringo
F. Jason, Betty, Skipper, Hazel
G. John, Paul, George, Ringo
17.... I wonder, wonder, who.
A. Who ate the leftovers?
B. Who did the laundry?
C. Was it you?
D. Who wrote the book of love?
E. Who I am?
F. Passed the test?
G. Knocked on the door?
18.... I'm strong to the finish...
A. Cause I eats my broccoli.
B. Cause I eats me spinach.
C. Cause I lift weights.
D. Cause I'm the hero.
E. And don't you for get it.
F. Cause Olive Oyl loves me.
G.. To outlast Bruto.
19.... When it's least expected, you're elected, you're the star today.
A. Smile, you're on Candid Camera.
B. Smile, you're on Star Search.
C. Smile, you won the lottery.
D. Smile, we're watching you.
E. Smile, the world sees you.
F. Smile, you're a hit.
G. Smile, you're on TV.
20.... What do M & M's do?
A. Make your tummy happy.!
B. Melt in your mouth, not in your pocket.
C. Make you fat.
D.. Melt your heart.
E... Make you popular..
F. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand.
G. Come in colors.
Below are the right answers:
1. D - Wonder Bread
2. G - Cassius Clay
3. B - He Is us
4. A - Good night, Chet
5. G - When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent
6. D - Maynard G. Krebs
7. C - Pants on fire
8. F - The American Way
9. C - It's Howdy Doody Time
10. E - Oh my
11. D - Over 30
12. C - Joe Namath
13. G - A little dab'll do ya
14. G - On Blueberry Hill
15. B - Mary Martin
16. G - John, Paul, George, Ringo
17. D - Who wrote the book of Love
18. B - Cause I eats me spinach
19. A - Smile, you're on Candid Camera
20.. F - Melt in your mouth not in your hand
Don't forget to put your score in the subject line, when you forward this on.
I have never heard this said as simply or as well. Class war at its best.The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like The folks who are paying for the free stuff , because The folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
And the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.
And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now...the people who are forcing the people to pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So.. The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this.
All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason?
The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 238 years ago.
The number of people now getting free stuff Outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff.
Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.
A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
For all our sake PLEASE take a stand!!!
Borders : Closed!
Language : English only
Culture : God, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
Drug Free : Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
In case you are not aware, and most are NOT John McCain was EXECUTED for Deep State Crimes. Before he was EXECUTED, he sang like a bird in a deal to protect his family. That is why the MSM is throwing out the praise for him. Part of the deal.
That is also why 1,700 military police are being sent to Gitmo right now. Gitmo is being expanded and they are pulling retired military judges and sending them there to assist in this process. There will be military tribunals for years to have trials and execute all the criminals convicted of Sedition, Treason, Espionage against the American people. We have not even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. Hold on to your hats.
Mar 3, 2018 | ADN News, Clinton, Crime, Military, National, Obama, Politics, Special Invest., World | 1 | Article 103 on SPIES is particularly interesting. Under C: Explanation Sect. 6…/executive-orders-sediti…/… In an nutshell: if you are part of the deep state aka the illuminati aka the cabal aka the swamp… you are done! You have two options commit suicide or death in Gitmo. Choose now, or don't. This is an excerpt from President Trumps latest E.O.(edited) American Digital News
EXECUTIVE ORDERS: Sedition, Treason, Espionage...Court Martial's & ... MILITARY TRIBUNALS While everyone was once again distracted and not paying attention, our President was finishing up a few more things in preparation for what is to come. The ides of March are upon us. - John Miranda [b] By the authority vested in me as President by the Con..
Fred Koch was an American chemical engineer and entrepreneur who founded the oil refinery firm that later became Koch Industries. A graduate of MIT, Koch had devised a more efficient procedure for cracking crude oil — the process by which crude oil is refined into gasoline and other products. In 1925, Fred C. Koch joined MIT classmate Lewis E. Winkler at an engineering firm in Wichita, Kansas, which was renamed Winkler-Koch..........
Liza Hart appears to be an everyday woman who could be encountered in any downtown area in Tennessee where she lives and works quietly. She is an attractive woman on the mature side with sparkling eyes that would break down any barriers that would prevent anyone from talking to her. And everybody seems to want to.........
You now have a powerful tool to fight the corrupt establishment
We are living through the "Dark Ages" of internet censorship, but Real.video has just surpassed 20,000 videos now posted, serving over 4 million video minutes per week.
Are you using the platform yet? It's time to take a stand and speak the truth about health, medicine, food, corruption and much more.
Join the accelerating wave of citizens speaking out to challenge the corrupt establishment on everything from medicine to geopolitics and war.
Prepping basics: How to wash your clothes without electricity When SHTF, how are you going to keep your clothes clean? What will you do if you lose power right this minute and you have a full load of clothes in a washing machine that won't turn on? ...
How to grow food when the lack of water becomes a problem Gardening itself can be a very arduous task, but it's more difficult if you're facing problems like drought and heat. What do you do when you don't have access to enough water for ...
The Indian madder offers a natural way to remedy diarrhea A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine confirmed the medicinal properties of the Indian madder, a traditional medicine used in China for its anti-diarrheal ...
DHA supports liver health in people who eat a poor regimen If your bad regimen or excess weight is causing problems for your liver, consider increasing your intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). An article on Natural Health 365 states that the omega-3 fatty ...
Service dogs help military veterans with PTSD There is no doubt that dogs are man's best friend. The results of a new study suggest that dogs can also be the best therapists for our traumatized soldiers. In an article on Psychology ...
CNN caught red-handed in bombshell fake news lie... refuses to retract dangerous hoax
CNN has been caught in a damning lie, fabricating fake sources to create a complete work of "journalistic fiction" that threatens America's security as a nation.
It's a stunning story, and even legendary journalist Glenn Greenwald has ripped into CNN for their gross misconduct and evil lies.
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8 tips for living a healthier, disease-free life An average person can live for up to 71.4 years, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), but how many of those years are actually spentliving? If you want to have a healthier and ...
The Health Ranger Store offers three turmeric supplements made from 100 percent organic, non-GMO turmeric. Purchase 99 dollars worth of turmeric products today and get a complimentary Health Ranger Select Organic Ground Black Pepper (25g), available for a limited time only.
You won’t believe what happens to your brain when you eat junk food You may be eating yourself stupid, according to some newly published research. A 2015 study has found that people exposed to a typical Western regimen, which is high in processed food, sugar, fats, ...
Artichokes show remarkable cholesterol-reducing properties The plant world has long been viewed as a source of viable remedies for hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol. One such plant that has been considered as a potential cure is artichoke. Thus, a ...
Improving soy farming with organic fertilizers A Brazilian study investigated the possibility of using turkey manure as an organic fertilizer to replace chemical fertilizer. It reported that the manure was able to improve the soil quality and ...
Human activity is causing wildlife to become more nocturnal Based on the findings of a recent study, the accelerated growth of human activity around the world is gradually making wildlife more nocturnal. Earlier research has already proven that animals ...
Must read for everyone wanting to know who the Illuminati are, how their empire operated, how things have changed, how they’re losing power, how they’re compensating, and what their future is.
It’s long. Read in sections. But it’s not only brilliant. It also lays out the plan for deconstruction of the “existing” power structure and our role in it in a way I’ve never seen before.
And it makes perfect sense when you remember that Adamu is coming at the subject from a higher level than us. His is a level where love is ever so much stronger than it is in this dense environment. Where he is, nothing is evil, just misdirected energy. Everything is loved.
I consider what Adamu says here to be an exemplar of “committed speaking.” (1) I’m going to leave it up so nobody misses.
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.
Today I will be addressing the living members of the ancient bloodline families. Those ones who are sometimes called by other names such as the Illuminati, The Powers That Be, the Ruling Elite, the Cabal and a few other, less charitable, terms that I shan’t mention.
To be clear: I am not now addressing the rich and powerful who regularly appear in the press. Political leaders, religious leaders and the heads of multinational corporations are not the ones who truly run planetary affairs. These are people who come and go with time. And, when required, they always bow to the far greater power wielded by the ones I now speak of.
But be that as it may. The bloodline family members know who they are. And it is they whom I address today, though I do suspect that this open letter will be of great interest to many others besides. It is intended, especially, that Starseeds and Lightbringers take note of this communiqué.
So here it begins… an open letter to the members of the ancient bloodline families:
My dear friends,
I must begin by saying that you are seen, known, understood and loved. Just as you are, right here and right now, you are loved. Perhaps it will surprise you to hear me say this?
There is so much judgement of you wherever one goes, is there not? You are labelled as “dark” and “evil” and all your actions are automatically assumed to be “vile” and “despicable” by those who know almost nothing of you or the long and winding tale of how things came to be as they are and you came to be who you are.
So allow me to begin by assuring you that I am not here to damn you or even decry you. I am here to offer you a perspective and a choice. But to do so from a place of loving understanding. (2)
Before I might get to this, allow me to say that I know that your only real “sin” is to be born as you were into the family you were. Between the intense expectations that were placed upon you right from birth, the very specialised training you were subjected to and the derision that was heaped upon those of your line who did not “make the grade,” you were programmed right from the very beginning to be what you have become: a wielder of power over others.
There are ancillary issues too. Such as the fact of your familial bloodlines. A pure ancestry that can be traced back through the ages, via all manner of illustrious forebears, right the way to the high-priests that served the ancient gods themselves back when gods still roamed the Earth.
Perhaps you, yourself, now think on the stories of those ancient times of gods, heroes, magic and monsters as myth or superstition. Perhaps you understand it to be the literal truth and know that those ancient gods were actually visitors from other planets in the galaxy bearing highly-advanced technologies. Or perhaps you even take the more religious view of matters and hold those deities to be as supernatural as your distant forebears did.
It doesn’t really matter how you interpret these things. What matters is the incontrovertible evidence of the powerful ancient truths that were given to your forebears and that have been passed down through the generations, which have allowed you to rule over the rest of humanity.
Not all of humanity, mind. There have always been groups, peoples and nations that have been beyond your grasp. But you have been told that it is your birthright, your responsibility and your privilege to rule over the whole planet and all upon it. And you have believed that. And it has certainly seemed to be true.
The ancient teachings that have been placed in your hands have served you and those like you very well indeed. As has your cunning. Those amongst you who rise to the top are nothing if not brilliantly canny. You have used the advantages placed in your hands very, very astutely. Firstly for your own benefit, it is true. Then for the benefit of your family and to ensure the continued ascendency of your familial line. Then in service of your family’s contractual agreements with other bloodline families. And finally in consideration of the custodial role you have played over the rest of humanity.
As matters stand, humanity today is largely blithely unaware of the role you have played or indeed of your existence. And this is the way you like it. No mob can arrive at the castle gates bearing pitchforks if they don’t even know that you exist!
So you play your games of power and control from the deep shadows. You cunningly obfuscate your activities. And you slowly expand your reach into every sphere of power and control over all of humanity. And when the “sheep” stray, you use guile and skill to reclaim the power of direction over them. Perhaps a little war here or there. Or even a very big one. Perhaps a revolution.
Perhaps a crash in the stock market. Perhaps even an outbreak of disease. Or a terrorist attack. Or a tsunami of immigrants to give the populace something to fear. Or, of course, there are always the ever popular bread-and-circuses [Roman diversions of the masses].
You have certainly made sure that your control of the entertainment industry is ironclad. And there are all manner of complex social nets that you use to make the populace docile and dependant on their government… and therefore upon you. And all such activities are each just a part of your play book that you use to maintain and increase the control you wield over humanity.
You have learned, of course, to offer the sheep the pretence of control over their own destiny. But you know that the REAL power lies always in your hands. Since no matter how they vote, how they revolt, how they machinate, you and your ilk always get what you want in the end.
You have managed a number of glorious victories over the years. Perhaps your crowning achievement is to own the planetary money supply. A nifty trick, I must say. And right now you so, so almost own it all. And he who owns the money of the world, owns the world. Is it not so?
And you have also crafted it so that all the elected officials that the human flock believe to have the power must dance when you pull upon their strings. They have become as puppets to your will. Almost all of them.
And those that will not willingly dance for you are removed. Or they are shown a film reel of a brave and proud president. A man of integrity and principal who dared to stand up to you. And how, in full view of his adoring public, he was assassinated. All this, just before he could begin to undo your power over the money supply.
In the end, all political leaders do your bidding or they are simply swept away. And the illusion that you grant the sheep that they control their destiny through democracy is just that. An illusion. Another nifty trick.
And the intelligence agencies! What a truly brilliant move. To elevate spy craft to statecraft. To have the real power behind the politicians vest in the intelligence agencies. To remove political oversight from those agencies. And then to control them directly yourselves. Why, you can almost step right out of the shadows and still remain invisible now!
The only wrinkle in all of this, as far as I can ascertain, is the Internet. Somehow, unexpectedly, a silly little electronic gimmick of mere academic interest has suddenly blossomed overnight into something quite powerful and problematic, has it not?
It is due to this very technology that the sheep are suddenly behaving in quite an un-sheep-like fashion. Suddenly they are aware of you. Talking about you. Certainly they are seeing and remarking upon the curtain that you have drawn around yourselves… if not actually peeking behind the curtain!
How irritating this must be! You are on the very cusp of total triumph and now, at the very last moment, there is this awareness dawning. Your actual names are beginning to be spoken in public forums! People are beginning to see your hands move on the reins of power!
Yes, assuredly, it is still just a fringe that is aware of you and speaks of you. And yes, you have managed to continue to paint this fringe as lunatics and crack-pots. And, no, this does not threaten your plans and activities.
But you have noticed. You have found the Internet to be the greatest threat to your power and security because, though fragmented and confused, the truth about you certainly is “out there.”
It can be discerned by any who would care to look and weigh the evidence. And suddenly there are sheep that are elevating themselves from the flock. Transmuting themselves into something you have never seen before. Certainly not in such numbers as there are now. And certainly not diffused, as they are, across the whole planet.
Previously you could isolate communities of dissidents. Like the Cathari. Remember them? They knew the truth. Or at least they held a version of the truth that was antithetical to your aims. And their teachings were attractive to others. Their message was finding traction.
So you used your most powerful pawn at the time, the church, to kill them all. It was a genocide of the most brutal type. Wiping out not only a population but the very idea that brought them together in unity. Burning all of their books so that all that is remembered of them now is what was told by their enemies.
And today it is barely even remembered that one of the crusades, perhaps the most brutal and bloody of all the crusades, was not even fought in the “holy lands” against enemy soldiers, but in France against good Christian folk. Farmers and peasants. Put to the sword and burned to death in their churches. All because you could isolate them, round them up and murder them all.
You’ll forgive me if I don’t applaud. Successful tactics don’t always win my approval.
And there have been many, many, many such victories that you, the ancient families, have scored over the rest of humanity. They continue today. You wrestle for power and total control over the Middle East. Which is why things are as they are in that region.
Whatever else one thinks about the Islamic religion, it is true that they are fundamentally opposed to usury. Which means Muslims will not accept the banking system that you are using to gain worldwide dominance. And so Islam has become a powerful block to your plans.
And so you enact your plans. You work to impoverish, torment and radicalise the Moslem world. You set them up to be the enemy of the western world. The great terrorists. You control their teachers and ensure that the message is promulgated that the west is the Great Satan… and you teach the west that all Muslims are abysmal hate-ridden murderers. And so the wheels are set in motion.
And right now a wave of chaos sweeps through Europe and, to one extent or another, the rest of the globe. And this is all a part of your plan. You wish to grind down and pulverize all of those that stand against your plans. And Muslims are very far from the only ones.
And another of your neat tricks is to set one enemy against another.
America was founded upon a principle which was actually nothing other than open rebellion against your power. America the free. Free from what? From your yoke of control, of course!
America’s founding principles were and are directly contrary to your interests. The American constitution is a truly beautiful document. A document that promises liberty and freedom for all. But you have whittled and chaffed and manoeuvred until you have gained control of the American government to such an extent that the most powerful military and technological force in the world is yours to wield.
But as much as your control extends to the American government… the American people are another story altogether. Strong individualists who continue to believe in their own rights and liberties, they stand against you at every turn without even knowing it is you who they resist.
So you wage a war of attrition upon them. You seek to ensure that their food and water is toxified to weaken them. You use a barrage of techniques of every sort to manipulate them and control them. To weaken them and cow them. And, in a master-stroke of pure genius, you now pit America against Islam. Another truly nifty trick. How very… clever of you.
I see it. I see it all.
And, though I must admit I don’t like it, I do understand it.
When I look behind your collective activities, choices and decisions of the types outlined above, I actually see beings for whom I have a great deal of compassion and love. I know, as a clear and sure fact, that it is so that you are actually no different than I. The difference is the journey you have walked.
Since all is truly One, you are the part of that one great eternal spirit that has walked your path, just as I am another part of that same great being that has walked my path. My path leads to where I am, unified within the heart of the Pleiadian Monad; your path leads you to be incarnated as a human being bearing the mantle and the burden of being a member of one of the ancient families upon the Earth. And those amongst humanity who are aware of you and judge you most harshly do so purely out of a lack of self-knowledge. Place them in your situation and they too would do as you have done. Or worse.
And I know too that “what you do to another, you do to yourself also.” So I don’t envy you the results of your choices!
But your story is not over. You are not done with your journey. In due course you too will arise spiritually and begin to return to oneness with your own spiritual entity. Because there is nowhere else for you to go, really.
And this is beginning to happen for some of your family members. Perhaps you have noticed those members who don’t seem to be quite so committed to the old cause. Those who seem to be getting “soft.” Those who seem to be talking crazy talk about abdicating their power. About telling the sheep the truth. Indeed, those who actually have been finding ways to communicate these truths to humanity using that very despised technology, the Internet.
Is it strange that those amongst you who are proposing this new course of openness and transparency… this course of abdication of power… are also those amongst you who are most interested in matters metaphysical and spiritual?
I propose this is not in the least bit strange. It takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to discern that a new age is now already dawning, that the time of your watching over humanity is at an end. Indeed, that it is ending without the return of your master, your dark god-king. And that there is no longer any real hope that he ever will return. You are on your own. Your secret prophecies have come to naught.
And it takes an interest in metaphysics and spirituality to see that there is a changing of the guard happening, that there is a new spiritual order beginning. That those who govern this reality from the very highest levels, from the angelic realms down, are busy changing hands. That is what the new dawning age is all about. And that is why you stand at a fork in the road. It is why you must now choose.
But before I tell you, at last, about the choice you face, I will tell you one final thing: something you most certainly will have noticed. Because it takes no special awareness or training in either spirituality or metaphysics to see that your “magic” is beginning to fail you.
Irrespective of what you believe the real source of your power to be, you will have noticed that it is waning fast. It becomes more and more difficult by the day for you to wield your power. Plug a little leak here and the dam wall springs a gushing fissure over there.
The game that seemed elegant and nearly effortless for generations past is causing you, and those like you, to raise a real sweat. It is a constant struggle to maintain control. You are feeling the stress of this night and day. And it feels as if you are losing your grip. Just as you near victory, so things become ever more impossibly challenging. The magic becomes unstable.
You certainly will have noticed this.
Just look at the process of taking ownership of the world money supply. It was almost effortless to enact the stroke of genius that floated money free from the gold-standard.
And since then it has been a minor effort to bring the nations of the world, one by one, into this fiat banking system. Which is really money by decree. YOUR decree.
Money is now mere numbers that mean whatever you say they mean. But the magic trick is not complete until every nation is a part of it. And so you have used the leverage you had to expand your control until almost every last nation has fallen under your sway.
The very last few hold-outs exist. You have them isolated and [have them] on the ropes. They are almost ready to be taken and controlled. But… right here at the very last… you find yourselves losing grip here there and everywhere. You find your attention being constantly diverted by all manner of seemingly trivial, but irritating, diversions.
And in concert, your energy and attention is so diverted that you can never quite act to gain total power. And this global money supply beast that belongs to you seems to have a malevolent life of its own in that the larger it becomes, the more difficult it is to control.
My friends. What you must understand is that planet Earth does not exist in a vacuum. We have kept it quarantined so that humanity, as a whole, can decide its own fate. But it has been in a state of physical quarantine. We have kept other galactic civilisations from interfering physically.
But there has been no spiritual quarantine! And so a small but powerful contingent of Starseeds and Lightbringers have been born amongst the planet’s populace. And they have utterly altered the consciousness upon the planet. They have, by the simple fact of their presence upon the Earth, brought a new awareness to the Earth.
And they come in now with higher and higher levels of consciousness. They accelerate and amplify these changes upon the planet. You can neither stop, nor slow, nor alter the course of these changes.
Humanity will awaken. Humanity will come to self-awareness. Humanity will make a choice, collectively, about its own nature. This is divinely ordained. It is the dawning of the new age. And it is very soon to happen. The window of opportunity reached its midpoint in 2012. It is beginning to close. And before it does, humanity will have decided.
You, my dear friends, are the watchers over the old order. To you fell the task of shepherding humanity through the long dark age of forgetting. Humanity needed a guiding hand that would work constantly to make order out of the chaos as they slowly let go of the old gods… as they slowly healed themselves of the traumas of being playthings to the darker of the old gods and abject supplicants to the more kindly of the old gods.
You have played a crucial role. You have provided order and structure. You have provided leadership and direction. You have done all of this without actually being anything other than the same human beings of the same Earth as those over whom you ruled.
Yes, it is true, that you have your familial bloodlines. But, in truth, that is nothing more than a very exclusive club to which you belong. You are, genetically, no more special than the rest of humanity… which some of you like to call “mongrel” humans. You are not in any meaningful way biologically superior to them. A pure-bred dog might have many excellent and desirable attributes… but a mutt is more robust and less prone to specific health issues. And so it is for you and the rest of humanity.
And you are certainly not spiritually superior either.
What you do have is ancient knowledge, specialised training and a vast network of control.
And now you also have a choice. On the one hand you can choose to fight the divinely-ordained order. You can resist the changing of the ages. And you can be ground under in pain and self-destruction as you fight the absolute inevitable. Or you can embrace the change and, in so doing, be a part of something beautiful, new and glorious.
Indeed, such are the times right now that you could, if you so choose, step right out of the shadows and into the Light. You could emerge as a bright beacon of the Light. You could move from semi-reviled obscurity into loved and revered glory. You could! It is up to you.
Or you could remain attached to that which is passing away. You could fight tooth and nail to the bitter end and know only bitter defeat. You could find yourself in a physical, emotional and spiritual dead-end with your life over and nowhere to reincarnate to that would accept both you and your choices. You could find yourself in the depths of the void, wracked in spiritual torment.
It is all up to you.
I offer you this choice now, not because I need you to decide any particular way. Neither I, nor my Starseed family, nor the greater humanity of which I am so fond will be overly affected by your choice.
The difference between your choosing this way or that will, in the greater scheme of things, be small. All of humanity will weather the storm that comes and will come to the awakening moment and will make their choice, irrespective of what you do or don’t do. That is utterly foreordained. The new age will begin, irrespective of your choices and actions. What you choose matters little enough for them. But it matters greatly for you.
I point you towards this choice out of compassion for you. I do so only because, were I in your shoes, I would wish to be alerted to this choice at this crucial juncture.
So, in practical terms, what are the choices I am advocating and what might the outcome of those choices be for you?
My dear friends, I am suggesting to you that you begin by learning to listen to your hearts. I don’t mean your physical heart or your emotional heart. I mean your spiritual heart. This is where you connect with the same great oneness to which we all belong.
If you listen to your spiritual heart you will find that there is guidance and wisdom there. Your heart can lead you in making the best possible choices that serve the greatest good of the all.
If you are not able to hear your heart, you can choose to find someone who can teach you how. Zingdad is one of many upon the Earth right now teaching exactly this skill. Or you can do the right things that will lead you on the right path that will result in your spiritual heart opening. (3) In specific, in your circumstance, you can ask yourself:
What can I do right now that will open the doors for the rest of humanity to greater awareness and understanding of their situation?
What can I do right now to create fewer secrets and more transparency?
What can I do right now to give humanity greater choice and self-empowerment?
What can I do right now to foster greater peace, harmony, compassion and understanding?
What can I do right now to smooth the transition to the new dawning age?
How can I increase the quotient of love in the world?
How can I decrease the quotient of suffering in the world?
These are the kinds of questions that you should be answering for yourself if you wish to participate in the changes that are afoot. Engaging yourself with this process will cause you to find your energetic heart. It will allow you to know the sweet taste of being loved for who you are, as much as for what you do. You will feel the hand of divine guidance in your heart.
And as you do this, so you will also find yourself beginning to be able to forgive yourself for all that you have done in the past. You will find, eventually, that you are able to forgive your whole line of forebears for all that they have done through the ages. And you will be surprised by the capacity others will have to forgive you and your line.
Comprehension and compassion will dawn. And, for as long as you are motivated by love, the hand of divine protection will be over you as this process unfolds. Engage with this process, heart and soul, and there need be no negative repercussion at all. You can pay the price of the burden of your choices in love, rather than in suffering and pain. (4) But you must choose to do so!
And if you do, you will find yourself transitioning to the New Earth with the rest of humanity that has also chosen this. If you wish it, your skills at administration and management might be put to magnificent purpose.
You might find yourself in great demand in a position of revered leadership. Or, indeed, you might choose for that quiet, peaceful, gentle life in that beautiful corner of the world that you have always secretly hankered after but never believed you could settle down to.
It is all up to you.
The point, really, is that you will find yourself blessed with an abundance of very attractive options if you should choose to be guided by love. And this contrasts sharply with the option-less, self-destructive dead-end that lies at the end of the road if you should continue to choose from a place of closed-hearted fear.
And this is what I needed to share with you at this point. I know that all of you who are ready for this message will receive it, as we have ways to ensure this. And I also wanted to share this letter to you in the most open fashion possible since part of the healing that is being made available to humanity will come from their understanding that you are not as “other” as they would have thought.
Until they can see themselves in your position, you will struggle to break down the boundaries. And in this letter, by the way I address you, they can see that you are not some kind of demonic enemy, that you are humans as they are. That you are lost and hurt as they are. That you have made the same kinds of choices out of your fear and pain as they have. That you can come to heal yourself, forgive yourself and love yourself as they might. And that greater good flowers for you when you do so, just as it does for them.
And finally, I wish humanity to see that you actually did as was required of you. You held the helm in the vacuum left when the old gods departed. You did so for the whole age of forgetting. And that, ultimately, was what you contracted for.
With love and compassion I leave you now to your choices.
I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation brought to you through Zingdad.
(2) “Loving understanding” – what an excellent choice of terms. Of course he’s talking about the higher than Fourth-Dimensional state that he/they occupy/ies. But that is what we can unerringly aim for: Loving understanding. It cannot but carry us forward in the work that lies ahead. Because in our generation, the Illuminati structure is being deconstructed. It’s happening on our watch.
(3) “Your spiritual heart opening” could be a description of Fourth-Chakra enlightenment. But it could also be a description of Sahaja Samadhi, the culminating event of Ascension, which is a full and permanent heart opening. Both involve heart openings.
(4) Until now the karmic burden has had to be experienced. But at the end of a dark age and the dawn of a Golden Age, karma that has not been relieved by the time of Ascension is forgiven.
“You may be leaving behind some unfinished business, but that no longer matters as 2012 saw the completion of the cycle of duality. Karmically speaking you will have dealt with your important issues already, and since the Law of Grace operates at such times, all is as you might say ‘forgiven.’ You have learnt your lessons that have lifted you up and made further experiences in duality unnecessary.” (SaLuSa, Jan. 4, 2013)
Will America Be Murdered By Socialist Democrats In 2018?
Politically, the first reality is that America has drifted down hill towards socialism for the last 80 to 100 years. The reason it has is because way too many people are lazy in mind and body and it is always easier to believe in fairy tales and "free" lunches (promises from politicians) than it is in the irrefutable and natural principles of liberty. Freedom and liberty are hard and they were won at great sacrifice..........
Mueller's FBI Benghazi Cover Up Ignored by 'Fake News' Outlets
Many Americans remain angry over the haphazard way the Obama White House, the Clinton State Department and the Mueller FBI handled the loss of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans who were killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 Libyan attack.........
We Aren’t Talking About Humans, So Why Defund Planned Parenthood?
Senator Paul then asked on the Senate floor, “The question is, what is more important to these Republicans? Saving lives or spending money?” Perhaps our fascination with big military spending and the unconstitutional policing of the world seems so important that some would be willing to compromise the most fundamental right God has given to His creation, the right to Life.........
The dark Ones have spent many, many years establishing a set up in high places that gave them a solid grip on events that enabled them to dictate the course of humankind’s progress for their own purposes. It may be difficult for people to accept that they were behind both World Wars, inasmuch that they perpetuated the violence and carnage for their own ambitions. Through them they had a target to drastically reduce the human population, and disrupt any attempts to bring an end to wars. They have been successful except that in recent times their dominance has been broken, and they no longer have the power to dictate how events progress that are now providing the means to bring peace to the world. A massive cleansing is taking place and many key Illuminati members have been removed from power, and that has broken their hold on it and the Light is becoming the dominant force.
To say that you have been kept in the dark is not an overstatement by any means, and for many years you have lived a life where many people have been in constant need of the basic things, that ensure a reasonable standard of living. Lack of food and medical attention has resulted in thousands upon thousands of premature deaths, in spite of worldwide help from groups that specialize in helping such people. Slowly but surely the position is changing but as soon as one problem is overcome another takes its place. It paints a dreadful picture of wanton hunger and lack that is not helped by constant problems that arise from insufficient funds to fight them. It is time to address the problems so that the wealth of the world is not wasted, and directed to those most in need. As wars cease the monies that would have been spent for perpetuating them can then be directed to those most in need, and ultimately raise the standard of life. It is a daunting task but you have the means to win the battle providing you set about it the right way.
The gloom and doom is not a pretty subject to discuss so let us change the subject to one that will gladden the hearts of people. St. Germain waits for the appropriate time to use the enormous funds he has accumulated whilst in his charge, and kept for the upliftment and advancement of Mankind. So the future is very bright and there will be unlimited funds to ensure that it is, so to say “money is no object”. Man however has first to show his intent to turn to the Light and that means permanently putting away all weapons of war. The first unsteady steps are being taken now, and beneficial changes are occurring much to peoples delight and astonishment. Know that you can build upon it because Humanity senses it is time for change to peaceful ways and cooperation with each other. The dark Ones who will not or cannot give up their evil ways are now contributing to their demise, and their time will soon be up. The parting of the ways has already commenced with the inevitable outcome as the vibrations continue to rise up.
Much has been planned for your upliftment and you have a lot of ground to make up because of the large degree to which you have been kept behind. You are still using technologies that are now outdated, although some advancements have been passed on such as fibre optics and micro-engineering. They are only the tip of the iceberg, and you must make good the loss of opportunity and time lost to accommodate changes that will give you a great leap forward.
To ensure that your progress into the Light was the result of your own ability, those who would have gladly helped you have been held back. There is no gain for you if others even with good intentions interfere with you evolution, and particularly if you were fed too much information without sufficient time to absorb it. Evolution as the Human Race must progress according to your ability to digest that which is new to you, and incorporate it into your history. However, help can be given once you start to awaken to the greater truths so that they can be spread amongst you. Never lose sight of the fact that you are all One, and you affect each other to a greater or lesser degree according to your ability to spread the new information.
There is a plan that allows for help to be given when you become “stuck” so that you can move on. Even so it is you who have to do the work connected with it, as you will not learn if everything is handed to you on a plate. Evolution consists of experiencing that which is new to you so that it becomes embedded in your memory. In this way you in turn can help others to evolve, and clearly it becomes easier for all concerned. It is possible to speed up matters and such steps are taken so as to ensure you evolve as intended. There are markers along the way and mankind is both expected and helped to reach certain key points on time. In fact much attention is given to ensuring progress is made according to the plan for your evolution.
You could be forgiven for thinking that the chaos on Earth does not lend itself to thoughts of organised progress, but in spite of the outer impression given it is happening. It has to be so otherwise Humanity as a whole would remain in chaotic conditions for much longer. It is not helped by the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hold things up, and they can momentarily delay matters. However, their cause is all but lost but they will not admit defeat and fight to the last. In fact, the Light is becoming more powerful than ever as Mother Earth travels deeper into the new energies. The path for your future has already been written and total success is to be yours.
Lightworkers can help others through this period by calming their fears, and giving assurances that the underlying positives are destined to see Mankind rise again. It will be a return to that exalted position that was held before dropping down into the lower vibrations. Bear in mind that when you did so, you were effectively cut off from your Higher Self, setting you adrift without the knowledge and understanding you previously had. Fortunately you have started to awaken in recent times and are beginning to remember who you really are. Your potential is so big that you could hardly imagine what a great soul you were prior to dropping your vibrations to take your place in the lower dimension.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
TRUDEAU CAVES: Canadian Prime Minister Says NEW NAFTA Deal ‘POSSIBLE’ by Friday
posted by Hannity Staff - 14 hours ago
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday that a potential “New NAFTA” deal with the United States was possible by the end of the week; adding the agreement would hinge on whether it was “good” for Canada.
Trudeau was speaking at a press conference on Ontario when he weighed-in on the recently unveiled US-Mexico Trade Agreement; signaling a strong possibility his nation would soon sign-on to the bilateral deal.
“We recognize that there is a possibility of getting there by Friday, but it is only a possibility, because it will hinge on whether or not there is ultimately a good deal for Canada,” said the Prime Minister.
“No NAFTA deal is better than a bad NAFTA deal,” he warned.
Perhaps the first tangible progress I have made in linking some of the greatest murder mysteries of the 20th Century to JFK's secret society and fraud in the 5 Eyes Patent Offices!
Celebrate Labor Day with the Health Ranger Store. As our way of paying tribute to this country's working men and women, we're offering great deals on organic supplements that promote a healthy mind and body, as well as products that help relieve stress each day.
Chitosan found to inhibit liver cancer: Study Research revealed that Chitosan oligosaccharide, the degradation products of chitin, prevents liver cancer. Scientists continue to search for therapeutic treatments for liver cancer patients as ...
Everything you need to know about candida overgrowth You may never have heard of the term "candida overgrowth," but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t been affected by it. In fact, the combination of a standard Western regimen and a lifetime of ...
Why the Indian olive is one of the best superfoods of all The olive tree (Olea ferruginea Royle) is one of the most important fruit trees in the world. It has been known for treating infectious diseases. Researchers at University of Azad Jammu and ...
By refusing to resign and allowing the folks in AZ to vote on his replacement, McCain will effectively hold his senate seat until Jan. 2021, even in death. The replacement for John McCain won't be on the ballot again until Nov. 2020 and the newly elected senator won't be sworn in until Jan. 2021. McCain allies in Arizona and Washington have been pushing for Cindy McCain to be appointed to her husband's seat..........
In the current upside-down world of political correctness, some words must never be used. You can only use them at your own risk. Currently, a person who is accused — it doesn’t need to be proved, the accusation is enough — of using the “N” word can be fired from his job without any explanation whatsoever. I think this is just the beginning of a very dangerous trend.........
Either End Democracy Or America Could Be Terminated
The current economic state of affairs in the United States is very good to say the very least. Unemployment is way down, a half million manufacturing jobs have opened up throughout the great states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and elsewhere. Our current patriotic president Donald J. Trump reversed the deadly trend of depleting our military by former president Barack Hussein Obama.........
The earth’s about to be destroyed, and you’ve got a spaceship that can carry people to another planet. The problem is, you can only take eight passengers and you’ve got a list of twelve. Four will have to be left behind to die. Which eight do you take?..........
Animal lovers began to realize the truth of the horrific method of slaughtering animals for food as shown on videos. The animals suffer greatly with the crude slaughtering methods with no concern whatsoever for the sacrificial animal who has the same nervous system and feel pain the same as we do. The methods are cruel and brutal.........
Primaries are nearly over. . . Now what? "Throw them all out?" Sometimes, that's how you get even worse.
Hi, Thomas --
Primary season is almost over, and Labor Day is coming soon. You're about to get clobbered by candidates pleading for your vote and your campaign contributions, making all sorts of promises. Do you throw out do-nothing incumbents, or do you hold your nose and vote for them out of fear a replacement will be worse? Surely, there's got to be a better way. There is. There's NumbersUSA. We don't tell you who to vote for, since we don't endorse. We don't give money to candidates. Instead, we reveal who's working for you on immigration, and who's working for, well, someone else. And we make a difference. Only accountability keeps our elected officials honest. NumbersUSA provides that accountability by tracking their immigration-related votes, and the effects of those votes on the numbers of immigrants and illegal aliens.
1. We create grade cards, which tell hundreds of thousands, even millions, of voters how their elected officials actually voted when it mattered.
2. We compare candidates, so you know which candidates stand for what.
3. We rate certain candidates as True Reformers, so you know who will actually get things done when they come to Washington.
4. We hold journalists accountable for how they cover immigration.
5. We get voters who care about immigration to get involved in politics and get out to vote.
6. And of course, there's always the millions of free faxes, free emails, and toll-free phone calls we direct from our members straight to their elected officials' offices. We're the only organization that evaluates every immigration-related vote every member of Congress has ever cast, on the impact it will have on immigration numbers. And you'd better believe that Members of Congress often contact NumbersUSA to ask us how their votes will impact their grades. Your donation will help us spread this information to the public in massive numbers. We have seven million activists who trust us to tell them the true news... and help us reach many times more people. And Congress notices! Help us mobilize these supporters once again. Give today.
I remember not very long ago when candidates and journalists used to gasp, "You want to cut legal immigration?" Despite the support of most voters, advocating cuts in immigration was treated like some sort of fringe position. But we've been making the case that importing massive numbers rewards past illegal immigration, devastates America's working class, overwhelms our infrastructure, and threatens our fiscal future. Today, a lot of people in Washington get it. Or at least they understand that you get it. We've prevented a lot of devastating losses, but we still need the big win. For that, we still need your help. We all need to think beyond red and blue. We need you to help us inform millions of voters about what politicians are doing, not just what they're promising. We need your help to continue to make immigration an even bigger issue in this year's election. That doesn't mean paying hundreds of millions of dollars for attack ads on TV. Rather, that means giving what you can give to inform and empower millions of voters about what their elected officials actually do once they come to Washington. We're not predicting a blue wave, or a red wave. However, We are predicting that a LOT of the politicians who have been trying to do a LOT of very bad things are giving up and leaving. Please give to our Action fund. That money is the hardest to raise, because per IRS rules, it's not tax-deductible and foundations can't contribute. But they're also the most critical funds. Action pays for sending millions of messages to Congress, toll-free phone calls, grade cards, candidate comparisons, and briefing candidates, all of which make us uniquely effective.
You can donate four ways:
1) Give via our web page 2) Give by PayPal.
3) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
4) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Help us bring real progress in 2018,
Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at jimrobb@numbersusa.com.
P. P. S.: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
Copyright 2018 NumbersUSA. 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202. All Rights Reserved
Celebrate Labor Day with the Health Ranger Store. As our way of paying tribute to this country's working men and women, we're offering great deals on organic supplements that promote a healthy mind and body, as well as products that help relieve stress each day.
Wind power on Mars is a "feasible" idea, concludes new study Looks like there is another goodlong-term source of power for Martian exploration vehicles aside from a nuclear reactor. Danish researchers reported that Mars has enough wind to generate useful...
Constipation can be treated with acupuncture Functional constipation is a pain in the butt. Not only does it disrupt your life, but it can bring about much more serious problems. South Korean researchers therefore looked into the ...
The initial Ethics charge against Vance for not wanting to marry same sex couples was only the tip of the witch hunt in an effort to force him out of office but he refused to step down so that “ethics” charge has morphed into a criminal case when Day was charged with two counts of illegal possession of a firearm. Brian Shehan, a Navy Sea, had been arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants and had to appear in the Veteran’s Treatment Court where Day presided. Shehan’s felony was later reduced to a misdemeanor..........
The dogs in the zoo in my opinion are graded by loyalty to their zookeepers no matter how carnivorous, ruthless, cruel self-serving their masters are in reality. Dogs look only to a pat on the head, a massage of the belly, and a rub along their back-side to demonstrate the master’s love, but not necessarily any honorable lasting loyalty. They in return protect their master and his or her family from enemies. It doesn’t matter if the dog is a little Mexican Chewelah a Jack Russel (a little tiger) or a Great Dane........
Sulforaphane, glucorophanin, and glucosinolates can work wonders in your body. They promote healthy aging, support your heart and liver, help fight oxidation and damage by harmful radicals, and even boost your mood and energy levels, so it makes sense to ensure you're getting enough of them. Health Ranger Select Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder contains guaranteed levels of these along with an array of vitamins, nutrients and fatty acids--all in an easy-to-use "supernutrient" powder.
Has the second Civil War already begun? Find out at Real.video Tensions between those on opposing sides of the political aisle are higher than they've been in a long time. There are many people in this country who love the President, while there are ...
We are seeing a disgusting development being exposed in the church today. Many denominations have begun to cave to pressure from the LGBT community to embrace the homosexual lifestyle that also includes transgendered people. Of any ‘organization’ that should NEVER embrace these lifestyles the church should lead the list. Never at any time has scripture lead us to believe that we are to do so. Ever. All references to this perverted lifestyle in scripture state that it is against God’s principles..........
Today’s message may seem insignificant, at first, because of the myriad of very serious issues and assaults we’re facing on our true Christian faith in America and around the world. Normally, we discuss these topics in detail here, which admittedly, are very concerning and require our immediate attention and action. But today I would like to talk about something else.........
Jan 2019: Top Priorities For State Capitols, Part 1
Back in 2007 I began writing about the chemical spraying of our skies. Oh, how the email came in with the usual conspiracy label bandied about. Anyone who has followed my work for the past 29 years knows I have rejected many a conspiracy theory over time because I did the research and discovered the theory to be either an outright lie, distortion or completely made up..........
The deadlock has ended in the undeclared U.S. civil war that lasted all summer, and the good guys have already begun a series of stunning moves against the cabal, including shooting down their secret satellites, multiple sources confirm. Also, a complete reset of the global financial system has already begun, assert CIA sources connected to the self-described “good side” of the Rothschild family. And this is just a prelude to what promises to be a very eventful month of September, the sources agree.
The satellite shoot-down was first reported by the mysterious blogger “Q” and has been independently confirmed by three separate sources. “On August 30, CIA satellites and supercomputers were taken down and likely seized by [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s new space force, and GCHQ [British Intelligence] was removed from the NSA database to also render cabal elements in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, France, Germany, and Israel deaf and blind,” Pentagon sources explained.
A CIA source in Asia who was involved in setting up the secret satellite network that was taken down last week issued the following warning to colleagues: “We are in potential danger. I hope your vehicles have fuel and you have emergency food and water on hand. There’s no telling who did this or why… and now that some of our satellites are down, God only knows what may be coming at us.”
Meanwhile, a third source says Nathaniel Rothschild’s faction was involved in the shoot-down, saying, “Nat is back in play. He is with us. We are dismantling the Nazi/Antarctica global grid of communications. This includes several orbiting satellites, one of which has already been eliminated.”
The communications takedown is a prelude to both a military and financial offensive against the cabal, Pentagon and CIA sources agree. For reasons of operational security, the Pentagon sources cannot say much about the military action other than “a U.S. military offensive is under way to terminate the defenseless and disoriented cabal.”
However, the financial dimension of the cabal takedown involves “a...(Full report will be posted midnight Thursday. ~ Dinar Chronicles)
What Will Happen to Your Body If You Eat Avocado Every Day. The avocado is a unique fruit with multiple nutritional and health benefits. How would your body respond if you ate just one avocado a day? In fact, it would transform your life as you’d get amazing results: your breath will be fresh at all times, your kidneys and liver will work more efficiently, your blood pressure will become lower, just to name a few. There's a miraculous mineral to be found in avocados: potassium. It helps your system keep a healthy fluid balance through chemical channels for cells and organs. Avocados are also a great source of vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is known for its involvement in the creation of collagen and elastin, which help to maintain the skin's elasticity and firmness. Vitamin E takes it to a whole new level, reducing the damage of excessive sun exposure and counteracting aging.
1. Your digestion will improve and breath will stay fresh all day due to the anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant flavonoids of the avacodo
2. Avacados are extremely rich in potassium (helps body keep a healthy fluid balance. Plus kidneys will work more efficiently if they are in need of potassium
3. LDL (bad) Cholesterol and triglycerides leves will decrease
4. Liver functions more efficiently containing vitamins C, E and K (quells cellular inflammation)
5 Helps to lower high blood pressure with all that potassium and helps to prevent osteoporosis
6 Vision will improve. Avacados are high in anti-oxidants carotinoids and zeaxathans (protecting eyes from harmfull blue light)
7 Reduces risk of cancer (stimulating apoptosis -- cell death in questionable cells --- especially breast cells
8. Weight loss if needed -- rich in fiber.that helps to inprove metabolism
9 Skin become more healthy develops a rich glow counteracting aging
-Avocado has antibacterial and antioxidant flavonoids, which kill bacteria in your mouth and make your breath fresh.
-Potassium helps your system keep a healthy fluid balance through chemical channels for cells and organs. A good fluid balance allows your kidneys to function better.
-Eating avocados regularly lowers the “bad” LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides by up to 22% and increases the “good” HDL cholesterol by up to 11%.
-This fruit is actually one of the best products for a liver-friendly diet, and that's all thanks to its ability to help your body produce glutathione! The liver desperately craves this antioxidant to filter out harmful substances and protect its cells from damage.
-Potassium in avocados helps regulate the fluid balance benefits your blood pressure too. In this case, potassium prevents osteoporosis and, most importantly, lowers your blood pressure.
-Avocados are high in antioxidants, especially carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect our eyes against harmful blue light.
-The ability of avocados to give that extra bit of protection from cancer comes from the carotenoids and monounsaturated fat they contain, both of which make their own contribution to the impressive reduction of cancer.
-Avocados are rich in fiber, which is essential for making those unwanted pounds disappear. Fiber is incredibly filling and digests slowly. -Thanks to vitamins C and E avocados help to maintain the skin's elasticity and firmness. Avocados are also rich in omega-9 fatty acids, and they’re crucial for maintaining moisture in the epidermis and regenerating epidermal cells.
These chocolate balls below are great to use to help lose the weight -- espectially since they are loaded with all the good fats and proteins to get you into a keto fat burning mode. I also drink apple cider vinegar / lemon juice sweetened with stevia, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger every morning (see recipe also below). This will get the digestive track racing toward a more youthful metabolism.
* 1 cup raw cacao powder (I sub 1/4 cup Dr. Axe's Collagen Protein Powder for 1/4 cup of the cacao pdwr)
* 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder for dusting (quite bitter so I add 1 T. van. protein powder to dust)
* 3 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
* 2 tablespoons raw honey or 1 tablespoon monk fruit sweetener
* 1-2 drops of stevia (optional) ( I add 1/4 cup pulverized chia seeds to tighten batter for balls especially when using large avocados) Procedure
1. In a mixing bowl, combine the melted coconut oil, avocado, honey and stevia. Use a hand mixer on medium speed to mix the ingredients until they reach a smooth consistency.
2. Gradually mix in cacao powder with protein powder until it completely combines with the other ingredients. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
3. Using a tablespoon, scoop out the mixture and roll it into balls. Dust with the reserved cacao powder (and optional vanilla protein pdwr).
4. Store in the refrigerator or freezer if you want a simulated choc ice cream treat, then serve once chilled.
Apple Cider Elixir Recipe – Good For Digestion
Now before you do as I did and wonder how on Earth apple cider vinegar, with its tart, pungent taste could possibly taste like a sweet apple pie, know that the key is in the added spices.
Ingredients / Grocery List:
* 1 T organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
* 1 T fresh squeezed lemon juice
* One dash of cinnamon * One dash of nutmeg
* ½ teas. of ginger powder
* Stevia or other non-glycemic sweetner
* 2 cups purified water
Instructions / Directions / Method:
Tip: Shake the cider vinegar to get the bottom sediment mixed in the ingredients Health Benefits of the Apple Pie Elixir Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been a favorite of many due to its wide range of benefits. Not only is it something that many people advise using as a skin tonic (when diluted with water) or as a way to freshen teeth, but it is a great way to improve health.(1) Specifically, ACV works to keep the body’s alkaline pH level balanced; when it’s too acidic, the body is more prone to fatigue and infection.(1) Keep that energy going strong and stay cold and flu-free with ACV. ACV is also a powerful way to help detoxify. After a bad eating day or just experiencing physical and emotional stress, many people turn to ACV, and for good reason. Research shows that it has liver detoxing abilities and that it’s also helpful in stimulating circulation to help the body get back on track.(1) It’s also good for digestion. It’s jam-packed with soluble fiber which is needed to help make digestion of foods like nuts and beans easier.(2) Furthermore, apple cider vinegar improves the problems associated with both constipation and diarrhea, assisting the bowels with an natural, effective waste removal process.(2) As for cinnamon, one of the spices used in this drink, the health benefits are nearly endless. Research has found that it does everything from boosting memory and combating candida to fighting arthritis pain and preventing blood clotting.(3) I don’t know about you, but I’m going to start making this something I drink pretty frequently. It’s just good on so many levels. Weight will fall off the body if bread and other wheat products are eliminated. Also try to eliminate Dairy and Sugar and you will be shocked at the results.
Warnings about "currency reset" and 5G deploying as a weapon system
We've got several important warnings for you today, starting with a must-see video about the coming "currency reset."
Lynette Zang offers a fascinating explanation of how and why your dollars are being covertly stolen from you without your knowledge or consent. When the "currency reset" comes, you'll lose everything unless you heed this warning ahead of time.
Finally today, see the first video below which explains how 5G wireless technology can be used as a directional weapon system to target and even execute certain individuals living within the range of 5G.
Sulforaphane, glucorophanin, and glucosinolates can work wonders in your body. They promote healthy aging, support your heart and liver, help fight oxidation and damage by damaging radicals, and even boost your mood and energy levels, so it makes sense to ensure you're getting enough of them. Health Ranger Select Organic Broccoli Sprout Powder contains guaranteed levels of these along with an array of vitamins, nutrients and fatty acids--all in an easy-to-use "supernutrient" powder.
The 6 best ways to store emergency supplies in a small space The key to smart prepping is resourcefulness. While it is ideal to have a big space to store your emergency supplies, sometimes it can’t be helped that you’re stuck in a cramped apartment. That ...
Reduce anxiety fast by knowing how to breathe properly Did you know that a breathing technique can help reduce anxiety? According to Dr. Danny Penman's article onPsychologyToday.com, mindfulness "has been clinically proven to beat ...
Human breast milk protects infants against Giardia infection A study published in the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences examined the effects of human breast milk on Giardia infection or giardiasis. In addition, the study also determined ...
Who Do We Turn To When The Justice System Protects The Guilty?
How do we combat an evil so prevalent that it has commandeered the systems of justice put in place for a safe community? Where do we turn when we can’t trust our police? Our justice system? Our investigative agencies? What does a society do when evil is orchestrated by elite individuals and protected by the very systems designed to bring justice..........
ICE Attacked By Democrats And NY Gov. Cuomo Calling Them ‘Thugs’
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, during the Democratic gubernatorial debate against his opponent, actress and socialist Cynthia Nixon, called the Homeland Security Department's Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are “a bunch of thugs.” Cuomo, who has had a number of his minions indicted and tried for corruption, is facing a Democratic primary challenge in his re-election bid from Ms. Nixon, a far-left who began her campaign with a call to abolish ICE.........
NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
McCain A Hero? POWs And Veterans Are Painting A Different Picture
This is like Barrack Hussein Obama winning the Noble Peace Prize for being the conduit of peace or like that of the streets across the country and the museums being put in honor of the presidents that have dishonored their oaths in upholding the US Constitution to preserve the rights of the American citizens etc… DISGRACEFUL..........
Responsible American Taxpayers Are Just A Bunch Of Dumb Suckers
As an American taxpayer, why on God's Green Earth should you have to pay for illegal aliens who break our laws to come here and then jump on America's compassion (taxes you are forced to pay) to the tune of billions of dollars every year ..... and growing? Every one of them should be deported now, even if it hurts them and us, if we are to ever bring stability and predictabilit