**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Please do not forward this photo of the Ukrainian phone call, scam-whistleblower, CIA Clown, Eric Ciaramella, who now wishes he did not violate his Oath of Office. He does not want his name or picture to go viral, so please, whatever you do, do not hit the forward button.
Nancy Pelosi spent $2500.00 per pen plus silver trays with her engraved signature on it. That's $105,000.00 of the peoples money spent on a 'somber' occasion. Maybe the delay on transmitting the impeachment was because she had to wait on the custom order to be filled."Tucker Carlson Fox News"
The leading authority on vaccines was in the biowarfare business?
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
I'm talking about the US Centers for Disease Control. They set the recommended vaccine schedule and they assure us, over and over, that vaccines are safe and effective.
So let's recall a little history, which helps illustrate the character of the CDC.
Character? What does that mean? Well, it could mean something like this: you read about a man convicted of murder some years ago, and then you discover he is now the chief of police...
Here's a quote from the Washington Post (9/4/13, "When the US looked the other way on chemical weapons"): "...The administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items...including poisonous chemicals and deadly biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague..."
Between 1985 and 1989, a US 501C3 firm, American Type Culture Collection, sent Iraq up to 70 shipments of various biowar agents, including 21 strains of anthrax.
Between 1984 and 1989, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) sent Iraq at least 80 different biowar agents, including botulinum toxoid, dengue virus, and West Nile antigen and antibody.
We have a comprehensive article by William Blum in the April 1998 Progressive called Anthrax Report. Blum cites a 1994 Senate report confirming that, in this 1985-1989 time period, US shipments of anthrax and other biowar agents to Iraq were licensed by...drum roll, cymbal crash...the US Dept. of Commerce.
Blum quotes from the Senate report: "These biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction. It was later learned that these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the United Nations inspectors found and removed from the Iraqi biological warfare program."
This 1994 Senate report also indicates that the US exported to Iraq the precursors for chemwar agents, actual plans for chemical and biowar production facilities, and chemical-warhead filling equipment. The exports continued until at least November 28, 1989.
Blum lists a few other biowar agents the US shipped to Iraq. Histoplasma Capsulatum, Brucella Melitensis, Clostridium Perfringens, Clostridium tetani---as well as E. coli, various genetic materials, human and bacterial DNA.
So...the CDC was up to its neck in the biowarfare business---and it later offered a lame excuse. You see, the World Health Organization was encouraging nations to exchange biological materials with one another, for ongoing medical research. Therefore, the CDC was OBLIGATED to ship those materials to Iraq---despite the fact that Iraq had an ongoing biowarfare program.
If you buy that little gem, I have condos for sale on the far side of the moon.
There are many, many reasons to reject everything the CDC claims about vaccines. In other articles, I have covered many of those reasons. Here we have the issue of character. It's relevant, real, and mostly forgotten. I bring it up to refresh public memory.
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
The Rape of Men - Sinaga, Jezebel and the Feminists
The emphasis on the rape of men in all it’s many forms, without the mention of the rape of women, will reveal an annoyance in many people’s minds, but it shouldn’t. Equality needs revising. It should be a catalyst to show that hatred is really at the root cause of all of our problems..........
AOC is ‘Stressed’ About Having Kids – I’m Stressed About AOC Having Kids Too
With people like AOC (and the Squad), Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, etc. – there will never be a stable and healthy world, let alone a stable and healthy U.S. How can the U.S. be “stable” when idiots like AOC and company pursue wild fantasies that cost more money then there is in circulation today?.........
A Glorious Weekend Filming with Fellow Deplorables in California
Robert treated me to a sneak-peek of his hilarious new short film titled, “Nightmare in Paradise.”It’s about an emigre from Kansas who has a nightmare about trying to run a business in California.........
Considering that government derives its just power from the consent of the governed (as stated in the Declaration of Independence), then government can have no power except that which the people first possess in themselves, then delegate to government.........
This is a fascinating (and scary) read. One of the best nutshell descriptions of our current political situation that I've seen.
Dr. Jack Devere Minzey, born 6 October 1928, died 8 April 2018, was the Department Head of Education at Eastern Michigan University as well as a prolific author of numerous books, most of which were on the topic of Education and the Government role therein. (Editor's note)This was the last of his works:
Civil War: How do civil wars happen?
By Dr. Jack Devere Minzey
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can't settle the question through elections because they don't even agree that elections are how you decide who's in charge. That's the basic issue here Who decides who runs the country?
When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.
The Mueller investigation was about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it's not the first time they've done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn't really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There's a pattern here.
What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don't accept the results of any election that they don't win. It means they don't believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. That's a civil war.
There's no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government.
This isn't dissent. It's not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they're the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don't win, what you want is a dictatorship.
Your very own dictatorship.
The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it's inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can't scratch his own back without his say so, that's the civil war
Our system of government is based on the Constitution, but that's not the system that runs this country. The Democrat's system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country. If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. He can use the IRS as his own police force and imprison citizens who speak against him. He can provide guns and money (Fast and Furious) (Iran nuclear deal) to other countries to support his own agenda, and watch while one of America's Ambassador's is dragged through the streets and murdered doing nothing to aid our citizens. His power is unlimited. He's a dictator.
But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can't do anything. He isn't even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has 'discretion' to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn't even have the 'discretion' to reverse him. That's how the game is played. That's how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn't yet won that particular fight.
When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren't even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries The Constitution has something to say about that. Whether it's Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.
Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can't serve in it if you're not a member. If you haven't been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren't in the club. And Trump isn't in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren't in the club with him.
Now we're seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.
That's not a free country!
It's not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an 'insurance policy' against Trump winning the election. It's not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It's not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It's not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn't supposed to win did.
Have no doubt, we're in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist, socialist, Democrat professional government.
Well now Pilgrims and Patriots, having read the above, I suggest two things: forward this very timely, very important analysis to those whom you believe think like you do (and those that don't) and make sure you vote on every Election day!
Our Spirit posted: "Cloudflare is back in the news today, offering to protect elections for free. Don't fall for it. It's a globalist trap that we warned you about in November 2018. The players and systems discussed in the Mike and Doug audio below are still highly relevant."
Don’t fall for it. It’s a globalist trap that we warned you about in November 2018. The players and systems discussed in the Mike and Doug audio below are still highly relevant. Refresh yourself on the topic.
Then look under the headline links below – we left you some great material to share with your network of citizens concerned about rigged voting.
President Trump can immediately direct his Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority (FPKIPA) to revoke any and all Certificate Authorities that are engaged in supporting treasonous or seditious activity against the United States. This is a matter of grave national security that falls under the rubric of recent State of Emergency Executive Orders.
Specifically, any certificate authorities associated directly or through surrogates with Robert S. Mueller, III, James P. Chandler, III, James B. Comey, Michael Chertoff, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jerry C. Jones, Joseph E. Sullivan, Orlando Bravo should be revoked immediately.
Regarding foreign election meddling, any Certificate Authority currently providing services to the state boards of elections that maintain encryption keys offshore should be immediately revoked.
As a part of this review, the President should evaluate the qualifications and loyalties of the members of the Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority (FPKIPA) which is comprised of members “appointed by each federal agency’s CIO, and the group operates under the authority of the Federal CIO Council.”
Our Spirit posted: ". . Sheriff: I WILL NOT ENFORCE ANY UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW . . "We are awake. We've got the NRA and the Virginia civil defense league protesting for us virginians at every meeting for these unconstitutional laws, and we've got civilian militias from all"
"We are awake. We've got the NRA and the Virginia civil defense league protesting for us virginians at every meeting for these unconstitutional laws, and we've got civilian militias from all across the country that said they'll come here if need be to help us overthrow our government." - Jeremy Weisbrod, Patriot
You know who the GOA is? A bunch of Senior Executive Services operatives trying to take down President Trump. Don't let them! You need to start calling out this enemy of America and show its ugly face to the American people. They want to stay in the SHADOWS. Put a light on these bureaucrat COCKROACHES.
“The GOA got it exactly backwards. Here’s what they said. The law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities to those Congress has enacted into law. It’s exactly the opposite. The Constitution does not allow Congress to substitute its own priorities....
BOASBERG CONCEALED ALL THESE RELATIONSHIPS FROM THE AMERICAN PUBLIC in 2002: Skull & Bones; St. Peter's College (Oxford); Oxford Union; Boris Johnson; The ISIS magazine (Oxford); Robert Maxwell; Ghislaine Maxwell; Munger Tolles LLP; Williams & Connolly LLP; David S. Kendall, Esq.; Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton; The Clinton Foundation; Wilmer Hale LLP; Robert S. Mueller III; Arvinder K. Sambei; Crown Prosecution Service (UK); Alison M. Saunders; Barack & Michael Obama; Deval L. Patrick; David S. Kris
Boasberg commits fraud on Congress and the courts, we believe, every day he does not resign, get fired, or is impeached
Boasberg’s massive 2002 Senate ethics disclosure failings uncover fingerprints of extensive UK & U.S. Pilgrims Society / Crown Agents / SES treason & sedition
Jan. 17, 2020—The definitive, fully annotated biography and timeline for new FISA presiding judge (Jan. 01, 2020) James E. “Jeb” Boasberg is now available. It reveals the depth and breadth of Boasberg’s treason and sedition against the American People and Nation, we believe.
Boasberg recent corrupt appointment of FBI suck up David S. Kris is just another example of why the FISA Court must be abolished.
Just look at Kris. He’s a deer-in-the-headlights sycophant (a servile self-seeking flatterer). Do you trust him to protect the American Republic, or do anything that would anger his Pilgrims Society handlers?
They are rigging the election again against Bernie Sanders, just like last time, only even more obviously. They are bringing him out of so important Iowa in order that, as a Senator, he sit through the Impeachment Hoax Trial. Crazy Nancy thereby gives the strong edge to Sleepy...
....Joe Biden, and Bernie is shut out again. Very unfair, but that’s the way the Democrats play the game. Anyway, it’s a lot of fun to watch!
Comment: My request could I share the material with the senator of Florida. What is the best way to approach this?
Our Reply: Depends on who your Senator is. If they are controlled by George Soros, US Chamber of Commerce, or Pilgrims money, they know all about this election rigging because they BENEFIT from it. So they will politely receive your info and discard it.
Here's a link that contains several posts on rigging:
Make sure to contact Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel, Uncle Mitt's niece and ask her why she hasn't reported her family election rigging business to her boss Donald J. Trump. The Romney RINO b*itch full well knows that Uncle Mitt and Cousin Tagg have their hands all over OpTech software that rigs elections all over the world, but she remains the RNC chair, holding her spot until Uncle Mitt can take over the RNC.
Keep in mind that there were NO-NONE-NOTTA Republican candidates run in Virginia's last election. Thanks to Miss 'do-nothing but makes nice speeches' Romney, the GOPe did not run any candidates in Virginia.
Hmmm... and now look what is going on in Virginia. Almost like it was part of the Purple Revolution plan to overthrow the government and the UN gun grab.
I learned at the cancer clinic where my wife was treated yesterday, from a nurse, that the North Carolina county in which we live — Surry — has declared itself a sanctuary county for gun owners. Political leaders just north of us here are calling for the secession of the western counties of Virginia. They want to become part of West Virginia.........
For the last several months, three years to be exact, we have seen the Democrat Party attack president Trump in a wild attempt to impeach him. The plans to impeach began as early as the evening he was elected. Mad Maxine Waters began calling for impeachment the day after he was elected.......
Alert: Crisis actors recruited to stage violence in Virginia for CNN's cameras
In a series of bombshell media reports, we are now learning that "crisis actors" have been recruited to pose as both terrorists and IED victims in Virginia during tomorrow's gun rights demonstrations.
Seven bus loads of Antifa terrorists are being dressed up as NRA supporters to attack other groups so that CNN can broadcast a narrative of "right-wind violence" during the event.
Their goal is to pull off a "Charlottesville 2.0" event that might change the course of history by demonizing Second Amendment supporters.
You are watching pure treason unfolding in America today, and the media, the FBI and the Democrats of Virginia are all complicit.
P.S. Today we have C8 MCT Oil on special. Lab tested, ultra pure, supports healthy metabolic energy and a "slow burn" for your body's energy needs. Check out the specials here.
MCT oil has been used in tropical locations throughout the world for thousands of years. The oil has become increasingly popular in western countries as the oil's tremendous health benefits have become more well known. MCT oil increases energy levels and is popularly used by athletes to enhance endurance during workouts. Adding the oil to you food intake will also support your overall digestive and nervous system health. Our new Chief Originals MCT Oil (C8 MCT Oil) is a great addition to your daily nutritional intake and can be easily added to your everyday meals or smoothies.
6 Health benefits of seaweed, an underwater superfood Seaweed, or sea vegetables, are an extremely versatile and popular superfood. They're used to wrap sushi rolls, are used as a main ingredient in many soups and stews andare a common ...
Survival first aid: How to treat spider bites Spiders, for the most part, are harmless. They will rather hide or run away from a threat than engage in a fight. However, if they feel cornered, they will bite any threat, including humans. ...
Our Spirit posted: ". . Under Trump, America May Be Its Strongest Since the End of World War II . President Trump Official Response to Senate Trial Notification THE HONORABLE DONALD J. TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, HEREBY RESPONDS: The Articles of Impeachment su"
The Articles of Impeachment submitted by House Democrats are a dangerous attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their President. This is a brazen and unlawful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election and interfere with the 2020 election—now just months away. The highly partisan and reckless obsession with impeaching the President began the day he was inaugurated and continues to this day. Click here to read the full answer.
“We don’t have the original 302 that the FBI agents created and I’ve now found a witness who says the original 302 did in fact say that Flynn was honest with the agents and did not lie,” Powell, who has been representing Flynn for about six months. “So for someone to delete that from the 302 is just beyond outrageous, but that is the only reason I can think of as to why it would have been deep-sixed,” she added.
One of the most magnificent geologic features in the world is the Ausangate Mountain of the Peruvian Andes. The mountain is striped with colors ranging from turquoise to lavender to maroon and gold. However, this "painted mountain" is notoriously difficult to find and get to, requiring several days of hiking to reach its peak deep within the Andes by way of Cusco. SOURCE: https://www.forbes.com
Here's why memes are so deadly in an information war. We are educating and enlightening people one laugh at a time. Who would have thought that patriots could have so much fun defeating globalism?!
The deep state terrorists (Antifa, the FBI, etc.) have backed down in the presence of overwhelming numbers of patriots carrying legal firearms and recording video at all times.
This is a huge victory for patriots and a major defeat for the anti-gun Leftists, the treasonous FBI and Virginia Gov. Northam, an evil demon who wants to kill your babies and take away your civil rights.
MCT oil has been used in tropical locations throughout the world for thousands of years. The oil has become increasingly popular in western countries as the oil's tremendous health benefits have become more well known. MCT oil increases energy levels and is popularly used by athletes to enhance endurance during workouts. Adding the oil to your regimen will also support your overall digestive and nervous system health. Our new Chief Originals MCT Oil (C8 MCT Oil) is a great addition to your daily nutritional intake and can be easily added to your everyday meals or smoothies.
7 Reasons to have Manuka honey in your survival stockpile Manuka honey is a special kind of honey that is only grown in Australia and New Zealand. It comes from the honeymade by bees who pollinate from the Leptospermum scoparium, or the manuka ...
Why first aid training is a must for all preppers When someone near you gets injured and the EMTsare still a few minutes away, you may have to step up and take charge. What you do can lead to the injured person's survival or death. This ...
Greta Thunberg’s Climate Change Hoax Damaging America’s Children
Greta Thunberg burst on to the world scene last year at age 16 similar to the unleashing of the most ignorant, stupid buffoon to ever serve in the U.S. Congress, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC). Thunberg is a Swedish citizen and referred to as a climate change activist. Her job is to spread fear in humans around the world while pushing one of the biggest hoaxes ever shoved upon the world..........
Why the States Must Nullify the National Voter Registration Act Now!
From the earliest days of our Republic, some years before our federal Constitution of 1787 was ratified; the Citizens of the States determined the qualifications for voting, and memorialized these qualifications in their State Constitutions.........
Blip: Humanity’s 300 Year Self-Terminating Experiment With Industrialism
Finally, do you think humans will try to save themselves? Will we make any effort to change course? As for me having observed humanity around the world for the past 50 years, my bet? We will continue the Faustian Bargain with a grand finale of Hobson’s Choice. Some call it the “Darwinian Solution”, but it’s coming.........
Svetlana doesn't seem to be aware that Richard Dearlove helped plan and implement the overthrow attempt of Donald Trump. Maybe some of you can jump on to her twitter and enlighten her on what Richard Dearlove was really doing with Stefan Halper. You might also name drop Gina Haspel and remind her readers that the current CIA director was the London station chief (then) and worked with Dearlove and Arvinder Sambei in rolling out the Trump overthrow plans, from using MI6 Robert Hannigan to wiretap Trump Towers to having Alison Saunders go through the fine detail planning with Bruce and Nellie Ohr over dinner at their home.
If you missed the links, articles, images and videos that Betsy and Thomas discussed in today's audio, catch them all here: Impeachment is a Bust for the Globalists (article).
"There are few details about why Peek was physically removed and is under a very serious investigation; however, some of Andrew Peek’s professional background details tell a story. The connection to Gen. John Allen is a MASSIVE warning flare.
Andrew Peek, the senior director for European and Russian affairs at the National Security Council, has been placed on administrative leave pending a security-related investigation, people familiar with the situation tell Axios."
CAUGHT-ON-TAPE: Dems on @BillClinton's Impeachment! Retweet!
This Impeachment Hoax of @POTUS is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL UNDOING of a legitimate 2016 election, and an UNLAWFUL HIJACK ATTEMPT of a 2020 REELECTION LANDSLIDE of @realDonaldTrump!
Make it to the modern-day WOODSTOCK so you can tell the grandchildren that YOU helped to RESTORE the REPUBLIC.
You were there....YOU made a difference.
Show President Trump and the WORLD that America will NOT ACCEPT globalism. We love our Constitution and want to embrace her fully and purely, just as our forefathers wrote her for us, their future citizens.
Doesn't make a difference if you make it inside or outside. The first step is to show your willingness to stand up for America First.*
* And for our patriot friends in other countries, your job is to protect your nation from globalism and the Pilgrims Society. Let's live in a world full of many, diverse, peace-loving nations with great borders and lots of bilateral trade agreements.
By the time we reached the Trump Rally, we were 100,000 strong!
"Congressman Jeff Van Drew said Sunday that more tickets have been requested for President Donald Trump’s Wildwood rally Jan. 28 than for any other rally Trump has held.
“It’s exciting, and I’m proud to say for this event of all the events he’s done we’ve had the most ticket requests,” Van Drew said on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, of approximately 100,000 ticket requests for a venue that holds about 7,400. Read all about it!
SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES (aka Shadow Government, Deep State) AT WORK
Natalie Ann Jaresko (Ukrainian: Наталія Енн Яресько; born 24 April 1965) is an American-born Ukrainian investment banker who served as Ukraine's Minister of Finance from December 2014 until April 2016. In 20 March 2017, she was appointed as executive director of the Financial Oversight & Management Board for Puerto Rico.
Come on, deVos...do your job and start dismantling the federal indoctrination programs. Patriots are fed up with Pilgrims Society lies and distortions being poured into our children's brains through globalist mandates from the federal education department. Parents are sick of Common Crap, Chicago math, Frankfurt School brainwashing, Alinksy civics, and tranny creeps in the libraries.
DeVos is in place to maintain the globalist status quo in public schools until Donald Trump is replaced and the globalists can go full mind control on our children. Patriots, we need to use these next five years to dismantle the federal department of indoctrination and get education back where it belongs - with parents and local communities!
We know Betsy deVos from Michigan - all talk, no do, using her family inheritance to muscle (yep...another one of those 'trust babies') herself into political appointments where she protects her globalist interests and DOES NOTHING for citizens.
Christopher E. Strunk and Douglas Gabriel were having a Conclave about impeachment. Chris memorialized in this summary note:
Regarding our conversation Friday, you mentioned a bill of attainder to wit I disagree in that the whole point of the delivery of the impeachment is for trial in the Senate - when there is a trial there is no bill of attainder [anyway were he convicted by hearing only Amb Sondland then removed still is only a bill of pain and penalties since he was not put to death nor his property seized].
The problem is that Article 1 Malfeasance and Article 2 Obstruction of the "Congress" in the context of the impeachment investigation must be called House of Representatives not including the Senate where a trial takes place to hear the facts of the investigation of crime in the House underlying the impeachment.
NEITHER name a crime, meaning there is nothing of fact to try in the Senate except for second third and fourth hand opinion absent any direct witness or even a hint of a named crime say "OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE" as occurred in Watergate as an actual crime must have occurred concurrently in the House with a citation named in the Article 2 wasn't a charge since executive privilege as a separation of powers immunity issue exists without then being presented to the Judiciary for an order / opinion per se.
Now as for an expost law in regards to to reworking of the 2 USC 686 Impoundment Control Act does not apply wherein the House GAO has a statutory duty and obligation to report the in-action of the Executive didn't nevertheless becomes moot because the foreign aid was transferred within the time frame.
People will say: It is pathological to even think in terms of spirit and soul
At the Council of Constantinople it was decreed that the spirit did not exist; it was dogmatically stated that the human being consisted only of body and soul, and it was heresy to speak of a human spirit. In the same way attempts will be made to decree the soul, the inner life, as nonexistent.
The time will come — and it may not be far off — when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and — you can be quite sure of it — a medicine will be found for this. At Constantinople the spirit was made non-existent. The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view’, people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.
The two philosophies of life will be in complete opposition. One movement will need to reflect how concepts and ideas may be developed to meet the reality of soul and spirit. The others, the heirs of modern materialism, will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy’, that is, makes its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.
People who think that playful ideas will help them to look ahead to the future are very much mistaken. We need serious, profound ideas to look ahead to the future. Anthroposophy is not a game, nor just a theory; it is a task that must be faced for the sake of human evolution.
AS IT WORKS OUT CLARENCE THOMAS IS THE CHIEF JUDGE PRO TEM SINCE WE HAVE RID OURSELVES OF THE CREATURE JOHN ROBERTS TO THE SENATE. In this case the current Carthage is the spirtual awakening brought by DJT and we hear the hollow mantra Delenda est Carthago from PELOSI the modern day CATO THE CENSOR (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carthago_delenda_est )
Queen Pelosi wasn't happy with the small USAFC-20B jet, Gulf Stream III that comes with the Speaker's job ... OH NO! Queen Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat, 200-seat, USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back to California without stopping!
I understand that a former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, flew commercial most of the time.
Queen Nancy's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American tax payers, literally thousands of gallons of fuel every week.
Since she only works 3 days a week,(Tues, Wed & Thurs), this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home to California every Friday and returns every Monday, at a cost to the taxpayers (YOU and I are those taxpayers!) of about $60,000, one way-- THAT'S $120,000 round trip -- EVERY WEEK! Unfortunately we have to bring her back on Monday night.
Taxpayers -- that is $480,000 per month and $5,760,000 per year for fuel only Does NOT include the cost of plane or crew
One has to wonder what the total package costs us?
And on top of that ... now she wants to tax our IRA's & 401K's !
This woman, who heads up the most corrupt Congress in the history of our country is having the military families in this country, who are doing without, and taxpayers just getting by, fueling that jet.
Queen Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint-- -- buy smaller cars and -- Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires. I know where I would like to put my footprint!
Who do these people think they are???
Their motto is ...Don't do as I do ... JUST DO AS I SAY!
Sidney Powell Files Motion Withdrawing General Flynn’s Guilty Plea
Those corrupt prosecutors were not fired or disbarred, they were promoted, just like Lon Horiuchi who shot and killed Randy Weaver’s wife, and wounded both Randy and his friend Kevin Harris. Randy’s 14-year-old son, Sam and his dog were killed the previous day after an encounter with federal marshals..........
The Impeachment Trial: Getting Trump (and the Clintons) Off the Hook
It’s mighty suspicious that Trump has been maneuvered into hiring people who either voted for Hillary or failed to hold her and her husband responsible for serious misdeeds. It not only looks bad but suggests that defending Trump may be useful to some in preventing the president from getting to the bottom of the Clinton scandals.........
The 'Historic' Sham Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump
The word 'historic' is emphasized in this article, not because President Trump's impeachment should be considered historic, (it should actually be considered a sham and an embarrassment for the nation), but to illustrate how utterly absurd it is that the Democrats and their lapdog media puppets continue to refer to President Trump's impeachment as 'historic.'.........
Rabid Democrats Accuse Trump of Yet Another Crime, But Ignore Obama’s Lawlessness
News outlets such as MSNBC, New York Times and CNN breathlessly reported that Trump had committed a crime when he failed to tell the House of Representatives that he was withholding the billion taxpayer dollars.........
Our Spirit posted: ". . . Donald Trump Cuts Down Globalism, Celebrates Economic Nationalism at Davos ‘A Nation’s Highest Duty Is to Its Own Citizens’ ‘Reject the Perennial Prophets of Doom’… …‘We Will Never Let Radical Socialists Destroy Our Economy’ . Trump's endin"
…‘We Will Never Let Radical Socialists Destroy Our Economy’
Trump's ending mental image in his Davos speech was Europe's cathedrals. It takes multiple generations, united in purpose to build something as magnificent and enduring as a cathedral. And it takes hope. Ignore the alarmists, light the way, and watch your people light the world.
Millions of Americans voted for President Trump precisely because he promised to disrupt the foreign policy status quo. He promised a new, “America First” foreign policy that many in the Washington establishment derided. And the President has delivered, bringing fresh and successful approaches to foreign policy in a host of areas, including relations with NATO, China, Israel, and North Korea.
In particular, with respect to Ukraine and elsewhere, his foreign policy has focused on ensuring that America does not shoulder a disproportionate burden for various international missions, that other countries do their fair share, and that taxpayer dollars are not squandered.
House Democrats’ theory that a purported inter-agency “consensus” among career bureaucrats can be used to show improper motive is an affront to the tens of millions of American citizens who voted for President Trump’s foreign policy and not a continuation of the Washington establishment’s policy preferences.
"The Department of Justice has reportedly assigned an FBI special agent to work with Immigration and Customs and Enforcement and the Department of Education Inspector General Charge to investigate Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) for alleged criminal violations relating to perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, federal student loan fraud, and bigamy."
Our Comment: Yeah, right. The FBI is in charge! The FBI is a worthless agency when it comes to actually investigating criminals and referring them to the DOJ for indictment. This group of buffoons let Imran Awan skip town, still haven't found the killer of Beranton Whisenant Jr., have not provided death certificates for any so-called children who died at Sandy Hook, and can't find MAJOR CRIMES and TREASON operating under their own agency roof.
Actually, the FBI is what our forefathers warned us of and what we saw in operation in Nazi Germany - a CENTRAL POLICE.
Last year, after I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google's power to rig elections, one of them said, "I think you're going to die in an accident in a few months."
The Chestahedron is the first heptahedron of this configuration in the history of geometry. This sculpture has 7 surfaces (consisting of 4 triangles and 3 quadrilaterals), 7 points and 12 edges. If this heptahedron is rotated around the vertical axis, it forms a bell-like external surface of a certain profile: a cone at the top connected to a hyperbolic at the bottom. Other type heptahedra, or less-faced polyhedra do not provide a bell-type figure.
For this reason, it is supposed that the Chestahedron in rotation is the first geometrical bell shape form ever found and therefore it is the first time the mystery behind the geometry of the bell has been solved in the history of bell making. It has been found in years of research that this geometry is the basis of the left ventricle of the human heart. The midway point between the idea of the human heart and the manifestation of the human heart. Naming the Chestahedron came from the heart being the dominant organ in the chest.
Fake Politicians, Fake Media and Fake Laws Have Destroyed America
After having spent most of their careers ignoring it, and getting away with regularly violating it, their love of our historical founding documents is almost comical. Except, it is no laughing matter. Their willingness to ignore the law is exactly what has gotten this country in the mess that we now find ourselves in..........
Meanwhile, CNN, an even more hysterical purveyor of left-wing rants disguised as news, plus a goodly portion of outright falsehoods, is now partnering with HBO to craft a documentary on “the rise of fake news”. Oh, please! Our nooze media are so dishonest, even with themselves, that they don’t know they’re fake.........
Ten Times A Month, I Interview On National Radio Shows
Do you think America and Americans will survive the next 140 million immigrants? Do you think America will remain viable, sustainable or intact as a culture, language and a quality of life country? Me? On the radio shows, I tell it like it is…I think our country is doomed if we continue importing immigrants until they outnumber us.........
Today, Natural News continues to function in "emergency mode," temporarily locked out of our own data servers due to a highly sophisticated social engineering attack that we believe was carried out by a cyber warfare group that impersonated agents of the federal government.
Nevertheless, we have managed to post one new story and two podcasts, bringing you updates on both the coronavirus outbreak and the cyber attacks designed to silence Natural News.
Visit the NaturalNews.com home page to see links to the podcasts and other updates as they are posted.
We will not be silenced. We will overcome this latest attack and begin posting new stories soon. Thank you for your support, your prayers and your patience.
Emergency alert from the Health Ranger to all Natural News readers
Update from the Health Ranger, Jan. 21, 2020, 9:14pm
Natural News is under extreme attack from a new, highly sophisticated form of cyber warfare that we have not witnessed before. This attack began shortly after we posted our article documenting the FBI's involvement in running the white supremacist front group known as "The Base," which provided a convenient pretext for Virginia Gov. Northam to declare a state of emergency to disarm citizens at the recent pro-2A rally in Richmond.
This attack has resulted in a blocking of access to our own web servers.
This means we are currently unable to post new stories until this attack is resolved. Some stories posted over the last four days are also inaccessible. In addition to this sophisticated cyber warfare attack, we have also been subjected to phishing attempts that targeted the email inboxes of our staff members. Those attacks were thwarted.
It is clear that censorship in America is now escalating to the point where the hosting infrastructure of prominent independent media publishers are being targeted and attacked in order to silence independent journalism. It is no coincidence that Glenn Greenwald was also just recently criminally charged in Brazil, even as Julian Assange remains a prisoner of the global deep state.
The timing of this attack on Natural News should be understood as a serious warning that the deep state is planning to carry out an especially nefarious and treasonous operation against America while taking steps to make sure that independent journalists are silenced in the aftermath.
Pray for our safety. Pray for America. We are attempting to overcome this sophisticated cyber warfare attack and will post stories as soon as we are able.
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
P.S. The stories and videos below were the last stories we were able to post before this attack. Keep checking back for updates on the NaturalNews website, if it functions.
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Once again, it turns out the only real terrorists are the FBI itself. Breaking news reveals the FBI ran the so-called "white supremacist" terror group that VA Gov. Northam invoked to falsely claim gun owners would violently attack the capitol in Richmond yesterday.
We've also got bombshell video footage of deep state snipers on the rooftops all around the capitol grounds, ready to fire down upon the innocent Americans who were forced to be unarmed by Gov. Northam's lies.
It's now more clear than ever: Democrats and the FBI are the real terrorists in America. And no one is safe while they are in power.
Derived from Haematococcus Pluvialis microalgae carefully cultivated in an indoor, controlled environment, our Chief Originals® Astaxanthin Softgels (12mg) is one of the cleanest and highest-quality astaxanthin supplements on the market. You can trust that our softgels are exhaustively lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
7 Reasons why you’re bruising easily A bruise, also known as a contusion, is when there's bleeding under the skin, causing a very visible discoloration in that part of the body. Some people find that they bruise very easily. ...
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Lies passed around like conjured pieces of gold. Medical liars speaking their messages with straight faces, from their pulpits of influence.
We’ve watched them work. We’ve experienced the inner sensation of blood boiling; outrage.
Who are these people? Where did they come from? How did they attain their positions of power? Are they a different species?
And like you, I have watched the passive faces of audiences as they take in these lies, as they know something is wrong, as they refuse to act.
If you control the meaning of words like “evidence,” “cause,” “relationship between,” you own the playing field. You can manipulate outcomes and conclusions, and you can define science itself.
Your power derives from ownership of those simple words.
Suppose a healthy baby with all his faculties intact receives a barrage of vaccines at 15 months. Then, three days later, his temperature soars to 105, he has seizures, he screams, and then he goes silent. He withdraws from the world, from his parents. In the ensuing months, he doesn’t speak. He doesn’t laugh. He shows no interest in life around him. He doesn’t recover from this. He doesn’t regain his former health.
In what sense can it be said that the vaccines caused his condition? That may seem like an absurd question to be asking, but scientists claim it is important. So do judges and government officials. So do drug companies who make and sell vaccines.
They claim it’s very important, because they want to maintain control over the concept of “cause.” It’s their protection in the racket they are running.
Can we track the path, step by step, of these vaccine ingredients as they are injected into a baby and make their way through his system? Can we observe every reaction they produce, in sequence, all the way into and through the recesses of the nervous system and the brain?
Of course not.
By such an impossible standard, everyone falls short.
If perverse officials and scientists suddenly invoke that standard, can anyone fulfill it? No.
But make sure you understand that scientists and bureaucrats judge their own work by far looser principles.
They assert, for example, with psychotic arrogance that the underlying cause of autism is in the genes, although their research has only given them the foggiest of reasons for even beginning to crawl out on that limb—where they crow and lie and ask for more research money.
They say ADHD is created by certain brain abnormalities, even though their scans produce on-again off-again evidence—which, finally, is no evidence at all.
In fact, for every one of the 297 so-called mental disorders that are named and defined and described in the official bible of psychiatric literature, there is not one, not one lucid diagnostic test to back up, biologically, their disease labels and descriptions and definitions.
It’s a game. “We may hold you to an impossible standard. We hold ourselves to no standard at all.”
So you should be aware that, if you choose to enter this game, for whatever reasons, you are playing against a monumentally stacked deck.
The powers-that-be will do everything they can to subvert, deny, and destroy THE STORY OF ONE PARENT ABOUT ONE CHILD.
Why? Because the story is too convincing. It’s too obvious. It’s too real. It’s too DEVASTATING. It’s too dangerous.
“My child was healthy. He was vaccinated. Then he collapsed. He never recovered.”
With that, you are setting dynamite on the rails of the medical princes.
And you are also waking up other parents whose stories are essentially the same. You are igniting a fire in their heads.
Can you imagine what would happen if you said, “Look, my child was hit by a cluster of vaccines delivered when he was fifteen months old, and he was never the same after that, and THAT is what I’m seeking compensation for, and that is ALL I’m seeking compensation for. I don’t care what you call it, what name you give to it.”
And the government said, “Well, all right.”
The ensuing flood would drown them. And would drown the vaccine manufacturers, too.
You must be stopped.
And the way they will stop you is by manipulating the word “cause.” That’s all. That’s their entire policy and program. They execute it on an arcane and pseudo-technical level, employing models and constructs and numbers in their private little universe, while they polish their credentials.
They don’t want YOUR STORY to stand naked in front of the public.
Of course it is obvious that, when health turns to tragedy, the vaccines were at fault, just as when a blow to the head causes memory loss. Of course everyone concerned knows the truth.
But they say: science is not done this way. We must have “evidence of causation.” They occasionally throw a few crumbs to parents whose child was brain-damaged by a vaccine. But in the main, they conjure up a version of pseudo-science and use it to obfuscate the otherwise unpardonable reality of what the vaccine has done.
And how does this conjured and manufactured science work?
It starts with the owned and operated definition of a disease or disorder. In the case of autism, the old behavioral criteria are dragged out. Here they are. I’m sorry for loading the full display on you, but I want you to see it in print:
The following is from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV
(I) A total of six (or more) items from (A), (B), and (C), with at least two from (A), and one each from (B) and (C)
(A) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:
1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction
2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)
4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity ( note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving others in activities only as tools or “mechanical” aids )
(B) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:
1. delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)
2. in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others
3. stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language
4. lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level
(C) restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:
1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
(II) Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:
(A) social interaction
(B) language as used in social communication
(C) symbolic or imaginative play
(III) The disturbance is not better accounted for by Rett’s Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
And now you have the full and complete definition of autism from the official manual. There is no other definition. There are no physical tests or blood tests or brain scans. There is only this menu of behaviors.
And there are many so-called related disorders, and each one has its similar complex behavioral definition. These depictions overlap. But no matter. As far as the psychiatrists and pediatricians and medical bureaucrats are concerned, autism is defined. Engraved on tablets.
Does, in the judgment of a doctor, your child fit the definition or doesn’t he? The word is given from on high. The decision is rendered. And we are then one step removed from the reality of the simple and brutal destroying effects of the vaccines. This is good for them. They are now in familiar territory. Protected land.
Now they can say, “Your child, who at fifteen months collapsed, has autism.”
This is the bridge to the next giant step. Which is:
“We have determined that vaccines are not the cause of autism.”
“We know this.”
“We have proved this.”
Therefore, you’re trapped. Your child has been painted with the label “autism”–and perhaps you were actually hoping for that, because you knew something was terribly wrong, and the designation confirms you were correct. But as far as making a link to the vaccines, you’re suddenly at their mercy.
If they decide to compensate you through the federal vaccine compensation system, they will say, “Well, your child actually is suffering from encephalopathy and has autism-like symptoms.” But far more frequently, they will fall back on their pronouncement that vaccines and autism are unconnected, and you will get nothing.
How did these medical experts and their bureaucratic partners determine that vaccines are not the cause of autism?
They examined studies. And the studies “found no link.” In particular, there is the key Verstraeten study, published in two phases. Three HMOs’ records of babies were considered by Verstraeten and his colleagues.
I’m going to quote from the study and then comment:
“Results. In phase I at HMO A, cumulative exposure at 3 months resulted in a significant positive association with tics (relative risk [RR]: 1.89; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05–3.38). At HMO B, increased risks of language delay were found for cumulative exposure at 3 months (RR: 1.13; 95% CI: 1.01–1.27) and 7 months (RR: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.01–1.13). In phase II at HMO C, no significant associations were found. In no analyses were significant increased risks found for autism or attention-deficit disorder.”
“Conclusions. No consistent significant associations were found between TCVs and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Conflicting results were found at different HMOs for certain outcomes. For resolving the conflicting findings, studies with uniform neurodevelopmental assessments of children with a range of cumulative thimerosal exposures are needed.”
First of all, notice how far away we are from that basic fact that vaccines were delivered to your child and your child collapsed and never recovered. We are miles from that. We’re now discussing correlations between vaccines containing mercury (thimerosal) and various indicators and labels: tics, language delay, autism, attention-deficit disorder, neurodevelopmental outcomes.
We now have a complex situation. First of all, in order to conclude that mercury-containing vaccines are correlated with autism or attention-deficit disorder, the researchers would have to have observed, in these children’s medical records, reports detailing all the behavioral criteria THE RESEARCHERS ASSUME add up to a positive diagnosis of these two INVENTED disorders—neither of which even exists on the basis of actual biological or chemical tests of any kind.
So essentially, if we make the translation from psychiatric-speak to basic English, we have this: “There is no convincing correlation between mercury-containing vaccines and those disorders we invented by slicing and dicing human behavior into compartments and giving them disease-labels.”
This is staggering when you think about it.
Continuing: In the first HMO records, Verstraeten and his colleages found a significant correlation between the vaccines and tics. As in facial tics. Why is that important? Because tics can be a sign of motor brain damage. They have a name for that: tardive dyskinesia. But it means brain damage.
However, if you look at the concocted definitions of the concocted disorders called autism and ADD, you’ll find no mention of tics or tardive dyskinesia. Therefore, an increased risk of tics doesn’t bring the researchers any closer to connecting vaccines and autism—simply because autism wasn’t defined that way. It wasn’t invented that way.
Perusing the records at the second HMO, Verstraeten found an increased risk of language delay. The babies didn’t start speaking when normally expected to. This is one of the listed criteria for a diagnosis of autism, but of course it is not enough, by the concocted rules of the game, to rate a placing of the invented label, autism, on any of those children.
At the third HMO, which was investigated as a separate phase 2 of the study, researchers found no significant associations—meaning no tics, no language delay…nothing that would rate a diagnosis of autism or suggest the presence of any of the invented symptoms of autism.
All in all, Verstraeten and his colleagues found no reason to conclude that mercury-containing vaccines were correlated with autism or other signals of neurological problems.
He played off one HMO against another: “In this one, we found X. But in the other one, we didn’t. We found Y instead. And in the third one, we found neither X nor Y.” Why didn’t he simply use all three HMOs as one reservoir? Possibly because he was trying to guard against the possibility of biased records at one HMO. Who knows?
And why didn’t he conclude, “All in all, we discovered some evidence of harm from the vaccines.”
Again, notice how far we are from the actual event of vaccines causing brain damage in a child.
The study decides that there is no increased risk, from vaccines, for autism or ADD. And that’s that. “Further research” is needed.
A child harmed by vaccines could have a tiny brain lesion or severe immune deficiency or a rewired connection somewhere deep in the recesses of the brain—undetected—but none of this matches up to the invented criteria for a diagnosis of autism.
But millions of people actually believe that autism is a distinct entity which was “discovered,” like a pre-set embedded pattern of errant pathways in the brain. And when those people are told, by experts, that vaccines don’t cause it, the PR value is enormous. For doctors who give the vaccines, for drug companies, for public-health agencies.
This is all a ruse. It’s a fabrication, and the studies that follow from it serve to mask the facts of vaccine damage.
They invent define the disorder, they have no definitive diagnostic tests for it, they conclude that vaccines don’t cause it. It’s one fantasy after another.
It’s as if you drew a map of a gold mine that doesn’t exist, and then you passed a law forbidding people from searching for it.
There are various degrees and events of tragic and lasting impact-damage that are laid upon children. The causes are multiple. One significant cause is vaccines. There is no such thing as autism. It is a construct ultimately designed to get certain people off the hook. And to make profit. And to engender money for research.
They will never find a cure for autism, because it doesn’t exist, except as a menu of behaviors wrapped inside their fantasy. Of course, if they were in the world, the world you live in, they would acknowledge that vaccines do cause brain and neurological damage, and they would compensate for that. They would act in a straightforward and honest fashion.
I spoke to one psychiatrist off the record, who said, “A genetic cause for autism? Are you serious? Autism is an artifact to begin with. So how do you find a gene that causes a fairy tale?”
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
Is Today's American Really Capable of Self-Government?
During this interim period as more and more individual freedoms are lost, the people can only hunker down and use what is left of their rights to keep the government at bay. Nevertheless, the end of this perilous journey can only end in final subjugation and enslavement of the people of the United States, unless and until the people decide for themselves that they are capable of self-government.......... https://newswithviews.com/is-todays-american-really-capable-of-self-government/ by Ron Ewart.
A Lesson About Law From a Birmingham Jail – Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Immorality, theft, vandalism, Second Amendment violations, and so-called civil rights were not the basis of this Baptist minister’s philosophies. His mission was to proclaim the Gospel and his basis was God-given rights, and liberty under Law, which in his case was eloquent enough to land him behind bars......... https://newswithviews.com/a-lesson-about-law-from-a-birmingham-jail-rev-martin-luther-king-jr/ by Jake MacAulay.
President Accuses Obama Of Funding Iran, DOJ “Finds Nothing” On Hillary Clinton
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Is the new 'deadly China virus' a covert operation?
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
In the 19 years of this website, the one story I’ve researched and covered more than any other is the DEADLY VIRUS hustle. SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, etc.
Now, we have a new one. The possible maybe CORONAVIRUS from China.
In each case of these could-be killers, we have an official warning. “This could be the big one.” Millions of people could fall ill and die. In each case, there are travelers. “People returning from X have the virus and they are spreading it.” In the case of SARS and Swine Flu, the patients’ symptoms were typical “flu” symptoms: fever, fatigue, cough, weakness. In other words, there was no reason to think the “new disease” was any different from ordinary traditional illness.
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The big and only difference is the claim that researchers have found a new virus as the cause of illness.
But in each case, there are serious problems with that claim.
First, only “official researchers” are involved with the “discovery” of the new virus. There is no confirmation from independent researchers. For example, in the case of SARS (2003), ten labs belonging to the World Health Organization (WHO) performed the “discovery” of that coronavirus. They were connected through closed circuit—no outsiders allowed.
Eventually, a Canadian biologist working for WHO, Frank Plummer, told the press he was quite puzzled by what he was seeing: more and more SARS patients didn’t have the SARS virus at all. In fact, almost no new SARS patients had the virus. Well, when you stop and think about that ridiculous state of affairs, you realize you can’t say a person, with ordinary flu-like symptoms, is suffering from a new disease if he doesn’t have the cause of that disease. But the mainstream press took no notice of this and moved on.
In the case of the Swine Flu “epidemic” (2009), the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was reporting thousands of cases in America—but CBS star reporter Sharyl Attkisson found out that the CDC had, mysteriously, stopped counting cases. How could this be? She came up with the devastating answer. The overwhelming percentage of blood tests on Swine Flu patients were coming back from labs with no sign of the Swine Flu virus or any other flu virus. That story ran on the CBS News site, but as Attkisson told me in an interview, the bosses at CBS wouldn’t allow it on the national television news broadcast. Censored. And that was the end of the CBS exposure of the Swine Flu hoax. Yet, as I reported: about three weeks after CBS shut down the story, WebMD ran a piece in which the CDC estimated there were 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu in the US. If your head is spinning, it should be.
The second major problem with the announcement of a “new disease” or an epidemic is the absence of research on what we could call the “infection factor.” Let me explain. To even begin to say a particular germ is causing a particular disease, you have to prove the germ is present in a patient’s body IN GREAT NUMBERS. A few little viral particles floating around here and there are irrelevant. You need millions. So if an ignorant doctor or a researcher states, “Well, this patient has the coronavirus so he has the disease,” he’s falling far short of proving anything useful. Where are the tests proving the patient has millions of the virus in his body? Nowhere.
The third major problem with the announcement of a “new disease” or an epidemic is the “test factor.” What test is being run on a patient to prove he has the “new virus” in his body? Most of the time, it is an antibody test. Stay with me here, this is important. Prior to 1984, it was generally recognized that a positive antibody test was a good outcome. In short, it indicated that the patient’s immune system had come in contact with a germ and successfully defeated it. But then, for several reasons, this science was turned on its head. A positive antibody test, from that time on, was evidence that the patient currently had the disease in question. Boom. Now, disease numbers could easily be inflated. And they were. And they are.
Automatically assuming that the announcement of a possible epidemic is accurate—well, it’s a major mistake, to say the least.
The CDC and WHO are operated by virus hunters. Running a new virus up the flagpole is their stock in trade. They rush to an area where an “outbreak” has been announced, and they roll up their sleeves and look for the virus. They pay no attention to environmental factors, such as contaminated water supplies or toxic chemicals or malnutrition or lack of basic sanitation.
Epidemics are good for business. Pharmaceutical business, inducing fear business, shutting down travel business, diverting the public from key events business, surveillance and quarantine business, and so on.
I’m sure, at some point, there will be THANK YOU, CHINA, BUSINESS, too. Thank you, China, for your rule by iron fist over the population. Your ability to stop anyone for any reason and test for “the virus” may have saved the planet from an extinction event. Freedom? Forget it. Public safety is the ace in the deck. It wins every time. Hell, we may need a good epidemic in the US, so we can exert more control over the unruly citizenry. The doctor is king. Do what he says. Always. How many vaccines are there now? Take all of them. Everyone must.
Nineteen years ago, when I started this website, I told you that, of all the cartels in this world, the most important and powerful one, long-term, was the medical cartel. Nothing since that time has changed my mind.
(To join Jon’s email list, click here.)
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
President Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos today. The White House has posted the text of his remarks here. Trump rejected the takeover of our lives in the name of “saving the planet,” as the left modestly formulates its messianic efforts:
[T]o embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune-tellers — and I have them and you have them, and we all have them, and they want to see us do badly, but we don’t let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the ’70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.
Can you say THORIUM?
A great place to use all those salty liberal tears - Molten SALT Reactors!
Here's a partial list of schemers and plotters whose witness testimony will shock the public as the rotten layers of the plot are peeled back from its poisonous beginnings (legal team, feel free to add):
John Brennan (CIA)
James Clapper (FBI)
James Comey (FBI)
Andrew McCabe (FBI)
Peter Strzok (FBI)
Lisa Page (FBI)
the whistleblower (a CIA operative who helped gin up the Trump/Russian collusion fantasy and can reveal how he worked during the Obama years with then–vice president Joe Biden, and then–CIA director Brennan as well as "huddling for guidance" with the staff of House Intel Committee Chair Adam Schiff while the House impeachment was actually underway)
Adam Schiff himself (testifying about his and/or his staff's collusion with the whistleblower)
the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
their law firm Perkins Coie
Hillary Clinton campaign operatives
Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, who with the previous three parties together conspired to fund and commission the phony Steele dossier
Christopher Steele (onetime FBI source who created the dossier)
Bruce Ohr (associate deputy A.G.) and wife Nellie (Fusion GPS operative)
the unnamed Steele "subsource" who is quoted in I.G. Horwitz's report as saying "'that Steele misstated or exaggerated (source's) statements in multiple sections of the reporting' (p. 187). The salacious claims about Mr. Trump were 'rumor and speculation,' offered in 'jest.' What (the source) had passed along to Steele 'was just talk,' 'word of mouth and hearsay' that Steele's source had acquired from 'friends over beers'" (p. 187–88).
‘This body, this chamber, exists precisely so that we can look past daily dramas and understand how our actions will reverberate for generations. The House’s hour is over. The Senate’s time is at hand. It is time for this proud body to honor our founding purpose.’ Mitch McConnell
Inside the headline link above is the video from Day One as well as three brief audio files from 'Betsy and Thomas' discussing the day's activities. We will be doing the same today and adding our audio files as we record them to thetop of the audio-video page here.
Mark my words: Hillary Clinton will be the nominee.
The Democrats are confident that “paperless” voting machines all over the nation will magically vote in their favor, and there will be no paper trailwith which to challenge the result.
James P. Chandler III wiki page. Here is a page that has been started on him - from someone, no one we know. If you care to crowdsource the truth, you can help complete his wiki page. Just search his name on any of our sites and start pulling up dates, events, etc. James P. Chandler could have the most amazing Wiki pages on the internet thanks to information warriors like you.
The FBI is a bunch of wussies. Can't solve major crimes if they were going on under their own roof. Instead, they organize and implement false flag events all around the country to keep citizens in terror and fear.
The FBI is is a CENTRAL POLICE used by the Pilgrims Society to keep all us free-thinking (1st A.), gun-totting (2nd A.) citizens in America under their thumb. Who are the Central Police in your country? Identify them and slap a wussy hat on their badges, too.
The miners are finished with James E. Boasberg for now and head over to a tunnel that they had started a while back but had to leave for other digs. Below are some of our older finds. We will be looking into his connections to the Knights of Malta, human trafficking, and sleazy payoffs.
Your job is to watch him speak during the Senate trials. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, you will be shocked at what a doofus he is. The media has done a very good job keeping the real John Roberts out of the propaganda media cycle. What we found was a phlegmatic, dullard running the Senate impeachment trial. Now we are going to find out why he is really the head of the Supreme Court.
Watch out SCUMBAG ROBERTS. The AFI miners sharpened their tools, loaded up the cheesecake and coffee kiosk, and brought in a few fresh canaries.
In December 1983, AIB acquired 43% of the outstanding shares of First Maryland Bancorp (“FMB”). In 1989, AIB completed the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of FMB. Over the years there were a number of “bolt-on” acquisitions, the most notable being Dauphin Deposit Bank and Trust Company (“Dauphin”) a Pennsylvania chartered commercial bank which was acquired in 1997. Subsequently, all banking operations were merged into Allfirst Bank.
John G. Roberts, Sr. was appointed an FMB director in this year.
Associated Press photographer Lino Arrigo Azzopardi found the embattled justice in the Mediterranean island nation Malta, where he will be teaching a class (and hiding out from his new conservative adversaries) for the next two weeks.
American Intelligence Media free app available on Apple and Android. You can also load on to your PC here. Our app is a discreet way to check the day’s headlines and truth news.
We are sorry that we cannot answer all of your emails. Please feel free to leave your questions/comments below in the comment box. We have an amazing AIM4Truth community that can help you if we can’t get a response to you.
Any errors or omissions are inadvertent. #ImWithBetsy
Our newest videos are at the top of the page here: AIM4Truth Videos
Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM), Aim4Truth.org, copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties.
Trump’s ending mental image in his Davos speech was Europe’s cathedrals. It takes multiple generations, united in purpose to build something as magnificent and enduring as a cathedral. And it takes hope. Ignore the alarmists, light the way, and watch your people light the world.
Douglas and Tyla update the AIM audience on how they will be reviewing the impeachment hearings. Take a listen:
2:52 PM. The Senate took a 15 minute break, giving us just enough time to update you on what we think so far:
7:35 PM. We’re back with an update. Senator McConnell let the Senators break for a 30 minute dinner and we are here to give you some insight on what has happened the last few hours:
Millions of Americans voted for President Trump precisely because he promised to disrupt the foreign policy status quo. He promised a new, “America First” foreign policy that many in the Washington establishment derided. And the President has delivered, bringing fresh and successful approaches to foreign policy in a host of areas, including relations with NATO, China, Israel, and North Korea.
In particular, with respect to Ukraine and elsewhere, his foreign policy has focused on ensuring that America does not shoulder a disproportionate burden for various international missions, that other countries do their fair share, and that taxpayer dollars are not squandered.
House Democrats’ theory that a purported inter-agency “consensus” among career bureaucrats can be used to show improper motive is an affront to the tens of millions of American citizens who voted for President Trump’s foreign policy and not a continuation of the Washington establishment’s policy preferences.
“The Department of Justice has reportedly assigned an FBI special agent to work with Immigration and Customs and Enforcement and the Department of Education Inspector General Charge to investigate Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) for alleged criminal violations relating to perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, federal student loan fraud, and bigamy.”
Our Comment: Yeah, right. The FBI is in charge! The FBI is a worthless agency when it comes to actually investigating criminals and referring them to the DOJ for indictment. This group of buffoons let Imran Awan skip town, still haven’t found the killer of Beranton Whisenant Jr., have not provided death certificates for any so-called children who died at Sandy Hook, and can’t find MAJOR CRIMES and TREASON operating under their own agency roof.
Actually, the FBI is what our forefathers warned us of and what we saw in operation in Nazi Germany – a CENTRAL POLICE.
Last year, after I briefed a group of state AGs about #Google‘s power to rig elections, one of them said, “I think you’re going to die in an accident in a few months.”
The Chestahedron is the first heptahedron of this configuration in the history of geometry. This sculpture has 7 surfaces (consisting of 4 triangles and 3 quadrilaterals), 7 points and 12 edges. If this heptahedron is rotated around the vertical axis, it forms a bell-like external surface of a certain profile: a cone at the top connected to a hyperbolic at the bottom. Other type heptahedra, or less-faced polyhedra do not provide a bell-type figure.
For this reason, it is supposed that the Chestahedron in rotation is the first geometrical bell shape form ever found and therefore it is the first time the mystery behind the geometry of the bell has been solved in the history of bell making. It has been found in years of research that this geometry is the basis of the left ventricle of the human heart. The midway point between the idea of the human heart and the manifestation of the human heart. Naming the Chestahedron came from the heart being the dominant organ in the chest.
“Not the Senate’s job to mop up the mess made in the House by the Democrats. Biden admitted that he went to Ukraine and did the Quid Pro Quo.” @SteveScalise@FoxNews
Where is Roberts? No more rules in his Senate court circus? Jurors can come and go as they please, talking to reporters in hallways and demons in their chairs (see Chuck below). All the world can see what a buffoon the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice is - total milquetoast. Total controlled by the Pilgrims Society ...and how do we know this?
Our research is showing that Daddy Roberts was CIA and Pilgrims Society. No wonder his son made it all the way to the Supreme Court on his DNA laurels.
John Jr. is just another empty robed, controlled puppet of the CIA. He is a perfect globalist stooge to run the Senate three-ring CIRCUS.
A rare moment caught on video – @SenSchumer's direct interaction with Satan himself – here he tells the Prince of Darkness to move his ass out of Schumer's seat on the Senate floor… https://t.co/h3s16kHsZp
The creators of this timeline (below) are a bit lax in their research. They start the timeline at March 2016, well after the overthrow attempt began with that special group of planetary rulers called the Pilgrims Society. The timeline does not include the British connections. It's almost like this is counter-intelligence propaganda piece to keep patriots from seeing how MI6 and Five Eyes, Richard Dearlove, Arvinder Sambei, Alison Sanders, Geoffrey Pattie, the Privy Council, Robert Hannigan, London Station Chief Gina Haspel, Stephan Roh, Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper...and the whole British spying and surveilling operation is still pounding hard to have Donald Trump removed.
Take this timeline for what its worth - a grain of salt. It's a meme to assist low-information citizens. It might whet their appetite for truth temporarily, but it isn't near enough meat on the bone to satiate a patriot's deep hunger for FULL DISCLOSURE.
In the headline link below, Douglas and Tyla Gabriel discuss the findings that Suspicious Observers posted and explain how these cosmic events can be opportunities for human evolution. An audio is included inside the link.
During this time, John G. Roberts, Sr. was made a director (1983-1985) of First National Bank of Maryland (while Baby Roberts was White House for Daddy Bush (1982-86)) and approved the sale of about half of FNBA stock to Allied Irish Bank, effectively giving Allied Irish control of one of America’s banks headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Bogeyfree posts:
At some point when do millions of Americans start looking at ALL of the piles of XXXX that these people have created and direct their questions and disgust begin at Bill Barr and John Durham for potentially allowing these frauds, cover ups and coups to go unscathed??
Seriously, look at just how many possible frauds, frame job, cover ups and ultimately coups do we have so far?
1) Russia Collusion Fraud
2) Dossier Fraud
3) Counter Intelligence Fraud
4) FISA Abuse Fraud
5) FIB Contractor Abuse & searching Americans Cover Up
6) HRC Non Secure Server Fraud & Cover UP
7) HRC 33K e-mail cover up
8) DMC Server Hacking Fraud and Cover Up
9) Seth Rich Murder was it also a Cover up?
10) Uranium One Sell out and Cover Up
11) Hammer Program Evidence Cover Up
12) Mifsud’s phones and known status as ALYWAS being a western agent
13) Wiener Laptop Cover Up
14) Millions of FIB and DOJ texts, emails and phone communication cover up
15) Are they Ignoring first hand witnesses such as Cain and Assange?
16) Ukraine call and WB fraud that began impeachment
17) Ukraine video of quid pro quo and no action to date
18) Ukraine Rudy evidence to State Dept is that another Cover Up?
19) Ukraine money laundering of US taxpayer monies back into American’s pockets is that too a Cover Up?
20) Non stop leaking of classified info by government officials
I mean look at this list of what appears to be massive frauds and cover ups, all for the purpose to take down a sitting President and after almost 4 years we have virtually NOTHING from our DOJ.
We are almost at Barr’s one year anniversary and still not a single indictment and nothing has even begun according to Barr himself on Ukraine.
IMO the second this impeachment is over the American people need to direct some of their disgust and frustration directly at AG Barr and the DOJ/FBI
Ask yourself do you really believe it is possible with ALL of the above that there is not one crime in ANY of it???
Where not one person can be indicted and sent to prison and that ALL of this was just an accident and poor policy??
Seriously, is that even statistically possible when you walk down this list?
Come Spring/Summer if we the people don’t have anything other than more BS and cover up mumbo jumbo then IMO the march that needs to happen is the million person march on the DOJ and FIB buildings IMO, demanding answers and full accountability & declassification from AG Barr.
This list of what appears to be massive frauds and cover ups MUST be given full transparency and exposed to the American people otherwise IMO our DOJ and FIB are NO different than what we are seeing from the Dems in the House.
IMO in the end if frauds and cover ups are allowed then that is just as bad as those who have made up these frauds and cover up schemes and the American people should raise holy hell!
American Intelligence Media free app available on Apple and Android. You can also load on to your PC here. Our app is a discreet way to check the day’s headlines and truth news.
We are sorry that we cannot answer all of your emails. Please feel free to leave your questions/comments below in the comment box. We have an amazing AIM4Truth community that can help you if we can’t get a response to you.
Any errors or omissions are inadvertent. #ImWithBetsy
Our newest videos are at the top of the page here: AIM4Truth Videos
Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM), Aim4Truth.org, copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties.
The situation in America is far worse than I previously believed. We have now confirmed the existence of a secret "kill switch" system in America, where corrupt, lawless federal court judges are issuing takedown orders (sabotage) against vaccine truth websites.
That's what was behind the recent attacks on Natural News, we've now confirmed.
P.S. We're back online, publishing live stories now, working to catch up with republishing stories that got sabotaged. New stories will be appearing shortly.
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Just say No to drunk "droning": Japan to fine offenders Thanks to new legislation voted in by Japan's parliament, the practice of flying a drone while under the influence of alcohol is now illegal. Offenders who are caught can be slapped with a ...
All the international brands that have apologized to China The definitive list of international companies that have issued apologies to maintain their market access in China in recent years. Plus, a record of the even more widespread phenomenon of ...
Man who pushed SARS dud now pushing new Chinese virus
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
First, a few updates. Things are moving fast.
The Chinese government has locked down Wuhan, a city of 11 million people, owing to the “threat of the coronavirus.” There are also travel restrictions in several other Chinese cities. What does all this prove?
Answer: Nothing.
It proves the Chinese government wants to install tighter controls. It doesn’t lead to the conclusion that a coronavirus is making people sick or killing them.
During the so-called Zika Virus crisis of 2016, women in several countries were told not to get pregnant, because the virus might cause brain damage in their babies. That was a form of lockdown, too. If it were instituted for good reason, we would now be seeing massive numbers of babies all over the world born with microcephaly (smaller heads and brain damage), as the virus spreads. We aren’t seeing that. I covered the Zika story extensively, and proved it was a scientific fraud. A dud.
The measures government authorities enact do not constitute proof of a harmful virus. Otherwise, presidents and kings could write science all day long simply by issuing orders.
We are now seeing photos of “people lying in the street” in Wuhan, and perhaps other Chinese cities, so-called victims of the coronavirus. What does this prove?
Answer: Nothing.
So far, I’ve seen pictures of four or five people lying in the street or on a hospital floor. In a city of 11 million people. If this, all by itself, were proof that a new coronavirus is a killer, then Los Angeles and New York—with their homeless street populations—would have no people left.
The text of a patent for a coronavirus is circulating wide and far on the Web. What does this prove?
Answer: Nothing.
Patents for many viruses are obtained all the time. More specifically, these patents discuss ways of weakening viruses or extracting material from them for the purposes of developing vaccines. I’ve read excerpts from two different coronavirus patents, one in the US and one in the UK. They both refer to vaccine development. They aren’t, as some people assume, slam-dunk evidence that researchers are cooking up a virus in a lab or weaponizing it.
Well, here is a comforting development. The Chinese researcher, Zhong Nanshan, who “discovered the SARS virus” in 2003, is now at the forefront of pronouncements about the “new coronavirus” that is shaking up China and other parts of the world.
His mere presence on the scene is a warning sign: take a grain of salt, try a pound.
Zhong Nanshan’s 2003 SARS “pandemic” was a dud. A WHO (World Health Organization) advisory against traveling to “infected” Toronto cost merchants in the city several billion dollars. Meanwhile, a Canadian WHO biologist, Frank Plummer, told the press he was shocked by the fact that fewer and fewer SARS patients had the virus in their bodies. Actually, “fewer and fewer,” he said, was approaching ZERO. Hoax. THE PURPORTED CAUSE OF THE DISEASE WASN’T THERE. People had ordinary flu symptoms.
What do you do when this sort of embarrassment occurs? Do you confess the whole business was a mistake or a con or a hustle? Do you own up to the fact that, when people are said to be suffering from ordinary flu symptoms, and you’re calling it a new disease with a new cause, you’re wrong and you’re very, very, very sorry? Do you point out that people who don’t have the cause of a new disease in their bodies don’t have the new disease?
Of course not. You just move ahead and pray no one notices.
When you claim the grand death total from the SARS “epidemic,” worldwide, is 800 out of seven billion, and you can’t even prove those 800 died from the “SARS virus,” do you, the World Health Organization, admit your whole program of epidemic detection is a fraud? Do you pay Toronto several billion dollars for their troubles?
Of course not. You keep calling SARS an epidemic forever. You write fake histories. You do whatever is necessary to maintain your phony reputation.
And when a new possible-maybe-could-be virus surfaces in China, now, you bring the same researcher who “discovered SARS” out of mothballs, and you put him front and center.
Here’s the capper. Read carefully. The World Health Organization claims that, every year, there are between three and five million cases of ordinary run-of-the-mill flu in the world, resulting in 290,000 to 650,000 deaths. The symptoms are indistinguishable from SARS. But for some reason, they don’t declare ordinary flu an ongoing epidemic. No, they choose SARS, for which the cause is absent—and they call THAT an epidemic. It caused 800 deaths, versus 290,000-650,000 deaths.
Does this make any kind of sense? Actually, it does, if they want to: increase control over the population; condition them to expect and pray for a (watch-out TOXIC) vaccine to save them; shoot up pharmaceutical profits; scare the pants off people; induce them to willingly accept greater surveillance wherever they go; step up police and military presence; enact quarantines; hypnotize populations with the idea that they’re lifelong patients under the supervision of the medical cartel; teach “safety and security” above freedom.
Just realize how right and good and true THE AUTHORITIES are, get down on your knees and thank your lucky stars they’re here protecting the health of everyone on the planet. They’re the Church of Biological Mysticism, and they want you as a devoted member.
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic or SEX, What’s in Your school?
Recently Planned Parenthood teamed up with the Center for Disease Control to produce a program designed to sexualize children from grades 4 and up. Forget about learning ABC’s or math, students having sex as early as possible is their goal.......... reading-writing-arithmetic-or-sex-whats-in-your-school/ by Karen Schoen.
Yet Another Reason Among Many To Love Texas
Texas governor Abbot has in my opinion set the Lone Star State up for tremendous blessings in the years and decades to come. Not long ago, the Texas governor signed into law an anti boycott Israel bill that would limit those whose focus is to unjustly sanction and divest from Israel......... https://newswithviews.com/yet-another-reason-among-many-to-love-texas/ by Ron Edwards.
Trump on Trial: Democrats Playing Games With People’s Lives
Schiff, a California Democrat, is heading a team of impeachment managers made up of the most of Trump hating Democrats serving in the House of Representatives. He kicked off the trial by making his case before 100 senators seated at their desks with the Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S Supreme Court officiating......... trump-on-trial-democrats-playing-games-with-peoples-lives/ By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri.
The Rage of the Democrats
For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backwards to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power and nothing else – even if it means sacrificing our safety and security......... https://newswithviews.com/the-rage-of-the-democrats/ by Amil Imani.
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Globalists Panic as Trump Survives and Virus Spreads
In the span of just one week, at the Davos World Economic Forum, two globalists sounded the alarm about President Trump’s America, declaring we are living in “revolutionary” times. This means another panic has set in, as Bolshevik Bernie is positioned to capture the Democratic presidential nomination and go down to another defeat.......... globalists-panic-as-trump-survives-and-virus-spreads/ by Cliff Kincaid.
Senate Violence-Reduction Bills Push the Progressive Agenda, Ignore Conservative Principles
How many stupid blacks will stay on the Democrats' plantation, believing Biden's outrageous lie that Trump is a n*****-hating white supremacist? My fellow black Americans, please stop scarfing up Democrats' racist dog biscuits......... https://newswithviews.com/biden-throws-blacks-another-racist-dog-biscuit/ by Lloyd Marcus.
This Issue: New Central American caravan heads to U.S. -- Trump. Admin attempts to end Birth Tourism
Mexican Authorities Begin to Break up Newest Caravan
Fri, Jan 24th
Mexican officials have reportedly begun to break up a new caravan that left Honduras last week in hopes of reaching the United States. According to reports, Mexican officials have stopped much of the caravan and have been processing the unauthorized migrants to be possibly returned to their home countries. The effort by Mexico is part of an agreement it has with the U.S. to help stop large caravans in order to prevent economic tariffs.
DHS Warns of 'Violence and Lawlessness' in New Migrant Caravan
Thu, Jan 23rd
Another massive migrant caravan has left Central America en route to the U.S., and Homeland Security said it's keeping tabs on its movements and expects Mexico to step up and disrupt as much of the caravan as possible.
NYPD Union Chief Rips de Blasio for Preventing Cops from Working with ICE
Thu, Jan 23rd
A top New York Police Department union leader slammed Mayor Bill de Blasio for his refusal to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and said the city's police force wants to work with federal immigration authorities.
Trump Admin. Makes Efforts to Reduce Birth Tourism
Thu, Jan 23rd
The State Department released a rule today that will make it harder for pregnant foreigners to travel to the U.S. in what the Trump administration says is a long-awaited effort to reduce "birth tourism."
Census Bureau Estimates U.S. Population Grew 1.6 million in 2019; The New York Times Sounds the Alarm
Eric Ruark
Tue, Jan 21st
Last month, the Census Bureau released its annual population estimate. It found the U.S. population increased by 1.6 million in 2019. This greatly dismayed The New York Times reporter covering the story. Commiserating with Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, the two decided the United States is growing much too slowly and the only solution is...well, you know.
New caravan to test Trump efforts to curb illegal immigration
Fri, Jan 24th
A new caravan left Honduras last weekend in an attempt to cross Mexico and reach the U.S. border where caravan leaders hope the unauthorized migrants can take advantage of loopholes in U.S. law in order to stay and work legally in the U.S. This is the largest group of people to begin the journey to the U.S. since most of Pres. Trump's policies and diplomatic efforts have been in place. Reports out of Mexico say that Mexican authorities have already approached the caravan, but only some members took advantage of their offer to be processed and considered for asylum.
Mexican Authorities Begin to Break up Newest Caravan Should any of the unauthorized migrants successfully reach the U.S.-Mexico border, it will test the Trump Administration's efforts to keep asylum seekers in Mexico until their asylum hearing and test the safe-third-country agreements that the Department of Homeland Security has signed with Central American countries. Pres. Trump trying to end Birth Tourism The State Department announced a final rule yesterday in an effort to stop the industry known as Birth Tourism. Trump Admin. Makes Efforts to Reduce Birth Tourism Birth Tourism is a small industry where U.S.-based companies help foreign women who are pregnant come to the United States to give birth to children who would then receive automatic citizenship. This in turn creates a pathway for parents to eventually get legal permanent residency and lifetime work permits. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 33,000 children are born in the United States each year as a result of Birth Tourism. The new rule allows consular officers to deny tourist and business visas to women whose primary purpose for visiting the United States is to give birth so their children can receive citizenship. Going forward, pregnant women attempting to enter the U.S. whose due date falls during the length of their visa will have to claim verifiable reason for their U.S. visit aside from giving birth.
Chris Chmielenski
NumbersUSA Deputy Director
Have you checked your Action Board for messages you can send to Congress? Last week, we posted a message you can send to Pres. Trump, urging him to reduce legal immigration, and this week, we've posted a message for your Senators, urging them to oppose S.386, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act that would eliminate per-country caps for employment-based green cards.
Grade Cards
We've added several actions to our Congressional Immigration-Reduction Grade Cards this week, including adding grades for the two spending bills that were passed at the end of last year.
Please take a moment to see where your three Members of Congress stand by clicking on this blue button.
With another Central American caravan attempting to reach the U.S.-Mexico border. Pres. Trump's border policies could be tested.
Let's take a look at where the most popular presidential candidates for 2020 stand on preventing future border surges and asylum fraud.
These are the ratings currently assigned by the Grading Team on NumbersUSA's
We have the facts. John Roberts is controlled by the Queen's Privy Council and the Pilgrims Society. Stay tuned to the Cat Report for intel drops over the next few days.
John Roberts is 100% TRAITOR SCUMBAG.
Below information is what our miners found out on their first day of data digging on Scumbag Roberts. Stay tuned for the BIG FINDS that are coming later this week.
The miners are finished with James E. Boasberg for now and head over to a tunnel that they had started a while back but had to leave for other digs. Below are some of their older finds. We will be looking into his connections to the Knights of Malta, human trafficking, and sleazy payoffs.
Watch him speak during the Senate trials. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, you will be shocked at what a doofus he is. The media has done a very good job keeping the real John Roberts out of the propaganda media cycle. What we found was a phlegmatic dullard running the Senate impeachment trial. Now we are going to find out why he is really the head of the Supreme Court.
Watch out, SCUMBAG ROBERTS. The AFI miners sharpened their tools, loaded up the cheesecake and coffee kiosk, and brought in a few fresh canaries.
In December 1983, AIB acquired 43% of the outstanding shares of First Maryland Bancorp (“FMB”). In 1989, AIB completed the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of FMB. Over the years there were a number of “bolt-on” acquisitions, the most notable being Dauphin Deposit Bank and Trust Company (“Dauphin”) a Pennsylvania chartered commercial bank which was acquired in 1997. Subsequently, all banking operations were merged into Allfirst Bank.
John G. Roberts, Sr. was appointed an FMB director in this year.
Associated Press photographer Lino Arrigo Azzopardi found the embattled justice in the Mediterranean island nation Malta, where he will be teaching a class (and hiding out from his new conservative adversaries) for the next two weeks.
During this time, John G. Roberts, Sr. was made a director (1983-1985) of First National Bank of Maryland (while Baby Roberts was White House for Daddy Bush (1982-86)) and approved the sale of about half of FNBA stock to Allied Irish Bank, effectively giving Allied Irish control of one of America’s banks headquartered in Washington, D.C.
The tweet below is top of the page for POTUS Twitter today. He knows this is the Great Information War. President Trump is the GLOBAL chief information warrior. Share the tweet in your network. In this age of deceit and lies, TRUTH is the ultimate weapon.
This is why in 2020 patriots vote STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN. We must destroy the Democrat party so that they never hold the reigns of power again. We must reject - totally and completely - the party of corruption, lawlessness, and human rot.
The Democrats don’t want a Witness Trade because Shifty Schiff, the Biden’s, the fake Whistleblower(& his lawyer), the second Whistleblower (who vanished after I released the Transcripts), the so-called “informer”, & many other Democrat disasters, would be a BIG problem for them!
The Impeachment Hoax is interfering with the 2020 Election – But that was the idea behind the Radical Left, Do Nothing Dems Scam attack. They always knew I did nothing wrong!
Everything I tried to tell the press last March is now coming out, and more. I will now start to reveal the evidence directly to you, the People. The Biden Family Enterprise made millions by selling public office. Then when Joe was Obama’s Point Man, they ALL made millions. - Rudy Guiliani, January 23, 2020
Everything about OPERATION: FULL DISCLOSURE is a conspiracy theory to Democrats. Keep educating and enlightening your network, patriots. We want all of it to be disclosed. We demand that people be held accountable for their decades-long crime spree against the citizens of the world, no matter their illustrious titles (princes and popes), their wealth (Soros, Dearlove, Gates), their age (Feinstein, Pelosi), their positions (SES, SCOTUS, Clintons).
Citizens demand that the RULE OF LAW be followed, not the tyranny of corrupt men and women.
Thanks to folks for adding to the daily Cat Report with your links, videos, and comments. We can't get to everything in the news cycle and your additions make the lesson plan richer. Yesterday AIM Patriot Sunny attached a few videos. We pulled out the one below for you to view. It adds to the information we shared with you about:
The people of the world are growing impatient and if they don't see their elected officials take action to arrest the criminals, they may start taking their own action as this popular internet meme suggests.
China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!
Those who claim Adam Schiff's presentation is "Brilliant" "Dazzling" etc . . are either delusional, pushing propaganda or proves the U.S. Educational System is an EPIC FAIL! https://t.co/UDXRPud7X2
"After consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!" President Donald J. Trump
Superbowl tickets
IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED... A friend of mine has two tickets for the
2020 Super Bowl, both box seats. He paid $11,500 each. It comes with
ride to and from the airport, lunch, dinner and $400.00 bar tab. Also
a back stage pass to the winners locker room. He didn't realize last
year when he bought them, it was going to be on the same day as his
wedding. If you are interested, he is looking for someone to take his
place... It’s at the Methodist Church, in Arvada, Co at 3pm. Her name is
Ashley. She's 5'4", about 115 lbs, and a good cook too. She loves to
fish and hunt. She'll be the one in the white dress.
The etherization of the blood is the foundation for spiritual development.
In the “gap” between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, exists a shared region where the earthly and cosmic nutrition streams join. In this gap, humans can create out of nothingness. This is the essence of reciprocity. This gap initiates the process of giving spirit the food it needs from our work. Spirit reciprocates by giving us the cosmic food we need to feed the etheric body.
In this gap, sense impressions are digested and memories created. The results impress themselves upon the blood, where those forces originated as perceptions.
The gap is the threshold of creation and destruction, and the hope for rebirth. It is one of the most powerful spaces in our body. We feed the gods nectar and ambrosia from our gifts of love gleaned from transforming our faculties of soul into spirit. Then, each night, in response to our efforts, the gods feed us the elixir of immortality. Sophia herself guides this reciprocation as the individual soul engages in the process of spiritual marriage with the higher self.
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Any errors or omissions are inadvertent. #ImWithBetsy
Our newest videos are at the top of the page here: AIM4Truth Videos
Our responsibility as Americans to Keep America Great, is to reelect President Trump who selflessly has sacrificed his comfortable life for the sake of America and American people.......... https://newswithviews.com/donald-trumps-america/ by Amil Imani.
Democrats – The Party of No Values
This is corruption at its best. They don’t even hide it. This is what the Democrat Party has become. Power at all costs even if the whole nation suffers in the process. They don’t just want power and control; they demand power and control. If they’ll do this to a duly elected president, what will they be willing to do to you?......... https://newswithviews.com/democrats-the-party-of-no-values/ by Roger Anghis.
America is ‘Going to Pot’
In many areas where pot has been legalized, we’re seeing “tent cities” pop up now — communities of homeless people. Some flock to these states and towns from other parts of the country simply BECAUSE they can purchase pot legally there. So they hang out with others in these “tent cities,” and the tent cities grow......... https://newswithviews.com/america-is-going-to-pot/ by Rob Pue.
Depraved Men Now Raping Animals
Our responsibility as Americans to Keep America Great, is to reelect President Trump who selflessly has sacrificed his comfortable life for the sake of America and American people......... https://newswithviews.com/depraved-men-now-raping-animals/ by Rev. Austin Miles.
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Roberts needs to come clean on his wife’s collusion with the Pilgrims Society, big time.
Sullivan consults to the British-American law firm Hogan Lovells (formerly Hogan & Hartson LLP), John Roberts’ long-time law firm… in satellite technology, big pharma and law among many notable Pilgrims Society organizations.
More to come this week on SCUMBAG ROBERTS and the corrupt federal, FISA, and Supreme Court. John-boy is just for openers. Our miners hit a motherlode and its all coming up for fresh air and transparency.
Headlines like this aren't just teasers...we have the details, the facts, and the evidence.
Have you started educating and enlightening your network about SCUMBAG John Roberts and the corrupt court system?
Of course, the AIM community knows that Carter Page is a CIA-FBI asset and is "in" on the coup. Doesn't mean that Collyer isn't pure swamp...but Carter Page is not a choir boy victim.
To learn more about the global banking system and its origins, check out this four-part series we posted on the history of banking. Important real (not fake) history lesson that all patriots should know. Keep in mind that our school history books were filled with Pilgrims Society LIES. Start learning real history and humanity can break out of Prison Planet much faster!
Dutchman posts a reminder that we can all do something to out the RINOS and RATS in the RNC.
THATS what I’m talking about!
In New Hampshire, an RNC official who had been (I think) State party chair, for 16 years, and close to McCain was ousted. Replaced by a MAGA supporter.
This is how we do it, yea! They say it wasn’t even close,…the vote.
Purge the party, one State, one district and one position and finally tear the Rockefeller republican, Rino phonies OUT of the party, to make it the RepubliCAN party of MAGA and America First!