**************************************** Mother Earth is extremely important to us. She is the sacred vessel that contains the singularity that gave birth to our galaxy. She and she alone holds within her the Light energy stargate that sustains all the realities which make up our galaxy.
Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments. Sheldan prepares us to effectively use this energy.
In this Webinar Sheldan will explain how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.
Topics include...
• Awakening to our new energy systems • Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence • Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life • Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition • What the Indigos are teaching us • Intersecting our human energy with divine energy
Sunday, June 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth, benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake of said experiment. For indeed the veil of forgetfulness is thinning daily for you now, allowing more light, allowing more benevolence, allowing more understanding of self and all that is to shine through into your psyche and all those stationed on GAIA.
For indeed the experiment has been a phenomenal one, and the experiences gleaned by the beholders of said realities have been accumulated, processed and documented in the Akashic records for eternity.
For through the experience of pain and suffering, through the experience of effervescence and joy, through the experience of benevolence and peace, through the experience of all emotional octaves of the spectrum of human understanding of BEing, a new cognition has indeed been formed in the universal lore.
A new cognition of and understanding of said emotional structures of BEing. For indeed the planet on which you are presently finding yourselves is a unique haven, a unique haven whereby you are able to experience BEing as you are! BEing through the emotional rollercoaster prevalent on your planet.
Being able to experience all the spectrums of the emotional wheel, the freedom of choice, the freedom of co-creation. For indeed it is so, For indeed all of you who are presently residing on Gaia, all who have, are and never have been part of the experiment of the human wheel of karma, all of you have chosen to experience said realities through the vehicle of expression you call the human body.
For the world in which your reside, the experimental matrix if you will, has allowed all of you to experience that which you wished to, experience that which indeed was necessary and desired by your higher selves in order to glean, grow and expand the consciousness of that which you are. Nevertheless, the time has come to fully awaken to that which indeed you are, releasing the last bits of debris and misconception of your benevolence, might and power. For indeed you, all of you are mighty powerful beings! Mighty powerful co-creators of that which you wish to see unfold in your world.
And so, as always, we wish to remind you to keep steady in your benevolence, keep steady in your encounters with all that you see, with all that you are bathed in daily, all the “positive” and “negative” spectrums of your daily activities.
Be mindful of that which you read, be mindful of all the activities rapidly unfolding in your world, all the way understanding that, that which appears to be chaos, is building order, order through chaos, as we have indeed conversed to you prior. And so, we command you, we love you and we bow before you, for truly you are the masters of the divine, you are the masters of that which is, and you are the ones writing human history as you breathe, as you walk, as you talk, as you think as you dance, as you sleep, as you invent, as you CREATE.
Everything that you are, is that which is. Everything that is, is that which you are! Keep steady in your stride as you walk toward freedom from the amnesia which has beset you upon your entrance into this world. Keep steady and allow, allow the beautiful encounters with your higher selves, and the benevolent truth of that which you are to flood your psyche. Understand that you are ready, ready to fully awaken, ready to take your righteous place in the universe as co-creators, as gods, for truly you are! Believe, know and remember. Remember, know and BE, BE in the moment, of eternity, BE all that indeed you have come here to uphold.
Stay in balance, stay thoughtful of peace and harmony through unconditional understanding of all colors of the spectrum of life. All colors of the spectrum of life and the emotional wheel of human experience.
Know that we are walking with you, foot in foot and hand and hand. Know that it is so. For it is!
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you goodbye for now.
Note from Anna Merkaba: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.
Mother's Mini-Message # 9 - Where Your Foot Is, That's Your Path
Mother's Mini-Message #9
Where Your Foot Is, That's Your Path
Did you know that cats, whether living wild on the plains of Africa or curled up in your basket of socks at home, have individual and group assignments? Many cats have the responsibility of walking the Earth when they are frolicking outdoors to help clear and energize the ley lines that are the meridians of Earth.
Of course, as I have shown you, many cats also have personal and individualized lifetime assignments and projects and missions as well. For instance, a cat may also be entrusted with helping their human who suffers from seizures to be alerted when a seizure is coming and to remain calm and safe when it happens.
The same may be said of Lightworkers. At this important moment in Earth's exciting story, ALL are entrusted and trained to bear the Light that is to carry and emanate the Love of Father and me throughout every occurrence of their lives.
Of course, you know that Lightworkers have individual assignments, projects and missions as well. I come to you today to tell you with absolute certainty that at this current moment, you are carrying out and fulfilling your personal and collective mission, whether you are consciously aware of how it will play out or not.
Let's say you are working in a pub, serving alcohol and questionable meat products. You might feel conflicted about taking part in marketing and providing things you feel might be unhealthy. You could wonder whether you should be doing something in service to humanity instead.
Let me assure you that you are serving an important purpose when you interact with your customers in a way that lifts their spirits and makes them feel welcome. Your Light is who you are, and it has an enormous effect on those you come in contact with all day long. Do not think you are missing out if you haven't joined the Peace Corp. You are doing Light work no matter what your daily activities might be.
You are not by accident or happenstance in the job or community or family where you are now. You are the vital ingredient that is enhancing the circumstances around you to help everyone prepare for their Ascension.
Father and I tell you now, you are fulfilling your mission. Each of you is a Most Valuable Player (MVP) in life. I mean this in a very specific and personal way that applies intimately to you. The more you align your mind, heart and will with Father and me, the more elegantly you experience the fulfillment of your Life Plan. A life mission is not dependent upon a to-do list or an ideal location to perform it in. No matter what the external circumstances may be as you make your unique contribution, the truth is, you are succeeding. Remember: Where your foot is, that's your path.
We can offer you this nugget: The days of being cautious about who you talk to and what you say are over. It is time to bloom, grow, glow, shine, laugh and create sparks wherever you go. Be bold, be daring, be joyful and spread your Light with exuberance. This is your essential mission. Everyone is ripe for the good news that life is truly changing, and Love has won the day.
We love you, our beloved children. Your Mother and Father
Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 11, 2015
Listen to the BlogTalkRadio show where Mother introduced this perspective to us. (http://tobtr.com/s/7685269)
Mother's Mini-Message #10 - Evil is Pretending You Don't See Evil
Mother's Mini-Message #10
Evil is Pretending You Don't See Evil
Tonight we will speak briefly about a topic that has become taboo to even mention, as if the mere mention carried some mysterious and prophetic power. Father and I are here to debunk this unfounded myth. We will now name this topic, and then we will briefly speak our piece on the matter. Once it is addressed, we will be able to proceed in the coming messages at the speed of light into the next phase of your de-programming and Ascension.
The topic of tonight's abbreviated message is EVIL.
Evil is the absence of LOVE. It is the basest level of consciousness. It is the level of consciousness that is found in parasites who eat their host and then each other. It is the form of consciousness that states, "If I can't have it my way, no one can have it at all." It is a maniacal commitment to Lose-lose scenarios. It is unbridled selfishness.
Evil is simplistic, dressed up in tacky clothes to try to pull off something it can never achieve. It is all about domination, control, imitation-creation, and monotonous schemes of hoarding and war.
Evil is to plan and carry out the extreme suffering of as many as possible. Evil is not a quality that exists above the 4th dimension, because it is a highly delusional and therefore temporary experience. Evil is always fleeting, self-serving and insane.
It is an intentional assault against Father and me, and it is a purposeful onslaught against Cosmic Law. Father and I are here to say now - evil will no longer be tolerated.
We are already dealing with most of you in private, and this is our final curtain call for you to drop the fantasies and the roles of pretending you are important or in power simply because you demonstrate cruelty.
Imbedded in the programming you are each inundated with is some form of the belief that evil is power, and that it makes you powerful to feel it. This is the lowest form of experiencing emotion, and has nothing to do with the coming Golden Age and the destiny of Earth and all upon her.
E-V-I-L is an anagram for L-I-V-E. Because every one of you has a soul, you carry the living spark of your Father and me. Therefore, you always know when you are indulging in evil thoughts, emotions and deeds. You are capable of ending this charade forever, in any moment.
Many of you have literally fallen in lust with evil. When you decide to release this gluttony, for superficial and self-gratifying addictions, then you will lay them down and turn to the sunlight once again. It is this simple. It is up to you. We encourage you to end your own suffering by choosing now.
For those of you who are imagining that this does not apply to you, we will be clear. Evil is an unchecked flair of anger, evil is a nasty comment, designed to hurt or shame another, evil is a jealous plot to diminish something that belongs to another. Evil is self-indulgence, evil is blind expectations, evil is the attitude, "I didn't mean to, therefore I did nothing wrong."
Evil is pretending you don't see evil.
The next step in your Ascension may not be completed until, with maturity and care, you look honestly into the face of evil and recognize it for what it is.
Be brave, dear and cherished children. All of your efforts are seen, and matter.
We are here with you, in love.
Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 12, 2015
Listen to the BlogTalkRadio show where Mother introduced this perspective to us. (http://tobtr.com/s/7685269)
Americans residing overseas are denied bank accounts
Americans residing overseas are denied access to banking facilities in the United States, solely because of their foreign address. The number of such instances has risen sharply since passage of the Patriot Act. Banks refer to "Know Your Client" rules in this legislation as the reason for refusing clients with overseas addresses, even if they are U.S. citizens. Furthermore, the international reach of U.S. reporting requirements related to U.S. citizens' accounts has regularly led foreign banks and branches and subsidiaries of American banks to refuse American clients. The Qualified Intermediary rules of the IRS are such that banks consider the reporting requirements too high, and their legal and compliance teams do not want to take any risks.
When loyal tax-paying American citizens face prejudice from both domestic banks and foreign banks, they are placed in a Catch 22 situation. Whereas in the past, a presumption of honesty on the part of financial parties was implicit in U.S. legislation, today the current law is biased, with mistrust and presumption of potential wrongdoing. Effectively, having a foreign address makes one an outcast, a security risk or potential money launderer. At a time of ever-increasing globalization and mobility of population, the damage inflicted on individual American citizens by existing law is very serious. Congress must remedy the situation.
Fundamental Issue
Reported instances of banks refusing to open bank accounts for American citizens with a foreign address are no longer just a few individual cases, but reflect a clear systemic problem. The fundamental issue is that a category of American citizens is being discriminated against on the sole basis of their residences, i.e. their mailing addresses.
Reports being received by associations representing the interests of Americans overseas often include quite emotional comments along with testimony. "Why can't I invest in my own country?" "I was enraged when the bank refused my opening an account." These are American citizens who are paying U.S. taxes and yet are being denied the basic right to maintain normal commercial relationships with their country.
The OMBD Customer Assistance Group (vk 751858) replied on January 23, 2008 to ACA's inquiry about possibilities of redress as follows: "In opening accounts, BSA requires the bank to collect certain minimum information such as name, date of birth, address, and social security number. In establishing/continuing banking relationship, the bank is also able to determine their marketing area. The bank's marketing area plays a huge factor in the bank ability to collect on accounts that may go delinquent. This policy was in practice prior to the Patriot Act. Once an account holder leaves a bank's marketing area, there are no banking regulations that require the bank to maintain the relationship."
This reply is walking around the real issue. The fact is that people who have had U.S. investment accounts with significant assets and no debts for more than 20 years have been informed, subsequent to passage of the Patriot Act, that their account will be closed within 30 days. Each time it is the foreign address which is cited as the reason for this procedure. The law of unintended consequences has indeed led to unfounded discrimination.
Practical Issues
Denied - Opening and maintaining bank accounts in the U.S. with a foreign address Denied - Possibility to write a check on a U.S. bank to pay U.S. taxes Denied - Opening and maintaining bank accounts with overseas banks Denied - Ability to transfer funds from overseas to American bank accounts Denied - Ability to establish a credit rating in the U.S. or to borrow from a U.S. bank Denied - Access to www.AnnualCreditReport.com Denied - Possibility to invest in securities available to others in country of residence
Denied - Opening and maintaining bank accounts in the US with a foreign address
Organizations representing Americans overseas, as well as the State Department, are receiving reports that a significant number of American citizens residing overseas are denied new accounts with American banks; in some instances, accounts that have existed for years are closed by the bank over the objections of the account holder. Financial institutions mentioned include Ameriprise, Bank of America; Bank of New Hampshire; Citibank; Citizens Bank; Edward Jones, St. Louis; E-Trade; Fidelity Investments; INGDirect; JPMorganChase; Morgan Stanley; National City Bank in Riverview, Michigan; Provident Bank, Maryland; Smith Barney; T. Rowe Price; USAA Federal Saving Bank; Vanguard mutual fund; Wachovia; Washington Mutual; Washington Mutual Investment, Spokane; WellsFargo; Zions Direct.
As one person reported, "Bank of America informed me that they would no longer provide services to my accounts and I had 30 days to transfer my assets to another financial institution or they would cash out the two accounts - just like that!! This is after being a good customer of the bank for twenty-four years."
Another noted, "As executor of my mother's estate, I was prevented from overseeing my father's care in a nursing home because their bank would not let me manage the estate account from Germany, where I live."
And another: "I had a brokerage account with E-trade for many years. My request to open a new financial account was refused because of my foreign address. When I heard stories from other Americans overseas that banks were insisting on closing accounts or possibly blocking an account, I decided to transfer my assets from E-Trade to a foreign bank."
And yet another: "I am named in the wills of several of my family members who reside in the U.S. I do not want the funds to leave the U.S., but I cannot open an account there."
As reported in Inside Higher Education, September 30, 2005, TIAA-CREF informed close to 100 American colleges overseas that they can no longer make contributions to employees' retirement accounts. Stephanie Cohen-Glass, spokeswoman for TIAA-CREF, stated: "…internal U.S. policies that were designed to combat money laundering have made it difficult to maintain these relationships. We are a U.S. based company."
The surveys have shown that often the only way for Americans residing abroad to maintain a U.S. bank account is first to open the account in person in the U.S. and/or to use the address of a member of the family as the U.S. address. Not everyone can go to the United States to open up a bank account. On-line brokerage companies by definition do not have "bank offices" to go to. It is not normal to require honest adults to use the address of a family member in the United States for his/her private business.
Denied - Possibility to write a check on a U.S. bank to pay U.S. taxes
There are very practical consequences of not having a bank account in the U.S. To begin with, Americans overseas do not have a check book on an American bank for payment to the U.S. Treasury for taxes due. Without a bank account, they cannot have a U.S. issued credit card, which in certain instances can facilitate on-line shopping over the Internet.
Denied - Opening and maintaining bank accounts with overseas banks
Banks overseas, be it foreign banks or subsidiaries of American banks, are refusing American clients, particularly when brokerage accounts are involved. Banks cited include Bank of America, Geneva, ABN, Swissquote, Gland, Switzerland; Merrill Lynch Bank, Geneva. As noted in the IHT of Wednesday, February 27, 2008, ABN AMRO, whose consumer- banking arm and asset-management and private banking operations were acquired by Fortis in 2006, announced on February 27, 2008 that "it was closing any portfolio investment accounts held by customers with a U.S. passport within 30 days, citing "strategic reasons."…The Dutch financial newspaper De Telegraaf reported that the decision to cancel the accounts was the result of high costs to comply with U.S. regulatory laws."
Swissquote, an on-line broker in Switzerland, makes its policy very clear. Just go to www.swissquote.ch site to open an account. Scroll down to find nationality and you will find approximately 240 listings, including the Antarctic, the Cook Islands, Pitcairn Islands, the Vatican and "Wallis and Futuna". Scroll down to the bottom and read the last bullet point on the application. "If you are an American you are barred from using this platform to trade in U.S. markets, trade in U.S.
securities, or own any mutual funds whatsoever, since they may invest in the U.S." The reason cited - U.S. Treasury regulations. In fact, Swissquote refuses to take an American citizen as a client.
Denied - The ability to transfer funds from overseas to American bank accounts
"I found myself unable to transfer funds to one of my children attending school in America." "When an IRA distribution was sent to my US bank, the bank refused the deposit, saying that I must provide a utility bill." "A U.S. bank, where I have had 529 College Savings Plans accounts for five years for my two daughters, suddenly in September 2007 refused any further deposits."
"In spite of the fact that I have had a long standing and multiple accounts with my bank, I was blocked from making transfers into an account and some brokerage transactions were also blocked due to my foreign address."
Denied - Ability to establish a credit rating in the U.S. or to borrow from a U.S. bank
"It is very difficult for non-residents to get a mortgage for an investment/future retirement property because they cannot open an account in the U.S."
"As a U.S. resident abroad, today I am unable to continue establishing U.S. credit history or even to request my credit report in case I want to request a loan from a U.S. bank."
For individuals who have had financial transactions in the U.S., the FTC-approved www.annualcreditreport.com allows one to obtain their free annual credit reports. The 3 major credit reporting companies (transunion, equifax & experian) all link to this site. It is very important for any consumer to review their credit report for errors. If one tries to access this site, the follow message comes up: "TheAnnualCreditReport.com website is only accessible through ISPs (internet Service Providers) located within the United States and its territories." Once again, US citizens resident abroad are denied access to full US financial services.
Denied - The possibility to invest in securities available to citizens of other countries
SEC restrictions and regulations prohibit U.S. citizens to invest in certain securities which have not been filed with the SEC. Of course, these restrictions apply to all Americans, not just overseas Americans. But when Americans are living abroad and have their base currency and investment horizon beyond the U.S. borders, it is particularly difficult to accept that U.S. law restricts personal investment decisions of an individual living overseas, particularly when those laws do not apply to one's neighbors. This restriction on U.S. citizens of investing in certain securities complicates bank account management and is one of the reasons why foreign banks refuse U.S. clients residing overseas.
The organizations listed below sponsoring Overseas Americans Week are of the opinion that all U.S. citizens, including those resident overseas, are entitled to full access to the American banking system and to American financial institutions and services.
These organizations strongly recommend that Congress, and in particular the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee in the Senate and the Financial Services Committee in the House of Representatives, investigate this issue and introduce legislation to correct this injustice, i.e. discrimination by American financial institutions against American citizens on the sole basis of their overseas address.
The above by Jackie Bugnion, American Citizens Abroad
Until our next issue, stay cool and remain low profile!
Privacy World
PS - If you're an American or other nationality and locked out of obtaining an offshore bank account, Privacy World has several banking options for you. Email for details by placing "OS-US-Acct," and we'll email the two banking options we have available.
The Reality Of Being A Multi-Dimensional Being An Ascension Update together with Aluna Joy and the Star Elders.
June 14th, 2015
(P.S. Most often the word WE and US, etc, refers to the reader, humanity and also to the Star Elders, as they do not see a separation between us and them.)
We are more than half way across the great void, from where we were, to where we are going. We have been immersed in a holy and divine, yet unsettling, up and down process of building a cosmic bridge between our current world and other dimensional realities. We are working to energetically tether our 3D world to the 4th, 5th, 6th dimensions and on... with our collective consciousness. It is crunch time, and this upcoming time, through the end of this summer, is the soul breakthrough you have been asking for. We are now in the process of uncovering aspects of ourselves that we have been digging for, and for a very long time.
We have been moving forward with great trust, step by step, with only mere peeks into what lies ahead. We have been following a new flow on a rather confusing surf. We are still purging twisted and tainted ancient lineage lines (genetic and spiritual). These corrupted ancestral lines cannot come with us any further. This work has taken courage, faith, heart break, surrender and community support and lots of energy. We have felt soul tired and confused, and have raised up our arms in surrender. We feel like we are on the very edge of permanent overwhelm, yet something wonderfully huge is happening. This is due to the fact that we are beginning to dance in multiple dimensions at once.
As we get closer to completing this multi-dimensional ascension process, we feel an increasing need to push the envelope, to break free and fly. We find ourselves repurposing and reinventing ourselves over and over, and fine tuning our focus and intent. All the while, we have been losing awareness of linear time, space and memory as we knew it. It can be confusing. Because of the confusion created by this transformation, many may try to disconnect from the current dimension and move to a perceived higher and more harmonious one. We want this, because we feel like we are becoming lost or stuck in a matrix of illusions and complexities that we feel is our 3D world.
The fact is that we are beginning to feel many dimensions at once. We are becoming multi-dimensional beings. We asked for this remember? A permanent escape to a higher frequency was never part of the divine plan in the bridge building stage of the ascension process. This is not going to happen the way we think. We keep hitting the wall and can go no further. What we want to share now why this is so. If you are ready to face and accept your divine living mastery as a multi-dimensional being, then read on.
We have been sharing that humanity is ascending into living mastery and becoming multi-dimensional beings. This does not mean that humanity ascends to another reality never to return. It means that we will be able to dance, play and create in all dimensions, either one at time, or wave back and forth between many dimensions, and eventually play in them all at once. What is important in any given time, will change moment to moment depending on our location and dimension. We can play in the material world and then flip to other dimensions of peace, harmony and oneness and even higher dimensions that are pure geometry, sound, or color and then slam dunk ourselves back into the material world (the 3d world). It is confusing and challenging to not lose our footing … our cosmic orientation point. The impossible and weird is becoming a new normal.
We are starting to catch micro-glimpses of other worlds and places while wide awake. We might see a person or place and feel like we are in another time for a few moments. Or we may only catch the fact, just for a moment, that we were somewhere else, and now we are back. And just like in dreams, when we wake up to our surroundings, we will lose the memory of where we just were. All that remains is the echo that we know that we just experienced some place else.
We are in the last bit of being faced with the last fragments of finishing up. We are scraping the bottom of the lineage barrel now. This is very deep processing. If we are not comfortable with deep water, then we better hang on. We must face being scared, extra sensitive, vulnerable and not avoid what is placed in front of us. This is going to be a wild ride of which we might never see again.
This flip flopping is causing a huge list of physical and emotional symptoms that we are very aware of by now. Currently we are facing disorientation, depression, confusion, memory problems, total apathy, and oddly, a sensitivity to light, just to name the main symptoms. The sun light can be quite harsh when we become accustomed to rarefied, omni-directional light in other dimensions. We may also forget about our 3D limitations in the material world when we become more accustomed to the limitlessness of higher and less restrictive dimensions. All this is going to take time for us to adjust to. It will be frustrating for a while as we might feel many conflicting influences and stimuli, physical and energetic dynamics all at once.
As humanity flip flops between dimensions, the material 3D world will be inoculated with higher frequencies. Through our awakening consciousness, filled with bits collected while traveling to many other dimensions, we are anchoring a new paradigm, cutting edge programs, expanded perceptions and perspectives, and most of all ... great innovation with new visions. Bit by bit our outdated reality will be slowly upgraded and the old paradigm will be recycled. Step by step we will advance and expand our consciousness to become living masters of multiple dimensions, and we will be able to leap from one to another at will … and without the disorientation that we are feeling right now. (YAHOO) Our 3D world will be assimilated as we anchor more and more consciously in other dimensions. This material world will be upgraded, but it will not disappear, at least not for a very long time, especially when so many souls are still finding this world enjoyable.
What to do to ease this ascension...
Quit trying to escape this dimension. We know this will be hard as we can see the old paradigm rapidly degrading and disolving, and are confused to why the rest of the world doesn't see this. We might feel like we want to jump ship. Our instincts to survive are natural ones and need to be honored. But if we lose our anchor here in the 3D world, our ascension to any or all higher dimensions will do nothing to help raise up this beautiful 3D world. Our BE-ing here while ascending does assist in this process.
Do something mundane each day: Weed gardens, pay bills, cook a meal, help our neighbors, etc. If our 3d life is starting to crumble around us, then we are losing our much needed anchor here. Stay grounded.
If grounding is not an issue, work each day to maintain a connection to higher dimensions. This can be done in dreamtime, meditation and eventually we will be able to hold a 3D awareness at the same time as the awareness of other dimensions. Hold on to this space as long as possible. Remember as much detail as possible before returning to the 3D reality. Feel your entire being anchoring in these other dimensions. We are all connected to very different and varied realities at the moment. This is why maintaining a non-judgmental posture at all times is vitally important. These different realities will begin to create associations with each other and eventually create a cosmic map, like a multi-dimensional matrix, that bridges one reality to another. ALL will be able to access this map in the future. Each of you are now recording, documenting, charting and diagramming many different segments of the new, multi-dimensional matrix. This map has nothing to do with our four directions, linear timeline and space perceptions.
Maintain your orientation point that is in your heart center. Several years ago the Star Elders tried to explain to me what being a multi-dimensional traveler was going to feel like. In a vision, they took me out into the universe where there was no visible orientation point nearby (the sun, moon, stars, etc). Then they asked me a question? "Which way is up? Which way is down? Which way is north, south, east or west?" It was obvious that the only orientation point I had left was within myself. The Star Elders have been sharing the concept about our orientation point for many years now. It is only now that we are beginning to live out this experience.
Waving back and forth, from 5D and higher, back to 3D, is something we are learning to balance to build bridges between our current and many other dimensions. Maintaining communication with like-minded ones is essential. Better yet, live in a sportive, like-minded community. To maintain balance, we should do something physical every day to keep us anchored to the 3D world: Grounding, partaking in healthy good food and clean water, without creating Orthorexia in yourselves. Orthorexia (an obsession with eating healthy foods) has become a huge distraction in the ascension process. Food is not as important as you think it is, not anymore. Our bodies are ascending too, and are learning to adapt and heal from toxins, viruses and bacteria etc. We forget to trust our bodies.
Allow ALL feelings and emotions such as bliss, joy, peace, confusion, depression, exhaustion, etc. Stay as positive as possible in each moment without lying to our bodies emotions or challenging processes. Lying to ourselves only creates more issues, and tricks the body and mind to not heal the issue we are trying to avoid by being faux positive. The obsession with sugar coating with what one says has become a huge distraction and has even slowed down our ascension progress. Sadly it has created much separation and loneliness in like-minded communities. Don't lie and say it is all good when it is not. Own the process. Make no judgments or involve yourself in any obsessions as both slow the process. Be supportive, patient and know that all life undulates from challenging to blissful. All things pass, and cycle out quicker if we face them.
Take time each day to do a reality check with your heart. Your heart is the only eternal orientation point during this very deep and surging process. These processes are expanding our ability to maintain multi-dimensionality! The process is important!
There is no doubt that this has been hard work. We have worked through many necessary phases. Even though we have felt a lack of support from time to time, there has been much divine help from masters, guides and angels, even now! And as we begin to interlink our cosmic perceptions, we will find much energetic and communal support in the future, and this is the world we have envisioned.
EGYPT and JORDAN in March 2016
Registrations will be open soon. Those of you already on the Egypt Alert List will receive the official announcement first before we post publicly. We do book up quickly. Please ask to be on the Egypt pre-registration alert list at aluna@alunajoy.com.
More at http://www.alunajoy.com/pilgrimages.html
ENGLAND and IRELAND in July 2015 Registrations are closed now. So sorry. Ask us if you want to be on a last minute cancellation list at aluna@alunajoy.com. You can read all about this pilgrimage at
More at http://www.alunajoy.com/pilgrimages.html
What is next? .... Well we will have to see what Spirit says about this!
Two New EGYPT Sacred Site Essences. Both essences are quite powerful, and I had to wait months before Spirit let me release them! So they are ready to help us shift our paradigm now! Are you ready to leap?
*** The Truth Serum of Great Mother Sekhmet Essence.... Assisted by Mother Sekhmet and made in Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
*** The Rainbow Light Empowerment - Divine Resonance Essence.... Assisted by The Immortals, Isis, the Hathors, Thoth and Sekhmet - made in Philae ~ Goddess Isis ~ Temple, Egypt More at... http://www.alunajoy.com/essences.html
A New Radio Interview! It has been a while since my last radio interview, as we have been in a deep witness mode, watching earth, cosmos and humanities transformation. In this new radio interview, I share about my favorite subjects ... Sacred Sites and What is Going on NOW and What this Means for Us and Our Awakening ... Listen here on Doubly Divine Radio out of Seattle. https://soundcloud.com/doubly-di…/ddrep10secretsancients2015
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June 14 2015:- The Bilderbergers Meeting. "Battle Against Tyranny." Greece Holding Out. Hillary For President? They Have A Problem. The Ideal Republic - Solon's.
Bilderbergers And Graymen
- Part Two of “It Is Finished.”
Their Time Is Coming
Known as The Bilderbergers because they used to meet at a hotel by that name, the world's “elite” are this weekend meeting at a mountaintop hotel (left) in Austria, surrounded by a security net that indicates their fear of being attacked and killed.
A 50-kilometer safety zone has been created around the hotel and 2,100 Austrian and 300 German police are on duty.
In Part One of this two-part article, we quoted from the book, “Last Waltz of the Tyrants – The Prophecy Revisited,” in which Ramtha referred to the dynasty of the Rothschilds, and their collective adherents whose goal has been to establish a “New World Order.”
Ramtha called them “graymen,” but said their time is coming to an end, and that will be followed by “the age of superconsciousness." (Image at left - armored vehicle for Bilderberger protection.)
The Radical Few
Ramtha's first words on that new age subject in Chapter Eight are:-
“The truth of personal survival and the radical few of God is written in time.
“It is the inevitable manifested destiny.
“Those of you who have listened, gained and learned from this teaching, glory to you, for the times are coming in superconsciousness once the age of the tyrants is finished.
“Their acceleration has begun, and more rapid and more frantic is the movement to fulfill their goals.
- Ramtha, “Last Waltz of the Tyrants,” p131
Gutsy Journalists
You might say that among the “radical few” that Ramtha refers to above, are independent journalists who use the internet to do what they can to reveal what the Bilderbergers are up to – unlike the White House press corps and other mainstream journalists who know nothing about the Bilderbergers and write “news” from official handouts, and practice journalism (their version) for the money, rather than to reveal truth.
“Join Us In The Battle Against Tyranny.”
Luke Rudkowski (left) and Dan Dicks - "battle against tyranny."
Among those independent scribes are Luke Rudkowski of wearechange.com on YouTube, and Dan Dicks of pressfortruth, also on YouTube.
By a series of “coincidences” they found themselves inside the hotel where the Bilderbergers are meeting, and in one of their video reports, Rudkowski concludes with the words, “join us in the battle against tyranny.” They have chronicled their visit with videos, as has infowars.com.
Clearly, as their reports portray (links below) they are committed to a style of journalism that the corporate media has long abandoned. And judging by the numbers of people who have viewed their work, they are doing a job that has alerted literally millions of people to what the globalists have in mind.
World control.
No Oversight
Left - Charlie Skelton - Bane of the Bilderbergers
Another journalist with an eye on the Bilderbergers is Charlie Skelton of The Guardian.
He ruminates on a short interaction with Turkish billionaire and Bilderberg steering committee member, Mustafa Koç and goes on to say “I have to say, the cavernous lack of press co-operation from what is an important political summit, attended by politicians, prime ministers, and public policymakers, is seeming more absurd by the year.
"At this year’s summit for example, the subject of “Greece” is being discussed by three European prime ministers, the Austrian president, a member of the executive board of the European Central Bank, two European finance ministers (including George Osborne) and the head of the Dutch national bank. Some major players in the game.
“Discussing it with them, we have a large number of CEOs and chairpersons from some extremely large financial institutions, all of whom have a keen interest in what happens to Greece: the assembled heads of HSBC, Lazard, Deutsche Bank, Santander and KKR; board members of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs; the chairman of Goldman Sachs International; and the vice-chairman of BlackRock.
"All these public officials meeting with all these corporations, and no representation whatsoever from any serving Greek politicians.
"And no press oversight.”
Greece Holding Out
Greece, by the way, has so far been staunchly resisting austerity measures proposed by the (elite controlled) International Monetary Fund, saying they are unacceptable.
If Greece defaults on its loans from the IMF and other creditors it could be the beginning of the collapse of the European Union (a globalist construct in itself) which would in turn create a domino effect that would scuttle the elite's plans for a New World Government, a new world currency, a new world religion, and a New World Order.
Talks will continue over the weekend.
Hillary For Pres?
“Perhaps the biggest piece of news coming out of Austria and Bilderberg 2015 so far is the fact that a major Hillary Clinton adviser is on the list and set to attend.
"Longtime Clinton friend and ally Jim Messina of The Messina Group will be attending the globalist conference where the globalist favorite for the United States 2016 election will surely be decided.
"This news indicates that the powers that be have most likely decided to back Clinton for President.”
Should Clinton become president only 18 months from now, there is no doubt that she will advance the New World Order agenda, which is something many presidents have done in the past, either willingly, or under duress.
They Have A Problem
Jon Rappoport (left) is an independent investigative journalist with 25 years experience in researching and writing about subjects the corporate media won't touch – whistle-blowers in the CDC who admit to falsifying reports that indicate that vaccines cause autism; Monsanto's egregious activities around the world – and in this excerpt from his latest newsletter, “Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral: the Globalists have a major problem...
“Stay with me on this one. You'll see what the powers-that-be are really worried about.
“You can roll up Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the several current trade treaties nearing completion... you can insert all these Rockefeller Globalist forces into one great corporate agenda, and...
“As Globalist policies allow corporations to shut down domestic factories in industrialized countries and open up those same factories in places where slave wages are the order of the day; as tariffs on imported goods are canceled, killing off businesses that try to compete with mega-corporations; as leading economies decline...
“The consumer base for these mega-corporations shrinks.”
He goes on to make the case that this is a major concern to the globalists, saying that “Behind every Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral conference, this is the specter that lurks in the shadows.”
The Ideal Republic
Obviously, without slave labor and consumers, the money flow stops. The same can be expected if countries like Greece default on their loans (as they should, since Greece is the very country in which the first republic – Solon's Republic – was conceived as an ideal.)
On that subject, and speaking of America, Ramtha had this to say:-
“If the middle class woke up, all of these Gods slumbering in their comfortable lethargy could once again create a republic, because great are their numbers.
"They could take back their government from the politicians and be liken unto Solon and his republic, where every educated, enlightened entity helped create a coexisting government called a republic.
"They held truth steadfast in the Constitution, which gives the inalienable right for every human being to prosper and grow, for what they are affects the whole.
"If this great middle class woke up, they would never ever have a national debt, for the government of the people, the republic created by the people, would have the power to issue its own notes, backed by its own commodities and resources. - Ramtha, “Last Waltz of the Tyrants,” p120
Ramtha goes on to say
“It would truly be the first republic ever. Solon's dream of a republic was the ideal.
“It has never been manifested because of the lethargy and ignorance of the people.
“When you create interest, you create debt.”
- Ramtha, “Last Waltz of the Tyrants,” p120.
As we said in Part One:- “there is something else that they (the globalists) have probably never counted on – an event that will mean their house of cards is shattered – and they have run out of time.”
“When the voice is heard saying “It is finished,” you will look up into the heavens and see an armada that is beyond imagination.
"This armada is on the side of this that is chosen, and it is known who they are, and that which is termed the champions of the human drama will emerge.”
- Ramtha, “Last Waltz of the Tyrants,” p96.
And this, says Ramtha, will herald the birth of the age of superconsciousness.
Last Word
“Superconsciousness is not only the sovereignty of the people into the original republic but it is a great experiment on humanity that will succeed because all of the doors that have been left shut will open up.
“In superconsciousness you leave behind the tyranny, the misery, the death, the absolute stench of the human experience that was lived over and over and over again.
“You leave behind the unhappiness, enslavement, insecurity, and fear.”
And this just in from a subscriber (who prefers to remain anonymous). It's one of those emails that does the rounds, most of which we tend to ignore. But this one has a ring of truth to it, because all the points that are made can be verified.
“Many people who may vote in the democratic primary election, if there is one, and the general election in 2016 have no real knowledge of Mrs. Clinton or her accomplishments. As a public service, I thought I would provide some input regarding her triumphs for consideration.
“When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a Democratic controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.
“Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.
“Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.
“Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
“Many younger voters will have no knowledge of “Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson – and the White House Travel Office refused to comply. She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours
“Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House. Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.
“Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were:
• She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones.
• She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.
• Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for lying under oath to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.
• Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath.
• After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.
“What a swell party – ready for another four or eight year of this type low-life mess?
“Now we are exposed to: the destruction of possibly incriminating emails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the “pay to play” schemes of the Clinton Foundation – we have no idea what shoe will fall next. But to her loyal fans – “what difference does it make?”
("What difference does it make?" was her statement when being questioned about the killing of a US ambassador in Benghazi, Libya. His calls for support were ignored).
Free Trial
We are now offering a free two-week trial period for those who would like to "try before they buy." Thereafter, the cost is only $4.99 a month (plus tax where applicable).
NB:- ·Apart from the direct quotations by Ramtha, the views expressed in The North Star Newsletter are those of the people concerned and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of JZK Inc., JZ Knight, or Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. Likewise, North Star Publishing Inc does not necessarily concur with observations and statements by sources referenced in The North Star Newsletter. Readers are encouraged to follow through with their own research and make their own determinations.
Some of the contents of this newsletter are based on Ramtha Dialogues®, a series of magnetic recordings registered with the United States Copyright Office, with permission from JZ Knight and JZK, Inc.
Ramtha®, Ramtha Dialogues®, C&E®, Consciousness & Energy®, Fieldwork®, The Tank®, Blue Body®, Twilight®, Torsion Process®, Neighborhood Walk®, Create Your Day®, The Grid®, Become a Remarkable Life®, Conquer YourselfSM, Mind As MatterSM, Analogical ArcherySM, and Gladys® are trademarks of JZ Knight, and are used with permission.
For more information about Ramtha’s teachings contact: Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, PO Box 1210, Yelm, WA 98597, USA. www.ramtha.com
Mother's Mini-Message # 11 - World War III Will Never Happen
Mother's Mini-Message # 11
World War III Will Never Happen
This will be short and sweet. I have a monumental announcement to make, dear children.
Today was a historic moment in the history of Planet Earth. World War III will not occur. The conditions that were laid down by the secret governments of the world cannot be put into action. I will tell you what they were, and why it will not happen.
There was a massive plan in place, which the cabal has spent years in organizing. No, it was not to be nuclear warfare, or mass warfare of any kind you are familiar with. It consisted of a concerted global effort to cover the Earth in a multitude of parasites and nano devices that would invade the bodies of everyone alive, causing pain, heart attacks, cancer, and most forms of disease.
These insidious devices are activated by the transmission of specific frequencies that stimulate their growth or initiate specific programmed actions. The cabal has blanketed the Earth over years with aerial spraying, by dumping them into water, into processed foods and of course, GMO crops. It was to be the most massive and sadistic false-flag event ever devised, and it has been averted.
Poisonous particles and electronically-activated microscopic devices were engineered to enter the human body through water, air, soil, food, clothing, plastics, furniture and numerous other ways. Some of the devices were laboratory created abominations that used parts of living creatures, others were entirely manufactured technology. All were designed to take on what you might call a life of their own, when the masters of this domain of evil pushed the button to release the frequencies that were to activate them.
I am here to assure you today that this plan has been thwarted, for good. The first phase occurred about 2 weeks ago, when we announced that an enormous event had been averted because of the work of our Lightworkers on the ground. At that time, the activation of the frequency weapons was prevented by the efforts in which you raised your vibration, and your Galactic brothers and sisters, in conjunction with the Company of Heaven, shut down that frequency across the planet.
One location remained where the most intense frequencies could be felt. That was in the Temple of Light in New York, where our beloved Kathryn and Christine had already begun their mission to act as surrogates, to experience the "hit" of the nano frequency weapons and their results so that the rest of humanity could be spared the devastation that would have occurred had it been released wholesale. It would have created sudden havoc on Earth, pushing people to a place where they could be defeated in their Lightwork at least, and at worst, driven to terror, violence and war.
This arrangement was not by chance. It was a contract they agreed to before coming here. They were chosen because of their ability to remain in balance through weeks of pain and discomfort while documenting, exploring, questioning and finding solutions for the many challenges that have arisen. In the process of working with their White Brotherhood teams, they have developed a protocol for ridding the body of these worms and parasites of all kinds which have taken up residence in their brains, hearts, intestines, eyes, ears, organs and joints. Their intensive and carefully calibrated treatment has included nutritional, naturopathic and homeopathic remedies gleaned from around the world, and will be used as a model for others' healing as well.
We planned for this carefully, knowing that the ones who took on this mission would need strong support, emotionally and financially, and they would require a deep and unshakable connection with Father and me so that we could guarantee their survival and help them recover from this dangerous undertaking without permanent damage. Every step of the way, we have been awe-struck by the creativity, resilience and undaunted humor with which our beloved daughters have negotiated their way through this difficult time.
They have been under constant attack by the cabal, who are listening to their every word and following every movement. The operatives have been astonished by our daughters' absolute assurance that they are safe and protected, in spite of the audible high-pitched frequencies they are being bombarded with. A few of the cabal leaders have begun to turn themselves in to the Temple of Light, after a session of "Kathryn talk" that convinced them they too could find safety and relief if they came to us to be healed and welcomed home. These are the incarnations, you will remember, who have spent thousands of lifetimes in conditions of torture, intense programming, surrounded by evil in every part of their lives. They are exhausted, and they know they have been defeated. It is time for all to come Home.
In a later message, I will tell you about the dispensations that have been granted, and the lessons learned that will change the way the Multiverse operates as we evolve together. Our Lightworkers have appealed to us to remove all evil from the options of how your lessons will be designed from now on, and I tell you, it will be granted. Continue to work with us, Beloved Ones, to create the new world of peace, harmony and beauty that is to be the Earth Paradise we have envisioned together.
Hear my voice, as I speak to you in your meditations and quiet moments. I am with you always, in Love.
Mother's Mini-Message # 12 - The Lost Children of the Underground are Coming Home
Mother's Mini-Message # 12
The Lost Children of the Underground are Coming Home
My Dear Ones, I was not able to send a message yesterday because our dear Kathryn has been working hard in the Temple of Light every time she has a break from the healing sessions with her Arcturian team. Both she and Christine are working to overcome the parasite and nano infestation problem, as surrogates to pave the way for complete recovery and an end to this heinous plot to subdue all mankind.
Several wonderful events have occurred in the Temple of Light. Members of the cabal have begun to contact Kathryn, Christine and young Jade, who is beginning to learn how to channel. First came a very high official in the cabal who saw that the end was near for his department, which oversees all the drug dealing organizations that have funded the cabal and their secret technology programs, including the nano weapons. Shortly afterward, a former political leader sheepishly entered the Temple. Later, children began coming, asking to speak with Kathryn and Christine, wanting their own "Kathryn talk."
One of the children, a young man named Roger who had contacted Jade initially, asked what Kathryn has meant when she said they would all be "safe" in the Temple of Light. They were unbelieving at first, but were reassured when Kathryn explained that there is no punishment, ever, for anything, and they would see wondrous things, like sunshine and beautiful gardens, and be treated with kindness and be given endless hugs, and yes, they could talk with Mother and Father anytime.
The underground workers asked questions like, "What is happiness?" and "What is a garden?" and "How do we know we can trust what you say, that we won't be hurt?" It was explained that they would be treated just like Jade is, with love and respect, and that Kathryn would carry the little ones, and Christine and Jade would hold their hands as they went up the steps to the Temple.
The children described how they had been taken to be trained as young children, and they lived underground in Wisconsin, the Southwest, and Oklahoma, and they were trained to send out the high-pitched frequencies that activate the weapons. Although there are some mechanical weapons that send out blanket frequencies, the most effective weapons are the minions who send telepathic attacks on specific individuals.
Those who came to the Temple this week acknowledged they were sending the frequencies that were causing Kathryn and Christine pain. In the process of sending these attacks, they were assigned to watch them. This is when they became curious, and one by one they decided to turn themselves in because they saw how much love and fun and laughter was shared by the family. They had never seen anything like it, and they wanted to understand it.
A very large group of children, who had been in contact with one another telepathically, decided to come today, and Roger put out the call to other groups to come too. They have learned to use their telepathic skill to communicate with each other, and are aware that there are many of them hidden underground across the country. Waves of children began to come to the Temple, asking for hugs, wanting to see God, and angels, and wanting to be free of the slavery they had experienced all their lives. Understand now, these are the incarnated souls, who come telepathically by leaving their bodies behind, coming to us in the way they have trained to do telepathically, like an out-of-body experience.
Now I will tell what provisions we are making for these beloved children, many who were the victims of kidnapping. They will be able to leave their bodies behind, like a normal death with no pain, and we will take their tired little souls into our arms and help them to heal and be restored completely. They can then return to incarnate in much happier conditions after the world itself is in a higher vibration. A few of the older ones may wish to return to their bodies to escape, and possibly to help put an end to the kidnapping and horrific abuse of babies and small children. It will be their choice, once they have recovered completely.
It is a triumphant day in the Temple of Light, as hundreds of children have already come, and thousands more are expected within the coming days. It is a victory for the children, and it leaves the cabal programs without their skillful minions. We are celebrating the beginning of an end to all slavery on Planet Earth.
With a song in our hearts, we send this message of freedom to you.
I insist that humor and fun (which is humor in action) are equal partners with love as key ingredients for a healthy life.
People crave laughter as if it were an essential amino acid.
It is time to join laughter with love as major ways to serve humanity through healing.
The most revolutionary act anyone can commit is to be publicly happy.
Health is based on happiness – from hugging to clowning around, to finding joy in family and friends, satisfaction in work, and ecstasy in nature and the arts.
Treasure friendship, celebrate it, make it the central focus of life and enjoy the most
secure form of health insurance.
Computer hacking linked to extraterrestrial disclosure & future War Crimes trials
The mystery of who hacked into U.S. Federal government personnel files is over according to a whistleblower who claims to have worked on classified space programs. The hacking was done to gather data for future war crime trials once the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life is disclosed to the world.
On June 4, it was announced that up to four million US Federal government employees had their personnel files hacked by an unknown source. Days later, it was announced that the hacking had been more extensive involving up to 14 million personnel files going back to the 1980s. The hacking incidents involved extensive information about the backgrounds of individuals gained in security reviews for classification clearances.
The hacking incidents involved the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) which contains the security files of individuals that have applied for security clearances either to work for the U.S. federal government, the U.S. military, and even included personnel from corporations fulfilling government/military contracts:
In an announcement, OPM said that investigators concluded this week with “a high degree of confidence” that the agency’s systems containing information related to the background investigations of “current, former and prospective” federal employees, and others for whom a background check was conducted, were breached.
The Washington Post gave a description of the type of information gained in the hacking incident:
The separate background-check database contains sensitive information — called SF-86 data — that includes applicants’ financial histories and investment records, children’s and relatives’ names, foreign trips taken and contacts with foreign nationals, past residences, and names of neighbors and close friends.
Goode responded to a question about the hacking incident in a report he gave about three meetings he attended from June 5-9 involving disclosure of secret space programs:
In your report of the June 5 meeting you say that the “Earth Based Alliance” has accumulated a lot of personal data of individuals for future war crimes trials through hacking of “Western Government Personnel Databases.” Can you elaborate on who comprises the Earth Based Alliance, and whether the June 4 announcement that 4 million federal workers files were hacked in Dec 2014 is part of this Earth Alliance operation?
This information came from a series of hacks and inside operations. It was stated that most of the information was fresh intelligence that had just been obtained. It was that same day after the meetings that I heard about some massive hacking breaches in the U.S. during the time frame you mentioned. I’m certain that was a part of the data they had obtained but I also have the feeling there was much more that they had gotten a hold of more recently from both the U.S. and the E.U.
In earlier public releases, Goode has described how there have been extensive crimes committed by those participating in a “galactic slave trade.” In response to a question about who was behind the extensive human trafficking conducted in the secret space programs, he said:
This is some pretty horrific and controversial information. It starts out with in some cases with your run of the mill organized crime groups who are into the sex and slave trade which is very much alive in the 20th and 21st centuries. Many of these crime groups or gangs have specialists who work from lists of desired people to be obtained (many others are victims of opportunity). These specialists often are kind elderly looking people or professional people (including Medical, Law Enforcement and Education to name a few) that no one would consider a threat, come in contact with a lot of people and are generally trusted. These people operate in just about any country you can think of. Often people are grabbed who live on the streets, in third world countries (that they can though their power around in) or from inattentive parents. This level of human trafficking brings in many hundreds of thousands of people per year into the slave trade. These people do not know or care what happens to the people they obtain and hand off to handlers in exchange for money.
Goode says that there have been a number of defectors from a secret space program called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) that has been directly linked to the galactic human slave trade and the use of slave labor at its secret bases on Mars and elsewhere in the solar system, These defectors have been revealing what they know about this abuse and will testify at upcoming war crimes trials. It’s important to emphasize here that the files of senior personnel working in the ICC are likely part of the database of information gained through the hacking incident announcement on June 4.
Goode describes how information obtained by hacking into the personnel files of government workers is part of the future War Crimes trials that will be conducted as a result of the testimonies of defectors:
This was an unusual meeting because of the types of people that were present. There was a presentation of the information provided to the Alliance Council by the Defectors and what they would testify to. The “Earth Based Alliance” then presented a large amount of information that they had just obtained through hacking and espionage from western governments (U.S. and E.U.). Once this presentation was over and the “Earth Based Alliance” and the “Defectors/Witnesses” were escorted to their next part in their activities.
Most speculation centered on China as the culprit for the hacking incidents seeking information that will help it conduct future espionage against the US. Not so if Goode is correct. The real culprit is a “Secret Space Program Alliance Council” seeking data on personnel that will be used in future war crimes trials against those who committed crimes against humanity in secret space programs involving extraterrestrial life.
According to Goode we won’t have to wait long. He has revealed that the extent of disclosure is at this very moment being worked out behind the scenes by a wide array of secret space program alliances and extraterrestrial visitors. An offer was made for a “limited disclosure” to begin in November with only one high level official coming forward to take responsibility. The offer was declined, and plans proceed with a “full disclosure event” where all is revealed through information dumps and more whistleblower testimonies. If the June 4 hacking announcement is any guide, a future disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life will be quickly followed by Nuremberg-like trials for all government and corporate personnel linked to war crimes.
Over three hours of stunning new information about the Secret Space Program and the greater questions of spontaneous human evolution that are being raised for those "in the know!"
Everything is reaching a climax, both on and off-planet. The recent announcement of the hacking of all records for all US federal employees, even the most classified, is only the latest major signpost of a coming, epic change.
As one of many examples, California's water crisis should be solvable within a matter of a few months once we get disclosure.
In fact, water could quickly become California's most profitable export, sending it to parched regions all throughout Middle America and beyond.
Multiple technologies already exist that can easily de-salinate ocean water. California is right next to an ocean. There is water everywhere! What is the problem?
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink" may have been true in the pirate era, but we do have the means to alleviate those problems today.
One of the technologies we are directly aware of will desalinate ocean water, generate free energy and produce any element in the Periodic Table as a by-product.
This technology already has the quiet support of one of the most prestigious universities in the country. I have heard about it from more than one independent source.
On a personal level, knowing these technologies exist and that they have not been released yet is extremely frustrating.
For now, I continue to be almost ridiculously over-conservative with my water usage. Days without showering and the yellow toilet. Good thing I live alone. :)
It is interesting to simultaneously reflect on the fact that "the darkest hour is before the dawn," and we are far closer to it than most people could ever imagine.
We are on the verge of an epic series of disclosures that will make all other information, books, videos and media in the UFO field seem hopelessly outdated.
Everyone will be suddenly flooded with a "learning curve" that will simultaneously be more amazing and more horrifying than they had ever imagined.
Never again will we look at the records from our current civilization the same way. In the "After Disclosure" or AD world, everything will be very different.
Yes... we are going to need to learn some pretty upsetting things to get through this transition.
However, the positives far outweigh the emotional shock that the negatives will temporarily put us all through, as a planet and a (hybridized) species.
There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered around with our DNA -- for many thousands of years.
We have a much broader spectrum of emotions than most other human species out there.
It is both our single greatest weakness and our most powerful strength -- once we learn how to harness its power for the positive.
Like being surrounded by a drowning ocean of "useless" sea water, once we learn the command we have over reality, our thirst for the Beyond will be slaked.
Bottom line: there are good guys and bad guys in the universe. Both are allowed to present their messages to us. The future we experience is the result of the choices we make.
Our natural destiny is to go through moments of quantum change -- where the ground state of reality itself, and all the assumptions that go along with it, is fundamentally and suddenly altered.
We are not protected from negativity any more than our collective free will decides. When we act in selfish, manipulative, controlling and violent ways, that in turn allows elite controllers to do the same things to us on a larger scale.
"You are blaming ME for this problem? F- you, David! I haven't done anything wrong! I am frickin' awesome!"
Not you per se, my friend. Humanity as a collective has created these problems. Some of them have built up from thousands of years of karmic patterns.
As I explained in The Synchronicity Key, the Edgar Cayce Readings detailed many hundreds of cases where people were suffering debilitating karma from acts they had performed back in ancient Rome.
Examples were given including people laughing at a little girl as she got her insides ripped out by a lion in the coliseum.
Despite this being a socially-acceptable pastime for the era, any sufficiently negative emotion towards another who is in pain and agony will generate karma.
The weirdest and most significant realization to come out of The Synchronicity Key is the fact that history keeps looping around and around, very precisely, like the movie Groundhog Day.
The precision with which this happens is utterly astonishing. In some cases, the repetition can be timed almost down to the day in cycles lasting 2,160 years.
In the interview transcript you are about to read, I told Jimmy Church I do not consider myself to be a smart person.
That being said, figuring out how to properly investigate and write about these cycles of history, making them understandable, is probably my headiest achievement yet.
The benevolent ETs I so often talk about in Ancient Aliens on History Channel (I am a regular, featured in over 35 episodes) seeded the "cycle numbers" in multiple cultures around the world.
This area of study was so arcane that in order to rescue it for our time, it required incredible effort -- pulling together tiny threads of data I encountered over 20 years of time.
It also is not conducive to a show like Ancient Aliens, due to its complexity, and thus no episodes have been made about this phenomenon at this time.
Now we have a solid body of evidence that history is programmed by a greater cosmic intelligence to guide us through an intelligently-defined "script" for spiritual enlightenment.
In order to be a true Christian, it is necessary to understand and accept the reality of reincarnation. According to the direct inheritors of the original teachings, this was the greatest secret of Christ.
The term "burn in hell" (Gehenna) really means to alleviate (burn off) karma. The word we now call "eternity" (Aion) simply means a cycle of time.
The "eternal hell" we were warned about is not some cosmic purgatory we experience after death. It is happening now -- and the flames are hotter than ever.
The ETs, positive or negative, are simply not allowed to make a big showing. They cannot spontaneously decide to drop in and make an appearance on the Tonight Show.
The Prime Directive is not just a theme you hear about on Star Trek. It is an absolute law in the universe that all beings, positive and negative, must follow.
However, certain individuals can indeed receive contact directly. This is a fundamental part of how we learn the truth, both in the past and present.
Corey Goode came forward and began sharing massive amounts of intel with me on the Secret Space Program (SSP) last October, 2014.
I wrote everything down as he was telling me. He independently verified hundreds of things I had heard from other insiders.
It was only after he decided to officially drop his pseudonym, GoodETxSG, and come forward that he began receiving direct ET contact in the present.
It has been truly surreal to hear the new updates from him as he has been pulled into well over a dozen different off-planet meetings since that time.
A fundamental part of the "Prime Directive" is truth without proof.
The higher-level beings cannot simply reveal themselves to us. There must be a calling, where a sufficient number of people request their help, before intervention can occur.
We are truly blessed to have ongoing "Divine Intervention" taking place. This is the only thing that has stopped the Cabal from destroying most of our lives.
The Cabal has been very innovative in coming up with a multitude of different ways to try to kill the majority of people on earth.
One of the more upsetting and shocking ones I learned about, from three different credible insiders, is actually called "The Zombie Program."
Using advanced cloning techniques, 150 million humans were manufactured in the US, all held in underground bases west of the Rockies, and another 100 million in Europe.
They would look more or less like ordinary people -- not what you see in the movies. The men might typically be wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans.
However, they are given a strange infectious virus that can make them bleed out of every orifice, including their fingernails.
They are programmed to have an insatiable craving to attack and eat other humans who do not have the infection.
When normal people come in contact with the pathogens in their blood, they will die a horrible death within 24 hours.
Simply being scratched by the fingernails from one of these beings would be enough to cause death.
The Cabal also manufactured an aerosol that could be sprayed over an area where these "zombies" were released. It would cause their death but leave ordinary folks alone.
Otherwise, the only way to effectively kill the zombies would be to separate the brain stem from the neck, such as through beheading.
The Cabal's plan was to release this plague, bring about the deaths of millions to achieve their depopulation goals, and then shut off the plague with the aerosol.
At that point, they had intended for us to have descended into mass starvation, rioting, anarchy and chaos, leading to martial law and internment camps (which people would flock to in fear of "zombies.")
The technology was in place to generate this "zombie apocalypse" all the way back in the 1960s.
The "Night of the Living Dead" was the first major movie to try to use social engineering to get this apocalypse to be "authorized" by the benevolent ETs.
If enough of us saw these movies and really believed that zombies would attack us on a mass level, then thanks to the Prime Directive, the benevolent ETs would be forced to let it happen.
The benevolent ETs have blocked the "zombie program" so effectively that it has never been allowed to occur.
Simply put, not enough people genuinely believe that zombies are real for this to ever be allowed to happen.
The Cabal is very well aware of this. They continue to crank out a tremendous amount of zombie apocalypse films and TV shows, hoping to get another chance.
Other lifeforms that do not look anywhere near as similar to us have also been engineered with the zombie virus.
The preferred design that would currently be used, if "authorized," are little beings that look like "Greys" and are only about two feet tall.
The hope was that they could be "sneaky," run around quickly, evade capture and scratch people on the legs to cause death.
In this sense, the Cabal felt that if enough people believed in negative "Grey" ETs, the hope was that authorization could then be granted.
Again, this will never be allowed to occur. Every attempt to create mass depopulation, both conventional and unconventional, has been thwarted.
What you just read is an example of intel I have been aware of for some time, have held on to, and said I did not ever want to release it because it was upsetting and "fear porn."
However, we are now being asked by the Alliance to release this information in advance of a much greater "data dump" that will come our way with Disclosure.
It is too late for the Cabal to stop Disclosure. It is definitely going to happen.
I have been waylaid by a very busy schedule, as we will discuss, but I am definitely continuing the fight to write articles and produce videos about all of this.
I discussed the zombie program in my last talk at the recent Contact in the Desert conference, having no idea how a live audience, including one 8-year-old child, would respond.
Given that the kid was in the audience, certain details were definitely not shared that I might have done otherwise.
Quite to my surprise, everyone seemed perfectly OK with it. They were very grateful to finally hear the truth, and not have me censor things I thought were too intense for us to hear.
As part of this initiative to "disclose as much as you can, as fast as you can," I did two different radio shows to promote the then-upcoming conference.
Since the conference, I had an Ancient Aliens taping that required a great deal of study, as always.
Since the taping, I have been recovering.
So to review, I had the New Living Expo event, hardly any down-time, then a major Gaiam taping of eight episodes, followed days later by the Contact event, followed days later by Ancient Aliens, and then a big recovery period.
At the same time, "negative greeting", as defined by the Law of One series, has been taking shot after shot after shot at me. It is difficult to keep going amidst all of this.
One small but significant part of the negative greeting is that we are getting very blatant death threats from the Cabal -- like never before.
This has been coupled with a very intense increase in the amount of hatred written about me by paid Cabal bloggers on the Internet.
Again, I no longer care about the online hate. Most of the trouble has been in dealing with personal issues and the cleansing and healing of painful life experiences and memories.
Yes, it all sounds crazy. However, with the full scope of ET technology available to the Cabal, making programmable clones is not at all difficult.
In fact, a similar cloning program began making most of the "Greys" that were actually doing abductions, beginning in the 1960s.
Some abductions are genuinely ET-related. People are being brought into slavery off-planet in large numbers.
That is another unpleasant truth we will soon be confronted with. The movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" was intended to help soften the blow.
Supposedly there is more than enough technology and capability in place to recover all surviving captives in the post-Disclosure world.
Thankfully these highly negative programs are quickly being shut down.
The negative elite have already lost. Now they are just in the final "limbo" period before it becomes public.
Rather than worrying too much about trying to prove all of this data, we have been instructed to simply release as much of the truth as we can.
This will help buffer the emotional shock and gravity of people hearing so much of this upsetting material all at once.
I have held on to the knowledge of the zombie program for at least two years now -- but no more. That is just one of a variety of weird things there are to know.
So with all that said, I am quite pleased with both of the radio shows I did.
The first one was transcribed and submitted by an anonymous individual, beginning a half hour after I started speaking -- and was discussing my music work.
As soon as we "went deep" and got into the cosmic stuff, the transcript started.
The second show was that same Thursday with Richard Garner, entitled What in the World!, which airs on SiriusXM with a station out of Canada entitled "Canada Talks."
This appearance was very highly bizarre for me.
Fifteen minutes before airtime, I planned out a whole routine around a particular song -- "Wild World" by Cat Stevens.
I figured that if I mentioned the song, they would later play it in the show. It was utterly stupefying, and extremely shocking, when that same song started playing as I was live on the air.
By the time Richard got me speaking, I had composed myself -- but only partly. Every hair on my arms and the back of my neck was standing up.
Here is the brand-new show on Canada Talks / Sirius XM where you can hear my surprise in the aftermath of this highly strange synchronicity:
Richard Garner has been a good friend of mine and an associate for years now. I appreciate the quality and consistency of his work.
Many people are out there saying they are radio show hosts, but I am very choosy about who I work with. Richard always does a great job.
We actually didn't get that much into the Secret Space Program in this show, but I still think you will find it well worth your time.
Synchronicity and mass, spontaneous human evolution were both major topics we covered.
We taped it on Tuesday, May 26th, at 12 noon California time -- and it aired on the evening of Thursday, May 28th.
This next show was taped live on Monday, May 25th, 2015 -- Memorial Day.
As I said, the transcriber did not include the first half-hour of our discussion, since it focused on "transient" things like my jazz drumming studies and current fingerstyle guitar work.
An audio version came out that had certain large sections removed. I knew these were some of the most intense sections. It did not appear to be an accident.
It took a full two weeks for Jimmy Church's people to release a non-edited copy of the original.
I went in and restored the missing sections myself, since the transcriber was working off of the original, edited audio.
The fact that these exact sections "mysteriously" were not included in the original audio is highly interesting once you read what I said.
6/10: Full Audio of DW on Jimmy Church, Ep. 259, 5/25
Everything you read below here is a transcript from our show, except where otherwise noted.
Episode 259 FADE to BLACK w/ David Wilcock
May 25, 2015
Original Audio Link (With Missing Sections):
Full Audio Link (All Missing Sections Restored):
This transcript begins at the 71:56 mark of the show.
Jimmy Church: Did the Annunaki and Dracos trick the Atlanteans into a soul-trap reincarnation cycle here on earth to strand DNA and amnesia?
David Wilcock: That is what the Cabal’s disinformation agents are trying to tell us happened.
That's actually not true. Reincarnation is not a trap and the earth is not a prison.
The Draco did have an agenda. That is true.
And, again, this type of a question requires a lot of filling in of cracks for people who don't already know what we're talking about.
JC: Right. Right.
DW: So I'll do that because, obviously, these questions are very deep and we've got to start somewhere.
JC: You know, let's start there. You know what, there's so much . . .
You and I were talking earlier today about our time constraints and how we were possibly going to try to squeeze everything in tonight.
Yeah, so, you know, let's just go deep now. Let's just go deep now.
DW: Okay. No problem.
So let's just first finish setting out the palette that I was establishing before, which is [this.]
You have a universe which started as a oneness. It divided itself into what we think of now as galaxies.
The intention behind this was that oneness was originally a singular consciousness.
It got bored and lonely. These are the closest emotions that we could think of [in our terms.]
It had all of this creative potential, but it had no friends. It had nothing to look at. Nothing changed. It was just always the same.
So it decided to create what we think of as the visible universe.
What we think of as galaxies are actually intelligent super beings. Stars are intelligent super beings. Planets are intelligent super beings.
And as you step down from galaxy to star to planet, you've got a hierarchy of beings. These are intelligent beings. They are extremely powerful. They are extremely creative.
And then the next stage down from that is sentient beings that live on the planets. So those sentient beings are beings like us.
That setup of sentient beings on planets then plays out in a structure that has seven levels – seven grades that we evolve through.
And the first grade is mineral life like earth, air, fire and water.
It's not really even microbes. That doesn't come until the second level, or what in the Law of One is called the second density.
That goes all the way up through all the animals, the whales, the dogs and cats and everything except humans.
[Third density] is where you now have an individualized sense of self.
Then you have fourth density. At that stage you could have positive or negative beings.
Fifth density can have positive or negative beings. Then you have sixth and seventh.
At the sixth level you have to go positive or else you will dissolve back into the background energy in the universe. You literally cannot survive.
So none of these bad guys get to exist past 6D.
7D is a very, very advanced level where all they really do is sort of create a virtual Internet.
They kind of go back through all the experiences they've had in all the previous levels.
They create this living database that 6D beings can analyze to help people.
That's the last gift they have to give before they get to reunify with this oneness that they came from.
So with all that being said as back story, the beings that are actually running the show here and making sure that the earth doesn't blow up, literally, would be sixth density.
And as I said, in the Bible those are called seraphim or cherubim.
The Draco would be what you'd call probably a fourth density or possibly, but unlikely, possibly fifth-density negative. They may actually be 5D negative. I don't really know.
What we do know about these guys is that they were humans that evolved out of reptilian life.
That's another big, big stage in our learning curve here.
Human life is ubiquitous in our galaxy.
About 40% of the universe is populated with human or hominid-type life, meaning it walks on two legs and it's got two arms, or maybe sometimes more – usually just two.
It's got a head, two eyes and a nose, mouth, ears.
The planets that these beings incarnate on are very similar to ours in the vast majority of cases.
This means they have microbes. They have algae. They have plants. They have mammals. They have birds. They have reptiles.
What we're seeing here is a very, very commonly used biome.
It works really well. Everything is divinely designed to work in harmonious synergy.
DW: There are some variations, of course. You might have a planet that is predominantly ocean.
In those cases, sentient hominid life will evolve out of whales or fish or something like that. There are lots of those out there.
You might have a planet where the bird actually becomes the prevalent form of life that then becomes human or hominid.
And in certain cases, you have reptilians – reptiles – where reptile life becomes human-looking.
And so these reptilians – for whatever reason – ended up being racists.
[They were only interested in] other reptilians that had evolved independently from reptilian life on other planets – and they were out there looking at a lot of different planets.
They wanted to partner up with other reptilians.
So what they've done is they've gone around in the last 700,000 years or so and found all the other reptilians. They've merged their genetic material with them and conquered them.
So they have their own little negative group that you could call the Draco, because they apparently originated in the Draco constellation.
They are also dragon-like. The word 'draco' also means 'dragon'.
When I'm telling you this, I'm combining this from several different highly credible insider sources.
I'm seeing commonalities between what different people tell me independently, and were in a position to know this is what is going on.
JC: Okay.
DW: And this is more information than most people have ever been able to get about these guys before. A lot of this stuff is new.
What we find out is that they were going around conquering worlds.
This pissed off a lot of people and they really got their butts kicked.
They got their butts kicked badly enough that most of their attempts have failed. They have been basically beaten back into one little corner of our galaxy.
That corner happens to be some of the stars that are near to us, such as the stars in the constellation Orion, the stars in the constellation Draco, and a few other places like that.
They also have settled in our solar system in fairly recent terms.
Apparently they got to our solar system somewhere in the neighborhood of 375,000 years ago.
JC: Why 375,000?
DW: That's just the figure that our new insider, Corey Goode, gave.
JC: I got ya.
DW: Based on what he was given.
JC: Okay.
DW: Wow. I just turned my volume up and your voice exploded in my ears. Hello, Jimmy! (JC: Ha, ha, ha.)
I got you back down to a manageable human level again.
JC: Yeah. I'm whispering too, by the way.
DW: And when I reel my brains back into my eardrums . . . (JC: Ha, ha, ha.) Okay? (Laughs)
So here's the deal. Here's the deal.
What are they doing? What are they doing out there? What do they want? Right?
You've got to look at these beings . . . And I'm not saying this to be derogatory. It's going to sound this way, but….
When your dog leaves doggie doo in the forest, it's not just going to sit there indefinitely.
Nature has made certain species, such as little bugs, that will come up – and they love that stuff.
That's like a breakfast banquet for them.
JC: Uh-huh.
DW: Okay. The universe has designed itself so that there are intelligent life forms that absolutely are dependent upon our jealousy, our anger, our sadness and our fear.
The more amoral, chaotic, violent, ruthless and selfish they can make us, the more energy they get.
That energy is called loosh. That's energy they need absolutely.
It's more important to them than what we would think of as money or food or water or any of the basic essentials for life.
When you become a being that feeds on loosh, if your loosh supply is interrupted for even one day, you will die.
They are that dependent on it.
If we were to have even one day on earth – one single day – where a preponderance of people on earth had something to feel good about, most of these beings would die.
In less than 24 hours they would be dead – gone forever. It's THAT serious. They are THAT dependent on our fear.
So what you need to understand then is that these beings deliberately custom-designed a planet they could use for FEAR FARMING.
They require fear just like we require money in the bank if we want to go to the grocery store to get something to eat.
JC: Right.
DW: So they actually did intermingle their genetic material with our own. And this goes back to what Zecharia Sitchin was talking about.
Sitchin tried to blame everything on the Annunaki. So you've got to look at his material as a suggestion, but not in any way iron-clad truth.
There're a lot of distortions in Sitchin's stuff. But the basic ideas are correct.
There was a reptilian king called Anu. He did have two sons – Enlil and Enki.
Apparently, Enlil was the bad guy and Enki was the good guy.
[Enlil would be the] bad guy for us, meaning that Enlil supposedly was the one who genetically engineered humans [and did not want us to be more than a slave race of clones.]
Enki was the one who then gave us the ability to reproduce because [the Anunnaki] made us to be sterile.
We were supposed to just be [slave] workers.
It's very likely that the planet Nibiru was actually Mars.
And it's very likely that what they were doing was to get us to mine gold.
[That way] they could chemtrail Mars' atmosphere with gold.
When you spray that gold in the atmosphere, it helps to keep the atmosphere from escaping.
At the time that they were doing this, the earth was really kind of unpleasant. It was swampy.
It didn't have the kinds of oceans that we know now. It was hotter. It wasn't as nice as it is now.
So they didn't really want to live here as much as they took the indigenous ape man they found and upgraded it.
Hence, [we see] the missing link in our fossil record where our brain suddenly doubled in size.
JC: Right.
DW: We have a lot of problems that are because of them tinkering with our DNA.
That includes the fact that we have bad backs, the fact that we get sunburns, and the fact that the sun is bad for our eyes.
There are lots and lots of strange things that we have that are because our genetics have been tampered with.
It turns out that there's over 40 different ET groups that have spliced their DNA with our own.
So it's a very big, strange situation.
JC: Well, the Nibiru-Mars connection makes sense, because, you know, the Martian atmosphere is blown away by solar wind constantly.
And there isn't any atmosphere there or very little atmosphere there. That would make a lot of sense. It would definitely connect those dots.
DW: Well, you've also got to expand your mind a little bit and realize that these people have extremely highly advanced technology.
That would include little nanites that can be spread out.
Gold can be spread out to almost one atom of thickness.
You get these little nanites that shake hands. When you get enough of them, you can build this virtual skin around the planet's atmosphere.
JC: Sure.
DW: It's not just like there are little particles of gold that are floating around, dumb, in the air.
This is a very advanced technology we're talking about.
JC: And you had mentioned earlier the Ancient Aliens [television show] and angels and the non-connecting dots there.
Would you also consider this negativity Archons?
DW: Actually, if you get into alchemical writings, the word 'Archon' refers to “humans on earth who act as agents for these negative extraterrestrials.”
JC: Right.
DW: That's a commonly misperceived term, because most people think Archons refer to the extraterrestrials themselves – and it doesn't.
It refers to their 'people' on earth – their ground crew.
JC: Their agents.
DW: Yeah. And that is a very important element.
In order to successfully fear-farm the earth, they did need to elicit the cooperation of people here on earth.
That's where you get into this very exciting new subject that we only learned about recently: the so-called Parents of the Illuminati.
JC: I was going there right now. I don't mean to cut you off, but that's exactly where I wanted to take this.
In that, the fear, the negativity that they are feeding off of – that very energy.
If it is in their DNA, then that is were the lack of morals come from, from the Illuminati and Cabal where we constantly ask ourselves, David, “How can they do this crap?”
I mean, where is the moral structure? Where is the moral fiber? How can they do . . . Well, is it because they need it to feed off of?
DW: Let me tell you something very bizarre that I heard from one of the new insiders.
He, for a while, worked for the World Wrestling Entertainment – WWE.
Every single time they do a major event when there's a big stadium of people, they have all these big screen TVs at the event.
And most, if not all of those big screen TVs, quote-unquote, “Mysteriously go missing after the show.”
JC: What?
DW: Doesn't it sound crazy? Okay?
JC: Okay.
DW: I'm just going to tell you the truth.
The crystalline structure of these television screens picks up enough of the loosh that the Draco want those TV screens after an event, because it helps keep them going.
JC: It's like vitamin C.
DW: Yes! Now see, that's stuff I would never have thought of.
It's so weird that people are going to laugh at me, but yet this is the stuff that you start to hear from people.
This energy that we make actually gets imprinted into the crystals within the monitor – within the LCD, the liquid-crystal display.
JC: So they use a new one for every event.
DW: Every event. That's in the budget. They've got to buy new monitors. Yep.
JC: That's interesting. Well, that's some serious Big Brother stuff.
You know, when you look at the screens over the crowds and the fear is just pumping and the energy is there and then it's a sponge.
DW: I'll give you another secret. They set these monitors up in the shape of, guess what? A pentagram.
[A pentagram is a 5-pointed star, usually inside a circle, that is a symbol of mysticism.]
JC: Oh, I was going to say an eye.
DW: They put them in a pentagonal shape, because that's the magic circle.
I don't like to talk about this stuff, but it seems like it's fallen on my shoulders to leak a lot of unpleasant things to people.
What I try to do is to not get stuck in the fear porn.
Let's not stay in this place: “Oh, my gosh. The Illuminati are real and they're just going to wipe us out.”
Look, they've been trying to ever since they got their hands on the bomb.
Back in the Trinity test, [The Trinity Test was the first test of a nuclear bomb on July 16, 1945, as a part of the Manhattan Project] you have Robert Oppenheimer saying,
“This is not the first time we have done this.”
He had read the Hindu Vedas where they very clearly describe the use of a thermonuclear weapon – all the same stuff.
JC: Yeah. What would happen if we created a monitor that didn't absorb and then they went to . . . (DW: Laughs)
You know what I mean? That would certainly shut them down.
DW: Well, that's one of many things that they've done.
Another thing, again this is a little disturbing, but what the hell.
Remember when there was that genocide in Rwanda? [This was a mass slaughter of around 1 million Tutsis and Hutu moderates by the Hutu majority in 1994.]
You’ve got the Hutus and the Tutsis and they're going around chopping each other up with axes? And it was happening on a massive scale?
They will literally cloak their ship, fly into our atmosphere, and park the ship over the battlefield as these people are dying – and just soak it up.
That's what they've been doing for thousands and thousands of years.
They need to keep creating wars so they can keep soaking it up.
JC: Is that what's going on in Syria and Iraq with ISIS? Are they soaking that up?
DW: Absolutely. They're doing whatever they can. And they are having a harder and harder time getting loosh.
Here's another thing. Okay?
Robin Williams apparently did not commit suicide on his own. He was pushed into it.
They tried to get loosh from Paul Walker's death – the guy that was in Fast and Furious – and it didn't generate enough.
They needed to create a bigger celebrity death to try to get enough.
And that worked well for them. They got a lot of loosh off of Robin Williams.
The next big thing that they did involving a celebrity on that scale was leaking the Cosby rape allegations.
They've gotten a lot of loosh off of that. That was something they had saved up for when they needed it.
But there are not very many of these left that they can pull. That's the thing.
They're running out of time. They're running out of energy. And they are in serious, serious trouble now.
All the great religious prophecies – the Bible is only one example.
There are 34 others that all say the same thing – that we go into this glorious golden age.
Those prophecies were given to us by the benevolent extraterrestrials.
And for those extraterrestrials, these reptilians we're talking about are literally no bigger than little sand lizards in a sandbox.
They can watch what's going on in the sandbox, but they can't intervene in our sandbox more than we invite them.
[This is] because the universe is governed by the principle of free will.
And believe it or not, Gene Roddenberry [the creator of the Star Trek movie series] was involved in some of these same channeling groups that were in Joshua Tree.
[Joshua Tree monument is a U.S. National Park in the desert about 80 miles east of Los Angeles. It was where the original “Giant Rock” UFO conferences took place in the 1950s.]
That's where the whole story concept and the architecture of Star Trek came from.
So Star Trek was Disclosure from the good guys.
The whole prime directive that Capt. Kirk and Spock and they all had to work off of – that is absolutely what is going on.
JC: The concept of Star Trek was way too ahead of its time.
DW: Absolutely.
JC: It seems to have come out of nowhere -- that and, of course, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
When we went from just juvenile science fiction and storytelling, we just leapfrogged right into, in the middle of the 60s, into 2001 and Star Trek.
DW: Well, they had been trying before that.
Twilight Zone – a lot of Disclosure got pushed out through that show.
The Outer Limits is another show that a lot of Disclosure got pushed out through.
JC: Right.
There was a little show for a while called The Time Tunnel that had lots of stuff in it.
They've done a lot of movies: The Day the Earth Stood Still, various other UFO movies.
There's been a very consistent effort to tell us what's really going on.
[They hope] that once we find out that there are thousands of different extraterrestrials that we've interacted with, it's not going to come as a big surprise.
JC: You know what I just finished this week? And I was kind of bummed out about it.
I finished Space 1999 [British-Italian TV series that had two seasons from 1975-77.] Both seasons.
DW: Yeah!
JC: Yeah, man, I got to the last episode of season 2 and it was pretty melancholy.
You know, I was kind of bummed. What a great series that was too.
DW: That was one that had a lot of stuff in it.
Buck Rogers was loaded with Disclosure. Battlestar Galactica [TV series originally in the mid-1970s and launched again between 2004~2009.]
The original one was loaded with Disclosure.
They never got to finish the thought in the original one. They rebooted it and actually did finish the thought.
If you watch all the recent Battlestar Galactica, they end up landing here when their fleet is literally down to the very last limping ship.
All they could do is crash land here. And they had no ability to get off the planet once they arrived.
JC: Do you know where I think a lot of information was? And don't laugh, man. Just stay with me on this.
DW: Okay, I'll try not to.
JC: The movie They Live.
DW: Oh, absolutely! I'm not going to laugh at that at all.
JC: Ha, ha, ha. I mean, I watched that now.
I remember that the first time I saw it I thought, “You know, this is a pretty cool movie. A nice little B movie under the radar. Pretty cool.”
I watch it now and it's a frickin’ horror flick. It scares the crap out of me.
DW: It's a documentary.
JC: Yes, exactly.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: Ha, ha, ha. Exactly!
DW: And at the end, when you see that portal open up underground, it literally is a gate into the stars.
It is a stargate! They have a stargate in the movie. It's right there. It's amazing. That scene is amazing.
JC: For everybody listening, if you have not seen They Live, that's your homework tonight after the show. Just go and peep that out.
DW: Totally. It's an amazing film.
JC: Yeah, Ray Ban.
DW: I'm not sure how that got made, honestly.
JC: Yeah. Right, right, right.
DW: That pissed off a lot of people.
JC: Unless it was done for a reason. That's all I've got to say. But there are elements of it that just scare the crap out of me.
Let's talk about your current research before, once again, David, we run out of time.
DW: Ha, ha.
JC: You know what's funny? If you remember back when you were on with us, it was Christmas Eve.
We got to the end of the show and, man, if they didn't shut us down. That was messed up. That was so messed up.
DW: Some sort of force majeure [superior force] technological interference with your ability to do the show.
JC: Right at the peak. Right at the . . . “Okay, Jimmy, I'm going to drop a bomb.”
DW: At the end of my sentence.
JC: Yeah, right.
DW: I wanted to kind of round out this thought, because we were heading somewhere and we never quite got there.
JC: Okay, let's do it.
DW: One of the big things we need to talk about is the Secret Space Program.
That is where it goes back again to these Draco. And it goes back to where I was discussing the Parents.
Now the Parents is something hardly anybody has learned about.
This is brand new information, but I believe that it is coming from a highly credible source.
I've now actually been able to vet out some of it with other sources.
The Draco have the ability to give you some kind of nanotechnology injection. What happens is that your flesh becomes essentially robotic.
You're still technically human, but only in the way that you look. Your body works in an entirely different way now.
You can take out a pocket knife and slice a big hole in your palm, and the nanites will just close it right back up for you.
So they have used this in various things like the television show Heroes, and the character Wolverine in X-Men. It's rapid healing.
JC: Right.
DW: There are 21 people on earth that have this. And they are called The Parents.
This goes all the way back to the oldest one of these people. Apparently he's 13,000 years old.
[This] dates back to the time of Atlantis before the big catastrophic event that sank the continent. This person was already given this technology.
These 21 Parents are immortal. In practical terms, they can live for thousands of years.
They were assigned to find the people who are making the most money and have the most power, and seduce them into their group.
That's where you get your 13 Illuminati bloodlines.
Those were the people who, simply through a basic Darwinian survival of the fittest mentality, came to the top of the food chain.
[They] made the money, got the power, and took over the control of governments and religions.
[They] were seduced by these Parents who had all the advanced Draco technology.
And part of the deal the Parents had [from the Draco] is working star gates [they could use] this whole time.
So they could go out into space. There are plenty of other places they could go. They are not stuck here on earth.
That technology was not shared with the Illuminati bloodline families.
Now the Illuminati bloodline families have found out the Parents had this the whole time, and they're really upset about it.
And what's interesting is that the alliance amongst these Illuminati folks is fracturing – and now the Draco have betrayed everybody.
The Parents have actually turned against all the 13 bloodlines below them. They now have their own faction.
Several of these 21 people apparently are really tired of immortality, and they don't want to be alive any more.
There is a way that they can die, which is to have the brain stem separated from the neck.
That also has been depicted in fictional works including the movie Highlander, where you chop off this guy’s head and then you absorb his power.
JC: Right.
DW: So the Draco agenda led to the Illuminati being constructed.
Now, people then say, “Well, wait a minute. If they want to screw us over, why are they telling us what they're doing? Why do they make all these movies about it?”
That's a very important point.
The magic requires them to tell us what they are doing. [That way,] the enslaved are actually being enslaved through their own free will.
[This is] one of the things that you hear Illuminati people say – and this is more the card-carrying kind, not the kind that has defected.
They say, “If people are too afraid to see the obvious when we're shoving it in their faces, then they deserve to be slaves.”
JC: It's not free will if it's deception.
DW: That's true. I think what's happened is that they skewed far from the idea of it truly being free will enslavement.
They've used trickery more and more. And they've lied more and more.
And as a result, these governing beings – these seraphim and cherubim, or 6th density beings in Law of One terms – the 'management', if you will, the good guys – are now able to bring them down, and defeat them.
So to get back to the Space Program, what's happened is The Parents knew the Draco existed.
The higher level bloodline Illuminati people knew the Draco existed.
They basically realized that even though they had this cult that saw them as gods, they're not in charge.
They're just licking the boot heels of these 12-foot tall, essentially demon-looking beings.
[The Draco] literally have vertically-slit pupils, reptile skin and are massively strong.
They have a 5-foot-wide shoulder span and weigh three thousand pounds.
You can't shoot them with conventional bullets. They'll just ping off of them. They're very, very tough. They're very strong.
They're telepathic. They're telekinetic. They can remote-influence people and make you walk around like a robot under their command.
They are very frightening villains.
[If you think about it,] all the stuff that the Illuminati [is supposedly] doing doesn't make any sense.
You guys are human beings. You live here on earth. Why do you want to kill the planet?
See, they don't. Their bosses do. The people that they are under the control of do.
It’s the Draco who have been gaming out our planet as a fear factory. We are generating fear for them.
If a whole bunch of us die, that would be like a big prosperity bonus for them.
JC: Is that why the Rothschilds bank both sides of every war?
DW: Absolutely. It's all about creating loosh.
One of their sayings is, “Give Lucius his Loosh!”
This is a Luciferian belief system. And Lucifer, in this term you could think of Lucifer as one of the Draco.
JC: Which brings us to the Alliance.
DW: Yes. If you've got to talk about something that is disturbing, you've got to balance it with something positive.
And there is a lot of positive stuff going on.
So here's the deal. [Let’s talk about] the military-industrial-complex.
Roswell was not the first UFO crash. They had stuff that they found that went all the way back to the 1890s.
Apparently out there in the Southwest they dug up this craft that was very aerodynamic. It was all gold in color.
We had one insider that came forward and told us that. So they've had the stuff for a long time.
There were ancient crashes they were able to go dig up. There's all kinds of cool stuff they found. [It has] all [been] kept hidden from us.
By the late 1930s, the Germans were the first to develop flying saucer technology.
The Vril Society was doing this. It's called the Hanebu or the Bell craft. Kronos is another secret name for the project.
They flew out into space and then that's where they [made an incredible discovery.]
“Wow! There are a lot of people that have colonized the solar system before us. They left some really cool stuff behind.
“We can seal it up, pressurize it and live in there.”
That's what they did on the moon and on Mars [as well as in Antarctica.]
So when you get into the history of the space program, you have the Nazis colonizing the moon and Mars.
They lost World War 2, but they came back and basically took over the military-industrial-complex through trickery – and through having better technology.
They blackmailed the U.S., because the U.S. did not want to kick loose the secrets of Roswell.
The Nazis started overflying the U.S. capitol in 1952 with their Bell craft, and essentially forced the U.S. to join them in a partnership.
This is where you get the militarization of our space and our solar system.
In the 1950s and early 1960s there was something called the brain drain.
Approximately 60 million people were recruited from countries all over the world.
So you still have to this day plenty of Latinos, plenty of blacks, plenty of people who look like they're from India or Pakistan, plenty of Asians, and plenty of Caucasians that have lived generations out in space.
They've never walked on the earth.
If you've got 60 million people in the 1950s and they are specifically told to have as many children as possible, you're now dealing with a large population.
Plus, they have advanced cloning capabilities.
They also continue to recruit people from our planet and bring them up there as much as they can.
So this is ongoing.
JC: Did they recruit brains or did they also recruit brawn?
DW: Mostly just the cream of the crop of the intelligentsia.
There are various movies that tell this story, such as When Worlds Collide.
If you want to go back and do research, go watch that film. That's Disclosure.
Only the cream of the crop were picked. It's like Noah's Ark all over again.
That's part of what these people are told. Something big and disastrous is going to happen on earth.
If you come out with us in space, you'll be fine.
You're going to get to live in a Jetsons, Star Trek-type reality. It's going to be amazing.
Then when these people actually go out there, many of them are treated like slaves. They have a very deplorably poor existence.
They're totally monitored and they just work their whole life.
They're told who they're going to marry and they're told how many kids they can have and all this kind of stuff.
It's really disgusting.
JC: If they hit you up, would you go?
DW: I already am in contact with a group that has been part of the space program and has broken away.
It's called the Solar Warden faction. There are five factions of the space program.
Solar Warden was the first one. They're like the planetary police force.
Then you have the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, or ICC, that has guys like Boeing and McDonnell-Douglas.
They're out there building all kinds of advanced technology and selling it to various extraterrestrials that come in here to check out what they've got.
Apparently, their technology is some of the best in our part of the galaxy.
This is odd because we are considered very primitive in terms of our spiritual levels of advancement, but we're really good at building stuff.
So you've got Solar Warden and ICC.
Then you've got the Global Galactic League of Nations, which is sort of a UN in space. Then you have a Military faction.
And actually there are several sub-groups in the Global Galactic League of Nations, as we have now found out.
The Military faction essentially acts as a police force and logistical support for these other factions.
And then last, but not least, you have the Dark Fleet.
That is the faction that is run by the Draco, where you can see the Reptilians.
You're going to see mantis-looking people. You're going to see ant-looking people.
You [also] see certain humans who work with them that wear black uniforms that look like Nazi uniforms.
They are very, very militant and very arrogant.
The Solar Warden faction was the original faction.
Their technology is no newer than what we were building in the early 80s.
This is still really frickin’ amazing, but it is way less [advanced] than the other factions.
They broke away. They got tired of being treated like the mushroom – kept in the dark and fed a lot of BS.
Solar Warden has now sided with new beings that have showed up in our solar system.
[These new beings have] technology way in advance of anything they thought was out there.
We're talking about spheres that in some cases are as large as the planet Jupiter.
One of them came into our solar system in the 1980s, and it was the size of Neptune.
My insider Pete Peterson was there working with Ronald Reagan while this was happening.
[It] freaked everybody out, because they saw this huge orb coming in.
It circled Pluto, circled Neptune, circled Uranus and then came in to Saturn.
It was cloaked, but they could very easily detect it with [the technology] they had at the time.
They eventually confronted this sphere.
The beings inside just said, “We're peaceful explorers taking a cruise around the galaxy.
Then they [the Secret Space Program personnel] said, 'GTFO', basically. [Get the f- out of here.]
And so the beings left.
Then, right around 1999, 1998 or thereabouts, you start to have over a hundred, actually hundreds of spheres like this coming into our solar system.
They entered in either through the sun or from the outside.
They were all about the size of earth's moon.
[DW: Kent Steadman of cyberspaceorbit.com was the main researcher who tracked this phenomenon for years.
On Kent’s site, it appears to have started with his “Sun Cruiser” post, describing an anomalous object that first appeared around the sun on May 3, 1998.
Kent interviewed various astronomers and got differing opinions about what this huge, fast-moving object was.
Many other similar sightings followed for years to come.
I was very captivated by this at the time and consistently checked Kent’s site for the latest updates.
There were many, many subsequent articles revealing dozens of additional anomalies photographed by the SOHO solar observer website.
One of the earlier and more interesting phenomena was what appeared to be two spheres hitting the sun and portaling out on June 1st and 2nd, 1998, causing a huge CME in the process:
NASA dismissed this as nothing more than a comet hit – but the objects were as large as planets in their apparent size.
Kent’s work on this phenomenon from the 1998-2002 timeframe is a vast study that would take months to properly review and summarize.
It would take would take quite some time to assemble a chronological gallery of all the solar anomalies seen between 1998 and 2002.
As it says in this next article, the apparent straight lines seen along these spheres is the result of “pixel bloom.”
The extreme brightness of the spheres overloaded the CCD sensor on SOHO, causing the lines:
DW: They wouldn't respond to hailing signals. Nobody knew what this was.
The Illuminati folks in the Pentagon thought, “Oh my gosh. This is the return of the Sumerian gods. They've come to help us usher in our New World Order.
“They know we're going to do this 9/11 thing. And we're really excited they want to help us.”
But the sphere beings would never talk to them.
So these spheres have just been hanging around. They've just spent time, but nobody could talk to them. Nobody could figure out what was going on.
Then, cut to the Mayan Calendar end date around the year 2012.
In August 2011, approximately 26 underground facilities, that we know of, were actually portaled out by some super intelligence.
The beings inside were apparently brought to a safe place first.
Then, after all the people were removed and all the goods were removed, the buildings and the whole place was actually imploded.
[This was done] through some sort of air pressure differential where the air was portaled in.
The air pressure went up super high, cracked all the land and then it subsided and crushed in and fell in on itself.
This was done to at least 26 underground facilities. And that's just what we know of.
It appears that some sort of treaty was struck at the end of this series of events in late December 2011. That's when it stopped.
It appears that the Cabal was trying to fight this from happening by turning on HAARP at maximum intensity.
That's where you get your fish deaths and bird deaths.
If you go back to right around the end of December 2011, birds were just falling out of the sky dead with traumatic injuries.
[DW: I misspoke about this. It had been some time since I had reviewed this data.
The bird deaths culminated at the end of December 2010, in the aftermath of a series of strange EMP attacks against visible, public targets:
None of these attacks killed anyone. They were covered in our “China’s October Surprise” article series, linked in the above article.
Interestingly, when I went back to this article to get the link, its hit counter was at 333,088 – another example of “numerical synchronicity,” where repeating digits appear as I am doing this work.
There did appear to be a treaty that stopped the EMP attacks in January 2011, but the treaty was violated by the Cabal.
This seems to have been what triggered the underground cities being portaled out from August to December of 2011.]
DW: Jimmy, you were probably covering this back when it happened.
JC: Yeah.
DW: And the fish were all washing up. Hundreds of thousands of dead fish were washing up.
JC: Birds falling out of the sky.
DW: Just falling out dead. And they were too crushed up by the time they hit the ground. Their bones had already been crushed.
That was because [the Cabal was] using HAARP to try to defend against the destruction of these underground facilities – and it wasn't working.
So they apparently made a treaty sometime at the end of 2011, saying, “Please don't destroy our underground facilities any more. We'll do what you want.”
Then in 2012, you get what ends up becoming approximately 100 gigantic spheres coming into our solar system.
When I say 'gigantic', I mean that they had three sizes.
One of them is around the size of the moon, like the ones from 1999 to 2001 that came in.
Then you've got another size that's around (the size) of Neptune.
Then you've got another one that's around the size of Jupiter.
It turns out that there are a lot more than 100 of them.
We could only see 100 with our ability to detect cloaked spheres. There are a lot more than that.
And why are they here?
Everybody in the Space Program on the inside knows this [next data point].
Our solar system is transitioning into a zone of heightened energetic strength in the galaxy.
It’s like going into a cosmic storm.
If you take a pan and you put it on your stovetop and you don't put any heat under it, and you drop a drop of water in the middle of the pan, what's it going to do?
JC: Evaporate.
DW: It's just going to sit there. Actually, eventually it will evaporate, but it's just going to sit there.
If you get that pan nice and red hot and you drop that same drop of water in it, what's going to happen?
It's going to go zig-zig-zig-zig-zig, and zig all over the inside of that pan.
JC: Interesting.
DW: Imagine now that the same thing happens to matter, AND to consciousness, AND to the actual signature of biological life that is our DNA.
It's a DNA-activating, consciousness-activating, matter-energy-space-time portal-activating energy force.
Ultimately what appears to be coming our way is some sort of decisive shift in the way that matter and energy and consciousness itself functions.
It is literally a quantum leap in what it means to be human.
Our universe is designed this way.
We have to fight through this incredible time of darkness and tribulation.
That's how they call it in the Bible, but there's many other prophecies that talk about this.
Take your pick. Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Native American, Celtic, Druidic, you name it. It's all there.
We go through this time of extreme suffering where people have fallen from spiritual teachings more than ever before.
There's greater amounts of violence, greater amounts of illicit behaviors, selfishness, jealousy, rage, a great amount of depression and sadness.
That all is part of what you could think of as like kinetic energy.
[DW: Here I meant to say “potential” energy, which stores up. Kinetic energy is what happens when the potential is released.]
It is as if you are pushing a spring down. Okay?
But you can only push the spring down so far. Then what happens when you let go of the pressure?
JC: Boom.
DW: You've got a spring-loaded action.
JC: Right.
DW: That's what's happening and the compression of the spring . . .
I mean, Jimmy.
I was out there trying to see any discussion whatsoever of the Illuminati online. I'm talking now back roughly 2003, 2004.
It didn't exist. You didn't ever see the word.
I went and I contacted some of the big names of the time.
This included Henry Makow and Greg Szymanski, who was doing a radio show. Henry Makow was a popular guest on these radio shows.
I farmed them information about the Illuminati through this whistleblower called Svali, who originally had come out in 2000. I'd been following her work.
So I had a lot to do with reintroducing that when it had kind of all died out.
Nobody was reading Robert Anton Wilson or any of that old stuff any more.
So what's happened is now it's common knowledge. You've got the Snowden disclosures. People are waking up.
What we don't realize is that the awakening is an energetically driven function. The energy is cranking up.
[This affects] our apparent free will decisions of how we live our lives and what we choose to learn about.
Are we listening to Fade to Black, and are we reading these books, and are we going to these conferences?
We think that this is something like, “Oh, I just stumbled over it on the Internet.”
It's actually part of an energetically-driven process.
Supremely high-level intelligence uses synchronicity to direct us to the sources of information that feed us this awakening.
We are all going through this at our own speed, through our own free will.
[This way,] we can veto it and take it in digestible chunks at the speed we want to learn.
We're learning what's really going on here. And it is ultimately a very, very highly positive thing.
When we go through this shift, if you have done your homework, [you will be fine.]
If you have followed the great spiritual teachings that these 35 ancient cultures were all trying to teach us about being a good person, being a loving person – service to others, forgiveness, compassion….
[Then,] you're right back in to the realm of what happens to these 160,000 people in Tibet where they practiced these spiritual teachings.
They don't die. They transform into a light being. This is the next stage of what human evolution is built to do.
We're built to go in to this super-hero-type of character. It was all laid out for us in the story of Jesus and the resurrection.
That is only one of many examples. You have it in other cultures as well.
We just happen to have a celebrity worship thing where people get all hung up on Jesus having done it.
They don't realize that many others have accomplished this as well.
That does piss some people off. I understand that. But look.
You’ve got these Tibetans who are following exactly what the teachings of Christ are.
Their focus is to have every single thought to be a loving thought.
And if they can attain that level of self-perfection, then they graduate into this higher level of humanity.
What appears to be happening is that the people who are ready for it [will Ascend] when this spring springs.
When this energetic springboard takes off, you'll be able to levitate. You'll be able to have telekinesis.
You'll have telepathic contact with other people – all the Jesus miracles.
Pretty quickly if you start trying, you'll discover that you'll be able to do this.
This event is also built where there is a bifurcation.
That means there are a lot of people who have generated very seriously bad karma for themselves.
If you're sufficiently on that side of the coin, then the way the universe is built is that timelines bifurcate.
The people who need that karma go through an Armageddon apocalypse.
JC: They go into a dimension of darkness.
DW: Well, the earth is basically destroyed. Yes.
They experience a pole shift. They experience super-volcanoes which bury everything in about 30 to 100 feet of rocks.
JC: Right.
DW: And you just die with rocks falling on your head, basically. [DW: Some would experience this. Others would die of a mega-tsunami or massive earthquake damage.]
JC: That's a good spot to take a break. Let's take a break. We're at the top of the hour.
When I come back after the break, David, I'm going to share with you the first time I heard the word 'Illuminati'. It's fascinating. I want your comment.
This is Fade to Black. Tonight David Wilcock. Bespoke radio for the masses. I'm your host Jimmy Church.
JC: Hey, David. I got a couple of emails during the break. One of them is from Renee.
She says, “There appear to be an increasing number of people all around the planet who are channeling ETs.
“Do you believe that this is a concerted effort on the part of various ET races to prepare us for their open interaction with humans in the very near future?”
DW: Yes. I'll step in dog doo again and get myself in trouble with the Cabal. And we'll see if they leave us on the air for me saying this.
One of the things that the Cabal apparently believes is that people who are the starseeds, who are getting this ET contact, are going to develop ascended powers before everybody else does.
And so they are making a very strong effort now to try to find the people who are getting this ET contact and to corrupt them through their own free will.
[This would be done through techniques] such as getting them to think in a more negative mindset, getting them to give messages of doom and fear, getting them to potentially be bought or bribed, that kind of stuff.
JC: Back in February, you were on Coast to Coast, and you said that, and I'm quoting here,
“If there is even one person who has ascended, he's going to be able to drive away all of these bad guys. And they see it coming.”
It's only about a year and a half away for them. They know it's going to be . . . They know it's going to hit and there's nothing they can do about it.
And you were saying that there was going to be a small number of people who will have super-human abilities.
Well, a year and a half is August 2016.
DW: That is a date that is sort of the best guesstimate based on a variety of different factors, none of which totally resolve.
It could be anywhere between the end of summer 2016 through 2017 to 2018. So, again, it's not like you can just pinpoint a window.
What you have to do is look at is the current of events that are taking place on earth and how fast are people awakening.
This is very important. This quantum leap is not some event that takes place at a pre-described time.
It is an event in which the human consciousness, reaching a critical minimum stage of awakening, releases the pressure on the spring.
That's the key. When do we grow up enough that it's time for the quantum leap?
So there's a window in which this can happen.
I was told [about this] all the way back in 2009 by this high-level insider, very high-level insider, who I call Jacob.
He told me that the event I thought was going to happen at the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 was actually going to happen in 2017.
I hid that data because, unfortunately, part of what happens is that if I say something publicly, many people who are allegedly channeling will very quickly co-opt my information.
They trust my sources and they want to be on the right track.
And so it then very quickly reaches a point where you can't tell the difference, or it becomes harder to tell the difference between who's real and who's just parroting your information.
I sailed right through 2012 and never said anything about 2017. I figured, “Hey, maybe it's going to happen in 2012 after all.”
There was a lot of good [scientific] evidence to point to that [which I extensively detailed in “The Source Field Investigations.”]
2012 came and went, but since that time, man, it is ramping up.
You don't have to be that ignorant. You don't have to be that intelligent either.
It is smack-in-your-face obvious that we are building up to something very, very huge here.
JC: What were some of the abilities that you were referring to?
DW: Well, if you go back to the Hindu scriptures, they talk about the eight talents of Krishna. [DW: Look up the "eight superhuman faculties" of Kalki.]
You know there are different Messianic stories from religious traditions.
We're talking about really incredible magic powers here.
We're talking about stuff that you would see in some of the best sci-fi and fantasy movies.
So we're talking about one person being able to instantaneously transform a landscape. We're talking about stuff even at that level of significance.
Somebody who would have the power to be able to levitate multiple automobiles at once and throw them in a direction, for example.
Somebody who would be able to create any of the elements, like in The Last Airbender.
I know people said, “Oh, it was a terrible movie,” but it was interesting to see all of the abilities these folks had.
Some people can throw water. Some people can throw fire, air, earth, et cetera.
I don't think that necessarily all of us get this kind of large-scale super-duper telekinesis right away.
But it is true that if you go back to Tibet, there's all kinds of reports of these yogis flying around like flocks of birds in the air.
They would push their hand or foot into a stone. They could liquefy the stone and leave a very nice footprint or handprint behind.
There's lots of examples of that on my show, Wisdom Teachings. You can go check that out – WisdomTeachings.com.
I have a whole 8 episode mini-series just on the Tibetan Rainbow Body, where I show all these pictures of the handprints, the footprints.
I give all of the teachings of how they got to this Rainbow Body.
And, again, basically, you have to meditate all of the time. You have to have every thought be a loving thought.
That does not mean you have to be that good as a meditator. It's like the Olympics of spirituality to go that far.
What it says in the Law of One, which is where I believe the truth can be found, is all you have to be is slightly more than 50% good – Service to Others.
[This means being a] positive, loving, forgiving type of person.
You can still be 49% selfish, manipulative, jealous, conniving and controlling and you're still good to go for this ascension.
So it's not something that only the elite are going to go through. It's not like if you occasionally have marshmallows or a cigarette that you’re not going to ascend.
[Nor is it that if] you get drunk once in a while or you do drugs, you're not going to ascend. It's not like that.
What really counts is character: how you treat people and what kind of thoughts are going through your mind.
JC: This takes us back to Allison's question at the beginning of the show. What happens to the little ones – the cats and the dogs and the horses?
DW: This is something very interesting that I learned through one of the new insiders.
If you have human beings and you portal a human being forward in time, we have something called a zero-time reference.
The energetic body is anchored to the moment of conception.
If you move that physical body forward in time, it will automatically progress or regress to the appropriate age that it would be at that time in history.
So if you're going to move a human in time, you actually have to change this zero-time reference – to shift it.
This requires advanced extraterrestrial technology. You can't just do it.
So for example, [let’s say] you go through a natural stargate.
There's a variety of vortex points on earth where that will happen in the right planetary alignments at the right time of the year.
[In such a case,] you can end up portaled 300 years into the future.
What will happen is very quickly you'll become a feeble old man or woman and you'll die – unless you have the right ZTR (zero-time reference) [shifting] capability.
Now, the funny part is, and I only learned this recently, animals do not have a ZTR.
You can portal animals forward in time and they'll live out their lives just fine.
So, for example, the Loch Ness Monster was a plesiosaurus.
There have been multiple cases of lake monsters and pterodactyls that have flown in or swum in to a portal, and portaled into our time.
What we are calling the Cabal or Illuminati, the military-industrial-complex, would [pick them up with] an advanced craft that we would think of as a UFO.
I [was told that at] some time in the early 1970s they picked up Nessie. They took Nessie out of Loch Ness.
They've picked up a bunch of these monsters that come through – dinosaurs that portal through. And they've stored them in various facilities.
So what's happening now is that in reference to your question, we have a situation where benevolent extraterrestrials will portal the life on earth forward in time to when it is safe again.
So nothing dies an unfortunate death.
It's not like some big global catastrophe. That's a common misperception.
It only happens to the people who have invited that type of balancing karma.
If you stay on earth and you go through the shift, even if you're not really a very nice person, you're [fine.]
Only the most evil, negative people are ever going to see this negative timeline.
It's possible that the positive people for a while won't even realize that this thing has happened.
Only the most negative people are actually going to see this type of disaster.
They [the Cabal] have seen within their time viewing technologies that this is coming.
Look at a movie like Interstellar. There are all kinds of movies that [lay out this prophecy.]
The new Mad Max movie that's out right now [Mad Max: Fury Road] [is another example.]
[There are] so many films describing this post-apocalyptic world because they see that it's coming for them, but not for everybody else.
So if you are not one of those types of people, you will go through this event.
If you're not actually going to ascend, then probably what will happen is that you live out your normal life.
You'll die normally. And then when you next reincarnate, you'll just reincarnate on a different planet.
JC: Is this why the Chinese government is trying to crush Tibet?
DW: Well, I don't know if you could boil it down to something that simple.
I do think that there are elements of the Chinese government that are controlled by the Cabal.
And I think the regional tension with Tibet is multi-generational.
But, yeah, the Chinese government did go around [looking for people with advanced abilities.]
There's a really great book called China's Super Psychics by Paul Dong.
Interestingly enough, when you have people that grow up in extreme poverty, in many cases that hardship makes you more apt to develop these types of ascended abilities.
So there are these kids in China [with ascended-type abilities already]… and this was documented.
In fact, US oil executives went to China and witnessed [these types of phenomena.]
One of the most stunning ones is a little girl who can wave her hands in front of a whole room full of people holding flowers that haven't bloomed yet.
She time-accelerates the blossoms, and the flower literally opens up right in front of your eyes as you are holding it in your hand.
JC: I remember that.
DW: Yeah. And there's kids that can teleport pills out of bottles that are sealed. The seal is still good, but the pills end up outside the bottle.
JC: I do that now. But that's a whole other show.
DW: Ha, ha, ha. That's the late show.
UM.... MOVING ON....
JC: Hey, man. Have you picked out your wardrobe for this weekend?
I've got to get you a Fade to Black shirt. You've got to wear it.
DW: Ha, ha, ha. Shameless plug from this guy!
JC: Oh, no, no, no. I'm just saying . . . I'm just saying that you've got to wear a Fade to Black shirt at Contact in the Desert.
Have your girl call my girl. We'll get that all set up.
Oh, I meant to tell you before the break. Check this out. You're going to love this and I want your comments.
Back in the early 70s, I suppose . . . Let's just say I'm 10 years old – 10, 11, right around in that area, 72, 73, I'm like 10 or 11 years old.
I'm listening to shows like this on my little AM radio on my nightstand.
I would dial in these crazy late-night guys. I would get no sleep, and I would go to school in the morning, you know, transformed.
So anyway, late night, you know it's 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning in the middle of the week.
I'm listening to this late-night AM radio guy and he says this. This is what he says.
He goes, “Okay, man. You don't know this, but the Illuminati are running the world.”
DW: Ha, ha, ha!
JC: You know, this is like 1972, 73. And I guarantee you my eyes popped open. You know my room is dark. The Illuminati?
So I roll over and I write it down. I write down 'The Illuminati.' I don't know if I spelled it right, but I wrote it down.
He said, “They go back to the cave man days. They were the strongest tribes back then. Ever since back with the Neanderthals.
“They were the strongest tribe. They ran governments. They ran Egypt and they ran Greece and they ran Rome and the United Kingdom and China.
“You know throughout history the Illuminati has been the strongest tribe. And today they are running the world. It's a secret government.”
And so I wake up in the morning, and I've had nightmares now. I wake up and I go to my parents.
“You ever heard of the Illuminati?” 'Nope.'
I go to school. I go to my 6th grade teacher, whatever his name was. It's escaping me now. I go to him. . . Mr. McWilliams.
“Have you ever heard of the Illuminati?” “No, never heard of them.”
DW: (Laughs)
JC: And it was crazy to me that I got this secret information from AM radio overnight that I never forgot to this day.
I never forgot his description, the way that he laid it out there. That was in the early 1970s.
I went around and quizzed everybody throughout life after that. I couldn't get information out of anybody.
Nobody had heard of it, which to me confirmed what he was trying to say that night back in 1973.
(137:30 to 137:47 missing audio)
DW: They have gotten so audacious and daring now.
And particularly the amount to which they are jamming out propaganda through pop music now is unbelievable.
End Restored Audio
DW: My last article, Secret Space Program: Countdown to Exposure, is on my website divinecosmos.com.
I encourage everybody to go read that.
Madonna has come out and openly admitted “If there is something called the Illuminati, I want to be in it.
“And I know who the Illuminati is. The Illuminati are the good guys. And they are all the smartest people throughout history.”
JC: Why would she, David, why would she come out when you have everything on the Internet and different fringe shows and websites and so forth that have been talking about this?
[It is] not only Madonna, but you know JayZ, Beyonce, what have you, you know, pick a star – Lady Gaga.
The finger's [been] pointed at Madonna like that for so long. Then she turns around and comes out with a song called Illuminati.
Why would she do that?
DW: Yeah. And she sings, “The ‘all seeing eye' is watching tonight. That's what it is, the Truth and the Light.” Unbelievable!
JC: Yeah. Why would she do that? Was she told to do it? That's the only thing I can think of.
DW: Yeah. These folks in pop music, they don't rank very high in the Order. They're not running the thing.
That is why I also pulled Kanye West's quote where he got all excited about Madonna's song, 'Illuminati'.
“Yes, yes!” He was jumping up and down on the soundboard. He got so excited about it.
And he's now come out and said, “People think we're running the world. We're just hired talent.
“They just tell us what to do. And if we don't go along with it, we don't have a job.”
So you've got to realize that the pop music big people are just playing along to a script.
You have the artist Kesha who came out and actually had this song called 'Die Young' – right before the Sandy Hook school shootings.
She's basically saying, “Let's just party and die young.” Then in the video she's dancing in front of an illuminated pentagram.
It's unbelievable!
And then she comes out and says that she was raped by this guy that she was working with.
She was forced to sing those lyrics and she didn't want to.
JC: I think she's a reptilian anyway.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: Oh, you laugh. Ha, ha, ha.
DW: Look. The shapeshifting reptilians thing is a meme that David Icke introduced – and he since has altered it.
He's said he thinks these people have a spiritual reptilian influence, but are not physically shapeshifting.
I don't believe that there is any such thing as shapeshifting biological material. It just doesn't work that way. We all have the same basic laws.
I really encourage folks to try not to go on a witch hunt here. Madonna is basically doing what she has been told.
People like Madonna, JayZ, Beyonce, Nikki Minaj, name 'em, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry.
These people are tortured by the Illuminati so fiercely. Many of them would do anything to get out if they could.
They have been electrocuted. They have been raped.
They have had to watch violence and death be done in front of them in satanic rituals. It's horrible.
We should not be hating these people. We should be trying to help these people get free.
Most of the people who are stuck in this horrible cult do not want to be in it.
They would do anything to get out. So let's not go blaming them.
JC: Well, are they in the cult? And look. Since I arrived in Hollywood in 1983, I've heard rumors about this.
It's like 'urban legend' in Hollywood. You hear about it everywhere you go in the music business and the movie business.
And for those people that are not in Hollywood, that are listening now from another part of the country and are rolling their eyes and going, 'Oh, come on….'
No. You know what? Live here. Move here and certainly become part of the industry in some way.
It doesn't matter on what level.
DW: Yep.
JC: You're going to hear these rumors. And this is nothing that David or myself have made up.
This is a sub-culture that you kind of learn to accept because you hear it nearly daily.
Whether it's somebody like Corey Haim, God rest his soul. He was great. But you hear about these stories all the time.
What was the director that . . . Oh, what's his name?
DW: Bryan Singer? [Who was accused of pedophilia by a boy who worked on one of his projects.]
JC: Yeah, Bryan Singer and his family. He's one of the most . . . Now look, I want to back up and use the word 'allegedly'.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: Ha, ha. Let's just use the word 'allegedly'.
But you hear about guys like him and other directors and producers and influential people throughout the industry.
This is stuff that happens on a daily basis out here in Hollywood and it's crazy. I know it sounds nutty . . .
DW: It is horrible.
JC: Yeah. You hear about it every single day. There are . . . You know, you hear about....
(142:55 to 143:30 – missing audio)
JC: This thing with Bill Cosby. That’s just the public version of things.
DW: Oh, totally.
JC: What has been going on in this subculture, these rumors, I’ve heard about it since the day I set foot in Hollywood.
DW: Well, let’s be clear about one other thing.
There are some people who have really plotted for the deaths of millions and millions of people.
And those people will be defiant to the end.
In fact, they have an inner saying they use.
[They say] that they will be defiant until the “quick drop and the sudden stop.” And that’s hanging.
The quick drop is…
End Restored Audio
DW: . . . when the ground falls out from under you with a noose on your neck.
And the sudden stop is when your neck breaks.
So they will be laughing. They will be saying “f- you” and “You're a bunch of useless eaters” right up to the moment…
(143:44 to 144:10 – missing audio)
...where the noose is around their neck.
They will be cackling with diabolical laughter. (Laughs)
That’s how they think.
JC: We’re going to be, again, about 2 minutes up against our last break. And then I’m going to ask you, please indulge me and hang out for another 15 minutes.
DW: Sure, no problem.
JC: And maybe we’ll take a couple of phone calls.
I want to throw this out at you.
End Restored Audio
JC: . . . and his story and his involvement with you. It is all over the Internet.
There's been a lot of leaks. There's been a lot of disinfo on both sides of the fence.
So I want to talk about Corey when we come back. How did you meet Corey? And how far along are you with your research?
I know that you're going to be doing some additional disclosure.
If it's okay – I don't know if I'm throwing you under the bus. You guys have shot some video. Are you going to present some of that stuff too?
DW: Not at Contact in the Desert. It probably won't be ready by then, but it's going to be ready soon afterwards.
JC: How did you meet Corey?
DW: He emailed me beginning in 2009 and shared some insider data with me.
He saw a malfunctioning flying black triangle that was actually like a blimp held on a tether.
It hadn't quite inflated properly. It was a thing like a gigantic triangular blimp.
He shared this story with me in confidence, and I said, “Wow, that's amazing.”
We talked off and on. I knew he was a supporter of my work and he'd write me from time to time.
JC: When did he see this?
DW: He wrote me about this in 2009. I think the event happened in the 1990s.
JC: Check this out. In the last couple of weeks, I was with somebody that told me this story.
And this is somebody I trust like a brother, like a family member. Okay, without going any further.
He said that he witnessed up in northern California in 2009 a craft that was being towed across the valley in northern-northern California, in the remote part of northern California, where there is nothing.
And he said that it was being pulled at, and it looked like a dragon on the end of a long cable.
It was moving like a snake. And the craft at the end was a ball with a long tubular structure with long tubes on the end.
He drew it for me, by the way.
It was being escorted by a couple of aircraft and helicopters across this large mountain range, where there are no airports.
There is no civilization. There are no towns. There is nothing. And there were a few witnesses that saw this. But it was being towed.
DW: That's probably a test of one of the types of technologies that they have.
They were going to use [these technologies] to try to fake either an alien invasion or a biblical apocalypse.
[It would be something like the] rapture, [or] demons in the sky. That kind of thing.
JC: He said the ball in the front of the craft that was being towed . . . By the way, it was like . . . It was hundreds of yards long. This wasn't some small craft.
DW: Yes. It's huge.
JC: It's huge. And he said the ball in the front had a windshield.
He said it was so close to them that if there had been somebody standing in windows, he would have been able to see them.
DW: Oh, wow.
JC: But there wasn't anybody at the front of the craft.
He said he didn't know if it was damaged or it was being tested, but it didn't have wings. It was metallic. And it was interesting.
And the drawing that he drew, which I have with me now, it'll blow your mind. It looks . . . It is Buck Rogers, man.
It's not Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, no. This is like backwards looking. It's more Buck Rogers-ish.
Let's take a quick break. When we come back, I want to talk more about Corey and take some phone calls. Let's do it.
DW: Sounds good.
This is Fade to Black. Tonight David Wilcock. Always great stuff when David is on with us.
This is the Bespoke Radio for the Masses. I'm your host Jimmy Church.
Let's go straight to the phones. Hi, you're live on Fade to Black. Say 'Hi' to David Wilcock. Who's calling?
Caller: This is Walt.
JC: Hey, Walt. How are you man? Are we going to see you in a couple of days?
Walt: Oh, no. I got a private invitation, but no. I just don't have time.
But listen. I want to thank you Jim. David, I got your book. I read it. Wow! What a guest tonight and what an interview.
DW: Well, thank you.
Walt: David, you know so much. And you talk to so many people that are in the know.
A lot of them, I guess, keep themselves private to the general public. But for some reason they talk to you.
And you've been protected, I guess, because you're a hot item with the people that don't want you to talk.
I think I know who's protecting you. You're not going to believe this. My guess, okay?
DW: Okay.
Walt: I think it is relatives from your future. I think they're coming back and they're going to keep an eye on you and keep you safe.
DW: I would actually agree with you. I think that's exactly correct. So wherever you got that from, a high-five, buddy. You're right.
JC: Okay, thank you for the call, Walt.
Walt: Thank you.
JC: Thank you. Well, yeah. Wow! I . . .
DW: Let me just add one little thing here. These people don't come to me as much as . . . are we still on?
JC: Oh, yeah, we're live.
DW: I'm waiting for it at this point. I'm thinking, “If we get through this, it's going to be amazing.”
I sought these people out. [They didn’t just come to me.]
I also just want to say something.
People say to me, “David, you know so much. You have all this information. You're so intelligent.” Blah, blah, blah.
I don't think of myself as a smart person. To me, everything I talk about is very basic and very obvious.
You know, I've been through the wringer. I've done the homework.
I would not say the things I say unless I absolutely believed with every fiber of my being that I'm telling you the truth.
As crazy as some of this stuff sounds, I have gone through and I have vetted it out. I've done the scientific research.
And I have worked very hard to find these insiders. They don't just come to me. I have to go seek them out.
That's a big difference from what he was saying. That's the only thing I wanted to add.
JC: I'm going to . . . I don't really want a comment from you on this, because it's getting into dangerous territory and you'll understand why after you hear what I have.
Cortana says, “Is Scientology all part of this cult of Hollywood's loosh junkies?”
And I'm going to say this. Although Scientology scares the crap out of me, and there's a lot to be said about it, I'd rather just research and not comment.
You know what? They're too vicious and I don't want them coming after me, coming after you.
They have long tentacles and deep pockets, too, as well.
DW: (Laughs) Well, I had a orthodontist in Louisville, Kentucky who was a Scientologist.
We got talking about the Illuminati. He definitely knew about it, but in his mind, they were the enemy.
And Tom Cruise obviously is known as a Scientologist. And yet, if you look at either of his two most recent movies, which would be the Live, Die, Repeat….
I forget what the rest of it was actually called. [Edge of Tomorrow.] That's what they ended up using as the main thing on the title.
The other one was Oblivion. Holy smokes! I've done articles just on those movies.
It does appear that at the top levels of Scientology there is some penetration from the Illuminati – but that group, per se, is not an Illuminati group.
JC: Interesting. I . . . You know what, I . . . and let it lie right there. I have no issues with Scientology. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: None. None. I find it very fascinating, though.
I'll say this. L. Ron Hubbard with all that money, David, all that money, and he never got his teeth fixed.
I just don't get that. I don't get that. I mean why not get your teeth cleaned? I guess there's no dentist in Scientology.
Well, you just said you had an orthodontist.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: All right. Moving on. This question just came in. Scientology, we kid. No, we don't, but we do.
“When you started the interview, David stated that the aliens are no longer taking people on board their ships. Please ask why.
“Also, has he ever heard of real robots working with the aliens?”
Interesting question. And I think he's referring to robots like Robbie the Robot.
DW: Yes, I get it. Okay, so, question number one I already did explain.
We'll probably have this transcribed because I've leaked a lot of new stuff. So we'll get this typed up.
I've also got to post a transcript of the one I did with George. I've been so busy with this video, I haven't had time to actually post these things.
The reason why, as I said, people were not being contacted and actually brought on board the ships [after the early 1960s by the benevolent ETs] was because of two things.
Number one, they were being worshipped by fans and followers as if they were different and more special than everyone else.
And number two, they started doing things like womanizing, developing egos and doing illicit financial things – [such as] profiting too much off of their services. That kind of stuff.
So the ETs are very strict about all this stuff – the good guys at least.
They are very strict on that you have to live your life as an ethical person.
The way the Illuminati would be able to take down somebody like me is if I actually had a breach in ethics.
Now, people make up stuff about me online all the time.
I'm not saying that the average person has to try to live as perfect of a life as I do, in terms of the amount of diet perfection that I try to go for.
[Nor is it necessary to do] the jogging, the exercise, [or] the complete lack of any intoxicating substances or drugs whatsoever.
I've been sober ever since September 21, 1992, and I intend to stay that way. I'm not saying you have to be sober to ascend.
If you want to do what I'm doing and not get whacked, you absolutely have to be an Olympic athlete. You've got to be in it 100%.
JC: Yeah, not only that, David. You've got to . . . If anything did happen to you, you'd become a martyr.
Let's knock on wood here. But then that just means everything that you said, now people have to sit up and listen to it.
DW: You can pull Obi-Wan's quote right out of Star Wars: “If you kill me, I'll become more powerful than you can imagine.” (Laughs)
Yeah, exactly. They don't want that.
JC: No, it's exactly right. There's . . .
See, because then . . . I've got about 130 episodes I've done with Gaiam TV now – on WisdomTeachings.com
, as I said.
People can go watch that for US$9.95 a month. You get this little Roku stick and you can watch it on your TV.
There's [the] Amazon Fire [stick]. There's Google Play. Cable is obsolete now. And you can watch whatever you want.
They do not want to make me into a martyr, because I've been able to release so much of the material that I want to tell the world [on my shows.]
It's [all] going to become far more significant if something happened to me.
I know they've tried other [ideas.] There are various plans of how they could try to take me down.
One of the plans I've heard is they've actually cooked up apparently some very fake audio of me, where it appears that I'm saying very disparaging things.
So if that ever happens, if people apparently have leaked information where I'm saying something on the phone and it sounds like I'm a Luciferian, or that I'm very disparaging, or I'm saying racist things, or whatever, it's not true.
I really do appreciate all types of people. I have not womanized. I've had just five girlfriends in my life. I am not a homosexual.
Take your pick. I know they're going to try a lot of stuff, apparently, as this all goes big.
[DW: I am not attacking homosexuals here. I have been told that accusing me of homosexuality is simply another way to try to stigmatize and slander my work.]
We are going to get Disclosure pretty soon. And that's the next stage of this.
We're facing [a situation] now [where] Greece is going to default on June 6th.
When they do, it very likely could take the euro down. And then when the euro goes down, the dollar's going to go down.
[DW: The payment was not made. Only an IOU that they may pay it later on, even though they have no money.
Insiders have told us that this whole sequence of events is being delayed until early autumn.]
The US is already functionally bankrupt. They haven't announced this to the public yet.
There are already laws on the books right now that say, “Your money in the bank already belongs to the federal government.”
They can use it as needed to bail themselves out.
They did the same thing in 1934 when they recalled everybody's gold in the midst of the Great Depression.
JC: Yeah, I'm a firm believer in one thing – a safe in your house.
DW: Yeah!
JC: I'm serious.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: Your grandparents had it right when they were putting everything underneath their mattress.
DW: That's right.
JC: I have no issue with that at all.
DW: Let me just finish that thought really quickly by saying that they apparently are going to try to do these bail-ins.
They are expecting that the public is going to get really angry.
This is probably going to be the trigger that will lead to this mass arrest scenario I've been talking about.
When that happens, it's going to be one of the biggest shocks and surprises.
I know there are a lot of people that are pissed off, because I've been talking about this since probably 2011.
It hasn't happened yet, but the more I've learned, I can tell you that absolutely it is real.
The Alliance is far more complex than I realized.
This includes the fact that there is one type of Alliance that's here on earth and they have goals.
Then there's another Alliance that's actually working in the Space Program.
Many of the things that the Alliance on earth is trying to do are ultimately going to be relatively obsolete, or only short-term transitional stages.
Once the Space Program's stuff comes into view, we're going to have technologies that are so far beyond what we have right now.
That alone is going to be the biggest quantum leap in society that we have ever had in recorded history.
JC: What do you think about Jade Helm? Is that part of what's going on?
DW: What I heard from Pete Peterson, who I trust, and his sources I trust, is that it is largely not true.
They have been using that to try to inspire preppers to get more prepared, because they are expecting the U.S. to announce that it's bankrupt.
Congress is not going to approve any more debt ceiling raising. The rest of the world is not going to tolerate it any more.
There is all kinds of weird stuff going on.
Apparently, since January of this year, Saudi Arabia is not accepting dollars as payment for oil. They are only accepting gold.
That has not been publicly reported. That's one thing that could get me in a lot of trouble for saying, but it is apparently true.
And we're in trouble. The U.S. government is bankrupt.
As I said in my show that I did in San Mateo, California, the New Living Expo, the NSA good guys [made Bitcoin.]
There are good guys in every intelligence agency.
[The NSA good guys] did make Bitcoin to have a backup so that if the Federal Reserve tries to crash the dollar, we can reboot our currency off of Bitcoins.
And Bitcoins cannot be tampered with. They cannot be hacked.
Goldman recently bought a bunch of Bitcoins. They see the writing on the wall.
JC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I found that really interesting.
Let's back up. I have a couple of questions. Now we're about out of time, so I've got to get these in.
With your knowledge of DNA manipulation, do you think that all of the critical leaps of knowledge throughout history [were programmed?]
I'm referring to mathematics, the chaffing of wheat, the wheel, fire.
Were all of these predestined and preprogrammed in our DNA? [Do you think] that knowledge was set to happen on a set date?
DW: I think we worship DNA too much. DNA is sort of like the antenna. Then the question is, who is actually making the broadcast?
JC: Right.
DW: Walt was giving me compliments about the last book I wrote, Synchronicity Key. I think that's what he was talking about.
In the whole second half of that book, I talk about how history is cyclical. The same things keep happening.
So it does appear that we are on an intelligently-designed timeline.
Synchronicity and forces of dreams and visions [drive us along,] and spontaneous inventors come up with things seemingly on their own.
There are cases in history where all over the world, simultaneously or almost simultaneously, the same technologies are developed.
You mentioned the mill for wheat as one example.
It does appear that we are on a very precisely manicured timeline.
[It] is steered to make sure that we all go through this collective initiation.
We [needed to] have a suitable type of technology to mimic the telepathy that we're going to have when we go through this quantum leap.
Of course, I'm talking about the Internet, where everybody is now connected to everybody with this little gizmo that they carry around in their pocket.
That is sort of like the training wheels to get us ready for this telepathic new reality we're going to be in.
This new reality is also not going to have money. And we're already seeing everything going in that direction.
All these institutions that used to make money are collapsing.
Everybody is downloading their music. Everybody is stealing movies.
It's so hard now to monetize any creative work, because piracy is so widespread.
Nobody thinks it's a bad thing any more. This is bad for the artists – guys you and me who are out there trying to play guitar.
JC: Right, right. You touch upon something that, I think, is critical.
It is music and it is movies, but, you know what, it's books, it's photography, it's illustration, it's . . .
DW: Journalism?
JC: That's what I'm talking about. Yeah.
Newspapers, Time Magazine, pick something. Now that monetization part of our culture is completely gone, completely vaporized.
DW: When was the last time that I paid to read something? I don't even know.
JC: I don't know how they monetize. I don't. I don't.
It's frightening what the Internet has done.
And it also goes to another level, David. I use a simple file share program to move stuff around.
And I look at that website when I open up that program, which was given to me free from another company.
I didn't steal it. You know, this is what we use here. You can download it from our site.
But there's no advertising on that program. There's no payment for it.
But, there was a team of engineers somewhere that wrote the code that got it to work flawlessly, by the way.
It's amazing. But where . . . You know, . . . How . . . That entire part because of the Internet . . . That entire part of monetization is gone.
How does that company survive? I don't get it. But yet we want everything for free, for free, for free.
It's a road to nowhere, if we stop and think about it.
DW: As many people are now using this term, it's a race to the bottom.
JC: Right. Ha, ha, ha.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: Oh, man. Okay, now, this just came in and we have to leave on this note.
“David has to give us a piece of unheard-of information live on the air.” Just like you did last time.
Let's have them shut us down, David. Ha, ha, ha. Ah, let's see. Give us your best shot there, Tiger.
DW: Okay. Okay. I got a good one for you.
I talked about these 100 spheres that have come into our solar system.
This gets back to the Corey question. I'll try to integrate some things here because we didn't really talk about it.
JC: No. How do we do that? How did we . . . That was the main part of the show for me tonight.
DW: (Laughs) It didn't happen.
JC: It didn't happen. I love you brother. Ha, ha, ha.
DW: I got your back, buddy. Back to back, going down in a hail of gunfire here.
JC: Yes, we are.
DW and JC: (Both Laugh)
DW: We've had 100 [cloaked] spheres show up in the solar system since 2012.
They have given the Solar Warden people advanced technology that is allowing them to defeat the Cabal.
Some very strange things are going on.
There's all of these ETs in what we call embassies somewhere in the earth.
Some of them are spread throughout our solar system – Mars, the moon and a variety of other moons and asteroids.
As I said, Solar Warden was the breakaway faction amongst these five space program factions.
The Blue Avians are apparently one of five types of beings that are in these spheres.
We're talking now [about] humanoids that have bird-like heads. They are sort of a morph between a bird and a human face.
They are 8 feet tall. (2.7 meters.)
They have indigo-blue feathers mixed with some purple-type feathers, depending on which being you are talking to.
These beings have now given Solar Warden the most advanced technology on the block.
Solar Warden is now enforcing a no-fly zone around the earth. Nobody can fly in or out of the earth anymore unless they are permitted to.
Something has been put around our solar system [that they] call the Barrier.
This means that nobody can get in. Nobody can get out. And communications cannot get in and out.
One of the interesting things is that when the Barrier was put up, the vast majority of all the reptilians in their so-called Dark Fleet were outside the solar system.
And they cannot get back in.
Another interesting thing that happened is that the royals of the reptilians, the Dracos that are still here, were willing to betray [everyone.]
They asked if they could betray everyone in the Illuminati below their own cadre of royalty, meaning only the top, top level reptilians.
They were going to betray everybody else in their order if they were just allowed to get the heck out of here.
That's apparently how real they see this coming Event as being. For them, it's curtains time. For everybody else, it's the Cosmic Springboard.
So what's now happening is that there are all these meetings taking place with people on earth.
This gets back to the question of why aren't they bringing us up into space any more.
They stopped doing that in the 1950s and early 1960s, but now it's happening again.
People are being contacted. People are being brought up into space.
There are hundreds and hundreds of people, apparently, who are being brought up there in advance of this big mass arrest thing that is going to happen.
We're going to see the Illuminati exposed. We're going to see their plans exposed. It's going to be the greatest wake up call [in recorded history.]
It's probably going to end up being called the Illuminati Tribunals. It's going to be all over TV. It's going to be what everybody is talking about.
Probably once this happens, you're not going to hear any Lady Gaga or Katy Perry or any of that type of music being played on the radio when you walk into a restaurant or grocery store.
People are going to know now what was going on. There's going to be a huge backlash against this stuff.
You're going to see heads of state, major celebrities, major world leaders, as well as shadowy international bankers being brought out on trial.
Many of the top level witnesses, who are the people who can bring down the Cabal, have already been brought off planet.
They are in such danger from the Cabal and from the angry public that they are being held off planet.
[That way,] when these mass arrests and the tribunals take place, they will be testifying from a secure location – meaning not on earth.
The Cabal is trying to find a place to hide, but there is nowhere they can go where they are not going to be picked up.
Apparently, a lot of them are planning on moving to Brazil.
They do have this sort of militarized nation within Brazil. It's sort of like a separate nation-state.
It has a 12-mile perimeter, all militarized perimeter stuff with a little green zone inside where they all have these houses.
A lot of them have apparently moved all of their stuff there already. They are expecting this thing to happen any time.
I've been hearing this over and over again. It is like “the boy who cried Wolf.”
It upsets me because I'm out there defending the Alliance. I don't get to talk to anybody directly.
It's all on a need to know basis. And I'm not apparently at a level where I need to know who these people are yet.
Corey is meeting with them regularly, and so I'm getting a lot more specific details now.
I'm able to ask questions. I'm able to interact with them.
I ask them something and they give me the information.
And what they are telling me is, “For God’s sake, David, get off your ass. Hurry the F___ up.
“Do as much as you can to release this stuff as fast as you can, because it's all coming to a head very, very soon.”
Somebody said that they want new information.
One of the most juicy things I was just told is that where we are going to be six months from now apparently is very different from where we are right now.
Everything is going to accelerate to warp drive over the course of the next six months. That's what I'm hearing.
So I hope it's true. I'd love to see that it comes true.
You know, I have all of these dreams telling me that I'm going to be extremely public, extremely exposed.
Already when I go out in public, people spot me a lot of the time.
I still can reasonably go through life without having everybody wanting to talk to me and take a selfie.
Apparently in the future it is not going to be like that. I'll be like a Snowden. Everybody is going to know who I am.
I'll probably have to have security and just, you know, not leave the house – basically just stay home all the time.
But I certainly do not live in a militarized compound. (Laughs)
JC: Well, I can live without Lady Gaga, but I kind of like Katy Perry.
DW: Yeah. These people earned the right to be famous by being talented.
And, again, they are being tortured. They're victims.
JC: Right. Right.
DW: They're being raped. They're being abused. They are not happy people.
That's why you've got guys like Kurt Cobain killing themselves. It's horrible to have a career [in these industries.]
It's funny, because you'd think, “I want to be famous. I want everybody to know my name.”
If you do it through film acting or you do it through being a music star, good God. It's not the life you thought you were going to have.
JC: Right. Right. Its sounds like you were describing Thoth [with the Blue Avians] too. Were you?
DW: Yeah. Well, that is an earlier example of these same beings, yeah. Absolutely.
JC: Very interesting. Very interesting.
DW: They came back. They were back there during the time of ancient Egypt.
You see cave paintings of these humanoids with bird heads. And they came back.
They are here to make sure that this whole thing goes smoothly. They brought in these 100-plus spheres.
[The spheres are] basically energy balancers.
They make sure that our solar system isn't going to have a catastrophe. It modulates the energy increase as it is happening and keeps everything smooth.
They are keeping this thing very carefully balanced.
The Cabal is not going to be allowed to do mass depopulation. They're not going to be allowed to do mass atrocities.
They try and try and try. But they're not going to be allowed to do it.
JC: Thank you so much, David.
DW: My pleasure.
JC: We've got two shows we've got to schedule. We've got a full music evening that we've got to get to.
One thing that we've got to put on the front burner over the next couple of months, we've got to do a Corey show.
And there's a timing with other stuff that you're working on that will be a necessity. We've got to get that done.
And we need to make that commitment to the audience, because we dance . . . I don't know how we blew past that time, but we did.
DW: Well, there's a lot of stuff that's coming out.
We are going to have Corey do a mini-series on Gaiam TV. Everybody who's a subscriber is going to be able to watch that.
[DW: The first episode of this is going to be released for free, in addition to any in-house videos I make from our original taping.]
I've also got six hours of footage in the can. I don't know how much it's actually going to turn into when I make it into videos.
I may actually do a series instead of just doing all in one, because there is so much stuff now that I'm going through it. It's so frickin’ good.
It's going to be mind-blowing for people.
I'm also putting together a document that was 130 pages [of notes] when it started.
I would just type as Corey was telling me all this stuff.
I'm trying to arrange it into a linear order so that all the data he told me is in a book. And that's going to be free.
Then that way, nobody can say I'm hiding anything or that I'm sequestering information. It's full disclosure. It's all out there.
That's what the Alliance is telling us [they want.] I don't know why, exactly, because I'm not on that need to know level.
They're saying, “Get out as much of this stuff as you can as fast as you can, because the SHTF.”
So there you go.
JC: Thank you so much. We'll see you in about two or three days, man, Contact in the Desert in Joshua Tree.
DW: All right, buddy.
JC: David Wilcock, everybody. Thank you so much, David.
DW: My pleasure. And I'll . . .
JC: Oh, man. I cut him off. That wasn't the Illuminati. That was me, David. Ha, ha. Thank you so much.
We are up against it. I have got to roll credits. Thank you, David. That was not the Cabal. That was my mouse.
I don't want anybody to freak out. Thank you, David. David Wilcock.
This weekend we'll be hanging out at Contact in the Desert – and so should you. (Credits.)
I did see some very, very nasty stuff that people have been writing about me on the internet.
Most people's lives are fairly "normal," stable and predictable -- which is good. I long for the relative safety and comfort of those days!
Each time I do an event, a Gaiam TV taping or an Ancient Aliens taping, I put my all into it. One hundred percent.
At the Contact in the Desert (CID) event alone, I had fully five different events, four of which were lectures with complex and unique slideshows totaling 100 or more slides each.
I have people who go to every single public event I do, so I try to never repeat anything. And somehow I manage to pull it off.
After the CID event, I had no time to relax. I immediately had to study for another complex Ancient Aliens taping.
Since that time I have been trying to calm down.
The night before the Ancient Aliens taping, I unwisely agreed to do a cameo on Coast to Coast with George Noory.
As a sign of the trouble I was in, I had the cordless right next to my head in bed. I slept right through them calling me fully seven different times.
Now that we are starting off Season Two of my new show Disclosure by featuring Corey Goode, I can relax with confidence that at least some form of video will get out there.
Gaiam did not think I should release the other video at all. The reason for this was that I did a lot of talking, since Corey wasn't saying much.
We have discussed this and he will be a lot more expressive in our next round of tapings. The first episode, at least, will be free for everyone to watch.
I do feel that the things I said were very valuable, and Corey agrees with me. I will try to take what we have and make it into something good nonetheless.
Bear in mind that the vast majority of all this work is being done all by myself. I have had to learn a staggering amount of new software to do this properly.
Furthermore, I have spent at least 45 hours just fixing ambient noise in the audio track due to having a new microphone and not monitoring our audio.
The mic was constantly scratching against my shirt. I have fixed almost everything, but it has been toweringly frustrating and difficult.
From here on out, now that the audio is almost cleaned up (finally), I have decided that I will "build as I learn" with the video.
That way, all the high-end techniques I'm working on will make their way into the finished product instead of just being stored in my brain and in demo tutorials I have worked on.
This feels like the right move. My next course is a five-and-a-half-hour tutorial on integrating Adobe Premiere Pro with After Effects in an editing / FX environment.
I have finally been able to get back into productivity in the last week and am excited about all the things I'm learning.
In the meantime, Gaiam is planning on having our first episode with Corey out ASAP. It could be some time in July but may take longer.
This has grown quite long, as usual, so it's a good time to end it here.
No matter how much time I put into writing an article, any audio of me that gets leaked out there generates at least 10 times more traffic.
Any video I release generates at least 25 times more traffic than an article, on average.
So, the benefits in doing this on a high-end level (i.e. significantly better than the majority of YouTube videos on the subject) makes very good sense.
That goal is finally coming into view. It will be a change in how I do what I do, and I am very much looking forward to it.
We are hearing that everything is reaching a grand crescendo, and if I have the time and feel inclined, I may finish and publish what I was already working on to illustrate the clues.
It is a wild and wonderful ride right now. The truth comes with pain, but in the aftermath of that moment of suffering we will finally be free -- for the first time in thousands of years.
That is worth fighting for. That is worth dying for. The time for change is now. Get ready for the Upgrade!
This came out today from David Wilcox and have not read it or listen to it.
Senator Durbin Takes Aim at Your Supplements - Again
June 16, 2015
Dear Citizen for Health,
You knew it was coming...
It was only be a matter of time before Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) took aim against supplements. Once again, Durbin and his allies, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), are pouncing on must-pass legislation and attaching last-minute amendments that would threaten Americans’ access to supplements.
The bill this time is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), an appropriations bill to fund the military for FY 2016. The House passed its version of the bill in May. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) introduced what is called “an amendment in the nature of a substitute” to create a Senate version of the House-passed bill. The Blumenthal/Durbin amendments were introduced on top of the McCain legislation.
Because it is a defense bill, the Blumenthal/Durbin amendments pertain to the supplement use of the US armed forces.
The Durbin/Blumenthal amendments would:
Duplicate adverse event reporting for which the FDA is already responsible.
·Establish minimum requirements for members of the armed forces to report on their supplement use - which means they easily could be ordered to stop taking them!
·Require all supplements sold to military personnel at exchange stores or commissaries to undergo a third-party review for “recognized public standards of identity, purity, strength, and composition, and adherence to related process standards.”
That third point is the most troubling since once this regime is established, it will be only a short step to expand it to all US consumers, not just the military. Then the pharmaceutical industry will have what it really wants: control over the supplement industry.
FBI Acknowledges Visits by Beings from Other Dimensions – Declassified Document
The FBI now finally admits that alien beings from other dimensions visit Earth.
In startling declassified documents, it is revealed that the FBI had prior knowledge of these visits and were aware of their existence.
The FBI Acknowledges Visits Of Beings From Other Dimensions
This admission has finally given the paranormal world the answers they’ve been waiting for.
In 2011 after some documents were “declassified” a report written by a special agent of the FBI in 1947 reached the public.
The special agent of the FBI, a lieutenant colonel whose identity, remained anonymous because of “national security” gather numerous data on the UFO phenomena after interviewing and studying the phenomena for years.
According to reports and “Declassified” documents, we have been visited by numbs extraterrestrial species, some of these, are not only from other planets, but from other dimensions.
Some of these beings originate from an ethereal plane coexistent with our physical universe.
These “entities”, that could “materialize” on our planet appeared as giant translucent figures.
Here is a transcript of some of the most important details of the report:
1. Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size
4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world
5. They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter
7. The disks posses a type of radiant energy or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace
8. The region from which they come is not the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms.
9. They probably can not be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that (apparatus
Addendum: The Lokas are oval shape, fluted length oval with a heat-resistaning metal or alloy not yet known the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.
Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
The rise of Spirit is yet another portent of how the Light is transforming this realm for the better. The moments are upon us for the long prophesied triumph of the Light upon the Earth plane.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
11 Manik, 5 Kayab, 11 Ik
Dratzo! Around this world, a transformation of unprecedented proportions is taking place. The Anunnaki’s minions are being pushed from power in both the world’s governments and its financial system. This amazing process is being preceded by a series of mass arrests and the sudden resignations of key figures in the global banking system. This is being done to correct a process, which has over the last two decades left this world’s financial system in shambles. Those individuals who have immensely profited from a gross series of illegalities are shortly to pay handsomely for their attempt to permanently put your world in an immense power grab that began in earnest with the sudden departure of their former overlords, the Anunnaki. These formerly dark lords had decided en masse to join the Light and be a positive part of the new alliance forged by the declarations of the Anchara continuum to create a new galactic peace. This enabled the Light, at last, to produce a coalition and carry out the ancient prophecies of ArchAngel Michael.
This heavenly alliance is aided here on Gaia by the forces of our large fleet, which is staffed by a group of Beings dedicated to making it possible to produce a realm that can free surface humanity. This group initially received a great setback when the American cabal struck suddenly in your Gregorian year of 2001. DEW explosions and an all-consuming fire destroyed the twin towers of lower Manhattan. This audacious event temporarily caused a setback for those who were ready to formally declare NESARA. This legislation was to make possible new governance that was to drive the dark from power. Nevertheless, the wars and a dark plot to take over the globe’s monetary system ultimately failed and the Light’s coalition started to come together and arrange a way to terminate the powers so illegally grabbed by the American cabal. We now stand on the verge of the success of a "quiet revolution" that is making possible a long overdue currency readjustment. These new financial systems are to drive out the dark cabal, swiftly bring this globe an end to debt slavery and produce a worldwide prosperity.
This set of legal procedures has brought Gaia’s society to the brink of a new worldwide directive. A majority of smaller governments and the international legal system is quickly isolating the de facto American governance. This is bringing to an end the long reign of the fiat dollar and is to cause the collapse of the US Federal Reserve and a return to the US of a non-imperial foreign policy. These new circumstances are to set the way for global peace and harmony. This is to be created by the global flow of monies for innumerable humanitarian projects. These projects are to allow this world to introduce as well numerous innovations, which are successfully to provide the devices to solve the worldwide need for water, power, infrastructures and new alternative medical devices. These projects are as well to provide a means to end poverty and bring this realm a grace-filled prosperity. It is this global harmony that is to be the background for our formal arrival. This is when you are to meet with your many mentors.
Our arrival is to coincide with the numerous messages to be delivered to you by your Ascended Masters. In addition, you are to learn of the many Agarthans who now dwell among you. They are to let you know whom they are and to provide a series of messages that are to tell you about the wonders of Inner Earth. After these incredible watershed events, you are to have a much better understanding of your true origins and history, which in reality dates back to the settling of Lemuria over 900,000 years ago. These facts are to be the precursor of things you are to learn from your mentors. We wish you to discover more about what the Atlanteans did and how this is to be corrected by the Agarthans and by us. Thus, you have much to learn and absorb. You are as well to move away from money and toward a society based on abundance and your inner set of responsibilities. These beliefs are to return you to full consciousness and a complete reunion with your spiritual and space families. It is to put you back on the path to fulfilling your truly grand destiny!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! At present, the world is going through a blessed transformation! Those who have long spread their unique form of darkness are coming to the end of their rope. Long ago, Heaven decreed that this extended night of the Soul was to come to an end as you began to enter the influences of the Gregorian 21st century. At this time, as promised, the forces of Heaven have started strategies, which are very shortly to produce a new world filled with peace and prosperity. We Ascended Masters can now start to see various portents in the sky and water. These sacred signs are pointing the way to this new world. We graciously thank Heaven for deliverance, which is to fully restore to you the relationship given to us by Heaven to watch over and carefully guide your path to full consciousness. Our next series of appointed tasks include giving you a great series of global lessons. These lessons are to be part of what is to make you aware of whom you really are.
As you grow in consciousness, you readily become much more aware of your relationship to the spiritual. This connection is one that gives you sustenance as it does us. Look upon this growing blessedness as a sign that the great suffering you had to endure is being transformed. These physical and at times, life threatening realities are something we can now begin to alleviate. Thus, we Ascended Masters can use our abilities to bring you merciful energies to transform this deep, dark realm. Heaven provides us now with certain spiritual elements to assure the success of those who have sided with the Light. The days of the dark cabal are numbered. A new world is being born. Those who know where to look can see how those who seek a way from this darkness are winning and those who have long run this realm are failing. Look inside and truly feel this!
These are indeed interesting times. This world has evolved so that extreme levels of worldwide oppression and slavery are slowly going away. Hence, we can see how our blessings and those of each and every one of you is taking effect more swiftly and more clearly. Those who have opposed these changes can at last see how their powers are quickly fading. The time draws nearer for your spiritual forces to be able to manifest and openly use our energies to help our allies to succeed in their efforts. Heaven is even increasing the appearance of Angels on the Earth plane. We have had increased reports of these Angels aiding our accomplishments. The rise of Spirit is yet another portent of how the Light is transforming this realm for the better. The moments are upon us for the long prophesied triumph of the Light upon the Earth plane.
Today, we continued with our weekly message. Be ready and able to inform your neighbors about the great events as they take place. Our messages give insights on what is happening around you. Use these to inform others and know that the time for prosperity is very, very near! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments. Sheldan prepares us to effectively use this energy.
In this Webinar Sheldan will explain how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.
Topics include...
• Awakening to our new energy systems • Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence • Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life • Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition • What the Indigos are teaching us • Intersecting our human energy with divine energy
Sunday, June 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Mother's Mini-Message # 13 - Where Battles are Won With Laughter
Mother's Mini-Message # 13
Where Battles are Won With Laughter
Beloved Ones, it is a fast-moving time on Earth. Much of what is happening in recent days is outside your view, but creating great energy shifts nonetheless. I will give you a small update of the things that have happened in the Temple of Light in New York, as an example of the kind of massive changes that are flowing across the globe. Lightworkers in various walks of life have set things in motion that are then completed by other Lightworkers across the globe, and they may not even know of their joint successes.
For instance, the closing net that is bringing arrests and legal prosecution to many of the leading bankers of the cabal has started a small stampede toward the Temple of Light on the part of the incarnated dark ones. Many have worked in secret organizations where telepathy is used as a weapon, and have been trained as part of their cabal membership to use telepathic communication and remote viewing as a way of spying on Lightworkers. They have used these methods to try to destroy Kathryn and Christine.
They send high-pitched frequencies that are specifically aimed at the vulnerabilities they have discovered in each of them. For instance, they send stabbing pains to Kathryn's heart, which is supposed to initiate a heart attack (a common strategy), and burning pain to a sciatic nerve that was injured years ago. For Christine, it is stabbing head pain and fire in her kidneys, which were injured in the scalar attack she has just recently begun to heal from. Even the animals in the house are under attack.
These vicious techniques are fortunately very personal. By that I mean, it is human observers who are watching and learning about Kathryn and Christine and their loving family life. Our daughters have maintained good spirits and at times a very funny and satirical approach to the attackers. We call it "the wrench," and Kathryn is very good at throwing it. Today she announced to them that she is very flattered by all the attention they are paying, and gratified that they think she is so threatening and important to them, and so she will take their constant attempts to kill them as a great compliment.
The frequency attackers, who are trying to activate the nano devices that are supposed to drive people crazy, are baffled when they laugh uproariously, even in the midst of pain. They taunt their adversaries by dancing and singing, "Hit me with your best shot...Fire away!"
This approach has brought a response, as I told you yesterday with the children, who were supposed to be weapons themselves, but who learned much from watching our family of Light. Today has brought two Bushes, a Rothschild, a Rockefeller, two Cardinals, and a number of other top leaders, who have felt the ship sinking under them. They have all been listening to the discussions in the Temple, and have become convinced that their best option, finally, is to turn themselves over to Father and me. All respond to Kathryn's empathic acknowledgement that they have suffered terrible abuse as cabal captives and slaves - even the leaders - that they are very tired, and that they are guaranteed safety and no punishment when they come Home to us.
When the dark ones ask, "How can we trust you are telling us the truth?" they say, "Look at us. Do we look frightened or unhappy? We are protected by Mother and Father. We are joyfully volunteering for this assignment. No one forces us to do anything. We are free. That's why we laugh so much." This brings many to the Temple steps, where they are escorted by Christine and Kathryn to come to us, and we welcome them Home.
We are all enormously amused by hearing the clarion call of the cabal when they tentatively approach the Temple in New York. They get the attention of Kathryn and Christine by playing the song, "Hit me with your best shot...."
It is not a quick process, of course, but the word is out, and waves of others will soon follow. They will remain with us as souls to begin again in the Light, while their bodies' life force fades, or some may return to do the Light work we expected them to perform when their Higher Selves went to the Light. These recalcitrant souls were the long-absent ones who had grown up for thousands of lifetimes in the abusive, controlling culture imposed by the Annunaki. All is now dissolving, as the Matrix of illusion and darkness crumbles.
You see, the ripples created by Lightworkers in London or Beijing or San Francisco wash up on the shores of New York, and the Illuminati, as they have been called, find they are no longer operating in secret, nor are they respected or feared. They have learned they are being overseen by Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Mother and Father God, and the entire Company of Heaven, and they can no longer define free will as the freedom to abuse and enslave others and destroy their Earth home.
Humankind has risen out of the illusion that you are alone, that your technology surpasses all others, that life ends when your body dies, and that you are the center of the Universe with regard to your intelligence and advanced civilization. Enough of you have awakened and asked to remove the dark cell that has imprisoned your thinking, have raised your energy to match the incoming Light, have grown into your crystalline bodies, and have opened your hearts. The result of that "enough" is that we can now initiate the real help we have been so eagerly awaiting to provide, as we promised so long ago when you devised this experiment.
We could not have intervened until enough of you asked, and were aware of what you were asking. We now are thrilled that our great team of Masters, Archangels, and all the Heavenly Beings of Light can bring forth the gifts we promised to provide when the moment came that you declared your own freedom. That time is here, my cherished children. Now we move forward together, and our pace quickens with every step.
Father and I beam our Love into the center of your being, and we feel your awakening strength and Joy at being alive for this exciting time. You will never regret it.
We are your Mother and Father, in adoring service to all our Creation.
House approves trade bill -- Tell your Senators to protect American workers and vote NO!
Just moments ago, the House of Representatives narrowly passed TPA, the fast track trade bill that give Pres. Obama full negotiating authority over a number of free trade agreements, including increasing the number of foreign workers who can enter the U.S. and compete with American workers for jobs. Had only 5 U.S. Representatives changed their vote, TPA would have failed.
Thanks to everyone who made phone calls earlier today to their Representatives!
The bill now moves back to the Senate where it has already passed, but only when it was paired with a trade assistance bill that provides assistance to American workers who lose their jobs because of free trade. The Hill is reporting that the bill, without trade assistance attached, will come to the Senate floor next week.
Please dial the toll-free number above that will connect you to the Capitol Switchboard. When the operator answers, ask to be connected to your U.S. Senators' offices. You can use the following talking points when talking to the staffer.
The House just passed TPA, sending it back to the Senate for approval. I strongly urge the Senator to vote NO on TPA when it comes up for a vote!
This bill would expand Pres. Obama's authority over immigration by allowing him to negotiate changes to existing federal law in free trade agreements. Supporters of this bill have refused to include language to prevent trade agreements from allowing new foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.
Please vote NO on TPA!
Also, please check your Action Board for new faxes in response to today's vote in the House.
Dear Sheldan,
This was my first webinar. I wonder why I waited so long. It was beautifully put together and you imparted so much wisdom. Thank you, I'll be joining you again and again. Tom, Canada
This webinar was extremely helpful in that it contains "concrete, truthful new paradigm" information I can hang my hat on! Blessings galore! Linda in Houston
Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments. Sheldan prepares us to effectively use this energy.
In this Webinar Sheldan will explain how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.
Topics include...
• Awakening to our new energy systems
• Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence
• Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life
• Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition
• What the Indigos are teaching us
• Intersecting our human energy with divine energy
Sunday, June 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, June 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT(California Time)
Talk to Sheldan Live ... simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
"Beloved souls, did you know that you volunteered, and were chosen to be here on Earth at this precise time in history, in order to assist with the great transformation that is happening now?
We come this night, in deep reflection of what you call the mysteries of life, as we assist you in the unveiling of illusion, that you might all be free to live in the beauty of truth. We witness the courage, daily, as you travel the path of your souls, questioning, seeking, learning the new, and letting go of the old. We witness the pain, despair, fury and utter agony of the spiritual journey, and yet, deep within these, we witness the exquisite beauty of your soul's determination to know of hope, gratitude, forgiveness, faith, willingness and release!
Each of you has experienced all of these, and so much more in this life and countless others. These are precious gifts of the soul living the human experience! Oh, beloved ones, we stand in awe at the splendor and beauty of the gifts you give to the universe as you open and expand with each experience.
Your souls cry out for relief, and we respond to your cries, leading you on, showing you the way to what is next on the path you've painstakingly chosen before coming into this incarnation. May your hearts lead you to depth of understanding yourself and others, the universe at large, and of those of us who hail from other dimensions, and have joined forces with you for the highest good and the advancement of this universe we all call home. May the once mysterious, make total sense to you as the the vibration raises, creating the world you only were able to envision in days gone by.
May you, and those who follow, reap the joy and peace your dedication and hard work is now creating. May you know that you are love, and may all the masks that hide the love that you are fall away forevermore, as you come together as one!
We are One Voice~One Heart! Many blessings...and so much love.
My dear children, I am here to assure you that we are watching over you as you go through these last throes and gasps of the desperate cabal. Our Lightworker children are under attack from every direction, even as the enslaved workers from the underground bunkers are streaming into the Temple of Light.
Some call to Kathryn or Christine, using their theme song, "Hit me with your best shot..." Just a few minutes ago, Kathryn heard the song and asked who wanted to come to the Temple. She heard, "I will tell you who I am after we are safe in the Temple of Light." So Kathryn said, "Come on! Run for it!" She then saw a family, mother and father carrying their children and holding other little ones by the hand, running for their lives down the angelic corridor, into the Temple, safe and protected. He turned and said, "I am the one who runs the nano program. I directed them to attack you." Kathryn said, "Then call off your dogs!" He agreed, and also agreed to send out the word for all to come to the Temple of Light.
He and his family are now with us, being restored and healed, along with many of the underground workers who had originally been kidnapped as babies and forced into working for the cabal. This latest defection was followed by a tremendous wave of sound frequency attacks. We have warned our beloved daughters that this afternoon would be extremely difficult, and I want to warn all of you, too. Kathryn volunteered to send out this message to help her and all of you to remain steady and resolute as we ride out these latest vicious technological manipulations.
You may be wondering why we are allowing these painful attacks to continue. I will try to explain the multi-layered meanings at play here. Dear Lightworkers, know that we are buffering the attacks to reduce their impact on you. As it is, it is difficult. Many of you may be feeling nausea, aches and pains you didn't know you had, and worst of all, feelings that are stirred up when your fight or flight buttons are pushed.
These are deliberate neurological activations, brought on by the frequencies being broadcast by the extensive cabal systems. They are now falling back on their last ditch strategies, which include automated programs that engaged when workers leave their posts, and personalized attacks by the ones who are the most damaged and vengeful and are now in charge. They have learned that their managers and slaves are "jumping ship," and they are furious.
Now, let me offer you a bit of training in how to ride out these attacks. Let us use the example of the best way to surf in rough seas. I have always loved surfing in your oceans and swimming with the dolphins, so I can tell you first hand, there is a good way to approach the waves, and a not-so-good way. First, face the oncoming wave. Do not try to run from it or avoid it - you will be swamped, tumbled, and drawn out into the surf. Instead, plant your feet, watch the approaching wave and just before it breaks, dive directly into it, and swim hard out into calmer water.
Kathryn reminds me that the same is true when you are taking off in an airplane. You must always take off into the wind, and the wind will lift you safely into the sky.
You see, you will not be hurt, because you have taken command of the elements you are moving through, and you are not allowing yourself to be buffeted about. Use that technique with these rough patches you are swimming through now. Know that you are strong and competent, and if you get hit in the face by an incoming wave, don't take it personally. You are charging headlong into the new day, and you are succeeding admirably.
Now is the time for courage, stamina, faith and perseverance. Remember - we have your backs, and we are watching you, our champions. It is like watching an Olympic competition where everyone achieves a 10 on every attempt. We in the Company of Heaven are playing a theme song as we cheer you on, and we hope you are hearing us singing it with all our might, "Did you ever know that you're my hero..."
Your courageous actions are allowing the documentation and realization of what the cabal really intended. Our daughters in the Temple of Light are experiencing and understanding in a very deep way just how their methods work and what the intended effect is. This is a necessary part of ending the reign of terror - some of you must walk through it to finish this chapter of your long-standing contract, and to then demand its end. Because of our agreements, and because this was a primary timeline for Earth, it cannot be done any other way. You will learn in depth what all this has meant when your mentors arrive to tell you the true history of Planet Earth.
Be resolute, Dearest Ones, and lock arms with your beloved comrades as you march forward together, across the rainbow bridge that leads to us, where we beckon to you from the other side of the thinning Veil. You are on the path to your triumphant Ascension.
I am your devoted Mother, cheering you on.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 19, 2015, 4 pm EDT
Senate now last hope to stop ObamaTrade;...PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR EMAIL LIST
Thursday afternoon:
The House passed a key component of the President's secretive and controversial trade deal this afternoon. By a vote of 218 to 208, Representatives approved Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which "fast tracks" ObamaTrade.
The Senate is now the last chance to stop Congress from granting America's Radical-in-Chief expanded powers to negotiate secret international trade deals. Tell your Senators and other key lawmakers to vote "NO!" on TPA!
The bell has now sounded for "Round 4" in the fight against ObamaTrade. Grassroots Americans, like you, can't let up in this battle to stop Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and other Establishment Republicans from giving the President “fast-track" authority on trade.
This four-alarm legislative "fire" is still raging, which means it's more important than ever for Congress to hear from you! Take immediate action to urge your two Senators and other key lawmakers to stop this legislative threat to liberty and limited government.
Here are two critical action items:
+ + Action #1: Fax your Senators to say "NO" to TPA and "NO" to Fast Track!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Receive a special, "instant" savings of more than 20 percent when you fax the entire U.S. Senate!
+ + Action #2: Call your Senators and Majority Leader McConnell!
Grassfire team members have made nearly 50,000 citizen contacts to Congress on ObamaTrade in the past ten days. Let the GOP Senate "leader" and your two Senators hear from you personally! Make these three calls and tell them:
(Note: Please do not reply directly to this email. This address is not designed to receive personal messages. To contact Grassfire with comments, questions or to change your status, see the link below.)
+ + + + +
Grassfire, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that's dedicated to equipping you with tools to give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2015 Grassroots Action, Inc.
Secret Space Programs, Sphere Being Alliance & Corey Goode Testimony
Graphic Artists depiction of Corey Goode being taken to Lunar Operations Command by a blue sphere belonging to the Sphere Being Alliance
This webpage was created as a resource for those wishing to learn more about Corey Goode’s (GoodETxSG) testimony about Secret Space Programs and the Sphere Being Alliance. Interviews and articles in each category will be in chronological order. This page will be regularly updated to include interviews featuring Corey Goode and exopolitics articles discussing his testimony and other internet resources as they become available.
Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG) Interviews – Q & A Testimony
Ambassador Lee E. Wants has Recovered 31 Trillion from Bush
Ambassador Lee E. Wanta has Recovered 31 Trillion from Bush
Ambassador Lee E. Wanta has recovered the $31 trillion the George Bush stole, and now Releases His Biography June 18, 2015 has recovered and now controls the total 31 trillion that Bush stole.
It was announced today that the long anticipated biography of Ambassador Lee E. Wanta has been released and is now available to the public on Amazon. This is the only authorized biography of the Personal Intelligence Coordinator and Secret Agent who was mandate$d under President Ronald Wilson Reagan.
The 350-page biography is backed up with hundreds of accessible documents to provide evidence and verification for the story of Lee Wanta’s life. The content released in this biography is sensitive, controversial and timely. Much of it has never before been shared with the American public. The subject matter it addresses has its historical foundation in Lee Wanta's secret work under President Reagan to bring down the Soviet Union, financially ending the Cold War without firing a single shot.
It explains how he privately amassed trillions of dollars and what he is going to do with these funds going forward. It provides in-depth information about how the Non-Government Federal Reserve and the Corporation State of Wisconsin hijacked his funds, as well as the criminal and corrupt way that they operate through a system of Puppet Masters.
The biography contains new never-released Intel information regarding Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton receiving 250 million dollars from Lee Wanta for the
Children’s Defense Fund which has never been accounted for.
The same day these funds were transferred he was pu