**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
We've got exclusive, bombshell news for you today. In routine testing we conduct in our mass spec laboratory, we stumbled across a probiotics supplement sold by Amazon.com that contains hazardous levels of lead and aluminum, both toxic elements that damage neurology.
We've got the exclusive lab results and the proof, verified by two labs.
The Health Ranger Store is proud to bring you premium-quality, freshly ground black pepper and the cleanest, lab-verified turmeric root powder on the market today. Spice up your dishes with Health Ranger Select Organic Ground Black Pepper and Organic Turmeric Root Powder. Our lab-verified spices are non-GMO, non-China, vegan, certified organic and are lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology. They contain no fillers or additives of any kind.
Here’s why you should eat more mangoes: 6 Health benefits Mangoes(Mangifera indica) are native to India and Southeast Asia. In certain parts of the world, the sweet and juicy mango is called the "king of fruits" because of its incredible nutritional ...
7 Lifestyle tips that can help boost your heart health Maintaining your physical health is the first step to keeping your heart strong. If you want to significantly lower your risk of developing heart disease, make positive lifestyle changes. Follow ...
Prepping for SHTF: Top gear you need The last thing any prepper would want is to be caught off guard during a disaster or emergency. In case SHTF, you should be prepared with the right equipment to help you survive. Stock up on ...
Meanwhile, this is what LGBTQ organizations are doing to society Virtually every week, there seems to be another issue that preoccupies the country. But while our attention is focused on President Donald Trump, Google, Charlottesville, Russia, impeachment, ...
Here are 5 reasons to add black walnuts to your next meal Compared to English walnuts (Juglans regia), black walnuts (J. nigra) have a bolder and earthier flavor. Black walnuts are full of anti-inflammatory compounds and offer many health benefits, such ...
Barley sprouts can help address fatty liver disease, says study Cholesterol is a wax-like, fat-like molecule produced by the body and obtained from food. Its main functions are as a building material for cell membranes and as a component in the production of ...
Curcumin improves symptoms of NAFLD and obesity Consuming large amounts of curcumin — the bioactive compound present in the spice turmeric — may help improve obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in patients with both. An ...
Could a simple vitamin be an anti-aging tool? Many factors contribute to the aging process. In particular, oxidative damage is said to be the leading cause of aging. However, scientists may have just found a way to slow down aging. In a ...
The antibiotics of the future might come from… fish slime? The mucus layer of fish protect them from injuries and harmful infections. Certain beneficial bacteria that live in fish slime might help in the development of new antimicrobial treatments for ...
On the first day of college our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.
I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being..
She said, 'Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?'
I laughed and enthusiastically responded, 'Of course you may!' and she gave me a giant squeeze..
'Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?' I asked.
She jokingly replied, 'I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of kids...'
'No seriously,' I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
'I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!' she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake.
We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop. I was always mesmerized listening to this 'time machine' as she shared her wisdom and experience with me..
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor.
Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, 'I'm sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know.'
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began, ' We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.
There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die.
We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!
There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight.
Anybody! Can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. Have no regrets.
The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets..'
She concluded her speech by courageously singing 'The Rose.'
She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those months ago.
One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.
When you finish reading this, please send this peaceful word of advice to your friends and family, they'll really enjoy it!
These words have been passed along in loving memory of ROSE.
REMEMBER, GROWING OLDER IS MANDATORY. GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL. We make a Living by what we get. We make a Life by what we give.
God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
'Good friends are like stars..... .....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.'
The definition of the word Conundrum is: something that is puzzling or confusing.
Here are six Conundrums of Socialism in the United States of America :
1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.
2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer
5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other Countries only dream about.
6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about, yet they want America to be more like those other countries.
Think about it! And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century.
Makes you wonder who is doing the math. By the way..................
1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, But we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering..
2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't. Think about it.... Am I the only one missing something?
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
One hypothesis: Epstein didn't kill himself, he wasn't murdered, he was ferreted away by his handlers and is alive...apparently, an increasing number of people believe this...
In my previous two articles about Epstein, I presented pieces of a circumstantial case indicating Epstein was an intelligence agent---Mossad/CIA. His job obviously would have involved accumulating tons of evidence on powerful influential men who were having sex with his underage girls. The blackmail value of that evidence would be enormous to his handlers in controlling those men.
If that was his job, suppose Epstein is alive now? Again, what follows is a fictional scenario. If you believe I'm trying to PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt that the man is still alive, you're either deranged or inattentive.
MOSSAD EXEC #1: Jeffrey's in jail, but he's feeling better. We've gotten word through to him that we're doing everything we can
MOSSAD EXEC #2: Everything we can to accomplish what? We're convinced he isn't going to commit suicide. That leaves termination or we somehow get him out and take him away.
MOSSAD #1: Yes. Termination is easier, from a tactical point of view.
MOSSAD #2: You favor that?
MOSSAD #1: I don't know. What are your thoughts?
MOSSAD #2: We don't know where he's stashed all his evidence against our targets. We may have most of it, but not everything. Jeffrey's not what you'd call a careful agent in every respect. So we'd need to sit him down and go through every detail of his work, which would take a huge debrief. Months, if not years. For that, we need him alive.
MOSSAD #1: Understood. And there is also the fact that he's ours. He's done service for us for a long time. I don't want to overlook that. I don't want to throw that aside and say it doesn't matter. We reward our own. He's been loyal. The whole basis of our organization, since the beginning, has been loyalty.
MOSSAD #2: Let's say we want him here, alive and well. Plastic surgery, the works. New ID, new legend, new life history down to the last dot. We HAVE prepared for that possibility. We have a double, just in case.
MOSSAD #1: Go over that for me. How good is the double?
MOSSAD #2: Quite good. We can take this double and put him in a coma. With drugs, we can approximate death. Or we can actually terminate him.
MOSSAD #1: But then we'd probably have to get him inside the jail so we can take him out. Not deep into the jail, but a short distance.
MOSSAD #2: We can arrange to have the video cameras shut off, and we can pay off the guards.
MOSSAD #1: There are other personnel we'd need to control as well. And that says nothing about how we actually get the real Jeffrey out of there. That would involve more personnel paid off. Or somehow substituted for. It's a bit tricky.
MOSSAD #2: I know.
MOSSAD #1: Then there is the matter of the autopsy. The double's DNA...
MOSSAD #2: We've got the medical examiner in our pocket. But if independent autopsies also take place, that could be a problem. And in any autopsy, a lot depends on who is allowed to stand around and watch.
MOSSAD #1: Many little problems. That's why I have a surprise for you.
MOSSAD #2: Really? What is it?
MOSSAD #1: The man who is now in a cell in Manhattan awaiting trial? It's not Jeffrey. It's the double. The FBI arrested the double. We knew the arrest was going to happen, so we made the switch. And Jeffrey is already here with our people.
MOSSAD #2: Really? Fantastic!
MOSSAD #1: Yes. We chose our double well. He has a terminal disease. He has a family. He has no money. We promised him we'd take good care of his family. He's going to commit suicide in his cell. That's the deal. We've made a few payoffs that will allow the suicide to happen. We believe we can control the autopsies and switch DNA samples, if necessary...
Readers can add details or make up their own scenarios.
Of course, after reading the above dialogue, some people may be less convinced, rather than more convinced, that Epstein is alive.
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
The Communist Chinese are spying on us and conducting a plethora of other direct activities to destroy us as a prelude to world domination. These activities deserve separate and special treatment and will be explored in future articles. This article focuses more on general Chinese activities internationally and China's return to its former hard Communist character..........
When the sand runs out of your hour glass what will it be that you left behind? Take stock in your life of the things that really matter and fight like hell to preserve them. Now is the time. Stand up and speak up.........
In many school districts, “teachers” earn much higher salaries than the taxpayers who pay the school tax—to say nothing of fabulous pensions which the rest of us can only fantasize about. Oh, we get to elect the school board members; but they don’t represent us. They’re only there to carry out the state’s dictates.........
As a man, I used to think I was a regular person, but I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist & responsible for slavery
I am a fiscal & moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist because I plan & support myself.
I went to High School, worked through college, got a degree & have held a job. I am not here because I earned it, but because I was advantaged.
I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobe.
I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class & ally of big business.
I am not a Muslim, which now labels me as an infidel.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which makes me a member of the vast NRA gun lobby.
I am older than 62 & retired, making me a useless old man who doesn't understand Facebook.
I think & I reason, so I doubt what main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.
I am proud of my heritage & our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.
I value my safety & that of my family, & I appreciate the police & the legal system, making me a right-wing, cop loving extremist.
I believe in hard work, fair play, & fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.
I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - not freedom of outcome or subsidies which must make me a borderline sociopath.
I believe in the defense & protection of America for & by all citizens, now making me a militant.
I am proud of our flag, what it stands for, & the many who died to let it fly, so I stand & salute during our National Anthem, taking me back where I started - I must be a racist.
Please help me come to terms with the new me because I'm just not sure who I am anymore!
I thank my friends for sticking with me through these abrupt, newfound changes to my thinking! I just can't imagine or understand what's happened to me so quickly! Funny - it all took place over the last 7 or 8 years! If all this nonsense wasn't enough to deal with, now I don't even know which restroom to use, & I gotta go more FREQUENTLY!
So many bombshells: Jeffrey Epstein alive? Google criminality and more
The news is too fast to track these days, with bombshells arriving in rapid fire fashion.
Today we've got bombshells on Jeffrey Epstein: Is he still alive and being used to expose the pedophile globalists? We've also got news on Google and its massive criminal operation to overthrow the United States of America.
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7 Easy exercises and stretches to stop foot pain for good Do you feel an intense pain near your heel, that runs along the entire arch of your foot? Is it worse in the morning and gradually gets a little better throughout the day but never completely ...
Tips for stocking your home pharmacy Any good survival stockpile has medical supplies to cover health problems and emergencies. This guide will help you identify the healing items that you need in large quantities for your home ...
Have a taste of frontier survival cooking with cornmeal pancakes The end of the world as we know it doesn't mean you must resign yourself to eating bad-tasting food. This delicious recipe for cornmeal pancakes borrows from the cookbooks of pioneers who ...
Ancient soil bacteria holds key to preventing modern superbugs Researchers from Swansea University Medical School in the U.K. have discovered a new type of bacteria that can inhibit more than half of the top antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In the study, ...
Aug. 14th, 2019
37 of 435 U.S. Representatives earned A+ grades in first half of this year for exemplary efforts for (a) less immigration, (b) less foreign workers, and (c) less government-forced U.S. population growth
Now that Congress has left the Capitol until after Labor Day, let's take a look at how well they have served their constituents on immigration during the first seven months of the year. Our NumbersUSA grading team has been hard at work entering into our computer system all the immigration votes on the floor of the House of Representatives and in its committees, plus cosponsorships of bills that would increase or reduce the overall immigration numbers. The computer has now spit out the results. And I do think, given the results, the computer HAD to spit.
More than half (56%) of our U.S. Representatives earned an F or F-minus thus far this year!
That means they always -- or nearly always -- acted to increase foreign labor competition to the most economically vulnerable members of society. It means they almost always acted to use immigration to force more population growth in communities where congestion is increasing and governments are unable to keep up with the extra infrastructure demands of the extra residents. Take a peek at the Immigration Grade Card of your own U.S. Representative -- and any other who interests you:
Most of you will be quite disappointed in the grades your Rep brought home for summer break. Compare them to the grades of the following 37 Reps. Here is my statement to the media about the A+ Reps: "Through their immigration actions these 37 A+ Representatives during the first half of the first year of the 2019/2020 Congress were true champions for American workers, American communities and American natural habitats.
"Whether or not any of these are your Rep, they are the ones who are truly the national leaders in representing your interests on immigration issues." These 37 are 9% of the U.S. House. In order to achieve the coveted NumbersUSA A+ rating, they had to take numbers-reducing actions in most of the nine categories of legal and illegal immigration. And any negative action had to be extremely small if at all.
A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+
Brooks, Morris -- 5th AL 100%
Aderholt, Robert -- 4th AL 95%
Byrne, Bradley -- 1st AL 95%
Palmer, Gary -- 6th AL 95%
Gosar, Paul -- 4th AZ 100%
Lesko, Debbie -- 8th AZ 98%
Biggs, Andy -- 5th AZ 97%
Crawford, Rick -- 1st AR 95%
Buck, Ken -- 4th CO 96%
Posey, Bill -- 8th FL 98%
Webster, Daniel -- 11th FL 95%
Hice, Jody -- 10th GA 99%
Loudermilk, Barry -- 11th GA 98%
Carter, Buddy -- 1st GA 97%
Scott, Austin -- 8th GA 95%
King, Steve -- 4th IA 97%
Bucshon, Larry -- 8th IN 95%
Johnson, Mike -- 4th LA 97%
Harris, Andrew -- 1st MD 95%
Graves, Sam -- 6th MO 95%
Budd, Ted -- 13th NC 95%
Hudson, Richard -- 8th NC 95%
Davidson, Warren -- 8th OH 97%
Perry, Scott -- 10th PA 100%
Reschenthaler, Guy -- 14th PA 97%
Duncan, Jeff -- 3rd SC 100%
Norman, Ralph -- 5th SC 100%
Desjarlais, Scott -- 4th TN 95%
Babin, Brian -- 36th TX 99%
Weber, Randy -- 14th TX 98%
Cloud, Michael -- 27th TX 97%
Wright, Ron -- 6th TX 97%
Arrington, Jodey -- 19th TX 95%
Brady, Kevin -- 8th TX 95%
Gooden, Lance -- 5th TX 95%
Cline, Ben -- 6th VA 97%
Mooney, Alexander -- 2nd WV 97%
Grothman, Glenn -- 6th WI 98%
Altogether 23% of U.S. Representatives earned an A+ or A or A-minus. Although the Washington Post continues to indicate that our reduction efforts are "fringe," 23% of the Members of the "People's House" appear to be strongly committed and are far too large a bloc to be a fringe. But in this very divided Congress, Reps tend to run either very, very hot for our cause or frigid. Only 3% of Members have earned B grades. Another 17% got C grades for being about halfway for more immigration and halfway for less immigration.
The rest -- the majority of U.S. Representatives -- earned no higher than a D.
I hope you will phone your own Representative and . . . . . . thank him/her for A grades, . . . encourage the B-grade Reps to show some more leadership, . . . express serious disappointment with the C-grade Reps, and . . . explain to the D-Grade and F-Grade Reps why their immigration actions have been against the interests of your District and the country as a whole.
Please call the following switchboard number and ask for your Rep:
Like parents all across the nation talking to their kids at the end of summer, let's talk to these Reps (except for the Magnificent Thirty-Seven) about our need for them to apply themselves better this fall and start earning better grades.
The globalist conspirators see an armed citizenship as a big obstacle to their plans to enslave the American people and turning them into medieval serfs in a society they disingenuously call the New World Order. That’s the Thesis..........
“Conspiracy Theory” - The Third Most Weaponized Phrase in Corporate Media
Epstein, whose status as a known pedophile had been known for over 10 years, is arrested (July 6) and, denied bail, ends up in Metropolitan Correctional Center. Many folks predicted that he’d be "suicided" [actually extracted] because he'd become a threat to wealthy and powerful elites, some of whom are pedophiles. He could therefore not allowed to be brought to trial.........
It is also the root of destruction for governments of all forms. When people can achieve unchecked incredible wealth as civil servants, as the song reminds “And you tell me over and over and over again my friend, you don’t believe were on the eve of destruction.”......... [actually on the eve of freedom]
Natural News threatened by deceptive supplement manufacturer that wants you to eat coal
Following our recent bombshell news exposing the high lead and aluminum in a dietary supplement promoted as a "probiotics" product, we are being threatened by that manufacturer wish wants to silence our voice and suppress our scientific findings.
Today, we are releasing the name of the company in question. We've also learned that their No. 1 ingredient is actually coal. In other words, their "probiotics" supplement is actually a coal supplement that's deceptively marketed as a probiotics supplement, in total violation of FDA regulations and basic business ethics.
Once again, we are being threatened for daring to report the truth. What else is new?
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Avocado seeds contain compounds that reduce inflammation Pennsylvania-based researchers announced a new medicinal application for avocado pits. They recently derived an extract from avocado seed that helps regulate inflammation linked to cancer and ...
3 Tricks for controlling your emotions in any situation A lot of people have anger management issues, but even those who handle their emotions well can still benefit from simple but powerful ways to control how they feel. Your mood, in particular, ...
These effective natural remedies can help heal cold sores Cold sores can be painful and inconvenient. If you want relief from these tiny, annoying blisters, try natural remedies like essential oils, L-lysine, or zinc-based creams. What causes cold ...
Self-heal herb improves symptoms of diabetic nephropathy A team of researchers from Wonkwang University in South Korea looked at the effect of the self-heal herb (Prunella vulgaris) on improving the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, also known as ...
Introduction: It's a fact of life: We live in a quantum world. Ever since German physicist Max Planck (1858-1947) won the Nobel Prize in Physics (1918) for his work in quantum physics, scientists have been increasingly fascinated with unlocking the secrets of the sub-atomic world beyond the atomic level of atoms and molecules. Everything in our lives is moving deeper into the quantum level because it already exists in nature - as well as in us - but, more importantly, I suggest to you that this is what Ascension or The Great Shift in Consciousness (aka The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness) is all about: To become one with the quantum level. This movement into a deeper level of quantum is a harbinger in flashing neon lights that is trying to wake us up and get our attention to let us know that it is time for a transformation of our thinking in how we view the laws of nature, solids, matter, energy, vibrations, frequencies, consciousness, and ultimately who and what we believe ourselves to be. Sketchy reports and cryptic videos about the existence of the QFS keep surfacing in the alternative news media. This article attempts to organize these reports into a general understanding about the QFS. It's not meant to be a definitive or comprehensive report. It's meant to acclimate you to this advanced technology so you can feel safe with its benefits. The upshot of these alternative news reports indicate that QFS exists. It has been in place for quite a long time, and is currently working on a global scale. It's capabilities are mind-blowing. And, we - humanity - are the beneficiaries of the QFS. In addition to transforming the banking and financial sectors, and securing a safe and peaceful future for us, reports indicate the quantum computer has been contributing to the demise of the Dark Cabal. Disclaimer: As always, readers are advised to use their discernment as some of the sources and information from the alternative news media cannot be verified as accurate.
We Are All Connected at the Quantum Level
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) said: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Tesla is credited with discovering the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology. He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. Tesla is considered the foremost electrical engineer genius of the twentieth century, and possibly the greatest inventor the world has seen. The spirit guide Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, has said: "Everything in the universe is vibrationally-based. We could use the word "energy," and there are many words in your language that accurately apply. Your air, dirt, water, cars, physical matter, and your bodies are vibration in motion. You are living in a pulsating, vibrational universe of advanced harmonics. And, all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction." Source: The Universal Energy of Frequency and Vibration / YouTube Video The spirit guide Kryon, channeled by Lee Carroll, has been telling us for years that humans are quantum, multi-dimensional beings of pure consciousness in human form. Kryon: "The first civilization on the planet was called Lemuria . . . Existing from 35,000 years to 15,000 years ago . . . Their quantum DNA was at 90 [40%] percent, compared to 30 [6%] percent that yours is today . . . Lemurians had a quantum understanding of life . . . A quantum DNA, working at 90 percent, creates a consciousness that is one with the universe . . . Quantum DNA produces quality intuitive information . . . Lemurians knew all about the solar system, about the galaxy in general, about the stars . . . This created a seemingly advanced society, but without any technical advancement as you now have . . . They never saw war . . . One of the most ancient of your spiritual beliefs on the planet asks you to be one with everything. It's not an accident."
Source: Kryon: The Gaia Effect by Monika Muranyi, pages 23-26. Quantum Physics Challenging Accepted Knowledge BlissfulVisions.com
Quantum physics (also known as quantum mechanics or quantum field theory) explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and sub-atomic levels (Wikipedia definition). When we get into the sub-atomic area, things change according to potentiality. This means that there can be more than one result that can appear or happen in a whole array of potentials that can be tapped into. In order to understand these natural phenomena, quantum principles have required fundamental changes in how humans view nature. Quantum physics is verifying (proving) what spiritual practitioners have been saying for years: We are fundamentally connected to everything around us in the so-called physical world of matter. Science and spirituality have been considered to be opposing views for a long time. But now, we're observing a merging of both science and spirituality through quantum physics and the study of consciousness. This merging is causing a shattering and transformation of old accepted beliefs and old theories and old thought patterns. Today, quantum physicists know that nothing is solid, and everything is energy. Below the sub-atomic level there is pure intelligent energy. Physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. Atoms are made of energy that are invisible to the human eye, and are not made of tangible matter. Physical things (including the human body) are composed of invisible forces that manifests in what appears to be a solid, physical structure. We are more than we perceive ourselves to be, yet our senses tell us that matter is solid. Or, is it solid because we have been taught to believe that matter is solid? Metaphysics tells us that our invisible beliefs create our reality. Quantum physics tells us everything in the universe has its own vibrational frequency. And, [Creator created] vibration [and] matter. The invisible creates the visible. Source: Scientists Explain the World of Quantum Physics Global Quantum Financial System (QFS) The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) is a super-advanced "out-of-this-world" technology that the Dark Cabal does not have. It has the capacity to map information sources throughout the multi-universe (time/space continuum and no time/space), and holds massive amounts of data in a compilation of materials the size of a grain of sand. Gone are the days of data server centers the size of football fields. It's power source is not electricity. It is not dependent on any electrical grid, and not even crystals. It is powered by the limitless energy source of life itself ([Creator] consciousness). The very source of limitless energy that powers the human individual also powers the Quantum Financial System. It can only operate in the light, and rejects darkness and evil intent. It reads into all organic lifeforms, and understands growth patterns. The way it's programmed, it is not possible for the Dark Cabal to steal money or wealth from another person or another nation any longer. The system does not recognize any royal line, only the line of "Source of Consciousness [Creator]" which is present in all of us. It knows intention by reading human brainwaves. It knows a person's intention because intention is locked in the DNA (living DNA) [quantum connection with all-that-is] sequencing of the individual. Not one individual, but all. In the case of nations, it is [reconnection by spiritual energy] RNA of the original source of the asset. It calculates true trade values based on REAL production, not what the Dark Cabal wants the world to see. True production of commodities and their respective values will begin to unfold. Money is just a bunch of numbers in a consistently running algorithm tied to the RNA or origin of its asset base placing all proceeds into that bucket tied to its origin (RNA) and its people (living DNA) of that original location. This is what the Quantum Financial System is programmed to do, and cannot be stopped or changed until the task is complete. This is why the Dark Cabal's Central Banks cannot register any assets of the USA/Russia/Africa to a server in, for example, Shanghai. [spiritual energy] RNA is not a match. The Quantum Financial System was launched on Friday, June 22, 2018, after business hours, according to Kim Possible - who claims to have programmed the Quantum Financial Computer System [not true]. Source: Kim Possible Update June 24, 2018.
August 23, 2018: Two independent alternative news sources have verified the Quantum Financial Computer System was activated "live" worldwide. One source claims the QFS was activated between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (USA) on August 22, 2018. Final preparations are underway and authorization pending for the release of the currency revaluation (RV). Transition imminent. Sources: The Big Call with Bruce August 23, 2018 and Intel Report August 23, 2018. August 18, 2017: The alternative news source Intel reported that "the new financial system (which some say and some debate that the Asian Dragon Families control) has already been backed with gold, for all central banks, all currencies, all bonds, all markets, all trades and all current and future transactions worldwide. Every sovereign nation in the free world has signed onto accepting this new quantum system with digital currencies as part of a secrete GESARA Treaty (disguised as the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change). The new financial system starts in the restored Republic of the United States of America on October 1, 2017, which is also the start of the 2018 fiscal year in the U.S.
No more paper currency will be printed anywhere in the world unless it is accepted on the new digital and quantum financial system. Whatever needed to be converted from old to new has already occurred through sovereign government negotiations with the Asian Dragon families. This all happened years ago without the public's knowledge. Similar radical transitions have occurred in military, diplomatic, banking and corporate board circles." Source: Quantum - GCR/RV Intel SITREP, Friday, August 18, 2017 March 28, 2018: The alternative news source Final Wake Up Call reported that the new financial system has been online for months and is hosted on a protected quantum server that cannot be hacked or accessed without permission. Source: Final Wake Up Call July 10, 2018: Nearly a year later after the Intel report, Benjamin Fulford, an independent journalist at BenjaminFulford.net, reported that "As things now stand, according to U.S. Pentagon sources: The asset-backed quantum financial system is ready, but awaits the Trump-Putin summit (July 16, 2018), the global financial reset, mass arrests and geo-political resolutions." Source: Benjamin Fulford Report: Quantum Computer July 7, 2018: Alternative news source Operation Disclosure published a report that briefly described the capabilities of the Quantum Financial System (QFS). I've also included capabilities I've found from additional alternative news sources. These capabilities include, but are not limited to: Source: Various Alternative Intel Sources and Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for July 7, 2018
The QFS is "alive" with consciousness, and can identify your [spiritual energy] DNA and frequency of your brain waves. What the majority of modern quantum physicists do not agree on or have not accepted yet is the [spiritual energy] quantum energy field is alive with super-intelligent consciousness far beyond human understanding. Because the quantum energy field is located within the [spiritual energy] consciousness of each human being, it can be contacted by each human being. Even without a quantum computer, the [spiritual energy] quantum energy field knows who you are, and what you are [intending] doing. Because you are part and parcel of the super-intelligent, multi-dimensional, [spiritual energy] quantum energy field. Even as is all physical matter in creation. QFS can read your mind and knows your location at all times through frequency waves. This connects back to earlier discoveries by pioneer physicists Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Max Planck, and modern quantum physicists and spiritual sources that say we are all connected [by spiritual energy] at the sub-atomic quantum level through our unique energy signature, vibration and frequency. As well as our thought-energy. QFS was gifted to us by the Galactics - According to the book "Messages from the Hollow Earth" by Dianne Robbins, benevolent, highly spiritually advanced human civilizations of Agartha in hollow earth use amino-acid based computers (highly advanced Artificial Intelligence that is "alive" with consciousness) that impact every area of human endeavor. All of the sub-cities are linked by this highly conscious computer system. It monitors inter-city and galactic communications, while simultaneously, serving the needs of individuals at home. For example, it can report a person's vitamin or mineral deficiency or when necessary covey pertinent information from the akashic records for personal growth. The akashic records are the living library of [all souls of this universe] your soul life. This writer believes that it's reasonable to assume the Agarthans and the Galactic Federation of Light have shared their super-conscious, quantum computer technology with surface humanity, and the QFS interfaces with the computers in hollow earth and with the Federation's starships. July 24, 2018: The Galactic Federation of Light reported: "We have provided the Alliance with a new "computer" system, the Quantum Financial System, which will eliminate any way to steal or manipulate money. It is designed to be the death of the central banking system, which is the means by which the cabal keeps you in debt slavery. You are meant to live in the Light, basking in the divine Truths given you freely by Heaven. In this new reality, we are to shepherd you back to your fully conscious selves. Together, we are to bring greater Light to every corner of this galaxy." Source: Galactic Federation of Light through Sheldan Nidle. The quantum computer system cannot be hacked or misused. The Dark Cabal loves to steal money, digitally. However, hackers are doomed to break into the QFS due to its highly advanced technology. Several hacking attempts have been tried by the Dark Cabal, and all attempts have met with failure. In fact, in an alternative news report, it said that once the quantum system has identified the location of the hacker's computer server, the QFS has the ability to send a signal back to the hacker's server and destroy it. It has been reported that all assets, wealth or funds stolen by the Dark Cabal will be returned to every human being on the planet via the QFS. All funds under the QFS will be digital. A cashless society is on the horizon. This promises to pave the way for currently suppressed technologies to be released to the public, such as replicators and quantum technology medical beds. Replicators could be used for money laundering since replicators can create or produce anything. Therefore, a cashless society is a way to prevent such issues. Hospitals and factories will become obsolete with replicators and med beds as med beds can heal any illness, sickness or damage to the body and restore the individual back to perfect health. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and humanitarian funds. On July 2, 2018, a YouTube video was published that involved a hypnosis regression session that talked about the Quantum Financial System and humanitarian prosperity funds. The following are excerpts from the published video: "The funds that are coming forward, they belong to the energy of the Earth as given through Source. Those that are supposed to receive the funds will receive the funds. And, yes it's done through the action of your [spiritual energy] DNA. When people go to the exchange, they will be energetically scanned, and they will be given the money, or not, based on their [spiritual energy] DNA and brain waves which tell of their intentions. There are others who have just learned about the program that want to make a quick buck for themselves, but do not intend to do any humanitarian work. It is written in their [spiritual energy] DNA. That ([spiritual energy] DNA) is the true quantum system. They will attempt to receive funding, but if the quantum system works as it is designed to work, they will receive very little, and in all likelihood, it will not stay in their hands. It's like the lottery winner who wins big and is broke within a short period of time. There has to be a common denominator that moves people to that place of higher consciousness. While the higher consciousness doesn't use money, the third [and 4th] dimension does. It's the way we have been programmed. In order for everyone to raise their vibration, we must bring something to the masses that everyone universally understands and finds of value. The funds that are coming are meant to take care of people in need. To create the programs and structures to move forward. When you move to the New Earth, you won't need money. This money is only going to be used for a short period of time. To help people live in the way they should live, in a way they can release the burdens of their lives to be creators on planet Earth, to help lift the consciousness of those who want to ascend. Once we are in a higher vibration of joy and love, people will be able to ascend and move to the New Earth."
Source: Financial Reset, Quantum System, July 2, 2018 July 12, 2019 - Independent news sources report the transition to a Quantum Financial System (QFS) is expected by August 2019 and the RV is expected to begin prior. Source: RV-Intelligence Alert, July 12, 2019 Dennis Shipman @ BlissfulVisions.com Rev. Dennis Shipman received a first-class education in the Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness. From 1996-2001, he worked with Kahu Fred Sterling, head pastor of the Honolulu Church of Light, who is the channel for Master Kirael, a senior member of the Guidance Realm in the seventh dimension. There, he met Sheldan Nidle, channel for Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light, and has followed Sheldan's weekly reports on the progress of the shift ever since. He is the author of two free eBooks, " Oneness - The Awakening Experience" and " The Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness".
The Rothschilds Are Headquartered In The Babylon-BIS-Tower In Basel Debt Is Their Control Mechanism Their Power Goes Far Beyond The Banking Empire War Is Their Most Profitable Business Countries And Individuals Turned Into Corporations The World Is Ruled From Three Independent Sovereign States Debt Must First Be Created Before Being Able To Create Debt Money The Rothschilds Have Infiltrated Royalty And Aristocracy Through Breeding
The Rothschilds Are The Owners Of The Entire Financial System
The Rothschilds descend from Mayer Amschel Bauer who changed his name to Rothschild, derived from the Red Shields - Rotes Schild - of his house in Frankfurt/am M - Germany.
He established his international banking business by deploying his five sons, who set up shop in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples. The family was deceitfully elevated to the status of nobility in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom. Behind the scenes, the Rothschild Dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth exceeds $500 trillion. They own the entire financial system.
This mind-blowing scope of control functions as follows; The Rothschilds sit at the top of their pyramid-structured organisation, literally running the entire financial world with about eight thousand selected members. Although it is difficult to fully investigate and verify, Rothschild may share his ultimate power with the House of Saud and the Soros family, and on lower levels with some other banking families, as will be explained later.
The Rothschilds have set up the world's financial institutions making sure they literally receive 90% of the generated interest paid by the populace at large. These criminals are Luciferians while on the surface, for easier public consumption, they have dubbed their religion Zionism. In truth, they worship Lucifer, which includes satanic ritual abuse, including paedophilia and the sacrifice of children. The Rothschilds Are Headquartered In The Babylon-BIS-Tower In Basel On the second echelon of the power structure, sits Rothschild's fully owned BIS - Bank of International Settlement established in 1931 in the Netherlands. Headquartered in Basel -Switzerland, and is recognised by all counties as being the top bank of all financial institutions on the world. Every Central Bank is a member of the BIS-bank. They have a civil organisation agreement for total immunity, and enjoy immunity from all worldly laws and rules, so no one can attack them.
Basel, where the Babylon style BIS-Tower is located was the location where the Nazis, during WW2 met to trade the stolen Jewish gold. The BIS issues instructions to all other financial institutions across the entire globe. On the third echelon, directly below the BIS are the Rothschild-owned IMF - International Monetary Fund - and World Bank. The IRS and similar tax-collecting agencies in other countries, are structured as a foreign, private corporation of the IMF and forms the private "army" of the Federal Reserve - Fed - and all other Central Banks. The main objective is to make sure the people pay their taxes and always remain useful slaves. Their sole devotion is to enslave entire countries and their populaces through their criminal debt money system.
Debt Is Their Control Mechanism By bailing-out countries after having intentionally manipulated them into debt and subsequently pretending to help them by calculating their maximum levels of debt, they make sure the debt can never be repaid, to keep them slavery bound. This strengthens their hold/control on these countries as they pay them back through slave labour, while they additionally plunder all of their resources. They blackmail the heads of these nations through various operations such as child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and paedophilia, making sure all countries are fully integrated as hopeless slaves to their financial system, from which no escape is possible.
There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first one is jointly owned by the world's top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, being the main shareholder, while the second one is privately owned by the Rothschilds alone. These two Megabanks offer loans to "developing countries" and use their almost impossible-to-pay-back interests to get their hands on the real wealth, namely land, mineral resources and precious metals. The fourth echelon explained below, are almost all the central banks in the world that are similarly owned by the Rothschild family. To name but a few, these are the central Bank of England in the City of London, the Vatican Bank in Rome, and the Federal reserve in Washington DC, and the European Central Bank - the ECB in Frankfurt am/M. While the central bank in London manipulates the gold price every day. The City of London, the Vatican in Rome and Washington DC are recognised as free states, to assure their immunity from literally everyone. Consequently, all employees, of the established banking institutions are immune to prosecution and oversight. Their Power Goes Far Beyond The Banking Empire The fifth echelon holds the regular banks and the stock markets, these form the executive branch of the debt system with their interest rate manipulation. The true power of the Rothschilds goes far beyond the Banking Empire, they have also been behind all wars since Napoleon's Waterloo war.
That's when Nathan Rothschild, during the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, manipulated the stock market to purchase and pay for England. He discovered also how profitable it is to finance both sides of a war they've been doing that ever since.Nathan found himself with an increase in wealth of 6,500 times more than what he had previously owned after his engineered stock market crash of 1815. In essence, he robbed Britain blind, and he became, for all accounts and purposes, the owner of most of England.
From that point forward his family, with more wealth than they could have ever dreamed of, became an influential player in governments, and they steered policy decisions going forward, by bribing and paying politicians from that time onward. It also bears noting that this scheme by Rothschild was historically important for another reason: It showed how 'fabricating' a disaster could lead to massive financial gains.
War Is Their Most Profitable Business And that also is the reason why the world still finds itself in the intertwined in endless wars, because it is very, very profitable to the Rothschilds and their parasite bankster bloodlines. And for as long as their debt money is used, the world will never know peace. The Rothschilds and their banking cartel have funded both sides of virtually every war since that date in 1815 - wars initiated by their paid agents in government in cahoots with the military and intelligence agencies, have all been manipulated into existence.
This has cost the lives of at least hundreds of millions - 75 million in WW 1 and 2 alone, allowing the cabal to control governments and people through debt payments of the loans provided. When the wars eventually devastate countries, the cabal banking cartel lends more money to rebuild them - the interest payment for these extended loans, ensures they will remain slaves to the cabal. As the cabal also owns the defence companies, they also sell all weaponry, accumulating huge profits, requiring yet more loans to governments. If the Deep State didn't want wars, there would be none. Countries & Individuals Have Been Turned Into Corporations Beyond these atrocities, it may be shocking for many to find out that each country and each individual has been turned into a corporation that is ruled from abroad.
The construction is too complicated to be explained in a few words, but important to note is that the exploitation rights of these deceitfully created corporations are controlled by the British Crown and the Vatican within this organisation. On a more practical note: All US Presidents, except for Donald Trump were cabal-appointed CEOs and their business is to make money for the British Crown and the Vatican, who take their share of the profits every year.
The World Is Ruled From Three Independent Sovereign States The British Crown covertly rules the world from the 677-acre - 2,7KM2, independent sovereign state, known as The City of London. This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks, headed by the Bank of England, controlled by the Rothschilds! In 1815 after he had bought and paid for England, Nathan Mayer Rothschild made the following statement: "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." The House of Rothschild is really at the top of the pyramid of power. They are behind the push to force onto the people of the world, a New World Order, hereby actively pushing towards complete and utter domination of the entire world. They are behind the European Union, the Euro and the ECB. They also are behind the idea of a North American Union and the 'Amero' currency to become the new currency for the whole of the American continent. They control all of the world's secret services, including CIA, MI-5, MI-6 and Mossad, while their private army is NATO and their private government is the UN.
Debt Must First Be Created Before Being Able To Create Debt Money All the money in the world is based on debt; first debt must be created in order to make debt money. This is actually a contradiction in terminus, as money is paid to settle debt, which makes real money the opposite of debt. In truth, debt cannot be used as money, except in the world controlled by the Rothschilds.
Please read this paragraph again, until you really understand how we the people are being deceived and robbed of our hard-earned money, money that is created from our valuable energy, that streams into their pockets, because the Rothschilds have equated our energy money to their worthless debt money! Go to the bank, sign a loan contract, digitally debt is created on your side, out of nowhere. This is how they create all the money in the world that is always based on debt, and so the economy runs on debt. The charged interest rates for the loan, say 5%, is however not created from your debt/contract, that has to come from another loan contract for which similarly no interest money has been created. This, in essence, amounts to stealing from Peter to pay Paul. This purposely creates a shortage in the debt money supply. The interest income goes from the people at the bottom of the pyramid straight to the top of the pyramid; the Rothschilds with their selected wealthy few. These interest payments thieve from other contracts which ensures the continuation into eternity of financial shortages.
To fix this, they keep piling on debt contracts on top of yet more debt contracts to cover the debt on debt on debt holes they themselves have created. Worldwide this sucks the real value out of people's money and resources. This is what causes the global national debt to continue to grow.
Meanwhile, the interest rate income is adding capital to the highest top of the pyramid. In addition to the interest rate scam, inflation results, which is yet another theft from us the people. And the money keeps moving straight up continuously; again, to the very top of money-scam pyramid. As a matter of fact, the interest rate charges cause most of our financial troubles. The 6th echelon in the pyramid-hierarchy is formed by the multinational corporations. These corporations are responsible to maintain assets and/or operations. But actually, in many cases they exploit resources and employees. The Rothschilds own, directly or indirectly, almost all of these multinational corporations, such as Coca Cola, Monsanto, Shell, Nestlé, DuPont, P&G, Unilever, Philips, etc. The 7th echelon in the pyramid structure is formed by the Governments. Governments play along by paying the usage taxes, 13% of the tax money brought in, goes directly back to the privately-owned banking system. Which is corruption at it's finest.
Finally, on the 8th echelon, at the bottom of the pyramid, are we the people, constantly feeding the Rothschild - elites at the top. We are considered to be bottom-feeders; or useless eaters and we do our part by paying 90% of the interest rate charged that is subsequently divided over the top 10% or the highest top of the pyramid. That's how the Rothschilds have built their wealth in excess of 500 trillion dollars, resulting from the web they have woven around us. Their plan is to completely take over the planet and in that respect, the Rothschilds have been incredibly successful, by hiding their manipulations behind their puppet-cronies. They control humans like puppets on strings and so they have become the wealthy rulers and dark lords of planet Earth.
The Rothschilds Infiltrated Royalty And Aristocracy Through Breeding Sumerian - Babylonian - Khazarian bloodlines, like that of the Rothschilds, have used official marriages and concubines to infiltrate royal and aristocratic families.
DNA science has torn back the curtains of time and revealed the Serpent in these people. The ones today called "Jews," are the very disciples of the evil entity who the Bible describes as, "that old serpent, the devil." - From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical "Serpent People," and now, the nation of Israel has admitted that its people are indeed, the Khazars. Many politicians, Satanists and others throughout the system are mind-controlled to ensure complete control of events. From the outside - the side the public sees - they are quite normal, but when switched, they are very different people. The originator of this mind-control process is the Nazi 'Angel of Death,' Josef Mengele, who was helped to escape to the United States by the Archon bloodline networks that control American Intelligence and the Roman Church. They wanted the 'camp doctor' at Auschwitz, to continue his sickening genetic and mind-control research that he had conducted on Jewish children in the concentration camps. National Borders don't matter to the Archon Crime Cabal - they are one 'global family'. Rothschild, one of the main agents of the Khazarian - Archon bloodline, discovered the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics.
That currency or deposit loan accounts had the required façade of power that could be used to induce people into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a promise of greater wealth - as opposed to real compensation. People would put up real collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. - On the principle "when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you." Money - whether it's a tangible piece of paper or a number on a screen - is intrinsically worthless, yet it fuels the modern world. The ultimate control of money rests with the private cartel of central bankers, the Federal Reserve System, ECB, BoJ, BoE, etc. Because of this, it is detrimental for citizens and it is extremely important to understand how this shadowy - private - organization works and how it's ultimate goal is to forever enslave us in a descending pit of debt that we will never be able to crawl out of. In order to better understand the importance of GOLD, its history, its significance to the crime cabal, its workings, and the massive fraud foisted upon us, it is important to understand Gold's dominant role. Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, one of the millions of unofficial offspring of the family had a detailed correspondence with David Icke in which he explains the hierarchy of the Crime Cabal: At the forefront are the royal families of Europe... Prince Philip... is the leading biological descendent of the 'Reptilians' as David Icke calls them. Immediately below him are the males of my family line (Rothschilds) like court of ministers in charge of logistics and operations. The current monarchs of The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, and some other old Austrian nobility (Habsburgs) are next in line of this occult power conspiracy. How many more children and human beings need to suffer before humanity grows up and faces the reality and sheer evil of the force that controls them and their reality? The British royal family, like all the royal bloodlines of Europe, are instituted on Satanism, paedophilia, and the manipulation of occult knowledge for deeply malevolent practices, that ends in league with the 'dark suits' expressions of the bloodlines in politics, banking, corporations and the media. They are all part of or involved in this gigantic web of paedophilia, Satanism, drug-running, and murder. The sick and depraved world of the Archon bloodlines, commonly referred to as Elites. This entire mess we are in is the result of power, greed and criminality at the highest levels of the Church and the worlds' governments.
The Vatican, CIA, and this Criminal Construct has not only taken control of our monetary system since its inception, but they believe they have been granted their power via Satanic worship and rites, during which they rape, torture and murder children, hence the term "Money Magic", the creation of money out of thin air. According to their belief system, they are granted the power to create the fraudulent money by their evil masters in exchange for them enslaving humanity and helping to create hell on earth. We must figure out how to reject the system they have woven around us, to regain our freedom. An increasing number of people are waking up to the fact
that 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by an elite 1% - but did you know that one family, the Rothschilds, rules everything, even the 1% top elites?
There is more to follow: Please share this information with everyone you know. If sufficient more people are awake, we'll win this battle, our children and grandchildren will be grateful for your help. Make your own contribution by sharing this message, and advising others to doing the same at their turn. - By not missing future episodes, subscribe to our FWC-mailing list.
Politicians who support gun control, and gun control advocates, are either ignorant, power hungry control freaks, or delusional idealists. Ignorance would mean simply lacking in knowledge of the subject, but because of their positions, and touted “research,” they should know the subject......
America Becoming an Outcome Based Socialist Society
Socialism demands that the outcome of plans and policies are determined in advance. The narrative must fit the outcome. Why you ask? Because it is easier to control billions of people when you have determined where they will wind up.........
Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich recently published a book, “Robert Muller, Errand Boy for the New World Order” which chronicles the actions of the FBI under Mueller’s leadership from Whitey Bulger, Ruby Ridge, Pan Am 103, 9-11 and much more, all of which reveals a 30-year pattern by the FBI to cover-up actions of the guilty and punish the innocent.........
Elizabeth Warren seated in the big chair in the Oval Office would be the equivalent of wicked Hillary on steroids; severely punishing achievers, disarming law abiding gun-owners, jailing political opponents, dividing Americans.........
This Issue: The recent raids against seven chicken plants in Mississippi demonstrate two things. Mandatory E-Verify is long overdue, and the criminal prosecution of employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens is necessary if illegal immigration is to be prevented.
Fri, Aug 16th
This week, we learned more about the raids conducted against seven chicken processing plants in Mississippi last week by ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) resulting in 608 arrests. And we also saw concerted attacks on the effectiveness of E-Verify, with opponents of the system claiming that, despite the employers' proper use of E-Verify, it failed to alert them to the illegal status of hundreds of workers. These claims are contradicted by evidence that has already emerged. Most importantly, what we saw were Americans lining up to take the open jobs, more than 200 so far have applied! Mississippi passed a law in 2008 requiring all employers in the state to use E-Verify by 2011, and two of the companies targeted by HSI issued statements asserting that they had been using E-Verify, and the problem wasn't any criminal activity on their part but the failure of the federal government to provide them with a workable verification system. They said they had no way of knowing that their employees were using stolen identities. It turns out, in some cases at least, those identification papers were provided to them by the employers. (Read the blog below to learn the details of why HSI targeted these seven Mississippi plants, or click here). While we don't yet know the full extent of how the employers used, or failed to use E-Verify, we do know from government documents and from statements from many of the workers, that the employers knowingly and willfully hired illegal aliens. E-Verify wasn't the problem. You've heard us say for many years that the most effective way to reduce illegal immigration is for Congress to pass mandatory E-Verify. This raises the question: If the Mississippi law mandating E-Verify didn't prevent illegal hiring, how would passing a federal E-Verify law make any difference? It's been no secret that Mississippi, and other states that require the use of E-Verify, haven't enforced those laws. This is due to several factors, the main one being the opposition of the agribusiness lobby, with the poultry industry making the biggest stink. Whether or not a state requires businesses to use E-Verify, or assists with the enforcement of federal immigration law, it is still the responsibility of the federal government to legislate, promulgate, and enforce immigration law. E-Verify is extremely effective and has the support of voters across the board. It is also popular with those who use it. Customer surveys have consistently found that between 85% and 87% of E-Verify users are satisfied with it. Imagine another government program that has this much support! But no matter how effective the program is, it will only work for those who use it properly, and it is very easy to properly use. Mandatory E-Verify is a must. Last year, the House came within 20 votes of passing a bill that would have mandated E-Verify for every U.S. employer. Unfortunately, then House Speaker Paul Ryan undermined the bill, and President Trump did not forcefully back it. If the White House really wants to combat illegal immigration it must push Congress to pass a mandatory E-Verify bill. And there must be more enforcement actions against criminal employers who hire illegal aliens. No E-Verify law can be effective if there is no enforcement to back it up. That's why the chicken plants in Mississippi were flouting the law, because they assumed they would continue to get away with it. And that's why the actions by ICE are encouraging, along with the statement from ICE Acting Director Matt Albence that: Our investigation in Mississippi continues and all parties found in violation of law will be held accountable. This includes the employers who profit off their crimes. We certainly hope so!
Eric Ruark, Director of Research
We're running a new national television ad, urging lawmakers in Washington to require all businesses to use E-Verify. The ad campaign launched during last week's Democratic primary debates and will continue into the fall.
Congress is on August recess, but that doesn't mean you can't take action! We've posted a number of new faxes urging your Members of Congress to cosponsor bills that would end chain migration and the visa lottery, mandate E-Verify for all employers, and address the ongoing border surge.
Also, be on the lookout for Town Hall notifications from Van with opportunities to hold your Members of Congress accountable over the August recess.
NUSA in the News
The Philippine Daily Inquirer A publication dedicated to a Filipino American readership referenced NUSA on a story about chain migration.
"According to the website NumbersUSA, this system resulted in an 'unlimited chain migration' which comprises 67 percent of total immigration to the United States over the past 10 years, in which the family-preference categories were oversubscribed"
"According to NumbersUSA, as of March 2009 'Filipino siblings of U.S. citizens (Family 4th) must wait more than 23 years for a visa to become available. Mexicans and Filipinos must wait significantly longer than other nationalities for all these categories, due to higher-than-average application rates.'"
Prez Debates
Did you miss the Democratic primary debates? If so, here's a summary of what each candidate said on immigration:
Trump Admin. Aims To Shift Money To ICE Amid Border Crisis
Thu, Aug 15th
House aides and a congressional office claimed this week that the Trump administration is looking to allocate funds from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to ICE from other department accounts. While it remains unclear which departments are expected to have money redirected, this follows a similar move last year when the DHS allocated approximately $170 million to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Those funds were used to help with the removal and detention of those who were in the country illegally.
Americans Apply for Jobs at Koch Foods After ICE Raid
Wed, Aug 14th
Roughly 150 locals attended an August 12 job fair to apply for jobs at the Koch Foods' plants in Mississippi. The fair was run after the August 7 removal of 243 alleged illegal migrants in two of the company's chicken processing plants, according to local authorities.
The Trump Administration on Monday issued a long-awaited rule strengthening the ability of federal officials to deny green cards to immigrants deemed likely to rely on government aid. Officials described the so-called "public charge" rule as a way to ensure those granted permanent residency are self-sufficient -- and protect taxpayers in the process.
Mandatory E-Verify AND Prosecution of Criminal Employers Key to Ending Illegal Immigration
Eric Ruark
Fri, Aug 16th
The recent raids against seven chicken plants in Mississippi by ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) demonstrate two things. Mandatory E-Verify is long overdue, and the criminal prosecution of employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens is necessary if illegal immigration is to be prevented.
13 States File Lawsuit Over Trump 'Public Charge' Rule
Fri, Aug 16th
Thirteen states led by Washington Attorney General Robert Ferguson (D) filed a lawsuit Wednesday over the Trump administration's new "public charge" rule. The states are suing the Department of Homeland Security over the new rule that expands the government's ability to deny entry or green cards to legal immigrants based on their use of public services like food stamps and Medicaid. The rule, announced Monday, is set to go into effect on Oct. 15.
In addition to all of Apple’s phones in 2020, some android phones will also come with 5G. If you are buying a new cell phone and value your health, be aware and choose only phones that do not have 5G capability.
Will Apple slow down LTE networks on purpose to influence their customers to switch to 5G-compatible phones in 2020? With over a million 5G cell towers getting installed as you read this, at least three of Apple’s iPhones coming out in 2020 will support 5G. Will any American have the choice NOT to be radiated to death slowly by the Apple iPhone cell mutation complex? While Bill Gates pushes for more population control across planet Earth, from vaccines in Africa to 5G cell towers just a stone’s throw from kids playing in their own yards, America is quickly becoming the sickest industrialized nation from the ultra-high frequency and intensity of their smart phones.
Even if the price of Android 5G phones drops, most people’s medical bills will skyrocket, and no medical doctor in the U.S.A. will dare blame the vaccines or the 5G network. Heck, if you post anything on social media now that bad-mouths the 5G platform you get banned, blocked and blacklisted. Don’t you know Mark Zuckerberg is sitting right next to Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos at the round table discussion about you.
Yes, we’re talking about you. You, the dumbed-down customer who must have a faster phone – the one you keep next to your head, in your pocket or pocket book, on your hip, or the one two inches from your kid’s faces while they play games relentlessly.
Wide range of 5G networks may skyrocket cancer cases in just months Soon, the high speed Metropolitan-style “mmWave” version of 5G will be a “consumer demand” too, and Apple’s urban and rural customers will all be sucked into the deadly vortex of the low-band “sub-6GHz,” no matter what your “purchase intentions” were or are at the time. Apple is betting on it.
Their customers will hate the slow speed of the old stuff (that’s slowed down on purpose to get you to switch) and demand the new. Nobody will be able to get an Apple customer service representative on the phone to complain either. Make no mistake, if you don’t switch to 5G, Apple will punish you. Only positive reviews will be allowed on the entire world wide web, where the socialists, pharma heads and tech giants reign supreme.
From mid-bands to low-bands, by the time 5G is done rolling out the full-fledged nightmare, they’ll be ready to install modem chips in everybody’s smart device. Post anything on YouTube that’s negative or sounds the alarms about 5G dangers to human health and your footprint will be erased to cover up the crimes of the telecom industry as a whole.
Do your residential antennas exceed FCC limits for ground-level exposure to radiation? Mountains of research and studies reveal detriment to human health from these antennas going up at schools and deep into suburban neighborhoods. The WHO already classified RF radiation as a possible carcinogen. That means they know it causes cancer, but they don’t want to take down the whole smart phone industry. It’s the same game the WHO plays with glyphosate weed killer – they tell you it’s a probable carcinogen, when peer-reviewed science already proves it.
Once 5G is “installed” across America, you won’t be able to avoid getting irradiated, to some degree. Some will be injured much worse than others, suffering from cell mutation early on. The threat will be prominent all day, every day, in your home and at work. Yep. There will be no “opting out” from the range of cell towers, unless you move way out into the country.
How close is the closest tower to your home now? Is it 3,000 feet away or just 1,000? You’ll start noticing them more and more now. Thanks Apple. Thanks a lot. Tune in to EMF.news for updates on just HOW dangerous 5G is to children, especially.
I know another pastor that felt convicted that he needed to get political from the pulpit and did. He too lost a lot of people but believed God would bring in the people that would listen and He did. His church is now almost twice what it was..........
Warning over high-lead probiotics supplement marketed to children
We've uncovered more revelations related to the "Prescript-Assist" supplement product made by "Safer Medical of Montana." Lab tests show it contains crazy levels of lead and aluminum, in violation of Calif. heavy metals limits.
In fact, the lead in this supplement is over 600% higher than the California heavy metals limit.
Even worse, this supplement is labeled for use by children. Oh yeah, and its No. 1 ingredient is a form of coal. Not charcoal, but mined coal lignite.
Spread the word. If you live in Montana, we need your help to alert the Attorney General of Montana.
We are being threatened with a lawsuit from this company that demands we remove all our articles and videos that expose the heavy metals in their products. They are trying to silence us before the truth gets out...
P.S. We've just launched an exciting plant-based supplement that delivers Biotin for hair, skin and nails. It's on special for the next 24 hours. Check out the details here.
The Health Ranger Store has partnered with the Global Healing Center to bring you Biotin from Natural Sesbania Extract, a natural supplement for healthy metabolism and healthy skin, hair, and nail growth. Through our partnership, we are also offering you their premium selection of high-quality supplements and digestive enzymes. All these products are non-GMO, vegan, and are lab-verified for cleanliness and purity.
New electrolyte interphase can increase lithium-ion battery life In a few years, youcould be shopping for mobile phones that pack more juice and last twice as long with a single charge than your current phone. In their study, which was featured in Nature ...
You know the health benefits of chia – but what about basil seeds? Chia seeds are popular superfoods because they can improve your digestive health. But if you want to try something new, consider something that also offersmany health benefits: basil seeds. What ...
Google, YouTube rigged news and video results Project Veritas dropped a massive 950-page leak from Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies that showed how the company allegedly manipulates search results. Among the topics GoogleYouTube ...
Heavy elements in space – where did they come from? An international team led byGoethe University in Germany has successfully converted xenon ions into the heavy element cesium. The results, which appeared in Physical Review Letters, was the ...
An old physician, Doctor Gordon Geezer, became very bored in retirement and decided to re-open a medical clinic.
He put a sign up outside that said: "Dr. Geezer's Clinic. Get your treatment for $500 - if not cured, get back $1,000."
Doctor Digger Young, who was positive that this old geezer didn't know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to get $1,000. So he went to Dr. Geezer's clinic.
Dr Young: "Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me?"
Dr Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from the box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young's mouth."
Dr Young: 'Aaagh! -- This is Gasoline!"
Dr Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your taste back. That will be $500." Dr Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days figuring to recover his money.
Dr Young: "I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything."
Dr Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth."
Dr Young: "Oh, no you don't -- that is Gasoline!"
Dr Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your memory back. That will be $500."
Dr Young (after having lost $1000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days.
Dr Young: "My eyesight has become weak --- I can hardly see anything!"
Dr Geezer: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that so, "Here's your $1000 back" (giving him a $10 bill).
Dr Young: "But this is only $10!"
Dr Geezer: "Congratulations! You got your vision back! That will be $500."
*Moral of story* -- Just because you're "Young" doesn't mean that you can outsmart an "old Geezer"
*Remember:* Don't make old people mad. We don't like being old in the first place, so it doesn't take much to tick us off.
Millionaire, Bernie Sanders, continues to push his poison and love for socialism which has failed in every country on earth. Free college tuition paid for with the sweat off your back. Free health care for all!..........
We’ve all heard it before: the second amendment never meant for citizens to have the sort of guns available today – it was just for hunting! Bull hockey, it was written to protect the right to shoot at tyrants and their agents when they have stolen liberty or property from the people.........
Somalis Charged With Terrorism In Arizona Were Welcomed As Refugees
Less than a year after Judicial Watch reported on the terrorist ties of an African refugee living in Arizona, federal authorities in the Grand Canyon State have arrested two refugees from the same continent for conspiring to provide material support to ISIS.........
You will find the tyranny of resistance fades as you walk or gallop toward your happiness in work, play and friends. You won’t wish for what you see in the poster on your cubicle wall, you will live it for real.........
Democrats Condemn Israel’s Decision to Deny Access to Anti-Semitic Israel Hating Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar
Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley – otherwise known as “The Squad,” need to be eliminated from office for being the dangerous anti-American, pro socialism, pro open borders, and pro New World Order vermin that they are..........
Many people walk around believing that leftist media personalities, leftists Democrats, RINO Republicans and leftists in the academic fields are not literally seeking to literally destroy the United States. I pray for their ability to grow mentally and face reality. To be honest with you, the variety of efforts to exterminate our republic are so numerous.........
Houston, we have a problem. The MEK cult was listed as a terrorist group in the US until 2012 – but its opposition to Tehran has attracted the backing of John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani and others bent on regime change.........
The extraordinary scene was captured by photography student Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project. The student was photographing the leopard for a course project, was astounded by the mouse's behavior.
He said: 'I have no idea where the mouse came from - he just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard. He didn't take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding himself.'
'But the leopard was pretty surprised - she bent down and sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit like she was scared. In the meantime the mouse just carried on eating like nothing had happened.
Even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature from getting his fill... 'It was amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat into the enclosure was shocked - he said he'd never seen anything like it before.'
Project owner Jackie James added: 'It was so funny to see - Sheena batted the mouse a couple of times to try to get it away from her food.' But the determined little thing took no notice and just carried on.'
Sheena was brought in to the Santago Rare Leopard Project from a UK zoo when she was just four months old. The African Leopard can be found in the continent's forests, grasslands, savannas and rain forests.
. . . so the mouse continued to eat the leopard's lunch and show the leopard who was the boss. Just proves no one can push you around without your permission.
THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL LESSON IN LIFE AND LONGEVITY. Be nice to others because . . . TIME WILL make a difference!
One day you will no longer be the big dog, just the Old Dog . . .
A young man named Chuck bought a horse from a farmer for $250. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day.
The next day, the farmer drove up to Chucks house and said, 'Sorry son, but I have some bad news, the horse died.' Chuck replied, 'Well, then just give me my money back.'
The farmer said, 'Can't do that. I went and spent it already.' Chuck said, 'Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.'
The farmer asked, 'What ya gonna do with him?
Chuck said, 'I'm going to raffle him off.' The farmer said, 'You can't raffle off a dead horse!'
Chuck said, 'Sure I can, Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead.'
A month Later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, 'What happened with that dead horse?'
Chuck said, 'I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at five dollars a piece and made a profit of $2495.'
The farmer said, 'Didn't anyone complain?' Chuck said, 'Just the guy who won. So I gave him his five dollars back.' Chuck grew up and works now for the government. That sounds to me like a Demon crat
Google is now the single greatest threat to humanity, and it must be stopped and dismantled or we will all be enslaved under techno-fascism.
Today I've posted an urgent video message that calls for the arrest and criminal prosecution of Google's CEO and top managers for their ongoing criminal operations to defraud the United States of America and deprive all Americans of basic human rights.
It's time to end evil in America. We can start by dismantling Google and banishing this "cyber demon" from our existence forever.
The Health Ranger Store proudly introduces Health Ranger Select Organic Hulled Hemp Seeds, the freshest hemp hearts available today. We are also offering limited supplies of Health Ranger Select Organic Chia Seeds in two variants: black chia and white chia. Both of our premium chia seeds and hulled hemp seeds are vegan, non-GMO, non-China, certified Kosher and organic, and are thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology.
8 Ingenious ways to make CBD oil taste better CBD oil is one of the most popular supplements on the market. Heralded as a cure-all for everything from acne to Parkinson's disease, there is no shortage of people interested in taking a ...
The censorship of alternative media is virtual book burning Recent discussions about an executive order that would "help protect" conservatives from bias on social media have brought a bone of contention to the forefront. Are alternative and conservative ...
How do you deal with dental abscesses in a SHTF situation? Tooth abscesses can become deadly if you don't have access to specialized dental care. Preppers and homesteaders must learn about the warning signs of a dental abscess, how to prevent it, ...
Prevent cancerous tumors naturally with time-restricted eating Cutting back on calories may help prevent breast cancer. To achieve the best anti-cancer effect, researchers recommend a time-restricted regimen in which women only eat at certain times of the day. ...
More like us than not: Chimpanzees have different cultures, too Of all the primates, none are more closely related to humans than chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). In taxonomy, both species are classified as hominins, and studies have shown that they share ...
Teenager builds nuclear reactor in his parents’ spare bedroom Some teenagers listen to music; some take up a sport that they like; some even spend their time glued to social media and video games – and some, like 14-year-old Jackson Oswalt, build a working ...
Brazilian ironwood, or leopard tree, found to reduce joint pain The Brazilian ironwood, known natively as juca or pau-ferro, is grown in the Northeast Region of Brazil where it is commonly used as a treatment for illnesses such as diarrhea and cough. Studies ...
Sucked In By Technology - Brainwashed By Education
Added to this toxic soup of Progressivism is the deadly whirlpool of technological seduction. Sadly, a powerful but flawed ideology and an incurable addiction have become the norm in the general population of America and if that ideology and addiction are not defeated, America has no future as a free nation..........
Guess who objected to these eminently reasonable and humane guidelines in February of this year? None other than 44 out of 47 Senate Democrats who blocked the Senate from voting on this bill, including presidential wannabes Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, and Elizabeth Warren.........
Controlled Opposition: Is the Very Reason that America is in Trouble Today
Being in ministry and traveling as much as we do, we have the opportunity to see and meet a lot of people and in the process, we notice what it is that people feed upon. And let me tell you, this explains why this country is in the condition that it is in today.........
Are you distressed that many in America are rapidly digressing from the principled, honorable standard of morality we once held? This standard produced an example of biblical morality that constructed one of the greatest civil documents of liberty the world has ever seen: the Declaration of Independence.........
ICE Captures Honduran Fugitive Alien Released In North Caroline Despite Child Rape And Sex Crimes
The arrest came nearly two months after the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office refused to honor an ICE detainer, or even notify ICE of the release, and instead released Pacheco from local criminal custody following his arrest on first-degree rape and indecent liberties with a minor charges, according to a report submitted to the National Association of Chiefs of Police..........
It should be obvious, too, that the absolute “right of the people to keep and bear Arms” in order to facilitate their service in the Militia is perfectly compatible with—indeed, is the very best way to effectuate—“the individual right” “to keep and bear Arms” for personal self-defense.........
When growing up in Cleveland during my first twelve years, life was mostly very good. As parents go, my Dad was simply the best. He was a great teacher about life, our republic and good solid principles. Dad was a firm believer in God almighty and how life is not fair, but thank God America is the land of the godly principle of equal opportunity.........
Aluminum camping cookware tested by the Health Ranger: Is it safe?
We've been testing all sorts of things for heavy metals at our lab, and in our latest tests, we boiled water in popular aluminum camping cookware vessels to see whether the water would become contaminated with aluminum.
Aluminum is a toxic element that's linked to Alzheimer's and neurological problems.
We tested both anodized and non-anodized aluminum cookware, most of it made in China.
P.S. We've got a flash even today on some incredibly high-quality "Organic Radiance" facial serum combo kits. Loaded with skin-nourishing ingredients, with absolutely no junk fillers or chemicals. Way beyond "spa quality" personal care solutions. See the full details here.
The first 50 customers to purchase the Health Ranger Select Organic Radiance Facial Serum combo pack will receive a bottle of Health Ranger Select Organic Eye Lifting Serum at no extra cost (28 dollar value). This limited-time offer runs through August 26, at Noon CST, or while supplies last. Both of our facial and eye serums are non-GMO, non-China, certified organic, and are lab-verified for cleanliness and purity.
Scientists develop liquid that changes color with heat Thermochromic materials are "smart" materials that change their color depending on the temperature of their surroundings. Recently, a Singaporean research team presented a liquid that ...
Insomnia smoothie: Here’s how to bust sleeplessness for good Most people drink smoothies forbreakfast or after a workout. But did you know that a dinner smoothie made with sweet potatoes can boost your gut health and relieve insomnia? Why sweet potatoes ...
Trump Jabs Fed Chairman While Central Banks Have No Where Left to Go
While presidential candidates for the Democratic/Communist Party USA continue their clown show and their media pushing everyone who supports Trump is a racist because their Russiagate hoax blew up in their faces, Americans are not paying attention to the financial neutron bomb getting ready to explode..........
Forty-years has passed and the Islamic Republic is still doing what it did forty-years ago. Iran has been under the rule of Islam since 1979. The Iranian people have attempted on several occasions to end the rule of these barbarians, but each time they were faced with the ruthless regime’s apparatus and many of them were slaughtered while the world watched and did nothing.........
While cycling coast to coast in 1984, I met Bob Wieland, south of Socorro, New Mexico, out in the middle of the desert, walking on his hands across America. When I stopped, I threw my bike into the gravel on the other side of the road. I walked over to shake hands.........
A milestone court decision has dismissed a lawsuit that attempted to silence the truth about climate change fakery and fraud. It turns out that the "hockey stick" graph showing global warming was faked from the very start, and the guy who created it will likely fake criminal investigations, according to sources.
If you believe the global warming hysteria, you've been hoodwinked. It's all rigged with software algorithms and junk science sleight of hand.
MCT oil has been used in tropical locations throughout the world for thousands of years. The oil has become increasingly popular in western countries as the oil's tremendous health benefits have become more well known. MCT oil increases energy levels and is popularly used by athletes to enhance endurance during workouts. Adding the oil to your regimen will also support your overall digestive and nervous system health. Our new Chief Originals MCT Oil (C8 MCT Oil) is a great addition to your daily nutritional intake and can be easily added to your everyday meals or smoothies.
What you need to know about curcumin and its health benefits Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that is not only widely used for culinary purposes, but also for medicinal uses. The health benefits it offers can be attributed to its active ingredient, ...
6 Useful medical devices to have when SHTF Because there are many medical devices available, it can get confusing to choose which ones to invest in. To help you out, here are six medical devices that may be important to have when SHTF. ...
Report: If Trump Declassifies These Documents – the Democrats Are Finished
I hope Trump soon plays the “Trump” card. We the People have been held hostage long enough – it is high time America sees the Clintons, the Obamas, Comey, Brennan, Page, Strzok, and so many others for exactly what they are: evil..........
In the United States, under a republican form of government, power is divided between the states and the central government. Within the central government, as is within the states, that power is further sub-divided between branches of the government.........
Disrespect, Degradation, Dehumanization, Destruction – When Will We See The Light?
I am neither theologian nor Biblical scholar. I routinely read the Holy Bible. Not near as often as I should, but I read. It is fascinating to me when an ancient message resonates with me and applies to today’s much broader, much more divided, much more dangerous world.........
The USDA organic program is a joke - massive fraud committed by farmers
If you trust USDA "organic" to truly be organic, you're being hoodwinked. One U.S. farmer ran a multi-year organic fraud scheme that produced millions of bushels of fake organic soybeans and corn, and it took the USDA eight years to shut it down.
That's why we trust no one when it comes to clean food ingredients or materials. "Organic" is no longer enough. We can't trust anything unless it's laboratory tested and verified, even if it's certified organic.
Groovy Bee Organic Maca Root Powder is grown and harvested in Peru without the use of synthetic chemicals. It's packed with over 60 micronutrients, 18 amino acids, 20 fatty acids and other powerful adaptogenic properties. Maca is a wonderful source of natural vital nutrients, including copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, silica, selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, B1, B2, B3 and B12.
The cancer industry is killing RBG with radiation The mainstream media is reporting that Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) is supposedly back under the knife for a "malignant" tumor that was recently discovered on her pancreas. According to ...
Man-made global warming fiction There is no way that so-called Greenhouse Gas emissions can cause warming or generate heat. It is a fiction that is spread by such august bodies as the IPCC, and promulgated by news ...
5 Garden hacks to boost production and reduce loss Home gardening involves some trial and error to determine which methods work for you. But gardening doesn't have to be a chore. Here are some hacks that you can try to make things easier as ...
Study finds Chinese skullcap herb improves bone health Bone mineralization is an important process that starts from infancy and continues throughout life. It is an essential part of bone formation and the bone remodeling process. Problems with bone ...
The U.S. military-industrial complex is making serious moves against Zionists, preparing to expel many of them to a Jewish autonomous zone in Siberia, Pentagon sources say. While the Pentagon and its allies are quite eager to take on Zionist control, even central bankers and G7 leaders meeting last week in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Biarritz, France admit that an economic paradigm shift is needed. These moves are related to talk of a global financial reset that would end Zionist control of privately owned central banks, the sources say.
A whole slew of establishment bigwigs are all now publicly calling for a financial reset. These include IMF head Christine Lagarde, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Rothschild-owned Economist, and others. They have all called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a new international currency. Such a currency, almost by definition, would fall out of Zionist control because the interests of the world economy and those of the Zionist-controlled corporate U.S. government are in conflict.
“The trade war is a front for the global currency reset,” Pentagon sources confirm. U.S. President Donald Trump has been calling the CEOs of JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Citigroup, and others to gain support for his stance on the trade war, the sources say. The cancellation by JPMorgan Chase of all credit card debt in Canada, the implosion of Deutsche Bank, the General Electric fraud exposure, the yuan devaluation, and a gold-backed dollar were all a part of the ongoing horse-trading for the new system, they say.
However much Trump blusters and makes calls, though, the numbers make it clear that the new system will take power away from the United States. The United States now accounts for only 10% of world trade, but over 70% of global GDP uses the U.S. dollar as an anchor currency, according to the Bank of England. This makes it obvious that any Global Currency Reset would take huge power away from the U.S. corporation.
Trump admitted last week that he might “declare a national emergency” over the issue because “we have a total lost of almost a trillion dollars a year for many years.”
This is the closest any sitting U.S. president has come to publicly declaring bankruptcy. Other Trump statements and actions all point to some existential crisis. He has tried to take over Greenland and its resources, charge allies for full costs of U.S. military bases “plus 50%,” and put tariffs on everything Chinese, all because of this impending default, multiple sources agree.
The U.S. military is preparing for the ongoing big changes by putting the Army in overall charge of the military while the Navy takes over control of the various intelligence agencies, the Pentagon sources say. This means the new head of all U.S. intelligence agencies is…
…former Navy Seal Vice-Admiral Joe Maguire, the new Director of National Intelligence, according to Pentagon sources. Maguire takes over after the firing of “not just Deep State shill ex-Senator Dan Coats, but also his deputy and [former CIA Director John] Brennan CIA lackey Sue Gordon,” they say.
The de facto U.S. military government “declared war on the Jewish mafia on their saddest day, Tisha B’av,” the sources say. Documents related to pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed on August 9 and “he was ‘suicided’ on August 10 to fast-track the prosecution of others, since all evidence is now admissible without any court challenge,” the Pentagon sources say.
“The first temple that was destroyed 586 BC, the second temple destroyed in 70 AD, the 1290 expulsion from England, the 1492 expulsion from Spain, and now the termination of Zionism on Tisha B’av may lead to forced transfers to the Jewish autonomous zone in the Russian Far East, as Jews receive karmic justice for their centuries of anti-goy perfidy,” the Pentagon sources declare.
The sources add, “Epstein is apparently a military operative who may have been exfiltrated to eradicate Mossad blackmail operations in the West, the Zionist parasites, the mega group AIPAC, and the entire Israeli 5th column.”
“In a victory lap to Satanists and Zionists, Epstein ‘died’ at 66 years, 6 months, 22 days = 66.6 years at 6am on the Jewish day of mourning,” the sources continue.
“August 10 is also the 70th birthday of the Department of Defense, which swept Epstein Island with multispectral satellites to prosecute homicidal pedophilia and other heinous crimes,” they say.
The sources also say, “Trump cleverly forced Bibi (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) to Muslim-ban Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, exposing Israel as an oppressive state, fracturing bipartisan support while boosting BDS [the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement]. Bibi the 9/11, 3/11 war criminal now looks like a Trump lackey who may not win re-election.”
Trump’s declaring both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to be “enemies” makes it pretty clear that the bankruptcy of the U.S. is leading to both anti-Zionist and anti-Chinese reactions. However, the real problem is not so simple.
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney made this clear in a very interesting speech to his fellow central bankers last week. According to Carney, there are “deep flaws in the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) caused largely by “a destabilising asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS”—the U.S. dollar. The U.S. now accounts for 10% of world trade and 15% of world GDP, but “the dollar serves as the monetary anchor in countries, accounting for two-thirds of global GDP and over 70% of world GDP.”
Emerging market economies (EMEs) who are largely excluded from management of the IMFS now make up 60% of global GDP and will account for 75% by 2030, he says. Their exclusion from control of the financial system slows down economic growth for “five-sixths of the world economy.
Carney also takes aim at the current ultra-low interest rate regime, noting, “Past instances of very low rates have tended to coincide with high-risk events such as wars, financial crises, and breaks in the monetary regime.” Carney concludes by saying, “Let’s end the malign neglect of the IMFS and build a system worthy of the diverse, multipolar global economy that is emerging.”
Interestingly, Carney’s analysis came as the U.S. Treasury Department issued the following statement:
“The Secretary of the Treasury… must consider whether countries manipulate the rate of exchange between their currency and the United States dollar for purposes of preventing effective balance of payments adjustments or gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade. Secretary Mnuchin, under the auspices of President Trump, has today determined that China is a Currency Manipulator.”
President Trump tweeted, “Our country has lost, stupidly, trillions of dollars with China over many years. We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them.” He also tweeted, “The question is being asked, why are we paying much more in interest than Germany and certain other countries?” The answer, of course, is that the U.S. dollar as it currently exists is not good for the U.S. economy.
Carney’s proposed solution is to replace the dollar with the “libra,” a cryptocurrency controlled by his former cabal bosses. However, the real solution, of course, is something your correspondent has been saying for years: the U.S. needs to issue a new currency separate from the no longer American UN dollar.
A source in the ruling committee of the 13 bloodlines who control the old system says, “In the grand scheme of things, we are moving very fast; it is called acceleration in investment banking.” The source, a European Royal, says a future planning agency is being actively considered. It would have a voting structure based on current world reality, not the world that existed after WWII when the system we now use was set up, he says.
The world is like a giant supertanker with so much momentum that turning it around takes a long time, even if there is a new captain who wants to change direction. That is why even though change is taking place very rapidly by traditional measures, progress seems so slow. Nonetheless, it will be interesting to see what happens on or around the September 31st date the U.S. corporation has to make payments to international creditors. This writer is not a hedge fund investor, but if he were, he would be betting on volatility this autumn.
If the West doesn’t do anything decisive by then, it’s a good bet the Asians will move after the 2020 Chinese New Year. If they do, remember that the Chinese are very cautious, but when they move, they move big.
Jailed Child Molester Sues For State Funded Sex Surgery
Idaho is considered one of the most conservative states in America.The people are cordial and friendly church-goers, apple pie, and family beings. Even so, the LGBTQ has gathered here in full force, organized with an almost compulsory order for citizens to attend the Pride Parade once a year, as well as showing up with their signs and rainbow flags for one protest after another at City Hall..........
Yes there is the deep state and the swamp, but there is literally no choice but the find ways to defeat the deep state and drain the swamp. The process can begin by refusing to participate with the deep state.........
Heads Up, America: North Carolina Special Election Matters
Though I love her dearly, my wife Mary interrupts my peaceful morning cup of coffee by reading me disturbing headlines on her phone. “Court rules Idaho must give transgender inmate gender surgery.” Thank God the Republican governor, in essence, said it will be a cold day in hell before his state pays for the convicted sex offender's reassignment surgery.........
The natural "wobble" in the Earth's rotation and its orbital dynamics perfectly explain observed variations in global warming and cooling, NASA has confirmed.
Now, the real explanation for why climate variations occur has finally emerged.
Made from organic yellow peas from Canada, Health Ranger Select Organic Pea Protein Powder is a high-quality, lab tested, vegan protein source that supports muscle recovery and healthy heart functions. This highly digestible superfood powder is non-GMO, non-irradiated, certified organic and Kosher, and is lab tested for heavy metals, microbiology, and glyphosate. It also contains no gluten, melamine, additives, or fillers.
Eating foods abundant in sulfur benefits the body – here’s how Sulfur might smell bad, but it helps the blood vessels, hair, heart, and skin to function properly. Eating sulfur-dense foods also helps protect against dangerous health conditions like cancer, ...
Fight the effects of fatty liver with myo-inositol Fatty liver– also referred to as hepatic steatosis – is a condition that affects about 25 percent of the world's population. It is caused by the buildup of too much fat in the liver, which ...
Trump’s Personal Assistant Fired, Caught Leaking Info On Trump Family To The Press
President Trump’s personal assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, resigned Thursday, August 29th, amid tensions. Trump reportedly discovered that Westerhout shared private details about his family and White House operations..........
Let me first say that my prayers and thoughts for healing are sent to all families who have lost family members due to a horrific killing. Losing a family member unexpectedly is something we should never have to experience. It is a sad time in America.........
How The Media Is Helping Rewrite The American History
It’s bad enough that our schools don’t teach our history but when what they teach is outright lies that’s another thing altogether. Add to that the government funding and encouraging the lies then we need to wake up! Our country, way of life, culture, and future depend on it..........
The Bill of Rights, Article I states, “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” What can we do if an enemy sets up a “press” to manipulate elections, news, and other information to promote its ends or to subvert our way of life?.........
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
Kentucky National Guard soldiers will be deploying to GITMO as an influx of new prisoners are soon to be expected due to DECLAS.
The US-China Trade War is expected to end sometime this month.
The following is a list of currencies expected to soon revalue.
- Chinese Yuan (CNY)
- Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)
- Iraqi Dinar (IQD)
- Jordanian Dinar (JOD)
- Philippine Peso (PHP)
- South Korean Won (KRW)
Once the PHP revalues, the Philippines will have the 2nd leading economy in Asia with China being the 1st.
Meanwhile, the blame will continue on the Federal Reserve until it is eventually abolished.
The New Financial System will soon be implemented via a Global Gold Treaty which requires all countries to adopt the gold standard.
Iraq will be the first country to adopt the gold standard.
The US Dollar is expected to plummet soon after Iraq adopts the gold standard.
President Trump will bring back the gold standard to save the US Dollar.
The Global Gold Treaty will be announced after the US returns to the gold standard.
Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It honors the American worker and the American Labor Movement. Without the American workers and their continuous contributions to the American economy we would not be experiencing the incredible economic growth and stock market..........
Who’s to Blame for Evisceration of the Second Amendment?
The level of ignorance by politicians regarding the Second Amendment is killing this country in ways people can’t imagine. Oh, sure, many of those dogs, particularly in the Democratic/Communist Party USA know their stand on the Second Amendment is nothing short of tyranny. They don’t give a damn. Their agenda is and always has been total disarmament of We the People.........
There is no shortage of Islamic materials on the market for anyone curious enough to seek the truth for himself. I personally have written hundreds of articles about Islam and the threat it poses to our Constitution. The painstaking task of educating the American public about this threat has not stopped Islam’s advancement in America. I am puzzled as to why no one takes this threat seriously?.........
President Trump at one point suggested that the illegals should all be shipped off to the Dems precious sanctuary cities since they love them so much. Sounds reasonable to this writer, how about you? Nancy Pelosi who is an ardent supporter of the illegals and sanctuary cities did a very quick about face after trump offered to send them to her city..........
Those who wish to permanently change America into a third world socialist country are now working to destroy the very President who stands against it. We must support him, even when we disagree with something he does. Our lives literally depend upon doing just that.........
Under Assault: God, Family, Country - The Pillars Of Our Nation And Culture
When young people do not know their history or the origins of their country they are easily influenced. They learn from biased texts and too often from biased ideologues impersonating teachers. On the back of not knowing our true history in the context of it’s time, they are susceptible to ideas of Socialism, Communism, Atheism, and eliminating the Electoral College.........
Criminal Illegal Alien Murders Californian In Sanctuary Santa Clara County
ICE officials sent not one but six separate "detainer" requests to Santa Clara County, when Arevalo-Carranza was about to be released from its custody, asking that he be detained long enough for federal immigration officials to take him into custody for removal proceedings. Each one of the requests was ignored because of Santa Clara County’s sanctuary policies.........
The younger generations of investors have been living in a delusional dream world where financial reality has been suspended, replaced by "virtue signaling" corporations that burn through other people's money.
One day soon when facts matter again, that delusion will implode and be replaced by reality.
And when you're a world that's running on debt, reality sucks. The shock to the psyche of the world's millennials will truly be epic.
Made from organic yellow peas from Canada, Health Ranger Select Organic Pea Protein Powder is a high-quality, lab tested, vegan protein source that supports muscle recovery and healthy heart functions. This highly digestible superfood powder is non-GMO, non-irradiated, certified organic and Kosher, and is lab tested for heavy metals, microbiology, and glyphosate. It also contains no gluten, melamine, additives, or fillers.
Now the baby butchers are attacking parental rights In order to boost abortion sales and separate more potential mothers from their unborn children, Planned Parenthood along with a coalition of 74 other pro-abortion groups are lobbying to ...
5 ways to wash your hands when running water is unavailable Before SHTF, you need to consider one important aspect of hygiene and sanitation: hand washing. But how can you wash your hands if you run out of water? (ht to PrimalSurvivor.net) The simple act ...
Natural remedies for hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a condition wherein the thyroid glands do not produce enough hormones to sustain metabolic functions. As a result, people with this condition may experience a wide array of ...
Natural remedies: Pets help relieve anxiety in children Families that keep dogs as pets often enjoy the company of these adorable and loyal animals. According to a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing, dogs used in pet therapy can also ...
Meal preps are a great way to save food – and money Do you always manage to finish your meals? How much food from the fridge do you end up throwing out? It may seem inconsequential when you look at it from a day-by-day perspective, but if you sum ...
The health benefits of taking the stairs Not everyone has enough time to go to the gym every day. But according to a study presented at EuroPrevent 2019, taking the stairs regularly can help improve your fitness. To date, this is the ...
Neanderthals were mostly carnivores, new tooth analysis reveals "Back to the basics" is a buzzword phrase that's been getting a lot of traction these days, especially when it comes to eating habits. Those who lived in ancient times, of course, did not ...
Does Mars have an active groundwater system? Scientists say yes Liquid water had long since deserted the surface of Mars, leaving only the faint marks of its passage in the form of dried-out channels, lake-beds, and valleys. But researchers said that the Red ...
A thorough investigation by The Wall Street Journal has revealed that Jeff Bezos’ Amazon retail empire is currently selling thousands of products on its website that are contaminated, mislabeled, not allowed for sale in the United States, or outright banned from the consumer marketplace.
In other words, there is obviously a problem at Amazon that needs to be addressed. But rather than fess up to the fact that the company has severely dropped the ball on ensuring that product safety for its customers, the retail giant is instead doubling down with claims that it has long employed an "industry-leading safety and compliance program."
Health Ranger Select O3 Ozone-Infused Oil Pulling Solution combines the ancient Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling with modern ozone-infusing technology. Our organic jojoba oil has potent soothing, healing properties to nourish your skin and hair. Both products are non-GMO, non-China, made with certified organic ingredients, and are lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology.
Boost cellular health and prevent aging with this Japanese plant The ancient Japanese believed that ashitaba leaves can cure several ailments, hence the ashitaba plant played a significant role in Japanese traditional medicine. They used preparations made with ...
Prepper protein: Which powders should you stockpile? Although protein powders are more commonly used by body builders for building muscles, they are a great addition to your prepper stockpile. You can also add them to your diet now. Because many ...
Moxibustion may improve IBS by stimulating gut microbiota Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder; it affects up to 20 percent of the global population at any given time. In a study published in Chinese Medicine, researchers ...
A solution to microplastic pollution, thanks to jellyfish? Jellyfish are ubiquitous creatures that can be found in the deep sea and in surface waters. Many beachgoers consider them pests because they sting people and can shut down beaches. Some ...
One Comcast Customer was charged $1,775 for an early termination fee. Comcast took the fee right out of the customer’s bank account. Except the fee should have never been charged in the first place. What is worse, it took two years for the customer to be refunded by Comcast..........
The Best Way to Enslave the People is to Disarm Them First
Alexander Hamilton stated the reason for the Second Amendment: "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed," adding later, "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government.".........
Our founders, in the Declaration of Independence, referred to God as the Supreme Judge of the universe because His jurisdiction supersedes every act of civil government.........