**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
For 10 years I have been collecting precious tools and artifacts among the stone circle ruins in southern Africa and I remain the only person who actively studies the ruins. These artifacts date back over 200,000 years and have been proudly displayed in a humble converted double garage - to the joy and appreciation of thousands of people. These include the stones that ring like bells; Klarksdorp spheres or wonder stones; the mysterious cone shaped tools; the bird stones connected to the Zimbabwe birds, and several Sacred Stones, or the doughnut shaped "torus" stones - which have been identified as powerful energy generating devices.
The time has come for me to build a quality world-class museum to hold these precious items and give the visitors an unforgettable experience. I will also create an ONLINE museum visit experience once this new museum is complete.
If you resonate with the research and effort that has gone into this work, please make a contribution to the construction of the NEW STONE CIRCLE MUSEUM on the link below AND share this with everyone who would like to play role in preserving some of the most mysterious ancient tools from a vanished civilisation.
If there was any person worth talking to in depth about the Matrix and how to understand it, it was the most innovative hypnotherapist who ever lived, Jack True. He took all his experience with his clients and made enormous breakthroughs in un-hypnotizing people at very deep levels.
In The Matrix Revealed, there are 43 interviews with Jack True. 320 pages.
Jack was determined to find ways to show people how their own approach to reality was merging with the Matrix. He never tired of explaining his insights based on clinical experience.
Jack once told me a person had to be stimulated to pry open his own passive inclinations, in order to discover hidden energies and power. He was all about providing that stimulation, in the form of innovative and sometimes shocking ideas about reality and perception.
These 43 interviews are priceless explorations of frontiers of consciousness.
One night at dinner, Jack said, “If you take any fixation a person has, you are looking at a funeral ceremony for his own creative power. Suppose he’s fixated on money. Dig far enough into that, and you’ll find a brilliant artist who has innovative ideas about making money. It seems impossible, but it’s there. I’ve seen it many times. But you have to open up the whole area, not just a little bit. What you end up with is the blueprint for the formation of a problem. Where does a problem come from? It comes from deciding that your own creative approach to something is too radical. Then you try ‘the normal way’, and that doesn’t work for you. So it’s a problem now. You try to solve the problem and wrestle it to the ground. You can’t. You become fixated on the problem. That’s what happens to people. And to put the cherry on the cake, these people tell you they’re not creative. You can meditate for a thousand years and you won’t solve that. So we come to the question: why do people give up on their own creative power? That’s been the core of my practice for a long time. Unraveling that has been my life’s work.”
It was very good work. It was brilliant work. It was unparalleled work.
And that’s just a fraction of the overall text, which runs to 1,100 pages. Then there are 10-plus hours of audio from me about the Planetary Chessboard, the Matrix, and what amounts to psychological operations aimed at populations and individuals.
You get the full text of AIDS INC., my first book, which Jack shepherded into a publishing deal for me. It takes apart the medical-research complex at a level most people never investigate: the most hidden lies; how they are built; how they are told; how they are sold; how they are fused into an anti-logical whole. Step by step.
My interviews with Ellis Medavoy, retired propaganda expert, and Richard Bell, financial rebel, provide you with striking and startling insights into other key aspects of the Matrix.
The Matrix Revealed represents about half of my work over a ten year period. You could say it’s why I left the field of conventional investigative journalism. There were questions that needed to be answered. Big questions. And I refused to shy away from them.
the matrix revealed
Here are the contents of The Matrix Revealed:
* 250 megabytes of information.
* Over 1100 pages of text.
* Ten and a half hours of audio.
The heart and soul of this product are the text interviews I conducted with Matrix-insiders, who have first-hand knowledge of how the major illusions of our world are put together:
* JACK TRUE, the most creative hypnotherapist on the face of the planet. Jack’s anti-Matrix understanding of the mind and how to liberate it is unparalleled. His insights are unique, staggering. 43 interviews, 320 pages.
* ELLIS MEDAVOY, master of PR, propaganda, and deception, who worked for key controllers in the medical and political arenas. 28 interviews, 290 pages.
* RICHARD BELL, financial analyst and trader, whose profound grasp of market manipulation and economic-rigging is formidable, to say the least. 16 interviews, 132 pages.
The 2 bonuses alone are rather extraordinary:
* My complete 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS, which includes the teacher’s manual and audio to guide you. I was previously selling the course for $375. This is a new way to teach logic, the subject that has been missing from schools for decades.
* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst. I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.
Also included:
* Several more interviews with brilliant analysts of the Matrix. 53 pages.
* The ten and a half hours of mp3 audio are my solo presentation, based on these interviews and my own research. Title: The Multi-Dimensional Planetary Chessboard—The Matrix vs. the Un-Conditioning of the Individual.
(All the material is digital. Upon ordering it, you’ll receive an email with a link to it.)
Understanding Matrix is also understanding your capacity and power, and that is the way to approach this subject. Because liberation is the goal. And liberation has no limit.
I invite you to a new exploration and a great adventure.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
There’s a court case happening right now in Washington, DC. Follow this blog (click here) and this man, Neil, (here), for up to the minute updates. Google “The Strawman” and # HATJ. Read this article (click here). This “identity hearing” is being called one of the most important cases, worldwide, of this century. It’s being referred to as a pivotal moment, equal to the day that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat on that bus in 1955 (click here). You’ll want to be informed.
It’s been aptly named (“identity hearing”). Here’s why you should care:
We all begin the same. We are bits of eternal essence, birthed into physical form. You may refer to this as “soul”. From this point on, we enter life as we’ve constructed it, into whichever society our mother was a part of.
Now physical, we are declared property, and given a number. That number is what “allows” us to operate commercially within the society we’ve entered. It is necessary in today’s society, in order to conduct any “legal” enterprise, or to be considered for employment; to “earn a living”.
Realize in which circumstances that number is demanded/required. You do not need it before breathing, moving, skipping, climbing, swimming, running, jumping, dancing, making love, eating, drinking, sleeping, singing or loving. These activities can only be performed by one who is alive. You do not need to “earn” them. They are a function of you, in physical form.
We all end the same. We leave our physical form and return our focus once again to eternal essence. You may refer to this as soul. From this point on, we continue life as we’ve constructed it. This will vary individually, according to our beliefs, as all constructs do.
As you are reading this or hearing this, your current focus is Earth. The story you’ve entered was already happening before you arrived. This may be before Rosa Parks got on that bus, or after, it matters not. You are here now because you wanted to see how it ends; not your life or Earth’s, but the story.
So, you have a number. Those that decided to number you, are not human. They look human, but instead they perceive themselves to be “humanities owners”. It turns out that George Carlin, and many others before and after him, were right (click here). They don’t give a damn about you.
They are the International Banking family bloodlines, 6 or 8 families I believe, and they own the planet. They’ve been told many times to give it up and move elsewhere, yet they won’t let go because of greed. We find ourselves here today, at the doorstep of not just financial freedom, but actual freedom. You’ve never experienced that, regardless of what you’ve been told.
These families consider you to be property. They are not the faces and names plastered all over your media. You do not see them. Their only interest is in holding on to the planet and a few humans, to keep them comfortable while they are on it.
This is a great deal to take in (if you haven’t already been following it). There are many truths that will elucidate this. Here’s an article (click here). It illustrates some of what’s been done with our numbers and associated value. I’ll try here to summarize our story up until this pivotal moment:
You are born.
You are numbered (think, in the United States, Social Security Number)
Your physical embodiment has a value immediately (this value is millions or billions)
This value, which emerges directly from your physical embodiment, is now assigned to your number.
Your number and value is represented as YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (i.e. ALL CAPS YOU).
The ALL CAPS LETTER “YOU” declares you (actual you) to be legally lost at sea, and now gone. (this part is a bit fuzzy)
Since the system/firm/bank/family/entity that numbered you, also owns you, they can now use ALL CAPS YOU for trade.
When you work “for a living”, you add value to the ALL CAPS YOU (Remember, you can’t be employed without a number)
When you take out a loan, you are borrowing from your own account (ALL CAPS YOU, which, by the way, is owned by the bankers), and charged interest until you pay yourself back.
Your owners use ALL CAPS YOU for collateral. This is because no one else has claimed ALL CAPS YOU (i.e. – you must be still “lost at sea”)
What is happening in Washington, DC this coming Friday, is that someone (Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, # HATJ) is attempting to set legal precedent – that she is the physical embodiment of her ALL CAPS, numbered representation.
She is NOT that ALL CAPS representation, (which is the legal fiction that has stolen her actual value, transferred it to a dollar amount, used it as collateral and charged her interest if she attempts to use any of it) – but the actual physical embodiment, and therefore value, herself.
She is the value – period. She is not “lost at sea”. As such, she is entitled to the value assigned to her at her birth. It is not the property/value of the ALL CAPS FICTION. She is that value.
That ALL CAPS FICTION in fact represents a physical embodiment of eternal essence – you may refer to this as soul.
She cannot be owned or used as collateral. She is the value. Period.
As that value has been assigned a dollar amount, she is the holder of that dollar amount. This amount is, in the USA and for Heather, being held in a Treasury Direct Account at a Federal Reserve Bank, (which is not “Federal” but in fact a bank owned by one of the families previously mentioned).
It is not the dollar amount that is important, it’s the value. That value cannot be monetized. That value is you. You are eternal essence, physically embodied and priceless.
Your value has been monetized this way for commerce, which has supplied the owners with the tools for their slavery trade.
The undoing of this will happen when enough of us (the slaves in this story), let go of our desire for stuff.
This stuff, which costs money, which you now know comes directly from your own soul, is only worth what you decide it is worth.
It is the “greed” (which has been demonstrated to us by our owners) that keeps us stuck. We can see only one option, and it is to hang on to our stuff. If we all let go at once, we would be free. Behold the baboon (click here). He is only caught by his own efforts; he refuses to let go until it is too late. It is not too late for us.
This story ends with release. What happens now is global awareness of the slavery trap, via the trial in Washington DC this Friday, August 4, 2017, at 10:00 AM EST. This ultimately results in a release of our monetary value by the owners. It ends now. It is the end of that story.
Simultaneously, it is our own letting go. For once we realize our worth; our value becomes paramount. It translates to cash because society functions that way now. Once we behold in each other, a value that is equally worthy – we release the death grip on the value that is fiction. There is where our real power lies. It lies within.
It’s not yet determined how exactly we get there, yet for sure we are free. This now moment is akin to that Rosa Parks moment. One of us has stood up and said “enough”.
What you can do now is share this story, every way that you can. There is no one untouched by these events. Visualize what your life looks like once you have access to the commercial value that has been yours since birth. Hold that vision. It becomes your reality now.
Our friend Jack Sturgeon has an idea. He’s asked for each of us to meditate on love, freedom, and realization of value, for all concerned (owners included), at the moment the hearing begins; Friday, 8/4/17, 10:00 AM EST. He is applying the principles he outlined in this video (Click here for “It happens within”). Here is his logic:
How many conscious people do we need to flip us into “Sovereignty” and
“Abundance”? I believe about 3,000 people, then why isn’t anything
happening? It is happening, but it doesn’t happen in a blink of an eye.
1) The mathematics has already been done, it amounts to this: the square
root of one tenth of one percent of the entire field. To visually see
this, the entire field is 8 billion people. One tenth of one percent of
the entire field is: .001 x 8,000,000,000 = 8,000,000.
2) That’s 8 million people. Take the square root of 8 million: the
square root of 8,000,000 = 2,828.4 or rounded off, 3,000 people.
3) That’s three (3) thousand people minimum meditating during the
Heather Hearing Case to get favorable results for “WE THE PEOPLE”.
So, share this blog. Join us for a global meditation on Friday, 10 AM EST. It is time.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this.
stars in the pleiadesstar cluster Sometimes the stars align. This is one of those times. Not long after the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) announced that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tested positive for glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, another story broke—one that validates the importance of finding glyphosate, even at low doses, in any food.
According to internal Monsanto documents, Monsanto forced the retraction of a critical long-term study, first published in 2012, showing that very low doses of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide—lower than those detected in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream—caused serious liver and kidney damage in rats. Shortly before the study was retracted, the editor of the journal began working for Monsanto, under a consulting contract. (The study, led by G.E. Séralini, was republished in 2014, by the Environmental Sciences Europe). Monsanto company officials weren’t too pleased when their internal emails went public. The New York Times reported that one Monsanto scientists wrote this in an internal email in 2001:
“If somebody came to me and said they wanted to test Roundup I know how I would react — with serious concern.” The email was uncovered in what the Huffington Post reported are more than 75 documents, including intriguing text messages and discussions about payments to scientists, which were posted for public viewing early Tuesday morning by attorneys who are suing Monsanto on behalf of people alleging Roundup caused them or their family members to become ill with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of blood cancer. Monsanto told the New York Times “it was outraged by the documents’ release. But we are the ones who should be outraged. By Monsanto knowingly selling a toxic product, and covering it up by attacking credible independent scientists. By government agencies that allowed, and possibly even colluded in the cover-ups and attacks. And by companies like Ben & Jerry’s that profess great concern for naatural ingredients, health, the environment, the climate and “social responsibility,” while excusing themselves from having to live up to those promises.
It's Time
alarm clock drowningin a storm at sea It’s time for Ben & Jerry’s to live up to its promises of "natural," "Non-GMO" and "social responsibility." On Thursday, August 10, OCA will sponsor #DumpBenandJerrys press events and protests in seven U.S. cities: New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Austin, Washington, D.C. and Burlington, Vt. Our OCA Mexico team will hold a press event and protest in Mexico City. Can you help organize or participate in a #DumpBenandJerrys protest in one of these seven cities? Sign up to protest in New York Sign up to protest in Chicago Sign up to protest in Minneapolis Sign up to protest in Los Angeles Sign up to protest in Austin Sign up to protest in Washington D.C. Sign up to protest in Burlington, Vt. Don’t live in one of these cities? Stay tuned for information on how to organize a protest in your own community—we’ll be rolling out details soon! Putting human health at risk by selling glyphosate-contaminated ice cream is bad enough. But that’s only part of B&J’s toxic #DirtyDairy story. By refusing to switch to organic milk and ingredients, B&J’s:
·Bankrupts family farmers. Since B&J began 1978, over 2,000 dairy-farm families in Vermont have been forced off the land. The same trend holds nationwide. By helping farmers’ transition to organic, and paying a fair price for organic milk, B&J’s could help restore family farms and rural economies.
·Pollutes waterways. Vermont taxpayers are stuck with a $2-billion tab for cleaning up the state’s lakes and rivers, polluted by chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides—glyphosate, atrazine, metolachlor—used to grow the GMO corn that Vermont dairy farmers feed their cows.
·Abuses animals. The average life span of a pastured 100% grass-fed organic dairy cow is about 15-20 years. GMO grain-fed dairy cows, confined in barns, are usually slaughtered before the age of 6. Most have suffered from painful and preventable udder infections (mastitis), respiratory problems, hoof infections, leg injuries and diarrhea.
·Exploits farmworkers. B&J claims it’s working with its farmers to guarantee fair wages and working conditions for dairy farmworkers. So far, the company has not fulfilled that promise.
·Contributes to global warming. More than 92,000 acres of Vermont farmland is planted in corn grown for animal feed. 96% of that corn is GMO. GMO monocultures destroy the soil’s ability to draw down and sequester carbon.
Text 'dirtydairy' to 97779 to sign the petition
Freaky Future Food?
computer generatedimage of pears "Humankind, despite its artistic abilities, sophistication and accomplishments, owes its existence to a six-inch layer of farmable soil—and the fact that it rains!" – Anonymous What will food and agriculture look like in 2030? The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine (NASEM) wants to know. What do we think? We think that while scientists might be able to create synthetic “foods” in a lab—like Soylent, a liquid “food replacement substance,” syn-bio burgers and lab-grown meat, that’s not the direction we should be headed. We think the most important scientific breakthrough to achieve in agriculture by 2030 is to figure out how to reverse soil loss and rapidly regenerate our farming and grazing lands. Especially because the United Nations says that at current rates of erosion, we’ll run out of farmable soil in 60 years. And it’s doubtful we can live on planet without soil. Please help us share this message with the NASEM: The future of food lies in regenerating our soil, through organic and regenerative farming and land-use practices. Also . . . we’ve asked three preeminent regenerative agriculture scientists to submit white papers to NASEM on regenerative agriculture and land use. Please support their work by voting for them.
laughing icon emoji We’ll have more on this next week, but we couldn’t resist sharing this juicy tidbit from Sanderson “Fake Natural Chicken” Farms. First, the background. In June, OCA and other groups sued Sanderson, a mulit-billion-dollar company and the fourth largest poultry producer in the U.S., over its blatantly false advertising, after we learned what’s actually in Sanderson’s “100% Natural” chicken. You can find the full list of contaminants here <http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=TW%2B5i08KyrJEk%2FHd85k6bJ4ZdCSeAHpi> . Tests conducted by the USDA revealed that Sanderson chicken contains antibiotics like amoxicillin, penicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, sulfadiazine, and sulfamethizole. Sanderson chicken also tested positive for a number of pesticides, and also for drugs, including ketamine <http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=1BCRUptc3n%2FLqpvrU%2F6ab54ZdCSeAHpi> , ketoprofren <http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=kCJfq0R9lEyvrnPcJueNNJ4ZdCSeAHpi> and prednisone, a common steroid.
Our lawsuit points to outrageous advertising claims, on the Sanderson website, on TV and radio, about how “natural” Sanderson products are. (We couldn’t sue the company for the false "100% Natural" labels on its packages, because unlike for other food products, the USDA has an official definition for "natural" as it applies to labels on meat. According to the USDA, any meat that contains no artificial flavors or flavorings, coloring ingredients, chemical preservatives, or other artificial or synthetic ingredients can be labeled “natural.” Apparently, the USDA thinks it’s OK to call chicken that contains all manner of drugs and pesticides as “natural.” Go figure). Back to this week's news. Sanderson just announced a new adverstising campaign called "Old MacGimmick." Sanderson says the new campaign evolved from its efforts to continue its "truth-telling mission." Here’s the truth. Sanderson chicken contains everything listed above, and more. The tests don’t lie. The "100% Natural" labels do. You may not fall for false “natural” labels and advertising claims. But Sanderson’s contaminated chicken is problem for everyone, whether or not you eat Sanderson chicken. Those contaminants end up in the environment. And the chicken ends up in hospitals and schools and restaurants, unlabeled. And the organic poultry producers who raise chicken right? They lose business when companies like Sanderson are allowed to make false claims, either on their product packaging or in their advertising. That makes it tougher for those producers to survive. And when they go out of business, consumers have fewer choices.
According to the Sanderson press release, consumers just love the Sanderson brand. If you don’t, please let the company know!
Endgame two players on asoccer field taking a shotat a goal If you care about GMOs in your food, you probably also care about toxic chemicals like Monsantos’ Roundup weedkiller in your food. If you care about weedkiller residues in your food, you probably aren’t too keen about Roundup, and its key active ingredient, glyphosate, in your rivers and lakes, much less your drinking water. If glyphosate in your drinking water bugs you, then you can’t be too happy about the millions of acres of GMO corn and soy grown in the U.S., a huge percentage of which is fed to animals on factory farms. The problems with the U.S. food system are bigger than just Roundup or glyphosate. But Roundup plays a key role in GMO agriculture. And GMO agriculture plays a key role in factory farms. Why are we suing General Mills over its glyphosate-contaminated granola bars? Why are we hammering on Ben & Jerry’s about the glyphosate in its ice cream? Not because Roundup- or glyphosate-free products are the endgame. Targeting glyphosate contamination is critical. But it's also a means to an end—the end of factory farms. When companies make false claims about their glyphosate-contaminated products, they help prop up the GMO monoculture agriculture that is the lynchpin of factory farms. And factory farms, with their pollution, labor abuses, horrific animal abuse, and filthy, drug- and pesticide-contaminated food, are the biggest scourge on our industrial, degenerative food system. (A new report out just this week blames the factory farm meat industry for the largest-ever dead zone, in the Gulf of Mexico). Ben & Jerry’s needs to go organic. Because the Roundup weedkiller in Ben & Jerry's ice cream is dangerous, based on the latest independent, peer-reviewed science. But Ben & Jerry’s needs to go organic also because, with international sales of $1.3 billion, the company is a major supporter of an industrial dairy system, fed by millions of acres of GMO crops, that pollutes, mistreats animals and workers, is bankrupting farmers, and produces contaminated food. This is how we end factory farming. Please support this important work.
The Big Dump
Ben and JerrysRoundup Ready Ice Cream Watch Ronnie Cummins, accompanied by OCA staff members, don hazmat suits to raid their local food store and scoop up all the Ben and Jerry’s Roundup Ready ice cream. Ten of 11 samples of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream sent by OCA to an independent lab tested positive for glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. A peer-reviewed long-term feeding study published in 2012, and again in 2014, found that doses of 0.1 parts-per-billion (ppb) of glyphosate— below the levels of glyphosate found in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream—caused liver and kidney toxicity as well as hormonal disturbances in rats. It’s time for consumers, and retail stores, to #DumpBenandJerrys!
Today the world commemorates what remains the ultimate demonstration of worldly might and power: the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, by the United States in 1945. Then there was the “shock and awe” bombing of Bagdad after the destruction of the twin towers. Human power and might is a sobering commodity. We can wield power in many ways: in military strength as well as economic muscle. We threaten with a stick or wave the carrot. Intelligence or talent may bring a certain amount of authority into our grasp. Other routes to power include celebrity, physical attraction, technological savvy, education, birthright, good connections, and the irresistible force of personal charisma.
It is to this irresistible force of personal charisma I would like to speak to. The late Itzhak Perlman was one of the great virtuoso violinists of the 20th century. Stricken with polio as a child, he wore large braces on both legs and maneuvered with the aid of two crutches.
Seeing him take the stage was an inspiring sight: painfully and slowly, but majestically and confidently, he would make his way to his chair. Then he would carefully lower himself into his chair, place his crutches on the floor, unfasten the braces on his legs, and tuck one foot back and extend the other foot forward; he would then bend down and pick up his violin, arrange it under his chin, and then nod to the conductor. It was a ritual that his audiences had come to respect and admire.
At a concert at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall in November 1995, the audience saw what a master musician Perlman was. After playing just the first few bars of the opening piece, one of the strings on his violin broke. Everyone in the hall could hear it snap - it sounded like a blast of gunfire. Both musicians and audience members expected the concert to stop and wait for Perlman to put his braces back on, take up his crutches and make his way backstage to restring the instrument or find a replacement. But Perlman didn't. Instead, he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin again and Perlman picked up the piece from the point where he had left off.
Itzhak Perlman then proceeded to do the impossible: he played a symphonic work with just three strings. Audience and orchestra watched and listened in amazement as Perlman modulated, transposed and re-composed the piece in his head. At one point, it sounded like he was "de-tuning" the strings to get new sounds from them that they had never made before.
When he finished, there was an awesome silence in the room - and then a thunderous ovation roared from every corner of the great hall. Perlman smiled, wiped the sweat from this brow, raised his bow to quiet the audience; then he said - not boastfully, but in a quiet, pensive, reverent tone: "You know, sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left."
What the audience witnessed that evening at Avery Fisher Hall was music that was more than skill. Itzhak Perlman possessed within his soul and mind - as well as with his hands - the artistry to create with what he had. In the vision we have come to call Jesus' "transfiguration," Peter, James and John realize the divine "music" within Jesus that will enable him to teach, to heal, and to take up the cross for humankind's redemption. Today's feast of the Transfiguration calls us to realize that sense of divinity, that "music of the holy", that exists within each one of us, and resolve to use that grace - no matter what form it may take - to take up the challenge of mending the broken strings of our lives and of our world. But this comes not only from “practice, practice, practice“: but from the love of the practicing of our faith so that we can find out how much “faith-music” we can make with what we have left.
A researcher at Queen's University Belfast has discovered a way to convert dirty aluminium foil into a biofuel catalyst, which could help to solve global waste and energy problems.
Peter Arpin's
Business Side of Green
Fountain Head, Millennials Taking Action
Do we, as a society, empower future leaders or do young people of quality empower our future? Who leads whom? What is the heartbeat of change within a community?
Patricia Cota-Robles FREE SEMINAR in NEW YORK CITY
SEPTEMBER 17, 2017
presented by Patricia Cota-Robles
Feeling confused or overwhelmed by the challenging things that are taking place in your life and in the World? You are not alone. From outer appearances it is easy to come to the conclusion that things are getting worse, but that is inaccurate. In fact, nothing could be farther from the Truth.
The reality is everything has changed, and IT IS NOW TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP! You will be delighted to know that you have learned as much as you ever need to know about pain and suffering. No matter what the challenge is that you are going through, it is time for the pain to stop.
Now, more than ever, it is possible for you to complete the lessons and the healing process so that you can move forward to create the life you want. What you will learn in this FREE SEMINAR is that you already know how to do this. You have within you all of the knowledge, wisdom, strength, courage and skill you need to complete your lessons and the healing process. Now it is time to learn how to access this information which will set you FREE.
This seminar is a Gift from my Heart to yours. Please do not let this opportunity pass you by.
If you have already registered Online or called to reserve your space you are registered and do not need to register again.
Not registered? You may do so online. Please attend in person as this is not an online event. Once registered, you will receive an instant confirmation via your email.
If you don’t receive your confirmation email, please check your spam folder. Please add support@eraofpeace.org to your contact list in order to receive the confirmation email and further announcements.
RESERVING SEATS FOR ADDITIONAL PEOPLE? Please confirm they are committed to attending the seminar and are not making their own reservations.
Your Presence at this extraordinary event will benefit both YOU and Humanity!
Brief Bio of Patricia Cota-Robles
Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years. During that time she co-founded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the 14 books listed below and produced Weekly Vlogs, CDs, MP3s, Videos, Webinars, and DVD’s that supplement her work. For over 40 years, Patricia has been helping Awakening souls all over the world take charge of their lives.
Books by Patricia Cota-Robles
Take Charge of Your Life
The Next Step
Your Time Is At Hand
The Awakening...Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
Stargate of the Heart
What On Earth Is Going On?
It Is Time For You To Be Financially Free
HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth
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• Cleaning up our environment with new technologies
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After the Landings
• How we will be prepared for travel to Inner Earth
• Why Inner Earth? And who will be going to ships?
• Working with our mentors - who they are and what they will teach us
• What we will do in 5D as fully conscious beings - work -leisure - rituals, etc.
• Earth's role as a star-nation and GF member - our roles within it To view Preview: New Medical Technologies ~ Click Here
Add your name to the Marijuana Justice Act, which will remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances and look to reverse the decades of failed policies that disproportionately target communities of color. Sign Sen. Booker's petition For decades, the failed War on Drugs has locked up millions of nonviolent drug offenders, especially for marijuana-related offenses. This has wasted human potential, torn apart families and communities, and squandered massive sums of taxpayer dollars. That's why I introduced the Marijuana Justice Act on Tuesday to call for the legalization of marijuana at the federal level. Will you sign my petition and call on your senators to join me in moving this critical legislation forward? If passed into law, this would have an immediate impact on our criminal justice system, on policing, on our communities, and even on the economy. This legislation would remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances, making it legal at the federal level. The bill would also incentivize states to change their marijuana laws if those laws are shown to disproportionately affect low-income individuals and/or people of color. The Marijuana Justice Act would be applied retroactively for those already serving time for marijuana-related offenses, providing for a judge's review of marijuana sentences. That means we could reduce our prison population, a goal that Democrats and Republicans alike have claimed to support. Add your name to show your support for national marijuana legalization.
States have, so far, led the way in reforming our failed drug policy and in beginning to fix our criminal justice system. Unfortunately, the federal government isn't doing its share—and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, among his many offenses, is working actively to undermine the progress in this area. We can't let Sessions roll back our progress, criminalize more Americans, and terrorize our communities by doubling down on failed policy. Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
—Senator Cory Booker
Health Alert update: Monsanto is scrambling to bury this
Monsanto is scrambling to bury this breaking story - don't let this go unshared!
I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working. Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food. This chemical is ending up in processed foods like Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Oreos and being consumed by humans across the world. The health of millions of people is on the line and this news must go mainstream! That’s why I’m calling on every single one of you who reads this post to share this breaking story now. The only way this injustice will be corrected is if enough of us stand up and demand that something be done to stop the poisoning of our food supply. Share this shocking new report with everyone you know…. A FDA-registered food safety laboratory tested iconic American food for residues of the weed killer glyphosate (aka Monsanto’s Roundup) and found ALARMING amounts. Just to give you an idea of how outrageous these amounts are, independent research shows that probable harm to human health begins at really low levels of exposure – at only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate. Many foods were found to have over 1,000 times this amount! Well above what regulators throughout the world consider “safe”.
{See the test results and full report by Food Democracy Now! and The Detox Project}.
Here is why we all should be concerned about eating glyphosate:
5) and it has been deemed a probable human carcinogen by the World Health Organization’s team of international cancer experts. The <http://curesearch.org/Number-of-Diagnoses> childhood cancer rate is steadily rising and experts say that they don’t know why. Why are they not taking a closer look at these facts?
*Glyphosate is not just used on GMOs. Conventional (non-organic farmers) use Roundup as a drying agent on crops, such as oats and wheat. It can’t be simply washed off, as it is taken up into the plant itself.
*As the active ingredient in popular “Roundup” herbicide, millions of people are using this stuff around their homes, and it’s widely used at parks and other public spaces.
So, that is why it’s not just GMO-filled junk food that is laced with glyphosate. It’s contaminating organic and non-GMO foods, and it’s even in our honey! The FDA quietly found it in almost every single sample of honey that they tested (from mass produced to organic mountain honey). The media has been essentially silent and barely anyone heard this news! Even if you don’t personally eat the specific brands that were tested (I don’t), how many people are eating Cheerios and Ritz Crackers every day? A lot! How many of your friends and family have their cabinets filled with these foods? These people need to know this information.
There are still thousands of other brands and whole foods that have not been tested for glyphosate residues, so we can’t be so sure that our own organic, non-GMO, and unprocessed food is safe. Americans are effectively being forced to eat this poison until something is done to stop the rampant use of this chemical. Yes, I said poison. Monsanto doesn’t want the public to know these findings for obvious reasons. They have our regulatory agencies in their back pocket to make sure they can continue to make a hefty profit while poisoning the masses. While there are now several manufacturers of glyphosate herbicides, Monsanto completely dominates the market and this is a best seller. They are raking in BILLIONS every year and certainly don’t want that to stop. They are clearly, without a doubt, using their prosperity to influence our government regulators. Why else would those entrusted to protect the public from harmful chemicals turn a blind eye to this? Our public agencies are allowing corporations to poison Americans for profit.
In 2013, the EPA <https://www.rt.com/usa/monsanto-glyphosate-roundup-epa-483/> massively increased the industry standard of what is considered a “safe” level of glyphosate on our food, in order to make enormous amounts seem A-OK. Instead of properly regulating, they effectively raised the “safe” level so that no one can blame the industry for poisoning us with unlawful amounts of chemicals. This is corruption at its finest. The EPA has a long and sordid history of doing whatever Monsanto wants and you have to ask yourself why this continues to happen and how we can make it stop.
The EPA continues to pander to Monsanto, as they keep postponing and dragging their feetto evaluate glyphosate’s link to cancer in humans. The industry is fighting tooth and nail to make sure that the EPA “evaluation” will be in their favor and is trying to control who will be on the panel. Why won’t the EPA do their job to make sure that the world’s most widely used herbicide isn’t causing us all to get cancer? Don’t you think this should be a top priority? It’s time for the EPA to put the public health above the corrupt desires of corporations.
When it comes to the FDA, they are not protecting the American public from glyphosate either. After announcing in February that they would FINALLY begin testing foods for glyphosate residues, they just decided to <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carey-gillam/fda-suspends-glyphosate-r_b_12913458.html> suspend their testing this week. Could it be that Monsanto didn’t like the results they started getting – especially since the FDA found glyphosate in foods that should be especially safe like <http://www.nacrw.org/2016/presentations/O-27.pdf> BABY FOOD? Monsanto will do whatever it takes to keep that story out of the public eye. Doesn’t the public deserve to know this information? It should be shouted from the rooftops! It is shameful that the American media has thus far failed to cover this breaking news, but WE HAVE THE POWER to make this information go viral. If you really want to stop the corruption perpetuated by Monsanto and the large chemical companies – this is how we shut them down! CALL TO ACTION: Share this post with everyone you know. Tweet, share, and email this information to major media outlets and ask them to cover this story.
Remember the best way to avoid glyphosate is by choosing certified organic foods because it is prohibited on organic crops. Although contamination is a real threat, the levels on organic foods are minimal compared to what’s been found on conventional foods. It’s been shown that people who eat organic foods have less glyphosate and <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001393511400067X> other synthetic pesticides in their system. The people of this country must be informed and this should be our top priority.
White House set for renovations as Trump goes on ‘working vacation’
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 08/03/17 08:22 PM EDT
President Trump and his staff are set to temporarily move out of the West Wing as renovations on the building get underway.
Trump leaves Friday for what the White House has called an extended "working vacation" at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., while his staff in Washington will clear out of the West Wing and move into the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door.
Work has already begun to replace the West Wing's 27-year-old heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, a White House official told reporters Thursday. Because of the frequency of use, the HVAC system's usage age is pegged around 84 years old.
White House deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters told reporters that the South Portico steps on the South Lawn will also be repaired. Those steps haven't been restored since President Dwight Eisenhower was in the White House.
Among the other facets of the White House that will be refurbished are the Navy mess kitchen, a restaurant in the West Wing run by the U.S. Navy, the building's lower lobby, the information technology (IT) system and other "generic cosmetic upgrades."
Trump is expected to stay at his New Jersey golf club for 17 days.
Walters briefed reporters on the renovation plans while aboard Air Force One on Thursday evening en route to Trump's campaign-style rally in West Virginia.
Originally intended for Feb. 2017 is now in effect.
The leaders of the secret government were being rounded up so they cannot interfere or even interact with the Light based team targeting to roll out the long planned shift into a time-line based in Light. The time for negotiations is past, the time for surrender is past. These leaders have refused countless surrender opportunities and have broken many surrender promises. The Light has run out of patience and is now in the process of ousting the secret government against their will. The first step in this process is to round up the top leaders; perhaps a hundred people in total. Each is given three choices; to stay under house arrest and face the music when full disclosure reveals their many crimes, or leave the planet to a cosmic rehabilitation facility, or death by their own hand and they all have this capability built into their hideouts.
Humanity has lots of help in this process so the secret government's technological advantages over the rest of humanity is not a factor. Light based ETs are part of the round-up team and they have technologies far superior to those possessed by the secret government.
Think "inequality" is bad? You should try artificially mandated EQUALITY... it's worse
Fed up with hearing people mindlessly spout the term "inequality" all the time, today I've posted an economics lesson video.
It explains why "forced equality" -- i.e. communism -- produces mass poverty and suffering. In a truly open society with equal opportunity, you will naturally see a full spectrum of economic outcomes.
Learn more about economics and "inequality" in todays's video:
When iced tea and water aren't enough to cool you down, it's time to bring out the summer desserts -- made by your own hands, of course. Stay chill with homemade Chia Pudding Dessert and Superfood Ice Cream. Most of the ingredients are available at the Health Ranger Store, where hundreds of health-enhancing products are in stock and ready to ship today. That way, you won't have to wait long to make scrumptious and healthy summer goodies.
New science confirms eating turmeric every day reverses cancer A report in the British Medical Journal illustrates how a woman has beaten blood cancer with the help of turmeric. In 2007, 67-year-old Dieneke Ferguson was diagnosed with myeloma and she ...
Think "inequality" is bad? You should try artificially mandated EQUALITY... it's worse
Fed up with hearing people mindlessly spout the term "inequality" all the time, today I've posted an economics lesson video.
It explains why "forced equality" -- i.e. communism -- produces mass poverty and suffering. In a truly open society with equal opportunity, you will naturally see a full spectrum of economic outcomes.
Learn more about economics and "inequality" in todays's video:
When iced tea and water aren't enough to cool you down, it's time to bring out the summer desserts -- made by your own hands, of course. Stay chill with homemade Chia Pudding Dessert and Superfood Ice Cream. Most of the ingredients are available at the Health Ranger Store, where hundreds of health-enhancing products are in stock and ready to ship today. That way, you won't have to wait long to make scrumptious and healthy summer goodies.
New science confirms eating turmeric every day reverses cancer A report in the British Medical Journal illustrates how a woman has beaten blood cancer with the help of turmeric. In 2007, 67-year-old Dieneke Ferguson was diagnosed with myeloma and she ...
The wider world has heard: America has the right and intention to maintain its territorial integrity, just like any other country! Part two is following through, implementing a number of measures to end illegal immigration and significantly cut legal migration back down to sustainable levels. We have no time to waste.
In California politicians remain committed to principles - the wrong ones. Promoting mass migration, growth, and sprawl runs counter to their supposedly shared care for our environment and communities' livability.
And now, Sacramento is attempting to take the suicidal sanctuary status statewide, putting citizens last and inevitably undermining the national immigration system as a whole.
Adding to the craziness, in June the City of San Francisco settled a lawsuit for its rare deportation of a criminal alien, paying him a whopping $190,000...
CAPS' Latest Social Media Campaign
"There's no place like other peoples' homes!" Check out our latest social media video campaign for a satirical take on the sanctuary madness.
- important peices of legislation that passed in the House already!
Let's end this policy that truly inhabits the moral low-ground...
Another Win at the National Level
The Supreme Court rejected substantial components of the lower court injunction on President Trump's travel ban and partial freeze on refugee resettlement in the US. We know that being able to help 12 times as many deserving people in their home region is the most compassionate action and it makes sense to also limit difficult-to-vet entrants from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, identified by the Obama administration as harboring dangerous terrorists.
With the President-endorsed new RAISE Act, immigration reform maintains its hold on the main stage, sharing the time-sensitive spotlight with sanctuary policies, and renewing our hope and vigor here at CAPS that we are making a difference with your generous participation on the Advocacy, Giving and Legislative Action fronts.
So, we might be able to able to regulate our borders in the national interest after all? What a thought.
Let's not allow precious time slip to away. Hold your local and national politicians accountable and keep contributing to the conversation.
CAPS will continue to call for an end to the fundamentally unfair system of mass migration that makes much harder our already huge challenge of running a well-functioning country of 330 million people.
With determination,
Visit CAPS' Facebook Page for easily shareable and
salient messages like this!
"Should we indulge American employers who want to avoid hiring from among our most distressed workers?"
Good morning.
The RAISE Act has started a conversation our opponents have successfully avoided for years. Elites avoid the question of immigration limits by lecturing - and the lecturing has already begun (check your local paper's editorial section). You have three things on your side: Facts, history and compassion.
Three recommendations for RAISE-Act-related reading, sharing, and discussing:
1.) "Stephen Miller TKOs Jim Acosta" by Rich Lowry 2.) "Was Barbara Jordan a 'White Nationalist'?" by Mark Krikorian 3.) "The Bitter Truth About the Economy and Ourselves" by Pete Spiliakos
If you haven't seen or heard about the press conference dust up between Stephen Miller and Jim Acosta, do a google search. You'll find lots of entertaining (some of it cringe-inducing) commentary. But I favor Rich Lowry's less-flashy take primarily for this excerpt:
"...immigration policy has been highly contested throughout American history and levels have ebbed and flowed. Acosta seems to think that the current status quo is the norm, when the past 40 years have represented a historic wave of immigration. The usual pattern has been that we tap the brakes after such a spike, but advocates of high levels of immigration consider that un-American.
"The fact is that there hasn't been a proper consideration of legal immigration in a long time. Indeed, current levels of legal immigration - the result of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act - weren't really consciously adopted. 'At the time,' the Pew Research Center relates, 'relatively few anticipated the size or demographic impact of the post-1965 wave.'"
The long-overdue civil debate about immigration limits has been usurped by what Rich Lowry calls "thoughtless sentimentality." To be sure, sentiment counts, but so does history.
The History
The ideas found in the RAISE Act didn't originate in the Trump administration as many in the media imply. Mark Krikorian offers a brief history lesson that every immigration reporter should know:
"The inspiration for the RAISE Act is the mid-1990s report of civil rights icon Barbara Jordan's bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Though there are many differences in the details of the two proposals, the basic ideas are the same: Abolish the ridiculous Visa Lottery, focus family immigration on nuclear family, and rationalize and streamline the skilled immigration process." Krikorian pulls several excerpts from the Jordan Commission's reports and compares them to the RAISE Act. See them here.
The Bitter Truth
Pete Spiliakos doesn't mention the RAISE Act by name in his must-read commentary on elite attitudes toward the American poor, but his closing sums up the RAISE Act debate:
"Should we use our immigration system to make our population of least-skilled workers larger, or smaller? And should we indulge American employers who want to avoid hiring from among our most distressed workers?" Let us all, please, ask those questions - publicly - again and again and again. (By the way, the RAISE Act answers those questions. As NumbersUSA's Roy Beck told NPR yesterday "The idea of this bill is to have a more just economic system, not a bigger economic system.")
"The Bitter Truth" must be read in full. But here are some quotable excerpts for you to share:
"If our elites were experiencing 6-percent unemployment and only 45.3-percent labor force participation, it would be a national crisis."
"The problem isn't jobs that Americans won't do - but American employers who don't want to hire American workers."
"These are the people - black, white, Hispanic, foreign - and native-born - whom employers are doing everything in their power to avoid hiring."
"The elite of both left and right think the answer is to replace these unsatisfactory American workers with imported employees who are used to living on less..."
The media defaults to framing immigration reductionists as the cold-hearted side of the debate. That is a result of failing to remember history like this:
"In 2013, political elites of both parties favored an immigration bill that primarily increased low-skill immigration, even though the unemployment rate for low-skill workers was over 10 percent." Don't let anyone lecture you about compassion.
Spread the word.
Copyright (c) 2017 NumbersUSA. 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202. All Rights Reserved.
FYI: Your TDA account appears to be valid but ONLY after NESARA release and only for non-currency exchange holders. Let’s wait for clarification after NESARA before jumping in.
I ask you to please NOT use this information to encourage people to open or apply for access to their "TDA" account.
That is a disinformation scheme created to mislead Lightworkers, similar to the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe currency scheme, which is a very dark web to be caught in. Those currency investments have been used to create hedge funds that backed violent black ops all over the planet, and TDA is possibly no better.
Please warn people not to send in their name, social security number, and other details in an effort to claim the monies that are supposedly in this account.
Our goal is full enactment of NESARA law, not a side scam created by the dark hats to mislead us.
More information is also available through his and his wife's radio shows, on BBSRadio.com, Station 2 -- see their website for more information. They also have weekly conference calls on Saturdays and Fridays, where you can call in to ask questions. I know them well. They are reliable sources of information.
Now is the time to be particularly vigilant about all information received, shared, and acted upon.
Thank you for your time --
Namaste, and many blessings to you both,
Caroline Oceana Ryan
As We Shift - It's Not About Money - 8/2/2017
There’s a court case happening right now in Washington, DC. Follow this blog (click here) and this man, Neil, (here), for up to the minute updates. Google “The Strawman” and # HATJ. Read this article (click here). This “identity hearing” is being called one of the most important cases, worldwide, of this century. It’s being referred to as a pivotal moment, equal to the day that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat on that bus in 1955 (click here).
You’ll want to be informed. It’s been aptly named the (“identity hearing”).
Here’s why you should care...
There’s a court case happening right now in Washington, DC. Follow this blog (click here) and this man, Neil, (here), for up to the minute updates. Google “The Strawman” and # HATJ. Read this article (click here). This “identity hearing” is being called one of the most important cases, worldwide, of this century. It’s being referred to as a pivotal moment, equal to the day that Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat on that bus in 1955 (click here). You’ll want to be informed.
It’s been aptly named (“identity hearing”). Here’s why you should care:
We all begin the same. We are bits of eternal essence, birthed into physical form. You may refer to this as “soul”. From this point on, we enter life as we’ve constructed it, into whichever society our mother was a part of.
Now physical, we are declared property, and given a number. That number is what “allows” us to operate commercially within the society we’ve entered. It is necessary in today’s society, in order to conduct any “legal” enterprise, or to be considered for employment; to “earn a living”.
Realize in which circumstances that number is demanded/required. You do not need it before breathing, moving, skipping, climbing, swimming, running, jumping, dancing, making love, eating, drinking, sleeping, singing or loving. These activities can only be performed by one who is alive. You do not need to “earn” them. They are a function of you, in physical form.
We all end the same. We leave our physical form and return our focus once again to eternal essence. You may refer to this as soul. From this point on, we continue life as we’ve constructed it. This will vary individually, according to our beliefs, as all constructs do.
As you are reading this or hearing this, your current focus is Earth. The story you’ve entered was already happening before you arrived. This may be before Rosa Parks got on that bus, or after, it matters not. You are here now because you wanted to see how it ends; not your life or Earth’s, but the story.
So, you have a number. Those that decided to number you, are not human. They look human, but instead they perceive themselves to be “humanities owners”. It turns out that George Carlin, and many others before and after him, were right (click here). They don’t give a damn about you.
They are the International Banking family bloodlines, 6 or 8 families I believe, and they own the planet. They’ve been told many times to give it up and move elsewhere, yet they won’t let go because of greed. We find ourselves here today, at the doorstep of not just financial freedom, but actual freedom. You’ve never experienced that, regardless of what you’ve been told.
These families consider you to be property. They are not the faces and names plastered all over your media. You do not see them. Their only interest is in holding on to the planet and a few humans, to keep them comfortable while they are on it.
This is a great deal to take in (if you haven’t already been following it). There are many truths that will elucidate this. Here’s an article (click here). It illustrates some of what’s been done with our numbers and associated value. I’ll try here to summarize our story up until this pivotal moment:
You are born.
You are numbered (think, in the United States, Social Security Number)
Your physical embodiment has a value immediately (this value is millions or billions)
This value, which emerges directly from your physical embodiment, is now assigned to your number.
Your number and value is represented as YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS (i.e. ALL CAPS YOU).
The ALL CAPS LETTER “YOU” declares you (actual you) to be legally lost at sea, and now gone. (this part is a bit fuzzy)
Since the system/firm/bank/family/entity that numbered you, also owns you, they can now use ALL CAPS YOU for trade.
When you work “for a living”, you add value to the ALL CAPS YOU (Remember, you can’t be employed without a number)
When you take out a loan, you are borrowing from your own account (ALL CAPS YOU, which, by the way, is owned by the bankers), and charged interest until you pay yourself back.
Your owners use ALL CAPS YOU for collateral. This is because no one else has claimedALL CAPS YOU (i.e. – you must be still “lost at sea”)
What is happening in Washington, DC this coming Friday, is that someone (Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, # HATJ) is attempting to set legal precedent - that she is the physical embodiment of her ALL CAPS, numbered representation.
She is NOT that ALL CAPS representation, (which is the legal fiction that has stolen her actual value, transferred it to a dollar amount, used it as collateral and charged her interest if she attempts to use any of it) – but the actual physical embodiment, and therefore value, herself.
She is the value – period. She is not “lost at sea”. As such, she is entitled to the value assigned to her at her birth. It is not the property/value of the ALL CAPS FICTION. She is that value.
That ALL CAPS FICTION in fact represents a physical embodiment of eternal essence – you may refer to this as soul.
She cannot be owned or used as collateral. She is the value. Period.
As that value has been assigned a dollar amount, she is the holder of that dollar amount. This amount is, in the USA and for Heather, being held in a Treasury Direct Account at a Federal Reserve Bank, (which is not “Federal” but in fact a bank owned by one of the families previously mentioned).
It is not the dollar amount that is important, it’s the value. That value cannot be monetized. That value is you. You are eternal essence, physically embodied and priceless.
Your value has been monetized this way for commerce, which has supplied the owners with the tools for their slavery trade.
The undoing of this will happen when enough of us (the slaves in this story), let go of our desire for stuff.
This stuff, which costs money, which you now know comes directly from your own soul, is only worth what you decide it is worth.
It is the “greed” (which has been demonstrated to us by our owners) that keeps us stuck. We can see only one option, and it is to hang on to our stuff. If we all let go at once, we would be free. Behold the baboon (click here). He is only caught by his own efforts; he refuses to let go until it is too late. It is not too late for us.
This story ends with release. What happens now is global awareness of the slavery trap, via the trial in Washington DC this Friday, August 4, 2017, at 10:00 AM EST. This ultimately results in a release of our monetary value by the owners. It ends now. It is the end of that story.
Simultaneously, it is our own letting go. For once we realize our worth; our value becomes paramount. It translates to cash because society functions that way now. Once we behold in each other, a value that is equally worthy – we release the death grip on the value that is fiction. There is where our real power lies. It lies within.
It’s not yet determined how exactly we get there, yet for sure we are free. This now moment is akin to that Rosa Parks moment. One of us has stood up and said “enough”.
What you can do now is share this story, every way that you can. There is no one untouched by these events. Visualize what your life looks like once you have access to the commercial value that has been yours since birth. Hold that vision. It becomes your reality now.
Our friend Jack Sturgeon has an idea. He’s asked for each of us to meditate on love, freedom, and realization of value, for all concerned (owners included), at the moment the hearing begins; Friday, 8/4/17, 10:00 AM EST. He is applying the principles he outlined in this video (Click here for “It happens within”). Here is his logic:
How many conscious people do we need to flip us into "Sovereignty" and
"Abundance"? I believe about 3,000 people, then why isn't anything
happening? It is happening, but it doesn't happen in a blink of an eye.
1) The mathematics has already been done, it amounts to this: the square
root of one tenth of one percent of the entire field. To visually see
this, the entire field is 8 billion people. One tenth of one percent of
the entire field is: .001 x 8,000,000,000 = 8,000,000.
2) That's 8 million people. Take the square root of 8 million: the
square root of 8,000,000 = 2,828.4 or rounded off, 3,000 people.
3) That's three (3) thousand people minimum meditating during the
Heather Hearing Case to get favorable results for "WE THE PEOPLE".
So, share this blog. Join us for a global meditation on Friday, 10 AM EST. It is time.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for ~ let’s do this.
“Systems are fine, they’re good. But when people become attached to them, obsessed with them, want to operate inside them, that’s trouble. A person is not a system.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
I wrote and published a series of articles on coaching. The project started when I received a query from a coach about my consulting services.
From the start, coaches face a peculiar situation. Their clients generally want systems.
Their clients are used to systems and want a better one.
But the truth is, most people don’t need a better system. They need to be spontaneous.
Spontaneity naturally flows as a side effect of imagination.
Imagination is the North Star. It is the faculty that is least understood and least sought after in our society.
People tend to say two things about imagination: it is a mysterious talent reserved for the few, or it is a toy for children’s fantasies that should be purged with the onset of adulthood.
Both of these assessments are completely false.
In coaching clients, whether the subject is personal problems, personal goals, business success, or success in relationships, I have never failed to find that imagination is the missing key.
But you see, imagination follows no system. It can’t be produced by building a machine that routinely turns it out. Imagination doesn’t operate according to formulas.
I fully understand that, as a coach, if you teach your client a better system, you may obtain results in the short-term. After a series of sessions, you and the client can walk away from each other and feel happy. But as time moves on, that client will discover his better system is breaking down. Yes, it can be laid over life like a grid, but eventually life will prove to be the winner.
Why? Because what life is asking for is imagination.
Imagination is the capacity to make quantum leaps and see realities that have not yet been created. It’s the capacity, when deployed, to invent those new realities.
It works in relationships, in achieving personal goals, in discovering new goals, in succeeding in business—in every aspect of life.
Because people live their whole adult lives ignoring and burying imagination, they are going to feel at a loss, when asked to tap into it. Where is it? In the hall closet, in the attic, in the garage, on the moon? And if they could find it, what would they do with it? Pet it on the head, feed it roast beef, take it for a walk, give it vitamins, play classical music for it?
For 99% of the population, this is an unexplored area. But you as a coach need to know about it. You need to understand it. You need to be intimately familiar with it. You need to be using it in your own life, above all. Every day. You need to be immersed in it. Breathing it.
Ultimately, life is an open available space for those who live through and by imagination.
The funny thing is, you can be working within the tightest system in the world, and if you deploy your imagination and come up with a solution that is innovative, making the system better—people will say, “This is wonderful. Why didn’t we think of it?” They didn’t think of it because they were thinking and perceiving inside the system.
On the surface, all human relationships may seem to exist in the framework of a system. But those relationships are actually waiting for imagination to exert a transforming effect, a transforming moment, and then people suddenly brighten, open up, and think:
“This is what being alive is.”
They’re right.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
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Something is happening that hasn't happened in almost 100 years.
A total solar eclipse.
On August 21st, the sun will disappear for a short time. From Portland to Charleston, it will feel like someone turned off the sun in the middle of the day.
It's been 99 years since this happened.
The last one was June 8, 1918 - when the total solar eclipse crossed the states.
Experts warn - don't ever look directly into the sun.
The Lunar Eclipse falls on August 7th in the sign of Aquarius, and will be shaking up your life so you can make some much needed changes. August is definitely one of the more potent months of the year and will be bringing about changes and shifts in your mind, body and soul.
The most significant date that August has in store for us is the total Solar Eclipse which falls in the sign of Leo on the 21st. I will be posting more information on this as we get closer to the time, however it is important to mention, as this partial Lunar Eclipse on August 7 is all part of the energy cycle that is unfolding. Since the start of the year, we have all been called on by the cosmos to make some changes. We have all been called to reinvent our lives in both big and small ways.
In fact, think back to what was happening for you around February 2017, as these August Eclipses are closely linked to the themes that were occurring at that time. You have probably heard by now that 2017 is the year of new beginnings, and perhaps you have even felt the cosmos guiding you to start a new chapter in your life that is more aligned with who you are and where you want to be. The is no doubt that the consciousness of the planet is on the rise and even though there is still a lot of corruption in government and politics, it seems that all of this is coming to the surface in order for it to be exposed. Big corporations and organizations that have been getting away with misconduct and lies are no longer going to be able to hide, as everything is slowly rising to the surface. For true change to happen, all of this mucky stuff has to rise to the surface. We have to come face to face with the dark in order to transform it into light.
This is happening on both a global level and on an internal level as well. Perhaps this year you have also had to clear through some of your own muck in order to transform it into light. All Lunar Eclipses are about releasing and letting go, however what makes them potent is that the Universe often intervenes and releases things from your life that you haven't yet had the courage to release. Think of a Lunar Eclipse like a fast tracking process to getting you to where you need to be. If something melts away during this Eclipse, the best advice is to let it go and don't hold on. Even if you are not ready to part ways with it just yet, sometimes you just have to trust and see what unfolds.
Seeing as this Aquarius Lunar Eclipse is followed by a very potent and very strong Leo Solar Eclipse on August 21st, it is likely that whatever needs to melt away from your life is going to be quite significant. If something has felt shaky in your life, or if a particular area of your life has been volatile for a while, this Lunar Eclipse is likely to bring things to a head. This is so you can clear the way and make room for the rest of the energy to come. Aquarius energy is all about change and non-conformity. Aquarius is the pioneer and is always coming up with new ways to do things. For this Lunar Eclipse, channel some of this energy and try to think outside of the box. This Eclipse is going to help you pave your own way, so stop looking to others for guidance and instead look within.
This Eclipse is also going to be guiding you to really trust yourself and to follow your own inspiration and your own calling, rather than getting bogged down in trying to live up to other people's or societal expectations. There is also a calling to break down some of the boundaries or barriers that you have given yourself so you can achieve all that you desire. As it goes, the only limits you have are the ones that you give yourself. There is a revolutionary energy to August and it seems that this Lunar Eclipse is definitely going to be triggering this in a major way. The time has come to step out of your comfort zone and break away from the heard. This Aquarius Lunar Eclipse will be forcing you to pave your own way and to do away with things that are no longer in your highest interest. The August Lunar Eclipse is your cosmic calling card to step out of the box, break away from the norm and embrace all that you are. We all have our own unique energy and by owning this it gives rise to our purpose and to our true soul calling.
Dementia now the top cause of death among women in the UK A recent report by thePublic Health England revealed that Alzheimer's disease and dementia are now the leading causes of death among women in the United Kingdom. According to the report, ...
INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Prison Planet" 8/5/17
Subject: Current Intel 8/5/17
Long ago 'Advanced Creatures' came to our planet and created systems of enslavement for their benefit.
The Capitalist / Corporate De Facto slave system is one example.
War...Bankruptcy...Nepotism...Poverty...Secret Technology and Hidden Agendas are now being seen as part of this intentional facade...that protects a small number of corrupt elite (who take advantage of mankind's ignorance & apathy) for their own benefit.
There is a new paradigm occurring (GESARA) with true freedom and sovereignty for all global nations.
Most 'mainstream news' about the Presidency...War...Poverty...Religion and Political Views are just 'a distraction' while these projects are nearing completion.
Over 100 investigations are ongoing of those who tried to bring socialism into the U.S.
The old system and it's minions are being eradicated quietly (behind the scenes) for the benefit of all humanity.
'Secret Hit Squads' have begun 'active operations' now to eradicate surface bad guys. (deep state / cabal)
There are 3-Main Teams...5-Auxiliary Teams and 6-Support Teams.
All Assassins & Deception Experts. (Spooks)
During the current recess in Congress many will receive ultimatums regarding their status and activities.
Failure to comply is not an option.
The stench from the underground tunnels after the extermination operations last week was so vile that many forces were sickened.
Some Extraterrestrials give off a pungent odor that is very repulsive to humans.
The United States...Russia...China...India and Great Britain have been secretly working together to end all wars. (GESARA law)
In the near future our military will withdraw from overseas bases and relegate their activities mostly to the home front. (800+ U.S. bases worldwide)
Long before the Roman Empire there was a meeting held in Tehran, Iran where participants decided that Islam, Christianity and other religions would be structured so that they would be at odds with each other.
Investigators found documents of ancient treaties and agreements to that effect.
Today there are over 4200 religions all created by the satanic vatican...most used to start wars as none agree in principle.
Each group thinks they are the only ones going to heaven...they are right and all the rest are wrong. (going to hell which does not exist)
Hell is a fictional fabrication by the vatican...using 'fear of death' to control people. (fear is the lack of understanding)
There is no death...as we are immortal spiritual beings. (you can't kill spirit)
We have been stuck in a cycle (26,500 years) of reincarnation by these Alien Creatures who took over the earth long ago. (this really is a prison planet)
This is why nobody could ascend from earth 3D. (this will now change)
Investigators are now finding that it is the district level in the American court system that is very corrupt beyond what was initially thought.
Some 'Contract Administrators' (Judges) have already fled.
The Extraterrestrial involvement in the workings of earth and the 'Secret Space Program' will eventually be revealed to the public.
Some of it is being done on 'Ancient Aliens' and other programs currently being broadcast.
When the 'New Technology' and 'Discoveries' are announced...be aware that the bad guys have had it for decades and used it for themselves. (not intended for us)
“The planet wouldn’t need saving if willing prosecutors had gone after high-level criminals (corporate, banking, war-mongering) with hammer and tongs. Now, the very people who escaped such prosecution have emerged as the leaders of the ‘save the planet’ movement. That’s called a clue.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
The word “collectivism” sounds old-fashioned today. It’s supposed to.
It’s supposed to sound like a label from a bygone age when people were combing US government offices for hidden Soviet spies.
Collectivism is tied to other obsolete slogans like “Better dead than Red” and “America, love it or leave it.” In other words, we’re supposed to think collectivism was simply a trendy idea that ran out of steam.
You know, a bunch of crazy paranoids were warning everybody the sky was falling, but it wasn’t. They yelled COLLECTIVISM IS COMING, WATCH OUT, but nothing happened.
Well, the truth is, collectivism won its war.
So it changed its name. It became a thousand names behind a thousand masks.
If we win this fight to preserve freedom in America, will people understand what The Individual means? Or will we they be so brainwashed that they’ll preach and teach freedom for The Group, the Collective?
Consider the actions and words of the last few presidents. Have any of them made The Individual the basis of their rhetoric?
The answer, of course, is no. And Obama has been the worst of them in that regard. Obama is, you might say, the natural evolution of the eradication of The Individual. He’s focused all his attention on groups.
He bemoaned the unemployment rate in “the public sector,” which is the drone-core of the collective. He emphatically demeaned the individual entrepreneur (“you didn’t build that”).
Under Obama, the collective became a messianic force. As if, in its vague and undefined way, it would save us all.
Yet, for every significant enterprise in human history, the individual vision comes first.
It is the launching pad.
The energy and inspiration of one person is the thing without which nothing happens.
Where is this taught in our schools? Where do we hear this in churches? What corporations explain this? How many parents make this clear to their children?
The major media certainly don’t bother with it. Psychologists don’t study it or comment on it. Who is funding studies on the power and vision of the free individual?
The Individual is supposedly passe.
An overwhelming number of Americans can no longer conceive of themselves as free and powerful individuals.
I, for one, think about the free and independent individual every day. The very idea is a North Star that allows a person to navigate his life.
In uncountable ways, we are being drawn into the orbit of The Group. One group or another. We are told, directly or subtly, that everything we do is connected to other people, and that connection is the defining impulse which shows us what we are. We are THAT and nothing else.
Why did George Orwell write 1984 about Winston Smith, one individual? Because he wanted to show the effect of the all-consuming State on its primary target: one person. Is that the way the book is read and taught now?
Operation Mind Control, or collectivism, has triumphed so fully in our time that most people can’t imagine themselves as distinct and separate and free and powerful individuals. They feel guilt when they try. They feel they are betraying the Mass. They feel they are breaking the law. They feel they must retreat back to a position of safety. They feel that, if they step out in front of The Group, they are losing their innate “religion.”
Through devious means, the media twists “individuals” into “lone individuals,” a phrase we’re all too familiar with. These are the mysterious psychopaths who commit vicious crimes.
According to collectivism, to be saved IS to recognize that one is a cell inside an interdependent collection of cells. That is the premise. That’s the trendy thing to believe.
What do you think Globalism and the New World Order are all about? They are the apotheosis of The Group, disguised as humanitarian service to The Good.
This is a cold calculated propaganda operation. It sells because people, when they become aware of suffering, want to reach out and end it. That impulse is preyed upon by the Globalist vultures, twisted, redirected, and harvested.
On a personal level, many individuals become aware they can discover and invent visions of grand achievements and futures; then they hesitate; they balk, they feel alone; they don’t have the staying power to rebel against the Mass. They find a group into which they can retreat. They remain there. They hide from themselves there. They hope their self-induced amnesia will last. They invent reasons and stories and myths to explain their retreat. They seek confirmation they’ve made the right choice. They find other individuals like themselves, who’ve surrendered. They form bonds. They collectivize.
Now we are told the individual’s highest aspiration or vision must be service to the group. Thus the whole matter of “the greatest life” is presumed to be settled. It’s no longer worth re-thinking.
This, of course, is propaganda. In many ways, from many angles, it’s taught and implied in our schools. Children learn to parrot the appropriate phrases. They utter them proudly.
Look at how “one world striving together” has been used by Globalists in the last 65 years. We have, for example, the GATT Treaty, which gave birth to the World Trade Organization. And we have lesser treaties, like NAFTA and CAFTA, which were designed along the same lines.
These treaties have led to the enormous outsourcing of jobs and the flight of industrial factories. As Sir James Goldsmith pointed out, this is a completely criminal and insane policy. It means that the industrial countries have had to compete on impossible terms with countries where workers will produce goods for next to nothing.
It is economic suicide—planned economic suicide. Behind the psyop, this is the real and brutal face of the slogan, “We’re all in this together on planet Earth.”
From the World Trade Organization has come the pernicious standard called Harmonization. It means that food policy and medical policy and health policy and trade policy—and eventually military policy and limited free-speech policy and judicial policy—are all arranged on an international basis. No more sovereign choices and no more sovereign nations. Again, this is the real and brutal face of the collectivist slogan, “We’re all in this together on planet Earth.”
At the heart of the operation is the premise that the free and powerful individual, seeking his highest vision, seeking his greatest achievements, is defunct.
Some people, reading this, will think I’m against any group action, that I don’t believe group action has ever been effective. They miss my point entirely. I’m not talking about REAL group action. I’m talking about ENGINEERED group action devised to destroy life, under the guise of saving it.
And most of all, I’m talking about the individual human being SURRENDERING to the idea that he is unimportant, that he only counts in reference to other people, that he has no real power, no real imagination, no great vision, no great status.
Status ultimately is reserved for the collective.
In my life, I’ve known people, and I’ve seen people, who’ve launched and built and created enterprises of one kind or another…and then turned around and preached the primacy of the group.
Instead of standing as an example of what one person can do, a TRUTHFUL example, they betrayed all that and became advocates for the collective.
Some of these people have been co-opted, but many just failed to understand their own psychology. And then there were people who refused to think of others as individuals:
“Well, yes, I built that, but I know you can’t. So I’m here to help you, to put you into the mass, the group, the collective.”
Could they be more patronizing?
“Yes, I’m a big person, but you’re a little person. Don’t worry. I’ll show you the way. WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.”
And standing nearby, the real movers and shakers in the Globalist Club are cheering.
They live for the erasure of the individual. And they have lots of friends.
But here’s an irreversible clue. They don’t have THE INDIVIDUAL.
They never will.
This is why the father of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays, wrote: “It is sometimes possible to change the attitudes of millions but impossible to change the attitude of one man.”
Consider this idea: a college is formed on the basis of one question, aimed at each entering student: WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT TO CREATE IN YOUR LIFE?
For four years, every student wrestles with that question, writes about it, talks about it—and every course comes back to that point of view. History, literature, biology, logic, mathematics—it’s all framed around the student learning and using that learning to answer the one burning question that will guide his future.
As an individual.
As an individual, shaking off the dead coils of The Collective.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
A stunning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today reveals a shocking conversation held between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, just hours ago in Manila, wherein the American’s revealed that President Donald Trump was ordered evacuated from his White House after it was discovered to be “riddled” with listening devices implanted throughout the entire mansion—and whose placements were purposed there to ensure that no evidence related to the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks on the United States would be discussed at any level. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this bulletin, though many in the US media establishment believe that Trump decided to run for president in 2011 when he was openly mocked by the Obama regime at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner, Secretary Tillerson stated to Ministry Lavrov that it was, in fact, in 2009 when Trump determined himself to become president—and was due to the believed to be assassination of his close personal friend Beverly Eckert.
Beverly Eckert, this bulletin explains, was one of the founding members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee, that was an organization of twelve relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City—and whose husband killed in this attack, Sean Rooney, was the Vice President of Trump’s global insurance carrier Aon Corporation—who, in 2005, paid Trump $17 million for hurricane damage done to his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, and that Trump, also, paid $300,000 to last year (2016) to insure his presidential campaign with.
Loyal Donald Trump friend and Aon Vice President Sean Rooney—killed on 9/11
Trump was “deeply wounded” when his “loyal friend” and Aon insurance broker Sean Rooney was killed on 9/11, this bulletin notes Secretary Tillerson saying to Minister Lavrov, leading him to support the efforts of Beverly Eckert in discovering the truth behind this atrocity—but who herself, in February 2009, was assassinated just 6 days after meeting with President Obama in what Russian intelligence experts at the time suspected to be an EMP attack that targeted the aircraft she was a passenger on—and that we had, likewise, detailed about in our 14 February 2009 report titled “Top 9/11 Witness Assassinated In New York Plane Shootdown”.
Beverly Eckert (circled), loyal Donald Trump friend, and wife of Sean Rooney, assassinated for getting to close to 9/11 truth
Upon taking office, this bulletin continues, Secretary Tillerson explained to Minister Lavrov that President Trump immediately came under a “withering attack” from “Deep State” operatives within the US government when he began requesting classified documents relating the 9/11 attack—with these “Deep State” forces then pitting against Trump a Special Prosecutor named Robert Muller.
Important to note about Robert Muller, this bulletin details, is that he is a long time known “Deep State” operative who, in 2005, personally ordered a Grand Jury probe into President Bill Clinton’s pardoning of the international fugitive Marc Rich closed for reasons never explained—and whom President Clinton had pardoned just hours before he left office, but who had received from Marc Rich’s wife, Denise Rich, millions in “donations”.
Most critical, however, to note about Robert Mueller, this bulletin states, is that he was, also, at the forefront of “Deep States” sham 9/11 “Anthrax Attack” investigation—which were a series of attacks that began the week after the 9/11 using deadly US Army militarized anthrax spores—but whose investigation conducted by Mueller targeted an innocent man named Steven Hatfill—and that so destroyed his life, a US Federal Court ordered Robert Mueller to pay Hatiff $5.8 million—and with no one ever being charged for this other 9/11 “Deep State” crime.
Fearing that the White House was bugged, this bulletin notes, President Trump’s new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, on Friday (4 August) ordered all White House workers to immediately evacuate to the Eisenhower Executive Building where he briefed the top White House officials on the “leaking situation”—while at the same time a specialized military unit of the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS)—that is an arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)—swept the entire White House mansion for listening devices.
To what the DCS discovered in the White House, Secretary Tillerson revealed to Minister Lavrov, this bulletin says, was that it was “riddled” with listening devices implanted by the former Obama regime during a mysterious “renovation” of this mansion that began in September 2010 and lasted for two years.
After the shocking discovery that the White House was “riddled” with listening devices, Secretary Tillerson further revealed to Secretary Lavrov, this bulletin notes, General Kelly ordered it immediately evacuated—with President Trump, within hours, being evacuated to his private New Jersey golf resort and the White House itself ordered to be “completely gutted”.
MoFA intelligence analysts writing this urgent action bulletin state that Secretary Tillerson’s relating of these facts to Minister Lavrov should be “believed to be true” as coinciding with what was stated, the US press saddening, and without notice, this past Friday (4 August) reported that President Trump was taking an unannounced and unscheduled 17 day “vacation”— and that was followed 24 hours later with, and again unannounced and unscheduled, reports that the White House was being immediately evacuated and closed for “renovations”.
Upon President Trump’s evacuation from the White House by General Kelly, this bulletin continues, one of his top allies, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, accused Robert Mueller of “representing the “Deep State” at its worse”—while at the same time, “Deep State” operatives aligned with Mueller, and embedded throughout the US government, vowed continued defiance against Trump—all of which led to former Reagan administration official David Stockman issuing a grave warning stating: “The bottom line is that the Swamp is so undrainable that it will end up making mincemeat of Donald Trump.”
This bulletin, though, concludes with MoFA analysts disputing Stockman’s belief that the “Deep State” will make “mincemeat” of President Trump as he has already proved himself nearly unstoppable in his already having destroyed the Clinton regime, Bush regime, Obama regime, Democratic Party, Republican Party and Mainstream Media in order to ascend to the presidency— and who is, also, already preparing for what is to come—and as, perhaps, best explained by his personal friend, and one of Americas top radio programme hosts, Michael Savage, who grimly forewarned the “Deep State” of civil war this past week if they try to remove Trump from power…
[Note: The announcement of NESARA will end the deep state and finish ‘draining the swamp’. Go NESARA!]
Pres. Trump Endorses New Bill to Cut Immigration in Half Bill would revolutionize America's legal immigration system by eliminating chain migration and visa lottery; puts worker visas into merit-based point system.
This is our best chance ever to so dramatically cut immigration...
This is it! For 20 years, NumbersUSA and our millions of citizen members have fought together to prevent the disasters that uncontrolled, mass immigration have caused to America and our working families. Yesterday, after all those years, we saw the President of the United States declare from the White House the need for massive cuts in legal immigration! When President Trump stood with Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton to announce a bill that represents a sweeping overhaul of our immigration system, NumbersUSA's main job turned dramatically from preventing things from getting much, much worse to fighting to actually make things much, much better.
At the White House press conference yesterday morning, NumbersUSA President Roy Beck issued this statement:
"The RAISE Act introduced today by Senators Cotton and Perdue will do more than any other action to fulfill President Trump's promises as a candidate to create an immigration system that puts the interests of American workers first. "Our recent polling confirms that American voters overwhelmingly want far less immigration because they know mass immigration creates unfair competition for American workers. "Seeing the President standing with the bill's sponsors at the White House gives hope to the tens of millions of struggling Americans in stagnant jobs or outside the labor market altogether. NumbersUSA stands with these Americans in wholeheartedly endorsing the RAISE Act." -- Roy Beck Statement Distributed at White House Press Conference, August 2,2017
Thomas, this is the most exciting opportunity to cure America's dysfunctional immigration system we've ever had. Based on an earlier version of the RAISE Act, this expanded RAISE Act -- with full White House -- would eliminate chain migration and the visa lottery. And it would cap refugee numbers. These actions alone would cut legal immigration by more than half. Under the bill, America will also move to a point system for employment visas designed to give priority to well-paid, top-qualified, English-speaking foreign workers applying for permanent work visas. The momentum from passing this bill could lead the way to still more great immigration reforms. Things like mandatory E-Verify, a reform of the temporary visa programs, and an end to birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens. We won't spare anything to turn this bill into law. How could we? This is why we exist!
When Senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Perdue of Georgia introduced the first version of this bill last winter, Pres. Trump was impressed. But, he wanted it to go further. The heart of Pres. Trump's campaign was to make the immigration system work for the American people. So, he sent Sens. Cotton and Perdue back to Capitol HIll with the task of updating the employment green card system. After months of tireless work, the fruit of that labor is the RAISE ACT. Let's finish that work! NumbersUSA was there to turn back amnesty proposal after amnesty proposal for the last sixteen years. We were there to inspire 26 states to sue the federal government to block President Obama's illegal executive amnesties. Now, we're ready to put an end to the outrageously high levels of immigration that have held America's families at a standstill for two generations. Who's going to oppose this effort to make immigration work for Americans? The cheap labor lobby, ethnic lobbies, big religion, mainstream media, elites of every description... They'll attack it like mad, but this bill is good for American workers, it's good for American-operated business, it's good for American taxpayers, and it's good for America as a whole. Remember the Gang of Eight fight? We were outspent nearly 100 - 1 by our many opponents. Thomas, don't let that happen again. We need you to make the largest investment you can. Thomas, we're most excited about this bill because it will drastically reduce immigration. America will choose who immigrates based on what's good for America, not who gets here by accident. It eliminates two of the biggest categories of unhelpful, unneeded immigration: chain migration and the visa lottery. That's 500,000 fewer immigrants per year. That's on top of measures taken recently by the Trump administration to cut illegal immigration. This bill also replaces dozens of programs that give out green cards (permanent visas) with a single, merit-based point system. Points are given based on predictors of successful assimilation, prosperity and positive fiscal contribution to American society. Immigrants will get more points if they'll earn 1.5 times, two times, or three times the median wage American workers would make. And they also get points if they'll be actively managing businesses they invest heavily in. More education also means more points, especially if it's in a STEM field... but only if it's from a real, accredited or USCIS-approved university. No more foreign diploma mills! The more fluent they are in English, the more points they'll also get. And workers' spouse's education and language skills matter, too. NumbersUSA does not believe there is a shortage of American workers. We support this bill because it would greatly reduce the number of permanent visas (green cards) issued. But this bill will go nowhere unless we fight together to make sure Congress knows they can't continue to sell out America to international conglomerates. We are so proud of all the amnesties and immigration increases we have fought off. We've shocked the Washington elites and media pundits again and again and again. But we're going to need to double down and fight so much harder to bring about positive change... even with Pres. Trump supporting our goals.
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4) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Join us in making 2017 the year of results,
Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at jimrobb@numbersusa.com.
P. P. S.: If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
Copyright 2017 NumbersUSA. 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202. All Rights Reserved.
My interview with former CBS star reporter: not fake news
by Jon Rappoport
I’m reprinting an excerpt from an interview I did, several years ago, with former CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson.
It’s a reminder about the difference between fake and real news, and about who the major purveyors of fake news are.
It also reveals a familiar strategy major news outlets deploy, when they happen to publish a true story and then realize its explosive implications: they shut down all further investigation. They close the book.
Here is the piece in full:
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’re aware that a film, Vaxxed, has been showing in theaters across America and overseas—and audiences are stunned by its revelations.
Vaxxed exposes a huge scandal at the CDC, where a long-time researcher, William Thompson, confessed (2014) that he and colleagues committed gross fraud in a study of the MMR vaccine.
Thompson admitted the evidence showed the vaccine led to a higher risk of autism in children—but that finding was intentionally buried, and the vaccine was given a free pass.
Of course, mainstream reporters have been mercilessly attacking Vaxxed, and a segment of the population finds it impossible to believe that the CDC would ever commit this kind of fraud.
So, as a mind-changer, let me take you back to the late summer of 2009, and the Swine Flu epidemic, which was hyped to the sky by the CDC. The Agency was calling for all Americans to take the Swine Flu vaccine. Remember?
The problem was, the CDC was concealing another scandal.
At the time, star CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, was working on a Swine Flu story. She discovered that the CDC had secretly stopped counting cases of the illness—while, of course, continuing to warn Americans about its unchecked spread.
Understand that the CDC’s main job is counting cases and reporting the numbers.
What was the Agency up to?
Here is an excerpt from my 2014 interview with Sharyl Attkisson:
Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?
Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it [after it was published on the CBS News website] and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.
—end of interview excerpt—
It was routine for doctors all over America to send blood samples from patients they’d diagnosed with Swine Flu, or the “most likely” Swine Flu patients, to labs for testing. And overwhelmingly, those samples were coming back with the result: not Swine Flu, not any kind of flu.
That was the big secret. That’s what the CDC was hiding. That’s why they stopped reporting Swine Flu case numbers. That’s what Attkisson had discovered. That’s why she was shut down.
But it gets even worse.
Because about three weeks after Attkisson’s findings were published on the CBS News website, the CDC, obviously in a panic, decided to double down. If one lie is exposed, tell an even bigger one. A much bigger one.
Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon).
Are your eyeballs popping? They should be.
In the summer of 2009, the CDC secretly stops counting Swine Flu cases in America, because the overwhelming percentage of lab tests from likely Swine Flu patients shows no sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.
There is no Swine Flu epidemic.
Then, the CDC estimates there are 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu in the US.
So…the premise that the CDC would never lie about important matters like, oh, a vaccine increasing the risk of autism…you can lay that one to rest.
The CDC will lie about anything it wants to. It will boldly go where no person interested in real science will go.
It will completely ignore its mandate to care about human health, and it will get away with it.
And CBS will conveniently forget how it aided and abetted the CDC, by censoring real news, and instead opted for egregious and titanic fake news.
The Matrix Revealed
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Archangel Michael: To The Faithful Ones Landing God's Prosperity
Archangel Michael:
FAITH! It is indeed I, your champion, Archangel Michael. How I love you! How WE love you! I bring you a gift of clarity.
Faith is the means to realizing your dreams come true. Faith is the decision which brings you harmony, clarity and peace in the midst of whatever else is occurring. Faith is your choice; Faith in God's assured Goodness brings in the Light and transmutes the dross.
How are you responding during this opportunity when things erratically ebb between uncertain quiet and outrageous chaos? Some of you have doubled and re-doubled your inner efforts for personal Ascension and planetary assistance. Some of you have fallen a bit into concern, confusion, grumbling, anger, doubt or drudgery. Most all of you are understandably fatigued. Know that you are indeed operating - by design - beyond capacity...where you engage your Faith.
All is well and Good in the Kingdom of Earth! BE OF FAITH! Faith is a God-quality that you use to serve, to bless, to thrive...and then that God-quality of Faith turns right around to serve, bless and sanctify you and all. It would be accurate to say your Mission on Earth is Faith. Contemplate this deeply in the meadow of your heart. It is through Faith you arise and accomplish your divine purpose!
Those of you now already walking and responding in Faith can attest that recently WE have been working together more closely than ever. You have been nudged, encouraged and asked outright to take greater and greater leaps of Faith, often against what seemed rational or productive.
Yet, when you act upon your Faith, the results galvanize many threads - many streams of energy - of intention and potential. You actuate The Plan through your Faith.
Imagine our joy when we work closely together. Receive our cheers and appreciation whenever you ask for our input, and as we give it, we see that you are already "in the air!" - in mid LEAP of Faith! With this attitude and through such choices, we can accomplish much together, quickly.
Have Faith.
Be of Faith.
Offer Faith.
Respond with Faith.
Focus with Faith.
Wait in flexibility, good humor and Faith.
A direct word to our faithful Zimlanders. The progress updates you continue to receive through trusted sources - those you correctly feel to be working directly with us and for the highest good of all - are heartily corroborated by US. Continue to expand your capacity and increase your Faith.
Faith produces peace and the fulfillment of restored dignity on Earth, which you are heroically creating.
Radiate true Faith.
I am your brother, Michael
(Channeled by ChristineB / FancyFree, 7 August 2017)
We have been with you every breath of the way. As directed by the Company of Heaven, we have been doing our own deep diving inner work of purification in preparation for the arriving new phase. We are brimming over with peace and wonder at how this is all unfolding.
We give a special shoutout of deep thanks to those who have supplied so many messages and such inspiration during this time of preparation.
Meg has officially left Georgia to move full-time into the Mission with Kathryn & Christine. We will be re-emerging to a more public level of offering. The COH has been preparing meditations and messages to elegantly assist us all through the intensity of the releasing transition.
Christine & Meg will be available in the Pacific Northwest - BC & Seattle - the last half of August and into September.... If you would like to invite them to your West Coast community, please contact Meg directly atbtwdavis@gmail.com.
They are warmly willing to offer personal and group support from the Company of Heaven in the form of private sessions and/or gatherings. The gatherings may be free or by donation. The sessions may be with either Christine, Meg or both and will have a sliding-scale exchange, according to genuine need.
Kathryn is holding down the farm at the Homestead and will be available for Visual Centering Sessions on Skype in September. Contact her directly at:kemay@aol.com.
Of course, these plans do not cast any meaning onto the RELEASE of the RV/GCR. Once the ever-famous 800#'s are given out, we will all go into different plans, resulting in spectacular re-set gatherings. We remain in divine flexibility!
We love you always,
Kathryn, Christine, Meg & Ana
Be soothed and uplifted with this prayer to God: HU (by Eckankar).
Individual power and ethics: the conversation that never was
by Jon Rappoport
It’s no accident that the concept of individual power is surrounded by clouds of timidity and fear and cultural resentment.
People are warned that touching it produces a substantial electric shock.
“Me? Individual power? I never said I was in favor of it. Great individual power? Don’t pin that on me. Who’s accusing me? I’ll sue them! I’m for humility in all things.”
Perhaps the most famous statement ever delivered on this subject came from Lord Acton (1887): “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
For many, this closes the book on discussion.
But in fact, it is a wobbling prelude.
What about the creative power of the individual?
Especially, what about that power when it is deployed by a person who has a personal code of ethics?
What if that code is summarized in the simple statement: I am free to do what I want to, as long as I don’t interfere with another person’s freedom?
We’re not talking about what happens when a king has a position of ultimate authority. That throne, of course, carries with it an implication of interfering with the freedom of the king’s subjects. The corruption is there from the start.
But the creative power of the individual, his goal to exert as much power as possible to fulfill his desires in the world, to launch and sustain an enterprise of his own choosing, to imagine and extend the reaches of such an enterprise—suppose he possesses ethics—suppose he refuses to interfere with, and override, the freedom of another person.
Many people have a fear of their own creative power, of what they would do if they removed the constraints on their own “proper place in the world.” Therefore, because of that fear, they oppose others having power.
Organized religion has always stuck its nose into the drama as well. What a religion claims is the ultimate power, and where it comes from, is inserted into the mix. A religion always assumes its picture of the Deity is the correct one, AND IT OWNS THAT PICTURE.
The notion of unlimited individual power, backed up by personal ethics, is anathema. It threatens the spiritual monopoly. So the religion invents cautionary tales that pile up into the sky.
One of the tales, time-honored, and adopted in one form or another by governments and “humanitarian groups” is: people are inherently weak and greedy, so allowing them to exercise ANY kind of power at all is madness. Instead, power must be managed by “the people,” by “those who care,” by “the needs of Mother Earth,” by “the Universe,” by “socialists,” by “economic and political planners (technocrats),” by “the oppressed (it’s their turn),” by “the big We,” by “international cooperation,” by “a wise global court (who runs it?),” by the man in the moon, by the beneficent aliens from the Galactic League…
Then there is language manipulation. An individual seeking to imagine and create his most profound dream as fact in the world is “acting like a god”—and that is a cardinal sin of the first order. (Therefore, be humble, be weak, be passive. You’ll earn a cosmic gold star on the blackboard.)
Or such an individual must be “a greedy capitalist,” representing “the worst system ever devised for human interaction.”
Or such an individual is “dangerous,” because “he places his needs before the needs of others.”
Or such an individual is “mentally ill,” because no one in his right mind would display such confidence in his own vision of his future.
In every case, the people behind promoting these perverse distortions want to wield power over others themselves. Quite a coincidence.
They’re always playing a shell game. They’re trying to take power from the individual and transfer it to themselves or those they support.
They always assume they know who “the good people” are, the people who won’t abuse power.
To put it in a slightly different way, they believe they don’t have the capacity to create and build an enterprise based on their deepest desires, if left to their own devices. Therefore, no one else should be allowed to.
They have no substantial ethics. Therefore, no one else has authentic ethics, either.
This discussion moves into the realm of “the many” vs. “the few.” It goes this way: suppose there are a few individuals who can, in fact, take their most profound vision and turn it into reality. They are the exception. For most of humanity, this is impossible. THEREFORE, stop the few. Why? Because their ability is inherently unfair.
That argument, rarely voiced, champions “democracy” as the lowest common denominator. Lift no one up. Instead, sink everyone in a shared swamp.
These days, this perverse approach has added a new topping: every difference of talent, will power, determination, ambition, imagination, creativity, refusal to surrender is a sign of privilege. Privilege is society’s bias. Eliminate it, thereby eliminating all the above qualities.
Then what remains? Nothing of substance.
If the independent individual looked outward to discover what standard he should uphold, what voice he should adopt, what theory he should cling to, what behavior he should imitate, he would cease being what he is in an hour.
He would order himself to stop thinking about power. It is the most loaded word and concept in this culture.
And naturally, it is also one of the most fruitful to contemplate, apart from the madding crowd.
Within it can be born great achievements and futures.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
SECURITY ALERT: For the last 48 hours, NaturalNews has been subjected to a large-scale, extremely well-funded DDoS attack that caused intermittent outages of site availability. The attack began shortly after NaturalNews linked to a White House petition demanding an end to legal immunity for the vaccine industry.
The attack has already been waged for over 48 hours and continues. While NaturalNews servers were never brought down, the initial wave of the attack successfully overwhelmed the hardware firewall protecting NaturalNews servers, causing gateway traffic failures. At its peak, the attack bombarded NaturalNews servers with 250,000 requests per second.
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SECURITY ALERT: For the last 48 hours, NaturalNews has been subjected to a large-scale, extremely well-funded DDoS attack that caused intermittent outages of site availability. The attack began shortly after NaturalNews linked to a White House petition demanding an end to legal immunity for the vaccine industry.
The attack has already been waged for over 48 hours and continues. While NaturalNews servers were never brought down, the initial wave of the attack successfully overwhelmed the hardware firewall protecting NaturalNews servers, causing gateway traffic failures. At its peak, the attack bombarded NaturalNews servers with 250,000 requests per second.
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A 'fiery' lunar eclipse is morphing the energy grids of Earth today, August 7th. This will have a strong effect - especially the next 3 days - but also prepping the 'Global Mind' for the 'Great American Solar Eclipse' 2 weeks from now.
This is all cosmically ordained for this month of the Sun in Leo - a fire sign - which today is in direct relationship opposite the Moon in Aquarius - an air sign. As you know, fire and air can be rather 'combustive', and can fire-up consciousness with signs of the times for personal and planetary evolutionary ascent. Saturday's Cosmic LOVE Show podcast addresses the global metamorphosis that is surging in the morphic field of consciousness. This is the latest on the 2017 Big Shift. For a multi-media show, you can open a separate window on your computer for this show's focus on Global Metamorphosis. You can watch the videos or read the linked articles while pausing the podcast. Or you can just listen to the video podcast by itself. Yesterday, a fiery message from Archangel Zadkiel and the Seven Archangels was streamed online-live over the Heartscenter Network worldwide. I'm including the replay link HERE for those who follow modern revelations regarding teachings of the Ascended Masters. Center in your heart as you watch that video to consider the metaphysical dynamics of spiritual fire to come up higher in resonance with Zadkiel's fiery message that, "You are greater than you think." May spiritual fire inspire your metamorphosis for eclipse of all BS, illusion and self-delusion during this eclipse season.
Within your Heart, never lose sight of what you wish to create to facilitate your part of a vast humanitarian effort. You are here to alter this present reality and to change it for the better. In this manner all of you are to forge a brand new reality. Never let all the many delays change this most marvelous vision of a new realm for all humanity! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
7 Men, 13 Pop, 1 Ik
Dratzo! Many signs now indicate that we are actually moving closer to the much-anticipated deliveries. The numerous delays and their accompanying glitches have reached a most critical point. We continue to fully expect your promised deliveries to occur. This process, as noted in previous reports, is taking far too long to successfully execute. The constant delays by the deliverers is appalling. At times, their frequent excuses would appear planned. The distribution process should not be a hit-or-miss procedure. It would be much easier to work in large and complete delivery batches to achieve a success.
To us, these ongoing delays are an omen that, in reality, there is still an undercurrent of an internal argument between those who wish to succeed and those who indirectly do not. We know that such large programs can be easily set up to do as one truly desires. It is a sign of planned incompetence when each attempt at a workable delivery system proves unsuccessful. We possess technology that could easily achieve these goals in a most secure manner. The time is now ripe to use a simple saying: Either one decides to 'fish or cut bait'. Ultimately the decision rests with the deliverers.
The current process is forcing the banks to reactivate long-abandoned procedures. A new method would be more able to allow the endless amounts of money to be successfully selected instead of being repeatedly recounted. A revamped procedure would make it possible to discover the means to quickly correct any previous mistakes. In this regard, it is hoped that a final solution be adapted and successfully utilized in very short order!
Changing the banking system is why we believe it is possible for a workable solution to be created. Hence, we expect all systems to be in place shortly. In fact, those now in the know expect a decisive solution will resolve all current difficulties and provide an easy resolution. We are happy to bear witness to a conclusive scenario which now draws extremely close. The final celebrations are at the most just over the horizon!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The method required to "clean up" the mess created by the current global delays can still be easily accomplished. We are, in spite of this lengthy process, fully ready to alter what is unfolding and to finally permit our visions to create joy and prosperity. Let us thank Heaven and all in charge for prioritizing the new approach to success. It is to put us all quite near to our true destiny and, in this, we greatly thank Heaven for graciously demanding this current effort.
The present endeavor is yet another sign that a great final push is indeed underway. This divine effort is being underwritten by the gracious decrees of Heaven. With this behind us, we are confident that these renewed attempts at resolving the delivery holdups will be able to bring into view both your prosperity and the new NESARA Republic. It is only a short time before all that you have long dreamed of becomes a true manifested reality. Once again, it is vital that you hold your visions and prepare for what is swiftly to be yours!
Take this blessed time to review and again sanctify what you see in these visions and be ready to do all that is necessary to truly manifest them. Within your Heart, never lose sight of what you wish to create to facilitate your part of a vast humanitarian effort. You are here to alter this present reality and to change it for the better. In this manner all of you are to forge a brand new reality. Never let all the many delays change this most marvelous vision of a new realm for all humanity! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we reviewed what now is certainly happening around this precious orb. The new "powers that be" are deeply determined to complete the deliveries needed to assure that the global RV and its associated cousin, the GCR, are initiated and completed as soon as possible. In addition, the rise of the NESARA Republic (GESARA globally) likewise needs to be completed quickly. The never-ending and countless supply of Heaven is indeed Yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy! ) So Be It!
Every day we are bombarded with information that tries to sway our viewpoints. Conspiracy theories and fake news are modern terms for sensationalism that aims to confuse us and lead us away from our truth.
Sharpening our abilities to discern that truth is a crucial step we can take along the path to spiritual maturity. In this Webinar Sheldan, with the direct assistance of the Galactics, will help us understand ways in which we can hone our capacity for discernment.
Topics include:
• How the Cabals have conditioned humanity to believe their propaganda.
• Religion and how it influences belief systems.
• Selling out to the power of money.
• Spreading cynicism and fear through fake news.
• False flag events and their impact on us.
• How to separate truth from lies: developing insights.
• How we can use the gift of discernment to prepare for announcements and the landings.
• Discernment leading to full consciousness.
Sunday, August 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, August 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
In this Webinar the Galactics help Sheldan explain how we can tap into and balance this vital energy.
To view Preview ~ Reviving the Divine Feminine ~~ Click Here
As part of our next steps toward full consciousness, we will need to intergrate our divine feminine and masculine energies.
Topics include...
• Reviving the Divine Feminine
• Re-evaluating Divine Masculine
• Understanding the Anunnaki's myths surrounding the Feminine & Masculine
• Balancing divine feminine and masculine energies ~ Preparing us for full consciousness
• How the Galactics are balanced with these energies
• Discover how we can tap into this energy to become more balanced
• How our galactic Mentors will help us to become integrated galactic Humans
We send you greetings from the Most High during this powerful month that is supporting and strengthening your place in the great grid of Christ Consciousness. This grid was consciously strengthened 30 years ago by thousands of Lightworkers who came together to celebrate what came to be known as the Harmonic Convergence.
~ The Councils of Shamballa who oversaw the creation of the HarmonicConvergence
December 21, 2012 marked the end of the old world and the beginning of a new Golden Age of Freedom, which was seeded 30 years ago in 1987 with the convergence of thousands of Lightworkers known as the Harmonic Convergence. Beginning with December 2012, a portal for receiving the encoded ascension frequencies from your Central Sun was opened, making way for this new world. This gave Gaia and all life upon her the accelerated codes for supporting the Ascension of all life and set into motion the energies necessary for the Earth to realign with her true origin as an ascended planet. Gaia’s ascension is also being supported by the opening of a new portal, which will usher in new codes from both the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun. This portal will be fully opened in mid-August when humanity will be graced with extraordinarily powerful ascension frequencies supported by the two eclipses in August and the grand anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence August 16 and 17. The first eclipse on August 7th, will be expanding the unconditionally loving frequencies of the Divine Feminine so it can be felt and assimilated within the heart during the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence August 16 and 17. One of the functions of this anniversary is to encourage Lightworkers across the globe to join hearts in order to strengthen the original Convergence grid so it can expand its capacities to pour Love and Light into the hearts of every soul across your world as well as the galaxy.
Although the primary purpose of the original Convergence has been supported during the last 30 years, we ask that you expand your support during this anniversary so its original purpose can be again expanded within the hearts and minds of as many as possible around your world. This year’s Harmonic Convergence anniversary on August 16 and 17 will then be followed by a full solar eclipse on August 21 and the combination of these powerful energies will greatly stimulate and expand the ascension potentials by clearing away anything that is no longer in harmony with your ascension into your unlimited Self and the releasing of what no longer serves you and all life around your world. The August 21st eclipse will also be ushering in a time that Light Workers can use to cleanse and clear any remaining limiting energies or unconscious 3rd dimensional attachments. Humanity has primarily been supporting their own limiting beliefs and opinions for thousands of years until they became the foundations for their false identity of limitation, while further clouding their connections with the guidance of God and their Divine Purpose to restore peace, harmony mutual empowerment and abundance for all. By taking the charge off your old beliefs, you are then free to commune much more directly with the mind and heart of Mother/Father God until ONLY your God Self or inner Divine Presence is in charge of your life. The highly supportive energies of the Harmonic Convergence are all pointing to your return to Oneness, as very soon it will become increasingly painful and uncomfortable to try to maintain any old attachments or memories that are not serving your living in Oneness with your Divine Presence.
All of these August energies are going to bring everything to the surface that has been hidden or held in denial. The purpose for this clearing is ultimately to assist you in strengthening your ongoing willingness to release any value you might still be giving to any old limiting energies since they will only continue attracting similar limiting circumstances to you. It is always your choice to let go of these attachments so you may live wholly as your Presence or God Self. The stronger and more passionate your choice to use the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence to support releasing any limiting attachments and live as your Divine Presence, the easier it will be to accomplish your ascension. Always remember that you are never alone and the more you reconnect into the great grid that was established during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the more you will remember what it really feels like to live in Oneness with the Creator. Remember that you are never, ever alone and your part is simply to lovingly ask for and accept help whenever you feel it is needed and then to give thanks, love and gratitude when it is consciously recognized. Remember the giver, the gift and the receiver are all the same ~ YOU as you open to receive the gift of rising into your already ascended True Self, living as your unlimited Divine Presence.
by Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose
If interested, the Ascended Masters Mystery School offers courses ~~
The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: www.WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster.com and click on the Menu.
Now is your last chance to download the PAO Special Webinar Bundle. The bundle will only be available until the end of July,
To purchase 3 single Webinar archives would normally cost you $41.85. For $24.95 you will receive a bundle of 3 Webinars - a 40% savings.
This bundle includes:
▪ Webinar 77: Your Crystal Light Chambers
▪ Webinar 71: Cetaceans
▪ Webinar 52: Overcoming Our 3D Conditioning
To order your Best Of Webinar bundle number 1: Click Here
The annual 8:8 Lion’s Gate occurs on August 8th during the time of Leo, the Lion. It is the time of year when our planet aligns with Star Sirius and the Galactic Center, creating a harmonious portal that unites “matter and antimatter”. It is a special galactic event that enhances your ability to fully embody the divine self in physical form. The powerful energies of the Lion’s Gate portal are assisting Gaia through the Gateways of Time and into the higher dimensions that are guarded by the Royal Sirian Lions of yesterday and tomorrow.
The 8-8 Lions Gate opens the ‘hallways of time’ to ancient history when Sirian Masters traveled to Earth and taught the principles of Ascension in the Mystery Schools of Egypt’s Zep Tepi civilization. They taught the lost Art of Alchemy, which they recorded on sacred scrolls, on pyramid walls and in the Halls of Amenti.
Blue Star Sirius streams the indigo blue Light codes of an advanced race of Light Beings to Gaia and humanity that initiates the path of Ascension. The Sirian Masters acted as mediators between the Galactic 12 Tribes at the Great Central Sun and the new human race of earth. The Sirian Masters introduced "Christ Consciousness" to humanity. They would stream the Crystal Light into the Pyramid complex at Giza and transmit the Codes into the Earth Grids, allowing for a peaceful and fluid transmission of divine energies.
I’ve been working closely with the Sirian Elders for the past 15 years, perfecting my skills with sacred geometry, vortex power and advanced Ascension upgrades. The deep indigo blue Sirian Light assists with opening the chakras, transmuting pathogens, increasing the crystallization of the cells and transmutation of the human-hybrid genetic code.
DNA is now recognized as a shimmering, waveform configuration…a biological quantum field computer that is adaptable and modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. Your dormant ‘junk DNA’ is being stimulated by the incoming galactic Light infusion. The legacy of ancient Thoth/Enoch/Metatron reminds us that the "Language of Light", the geometry of frequencies and harmonic science of the ancients, is actually transforming human DNA.
Building in momentum since July 26th, the Galactic SuperWave is streaming thru the 8-8 Lions Gate portal and blessing humanity with a powerful Ascension upgrade. It is blasting the veils of illusion and delusion, revealing hidden shadow lurking within. The Galactic SuperWave is a very powerful surge of galactic light force that is awakening all souls to a world reality they never knew existed. A world beyond Duality!
This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated Ascension. On Tuesday, August 8th we will join together with other Light Warriors in the quantum flow of the golden ratio spiral, and travel to the Galactic Center. We will step into the Crystal Stargate at the Great Central Sun, connect with the 8-8 Lions Gate - Lunar Eclipse portal, entering pure consciousness, untouched potential…we are stepping into Source Creator. Using our bodymind connection as anchor points, we will assist in activating the Cosmic Ascension for all life on the planet.
Step into the Quantum Vortex on Tuesday, August 8th at 12 Pacific for the powerful 8-8 Lions Gate – Lunar Eclipse Activations. Join Light Warriors from around the world in a united ‘group mind’ as we co-create our future 5D Earth.
Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
The watchdog group, Judicial Watch, is threatening to file a lawsuit if the state government of California doesn’t clean up its vast voting mess. (twitter version here, and here)
What mess?
Judicial Watch: “…public records obtained…show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.”
There’s more.
“Los Angeles County officials ‘informed us that the total number of registered voters [in the County] now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.’”
That’s doesn’t work. That’s fraud.
Now add this to the mix. Over a million illegal immigrants (some say far more) have received driver’s licenses in California. All of them (unless they specifically opt out), are automatically registered to vote by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles.
Put all this insanity together, and what do you get? A gigantic number of people who can illegally cast votes. Because, in California, it’s legal to be illegal.
Want to proceed further down the rabbit hole?
It’s probable that many illegal immigrants don’t vote. If someone wanted to vote FOR them, how would that work?
Not one at a time, unless some sinister organization had at least half a million foot soldiers on call, on Election Day.
But here is a possible clue: electronic voting systems.
Back in 2007, the secretary of state of California ordered a “Top-to-Bottom Review” of all electronic voting systems currently in use in California elections.
In other words, up to that time, these systems had been considered a very fine way to run the vote count. The systems obviously had been tested and re-tested and checked and approved. They were already being used in the state of California.
However, astoundingly, all the following electronic systems were found to contain fatal flaws: Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold); Hart InterCivic; Sequoia Voting Systems; Election Systems and Software.
The first three systems were disqualified from further use…and then conditionally re-approved. The fourth system was rejected altogether.
To suppose that, after this top-to-bottom review in 2007, everything was quickly fixed is a leap only the foolish and unwary would take—particularly when we are talking about extremely talented hackers who could be employed to change election-vote numbers.
I read the California Top-to-Bottom Review. The public comments section at the end was illuminating. It contained explosive remarks.
For example, there was a discussion of vendors pretending to sell certain voting machines to the state of California…but actually selling other machines…machines that were not certified for use.
Another comment indicated that California lacked a method to ensure the source code for voting-machine software actually belonged to software certified by the state.
All in all, there is no guarantee (far from it) that the California voting system is safe or effective or honest.
If someone manipulated the system, and somehow utilized the huge numbers of illegal immigrants who are registered to vote, as a cover for falsified numbers…
Who would use illegal immigrants in that way?
You can answer that question.
power outside the matrix
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
This is John McCain's home in Arizona. Not bad for a man who worked in the military, left the military, and then ran for Congress. He has been in Congress since 1983... for 34 years.
McCain graduated 894th in his class of 899 students from the Naval Academy. He was known for being wild and it usually revolved around women. He was a member of a group of students who called themselves "The Bad Bunch". He married Carol Shepp who was a successful swimsuit model. She had been married to one of his classmates and had two children from her first marriage. She and McCain became parents for a daughter one year later. He had been quite a playboy and was already becoming bored with the domesticated life. He requested active duty in Vietnam. While he was there, Carol faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news about her husband. His plane was shot down in 1967 and he became a POW. On Christmas Eve 1969, Carol and the children were spending the holiday with her parents. After dinner she was going to take gifts to some friends. The road was icy and she slid head-on into a telephone pole. She was thrown from the car through the front window. Her legs, spine, and right arm were crushed and she was in the hospital for 6 months. Ross Perot was an advocate of POW's and he paid her medical bills. She requested that John not be told because she felt he already had enough to deal with.
McCain was released in 1973 and returned home to much fanfare. Carol had several surgeries, lost 5 inches in height, and gained some weight.. McCain told reporters he was overjoyed to see Carol again. But friends say privately he was 'appalled' by the change in her appearance. As a war hero, McCain was moving in ever-more elevated circles. "He started carousing and running around with women.", reported Robert Timberg. Bob Timberg was a retired Marine, an American journalist, writer, and author of four books, including THE NIGHTINGALE'S SONG and JOHN MCCAIN: AN AMERICAN ODYSSEY. McCain admitted he started having many girlfriends and affairs during this time. On one trip to Hawaii he met an Anheuser Busch distributer heiress, Cindy Hensley, at a cocktail party. She was 17 years younger than McCain and worth $100 million dollars. He invited her to have drinks with him at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. He said by the end of the evening he was in love. They had an affair for nine months while he was still married to and living with his wife Carol. McCain wanted to marry Cindy but needed first to get a divorce. He and Carol separated in January 1980. He requested a divorce in February, the divorce was sped along and granted in April. He and Cindy married 5 weeks after the divorce was final on May 17, 1980. Carol and their children were devastated. McCain callously left his first wife and children behind. He and Cindy moved to Arizona. Cindy's father was well-connected and helped McCain move smoothly into Congress representing Arizona in Washington DC.
McCain's new wife and her family were extravagantly wealthy. Her father was one of the largest distributors of Anheuser Busch in the country and she was an only child. The divorce settlement afforded Carol McCain full custody of their three children, alimony, child support, including college tuition, houses in Virginia and Florida, and lifelong financial support for her continuing medical treatment from the car accident. Carol said the reason for the divorce was John turned 40 and he wanted to be 25 again. Carol was extremely hurt. She went to work as the press assistant for soon-to-be First Lady Nancy Reagan. She became loved and respected in Washington. She kept a dignified silence about the horrendous way McCain had treated her. Some of the McCain friends were less forgiving, however. They portray the politician as a self-centred womaniser who effectively abandoned his crippled wife to 'play the field'. They accuse him of finally settling on Cindy, a former rodeo beauty queen, for financial reasons. Despite his popularity as a politician, there are those who have not forgotten his treatment of his first wife. Ted Sampley, who fought with US Special Forces in Vietnam is now a leading campaigner for veterans' rights.
Ted said, "I have been following John McCain's career for nearly 20 years. I know him personally. There is something wrong with this guy and let me tell you what it is... deceit. "When he came home and saw that Carol was not the beauty he left behind, he started running around on her almost right away. Everybody around him knew it. Eventually he met Cindy and she was young, beautiful, and very wealthy. McCain just dumped Carol for something he thought was better. "This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. Yet he has no character. He is a fake." Ross Perot, who paid her medical bills all those years ago, now believes that both Carol McCain and the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel, even by the standards of modern politics. Mr. Perot said, "McCain is the classic opportunist. He's always reaching for attention and glory. After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history. A man who cannot be faithful to a loving, self-sacrificing wife cannot be trusted to be faithful to the American people. Cindy has also had to learn the lessons about her husband the hard way. Even though she and McCain put on a perfect front for the public, especially when he is running for office, she really is an invisible wife to him.
Tom Gosinski, who served as director of Cindy McCain's nonprofit American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT) wrote in his journal about the McCain marriage: "During my short tenure at AVMT I have been surrounded by what on the surface appears to be the ultimate all-American family. In reality, I am working for a very sad, lonely woman. Her marriage of convenience to a U.S. Senator has driven her to distance herself from friends, cover feelings of despair with drugs, and replace lonely moments with self-indulgences. She became addicted to Percocet and had a doctor prescribing them for her illegally. When her parents learned she was taking them, they helped her stop. Washington rumors were saying McCain had an inappropriate relationship with the young and lovely lobbyist, Vicki Iseman. Ms. Iseman began visiting McCain's offices and campaign events so frequently in 2000 that his aides were "convinced the relationship had become romantic". One staff member supposedly asked, "Why is she always around?" His staff members began a campaign to "save McCain from himself" by restricting Iseman's access to McCain during the course of the 2000 presidential primary. According to the Washington Post, McCain's political advisor John Weaver met with Iseman at Washington's Union Station to tell Iseman not to see McCain anymore.
It is not a real marriage between John and Cindy McCain. Real marriages usually involve living together. McCain and Cindy have not "lived" together for 20 years. To defend this, McCain brags the family takes two vacations together every year and Ms. McCain is the one who has always made that happen." Two vacations per year...What a farse and fake!! Nothing about this man is real. He has no compassion or empathy for anyone except himself. The only real thing emotion he is capable of is anger. He is famous for his anger. His father and grandfather were both decorated Navy Admirals. He was given special privileges and extreme preferential treatment while he served in the Navy. He was a pilot but according to his colleagues he was a very bad pilot. He actually crashed three planes. There was a horrendous incident that happened on his aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Forrestal, that killed 134 men. There has been a debate since the incident with some being convinced John McCain was responsible for this accident. Others are angry about anyone who would dare speak against a Naval officer and embarrass an entire branch of service. Many witnesses have reported that McCain was guilty of a "wet start". When a pilot wants to be a show off, with a "wet start" his engine start creates a large startling flame and lots of surprise noise from the rear of a jet engine on start up. McCain did the "Wet Start". It was not an accident. The flames from the wet start torched off the launching of a powerful Zuni rocket on the plane behind him. The Zuni rockets were famous for having electrical problems. It shot across the carrier's deck hitting other parked planes that were packing 1,000 high-explosive pound bombs. This caused the bombs to explode. The subsequent massive explosions, fire and destruction went several decks below and nearly sunk this major 82,000 ton U.S. aircraft carrier. This stunt and aftermath caused the death of 134 sailors and blew off arms, legs, and caused blindness and burns to another 161 sailors. McCain jumped from his plane, rolled across the flames, and escaped. He watched the men dying and the burning from a closed circuit television on the ship. Sadly all of those lives were lost.
They had to take the ship off the battle line for 2 years when it had to be taken back to port for $76 million dollars of extensive repairs. That does not include the cost of replacing the airplanes or ammunition. Other Navy pilots causing this type of death and destruction would have been arrested and would probably still be in prison. Why didn't this happened to John McCain? McCain's grandfather was a famous FOUR STAR Navy admiral and his dad, at the time of the incident, was also a powerful illustrious FOUR STAR Navy admiral. McCain had graduated from the Naval Academy. Witnesses say the good ole boy Navy tradition went into high gear immediately. McCain was not even repremanded. When there is a cover-up, the soldier is usually simply assigned to another ship. McCain was quietly assigned to another ship. There is an ongoing debate about the incident to this day. John McCain's lack of character was further demonstrated when he voted not to repeal Obamacare. He had run his 2016 Senatorial race under the banner he would LEAD the fight to repeal Obamacare. He hates Donald Trump so very much he gleefully held his thumb down for his vote rather than a thumbs up. He laughed afterwards and said, "Let's see Donald Trump save America now!" What a horrible man. He stabbed his constituents and the citizens of America in the back. Liberal socialists now call him their hero. McCain has recently discovered he has a brain tumor. I am genuinely sorry for anyone who has to face a health issue especially when it involves cancer. Thankfully for him the doctors have said it is curable. The fact that he now has a brain tumor does not change the horrendous things he has done in his life because of his extremely low flawed character. If Senator McCain's own health care was dependent on the Obamacare he has continued to saddle the American people with, I guarantee he would not have voted thumbs-down. But because he married a wealthy heiress and has plenty of money to take care of his own health needs, he does not care.
Here is a perfect example of the tactics that Big Pharma uses to incentivize doctors to push vaccines on the public. Insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) pays pediatricians $400 for EACH fully vaccinated child under the age of 2. This means that for every 100 vaccinated patients, the doctor gets a $40,000 bonus!
Moreover, it is now very difficult to find a pediatrician who will accept a family who doesn’t vaccinate. Even parents who partially vaccinate or follow a different schedule have a hard time finding a doctor. Here’s why: doctors have to vaccinate a certain percentage of their patients or they don’t get their bonus. BCBS says doctors need to vaccinate 63% of their patients to get the payout.
BCBS outlines the incentive program for vaccinating babies in the BCBS doctor incentives booklet. Below is an image of the childhood immunization incentives page.
The program specifies that patients under the age of 2 must receive 24 inoculations for the doctor to receive the $400 per-patient payout. Notice the list includes the flu vaccine, even though evidence suggests that the flu vaccine actually weakens the immune system long-term. Furthermore, during the 2012-2013 flu season, the flu vaccine’s effectiveness was found to be just 56 percent across all age groups reviewed by the CDC.
Exorbitant Payouts for Vaccinating Babies
So how much money can a doctor make by pushing vaccines on trusting parents? Here’s the breakdown:
The average American pediatrician has 1546 patients, though some pediatricians see many more. The vast majority of those patients are very young, perhaps because children transition to a family physician or stop visiting the doctor at all as they grow up. As they table above explains, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000. Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000. (source: CongitiveTruths.com)
Doctors Receive Bribes for More Than Vaccinations
The complete BCBS doctor incentives booklet was posted by CognitiveTruths.com here.
The booklet shows that payouts aren’t available just for vaccines. Doctors receive bonusesfor making sure that patients “adhere to their prescribed drug therapy.” This falls under BCBS category of “disease management” and includes statins, drugs for hypertension, and oral diabetes medications. Doctors also receive bonuses for helping patients manage depression…but only if they do so using drugs.
These types of practices by the medical establishment give rise to many questions. First, are doctors more concerned about earning their bonus than about children’s health? That would explain why so many doctors are no longer taking families that do not vaccinate. Further, do doctors even care if the one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination is safe?
Finally, if doctors receive payouts for disease management, then why would they want to cure their patients? This approach definitely illustrates the biggest problem of our medical establishment. Let’s face it, the establishment is creating long-term customers instead of curing patients.
Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com. Alex is an avid student of Yoga and life.
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Rod J. Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General
Robert Mueller - Special Counsel
Re: Russia Investigation
Dear Sirs:
So much has been circulating and speculated over the past months, regarding this issue, an understatement for sure. We all look forward to a fair, impartial and thorough investigation of this matter so that this country can better focus and move on to the business at hand.
A news piece crossed my desk and I am forwarding to you and other interested parties for review. Please see attached link below. I would expect that you and your team may already be aware of its existence and have or will give this information serious consideration. Please confirm or deny content, all or in part, the validity of the purported claims therein. Thus, we would expect that you would include any factual, corroborated claims therein as material evidence. At the least, we the people will look for some word from main stream media to report on this and its validity. Subsequently, we will look for appropriate subpoenas and sworn affidavits since a grand jury system makes no provision for other means of testimony or the presentation of evidence.
I respectfully ask for a response to the validity of the contents of the article in question or, at the very least, acknowledgment that you have in fact included said claims in your thorough investigation.
Facebook declares war on children, blocks science of medical harm
Facebook declares war on children, blocks all independent science warning of medical harm
Just when you thought the world couldn't get any crazier, Facebook has declared war on children, blocking all independent science that attempts to protect infants and toddlers from medical harm.
Zuckerberg, a dangerous sociopath seeking to dominate the world, is now openly promoting the "medical violation" of children, including practices of medical cannibalism that infect children for foreign DNA from diseased animals and aborted human babies.
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Facebook declares war on children, blocks all independent science warning of medical harm
Just when you thought the world couldn't get any crazier, Facebook has declared war on children, blocking all independent science that attempts to protect infants and toddlers from medical harm.
Zuckerberg, a dangerous sociopath seeking to dominate the world, is now openly promoting the "medical violation" of children, including practices of medical cannibalism that infect children for foreign DNA from diseased animals and aborted human babies.
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Interview with Vaxxed producer banned from Australia
Producer of film Vaxxed banned from Australia
by Jon Rappoport
Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed (trailer), has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane—it is.
Vaxxed has been screening across the world. It is an explosive revelation about egregious fraud at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
The film focuses on the 2014 public confession of a long-time researcher at the CDC, William Thompson. Thompson admits that he and his colleagues committed a crime, by manipulating data to give the MMR vaccine a free pass, “proving” it had no connection to autism—when in fact, as Thompson states, the vaccine does raise the risk of autism in children.
Here are a few statements from the The Sydney Morning Herald’s report, headlined: “Anti-vaccination advocate ‘banned from Australia’ after documentary tour.”
“The producer Polly Tommey behind a controversial anti-vaccination film which has been touring Australia has been banned from returning to the country for three years, she claims.”
“Ms Tommey spearheaded a sold-out national roadshow of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe organised by the Australian Vaccinations-Skeptics Network.”
“In a video, posted to Youtube on Tuesday, Ms Tommey claimed authorities seized her phone and copied her emails as she left Australian soil to continue the New Zealand leg of the film tour.”
“’They (Australian Border Force) told me I was banned from Australia for three years and that I would be getting a letter to confirm this,’ Ms Toomey said.”
“A number of secret screenings of the documentary and Q&A sessions were hosted in Australia, including one last week at Village’s Crown casino cinemas in Southbank and another in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.”
I contacted Polly Tommey, and she sent me this statement, quickly typed on her phone as she was heading to New Zealand:
“After a very successful 2 week tour of Vaxxed in Australia with packed out venues including the Australian National University I went through passport control in Adelaide airport on route to New Zealand, I was traveling with Anu Vaidya, our social media director—he was allowed straight through (we are both on the same business visas and both do the same work, Q&As and stories from parents via social media) I was detained.”
“They took my phone and asked for my password which I gave them (I have nothing to hide) they screenshot emails between AVN [Australian Vaccinations-Skeptics Network (on facebook)] and Vaxxed. They grilled me on Vaxxed and who made money from the documentary, they asked me about Andy Wakefield [also involved in the film’s production].”
“They told me I was banned from Australia for 3 years and I would receive an email to explain in due course. They then gave me my phone back and let me board a plane to New Zealand.”
“Australia’s press did this, they promoted Vaxxed and our tour. We barely filled the venues before they wrote endless articles with quotes from health ministers saying how Vaxxed is dangerous lies. From that moment on the venues were packed with waiting lists, they are their own worst enemies.”
“I don’t need to go back to Australia, the people are strong and know what to do. They are as angry as the rest of the world at the death and destruction of our babies and loved ones.”
Doctors, medical bureaucrats, and government officials in Australia are foaming at the mouth, releasing statements against Vaxxed and warning how “dangerous” the film is, and how it should not be shown and seen.
These Orwellian lunatics want to cancel the public’s right to have access to information. “Don’t think, obey.”
Here is their strategy in a nutshell: they want to equate certain information with shouting fire in a crowded theater and, therefore, claim the right to free speech and free assembly is canceled.
Actually, and quite literally, they’re the ones shouting fire in a crowded theater. Because they want to empty the theaters.
The content of Vaxxed is all about exposing the lies of official science.
Toxic vaccination is destroying the brains of babies and children.
Whether you agree or disagree with that last statement, trying to outlaw conversation about it and intimidate people who want the conversation is sheer totalitarian madness.
Polly Tommey is a woman who stands for what she believes and puts everything on the line. She has delved deeply into the protected secrets of the medical establishment. She has emerged with a film brimming with knowledge.
In a half-sane world, she would be hailed as a hero.
Obviously, the customs agents who detained and questioned her, as she was leaving Australia, who told her she was banned from the country, were acting on behalf of higher-ups.
Those medical, political, and pharmaceutical higher-ups want silence.
From you.
They want you to shut up and close your eyes and march straight ahead into the future they are laying out for you.
A future ever more toxic.
Are you going to give in? Are you going to abandon your natural right to search for the truth? Are you going to suck on the teat of the State and thank your betters for the morsels they hand you?
Are you going to believe this surrender to the State has no danger?
Are you going to stop worrying and learn to love Big Brother?
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
Lion's Gate Blessings to you! I am Archangel Michael, your friendly, galactic, wide-scene reporter, chiming in to assist you mid-Gate and to assure you of the triumph you are creating.
All energies, events, gateways are within you, so no matter where you are or what your day is like, it's your inner landscape - the ever-evolving compilation of your choices - which matters.
You are drops of divinity forming the tidal wave of Consciousness carrying Starship Terra and all upon her to the golden shores of New Earth. Which droplet is more important...?...exactly. All of you, as One swell, the One Love.
Never on Earth, even in past golden ages, have energies such as these been present. Never anywhere before this fresh and current now has such bright Light collided with such intense layers of density and dross.
This transition is possible because of you. You are transducing the Light, so that it may be possible for others, currently mired in the muck of density, to reclaim and soak in God's warmth, once again. You are transmuting what no longer serves in this runaway dream. You are the ones consciously and lovingly choosing your way through the minefields of miscreation, homeward bound.
No matter what the outer world is presenting to you right now, welcome this expansion and be free to enjoy.
Here are a few tips to help you soothe, deepen and connect more intimately with what you are accomplishing:
~ Relax! Make it easy. Laughter and ease are high dimensional qualities, qualities that lead to triumphant glory!
~ Choose to connect more closely with Mother Earth. She is your partner.
~ Consciously connect with your fellow awakening brothers and sisters of Earth. Together, you are unstoppable. Besides, community is where the BIG FUN is.
~ Transmuting is service. It's intentionally transforming discordant energies and circumstances back into the rarified Light of God. It is done through your own choices and can be as easy as purposefully and genuinely choosing patience over irritation, kindness over shame or wonder over drudgery. Transmute, without hesitation or excuse.
~ Declare and decree using the Violet Fire in the name and Will of God! "I Am! I Am! I Am the Resurrection and the Light of the Ascended Cosmic Christ Peace --- the Peace that surpasses the limited lower mind --- the Peace I had with God in the beginning before the world was --- eternally sustained and ever expanding."
~ Transducing is as easy as relaxing and releasing thoughts, feelings and behaviors which are incongruent with joy and peace. Instead, relish Goodness. Enjoy the ever-present grace of God. Emanate Faith. Decide: God.
The energy bandwidth particular to this (or any) transitional gateway is swirling and merging with the on-going energies of cleansing and Ascension. Keep going.
YOU are a hero - right now, as you are.
You are cherished, seen and known to all above.
I am your brother, Michael
(Channeled by ChristineB / FancyFree, 8 August 2017)
Lion's Gateway Focus: Old Program Matrix Collapses Individually & Collectively for Convergence on a Higher Plane of Existence - Transcending Your Dis-empowered State of Mind
Everything You Need to Know About This Month's Total Solar Eclipse
The last total solar eclipse to touch the mainland United States was in February 1979, when the moon’s shadow cut a small swath in the northwest. Now, 38 years later, a total eclipse will occur this month on August 21.
Anything less than a total eclipse requires protective lenses, and that includes the beginning and end stages for those who are in the path of totality—not just in the United States but in all of North America. Eclipse glasses are for sale online, so you can view the eclipse without damaging your eyesight.
For those who find themselves unprepared on August 21, you can also use a pinhole projection to see how much of the sun is covered by looking at the moon-obstructed shadows cast on a piece of paper. Even sunlight filtering through leaves can show shadows on the ground or against the side of a building.
The time of the eclipse will differ depending on your location. In Salem, Oregon, for example, the partial eclipse will begin at 9:05 A.M., with totality lasting just under two minutes, from 10:17 to 10:19 A.M., and the partial phase ending at 11:37 A.M. The longest eclipse will occur in southern Illinois, with totality lasting for two minutes and 40 seconds, from 1:20 to 1:23 P.M. The eclipse exits the mainland from South Carolina after sweeping across Nashville and Charleston.
Here’s a guide for how to experience this rare astral event:
Shadow bands. Because Earth has an ever-flowing atmosphere, the edge between darkness and light won’t be precisely defined, but will waver as it passes through layers of air. This results in a flicke