**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Another thing causing my head to explode is all of the pandering to BLM, an evil and demonic hate group. In compliance to BLM, pastors are telling their white congregations to own-up to their white privilege. My response is, “Stop it! Stop falling for leftists' bogus guilt-trip.” For crying out loud! America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to purse their dreams. Anything else is a lie!..........
The Black Dilemma in America: Culture, Conflict, No Solutions
One unknown writer said, "You can't legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government can't give to anybody anything that the government doesn't first take from somebody else.........
The Deep State’s satanic control is the result of a very well-organized long-term conspiracy with the purpose to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Natures good and common laws. They are identified as the Global Elite or Deep State-cabal, who see us as their slaves and property, to do with us as they please.........
NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. If we don't succeed in saving America we will surely live in hell under socialism. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
Today in America, many of our cities are burning. Many of our cities look like third-world war zones following riots by Leftist groups like ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter.” One of the saddest things about these riots is that so many Americans feel they’re justified, reasonable and to be expected..........
Plus a society that has regards for the animals. They have feelings the same as us along with the same nervous system. Like us they feel pain, anxiety, fear and disappointment the very same as us. Let us never mistreat any creature, two legged or four legged. If we live this way we will discover many delightful adventures.........
What is worse is Democrats are letting them get their way. Pelosi and company with their African scarfs did a photo op in the Emancipation Hall in Congress. That does not erase the 75 hours the Democrat Party filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964. They wanted to control blacks then and still do today and by pandering to them they are keeping the chaos alive they need to try to hurt Trump.........
NewsWithViews is just a small fish in a big shark tank when compared to the major news outlets, but we cover the stories and views that the others dare not and will not touch. If we don't succeed in saving America we will surely live in hell under socialism. Please help us to continue as an alternative news website and consider donating to our cause.
Our Spirit posted: ". . DEMOCRAT NIGHTMARE! BLACK SUPPORT FOR TRUMP SURGES TO OVER 40% https://youtu.be/Doo2RC-67M0 . Trump rally gives Fox News largest Saturday night audience in its history . President Trump tweets: RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAI"
He continues to tweet: Because of MAIL-IN BALLOTS, 2020 will be the most RIGGED Election in our nations history - unless this stupidity is ended. We voted during World War One & World War Two with no problem, but now they are using Covid in order to cheat by using Mail-Ins!
President Trump tweets: If people can go out and protest, riot, break into stores, and create all sorts of havoc, they can also go out and VOTE — and keep our Election Honest. With millions of mail-in ballots being sent out, who knows where they are going, and to whom?
"Every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered...History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." -- 1984, George Orwell
“Did you know you’re a sinner?” is an example, when a lot of emotional pressure is added about how bad that makes you as a person or in the sight of God. “Did you know you’re complicit in racist systems?” is another obvious example.
"Return of the Jedi was the sixth episode of the Star Wars saga, either a prequel or sequel to the never-ending story of good versus evil. Although Star Wars is make-believe, it features many interesting characters. The first movie featured a memorable cantina scene where Luke and Obi-Wan encountered a bizarre gaggle of aliens.
Much of this is playing out today, not in a galaxy far, far away, but in Washington, DC. President Trump, representing the force of good in America, is battling an array of dark Sith forces named Soros, Obama, Clinton, Schiff, and Pelosi, just to name a few. The famous cantina misfits have been replaced by the White House press corp or the Democrat Congressional caucus."
Are you a "normal" person who owns stock in a social media company? Please pay attention.
Trump signaled support for modernizing anti-trust laws, especially for how they apply to internet-based companies, but suggested the act could have negative blowback on normal people who own stock in those companies.
Keep in mind that Kamala Harris is not eligible to hold the Office of the President, which makes her ineligible for vice president. Her birth certificate shows that she is not a natural born US citizen. Her father was Jamaican and her mother Indian.When did Kamala get her US citizenship? When she was a little girl, her mom took her to Canada to live....so where is her passport and what is her citizenship?
Kamala is an anchor baby.
Don’t let SCOTUS Scumbag John Roberts trick us again by not properly reviewing the candidates eligibility. He seems to have a problem with reading birth certificates.
...now they are trying to make it illegal to defend yourself
With her appointment the Knights of Malta, Violet brought her husband Sir Alfred Mond’s global munitions killing monopoly (Brunner Mond, later Imperial Chemical Industries – ICI) to the Knights of Malta
We applaud Trump's next big step to protect jobs for Americans
Most H-1B & H-2B visas, plus Chain Migration & most employment-based green cards, are to be put on pause til at least Dec. 31.
We were disappointed and said why when Pres. Trump on April 22 announced a limited pause in bringing in new foreign workers. That Executive Order didn't touch the hundreds of thousands of temporary work visas given annually. And it was for only two months.
Thanks to all of you who have been pounding away with that message to the White House and Members of Congress ever since.
A few minutes ago, Pres. Trump signed a new Executive Order. It delivers on his promise to consider extending and expanding the pause to make sure that, as jobs open up, American workers won't have to compete with brand new foreign workers brought into the country.
The White House is claiming that by the end of this calendar year perhaps a half-million Americans will have jobs that otherwise would have been filled by foreign citizens whose entry now will be blocked by the Executive Order announced today.
It is too soon for us to verify that number. But the details as listed below suggest that a huge number of currently jobless workers will benefit from this action.
NumbersUSA applauds President Trump's unprecedented Executive Order temporarily halting the entry of certain immigrants and guest workers. No previous administration in our lifetimes has recognized the imperative of slowing the importation of foreign workers during an unemployment crisis.
For the more than 45 million Americans who have lost their jobs during this pandemic, this EO represents real opportunity to regain employment at a livable wage. Just as important, it represents an opportunity for American employers to broaden their recruitment efforts into historically underserved communities and prove that Americans will do those jobs.
We are encouraging you to communicate with the White House and Members of Congress about your support for these further reductions in the importation of foreign citizens with work permits.
Please go to your customized Action Board and look for messages to send. There remain questions about some of the exemptions, especially one for national interest. We will follow this closely. But our Team feels this Executive Order deserves to be praised.
Perhaps the most astounding part of the Executive Order has to do with H-1B visas for higher-skilled workers. The tech industry and the university lobbies have protected this program for three decades even though it is filled with fraud and is used to avoid employing American workers who are older, or are minorities, or are women. It often is used to replace American workers.
H-1B workers fill perhaps 600,000 jobs right now. And most of them are demanding through powerful lobbyists to be made permanent residents and U.S. citizens.
Yet today, Pres. Trump announced a pause on issuing H-1B visas to people entering the country, other than those whose high skills are deemed needed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.
The second big surprise in which Pres. Trump is bucking the corporate lobbyists is his pause on most H-2B visas for lower-skilled workers. There are exceptions for seafood workers and some others involved in the processing of food, but the promise is that nobody else will be brought in this year on this visa to do construction, landscaping, hospitality and other jobs that are so needed by unemployed Americans.
When it comes to issuing permanent work permits through green cards, the only family getting them will be spouses and minor children. The Chain Migration program of extended family is on pause the rest of the year. And so are the green cards for most of the employment-based permanent work visa slots.
Our NumbersUSA Research and Hill Teams will be providing more details through email. But check first on our Home Page for updates.
We wanted to wait to talk to you about this until after the EO was actually signed by the President and we had read the EO, which was still in negotiation until just now. It is good to stop and celebrate in the midst of such a decades-long battle that seems like it will never end.
Notice that I label this as a "step victory." There are more exemptions in this Executive Order than we would like. There are visas and other issues that we wish were dealt with in this order. But today marks a really big advance in the protection of American workers. And we are assured that more improvements are on the way.
Over the last few weeks, I've been interviewing fascinating, intriguing people who are thought leaders on topics like liberty, health freedom, economic collapse and censorship.
Today I've posted a collection of those interviews, all of which are banned by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google. You can only get these interviews on Brighteon.com. They're fascinating and informative.
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AG Barr: Social media clearly "engaged in censorship" Attorney General William Barr - who has backed calls by President Donald Trump and other conservatives to rein in social media companies - has accused these companies of censoring certain ...
DOJ cracks down on vandalism and looting during protests Despite all the calls to get rid of police, America remains a country with laws in place and agencies willing to enforce our laws, and now dozens of rioters will have to face the music for the ...
Survival food: How to make nutrition bars for the stockpile Shelf-stable foods are an essential component of a prepper's stockpile for disasters and SHTF situations. That said, most of the commercial, shelf-stable foods like granola bars, instant ...
Our Spirit posted: ". . Trump Speaks to Reporters Before Departing for Arizona Start at 2:39 https://youtu.be/Ww87HczQ9U8 . President Trump tweets: Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller tes"
President Trump tweets: Cases are going up in the U.S. because we are testing far more than any other country, and ever expanding. With smaller testing we would show fewer cases!
Tornarosa posts:
MSM doesn’t report this, but here are the stats that justify what President Trump was saying about how much testing we’re doing. A lot of this testing dredges up old legacy and asymptomatic “cases.” every test is a “case.” One person will have multiple “cases” since several negative tests are required to go back to work after testing positive.
The Communist Purge is here. The goal: KILL 230 MILLION PEOPLE. That is what it will take to drop America's population down to 100 million as planned. Whites are 70% of America's population. How many is that? 231 MILLION.
THE NUMBERS ADD UP. Kamala and crew are going to kill us if they get a chance and she just said it. Don’t go thinking her saying America is “great” actually means anything, it does not mean she wants that greatness to actually live. They feel jilted for being delayed in their plans by Trump, and they are going to kill every damn last person that supported him. With contact tracing, they have you flagged bagged and tagged.We had damn well better take this seriously and NOT crack a beer, PREEMPTIVE ACTION IS NEEDED. WE HAVE BEEN WARNED. WE NEED ACTION NOW.
President rump tweets: I have authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent......This action is taken effective immediately, but may also be used retroactively for destruction or vandalism already caused. There will be no exceptions!
President Trump tweets: Looks what’s going on here. Where are the protesters? Was this man arrested?
Great show again and again. Your teams are unfolding the real truth and history of last 150 years. My opinion is that we are here witnessing the discovery of the real tyranny of Made in Germany.
In my humble opinion England and the rest of the world is under German Third Reich tyranny. We just calling the by mistake British Empire. And this is the biggest magic of German White supremacy Imperialism.
If you have not at least skimmed through the government’s massive plan for the lockdown, it is worth your time: Note how every page bears the “OFFICIAL USE ONLY – NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE” warning.
And we know why: the bureaucrats planned for years on how to use such a crisis to grab more power for the government. NOTE THE DATE! March 13, 2020! The plan was in place (nothing this detailed was done in a few weeks in January and February): just insert the name of the disease and off we go to the massive power grab still continuing!
necessary signatures due to the lockdowns. They are currently working to get a new recall petition approved. Currently looking for signature collectors sign up here.
The government of California is hiring "contact tracers" to go door to door, red-flagging people as "vaccine dissenters" to be medically kidnapped by FEMA and sent to FEMA camps.
This is the new reality of medical tyranny under communist-run Kalifornia, where human rights no longer exist at all.
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Trump wants billions more in taxpayer funding for 5G rollout In an effort to get the economy going without having to return Americans' tax dollars directly back to them in the form of more stimulus checks, the Trump administration is reportedly ...
When white became illegal in America We are all to believe that Derek Chauvin represents every white police officer in America, and this coming from a racist cop who was a registered Democrat, who was employed by a Democrat Police ...
Crimes against common sense Commentary What is going on in this country? When did we, the majority, stop speaking up for ourselves? Crimes against common sense seem to happen every week, yet most of us stay silent. (Article ...
A sign of the times This is a nation in open rebellion. Cities refuse to co-operate with federal agencies pursuing criminals. Cities and states refuse to engage looters and rioters on their streets. The mayors of ...
Rosemary essential oil can enhance working memory in children Fresh or dried, the fragrant rosemary is an essential part of traditional Mediterranean cuisine. But that's not all. This bitter-tasting herb has also been hailed since ancient times for its ...
Our Spirit posted: ". . Watch the day's events up to the Trump Rally in Tulsa tonight here: Trump Supporters Descend on Tulsa on Eve of Trump Rally. Policeman - By. Paul Harvey (Tribute to our Police Officers) https://youtu.be/KQ1YsyZMaaU . . Trump to visit Yum"
Inquiring minds want to know, Brad, if you are going to run this platform using the STOLEN technology from Leader Technology without recognizing or compensating the inventor?
AIM Patriot Dee is a registered respiratory therapist for about 28 years. She sent us personal proof of who she is and what she is licensed to do. Checks out. Plus, Dee has written us over the years so we know her from her emails. We are glad that she vetted these videos for us as we haven't had time and have seen them circulating around the internet.
Dee writes: "Here are two different video testimonies I watched. There is no way these RNs are making this up. Based on how they act and what they’ve said, I believe them."
The United States is the #1 funder of the United Nations The U.S. just recently recognized Antifa as a Terrorist Organization. The UN just sent out a Tweet in support of Antifa. Why are we funding them?
JohnCocktoasten says:
Withdraw and defund the UN, one hundred percent, immediately.
Since the race wars are not working too well in dividing Americans into factions, the face masks provides another way to divide us. We are becoming a country of masked vs nonmasked.
Patriots, nothing new for you under this headline link about the British Imperial Empire. What's noticeable is that Zero Hedge posted it. Perhaps there is too much chatter in the internet these days about Christopher Steele's connection to Richard Dearlove and the Privy Council attempt to overthrow Donald Trump for the media enemies to stay silent. So they will try to control the narrative about the EVIL EMPIRE. Keep the pressure on, information warriors. We will drive them all to FULL DISCLOSURE!
President Trump tweets: The Supreme Court asked us to resubmit on DACA, nothing was lost or won. They “punted”, much like in a football game (where hopefully they would stand for our great American Flag). We will be submitting enhanced papers shortly in order to properly fulfil the Supreme Court’s.....
...ruling & request of yesterday. I have wanted to take care of DACA recipients better than the Do Nothing Democrats, but for two years they refused to negotiate - They have abandoned DACA. Based on the decision the Dems can’t make DACA citizens. They gained nothing!
A while back, we busted the Corbett Report as a propaganda site; hence we do not post his material without an explanation. (See this article on Corbett.) Apparently the Bill Gates video we posted the other day is creating quite a stir in the internet world.
Why would James Corbett be freaking out about this? We agree with James that the man pictured is NOT Bill Gates, but have questioned whether it could be a Bill Gates proxy "practicing" his role. We found it odd that Ancestry.com listed Bill and Melinda as deceased in 2013. We wondered if this person who looks like Bill Gates, but is not, could be the Bill Gates that we have seen in the news since 2005?
Others are looking at what the lecture topic is about and think James is trying to distract you from what is going on in the lecture. Listen for yourself. Later B & T will be giving you an audio analysis.
"Informed Dr. Fauci this morning that he has nothing to do with NFL Football. Forced Democrat run Minnesota to bring in the National Guard & end rioting & looting after seeing the destruction & crime in Minneapolis. 100% successful! Waiting to hear from Dem run Washington State...
....as to whether they want help in taking back Seattle. Ready to move quickly! Damage to various Democrat run Cities & States, including statue demolition, should not be allowed to happen. Ready to solve problem quickly! Federal Government is Ready, Willing & Able!@TuckerCarlson"
Patriots around the country have a solution for the statues that have been toppled. Some suggest that they should have built-in speakers with Trump speeches and a "riot mode" setting that shouts "Go home to mommy".
Troublemaker10 posts:
“People of color” reminds me of the segregationist phrase “colored people” during the period of segregation and slavery when water fountains, bathrooms, buses and restaurants had signs “white” and “colored”. Maybe it is just me, but I don’t like that phrase.
Destruction of America Through the Education of Our Children, Part 1
Many things have changed over the years since the Federal government got their hands on the education of our children. Today they are working hard to remove “parental control” and replace the family with the school family. The goal is still the same – New World Order! One World Government!..........
America Under Siege By Rabid Communist BLM Revolutionaries
Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are only two of over 20 communist organizations who are looting and destroying private property throughout America on the pretense of protests against police for the murder of a career criminal black man. Corporations, food outlets, beauty supply houses, politicians, Hollywood elites, sports figures and others are caving to the totalitarian Marxists.........
The American Public Is Being Played - What's It All About?
The American public is being played. Played, not by virtuosi, but by those who want to bring, not just America down, but the whole of Western Culture. Now that there has been enough time for people to dig deeper into the Wuhan flu, the shutdown of the economy to ‘protect lives’, the protests/riots, and the corruption in the Swamp and Deep State, bright minds and conscientious people are exposing the lies – lies that are meant to bring down a nation.........
To US Attorney General: hydroxychloroquine clinical trials intentionally murdering people?
It's all about the DOSAGE
Mr Barr: You must look into this one. Yesterday. Set your hounds loose.
Summary: Several clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have been administering huge doses of the drug to COVID patients—doses that can easily be lethal.
Obviously, if the inexpensive HCQ is said to fail, and is called dangerous, then it is sidelined, in favor of far more expensive (and profitable) drugs. And the promised vaccine has a clear field as the only “reasonable strategy against the pandemic.” Meaning: sky-high profits for the manufacturers. Get it?
The 6/20/2020 article exposing the crimes is posted at the Alliance for Human Research Protection (ahrp.org): “COVID-19 Has Turned Public Health Into a Lethal, Patient-Killing Experimental Endeavor,” by Vera Sharav. Two detailed sections of the article are written by Meryl Nass, MD, who did the investigation to uncover the sordid and astonishing details:
“Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than safe of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units.”
* “Solidarity [experiment] was being conducted by the World Health Organization, on 3500 Covid-19 patients at 400 hospitals, across 35 countries. The trial was suspended following the fraudulent Surgisphere report in The Lancet that claimed 35% higher death rates in patients receiving Hydroxychloroquine [for the background on that fraudulent report, click here]. But when The Lancet retracted the report, the WHO resumed the Solidarity trial. More than 100 countries expressed interest in participating in the trial.”
* “Recovery experiment used very similar doses. It was sponsored by the Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government. The experiment was conducted at Oxford University, on 1,542 patients of these 396 patients (25.7%) who were in the high dose Hydroxychloroquine arm, died.”
“Update: After Dr. Nass’ discovery was publicly disseminated, the WHO suspended the trial on Wednesday June 17th.”
“On Friday, June 19th, Dr. Nass uncovered a third, “Even Worse” hydroxychloroquine experiment. REMAP targets patients who are on a ventilator, or in shock – i.e., near death. Such patients are hardly capable of giving consent. Rather than attempting to save their lives, they are being used given multiple high doses of hydroxychloroquine and other drugs whose combination is contraindicated.”
“Of note: All the online protocols have been stamped ‘Not for IRB (Institutional Review Board) submission’.” [emphasis in original]
“This is an ongoing medical atrocity being perpetrated by medical doctors at 200 sites in 14 countries: include: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, and the United States of America.”
“Since all medicines are potential poison at high doses, why one wonders, are influential academic physicians and international public health institutions designing and conducting experiments that expose extremely vulnerable patients to poisonous levels of the drug Hydroxychloroquine?”
The article goes on to spell out, in great detail, how these clinical trials of HCQ have been conducted.
So, Mr. Barr, you should be working with law enforcement in all countries where these horrific studies are being run. The medical perpetrators, and their knowing assistants, need to be arrested and put on trial. No time to waste here. Get busy. You can be sure records have already been hidden, changed, and shredded. Denials of crimes will be couched in technical medical language—“you civilians couldn’t possibly understand what we’re doing.” This unconscionable strategy is SOP in such cases.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
When leaders are run by fear, common sense goes out the window. Masks are dangerous to the wearer and they do NOTHING to protect anyone from COVID-10 or other virus. The demand in some cities/states or businesses mandate wearing masks is to train Americans to bow to fear where they are controllable. This is the work of the darkness and funded by George Soros and the deep state.
Trump is now aware of this and allowing the stupidity by the states to continue until America wakes up and demands stopping liberal politics and policies. Then they will allow the crackdown on this nonsense. If he moves too soon, the media will fry him and massive riots could follow. Timing is critical.
Ultimately, Creator's plan of removing darkness and duality will remove the propensity for anyone to do harm. This is very near completion as we work with Creator daily cleaning up the darkness.
We are very close.
May you be blessed,
Creator's Upliftment of Humanity In Hearts
Return to Truthful Core Beliefs
Processing & Assimilation of Core Beliefs
Removing Resistances to Core Beliefs
Divine Expression of Oneself
The final phases of hearts opening, moving into hearts and eradication of viruses is underway along with removal of darkness and termination of duality.
Creator has completed the assimilation of light ... now at 100%. This will be followed by humanity's processing and assimilation relieving them of residual darkness. As this is occurring the termination of duality is underway alone with disease eradication.
This is followed by replacing false beliefs and resistances with Creator's truth. As these complete assimilation you will notice an upliftment to a higher vibration. This will be followed by activation of humanity's divine expression of themselves.
Note: Creator has gifted humanity with the eradication of the COVID-19, ALL REPORTS OF NEW CASES ARE FAKE. Let's get back to work!
Democrats Exposed as the Racists They’ve Always Been
As I said, good comes out of bad. A black vote of 20 percent, and quite possibly 30 percent for President Trump, will teach the Democrats that even their most cherished “value”––abortion––is not enough to keep the black population loyal to their historically empty promises and innate racism..........
If Black Lives Matter, Then Why Are They Burning Down Their Own Businesses?
Most, if not all blacks have never seen Africa. Most of them were born and bred right here in America and have had the opportunity to participate in the American dream but instead have decided, with the Democrat’s help, that they are victims of a racist society and must be pampered and given special privileges that they seem to be too weak to get on their own.........
Deep State's Collusion with Iran and Other Enemies of U.S.
When all of the media's attention focused on the Trump-impeachment-obsessed Democrats and the majority of their news media minions were focused on the House and Senate testimony given by the fired FBI director James Comey, no one seemed to pay attention to the credible evidence of former President Barack Obama's propensity for rewarding America's enemies.........
Black Lives do Matter; Read the Constitution’s Three-Fifths Clause
I believe adhering to our founding documents and especially to the Word God, who created all men equal, will continue to provide solutions for the evil sickness of inequality and skin-based hatred that continues to plague the human race.........
Our Spirit posted: ". . You would think the Jewish community in Palm Beach would be up in arms about this blatant attempt to use Nazi round-up techniques on its citizens. The mask are utilized to give you a "label". You are compliant or not. The Jews in WWII were forced "
You would think the Jewish community in Palm Beach would be up in arms about this blatant attempt to use Nazi round-up techniques on its citizens. The mask are utilized to give you a "label". You are compliant or not. The Jews in WWII were forced to wear the yellow star. State and local governments around the world are requiring that citizens be tagged in such a manner.
Once they tag you, they bag you. In WWII, the undesirables were loaded up in boxcars and sent to the gas ovens. Today, the undesirables will be force-vaccinated with Fauci bio-hazards that will cause death and harm immediately or ... over the next few years.
The order, approved unanimously, likely will be made official on Wednesday. While commissioners debated an automatic expiration after 30 days, they left the power to rescind the order to the county administrator, knowing that any commissioner can bring it up for reconsideration at any time.
Anyone not following the mask mandate will be met first with education, Kerner said, although violating an emergency order could result in civil penalties up to $500.
Make sure to listen to the video inside the headline link below. It will give you courage to face your local commissars. Then get out of your house and start attending local meetings and SPEAK UP. You have educated yourself and know the issues. Please have the courage to speak when your neighbors cannot, will not. It is time for us to act locally. Challenge and remove these communists who want to destroy America.
This is what they have planed. What stage is your community or nation in? We all need to stop the progression NOW by coming together and DEMANDING that face masks are optional.
Next, we stand together and refuse to take their deadly vaccines.
They cannot mass murder us if we ban together and say NO.
That's the warning from a young woman from Venezuela, who has seen the statue-topplings before — and the street-renamings, (and the flag-alterings, and the name-changings) along the destruction of history, and knows exactly where it leads.
She made this powerful video inside the headline link.
Replace “Pilgrims Society” every time “CFR” is mentioned, then this propaganda piece is actually good. Without that, it is a piece to divert attention from the real world controllers: Privy Council and Rothschild, with J.P. Morgan carrying their water.
Key quote from 1917 about J.P. Morgan’s role in buying editorial control of 25 leading newspapers has been modified to intentionally thwart search engines.
Errata: (1) the date of Michigan Socialist quote should be March 9, 1917, (2) Representative “Galloway” should be “Callaway,” and (3) “Morgan & Co.” should be “J.P. Morgan & Co.”
(Note that typos were added by a history censor to throw off search engines. They do this all the time, so the AFI miners are always paying attention.)
Here's the quote transcribed with the typos fixed:
(Michigan Socialist, March 9, 1917.)
. . . Representative Callaway charged on the floor of the House that twenty-five of the leading papers in the United States have been “bought and paid for” by J.P. Morgan & Co., to create a public sentiment in favor of war. . . .
Frank Bonville. (1920). What Henry Ford is Doing, Bureau of Information, CU04245571, 226 pgs. Columbia University Library.
This book is pretty interesting. He focuses on Ford, but what has changed from 1920 to today? Very similar modus operandi and even lingo.
We know more about the parts he doesn’t go into in detail. He mentions the “British” generically numerous times, but no mention of Rothschild, de Worms, Rosebery, Empire Press Union, Carnegie, Imperial Press Conference, Pilgrims, etc. - - - the controllers behind J.P. Morgan.
He mentions J.P. Morgan just a few times, including our famous Congressman Callaway quote from Feb. 9, 1917.
Frank Bonville. (1920). What Henry Ford is Doing, Bureau of Information, CU04245571, 226 pgs, Columbia University Library.
Exquisite meme on display below. Absolutely no words used - just the images and the lingering question in the viewers mind - what is this? Then, in a non-threatening way, the viewer resolves the question in a very personal way. Memes are incredibly powerful antidotes to propaganda.
The UK central bank has discovered how to create the maximum amount of money.
The local banks are instructed to make loans without checking credit worthiness.
The central government guarantees the loans knowing only about fifty percent will default.
The actual money created is doubled compared to dispensing the funds through various government supports. (unemployment insurance, aid to dependent children, etc.
When a citizen betrays her/his country, they jeopardize the safety, freedom, and liberties of all other citizens. They have broken contract with the rest of us. You see, We the People have a contract called The Constitution. When citizens commit treason, they are telling the rest of us that they don't want to uphold the contract and will destroy the country if they can't get their way.
There is no "reform" for treason, espionage, and seditious conspiracy. This is why we have punishments like life-in-prison and execution for these crimes. These souls will have another opportunity, in another lifetime, to try and become better human beings. So it's not like you are killing their essence...just the vehicle in which their soul and spirit currently reside. We are removing their physical presence from this realm and sending them back to other realms for cleansing and reflection.
Did you know that the bottom of hell in Dante's Inferno is reserved for TRAITORS? This is the worst kind of crime Dante could envision. This would be an area in hell for genocidists, too. They are being traitors to humanity.
They globalshits are coming after your children..one way or another. If they don't have child protective services (contact tracing) removing them from your home, they will come into the schools and poison their minds with their Marxist indoctrination.
Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces Collaboration with Gates Foundation to Develop a Blueprint to Reimagine Education in the New Normal
Dear Tyla and Douglas Gabriel:
First of all I need to express to you, my deepest and most intimate gratitude for all the blessings, insights and inspirational force which through You is coming my way. I am 44 years of age, father to 5 wonderful kids, long time educated and experienced Anthroposophical Pedagogue and more recently took the education as a Waldorf Teacher. In the same way that I successfully and very naturally has walked the bridge from The Goddess to your truly amazing and very disenchanting AIM productions, I also needed to educate myself in the "normal" way of educating children, why I also am an educated and experienced School-Teacher in the state-regulated ground school.
Here in Copenhagen we have named our Waldorf Teacher Education The Sophia-Seminar, and it was during my last year of study, almost 5 years ago, that I as an act of Divine Intervention got in contact with your beautiful body of work. I have been reading (or digesting) the works of Rudolf Steiner since I was 14-15 years of age, but it was just before I was guided to You, that I received the keys to the Philosophy of Freedom which I had read many times before that, but seemingly never really opened.
It was literally like a portal was opening, and the following succession and development of my intimate studies is bestowing my life with the deepest feeling of pure Awe and with Light for The Spirit to see. I guess that this is what you so accurate mean with the beautiful coined word "NeoAnthroposophy". I am a long-time member of the Anthroposophical Society here in Denmark, which unfortunately has become a more or less sleepy and rusty place to be. WE NEED NEW MATERIAL, NEW INSPIRATION, NEW TIME TO WONDER AND NEW WAYS OF SHOWING OUR LOVE TO EACH OTHER.
What I have experienced through Your work, first of all your 3 living books "The Gospel Of Sophia" which I ordered while the paint was not yet dry, is one of the most profound experiences in my life. And I need to share this information, to spread it out and to see your work being brought to light and to to use here in little Denmark. Nobody here - even in the Society- seems to know anything about either You or your work, which in my opinion is very sad. And that is the reason, dear Gabriels, why I will ask your permission to translate your book Eternal Curriculum For Wisdom Children into Danish. I will not be alone with the work and many skilled individuals will be taking part in the making.
There is a desperate need for this book at our seminars, and I very much hope, that you will take the time to answer this query, which arises from a deep-felt urge to see Good Things happening. There is so much to write and so much love to share, and I would so very much love to be able to meet you one day. I wish all the very best and will be looking forward to read your reply.
With Love and Gratitude
Our reply: YES!! This is what we hoped people would do. Translate when needed and share with others. All of our books and materials are FREE online for you to use. The education book is particularly important as citizens around the world are removing their children out of the public school indoctrination centers and are looking for good supplemental home school teaching guides.
You can also use our materials in your study groups. A group in Greece translates articles one by one and use as study materials. Here is an example of one:
"In my opinion the Federal Department of Education was formed for no other reasons than to (1) satisfy the Unions and (2) shape our children into “robots”. You and I know that almost every program the Federal government touches fails. Why in the world would we think they would do a good job educating our most precious resource – our children?"
Patriot Jim writes: This [the video below] proves we are screwed. There are so many ways to steal an election there’s no possible way we can cope with it, OTHER THAN BLOCKCHAIN AND A RECEIPT. If you don’t get a receipt proving who you voted for, that you can check later, the election WILL BE STOLEN. All they are doing now is putting the mindset in people that Trump will lose, by lying about everything, about every poll, about EVERYTHING. They have committed to doing whatever it takes to steal it, and they know they will succeed. The only thing they need to do is put enough doubt in people’s minds to squelch a rebellion.
Need a new poster to hang in your neighborhood or pass through your social media? A patriot meme warrior created this high resolution image for printing.
AIM Patriot Hannelore writes:
Dear Betsy ~
I love your wonderful cats !!
I love ALL animals and some people !!
Dear Hannelore, I come from a long line of cat ladies. You know that crazy aunt who has adopted every stray cat in her neighborhood, and you can smell her house as your turn into the driveway? That's my Tallahassee kin folk. I knew it would happen to me, too. Thank goodness we are in the internet world and I can keep my kitties online.
For the newbies to AIM, kitties are our mascots.
We are Citizens Addicted to Truth. CATs.
Cats rule the internet, especially YouTube where we found some of you because you saw our thumbnails of the cats and were curious. Curious like the cats you love so much. And now look where you are...redpilled and all.
Our featured cats can be cute little fur balls of snuggles or big roaring LION CATS of the wild. They get very excited when they are hand-selected to be the day's "centerfold" pussycat on the Cat Report. They only stay with us a few days because kitties like to wander and explore new things. It's hard to grab a pussy.
Our kitties are centurions guarding the vast amount of intelligence that we keep on the site. Liberals scoff at our kitties and call our site conspiracy. What serious "news" site or blog would feature cats? Many times we get emails from folks who can't figure out how to access our information from the front page. "We know," I tell them. "We designed it that way."
I tell them that they shouldn't worry about it. If they can't figure out how to use the site, then they are too stupid to understand the information inside.
Each Cat Report is layers and layers of truth discovery. It is the day's lesson plan in the AIM School of Truth.
This is what FULL DISCLOSURE looks like. Doesn't truth taste good?
Project Veritas has found the smoking gun: Facebook employees all admitting on camera that they are selectively censoring conservatives and Trump supporters, all to rig elections and commit massive censorship fraud across America.
Facebook must be stopped. The Big Tech censorship regime is unlawful and completely out of control.
Health Ranger Select Organic Brown Rice Mini-Buckets offer a convenient way to stock up on nutrient-dense organic brown rice. Our premium brown rice is completely non-GMO and contains zero chemical additives. It is also vegan, non-China and certified organic and Kosher. Our lab-verified brown rice is extensively lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
Tips for setting up an off-grid power system when SHTF In times of social unrest or calamity, you can't always rely on the power grid to provide you with electricity. Power outages can come without warning, leaving you feeling trapped and vulnerable ...
Relieve anxiety with these 5 herbal supplements It's normal to feel anxious about certain moments in everyday life, such as the first day of school or a job interview. However, when you begin to worry to the point that you're panicking, or if ...
Report: Bottled water teeming with microplastics Plastic contamination is rampant in bottled water. This was the disturbing conclusion of a recent study, published in Frontiers in Chemistry, that analyzed samples from 259 bottles of water sold ...
7 science-backed health benefits of cranberries Cranberries are a tart superfood dense in vitamin C. Often recommended as a natural remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs), several studies have shown that cranberries offer other health ...
Natural ways to get rid of lice in a post-SHTF world Hygiene and sanitation are crucial to your preps. Maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation keeps your surroundings clean and helps prevents the spread of diseases. If you were to face a ...
"Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it." -Ronald Reagan
'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.' - Ronald Reagan
'The most terrifying words In the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' -Ronald Reagan
'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.' -Ronald Reagan
'Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the US. was too strong. - Ronald Reagan
'I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.. -Ronald Reagan
'The taxpayer: That's someone who works For the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination' - Ronald Reagan
'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other' - Ronald Reagan
'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.' - Ronald Reagan
'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first' - Ronald Reagan
'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it' - Ronald Reagan
'Politics is not a bad profession If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.' - Ronald Reagan
'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.' - Ronald Reagan
'If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.' -Ronald Reagan
Sons of 1776 is your source for daily news and updates, with an editorial focus on politics and policy. Trusted by Patriots all across this great Country we deliver reliable, up to the minute, impartial political news to an audience that obsessively digs deeply to unearth the truth. Written for American Patriots, Sons of 1776 is dedicated to being your most reliable news source.Stay up-to-date with the latest on political events, the White House, and current events that shape our world, while engaging with thousands of truth-seekers in our social media community on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and igniting the critical conversations that provoke meaningful change
So many members of Congress are retiring in hopes of “locking-in” their future retirement payments. Currently, their monthly retirement checks are equal to their monthly salaries. They hope to freeze their retirement as it stands. I'm with Trump on this one.
Trump is asking everyone to forward this Email to a minimum of 20 people and to ask each one of them to do likewise. This makes too much sense not to be passed on. In 3 days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is why the idea should be passed around, regardless of Political Party.
The Trump Rule’s Congressional Reform
Act:1– No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / Woman, collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. No more perks go with them.
2– Congressman / Woman (past, present & future) participate in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional Retirement Fund move to the Social Security System immediately. All future funds flow into ithe Social Security System, and Congress participates with the American People. It may not be used for any other purposes.
3– Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
4– Congress will no longer vote themselves pay increases. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%
5– Congress’s current Healthcare System is terminated, and they participate in the same Healthcare System as the American people.
6– Congress must abide by all the laws they impose on the American people
7– All contracts with past and present Congressman / Woman are void.
The American people did not make these contracts with Congressmen / Women.
The Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators serving their terms, then going home and back to work, and not get all kinds of freebies!
The plan is for each person to contact a minimum of 20 people.
If that happens. it will only take 3 days for most people in the United States to receive this message.
It’s time for us to take action now! Please send this on
I write this today because I know this is how most Americans feel. The thought of white Americans being racist is bunk. Our government is corrupt. Our churches are sheepish and divided. Our nation is morally bankrupt..........
Is The Trump Campaign Burning Down Faster Than America’s Cities?
Faced with this hope, perhaps a false hope, one person told me that she is “exhausted from fighting,” noting that the Marxists “have total control of media, Hollywood, the Judiciary, and the educational system…They have more people, organizations, and resources than our side.”.........
This is the age of panic. The wise and prudent, turned into fools, and our entire ruling class—politicians, banks, big corporations, professional sports leagues, social media platforms, Hollywood, teachers’ unions, college professors—is stampeding to grovel at the feet of Only Far Left Black Lives Matter. They’re wiping out our culture.........
While American people go about their daily business, Muslims and Muslim organizations across the United States are busy and work “stealthily” to change and alter America from within in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not powerful enough to unsheathe their sword..........
Jeffrey Epstein Celebrates Gay Pride from the Grave
Jeffrey Epstein’s deep and dark secret is out. He was a gay deceiver. Let’s remember this fact on Stonewall Day, June 26, as Barack Hussein Obama emerges from the shadows to celebrate the anti-police riots at the Mafia-run Stonewall Inn back in 1969.........
The big tech companies support leftism and globalism. They don’t like dissidents reaching Americans with their views. And so they are moving to shut down dissent. It doesn’t all happen at once. But by brandishing the banners of tolerance, multiculturalism, “anti-racism”, “hate speech”, etc. they can squeeze us out eventually.........
Stop Pandering to Leftists' Systemic Racism “Big Lie”
My fellow Americans, we are so blessed to have president Donald J. Trump. Remarkably, Trump has be able to defeat Democrats' long list of schemes to transform our country away from the divinely inspired vision of our Founding Fathers.........
White, Black, Yellow, Tan: We Are All People of Color And We Must See The Real Enemy
We know that the narrative of the George Floyd murder has been high jacked and this has been proven a hundred times since his death. The realization that the American people need to come to is that the powers that are tolerated; and it's the corrupt politicians and the CIA-controlled mainstream media who are the ones that are fueling this narrative..........
Moorish Spain: An Islamic Or Multicultural Paradise?
Christians were usually not permitted to build new churches, and were required to obtain permission to repair existing churches. The muezzin loudly called Muslims to prayer, but churches were forbidden to ring their bells. Displays of crosses were not permitted on persons or in churches and buildings.........
Our Spirit posted: ". Please jump into the thread and give this meme a thumbs up. Here Then describe to others what is going on. We left this page open for AIM patriots. Please get the conversation going as you are the most enlightened audience on the internet about these "
Please jump into the thread and give this meme a thumbs up. Here Then describe to others what is going on. We left this page open for AIM patriots. Please get the conversation going as you are the most enlightened audience on the internet about these matters.
Today's report may be intense. We are battling evil on every front. Let us take a moment, first and remember that JESUS IS ALIVE.
You will understand the physical world, only if you learn to know the spiritual world. Spiritual science is not meant for cranks, but for the most practical of the practical! Every form of life is spiritual. Even as ice is condensed water, so matter is condensed spirit. Mineral, plant, animal, or man — each is a condensed form of the spirit.
The globalists need total and complete compliance of the face mask. Patriots must resist compliance. The face mask is just a way to break us down and nudge us into the next stage. They are NUDGING us towards genocide. When they separate your children from you and drive you to the FEMA camp or force vaccinate you, you will wish that you had resisted the mask as though your life depends on it.
This is not a time for social niceties and political correctness. You must be enraged that the government is forcing you to wear a muzzle over your mouth. Make noise. Be vocal. Be loud. Scream your message. Put it on a billboard.
No population under genocide attack has been able to recover once the identification stage has been successfully implemented. The first screen shot in this Holocaust Museum tour reminds you that first the Jews were separated by yellow stars.
kek_saved_the_world posted this video with a note: "General Barr secretly created a Federal Army that he sent out to stop the riots and arrested 80 key Antifa Capos.. they are ratting each other out and there are over 500 investigations into Antifa members. GITMO was expanded in 2018 for this and Kavanaugh confirmed Terrorists lose their protections."
CHANGE the name of New York state and city IMMEDIATELY!!!! Change ALL city and state documents to reflect the new name. ELIMINATE all references to the old name on ALL buildings and monuments. NOW!!
Led by the king’s younger brother James, the Duke of York (later King James II), this group had a monopoly on British trade with West Africa, including gold, silver and SLAVES.
President Trump tweets: Corrupt Joe Biden has confirmed that he “would give UNLIMITED Healthcare to Illegal Immigrants”. This would break our system and bring millions of people to the USA.
Alex Berensen tweeted: Most of the media somehow missed this (shocker!) - but on Thursday @ameracadpeds - the national umbrella organization of 67,000 US pediatricians - called for schools to reopen with “students physically present.”
Our note: Although this is a step forward, we strongly disagree with the social distancing and face mask recommendations for any citizen. This is simply an attempt to get your children back into the public school indoctrination centers where the system can terrorize your wee ones with germ warfare and force you to vaccinate them with Fauci poisons. Once in school, the Marxist-educated teachers will continue to pour lies and propaganda into their minds.
This summer is a great time to look into homeschooling so that in the fall, your family is prepared to exit the indoctrination-vaccination system and begin a new chapter in educating and enlightening your children. There are so many resources about homeschooling these days. Start your search and find ways to overcome obstacles. Your children and our nation's future are worth it.
Hey - can one an AIM graphic artist make us a hi-res face mask exempt card? We will post it here and suggest that folks laminate it. Then carry in their wallets or hang around their necks on a lanyard. It doesn't have to look exactly like this, but we do like the red banner at the top. Patriots in other countries can put their nations' logo over the USA logo.
Democrat Communists who are attempting a coupe d'etat against the United States, have boldly announced that their next assignment is to tear down all statues of Jesus, both in and out of the churches, since Jesus is depicted as a 'white European' (?) which, say they, is a form of 'white supremacy'. This means they plan to enter the churches to cause this unheard of havoc and destruction of images of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..........
Trump’s Economy: Where It Is Now And Where It Is Heading, Part 2
But it goes deeper than the U.S. Presidential election in November. War has been declared by Marxists against those whose greatest life need is the freedom to control our own destinies. That includes the three founders of Black Lives Matter who openly admit their Marxist backgrounds. It is the Chinese communists who finance BLM.........
We have come to a point in time in America that I thought I would never see. We are seeing some of the worst lowlifes our nation has produced an attempt to take over our country and turn it into a third world banana republic.........
Virtue is a swear word. Only kneeling and licking the boots of black rappers for the ubiquitous scream world will allow us to survive into the next day. In case you hadn’t heard, the leader of Chick-Fil-A did that last week. He thinks all Christians should do it.........
Only in This Stupid World ......do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in This Stupid World .....do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.
Only in This Stupid World .....do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters..
Only in This Stupid World ......do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in This Stupid World .......do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in Packages of eight..
Only in This Stupid World .....do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Why the sun lightens Our hair, but darkensour skin?
Why don't you ever see the Headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?
Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?
Why is it that Doctors call what they do 'practice'?
Why is lemon juice made With artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Why is the man who Invests all your money called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn't there Mouse-flavored cat food?
Why didn't Noah Swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the Needle for lethal injections?
You know that Indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called Apartments when they are all stuck together?
I like this one!!! If con is the opposite of Pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so Safe,why do they call the airport the terminal?
Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle) ...in other words, send it to everyone. We all need to smile every once in a while.
Some are saying there are only two scenarios under which President Trump is reelected this fall: Joe Biden’s complete collapse, mentally and physically, which is possible, or Trump replaces his Vice President Mike Pence with an exciting female conservative candidate, in order to attract the women turned off by Trump’s abrasive and sometimes obnoxious manner..........
This saga of tragedy, politics and conditioning the American people to be subservient while destroying their lives has to stop. Please keep getting the truth out there to your mayor, city council members, county commissioners and your governor. I have although I’d rather use my time for something else. Our voices must be heard because silence will only allow it to continue.........
Anyone Sick of Riots, Burnings, Lootings and Monument Destruction?
Have you called your mayor’s office in your city to encourage him or her to maintain your police department? Have you called your governor’s office with support of the police to stop all violent rioters and arrest them? Have you written a letter to the editor demanding that your elected officials honor their oaths of office to preserve the laws of your state and community? If you haven’t, why haven’t you?.........
- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Master’s degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Helps people ditch their meds to live young
- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
In college, my superpower was taking tests.
My "kryptonite" (the thing that almost ruined me) was going to class, and dealing with other students and teachers.
Strange mix - not fun when you have more going against you than for you…
I decided to study alone and only show up to class on test days.
That worked most of the time… until my first analytical chemistry test.
I sat down and pulled out my favorite, perfectly sharpened, #2 pencil. It was whittled down to my preferred, five and a half inches.
The professor announced, "Today's test is timed. You only have 40 minutes."
I hate surprises.
I had planned on 60 full minutes. (That's 40 minutes to take the test… and 20 to check everything to decimal-point precision.) After all, this was ANALYTICAL F@#CKING CHEMISTRY.
I sat there for 30 seconds, stunned.
I knew there was no way for me to take the test the way I wanted to.
I got up and made a slow walk to the professor, eyes locked with his.
(I passed all the wanna-be, future debt-slaves who were at their desks, churning the tiny gears in their head. None of them challenged the 40-minute rule. Nor questioned it.)
"Here's my test," I told the teacher. "I'm on an athletic scholarship for a full 60-minute class, not a 40-minute one. I won't be finishing."
He looked at me, aghast. He assured me, "There are only three tests for the semester Mr. Ellison. One zero guarantees you won't get an A...and I know you're an A student in chemistry."
"I am. But I'd rather be learning than chasing grades from a chemistry teacher who likes to throw in surprises just for kicks…"
And out I went...straight to the gym.
I aced all future tests and scored 66.66% for the semester.
Manipulation is what tests are all about. Rarely are they there to help you.
Same is true in medicine and "testing."
For example… a "cholesterol test" is there to scare you about your "rising" cholesterol. But that's what cholesterol is supposed to do — rise. As you age, the higher your cholesterol is, the longer you live. The lower it is, the shorter you live. Studies have shown this.
Then there's the vitamin D test. It's designed for every human on the planet to fail it. Why? Because the "correct" results are artificially high, designed to hook you on lab-derived vitamin D.
Then there's the thyroid test. If you have a thyroid, that must mean you should be placed on meds.
On and on. It's all the same BS.
And now we have the coronavirus test.
Rest assured, it's built on more manipulation.
You can't test for coronavirus.
Here are three reasons why:
1. A beer bottle could test positive for Coronavirus
Carrying a virus doesn't make us sick. We live in a sea of viruses. They're just a part of life. Your DNA is filled with them!
If there were an accurate test to measure whether or not we were a carrier, it would mean nothing…much like if a beer can tested positive for coronavirus, which it could. You could drink that beer, break the bottle over the head of a mask-wearing loudmouth… and neither of you would be infected.
"Based on the number of viruses she found in her samples, Proctor estimated that every liter of seawater contained up to one hundred billion viruses." ― Carl Zimmer, A Planet of Viruses
Even the cleanest surface in your house could test positive for coronavirus. It doesn't mean sh#t. It means you live in a sea of LIFE!
2. An antibody test is only good for measuring whether you're dead or alive.
An anti-body is proof that you have an immune system. These are the soldiers that protect your battlefield...they attack and destroy "biological nasties."
If you're dead, you will have zero antibodies… showing that your immune system is "out of service." If you're alive, you will have tons of them.
Using an antibody test to diagnose coronavirus is like smacking your knee to see if you're alive. It's only good for measuring if you're comatose… in which case, a reflex test is much easier. Just slap someone.
Also, having antibodies doesn't mean you're sick or immune. It just means… you have antibodies. They could be for the common cold, the flu, or for nothing at all.
The antibodies IgG and IgM are being labeled as "specific for coronavirus." But they are not specific for coronavirus…LOL. They are specific to humans. The World Health Organization stressed this saying, "There are five major types of antibodies - IgA, IgG, IgM, IgD and IgE. IgG antibodies are the smallest antibody and are found in all body fluids. They are the most abundant immunoglobulin, comprising about 75-80% of all the antibodies in the body."
Isn't it clear that apes are running the coronavirus tests?
3. A PCR-Test is a toy for nerds and detectives, not for doctors diagnosing coronavirus…or any virus.
The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test was invented by Dr. Kary Mullis. A hero to scientific method, he won the Nobel Prize for his work. He invented the test to characterize DNA. Think: crime scenes. At 6 feet in length, the PCR amplifies the DNA strand so it can be better identified, then traced back to its source.
The coronavirus isn't 6 feet long. It's a mere strand. Worse, the coronavirus isn't even DNA. It's RNA (retrovirus)…if it exists at all.
That means before you could even perform a PCR test… you'd have to first make a perfect copy of something that is 1000th the size of a grain of salt. That would be like trying to find a pubic hair in The Sea of Cortez, then finding who it belonged to. That's how ridiculous a PCR test is.
Recognizing this inability of the PCR, Dr. Mullis said, "The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves."
Like most "tests," the coronavirus (COVID-19 or otherwise) test is a fraud. It's a tool for control and profit. That's it.
It's the stupid "surprise" test that no one needed.
It's not what you're looking for. And it won't help you.
If the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020, were not so serious, it would be downright hilarious just watching the Democrats twist themselves into pretzels in their efforts to project onto President Trump their own lengthy and shameful record of racism..........
My stomach turns every time I hear conservatives, Republicans and Christians say we must create meaningful dialog with the protesters to discuss their grievances. The problem is their grievances are purposely rooted in the lie that my beloved country is a racist hellhole. I refuse to pander to that concept.........
The Tulsa Rally And The Trump 2020 Campaign – Getting Things Right
Trump needs to dismiss or transfer a number of his officials, who are sabotaging his policies. But the time is short, with the election only months away. The big priority now is to get control of the rioting and speak clearly to the public about it, showing them why he, and not Biden, is the Law and Order candidate.........
It's finally starting to happen: Normal Americans are beginning to pick up rifles in defense against the lunatic left-wing terrorists and criminal insurrectionists who are trying to burn down this country and kill all Whites.
The Black Lives Terrorists are actively trying to destroy America, and they have escalated the situation into a civil war. Now, it's time for Americans to stand their ground, defend their nation and fight back to take down and defeat the terrorists who threaten us all.
Today we are calling for President Trump to grant nationwide permission for all armed Americans to engage and shoot domestic terrorists who are threatening our nation.
Enjoy world-class coffee with Health Ranger Select Organic Hand-roasted Whole Bean Coffee blends. All our premium coffee blends are imported directly from small Fair Trade-certified farmer cooperatives across the planet. Choose from our Cold Brew, El Guapo, Ethiopian, Sumatran, Decaf Peru, Decaf Honduras, and Honey Processed Honduras blends. Our freshly roasted coffee blends are non-GMO, certified organic and Fair Trade, and are lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology.
Leftist media thinks it's OK to topple statues... for science Popular Mechanics has had its fair share of notable articles. The storied magazine has featured writing from astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who relived his famous moonwalk, to even President Ronald ...
Our Spirit posted: ". The march towards worldwide brought to you by the following bad actors First, they need to "tag" us, but too many of us are resisting because we know where this leads... ...so they send in a Republican leader (thinking that we don't know that the GOP"
Each man was convicted of murdering one or more children or minors.
All legal channels for execution of child murderers clear, now.
Who will be next?
Exactly what did Hillary and Huma do to that is so horrific that seasoned NYPD detectives cried when they viewed the recording on Anthony Weiner's laptop?
Ajit Pai tweets: BREAKING NEWS: The @FCC has designated #Huawei and #ZTE as companies posing a national security threat to the United States. As a result, telecom companies cannot use money from our $8.3B Universal Service Fund on equipment or services produced or provided by these suppliers. READ THE THREAD
AIM Patriot Martin created this meme image below. Indeed, this is a beautiful rendering of how the sigils work. The more of us that use them, the more we send frequencies of love and healing throughout the internet and around the world. Learn more about sigils.
Join this AIM patriot's twitter. She, too, is beginning to see that Bagpipe Billy is fill of hot air...and not much else.
Ash Liberty is showing a detailed report on Face Book Messenger about how & when ANTIFA & BLM are banning together with Radical Muslims to kill thousands of Whites on July fourth. (They will using huge fireworks to cover gunshots!). See more here
Sundance from Conservative Treehouse writes: Anyone who identifies as a party Democrat will now have to rebuke the fourth of July to retain their party position. Additionally, any democrat caught celebrating the Fourth of July holiday will now be joining a celebration of white supremacy.
All wars are fought across multiple domains, using phased order of battle operations. We do not fight like Call Of Duty, running around randomly.
Most personnel are not infantry ‘grunts’. Unless you are active military *you are NOT currently needed for that specialty. You will do battle in the information domain, operating to shape the battlespace to create the conditions necessary to defeat the enemy.
“You have been selected to help serve your Country.
Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].
Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.
Organize and connect [bridge through linking].
Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]
Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts
Mission 2: Support role of other digital soldiers [one falls another stands (rises)]
Mission 3: Guide [awaken] others through use of facts [DECLAS 1-99 material and other relevant facts] and memes [decouple MSDNC control of info stream] _ask 'counter' questions to initiate 'thought' vs repeat [echo] of MSDNC propaganda
Mission 4: Learn use of camouflage [digitally] _primary account suspended-terminated _use of secondary
Mission 5: Identify strengths / weaknesses [personal and designated target(s)] re: Twitter & FB [+other] example re: meme(s) failure to read through use of ALGO [think Tron (MCP_master control program)] _dependence on person-to-person capture [slow response time unidentified user(s)]
Game theory.
Information warfare.
Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.
Together we win.”
Folks, Whitmer's re-opening for schools is not a formula for good education. This is psychological torture with irreparable damage to the developing minds of children. If your state is as draconian as Feminazi Whitmer's, please consider homeschooling, at least during these unpredictable times.
Can you imagine your children being confined in face mask torture throughout the entire school day? What about the social life of school children who delight in gathering to cheer the sports team or perform a play, share whispers with a friend in between hall passing or a science experiment under a shared microscope.
Whitmer and Soros governors like her are social engineering and your children are the guinea pigs.
Staff and teachers would have to wear face masks at all times.
All students would have to wear face masks in hallways and common areas and on buses. Every student would have to use hand sanitizer before getting on the bus.
Students in grade 6 through 12 would have to wear face masks at all times; younger students wouldn't have to wear face masks in classrooms.
It would be recommended that desks be placed six feet apart and students and teachers social distance, even in the classroom.
Schools would have to work with local health departments on screening protocols.
No indoor assemblies with students from more than one classroom would be allowed.
It would be recommended that most meals be served in the classroom or outdoors. It would be recommended that meal times would be staggered to allow social distancing in the cafeteria if it was being used.
Athletics would have to follow the MHSAA guidance and rules. Spectators would be allowed if they are wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing.
Thank you to archivists in a major public library for helping us obtain this Report--that was broken into numerous segments and buried in a non-public archive. Thank you to Anonymous Patriots for assembling those parts into this single package, then indexing it to make it searchable, and compressing it from 150 to 35 MB. (Note, the original segments provided had to be re-indexed as the search texts were quite scrambled and of low quality in the original.) This lack of searchability means the contents were largely hidden from public scrutiny—a tactic typical of those who would deny us true history. No more.
Rep. B. Carroll Reece, (TN 1st). (Dec. 16, 1954). H. RES. 217 REPORT: Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Organizations especially those that may be engaged in un-American and subversive activities for political purposes, propaganda, or attempts to influence legislation (e.g. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford Foundations), 83rd Congress, 1st Session, 445 pgs. GPO. (35MB).
The power of the individual large foundation is enormous.
Such a concentration of power is highly undesireable
A system antithetical to American principles
Far-reaching power of the large foundation and of the interlock (among foundations) has so influenced the press, the radio, and even the government that it has become extremely difficult for objective criticism of foundation practices
Research in the social sciences is almost wholly in the control of professional employees of the large foundation and their obedient satellites
Foundation power teams promote scientism or fake science
Promoted moral relativity with “social scientists” who alone are capable of guiding the unwashed masses
Favor political opinions to the left
Promotes collectivist propaganda
Vast propaganda, internationalism, world government, derogation of American nationalism; blindly propagandize for the United Nations, leftist.
Directly supported Communism, subversion, undermining organizing principles, attaches on our social and governmental system, promoted socialism and collectivist ideas
In Sep. 1917, Pilgrim Society leader Elihu Root was the founding chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), first called "The Inquiry." Root joined the Pilgrims Society in 1906. Andrew Carnegie joined the Pilgrims Society in 1908.
Nicholas Murray Butler (1925-1945) was also president of the American Pilgrims Society (1928-1946).
“Intellectual Cartel” – but here the Committee pulled up short. While alluding to the Pilgrims Society, it failed to focus on the elephant in the room. They seemed quite eager to avoid the “conspiracy” label, probably in reaction to the just concluded McCarthy hearings. Too bad, they missed an opportunity that we are suffering from this day.
Remarkably, the identified Rockefeller, Carngegie, Ford, Root, Murray who all had one thing in common besides different foundations:
This paragraph is obsequious pandering to profound illogic… of course they were conspiring together. This wasn’t just coincidence.
Back on track:
Concentration of power, undermine precious institutions, promotes radical change to our government and society
The Rand Corporation: Mentions Battelle Memorial Institute that participated in the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention.
Emphasis on the Fabians draws attention away from their handlers: Pilgrims Society
Infant mortality down; number of vaccinations down
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
The reference here is an analysis of mortality data by Mark Blaxill and Amy Becker, “Lessons from the Lockdown,” posted at Children’s Health Defense on June 18:
“But the pandemic experience has brought on a surprising effect on this expected death rate among children. Starting in early March, expected deaths began a sharp decline, from an expected level of around 700 deaths per week to well under 500 by mid‐April and throughout May.”
“As untimely deaths spiked among the elderly in Manhattan nursing homes and in similar settings all over the country, something mysterious was saving the lives of children. As springtime in America came along with massive disruptions in family life amid near universal lockdowns, roughly 30% fewer children died.”
“Virtually the entire change came from infants. Somehow, the changing pattern of American life during the lockdowns has been saving the lives of hundreds of infants, over 200 per week.”
“One very clear change that has received publicity is that public health officials are bemoaning the sharp decline in infant vaccinations as parents are not taking their infants into pediatric offices for their regular well‐baby checks. In the May 15 issue of the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), a group of authors from the CDC and Kaiser Permanente reported a sharp decline in provider orders for vaccines as well as a decline in pediatric vaccine doses administered. These declines began in early March, around the time infant deaths began declining.”
Mustn’t report that on the nightly news. A leak of truth might turn into a river.
The very thought that vaccines are harmful enough to cause death, and withholding them would align with the Hippocratic Oath?
“Say Bob, here’s an interesting item we could run on the broadcast tonight. Deaths of infants are down during the pandemic, and so are vaccinations.”
“I see. So you want to end up announcing Frisbee contests during picnics in the park? And I’ll be producing free YouTube videos featuring cats doing somersaults? You’re drinking again, right?”
For those who can’t bring themselves to even stick a toe in the waters of the evidence against vaccines, because their cult of science forbids it on pain of death…and who, likewise, salute all public health directives concerning the “pandemic,” like good little boys and girls, here is a backgrounder I call…
To the “educated” potato heads: science is not a political hierarchy
Remember the science bloggers living in mommy’s basement? Now we have the new COVID version.
“Who’s a Communist?” “I’m a Communist.” “Who’s a Communist?” “I’m a Communist.” It’s fun. It’s a new toy to play with. Capitalism is out. Old–fashioned.
“Mao killed 60 million of his own people.” “Who’s Mao?”
So far, I’ve written about 150 articles on the preposterous COVID fakery (archive here). In this piece, I’m going to discuss political hierarchy.
Which is how Tony Fauci got to where he is. It has nothing to do with knowledge or skill in handling purported “outbreaks.” And if it weren’t Fauci, it would be someone else. Another person on television standing next to the president. Because that is the structure, the pecking order. There are slots to fill. And there must be a central mouthpiece.
“Wanted. Spokesperson to represent The Word.”
Whose word?
Do you really believe that, at the beginning of this whole COVID operation…Fauci is sinking himself deep in collaborative meetings with scientists to come up with a plan? There is back and forth? Opinions are challenged? Data are examined? Objections are made? Fauci listens to a representative from Sweden, where the government is taking a different path? He listens to a pro like Dr. Scott Atlas? Economic advisors are in the room, making calculations on the devastating effects of a three-month national lockdown? Fact-checkers, not bullshitters, look into the past track record of that abject failure, Neil Ferguson, who is predicting on his worn-out computer that two million people in America will die—which is the whole rationale for ordering lockdowns? Someone who is actually intelligent and honest, who works for a US intelligence agency, steps in and questions the event that kicked off all the false hysteria—the Chinese Regime, an overt enemy of the US, locking down 50 million people overnight for no medical reason and sending a fake signal to the WHO and CDC that this is the new model for control? Do you think any of this happens in a room?
Do you think your college education and what you think you know has the slightest connection to this situation, because you took a biology course and a chemistry course and can find your way around a computer?
Do you have any idea how much counter-information which contradicts your gnome-hero, Fauci, has been piling up in the past three months, and how much of it has been coming from people with all sorts of credentials you would otherwise admire? Do you? Do you know how much of this information has been suppressed by the press? No, you don’t. You’re a potato head.
The discovery of a new virus has been challenged. The PCR and antibody tests have been discredited as a legitimate avenue of diagnosis; along with widespread eyeball diagnosis, and coding patients as COVID who really have other unrelated conditions, and counting non-COVID deaths as COVID, this means all the case numbers are meaningless. The overwhelming number of people dying of the “pandemic” are the elderly, who have years of serious health problems, who have been treated with many toxic drugs, who are then terrified by receiving a false COVID diagnosis, who are isolated from family and friends, and die. Many old people in these straits are put on ventilators, heavily sedated, and die from the treatment.
But none of this information that challenges the official picture is shoved in the face of public health officials, with a government demand that they respond openly, and in detail. Why? Because the political hierarchy is geared to close out dissent. This has nothing to do with science.
Science involves questions and rebuttals and counter-opinion, and studies that test other options and views. Science is about confirming or denying official positions through analysis and experiment. It isn’t about who has wormed his way to the top of the food chain. It isn’t about who is secretly backing the Mouthpiece. Aka Bill Gates.
Some potato heads look at things this way: whatever Trump is saying is a lie. The person who opposes Trump must be right. That person appears to be Fauci. Therefore, Fauci is stating SCIENCE. End of story.
Very few, if any potato heads are aware of the following statement, from a woman who has scrutinized more medical studies than at least 99.9 percent of the doctors on the planet:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” —Marcia Angell, MD (“Drug Companies and Doctors: A story of Corruption.” NY Review of Books, Jan. 15, 2009.)
Very few, if any potato heads are aware of the review published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000, by the revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Dr. Barbara Starfield. Starfield concluded that, every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. (Review: “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”
Those are two examples of what we could call counter-science. They take the mainstream to task. They deliver blows to official positions. THIS is what “Fauci-science” should have been subjected to, from the get-go. And this is what “vaccine science”—the holy of holies—should be subjected to.
Very few, if any, potato heads are aware of the case-number game, through which a locale which is coming out of lockdown and opening up the economy is punished. It’s simple. Expand worthless testing. New case numbers will automatically rise. The News will report these scary numbers. Of course, when new case numbers are expanded, the death rate automatically goes down. So the News omits that fact.
Potato heads tend to admire censorship, never having learned how deep the Bill of Rights actually goes. Truth should win out over dissent, as far as the potato heads are concerned. Whose truth? Theirs, naturally.
Those potato heads who claim to favor socialism (aka Communism) have no idea that the US government is following the lockdown model of a Chinese regime that secured its grip on power, under Mao, by killing 40-65 million of its own people.
Rule: a political hierarchy depends on the support of potato heads.
The federal agencies that stand behind the US “coronavirus task force” ARE a chunk of the political hierarchy. Their basic agenda is CONTROL.
Potato heads don’t worry about control. They think they’re above it all and compliant. An odd mix, but it works for them. “How can I be at fault if I go along with the directives?” Hundred of millions of Chinese people ran that question through their minds until it was too late.
“Who’s a potato head?” “I’m a potato head.” “Who’s a potato head?” “I’m a potato head.”
What the major media are giving us these days is wartime messaging; it always comes in the form of an appeal for unity. But in this case, the war is being fought by the government against the domestic population.
So we’re being asked to work together against ourselves. Anyone who recognizes this is labeled an outlier.
By the potato heads.
The political hierarchy which they adore, which they call science, has them in the crosshairs, along with everyone else.
This is the hierarchy which we must dismantle and take down and expose. The leaders, along with their freeloader bureaucracies, are a putrid mix of unknowing and evil fascists.
In America, the National Institutes of Health and the CDC could disappear tomorrow and nothing untoward would happen. In fact, automatically, improvements would occur. Subconsciously, the population of the country would breathe a sigh of relief.
“Finally. Good news. No potatoes today.”
For many potato heads, the presence of Dr. Fauci making pronouncements to the nation is a no-brainer, in every possible sense of that term. It’s as if there is a lab where official items are produced: ideas, statements, positions, and even people. Fauci was one of those items. A lab made him, he was and is official, and that’s the end of that.
But it isn’t, it’s just the beginning.
The Official is being taken apart.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Obama’s Transformation of America is Happening Under Trump
Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is happening now. We have communist insurrection in the streets that includes the burning of churches, tearing down of historical monuments, and attacks on businesses, homeowners and police by the revolutionary mob..........
Americans, Once Defenders of Freedom, Have Turned Into Frightened Sheep
The forces of evil have stripped your land of civility and reason. Domestic terrorists, with only violence on their minds, have invaded your peaceful tranquility. They care nothing about you, your property, or your right to live and work in peace. They laugh at you while you scurry for cover, or complain to a government that doesn’t hear you.........[but Creator does]
Mayor Orders American Flags Removed From All City Buildings
What’s worse is when the American people allow their said representatives to act in such a fashion for it shows the rest of us that he/she is not alone in their cowardice capitulating treason (Luke 22:48) towards America and her children.........
John Kerry Secret Meetings with Iranian Officials Highly Suspicious
A law enforcement source informed this writer that the “inside the Beltway” scuttlebutt alleges that Deep State politicos such as former Secretary of State John Kerry have secretly met with Iranian officials.........
This Fourth of July, while you celebrate American liberty, let’s not forget the words of Thomas Paine: “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”.........
Death by killing old people, not COVID---the basic deception
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
[BREAKING—UPDATE: The New York Times (June 27) is reporting that 43 percent of all US COVID deaths are occurring in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for the elderly. In at least 24 states, more than 50 percent of all COVID deaths are occurring in these facilities. The Times fails to mention deaths of the elderly at hospitals or, at home, cut off from family and friends. The situation is far worse than the Times makes it out to be.]
Continuing my series of articles on the killing of the elderly—which IS what “COVID” IS.
(This is part-3 in the series, “Killing Old People”. For part-4, click here. For part-2, click here.)
The medical establishment is facing the embarrassing and devastating fact that a huge percentage of so-called COVID deaths are occurring in nursing homes. The elderly are dying prematurely.
And not only in nursing homes. In hospitals, and alone in their apartments.
All told, huge numbers of old people are dying premature deaths.
It’s obvious these patients have many serious and long-standing health conditions that have NOTHING to do with a virus. They’ve been treated for decades with toxic medical drugs. Their immune systems are severely compromised.
THEN they’re terrified when they’re handed a diagnosis of COVID-19 based on fraudulent tests, or no tests at all. They’re shut off completely from the outside world. No family or friends are permitted to see them. So the elderly die.
You want to see some astonishing numbers? Let’s go to the “epicenter.” New York City.
Using worldometers.info for data, I looked at the latest figures available.
As of May 13, take these two age groups—65 to 74, and 75 and older—and together they account for a staggering 73.6 percent of all COVID deaths in the city.
The 75 and older group accounts, all on its own, for 48.7 percent of all COVID deaths in the city.
For THIS, New York is on lockdown. Boarded up. Imprisoned. Economically torpedoed and devastated. With two ignoramus-vampires—Governor Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio—hovering over its shoulders.
If you subtracted the premature and forced deaths of the elderly, the fiction of New York as “the epicenter of COVID” would blow away in the wind in five minutes.
In case you missed it, in a piece I wrote a few days ago, I added yet one more factor to the murderous New York formula:
The Hill, undated (late April 2020), reporting on “data…gathered at Northwell Health, New York state’s largest hospital system. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examines 5,700 patients hospitalized with coronavirus infections in the New York City region, with final outcomes recorded for 2,634 patients. The average patient age was 63 years old… For the next oldest age group, ages 66 years and older, patients receiving mechanical [breathing] ventilation recorded a 97.2 percent mortality rate.”
Just in case all the other obvious factors failed to produce premature death in the elderly, ventilators provided the method.
Don’t even think of saying, “Well, you see, those old people put on ventilators were already very sick and close to dying.” NO medical treatment that kills 97.2 percent of patients in a well-defined group is continued, unless there are orders mandating it. Unless there is added insurance money to be made from it. Unless the doctors are willing to keep using the treatment, despite the results.
New York—the “epicenter of the pandemic”—is an epicenter of killing old people.
Public health agencies think: “How can we falsely explain all these old people dying, in terms that will operate as a diversion and a cover story?”
And they come up with: “Well, of course these elderly people already had medical problems before the COVID virus came along, and yes, these problems contributed to their demise. But in the end, the cause of death was the VIRUS…”
A convenient and false statement.
So let’s look at this VIRUS. Again.
For the fourth or fifth time since I started writing about the “pandemic,” I’ll go back to the beginning. To the claim that a new virus was discovered in China. The one that is supposedly causing the global catastrophe.
Instead of blithely accepting the claim that the virus was “sequenced” and its genetic makeup was laid out, I offer the following—
Do the study you never did. Do something coherent. Since you announced a global pandemic affecting billions of lives, do a real study.
Gather together a thousand people you claim are suffering from the “epidemic disease,” and take tissue samples from them. In the real world. Now, under proper supervision, with independent observers recording on video every single step of the process, CORRECTLY put these samples through a purifying procedure that involves centrifuging them, and extracting the relevant material—and place small bits of this material under an electron microscope. Take photos (EMs) of what you see.
Now place these thousand photos side by side. In each photo, do you see many, many particles of what is unmistakably a virus? Is it a virus you’ve never seen before? From photo to photo, are the many particles of this new virus all the same?
When you’ve done that, let another set of technicians follow the same procedure, and see what they come up with.
If by THESE standards, you really think you’ve found a new virus, call me.
I’m not interested in what you’re “genetically sequencing” in the lab. It could be a partial virus of no concern, a decaying irrelevant virus, a piece of random genetic material, cellular debris, exosomes, a common-cold coronavirus, who knows what? And if a hundred labs start with the same who-knows-what sample, and all the labs come up with the same genetic sequence, this proves nothing.
There is no procedure that can climb inside a person’s body and record what is happening in real time at the level of a virus—but the closest you can come is the electron microscope procedure I’ve described above.
You didn’t do that procedure. Don’t come at me with a few random anecdotal cases from here and there, in which you did take electron microscope photos. Don’t tap dance.
The planet went on lockdown as a result of what you claim you discovered—so do the coherent study I outlined. Go the whole distance. That’s what science is supposed to do. And then other teams of researchers can weigh in with their own large electron microscope studies and confirm or deny your findings.
Meanwhile, do you know what you have? An unproven virus. A fake. A story about a virus.
Therefore, all your diagnostic tests “for the new virus” are a sham. They’re based on something you never demonstrated in the first place.
—Therefore, all those people, those elderly people dying for obvious reasons in nursing homes, and in their lonely apartments, and in hospitals all over the world? You obviously have no proof they’re dying from a virus. How could you? You never properly discovered a new virus. You have dust in your hands. Saying these elderly people died as a result of the COVID virus is meaningless.
Actually you have murder. You have blood on your hands. Your death-dealing COVID diagnosis of these old people is the final straw that drives them into terror and over the edge into death. You have that to answer for.
In this article I decided to lift the cover on the whole sordid mess—going to the root. It was necessary, because the medical “experts” keep falling back on THE VIRUS to explain away all objections. The truth is right in front of their eyes—it’s obvious why all these old people are dying, and why fake scientists and medical fraudsters must count their deaths as COVID cases.
Without those gigantic death numbers, the illusion of a pandemic would fall apart in an hour.
They’re dying in nursing homes, in isolated apartments and houses all over the world, and in hospitals. And on their bodies is built this vicious war against the population of the planet.
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
We've received intel that Black Lives Matter terrorists have been given orders to engage vehicles with gunfire, and just yesterday, three people were shot by BLM terrorists shooting into vehicles.
One of the shooters has already been arrested and charged in Provo, Utah. They are all BlackLivesMatter radical terrorists, all supported by Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Target, Google and other corporations, and they are being funded by corporations to purchase heavy weapons that are now being used to shoot innocent Americans.
Not one corporation in America has denounced the Black Lives Matter terrorists and shootings. They are all-in with open warfare against White people, Christians and conservatives.
Derived from high-quality coconuts, Chief Originals MCT Oil (95 percent C8 MCT Oil) is a great source of essential fats that help support digestive and immune health, as well as promote healthy energy levels. Our premium MCT oil is vegan, non-China and non-GMO. It is thoroughly lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
Chinese herbal medicines that can improve memory and cognition Older people often suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI). It is defined as the stage between cognitive decline that comes naturally with aging and the more serious decline in brain ...
Can electroacupuncture improve blood flow to the heart? Myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow to the heart decreases or stops, causing damage to the heart muscle. The formation of a blood clot is often ...
Our Spirit posted: ". Federal crimes of child murder. Citizens Demand Speedy trials. Executions. “Placing an order for body parts from a born alive infant uses the means of interstate commerce to obtain the death of a human being through organ harvesting,” Daleiden sa"
“Placing an order for body parts from a born alive infant uses the means of interstate commerce to obtain the death of a human being through organ harvesting,” Daleiden says in the video. “If the federal law is applied equally to born-alive infants, this is murder for hire.”
In a statement on the sworn testimonies, Daleiden asks, “How long will public authorities permit Planned Parenthood and their associates to sell living children inside and outside the womb and then kill them through organ harvesting? The DOJ has vigorously prosecuted the sale of eagle body parts. Surely selling human body parts after cutting them out of an infant with a beating heart is at least as grave of a crime.”
Seriously? Give us proof that Kamala Harris is a United States citizen. Her mother is Indian and her father Jamaican. Neither mother or father were U.S. citizens at the time of her birth in California.
At what point in time did Kamala become a U.S. citizen? Kamala is an ANCHOR BABY!
Don't let Scumbag John Roberts pull the wool over our eyes AGAIN about another non-citizen becoming president. Start pushing Harris' birth certificate around your network and educate your network in this fraud that the Democrats want to pull on America.
ChuckedBeef posts what many patriots have said about the globalshit known as Kevin McCarthy:
"This guy is a RINO piece of shit. He's pushing the message in the media that POTUS should wear a mask to "send a message". FUCK Kevin McCarthy. If this guy becomes Speaker of the House it's Paul Ryan 2.0. Jim Jordan is the only choice for Speaker.
Our Spirit posted: ". . Every Member Of Congress Is Now Open To Arrest If They Visit Hong Kong "The language of the bill, which is now crucial, states: “If the Secretary of State determines that a foreign person is materially contributing to, has materially contributed to"
"The language of the bill, which is now crucial, states: “If the Secretary of State determines that a foreign person is materially contributing to, has materially contributed to, or attempts to materially contribute to the failure of the Government of China to meet its obligations under the Joint Declaration of the Basic Law” then the US is to impose sanctions on it. That is broad enough to cover anyone in the Chinese or Hong Kong government, security services, and/or civil servants. The bill also states any foreign financial institution that conduct “significant transactions” with anyone in the Hong Kong government or the National People’s Congress (NPC), or in the Hong Kong China Liaison Office, will likewise be cut off from the US financial system."
Longtime Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested Thursday on a six-count indictment charging her with grooming young girls for sex.
The British socialite, 58, was arrested by the FBI in New Hampshire around 8:30 a.m., sources told The Post.
The just-unsealed indictment charges stem from Maxwell’s role “in the sexual exploitation and abuse of multiple minor girls by Jeffrey Epstein” as early as 1994, court papers say.
“The victims were as young as 14 years old when they were groomed and abused by Maxwell and Epstein, both of whom knew that certain victims were in fact under the age of 18,” the indictment says.
Note to readers: Make sure to install the American Intelligence Media app on your phone. When this story broke, we sent it out as an alert. If you had your push notification button on, you would have known about this as soon as we heard it announced. We expect more swamp sucking and draining sounds, so don't wait for the next Cat Report to read about it. Breaking news about the swamp going down will be sent to you ASAP.
Techno Fog tweets: More arrests expected (timing unknown) in the Epstein sex trafficking conspiracy. Maxwell indictment: references 1994-1997. Epstein indictment: references a conspiracy from 2002-2005. Epstein indictment: specifies 3 employees who facilitated abuse of minors in 2004-2005.
“The bill would state participation in contact tracing shall be voluntary, and no contact or infected person shall be compelled to participate in, nor be prohibited from participating in, contact tracing.”
NAZIs were so ahead of their time. Are Uyghur skin lamp shades making a comeback in Western China now?
Keep in mind that the process of genocide is occurring in other countries which are at a different stage than your country. The Uyghurs are in the final stages and their physical bodies are now being harvested for hair, organs, skin.
In America, we are at the first stage of genocide with the identification step - WEAR THE MASK. This is why you must resist wearing or complying. Once enough sheeple move to the next stages - vaccinations and microchipping, it will be impossible to go back.
Others need to see you walking face-naked through the grocery store. You might give them courage to do the same.
Jim in TN posts:
Need has nothing to do with it. Just milking their victims for every last thing of value. Hair, gold teeth, the clothes off of their backs, could have all been taken without the NAZIs killing anyone. And the killing could have been done without taking anything.
But they chose to do both. And to invest significant resources into destroying productive members of society at a time when they desperately needed both to fight their wars.
We already know the chinese are harvesting organs for donation. Throwing people in concentration camps and robbing them of their hair, for your own profit is pretty gruesome to begin with. But when they are already harvesting organs, it is important to wonder if the hair donor survived their donation.
BONUS from AIM Patriot Kearney who cleaned these up and made a jpg file for us. Scale to size once you download the file, then print and use as you wish. We recommend that you laminate them so they look "official". Wear them from a lanyard so that folks with mask fear can see how easy it is to be face-naked. Make a few for friends. Pass around the networks and let's help folks get over their mass hysteria.
Search for laminating pouches or sheets at your office supply store. You can also purchase lanyards there. Or you can slip the card into a name badge sleeve that hangs from a lanyard - you might have one lying around from the last conference you attended that required name badges.
HUGE: MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED - CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely
The CDC is over counting the number of China coronavirus cases in an apparent effort to keep the country shut down throughout the summer. This fraudulent activity was uncovered by the far-left Atlantic proving even a dead clock is right twice a day.
Several states-including Pennsylvania, the site of one of the country's largest outbreaks, as well as Texas, Georgia, and Vermont-are blending the data in the same way. Virginia likewise mixed viral and antibody test results until last week, but it reversed course and the governor apologized for the practice after it was covered by the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The Atlantic. Maine similarly separated its data on Wednesday; Vermont authorities claimed they didn't even know they were doing this.
The far-left New York Times also reported last week on the GAO's report:
The report also criticized the C.D.C.'s counting of coronavirus tests, which combines tests for an active infection and those that detect antibodies. This practice inflates the percentage of Americans that appear to have been tested and gives an unreliable picture of the way the virus is spreading around the country, according to the new report. After the C.D.C. was criticized last month for combining the two types of tests in its reports, the agency promised to separate them. But as of June 9, it had still not resolved the issue, the office reported.
The CDC's method of reporting the number of active cases is totally flawed. It is fraudulent. The CDC counts individuals who show that they had the China coronavirus in their counts of individuals who are identified currently with the virus. This data is then used by states to determine whether to open our shut down their economies.
Is there anything about this China coronavirus that is valid and accurate?
With all her flaws and internal spasms, America is still the greatest nation on earth. We are still the hope of the world. We are the only thing holding back the full tsunami of communistic tyranny from sweeping over the globe. We have the potential to yet realize our forefathers’ vision of America as a shining city on a hill – an asylum for Liberty..........
Peter Strzok Handwritten Notes Released - Implicate Obama, Biden in Framing Gen. Flynn
Former FBI agent Peter Strzok’s handwritten notes have been declassified by the FBI (with redactions) and these notes specifically detail a meeting between Obama, Biden, Comey, Yates, and Susan Rice.........
Chicago first developed and built the modern sky scraper. But the huge iconic sky scrapers now present all over the world, first became common in New York City’s Burrow of Manhattan. Lower Manhattan’s Flat Iron Building built in 1902 still inspires architects of every generation of young aspiring builders.........
A coup has taken place in America. Our nation is no longer controlled by “we the people.” (We fell asleep with the pastors) Our domestic enemies are now officially in power. We are no longer free, we just think we are -- and it has happened on our watch..........
Michael Avenatti, who represented the badly aging stripper Stormy Daniels who accused Trump of (P-U) jumping between the sheets with her, is now a convicted felon. That pig attempted to extort $25 million from Nike by threatening to expose alleged crooked wrong-doing regarding basketball divisions.........
Our country was set up as a republic whose people governed themselves through their elected representatives. Laws didn’t just materialize out of the ether. They had to be proposed, publicly debated, and then voted on by the legislature. At every step of the process was room for further discussion and possible amendment.........
Internal Terrorists: What American Parents Spawned Them?
How and why did prominent mayors from major cities in America abdicate their oaths of office to allow anarchy to descend on law-abiding, taxpaying citizens? The mayors of Minneapolis, Seattle, NYC and others are a bunch of incompetent weasels. You cannot placate anarchists! They build nothing. They destroy everything. They need to be jailed.........
Our Spirit posted: "Listen to Douglas and Tyla explain why America is in big trouble. This is a shocking finding that you need to scale to your friends and family. Contact your elected representatives immediately and demand that this legislation be terminated. . Raw au"
Listen to Douglas and Tyla explain why America is in big trouble. This is a shocking finding that you need to scale to your friends and family. Contact your elected representatives immediately and demand that this legislation be terminated.
American Sovereignty is overthrown by the United Nation’s World Health Organization any time they “declare” a pandemic, and thus pull the strings of the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the NIH (National Institutes of Health) bringing all Americans (and the world) to their knees as slaves of bio-terrorism. The WHO hid the truth about COVID-19 as the Chinese knowingly lied and spread the man-made virus world-wide. The UN should be closed down because it is the opposite of what they say they are – the WHO actually spreads illness, poisonous vaccines, and tainted medicines. The WHO (CDC/NIH) now controls the world through a pharmaceutical, bio-war that is the latest of their attempts to destroy American sovereignty and overthrow the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Surprisingly, there are U.S. laws that allow this to happen and to usurp the authority of the president and congress. It will come as a shock to many as they read the selections below, which where taken from government documents. American freedom is lost if we do not immediately rescind these laws and end any association with the United Nations and the public/private government vaccine monopoly called the CDC and its puppet the NIH. It seems that a “National Health Security” declaration of emergency trumps all other U.S. laws – and we are now subjected to the whims of these pharmaceutical overlords. Welcome to pharmaceutical tyranny! Awaken, and help rescind these national and international “laws” that strip American’s of freedom and liberty.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
Public Health Emergency: Public Health and Medical Emergency Support for a Nation
Regulations and Laws That May Apply During a Pandemic
During a pandemic, certain legal authorities External, policies and regulations may apply and serve as the foundation for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to respond.
Public Health Service Act
The Public Health Service (PHS) Act forms the foundation of the HHS’ legal authority for responding to public emergencies by authorizing the HHS Secretary to take key actions, such as lead all federal public health and medical response, declare a public health emergency, assist states in meeting health emergencies, maintain the Strategic National Stockpile, and control communicable diseases. The PHS Act was amended by the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) of 2006 and the Pandemic and All-Hazards Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA) of 2013 and again in 2019.
Issuing Declarations
Under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, the President may declare an emergency at the request of the Governor of an affected State, or a Chief Executive of an affected Indian Tribe. The president can also declare an emergency without a Gubernatorial request if the primary responsibility for response rests with the Federal Government in order to provide expedited Federal assistance and support necessary.
The HHS Secretary may, under section 319 of the PHS Act determine that a disease or disorder presents a public health emergency; or that a public health emergency, including significant outbreaks of infectious disease or bioterrorist attacks, otherwise exists. Following a section 319 declaration, the Secretary can take many actions during an influenza pandemic, including making grants; entering into contracts; and conducting and supporting investigations into the cause, treatment, or prevention of the disease or disorder, and waiving or modifying certain Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements. These waivers or modifications are permitted under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act to ensure sufficient health care items and services are available during a public health emergency.
Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) of the PHS Act, the HHS Secretary is also authorized to issue a PREP Act declaration that provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures. A PREP Act declaration is different from and not dependent on other emergency declarations.
The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act is the foundation for Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) authority and responsibility to protect and promote the public health by, among other things, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and ensuring the safety and security of our nation’s food supply. Section 564 of the FD&C Act, authorizes the HHS Secretary to declare an emergency justifying the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of medical countermeasures (MCMs) during public health emergencies. When an EUA is declared, the FDA Commissioner can allow either (a) the use of an unapproved medical product (e.g., drug, vaccine, or diagnostic device) or (b) the unapproved use of an approved medical product during an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent a serious or life-threatening disease or condition caused by a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) agent. For example, during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the FDA approved the emergency use of antivirals for certain patients and health care settings. An EUA declaration can be made only when certain legal criteria are met and when scientific evidence is available to support the use during an emergency.
Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) coordinates Federal efforts to enhance chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats (CBRN) and Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) preparedness from a Medical Countermeasure (MCM) perspective. The PHEMCE is led by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and includes three primary HHS internal agency partners: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as well as several interagency partners: the Department of Defense (DoD), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Public Health Emergency Declaration
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may, under section 319 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, determine that: a) a disease or disorder presents a public health emergency (PHE); or b) that a public health emergency, including significant outbreaks of infectious disease or bioterrorist attacks, otherwise exists.
The declaration lasts for the duration of the emergency or 90 days but may be extended by the Secretary. Congress must be notified of the declaration within 48 hours, and relevant agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, must be kept informed. Prior to issuing the declaration, the Secretary should consult with public health officials as necessary.
Public Health Service Act
The PHS Act forms the foundation of HHS’ legal authority for responding to public health emergencies. Among other things, it authorizes the HHS Secretary to lead all Federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies and incidents covered by the National Response Framework; to direct the U.S. PHS and other components of the Department to respond to a public health emergency; to declare a Public Health Emergency (PHE) and take such actions as may be appropriate to respond to the PHE consistent with existing authorities; to assist states in meeting health emergencies; to control communicable diseases; to maintain the Strategic National Stockpile; to provide for the operation of the National Disaster Medical System; to establish and maintain a Medical Reserve Corps; and to potentially provide targeted immunity for covered countermeasures to manufacturers, distributors, certain classes of people involved in the administration of a program to deliver covered treatments to patients, and their employees. The PHS Act was amended by the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 (PAHPA) by the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013 (PAHPRA), the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016, and most recently by the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019 (PAHPAIA), which have broad implications for the Department’s preparedness and response activities.
W.H.O. Global One World Order
An epidemic of influenza is different from the dreaded pandemic that scientists and world health officials fear. We might see an epidemic of seasonal influenza during any given year. Flu reached epidemic levels in the U.S. for 10 weeks in a row during the 2004-2005 season. Records kept by the CDC show that during the week ending March 5, 2005, 8.9% of all deaths reported in 122 U.S. cities were due to influenza and pneumonia (a common complication of the flu).
The CDC’s definition of a flu epidemic relates to the percentage of deaths in a given week caused by influenza and pneumonia. The “epidemic threshold” is a certain percentage above what is considered normal for that period. The normal level, or baseline, is statistically determined based on data from past flu seasons.
Seasonal flu epidemics may sicken millions, but those who die are typically a small number of the elderly, very young children, and people with weak immune systems, according to CDC statistics. That’s not the case during the worst influenza pandemics. There are two main features of an influenza pandemic. First, the virus is a new strain that has never infected people before. Second, it’s on a global scale. A pandemic is a global epidemic – an epidemic that spreads to more than one continent.
Influenza pandemics have struck about three times every century since the 1500s, or roughly every 10-50 years. There was one in 1957-1958 and one in 1968-1969. The most infamous pandemic flu of the 20th century, however, was that of 1918-1919. An estimated 40-100 million people died in less than a year, and what made it so different from seasonal flu epidemics is that it killed primarily young people, those aged 20-45.
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response: A WHO Guidance Document.
The W.H.O. Pandemic Phases
The grouping and description of pandemic phases have been revised to make them easier to understand, more precise, and based upon observable phenomena.
The WHO pandemic phases were developed in 1999 and revised in 2005. The phases are applicable to the entire world and provide a global framework to aid countries in pandemic preparedness and response planning. In this revision, WHO has retained the use of a six-phased approach for easy incorporation of new recommendations and approaches into existing national preparedness and response plans. The grouping and description of pandemic phases have been revised to make them easier to understand, more precise, and based upon observable phenomena. Phases 1-3 correlate with preparedness, including capacity development and response planning activities, while Phases 4-6 clearly signal the need for response and mitigation efforts.
Definition of the Phases
In nature, influenza viruses circulate continuously among animals, especially birds. Even though such viruses might theoretically develop into pandemic viruses:
Phase 1, no viruses circulating among animals have been reported to cause infections in humans.
Phase 2, an animal influenza virus circulating among domesticated or wild animals is known to have caused infection in humans and is therefore considered a potential pandemic threat.
Phase 3, an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus has caused sporadic cases or small clusters of disease in people but has not resulted in human-to-human transmission sufficient to sustain community-level outbreaks. Limited human-to-human transmission may occur under some circumstances.
Phase 4, is characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus able to cause “community-level outbreaks”. The ability to cause sustained disease outbreaks in a community marks a significant upwards shift in the risk of a pandemic. Any country that suspects or has verified such an event should urgently consult with WHO so that the situation can be jointly assessed and a decision made by the affected country if implementation of a rapid pandemic containment operation is warranted. Phase 4 indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion.
Phase 5, is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short.
Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5. Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way.
In the post-pandemic period, influenza disease activity will have returned to levels normally seen for seasonal influenza. It is expected that the pandemic virus will behave as a seasonal influenza A virus. At this stage, it is important to maintain surveillance and update pandemic preparedness and response plans accordingly. An intensive phase of recovery and evaluation may be required.
This phased approach is intended to help countries and other stakeholders to anticipate when certain situations will require decisions and decide at which point main actions should be implemented.
Individual State Response to Pandemics
Under the U.S. Constitution’s 10th Amendment and U.S. Supreme Court decisions over nearly 200 years, state governments have the primary authority to control the spread of dangerous diseases within their jurisdictions. The 10th Amendment, which gives states all powers not specifically given to the federal government, allows them the authority to take public health emergency actions, such as setting quarantines and business restrictions.
With states adopting emergency measures, there are several broad public health tools that governors can invoke. They can, for example, order quarantines to separate and restrict the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick. They can also direct that those who are sick with a quarantinable communicable disease be isolated from people who are not sick. Curfews are another tool they can impose.
The power to quarantine and take even more stringent measures in the name of public health has belonged largely to the states for nearly 200 years. In 1824, the Supreme Court drew a clear line in Gibbons v. Ogden between the state and federal governments when it came to regulating activities within and between states. In a unanimous ruling, then-Chief Justice John Marshall cited the 10th Amendment in saying that police powers are largely reserved to states for activities within their borders.
In 1902, the Supreme Court directly addressed a state’s power to quarantine an entire geographical area. In Compagnie Francaise de Navigation a Vapeur v. Louisiana State Board of Health, the justices upheld a Louisiana Supreme Court decision that the state could enact and enforce quarantine laws unless Congress had decided to preempt them. Thus Louisiana could exclude healthy persons from an infested area populated with persons with a contagious or infectious disease (the Port of New Orleans), and that this power applied as well to persons seeking to enter the infected place, whether they came from within the state or not. The decision in Compagnie Francaise remains unchanged, and numerous courts have cited it as authority for state quarantines as recently as the Ebola outbreak.
Isolation and Quarantine
Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. Isolation separates sick people with a quarantinable communicable disease from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.
In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are “police power” functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society.
The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.
The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Under 42 Code of Federal Regulations parts 70 and 71, CDC is authorized to detain, medically examine, and release persons arriving into the United States and traveling between states who are suspected of carrying these communicable diseases.
States have police power functions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of persons within their borders. To control the spread of disease within their borders, states have laws to enforce the use of isolation and quarantine.
These laws can vary from state to state and can be specific or broad. In some states, local health authorities implement state law. In most states, breaking a quarantine order is a criminal misdemeanor.
If a quarantinable disease is suspected or identified, CDC may issue a federal isolation or quarantine order. Public health authorities at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels may sometimes seek help from police or other law enforcement officers to enforce a public health order. Breaking a federal quarantine order is punishable by fines and imprisonment.
Federal law allows the conditional release of persons from quarantine if they comply with medical monitoring and surveillance.
1. When a body is in fear, it releases a substance from certain organ cells.
2. If this substance is excited by 5G (60 Ghz) it starts a chain reaction.
3. It transmutes into an auto-immune weapon and attacks the immune system and further prohibits the body from absorbing oxygen.
4. With the immune system weakened or disabled, existing viruses in the body now can replicate and grow exponentially producing flu like symptoms.
5. These are incorrectly labeled the "coronavirus" or COVID-19 when they are existing ordinary flu virus remnants given new life.
6. They need to be treated as any other flu. (Consider: Colloidal Silver)
7. Wuhan China residents were inoculated with a substance similar to the "fear excretion substance" to amplify the effects of the 5G blast that would follow.
8. The massive outbreak in Wuhan was a test and saw a percent of the population succumb to the viruses already within them and without adequate oxygen resulting in pneumonia and death for many.
9. Individuals with a healthy immune system & no inoculation will likely not be affected.
10. Individuals with existing health conditions and a compromised immune system will likely fall prey to the 5G blast.
Corona Virus is Dead
How it died. RIP
1. Creator has ended the Corona Virus Hoax.
2. The 5G activator has been neutralized.
3. The chain reaction components producing the auto-immune attack and oxygen deprevation has been terminated.
4. All that now exist is a normal flu. (Consider: Vitamin C, A, D, Colloidal Silver)
Subject: Article - Covid-19 Does Not Exist
This article seems to be saying Covid-19 is not a NEW virus but something closely related to viruses of the past.
I sell cigars, but I also fix computers. More specifically, I sometimes fix the computers for the department of health and social services for the state of Alaska. I talk with about 50 nurses a week. I go to these facilities and I install and configure the software for a special type of ventilator (respiratory analyzer). I can tell you, without a doubt, with 100% certainty, covid-19 does not exist.
I believe that even without having special access to these areas I would not believe covid-19 exists anyway considering the evidence. But, I have to share this detail because if I didn’t, I am afraid nobody would listen.
1. Covid-19 still has not been proven to exist.
* Scientists have not isolated and identified enough unique genetic material to claim it’s a new virus.
* The procedures used to identify the genetic material they claim is “covid,” was acquired using extremely questionable methods. To clarify, any other study would have been thrown out if these same methods were used.
* The genetic material supplied has an 80% similarity rate with sars-cov-1. That is why the government called it sars-cov-2. However, that is not enough commonality to classify it as such. To compare, humans are more related to cats and cows, than covid is to sars-cov-1.
* According to Koch’s postulates, a virus must meet all these criteria:
* The virus must be present in every case of the disease. (NEGATIVE)
* The virus must be isolated from the host with the disease and grown in pure culture. (NEGATIVE)
* The specific disease must be reproduced when a pure culture of the bacteria is inoculated into a healthy susceptible host. (NEGATIVE)
* The virus must be recoverable from the experimentally infected host. (NEGATIVE)
There are many insinuations by the mainstream media that this is being done, but I charge anyone to prove that it is.
2. There is no test for covid-19
* The PCR test is the test used widely to test for covid-19. However, according to the FDA, the PCR test cannot distinguish between bacteria, exosomes, other viruses, or any other levels of random DNA.
* The PCR test replicates DNA and if the amount exceeds a preset within a threshold, it gives a binary result. The threshold can be set to any number. If there is a desired result, you can set a threshold to produce that result. It cannot see specifics. The creator of this test says it cannot be used to test for covid. (This is why you can test goats, fruit, and birds and they will test “positive for covid.” This is why you can be negative, then positive, then negative, then positive over the span of a few days.)
* There have been claims that other tests have been developed for covid. Almost all of them are a variation of the PCR test. PCR is by far the most widely used test for covid.
* Categorizing patients as covid positive.
* How are you supposed to count someone as positive if they cannot even test for it?
* How are you supposed to attribute covid as the cause of death if it has not been proven to exist?
* The CDC sent every doctor in the U.S. a document. It is an operating procedure instructing them on how to categorize covid. In this document it states that the doctor does not have to test for covid and can use their best judgement. This includes living patients and deceased patients.
* Dr. Birx of the white house said during a press briefing that they are counting all deceased who are presumed to have covid, as a covid death.
3. Covid = Money = Motive
* For Medicaid patients, the federal government will pay $13,000 for anyone who tests positive.
* For Medicaid patients, the federal government will pay $38,000 for any “covid” patients placed on a ventilator. (this is why you see covid affecting low income and minority patients disproportionately)
* Hospitals were mandated by the government to prioritize “covid” cases over everything else. People were asked to stay home. Many states mandated profitable elective surgeries be postponed. (Hospitals started going bankrupt and laying off employees)
* If you compare private hospitals to public hospitals in terms of patients, private hospitals rate of covid patients were a fraction of public hospitals. Why the disparity? Could it be Medicaid?
* Hospitals will place non-covid positive patients as covid positive to collect money.
* Hospitals place patients on a ventilator even if they don’t need it. Potentially killing the patient.
* Patients are pressured into signing DNR’s
* Some patients have been placed into DNR status even without signing the form.
* In NYC, 80% of people placed on ventilators died. They did not die from covid, they died from medical malpractice, but covid is what they put on the certificate.
* How could they have died from covid when it hasn’t even been proven to exist?
4. Senior Citizens
* In March, it was reported that 35% of all “covid” deaths, happened in an assisted living facility.
* Policies in assisted living facilities changed to promote DNR forms (many facilities are state run and/or heavily regulated.)
* Triage oriented policies were implemented in senior care facilities.
* Priority is set on an AGE basis.
5. Bill Gates and His Associates (For the sake of brevity, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, have been shortened to just Bill Gates. No important information or context is lost)
* The premise that the government used to justify the shutdown was 100% funded by Bill Gates.
* Bill Gates funded the models produced by Neil Ferguson
* Bill Gates funded the models produced by the University of Washington
* Bill Gates funded NIAID for gain of function study in Wuhan
* Bill Gates is the largest individual funder of the World Health Organization
* Bill Gates funds crucial elements of the CDC
* Bill Gates funds Dr. Fauci
* Bill Gates was responsible for securing the multi-billion dollar contract with the U.S. government in regards to developing a vaccine.
* Bill Gates met with Rep. Bobby Rush in regards to H.R. 6666 in August, 2019.
Masks don’t do anything
Viruses pass though fabric like water passes through a net.
For those who remain unconvinced that covid is fake, the CDC has determined (lol) that covid can’t survive outside the body. So, the excuse that the mask is for other people is not valid.
Wearing a mask increased the acidity in the blood creating circumstances that actually lower your immune system.
Causes social issues. (Consider how you feel toward another person who isn’t wearing a mask, and vis-versa)
6. The CDC does not have a single source stating that masks protect you from viruses.
* Social Distancing Doesn’t Do Anything
* Social distancing has never been proven to do anything.
* We are discovering the true ramifications of social distancing. Suicides are up, domestic abuse is up, child abuse is up.
7. Censorship
* Many credible doctors have been smashed with the ban hammer for presenting evidence against the existence of covid, or even questioning the information being put out by the media, WHO, and the CDC.
* I personally was suspended multiple times from Facebook, Youtube, and Nextdoor for sharing videos, studies, research that went counter to the mainstream narrative.
* Please realize you are only getting one side of the story.
I could go on. But this should be enough to get you thinking. I beg you, please turn off your tv, radio and social media and do some research.
I would like to thank all who have read this far. It means that you getting close to knowing the truth, or, you are willing to entertain ideas that might not be in line with what you believe at this moment in time.
Please remember to share this information with everyone you know. Grassroots efforts like this is the only way we can spread truth because of the de-platforming happening on all major information sites. If you have questions/ comments they can be left down below. Thank you again. Please like and share.
How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose
Listen to Douglas and Tyla explain why America is in big trouble. This is a shocking finding that you need to scale to your friends and family. Contact your elected representatives immediately and demand that this legislation be terminated.
Medical Tyranny – Deaths and Disabilities Through COVID-19 Ventilator Treatments
COVID-19 is not as deadly as Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Birx of the CDC hoped it would be, but that will not stop them from pushing their vaccine agenda and their attempts to depopulate the world to save it from carbon-breathing humans who they believe are warming the planet..........
Once Again, President Trump Hands Democrats Enough Rope
Here’s an old, irrefutable chestnut: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging! But Regressives refuse to learn that lesson and are yet again falling into the chasm of a trap President Trump has set for them.........
Celebrating American Independence, President Andrew Jackson, and Mt. Rushmore
Jackson and his supporters founded the modern Democratic Party and his policies on the Indians were considered benevolent at the time. For many years, before it became politically incorrect, there were Jefferson-Jackson Day fundraising dinners, named for Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, which were sponsored by the Democratic Party.........
Our Spirit posted: ". . President Trump and the First Lady Participate in the 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebrations https://youtu.be/x5lh5oUCWTs. Patriot Charlotte Powell Brooks posts: In the future, when this particular time of history is reviewed, this one man – "
In the future, when this particular time of history is reviewed, this one man – his words and his deeds – will give sensible people great pause and wonderment. How?, they will ask themselves. This one individual, basically alone, relentlessly attacked from everywhere, non-stop. Legions of hateful, ruthless mobs with but one thing in mind. Destroy. Destroy him no matter what. Whatever it takes, destroy him. How did he continue and accomplish such magnificent things? Never even the slightest hesitation. Never a doubt. Always moving the country forward toward greatness. Words in the history books will be awe inspiring, but will not do him justice.
There will be a monument. Yes, indeed. There will be a monument.
AIM Patriot Mayford is standing her ground. She writes:
I refuse to wear a mask even though it is "mandatory" for the State of Taxes. I do at Home Depot because I will be terminated if I don't. This was brought up by one of our employees that says if you are a peaceful protestor there is nothing they can do. So I peacefully protest. After work today I went to Walmart and as I entered one of their employees ask where my mask was, I told her I was protesting and she said nothing.
Listen to Michael, Douglas and Tyla discuss this engineering FLAW.
Long time follower. Love all your information. I am wondering about the exemption card you are promoting. According to what others are saying and the justice department website these cards are fraud. Is this true? Or are they losing to us about that as well.
Our reply: Our card does not contain the Department of Justice logo as the ones you are describing have. The one below is NOT GOOD because it uses a DOJ logo. The enemy is trying to distract from ours because folks everywhere are wearing them and they are trying to discredit.
So this one is NOT GOOD.
These are fine. If you are in another country, please modify with legal and cultural language that is appropriate:
For those of you wondering how to get the image from your phone to the printer when you don't have a printer, go to a local office supply store that has printers. Ask the attendee how to send an image from your phone to them for printing. They may give you an email address or even a phone number for texting. From there, ask them to print the card. Use photo or heavy stock paper or ask them to laminate for you. Make sure to pick up a lanyard!
Here's a photo of mine with a special EO Texas lanyard:
All well and good that we have a Second Amendment and lots of guns in personal possession here in America...but how many of these tough guys are wearing the mask of submission when they go to Home Depot? If you can't stand up to face mask tyranny, then you will probably never pull the trigger of a gun against the invisible enemy.
This is what the Marxist revolutionaries did to our monuments this week:
Then President Trump did what we love watching him do - Strike Back. Let's make monuments great again! Plus think about the infrastructure spending that will go to artists, sculptors, landscapers and all the side jobs involved in erecting this garden.
I've been feeling a little down the past few weeks. It all seems so overwhelming at times. I'm in SC and I see the occasional Trump sticker, American flags are everywhere, but I want to see more Trump. We came to our lake house for the July 4th holiday like we always do. I was sitting on the dock and in comes a boat with a Trump flag. I was elated. They stayed a while in the cove and left. Sure enough, two more boats cruise by both with Trump flags.
This was amazing 1. Because 3 boats in the cove is a lot for us and 2. All the Trump flags. My husband shows up and we get in the boat to go for a ride. As soon as we left the cove we saw hundreds of boats all with Trump flags, rebel flags, Gadsden flags, American flags. I got chills seeing it. It was 95 degrees and I got chills. This is a quiet lake. I’ve been coming here for over 25 years. I have never seen it like I saw yesterday. Houses covered in red, white and blue, Trump everywhere, people just out and waving to strangers, honking horns and thumbs up everywhere.
I think the entire United States has been sitting in their houses getting more and more pissed off at Democrats and people are tired of the bullshit. There was a fireworks show last night and of course there will be one tonight. There have never been 2 fireworks shows! Of course, we have to go to the polls, but Trump will win. I know it. He could do rallies on the water and people would go. The hell with looking for arenas. Trump 2020!
Also today: A bombshell investigative story that reveals how communist China is supplying automatic weapons parts to Black Lives Matter, and how the corrupt Governor of California is engaged in a massive international money laundering scheme to buy weapons, ammunition and gold.
It's an incredibly powerful story of corruption and treason. A must-read:
Enjoy world-class coffee with Health Ranger Select Organic Hand-roasted Whole Bean Coffee blends. All our premium coffee blends are imported directly from small Fair Trade-certified farmer cooperatives across the planet. Choose from our Cold Brew, El Guapo, Ethiopian, Sumatran, Decaf Peru, Decaf Honduras, and Honey Processed Honduras blends. Our freshly roasted coffee blends are non-GMO, certified organic and Fair Trade, and are lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology.
There is now no secret that the Democratic Party is indeed the Communist Party. We have two choices in the coming election. Stay home and Biden is put into office which will be the absolute disaster for America, or get out and vote for the best president we have ever had, Donald Trump. And let us put a lot of prayer into this upcoming election..........
Very little of what you see and hear in the officially-sanctioned mainstream press is true. We’re at a place where we EXPECT our government leaders and “public servants” to lie to us, profit illegally from their positions and exploit their power — all at our expense.........
God's judgment persists on our four hundred year old American experiment with creating a constitutional republic. The gates of hell opened in many of our cities in recent weeks. Science and government are no match for such portals. Demons pass freely, and violently, back and forth through them.........
Build a personal relationship with your sheriff. I can’t emphasize this enough. In the event that our government and our military are compromised, the sheriff can deputize armed citizens for law enforcement and/or protection. This is what the 2nd Amendment is all about. If you sheriff doesn’t understand this, help him/her! Give them the resources to educate themselves.........
Our Spirit posted: ". Founding Father of our Restored Republic . Home Free - God Bless the U.S.A. (featuring Lee Greenwood and The United States Air Force Band) https://youtu.be/SrMftm6Km3g . Lee Greenwood’s New ‘God Bless The USA’ Rendition Reaches Peak Patriotism With H"
Christoph Joseph Leather, replying to @bennyjohnson
I’m right here in the middle of it. The people are saying screw it. I don’t know where they get them but seems like everybody has the good stuff(illegal fireworks) big morters almost professional pyrotechnic sized. Fireworks going off like a war zone in every direction
President Trump’s message in his Mt. Rushmore speech, today, was a call to action on the part of patriots. It will no longer do to simply go to rallies and shout “USA! USA!” aim4truth is right to exhort us all to engage immediately in mass civil disobedience.
That would be a massive withdrawal of consent by American patriots. Our government can only act by the consent of the governed. What other way is there to withdraw consent? We’ve been trying to simply tell them, in multiple ways, since the beginning of the Tea Party. But they are not listening.
There is, however, nothing at all that government can do when the people refuse to obey them. Their power drops to zero in an instant. That is how to save the nation, save our founding principles–by ACTING on them!
The globalshits are nudging humanity into global genocide. WAKE UP and stop wearing that damn face muzzle. The next thing will be tattoos (microchips) and boxcars (autonomous vehicles).
The White House released a statement Saturday morning indicating President Trump has signed a bill extending the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) until August 8.
On Saturday, July 4, 2020, the president signed into law: S. 4116, which (1) reauthorizes lending under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) through August 8, 2020; and (2) separates the authorized limits for commitments under the PPP from other Small Business Administration loan programs. - the statement read
How about suing on the basis that cloth masks are just clothing, not PPE or medical devices, and therefore mask mandates are infringing on 1A?
vfr2imc says:
Ohio attorney here.
I'm in.
I'm not a ConLaw attorney, but I'll happily do some pro bono local counsel under the expertise of someone who knows what they're doing.
Admitted in all of the state of Ohio and federally in the Southern District of Ohio.
DemsKnow Everything joins the WOKE crowd:
Criminal defense attorney here. I represent clients throughout Maryland. I've handled charges from first degree murder to fishing without a license. If you have any friends who are charged with the mentioned or related charges then please PM me.